How dare I speak good English and be “well educated” . . .
- so they say, hehe.

Back when I did the dancing monkey routine in China (ugh! I only did it for a very brief period, but I did do enough of it to know it’s something to be avoided like the proverbial plague from there) – it was interesting.

The overriding chant was (after “he’s a good teacher” from the sensible students that actually got their shyt together – DID what I asked them to do – and therefore learned and progressed) “how dare he”.

And I wasn’t the only one they ranted against (some of these idiotic so called students that thought throwing a wad of RMB’s at anything solved the problem).

It was foreign devils in general.

And this sentiment persisted even when I was doing “real jobs” (which was WAYYY back in the day) .

These foreigners are only here because they can’t get jobs back home.

Well, Sparky my little genius, I for one got a job in India first and that job transferred me there. HA! And back in the day, MOST expats got a job back home FIRST before being transferred to the hinterlands or the boonies, whichever you call it.

Moreoever, if we were and are really all that expendable, then why HIRE us at inflated prices (according to some we got paid a lot more than the locals or what not)?

HA! One more time.

Then the ESL B.S.

If it was indeed a matter of “Oh! All foreigners learn English! Whats the big deal!” then why did these Bozos with all their travel not pick it up “by living abroad” ?

Second, and I posed this question often to piss people off.

“You know, fella, since we’re all so useless, why are you paying the learning center big bucks to learn from us”.

The anger at me saying that – hehe. It had the desired impact. One student even stalked up to the CEO of the center with mini skirt flying in tow claiming “it was because of Rahuls’ infatuation with the AC in summer that she caught cold, and not because she was dressed for the damned beach instead of the bloomin’ classroom) …

SOme of the stories I’ve got, I gotta laugh.

Then my “beautiful wife”.

During our arguments she claims “I only got all the sales I did because I was educated in the U.S.” (her meaning is “you can speak English well, so you got what you did”).

Again, if there ever was a more retarded comment than this I am yet to hear it? 

Bozo Schofield (and a coupla other morons I won’t even get into here) yes, but other than him …

It was a typically female comment designed to obfuscate the real issue, but it dropped me dead in my tracks.

I’ve heard it years ago before, of course.

When I got a raise at that very job I talk and write about so much, it was pooh pooh’ed off as “nothing, thats easy!”


x 1000!

If it were that easy, why wasn’t the entire world selling, and doing so better (because we’re ALL selling whether we know it or not)?

I wonder why CEO’s of all companies, big, small, intermediate and startup focus on one thing the most – SALES?

And most of all, this so called good education I got which when I got was dissed as being “useless” and now it’s good, and (from my wife again) “it’s useless these days”.

(It’s useless, yet it isnt. Go figure!)

Of course, she never did tell me what good her Master’s degree is doing her (the one she quit midway) and how much she sold, earned, or how many businesses she tried, failed at, got up again, failed again, tried again and so forth . . . (or  if her degree had anything to do with getting the jobs she has had in the past) . . .

Why would she, hehe.

But really, my friend.

Good sales is about SO much more than speaking the same language.

I wonder if Ted Nicholas, Zig Ziglar, Joe Girard, Napoleon Hill (from up there), Claude Bristol or any of the other greats are reading this, because they’ll be spitting their coffee out.

I guess the millions they eventually sold, and what they did as they got there was all because “they knew how to speak English”.


An entire art it is ..

And One I do damned well, amongst other things if I might say so myself, backed up with solid PROOF.

Dont get me wrong – good communication is always an asset no matter what, but it wasn’t handed to me on a platter.

Yours truly worked for it, built up an innate skill, and got where I am myself – not due to some Nazi feminist rant of “he got it all on a platter ” when he didnt.

Same thing for fitness, my friend.

It was the opposite of getting it on a platter, and that alone probably qualifies me to bring what I do to YOU.

And sales.

I’m damn good at it. Always have been, and dont plan on getting worse either.

Hey, gotta justify those long ass sales letters, >7500 words in some cases!

But I love writing them.

Barnstormer Shoulders.

Animal Kingdom Workouts.

And of course, the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and all my other products.

And now that I’ve got that off my chest, the last pimp here is for the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales – YES – in ANY economy.

Pick these stellar products up NOW, my friend -you’ll be glad you did.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember the discount we have going on … (on the compilations) …

On Bruce Lee, my so called high prices and more . . .
- Bruce Lee is truly immortal.

A coupla days ago, I was reading some more on the great Bruce Lee.

Not so much his physical exploits, which I can recount half asleep, fully drunk, and so forth.

But the MENTAL side of him.

The SPIRITUAL and intelligent side of the man. I’ve often said that the greatest achievers are those whose health and brain are BOTH functioning in tip top conditioning ,and are regularly maintained, well oiled and SERVICED.

One simply cannot perform to it’s full potential without the other my friend.

Emerson, Benjamin Franklin, Bruce Lee, Mike Tyson.

The first two you’d think are poles apart from the latter two, yet, they ain’t.

ALL of them were super physical specimens in their own right, and they’re all equally spiritual too (yes, even Tyson “bit his ear off”!).

Again, one cannot exist without the other.

And this quote hit my eye.

If each man would help his neighbor, no man would be without help.

So sage bro, so sage … what goes around truly does come around and Lee knew this.

And in the middle of a plague-demic, it got me thinking as we’re seeing devastation everywhere.

Now, don’t me wrong.

This damn thing was created by China and exported to the rest of the world gleefully and gloatingly – anyone with half a brain knows that.

Yet, the panic that the China plague created is the real deal.

The panic-demic, my friend is the REAL DISEASE.

Men and their thinking are what cause so called depressions, nothing else, and whoever created this damned dastardly plague knew it. Hitler sure did!

But anyway, my thinking aside (I believe all of this is way, way, way overhyped and getting worse by the day i.e. it’s a super flu, get over it already world!) – the fact is that it, well, is what it is.

And during these “tough times”, it’s always good to help.

Actually, it’s good to help ANYWAY.

And thats the reason behind the recent spate of discounts, something I do NOT normally do starting around last June or so when things all opened up, then closed, then opened and so forth.

Because sometimes, people need help.

Right now, we’ve got that 20 percent off goin on compilations – truly a once in a lifetime offer, because once I pull it, its GONE.


It ain’t coming back either.

So save the bucks while you can, my friend, and get it now.

Then last week or so we had the 30% off for existing customers, which some of you took advantage of , and good on you for doing that!

And I’ve always been, and my loyal customers know this, willing to bend over backwards for a DOER that DOES the thing.

It’s the wankers, Bozos, and pissers and moaners I cannot stand and do everything in my power to repel, yes, even during these “so called tough times”.

But last, but not least?

I’ve spoken about why prices for my products will only go ONE way – the opposite of the Bozo (Scofield’s) nasty “equipment”.

Up, up, and up.

For reasons mentioned so many times I won’t mention them again here, but here’s another way to think about this …

Do you realize that a LOT Of work and money is required to run this setup – not just putting the books together, which in itself is one of the toughest jobs ever that anyone can do – and thats not even getting into the sales and marketing?

And much else.

But lets leave all aside except for the first part.

And remember, there is a fixed portion of my profits that goes BACK into the business – some of whom are REALLY Struggling. 

Or not, but every little bit counts!

Por ejempelo, the software used to run this site and make sales.

The email guys.

The web hosts.

And thats not even getting into the personal spend part of things, where every little bit truly does help in an ultra flagging global economy where (at least if reports are to be believed) brick and mortar is all but dead, ecommerce is a pale shadow of what it used to be, and well, you get the photo.

So do YOUR bit to NOT panic and help things recover my friend.

Yours truly has always been a huge believer in the Law Of Circulation, and so should you …

Anyway, thats it for now. If there is anything else you’d like addressed, let me know, and I’ll put my thinking cap on and see if it’s doable!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember again, our world famous compilations are on discount, and the paperbacks are included too this time. Take a gander NOW. (while the going is good).

Positions “on your back” that enable you to take damn near BRICKS to your core!

How would you, my friend, like to have a core that is so rock solid that elbows to it with full force – driven INTO it – just bounce off?

A long time ago, I was doing one of those infamous “visa runs” to the Kong.

Not so long ago, actually, I remember it as if it were yesterday.

And in the hustle and bustle of getting back to the Louhu port on the Chinese side, I felt a elbow ram me to the sides.

Not intentionally, but the unintentional ones often hurt the most if you get my drift.

It would have probably driven the breath out of me during my soft and flabby days.

Yet, back then, I remember feeling as if I had a “wall” there and the elbow bounced off like a tennis ball off a wall.

The wall barely felt it.

THAT is the sort of “punch proof” midsection you want, my friend.

Farmer Burns, ole time American wrestler and strongman, he of the 19 inch neck that famously survived the hangman’s drop (no, I dont advocate YOU to try that!) had the following to say in Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture

(1914 mail order course I believe and a great, great one).

My own abdominal muscles are soft enough when relaxed, but when I “set” them the muscles are as hard and rigid as the muscles of my arms or legs. … “I want every one of my students to “make good,” and to develop an all-around physique, so be sure to take daily exercises for the development of the abdominal muscles.

In fact, you might strike me on the stomach with your clenched fist, and not cause the least pain. Many have done this, and suffered more pain from the blow than I for my stomach muscles have been trained and developed just as carefully as all other parts of the body …

Well, well, well.

Soft enough, yet hard enough to take a punch to the midsection without not only flinching, but causing the other person to.

THAT is what it’s about!

I still remember my Marine buddy telling me one night while drinking beer (remember he’s a giant and built like Hercules, and is over six feet tall – easily outweighs me for one).

We were talking about midsections, and taking punches, and he laughed looking at mine.

Id be wasting my time by hitting there!

I wouldn’t quite put it that way – the man has the force of a MULE in his punches. I’ve seen it!

But, he’s right in a way. The punches WOULD bounce off in most regards!

Last night I had a dream where a girl was in the table position.

And she was shot in the back.

(REmember, dreams are FIGURATIVE).

And, three baddies wanted to “deep six” her.

While in the table position, one meaty looking guy gave her ONE to the stomach.

She collapsed – almost, yet got back up.


STUDD-ESS if I might say so!

Another slightly built guy tried.

The rock not only stood, but it did so defiantly!

Anyway, this, my friend is the sort of midsection YOU need to build – starting right now.

The flabby bellies I see around me all day are a joke, a shame, and a MESS.

It needs to stop now.

And if building real man (and woman – yes, women can do these too!) CORES interest you – well – get the courses HERE –

Corrugated Core.   (old time strongman core secrets that are amazing in their simplicity, yet work like a charm and better than any of the modern day nonsense out there).

Animal kingdom Workouts   (overall brute core strength and power)

Pushups – Reverse Pushups – the BEST darn exercise out there.    (elbow bouncing off WALL)

“Hardcore training for a hard core”, as a great customer and doer said. And “this exercise makes me feel better than almost anything else” (about the third book).



Rahul Mookerjee

Uneven grip pull-ups keep you HONEST
- Because they force you to address your weak points.

Now, keeping it honest.

With regard to pullups….

What on EARTH I be chattering about now, hehe.

Well, basically this.

When doing pull-ups, or any other tough exercise, we naturally tend to gravitate to doing “what is easiest” for us.

For example, if you’re good at chin -ups, despite my pleas to focus more on PULL-UPS – you might end up doing more chin ups anyway, and a lot more.

If you’re good at wide grip pull-ups, you’ll focus on those more.

If you’re NOT good at chain pull-ups, chances are you won’t do too many of them in your routine, preferring to stick with thick bars that you worked to get good at.

Pushups, you might focus more on “table” pushups than Hindus, for one.

And so forth.

Now, there ain’t nothing wrong with picking a FEW exercises, and mastering them, or getting as close to mastery as you can – – in fact, you could do that your entire life, and make great gains!

And it’s indeed a key to great gains, but another overall key is this – you’re only as strongest as the WEAKEST link in your chain, and even yours truly bodyweight exercise GURU has ’em!

One was “shoulder width” pull-ups, which I’ve rectified now, but I discovered this after years of doing wide grip pull-ups.

That chinning bar once I installed it got me working on many new things!

And I’ve written about why the regular grip shoulder width pull-up is a MUST to do, eh.

But today, one of the “fat boys” (grips) on my chinning bar suddenly got loose, and moved over to the other end.

The other one though is firmly stuck where it was!

So, I’m doing pull-ups – wide grip.

Right hand on a thick grip, left not!

I’m doing ’em regular.

Left hand on thick grip, right not!

Initially this irritated me.

What the hezey, I thought.

But this, my friend, is GREAT training – and more natural training.

Believe me, that tree branch you may hang off off some day to save your life won’t be as even as a chinning bar!

And of course, you’re still working the grip equally – if you keep things HONEST.

Which this is forcing me to do for now (I do it anyway, but it’s an interesting variant!).

And one I’m giving to you for FREE, and I bet you hadnt thought of it.

It’s not mentioned in “Pull-ups – from STUD to Super STUD within WEEKS!” – that has many MORE unique variants.

Jump on this book now, my friend. Really, I dont understand the delay – truly the best book on pull-ups ever (I’m talking about fence sitters here, not those that have bought already and are making great gains!).

Its too expensive, it’s too expensive, goes the chant from many people.

Mysterious, and since we’ve covered that already … I’m not going to get into it again!

And remember – compilation format available at a discount too.

“Just one book, over a hundred dollars”, go the price whiners.


(it’s three actually).

And truth be told, if any of the above applies to you, well,I’m not even going to waste my time explaining it all over again – it’s best you do NOT get it.

Thats right – if those above thoughts even pop in your mind for something like this, not seen anywhere else, then you’re better off NOT getting the book.

And for the rest of you DOERS .. 

Jump on this now, my friend. If you’re truly serious about your health, strength and fitness from the inside out – you’ll do this NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why dealing with (or trying to talk sense to) lunatics and hypocrites is a LOSING BATTLE
- I'm not even going to "kick ass and take names" on this one!

Kiss ass, take names!

Seems I’ve … ah, I mean the Bozo, hehe, has been doing a LOT of that as of late.

But I meant to say “kick ass and take names” which is not an expression I usually use, but I got it from a great. (he probably got it from someone too, I dont know! It’s a merry go round!).

But anyway, I’m not going to take any more names on this one I dont think …

But yeah, trying to talk sense to lunatics and hypocrites.

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in thinking the above way, and I’m pretty damn sure most of you reading this have felt this way some of the time, or MOST of the time.

There is  reason most DOERS – most achievers – or successful people in ANY sphere of life “go it themselves” for the most part, unless they’re with their Masterminds of course which is highly recommended.

Not all of us HAVE a Master mind though ..

Personally, yours truly doesnt at this point, and I’m still culling contacts off my list that just don’t “get it”.

I’m sur eyou are too!

You should be, at any rate!

But anyway, talking sense to lunatics and hypocrites in life – and fitness?

Dont even try, my friend.

Losing battle.

For example, if you told Bozo Schofield he’s a thief, and you laid out examples, he’d just say “no I didnt do it”.

You’d lay out proof.

He’d say it was made up. And so forth.

He ain’t the only one either.

There are people I’ve dealt with – family – business – and just casual contacts that fall into the same “lunacy” bracket.

That fall into the hypocritical “do it when it’s good for them, but conveniently forget when it’s not, and accuse the other person of being a hypocrite when FACTS are given to said people”.

Or, perhaps the twist facts to suit their agenda dumbasses.

I meet these people from ALL walks of life, my friend.

I used to argue with them.

Now I just smile, say “ok, whatever”, and have a quiet chuckle about it later.

Because, guess what if you told Hannibal Lecter he was insane, his response?

Would be, like he said in the Silence of the Lambs.

“They said I’m insane!” 

So, losing battle my friend – one you should avoid to win the WAR at ALL and any costs!

And fitness wise?

“why barnstorming book such a expensive book”.

Thats the recent “twitter” message I got.

(Note – I dont check Shitter at all. I just happened to do so by chance today).

But anyway, to answer this dolt –

One, think of all the gym memberships burning a hole in your pocket you never use VS a one time investment in a book with routines that even the most avid weight pumper in the gym CANNOT do.

Two, think of routines that turn you into a human gorilla, or the closest equivalent.

Three, there’s nothing like this out there – certainly not in terms of ferocity of RESULTS and workouts.

Four, compilation format – easy peasy read, grab.

Five,  I take you from BEGINNER to ADVANCED, so you don’t just jump in at the deep end like I did.

Six, you don’t need to invest in idiotic machines that look good, make you feel good, and burn a hole in your pocket but do jack all in terms of building real strength.

Seven, these workouts are strength plus cardio in ONE – in LESS than 5 minutes flat, or 15 minutes if you can work up to them.

Yada, Nada, Schnada.

Thats 7 there.

I’m sure I could think of 77 more reasons, but to this jackass, my reply was …



And if he or she is reading this, well, thats the response the question deserved .

All for now – and remember that compilation discount BE waiting for you, my friend. Applicable both on paperbacks and digital downloads, so jump NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee


Have I gone Bozo Bonkers?
- Seems so, hehe.

Nah. Not really!

But it truly (as I’m crunchin them numbers) looks like I’m giving it away for free – the HOUSE – the Bozo – all the girls he pesters – and everything, really. Hehe.

What do I mean.

Well, this morning I got the bright idea to do a  20% discount – which is nothing new, of course – I did it for new customers a while back – but THIS TIME – hold on to your PANTS, because THIS TIME – it applies to ALL of our compilations!

(So for the paperback – Barnstormer Shoulders – I saw a $100 discount!)

Many of you have been waiting to get your paws on the book on pull-ups, for instance.

So, I’ve done up a discount in that regard – and even better?

Unlike the last time around, it applies to BOTH paperbacks and instant digital downloads.

So get your roll on NOW, my friend. I’m not sure how long THIS offer will last – all depends upon “how many people can crash my server”, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Look for the compilations under the “products” section.

(Note – it doesn’t apply to 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections as thats not a compilation, but it does to all others, including the amazing 0 Excuses Book COMBO where you’re basically getting one book for FREE anyway – and then the discount.

Hurry NOW, my friend).

PS #2 – Paperback buyers, please email me AFTER your purchase with your receipt and please send me your address via email. I’ll have a custom field for this set up during checkout pretty soon – for now though – just email it to me and we’ll get it – HER – DONE!

5 exercises to strengthen the core in less than FIVE minutes – if you can do even a minute, that is.
- As the title says!

Let’s get straight to the meat of the matter on this one.

I’ve been getting a lot of requests and searches about strengthening the core in “less than X number of minutes”, which is wierd, because – well, most of the people typing those searches in are probably in lockdown for Christ’s sake with a lot of TIME on their hands.

And two, these same people would likely hang out at the gym all damn day long if asked to, have tons of time to watch Tee Vee She Vee and so forth.

Gab on the phone. Sleep for ages. And so forth.

Yet, core training – less than five minutes, while the chest pressing, puffing preening and posing goes on for hours, like Sly Stallone and the rest did it back in the day?

As Sly himself admits, his routine at a certain point was nothing but unhealthy – his body fat percentage dropped so low due to insane diets that he was literally cannibalizing himself in many regards (his body was).

And in terms of weights?

Know why they call it the Iron Game, Stallone asks?

Because they just went heavy heavy, HEAVY!

And they paid the price for it, as Stallone said “with injuries that never go away“. Tons of ’em, not to mention stitches, broken bones and all that galore …

Anyway, core right?

I’ll do better than give you five exercises to toughen the core and blowtorch fat off in less than five minutes.

I’ll give you TEN to do for one minute each.

If you can get through even half this routine without collapsing, you’re already in fairly good shape.

  1. A set of 10 extended arm pushups. Should not take you any more than 12 seconds, if you can even do ’em!
  2. Mid point pull-up hold. For 30 seconds.   (You see Rahul doing this on the cover of the superb book on pull-ups “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!
  3. The L hold. For ….well, I’ll give you 15 seconds. most would be doing good to just GET into the position for a fraction of the second.   (it’s the pose you see me doing on the cover of “Pull-ups – from STUD to Super STUD- within weeks!)  (and there is another more tougher variant of the exercise in the BOOK).
  4. Handstand for 10 seconds straight.    (Shoulders like Boulders!)
  5. The “vacuum” exercise I’ve given you in Corrugated Core for a minute straight.
  6. Hindu squats for ONE minute straight. Or half!
  7. Holding the bridge for at least 30 seconds.
  8. 10 Reverse pushups   (shouldn’t take you more than 15-20 seconds TOPS).
  9. 10 “table” pushups.   (10 -12 seconds)
  10. Finish off with a strict NO MOMENTUM dead hang … 30 seconds if you can manage it.

All of this is like what? A few minutes at most?

If you can do any of it, that is .

But believe me, this short and quick set of exercises can be turned into a SUPER WORKOUT if you know how.

And if you can’t do ’em, any of these exercises, but are looking to whittle FAT away on the core?

Well, NOW is the time to start bro.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Back soon!

PS #2 – Some of you might think what I gave you above is too tough. “Fuck it”, some of you might say. But I’m barely scratching the surface on any of that! If you read Battletank Shoulders, you’ll understand what it means to do workouts that will turn you into “part gorilla, part human”, as a great customer recently said. So you DOERS – hark on over there NOW.

Henry Ford’s interesting take on (and his route to) ONE crucial aspect of success
- Ford, one of my all time favorites!

One of the much touted aspects of success is also one which a lot of people disagree on.

Give them what they need – or what they WANT?

Napoleon Hill, that great seer made no bones of the fact that fortunes were built, even during Depressions by giving people what they NEEDED (and by finding a way to fill that need efficiently).

He wasn’t wrong.

But I have a somewhat different take on this, and I haven’t been shy about expressing my opinion on it.

I’d say it’s fact!

Most of the times, yes, you give people what they “want”, but sometimes, for your OWN success and THEIRS (note – both are not mutually exclusive!) – you give them what they need – what YOU know they need – but they might not.

By this I dont mean denying an alcoholic drink or a druggie Bozo drugs, and pushing them into counseling or rehab or what not – which is probably the last thing they “want” (but thats a good example).

But what I mean is …

When Henry Ford after his five bankruptcies and eventual MASSIVE success was asked about this part of it?

He laughed in that way only Ford can!

“If I had asked them, they would have said faster horses!”

So sage my friend – so sage.

And true too.

People just didnt believe a thing like a CAR was possible – much like no-one believed space travel was possible, or even the wireless, or the telephone.

When asked what they were wanted – they’d choose what they thought was possible!

Ford, in his pioneering ways (I can identify!!) made sure he KNEW what they wanted – and gave it to them knowing fully well they’d love a mechanized, faster horse!

And did they?

Well, I believe the proof is in the pudding on that one eh.

But really, the same thing happened to me with one of my courses (albeit obviously on a far less grand scale -until NOW) Pushup Central.

LOTS of people have been exhorting me to write courses for years, and none more so than the famous Isometric and Flexibility Training course – the first of it’s kind out there – roundly loved, admired, trolled, booed, despised, hated, and absolutely revered.

This came about on the urging of several great customers of mine.

In addition to this course, Lumberjack Fitness and Advanced Plyometrics are on the way, my friend.

When the time is right . . .

I’ve also had requests for courses on the following –

One arm work.

Muscle ups.

MORE advanced stuff on pull-ups (more than what I’ve already got out there – including sternum pull-ups which are a workout unto themselves if you progress).

Rope work (I ended up doing Jump Rope Mania! first).

And many more.

All great request, and all no doubt books that are in the offing.

But not one person (and this isn’t being said in a negative manner bro) asked me for more on pushups.

This isn’t a surprise, of course.

Doers and champs know the value of the pushup as the BIG DOG of exercise. Quite literally.

But for some reason, mainstream and even those that truly get it don’t really think of the pushup as much as they do the pull-up – muscle – burpee – or other excellent exercises.

The pushup for some reason, my friend never gets it due.

In 0 Excuses Fitness ,I did my best to GIVE it it’s due.

In the book on reverse pushups, I tried again – and people loved it again.

But still, I wasn’t seeing the humble and mighty pushup get the acclaim it SHOULD have.

And therefore, I decided last year on the spur of the moment to create Pushup Central, and it, more than any other course HERE is ROLLICKING – and on course to topple Gorilla Grip, another classic book if there ever was – and a huge success – from it’s perch as #1.

(The 0 Excuses Fitness System is # 1, but that has videos too – I’m talking just books).

I KNEW that people NEEDED to know this about pushups even if they didnt “want” it in favor of other more fancy methods of training.

And the book speaks for itself.

Sometimes, you truly gotta give people what they need – because guess what – that need migh tjust be a HUGE WANT they never knew they wanted!

So it was with Pushup Central!

And thats the message now.

If you train today – be sure and knock out a 100 pushups at least as part of it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Butso Bozo Schofield, currently starting his weekend bender in “lockdown shockdown paradise” – a person who bitched about this great, great, GREATEST Book on fitness by saying “just pushups! Boring!” and it’s author as “Rahul Tyson” (clearly a comment that shows he never bought, much less read the book – but remember, the Bozo can’t really read beyond the labels on his beer bottle, hehe) (despite not being able to do a pushup or quarter to save his LIFE) – is currently signed up for the site as a girl of all things.

Seems he’s finally coming full circle in terms of being a sissy Schofield, hehe.

Hey, it’s OK – Glyn. We all gotta come full circle, even if that means signing up for sites with this chick “Roya’s” name. (some chickie with whom he has history, stole 2000 GBP from etc).

PS #2 – But back to workout – if you can’t do a single pushup as yet but want to – don’t despair. My book will teach you how, my friend. All I’ve ever asked from a man in terms of training ,like the great Karl Gotch did was GUTS – and nothing else (the only difference being I don’t cater to freebie seekers and price wankers. I go where I’m VALUED).

(Not saying Gotch did either, but he had rather “different” thought on money!)

PPS – For those of you that complain about my “ads on Amazon” – well, remember what Ford said.

A man that stops advertising to save money is like a man attempting to stop a clock to “save time”.

So true!

(the person that complained didnt say I was wasting money or not – she was just pissed she saw me everywhere. Poor gal. Hehe).

Reminds me of what a pisser and moaner once said on that site, Dongguan Expat (well, a sister site).

“Everywhere we talk Dongguan, there is Rahul, Rahul, Rahul!”

Poor chap. LOL.

And you’ll be seeing WAY more of me, rather than less, and especially when we get past the email hiccups (Butzo Bozo Scho still hasn’t figured that one out, lol).

Unload the dishwasher – – >Workout time??
- Yet another key to staying lean and trim.

Workout time, my friend, doesnt always have to be “workout time and that alone”, and thats what I love so much about my books – even if I say so myself, and the fitness routines I espouse.

It can be ANY time – pretty much anything you do, even EATING that you can turn into a workout.

Or, writing this which I am with laptop on the floor – Asian squat.

800 or so words most likely in that position, and typed fast, and for a change, I’ll try no typos.

Tai-pos, hehe.

See if YOU, my friend, can do it for even a few seconds without collapsing onto your ass if you can even get into the position to start with.

But why just typing?

Dishwashers, and unloading them.

If you’re like most people, you “bend down” to unload the dishes, right?

And then stand to put them in the cabinets, etc.

Yet, why not SQUAT down again – Asian squat style – and duck waddle over the nearest cabinet – and then when you gotta stand up, do 10 squats right there for each dish?

Before you know it, my friend, you’ll have a quick 100 or 200 squat workout – and your heart will be thumping nineteen to the dozen.

Sure, I know it doesnt sound like much – but try it!

Same thing for having a chinning bar around the home, and doing pull-ups during a break from whatever.

Same thing for eating, which you can either do on your rumpus – or your SHINS, as I show you in Isometric and Flexibility Training. 

While doing laundry, turn it into a GRIP workout.

Either do it by hand – which of course, not many people will want to do, but Gorilla Grip (Advanced) gives you a routine like this which will fry your entire upper body, not just forearms.

Or, when taking a ton of laundry out, do it with your fingers alone, and multiple times, and carry for long distances!

The key is this – work exercise into ALL your routines, so you rarely if ever miss.

And then anything you do workout wise – – which you damn well should be doing – – is a bonus!

And you’ll stay buzzing and vibrating at a super level all day long.

Well, my friend, thats it for now. To get on a routine with the most seemingly simple of exercises, but one that will kick your BUTT – get Animal Kingdom Workouts NOW- and start kicking BOOTY.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This is a shorter one than most of my posts, but still!

PS #2 – The Asian squat is taught in the book on isometrics, and the duck waddle is one of the superlative exercises that Heismann Trophy winners for one have used. Too simple? Think – AGAIN!

Why I believe in ALWAYS having an ace up my sleeve.
- Even though it might not be apparent, least of mine to ME.

I’ve been called a “planner” el supremo by many many people in the know, my friend.

Which I suppose is mind bogglingly true from a certain standpoint.

And not from another. Not true at all.

I live in the flow, my friend.

I dont make plans – AT ALL.


What I do is set goals – believe – and then achieve – and then achieve MORE.

The planning, as Napoleon Hill so sagely advised in Outwitting the Devil, a must read, I leave up to the powers that be that know FAR more about planning than the mere mortal asking for the plan.

And it’s always worked out so perfectly that even I think it’s stupendous.

But it’s not.

Natural laws of the Universe working …

And it applies to EVERYTHING in life I do.

The Bozo, for one, never imagined the backlash he’d be getting with his trolling, eh.

First Shoulders lik eBoulders, then he trolled me VERY PERSONALLY.

And then of course, the comment about.

“BDSM! Fitness! Mate, you’re a joke!”

I wonder who the joke is on NOW, years  later, when the Bozo thought I had long ago given up and was taking it.

And if Schofield is reading this, believe me, bro. I’ve just STARTED.

“Yukit”, my wife calls me. In a patronising sort of manner. 

It means “planner” in Hindi.

Which is fine…

I dont mind the names, hehe. In fact, I’ll add that on to the 1300 or so names on that list!

Yes, I’ve kept the list, yes, it’s backed up . Hehe. The good stuff, well not so much.

But as Emerson said, the ARROWS of HATE are often far more telling than honeyed words of praise.

(I’m paraphrasing, but when the former far outnumbers the latter, you know you’re on the right damned track).

And I always have been, but how does this relate to YOU, you ask?

What does this gotta do with MY FITNESS, you ask, fella.

Well, YOU too need an ace up your sleeve my friend.

Many times in life, I’ve been put in IMPOSSIBLE situations, and the people doing it PLANNED It.

They hit where they thought I was WEAK.

Yet, all their best laid plans came to naught ultimately.

Could be Schofield the Butt Blower, could be some of the other wacko jackos, wacker jackers out there … most notably some guy named “Keith James” – but anyway … always have plan B – except don’t have it!

Often times, when you’re put on the spot, the BEST plan emerges.

If you let it.

Anyway, fitness wise, if the normal tricks for fat burning aren’t getting her DONE, much like the Bozo never can with the women he’s with?

Then the KEY is Advanced Hill Training!

CORE wise, HERE are the aces in the hold – Corrugated Core. 

And pull-ups wise, my much vaunted, TROLLED, and deeply ADMIRED course on ADVANCED pull-ups – Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD – within weeks! 

And that, my friend is that!

Always have that ACE up your sleeve, brah. You’ll need it, thats for sure!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – For raw, primal BRUTAL animal like RAW POWER AND STRENGTH, get on Animal Kingdom Workouts – NOW!