The EYE of the TRAINEE!
- And a serious one hehe.

I’ve written before about the eye of the TIGER – the LOOK in the eye – the lean, mean, HUNGRY look that literally screams “COME GET IT!”

I’ve always had it for most of my life – well, HALF of it thus far. Hehe. I’ve never had it when I was a phat phocker, although yes even then MENTALLY I had it spot on.

And the vibe ultimately permeated.

Anyway, I’ve been a huge proponent of the eyes – the eyes, that literally give away our deepest emotions and thoughts – if you know how to read ’em.

The style of meditation I do, which truly amps mental power like nothing I’ve ever done before – oddly enough, I keep “stopping” this great practice for some reason or other over the years.

One of those things, we end up stopping – either consciously or not – doing what made us successful in the first place, or part of it!

Anyway, life comes full circle, so has it with me and my meditation techniques, all heavily focusing on the third eye.

That is not what I am here to talk about today though.

I’m here to talk about eyes in a different manner.

What do I mean?

Certainly not beauty, or how brown my own are, it’s about looking at the other person – and telling – with a glance – if he’s even trained – if he has, what is his status THESE days – hell, if I know a person well, I can tell if he’s done pushups this morning or not (and I’m usually right when I ask the person about it).

Maybe some of that sounds unbelievable?

I understand (but it is not).

What I do know though, that even experienced coaches and bodyweight exercises gurus like us need a kick up the RUMPUS every so often.

If not from myself, then from someone “around me”.

And that kick to the rumpus came from John Walker a few weeks ago, who noted I was looking way more out of shape in the videos.

Some of them, at any rate.

Now, admittedly my schedule the last year – I’ve been VERY busy promoting everything here for one – left me with less time to train than most people and it showed for a while.

That and other constraints (ever wonder how prisoners for one can exercises all day long with no other care in the world – its beacause they HAVE no other care in the world at that point, literally. Not much else you can do behind bars).

Reminds me of what my buddy from the Marines said about me when filming Battletank Shoulders (not him filming it) …

“Thats all you do! It’s your life! You workout !”

Well, as Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich, as Claude Bristol said in the Magic of Believing, you HAVE to make it your life.

You have to make it a burning desire, an obsession, if it is not already.

Obviously priorities change at some point, though I must say at no point was I ever a phat phocker like I was before, or even CLOSE to it – and certainly, looking at the bellies and rumps on most human turkeys out there, I was positively slim even then.

But I’m not most people.

I set high standards.

Part of that means my body responds to ultra brutal and nothing else – because thats what it’s gotten over the past few years.

Over the last year, I still trained – doing workouts that would kick most people in the can just by thinking about it.

But what is ultra tough for you – I need to amp it by 10 to make it “tough” for me and the results to keep coming.

So anyway …

No excuses there.

But when viewing one of the great videos I made a couple of weeks ago, something I emailed you about this morning, this phrase came to mind.

“The eye of the trainee”.

Now that I’m back on a gradually amped up exercise routine – I’m looking at myself again with that “eye”.

And I see the bloat starting to creep in.Hehe.

And go it must, and it is – which explains why despite writing a lot, I haven’t been putting a lot of time into videos – as of late.

That will change very soon though.

(as soon as the dreary, dark weather outdoors does).

(and, as soon as I can find people to seriously film me for a long video or something).

But … for now?

GO here to watch the video on stick isometrics I showed you.

And TELL me if you can do what I say in the video.

That video, my friend, is one of the secrets to isometrics – and the oldtime greats, Alexander Zass included – ALL used it.

After watching the video, pick up Isometric and Flexibility Training right NOW, because the book truly is a one of its kind, BEST book out there.

It WILL dramatically increase your strength, endurance, explosiveness – at whatever you do – and make you flexible and limber like a wild cat too – if you just do the thing.

Do it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – One thing I do not plan upon doing is changing the “bare bones” look of either my books or products – or VIDEOS. The last is key, especially with all the fancy jumble people put into their videos. Id rather just give it to you straight in black and white (or red, one of my favorite colors, hehe) as I do in my books. If that works, great, if not, well, thats fine as well, but THAT part ain’t gonna change (I got someone asking me why I didnt use nice backgrounds etc for the videos instead of the old mattress you see).

Well, coz, thats how I AM, and dont plan on changing. The info matters, thats all that counts. Period.

My thoughts on “astro”
- Astrology, as it's so called...

Like most of these “current trends”, astrology is HUGE these days, my friend.

Much like the stock market, which everyone and their mother is jumping into these days.

 “A dying man grasps at a straw”.


Any straw and literally, I could tell you people that have become multi-millionaires imparting “so called wisdom” they learnt YESTERDAY from another so called guru on Youtube with “x” number of followers, and spouting off their new found knowledge to others and sundry (all with a vibe of “life isn’t going that well at all, let’s astro it a little”).

The real key is meditation, which most of these buffoons ignore in their long phone calls and chatter about “this is how it’s done” and even more insane prattle-do-videos.

Isn’t it interesting how people always turn to “salvation” when times are tough, not realizing, as I wrote about before, that it’s a lifelong process i.e. God, or astro, or whichever fucking planet ain’t gonna show up to save the day.

YOU have to.

Then this nonsense about “the planets are not aligned”.

Then, you have Bozos making predictions about years.

In 2021, it was supposed to be “when everything got back to normal” – and some nonsense astrology on planets was pulled out to support that.

Was it?


My wife told me it was the year “lots of people will brag”.

I didnt see that many doing it…

Then 2022 is supposed to be, according to her, the “year of justice”.

I almost bit my lip trying not to laugh.

I mean, just why this year?

Why not others?

Think it’s just NOW? during covid? Think again, my friend.

People made all sorts of dire predictions of the world coming to an end etc in the year 2000.

“Everything will stop working!” (because of some tech issue with computers not recognizing dates or some rot).

To the best of my knowledge, nothing stopped working.

We continued to survive – and THRIVE.

Then this rubbish, and I’ve been questioned on it – on life paths, numbers, and other hocus pocus.

Dont get me wrong, I believe deeply in the spiritual. In numbers. In CELESTIAL messages, and I get them daily.

Yet, yapping about this nonsense all day – the true DOERS, the true knowledgeable folks – keep it to themselves, and only impart their wisdom to a very select few (like I do).

“What are your thoughts on it”,  I am asked.

Life paths, life numbers?

Look, all it really means is you MAY (emphasis on MAY as opposed to “are”) predisposed or otherwise pre-supposed to certain things, tendencies, paths, habits or what not.

Note I said MAY.

End of the day, your mind counts, simple.

There is nothing that says you cannot succeed and achieve in something other than what “the Gods determined” you to be.

Every time I hear this prattle, accompanied by the “wear X number of beads on right wrist, this color on this day” and other rubbish – or was it left, hehe – I want to puke.

“Its about YOU” and your will at the end of the day, what YOU TRULY WANT AND DESIRE. 

Ain’t nothing, astrology included, standing between you and your goals. Period, simple, plain as that.

As fucking daylight.

People dont get it.

People want an excuse.

People want an excuse to believe.

For the select few for who this nonsense actually works, they understand it’s about BELIEF – thats all that counts.

If you TRULY BELIEVE, then so it shall be!

Beads, chains, amulets…

And other hocus pocus.

It only works if you believe.

More on that link above, but those are my thoughts on astrology – and dont get me wrong, there is SOMETHING to it most likely, as there is to all ancient “arts” or sciences or what not, but what people have made it out to be?


And there enedth this sermon. or was that a rant, hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – For real world, hard hitting fitness info that will make you realize what blending the spiritual in with the physical is TRULY about, that will make you realize you need nothing but YOU to get in the best shape of your life in ALL Regards, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, anything else you might think of, grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System – NOW.

How I became a fitness phenom
- There's many reasons, but ...

I was thinking about it this morning, I could tell you many, many reasons.

I could tell you about my books, my routines, my motivation – my work ethic (which has obviously been noted by many as well as being “uncompromising”) – and much more.

But if I had to really distill it all down to one single thing, this would be it –

When you wake up in the morning, every day of the week, you’ve got two choices in front of you.

Keep going – or QUIT.

The latter choice will always, no matter what the situation is, easy or tough – or not – or one of your own making – flash bright red and neon in your mind.

This is natural.

The mind is trying to make it “easy” on you.

The other choice, of course …

Let me tell you, like I wrote about in the last email.

No-one WANTS to practice a kick 10,000 times and repeat ad nauseum, do they?

Lets face it, it’s boring, repetitive, it can be grueling, it can be “mind numbing” – a lot of that sort of thing.

But it’s what gets the trick done eventually.

No-one, my friend, WANTS to wake up in the morning at 530 AM and climb a steep hill four times, and then repeat twice again in the evening – 7 days a week, non stop, usually with work right after.

Trust me, there were times I felt like a dead dog out there, especially in the cold and blustery AM’s!

“I suffer now so I won’t later”.

While those weren’t the words spelt out in my mind as I trained, they might as well have been (Muhammed Ali said that about boxing roadwork, long lonely road work sessions done at 4 AM in the morning daily).

“The fight isnt won or lost out there under the lights”, he was fond of saying.

“The fight is won or lost out there on the STREETS”.

He was right.

The PRACTICE, the stuff no-one wants to do.

Back to my own fitness – no-one WANTS to keep this sort of routine up for months!

No-one WANTS to completely get off all beer – anything non fitness related – and keep food INTAKE to what I truly NEEDED.

While I never got to Stallone levels where the actor’s body literally cannibalized itself – which was a very unhealthy routine, as he once said (his diet was burnt toast and six or so boiled egg WHITES for the entire day – which for him was non stop 11 hours of work – granted, eating less gives you more energy big time, but he took it to extremes!) – I was getting there!

Weight was flying off me literally daily.

But what no-one saw, or realized – I’d wake up in the morning so exhausted sometimes I could sleep an entire day!

It was a BATTLE I fought with myself daily – over and over again – and in my mind – in the quiet, calm AM (530).

THAT is what will get it done for you too.

There’s always that battle you have to fight with yourself.

Fitness, or life, or anything, isn’t about besting the next person.

They don’t matter.

It’s about YOU vs YOU is what really counts, my friend.

It’s about, if you can do 100 pull-ups per workout, can you do 120?

Nothing wrong with wanting to get to super stud levels like David Goggins,4000 plus at one go!

But that ain’t the battle you have to win.

The battle YOU have to win is with YOU.

And youve got to do it daily.

I did it.

So can you, if you buckle down and just do it.

And the tools to just do it are right HERE.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why core strength and conditioning go hand in hand. And so they should!
- Yes, they do - and should!

When you’re really out of breath – what part of your body does – or should, at any rate go “in and out” while your lungs burn?

When you’re training the core hard, hard, hard – do you usually get out of breath?

When you’re walking right – breathing right – as I teach you in Advanced Hill Training and 0 Excuses Fitness respectively – where do you feel it most?

when you start to lose weight, where is the most noticeable FIRST?

You got it, friends.

Most people will answer “core” as a common denominator above, and they’d be right.

Conditioning wise, first thing that comes to mind?

The core!

The two, my friend go together, not just because they “do” – because they SHOULD.

“You can have all the skills in the world, but if you’re tired on the mat and can’t execute them – or not think right to execute them due to fatigue – youre a goner!”

Thats wrestling related, but conditioning is equally important in any sport – even the mental ones like chess.

Dont believe me on that last one?

Ask any grandmaster how they train before their competitions.

You might be very very surprised to learn their training isn’t all mental, the bulk of it is physical, and not just sitting yakking in the gym, it’s literally IRONMAN like training!

More on that later, but they both feed off each other, friend. It’s impossible to achieve high mental focus without the right amount of physical activity behind it, and vice versa too, just being a “dumb” jock don’t count for nada either.

Anyway ……..

Onto the topic of the wrassler we’ve been discussing!

The more I hear from him, the more I like the dude.

No wonder he’s from TX. Hehe.

I have went from 365lbs to 250lbs and want to be a slim 225lbs. I do crunches, a ton of core work, because of wrestling conditioning and core strength is key to last an hour in the ring. Not counting training and warming up before the show which I do 5 hours before dressing out

Yours truly –

I have to agree – core strength, and conditioning – which of course go hand in hand! As they say, you can have all the skills in the world, but if you’re tired on the mat … you’re a “goner”. Haha.

And thats a great goal to have in terms of weight, assuming you’re over 6 feet tall … Try sprints – you’ll get that fat down before you know it!

I should have actually told him to get on Advanced Hill Training too (because you dont even need a hill for those routines, though it certainly amps the effect even more).

And, I’m pretty sure he’s at least 6’3″ something. I can feel it.

But anyway, back to the 2 C’s.

Think about it, even exercises – how many times do you see a serious core exercise you might think of as “strength alone” – not condition you too?

Hanging leg raises, for one.

Sit ups.

The jack La Lanne pushup!

And many, many more.

Or, in reverse, lets say you do sprints for weight loss and conditioning like I suggested to him – and like the greats (Herschel Walker, Walter Peyton amongst a ton of other luminaries) ….

Look at the MUSCLES those guys – or any serious sprinter for that matter – or cats in the wild, who sprint to eat basically – sport!

It works that way, my friend.

Conditioning and core work are not just the two most important aspects of your training regimen along with grip and leg work – but they go TOGETHER, period.

And you should do them till the day you pass!

And thats the lesson – again – from here.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Plank vs pushup
- I'd choose the LATTER.

Lots has been written about the plank, an exercise which along with the utterly useless and completely MORONIC CRUNCH – seems to be regarded as of the “fitness ideals” everyone should look to achieve i.e. hold a plank for X amount of time.

Now, I’m not saying the plank is utterly useless, in that regard, I’d never put it in the same bracket as the crunch (which is not just useless and catering towards lazy phocks – but can also cause harm to your spine and lower back because of the limited range of motion, isolation, tendency that people have to RUSH through reps and so forth) …

… and if it works for some people, why not.

But theres a better alternative, my friend.

I’ve often wondered why people wouldn’t just get into the pushup position and use that as a plank?

Maybe because it’s easier to rest your weight, sometimes considerable, on the sides of your forearms…

I will tell you one thing though, I’ve done both – I’ve held BOTH poses for periods of time – and the plank doesn’t even come close in terms of how it affects the whole body to the “pushup position”.

In the former, your abs get some work, yes, so does your lower back, but very minimal compared to the latter.

The latter now, it FRIES your abs if you simply hold the pose for more than a minute.

Not only that, your triceps, shoulders, and upper chest – and lower back – will scream too if you hold this position for elongated periods of time in proper form.

Do them on your fingertips, man oh man, I’ve never experienced a rush in my forearms that I get from holding the fingertip pushup position perfectly without moving a cm for long periods of time!

Not to mention, its just a far more functional and natural movement – the pushup.

The plank, well, how many times in real life do you push with the sides of your forearms?

Again, I’m not saying it’s useless.

Maybe for some people that are so out of shape, and there are many, that HOLDING the pushup position for even a second is too much … it’s a start.

But even in that case, I’d recommend the pushup position – so you work it ISOMETRICALLY to build strength – and burn PHAT.

Anyway, the best thing about the pushup plank, as I call it?

It not only works the core – even for advanced core trainees – but it also improves pushup ability.

If you’re a stud that can do 50 perfect pushups slow and easy, but can’t go beyond?

Hold – simply hold – at the end of them 50 pushups.

Then do 5 more.

Then hold again.

You’ll be able to do 2 more!

If you’re a beginner that can’t do one?

Same thing.

So there’s that added advantage.

To me, I’ve always gone in with the winners take all mentality – life, fitness, women, whatever. Hehe.

And on that last note, i.e. women.

Even if many of you guys are training for looks alone which you should not be, the importance of proper core training and a FLAT,  lean midsection – cannot be overestimated!

Your woman might not TELL you.

She might be happy with you as a “bear” and she might say it too.

But believe me, when youve got that flat stomach, when she feels those SIDES “in bed” or otherwise … thats a different feeling.

I’m certainly not going to go all erotic on you here.

But the fact is, women value a flat stomach FAR more than idiotic biceps bigger than beachballs, or “he’s so huge he could bench a Mack Truck!” or any of this other nonsense.

A flat stomach, shapely butt, and strong legs.

Believe me, I’ve been on both sides of the equation.

Both the “bear” side – and the trim, toned – lean and mean side.

And I know from experience what I tell you HERE. Hehe.

And of course, health wise, CORE – it all starts from the core.

And if “all I want is strength”, well, the core connects your upper and lower body together, it generates power for your punches and kicks (those of you that are fighters), it allows you to push and pull MORE …

Core, my friend, is where it all starts, and ends.

Core, my friend, is that one giveaway along with your forearms and traps – and legs – about your CURRENT training status.

And you cannot ignore it, period.

Go HERE to learn more about training the core.

And get the book NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I wrote about pushups above, and core wise, pushups do such a stellar job of training the core, you MUST get Pushup Central now too. Go here to get it – Pushup Central (

” My gut looks this way because I had Life saving surgery for Stage 4 Colon Cancer and multiple Hernias in 2011″
- Where is YOUR excuse?

I wrote about “phat” wrestlers before here.

And I wrote about how the dude took my initial, off the cuff reaction “i.e. too fat to look like a serious wrestler” not just sportingly, but like a man – which I truly appreciated, and I said as much.

i.e. I told him as much publicly – thank you for reacting to my comment like a real man.

It wasn’t so much criticism to me as it was an observation (’twas a lady that he was replying to, on Twitter, I got pulled into it, and so forth…)

But anyway, you guys – you can read the post above.

And this morning, he replied with this –

I appreciate both the good gesture and the criticism. It helps motivate me into getting better both inside and out. My gut looks this way because I had Life saving surgery for Stage 4 Colon Cancer and multiple Hernias in 2011. I am now trying to get back in shape. Thanks.

Now, thats some serious stuff!

My responses –

No problem – thats some serious stuff right there! Glad you’re recovered from the surgery – so it seems – and can finally start blasting that core back into shape (hopefully!).

Btw, I’d assume you’re VERY limited in what you can do “core wise” in terms of exercise (i.e. core being from your lower chest to knees, which Im sure you know) … ?

Now, a coupla things…

I dont know if he’s still unable to lift heavy, train hard, do strenous activity etc.

That sort of surgery, multiple ones, I dont know, I ain’t no expert on it, not even close, but I’d say it would put one out of commission for at least 6-8 weeks or so …

At a minimum.

Then you have all the meds you gotta take, some of them cause weight gain, bloat and so forth ..

Then you’re limited by a ton of “advice” from the doctors, some warranted, some not.

I still remember a PHAT Doctor with no medical issues himself telling me when I had the flu “don’t swim for X number of days!” – and “Don’t drink beer!”

That was way back in the day, with my Mom pestering him to put the part about beer in.

Strange the way so called families work, and so called doctors get pestered by ladies that know nothing better to do than pester and be a pest…

But anyway – I still remember Uncle Bob shaking his head when I ran that by him.

“Well, in terms of the swimming, a man’s gotta do what he’s gotta do!” (when I told him I swam anyway. hehe).

The most RETARDED advice some of these docs give, not to mention they’re not exactly pictures of health themselves.

Anyway …..

I dont know, 2011 is a long time, but I dont know his exact situation.

And I dont really know the guy, or the “gal” through whom we met, but I’d be more than happy to offer some advice if he needed it, and I will if he asks.

Key thing, it seems hes trying to get back into shape, which is what counts.

Key thing, he didnt wilt up into a ball and cry “Uncle” and say “he’s sooooooooo rude and mean” when I pointed out the facts about his gut (again, to me it was a factual observation, much like about his massive forearms!).

Compare with that Bozo Schofield for one “Mr Whiner” …

Or, compare that with a certain “Charles” who every time (and he’s admittedly FAT – way more so than this dude and it’s all inactivity, no medical reasons there!) – I point it out – throws a hissy fit saying “your advice about pull-ups doesn’t help anyone or anything!”.

Dude, sometimes you gotta just admit the facts.

If you can’t do a pull-up, in the majority of cases it is because you’re fat, lazy (too much spread around the MIDSECTION) and aren’t willing to do what it takes to get to where you can become a stud at them.

All of this boils down to two things ,and I said this yesterday.

There’s two types of people in this world.

One, the DOERS.

And two – the sheep – followers – whiners – moaners – pissers – groaners – Mama’s boys – Bozos – faggots – and excuse makers.

I could add on tons of words to numero two.

And as I said in my email directed to lurkers the other day, I cater to only category ONE.

Only you can decide which one YOU fall in, my friend.

If it’s the first, I’m glad for you, and I’ll always be there for you.

If its the second, I support your right to choose – but I can’t say I “agree” with your chocie. Hehe.

Last, but not least, that thing about accountability.

I’ve shared stories galore of folks going above and beyond to do the thing – to train hard – when they are stuck with or in conditions that a lot of other people are lucky not to have and never will have.

Where is YOUR excuse then?

And in terms of training the core, the best course to start whittling the fat away is right here – Corrugated Core. 

Along with that, be sure to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System (another prime fat guzzler) right NOW.

I look forward to HEARING about your progress, so I can share it with the world!


Rahul Mookerjee

To the lurkers, you KNOW who you are…

I am not even going to “take names” here. 

And if this email doesn’t apply to you (note – to me, “lurking” is differently from simply “not taking action on product purchases” etc – it’s simply “flying under the radar” in terms of email lists), then do click away. 

But to many of you on here, it does. 

I was looking through a segement I created for my list i.e. “engaged” contacts. 

There are tons of people in this segment. 

Which means, and I use several criteria to measure this … clicks, opens, and other things (although none of that is really an accurate indicator of anything, but the stats are there for a reason) … 

…. that these people are all apparently “interested” and “engaged”; many for years and years. 

However, a lot of them haven’t done “nada”. Period. 

No product purchases, no reviews, no feedback, simply no response other than “reading these emails” (and judging by the stats, and more than that, my feeling – TONS Of people read these emails daily) … 

… And it is to these people that this email is directed at. 

Look, “lurking” might be the easy thing to do for you. I get it, just read, do nothing … 

… but for a business, it translates into lost dollars, especially on email lists which charge according to how many people each email is sent to (hence from now on, those great offers only go to the Ship members, and the DOERS elsewhere) … 

And so my request. 

If all you signed up for is free tips, and never have any intentions of buying anything, then if not for you, do it for me – UNSUBSCRIBE. 

All these emails are posted on either one of the two sites, so you won’t miss out except we won’t be in your Inbox. 

And if you’re a lurker, want to say something, have suggestions to make, would like a special offer on the rewards page, something, anything, then SPEAK up, for Christ’s sake. 

Dont just be silent and sit there, or sit there and be silent, because I showl can’t read your mind, friend. 

I can feel certain things, but end of the day, you have to tell me yourself… 

And again, if “free” is what some of you are here for (I’m addressing this specifically to the many “lurkers”) – then just unsubscribe, you dont really lose much either way. 

If you’re ready to move to the DOERS segment, of course, then start by investing in a System you should have eons ago – right HERE –​

BAck soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

“Phat wrestlers”, and more …
- And this dude was REALLY phat!

In the Bourne Identity (the first movie in the series), you see Jason Bourne with Marie in a restaurant, where he attempts to explain his dark past – that he himself has forgotten.

“Who has a gun and six passports, and currency in different denominations in a numbered Swiss account – on their hip”?

“I can tell you how many people are left handed and righthanded in this place. I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars out there backwards. I can tell you the man there is “50 lbs overweight” (he points at a man drinking a beer on a barstool) and knows how to handle himself. I can run flat out at this altitude for 30 seconds without stopping before my hands start to shake. “

He pauses, looks at Marie

“Now why would I know all that, but not know who I am”.

She starts to get convinced of his memory loss.

Now, thats a great movie, Matt Damon did a great job in it – and for a self proclaimed foodie that puts on weight easily, Damon got into GREAT shape for the movie.

Hills and pull-ups were part of his routine, he got up to the point where he could do 30 plus in a row – from not being able to do ONE.

(admittedly in the movie he does half pull-ups, but thats fine – combat pull-ups!)

(i.e.situation specific).

But anyway …

A lot of the stuff he mentions up there may sound “intriguing” and to those not in the know, it might sound like “woah, this dude really is something!”.

But truth be told, its all about OBSERVATION -and honing that observation – either naturally – or otherwise.

“You’re very observant, Rahul!” was one of the first comments my buddy from the Marines made about me when I mentioned his “swimmer’s chest and shoulders”.

That I am!

Sizing someone up “in general” quickly – based upon GUT feeling and knowledge that comes from “being in the trenches” is what its about.

And I’ve done it all my life …

I can take a look at you today – and then maybe a week later, and tell you – usually correctly, that you “didnt workout for a few days” – or “have been hitting it even harder”.

These things show, to those of us that are observant and can see past the external fluff(ola).

And combine it with some training, to do what Bourne did is hardly that difficult (though the running certainly is!).

But anyway ………….

Yesterday, I saw a picture of a PHAT – an OBESE, really – wrestler – who was claiming he was part of the Texas Independent Wrestler’s promotion.

Now, this guy was PHAT – really big.

HUGE belly!

But something about him struck me as odd – it was a flabby belly yes, but his chest wasn’t flabby at all, which is something you dont notice with someone who is truly phat and nothing else i.e. the man boobs are almost always there.

REgardless, given that pro wrestling these days has become far more “toned” than the “bulk” in days bygone, where it was ok to be “big and fat” (but strong) – given even traditional Indian wrestlers, not exactly known for their leanness, or lack of it are becoming LEAN as heck – I didnt believe what he said.

Well, I should say I believed it, but …

“Wrestler?” , I posted. “But he’s too out of shape to be a serious wrestler, no offense meant!”

All the while thinking, this dude could probably slam me at least ONCE – now whether or not he’d have gas left in the tank to do it over and over again, thats a different tale!

That one time might be enough tho – IF he got a hold to me. Hehe.

But anyway ……..

This morning, I received a response from the guy – who to his credit, took it like a man.

He posted a picture of himself in his TX wrestling attire.

And I noticed those massive forearms again, they look like they belong on a grizzly. Hehe.

“Certainly forearms of a wrestler”, I quipped.

Now, why do I mention this.

It’s because of this – that sometimes – often times – looks aren’t everything.

Its how the person moves, its how the person does other things …

But on the other hand, out of shape is out of shape, period.

Brooks Kubik once said it in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training.

“If you’ve got a big gut, then you’re not going to look like an athlete. Sorry if I’ve offended anyone, but it’s true”.

I keep saying the same thing myself!

Admittedly in those pro wrestling contests its more about pantomine than real wrestling – its nigh impossible for real wrestlers to be that fat and overweight.

Just take a look at Olympic wrestlers for one…

Point of all this, and I’m sure this is another reason the dude didnt crib about it.

There is no excuse to be FAT and have a big gut hanging down to your ankles, period.


The core is by far the most important part of your body to train, along with the grip .

And the exercises I give you in Corrugated Core are a great way to do it, and whip yourself into shape or back into shape as the case might be.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

A great offer for you.
- You will love it.

Some of you have no doubt noticed some “personal” emails going out to you in terms of offers etc that we have going on.

Now, this is a change from the “frenetic” end to last year, where we had plenty of offers, discounts etc going on in Nov/Dec – that I regularly emailed to the whole list.

But some of the idiotic responses I got to these great offers, in fact a lot of them – made me pause and think.

Some of the guilt tripping, some of the Bozo like comments, one was this –

“I gotta eat!”

And thats all he said.



I’m hardly snatching morsels of food out of your grubby little hands by notifying you of a sale, so I have no idea why you’d send me that – and nothing before, or after it?

Eat up, drink up, make merry all you like, Ole Boris in the UK did it and probably still does it, I’ve been known to do it big time on many occasions, we all have been … hey, I’ve even got a product out on along those lines!

But anyway ….

After reviewing some of the responses I got, I had it – “done got the red ass”.

Stopped sending out the offers etc to the general list, now, basically what you see on the rewards page is what you get for the most part.

But, the 0 Excuses Ship is a different kettle of fish altogether.

We’re packed to the brim and rafters there with DOERS – so they regularly get great offers etc that the regular list doesn’t – most recently for the hardcover and paperback books for the “Battletank Shoulder/Animal Kingdom Workouts” combo.

It started out for the combo, but morphed into individual as well as we went along.

And the only other people in the “General” list that get these offers are the DOERS on that list – which you’ve no doubt noticed.

So if you’re interested in the offer on the above two products, want IN, then either join the Ship – or email me personally, and I’ll let you know.

In the meantime, ONE offer that will be sent out to the whole list, and is now …

A great discount on our book on combating, and WINNING against – and even PROFITING from, which is the key to it all (otherwise, what the point of a “scorched earth” policy where no-one wins) the plague, the scourge of modern day society – that being Nazi feminism.

We’ve got a great 30% discount going on on this product, but it won’t last beyond three days, my friend. In fact, we’ll have to see how it does, we’ll have to see how many of you take advantage of this great offer, but I have a sneaking suspicion I’ll end up pulling it ahead of time as I have for some other offers.

Use the coupon code “FEMNAZIBS” during checkout to get a discount on this product – applicable to digital download, paperback – and even the HARDCOVER, based on popular demand.

Hurry NOW – this is truly a lifechanging book if you read, understand and DO what the tips tell you to.


Rahul Mookerjee

Personally, I think Boris is, as I’ve always felt, a good ole boy – perhaps the timing was inappropriate, but thats it, not like we’ve all never done it…
- Emphasis on the last part.

“Brother matey” as some from the UK would no doubt chime in!

I dont know, this public outrage over ole Boris’s parties (truth be told, I’ve had far wilder ones in China!) – is a bit …. well, somewhat justified from a CERTAIN angle, but hypocritical to the extreme from another, depends on how you look at it.

You could probably say the same about Novak’s deportation from Australia as well … though to me, that case is nowhere near as “blurry”, thats cut and dry to me, he should never ever have been deported, period. (I’ve mentioned why in that post).

Anyway, Partygate I believe is what it is for the good ole boy right about now, and the public outrage about the “drinking culture” and so forth?

First, as I keep saying, it’s a democracy, the people elect those they WANT to elect, in general, the drinking culture in the UK has been out of control for a while now – it’s kinda unfair to simply shine the spotlight on ole Boris …

Admittedly it wasn’t the smartest thing to do before Prince Phillips funeral, admittedly with COVID etc lockdowns everywhere at the time – but truth be told, back to drinking?

I dont know a single person that hasn’t wanted to, and hasn’t gotten plastered, red faced, at least once , if not more – during these bloody lockdowns, which are really what the outrage should be upon in my book.

(I mean, Trump said as much during the 2020 Presidential Debates on the plague, that it was causing a whole host of other problems, alcoholism and drug abuse being one, and truth be told, anyone with a smidgeon or iota of common sense could see it coming).

Dont get me wrong, I’m not saying Boris should be getting “royally trashed” while holding the office of PM for one, parties, boxes of wine or what not, they even ended up breaking a kiddie swing or something in the garden.


Lots of merriment no doubt, turned out to be another foot in the mouth for ole Boris, but again, nothing we all have not done before, yours truly included.

(And at least he didn’t do what Butter Idiot Bozo Schofield from Brum did, literally putting phenyl or whatever disinfectant he did up his ass “to get vaccinated” (but not before sending chuck several wild messages in that regard)

I’ve included several wild tales of mine from China in the past, the one I hadn’t spoken about as yet was when I got stone cold trashed without meaning to in a bar in Mississippi, remembered nothing after dancing with a bodacious chickie “copping a feel was ole Rahul” – and then the next morning I woke up.

Got to know I was running around literally “sipping” from beer all over the bar, luckily it was mostly all college students that knew me and were happy to humor me. Hehe.

I rarely, if ever, for years, regardless of how drunk I get lose recollection of “the night before”, but plenty of people I’ve known have.

And I did too sometimes back inthe day, though again, not too often I’ll admit.

Anyway – Boris?

He got drunk, all this public outrage, again, unless I’m missing something, is … well, “ho hum” to me.

If I am wrong, or uninformed of the facts, please let me know. I’ll be the first to tell you that news these days just pisses me off, I rarely read through it long enough to even give it the time of day, it’s all liberal bullshit “my way or the highway” …

Anyway, ole Boris got caught on the wrong foot, I’ll admit.

Much like Governor De Santis of Florida who got asked if he was vaccinated, and his by now famous stutter on (or I believe, the question was about boosters) … “uh oh”.

Initially I thought it was a political stunt, given all going on these days, well could be, later, upon seeing the video, I saw it wasn’t.

True gaffe, De Santis, and dont get me wrong, I admire Ron greatly – he’s done a great job for FL – and continues to (much like Governor Abbott in TX) – was definitely caught on the wrong foot.

Can’t help but notice too what the Trumpinator said about “gutless politicians” – which I have to admit, he’s right, if you took the vaccine, just up and say it …


But anyway Mike Pompeo remains my man for the next Presidential elections.

Dark horse, perhaps – but I believe he’s got all the right creds, and I’ve said why HERE.

And I believe time will probably prove me true, partially at least.

Can’t beat common sense, period …

Anyway – ole Boris might have shot himself in the foot careerwise without meaning to, whether or not he really cares at this point, of course, only the man knows.

I kinda like him.

As I like most of the “older folks” in the UK – all pretty much solid outstanding individuals with a grasp on reality, and none of this liberal leaning BS we see all over the world today.

“Brother matey”, I’d say to Boris.

Have another Guiness, for God’s sake, not that nasty red wine…


Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you truly want to drink up, and more so NOW – well, I wouldn’t advocate it, but be my guest. Everything in moderation, I’d say.

But, if you still want to disregard that advice and keep paryting it up – do so – just for heavens sake mix it up with a healthy, equally extreme dose of “Eat More – Weigh Less!”.