The magic combo that boxers and wrasslers have used for ages (and the CORSUCATING MAGIC it works!)
- Indeed!

In all the Rocky series, I dont know if you noticed it, but pull-ups – that exercise makes you feel like a CHAMP are noticeably and conspicuously absent.

Except for Rocky II, where we see Stallone pounding wood like a lumberjack (great montage that much like in the Bollywood potboiler Ghayal! – And I’ve written galore about that too!) and doing one arm pull-ups – though honestly, those aren’t FULL EXTENSION one arm pull-ups – we dont see pull-ups at all.

Until the “Rocky VI” – or “Rocky Balbao” movie in the franchise, which was a great movie I thought – down to earth and REAL – and we see Stallone waking up, loosening up, going to the backyard, and then doing a few pull-ups on a stand outdoors.

The old man still got it, hehe.

The PUNCH is the last to go on a man, as they say in the movie!

I dont know why, but I watched that movie in the theater, and certain Bozos started “giggling” when they saw that scene.

I thought Stallone was setting a great example – and not just on the screen – in real life too!

Anyway, that movie has some great training sequences later on too …

But the point I’m trying to make is this.

Pull-ups hardly ever show up at all.

In the “Creed” series, they show up yes, in Creed- II.

The mighty son of the even mightier Ivan Drago is shown doing them, and doing ’em RIGHT!

That was a great movie as well. As I write this, I remember the scene where Drago’s wife (who leaves him in Rocky IV because he “lost the battle”) is sitting with her new husband years later, and Drago’s son gets pissed off royally at the dinner they were invited to before the bout …

And how Drago himself throws in the towel for his son at the end of the movie, because his son just won’t quit – much like he didnt back in the day!

Anyway … great movie, and where was I? I got carried away by the dinner part of things!

Pull-ups, again, don’t make much of an appearance at all.

What does, then?

Well, Rocky I – you see Rocky doing tons of pushups – medicine ball work – and jumping ROPE!

(Now, for those of you that are eagerly looking forward to the book on training with implements, well, rest assured “its on the brain”. But I dont want to start it on this laptop – I am waiting to get a decent Toshiba – an EXPENSIVE one which will be worth every penny I Spend – and THEN the remainder of the courses shall go out the door. Getting tired of this damn thing acting up all the time …)

And medicine ball training is in the above book, just as one arm pull-ups are there in the book on one arm training work.

Been a while since I put out a new book, I believe …

But anyway, theres plenty to grab right HERE – PLENTY.

But pushups make a huge appearance throughout the whole series, along with …?

Thats right!

Jumping rope!

This, my friend, is a combo that has been used throughout the AGES, and with damn good reason.

I was going to do sprints outdoor yesterday, but for some odd reason I changed my mind.

Came indoors.

And knocked off 1000 jumps before my pushups.

Let me tell you, if you can knock out 100 pushups and it feels like a “workout” – then you’ll be feeling that way after THIRTY of them if you mix jumping rope in.

Remember jumping rope and pushup both involve a lot of deep breathing, and CHEST Work – both from the inside out and EXTERNALLY.

In fact, some of the moves I teach you in Jump Rope Mania!, a book you absolutely MUST have if you own the book on pushups – or even if you don’t – or even if that is the FIRST book you buy from me – will make you feel like you’re “running out there on the street”, and you WILL tax the chest. Big time!

And trust me, everything else will feel “harder” after that.

And you’ll get in great shape even quicker.

So if you’re like some of my great customers (btw – John Walker – thanks for the great review you sent in!!) who “you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training “brutally effective” training.”

He wrote that for Pushup Central, but the SAME thing applies for the combo I’m talking about …

And truthfully speaking, if you’re into hard training, and training done right, then you SHOULD “live for the pain” in a way, hehe.

Anyway, enough from me.

Be sure and grab Jump Rope Mania! now – oh, and if you’re the sort that simply must “do it outdoors” – remember – two things.

One, you can take the jump rope outdoors.

I often see people – especially you ladies out there reading this – jumping rope on the top of the hill I climb.

I train at home with it, sure, but that don’t mean you can’t take it outdoors.

And two?

It cancels out yet another excuses to “not get in your cardio” – anytime – any place – any day!

And that, my friend, really is that.

BAck soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another fat smelter of a course is Advanced Hill Training – this one is engineered for you “great outdoors” lovers – but you can do it at home too if you modify a bit. Check it out right here – truly the Jaguar of fitness programs

PS #2 – Just so you know, NONE of this is to “diss pull-ups”. They’re a great, great exercise – and one you SIMPLY MUST GET GOOD AT! And if you’re like the majority of folks that can’t even hang on to the chinning bar for any length of time – then go HERE.

(and if you can do pull-ups a bit, but want to get REAL GOOD at them – SUPER STUD – grab the course HERE).

Why SQUATS are the bomb, even for kids …
- Amen!

Do ya’ll on this list remember the first time I climbed the almighty HILL in China ?

I’m sure you do, my friend. That experience that left me feeling like a Mack Truck ran all over me, and the next day I was sore in areas I didnt even know existed.

My lower back.



And of course, the gelatinous mass my THIGHS had turned into.

My calves had cramped a lot the day I climbed, and it continued into the next day.

And most of all,  that feeling of being worked completely and utterly to the bone.

Hill climbs, my friend are something I highly recommend – and STILL do every chance I get.

And I love ’em, which helps too!!

Truly one of the best way to super fitness – quick – if done right (and again, that is why the Rolls Royce of Fitness has an entire Chapter dedicated to just that).

“Just Hill Climbs! Boring!” as the Bozos would say, and the DOERS would say “YEE – HA!”

In any case, you dont have to do the long ass hill climbs I did – I’ve put a super condensed version of those that will turn you into a super stud right quick – Advanced HIll Training is what you need and what the tubby Doctor ordered too, hehe, if you’re into that.

Super studs. Ha!

But anyway … squats?

Much the same thing happened to me when I first did a 100 Hindu squats straight – and that was in 5 minutes, not the 2.something minutes I do ’em in NOW.

Much the same thing happened to my daughter when she FIRST did her 50 PERFECT squats – albeit kiddie style – with the right breathing!

She could barely WAKE up the next day.

Granted, she did a lot of pull-ups, or kiddie pull-ups too.

But still, the squats were what made her SLEEP like a log, my friend, and they will make YOU – and your KIDS do that too.

They can be done at home.

IN the park.


So you really have no excuses to turn into a lard ass, but more to the point – your kids need a solid dose of fitness too my friend, especially with all the gadgets etc around turning their brains into mush.

DETUNE from the junk.

Do some squats – and kiddie exercises – WITH THEM!

And watch them love it, and do more – and more – and more!

And grab the course that has been turning kids globally from mush potatotes to SUPER studly kids, hehe.


Rahu lMookerjee

PS – No pull-ups in the kiddie book, but I’ve got you adults covered right HERE.

Nothin but pull-ups
- ... was yesterday!

Yesterday, my friend, was a day with “nothing but pull-ups”.

I did so many of them I believe (I didnt keep track, but I believe) I surpassed my birthday best a couple of months ago.

Boy, time flies FAST don’t it!?

But anyway, I damn near saw the different types of pull-up bars I used in my SLEEP.

Which I Didnt sleep much of last night, with all the T ragin me.

Woke up in FOUR hours (yours truly “grouchy” is tryin to get out of bed earlier than his usual 1130 AM time to get back to his ole ‘hill climbing’ routines soon – which is done in the A.M. – but I didnt quite bargain on four hours, hehe) and didnt feel a lick of “tiredness”.

If anything, I’m raring to go. Like yesterday never stopped!

Anyway, what type of bars did I see?

The THICK bars I used (swing set).

The regular chinning bar.

And the monkey bars – and the trusty chinning bar at home.

I don’t know why it worked out this way yesterday.

But damn near every half an hour, or fifteen minutes, I was doing pull-ups SOMEWHERE!

I can feel it too today … sort of.

Nowhere near as sore as you might imagine.

And, what does this have to do with YOU you ask.

Well, for one, think about the great shape youd be in if you did even 20% of a routine like this, and it doesnt have to be 10 or 15 perfect pull-ups each time . . .

Don’t tell me you ain’t got a goal to do 100 – or more pull-ups, my friend.

If not in a set, in a day . . .

And one of the ways to get there is workouts like this.

“Greasing the groove”, they call it – and I have not mentioned it in any of my books – pretty much because most people will balk at the idea, and make the “we dont have time excuse”.

But they have all the time in the world for idle chit chat, pestering others, “looking to see what the next person is up to”, and so forth …

And of course the dumbphone and/or idiot box, or playstation or what not.

But it’s a great, great way to get your reps up at pull-ups if you choose to APPLY it and stick to it.

No, doing it once a week won’t cut it either …

But if you’re NOT into that type of routine – well – the ones I’v ementioned in Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS! will get you in great, great shape too, and you’ll be banging pull-ups out like a stud in no time.

Or super stud if you so choose. . .

Last, but not least, I know of and have heard of more than one fitness “expert” who looking at them, youd never think they could DO what they spoke about (including so called pull-up experts out there).

People talk a fancy game, but once they get to a certain point, the money seems to overtake common sense…

Not so with yours truly “bodyweight exercise guru” (or as the Bozo said “fitness God” – I dont prefer the term “God”, but he got the intent correct at least, hehe).

Yours truly has made the mistake (not fitness wise) of resting on his laurels years ago, and going downhill.

Not again.

From Guru to Super Guru you might say is one of my goals, hehe.

But really – we’re never “experts” at anything, and we never, never EVER stop learning if we’re SMART.

Always something NEW out there.

Alright, enough talk from me.

Along with the two books above, remember to pick up the magnum opus on pushups I’ve put out – goes great with pull-up as as you might imagine.

“An innocent sounding” book, yes. 

But it WILL whoop you ass into shape quick!

And thats all I got to say about that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Oh, and if you haven’t checked out the revolutionary methods in Isometric and Flexibility Training, do so NOW. Great, great way to RECOVER from hard workouts , not to mention all the other benefits.

PPS – Got the following email this morning from “Julie” at Muscle Mania. (whatever that is, but I dont like the booby pumpin and pounding sound of it…)

“Hi! This is Julie from Muscle Mania! Can I ask you a question about your insta 0excusesfitness?”

Um …

Well, first off, Madam Julie, I’ve made NO secret of my utter and sheer DISLIKE for people that send me emails or otherwise say “can I ask you a question”.

Just friggin ask already, lady.

That sort of question usually leads to an offer I already know I dont want, or some sort of request for free mooching off something, both of which the bodyweight exercise Guru does NOT – I repeat – NOT – do.

Third, and not the least, I got off all social media last year, and I never used Insta much to begin with. True, yes, I could put snazzy pictures etc there and pump and tone, but “that ain’t me”. I’d rather stick to what I love and do best. Insta ain’t one of them, lady.

Fourth … Muscle Mania?

I dont know.

Could be something good, but I’m not sure – but I try and stay far away from “Chrome and Fern”!

Thank you!

More on the almighty pull-up vs the slightly less almighty CHIN-UP!

My friend, this is interesting.

I just got done revamping the page for Pushup Central, putting the review (well, a couple of them) we just got on it, putting a few more images I’ve been meaning to, and extending the “letter” I write to you on the page as well.

Check it out now – truly a course you ABSOULTELY MUST HAVE – NOW.

Truly a course that is more than just a one time investement.

It is PURE GOLD, bro. Trust me, if you’re sitting here “it’s just pushups” then you’re an utter fool.

Not saying you are, or aren’t, butj ust saying …

Anyway … pull-ups.

Got a great question from Corey in the UK again –

“I love the way you explain how to do the different types of pullups. I have been training for years and have never once done the swami pullup or many of the others you mention. Great stuff, Rahul – keep it going!”

(Then there was more on another book of mine, so i’ll omit that)

“In your book you tell us that the chinup is ok, but the pullup rules “the roost”. Why is this if I may ask?”

Well …


Absolutely super, and one I’ve addressed in BOTH books on pull-ups – the beginners’s book – and then of course “Stud to Super Stud“.

Course #1 is enough you can do all your life, but course #2 will truly KICK your rumpus like never before, even you advanced guys out there.

(Those that want the compilation – it’s right HERE –

Anyway, why?

Especially when I posted a picture of the great Sunny Deol back in the day doing chin-ups in that immortal movie Ghayal …




But anyway, as I think of him doing chin-ups out there in the rain – and as my own visuals of doing pull-ups in the – RAIN – all by my lonesome when it was so cold the bar would be like ICE … I gotta write this to you, and reply to the DOER above.

One, when you do chin-ups, and I think I explain this in the books, you’re stressing your wrists far more than they need to be – that is an UNNATURAL way to grip the bar.

How many times do you grip something like that in real life?

How many times do you see apes “pronating” (I believe?) their hands?


You do it naturally.

That wrist position also stresses the elbow joint and shoulders a LOT MORE than they need to be, and make the absolute dead hang a lot more difficult.

Not only that, try doing wide grip pull-ups in that position!

But two, and more than all this, people tend to focus – even when told not to – on the biceps and CHEST while pulling themselves up.

Especially when you’re getting tired during those long workouts.

Thats great, my friend, but you’re missing the real benefit of the pull-up – lats, traps and GRIP.

Chin ups allow you to get by with a FAR weaker grip than pull-ups do – and that is reason #3, and perhaps the most important one.

The pull-up done like I teach you REALLY ISOLATES the grip, and FORCES you to strengthen the weak links in your chain, including your LATS and traps.

“You gotta BACK it up”, as they say!

#4, stretching and dead hangs …

I could write a book on this alone.

But really, if you prefer chin-ups do ’em – and work the variations I teach into your routines as best as you can – but personally, I’ll tell you any day of the week – get good – damn good – at the PULL-UP first and foremost, and the rest will take care of itself.

Not to mention that chest – pull-ups tax the upper fibers of your chest, which are really responsible for SIZE and strength as opposed to the “booby pumping middle part of the chest” which most bench pressers target …

And which the chin up does a damn good job of working, but really – the base is where it counts.

Alright, my friend.

Enough on that.

But I believe that ‘s MORE than enough!

For now, pick up the books above – I cannot click that order button for you – YOU have to do it.

Do so now, and join the ranks of the SUPERHUMANS!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The ranks of the superhumans, you ask? Well, thats exactly what a customer John Walker from the UK wrote to tell me about Animal Kingdom Workouts, and he’s right!

PS #2 – Interesting how a lot of you guys are from the UK. But hey, I feel ya. Lockdown etc … NOT FUN! But you CAN train hard – and BUST a hump – and the damn plague from China too, hehe. Anyway, kudos to you DOERS out there!

(and a shout out to you John – thanks for the great review you sent in!)

PPS – Folks, I know I sound like a stuck record on this one, but please DO – leave – GENUINE REVIEWS! I dont care if you bought one product or 15, but DO leave reviews. Honest and genuine is all I ask – no, Im not so concerned about the star rating etc – but hey – if it’s 5 star for YOU – then DO mark it as such!

But really, as you can see on the Amazon UK page for Pushup Central – the DOERS need to be more pro-active in terms of reviews, because remember, Cheetos crunching, teeth gnashing swarms of locusts and Bozos with all the time in the world on their hands will do all they can to troll, hehe.

And I’m out. BAck soon!

“Han Bhai Champ!”
- Back in the day, hehe.

Han bhai, Champ!

So say Jay and Ricky, a couple of college buddies – the latter with whom I’ve done some “business” as well down the road.

But it’s funny.

“Harry”, another Indian dude used that term for me too …

And it wasn’t necessarily because they thought I was a champ at anything o rmaybe they did, I dont know.

It was because of what I told ’em, hehe.

Which was basically that I used the word “champ” a lot.

I like to call people “champ” – it’s in my nature – I dont know how and when the word endeared itself to me, bro, but it’s one of the better words you can use.

Along with it’s opposite extreme “sissy brother” Bozo, which I use for Schofield and a couple of the other lunatics that keep trolling me (but it’s great fun, and makes for even better sales!).

But anyway … words have an impact bro.

I’ve always chosen UPLIFTING words by “nature”.

By default.

That hasn’t always been the case for me growing up or otherwise (I mean, in terms of some of the words people used for me …)

But words, my friend, can really make or break and we should use ’em carefully.

They can either inspire or tear down – and you might not even know you’re doing either.

Why not do the former, my friend?

Why be a Bozo and seek to DESTROY (and believe me, that will come back to bite you in the ass as well!).

(No, I’m not talking to you on the list here – I’m talking to the jackasses and morons that love to troll thinking “it will ruin him”).

Which it has many other people, if we’re talking Schofield, so perhaps he’s getting some perverse satisfaction from that.

Not me, bro.

I HATE bullies.

I dont bandy that word around normally, but I am NOW.

Because I mean it.

And I will go to the ENDS OF THE EARTH to call bullies, trolls, and SCUM on the face of the planet for what they truly are – vile scum.

And so should you, my friend.

And, last, but not least – someone recently asked me an interesting question.

He (I won’t name him here) said I “take names all the time”, but that I dont really (other than Carol and a few others) do it much for “women”.

Why not, he asked.

Well …

I dont know, bro.

I’m old school.

And to quote PG Wodehouse, I’d rather not “bandy a woman’s name” unless absolutely necessary (And the other reason – Bozo Schofields will start pestering them with inane notes at 2 AM in the morning or whenever).

And of course, stalkers etc. …

Dont get me wrong.

If a woman “deserves” to be called out – I sure as will.

And HAVE in the past.

But in general, I’d rather “steer away” if you get my drift (and therefore in the whole Charles sage (the friend) I’ve always mentioned his S.O. as “his S.O” and not by name).

To parphrase what several other people have privately told me on this one …

“No use talking to a brick wall, except the wall would make more sense if you know what I mean”.

And, to paraphrase what my friend Charles told me …

“Women will give you aggravation compounded”.

LOL (we were discussing money etc I believe).

Anyway, now that the Nazi feminists are ready to “brick me” – back to words.

Why not motivate and uplift, bro?

ALL my products are created in just that spirit.

Because if there is one thing I’m known for – other than fitness and writing etc – and many other things – it’s the ability to MOTIVATE – and I use it quite often for you DOERS!

Anyway, enough prattling from me.

Get one of the most motivational FITNESS Courses right here – Pushup Central – truly one for the ages.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And the following two as well – Animal Kingdom Workouts – and Isometric and Flexibility Training. Let me tell you this, bro, you’ll be THUMPING your chest and wanting the bullies to come to YOU so you can make mincemeat out of them with your bare hands. YEE HA! Lets do this – NOW!

More reasons on why a chinning bar is an absolute MUST in every home
- More than the obvious

Now, when I say this – you might be thinking “here he goes again about pull-ups”.

Or, we know why.

That being, you can keep “greasing the groove” as it were if you want to …

You can keep getting mini workouts in if you want to.

If the someone we all know and laugh at is reading this, puh — leeessse. LOL. Not THAT workout or greasing THAT groove, ugh.

But other than all the obvious, bro, what I’m talking about is this.

MOST, if not all doorway chinning bars are installed in a very narrow area.

In my first apartment in China, when I finally did get a chinning bar (the story of what I did BEFORE that is detailed in 0 Excuses Fitness!!) – it was a slim grip one.

No “fat boyz” to grip on the bar unlike what I have NOW.

And it was installed in my bedroom doorway.

I could do a set as many times as I wanted, but curiously enough I didnt really hammer them back then.

Remember, those were my semi-fat days …

And when I used to lift weights, and get the life sucked out of me every day and grow fatter and more miserable in certain regards by the day before Ann Lee showed up to WHIP my RUMPUS, hehe.

Literally – that hill whipped my ass into SHAPE!

But the most important benefit isn’t any of the above.

Its this – the limited space FORCES you to do ’em PROPERLY.

You swing too much, and you bang either your knee or chin against something.

Lots of bangs and rumpuses here. Sorry, Bozo Schofield, I couldn’t resist. But this isn’t about you, hehe.

Truly isnt’. This is for the STUDS and SUPER STUDS who do pull-ups, not wank around eating BBQ they dont pay for and are bloated messes.

But anyway – THAT is the overriding reason, I’d say.

Not only that – they force you to do regular grip pull-ups which are great for the delts, and all too often ignored.

And believe me, if you get good at pull-ups at home first – real good – doing them on the bars outside will be a veritable breeze.

Not necessarily so the other way around.

Trust me, there is a reason I “rant” about FORM so much in the initial book on pull-ups!

Anyway, these are valuable tips not mentioned in that book – and I’m putting them out here for YOU on this list.

As for the rest of the deal,  grab the book – and let me know how you do!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Also, remember to pick up Pushup CEntral by far the BEST and one and ONLY course of it’s kind on “just pushups” hehe.

What Bender Blowfield can teach YOU about life and fitness
- Even in the depths of MUCK, there exists that LESSON!

Some of you, especially the newbies on this list have been asking me about the Bozo.

“Just who does this guy think he is” was a comment I got a while ago.

“Typical twat” was another comment I received from a reader in the (oddly enough, both of these from) the UK.

And I’ve explained to people the “who” of who the Bozo is, but lets get into the lesson.

His inane and BIZARRE rants aside, and his even more bizarre style of trolling aside – lets look at what he “does”.

Por ejempelo, the situation with the girl “Josie”, and him going on a bender and sending her messages about “I want to be your slave” and then when she (obviously!) says WTF and blocks him, he goes to the other extreme (Mr Hyde emerges, I believe) and becomes abusive to an EXTREME from the first angle (so called submissive to a T).

Supposedly the perfect “submissive”. HA!

For those not in the know, thats all “50 shades of Grey” related fetish, and I’m not going to get into that and the why’s and wherefore’s on THIS list, but lets just say “being dominated” is a very common fantasy many people HAVE.

It’s interesting, I’ve written books on that – tons of ’em …

But anyway, lets not delve into the why’s of fetish here, but look at what the Bozo does.

When confronted about this, his response was “No way! I dont do all that nasty stuff!”

And the way he said it – so vehemently “at being found out” – it hit the SPOT – that I knew I was right, hehe.

Normally when you look at the Bozo, he’s calm as calm can be.

The nicest Dr Lecter you could ever go to for treatment …

You would never in your wildest dreams imagine the pyscho that lurks beneath, ready to SPRING out at a moment’s notice, and it often DOES as I’ve mentioned.

Same thing with nuts in general. Outwardly, they’re cuddly and lovable (ugh!) but inwardly?

Yellow toothed sabres and Frankensteins exists, or worse. Vampires!

Yet, even in the depths of pure, UNADULTERATED MUCK, a LESSON, and a very valuable one exists …

Point being this.

He WANTS something, yet he “knows” he cant get it.

Subconsciously though, he keep wanting it.

Consciously he’s always thinking one destructive or negative thought or the other, even when he’s with people he says are “friends”.

Always in the porn rooms and what not …

So guess what he feeds his subconscious.

Negativity, doom and gloom and disaster.

He is, my friend, unconsciously using the power of the subconscious for what it SHOULD NEVER be used for i.e. to “wish evil upon others”.

Which is basically the Bozo’s motto in life.

And thats great, but he’s forgetting what the cardinal rule of the Universe is, my friend.

Claude Bristol warned against this in the Magic of Believing.

“Never use the astounding power for evil purposes, as it will boomerang and come back to destroy you, as it has for centuries”.

(Paraphrased, but that is the gist)

He was right.

And guess why the Bozo is “always in hospital” or as a friend recently said “always a step away from being homeless” and so forth . ..

I often say “do good, and you’ll get good”.

Cast bread upon the water, and it shall be “repaid” or returned.

Maybe from a source you never imagined, but the law holds true for doing good – and BAD – both.

And remember, as Emerson wrote about in the Laws of Compensation.

“This exchequer deals in compound interest, and like shall be returned to you – with compound interest at that!”.

“If you serve an ungrateful Master, then serve him more!”

And he wrote all of this in much more flowery terms, but thats the gist, and point I BE getting at is this.

YOU – my friend – can do what the Bozo does – except in a POSITIVE manner.

Wanna get good at pull-ups?

MAke yourself BELIEVE you can get good at them first!

Wanna make a ton of dough – more than you’ve ever done before?

Then SEE yourself doing it first, and keep seeing it until the subconscious does too!

This, my friend is a HUGE, huge key that is often ignored.

We often think conscious effort is what moves mountains.

True, practice is super key.

But if you think about the wrong things while practicising, and picture negativity, then all the practice in the world won’t keep you away from that negativity.

As Dr Maltz said in his book, your “ability to achieve” can be pictured as such (he wrote about the self image which you can NEVER rise above) – an elastic band.

It can stretch, sure, but eventually it’ll snap back to its original position, unless that band is expanded in a different manner other than “brute force” (conscious thought).

So thats the lesson, bro.

Picture it first, and pay attention to the THOUGHTS going on in your mind – and THEN embark upon any journey – losing weight included.

And thats really all there is to it.

(and do so with crass and deep emotion like Bender Bee does, but do so in a positive sense, and you’ll be amazed at how things FLOW for you).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up 0 Excuses Fitness here – I cover visualization and examples too in the book.

PS #2 – Remember, to lose weight QUICK – you dont just need the “normal, cut and dried”. You need the REAL Deal – that cuts STRAIGHT to the MEAT of the matter. Thats a JAGUAR, my friend. Once it bites, you done NEVER had a chance. Neither will the fat on your BODY once you get on this program

PPS – What do “benders” have to do with this you might ask? Well, the Bozo is inhibited normally in his pathetic little life, but once he gets trashed – oh – BOY. Of course, he’s too much of a pussy to actually be a REAL MAN and say things to people face to face, so he trolls from behind a computer, but again, lesson learnt?

Feed the subconscious the POSITIVE.

And let it run UNINHIBITED – without you being on a bender, hehe.

Therein lies the key.

And this email, my friend is VALUE beyond what you can ever imagine as well – truly is. Pick up Zero to Hero for more!

What the movie “Jannat” has to do with FITNESS
- YES!

Nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgia!

The movie Jannat, my friend, released in 2008 (and it instantly became a superhit it seems – and rightfully so – because it hit the SPOT – and it touched into what people – the youth then and NOW FELT in India) – has always been one of my favorites.

I watched in the movie theaters with my then girlfriend. Little did I know that … HA!

But anyway, the songs of the movie. Classic!

And remember, this is coming from a guy who does NOT watch movies in general – especially NOT Bollywood – but yet, I’ve made it a point to watch ALL of Emraan Hashmi’s movies after that.

And some of them feel like it was “me” in the movies.

The guy in Jannat felt like me – right down to visualizing the way he does, and then it comes true!

Then there was another movie “Awarapan” which was released around 2004 or so – curiously enough, when I first went to China.

It was based in Hong Kong – back in the day!

Oh my. Every time I watch that movie now (which ain’t often) it brings BACK – so many memories!

Tsim Tsa Shui. The Buddisht monasteries at Po Lam and I believe, and of course that mighty and mostly UNTAMED hill at Nong Ping I climbed all those years ago, and Hong Kong Police helped me find!

Truly some of Asia’s finest the HK police are – until the CCP put them between a rock and a hard spot. I feel the HK police. I really do – they’re in a bind between doing what they want to – and what they can’t (for now).

But anyway, these movies bring back so many memories.

And in Jannat (the movie which instantly endeared Emraan Hashmi as a stellar, and one of the BEST damn actors out there to be honest – he’s REAL) – the lead guy is Hashmi, a wannabe who THINKS big – and thinks he’s anything BUT a wannabe.

And this wanabe doesn’t chase money – or well, sometimes he does – but mostly, he plays for the thrill of it.

He doesnt care about the tomorrow, or even the today.

He lives in the flow.

Eventually, due to a turn of events which involves a stunningly gorgeous woman showing up in his life – he makes a boatload of money. MORE than he ever imagined, but consciously he always thought about it – and the thought penetrated through!

But anyway, thats one of my favorite movies. Every time I think about it, a tinge of nostalgia SHIVERS through me, if I might say so!

And anyway … fitness wise, thats the same way I feel about a lot of my products.

I’m sitting here right now, picturing how it was when it ALL started.

When I first wrote Fast and Furious Fitness … and did NOT have the confidence to sell. Not well enough, at least!

(Strange how it works, eh. Years before that, I sold like a motha at that job, and yet when I started my OWN thang … )

Then when 0 Excuses Fitness was born when I was fresh off reading Psycho Cybernetics, Think and Grow Rich and had nothing but confidence in spades – and sold plenty – but I still had plenty to learn!

And still DO, hehe.

We never stop learning!

But anyway, those products …

Created on my old trusty Toshiba.

The pictures taken out there on the HILL!

The security guards who would often stop what they were doing to take pictures for me. Or, just people in general …

A certain “Tan” comes to mind who took the pictures for Battletank Shoulders!

But anyway, I feel NOSTALGIA – especially when I think of creating the actual 0 Excuses Fitness System, and the videos, and how Cindy miraculously materialized RIGHT BANG ON time to take the videos for the course when I wanted someone to do it, but couldn’t find anyone, and remember, I hadn’t spoken to her for donkey’s years before that.

Truly, when the student is ready – the teacher appears.

When the time is right – things HAPPEN.

And we do so through the MIND.

Much like Hashmi visualized billions pouring into his bank account, onto him and then it happened … the SAME thing holds true for your fitness.

Why not live life in the flow, my friend?

Why not visualize yourself being not just good at pull-ups – but a stud at them?

Why not super stud?

Remember, you can be at ZERO status NOW.

It does’t matter!

You picture what you want enough times, and believe me, you’ll start to move towards it at WARP speed.

And anyway – THAT is the spirit I created and still create all my products.

In the flow.

Nostalgia. And so forth.

And all of it POSITIVE! (too many times nostalgia is tinged with sadness, regret etc- not for me – EVERY nostalgic memory I’ve ever had has been overwhelmingly positive).

There’s a huge backlog – I mean HUGE – of requests from people who’ve asked me for NEW products.

I’m halfway through some.

I’ve started some.

And some are “done” – not on paper – but in my mind!

Yet, none of those are out as yet.

When the time is right, they will be.

And thats what YOU will feel when reading my books, looking at the videos etc – that the time is right – NOW.

My books will not just inspire you to be the best – they will inspire you to be BETTER than you ever were.

More than that though, you’ll feel the SPIRIT in which I wrote the books.

FREE. UNFETTERED. Flying with the wind!

Thats how 0 Excuses Fitness, and ALL my great books were written my friend. You’ll feel it!

And you’ll want to get down to brass tacks and DO.

Thereth lies the equation for SUCCESS.

At anything.

Conceive – believe – then ACHIEVE IT!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The course on isometrics has been flying off the shelves lately – be sure and take a look right HERE. Truly never before seen secrets in this book (and they’re exactly what the old timers used, and I go beyond that. No “just pushing” the wall – although believe me, that sort of simple stuff is exactly what builds mammoth muscles!).

Why nothing beats DOING THE THING
- Indeed. . .

I’ll never forget the times when my daughter – when she was getting good at pull-ups and chin-ups – or I should say, when I was TELLING her to get good at them, like she is at handstands.

For some reason, the pull-up doesn’t hold much attraction for her, as yet.

But I remember a six month old doing the monkey bars with me, standing on my chest as she went from rung to rung!

Get ’em started early, hehe.

The other day, my daughter was getting “scolded” at home I believe for her punching strength – WAYYY above her league.

Indeed, some of those punches can hurt adults!

I’ve been on the receiving end quite often too, hehe.

But anyway, pull-ups and BRUTE strength aside (and she doenst even do a lot of them) – – here is the point.

Often times, when complaining about doing ’em (when she started) she’d tell me the following.

“Dad, touch your chest to the pull-up bar! Show me!”

This was said while she was on the dumbphone or what not.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with “showing” anyone anything, especially when the person is learning, and I do plenty of that with everyone I coach.

But there was that “vibe” .

You know what I mean, right ?

Like the people in the park who come and gape at me doing pull-ups – and “can yo do this for us?”

“Can you do that for us?”

Incredibly, many people oblige – especially a lot of foreign devils in China.

This Da Xing Xing just growls and keeps doing his own thing, because guess what.

In most cases, the person is not a DOER.

IF they really wanted to do it, they’d join you and TRY.

But the feeling you get of being a “circus performer” when someone pretends to congratulate you “oh, you’re so good!” – and just stares at you and keeps telling you to “Do this now! Touch your chest here! There!” while they themselves couldn’t hold on to a pull-up bar to SAVE THEIR LIVES – well – not only is it an energy drain – but it’s NEGATIVITY x 10.

Because subconsciously, these same people are JEALOUS.

Or, they’re thinking “I can never do that”.

And of course, if someone makes the mistake of showing them, they’ll scoff.

Scoffer, posers, preeners and Doubting Thomases galore…

“XYZ Booby machine can do that better!” 

OK, maybe it can (though I doubt it).

I SERIOUSLY doubt it!

But even if it could – what about you?

What can YOU do? 

CAN YOU do a pull-up? 

Can YOU (and remember, I’m not asking you on this list – I’m asking the idiots who stand there and make comments etc) – do ANY of the stuff I do? 

Just what gave YOU the right to comment – or “ask me to do this this way” – or tell me “how to do it”? 

Just which power on Earth gave YOU the right to scoff and say “he does that better” when YOU have never done it in your whole life?

Now remember, sometimes the person is just SCARED and overawed – and intimidated – and they dont know how to express it when they see a stud pumping out pull-ups.

Been there, got the T-Shirt, said thank you, and tossed it away. Hehe.

So I understand.

That was the case with my little girl, who I explained all this to.

But in the vast majority of cases adults who do this need one thing – a BOOT to the ass, and a polite (not) warning to MIND their own damned business, and carry on with their flatulence filled “Visit the Notre Dame to get pictures with a bigger hunchback” lives.

Or, as a customer put it for Bozo Schofield (admittedly he never said any of the above, but he’s equally jealous of studs doing pull-ups, hehe) … “in your sorry little life”.


And as I finish that last email on the Law of Practice, I had to write this to you.

And thats that for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – A wise man once said that “talking about the thing often means it takes the place of doing the thing”. Don’t be a gabber and talker, my friend – someone that runs his or her mouth but ain’t got SHYT to back it up. Be a DOER. Start right here with the Rolls Royce of fitness, truly and ONLY For the REAL AND TRUE DOERS IN LIFE!

PS #2 – And remember, the BEST gift you can give your kids is the gift of lifelong health, strength and FITNESS – from the inside out. Get started right HERE.

“This teacher will succeed!”
- So "she" said!

I just got done with a stretch, my friend. Something so simple that you’d think it’s “beneath me” – but it never is!

The simplest things often work the best – I’ve said that before, and I will CONTINUE to say it till the day I “pass”.

Now, I had an odd dream last night, and this seems to be a good time to tell you about it …

This dream was basically one where I was “teaching”.

I think a group of girls, I’m not sure. Perhaps … I’m telling you “in the flow” “as it happened” (a few hours later).

And one of the things I remember kept telling them in various ways is this – “do the thing”.

Practice. Practice. Practice!

I kept telling them that in emails – talks – everything and it all came to me in unique manners only DREAMS can bring us!

Oddly enough, the thought in my mind upon waking up – and what “one student” said?

THIS teacher will succeed!

There were others, but she pointed at me.

That was an interesting dream – one of many. Perhaps it’s got to do with a current goal I have which is so stupendous that even yours truly goggles on occasions when thinking about it – but deep down inside, I KNOW – I BELIEVE.

And that … well, what does that have to do with you, you might ask.

I dont blame you, hehe.

But hang with me!

(For the newbies on this list, remember – along with updates on fitness, life, motivation for everything, rants about “wives and significant others” (though they’re really all TRUE – even customers have said they agree!) – you will also be getting updates on my dreams and plenty of spiritual stuff too).

Overdeliver while underpromising has been a mantra of mine forever, for as long as I can recall.

Now, here is how this applies to you.

This morning, I woke up and did something I’ve been doing for I think ever since I was born.

Not really, but you get the photo.

I still did it.

I still stretched like a “motha”.

I still felt the BLOOD flowing.

When I did all those hill climbs I keep talking about, day in, day out, I had no idea I’d become the fitness machine I am today (although YES, when I was fat as fock, I still continued to workout, and do pull-ups etc).

When I started,, I had NO Idea it would turn into what it is today – but I had a VISION.

Still do.

Ditto for everything else I do.

Visions are damn important, my friend, but there is something that is way more important.

That being, PRACTICE.

I didnt get to where I am with customers calling me the “bodyweight exercise guru” or “a Master of his craft” and such things “because I was born good”.

Or, because I have good genetics (it’s the opposite).

Or, because I was “lucky”. HA!

I got this way due to many reasons, but PRACTICE – and lots of it – and on a daily basis, is what GOT me there.

Lots of idiots ignore this bit of advice, and ignore the value of and sheer rewards PERSISTENCE can bring you!

I keep telling my seven year old this too every time I can.

“If you wanna get good at something, then you HAVE to put in the hard yards, and do so more often than anyone else”.

Do so my friend – even if you’re at what you consider an “advanced” level – and do so daily, and do so more often than anyone else you know, or read about, or hear about.

This ALONE will catapult to levels of success at the “thing you do” that you never believed possible when you started.

Trust me.

As Emerson said, “do the thing, and you shall have the power!”

Remember too, that the little things are NOT beneath you.

True Mastery of ANYTHING is nigh on impossible to obtain, and all the great Gurus and seers over the ages have said that, and yours truly “seer” is telling you NOW, and has in 0 Excuses Fitness as well. There’s a whole CHAPTER devoted to it, actually!

Last, but not least, and as I told Dejon the other day.

I truly HAVE earned the right to talk about and sell – and comment on – and give advice upon – and anything related – what I do here in this and my other businesses.

Because guess what.

I put in the hard yards, and I DID the thing, and I CONTINUE to do it. And like a great customer once said (in different words), I WILL until the day I pass.


And on that note – I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – An idiot recently told me “you keep hanging on the pull-up bar!” Don’t you have anything else to do? This idiot cannot do pull-ups herself, and never could, and a handstand??? Forgetttttttttt about it. And I meet plenty of these moronic idiots daily. Like the guy who demanded to know why I was “working my body and not my brain”. What a joker, eh.

Anyway, remember that the best way to shut up the jokers is again – by doing the thing – and getting so damned good at it that they shut up on auto pilot. Learn how to right HERE.