To those that call me “unqualified to speak about the plague from China”
- They're idiots for one.

To said people, and a LOT have messaged me as of late, you’re a fool my friend (if you say that).

I’m more qualified on this one than a lot of damned Doctors and governments are, because I say it like it is, and I tell you the damn panic is one to avoid, amongsxt all, and …………

….. well, ya’ll know MY stance on this madness. If not, do a search, you’ll find it.

For now, lets take a look at what a PRACTISING nurse from “Coon Ass Ville” in Lousiana said.

He’s a great guy!

I won’t mention him by name, but he sent me a message on Freakbook – he’s concerned about whats happening globally etc.

Remember, this dude is a medical guy. Nurse. Qualified!

With the damn degrees and what not they need.

Here goeth –

Is you mother ok? I can tell you that if she contracted the virus only 2 weeks after she got the vaccine that means she already had it prior to receiving the vaccine since the incubation time is up to 14 days and it takes at least 2 weeks perhaps longer to develop immunity from vaccine.

Of course, the vaccines are never 100 percent and some people a few will still get sick who are vaccinated. I am also afraid of the vaccines somewhat but I took the moderna vaccine due to risk of my mother catching it from me and my being a nurse around sick people all the time. I feel the risk of the vaccine is much less than the results of catching that virus.

This and the fact that so many doctors took the vaccine has made me less worried about the side effects. I would not take Johnson and Johnson due to the dangerous blood clot problems. So far I have heard of very few problems with moderna and Pfizer.

I have lost so many friends from this virus. Emily and her father and then Joe who was a very close friend of mine from Thailand the past 8 years while I lived in Texas. They all of course had many health problems already. Emily was dyeing from lupus complications and was already on hospice very near death when she caught it. Her dad had cancer and recently had chemo which depleted his immune system. Joe was 7 years on dialysis and had diabetes with lung problems already before he became infected. You have to look at your risk factors age, overweight, any other diseases. I have seen many younger, strong healthy people die from it though.

I agree about mask as i dont see how they can prevent a virus. I took care of over 20 patients at the state hospital and many of them sick with covid and wore no mask but never caught it by some miracle. This is truly a pandemic and i think it is one that china created on purpose. I don’t trust the government at all in what they say only what I learn from reading research and what many doctors say. I hope you stay safe and be careful all i can tell you is study more about the vaccine options and think about them.

Now thats a smart dude, and an EDUCATED mind speaking!

Anyway, like I said, make up your mind about it folks.

If you want to take vaccines that are by and large untested, don’t prevent the damn plague, want to do what China did i.e buy into the PANIC, and wear Bozo like masks for the rest of your life, and have governments globally track you with so called covid “show vid” passports (Yes, there is a reason i used the word “vid”) – want to kill economies with lockdowns and therefore increase the chance of real conflict breaking out …. well, go for it.

For me, I’ve made no bones about what I believe is the best damned vaccine out there.

And I’ve been saying all this since 2020 – for those that cared to listen.

Like the great President Trump said.

“Some of us have COMMON SENSE, you know!”

And thats all there is to it.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Animal Kingdom Workouts is right HERE.

PS #2 – I deeply feel for all the people he’s mentioned and their families – – I knew them all, and especially Dr Lamar, he was a good man – one of the best! RIP SIR!

The lovely (not, hehe) “untouchable” that can’t pronounce pint or schedule correctly.
- Another Glyn "Wacko" special.

Wacko Scofield is at it. Drunk, stoned, high – and it seems it’s “that time of the month” when the welfare checks run out. Are they done bi weekly in the UK?

I wouldn’t know … LOL. But it seems he goes on more of a bender than usual every two weeks, and given he’s usually on a bender anyway – – thats saying something.

I remember when he was in China (before getting deported for overstaying at his monkey job – then bumming around in “Chooooooooonnnnnnnnggg king” (as the Bozo prounces “Chung” King mansion – where the lepers and dregs hang out, hehe (not really, but you get the picture -thats the “lore” for that building if that makes sense) – and of course sniffing around rear ends in alleyways (ugh, I knew that stench coming from the alleyway was SOMETHING when I stayed at a hotel on the top floors of that building!) for “20 dolla handouts” if you get my drift), he’d go on a massive bender every time he was about to run out of cash.

When someone finally “took pity” on him he’d calm down for a few days. Hehe.

Seems that hasn’t happened right now.

Name: Untouchable Caste

Email: rahulcantpronouncepintorschedulecorrectly

Name: ripped off <I won’t mention the woman’s name, but a certain Charles knows who it is, and yours truly doesn’t bandy women’s names around>

Email: rahul_the_hairy_curry_cunt

I just gotta mention these – they’re just hilarious.

First, the pronunciation – coming from an idiot with a Cockney or whatever they call it accent and drunken mumbles and a person that pronounces “Chuck” as “Chooooooookk” … thats something. LOL.

And a person who routinely got canned from monkey jobs even because “the kids can’t understand his mumbles”.

A person that stole tons of money and did drugs while claiming to be a “charity worker” – and hasn’t returned a cent of what he borrowed either. Charles. “Roya” (whoever she is). And a host of other women. Josie (who he badgered) …

A person that truly is the bottom of the barrel if I might say so.

Anyway, yours truly can’t spel either aparently from what I C.


Tai-pos galore, not so much in my booooookkkkks – but these emailz.

And as for pint?

I’d rather say “tankard”. lol.

Schedule? I rearly if ever had one (sorry, just had to put that in Bozo).

I love curry, if prepared properly! Yum.

And I’m a hairy bastard, I’ll tell ya that.

Better than the hand holding Korean soap opera idolizing (mostly the men?? WTF) wimp the Bozo is, or a card carrying members of “Madam I’m cucked and sissfied, now can I be your servant“.

Then he mentioned something about yours truly, my wife, and “Kate” (I’ll mention the name once) and some idiotic made up squabble that (of course!) two women got into.

If there ever is proof of a man (well, he’s not, but still) – being an utter MORON?

It’s the men that get “into and in between” cat fights – either direct or indirect.

The smart man and REAL MAN STAYS AWAY!

Anyway, as for Bozo the Untouchable, I gotta say this – I’m getting tired of mentioning him myself here.

I had NO idea he was this “out of it” – but here’s the thing – Bozo, if you’re reading this?

You once threatened me “I’ll lay hands on you if you dont stop acting trolly!

Trolly? lmao.

Anyway, please do seat your butt (ugh) on a trolley or what not and show up, and we’ll settle this once and for all- MAN TO MAN!

Let’s go MANO-O-MANO …. BOY!

Lets do it.

Anyplace, anytime, and I’ll reshape your nose – that I do promise. Your “purdy little nose” that … ah, but I won’t. I’d rather his jaw. His nose has been “too many places” if you get my drift.

But anyway, thats it for the Bozo.

Grow a pair, dude, and lets settle this MANO-O-MANO!

And as for Charles, the former friend, or perhaps current, I dont know …

I dont reall ymention him a lot these days.


Because other than a few spats, I really don’t have much against the dude, and he doesnt against me either.

True, if he infringes on my freedom of speech – he’ll get called out x 10.

True, if he whines about pull-ups – then I’ll do the same (Especially when I don’t ever call him out or question him on HIS workouts).

But other than that, he knows fully well how women are.

He said it the best.

“Women will give you aggravation compounded!”

And he – lets be fair – DID call out his “woman” that night when we met when she was making idiotic comments about “I dont like him with so many girls!

He basically said – look, this guy – he’s alone here – its his life – YOU have got no business poking your nose into it!

The Bozo, of course, was busy staring into his bottomglass of beer that he didnt pay for.

And he’s no doubt being sissy babying around with her now. Ugh. Hence his latest posts.

I later told Marc the African Silverback Gorilla about it, and he replied with …

“Now THAT is a real man!”

Which I agree with.

I dont agree with Chuck on many a thing, especially not his support of China (implicit) on their bullying globally, but credit where credit is due.

He called her out on it.

And he called her out on her bullshit of “we were cheated”! Whine!

If there ever is a reason I stay AWAY from doing business when women are involved unless it’s just me and her – this is it.

Chuck knows it too.

Hell, thats why I asked him if he was happy with me sourcin stuff for him before he even met me, and he was.

Of course, my own wife got upset about “your buying stuff for his girlfriend, but not me!”

I wasn’t . I was doing it for Chuck!

I’d go to the ends of the Earth for a FRIEND.

And I was doing just that!

Then his girlfriend months later jumped up and down about “we could have gotten it cheaper!”

OK … well, what about the REPEATED times yours truly asked Chuck about SENDING INVOICES and BILLS – before we bought or sourced the goddamned things?

Chuck said there was no need, and they trusted me.

I said it again.

Chuck said no problem – and take your wife out for a nice dinner – she deserves it!

And THAT, my friend, is probably what ticked Kate off more than anything else.

Despite the feminism and Nazi feminism all around, if there is one thing women can’t stand – its OTHER WOMEN. And attention being given to them, and they come back to men for validation on it too.

women. And Bozos. And sissies . UGH!!!!! Truly AGGRAVATION COMPOUNDED the vast Bulk of them (Schofield knows a thing or two about “bulk”).

Anyway, I hope I’ve brought closure to that.

Unless there’s a lot more wacko stuff from Schofield, I’ll stay away from mentioning him.

But I just thought I should “close” the chapter with Charles, because really, I like the guy despite not agreeing with him on many things.

He’s helped me before, and I’ve helped him. Sad that a maniac like Glyn had to break up a great friendship, and claim “Charlie Bandana the Fourth in Korea recommened books to me and made racist memes of Rahul” when its clearly not true.


Anyway, I’m out. Remember – two copies remaining for Fast and Furious Fitness – yours truly “untouchable” will even autograph them if you want, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I contacted the looney tune bin in Brum, but they were having none of the Bozo. LOL. For one, he’s too fat – two eggs on top of each other. Normal straightjackets wont fit, hehe.

But really, Glyn. Be a man for once in your pathetic little life … and lets settle this FACE to FACE, MAN TO MAN! As Chuck once said, “yeah. It’s PATHETIC, creating memes rather than saying it directly!”

Pigs will fly out my ass before Bozo ever does that, of course.

Why I can’t understand or get along with people that dismiss “gut feeling”.

I still remember a discussion I was having from my friend from the Marines about a certain “weird” situation with my landlady in 2017 which now ALL makes sense.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

But anyway, I told him what my gut feeling was, and he said the following.

“Rahul, if your gut tells you – nine times out of 10 – it’s right!”

He then went on to add “we have both lived our entire lives this way!”

And he’s right.

GUT feelings – and decisions made on the SPUR of the moment, my friend without all the idiotic and profoundly useless “logical deliberation” for hours, days, centuries etc that everyone Tom Tom’s are the hallmark of ANY great achiever in ANY sphere.

Henry Ford was renowned for reaching decisions quickly – even when he was PUT ON THE SPOT.

And had no answer.

This same thing has happened to me in life many a times, most notably in 2018 when I was “back to the wall” – with NO support that I knew of at the time, in a situation not of my own making – and incredibly, once I made that on the spur of the moment comment?

Everything just worked!

The help – the support -e verything I needed just “came” in ways so miraculous that you’d think I’m an idiot and need a straightjacket if I told you.

But mysterious indeed are the ways and Wonders of the Universe my friend … mysterious indeed!

Anyway, point of me saying this?

I was chatting with the “lovely wife” this morning about the plague from China.

She was saying “no-one was prepared for this – no-one thought these things happened outside movies”.

I felt irritated, but then i controlled myself.

“As I’ve been saying”, I tried to explain it YET Again. “The world has been moving towards WAR for the past few years big time – people think it won’t happen because everyone has nukes etc – big, big mistake!”

She scoffed – again.

“I am not talking war!”

“Bio war”, I responded with it.

And then I told her what I have repeatedly, that I’ve had bad feelings ever since 2017 in China, and for a person that is THERE?

Well, if someone not even there disses their feeling as “someone thats just whistling Dixie through his ass because he ain’t got a special degree or what not in it” – well – they’re just sticking their head in the sand for one and I’m being polite on that one.

The rule changes, the increasing restrictions, most of all th e”feeling in the air”.

Like my friend told me in 2018 (after I created Advanced Hill Training, oddly enough).

“You’ve got the reflexes of a jungle cat!”

Coming from him, a man that doesnt like many people at all, that was high praise . . .

And he agreed with me, and he’s been through hell too I’ll tell you that. Anyway, this isn’t about that part of the story, but when I told my wife I’ve been saying it for years, that I had another one of those bad feelings in early 2020 …

…. the reaction?

“Of course they won’t tell you before they do it!”

I give up.

Much like the great customer from the UK whose wife contracted the plague from Wuhan, and who then got long term COVID – HE told his wife that he was going to beat this damn thing no matter what because … his Immune system eats this idiocy for breakfast.

And craps it out in pieces, I shoul dhave said too. Hehe.

But his wife didnt believe him.

Two weeks or so later, he was proven right, but of course, the scoffing would continue if he even dared to bring it up.

No, this is NOT about women alone!

Men are the same – it’s about PEOPLE that don’t buy into their gut feelings!

Big, big mistake.

Anyway, I can’t get along or understand people that disregard the gut, and this is only increasing the more I “age”. Hehe. Which given the comments I keep getting, I seem to be ageing backwards instead of ahead!

Anyway, fitness wise, jungle cat you ask?

The Fast and Furious Fitness (latest review) book reviews will tell you all about turning into the human version of a leopard if you DO what the book tells you.

Advanced Hill Training – JAGUAR!

The Rolls Royce of Fitness.

And of course, possibly my BEST damn book ever – Animal Kingdom Workouts – this one is truly, truly worth a grab!

And listen to your gut, folks. It’s there for a reason!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’ve been reading comments about India’s mismanagement of COVID etc. I’m not a huge fan of Narendra Modi any more (especially NOT after the 2020 lockdown he ordered “willy nilly” before which (and the world has forgotten this) the country had barely any cases at all!), but heres the thing – and lets be honest – at a certain point the entire world needs to open up – not shut down!

Lockdowns kill way more than any plague or what not ever could, and it;s amazing, but despite the untold number of people that are “suffering” or business coming to a grinding, creaking halt, people just dont get it.

Folks – wake up – smell the roses. Precautions not panic – and no, taking untested vaccines that required you to take shots yet again after 8 months and those that don’t protect you against this madness for one – no – I dont think thats required!

Build a strong immune system, a cast iron jaw and an IRON WILL – and thats all you need!

PS #2 – If I asked you a silly joke i.e. “Why do farmers work on their farm?” and the answer would be “Because they want a stable job” – well, would your thoughts be stable as in “permanent” or stable as in horses?

I’d bet the latter, but try telling that to the “me me” crowd that I wrote about before and God forbid you explain the language to them!

Some things … ugh.

But anyway, stables or not, animal have it spot on in terms of how they move around in the wild. Get on Animal Kingdom Workouts, and so will YOU.

And – farm work builds a SUPER GRIP if you do it right – they call it the Farmer’s Walk for a reason!

For you 0 Excuses LOYAL and FAITHFUL that ordered autographed copies of books …
- You guys are the best!!

Brief heads up on this one!

Lots of you have ordered autographed copies of books over the past few weeks – Pushup Central and Gorilla Grip – and Gorilla Grip (ADVANCED!) being the most popular ones.

All great books, and remember – as I’ve always said – if you want an autograph – let me know, and it;ll be done at no extra charge to you!

In fact, I’m glad – and honored to do it!

But, remember too the extra timeframe that involves as that means the books leave the warehouse one time to get to us – and then to YOU.

This normally adds on 7 or so extra days to the usual “14 working days max timeframe” but THIS TIME?

Well, given the plague from China has reared its “head” with an ugly vengenance, things may or may not be a bit “delayed in terms of timeframes” if there is an extra shipping “step” during the process!

This morning, I was wondering about whether to send all the remaining orders (those that had to be autographed) without one “for now” and then send over autographed copies etc once the situation resolves itself globally (Turkey seems to be another hotspot for whatever reason?? I dont know, I’ve given up on this madness – the best we can do is NOT PANIC and NOT DO WHAT China wants us all to do!) . . . or things at least stabilize to a certain extent (fat chance – HA!).

But then I caught myself.

What would Jeff Bezos do during a pandemic like this, I asked myself!

Or Henry Ford.

And the answer was simple.

As I’ve told all of you that are still waiting for your autographed copies of certain books (note – this DOES NOT apply to Fast and Furious Fitness – The Collector’s Edition since I have the last two copies sitting “with me” physically as it were! But it does apply to the rest that are sitting in the Amazon warehouse, not “with me” as it were) – and as most of you have said too – waiting an extra few days is worth it, if just because autographed copies of books are – special!

I know how it feels.

You’re ordering something from someone you admire – someone’s work you LIKE.

Someone whose advice is solid, sound and practical, and so forth (I just described Fast and Furious Fitness, I believe) …

And so in that regard -lets do it the way we want to!

(And – here;s another thing – for all those of you waiting the extra week or so – to compensate for this – we’ll have yet another GREAT DISCOUNT waiting in the wings – so if you want one – although weve got some running – let me know, and I’ll see what I Can do on a “per case” basis as it were!)

This damned plague from China. Ugh. Blasted Kung Flu is what it IS, and I’ll say it till the cows come home to roost or whatever because really man, look what they’ve done to the ROW!!

Anyway . . .

Autographed copies for ALL of you that requested it are very much still on the way/in the works – it just might take a bit longer due to the plague etc wreaking havoc everywhere.

Except the one place where it was planned, of course.


But even in China, things aren’t “that rosy for now – but thats to be expected given what they did to us!

Anyway … brief update on that. Thought I’d let ya’ll know.

And on another quick note – the Rum D(r)um from Brum has been going bonkers as of late sending me messages so inane I wonder what the “end of the UK lockdown” (or England, at any rate) meant for him.

Probably one of the lunatics that they have COVID marshals for out patrolling, one of the clowns that pisses in parks and what not all over the place.

From what I read the “re-opening” in England was rather racous in certain parts of the country if you get my drift, hehe, much like the Liverpool vs you know who “footie” games!

Some fine, fine chicks too!

Dames, if I might say so!

And I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get in shape for summer – beach parties and what not (yeah, I know – I’m ignoring the “plague” restrictions, but at a certain point, really, folks. I’ve had enough of this panic personally – I’m sure you have too – lets get back to NORMAL!) with the ONE course designed specifically with “toned midsection” in mind – Corrugated Core.

PS #2 – YES, if I’ve promised you something – I’ll go to the ends of the Earth to make it happen – ditto for the autographed books etc, as my customers KNOW!

PPS – Make sure to place your orders for Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Item asap! Two copies left – and those will be gone very soon too (remember, its actually one – because I want to keep one for myself – and remember, the time delay does NOT apply to this one even if you want it autographed because I got that initial lot still sitting with me – its traveled with me between countries, continents, and is still “in mint condition, hehe as a guy in India in 2003 once said about my laptop which a customs inspector “dropped” on the hard cement floor after “inspection (those were the days where laptops were “curiosities in India”, hehe) – “dont worry, Sir! It’s in mint condition!)

Luckily they made them Toshiba’s TOUGH!

I can only imagine what this POS China made thingie I’m using would have done if given that treatment. I likely wouldn’t be sitting here writing to you about it! Hehe.

PPS #1 – The Red Faced Bozo in Brum is jumping up and down about how “China should use force to reunify Taiwan” (he even sent me a very nasty note about it which made me laugh – some of this foolishness you just gotta LAUGH at). Someone please call the folks that have the straight/padded jackets!

Why do Gorillas have thick fingers?
- This floored me, hehe.

I must admit – this question posed by an almost 8 year old floored yours truly!

For a minute, I thought she was serious.

Why not, I mean?

“Because they have to climb trees”, I ventured.


“Because they walk on their knuckles”

“Well, that too, but … ”

I laughed.

“The Gorilla Grip!”


OK, so why, I “giggled”.

Dad, it’s because they have huge nostrils, my little one told me sagely.

Nostrils? Grip?

I must confess I didnt get it …

“because they have to pick their noses!”

I was floored – again.

And I’ve got no idea if it’s true!

But I do know this – the China plague along with the dumbphone has turned kids into walking talking encyclopedias “Encyclopedia Paddu-nica” as Icall my little one!

To an extent, this is good.

But for the most part, I advise against it.

I mean, really, what good will it do to store so many facts in your head which really … I mean, it’s great to know ’em – but why would you need ’em!

Unless you write copy, of course. Now thats one reason!

But it reminds me of Henry Ford, and a libel case or something some idiot newspaper was stupid enough to throw at him for some Bozo like reason.

As the lawyers whined, Ford sat there – unpeturbed.

So the lawyers tried to break his composure by asking him idiotic questions not related to the facts at hand such as “How many soldiers did the Brits send us to put down the rebellion!”

And tons of other such rubbish.

Finally, Ford lost it.

“Will you please tell me, Sir, why I should waste my time answering all this? Just why should I fill up my minds with facts that if I so want, I can press a button on my desk and summon 10 men that can instantly answer all these ridiculous questions you pose?”

THAT is a man of education – who never went past middle school!

THAT answer floored everyone – judge included.

It’s mentioned in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, and that book is a must read even if you ain’t interested in getting rich.

Of course, Ford didnt have to deal with the plague from China growing up, so I get where today’ kids are coming from.

And that makes me even angrier about this whole mess, if just for kids globally being forced to stay at home and adopt unnatural routines with equally cranky adults at each others throats all damned day either directly or indirectly . . .

They didnt do anything to deserve this, these little kids!

Makes me mad as a hatter.

Speaking of Bozo hatters, Gorillas for some reason seem to arouse the idiot in many people.

I get a gorilla grip every morning by stroking ……….” (I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination) – this was a comment posted by a freak on Facebook.

Then of course Glyn with his Gorilla “wang” (if you get my drift) comments and exhorting people to “get a grip”.

When he himself doesnt have one.

And they make for great titles too. Hehe. My buddy from the Marines – if there is ONE book he loves, it’s this one – and thats why he’s mentioned at the start of it too.

As for yours truly, I’ve never had thick fingers, wrists, good genetics or any of that crap.

But I’ll tell you this much – – you can tell a lot about a man – a real man – by the shape of his hands (not size) and the thickness of his fingers – and his GRIP.

You can tell a LOT about whether he’s done hard manual labor, worked out intensely, and many other things.

Yours truly of course has always had “delicate fingers”.

Surgeon’s fingers, skilled and talented, according to an Aunt of mine …

And a grip that was weaker than most, and most delighted in rubbing it in.

Now, it’s the opposite, and turnabout’s fair play, except I dont rub it in.

I get mine back by putting out the best damn courses there are out ther eon GRIP – so YOU – my friend – can learn from me – and YOU can build the corsucating grip you’ve always wanted!

I give you all that info about fingertip pushups in Pushup Central because thats how the greats did, and if you do too, you’ll join their pantheon in many regards.

And I talk about pull-ups galore, because there are few better exercises to build the grip than pull-ups and their derivatives.

Alright, enough of this.

Pick up the courses above, and turn into King Kong in no time – right smack with the chest thumping, hehe.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember the discounts we got going on won’t last beyond the end of the month.

PS #2 – And, remember Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition. Two copies left, once they are gone, they are … GONE!

Yes, SIR!

Why I consider solid hard workouts to be the best COVID vaccine EVER.
- Because ...!

We’ve gone on a lot about the following – panic conditioning – sheeple conditioning – China requiring their people and foreign devils in the country too apparently to get “anally swabbed” or what not – about how people everywhere else are glibly buying into this highly moronic panicdemic spread by the See Xi Pee …

We’ve read – and we should KNOW (I mean a lot of these people coming to me telling me “You’re educated! How can you not get the vaccine!” – I mean, these Bozos with all their fancy education seem to want to stick their heads in the sand on a) people that get vaccinated still get the plague and B) those vaccines haven’t even been properly tested as opposed to “rushed out”!) .

Speaking of education.

The Rum Dum from Brum claims he goes to Oxford, and we know how educated she is.

And of course, in India, their top institution IIT Kharagpur, supposedly world renowned has been rocked by a case of … a fat, Nazi feminist professor literally abusing students because they were “from a different caste”.

In an online class no less. If it was not online, likely this story would never have come out because it wouldn’t have been recorded.

True, the superficial reason given was they didnt stand for the National Anthem. But she wouldn’t have used those flaming cuss words the way she did if they were “of a different caste” if you get my drift.

Some problems never go away in India, and casteism and religious divides are the prime reason, or ONE prime reason why the country is still saddled with all the annoying problems it has.

Claude Bristol said it best in the Magic of Believing, and it applies to nations too.

As we think, so we are.

And the people of India as a whole really need to get past caste, color, creed, religion …

Not to mention this person was a BULLY.

I mean, attacking students who have (in India) NO rights, no means to fightback as opposed to in the US etc where you can at least make the sham of “goin gto the Dean”.

India, nothing doing. I remember going for an “interview” for some silly MBA thing I was considering doing at that point, and the Math professor took one look at my long hair, eyed me up and down and said the following.

“Dont think you’ll have it easy here! One times your phone rings, and you’re OUT of my class!”

He was trying to quash the rebel in me before it even rebelled.

More importantly, he was pissed that the non conformist who “thinks he’s so good” showed up for his precious little silly interview.

I HATE that idiot.

I’d rather a professor like Dr Kolibal who talks to you like an equal!

Yes, the good Doc told me that I needed to get off my duff and stop taking Mickey Mouse classes.

YES, he urged me to get my ass in high gear.

But there is a WAY to do it, and a way NOT to.

Anyway, that bit is all over the sh-news … along with the nonsense about the plague and what not.

And the latest on that?

Apparently immunity only lasts for eight months.

Golly Whiz Bang!

So then what, we line up the rest of our lives to be controlled by governments that want to shove this inanity down my throats?

Or up our nether regions if it’s China?   – Source.

Just also read that despite the UK claiming “all restrictions gone by June” or what not, they’re already silently hiring “COVID Marshal” to patrol the streets.

Restrictions gone my rear end.

Anyway, judging by reactions on social shedia etc, more and more people are starting to wake up to the truth which is good – long overdue!

As for me, I’ve said it before.

Lots of my customers have.

Our immune system eat Covid, Show-vid, Fo-vid for breakfast, and the proof in the pudding.

NOTHING, my friend, boosts your immune system like workouts done out “quick and dirty:” and intense like I teach you.


Not to mention the sheer feeling of feeling on top of the world, attracting what you want, and the people you want into your life on auto pilot as opposed to shennanigans about Chinese plagues, bad economy and what not rubbish designed to control the sheep right till the slaughter.

Silence of the Lambs, indeed …

Anyway, thats that for now.

To get on programs like that – The Rolls Royce of Fitness is what I’d recommend starting out with for 15 minutes a day if you can handle that much.

Most can’t when they start, even experienced trainees.

And then my other products, of course.

Ge ton the train – now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS : And remember, the “collector’s edition of Fast and Furious Fitness” – we’re down to the LAST TWO copies!

Excuses, excuses …
- Cut 'em out!

I’m always surprised, mind boggled, and astounded as to the number of excuses people make for being lazy and not succeeding at what they so called “want to succeed at” (if they’ve even thought of life beyond the next bottle) and making excuses/looking for “crutches” to explain away their lack of success (or make excuses about “he’s so lucky, so he got to where he is! luck, luck, luck!”

And it ain’t just one person, or two – it’s the majority of folks out there.

I will never ever forget a conversation over dinner one night with a former friend of mine who claimed the following.

“White men have it best in China, then brown, then black!”

I told him that while this might be true for the sheeple, to use that as a crutch was just PATHETIC. FLAT OUT PATHETIC!

“No-one’s saying you’re using it as a crutch!” he replied.

Curiously enough, this same person when quizzed about the inherent bias the Chinese have about people of a certain skin tone being qualified to be dancing monkeys whether or not they can dance (think Russians doing the job for one) … he was ambivalent and even supportive of the Chinese.

According to him English can only be spoken by a “certain group of people” if you get my drift.

Then you have Bozo Brofield who complained up a storm about the Pakistanis getting the jobs he didnt, God knows why (he was probably busy with his nose stuck you know where) and then making fun of their accents late at night in WeShat groups while getting trashed in his roach infested apartment.

If people in general would do something better than look for excuses – the world would be a much better place!

Perhaps thats why I named my fitness system what I did – 0 Excuses Fitness!

It truly leaves you with NO excuses, no crutches …

No, Charles, you didnt get a “10 year visa to China” because “they gave it to you”. you got it because you were born in a certain country.

No-one can control where they were born etc … and to use that as an excuse for NOT succeeding, or an excuse to say “he only got there becaus ehe had more chances than me!” – is just weak, pathetic, and DUMB – and STUPID to a T.

I find it all the more astounding given when I really wanted to (not a lot at all ,to be honest) I earned far more in these same stupid vocations (if you can call’em that) than these same people that Tom Tommed race, skin color etc as being the sole criteria for “success”.

I mean, get real.

Henry Ford didnt succeed “just because he was born in the US”. I’m pretty sure that even if he were to born in Ethiopia for one, he’d have succeeded!

Carnegie and Rockefeller would probably have accumulated their fortunes regardless anywhere in the world. Ultimately when we cut past the horseshit, its about how you use your mind to get past whatever so called obstacles are stopping you from getting to where you are.

It’s all in the mind, friend.

And I’m sure Napoleon Hill would have written the books he did regardless of his nationality.

Thats why I laugh at people that tell me “you succeeded because you’re lucky!

Or, you make sales “because you can speak English like they do!

Or “you got lucky to go to China” (the most astounding of all – my job sent me there of all things – luck???? No-one even wanted me to take that job!).

And so forth.

Fitness wise, same damned thing applies.

I’m sure Charles the guy who complains about pull-up being difficult and my advice not helping or some bullshit could have cut past the excuses, and done the thing.

If he had, and followed my advice instead of ranting about it – he’d be a stud at pull-ups, not a dud that can’t hold on the bar for any length of time.

If he’d spent half the time he does about telling me “I dont know how you do it in that heat and humidity” – and DO what I do – hed get in better shape too!

And so forth.

And he, Bozo Schofield, Keith James, or any of the wankers and wacks out there would be well pressed to follow my advice instead of complaining “your fitness tips aren’t particularly … I forget the term he used? Mind blowing, or something!”

Be a doer, friend. Not a whiner, moaner, pisser, groaner, wanker and complainer.

Look for ways to SOLVE a problem, not make excuses at every step of the way, and you’ll likely do far better than you are now.

My advice, take it or leave it.

Anyway, we’re down to the last two copies of Fast and Furious Fitness, and if I keep the last one for myself which I may, its ONE copy remaining.

If you want in, get this now.

And I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why Korean Soap operas will turn your brain into mush and Gollum
- And ...

And if you’ve got any T-rone at all in your body (And all real men should) – it’ll drastically make said levels DROP.

Big time.

If there ever was Nazi feminist paradise, my friend it is soap operas of any nature, shape or form – and starting from the Bold and the Beautiful to all the Oprah like copies globally, they’re all equally cringeworthy.

I just pick on the Korean Soap operas more because… well, they’re EVEN more annoying.

There is a reason women from all over the globe (or at least in East Asia) show up in Korea to get boob jobs, face tucks, lip tucks, chin jobs or what not …

And the country I have to say is home to some of the most effeminate and sissified cuckolded men out there.

Want proof?

I’ll GIVE you proof in a future email – basically a guy from there that a Chinese rental agent snagged – that kept sending his girl money for vacations, holidays etc – and every time he asked her “why the entire amount wasn’t there” (when they got together) she’d yell back at him furiously.

“I sent it to my parents!”

As if dude was responsible for that.

And as if chick had earned the money, or had any right to do that …

Dude took it, though. (though from what he told me after she made HIM do all the formalities for a certain apartment I got – late until 11 PM at night no less – and it was HER job – even he was getting sick of it, but he still put up with it) …

And Korean soap operas are just worse in that regard. Don’t believe me?

Just look at the men int hem, for one.

If you’re wondering what the Rum Dum in Brum looks like, it’s like a fatter lardier “toothier” version of some of those idiots that they say are “hot” (some girls do at least – most with sense prefer real men).

Not effeminate idiots prancing around in tight pants, holding hands with other men, holding women’s handbags because “we lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve you” and stinking of nasty jasmine perfume and so forth …

(its great on girls, but guys? UGH!)

And the Bozo loves it.

Anyway, he’s sending me the following right about now.

“Rahul needs a new nose job!”

“Skin tone like a turd!”

And so forth.

And he then claims he isn’t racist, hehe.

But I could care less what he says – my point is the soap operas.

(And also, I’ll say what Ole Mickey told Rocky about his nose.

The only thing special about your nose is you ain’t got it busted. Leave it there, nice and pretty where it is!


The Bozo, of course, did get his busted and ended up in a charity hospital or something. As Charles rightly said, someone probably done got tired of his nonsense.

Anyway, back to soaps…

And, as if to “agree” with me, here is what a great customer of mine said about ’em.

Korean soap opera, shoot and I thought we had it bad with the Aussie crud that they send over to us in a never ending stream of shit.

It is marvellous how women can scream at you and think nothing of it because after all you never listen so they’re justified (in their mind) but you scream at them and you’re a bully and subjecting them to mental cruelty, give me strength.

Enough about women, they’re just wind-up merchants who like nothing better than setting you off and leaving you to fume all day.

This guy, I gotta admit is more eloquent than me at times, and says it like it never was!

SO damned true!

And anyway, moral of the story on this one is simple.

Avoid dumbphones and the idiot box like the plague from China – and avoid soap operas of ALL natures like the Rum Dum from Brofield with the plague x 10.


Anyway, enough on that.

My products are gritty, admittedly so.

Barebones training, barebones budget!

And if there was one decidely NON soap opera like quality they have (including me as well)?

Well, here is PART of the latest review for Fast and Furious Fitness

If you’re looking for a minimalist approach to getting strong and supple you cannot do better than this book. Get the book, put it to use and it will turn you into a Leopard, why a Leopard? Because a Leopard is the perfect balance between suppleness and strength. The book delivers on many fronts but it is it’s no nonsense “spartan attitude” that makes it stand out from the crowd …

I’ve posted the entire review before, so won’t do so again here, but for purposes of clarity, its posted on the site – and the sales page for the book.

And we only have TWO copies left, so if you want yours, get it now, because these won’t be reprinted. Once they’re gone, they are well and truly GONE.

Anyway, to close off, an interesting insight –

Not all is bad with them Korean gals, hehe. Some of them can drink men under the table!

I’ve never once had a guy that coul ddo that, but I must admit – Ann Lee would pound beers like nobody’s business (I think she had part Korean blood or something – not sure – but there was a connection of some sorts from what she told me) . . .

As Charles said,

“Why would you want to leave her? Damn, a gal that pounds beer after beer with ya!”


That, my friend, is a tale for another time from this bad boy.


I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – But really, this bears significance because rather than avoiding the inanity on TV Shee-Vee, people are diving deeper into the idiotic manufactured news, wacko like “cry baby” soap operas, and so forth. Why not use the time for something productive, my friend.

MAKE something of your life.

DO something with your fitness. NOW!

You’ve got all the time in the world, methinks!

When the redoubtable Ann Lee lit the flame of FITNESS under my “packed with lard’ RUMPUS
- YES!

Some of you have heard this tale before, but I dont know if you’ve heard what I’m going to relate now.

And it ties into the “credit” for your success email I sent out a while ago in a weird sort of manner.

Y’all may have noticed that while I talk about various women in my dispatches, the only one really mentioned in any of the sales pages for the books?

Is Cindy – to whom I will be forever and ever grateful for taking the vidoes and photos for 0 Excuses Fitness, when NOONE else would (or could, apparently).

We did it all with three phones, and nothing else. Heh.

Cindy was admittedly very interested in the subject matter . . .

(when the student is ready – the teacher SHALL appear)!

Not to mention I taught her English before and … well, thats a long story!

But anyway, the other person is Ann Lee (Advanced Hill Training).

If there was EVER a person that “Deserves” to be on that page, it’s her!

Anyway, flashback first.

Y’all probably remember that one night I spoke about – basically a 5AM – 530 AM “binge of sorts”.

I went to HK, climbed the hill, met Ann Lee, climbed again, then the beer drinking started, eating Chinese food with chopsticks (I couldn’t do it at that point, and my fingers shook uncontrollably, which made her giggle like nothing I’ve ever seen), using Asian style “squat” toilets (I didn’t use it finally!) and then of course plenty of beer, and so forth).

And as we finally started to head home around 430AM or so?

I ordered “one more”.

Not one for the road, but just one more cold one …

When Ann saw this, she got peeved.

“Why no you tell me you want another one!”

For reference, my Mandarin at the time was even more terrible than it is now, and the guys (gals, actually) could barely understand me, so she was doing the communication, but at that point, they knew what the foreign devil wanted, and being she had a few herself, I figured I’d just get up, order it, and get it myself.

Big mistake apparently!

“I wanna do for you!”

What she meant was she wanted to keep “getting it for me” for some reason which is what she had been doing all evening since “I was her man” or something.

Anyway, I apologized, we made off “home” and that was that.

Dont know why I felt compelled to bring this up?

Maybe because the NEXT time she said something, I listened!!

I will NEVER forget that first climb up the hill …

… and thats mentioned on the Advanced Hill Training page.

… and I’ll never forget a month later when I wistfully remarked “I Wish I could do that daily!”

The look she gave me, my friend – I’ll never forget it.

And that VOICE – oh my!

School Mistresses of all ages, step aside. THIS woman had it!

“You CAN!”

“After work!”

“Dont make excuse!”

She didnt say the last. Her eyes said it!

And so started a fitness journey of a lifetime!

I will not say and indeed won’t say she “gets all the credit” because even Ann Lee in her wildest dreams wouldn’t have imagined the impact her words would have on me, and how I’d climb that sucker 7 times a day … blazing heat, humidity, rain, everything.

As Charles (guy who rants about pull-ups being useless) told me.

“I dont know how you do it!”

He wasn’t the only one either that said that.

I was the one that buckled down, and DID IT.

But still, sometimes, someone has to light the fire under your rumpus, my friend.

Or you do it yourself.

Several of my greatest achievements – sales – books – have come without prior planning (indeed, my entire life has been lived that way, despite what some people say about me being a “master planner” – I ain’t – my subconscious does it!) … on the spur of the moment.

(Zero to Hero, by the way, was an ACTUAL quote that someone made about my performance at “that” company in terms of from where I took them to where they were at that point)

Sometimes it was rage (often times).

Sometimes anger.

Sometimes humiliation.

Sometimes, well, it was an Ann Lee or Carol that lit a fire under my rumpus.

Key takeaway from all this being?

CHANNEL that emotion.

If you’re frustrated about something, MAKE the change in your life.

If you’re tired of being left behind – DO something about it.

Fitness wise, same thing.

A famous Stallone line in the much trolled (and I loved the movie) “Over the Top”.

The world meets nobody halfway, Mike. If you want it – you gotta TAKE IT.

Do whats right for you. Always do that!

Truer words were never spoken ..

Anyway, enough on that.

Advanced Hill Training is here, for those interested.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember the discount we currently have going on – one for you returning customers, one for newbies!

When the ass clowns try and say “you got lucky!” or – “its because of US that YOU succeeded”! … and more
- This has to be said!

I saw the following post on LinkedIn, which for one resonated with me – a lady in the footwear industry.

Single mom of two, leader of a 35 person company, industry leader for 20 plus years – been working in footwear forever – and people say “it’s just luck!”


I can identify!

I sent the lady a note saying “Kudos – and keep up the good work” because she deserves it (yes, women can be high achievers too once they look past the Nazi feminism or ignore it totally) (and there HAVE been a TON of high achieving females over the ages – Mother Tereas – Queen Elizabeth – Cleopatra – Madam Curie – Marie Dressler – Kate Smith – there, I’ve named but a few from various walks of life – and I Dont know if you’ve noticed it, but most of them are all pre 1970, when feminism started to morph into … yes, you guessed it. It’s Nazi variant!)

Maybe I’m overdoing the Nazi part (some of you might think).

The reality is, I’m UNDERDOING IT.

But anyway, I have nothing but respect for high achievers of ANY gender – those that made it on their OWN through the school of hard knocks and finally “got there”.

Yours truly get this thrown at him all th etime.

Every time I do something, or accomplish something, my (I’ll say a certain family member to make things interesting, although it doesnt take a genius to guess “who”) will harrumph about it.

“So what! Thats nothing!”

“You have a good education! So you did it! They’re the ones that get credit”

(I know. The idiocy is astounding, but the fact is this – it ain’t just her that says it – most of my family says it too. Even the Rum Dum from Brum admits that college education ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, when he keeps talking about me going to a “third rate college” – since I didnt go to “Socks Ford” and the School of Solid Ass Licks hehe).

When I made all those sales at the company?

I was told by a certain family member that “thats only because you speak like an American”

I cannot tell you how STUPID this comment is, my friend.

If stellar sales boils down to “speaking like someone”, then half the world would be millionaires several times over!

When I wrote a book?

The Bozos globally pooh poohed it as being “so what”. Anyone can write a book!

Yet, these same idiots who condemn it – have THEY ever written anything themselves?

I think not, my friend.

My Uncle once made the comment about …well, when I was visiting him at the age of 19.

Admittedly some of the rules in his house were stifling, right down to the “1/4 of a beer” with a meal. Ugh.

And at a party or something he made the comment, looking at me.

“He’s had it here. He’ll NEVER visit us again”.


He was right. (same guy who called me Mr Wolf, and I agree!) – and I never did return.

He also made the comment about “he’s done within a few months what we couldn’t in years – 20plus).

That being, change my accent much like a chameleon changes its colors.

Amazingly enough, when I talk about adapting to different cultures, being forced into different situations, many NOT of my own making, those that have never DONE anything in their own life – hardly earned a penny themselves – are the first to criticize.

Anyway, end of rant, but I’m sure this sounds familiar to you?

When you get in better shape by following the Rolls Royce –  dont be surprised if the morons and idiots that have nothing better to do and are blowing up by the day with expanding asses and bellies galore show up saying “you have good luck” or “good genetics”.

No you dont, my friend.

We MAKE our own luck – all of us.

And complaining and whining and moaning and being critical of other’s success is hardly the way to your own (and neither is pretending that anyone that has succeeded at a higher level than YOU doesnt know at least some of what he is talking about).

When you get to the stage when you can knock off a 100 pull-ups per workout, dont be surprised if phat phocks criticize you up and down saying “so what!” “thats no big deal!”

Or something like that.

I swear, the idiocy is just MIND BOGGLING.

Luck my rear end!

Bottom line is this though (and I’m guilty of violating it occasionally) – the best way to respond to these people is … say nothing.

Or just agree with them.   (just say you agree)

“Yeah, right, honey, whatever”.

Then light another burning FIRE under your desire, and get to work with renewed vigor because guess what – as I’ve written many a times before – YOUR Success will ultimately defeat them – not your “defense” in terms of words etc.

Plus, there ain’t much sense beating your head against a concrete wall, you know. That wall would likely make more sense anyway.

Anyway, I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – TWO copies left for Fast and Furious Fitness. If you want in – get on the stick NOW.

PPS – Let me close out by saying THIS BRO. Noone, but YOU deserve success for your credit.  (interesting way to say it, eh. lol)  NO-ONE but you! Would these people take the responsibility and flak if you failed? Somehow, I dont think so!

Goose and gander, its just that simple.

And Zero to Hero is more motivation inthis regard – for a great little read, pick it up now!