If you done (did) got tired of high reps…
- Some (only SOME!!) of you are qualified to hear this.

At the outset, let me say two things, one, not everyone is qualified to hear this. And two, well, for someone who lived in the South for so long, and loved every bit of it despite the so called (wrongly so in this day and age) “racist” tag it gets (no, flying Rebel flags dont necessarily translate into that either pal!) .. and for someone who has a “dear” friend Lilly who ranted about “them dammmmmnn Yankees!” all the time (he is Cajun from Louisana, heh)…

… well, it would remiss of me not to put “did” after done? ????

You Southerners will get it… I dont have the drawl anymore, but I did back in the day!

After going to China I HAD to undergo another “self” metamorphosis in terms of English if you get my drift, so …

Anyway, its great to see two things – that one,  Lilly and I are still friends despite so many old friends dropping off the list either due to difference in political or other views.

It’s nice to be able to talk to someone without being at their throats. He probably doesnt fully agree with my (complimentary in many regards as ya’ll know) views on a certain Vladimir Putin and the reasons behind the war (the real reasons no-one is telling you) – but he’s certainly not liberal, I’ll give him that!

He may not be a Trump lover, I was – but like I said, after 2020 – Trump tried to do a fine job, he succeeded in some regards, but like the man himself said in 2020, time to move on.

Ron De Santis, Mike Pence, plenty of fine candidates for the Presidency. But, my man remains the SAME – dark horse ex Cia head Mike Pompeo … THAT is my man – if he runs – I hope so!

If he did, I suspect the man would win hands down, I cannot praise Pompeo enough for his brevity when the situation requires it, his play on words, how pithy he can be while getting his point across in a very logical and emotionless manner, and .. well, the sheer erudite nature of his personality, down to earth nature, many accomplishments and so forth…


I remember explaining to some dude who was once asking me the difference between “Yank and Yankee” that the former was Americans in general, the latter those from the North.

Something that was ratified by a certain “Bill” Roney and if William Roney ratifies it (if he’s reading this – Hey Bill! Long time no chat – I’m sure Bozo “addicted to not just ass licking, but ass whipping too apparently, his own that is” Glyn will forward this to you without my asking, hehe) … well, it must be right

Hehe again, good ole days.

Anyway, almost 500 words in (I can just hear another Bozo complaining about “whats the point of all this”) … this ain’t about Yanks, Indians, Red Indians, Mexicans, Seminole Indians, Poke Tahola, or anything of that nature.

It ain’t about the fact that I dont quite agree fully with my bud Lilly about his views on Yankees, he’s got some fair points, but they have fine damn people up there too, some customers, or a certain one – I wont mention him, ya’ll guess! – a certain one that is an unabashed fan of Pushup Central for one is from there – damn fine “son of the soil” and ex man in Blue is he.

Respect, Charles.

It’s about this – lots of you -those that are DOERS – and high reps.

As I said in the outset, this doesnt apply to you if you’re a lazy ass that can’t pump out 100 pushups or more per workout without collapsing.

It doesnt apply if youre fat and are looking for an excuse to escape exercises that brutally expose the lack of conditioning (usually accompanied by too much gelatinous whale blubber both around midsection, tits and bottom) …

But it applies if you’re a doer.

Look, sometimes we all get tired of high reps in that we’re just too sore to do high reps, or “it just dont feel right”.

Oddly enough, these days are the days when the TOUGH movements – you improve in them!

For me, today’s workout was 250 squats, 40 pushups (floor), 20 handstand pushups, and 50 pull-ups.

Not necessarily brutal numbers for someone like me, I was going to do 200 pushups as well, but it just did not feel like that sort of day.

Much like it did not feel like a straight up 250 bodyweight squat day.

So I just improvised, made things HARDER.

Squats, I did a version of the jumping squat most have no inkling of – covered in Squat 101 – along with the regulars, and Hindus, and I used a “make your legs super sore” technique I outline in that book as well.

Pushups, I made the handstand pushups that much tougher by including wall walkouts and PAUSES in each movement I did. (each set – I did them in sets of 5 today this way).

Pull-ups, well, and again, Charles, you come to mind – I made them plyometric today – thick grips – even slower than normal ….

And I finished off with super tough versions of club swings not covered in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness (yes, even with all the variations already there, there are tons more!) – because I dont want you hammering yourself on the top of the head, my friend.

And no doubt some will if you try that right off the bat which I dont advise, but some idiots will try anyway.

And as I sit here remembering Charles, I dont know if this email applies to specifically to him, but probably does to a degree – I KNOW it applies to a lot of you – as I sit there shoulders “zinging” after them plyo pushups … well, I gotta say this.

Advanced Plyometrics should definitely be the next one out, I better put up a sales page for it soon! I thought I’d put in 25 exercises, but the book has ballooned to 51 already which can only be a good thing.

Anyway ……………..


  1. There is no excuse to skip high rep pushups, or pull-up, or those type of workouts.
  2. Get good at ’em, DAMN good, and dont dwadle …
  3. Once those above two things have been taken care of, yes, by all means make the movement harder.

I could tell you so many ways I made the pushups harder including trying pike pushups on fingertips – fingers NOT pointing straight. Yikes!

Anyway – thats it for this one.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Those that just read and “do nothing”, again, a shout out to hit the unsubscribe link, as if you’re never in the mood to BUY, then there’s no point is there? For either of us … Thank you! (in advance).

PS #2 – I love how Charles mentioned how so many people from “communist” NY are moving to the good ole “Lone star” State. (not to mention from socialist California to FL and so forth)-  Hey, they’re doing SOMETHING right there, hehe. . .

Overly processed foods – and more.
- Diet, again!

In modern day society, the following items are almost staples -bread, pasta, instant noodles – and so forth, and not just if you’re broke and starving either, my friend.

People seem to not just survive but so called THRIVE on these items.

Look at my wife, for instance, apparently “processed noodles” are the best thing since sliced bread, which ain’t that good either in my opinion- and dont get me wrong, to each his own, or hers, but I never ate that in my life until last year, last year I did, and after eating it – my reaction?

I’d rather starve than eat THAT.

And I mean every word of that.

Pasta – unless it’s cooked in rich natural tomato sauce falls into that category as well, unless it’s wheat or other more natural pasta.

And this holds for a whole host of other processed foods – including a lot of “packed” frozen meats and such.

Now, dont me wrong, I dont take any of this to giddy limits.

I know damn near everything has hormones, chemicals, and I’m hardly rabid about these things – unlike my current “significant other” who won’t start a single task without several trips to the “mandir” (temple) and chanting God’s name 108 times – literally, these Gurus on youtube (the so called ones that drill this nonsense into her mind all day long – more so since 2020) will be the death of most of the herd (not a bad thing haha).

Point of this is though – these foods might be the very ones preventing you from losing weight at super high levels, despite your workout routines.

If you’re REALLY, really looking to get FIT – from the inside out – being ripped is NOT a requirement.

Being slim and not having a belly and having a Corrugated Core and such – is very much a requirement, if you dont have those things, you ain’t fit by any standard (Bozo standards dont count, neither does pumping in the mirror and saying “I lost weight” when you’re fatter and more triple chinned than ever. I mean really, when guys have to take pictures of themselves at “flattering angles” so the flab doesnt show that much – its bad enough for women to do that but guys – give me a fuckin break!) …

But there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be TRULY FIT – and RIPPED – at the same time.

And the latter will only come with low fat content, and the proper diet.

A huge, huge culprit in today’s society?

A lot of the BREAD you eat, and other such “white” foods (rice might be an exception but for me it ain’t).

I’m firmly a believer in NOT eating bread – if I eat burgers, I usually toss the buns.

I’m a huge believer in WHEAT yes – and Indian style flatbreads, only if cooked with wheat (or Iranian, Afghani etc) – and in the West, wheat pasta, wheat bread (“brown”) etc).

It might not taste that good or be that fluffy, but its a hell of a lot better for your health.

Part of the reason my daughter is unfortunately showing signs of a belly is this – lack of activity yes, one thing – thats kids globally, but also … improper diet, and way too much junk food.

There is a constant battle going on in the house.

Granny gives her junk food “because Mom will not allow healthy stuff”.

She comes to Mom, Mom drills “Dont tell granny I gave you this into  her”, and just “because she’s the boss” (as she likes to say apparently) – she’ll give her more junk food.

She does try and feed her healthy.

But she does it in strange ways – often times, she’ll tell me to eat something which she’d toss otherwise. Hehe.

Perfectly good stuff you’d think, cans of tined meat and such, and of course, that lovely fluffy baker’s BREAD.

“I wont give this to the daugher”, she yells. “She has enough junk already!” 

Now, for reference, my wife wouldn’t give me any food if I was starving unless she absolutely was forced to. Thats how much she hates me.

Which is fine … but I’m putting this into context.

I of course, with my workout routines and such – I rarely eat that crap anyway, but sometimes?

Its nice to taste some decent bread!

(although I’d rather the wife’s flatbread).

(which is what I eat when at home, no rice either usually).

Anyway – I ate it last night. Loads of it, along with a lovely tasty mixture of brinjal, spring onions, and more … remember, the more vibrant the color it is, the healthier it is for you.

I did this because I knew I’d get it out of my system anyway – and because I hadn’t cheated on diet in ages, apparently – I haven’t had pizza for months despite loving the damn stuff – and because of the vegetable gravy, the healthy component.

But I Can still “feel it” today. In that … well, my digestion is so finely tuned now that I can literally feel my food digesting when I eat, and if I eat something a bit unhealthy – I dont fall sick, or have China Belly or what not, but I do “feel it” the next day.

The above might sound strange, but if you pay attention to your diet, proper attention, as you should, you will know what I mean.

Believe it or not, part of the Indian wrestler’s routine in India is to … well, defecate together in the open fields outside the akhara.

Yes, you heard me right.

And they generally look at their stool once done to make sure “everything is well formed and OK”.

I realize that put gross pictures in your mind, but that is how it’s done, my friend.

And while there are other ways to figure out the state of your insides, the above, well, scientifically speaking I cannot argue with it, though I dont do it myself! Hehe.

Anyway ….


All of this, and more will be covered in a book on diet and fasting – another one of those upcoming books, this will take the “Simple and Effective Diet” to new levels basically.

I’m going to pour nigh ALL my very extensive knowledge into this one, so y’all -stay – tuned.

And second?

To lose weight, or to help in doing so – cut out the BREAD from your system.

Cut out PROCESSED stuff – and packed stuff as far as possible.

Ramen noodles, SUGAR, packs of soft white BREAD – cakes – doughnuts – all go into the BIN, my friend.

Not to say you can’t enjoy themselves once in a while, but be ready to work it out of your system! (or suffer the long term consequences).

Anyway, thats the tip for today. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

IF enough you show enough interest, then this may happen.
- And more on the sheer brutality of squats. . .

And more on the sheer brutality of squats. . .

Some – a lot  – covered in Squat 101. 

And some not.

I gotta admit, as I sink down, hips, ass, hamstrings, all cramping (this for someone who routinely pumps out hundreds of squats, has put in tons of hours of stretching) … CRAMPING, I gotta do more than stretch, which I will soon.

Before that, there is an absolutely brutal variant of the squat I did NOT put in Squat 101.

Sales are picking up for this book, early days as yet, too early. After all, I put out the book like two days ago. Hehe.

And if you haven’t gotten it at the price it is NOW, well, “silly you” is all I can say… (because, well, the price will go UP very soon like I said so many times).

some people. you tell them, you try and help them, they dont get it, anyway …

Anyway, the point of this being – this brutal squat involves the following –

The JCVD split – one of the toughest for a lot of people to do right.

Mentioned In Advanced, PROFOUND, Isometric and Flexibility Training – and the Sumo squat which is mentioned in Squat 101. 

And it combines it all into a slippery, sliding, joints opening “forgotten movement” that taxes the hips, thighs, hamstrings, core and your BREATHING like never before, when done fluidly for reps.

The movement is too hard for even most advanced trainees to do, but you’ll see it performed in Indian akharas a lot …

Now, what is it you ask.

Well, if enough of you show interest in Squat 101, which given the way the orders have picked up, I believe you ARE – then Squat 102 will have this, and more utterly brutal version of this movement, and more.

So much more I got to teach, there is just no way I can put it all in one book.

And it’s not that easy for everyone to do anyway, most of you will spend a lifetime working on what I mention in Squat 101, so you should – so I DO – damn near, or daily.


Two more tips for utter brutality I’ll add into this book – and tell you now, sorta –

One, practice KICKS between your squats.

I give you plenty of recovery tips for your legs in Squat 101, but one way is also to practice your kicks in proper form – note – too many people kick in piss poor form and get found out in fights (for one, your “other foot” should NOT land “in front of you” when doing roundhouse kicks, and two, when you do side kicks, your non kicking leg does NOT bend!) … (and kicks come from the hips and core, not so much “thighs”) …  between sets of squats.

You’ll see this makes you super sore if done right.

If you make the kick an isometric and HOLD for time – boy!

And if you do what I mention in Squat 101 (did I mention it enough times? Hehe) – – and combine the Rahul Mookerjee “patented squat” into your training, along with “slow mo” squats – well, you’ll understand the meaning of SORE legs and cramps – anew, if that is even a word.

Remember, after all this, DO stretch out.

It’s so important, even more so after heavy duty squatting, and I’ve not only included examples of WHY you should do so – personal examples – but also the exact and best exercises you need to use to stretch out.

As always, the bodyweight exercise Guru delivers more than what he promised .. and thats how it SHOULD BE, my friend.

Truly, with all my background in climbing hills and such, and now this, and my “slim legs” “slim long muscular legs” which Carol giggled so much about – well all of it makes me the perfect candidate to bring this book to you, and all the rest…

Get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Joke from the wife, but it speaks volumes and is testament to my focus on PROCESS and then results … or visualizing the result during it …

Daughter keeps losing stuff the wife and mother give her.

Opposite of when we were growing up, we barely had nothing, now they have everything, molly coddled and more.

Bratty too sometimes!

So she often gives me stuff she buys for the daugher for safekeeping.

I’m supposed to hand it out “within reason”. If the wife does, it disappears, then I get phone calls on trains in China saying “your daughter gifted her pencils away to her classmate again!” … Hehe.

True incident, happened when I was on the train from Shenzhen to Dongguan, hehe.

Anyway, the saying goes thus.

“He’s the security officer. Not even God can get it from him”.

Why, daughter asks. God can!

“Because he’ll ask God for REASONS And logic”.


So I probably would!

But process is process, taking care of one’s own things is an art, just like with one’s body.

And there is no better person to bring you the art of caring and training your own body, my friend, indeed, as rabid customers keep telling me “if people dont appreciate your art, to hell with them”.

And thats always been my biz philosophy anyway!

While the 0 Excuses Fitness System videos have had many good things said about them, flowing art was something I heard most recently, and I truly, deeply, am appreciative of the real man that made that comment – as well as the verbal ASS KICKING he handed out when I needed it .

yes, yours truly does on occasion too!

Thank you, John. I mean that – again!

And thats that. Back soon.

PPS – Actually, security officer? More on that HERE, hehe. True story that too!  (thank you to Amazon on that one, I suppose? Hehe)

Rowing and Squatting
- Two of the best darn exercise ever!

Rowing, my friend is an underrated exercise and workout unto itself.

As I sit here writing this, sweat pouring off me – have you ever tried padding a boat – even with a gentle current in your favor?

I’m not talking white water rapids like in Uttarakhand, or perhaps the Niagara falls if you’re crazy enough to try the latter, hehe.

I’m talking rowing.

When I was like 7 or 8, we went to a lake which was supposedly infested with crocodiles – I believe alligators is what they told us – near the “Pink City” i.e. Jaipur in India.

What they really meant was the Indian “gharial” – a harmless enough version of the croc which with its narrow snout can eat only fish, and isn’t that aggressive to humans.

Still, they’re wild animals.

So as my Dad paddled, I remember looking around nervously…

Nothing came, of course, or we likely wouldn’t have gone.

But rowing, my friend – done right – gives you a lat and upper body workout – brutal one – like nothing else.

And with squats, well, you get the benefit of both movements if you do it right, my friend.

Now, with the Hindu squat, although I’ve never specifically mentioned this in Squat 101 and 0 Excuses Fitness, it’s something you learn for yourself as you “do” – you’ll find the rowing motion of the upper arms, just the back and forth with the right BREATHING – is what causes “rythm to flow”.

Like I said in Squat 101, do NOT make the mistake of thinking “just thighs” or lower body and focusing on those alone.

It’s an entire body workout is the squat.

And while you know all about the Hindu squat, in Squat 101, you’ll see I devote a lot of time and space, and most of it to the BODYWEIGHT (regular) squat!

Which hasn’t had enough written about it, to be honest. It never will, like the regular pushup.

And YES, if you do these right, you’ll find the rowing motion works with these too.

Look, I just got done with 200 of these, my breathing is … well, its like I climbed a hill or something, my core, lower back – all of it has FELT IT!

And so will yours if you do it right …

Thats what I love about squats, the pure simplicity and the BRUTALITY of it all, like dips – and pushups.

Lots of you have been asking me to expand more on dips, which were covered in Fast and Furious Fitness. They deserve a book unto themselves too, thats for another time though …

Maybe soon!

For now, enjoy.

And write back – let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

A small mod for diamond pushups – for you that NEEDS it.
- For those with wrist injuries, etc.

My wrist injuries – down the road, too many to list out here – not to mention that nasty(iest!) injury I incurred in 2018 when doing fingertip handstand pushups after the hill climb in cold, horrible weather in China.

Cold, damp, felt like several degrees below zero with the wind chill – when I went home, the COLD water from the tap felt warm on my hands so frozen were they!

Anyway – that one injury – although I can do fingertip handstand work, I’m still very leery and think twice – thrice – before actually doing it, putting ALL my focus into it!

It’s very easy to get injured with fingertip work, as I say in pushup Central.

I’ve popped that thumb more times – in and out – (no pun!) – than you can imagine doing fingertip pushups with sloppy form, or when “tired” …

And thats one thing you need to be careful about, but I’ve always had weak wrists, and my right, well, ever since I attempted a running jump out of an almost stopped bus (hey, no-one told me which foot to put down first, I had to figure it out myself!! i.e the right plane of motion and such)  – and landed on the wrong foot, then the right wrist, then the cast it was put in … then the Gorilla Grip a tennis player gave it when not recovered (OUCH!) …

(I remember the look he gave me, its what I give people now when they look at me shocked when I grip their hand, I’m like “but I just gripped it firmly!”) ..

How times change. Hehe.

Anyway ………..

It’s always been a weak point that I have strengthened, so to call it a weak link wouldn’t be accurate any more – my hamstrings if anything are the weak link now.

Sorta …

Anyway, point of me saying this in my usual verbose story telling manner – is this – in Pushup Central, I bring to you the “diamond pushup” – which truly is a forgotten diamond in your pushup training.

Aaron, an old friend of mine once told me in college “Look at the black dudes, those chests they build in prison!”

(he served some time for weed or something, I cannot remember, pity it wasn’t today where its pretty much legal)

And how do they do it – well, as he told me …

“Do what them nikkas do, diamond style!” 

And he was right.

I implemented his advice, and soon enough, Jay a friend of mine was telling me “your chest is starting to look like those black guys!”

Same Jay who till this date, years later calls me Macho Man, rightly so. Hehe.

But anyway – these pushups – while they tax your upper body in a fantastic and different manner – they can be, along with SOME of the other pushups (like fingers pointing backwards) – HARD on your wrists.

Lots of you have reported feeling twinges of pain, it’s happened to me too.

If this happens?

As I say for the Hindu pushup, simply move the wrists around to a comfortable position and then do ’em.

For diamond pushups, something that may work is not making the diamond fully with your thumbs, you leave “some” space between the fingers – not a lot, but that little bit matters a hell of a lot.

Same for the fingers pointing backward pushups …

Anyway, there is ONE style of pushup that is truly the forgotten pushup and that builds your lats, chest, triceps, like nothing you’ve ever done before – and it’s way easier on your wrists and joints too.

This is something the great Bruce Lee used to fantastic effect!

I dont call it the Bruce Lee “wing” pushup in the book, but maybe I should.

You’ll spot it, it’s the pushup I say you should be VERY careful when doing, you’ll barely be able to do one when you start…

And it’s a different finger/hand positioning than you’ve ever seen before including out there on the internet with all the rubbish out there.

Anyway, as I launch into my workout and make more green tea, thought I’d share that with ya!

And since I have now…


Rahul Mookerjee

Pushups improve punching power

Recently, I was struck by how much my punches have become “smoother” – and not just that, but my cardio in that regard has gone through the roof, I seem not to get out of breath at all when punching … my makeshift heavy bag.

I was forced to take the “real” heavy bag due to some idiocy or the other. It’s sitting around staring me in the face – apparently my punches “made the house shake” and my Mom’s precious fridge, or fridges, or however many she has now were wobbling or something, so in 2018 – that came to an end.

Pity, buying and getting that heavy bag installed was one of the last few decent ideas my wife had, after that she gave up. Hehe. In that regard, of course, I dont blame her (although I got blamed for the initial idea as well, of course).

Anyway, this isn’t about that crap.

It’s about what I did later – I simply bought myself a new mattress, and fashioned a boxing (heavy) bag of sorts out of the old ones.

Not quite rolled and wrapped, but I have it against the cement wall at all angles, and I throw punches at it all the time.

Recently, I got back on my goal of 500 pushups daily.

And while working back up to that number, currently I’m at 200 per day or so … sometimes more, sometimes less, I was struck by … how SMOOTH my punches are.

And it’s not from doing countless pull-ups as you might imagine.

There is a reason why (despite doing tons of pull-ups in their training), boxers SWEAR by pushups my friend.

Sure, it – punching power – comes from the hips, core and back … and so my increased hip and core training – my back training (as always) – all of that contributes to the results I’m seeing.

But, pushups are truly what TIE it all together.

Pushups if done correctly are so much more than a shoulder and chest exercise.

And I ain’t talking Hindu pushups, or other fancier versions like the reverse pushup etc – all great in their own right, but I’m talking the BASIC pushups, boxer pushup covered in Pushup Central i.e. elbows in.

My friend, THIS is the pushup most boxers, old school or not, focus on the most.

Can you pop off a set of 50, slow and steady?

Most people, as a recent review said – have been found WANTING.

I’d bet you dollars to doughnuts most on this couldn’t do 50 pushups – regular – slow and steady, proper form.

And outside this list, well, probably even more couldn’t.

Or, the regular pushup done on fingertips – give me 25 slow steady ones?

Pushups, my friend, improve pushing power, but BOTH through the chest and back – which is what most people dont get.

Much like pull-ups use the triceps too, yet, like I’ve said before, and pointed out via example, pushups – you can never ignore them no matter how good you get at pull-ups, weighted pull-ups, the muscle up, or any other exercise.

NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING comes to the almighty pushup – especially the old school variants covered in Pushup Central.

Same thing leg training wise, while you could babble on about machines, treadmills, other leg workouts like step ups etc (which all have their place in the sun) – bottom line is this, if you ain’t squatting, my friend, you ain’t training. Its that simple, ask any doer, anyone you hold in any sort of high regard “results” wise – and they’ll tell you.

John Walker, a customer here once told me he tried (at his age, 65) to get 100 pull-ups.

Those are for you younger guys, he laughed about it later. He’s still got elbow problems months later from it – “twinges” basically – which I get, at his age, with all his injuries.

Yet, even at his age, his “easy workouts” or “not much” as he puts it involve 500 bodyweight squats and 100 (at least) pushups, and some pull-ups.

And that, my friend should tell you a lot.

Pushups, truly the big DOG as I say in 0 Excuses FitnessSquats, same thing leg and lower body wise.

There’s the info.

What you choose to do with it, YOU DECIDE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Lats should be used both for pushing, and pulling. And when you learn how to “pinch a penny between your shoulder blades” when doing pushups, you’ll understand the truism of this, and why BOTH pushups and pull-ups should be done for optimal effect …

PS #2 – Those of you that have already invested in Squat 101 – kudos – smart choice, amigo(s)!

Now, its time to write back with reviews, but of course – ONCE you implement, as you said (R)!

I’ll wait for you to get back – all of y’all! Hehe. (and remember, all genuine reviews get an extra 10% off automatically on your next purchase, so thats added incentive to leave a genuine review. As if you needed any more, hehe).

That thin (often) line between criticism and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism
- This might be a long 'un...

I still remember General Michael once telling me about “criticism seems to be your specialty, Rahul!”

For a guy who took a piece of code I wrote in 2004 (and there was NO other module available in that regard for Php Nuke at the time for what we wanted), and the first comment he made before “but it works!” – was “could it be prettier?” … well, that was interesting.

I suppose we all have our own ways of looking at things.

To me?

Yes, criticism has always been something I do – either mentally or verbally or both, directly or not – and I think it’s a damn good thing if done right.

For instance, if you don’t criticize what could be improved but isn’t due to sheer lack of willpower or laziness, then you’re in my opinion “joining that same herd”.

When I live in India, the state of the roads around me, the fact that monkeys, cows, dogs, all share the same living space as people in the capital of the country … when they shouldn’t be, it should be the Civic authorities job to put ’em in animal shelters, or do away with them, or cull them, or I dont know, as in China, just eat them, hehe …

When you dont have a trash can  – or dumpster around to throw your trash in – the most basic of items, and you have to depend on a guy showing up in a pushcart (if he chooses to show up – else you have mounds of trash sitting at home and there ain’t squat you can do about it) to cart it away …

When organizations like Walmart, Target etc – or supercenters of ANY real sort are not allowed into a country because of politics .. .

And so many other things you and I take for normal, granted (like walking down to the 7-11 to get a beer, for instance) – not working in a country which purports itself to be a world power – well, seriously, when I criticize these things and say “if we really love our country (we being “the citizens of any country”) then these things should be improved, period, there is no excuse no blaming the Brits or what not, this is something India and Indians need to fix, the MENTALITY, the thinking, period …

And there’s a lot more I haven’t brought up here. If I did, I’d write a book.

When I bring this up, people shrug and say “thats how it is”.

No desire to change, so nothing changes, same ole same ole, well, thats fine – but yours truly desires to change, which is why yours truly hardly ever lives there unless “forced to” for whatever reason.

And oddly enough, these same things I complain about publicly, people sit around the dinner table, my wife included (who complains when I bring it up with her, but apparently it’s ok for her to bring it up and say “India will never improve!”) .. .and discuss and moan about the same damned things.

Same thing in China, people complain about foreigners whining and moaning about things, but look behind the scenes, the Chinese do it too.

Some of it is excessive, yes.

But where is the line between constructive and not?

As I hear my wife holler at my daughter as usual (Which she, like me, now just tunes out “in through one ear, out through the other”) about some nonsense or the other, something about “I can never be criticized” – I wonder what happens when the shoe is on the other foot?

My wife, like most modern women “turned liberal” (read Nazi feminist) has no inkling of how to raise a kid.

And of course, with a mother that believes in the core tenets of Nazi feminism just as fiercely – it’s pointless to say anything to her about it.

It all descends down to one thing “I’m the woman, so I’m right”.

Oddly enough, she yells at my daughter for being on the phone all the time. OK, faire enough.

But when I told her NOT to buy my daughter a dumbphone, she’s not old enough as yet – no-one listened.

OK, fair enough …

Then the first thing my wife does after anything – upon arising in the morning – or just about anytime in the day?

Get on the dumbphone.

No exercise, no walking about, no outdoor activities, yet, she complains when my daughter follows her lead (in terms of the phone).

Like, kids ape adults – that is normal, eh.

But when adults set a terrible example themselves (and I just pointed out ONE) – then who is to say criticism isn’t warranted then?

She claims “but I do my own work too” which is her right to say that, but she doesnt do any of what a real woman should do, and she has no logical or other reason not to do so.

If there was a reason, I get it.

No goose and gander, thats fine, thats this sort of woman for you.

But we’re talking criticism – logical and constructive … so it begets me bringing it up … (as another example).

I still remember Marc the African Silverback Gorilla telling me in 2018.

“They need an alpha male there!” (which he was referring to me – and him as).

They need a padded cell is what I think. Hehe.

This alpha does NOT want to deal with any of them.

Hell, I even asked Gorilla Girl about this, about how her daughter, older than mine, doesnt have a phone, she gave me the same answer as I gave you …

Fitness wise, this applies too.

Way too many people are thin skinned.

They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.

And look, if you’re fat, you’re fat, I wont hesitate to point that out – but I also wont hesitate in HELPING – in case you’re open enough to being helped, if not, well, go your own way and be fat is what I’d say. Hehe.

Am I saying I’m perfect ?

Hell nawl …

But I’ve been very open about my imperfections – and working on the weak links in my chain, and bottom line – when someone with a genuine interest in my health called me out for “looking unfit” the past year (and admittedly I wasn’t fat, but I wasn’t up to my “high standards” either as I was now) – that was the best damned birthday present I could have ever gotten, John, I keep telling him!

That was earlier on this year.

And the results since then speak for themselves.

Thats what counts, results.

I mean, end of the day, if what you’re doing is working, it’ll show.

If not, the blubbery gelatanious “whales would be proud” mass around your waistline and man tits will show too …

I mean, back when I was fat, everyone – family included – found a reason to call me out on it (though they’d never notice the fact that I could do pull-ups even with that weight (admittedly a lot was muscle, but a lot was phat too!) – and thats FINE.

Now when I’m a fitness machine “I’m too thin” or “I dont eat anything at all!!!!!!!!!!”

Or other nonsensical stuff about “dont lift so heavy!”

People act like idiots, really. And this isn’t just me, look at any fitness icon, ask them about their journey, they’ll tell you the same damned thing about comments from idiots.

And last, but not least – criticism?

I dont walk down the road looking for reasons to criticize people.

This is something I keep telling my daughter, she hasn’t learned it as yet …

I mean, if I walk down the road and see an obese person that is proudly flaunting it with their neo liberal “it’s my body type” crap – I think to myself “yet another fool”.

But I dont walk up to them and tell them that, now if they ASK me, I’ll tell ’em!!

And if they get pissed off about it, thats their choice.

With my daughter, she’s young, she sometimes has a habit of pointing out other people’s flaws and saying “I’m better”.

I keep telling her, to hell with their flaws.

Focus on YOURSELF, making YOURSELF better, strengthening the weak links in your chain.

It’s what I do every workout.

Getting better in some way.

Workouts, life, all of it …

Anyway, birthday wise – one of my friends has a birthday today, so I best go Whatsapp him before I forget, hehe. He’s the lawyer that handled both court cases in 2008 and 2009.

When we meet, which is rarely, he proudly still tells others, “I got two police vans to show up right then!”

And he did, hehe.

The High Court speaketh …

Anyway, bottom line – to get in the best shape of your life – get the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW – and start implementing. Way too many of you are being lazy and not doing – and some of you haven’t even bought this great product as yet, I dont know what you’re waiting for? The moons will never align in case you didnt know, hehe.

And last, but not least, criticize – but always find a way to do so in a manner that makes – or tells – the other person how to IMPROVE.

I dont mean whining and pandering here.

I mean, tell them how to improve, and then watch what they do.

If they implement, they’re a doer, if not, they’re fools, let ’em go … (same philosophy I apply business wise on a daily basis too).

And thats that.


Rahul  Mookerjee

PS – For those of you “stuck” fitness wise, or otherwise … (this applies to handstand pushups, pull-ups, a lot of tougher exercises – muscle up, iron cross, you name it..)

Fail – first attempt at learning

No – Next opportunity! 

And so on and so forth. Hehe. I got that from my daughter, but thats a sage something to pass on too, for those that will listen ..

And it’s true, success at anything to me isn’t so much measured by the final result as it it is the number of times you’ve failed, gotten up again, gotten smacked back down again, then failed again …

More on this in Gumption Galore

An odd, or maybe TOOOO -2 – odd ways of getting … more reps!
- Yes, I'm an odd dude eh!

In one of the great, legendary groups I administer on wechat, Dongguan Networking – an idiot once broke the rule, like a bigger idiot I let him come back.

Like clockwork, as I say sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee enough he did it again.

He was very unceremoniously BOOTED!

He had to whine, of course.

“You’re an odd dude”, he whined, while giving his explanation (or excuse) for breaking the rules despite being warned once already – and despite me loosening my very normally strict “one strike and you’re out FOREVER” policy (that is applicable to the Ship too, btw).

I dont BROOK excuses, no pun intended, I never have, never will.

I just do it.

Same way , same thing here, anyway.

One of the keys to getting more reps I’ve written about in Jump Rope Mania, it’s a key not mentioned in any other book  including 0 Excuses Fitness, only because perhaps it works best in terms of jumping rope, but it works for pushups equally well too.

And, any other exercise you so choose to APPLY it to.

The second?

Oddly … enough, hehe.

It’s simple, and it is this – dont think about rep count at all. Just “do”.

Sure, have goals all you want of doing 500 pushups a workout, 100 squats, or whatever.

But for me, what has worked best, and for a lot of you I suspect too, what I keep recommending about life – live in the flow, and DO, without thinking too much or overanalyzing.

Some of the best workouts I’ve had – I still remember them from years ago.

And they all came in this mode and mood, just flowing in the flow.

You’ll know when you’re truly in the flow, when nothing can really destroy, interrupt you- or what not. You will feel it.

I just had to do 50 pushups before writing this to you, so I told myself I would.

Presto, I stopped at 40 despite visions of me doing 50, and very strong ones at that.


I dont know.

Just how it is.

Same thing with my meditation this morning.

But, squat wise? I thought I’d just do 10 to 20 “for now”, I ended up with 150 already …

Nothing to do with the release of Squat 101 either, which is already making waves, someone wrote back (and he just flipped through the ebook, that is all, hasn’t even fully read it” saying “simply novel and superb” …

But thats how it’s worked.

Often times when shooting for personal bests, and putting emphasis on that, I fall short (but dont fail, mark you and mind you).

There’s a difference.

But when not worrying bout rep counts so much is when I’ve always surpassed my personal bests.

And second tip well, its covered in Jump Rope Mania, but hint, think in multiples of two.

So 100 becomes 50 x 2 – and no, I’m not giving anything else away either.

Some of you will figure it out, some wont, but either way, if you’re a doer, get the books above.

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

On “Lingam” training – and more.
- It initially came out as longam. Hehe

Admittedly I was in the middle of a workout, and a particularly bodacious cleaning lady is at at – showing those lovely hips and “upper regions” of hers in … the wife’s sari apparently.

Apparently the wife decided to give away all her old stuff because the gurus said “give old, receive new”.

In theory thats a good thing, in practice, it only works when accompanied by the right thinking.

Simply giving because “you’re in a bad mood” and you want to feel better and “attract good” while consciously focusing on harm to those that help you and have helped you in the past – well, thats just spiraling down the negative spiral my wife loves to live in – and Nazi feminists in general (or those that buy into that ideology).


Even the maid was reluctant to take them, though many are brand new.

And today, as the maid shows up wearing a sari my wife once proudly wore as “Rahul Mookerjee’s wife” – well, I gotta admit, a customer was more right than he knew – or knows when he termed her as my “ex”.

in many ways we both are each other’s ex’s.

And thats great!


This isn’t a piece about how the sari flatters even the most unflattering of “fat” women in India (and there are tons, believe me) or how it shows curves, or how sexy it is, or the lack thereof or so forth – personally for me nothing beats shorts, but some girls disagree, while not. Hehe.

Anyway ….

While researching club training, I came upon an unique book “gifted” to me by someone that I wont name here, but written by a foreigner that actually visited India, lived and TRAINED HERE. Unlike a certain Charles who keeps saying “I’d love to visit” but whose ex will never let him, and neither does he have any intention of visiting, he did – didnt just do it, but lived here, breathed here, got the Delhi Belly, hehe – and TRAINED – with Indian wrestlers!

The Flying Dutchman is another one of his kind, but this dude – I love his book!

I wont name it here

But while he did a stellar job, I thought he could have done a better job of explaining the club movements – some were too basic, but again, credit to dude, he probably didnt even, like a certain “Shantaram” know the language before he showed up, but he DID!

And thats that counts.

He looks like he does too. Hehe.

Shoot me an email if you’re interested in the book but two things –

One, Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness will be FAR more exhaustive, we’re nearing almost 50 of the BASIC swings in terms of clubs, and the book has info on kettlebell training, clubs, MACES, sledgehammer training, tyre flips, and a hell of a lot more you aint even thought of.

(as opposed to the few basic swings you see from people teaching this. Again though – hey. CREDIT WHERE IT’s DUE! Dude did, came to a foreign land with no “pre concieved notions about ugly and dark people” unlike a lot of Chinese, didnt bitch about the admittedly true “dirty” nature of the place and so forth – SO CREDIT! Hats off!)

But anyway, in his book he talks about an unique way of training … well, not the muscles you’d normally train. Hehe.

He aint referring to the big head either, and the muscle in it, the most powerful by far.

(and the most results producing in ALL areas).

He’s literally referring to Indian sadhus, and from what I gather, himself too to a degree, training his “lingam”.

Now, this means “penis shaped” literally.

And in Indian culture, you’ll see the lingam in many shapes, forms and guises, and it’s even worshipped if you talk about the “Shiv ling” which is a lingam shaped abode or something for the lord Shiva…

Lots of tales there, I’m not familiar with them, but the lingam shows up in ancient cultures everywhere, including places you might not think – like Scotland, for one.

The Chinese have their own version of it, aped and copied from India though they’ll never admit it.

It all started in India, friend, the Kamasutra is but one proof of that – pity the wheel came full circle!


Thats a method of training where you literally hang – gather yourself – weights off your dong, schlong, penis, cock, JUNK- whatever you call it.

Quite literally.

I had to gasp when I read that, because bodyweight exercise Guru though I might be, I aint NEVER going THERE.


Sadhus in India apparently do.

No way, JOse, for me, I prefer my junk dangling as it is, where it is.

Now, point of me saying this isnt to talk about sex, and how this sort of training apparently “redirects the heat from the loins to the rest of the body to turbocharge your workouts even more”.

That part is likely true too, but I’m NOT an expert at that, and neither would I claim to be.

What I am an expert at is telling you this.

Pang Ren, Qiu Dian.

That means, if you translated from Chinese to English – FAT man have small penis.

And if you think about it, it’s true, isnt it?

Figuratively, because even if its big, you cant barely see it, as Rueben once told me about his beer belly “at least I can still see my DICK when I look down in the shower”.


Ole boy was spot on!

And literally too, if you think about it.

Fat for both men and women accumulates around the lower abs, one of the supposedly hardest to lose areas.

And therefore less blood flow to a muscle -down there.

For men, that means decreased libido, performance in bed etc – and unsatisfied partners though most will never admit to it.

Look, being in shape goes beyond the mere physical my friend, so does sex …

But anyway, point being this.

You can train the groin muscles, lower lower – yes, you read right – abs – and the core in an unique manner with clubs you cannot if you do it right.

And the way is this – you bring it DOWN on each rep … for men, this means until your JUNK.

For Schofield’s that means until your non existent junk, but puns aside, this needs to be done under control – and NOT taken to extremes.

And even if you can’t get it that far down and keep gong – going – hehe – do what you CAN, my friend.

Trust me, as we put together hardcovers for Corrugated Core (and a few other books – btw, the Ship will soon have options for both paperbacks and hardcovers – – stay TUNED!) – there is more than one way to skin a beast.

And if you truly want to turn into a beast with Indian club training, well, you learn from the Master at it, and do what he says …

Anyway, takeaway from all this – two.

One, the opposite of pan ren qiu dian is VERIFIABLY true.

TMI maybe, but I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum, and I can damn sure attest to the truth of it, though it’s nowhere near as spectacular in terms of different, but it’s there.

Performance, MY!

And two, I wouldn’t be – again – recommending you go hang weights off “it”.

IF you do, disclaimer – I aint responsible, much like I’m not responsible for Glyn shoving bleach up his ass to kill the Coronavirus or some nonsense, then ending up in the emergency room (after he read my report on Trump making an offhand comment about “bleach killing most germs” -thats all he said, btw!).

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Squat 101 is finally LIVE, and for sale, in case you did NOT KNOW ! Get it NOW.

PS #2 – Get your pre-order in at the current price for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness while you can – the price will go UP, up, and UP on this one and then some, so hurry – strike while the iron is HOT.

PPS – And last, but not least – – if you really want to improve performance overall, but specifically in bed, then get good, DAMNED good at Animal Kingdom Workouts. 

(no lingam training in it either, at least not hanging off tree branches by your “long and short”, hehe or rest).

Thats that! (and as the SMS you just got told you, this is SERIOUS. For some reason, people tend to associate the ancient and mystical with either China or India and sell/market to the “hordes” based upon that.

I could just as easily post my redneck “cowboy” ass with long hair and a beard and flowing robes and sell to the hordes too with some of the nonsense the idiots “so called gurus” do.

But I wont, I dont, I never will, because that ain’t me, because I keep it real and BRUTAL, and workouts are what you will get from this site, brutal ones yes, but not “illogical” ones if you get my drift.

And thats that).  (and no jokes about “doing the maid either” hehe please).

(though you wouldn’t be that far off if you DID make the joke, albeit in another time and era, heh).

If you ain’t squatting, you aint training
- Squat 101

The tagline for my new book, long in the works “Squat 101” is this –

If you ain’t squatting, you aint training.

And it’s TRUE, my friend.

This is going to be a short email, but suffice it to say EVERY serious trainee, anyone that is even remotely interested (or claim to be) in old school physical training/physical culture – well, you MUST grab your copy of this book now.

Whats more, the “pre-order” price it was being offered at – I’ve decided to let it go and let the pre-order price continue for a while longer – however, this will NOT last forever.

Grab your copy NOW, and enter the halls of the LEGENDS – or get on the path to doing so – by starting to TRAIN like one.


Rahul Mookerjee