Does jumping rope work the TRICEPS?
- Hell ... YES!

So I can feel the burn. DEFINITELY!

And while I could just tell you yes, as I did in the last post (well, one of the last posts) on the 0 Excuses Fitness site, and while I can almost hear you scoff (how can such a simple girly exercise work the arms eh I hear you say) – well – hear me out.

Ever notice the build of men from not so long ago?

Like even in the 1950’s . . . or before that.

Chances are if you go back about a 100 years or so, you’d be hard pressed to find a FAT person anywhere – man or woman (unless they were royalty or something of that nature).

And chances are the men would be solid and muscular. Especially them Spartan warriors whose coat of armor alone weights a ton (or about it!).

Not to mention the maces and swords they swang, and with deadly ferocity and aim at that – and in the heat of battle like you and I would swing . . . well lets say a jump rope.

And guess what tool these Spartans used to get in shape – and to stay in shape – and to do BEFORE going into war (right before).

If you guessed that it’s the same thing football players of yore, boxers and wrestlers do to start a solid workout off, you’d be right.

That’s right. JUMP ROPE.

And heck yeah, it works the triceps, big time!

I have spoken about how hard it can be to bang out 100 pushups after a SOLID jump rope session (high reps).

And if you’re looking to get those cut yet huge arms . . . think Mike Tyson, or any other martial artist or high level wrestler,tri athlete etc . . . well, this is one way to get ‘em!

And the best and quickest way.

Unless you mix in pull-ups, and as I did that outdoors today, I felt it.

Oh boy.

I felt my triceps working like never before (and this is the guy who banged out 100’s of pull-ups per workout, if you recall!).

And as I completed 50, plus a few patented moves that I teach in the book on pull-ups, I felt my entire body being worked – to the BONE – especially the grip – and triceps.

And upper back.

And all with what I’ve described above.

So yes, jumping rope works the entire body my friend, and if you do it with a weighted rope, so much so the better.

You will quickly find out just why the Spartans amongst others used it as a workout tool!

Last, but not least, remember that while rope jumping is an excellent movement, there are others you need to get good at too to truly “complement everything”.

The kiddie movements I’ve mentioned – by themselves, any ONE of them a workout unto themselves.

The Hindu squats – and the JUMPER squats. Oh boy!

And a few others, mi amigo – not to mention the pushups of course.

All covered in 0 Excuses Fitness – grab your copy today – and start to get in the best shape of your life!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pushup Central is another course you really must grab if you’re serious about that CORE and SIX PACK, so do so now – along with Corrugated Core, of course.

P.S #2 – And if you haven’t already, sign up for our members only area right HERE – . Free lifetime access to ALL our products, books, courses and yours truly so long as your membership stays valid. Truly a STEAL for the price I am offering it at for NOW, my friend – so jump on this while the going is GOOD.

Sore hips and BUTT
- . . . all from a kiddie workout!

OK, get your mind out of the gutter already . . . hehe.

It ain’t what you’re thinking.

I spoke about yesterday’s solid workout that lasted … I believe around 35 minutes in all, and it left me SPANKED.

So much so that after more than a week of continuous, regular workouts (the NEW workouts I’m on, the NEW routines), I’m wondering whether or not to take a small break this Monday.

Probably won’t happen, and as I write this, I can pretty much feel the workout in my bones as well as the dEEP BREATHING that goes with it.


When I’ve got a goal, I let NOTHING (or very little) come in the middle of me and my goal my friend.

It’s ALL guns blazing or none at all.

It’s like I had my back against the wall and am fighting for my LIFE.

And this state of mind ,as Napoleon Hill said (and famously illustrated in the story of the General who sent his troops to a war where they had a snowballs chance in hell of “realistically” winning (if even that) and ordered them to BURN their ships as soon as they reached shore – them were the good ole days of floating along by ship for ages, hehe) is ESSENTIAL to continue success at anything.

Fitness, life, you name it.

The men had no choice but to WIN – or PERISH.

They WON.

Last year, I wrote about being a bit of a slacker (not a lot, but every little bit counts!) – on this here business as I focused on another, and my results showed it.

And this year, as I’ve gotten back on the stick (and how!) the results show as well.

And back to fitness, it was yesterday’s workout that left me sore all over, but NOT the adult part.

Yes, you heard me.

It was the KIDDIE part.

My daughter cheated her way through part of it, but as I said, I made every attempt and then some to do the exercises in LETTER PERFECT form, and boy oh boy, was I spanked!

And as I sit here today, sore in my butt, calves, hamstrings and SHOULDERS – I can feel it.

I can feel it in my abs too.

Something I often have after overly intense workouts is my abs “cramping up on me at odd intervals”.

Especially after brutal workouts when all I do is sneeze, or bend over in a certain manner, and it’s pure agony for a while as my abs quite literally CRAMP like never before!

It’s even happened to me on the toilet, hehe.

While on it, I mean . . .

And while I’m not sure if this odd problem afflicts you (if you work out HARD) – if it does, let me know and I’ll let you know how to solve it. It’s quite easy, actually, if you know how . . .

And YES.

That kiddie workout, especially the kiddie JUMPS are what really killed me. Lower back, abs, hips, butt, all on fire now – oh, and my hamstrings too, hehe.

Can’t ask for more from a home based wokout, and especially not for kids! (She did part of it, the rest of the workout was done on my lonesome by yours truly).

And so it goes, my friend.

If your kids are getting FAT and FATTER during the bloody lockdowns, well, HERE is the tonic –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And the adult version of that tonic that works amazingly and lighting fast is right HERE –

NO, I am NOT going to wear a mask
- I've had enough of this STUPID panic - AGAIN.

Mask, shask, and so forth . . .

And as I sit here, nigh ROCKED after one of the best workouts in recent times (I’ll give you more detail on that below) – I’m saying it.

YET Again.

I don’t care if it loses me friends.

No, I do NOT care if you on the list say “you’ll never buy a product again” because of what I just said.

I don’t care if friends and family classify me as a bonafide lunatic (nothing new there eh, hehe).

For those wondering, I ain’t referring to my wife here. I’m referring to certain other members of my family that I’m UNFORTUNATE enough to be associated with.

People that are happy enough with the occurrence I’ll detail beneath, and yet bitch up a storm someone so much as talks about putting foot out of the house.

No, they can’t stop yours truly, but . . .

People that pressure my wife not to . . .  anyway, I’ll get to that beneath!

And no, I ain’t in the least bit concerned about businesses or shops not allowing me to enter their promises if they got a mask only policy.

To each his, or her or (in between, hehe) OWN. And this is what I think.

(boy, I can barely type. Break time for my shoulders! Hehe)

(And to those that have threatened me -yes, I’ve received indirect threats for my statements on this – I invite YOU to come put your MONEY where your MOUTH is!!)

Now, those of you on my list are probably saying “ho hum” right about now.

So what, I hear you say.

He’s been saying that forever.

Well, yes, I’ve gone into very gory details on why I do not believe masks are necessary.

I’ve written and ranted at length (and rightfully so) about FEAR being the biggest killer of them all, both for mankind, and everything else.

And I’ve spoken about just how harmful it is in terms of health to stay cooped up all day, both your mental and physical health.

Obesity is one of the biggest killers, if not THE BIGGEST – and by far the biggest contributor to MEDICAL issues, and expensive ones at that!

And I’m not even talking childhood obesity here.

Kids are turning into lard asses as it is these days, and with this scare?

Well, you be the judge!

And as I see my own six year old developing a bit of a pot belly, I’m forced to draw a line/

BIG TIME, and yet again!

Sad (really!) and funny (not) part is this.

Problem easily solved for my kid. Think Kiddie Fitness.

But as I sit here, sweat pooling under the computer table, what about the rest of the kids out there?

Are we happy to doom there to a life of “cooped up obesity” ?

If as adult we choose to BUY into the panic, well and good. Your choice.

But when it comes to kids, and especially my kid – I draw the line.

And 3000 rope jumps, 100 pushups and a mammoth “animal kingom” workout later, I draw the line – yet again.

Amazing how (as I sign off), people cave into pressure huh.

The CDC clearly stated at the start of this mess than masks were NOT required, and yet, a couple of months ago they bowed to public pressure, and said the opposite.

With no good reasons given as far as I can tell.

And that, my dear reader, is really that.

I’m out – more later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – for home workouts that will get you in the best damned shape of your life without having to leave the house, click here (and yes, they work EVEN if you’re a mask fanatic, hehe) –

P.S #2 – All kudos to the POTUS for doing what he does best ie. STAND HIS DAMN GROUND amidst the current mess in the US (and the BONAFIDE TOMFOOLERY and HOOLIGANISM going on in the name of “protest sho-test”). Way to go, my brother!

Why pushups and rope jumps are the most brutal combo ever
- Its not what you might think! ;)

I wouldn’t be lying to say I almost passed out after today’s workout – or towards the end of it.

Yes, that’s right.

A 25 minute BLAST from Mr. Fitness “el supremo” (I know, hehe) and an unabashedly, unashamedly GREAT workout that would have kicked most of you in the can (again, I know, hehe, I’m nothing if NOT modest at times!) .  .   . and yours truly almost collapsed.

And I could barely pump out 50 pushups today, let alone a 100.

Believe me, getting to THIRTY was a chore – for ME!

So what gives, you ask? The author of Pushup Central – spanked at 30?

Well, here is what I did today.

2000 rope jumps

75 pushups

TWO different kinds of squats for high reps.

And a type of sitting-squatting motion that looks easy – ridiculously so when you see people doing ‘em, but is anything BUT.

And I didn’t do any tough pushup (note – easy for me is usually ASS KICKER for most others – such as the table pushup for instance).

No high reps.

No insane numbers of handstand pushups and pull-ups as I used to do. All I did was five handstand pushups at the end of my routine.

And believe me, I was spanked.

And breathing DEEPLY.

And it’s THIS deep breathing, my friend that made the pushups harder!

Deep breathing done right, as I mention so often in 0Excuses Fitness, is the KEY to supreme health, strength and fitness from the inside out.

It is also the key to that massive, DEEP chest so many of you crave.

Deep breathing, as Martin Farmer Burns, old time wrestler and strongman famously said, made many a weak man strong, and many a sick man well.

Well, well, well.

And deep breathing is what really enlarges the DIAPHRAGM  – which really is responsible for giving you that deep chested look, my friend.

It’s not the external muscles or the look (much like it isn’t about the six pack).

It’s about what lies inside – and BEHIND.

Yes, your heard me.

THAT is the most important . . . and I think I’m going to sign off for now, since I can barely TYPE right now. In fact, I can barely hold up my shoulders, much like during the first boxing workout with Marc the African Silverback gorilla!

Not to mention barely type . ..

Out for now – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Rope jumping is something I cover in Fast and Furious Fitness – a collectors item if there ever was. Grab it right here –

Like I was run over by a Mack Truck . . .
- Deja vu, eh

You’ll remember that, I’m sure, especially if you’ve been following me for any length of time!

You’ll remember that wayyyy back in the day, the inimitable Miss Lee met me in a mountain park – which was oddly enough, right next door to me, and I hadn’t even noticed it at the time she invited me to do so (funny how it works huh? We often tend to ignore the BEST things that are often right there, right under our very noses . . . )

Napoleon Hill said once that opportunity exists where you are right NOW, and he was right!

Your big opportunity may be where you are right now, this great man once said, and he was SPOT on as always.

Anyway so you’ll remember the toll that first hill climb took on my (at that point) mostly weight trained and UNFIT body.

I’ve written tomes about it before which you can read either on the internet, or on my other site, or by searching THIS site, but here is the reason I bring it up today, years and years later down the road.

Is that this morning – or afternoon, I could barely wake up.

That’s right.

The plan initially was to wake up earlier than my usual 1130 AM rising time, and it ended up being an hour later.

And as I sit here writing this to you on a hot, hot day I feel compelled to tell you this (oh, and it’s 1:20 right now) – I’m SPANKED.

In fact, I’m hammered would be a better way of putting it.

Over the past few days, those of you that have followed my emails know why.

It’s because of the new routine that I’m doing – just to see how it works – a routine where I get in a full body workout – and ESPECIALLY an upper body workout – with nothing other than a jump rope and my own body.

And believe it or not, my friend, my routine right now (the one I’m on NOW, and the one I have NOT revealed as yet, even to those aboard the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship) does NOT involve a a single pushup or pullup.

It doesn’t involve any sort of pushing or pulling motion (at least not as you’d think).

And it does NOT involve advanced bodyweight stuff such as those covered in Advanced Hill Training.

This way of training is something else, my friend.

Quite literally something else altogether, and the point of  me saying this – well – it’s because I’m hammered.

My back feels like it’s been through the grinder. My chest hurts. My abs look ready to pop out right now (and I have not even worked out until now!).

(side note – I WILL work out soon, hehe. As Charles once told me, I can’t understand how you workout in the extreme heat in the late mornings/afternoons – and as I told him, where there is a will, there is a way).

But there is also a REASON. Hehe. There is a reason I love the extreme heat and humidity while training (and believe me, I almost collapsed in a heap out there yesterday, so it was INTENSE!).

And while my thighs, used to daily hill climbs don’t hurt, my BUTT hurts. My calves hurt. Everything else does.

In short – my routine WORKS.

And the reason I haven’t talked more about here?

Well, it’s because everything I do and sell – and advocate – is tried and tested my friend.

I would never, for instance, claim that pushups are the best damn exercise ever and ALL you really need to do – your whole life – if it weren’t true, and if I hadn’t myself DONE the thing and tested it out throughouly before bringing it to you.

I would never ever say what I do about ANY of my fitness techniques – books – courses – or even what I tell you about LIFE – if it weren’t true – and TRIED and TESTED!

That’s right.

This ain’t no arm chair “shmexpert” giving you training advice my friend

It’s real stuff, coming from one that has been well and truly in the trenches, and CONTINUES to do so – and how!

Anyway, this technique I’m using right now is so advanced that even you Advanced Hill Training trainees probably wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of completing even perhaps 10% of it before crying “Uncle”.

And that’s not me putting ya down. It’s me stating a fact.

And good news, you don’t need to go advanced like that if you don’t want to.

Here are the two courses that will give you ALL the fat burning and muscle building the average Joe – or gym trainee will need for their ENTIRE lives (yes, that includes you pumpers and toners as well) –

The 0 Excuses Fitness System

Corrugated Core

Advanced Hill Training (ok, I know I said two, but hey).

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Oh, and if you’re looking for the best upper body workouts of your life – and build them SHOULDERS as wide as BARN DOORS – well – here are the two courses that will do it –

Shoulders like Boulders

Battletank Shoulders

P.S # 2 – But beware. None of the above is free. So if you’re really not sure about your fitness goals – or if you’ll even DO the thing, then I would NOT advocate you buy ‘em. But if you’re truly in the elite group that is looking to achieve in every sphere of your life, fitness included – well – then – again – have at!

On calloused palms, and more!
- A new for me!

Nah. Get your mind out of the gutter, hehe … and I MEAN that.

But no, really.

Back when I was a young lad of about 12 or so, I  believe my aunt (I think) made the following comment when I complained about my ‘small hands’.

(you readers of this newsletter will know the comment that were directed at me when I was young w.r.t “you’ll never be able to . . . “ or and this one STANDS OUT – as the best – and worst memories often do “He thinks he’s so strong!”)

And given everything else that used to happen around the time with someone (me) that is naturally a small guy and then some, I think I was making remarks about how I wished my fingers were stronger.

And hands bigger.

My aunt said this.

“Don’t say that! You’ve got long, slim, beautiful fingers. Artistic fingers!”

Or, and as I’ve read in many a book, fingers of a surgeon, or … ah, but we best not to go #3, hehe.

Anyway, little did anyone know that these tiny hands would turn into bonafide gripping machines with a “kung fu like grip” as my buddy once told me.

Little did I know myself that I’d be called “strong as a gorilla” as Sophia (a client) so adroitly and rather “tartly” once put it . . .

And little did I know that I’d have hands that look good on the outside, but are anything but in terms of looks on the outside.

Marc, the African silverback gorilla once made the following comment about my heavily calloused hands.

“Damn, that’s a lot of calluses there!! Your hands feel ROUGH as heck!”

And he’s right, of course. The doctors that brought Jason Bourne back to “life” once made the comment about “you have the body of a man not unused to physical exercise but NOT a jock”, and something similar could probably be said about my hands too, hehe.

Certainly not what you’d expect of a writer!

And today, I’ve added two more badges of honor in that regard.

One on the left side of the right thumb, and the other on the right side of the left.

And those came during a marathon (although it lasted only 40 minutes!) workout consisting of 3500 jumps straight.

DID I make it?

Straight? Hell no.

Did I get ‘em done?

Hell yes!

And I’ve got rope burn from gripping the rope so tightly DESPITE the sweat pouring off me (and my hands). And being it’s a heavy rope, the kind I have’t used a lot before, the rope burns come and how!

And so it goes my friend.

Antoher great one oni the books, and talk about fat burning like noting you’ve seen, hehe. Hell, I can barely type right now and the above sentence should be proof enough!

And so it goes. For great, great fat burning workouts of your own – go HERE –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t forget to check out Corrugated Core right here –

If other people are supporting you, it probably is NOT the right thing to do for you . . .
- Might sound strange, but it's true!

What I’m going to say today may come across as somewhat strange, especially considering my last two “explosive” emails on success and how you can expect anything BUT support when you truly venture out on your own and try and do your own thang successfully.

The second of these emails, of course, was posted to my list at the 0 Excuses Fitness site, and you can probably find it there on the blog as well if you look . . .

But anyway, a few years back (and less than a few years actually I believe) I started a venture which was (for all intents and purposes) something “everyone” I told about (and I didn’t tell a lot of people, mind you!) was very hopeful and ENTHUSIASTIC about.

Despite my comments galore about negativity and “black holes of energy” and deflated feelings which often happen after talking about your ambitions to friends and family, even those that are your closest and most well meaning friends, it didn’t happen when I talked about this one venture.

Do you remember the guy who told me it would take 10 years to get my fitness biz going (back in the day)?

Well, the first time he heard of it he smacked his lips and said

“Wow! If you can get that going, and you should try, there is nothing BUT money coming in there!”

And in an ideal world, probably so.

And my wife was of the same bent of mind.

And yet, curiously enough, despite all this seeming support the venture never really took off as it should.

What do I mean?

Well, I discovered something very important – two things, actually.

ONE, that despite that being what I “thought at the time” I was meant to do, I certainly was NOT.

And hey, I’m not blaming myself. I was up at the time with my back against the wall, and had finally gotten a few breaks, and so I couldn’t blame myself for taking what seemed to be the right way out – but it wasn’t . . .

And this ties more into what youre meant to do, of course (or what you were put on this planet to do, if I might say it in a slightly more esoteric fashion).

Napoleon Hill speaks of this a lot in “Outwitting the Devil”, when he recounts numerous past jobs, a lot which paid him well (ditto for business dealings) – and all of them which he inexplicably just up and . . . QUIT, even when he was making a ton of dough at them!

Decisions that often seemed crazy, and people weren’t shy about telling him that either.

And as he tells us about one of the “turning points” in his life, as he puts it – one of his REAL tough times when NOTHING was working for him (the exact opposite, and then some) he speaks of his “other self” reprimanding him for the fact that he was “a stubborn student”.

As he writes,

“Your mission in life is to complete the world’s first philosophy of individual achievement. You have been trying in vain to escape your task, each effort having brought you failure.

You are seeking happiness. Learn this lesson, once and forever, that you will find happiness only by helping others to find it! You have been a stubborn student. You had to be cured of your stubbornness through disappointment.

Within a few years from now the whole world will start through an experience which will place millions of people in need of the philosophy which you have been directed to complete. Your big opportunity to find happiness by rendering useful service will have come. Go to work, and do not stop until you have completed and published the manuscripts which you have begun.”

And I can relate, my friend, and this brings me to my second point, that being that I ignored my fitness biz (and my other writing ventures) for a while (well, I didn’t really ignore ‘em fully, but I did NOT make them the focal point of my life as I should have, with the other things as backup) . . . and I did so when I got that other opportunity I was referring to.

What the Universe had done at that point was to reward me for relentless effort in the face of obstacles, and given me a chance to really go for it – which I had unknowingly and (in PART) squandered, and how, as I worked day and night to get the “other business to grow” (while all the time, I knew that wasn’t my real calling).

As Hill often said,

“Every experience, every setback, every mishap carries with the seed of an equivalent, or greater benefit”.

He goes on to say that this isn’t the seed of eventual success . . . but certainly is the seed from which said plant may be said to GERMINATE eventually!

And I learned a very very important lesson my friend – – something I have never ever forgotten until now.

And this is what I want to pass on to you today as well.

If nigh on no-one supports what you want to do with your life – chances are you’re on the right track.

Anytime it gets “Easier” and people start supporting you (I don’t mean customers, I mean your friends, family etc) . . . well, sorry to say it, but WATCH OUT. That’s a disaster in the making, and this holds true for fitness as well.

What do I  mean?

Well, if the average lard ass tells his friends and family he’s getting on a diet of Advanced Hill Training for instance, they’ll probably let out guffaws that could be heard from here to Antarctica and then some.

Or Pushup Central, for that matter.

After all, how could any of that work?

Tell them you’re gonna pound the pavement daily though, and watch heads NOD in appreciation and agreement.

And yet, months down the line when you don’t get the results you want, those same people will mournfully look at you and say “well, we knew you couldn’t do it! So much for your plans!”.

While those that took the former option and weathered the initial (and a lot of it, I admit) criticism are the ones that eventually SUCCEED and how.

And that’s the tale from here my friend. Take what you can out of it – but it’s TRUE, I tell you that much!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Have you checked out Corrugated Core as yet? With these nuts around the world finally starting to “open things back up”, this might be the perfect time to do so . . .

Being BROKE vs being a tyre kicker
- There IS a difference . . .

I never imagine that a simple (in part rant, but mostly true) piece about why I ain’t interested in learning Chinese would have got as many views and comments as it did.

As I wrote in the last email, the skyscraper just keeps RISING . . . and here’s a dirty lil ole secret for those that don’t know – so do people signing up for the newsletter.

And the spike in sales, hehe, led me to believe even more what I’ve already know.

Far better – and PROFITABLE to be hated than the other way around, hehe.

(in some cases I suspect the people buying (especially the Gorilla Grip book) are the exact same ones who posted damning comments publicly. Toooo funny, hehe).

And amidst all the chaos ,a friend of mine got a bit perturbed.

“Rahul, are you sure it’s not going to hurt the brand?”

I laughed.

“Not at all, my brother. If anything it’ll keep the broke asses and tyre kickers away from my door, and that’s always a good thing!”

And this is when I thought of something.

It’s one thing to be BROKE – broker than you know what. Hey, I’ve been there – multiple times, and so has any successful person I’v eknown about.

In fact, I detail it very publicly right here – – as well as in my writings.

No shame in that so long as it’s not a lifelong thing, but the tyre kickers are really what I’d classify the majority of those responders into the category of.

Or the nit pickers. Or those that are envious of someone that actually says it like it is (note that there was not ONE answer to the questions I raised in the last email, hehe).

Tyre kickers are not necessarily broke my friend, although yes, the two do go hand in hand for a good reason most of the time.

But often times, these people are just bored and frustrated with their own lives and have made nil, zero, zip attempt to change their reality, and of course, any little bit of thinking that pushes them outside their self imposed comfort zones and hits home . . . well, out come the “barbs”, hehe.

All good my friend, all good, but if there is something you should REALLY aim at keeping away from you and your biz it is this sort of person – after you figure out how to profit from them, of course.

And it’s easy, if you know HOW, hehe.

IF you want to, drop me a line or two via the form here and we will see what we can do!

On other fronts, fitness wise, it’s the same thing.

When you get in the best shape you’ve ever been in and along the way, all you’ll likely get is negativity from those that again – do anything but actually DO the thing themselves.

Curiously enough the same people that are usually overweight and drunk off their you know what every night to “forget the day’s troubles” or some such rot. HA!

And again, if that’s you, I wouldn’t necessarily look down upon you – you know why?

Because yours truly has been there, my friend – and then some.

I truly DO know what it feels like to be broker than broke – not have two nickels to rub together – and choose between getting milk for my daughter or cheese for the entire family (yes, I was that broke at a certain stage!).

But I do believe that being a tyre kicker is really what puts out of the “elite league” for good (if you let it).

At no point during any of my broke stages did I “envy” those that had dough and weren’t shy about showing it off.

At no point did I think “gee, he doesn’t deserve it” (and lets face it, that’s exactly what a lot of folks think when they see someone ostensibly living the high life – but not the work behind the scenes that it took them to get to where they are today in LIFE).

And so forth.

I simply knuckled down – got down to brass tacks – and then just did it – and the rest is, well . . . history as they say. And so it will for you too my friend – – again, if you let it.

Alright, that’s my “rant” for the day, hehe.

To hear more such motivational, in your face and instructional (yes, this flat out WORKS) fitness related “rants” (not really, hehe) – check out the best damned fitness system there is on the planet right here –

Rise … UP!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re truly looking to get rid of that pesky belly fat quicker than you ever humanly thought possible (and still keep the 6 pack a night habit, hehe) – then order your copy of Advanced Hill Training (which CAN be ported over to your HOME) right now – HERE – Advanced Hill Training

My weighted jump rope workout yesterday
- FEEDBACK! Hehe . . .

My daughter’s thrilled!

She’s been waiting for a new toy she ordered for ages, and she finally got it today – AHEAD of the promised deadline.

While yours truly who ordered nothing more than good ole BLACK COFFEE is . . . WAITING. Was supposed to be delivered today, but now they’re saying June 13th. And probably wayyyy after that too.

If there was ever a reason I’m against these asinine, MEANINGLESS, annoying and nigh on USELESS panic driven locky-downs, well, this is YET ANOTHER ONE!

Anyway, we’ve gotten into lockdowns etc before, so not again. Not for now at least, hehe. ?

And speaking of toys . . .

I shouldn’t be complaining, as I got mine the other day.

That being a jump rope, except I went to the STORE to get it (without a mask. No, I don’t wear masks outside for those that are asking, and no, I don’t believe they’re necessary despite the stares I get everywhere I go).

And I wrote about the 500 odd reps I did with that yesterday . . . but in the hustle and bustle of a certain “can we talk” emailer, I almost forgot to tell you how it felt.

And as I sit here today, I can barely TYPE right now.

My forearms are sore – sore as heck, and not so much the sort of soreness you get from super grip workouts – but a “deep” burn if that makes any sense.

They also look – and feel BIGGER . . . and probably are well!

My shoulders are torched. As is my upper back, but in a good way.

I feel like I did a 150 pushups yesterday, but I didn’t do a single one (other than getting into pushup position).

And why?

Well, believe it or not, and these are some of the most “potent” effects I’m referring to (and remember -this from someone that pounds out pull-ups and handstand pushups for FUN) – – my TRICEPS and CHEST are sore!

Upper chest, and triceps in their entirety. Whew!

And my BICEPS are sore too.

All from adding in a teeny weeny bit of weight to my workout, and that should be come as more news to you “bros” out there who think “racking up plates” in the weight room is what it’s about.

No it ain’t my friend.

Using your own body is what it truly IS about!

In short – weighted jump ropes give you twice or more benefit in the same amount of time – if you can even twirl the rope that many times that is.

I do not have a course out on rope jumping – as yet, but depending upon demand I might well put one out, so let me know.

For now though, most of the demand is centered around the following 2 courses  :

Advanced Hill Training

The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Grab ‘em now, and get started TODAY.

In the meantime, I’ll see what I’ll do for my own workout!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – Curiously enough my LEGS aren’t that sore – or sore at all. I feel it a bit in the butt, but nothing more than normal. Tells you a lot about the sort of shape climbing HILLS gets you into, hehe.

I want tip for fat loss
- Don't we all, hehe

Woke up this morning, and got a bit of a great GRIP workout in wrestling with my water machine.

Water purifier, I should say.

It’s one of those bulky machines with a filtration “cone” on the outside that takes a hell of a long time to open to replace the “filter” inside, and while it can be easily done with a tool I recently ordered online, it still took a bit of a gripping on to open it – then tape the damned thing up – and CLOSE it back up again.

Filter was all choked with sediment. And to think we had been drinking that water for a while. Ugh!

Well, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, to be honest . . . anyway, on another note, I bought a new jump rope yesterday.

Yes, the HEAVY one!

You on my list will recall me writing to you about buying a weighted jump rope and instantly as I did my workouts last evening, I FELT It.

Within 15 minutes or so I was torched – and I did less than 500 reps (with breaks and stretching in between).

Believe me, weighted jump ropes add a WHOLE NEW dimension of difficulty to your workouts, and in terms of fat loss, they’re right up there with what I offer in Advanced Hill Training (and given the popularity of this BEAST, I’m going to probably come up with volume #2. Be on the outlook for that!).

And on that note, here is an email I received (which I responded to while waiting for the water purifier to fill so I can empty it out again and start finally using it) –


How are you?

Can we talk??

I am not available in office, this email is sent from mobile phone.

Uh, OK . . . . . . . . ??

Subject line was “I want tip for fat loss

The email was sent from someone who doesn’t appear to be a native English speaker, and given the amount of trolling that’s been going on lately, my first intention was to IGNORE the email.

But something told me to double check.

I did.

And the dude apparently is working with someone that owns a martial arts based business. Cool!!! I’ve actually corresponded with plenty of these guys before (not the same company, but in the martial arts biz). Great guys, and I almost damn near built a website for one if I recall right . . .

Anyway, my response.

Dear Hasnat,

Thanks for your email. I’m fine, and trust you are as well. With regard to your query, please be more specific in terms of what you’re trying to achieve and we can go from there. You may also (if you haven’t already) want to sign up for our free newsletter here – – the tips we send out on a daily basis often contain very valuable “nuggets” of info on getting fit – and specifically, weight loss as well.

Aside from the above, the following two pages might be of assistance.


Rahul Mookerjee

And that’s that for now, my friend. Along with what I told you above in this here email – and what I told Hasnat -there seem to be plenty of tips for fat loss embedded in this one comminique. Whether or not you use ‘em is up to YOU!

Last, but not least, please do try and be a little verbose in terms of WHAT you want and what you’re looking to achieve. Might be very helpful – both for you – and me!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Another course I forgot to mention to Hasnat was Corrugated Core – but I’ll mention it to YOU, my loyal readers – here is where you can take a gander at this little BEAUTY of a course – truly one of the very best in terms of losing that pesky FAT around the midsection – –