Why that FIRST STEP is what counts!

This, my friend might come across as “old and staid or plaid”, but it needs to be said. I’ll be damned if I don’t!

Getting Balaam’s ass – a mule with it’s heels so firmly stuck in mud that you’d require  an industrial strength winch to pull it out – which is basically most people in any endavor when it comes to being a true DOER – is the step most people need to get past – daily.

You could call it laziness.

Or, you could do what my lovely wife does and term my daughter’s dilly dallying over food as “buffaloes wallowing in water and not eating except at the tiniest speed”.

(But them damn buffaloes are STRONG, I tol dmy daughter, hehe. )

But anyway . . .

I just noticed that I hadn’t written someone on one of my sites for one day, and when I did, not more often as I do here.

I have put that one on the back burner for the last couple of days.

And I didnt even realize it, because “in the flow, inspiration didnt come”.

I decided to do something about it today.

I sat down.



Thats all.

I didnt “think”.

I wrote.

And it may or may not have been “my best effort”, but suddenly, I’ve got a barrage of things to write about there!

Think it’s just writing?

Well, saleswise, would you believe it that before THAT job where I made all them HEFTY sales … I had the sum total of ONE sale to my name.

Of course, it was a big ‘un, but if I had mentioned that to my boss?

He would never have hired me, eh?

Wrong – that particular boss liked me, so he wanted to “give me a chance anyway”, as he told another person who was against me being hired. The rest, of course, is history!

But if he was just one of those paper pusher sorts that the other dude was, then yes, he wouldn’t have hired me.

His loss.

Which ultimately it was anyway.

But again.

I would never have sold a single IT project if I had not taken the initiative into my own damn hands, gone to the boss prior to this boss (to the big boss direct, much to the chagrin of “little boss” that I Reported to that I “went to the big boss because he hired me”) and then asked to be changed from the uber tepid and “steady” systems analyst job I had to sales.

Again, first step!

Fitness wise, there was a time I couldn’t even get into the extended arm position I teach in Pushup Central.

Truly, there was a time when doing 70 squats left me so sore I couldn’t walk for three days properly.

And the hill,well, you know the story there.

Again, if I had not taken the first step and met Ann Lee, NONE of this would have happened.

The journey of a thousand miles DOES INDEED begin with a SINGLE DAMNED STEP! 

Trouble is, people are too damn LAZY to KICK into high gear, stay there no matter what and do so daily. And hence, well, the overriding reason for FAILURE for most people. 

Dont be one of those people bro.

Step up to the plate – NOW.

Give your health and fitness the boost it deserves – NOW!

And that really is all there is to say about that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Lots of you have not partaken of Animal Kingdom Workouts as yet – you really SHOULD. This truly is one of my BEST BOOKS EVER, and that is saying a LOT – a hell of a lot. Get to it now, bro!

Why YOU should aspire to be the guy that they call when “cans need to be opened”
- And more! And I am, hehe.

I can HEAR it.

The naysayers, Doubting Thomases, Limp Fish Handshakers, and those that just dont get it in general (or they do, but don’t wanna admit it) bawling their little eyes out.

“You talk about grip like it’s the most important thing after breathing!”

“You must be the guy they call when there’s hard to, and almost impossible, stuff to open at the house!”

Both true comments, both coming from a fattie who couldn’t grip to save his life if he tried, and doesnt want to try and doesnt want to learn from the TRUE MASTER at it.

Or, as close to Master as you can get.

This ain’t about him tho.

There’s tons of Bozos out there who don’t work the grip, despite it being the most impotant part of your training, or one.

Brooks Kubik in his book on bodyweight training once wrote …

“Grip training (grip and core) are so important that you should devote entire DAYS to training just the grip and core”.

He’s damn right, bro. Damn right!

And here’s what I dont get.

The complainers are also usually the ones who lift weights and claim the weights are where it’s at.

OK, but how the hell do you lift heavy weights without a decent grip?

Isn’t grip the limiting factor for most of YOU when you try and hoist mammoth weights (which you shouldn’t anyway unless you do it RIGHT)?

For you REAL strongmen out there – that DO do it right … isn’t GRIP what matters the most, along with leg and core?

And we come full circle to what I say about it in the Rolls Royce of Fitness.

Look fella, you simply cannot get away without training the grip, neck, legs and core (and by extension the BACK).

Argue all you like, but I’m yet to see one point against “too much grip training” or emphasis being placed on the same, and it’s usually jackasses that complain about it anyway.

On that note …

Even if you ain’t interested in any of the above?

HERE is another great reason to train the grip, one I haven’t mentioned before, from John again in the United Kingdom.

Hand/Grip training is vital just for survival let alone sports.

If you take the time to develop a strong grip you’ll automatically get stronger all through your entire body, the reason for this is simple, you have more brain signals to your hands than any other part of your body.

Buy this book, train your grip and everything else will become easier, excellent book, thank you.

Sage, sage, and more so!

Excellent book on a very important subject, as he says – and I do too!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’m sure I’ll be back later with more, hehe, probably pretty soon!

Fingers of steel, pushups for BICEPS – and … the memory of an ELEPHANT!
- On a ROLL today, nikka!

I seem to be a on a ROLL today, my nikka.

I remember Marc the African Silverback Gorilla saying once .. laughing …

“Hey … Rahul! You sure do seem to be in FINE FETTLE today” …


Dude, as always, was RIGHT. Spot on!

Anyway, it’s often been pointed out in yours truly’s family that “so and so are so good” and I never was or will be, and “so so is a wonderful writer and has a photographic memory” and so forth …

yet, they failed to realize the man with a true photographic memory is standing right there in front of them, hehe.

I could care two hoots less about that.

But I DO have the memory of an elephant, my friend.

And while the elephant is not one of the many admirable animals I’ve modeled my Animal Kingdom Workouts book on, I could have …

… but I left it for Isometric and Flexiblity Training! 

And there is a damn good reason behind it.

But yes.


I do NOT forget a slight.

And while I love Dr Maltz’s book Pyscho Cybernetics, I’ve often found the “forgiveness is a scalpel that truly heals all wounds” part hard to do.

In fact, I’ve often wondered if Maltz himself could truly forgive and forget.

Sure, there are some cases in which you can do that (provided a reasonable resolution to issues have taken place with BOTH parties being concerned).

But in many cases, especially cases where people that have been tearing you DOWN all your life?



To me the former means NOT letting it affect one emotionally, or if it does, CHANNEL And USE that emotion – rage – CONSTRUCTIVELY.

But to truly forget?

As Donald Trump once said, “forgiveness is something he doesn’t do”.

And neither do I.

I truly believe that is only for the “world of utopia” or Jesus where you forgive even those crucifying you.

Admirable to a T, no doubt, but it ain’t a quality ‘ve got.

It ain’t one I WILL ever have.

Key being, to not let it AFFECT you!

And herein let me bring up a good point for the Bozo, and a few other people before I continue.

Dude, let’s get past the childish trolling and computer screens.

Come meet me – lets go MANO-O-MANO – NOW – BRO!

And THEN we’ll see whose the big dog.

Lets put away the guns, weapons, and so forth.

The houses, cars, girlfriends you stick your tongue into parts they don’t belong, and so forth,AND OTHER wackos and so forth.

Lets just go MANO -O – MANO – and THEN let’s talk. 

’nuff said?

Crickets, I hear …

But anyway, pushups for biceps you ask?

Well, in Pushup Central, yes, there is a style of pushup that will build the biceps – like no other exercise including pull-ups will, and it ain’t handstand pushups either for those wondering.

There are TWO styles, actually, perhaps more, but definitely TWO.

And THAT pushup is the key to which the Bozo who left the “he doesn’t seem to have mentioned the keys” comment on Gorilla Grip should be pointed to – along with another key.

Both well and truly mentioned, my friend.

He was just too concerned about price to see anything else.

And fingers of steel – well – do ’em on CEMENT or steel if you want to build that grip.

And fingers with CRUSHING power.

If you’re like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract, and how your body SCREAMS at you to stop, but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your MIND, and you cannot stop until you HIT that target … YES, my friends, this is TRAINING – Brutally effective TRAINING!

Amen, John. Amen!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Along with pushups, remember that jumping rope is another key the greats and old timers used. Get the book on it NOW.

Those that HATE the most APE the most
- And why I love HATERS, hehe.

This post could well be entitled “why  I love haters”. OR, building a business upon HATE (which I believe I wrote about last year).

But I’ll do something different (for the title) and have, but it’s funny, isn’t it?

Those with even half a brain on their shoulders and those that can “tune in” inside have noticed no doubt the number of people jealous of them, and “wondering what they’re up to”, and trying to get them to dance to their own little tunes so they can call ’em out for “being failures” later (when really speaking it’s these idiots and morons that haven’t done a damned thing in their own sorry ass lives) and so forth …

… But what you (the doers, the smart guys and gals) have no doubt noticed or SHOULD have, at least is that these same people subconsciously ape you the best they can without even knowing it. Hehe.

Consciously, it’s done a lot of times.

For example, the moochers and those trying to get something for nothing.

But subconsciously, let’s take my wife.

The Bozo in one of his drunken rants sent me the following about her.

“Your wife is tired of you teaching her English”.


Curiously enough the Bozo’s students say the exact same thing about him, because all he wants is to stick his tongue in where it doesn’t belong if you get my drift, and they can only think, as you no doubt are “EWWWWW”.

But anyway, my lovely wife.

Who called me an idiot in 2017 for daring to say the subconscious mind controls all, and now does all she can to learn about it, including buying ridiculous books on it (not all are bad, but of course, if I’d suggest the greats, she’d laugh) and listening to even more retarded “Free” YouTube videos on it.

(I wonder if she’s even thought of why these idiots put it out there for FREE).

Who called me a nutjob for “writing down my dreams” – and now does it herself.

Who doesn’t believe in the power of the mind, or so she says – says I am an expert planner when I never DO plan consciously …

And right down to the water drinking – it’s always been a joke in my family growing up and till this date that I always have to keep “drinking something”.

Beer, water, tea, whatever.

The tea was roundly laughed at, of course, when I first brought up tea from China, which most people in my family don’t have an inkling of what REAL Chinese tea is or life there – and no, watching Korean soap operars won’t give you the real deal either.

Yet now, they’re all drinking it galore, despite my Dad once famously saying “we prefer our tea with milk”.

My water drinking habits.

And now, from what I gather, my wife is sitting with a “bottle at hand” as well most of the time.

Ain’t nothing wrong with most of the above, but these same people conscsiously hate me with a passion that you wouldn’t believe (and when I bring it up, of course, I’m told i’m “paranoid”).

No I aint either.

I can tune IN.

Most people choose NOT to.

And yet, subconsciously, guess what they WANT.

And gravitate towards, whether they LIKE it or  not ..

Or know it or not …

Anyway, the same thing happens with fitness.

Remember Charles the friend(former) who complained about a storm up “Your emails are useless! You don’t give any information in them!

He was focusing on the ones I sent about pull-ups.

And he, after years of trying to do ’em hasn’t got past the “assisted dead hang” stage, and neither has he got the belly of Buddha down, or his other health issues.

Yours truly did it.

He didnt.

So he complains. LOL.

And yet, despite his “hate” for my emails, he still follows me secretly.

No, Charles, it won’t be free … hehe.

But really, think about it.

He claims “the weights are the real deal”, and yet spends tons of time trying to do pull-ups, because he WANTS it, and when the MASTER of pullups tells him how, he bitches up a storm, because “how dare I”.

How dare I break out of the barrel and DO something with my life other than wanking off to the Bozo (mentally).

And to end all of this off (and THIS is why I WELCOME haters on my list, hehe. There is a reason the most successful people in ANY regard, not just financial have a bucket load more haters than lovers, because YOU – the DOER – have done more in your life than they could ever dream of in their sorry ass lives).

Come to think of it, they DO dream of it, but ain’t got the guts to go DO IT.

Anyway, here’s another review from a hater I mentioned before.

I’d say a moron, actually. I’ve mentioned this before I think? not sure …

Really, the price on this book which has only a handful of pages.

You can buy better books for a third of the price.

This book is worth minus five stars.

Also look out for the reviews on all of the author’s other books by the same person who is giving all the books five stars.

Now, this jackass earlier wrote a review about “Rahul only wants 5 star reviews, and doesn’t allow any others“.

Clearly this idiot hasn’t seen that a) I don’t own Amazon b) Amazon doesn’t let people delete or add reviews if they’re the author and c) even on my OWN site, I’ve disabled my OWN ability to add reviews to the links you see in the emails. YEs, thats right. I disabled my OWN ability to add reviews, because I want it from YOU.

and d) this jackass didnt notice that the review, along with the other blue flame specials on there is still clearly THERE, which makes his point null and void.

Other than that, the usual.



BEtter books? He sure didnt mention any …

Handful of pages? Clearly the Bozo never saw past the cover.

As for the other reviews he mentioned, they’re from a real man – a warrior – a REAL trainee – so I’d highly recommend reading ’em!

Oh, and he wrote this too.

“The author doesn’t look like he’s ever trained, so I wouldn’t buy this book”.

Clearly this idiot hasn’t seen me either in the books or on real life.

Paid trolls, my friend, can be fun though.

And the point of this entire email?

Welcome hate as you do success, or perhaps more so.

Remember what Emerson said about being comfortable as long as there was enough criticism, but the minute there were only honeyed words of success – well – watch OUT!

And thereeth endeth this rant.

Oh, jump on the Rolls Royce right HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Before some of you idiots claim otherwise, no I wasn’t given the chance to go to China on a golden friggin platter. In fact, I ignored the first email from my then boss to do it, but then second time around was a charm. Should have asked for more, hehe.

PS #2 – Subconsciously, my lovely wife is trying to winkle moola out of me right NOW for a reason that is NOT RIGHT, and therefore it won’t happen, but it’s funny. Apeing yours truly (from what I gather at least) – Right down to shutting the door when she works, the way I do, even though her work doesn’t warrant it because it involves nothing but getting on the phone and yakking nineteen to the 12, and if you see how recruiters work in OFFICES vs how WRITERS work (curiously enough, what I do is “just writing and useless” according to her) – well – you’ll the former works in a cacophony of JANGLE, while the latter in peace and quiet …

And no, it ain’t just girly “he does it so I do”. There is MORE to it.

I’ll get into all this in detail later, but for now, ape me – the RIGHT way my friend. By joining in APE like workouts that will give you REAL WORLD, REAL MAN, APE like shoulders and BRAWN. Start right HERE.

(No, I won’t reduce the price).

Did I get rid of all the objections and whining already? LOL

Is 0 Excuses Fitness too “heavy” on pushups?
- Interesting one this!

Well, so a reader wrote back …

It’s great, great stuff, especially the workout video which was my favorite!! Thank you for putting this inventive stuff out Rahul, but just one thing.

The book mentions pull-ups, but neither the workout video nor the book really puts emphasis on pull-ups, instead, the focus seems to be on pushups which again is great because I cannot do most of them myself! But, just wondering why there isn’t more of a focus on pull-ups?

Again, I love your work – I’m just curious based upon what I’ve read etc.



Well …

First off, Marty, thanks for the great review! You should also have a link in your email (along with the product) to post the review directly, but this is fine – emailing to me directly works too!

Anyway, 0 Excuses Fitness, and those videos – which Cindy so graciously shot, and even that workout video – all of it is great, yes!

That 250 odd pushup workout video along with squats and bridging is more than most modern day Crossfitters could do, or ironmen, or triathletes, and if I added in 50 pull-ups, I’d have the po po on me for “stressing their ambulances out more than need be”.


So thats a short answer …

But nah, not really.

Those workouts won’t make you drop dead from heart attacks as some people may think. In fact, and I’ve posted snippets on my YouTube channel, which I never and no longer use at all – they’ll make you BUZZ like never before, feel like a billion bucks, and strip the fat off at record speeds – all right there at home (with the AC humming if you so choose, hehe).

Anyway, let’s address what he asked.

Well, first because pushups are truly the BIG dog of fitness, bro.

Look at any fitness virtuso.

Herschel Walker. The Great Gama. Mike Tyson. Bruce Lee. Anyone you consider a real fighter. The Army. The Marines. The Seals, and so forth …

Ever notice they ALL have arms as thick as steel pylons?

Ever notice that, much like the Brigadier General (70 plus) who I met in 2018 – they have massive, mammoth arms – the BACK of the arms, especially until the day they pass on?

Ever notice what Percy Longhurst had to say about the “smooth lump of muscle at the back of Gama’s arms?”

Well, my friend, this happens because the one exercise they do, and do like no-one’s business, and do WAY more reps off than pull-ups are PUSHUPS!

Sure, Marines and Seals pride themselves on their ability to do pull-ups, but they knock off WAY MORE pushups in their training than pull-ups. 

At least 5x more I’d say … perhaps more during boot camp etc.

There is a reason, and that brings me to point two.

All the pull-ups in the world won’t necessarily make you better at pushups.

I’ve provided examples before from my own training when I was doing over a 100 pull-ups per workout, climbing hills 4 times a day. And Neglecting pushups, and the day I got back to them?

I did 15 narrow grips.

And I could barely lift up my arms to take a shower later!

Pull-ups, my friend, use way more of the triceps than we think.

And the only way we strengthen triceps – truly strengthen – is by PUSHING.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

Pull-ups will make you a monster – a beast.

But the old favorite, the world’s oldest bodyweight exercise if I might say so, are PUSHUPS.

And if I really, really, really, really had to choose one, it would be that.

Not to mention that most people when starting out couldn’t hang on to a chinning bar to save their lives, let alone do a pull-up or dip.

Ah, dips.

Another excellent exercise I haven’t mentioned a lot, but will in future courses.

Anyway – great review Marty – thanks a lot – and thats why the course is “pushup heavy” as you say!
Back soon – and y’all on the list, pick up the Rolls Royce of Fitness if you haven’t already right NOW.

And I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There is a reason I didnt really emphasize pull-ups in the workouts in the Rolls Royce – but HAVE in my future books on it

PS #2 – And a damn good reason why I put out the best course on pushups ever – YES, with variations you do NOT see in the Rolls Royce!

Why I believe the plank is highly overrated
- Still good, but ...

I dont know why, my friend.

But I’ve been seeing a ton of article on the plank as of late.

And people crowing about how “they can hold it for five minutes” or what not, and this is even seasoned fitness pros that are “stuck at home” due to the plague from China that are talking about it.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

The plank is a great movement for beginners – but it isn’t all it’s made out to be.

Do I think it’s a waste of time?

Absolutely not.

The vast majority of the populace out there, and this number is only “bloating and increasing by the day” couldn’t get into a plank to save their lives if they had to -literally.

Including some of the booby builders and so called “strong” guys that are FAT – big time – around the midsection.

But the position itself, I dont know.

It’s OK, but …

Here is why I don’t think it’s the best ever as it’s constantly made out to be.

First, the way you rest on the side of the forearms doesn’t exactly lend itself well to isometrics – or “pushing”.

True, it builds core strength.

But so will variation #1 in Pushup Central – if you just get in the position – and hold.

And if you’re interested in the isometric – well – SQUEEZE – and PRESS down with all your might for 30 seconds, let alone a minute or more, and then tell me which taxes you more.

It’s the latter, my friend.

Or, do it on your fingertips …

Second, if it’s just a static position, the “table” position I teach does a FAR better job of taxing the core and lower back than the plank does.

I’ve seen overweight folks struggle into the plank and wiggle around for a second or so, but the “table” position?

A position a certain poster once labeled as “gay” – and was then roundly REBUFFED – by a lady who had been in gymnastics and cheerleading no less for years (I posted that on the blog last year)?

If you’re overweight – even slightly – and even if you aren’t, actually – you’ll have trouble getting into and holding the position for time the first time – or second – or third – you try.

This is another pushup variation mentioned in the great book on pushups which a lot of you “fence sitters” on the list need to GRAB, and NOW.

And the hold itself will whoop your butt into shape like nothing else will.

Believe me, your lower back will feel like it’s CREAKING and ready to break (figuratively speaking) if you ain’t in shape for this one.

Some might argue the plank works the obliques the best.

It works them, sure, but best?

Not even close.

The “twist and torque” pushups that I teach you in Pushup Central, for one, works the obliques, abs and shoulders like NO other exercise can.

Trust me on this one (befor eyou do ’em).

And for the ultimate hold – or pushup – or both?

Well, try the “extended” arm hold for one …

And there it is, my friend.

The plank is fine, but you’d get so many MORE benefits by doing things that people don’t talk about.

For some reason, the plank has turned into the “glamor gal of bodyweight exercise”.

And we all know how those are once the glamor is stripped off!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And along with Pushup Central, make sure to pick up the compilation on pull-ups now. Again, don’t put this off until tomorrow my friend (or on the “I’ll do this later” list). Later hardly ever gets done unless you’re part of an ultra rare breed. Just do it NOW and get cranking.

Why you should LOPE like a MONKEY
- Hear me out, bro.

In Animal Kingdom Workouts, a book that (and these are customer words – DOER words) is “probably my best book ever” and that I “clearly understand how to create the perfect BEAST” – and a book that will “make you join the ranks of the SUPERHUMANS” – there is ONE exercise often overlooked.

Even by the doers, most likely (and not because they “want to” overlook it – it’s one of those things that happens).

A “less glamorous” exercise.

And while I cannot remember which page of that behemoth book it was on – indeed, thats a HUGE book – and possibly my most comprehensive ever on the topic – I mean, think about it – who puts out 68 exercises like that in ONE book??), it has something to do with a MONKEY and the way it walks.

(and as for comprehensive, so much for the Bozos who claim “too expensive”. If I wanted to REALLY make it more expensive, I’d split the book up into three Volumes).

And I wouldn’t be wrong if I did that either, but I didnt.

Max value is what I deliver, my friend.

Same thing for Fitness Central – or Fitness Pioneer – or ANY of my books.

Going ABOVE and beyond the line of “duty”, but anyway, back to monkeys.

I once saw a video of a baboon in Africa swinging off a tree branch and “smacking” a lion on the head as it swung back and forth, easy peasy.

It was too high for the lion to get, and too quick for it too!

And it was laughing, literally.

I know how that feels – in school, the bullies often whacked me to the head repeatedly.

Not much I could do about it THEN – but of course, that didnt last too long. Hehe. In a few years, I put the Gorilla Grip on a jackass that was driving me insane.

Of course, yours truly was in the wrong.

But the guys that repeatedly slapped me on the head, drove my face into corners of the desk etc were always “just aggressive strong” boys and never wrong.


I remember an instance when I was watching my daughter and another kid “get it on”, and this isn’t the time when I went to pick her up from school and someone slapped her, and she slapped BACK – with me GETTING HER BACK – and in front of the other kid’s Dad who stood there like a dumb mute (though really, after I spoke up, all the other Mamas, silent until that point, did too).

Herd mentality. Ugh. Anyway that story is mentioned in Kiddie Fitness, but THIS time, she was pounding the hell out of the other kid.

A fat fock of a lady walked up to her.

“Keep your hands to yourself”, she yelled like a banshee to my kid.

I could have of course interjected and told the fat fock of a lady to mind her own damn biz, and tell her own son to grow some sniveling BOLLOCKS for God’s sake.

But I didnt.

How dare I, hehe.

They’re ladies, so how dare I say anything. LOL.

I took my daughter away and counseled her to keep whacking the kid, but stay away from Bozos, hehe.

Sometimes, you do what the hard drinking dude in Jism (another one of those potboilers in India) – a lawyer who was perennially drunk advised.

(the story itself was about him going ga ga over a somewhat fat “absolutely gorgeous” according to the story woman)

“Do wrong things if you must – but don’t get caught!”

I wouldn’t say do wrong.

He was talking to career criminals tho, so that was different, but in context, I’d say “whoop the kids ass, but stay away from the fat fock parents running after their molly coddled BRATS”.

But anyway …


Loping around like a monkey, my friend has benefits beyond turning you into a modern day version of a MASSIVELY MUSCLED caveman!

Imagine this.

Neandethral man with his mammoth arms, shoulders, and carrying a club on his shoulders – and how did he walk?


Ape style!

And even if you are not interested in real man strength or training, lets take the real world – and FIGHTS.

Lope like an ape, for one, and you’ll be in a far better position to take the big guys down with one “shot to the legs” – much like felling a TREE.

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall” .

Sure, there are counters to this, but the point stands.

Loose, loping, easy, flexible – and STRONG beyond your wildest imagination my friend.

THAT is the definition of APE strength.

And the way you get there is by doing what APES do all day long.

One, well, you know already.

But two, you get that insane animal like strength by training and moving around like REAL animals do in the wild.

And I dont know about you, but I ain’t never seen a single one of them lie on their back and add weight onto a bar – or sit and yank on the lat pulldown – or “do deadlifts with a reverse grip done just right”.

I’ve never seen a Baboon or chimp for one grab onto a dumbbells, park their hairy butts on a bench, make sure the cameras are ready and do “5 sets of 10” for the peak of the biceps, and then strut around preening, posing and pumping.

Have you?

Yet, I can tell you without a doubt that same ape could pick up the 100 kg dumbbells lying around with one finger probably and THROW it at you loose limbed so hard that … well, you get the photo, mi amigo?

Key to all this – and the point really, is THIS.

Train hard – train like a REAL man.

Because you never know.

Some day, your very life may depend upon it …


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A book that has been getting a lot of attention as of late is “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections“. Be sure and check it out NOW.

Money – or happiness?
- Chicken - or egg

It’s a conundrum, ain’t it?

Or so they make it out to be …

9 times out of 10, or should I say 11 times out of 10, when you ask a person why they’re always cranky, irritated, never happy etc – they’ll answer with “Money”.

“If I had more money”

“I wish I had a better life”

“I wish so and so would give me more money so I could relax” 

(yes, believe it or not, the “entitlement” mentality out there is only INCREASING, as more and more people come to think “they deserve something for nothing”).

Newsflash – no – they – and no-one – DOES.

“Ain’t nothing free in life, my friend”.

Ole Alonzo in Training Day had it spot on.

But anyway, in the James Hadley Chase book “The Vulture is a patient bird“, which I re-read for the … I dont know, maybe 10000’th time yesterday …

(on a side note, the more I write, the better my reading speed, which was always and already phenomenal – gets. Interesting that eh).

I think I’ve spoken about the book and the plot before, so I won’t get into it much here.

Basically a group of bounty hunters end up in the African jungle replete and teeming with all sorts of wildlife and giant Zulus living in a premieval world apparently – to hunt down a diamond stolen by a millionaire recluse, who lets them in (he has advance notice) but does all he can to prevent them from leaving, including a man hunt in the most “brutal” manner possible.

I love Chase.

Straight, to the point – and cuts to the chase if I might say so!

And he’s BRUTALLY honest in his books, like me.

His books have no sex, but they don’t need it.

They have plenty of everything else!

Anyway, one of the bounty hunters is an escaped and dangerous convict “Fennel” whose specialty is breaking safes – another is a lovely girl named “Gaye” who all the men have the hots for, and who can’t stay away from money, and “needs it to be happy” – then we have African safari expert and perennially happy “Ken” – and then last, but not least, Garry – a helicopter pilot whose chosen for his skills with the bird.

All of these men spent some time in prison for either minor or major offenses.

But only ONE survived the safari.

Anyway, in the book they talk about the luxury the recluse lives in, his lovely cheetah (pet), the crocs in a pond in his garden, hungry vultures and more.

And Garry says he doesn’t need all the money in the world.

“Life can be pretty rough without it”, says Gaye. 

“Yes, he replies”.

“But all this … ” he points to the opulence around him.

“I’d rather something more rugged!” 

Now, I could write a book on the book itself.

But only ONE of these people survives the manhunt, and I’ll let you guess which one it is.

Not perennial and sometimes overly enthusiastic Ken who jumps into a croc infested river to test the waters out – not “Bull strength” Fennel who gets eaten alive by a hungry hyena, and not Gaye who insists on wearing the Borgia Ring, which contains poison on her finger …

(Most of Chase’s books have a “brute strength” kind of guy, either a villain or not …)

It’s Garry.

The tall, lean, PRACTICAL minded yet “happy” broad shouldered dude!

((He’s thick, but you’re BROAD!) Remember THAT comment? )

Now, point of this you might ask.

Is opulence BAD?

Not at all, my friend.

Is ABUNDANCE – of anything – bad?

No way!

I love both.

But take all of the opulence away, and I’ll still be smiling at ya, challenging ya to pull-ups out there in the park, for one …

That meme I keep writing about says it best.

Take a person’s house, car, degrees, and other fancy junk (and money) away – and lets see how well they can stand on their OWN two feet.

Sage, my friend.


You do NOT “need money” to be happy.

Happiness, my friend comes from working towards a goal that really means something to you.

And curiously enough, eventually, you’ll attract money and boatloads of it without even “trying” if you stay “happy” anyway.

THIS is the concept I keep trying to hammer home in Zero to Hero, for one ….

And the first Chapter – or the Prologue, should I say of the book says it all.

Grab this now, and get cranking , my friend. Truly a great book to read, and implement, like all of my others!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – In that book lies the key to my numerous escapades, jaunts, travels, and all done for the most part without really “caring two hoots for the future” (which I’m not saying you shouldn’t do or should do – hey – but I’m saying “be happy FIRST” and the rest will FOLLOW).

Pull-ups: The GREAT equalizer
- And - it IS.

If there ever was an exercise that UNIFIES like nothing else, my friend, it’s the pull-up – the almighty holy grail of bodyweight exercise – the pull-up.

EVERYONE wants to do pull-ups.

The boobybuilders )if they can) and REAL men both wanna do ’em.

The weightlifters (again, if they CAN) – and bodyweight exercise enthusiasts, Crossfitters, strongmen, everyone agrees that the pull-up is a superlative exercise bar NONE.

Unlike the pushup, which the idiots and morons complain about being “just pushups” – you never hear any such dissent on the pull-up.

way back in the day, when I was a “straggly one” (or perhaps I was starting to get fat, I dont know) in college, a guy “Nikhil” once came to my house for a beer drinking session.

That was fine except he showed up an hour ahead of time.

I was doing pushups. Girlfriend was watching TV (her of the pink dumbbells).

He showed up with a friend.

And saw me doing pushups, and grinned.

“I’ll be back soon!”

And later that night, he asked me how many I could do.

“50” I replied. “At one shot”.

“That is great!” he said (this guy couldn’t do many at all).

“But someone that can pound out 50 pull-ups at one shot – now THAT guy … “

His voice trailed off.

I agreed!

Then we spoke about a martial artist fellow student who did  50 of ’em on his fingertips all day long. (pushups)

Real strength!

And then of course the idiots that say “it’s just pushups”.

But this is about the pullup eh.

And back to pull-ups – you dont see or hear of any such polarization there.

When you’re standing out there with a gaggle of guys shooting the bull – lets say in front of a chinning bar – either thick or normal – and another dude – lets say me – walks past and starts slinking out pull-ups easy peasy, lemon squeezy, then how do the rest of the guys who have been shooting the bull about “boobybuilding” feel?

“Solid character”, they go.

You can either slink ’em out – or you can’t.

The studs love to be called studs at pull-ups, because in most cases they worked their asses off to get to that level.

And the duds and cuck Schofield’s all WANT to be stud’s at pull-ups, or studs in general.

In the 1987 movie Over the Top, Sly Stallone is an arm wrassler that drives mammoth trucks for a living, and is looking to win the Arm Wrestling tourney in Vegas (the prize is another massive truck – this one shiny and gleaming as opposed to his beat down one).

Sly drives trucks for a living, sure.

But when it’s time to go to “work”, as he says – he means arm wrassling!

When that TABLE appears in front of him, and a competing ARM, Sly changes from the friendliest person you could imagine to a MACHINE .


BEfore the damn match starts!

He focuses intensely, and then “twists his hat” back.

And he enters the ZONE – and wins.

“When I turn my hat around, I feel invincible. I feel like another person. I feel like … I dont know…”

He points to the truck behind him (the prize).

“Like a TRUCK!”

Ready to run ROUGHSHOD Over any and all opposition.

A lot of the nutjobs in China that pound boobies and do ESL claim their “real jobs” are something else.

No prizes for guessing which Bozo we’re referring to here, and his cronies (and there are many).

Much like the broke ass life coaches you see out there that “are always doing something else just to pay the bills” – “faking it until you make it” – and pretending to be someone you’re not. These two things annoy the ever living Bejesus out of me.

Like dude, if you’re in China, if you’re teaching ESL, then just say it for frigging Christ’s sake.

At least you’re being HONEST about it.

Of course, how dare I.

Bozo Schofield for one claims he was a “charity worker in China”.

Charity my ass.

Mother Teresa, move over – here comes the BOZO!

Same thing for a lot of the so called dumbass “China business experts” who claim to “be the one stop choice for sourcing stuff from China” when in reality they know squat all about it.

(Thats another great line from Over the Top– here comes Mike!) (when his young kid was learning how to drive trucks – do REAL things – like I try and teach my daughter when I can – such as FIGHTING in REAL LIFE for one (when I can)).

(as opposed to all the other rot these kids are constantly being fed with about “physical not being necessary”)

(remember nutjob in China who showed up and asked me “why I was working my body and not my brain” when I was doing pull-ups)?

Anyway  . . .

But Sly really HAD a real job, and he proved it.

And when you see a chinning bar in front of you, THAT is how it is.

All else ceases to matter, bro.

You can’t fake it till you make it when it comes to pull-ups. 

You can either walk up, chalk up (if you so choose) and knock ’em out.

Or, you can be the goggling onlooker.

You can either DO ’em – or you DON’T.

You’re either STRONG- or you AREN’T.

It’s that simple, bro.

As an aside, another funny example is the government owned liqor stores they have in many parts of the world.

Yes, the concept of “convenience” stores hasn’t quite caught on, and grabbing a beer from the next door store isn’t quite as easy as you might think in some countries.

Venezuela. India in the Northern Part of the country (curiously enough, India, despite not being a Commie dictatorship has many of the same issues that these Commie countries do) and many others …

Come evening time or nighttime, you’ll see LONG lines and THRONGS of people literally BATTLING to get their grog, usually handed to them through “iron bars”, much like prisoners clamoring for their meal.

Regardless of how rich or poor you are, unless you get someone to do the slumming for you, the “thekas” (Northern India term) are another one of those “great equalizers” cutting across class and strata divides like NOTHING else.

And one of the most annoying things on the planet as well.


China, despite being a bonafide Communist country has no such issues.

Thats what is funny bout China – in actuality, in daily life, consumers have WAY more choice and live WAY more normally than you’d expect!

In China, all it takes is a quick call to the store next to you and they are open 24/7/365.

Within 10 minutes, guys (sometimes cute gals) show up with massive crates of beer – or “cases”, depending upon, and you’re SET.

Now we’re talking!

Another great equalizer in a good way. LOL.

But anyway, point of this diatribe, which has rambled on for way longer than Id like is this.

Is that as a great customer recently said about the book on pushups “Buy this book. The Bodyweight Exercise GURU is WAITING For you!”

Well, he’s right in a way.

Im not exactly losing sleep over how many people buy it or don’t, but waiting for you behind them iron bars I AM, my friend.

And this jailers believes in the great equalizer concept.

You either DO pull-ups well, or you don’t.

You either pony up the cash to learn – or you DON’T.

You’re either on THIS side of the fence – or you aren’t.

It’s that simple, my friend.

To end all of this off, picture that chinning bar NOW my friend.

It’s literally calling out to you – asking you the same question I am.

If you’ve GOT IT – or you DON’T.

And thats that from me. Back soon!


Rahul mookerjee

PS – And yes, all of this applies to pull-ups, not so much their distant cousin “chin ups”.

On aging like fine WINE, and more . . .
- Not sure why I thought of that, but ....


I dont know why I just thought of WINE, bro.

But I did.

Red, sparkling, BUBBLY wine …

Sacrilege, you might say?

The beer Pizza religion guy (not really anymore, heh) talking about something he does NOT drink for the most part -wine?

(and especially not chinese liqors either)

(and no, not Great Wall Wine either, ugh)

(But he loves BEER from China, or anywhere, really – even the pineapple beer he brewed last year, although the first batch made him sick as a DAWG – well, sorta. Hehe).

Anyway …

The toughest guys do the (you’d think) strangest things. Steven Williams, beer drinker PAR excellence “Stone Cole Steve Austin drinking Steve-weisers” in the WWE – his drink of choice?

IT ain’t beer.

It ain’t whiskey.

Its WINE and vodka, believe it or not …

And there are many others.

And it ain’t just drink either. Believe me, I’ve KNOWN (personally) football players who’d like nothing better than for their girlfriends to “p-you know what” on them and wear pink panties in the bedroom.

True story, my friend.

Deepest, hidden desires …

Of course, there ain’t nuttin wrong with any of that – pun intended, lol.

So long as you aren’t Bozo Schofield who “lets the Hannibal escape in a most awful manner” – though lets face it, his “pink panty” trolling is just so hilarious that …

“MAdam, can I be your servant”.

The one line that describes the Bozo the most, and though he wants her to “kick him away” (again, true!) – she RUNS away like he was the plague from China.

Which in many ways he is.

Worse than, ugh.

But he’s left some great (from a troll EL SUPREMO standpoint) sh-views on my books, so you might wanna check those out, if just for shits and grins (and if you’re the Bozo, giggles, hehe).

Siss…ah, I’ll stop.

LOL (but really, it’s true). I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t.

But the first time I drank wine, I remember I hated it.

I still will NEVER drink it unless I “have to”.

Last I drank it was in 2020.

And before that I believe in 2010 to “try” it (was some special bubbly something produced somewhere in the Himalayas – so they said at least).

But while I dont like wine, I’ve often been told I “age like wine”.

And while I maintain the real key to that is my THINKING more than anything else – my fitness routines sure don’t hurt.

They keep you young and VIBRATING from the inside out.

And you’ll age gracefully and WELL like fine wine if you’re on them.

But you know something else?

I’ve written about Fast and Furious Fitness on the othe site, and as I sit here looking at the EIGHT or so collector’s copies I still have left (back from an initial printing I did until a few years ago!) … I’m thinking.

Sure, it’s got a lot of the same info as 0 Excuses Fitness (but some things are different).

Sure, it’s got my wife doing some of the exercises (like Corrugated Core does).

Sure, it talks about sprints which the purring Rolls Royce of Fitness doesn’t – but Advanced Hill Training covers in GREAT DETAIL.

But more than all that, its a book that I just feel keeps ageing better and better and better, and so even though you don’t “need” it if you have my other stuff – I’m sure many of you WANT it.

I can relate.

As I sit here looking at it, I WANT it too – and I have it already!

Anyway, thats what I wanted to tell you.

Once these 8 copies are out the door NO MORE collector’s items.

Last chance saloon, my friend – so if you want in – JUMP – now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Back soon!