If I can’t hear you BREATHE . . .
- . . . you might as well NOT be doing 'em!

As I just got done with a mini workout – which took all of 5 minutes if even that, and am back to my writing, something just hit home.

“If I can’t hear you BREATHE across the room as you do these exercises, you might as well not be doing ‘em”.

Matt Furey I believe it was, renegade info publisher that got started WAYYY back in the day when yours truly FIRST went to China and heard of him, and one thing he has been constantly emphasizing ever since then is the value of deep breathing – something which for 0 Excuses faithful – you guys KNOW that resonates with me!

Especially if you’re read my version of the BEST darn exercise ever, and how it gives you a stretch through the entire body – strength throughout the upper back and chest in a manner you’ve never ever gotten before (hint – if you’re used to pounding out heavy poundages on the lat pulldown, or even pull-ups, then this exercise may come as a shock and a good one!) –  and that leaves you BUZZING and feeling like a million bucks.  .  .

So much so that I put out an entire BOOK on this ONE exercise, hehe.

And if you’ve read my tips on deep breathing in 0 Excuses Fitness (I’ve devoted an entire chapter on it in that book, and in Advanced Hill Training) and if you’ve been following me and know how to recover quicker than anyone else after a hard, hard set of hill sprints . . .

And he said the following about his own bodyweight exercises (I don’t know Matt personally, but the stuff he puts out is SOLID) . . .

“If I can’t hear you . . . “, ah, but we went there didn’t we?

And it’s true.

Deep breathing, as Martin Farmer Burns correctly said made many a weak man STRONG and many a sick man well.

And to that I would add the following.

“Made many a lard ass get in the best shape of my – their lives – and improved their health IMMEASURABLY from the inside out!”

As I was pounding out Hindu squats furiously between bouts of writing it struck me.

People climb a hill for instance, and experience the DEEP “burn” from within their chest like they’ve never experienced before.

You know what I mean, don’t you?

That DEEP heart pounding away NINETEEN to the dozen effect.

As you literally “feel” your belly expand and contract with each breath, and you (if you’re on Advanced Hill Training) FEEL the fat melting off ya as you do these exercises . . .

That DEEP breathing effect, and you keep panting to a degree and burning FAT off a long time after the actual workout . . .

And while people think that’s normal while climbing hills or doing outdoor activities like swimming (another great workout if you do it right) – for some reason, bodyweight exercises aren’t given the same respect/thought.

Which is weird, because bodyweight exercises, especially the almighty PUSHUP demand just as much deep breathing – if not MORE.

Do 50 quick pushups right now, and tell me not how you feel (I bet it’s great!) but how you BREATHE.

How your lungs OPEN up – and your mind does too.

Quite literally (I got this idea to write about it to you as I was doing my squats!).

And Hindu squats are the only other bodyweight exercise that get the heart thumping VERY quickly – within the space of a few SECONDS sometimes when you do ‘em right.

The only exercise (bodyweight) that makes you drip sweat all over for HOURS after your workout.

Ok, not hours, but you get the drift!

And that, more than anything should be enough to convince you not just of the sheer efficacy of the exercise, but the value of deep breathing as well.

It makes you feel like a billion bucks later, I’ll tell yout hat much!

Anyway, enough for this email. For more check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/


Rahu lMookerjee

P.S. – You’ll want to especially check out the workout video, hehe as you see me “practicing what I preach” . . .

P.S #2 – Someone asked me a while back why I mention others in my emails. Well – simple and as I said in the book – credit where credit’s due, my friend. If I think I’ve patented something, I ain’t gonna be shy about saying it (the best darn exercise, for instance). But if someone else has come along before me and put out something that I teach now, well – simple – credit where credit is DUE. There ain’t no two ways about THAT!

P.P.S – To be coached by the best there ever is (I know, I know!), apply right HERE.

Fitness with NO apologies
- Zero apologies FITNESS!

As I sit here typing this, I feel THRILLED – elated, actually.


Well, for a reason that some of you might not think is a reason to feel anything at all, let alone elated, but I do . . .

And why?

Well, because (and as I wrote about on the other site – by the way, you’ll have to resign up if you still want daily updates from www.rahulmookerjee.com – as I said a while ago, I deleted a lot of the email addresses on file with me for that site, so if you want updates from there as well, go HERE and sign up at the bottom of the page).

That site is a watered down simple version of this one, and I plan on keeping it that way, just for now, and again, for good reason, and ones I probably won’t get into in this communication.

In short – I started it that way, and I want to KEEP it that way. The selling and other things can be done on this site, and that site will be a more “life oriented” site down the road with appropriate products, but for now, the two are deeply intertwined as usual, so hark on over and sign up if you so choose.

Anyway, not many people know that 0 Excuses Fitness sells books and products in languages OTHER than English.

Wow, I hear you say. But why?

Well, as my friend Marc once said, the world is a big place, my friend.

And it is, mi amigo. It sure is!

For those that don’t know, Gorilla Grip, 0 Excuses Fitness and the initial book on pull-ups are already out there in Spanish. I do not sell them directly on my site due to copyright and other issues (not to mention the hassle of keeping up with payments etc due to the translators etc) but if any of you are interested, let me know and I’ll send over the Amazon link!

And right now, as I am getting 0 Excuses Fitness translated into Portugese, the TITLE of the book itself translates into something like this –

“Fitness with no apologies!”

And I love it.

Down to earth, brutal, and makes sense, despite the interesting translation between languages.

“Lost in translation” has often been an issue for me in terms of Chinese to English translations, but on this one, the import is very clear, hehe.

Get fit, son – NO excuses – and certainly no apologies required, and there is another good reason behind this name and before I tell you what, well, HERE is more news – we are working with Chinese payment processors to get our system up and running in that regard as well.

So pretty soon if you’re located in mainland China (as a growing percentage of our readers appear to be) you can use Wechat, Alipay etc to pay just as you can use Paypal and bitcoins NOW.

Credit card functionality is already available via Paypal, but pretty soon I’ll have it directly on the site which will quicken and simplify the checkout process even more. Stay tuned for more on this!

As for ZERO apologies, well, there is NO need to apologize for your success, my friend.

Ever notice how the libs all bash Trump, for instance, saying that “he doesn’t deserve his success because he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth”?

Well, they’re correct in that he WAS born into a rich family, but there endeth the “making sense” part (as if libs ever make any sense, hehe).

He was NOT “gifted” or given the success he had. He had to WORK every inch of the way, and the only one handout he got was from his Dad – a ONE TIME handout – and that was it.

Trump is a man that knows something about true success, and then some, and today as he stands as the POTUS while speaking to the WORLD – well – you KNOW he’s speaking from the heart – and then some – and you KNOW (and FEEL) he knows what there is to know about keeping it real and true success!

As my buddy from the Marines once said, it’s a toss up between whose more brutally honest. Donald Trump, or yours truly, hehe.

And this same things holds true for fitness too.

Go out there and DO it, my friend.

And once you get to where you want to be, you’ll always have people trying to tear you down.

Telling you “you have good genetics and didn’t have to work hard” (when the reality is often the polar opposite).

Telling you “you have good luck”. And other such B.S. (by the way, there ain’t no such thing as coincidence and we MAKE our own luck, hehe).

And so forth.

Moral of all this – go out there – and GET the success you DESERVE – both in terms of LIFE – and FITNESS.

Can’t nobody stop me (or you), hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The foreign language translations are all available on Amazon and other websites as of now. If you’re interested, shoot me an email and I’ll send over the links.

P.S #2 – The advanced course on pull-ups has really started to pick up traction now. Here is where you can GRAB it – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/

MORE on your first thoughts of the day, and the HILL.
- . . . that I keep returning to, hehe.

Ive written a lot about the power of FIRST thoughts – and LAST thoughts.

If you take a look at your life – in any which regard (business, relationships, success, fitness, or “whateva”) then chances are VERY HIGH that the things you DO succeed in (really succeed in) both in terms of results and ATTRACTING what you want it is to YOU are things you think about all the time either consciously or unconsciously.

Take myself, for instance.

Yours truly first went to China in 2004, and though the “world conspired” (or so it felt, hehe) to “draw him out of the country where he had some of his BEST times in all regards), somehow or the other he always made his way back.

And almost ALL of the time, the “turning point” came without any real planning.

I still remember the day I LEFT China for the first time.

The day BEFORE that actually.

‘Twas a hot sunny day (back when Dongguan actually had four seasons) and yours truly was in the “crazy” mode of climbing hills at 12 noon, and during the walk back home (to A/C – YES!) with my entire shirt SOAKED (white T-shirt, long black pants in that heat for some inexplicable reason) I remember looking around the park.

It was deserted, as it should be at that time.

“I’ll be BACK”, I promised myself.

And I was, although it happened in such a manner that even I couldn’t predict the hows and wherefore’s of it, and it happened (in the grand scheme of things) shortly after I left.

It was almost like I never left (when I got back). THAT was the feeling.

And EVERY time I’ve left China (for whatever reasons), I’ve promised myself, and just myself at the park that I’ll be back – at least WORKOUT WISE.

That hill was ALWAYS dear to me, and that hill and the park will ALWAYS be a part of ME and for very good damned reason as well.

It is HERE that I had some of the best times of my life, and met some of the best people there are in this whole world (remember the old man I met in China, for one?).

It is HERE that Rahul Mookerjee could truly be HIMSELF, and create his products with NO interference.

And it is HERE, on that mighty hill that I truly got into the best shape of my life as others “dropped like flies” all around me (and if you think that’s an exaggeration, let me tell you, NO, it ain’t).

As Kelly, a student of mine once told me “THIS is real hill climbing!” (when the sweat was literally pouring off me like water out of a leaky faucet after my fourth or fifth climb in extreme heat).

Anyway, point of me saying all this (and hold yer horses – – I don’t believe I’ve written about the Kelly incident on this site, but I’ll do so sometime) is THIS.

My workout is something I think about all the time, either consciously or unconsciously.

As Claude Bristol said in the Magic of Believing and his idea for using “flash cards” for dinning what it is you WANT into your subconscious, the idea is to make you see the mental pictures at all times of the day.

And especially first thing in the morning and before you go to bed – when your subconscious is at its most amenable.

And it’s true my friend.

Think about any success you’ve had. The things you really, really want.

Chances are you’ve been thinking about them as you lopped off to bed. And first thing when you wake up.

It’s amazing but most people don’t consider any of this when setting goals etc – and its’ even more amazing that people don’t think about the DREAMS they have during the night and why.

Anyway, we’re getting into dangerous territory there so I’ll stop for now, hehe (but I WILL say this, I had some of the more vivid dreams I’ve been having in a while as of late – more on this later!).

Point is, if you have a goal – lets say a fitness goal.

Lets say you want to drop that flab around the midsection. That nasty, jiggly “man boob” look . . .

That irritating FAT that jiggles as you move, especially when you wear tight fitting workout clothes and the such.

Well, THINK about the new you – and PICTURE it in your mind INTENSELY before going to bed – and upon waking up.

Chances are you’ll already doing this if you really, really want it . . .

During the day look into the mirror, and look at the FLAB, and TELL YOURSELF that you want it GONE.

And that’s ALL  I am asking you to do for this, or any other goal (change the technique, but the basic method remains the same).

Do this continuously for a couple of weeks, and report back on your overall goal after that, my friend.

I bet you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come, and we haven’t even gotten down to brass tacks as of yet!

Ok, that’s it for now. Back soon . . .


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you think “it’s too simple” and “won’t work”, and approach it that way, then please do NOT use the above technique as it won’t do you an iota of good (if anything, it’ll REVERSE your gains if anything . . . ).

P.S #2 – But for the believers, and those with an OPEN MIND – – try the above – and report back and let me know!

P.P.S – Oh, and while you’re in your two week trial, you’ll automatically find yourself gravitating towards the 0 Excuses Fitness System – and MORE. Don’t believe me? Well, do the thing – and you might well be AMAZED!

Aint nuttin free in life, son
- Not even fitness, hehe

I still remember Denzel in Training Day (or his character the rugged and crooked to a T “Alonzo Harris” if I might say so) telling the young buck Ethan Hawke (Jake Hoyt) this.

They had recently got a warrant signed by a judge for the supposed “search” of a person who was supposed to Harris’s close friend . . . and what happens?

Well, most of you probably know that Harris “pops him” and pins the blame on to guess who.

And while the movie in itself is a potboiler movie, I was discussing something with the wife this afternoon, and I “got it”.

Or should I say I remembered to write this to you, hehe.

You’ll see that on this here site I’ve got a ton of pop-ups (well, less than before though hehe) and many sign up forms etc for our FREE newsletter, which if I may add doesn’t fall into the “aint nutting free in life” category in that it adds VALUE.


In fact, I’ve read books on success and life by so called “experts” and “life coaches”, and sometimes, their entire books have less depth than an email I send – or blog post I write – or one of my lengthy Medium or Linked pieces (again, completely free by the way).

It might be human nature to NOT value that which you get free, but from the small but growing and rabidly fanatical 0 Excuses Fitness subscriber base (I’m talking real customers, not just those that sign up for the free newsletter and then do exactly squat all) – – this doesn’t apply to the DOERS in life.

I’ve often gotten free stuff off the Internet or friends which believe it or not I’ve sometimes valued OVER paid stuff . . . I know, sounds amazing, but is true.

The best thing in life are often free!

Have I thrown you enough curveballs as yet?

Probably so so back to the central premise of this.

I’ve noticed many folks send people a free e-book – or free copy of something – or free SOMETHING in return for an email address, for one.

But have you ever noticed that all these freebies “leave something to be desired”?

In most cases, those freebies are but “bait” designed to get the subscriber to buy a  paying product and while I do KNOW people that provide REAL value even with their free giveaways in return for an email address, they are in the minority. Very much so!

And that’s one reason I don’t give out free anythings when people sign up for MY lists – except our daily emails, and those enough add enough value for a lifetime, I’d say, for the average person out there.

Free is often NOT valued, my friend . . . and in addition to that, everyone knows the truism of “aint nutting free in life”.

So there it is. Chew on this some – and let me know what you think!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – While there are many that are content to remain “Free subscribers”, there are also those that want MORE – and it is for THOSE people that I created all my products. Take a gander here.

P.S #2 – To apply for fitness or life coaching, click HERE.

Heads up with regard to rahulmookerjee.com
- The site CLOSEST to my heart . . .

As you read this, and indeed as I write this a MASS PURGE is going on – not on this particular website, but on the FIRST site.

The ORIGINAL site if I may . . . www.rahulmookerjee.com.

Where it ALL started, my friend . . . and while I don’t mean to be overly philosophical about it, it it DID indeed all start there.

This particular “here” update will NOT be sent out on social media for reasons known only to me – and it will only be sent to my current list HERE (you guys on the list deserve the updates first, and in this case I only want those of you that are SERIOUS to know, so!).

The email list on that website has grown to be huge and bulky, and has over 30 K subscribers at the time of writing this.

Some of you guys on the list are genuine – some NOT.

And some of the email address (indeed quite a few of them) seem to have been inputted by people OTHER than the owners of the email addresses themselves. Absolutely NOT acceptable to me, my friend.

And not only that – over the past few days, I’ve been chatting about reviving the rahulmookerjee.com site.

I’ve already got THIS site going STRONG – so it ain’t about business.

It’s about the heart.

THIS IS WHERE it all started (to grow and be FULL time doing this) for me, and this site has a very special place in my heart, as does the orignal Fast and Furious book.

(NB – although all my products are DIGITAL now, Fast and Furious Fitness is the ONLY product I currently offer in hardcopy format. Collector’s items as it were, and again, good reason behind this!).

If you want the hardcopy though, you’ll have to email me for it. I’m offering it in digital format on the site, but I’ve got a stack of HARDCOPIES sitting here right by me as I type this, hehe.

You always remember that first love. The first book you wrote. The very first fitness venture you embarked on, hehe (and for me it wasn’t even this rahulmookerjee.com website. It was another domain and I’ll have to check and see if that is still available!).

Ah, if only I had known what I do NOW – I could have made things so much “bigger” and helped SO MANY MORE people . . . but thats OK.

It all happens at the right place and right time, and for a reason.

I’ve had a very storied life indeed – continue to do so – no complaints, and in that vein, I’m back to deleting people.

KEY TAKEAWAY from all this, you ask?

Well, THIS.

If you’re truly interested in receiving updates from yours truly (note – these updates will NOT in MOST cases be the same as you get from on a daily basis from 0 Excuses Fitness) then please resign up again using the newsletter sign up function on the main page (at the bottom of the www.rahulmookerjee.com website).

Welcome aboard again as I “resuscitate” that website (funnily enough, it still ranks very highly in Google) – and while I’m not sure what plans I have for it down the road, for now, it’s going to be something DIFFERENT – that is ALL I can promise!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And yes, I write about topics other than fitness. If that pisses off some people, so be it – please do NOT sign up. Other hand, the 0 Excuses Fitness site will probably become more fitness related down the road, and the other one more life – but we’ll see how that goes, hehe.

P.S #2 – Last, but not least, don’t forget to check out 0 Excuses Fitness products right HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/products/

P.P.S – If you’re already signed up for THIS list, but would like to see what I have to offer on that other site down the road, YES, do sign up on the other site as well . . .

I’m the chump that keeps working . . .
- The smart guy, actually, hehe.

A while I ago was chatting with my friend Dwayne about  . . . well, I can’t remember. Life in general I believe it was, and we were talking about work and success, and how things don’t often go according to plan.

And how we should always be prepared for not necessarily the best – but the WORST to happen.

Hey, don’t get me wrong.

It’s all well and good to EXPECT the best, but what if that happens in a manner and (perhaps more importantly) TIME not of your choosing?

What if the “worst” were to be something that “was slated to happen” in order for the best to happen?

And curiously enough, that is how it usually DOES work.

When you’re at the bottom of a tall, tall mountain with nowhere to go – guess what.

It’s GREAT NEWS – because you have got only one way to go.


Henry Ford famously once made the comment along the lines of “when everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplace flies AGAINST the wind, not with it”.

So true, my friend.

So true.

It is only after experiencing the nadirs of FAILURE that one can rise to the heights of success, and after studying scores of successful men and women, I cannot think of a SINGLE case to which this didn’t apply (and usually not just one failure either – several massive failures).

If you’ve never failed at anything, chances are you’re never truly succeeded at that thing either.

Point here though isn’t that failure is required in order to achieve true and lasting success.

That it is, but what Im saying is here is what WHEN the mishaps occur.

Do you sink – or find it in you to SWIM – often times against a mighty tide doing all it can to keep you DOWN – and OUT?

Simply answering yes to the above question isn’t enough.

You must DO the thing.

And the key to this, my friend lies not only in what Dwayne very correctly said – – but also what Claude Bristol said in The Magic of Believing.

Success is a matter of never ending application. The minute you pause to rest on your laurels is the minute it takes wings and FLIES away.

Paraphrased, but the gist is what I just wrote.

And if there ever was a comment that rang true with yours truly THIS IS IT!

I cannot think of how many times in the past Ive done something successfully.

Built up the momentum. Felt great. Built up several small victories.

And then inexplicably I slacked off. For no good reason, I’d let things “slide”, thinking that the momentum I created would be enough to keep things humming.

It wasn’t, of course, and I found that out the hard way.

Right now, every time I embark on a new biz venture or even something fitness related, I think long term and do NOT let the small successes or failures alter my overall emotional state either way.

You gotta be in it for the long term, and this holds true for fitness too.

Here today, gone tomorrow holds true if you stop to “admire yourself in the mirror” and forget that WORK, solid WORK is still required – and that, my friend, is the topic for today.

Chew on it some, and let me know what you think!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The exercises in the 0 Excuses Fitness System are NOT “one trick ponies”. In fact it is a challenge even for the baddest mofo out there to MASTER any of these exercises in its entirety – even the humble pushups. And there is a very good reason I keep working on the basics despite my “advanced” status at all this, and why YOU should too.

Find out more about the System here, and get ROCKING now – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – Oh, and that’s what Dwayne was talking about with regard to “I’m the chump that keeps working”. And if you want to listen to someone that’s BEEN there and DONE the thing, and then some, well, that’s the man. Hehe. And he’s right, of course.

More on energy drains . . .
- They're really NOT worth it . . .

One of the things I really do hate about people is when they become massive ENERGY DRAINS – and energy suckers.

Curiously enough these same people then sometimes (after being an energy leech el -maximuso) proceed to lecture yours truly on “what is an energy drain”.

I’ll never forget the 5 minute or so audio message (ugh, I hate those! Why can’t we just text with el caveman, hehe) that I got from THAT dude who lives in mainland China and rants on and on about the injustices there (and about the Hong Kong issue as well).

Can we say hypocrite. With a capital frigging H.

Like I said before, dude, if you hate the place that much – then LEAVE. Staying there and complaining about it all day is nothing but counter productive, and that’s putting it LIGHTLY.

Yet another one in the “foreign loser” category – except he was of Chinese descent.

I’ve written about him before HERE so I won’t do so again, but you get the point.

I’ve also written about my thoughts on the Hong Kong issue, and why do I mention this?

Well, first off, because of the recent legislation that China has apparently introduced (but not drafted) that would pretty much take away whatever it left of Hong Kong’s autonomy.

And of course, my phone has been buzzing off the hook with people eager to discuss it with yours truly.

My response?


As I stated before, while I have a very strong opinion on how things should proceed in Hong Kong, at the end of the day it’s a dicey issue.

There are TWO sides to this, just as there are to the Israel Palestine issue, and HERE is where I’ve written about it – if you’re interested, it might be well worth a read.

But more to the point, why do I bring this up.

Because the vast majority of these people – or perhaps ALL – are NOWHERE to be found when yours truly needs to discuss something.

Which el caveman doesn’t with the sheeple, but the point stands . . .

When I talk about something that is outside their tiny sphere of “interest” (read ESL bubble – no, NOT the expat bubble – that was pretty much back in the day, but most QUALIFIED – read folks that can do more than sing A B C in front of a kindergarten class done LEFT already – way, way back in 005 when the last great “qualified expat exodus” happened), I’m sure you can guess their reactions and responses.


Or ignore . . .

Or the cursory “Oh yeah. Whatever” as they go back to their little bubbles, entirely oblivious to what YOU HAVE TO SAY.

Curiously enough these are the same people that troll all day long on internet forums – – or get online and “diss” those that have actually MADE it through their OWN hard work (no, no handouts or Mommy’s credit card, hehe)

The same people that want it all for “free”. That want to get on IDIOTIC phone calls for HOURS on end while WASTING your time – and finding some place to vent (for them).

Don’t get me wrong. Venting is fine, but it’s a two way street, my friend and I long ago got TIRED of people calling me for hours and venting about their stuff (usually B.S. politics and other issues – all boils down to “these people have no one to talk to”).

The SAME people that are first in line at the government office to get the handouts – while publicly criticizing the very same people that are helping them.

And the same people that are drunk every night, of course . . . And that are married to, or in relationships with local women from other cultures, and all the time complain about “she can’t understand me!”

Boo hoo. . .

And more.

And if you just recognized youself in any of those categories, well, rest EASY – you ain’t alone!

Anyway, enough of that.

To truly progress in life, my friend you have to cut out what does NOT work for you.

You have to notice your FEELINGS – and if “energy drain” is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a message, or get on a call (or think about it) – well – here is my advice – DON’T.

You may and probably will lose a lot of relationships that way, but think about this – were the energy leeches actually BENEFITING you in any way (and no, I ain’t talking just money here)?

Did you feel uplifited after talking to them – – or was it always “I wish he’d give me a chance to air MY opinion too!”

Stop being a “complaint box” for others, my friend. Do so today, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel almost instantly!

And if you truly DO want to hang out with the DOERS – those that are MOVING AHEAD in life – and keeping in top SHAPE – well – do so HERE.

I look forward to welcoming you ON BOARD, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Remember, you’ll get UNLIMITED access to all 0 Excuses Fitness products as long as your membership is valid – as well as to yours truly. Value unlimited really – – so hop aboard now, my friend.

P.S #2 – If you haven’t checked out Advanced Hill Training as yet, what are you waiting for? Do so right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

The Kapalbhati
- A new take on ABS

Do you know what the Kapalbhati exercise is?

If you’re serious in any way about exercises that work the REAL muscles in the abdominal region, well, you should – but don’t (even those with the best of intentions).

Now, I’ve made no mention of my contempt for the almighty (NOT) and much vaunted, and UTTERLY BUTTERLY useless CRUNCH.


You heard me.

Crunches are about as useful as butter right after a workout or perhaps screen door on a submarine . . .

As a yoga guru in India said once,

You can work out all you like, but if you stuff parathas down your gullet after working out, you will NOT lose weight at all. In fact, you’ll probably GAIN weight.

And he’s right for more reasons than one, but lets NOT get into weight gain here.

Let’s revert back to our talk about the ABS.

Crunches are worthless my friend because they work the showboat “six pack” muscles which are just for show and do NOT provide any real strength or stability to your midsection.

I’ve stated this up and down many times in my writings as well as in Corrugated Core – and the FACT, my friend is that you need to work the muscles BENEATH the six pack in order for the following to START happening –

REAL core strength and stability

Improved (almost magically!) DIGESTION and lower back strength (and banishing lower back pain)

Getting rid of that pesky lower abdominal FAT

And, when combined with certain other exercises in the elementary section of the course, getting rid of the oblique fat too.

Enough benefits for you, my friend? And we’re just into the ELEMENTARY section . . .

Anyway, I’ve mentioned an exercise somewhat similar to the Kapalbhati (literally translated in Hindi it means “shining forehead” I believe – and with good reason if you believe in energy and chakras) . . . but unfortunately, most overlook it in favor of the others.

OK, no problem . . . but this simple exercise is actually what you need to be doing first.

And the Kapalbhati, though being amazingly effective from a SEATED position (yes, I know, despite my rant on exercises you do while SEATED), this one is USEFUL is one I did NOT include in the book because it’s so damn hard to explain without a video which I have not gotten around to yet for this course.

And its basically an exercise that does not involve any of the following “culprits”

  • Breath control
  • Muscle flexing (at least not as you know)
  • Recovery times
  • Much movement at all except your BELLY
  • No movement of either the upper and lower limbs

And yet, it’s one of the most amazingly effective exercises there is that I HAVE taught before, both to those in my members area, and those that I coach privately.

And combined with other exercises that I Recommend, it’ll do WAY MORE to blowtorch that nasty lard right off your midsection than probably anything else combined.

Do it with Advanced Hill Training, and you’ll amplify the effects by about a bazillion, of course!

(NB – Now that I write this, I remember I actually DID this sort of thing along with Advanced Hill Training, and it felt like – quite literally – my body was “eating away the FAT” as I worked out. I don’t know – you’ll have to DO THE THING – and experience it for yourself!)

But even if you just do what it is mentioned in Corrugated Core and start with the VACUM, an amazingly effective version of the exercise in its own right, you’ll be doing just fine for a lifetime (no pun intended, and fact).

Get on it now, my friend. And in case you have questions about advanced stuff NOT shown in my books, well, apply for coaching right HERE and we’ll see what we can do!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Or, become a member of the 0  Excuses Fitness Ship right HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/

P.S #2 – Did I mention that a yearly membership to the above will get you ALL 0 Excuses Fitness products for FREE for a lifetime? Probably not, but I’m mentioning it now, so jump on this, my friend – now. Not only that, you get access to yours truly and other like minded fitness buffs as well. Always better than going it by and on your lonesome, my friend.

P.P.S.- I’ll be advising y’all on a KIDDIE variant of this exercise soon. Stay tuned (and no, it ain’t in Kiddie Fitness –  it WILL be though in the second Volume tho if I ever get around to it, hehe).

Fear – the WORST enslaver
- Worse than any other, to be frank!

Just saw an interesting discussion on LinkedIn, a discussion that seemed to have garnered quite a few comments the last time I checked.

Apparently a lady that is against wearing face masks (or I believe LAWS that infringe upon your personal freedoms and FORCE you to wear a mask – thankfully the South doesn’t have those, hehe, and even more thankfully the North is waking up as well) had a meme out there (or a sign out there, actually) that read –

Muzzles are for dogs and slaves – I am a free human being.

. . . along with (gasp!) the picture of a slave crudely drawn on the meme . . .

Now, when I saw this sign my first thoughts were (yes, pillory me all you like, but I’m being honest) – that I AGREE (in principle) with the lady.

Hey, everyone with half a brain knows that masks don’t stop the spread of the disease any more than wearing a cloth tied around your face does (slim and next to none, and slim just left town, and if that offends people, so be it).

President Trump doesn’t wear masks either, and takes a drug that he said would work back in the day – and guess what – despite all the rumors about him having contracted the virus, he said (in his own words), “he’s still very much here!”

A man after my own heart, and one firmly in the minority and a man responsible for the US’s resurgence as of now (and I mean economically) – – and one of the few or perhaps ONLY politician globally that truly DOES care about his country.

And Trump’ism aside, the point is this – even if you think masks are required, hey, I got no problem with that . . . as long as you don’t FORCE ME to believe in it and make it legal to wear a mask at which point, hell yes, I WILL complain and HOW.

And I won’t follow the law most likely in that regard unless I HAVE to.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating breaking the law. Never would.

But when law starts infringing upon personal freedom, and it HAS in many parts of the world to a horrendous extent . . . THAT is where I draw the line, both literally and figuratively.

Not to mention this lady probably has  a very good idea of how to MARKET – and she’s doing it, hehe, without even trying.

And for those that scream up and down about racism and “bad feelings” (the person who posted the initial comment was “mad”, “fuming”, “livid” and “foaming at the mouth” amongst other things, and “wasn’t going to get over it” no matter what) . . . well, guess WHAT my friend.

Sometimes we all need to grow a thick skin.

And that’s fine if you don’t want to. NO, I do NOT support racism or racist memes, but really – fear is the biggest enslaver, and if anything, this lady (the one with the meme) is saying it like it, albeit perhaps in a manner I personally wouldn’t but again, point taken (by me at least).

FEAR is what really kills you from the inside out and stops you from being all you can be, or who you can be, or even starting.

FEAR kills off any and all ambition at the outset.

FEAR of the unknown. Of death. Of this blasted virus, which at the end of the day kills LESSER people than the flu – and NEWS FLASH – the MAJORITY of the people with this virus have recovered.

Not to mention the following –

Smokers are doing better warding off the disease than non smokers. Gasp!

The people who actually did die are a SMALL percentage of those infected, and they ALL, without exception had underlying health issues. Gasp again!

President Trump, ah, but I mentioned that. How dare I, eh. Racism, and . . . triple gasp!

OK, enough of that (but yeah, I really DO think people need to get over it, but by that same token if something silly like this and as fundamental as freedom of speech makes you get your knickers in a twist, hey, by all means, be my guest).

And now that we’re past all that, here is where I’ll promote my fitness products – unafraid and unapologetically as usual –https://0excusesfitness.com/products/

Select one – and get started now (and try NOT to focus on the B.S. out there, hehe).

Rise – UP!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can get Gorilla Grip – a course that has been the BEST selling 0 Excuses Fitness course ever since I put it out.

P.S – Here was my comment to the LinkedIn post –

Dogs seem to be a common recurrence here, dog (dawg) (sorry, couldn’t resist, hehe). Can be hilarious at times though, especially when in countries like India you once had signs like “Indians and dogs” not allowed and now that same country proudly displays “English Wine and Beer” shops everywhere (an utterly awful version of what you and I would call a “liqor store” LOL) . . . As for the lady in question, yeah, wouldn’t equate wearing masks with being a slave for sure, but FEAR is the biggest enslaver to be honest . . . and, well . . . ah, but I’ll stop . . . 😉

(if you want the original link, let me know – I’ll email it over. Took up about three lines when I first pasted it here, so I’m not now . . .)

Good things come in small packages
- Pocket Dynamo, or should I say ROCKET, hehe.

As I was throwing my trash outside, I came across a spare bag . . . not a trash bag, but one of those bags similar to what you’d use when getting groceries.

This was a bag from Mei Yi Jia, one of my BY FAR MOST favorite (if there is a such a term; if not, I invented it!) businesses in China, hehe.

They are a convenience store brand with the FRIENDLIEST customer service out there in mainland China – by far.

Not fancy shmancy by any means. No silly airs and attitudes.

Dudes that are polite, and to the point, even with angry foreign devils sometimes bitching at them about their beer being way too late (delivery), hehe.

But given all that, it’s probably one of my favorite brands in China, and if you’ve read my comments in that regard before, you KNOW that ain’t a tag I give out, if at all!

I cannot recall the number of times that I wanted beer . . or (back in the day when I smoked) a pack of cigarettes . . . or perhaps just a “loaf” hehe of bread and eggs.

Call Mei Yi jia, and it matters NOT if it’s a Chinese festival and the whole damn city is shut down.

It matters NOT if the COVID19 is spreading (well, unless we’re talking Wuhan hehe) . . . they’ll deliver, and to your doorstep, and do so promptly.

That reminds me. I must message my delivery guy and ask him how he is, as for whatever reason he hasn’t returned to work at the store (from what I can tell) . . .

Anyway, they give you bags with Chinglish all over them (Chinese English which can be sort of pseudo cute in a way) – – and these bags state the following (I’m stating this from memory) –

“Small thing, but respect!”

What they mean is to not toss the bag anywhere after use. To reuse it. And yes, although those bags are small, they’re amazingly strong for their size, and that brings me to my central point.

It ain’t about the size of the dog. It’s about the size of the FIGHT in the dog.

And good things often DO come in small packages.

Lets look at Bruce Lee, for instance. Hardly a big guy, but if you’ve got a choice between the average pumper and toner and Lee in your corner for a knockdown BRAWL – who would you choose?

Or, Mike  Tyson – who is huge in a way, but again, if you look at some of the roid monsters out there – not big by comparison.

I’ve mentioned before about ole Steve Austin (and that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so!) being my all time favorite wrassler out there.

There will never be another Austin, and never another Attitude Era.

And when the WWE hyped the Austin vs Tyson feud (which ultimately ended in the two champs being friends at the end of it all), I couldn’t help but think one thing.

In a REAL fight, who would win?

Austin is a great wrassler no doubt and a HUGE guy. Far bigger than ole Tyson.

And yet, I’d put my money on Tyson any day in a real fight, for obvious reasons!

And so forth.

Good things often come in small packages my friend, and funny part when it comes to yours truly?

I’ve often been very candid about the fact that I ain’t got the best genetics out there (by far!).

And I’ve often been even more candid about the fact that I ain’t a big guy, and the naysayers nod their heads and agree.

“I could toss you through a window!”

And yet, the REAL fighters don’t say that.

The REAL fighters have this to say.

“You’re not a small specimen by any means!”

My friend from the Marines, a bonafide GORILLA if there was a human version once stood right in front of me “toe to toe”.

Look, he said.

“You’re not hardly as small as you say!”

Sage remarks, hehe, from a man that’s been there and done that and knows what he BE talking about, hehe.

And on that note, it’s out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Big doesn’t mean fat, and fat don’t mean big. You ain’t got no excuses to be fat, my friend. Sorry, but that’s just how it is – and if this here dispatch inspires you to DO something about the ponderous and almighty Buddha Belly youre tugging alone, here are the routines that will do it – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

P.S #2 – And yes, big guys CAN do pull-ups. Look at the picture on THIS here Page – –https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/