Batting it back to Mr Wong.
- In "style"

Good thing I had my email open, because it was an AHA! moment as soon as I typed out that last email.

You’ll remember a pisser and moaner “Bill” complaining about my email on cold showers.

(I wonder whether he wanted to hear something on warm cuddles and so forth. Ugh).

But anyway, the email address he sent his email from “Bill<comboofnumber>#1..6..3 dot com” made me wonder if he was Chinese or Indian.

Nothing against that part of the world, honest.

But it’s mostly people from there who want to “Google” everything under the sun and dont want to cough up a red cent for any sort of information product, not just mine.

That ain’t everyone, admittedly.

Gautam was a great customer from India, and there have been others.

But in general, that seems to be the case.

Look, fella, two things.

One, if Google has it all, why sign up for my list.

I mean, I’m not exactly asking you to do so – or running after you – or exhorting you?

The homepage clearly states my products are “expensive” (for the wankers that are also price shoppers).

And two, if Google has it all, I wonder why people in China for one didnt create Google instead of the ultra crappy Baidu by using info they copied from Google.

Yes, Baidu is utter CRAP – that I MEAN.

They couldn’t even copy it well …

Anyway, without further ado, the reply I got.

From…ah, let’s see.

i delete your Email for Cold Water Shower. Can you re-send to me, please. 

Mr Bill Wong

Gotcha. Most likely Chinese, given the email address and the name.

And no, Mr Wong, I cannot.

First, because your dumb ass deleted it …

And second, obviously you’re too lazy to do a search on the site.

And three, well, it’s on Google isnt it?

This guy reminds me of a beefy looking guy ‘James’ in Guangzhou (definitely not Chinese).

He was in my Dongguan networking and employment group and broke rules willy nilly.

I was lenient and polite the first time.

Second time, somewhat less so, but I let it slide again.

Big mistake!

Third time, I just lost patience and deleted him.

He sent me a hissy, ending with this.

You’re an odd dude!

Well that I am …

But his entire gripe was about what he posted was contrary to my rules sure, but “he thought” it would be helpful to the community and therefore I shouldnt’ remove him.


Dude, when you’re in someone else’s group – or home – or football field – you follow the rules.

You don’t make ’em, or participate in making ’em unless asked …

You may or may not disagree, but as tons of people in the iconic Dongguan Employment group have found out the hard way, the law is the law.

And I, Rahul Mookerjee, WILL boot you unceremoniously and without notice from the groups for being a willing laggard and breaking the rules.

Boggles the mind that I have to explain these things to so called adults.

Anyway, same thing for this list bro.

If you dont like it, you’re free to leave.

And if I deem you not good enough to stay on it, out you go …

Anyway, thats a long answer to a short question.

As for you DOERS that agree with all this – well, I’ll be back soon. In the meantime, be sure and pick up the most exclusive of all fitness systems right here. Truly the GLEAMING Rolls Royce of the fitness world!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I laugh at, then delete, then BLOCK idiots morons and grade A BUFFOONS and JACK and JIllasses that say its “too easy” or we know it all”.
- They deserve it!

A jackass “Bill” on the new signup lists, which seems to be still functioning perfectly sent me a snarky response to an email I sent that list about cold (ice cold if possible) showers and why taking COLD showers daily might be one of the best things you could do for your overall health – immunity – and T levels.

Yes, even in winter if possible.

I mentioned the example of folks in Finland who jump in HOT saunas with the temp cranked up to MAX, and then instantly thereafter into the cold Arctic ocean. I mentioned my own example – and the “thump thump” metabolism into OVERDRIVE effect I had in China when my heater failed in the dead of winter (it still does!) – and I took those cold showers in the early AM …

After those showers, I was awake – and warm – outdoors!

Digestion improved. I suffered from IBS back then, and that improved. Everything did, really – included my mood and desire for you know what beyond the normal.

And yet, this idiot?

“We know all this. Give us something please thats new”, he wailed.

“I can find this on Google”.

Well, Sparky, if you can find it on Google, by all means do so because after being blocked by ME, you wont find it HERE.

But really, these buffoons.

Does he take cold showers – has he tried – and if so, the effects – did he tell us?

Not a chance.

He’s too busy griping about the free emails he gets which are value unparalleled.

Ditto for the Bozo, we all know who who complained “its just pushups”and there are plenty of Non Bozos (in that regard) that say the same thing, but … do they ever get back on if they can do a pushup – hold the position – how many they can do – can they get into a handstand so forth?


They just get back with one piece of knowledge – that they can run their YAP.

Then the case of the nutjob in Italy who claimed my book on Isometric and Flexibility Training was worthless, and why?

One – too expensive (doesnt’ come as a surprise that the wankers all wank about price first and foremost.

Two, I didnt hire Sly Stallone’s make up artist and directors to do the photos.

And three, “it’s just simple bodyweight stretches”.

Despite my numerous rants on this, this braniac never got back to me – or us – on whether he actually DID the workouts.

And what his definition – and the real definition of isometrics is.

If it ain’t bodyweight stretches held for periods of time, I’ll eat my non existent hat.

These dumbasses my friend are a category I used to avoid in the past, and now I LAUGH at them and then dont just delete them.

Like with Bozo Glyn, I block ’em.

Because I dont want them anywhere near the best and MOST prestigious fitness list in history.

And near my life, or biz in general . . .

Alright enough of this (but thats the message for this one).

To pick up one of the best damn books that ever came out of 0 Excuses Fitness HQ, well – go right here: Animal Kingdom Workouts.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why yours truly loves being called a cowboy and country bumpkin (1025 reasons).
- Not that the two are same, hehe.

Now, for the politically and overly sensitive, no, I’m not saying cowboys are “bumpkins”.

Even the ones Schofield hangs out with, hehe. “Brokeback cowboys” (and Glyn, of course, is broke in other regards too, hehe).

Or was it Brokeback Mountain the Bozo loves?

Humps, mountains, and more for the BOzo, but for me?

Gawar Papa was what my so lovely S.O. once told our daughter while I was stuffing my gourd with a food so simple my wife asked “why I just wanted to eat that, and without any vegetables, condiments and such”.

Indian food tends to be eaten with all of that, and curry etc – I didnt want any.

Just the flatbread, I remember telling her.

And she gave me veggies, but I hardly ate any.

And she giggled to my daughter – “Gawar Papa“.

It means, country bumpkin or something like that in Hindi, but guess what.

I’m not just happy with the tag.

I love it.

And I’d be called that any day over city slicker or what not.

I’d rather eat REAL food than the crap served at 5 star hotels, and their tiny servings they charge a fortune for.

I’d rather do REAL exercises the way the old timers did without chrome and fern.

And most of all, and probably this is the second reason (I’m using Indian English, if you can spot it, hehe) – – my WORKOUTS.

When I squat in my patented style, my wife (or SO, depending upon how you look at it) laughs at me.

“What a bumpkin!” 

When I eat – well, I mentioned that.

When I do GORILLA grip – and other such exercises – something similar!

And in all cases? 

I smile and nod. 

And I say “Yes Ma’am”. 

Like Bozo Schofield so wants to say.

Poor chappie.

But, thats that my friend.

Id rather be real – so I am!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The old timers knew way more about FITNESS and secrets to REAL fitness than the idiots today do, including the Bozos wanking around on bench presses and what not. Drop the pretense now, friend. Start learning the real secrets to lifelong strength, health and FITNESS from the inside out HERE.

PS #2 – Oh, and oldtime secrets to that x 10 – Isometric and Flexibility Training. 

Back soon!  (so says “cowboy from TX “as I keep getting called, and the Bozo confuses it with AK, lol).

PPS – No 1205 reasons, or 1025, hehe. Thats the #1205 name on that lovely list of names I’ve been called, and I’m luvin it!

The difference between a BUBBLE BUTT and a LARD ASS “el supremo”
- And too much junk in the trunk.

My daughter from what I hear today was FURIOUS.

And, you dont want to get a little gorilla like this ANGRY. Hehe. Believe me, the punch she packs is more than some teenagers – she’s whooped people BIGGER Than her already – guys at that.

All true, and no, I’m not tom tomming my daughter because she truly is the BEST ever.

Truly Papa’s daughter, right down to the spirituality-cum-AGGRESSIVENESS.

She don’t back down from nothing or nobody, unlike me when young . . .

Anyway, I didnt either – but this isn’t about me.

Today I’ll listen to what the Bozo said about “Animal Kingdom Workouts” – another one of those drunken wannabe reviews.

“Its all about himself”, he whined!

Well, my dear Bozo.

If it’s a book on exercising, wouldnt yours truly “bodyweight exercise guru” and fitness God, as you said, SHOW you how to do the exercises.

Especially, since as you said “since you have so much to burn that you stole” (else not).


The price has increased on the course, by the way. Hehe. Check it out if you dont believe me. I’m slowly getting the paperback up to the price it REALLY deserves to be sold at.

But anyway, my daughter.

Apparently finding clothes for her is a hassle, much like with me.

If she buys clothes her age, too tight around those broad shoulders that already rival her Mom’s. (and my “significant other” worked on farms growing up, so she ain’t no slouch. Much like “MJ’s wife” who once took a fire extinguisher to a Bozo, I wouldn’t put such things past her either if the urge struck her).

And billowing around the waist.

The stylish pants were what really set her off, “too tight around the hips/ass”.

I tried to calm her down.

I’m not sure if I succeeded!

(I can just imagine what it will be like when she is in her teens, with all the demands, hehe).

“Honey, you’ve got the sort of butt people EXERCISE and WORK THEIR asses off for!” 

And she’s got it naturally.

Plus, with a regular dose of Kiddie Fitness, she’s WAY fitter and stronger than most of the poor dopes her age who neither exercise nor MOVE, and nor do their parents (the real culprits).

But anyway, this will be a prime excuse for people that are FAT as FOCK to say “we’re big guys, not fat!”

No, my friend.

Having a lard ass that hangs down to the ground and a belly so massive that you truly have a case of “Ren Pang Qiu Dian” (fat man have SMALL penis) ain’t the same as being big, strong and MUSCULAR.

That holds true for hips and legs as well.

And we all know, that working the legs intensely via the Hindu Squats I teach you as only I can, and the workouts I give you in Advanced Hill Training, Animal Kingdom Workouts won’t just give you a muscular lower body and (for ladies) that so desired bubble butt (ladies and Bozos I should say).

Work the legs intensely, and you release more T than you could ever release in hours and hours of boobybuilding and bench pressing , my friend.

A good dose of SQUATS is what most people need NOW – and today – to kick their RUMPUS into high gear PRONTO.

And I’m giving it to you here, hehe.

Jump on the train now, get started – and remember – please do review once you’ve read the books and post!

(I dont want five star necessarily. A lady recently rated a book I wrote on another site as excellent, and gave it a “four star rating”. Thats fine, Daniela! I dont mind at all – honest is what I want!).

But yes obviously if it’s 5 star, give it a 5 star and then some!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, the clock is ticking on that discount. One more day, and then I pull it. Jump NOW.

Workouts that get rid of man tits QUICK, my uber SORE left SHOULDER, and more!
- And it's all true!

First off, I cannot stop cuckling. Chuckling, sorry. . .

Because the good ole Bozo, my friend, has truly been turned into the joke of the century.

This guy is worth the entire membership fee, wrote in one guy “Adam” in the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship.

Now, he signed up – when you may ask?

Probably a month or so.

Probably more than that to get a “load” of my courses and that?

Well, believe it or not, the dude signed up YESTERDAY – and he’s gotten his money’s worth he says not just from all the courses he can DEVOUR now – truly, my courses are meant to be DEVOURED – multiple times – you do NOT benefit from “reading once” – there are hidden gems you’ll find with every reading – but the Bozo saga which I’ve really gotten into with some of those guys has him in splits.

I dont know, maybe we’ll do a split off on it. Hehe. Bozo Comedy Show.

Anyway, Bozo is silently chomping at the bit for these FREE updates from me. Hehe.

And he no doubt after reading the title thought “surreptiously doing something while thinking of a woman that wants anything but ME near her because, well, she wants something that I can’t give her” . . .

I dont need to go into more details. Hehe. His palms are so weak (I still remember the floppy fish handshake he gave me when we met) that it’s his SHOULDER that gets taxed.

Anyway, let’s move on to business!

And why this applies to YOU, my friend.

Man tits , along with a propensity to put on FAT – weight – around the midsection has always been an issue with yours truly.

True, you wouldn’t dream of it looking at me now, what with all the jackasses clamoring about “he has good genetics”.

No, I don’t!

I’ve got the crappiest genetics imaginable from a physical stand point.

Arms that are “too long”.

The problem above.

Hips that tend to gather too much junk in the trunk if I dont watch it …

Yet, my friend, I made USE of these shortcomings and turned them into strengths, and those watching me do my patented “Gorilla Grip” Da Xing Xing (gorilla) workouts yesterday out there in the park, swinging effortlessly from one “branch” to the other were doing the usual – gaping and goggling.

Because these sort of workouts build TREMENDOUS upper body strength, my friend – and a lean, STRONG physique that’ll have the chicks “dyin for you” (to guys that need to hear this).

But really, they’ll run away equally quickly if they find out about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

That aside though, my friend here is something you already know.

Beer is NOT something you should be drinking if man tits are a problem, or really, if you’re into serious fitness.

I mean, not too much of it at least.

Well as you know, I’ve done “too much of beer drinking” along with indulgence in “other areas” way more than many people have!

I’ve gotten away with burning the candle at both ends, but I do NOT recommend it . . .

Yet, for a while, I did get away with it – not just that – but I made stellar gains so quickly you’d be hard pressed to think I drank anything – let alone beer!

Schofield, no, please. For once, get your mind out of the gutter and THINK. This applied to YOUR flabby potbellied ass too.

Anyway, let’s get to the nub of this.

Workouts like this, my friend, will make man tits go away SO quick that you’d think they weren’t there in the first place.

They’re so tough, of course, that most people “cry Uncle” when they see ’em.

But remember, in Gorilla Grip (Advanced) and Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within weeks!” – I Dont just tell you to do ’em.


Get on these workouts, and upper body FAT – man tits, and “love handles” will be a thing of the past so quickly that you’ll truly be able to “eat more and weigh less”.

Which brings me to my last two points.

Combine this sort of thing with either “real sprints” or “floor sprints on all fours” (equally taxing) shown in Advanced Hill Training.

And last, but not least, remember.


THESE are what made my left shoulder SO SORE – along with my monkeying around last night.

I can barely lift it up right now, and my right one is “talking to me too”.

Remember, my friends, pushups work the entire body and core in a way nothing else can.

True, I did some of the ADVANCED pushups that a great customer Charles Mitchell said were “the bomb”.

He thought two knuckle pushups were tough until he tried what I had to offer in Pushup Central!

And that, my friend, is why he said the following.

“You are the real deal, and that is why I don’t mind paying high prices for your books!”

True, my friend.

And thats the philosophy I adopt in life too!

Value – mean you PAY for that value!

And anyway, those are the workouts my friend that if you do right and long enough will make man tits a thing of the past, and boost your T levels – send em skyrocketing through the ROOF – and more – if you just DO.

If you stop whinging about “too expensive or too tough” and just DO.

If you get off the fence about buying the book on pull-ups (some of you are on it) – and just BUY the damn thing – get it over with – and DO.

And so forth.

Well, my friend, I’ve said my bit on this one.

Now, the rest is up to you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And remember, burning the candle at both ends is never a good idea, and yes, too much of ANY SORT OF ALCOHOL will pack on the calories.

PS #2 – More such workouts in Animal Kingdom Workouts – my best ever – grab this now.

(Remember, paperbacks are an option too – personally, I love both ebooks and paperbacks, but there is that “feel of holding a book in your hands” that simply cannot be beat, of a dog eared book you keep turning the pages of if you get my drit …)

PPS – Remember, a few collectors edition of my FIRST book – Fast and Furious Fitness are still available. I’ve been so busy with this email mess that I ain’t been marketing it as much as I should be, but they’re sitting here, but rememeber, once gone, “forever” gone. Yes, the “newer” version of the book will always be available, but these collector’s items – especially that cover is PRICELESS.

What I mean is – if you were a connessiur of painting, you’d get all of Da Vinci’s, or MichaelAngelo’s paintings, right? ALL of his work, his first, last, everything in between?

Same thing for you Mookerjee faithful . . . 

(Jump on the offer now because once I really start marketing this one, those books will FLY out the window).

Hairy palmed Bozo Schofield, the “nut job par excellence”, “airplane butt”, and more!
- Indeed stupefying it is ...

John Walker, a great customer from the UK made the following comment about the Bozo and others like him “The Bozo Posse” I like to call ’em.

Led by Glyn Bozo Schofield, whose latest outrageous and possibly most bizarre rant as yet was along the lines of a sign up for the site “hairypalmedOxfordbozo”.

Indeed bizarre!

But self projecting, as always. Hehe.

I’ll stay AWAY if you get my drift.

Anyway, the comment was along the lines of “these people are insane – they see the exact opposite results from what they intended, and yet they keep doing it”.

Well, John – maybe they read my lessons on persistence. Hehe.

Or, they ignored the part (this is more likely) where it says that anyone using the force of the Universe for EVIL – well – that force BOOMERANGS and DESTROYS them.

Proof in the pudding!!

Anyway, airplane butts and sore butts.

My daughter once asked if “my butt wasn’t sore sitting in airplane for so long” (when I went to the US).

I laughed back.

But it’s a real thing!

Bozo Schofield of course has hairy palms from visiting the airplane toilet. ya know, the air hostesses that dont understand his weirdly spoken (he keeps saying “Jesus, listen to me!” when people ignore him – and then wonders WHY they do – true story!) English and of course steer far clear of him.

They actually do to him what a fat air hostess once did to me when I asked for beer.

She brought me THREE.

Dumped them in my lap, and scooted away.

“Just so I dont need to come back”, she giggled. “You’ll want more anyway!”

She was right on the second, and I’m being facetious on the first.

Air India is truly the worst airline I’ve ever flown with, and luckily I ain’t flown anywhere in a long, long, long damn time!

Not with AI at least.

But anyway, airplane and sore butts?

People have ’em all the time even when they dont fly – especially lazy asses for who the only exercise is from el couch to el commode, or clicking over to the Battletank Shoulders to do precisely nothing, or if your Schofield, admire the picture of the Farnese there for reasons NOT what I intended him to be admired for.

Believe me, he’s sent me such gross messages about his backside – he thought it was funny, but I didnt.


And I won’t even bring ’em up here.

But thats the Bozo my friend.

Trust him to make mountains out of molehills, and see things which weren’t intended to be seen … or thought of.

But otherwise, my friend, I have a sore ass all the time these days, and why?

I’m practising a super advanced move – in Advanced  Plyometrics, which possibly might be the next book out even before Lumberjack Fitness.

And it’s left me sore throughout the entire hips and core.

If you thought Hindu squats were tough, wait until you try these.

But anyway, for now, remember that HIP and leg and BUTT work are the foundation (ahem) of a strong body overall, and super fitness “el supremo, stud level”.

And the lower body workouts in Animal Kingdom Workouts and Isometric and Flexibility Training done TOGETHER are just what the doc ordered in case you’re interested in this.

So until the books above “come out” – have your fill there!

And I’ll be back later.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Trust me, those leg workouts in Animal Kingdom Workouts? BONAFIDE BEAST LEVEL!

Will pulling an airplane by your hair make you bald?
- It didnt the Atom!

The mighty Atom, my friend, and his feats of strength are feats of LEGEND that even stellar stalwarts like Doug Hepburn have NOT been able to surpass.

Most people haven’t, actually!

He was called the Atom because he weighed all of 150 lbs or so SOAKING WET.

He, like yours truly “Jesus” had long flowing hair, so he certainly wasn’t bald. Hehe.

Much like Rahul Mookerjee “pocket dynamo” when creating BattleTank Shoulders!

I was so skinny (so my wife said) – that my wife said “I looked like a 13 year old”.

An ex Marine, a man that has been in the trenches of life and BATTLE more so than ANY OTHER, or most others, said the following.

“Have they ever seen you in such great condition?”

(they hadn’t, and haven’t. Hehe).

Because even if they see, they never do.

Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla, and CHAMP BOXER.

“Never stop doing what it is you do!”

Now the Atom performed freakish feats of strength like bending iron nails with his teeth, and pulling AIRPLANES by his hair. All well documented!

And I’ve mentioned him, along with Alexander Zass – champ “iron bar bender” in Isometric and Flexibility Training, which truly is the missing link in your training – and the very, very best there is in terms of ISOMETRICS. BAR NONE!

“Truly the MISSING LINK”.

And . . . all the guys that were freakishly strong were TINY.

So called tiny, as opposed to big Bozos with big tummies bulging where the sun shines, and where it do NOT.

but anyway, Zass’s secret is mentioned on the sales page – for FREE.

So is the Great Gama’s, I believe.

Too simple, you say?

Well, whichever IDIOT says that should be certified along with Bozo Schofield and put in an asylum.

Because, its what WORKS.

And while I cannot promise you’ll build up to the point you can perform freakish feats of strength like the Gama etc, I can promise you THIS.

Get on the routines herein, and you’ll increase your strength and flexibility beyond your WILDEST DREAMS!

Not to mention a Gorilla Grip from Cain, abs that look like they’re made of MOLTEN STEEL, a flat sexy stomach – corrugated core – legs like PILLARS – rippling back muscles – and much, much more! 

Start – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And I can’t promise you’ll turn into Doug Hepburn if you do Battletank Shoulders – but you WILL become “part human part Gorilla”.

PROMISE – and Rahul Mookerjee doesn’t make those lightly!

Why great insults last a LONG Time, and how (and when) to make a FORTUNE off them.

Yes my friend.

In Rocky Balboa, an older Rocky shows up at a bar he used to frequent with his bro in law Paulie back in the day.

For a beer, I dont know, is what he said . . .

And the lady – the bartender?

“I recognize you!” 

Stallone stares at her.

Do you, he says. I can’t quite place you, says Rocky ….

And he couldn’t!

Then he looks at her intently.


You’re little Marie, he goes!

In the FIRST installment of Rocky in1976, the sleeper hit that “never was” Rocky meets a young girl he tries to help in his bumbling, but good natured manner.

He tries to get her off fags.

(If she was Bozo Schofield – an adult Bozo she would have never done it. Hehe).

But anyway, this girl when he takes her home finishes off with the following.

“Hey Rocky! Screw you, CREEPO!”

And he leaves, dejected.

“Yeah, who are you anyway!” , he says to himself.

But he channels the rage.

He doesn’t show it.

The rest, my friend, much like Stallone’s real life is history.

On that note, here are a few more great insults.

“He thinks he’s so strong!” (when I was growing up).

“Rahul tyson!” “Rahul the fitnessgod!” “Rahulthe”doesnt belong in America because he’s sexy and DARK SKINNED” (no prizes for guessing who, again).

How dare you!

And some great OPPOSITES of insults.

“You’ve got a kung fu like grip that I’ve NEVER FELT!”

“You’re the real deal!”

“Bodyweight fitness GURU, his name is Mookerjee, Rahul Mookerjee!”

And again, no prizes for guessing who said what – ya’ll reading this KNOW.

Anyway, dare I did back then – dare I do now – and dare I WILL ever till I pass on and then I’ll dare YOU on after that, much like Napoleon Hill.

That don’t mean I got any plans of disappearing anytime soon – Im here to kick MORE rumpus, and kick YOUR butt into high gear, bro, and keep it there.

I do so for the elites that sign up for my coaching.

And I do so for the Ship Members as well on a very regular basis.

And YOU on this list too – although if you think THIS list provides value (you get 10 emails a day as opposed to ONE which is what was promised when you signed up) – join either or both of the above, and then you’ll wonder “what you were thinking before”.

It’s up to you, of course!

I’m certainly not going to crawl over broken glass to tell you to do so – or exhort you.

Anyway, here are two courses you need to check out NOW.

Pushup Central. 

Barnstormer Shoulders

Gorilla Grip. 

Pull-ups – from DUD – to STUD – to super STUD – within weeks!

Once you do, the second part of the email title will become nigh clear.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And for the idiots that claim fortune means “being Rockefeller” and nothing else, well, you got another think coming.

(Not that there is nothing wrong with being Rockefeller, hehe).

PS #2 – My daughter done foretold the future on one of the above this morning.

She said her Dad was an A….

I’ll let you guess which one, but it’s to do with the above – guess, and those guessing right will get a DISCOUNT!

(Until March 18, 2021)

(No why, bro)

Why you should ZIG and ZAG your way to success – at anything – fitness included.
- Because, my friend, it rarely ever is a straight line there.

Last night, I saw myself on a snowy mountain top.

I was climbing it (no surprises, eh. lol) – first the “roundabout” way, and then I simply climbed “straight up it” instead of the winding path around it.

Wayyyyyy there in the distance was a “wireless” transmitter. And the sign “Tibet”.

Now, dreams are all FIGURATIVE.

Not everything is meant to be taken literally, and the best dream book couldnt tell you what YOUR Dreams mean – unless you KNOW how to interpret them yourself, which is a skill not most people are willing to learn.

It’s about what matters to YOU.

Anyway, I reached the top!

And I was skating there – or perhaps “skiiing”, I dont know … smooth as BUTTER.

Now, what does this have to do with you, you ask?

Well, I’m not going to explain the dream here.

But zigging and zagging?

Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker “par excellence” often said the following.

“A check up from the NECK up”.

He was right.

Without exception, the causes of failure at anything can be traced to the “neck up”. Fitness included.

Sure, I’m not talking temporary defeat here, or losing a battle to win the war.

I’m talking permanence.

Anyway, Dr Maltz spoke about zigging and zagging in Pyscho Cybernetics.

He said that when a missile shoots off to hit a target (I can just hear the Bozos mind working excitedly here, hehe) – it RARELY goes in a “Straight line”.

It zigs.

It zags.

And sometimes, often times, MOST of the time it seems “it’s going nowhere”.

Yet, suddenly, that one last “turn” it takes?



That, my friend, is how it is with you in life and the goals YOU set if you do so right, and do so with the knowledge that there WILL be times in your life when it seems “nothing is going right”.

Or, backwards.

Remember what Vince Mc Mahon said though.

Sometimes you gotta take THREE steps backward to move one ahead!

I can relate.

Boy I can relate!

But anyway, point is this – fitness wise – when I did all those looooonnnng treks up the hill – I dont know, or I should say, I didnt know, at the time “why” I did it.

Some inner force was propelling me to do it after the events I’ve mentioned before in 2015.

The RAGE at being “spurned” (ostensibly so)?


But rather than retreat into a hole of self pity, I did the opposite, and it was the best damned thing that ever happened to me.

Today, that same person looks at me and says “I see a FAR more confident and changed person”.

Anyway, back to the hill.

I knew I was losing weight, yes.

But often times, the “journey” would be muddled.

Why am I doing this, I often consciously thought.

But do it I did!

Maybe the grand plan had been set in motion in 2010, and …well, what can I say. I’ve lived a storied life!

(and I’m just getting started. Hehe).

Anyway …

With YOU, fitness wise, same thing.

Some days, youll wonder why you’re struggling away to get so good at fingertip pushups.

You consciously know your grip is getting better, and stronger by the day. By the workout.

But you dont see the “numbers stack up as yet”.

Patience, grasshopper.

Keep doing the thing.

And you will!

There is NO force on Earth that can stop you if you do, THINK right, and do the RIGHT things.

In that order. Although thought is what moves mountains, snowy or not, DOING is where the “rubber meets the road”.

Even if you don’t do “right” the first time, its better than not doing at all.

All of this, my friend, can be summed up by the 1996 potboiler “The Rock“.

The General and his bunch of renegades steal some “VX tipped missiles” (basically some deadly poison).

And before stealing them from the silo, the Major looks at his superior, and asks one final time – or says.

(after they take care of the guards etc in a non lethal manner).

“CLEAR!” he yells.

The General looks at him. 

STRAIGHT IN THE EYE – NO PUNCHES PULLED – you can see the FURY and FEROCIOUS nature of the look! 


“Let’s do it!”

And that encapsulates my entire training philosophy, and LIFE philosophy as well.

Just do it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Doers, apply for the most exclusive fitness membership ever right here (amongst other thing it includes FREE access to ALL my books – for a lifetime – provided your membership stays active. Don’t worry, I dont plan on passing on anytime soon either, hehe).

(And if I do, I’ll badgering you from “the heavens”).

“He won’t budge an inch”
- Could have been ME they were talking about, hehe.

I heard a person discussing something with his wife the other day.

I do not get along with this person, but that is not important. (i.e. the “who” said it) – and I have NO idea what they were referring to, or who, but I heard just this.

“He won’t budge an inch!”

They could have been discussing Donald Trump.

Henry Ford.

Or yours truly!

Or any of the illustrious DOERS on the 0 Excuses Fitness list.

Golly, it feels strange not to be emailing straight after I write these posts, but no worries, we’ll be back up to speed asap. This has gone on for five days already – WAY too long for someone that has gone years without missing a day email wise (but of course, the “faithful” still check out the site, so all good on that front).

But really, thats one reason why you either love me or hate me – because I dont give – an INCH – unless it’s warranted, and then I just give without hesitation.

Might sound crazy coming from a guy who recently gave his old laptop (perfectly useable) – camcorder (again, almost brand new) and tons of clothes, thick jackets etc away.

I know the first two items will go to the needy – a school with kids that probably need it, or teachers that do.

The last, I’m not sure, but hey, whatever.

It’s the same way for me in any sphere of life. I go the whole hog.

As Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla once famously told me,

“At least with you I know where I stand!”


I don’t play games, and I dont back down, and I dont take any shit – from NOBODY – and I never have, never will.

In the past, I was overly generous of giving of my time, expertise, knowledge etc.

In the “Keeping it real in China” group I often said.

“Give an inch, and they’ll take several miles”.

This was with regard to negotiating with the Chinese.

The moochers in the group would rant about male sexual equipment, women, and go on bizarre baijiu fuled rants (Bozo Schofield and his pals) – and they’d “listen” to what I had to say, it going in through one ear, and out the other.

The general vibe used to be “we know all this stuff”.


And since the all knowing Bozo knows all sitting in Mommy’s basement desperately trying to scrape together a few pennies to pay for his next fix, I figured I’d stop doing it.

And did stop – I gave that group away in 2016 and it (predictably) turned into a porno group.

From something that Alix, a friend of mine once told me (he’s from the UK) “I left this group because it is no longer serving the purpose for which Rahul created it”.

He wasn’t to know, of course, that Rahul got sick of it too a while later!

Anyway, a few years back I figured I’d stop giving so freely of my time to idiots and morons that don’t deserve it and just LEECH off one for free.

And the exclusive 0 Excuses Fitness Ship is proof enough of the fact, where I’ve been known to DECLINE people after they paid the $999 entrance fee.

My “no refunds” policy is yet more proof of it, and it’s very clearly spelt out on the site as well.

And my so called “high prices” (well, they’re high – but even thats upfront!).

It is what it is.

You get what you SEE.

Or, what you see is what you GET.

In life, fitness, anything, I’ve never EVER given a quarter nor expected one.

I have NEVER budged an inch from ANY battle or war I thought I was RIGHT on, and worth winning.

I’ve lost tons of battles by not “budging” and being flexible – and I’ve ALWAYS won the WAR – which is what ultimately COUNTS in this here “game of life” if you’re in for the long haul, which yours truly IS.

Anyway . . .

Fitness wise . . .

It’s funny.

People have been copying my posts left, right and center on their own blogs – and some of these people – a lot, actually – have given me credit.

Which is fine.

More eyeballs, more publicity etc – and what was funny I noticed a person named “Charles” last night posting an article on handstand pushups of all things that I had posted on back in 2010.

Yes, I’ve been around a long time!

Those articles (I no longer do Ezine) are STILL driving leads to the site.

But it’s funny.

Charles the friend complained up and down about me, my stuff, chuckled at the troll memes, and a while later, I got one of my best customers out of the blue “Charles” again!

Funny how the Universe works . . .

Anyway, my workouts are rough tough and BRUTAL – and BRUTALLY HONEST – and BRUTALLY EFFECTIVE (the last two have been used by OTHERS to describe me, so it ain’t just self platitudes in case you’re wondering).

They make a MAN out of you.

You will NEVER back down from anyone once you get on these workouts. Chances are if you do, you already don’t

Life? Money? Annoying pestering Bozos? Relationships? Plague? Lockdown?

I dont know, insert whatever is annoying YOU at this time . . .

You’ll give it the almighty Boot from Gabriel if I might use the expression once you’re on these workouts.

Which is yet another reason to get on them, but they’re, as Charles Mitchell said, NOT for the faint hearted.

Last, but not least, while “not giving a quarter” is pretty good advice most of the time, SOMETIMES you gotta “bend with the wind” and be flexible.

SOMETIMES, but even then, you do so until a limit.

And fitness wise, there is no denying the value of flexibility and the truism of “rippling smooth muscles under the skin” – and “steel and whalebone”.

Build the sort of body the oldtimers would envy by getting on the workouts in Isometric and Flexibility Training HERE.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, ship membership gives you access to ALL digital downloads for free, so if you’re “on the fence” about it, I cannot imagine for the life of me “why”. Remember, there’s plenty to come in the future (Lumberjack Fitness and Advanced Plyometrics being TWO books I’m going to come out with – and no, copiers, posers, apers, if you “Steal” the title and claim “you did it first”, that don’t bother me none, because we ALL know who the original is) – – so for free lifetime access provided membership stays valid – sign up NOW.