My, how things change…

I dont know why this memory came to mind, I dont know why I chose THIS time to write about it.

But it’s when I was in eighth grade, now you guys are well aware of my childhood, growing up, wanting to do the manly things, not being allowed to, never being given the tools I needed to do whatever it is I wanted to in that regard, the put downs etc …

… but the memory that popped into mind, and of course the goddamned doorbell has to ring with idiots all around as soon as I start to write with some time on my hands… ugh…

Train of thought…

… anyway, the memory of me using my dad’s razor “on the secret” to shave came to mind.

If he’d ask me today, I’d return the damn thing ( I never kept it) – but you get my drift – the memory.

Hey Dad, thats all I had access to back then, I didnt “keep this” out of any sentimental attraction to you or what not … anyway, I got a dressing down for it.

He gave me my Mom’s version of “he thinks he’s so strong” – “you think you’re a big man with huge mustaches!”

Funnily enough,  my Mom’s always had a yen for men with mustaches. something which according to Dad she will “never live down” – the comment about a certain Indian film star Jackie Shroff being so manly, I could never understand why she kept saying that – to me he wasn’t really that manly – fit yes, but …


This isn’t about me taking my favorite movie star’s picture to the salon to get a hairdo just like him either (13). Hehe.

It’s about memories.

Its about today when you rarely, if ever, see me clean shaven.


How things change.

And from Mr Stubble, these memories may or may not matter to you, but we all got ’em.

But THESE matter -a hell of a lot – fitness wise.

And I guess thats why I chose to write this NOW…


Rahul Mookerjee

Too cool?
- Indeed!

I’ll always remember Alan, a former employer making the “too cool” comment as I stood there with my “green” eyed sunglasses chatting with him about visas outside Balboa School in Wanjiang, China.

“Green eyes! Too cool!”


And me checking his “work permit” out which for whatever reason the company never did – or wanted to, apparently, for any of the people working there except management.

They had the typical “use and throw” mentality so common amongst employers, but that job worked for me for the time it was there – and Alan kept me on for way too long than the “powers that be” (idiotic school admins) wanted to – I’ll always appreciate that.

You know how it goes teaching English in China, if you ain’t whiter than white, then you’re a no go, if you are, you could stand there and speak Russian for all the parents care.

No-one will admit that fact publicly, but it’s nigh true -been there, done that – threw the T shirt away, as General Michael once said.

Anyway – years later, every time, and I see these damn white and black cats a LOT – with green eyes all of them, I’m reminded of that comment.

I dont know why the Universe goes out of its way to make sure the ONE kitten in the litter with green eyes follows me around, the rest dont – the white and black cats do – or the ones with green eyes – the rest don’t.

“Very few people have green eyes here, Dad”, the daughter said. (upon me informing her of the “Alan” comment).

Mine are actually brown, I laughed back.

And mine are as black as the Eye of Oynx, whatever the hell that is – she replied (Wings of Fire?? Darn, I’m getting OLD, the daughter says it too, and its a great feeling – hehe).

Maybe the sunglasses have become so mystical that they’re a connection to the spiritual.

I’d bet you my bottom dollar most people dont have lucid dreams like I’ve mentioned before – predict the future – right down to a guy holding a bag of tomatoes in a certain manner …

… or, dream of white tigers – two of them no less as I did this morning. Tale unto itself as all my dreams are. We’ll be having a new venture devoted to just this in the future, stay tuned – something a lot of you have asked about, and it now deserves it’s own space.

I’ll say this – sleep in, my friend, but do it RIGHT. The benefits – my!

Anyway … Hehe.

I’ll end this one off with a sage (no pun) note about keeping the first 2 hours of the day to YOURSELF, and yourself alone.

Everything else can come after that.

This is a life truism that has worked fantastically well for me and all other achievers of note over the years, and it applies to fitness too.

Do what you will that little tidbit, but I guarantee you it will increase your productivity in all spheres by leaps and bounds.

The spouse, screaming kids, dinner, it can all wait.

Yes, the letter m was the answer to the riddle my daughter posed today “what comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, never in a 1000 years”.

Gotta love ’em kiddie riddles, far better than the crap she’s taught at so called school anyway. Hehe.

Me – M.

And that my friend is, and has to always be at the core of all you do, because once you take good care of ME, you take better care of those around you.

It doesn’t work in reverse, no matter how “incorrect” or uncaring or what not it might sound…

And thats that.

More life tips – not hacks – that actually WORK – Zero to HERO! 

Gumption Galore!


Rahul Mookerjee

What climbing hills daily can teach you about LIFE.
- Goes way beyond just fitness.

Last night, or again, this AM, I had a very lengthy almost lucid dream – and in this one?

Well, other than a guy I wont mention here, I saw Brooks Kubik – and me talking to him, attending one of his … well, in the dream what was it? Like a seminar, which I dont know if he’s ever even had … and such.

I even bought a product – in CASH at that, despite my propensity for everything online and digital from him. I can’t quite remember which, I do remember the amount though.

Now, dreams are intepretative, but with some signs I’ve been signing as of late – no that wasn’t a tai-po – from the Universe sending me signals in terms of my deepest desires, what I really want – well – along with “Musk” dream I had a while back, though it wasn’t that long ago, it’s an apt dream to have – really!

Brooks was as always the nicest ever.

I can even remember his voice as we spoke…

I’ll reveal more dream details later, but for now, guy’s always been a legend to me right from when I first emailed him in 2004 – there is a reason the story, along with that of Ann Lee is mentioned on the Advanced Hill Training page.

It would have started anyway – but she kick started it – literally, with a kick to my butt once – literally.

And that look in the eye “yes, YOU CAN!” (when I was making an excuse about not being able to climb after work).

The Brooks email came later.

But either way, climbing hill like that daily teaches you a lot about yourself.

About how out there in the heat, sweat dripping off ya “this is real climbing!” like you’re in the shower, steamy rains that give way to jungle like heat the next minute, you’re not sure if your shirt is sticking to your back with sweat, or rain, or both, that incline beckoning, menacing, those long slow Undertaker like walks I did up the hill with people telling me NOT to go that extreme, that FIRE burning in my lungs literally as I ascended at 12 noon, all of it – it builds mental and physical tougheness to a level most people will never get to in their entire life.

It teaches you that you can cope with anything life throws at you.

It teaches you that no matter how tough it gets, “God” – a term I’ve been using more and more often these days in place of the Universe, though my core belief remains the same – is there with you.

If you have your mind right – if you do the right things – the Universal Court of Justice sees all, it delivers justice and punishment, as Emerson said so much more eloquently than I could ever (I still remember meeting the Sage of Concord on the hill in 2019) … in SPADES.

Compound interest.

At the right time.

It teaches you faith.

To keep going, and you’ll get results, and how.

Most of all, it builds GUMPTION like nothing else, like no other workout can, the only others I’ve seen that build that sort of gumption are high rep squat and pushup workouts.

Deck stacked and then some, back against the wall, with it all being piled on, NOW what you going to do son?

And you come out fighting.

And WIN.

And that hill imbibes that SPIRIT in you, as those workouts did, repeated, all alone, out there in the heat, sweat, only those that have done it will appreciate it and what I have to say here.

I know ole Brooks sure will!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why those that get bored easily or “want something new all the time” or a deriative thereof are idiots that usually dont accomplish any long term result(s) – IF AT ALL.

Yes, I’ve written, spoken, ranted about this before.

Yes, I’m doing it again, and will continue to. Lots of idiots need to hear this.

Last afternoon, an idiot wrote back with “not pull-ups again”.

“I want something different” (this nutward is signed up for my youtube, refuses to unsubscribe either…) …

I asked him what. he has no clue.

I asked him whats so damn boring about pull-ups, he wont respond.

I told him what I’ve told everyone – one of the best exercises, and all the associated things that go with it, and … well, I asked him how many he could do, but I didnt need to, since I then visited his youtube – judging by the looks of his podgy pudgy self, I pity the chinning bar and lets just leave it that (I wont even dignify this moron by mentioning name and location).

Yet, he wants something “new” when he can’t do the basics.

Its exactly these sort of self inflicted ADHD ridden morons that complain about workouts being “boring” and having the same things etc – and finding easier exercises to replace those that are too tough for them (a huge case in point is avoiding pull-ups done right, especially pronated grip) … and whining about everything under the sun except fixing their inability to DO the thing.

Look, my friend, repetition is really what breeds success at anything.

Those long hours I put in on the hill, 10,000 plus emails, years of writing – training – practice – whatever it is, success doesnt just occur.

Your GRIND, or the lack of it determines what ultimately happens, and looking for the next most interesting thing on Twitter or Tik Tok … well, feel free to do that if you like, but remember – while Herschel Walker switched up his pushups, for instances, he was positively dogmatic about his workouts – and positively so about the core stuff he did.

He’s just one example of a real doer…

0 Excuses Fitness is not for those with short attention spans, getting easily bored, looking for the next new thing etc. Sure, I have plenty of freaking “variations” – but you have to stick to the basics religiously, and keep doing them until they become second and third nature, and do ’em even more …

And if you’re an idiot that can’t even watch a few seconds of videos without getting bored, they aint for ya.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Repetition of the same chant, the same affirmation, the same incantations causes BELIEF to occur – once that belief becomes a deep seated convictions, things begin to happen.

And thats that.

I spoke to Elon Musk last night – or this morning.
- Them early morning talks...

There’s a reason I generally wake up late, my friend.

The dreams, often lucid, I have between the hour of 6-11 – man!

They foretell, they explain, they provide miraculous solutions out of the blue, I’ve got several dream diaries filled with my dreams – but this morning’s dream was one of those so profound ones I had to write about it instantly, which I did on the other site from a sexual standpoint (no, Musk had nothing to do with that part of it).

But, hours later, this thought popped into my mind, and so …

I might start, based upon popular demand thus far chronicling my dreams and UNDERSTANDINGS from them online. And how they foretell the future etc if you can read ’em, if you ACCEPT what they tell you (most wont) and so forth.

But anyway, Napoleon Hill spoke about his Council of Ministers in Think and Grow Rich.

These were imaginary figures he created in his own mind that he’d seek counsel from every night.

Indeed, these were men that had qualities he admired, and by his own admission, he’d spend an hour in bed every night “talking” to these men (while awake).

(by his own admission again) these talks became so real that the characters actually started to “exist” for him, he stopped doing it, fearful of the effect it was having, but restarted after Lincoln, one of his advisors, said the world needed him.

I can identify to the letter and then some with all this, I just recently started re-writing my dreams down after a break.

I dont practice the Council technique.

But in my dreams, I’ve spoken to Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk (most recently) and other people I admire – and those talks are so real (including one with a certain Jodie Foster dressed and decked out in sparkling WHITE) that I sometimes wonder if they’re just dreams!

Now, this dream.

Let’s review the other site…

Ah yes. I knew there was a reason I ended that last email with “Kick AZZ!” – hehe.

Let me just cut out the sexual parts, and write the other parts here –


Often times I chronicle my dream in my dream diary. Today, for some reason, straight out of bed I wanted to do it here…

And so, here goes.

Was one of those lovely convoluted dreams as always – man!

Started off with, oh I dont even know – my Dad? With whom I’ve never had a relationship, I was writing about a biz deal I had with “Elon Musk” and “tesla” – I was writing about this in a diary. Dad shows up, tries to take a peek, and I get angry (upset) (this is how I chronicle most of my dreams in writing my friend – today I’m doing it here for some odd reason).

We get into an argument- he’s there with feet up complaining about “oh you do it too!”

I didnt say much. I never do when I talk to Dad, there’s no point.

“Enjoy Your Tesla”, he went cattily.

What do you want, Dad – I said wearily.

He left, equally wearily.

Then a guy I knew a long time ago who sort of worked under me, I was working “overtime” in an office – with “Musk” – who was noticing me doing everything (I believe I even got into a bit of a tiff with him in the dream, details not clear! Hehe) – and I said hi.

“Heyyyyyyyyyyy” I remember saying politely. He nodded back.

Guy who I worked with before – him and I were supposed to grab a drink, things got boisterous, I told him to calm down, he wouldn’t – we went to the “cafeteria” – I told him he could do what he liked there.

He got pissed off, an argument ensued, folks showed up, they took my side on this one and told me to “out” that guy – in that he’s supposed to be here for work, but hes talking about going out drinking …

… I “return” to the office.

On the way back I’m chased by a huge black dude I had NO chance against – I do manage to trip him up though, but he still catches me!

And he’s the nicest guy ever. Helps me. And such!

On the way down on an escalator, I beckon for HIM to go first, he doesnt …

Finally, a lady does.

A slim sexy black lady.

I laugh.

“Ok, y’all, I’l follow her, dont push me!”

they wouldn’t need to.

In the middle, she stops, and rubs that BOOTY of hers **chopped – to keep it kiddie rated – hehe*

… lot of the people behind me “dont hold us up, you ass!”


I mutter some apologies.

I take her Twitter. How apt!

And that perhaps is why I’m writing this to you – when I ask her her name?

“R…..” (my real name)


” I thought that was a boys name” – I said.

She giggled.

Its fluid, I woke up thinking.

She even asked me WHAT I liked the most, I said everything, that sleek sexy BACK amongst one, “but you like the BOOTY the most”, she went.

Maybe! Hehe.

Anyway –

Took a leak.

And now, here I am, about to hit the hay again!

Well, my friend, that moist *chopped* aside, today’s dream has been vividly chronicled on the internet, much like I would on paper.

Let me know how you liked it, I’ll have more if you did!



Anyway – lots left up to your imagination.

And if you’re on the other site, well …

The “name” – well, that dream tells us what we all know but are scared to acknowledge, the other side … which we all have, especially the most outwardly sanctimonious of folks.

But that ain’t the point here.

The point here is – AZZ – kicking it – while owning one that folks love to admire. Hehe.

Yours truly has always had a nice one.

Glyn… ah, we’ll leave it be.

But thats one of the body parts that for a man my friend shows real strength and virility. Ancient slaves were often checked before auction by people literally grabbing their buttocks and shoulders…

And for a woman, sexiness, or for both men and women obviously

After mammaries, its the body part people want to work the most – to look GOOD …

And the best way to get a toned, muscular booty my friend – is SQUATS, ass to grass, done right (hint – most people half ass it, no pun) – and squats galore.

My course Squat 101 is a must grab in this regard, as is the 0 Excuses Fitness System. 

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why we always started our Taekwondo workouts with the SPLITS
- And why it's a signature JCVD move...

In Advanced, PROFOUND (its named that way for a reason, a damn good one) Isometric and Flexibility Training, I speak of the JCVD split.

There’s a good reason JCVD worked out for four hours a day – and did a LOT of stretching growing up.

A lot of dancing along with his martial arts too, till this date, dude’s lean and mean, fighting machine!

Back in the day, I mentioned how my Taekwondo teacher would praise me at pushups as I touched my chest to the ground – when no-one else would – and I did it without being told.

“Good!” – I remember him saying …

That approving nod, I felt it, though I couldn’t SEE it.

Conversely, the splits?

I was terrible at them due to a combo of “always being made to sit and study at home” – naturally weak and inflexible hamstrings (though a lot of that is my childhood) – and it remains one of the areas I can improve upon hugely till this day. (though I Can do ’em pretty damn well now).

I can improve everywhere, actually – especially and even in those areas where folks call me, and rightly so, a “guru” or “expert”.

Anyway, I remember my partner stretching open my legs – no puns – I didnt like the guy either – and my teacher laughed at me almost in tears.

“We’ll show him!”

Thats praise when warranted, tough love when warranted. The physcial punishment he doled out to his own kid – my – it was brutal even by those standards those days!

I’ll never forget the rip roaring 90’s when we grew up. Keeping it real and then some, it all went downhill in that regard after that anyway – there was a reason he inflicted this punishment upon us, my friend.

And it was done not at the end of the workout.

It was done at the very beginning of the class – after some gentle jogging and loosening, sometimes we wouldn’t even jog.

It was the part of the class I dreaded the MOST. Haha.

People say stretching should be done POST workout, not pre – I agree if you’re talking conventional stretching.

But DYNAMIC stretching like I teach, and movements like the splits, working the hamstrings and back, they loosen, strengthen, and stretch at the same time. They can be, like the splits – or any of it’s variants, or any of the other great movements in Isometric and Flexibility Training – a workout unto themselves.

I do them before, during, and after my workouts.

And the splits – side splits – is the ONE movement in this regard which really warms it all up.

Gets your system functioning.

And loosens up the lower body in a way only this exercise can do, a perfect prelude to practicing kicks and such.

Pity my mom took me out of class either for “being too violent” (I wasn’t – and no Dad, stopping me watching WWE didnt work, I did it on the sly anyway – haha – talk about STUPID!!!) – or “he needs to study more” (a huge HA! there too). .. I still remember my instructor asked me why I didnt come to class no more, what could I tell him. Grade nine, haha.

The same Pops who secretly, away from his wife’s watching eye in the car on the way to tennis class in the heat which I didnt like going to, but was damn talented at anyway according to even Dad, which should tell you something – he wouldnt praise me if someone paid him to – spoke about “he’s trained! He can break bones if he wants!”

No prizes for guessing who he was referring to. Those things we ALL want, except we are SCARED to admit it.

Yet, when I spoke about being a good fighter, doing the same, I was always ridiculed – never good enough, “he thinks he’s soooooooo strong” “he thinks he can actually compete with those boys!” “you need to study! be normal!”

My parents, I wouldn’t wish them on nobody, though others got their own tales too.

Anyway …………………

Some of the other workouts he inflicted upon us – the FROG jump stands out.

Another great movement I mention in Animal Kingdom Workouts, which will kick your ASS if done along with the tiger walk and bear crawl in tandem, and just on its own too.

And that my friend is that.

Get damn good at all the above.

Kick AZZ! Or, START kicking some now if you aint already – hehe


Rahul Mookerjee

If you’re an idiot that “jumped on the list” (wtf??) just for freebies, thats the worst damned decision you ever made, and thats saying a heck of a damned lot.
- Ugh!

I gotta say this – shit never fails to amaze me in terms of how dumb people can be, or act, or both.

Just when I thought my ex was at the level where it’s like beating your head against 15 or more different brick walls simultaneously talking to her – along came #16.

In response to my video about monkey bars at that..

Look, if you need me to explain the rationale behind the title of this email, you’re stupid enough as it is, but I’ve explained even that ad infinitum, now I just delete, block,and more. It’s simpler.

Like the guy said when pissing it out on a meme on a Chinese factory manager’s desk, sometimes its easier to just piss and give up.

Anyway, I got a response from an idiot who in her own words “jumped on the list” (wtf??) – and asked me “why I should buy a product when I give most of it away for free”.

Hot damn.

You have those complaining about “I want more videos, longer ones”, so they can get it all for free – it ain’t happening, then you have nutjobs of the nature above.

Then those who whine about “he doesnt look as handsome in them” (TRUE Comment I got) and “he talks too much” and what not (like fuck, why do a video if I’m not explaining).

This is precisely why I never did videos to start with, why I might just stop again.

To me though, the stupidest and dumbest part?

Is if you think thats all you need, well, follow what I do in the videos if you can, you’ll get into great shape, but most can’t – period.

Thats fine by itself.

But you really learn how to in the manuals.

Hell, every time I look at a video or book of mine, I think this -“I wish I could have put this in too”.

I  just have so much knowledge on all this, it’s nigh impossible to put in one book, two or more, and I’m still learning, every book, writing, video etc.

If you think you’re getting a good deal with the free stuff, think about how much you’ll benefit from the rest of it, of course, that would require one to, um, you know, actually THINK … Haha.

And that ain’t a strong suit for most.

Oh well.

Back soon.

Pick up some LIFECHANGING – literally – products NOW.

If you feel the need to ask why, please do not.

Just unsubscribe.


Rahul Mookerjee

What the “normal” people laugh and scoff at…
- .. is what they really WANT.

I’m very proudly “abnormal” by today’s definition – always have been.

I’ve always been different, and never really bothered hiding it (though admittedly I’ve been LAZY too a lot of my life and not marketed it way the hell “over the top” like I should have starting 2003).

Then again, those experiences caused me to create the other business down the line which I had no inkling of doing then – indeed, if you were to ask me then I’d scoff and say “no-one will buy all that”.

Oh fuck yeah they will, and do.

It drives EVERYTHING – as it often does. No, the fitness biz is not a front for the other one, they are seperate, but that biz really fuels it all, what people want deep down in their deepest cores – I bring it out in the OPEN.

Like I’m so damn good at doing here.

(in fact, while I would not bet my bottom dollar on it, I’d bet less than that on this – I would NOT be surprised if some of you on this site have signed up for that site with aliases etc and bought from there, so striking are the comments, similarities sometimes – and I do NOT believe in coincidence.)

Anyway – proudly abnormal.

Which most people laugh at …

It smacks of impotence, always has to me.

Current events, look at the Russia Ukraine conflict, you see idiots all over the news saying “everyone is laughing at the Russians” – yet, they’re the ones that have decimated pretty much the entire Ukranian economy, they’ve destroyed pretty much 1/2 the country – and all of this while using 10-15% of their real capabilities – against the entire West.

30% of Ukraine has fled (understandably so) – probably more unfortunately passed on, and what remains, well, smouldering ruins…

Sad, but they brought this upon themselves. *their leadership that is*

And people “laugh” at the Russians… ?

And while that might be an immensely unpopular opinion – it’s true.

It’s also true that if the shoe was on the other foot, ie the Russians put their shit in Mexico for one, then the US would not tolerate it, so why the hell are the Russians expected to tolerate it?

You dont push a world power around, my friend. Its that fuckin simple, not to mention China …  Russia isn’t Iraq, no matter what the liberals in charge think it is, and with Trump, none of this would have gone down, there would be no need in the first place, Trump wouldn’t be that damn stupid anyway to pander to a nation that has effectively given and done “F all” for the US of A. (sorry but its a fact my friend).

Then, fitness.

When I Tell the ex about pullups and pushups she scoffs, and says “so what”.

Yet, I’ve told you the story of my own ex (no longer with us) back in college who was the one that made the comment about the guy doing pull-ups “look at those muscles!”

That was the first time I got a direct hint of what it is women truly want – that being the sleek X shape, not the monstrous biceps or what not at the gym.

Look at Stallone in his heyday.

THAT – and I worked damn hard at becoming that shape, yes, but I was way too late – but better late than never, it taught me valuable fucking lessons.

Then you have the normal idiots calling me an idiot for suggesting home schooling, where are we today?

Man, I cannot recall the number of times I’ve been asked this idiotic question of “whats more important to you – money or freedom” – and then these same idiots answer it mournfully … “money for us”.

Do they really want freedom?

Hell yeah, but they scoff openly at the lifestyle, the sacrifices required to get there and maintain it.

When you get there, the entire world appluads, along the way, the morons will laugh.

Now for me I love it even now. Profit Troll being a case in point on how I MONETIZE it all – but really, people scoffing.

“He’s always wearing the same shorts, the same battered clothes”.

Hell, they’d do anything to ditch their corporate suits and ties my friend. There’s a reason the Steve Austin Vince Mc Mahon feud was so successful – Vince is a fuckin genius!

Same thing for getting fit, pull-ups and such.

Fat idiots seated on the lat pulldown will claim “we’re big but not strong”, so what if this guy does a ton of pull-ups and handstand pushups.

Yet, secretly what they laugh at, scoff at is what they truly WANT.

I’d rather be proudly abornmal my friend.

I dont know about YOU reading this.

But I proudly wear the badge, I always have, always will.

And that, my friend, is the lesson for this one, take from it what you will…


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A relatively normal fitness system that will get you into the best shape of your life HERE. But really, normal folks … I dont know, I’d rather the abnormal get it – or if you’re normal, please do what it takes to be a bit abnormal. Hehe.

I remember Ahmed, a dude at a company I once worked in, saying “always together” after he quit the job.

And today, I’m here making that gesture and saying “proudly fuckin abnormal” – forever. And I’d rather be that damn way!

Ah yes, the “purpose of wearing sunglasses” …
- Sun - glass?

People, usually grade A MORONS and idiots – ask the dumbest questions ever.

And (and this is a valuable sales lesson to those that need it) – what they ask, or say is usually the polar opposite of what they want.

Much like I’ll never forget the Chinese calling me “super rich” when I had nary a penny to my name, less (when these guys literally had houses looking like they belonged in Beverly Hills or MORE – this was a Chinese VILLAGE, mind you!) … and that was good, but much  like …

Well, this idiot who complains and whines about not being able to do pull-ups for years, comes up to me and badgers me every time I work out in the park and “effuses” praise on me which I do not want, because it RINGS HOLLOW (dont get me wrong, I love praise as much as the next person, but for him it’s tinged with jealousy and incompetence, and a feeling of … whats the word? IMPOTENCE, which is triggered by his own damn laziness – I’ve told him to practice, focus on form, he does NONE of the above, yet whines…) …

… Or (the same idiot) who shows up during 500 rep pushup workouts and badgers me about “I want to try on your sunglassses”.

Hey, I get it.

I’m the dude everyone WANTS to be,  but no-one’s got the guts to DO what it took me to get here.

Living a life of freedom requires sacrifices for years, and ongoing, at a level the average Joe or El Tubbo couldn’t even begin to imagine with their family money doing it all for them.

Nothing wrong with choosing that lifestyle if you’re honest about it, there’s EVERY damn thing wrong though with “pretending” you want a lifestyle like mine without being willing to make the SACRFICIES necessary.

And really, dude’s out there in the heat doing pushups, you come up to him badgering him about his sunglasses … Ugh.

Complete moron.

I done blocked his ass a long time ago, anyway, what I just saw takes the cake.

And these idiots are the so called teachers who act like they’re entitled Prima Donnas out on the modeling ramp instead of you know, actually TEACHING the kids (right down to not doing lessons at all and then tossing it out on Whatsapp at 9PM before an exam “the kids have to do it on their own”).

These are the so called “normal” people in our fuckin society.


These are the folks that look at you and I – WANT the thing, cannot get it – or more accurately, aren’t willing to put in the damn work, and then BITCH about folks like me.


First it was the covid BS, then it was schools closed, or during, and this damn school my daughter goes to?

It seems to FIND excuses to do the “teach from home” thing.

Fancy (and I’m saying this to the ex)!

The ex whined about “she needs a normal childhood” when I brought up home schooling in 2017, so did the parents.

Fancy, years down the line, WHAT is happening?

Home schooling for the most fuckin part, the kids go there, have a ball, but it’s as opposite from our school days as day and night are.

And this year, I’ve spoken about the lunacy of wearing long pants in summer to protect against so called dengue (dont get me wrong, I almost died from it at 12) … or, the latest?

School exhorting the parents not to send the kids to school “because they might get conjunctivitis” or some damn eye disease thats the latest BS around here people have bought into it.

While renegades like yours truly dont even have a mask.

Yoga gurus, fitness studs, former PResidents, doers – have all gone on record stating “precautions, but not panic”, but of course, most people are sheep – not the wolf. Ask Denzel. Hehe.

Like Ramdev rightly ranted, you’ve got a pair of damn lungs that God gave you for a purpose, use ’em, dont whine about oxygen cylinders and other bunk.

Anyway, theres nothing at all wrong with precautions.

However, and I was telling a fat dude this today “you do get what you really expect”.

If your medicine cabinet is stocked to the gills like most people’s are, and the junk food is flowing, which it does – yet, the vegetables are missing, so are the fruits (no, an overdose of meat doesnt help either – nothing in excess is good) – then you’re expecting illness, and lo, it eventually comes.

If however you follow a healthy lifestyle and live free and unfettered mentally and physically like the Creator meant us all to – well, you do just fine.

Folks dont get it.

And the latest BS, well –

Some of these idiots have actually asked about the sunglasses, then bought versions of it themselves.

Truly, the movie star that never was. Maybe someday. Hehe.

Man …

Expect health, and WEALTH, and you’ll get more of the same.

PREPARE for that, and you’ll get more of that.

Prepare for the reverse, guess what you will get, and do.

Remember, negative strikes far easier in the mind than positive does…

And thats that.

Ah yes, the point of wearing sunglasses.

Do I even need to answer that BS?


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Not mentioned in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales, but I use the mindset behind the people that are TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy to respond to messages etc, yet always on their blasted dumbphones… to make sales, and a lot of it. Like with this here email. Hehe. I can see the fumes coming out of folks ears already. ????And I’ll be honest, ‘m LOVING it too.

Why pulling is so damn important…
- Elementary, my dear Watson

Some people (admittedly a minority) have this idea they state publicly on occasion as well “pull-ups are not important”.

This includes famous fitness authors, laymen – just about anyone, really – and of course, FAT MEN.

All of whom WANT to do the almighty pull-up at a level that yours truly and many others do.

Many years ago, in one of his “Combat Conditioning” (a famous book) videos Matt Furey went on record stating this – if memory servers me right –

“You hear people talking about pull-ups and stuff, but the pushups are really what build strength, conditioning through the entire body and the legs” (I’m paraphrasing what the dude said, and his “meaning” – extempore – so pardon me if I get certain words wrong).

“You dont see the Hindu wrestlers doing pull-ups”, he went (which was actually wrong – they do plenty of ’em).

Of course, he padded that by saying “I’m not saying they’re not good – they ARE good – and you DO need to figure out a way to include them into your routine”.

Matt was basically saying what I have been for ages, if you aint got the strength (or conditioning more importantly) to do pull-ups, then chances are excellent and second to none you’re fat – and weak in a lot of key areas required for the pull-up – grip being one huge area.

(and the Indian wrestlers part, he simply “meant” that the exercises most commonly associated with them are the dand and baithak, and the clubs etc – and he’s right there. Thats how it is when you speak extempore).

My books Gorilla Grip and Pull-ups from Dud to STUD within a matter of WEEKS! show you how to address a lot of the weak points – but really speaking, and this applies to fat GUYS the most who claim they’re “big but not fat” (I am sorry, but if you’re fat, you’re not BIG – a truly big guy – Vince Gironda, Arnold, the list goes on and on and on – CAN do pull-ups, and do ’em well).

There’s a reason the Marines for one pride themselves on their ability to knock out one pull-up after the other.

I’ve even had an idiot tell me “pullups aren’t required” and if you look at dancers, they do pushups to tax the mid back.

That was that fat boy’s rationale for not being able to do a single pull-up and justifying the whale blubber around his midsection.

Look – the great Brooks Kubik said it in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training too.

“If you’ve got a big gut hanging over, you’re simply not going to look like an athlete. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone, but it’s true”.

There’s a reason true fitness studs do pull-ups, and plenty of ’em.

None of that takes away from what is arguably the world’s oldest and most diverse exercise, the almighty PUSHUP – you can, and should do plenty of ’em daily.

But you work at pull-ups too.

Think about it, when you fight, when you wrestle, when you pick up something off the ground, when your hoist your little girl who isn’t so little now, hehe – onto your shoulders, what motion do you use?


You BACK it up.

There’s a reason those expressions are there in English.

Nothing, my friend, nothing at all replaces being able to pull your own bodyweight up for reps – chin comfortably clearing the bar, pause at the top, then at the bottom.

Except maybe doing it with WEIGHT around your midsection.

And doing advanced versions of the pull-ups and other core movements.

They build strength and conditioning in a manner NO other exercise or workout can.

And there’s a reason my book “Pull-ups – from STUD to super STUD within WEEKS!” is not only the most “abandoned” product around here, but it’s also one of the books that sells the MOST.

Think about it, THAT sleek back you see in the gym or wherever slowly going up and down, muscles standing out in stark relief against the skin, the X shape, Greek God like shape, and so forth …

My friend, this is a truly an exercise where WANT and NEED are one and the same thing.

And you, regardless of your fitness levels owe it to yourself to learn from the very best out there at pull-ups, and GET better at it yourself.

My most sincere wish in this regard is for one of you to BETTER me at pull-ups. Hehe. Thats what this is all about.

Pull, my friend.

Be the best version of yourself.

Show up daily.


And thats really all there is to that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’re an idiot that reads this email and shrugs off your lack of conditioning and complete inability to do pull-ups by saying “I’m big, but not fat” or “I’ve got a different body type” and so forth, then my only request to YOU is this – please do not buy this book. Troll it, spread the word, do what you like actually – sit on the damn machines at the Jim and pretend you’ve got real man strength while the WOMEN outdo you (indeed, as John Walker, a past customer once spoke about a guy’s girlfriend outdoing him on pull-ups easy peasy, hehe) … but dont get the damn book.

Other hand, if you’re able to take a look at the mirror, and be REAL about where you are at in all aspects (fitness wise, life wise, everything, it all goes together) – then DO pull out the wallet – again – and DO invest in these courses, as they’re the very best thing you can do for yourself today or any day my friend.