Something infinitely more important than fiber…
- Hydration!

I remember back in the day, when I was struggling with constipation, IBS and a combination of all of that.

Going to the doc to get checked etc, all at the “ripe old age of 19 or so”, or 20 I think is when it all really “hit the fan”.

One of the things I’d do at night, indeed, it was ritualistic, the way I Stuck to it – was take my nightly dose of “Metamucil” – orange flavored, I believe.

I’d do this in school in India too I think in my teens.

(oddly enough, all these problems were never there when I practiced Taekwondo regularly, yet when “studies”were deemed more important… HA!)

In India, in those days, it was “Isabgol” husk I believe, pretty much the same thing.

In college, it so turned out that the girlfriend’s Dad would take it religiously too, so she understood my reason for doing it.

“Honey, Percie does it all the time”, she’d giggle.

Now … as for whether it helped or not, Idont know.

I think it was more a mental thing than anything else, it certainly did not alleviate IBS to any great degree or improve the “colon overloaded with fecal matter” as one of the docs sagely reported in a MRI or something.

Dont get me wrong.

I’m not underestimating the importance of fiber in your diet, my friend.

It should be there.

Fruits such as bananas, papayas, one of the reasons they’re so good at cleansing your entire system is the fiber in them.

Key though, other than that, is something else.

I’ve often noticed the comments people that are primarily meat eaters for one get.

“Just steak? Where are the veggies?”

Or, eggs? You need some brown bread with it too!

The key, my friend, is not so much just the fiber, but WATER.

I believe, and it has been my observation that if you keep your system properly flushed with WATER at all times, then you’re far less likely to suffer from constipation than if you wouldn’t – even if you ate a ton of fiber.

In fact, a ton of fiber without adequate water leads to other issues!

Water, hydration, that has always been the holy grail for me once I figured it out.

Pity I didnt in college. Then, my first thing to do upon arising (post “throne”) was to make a beeline for the coffee maker.

Which of course is even more dehydrating.

I still drank a lot of water back then, but nowhere near what I do NOW.

Neither did I drink at the right times.

Drinking with meals – not recommended!

Drinking gallons of water right before or after a meal – ditto.

I did both of these back then.

And the MOST IMPORTANT time to drink water, well, I never drank any at all back then.

(and, after I stopped swimming, neither did I exercise as much as I should have, but I kept eating)

Thankfully none of this is the case now.

IBS, bloating, constipation, all of it is a very distant, yet still very vivid memory for me ..

I’ll have more on this later, but for now, remember, the importance of hydration cannot be overemphasized.

More on that in the Simple and Effective Diet, which of course is yours gratis with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Isometrics help beyond belief too.

And, you’ll want in get in your pre-order for the latest book on isometrics “Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training” now. If you thought the last book was something, then believe me now and trust me later “you ain’t seen nothing as yet” on that front!

Get to it NOW, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

What they said about “getting feedback first”
- More advice (well intentioned) that doesn't always work.

Ive been following with much interest, but not getting involved in some online debates going on in a Whatsapp group devoted to – marketing.

To me, most of it is elementary anyway “duh” and I NEVER get involved in these online debates of any nature as I’ve found them to be an utter waste of time and energy “look mama” is the vibe, and ‘I scored one’ – much like Glyn Schofield thinks, that is – and therefore, yours truly “sane and sensible” stays the fuck AWAY from it all.

One of the maxims being repeated ad infinitum in there is this.

Do NOT create a new product until and unless you create the sales page FIRST, get some feedback on IF your customers want it!

Now …

This is actually good advice, great if you think about it.

Many people make the mistake of creating a product first, and the sales page later.

The advice, and this is something most REAL gurus have said as well – do it the other way around.

Get the sales page out, GET some interest going, and then, and only then create the product – unless you want a box of books or whatever sitting around not selling for ages.

Except …

It ain’t (the advice) valid in all cases.

If that was what I had done, 0 Excuses Fitness would never have been born.

I did not always have 10000 plus people on my list to run things by first.

Even now, when I do, many times I’m met with resounding and deafening silence – such as my recent emails on the book (new book) on dips, which I asked YOU if you’d like to see, but there wasn’t much response at all.

Yet …

If that were the barometer I’d go by, Pushup Central, one of the most popular books around here by far – would never have seen the light of day.

Believe it or not, when I asked people, there was no response.

the typical bullheaded “we dont care” or “we won’t reply no matter what”.

If Jeff  Bezos had gone by that maxim for Amazon Prime, for which believe it or not, the reaction initially was very lukewarm, if at all, well, Amazon Prime may never have happened.

IF you feel it’s right, in your gut – then you forge ahead.

You just do it.

And you reap the whirlwind, good or bad – later.

“Its easier to DO something first than ask for permission”, as they say.

If you feel it’s right, just bloody do it.

Sometimes, often times, people don’t even KNOW what they want until they see the product in front of them.

Such as with Pushup Central.

And Amazon Prime, and the iphone, and many others.

Yet, other times?

Isometric and Flexibility Training, for one would never have come out – if it wasn’t for customer request.

Well, it might have, I dont know.

But it was really several folks that had asked that made me finally put out the product, and it was a hit, bar none.

So, “all depends” on this one, mi amigo(s) and amigettes…

In the meantime …

Remember, Advanced and Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training is at pre-order stage, and judging by the WARP speed at which I’m moving on this, it will be released shortly as well – at REGULAR Price very soon.

If you want in on the special pre-order price, get in now.

The stick isometrics section alone will be so worth it, I guaran-damn-tee you, and when Rahul Mookerjee guarantees something, you know its for good reason and it happens.

Thats it for now.

Back again … soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

A great mini review for “Eat More – Weigh Less”, and more…
- From the Pacific Northwest, this!

Cramer, a reader and an “Eat More – Weigh Less” customer from the Pacific Northwest sent this one in!

But before I get to that …

I ended – again, as abruptly as I started, my “self imposed” fast last night – 48 hours into it.

Now, as I’ve been telling you, I experienced literally NO deleterious side effects during this fast, despite doing it for the very first time in my life (that is right, I’ve never ONCE fasted in my life – because it isn’t necessary if you dont want to).

Neither did I experience loss of strength, vision, “down there”, or any of the other nonsense people (and the so called experts) keep babbling about.

I’ve been doing over 50 pull-ups, 100 pushups, over 250 squats, and more -much more – I’ve been doing advanced stretching – and so forth – over this period as well.

I wanted to walk outdoors too, and will today.

I felt great all throughout it, the only reason I ended it after 48 hours was “it was the first time I’ve done it”.

Truth be told, I could have kept extending it – and it wouldn’t have made a damn bit of difference provided I did it right.

That came out as “but” of difference first LOL.

Glyn Bozo aside, some butts may actually reduce if you do this!

Anyway, we are WAY too overreliant on food, stuffing food down our gullets at the right times and so forth.

“I have to eat too!”

True, we all do, but the quantity, the “when and how” – you’d be best served tearing the damn rule book in half while doing it.

As I do, and have done all my life.

Now, here’s the review – or “mini review” –

“I love it! I live in a hilly area, and I have been incorporating these movements into my daily routine 3x a week while on my Hikes. It just feels different, I get out of breath so quickly while walking the way you suggest and while doing it uphill and in the other formats you show in the Book.

Great work, keep it up, and I will be sharing my results on this soon too, but I can already see how this can… “

(he’s got a huge problem with the “belly of Buddha” if you get my drift).

He’s on Corrugated Core as well at home, but I’ve told him to do Eat More – Weigh Less – outdoors, and he is!

Now, remember again.

Much like with fasting, you dont HAVE to do these outdoors, but if you have a hill, or even a slope nearby, it amps the effects x 10.

Get on the course now, my friend, and you’ll see what people have been RAVING about.

Thats it for now (oh, remember the great offers – for those of you on the list – I sent you yesterday).

One was a Pushup Central offer, it expires TODAY THOUGH.

If you haven’t already – get on the stick NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

EVerything seems so much more … PROFOUND!
- Indeed it does at a deeper level!

Everything, my friend. Everything.

I was going to make this one about pushups, but that would be doing a very gross disservice indeed to the rest of it.


Mental visualizations.

Women. (yes, hehe).

LUST (ties into the above).

ATTRACTION (ties into it all).

Back to the physical, PUSHUPS. They just feel – each rep feels DIFFERENT internally, as I feel my heart and cardio system not even getting out of breath, but when it does, oh boy.

I can literally FEEL the fat burning, and new muscle forming.

I can literally FEEL myself sliding into advanced stretches I have never done for years.

(not in Isometric and Flexibility Training, wait for Volume Two on that one).

I can feel my joints moving in a natural manner and getting LUBRICATED with not just each stretch, but each movement.

Life – everything – just seems much more profound when you remove the “attachments”, and just BE – just DO.

Ive always done that.

Now, I’m taking it to the very next level.

I highly suggest YOU too follow my lead if you so choose, and truly feel what it feels like to be an ANIMAL, free and UNFETTERED, and so forth.

Speaking of which …

My ELASTICITY has improved, and I was already pretty flexible so thats saying a lot.

It ain’t even been 48 hours into the fast, 40 and 15 minutes thus far.

I’m going to tell you one damn thing.

People say the effects start to kick in after 24 hours, so do the hunger pangs, and all the negative so called side effects.

For me, a whole new world is opening up, both mentally, spiritually, and PHYSICALLY.

That isn’t to way I plan on, as my “wife” likes to say “Hawa Pani pe Jeena”

i.e. live on air and water. Hehe.

Though certain saints meditating on one leg in the Himalayas seem to do it … I’ll stick with the saintly (truly – crack the book open, you will see what I mean) – “meditation” pull-ups I describe in Pull-ups – from STUD to Super STUD – within WEEKS!

It’s an exercise that has not been put out by anyone out there, period.

It’s a style of pull-up that will CHANGE your life – if you just DO it.

And it’ll give you flexibility in the groin and lower back that you can only dream of now, not to mention “build control” down there.

Anyway …….

I highly, highly suggest YOU to do – if you so choose – what I am – occasionally.

You dont have to go for as long as I like, even a few hours without stuffing your gourd, and if youre in tune with your body, you’ll see and feel the results (provided you exercise normally otherwise).

Well, my friend, thats it for now. The only other exercise combo I can think of that gives you this PROFOUND feeling – without any change in diet whatsoever – are the combos mentioned in “Profound 70% Gorilla 30% Human Handstands“.

Get this book NOW if you have not already.

And I’ll be back.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pushup Central is a must grab, if just for the sheer plethora of movements in it. You’ll never ever get bored with exercise again!

Combine with Kiddie Fitness if you have kids.


36.5 hours and counting …
- "It continueth"

I should be fatigued, out of it, unable to think, type, write…


None of that, my friend.

As the impromptu fast extends on, 36.5 hours and counting – I’m having my “black tea” now, but without milk, so I doubt that counts as “breaking it” … my thoughts? Feelings?

Well, first off, I can – since yesterday – already feel the increased rush of testosterone through my whole body.

I dont know what, or why, but my normal taipos seem to have gone away too – temporarily, at least.

While I’m known for being precise and “on the point” – or “on target”, mentally, I feel BANG ON.

My oh my.

They say this sort of thing sharpens visual and mental acuity like nothing else, and I’m feeling it right now – was since yesterday.

Physically, I dont feel like anything at all is out of the ordinary, except, I can feel the “Eat More – Weigh Less” effect going on “fat burning big time while at rest” – except here it’s “Fast more, Burn more”.


Exercise wise, I’ll be jumping into exercise soon – I wrote to you about that yesterday.

No negative side effects at all …

And thankfully, other than an idiotic comment I received on this from Bozo Schofield in Brum – I haven’t received anything stupid at all.

People emailed me to ask how it was going, they were curious etc, but all valid questions, and I’ll address them all in the Ship forums.

Couple of interesting tweets, then, one from the Bozo, and one from someone else –

This one from “I’m the vaccinated guy your Mommy has been looking for”.

Gonna have a cheat day tomorrow Star-struckStar-struck its gonna be my 23rd cheat day of this month but that’s none of your business

All I could reply to this was “LOL”.

Then, of course, Bozo Schofield.

He showed up under one of his alters “Maria”.

(that was some fat woman he scammed in the Phillippines, apparently the same one he codgered into sending the racist tweets about me in a wechat group years ago)

I should like it,’ said poor.

Dormose shook his teacup” says her profile – although looking at her, it seems more and more like Glyn dressed in drag, right down to the red toenails and such.

Bozo does some things right, it seems. Sigh.

I dont know if Bozo is still in the “dark” back alley behind a bar in Brum he was last seen, head up in dumpster, not a far sight off from Jieyang in China when he was unceremoniously dumped out of Chuck’s beer house “by the seat of his pants” as it were, and ended up drunk and sleeping it off in his underwear on the streets,- until he woke up and headed off to the cops to beg for mercy.

I pity the poor police in Jieyang. Hehe.

Anyway, I dont know. Poor?

Those oranges stacked to the ceiling for one …

Come to think of it, if I do break this fast, or WHEN I do – an ORANGE will be the first thing I’m going to have. Hehe.

And thats the update from here, my friend.

Fitness wise, remember, again, this isn’t something you HAVE to do necessarily.

But a lot of you might find it just the kick up the wazoo you need – if you’re working out hard (or so you think) but you’re still not losing weight in the right areas, then what you’re putting INTO your body – might be a great time to take a look at that now.

As a side note, I remember a conversation my “wife” was having with my little girl once when she was refusing to “go” as it were.

That stomach of yours, sweetie! Nothing comes in, nothing goes out….

(said as my daughter was on the dumbphone happily oblivious to everything else going on out there).

(and, her reluctance to put anything remotely HEALTHY into her mouth. Hehe. Pasta, chocolate, cake, junk, all goes, but anything healthy – no way! LOL)

Just hilarious!

You’d think for me that the “coming out” part wouldn’t be applicable with nothing going in but you’d be amazed at how our bodies “super cleanse” when allowed to.

Trust me when I say this, a lot of that “flabbage” around the midsection is more bloating and constipation – for most people – than actual weight gain, though that is there too.

And my isometrics, specifically some of the SQUATTING isometrics I teach – are key to resolving this situation.

If you have not yet picked up Isometric and Flexibility Training, then stop making excuses, postponing the inevitable, and get this book NOW.

Really, I dont know what some of you are waiting for in this regard.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Ditto for the pre-order for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness, I know you want it, but some of you are still “waiting”. For what?? Time waits for NOBODY, my friend. Get on this NOW, because like I said, 2022 will be the year this book comes out, and yes, the price will go UP when it does, so reserve your copy NOW.

PS #2 –  A lot of you lazy asses out there might be thinking “fasting is the ticket”.

I’ll sit on my ass, eat nothing, and the weight will fly off.

No it won’t either.

You have to incorporate solid exercise and deep breathing into your routine for it to work, my friend. Else you’ll simply slow down your metabolism and start gaining even faster once you start eating again.

(and if you sit and do nothing, then all the side effects the so called experts rant about – YES, they WILL apply then)

Sorry, no “easy way” out . . .

I should be fatigued, exhausted, “have nothing left”, and so forth. Yet, it’s the polar opposite.
- YES!

I’m truly FEELING It.

Not what the neighsayers kept telling me for years about complete fasts i.e. NOTHING at all eaten for > 24 hours, the only thing I did make an allowance for was black tea – with no milk, obviously – but thats only because the idea for the fast never came to me until about 14 hours into it anyway.

Which is usually when I break most of my fasts, which in itself sends the purists into a tizzy given my extreme workout routines.

As I wrote about earlier today though, and as several old time strongmen have gone on record saying.

“If you cannot go for 24 hours eating nothing and NOT feeling exhausted, run down, or anything like that – there is something wrong”.

Naturally, this don’t need to be taken to extremes. (and I paraphrased this, obviously, but the sum and substance of it remains the same).

In fact, you dont need to do it at all if you dont want i.e. fasting – the body obviously has it’s own systems to cleanse, etc.

But I’ll tell you this much.

Almost 26 hours into the impromptu fast – NOT planned – if there is one thing I can tell you about now – it is MENTAL clarity – my mind has never ever felt clearer.

Not that it doesn’t normally anyway, which is key, but now? It’s like mind x 100 – on steroids, and I’m only 26 hours into it!

I thought of food, tried thinking of all different types of FOOD, which by now, if you go by what people say “I’m supposed to be starving to death”.

Oddly enough, if you put a plate of most of it in front of me NOW?

I’d probably inhale it at most. Hehe.

Do I feel cravings? Do I feel “starved”? Do I feel deprived? Any of that nonsense?

A huge fucking NO.

I DO however, as I write this, feel my body starting to CLEANSE internally – more so than it does with the isometrics and everything else I do. Which in and as of itself is just HUGE, my friend … you have to feel it to believe it.

Now, the one thing I didnt mention before is I didnt (not by design) do this fast “cold turkey”. (ie I didnt gorge for weeks, and then suddenly drop it all cold turkey)

You will remember me ending the last email on a note of “the subconscious mind works in wonderful ways!”.

So I did.

Over the last couple of days (but NOT before that) – either by design or not  – I’ve been eating fruits for one. Oranges it was the day before yesterday, plenty of potatoes too – and a bit of wheat.

Yesterday was “Bulgarian oats” (not as fancy as it sounds!) – and the infamous, by now, Ramen noodles adventure. Ugh.

Today, ZERO.

And while I wrote to you earlier after lots of workouts till this evening, I’ll have you know I just got through more club swinging – pull-ups – and 100 solid Hindu squats – which the last one felt like I literally FLEW through them.

So much for loss of strength, or conditioning, or “I have nothing left!”.

I remember my friend Rueben once getting antsy while moving.

“Gotta eat, Rahul!”, he just paused in the middle of it all.

“Can’t keep going like this!”

Admittedly we then ate a hearty meal at “Albertson’s” I believe, or brought the chicken back home or something.

But just like my fitness routines, both my eating habits – and it seems, now, my fasting habits – throw the rule book outta the window, and then some.

I’ll keep you posted on it tomorrow, of course – probably a good 35 or so hours post start fast.

But I’ve got a feeling I’ll be feeling AWESOME – and exercise wise too, it will show.

Anyway .

Off for now, but thats the update.

And if you haven’t yet gotten the 0 Excuses Fitness System as yet, the only fitness system out there that builds WARHORSES – with all the strength of an ox – and the flexibility and agility (and power) of a jungle cat, along with the sixth sense too – well, you’re missing out.

If you choose to rectify that, I’m HERE for ya.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You’ll want to place the pre-order for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness NOW (and join the hordes that have already done so) if you have not already. Trust me, 2022 will be the year in which this book will be RELEASED.

My 13.5 hour fast, and counting . . .
- Not that unusual for me, hehe.

Believe me, this ain’t all that unusual for me – I’ve never, until today “fasted” in the traditional sense of the word though.

In the Simple and Effective Diet, I give you TWO – SECRET – tips on losing weight, building muscle – and getting into the best shape of your life that are often, often ignored – and not just that, people “pooh pooh” it as being not one of the secrets (out in the open for those “in the know”) for the above benefits because the so called experts said so.

Herschel Walker used it.

I did it – without knowing he did – I’ve been doing it forever.

And in doing so, I literally threw the rule book out of the window, and went by what I always do in life – gut and feelings.

The results, of course, are there for all to see.

Now, lots of you have been fed the crap about breakfast being the most important meal of the day, “lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper” and so forth.

Would it surprise you if I not only did extreme workouts and got into the best shape of my life by following this, in REVERSE?

By following it to the extremes – i.e. more than 20 hours of breaks in eating, nothing except water, and INTENSE – four to five climbs up the hill, bodyweight workouts etc in addition to this.

I know you wouldn’t believe me.

I know you’ll think it’s torturous.

Truth be told, it was that when I did break my “fast” – to have my rice and Chinese meat. Hehe. Chinese rice and meat, it’s not what those with dirty minds are thinking (though Glyn must be salivating, lol).

The DROP in energy instantly upon eating was mitigated for me by the fact I did bridging for 20 minutes before that bowl of rice.

After that, again at night before the nightly “bowl of rice and meat”.

During those times, I wasn’t drinking beer either, something that seemed absolutely undoable to me at the time!

“Lets try it for ONE day”, is how it started, and it extended into nine plus months.

It didnt feel like I was abstaining.

And when I drank tons of it again, it felt like I never gave it up.

THAT, my friend, is what it’s about.

Back to the NOW?

I’m on a self imposed fast – and completely unplanned – for “as long as it takes”.

Maybe its life thats done it, but if you were to give me a large, huge steak right now, done rare like I LOVE it, I’d probably want it a bit, but I’d look away anyway.

Not because I’m turning vegan.


Not because I want, or need to lose weight. No.

Not because I believe it’s the secret to eternal health and muscles like Arnie and skin like your favorite beauty contestant. Nah. Hehe.

Because, well, I’ve been thinking of doing this for a while.

Except, this time, I want to make it a real fast.

And I am – life happened, I ended up eating something I absolutely NEVER eat (a version of Ramen noodles) over the past couple of days (well, I ate TOO much of it, I should say last night) – and … well.


Along with this, I’ve been feeling the need to DETOX from it all for a while (much like my self imposed internet detox in 2020 that I wrote to you about, a solid week or so of no broadband, and very spotty 4G).

And so I am.

How do I feel?

Well, I’ve done 45 pull-ups, 100 pushups, plenty of Lumberjack work, 150 Hindu squats, stretches, and much more today (new addition being hitting the heavy bag – or mattress – more on this later, but I wrote about this in 2018, I simply love hitting the heavy bag!) ….

… and right now, the last thing I want is food.

I’m guzzling water by the plenty as I do always.

While I’ve no idea how this will turn out – while I’ve no plans for a fast – this is what it is for now, and I’m attacking it – how?

“Lets see how I feel later”.

As of now, it’s 13.5 hours.

I’ve no doubt it’ll extend for far longer!

Now, what does this mean for you?

Am I saying you need to do the same too to lose weight, build muscle, improve flexibility, whatever?

I dont know, but here’s the thing, friend, most of us – need to eat not just less, but WAY LESSER than what we do.

We put way too much crap into our systems that we need to.

Sometimes, often times, the workouts cover it up (Eat More – – Weigh Less!).

But over the long run, it adds up, friend.

And let me tell you, my friend, the quantum leaps in growth in MUSCLE – increase in stamina and FLEXIBILITY – and improvement in ALL your workouts – when you’ve been working out a while, and then incorporate this into your routine is – beyond belief.

Animals don’t eat and drink on a set schedule, do they? Animals don’t “rest” while going days with very little food, and yet, you wouldn’t want to mess with Mr Tiger, fresh off a 3 day hiatus from meat, and hours of daily walks and prowls, looking for his next meal, would you?


I didnt think so.

The secret, my friend, as always to turn back the clock, to reveal the NEW YOU (that I talk about in Battletank Shoulders) is natural workouts yes, but its also LIVING like an animal – in every aspect of your life.

I’ll cover more on this later.

For now, know that if you’re a convert to the three meals a day thing, and aren’t used to long breaks without food, then you dont need to jump straight into long fasts, or any fasts for that matter.

Neither do you need to do it all your life.

For now ,just know that you most likely need to eat less, regardless of whatever else you’re doing now if you’re like most people.

Know too, “you wont die” without a few meals.

(its amazing the questions I get on it).

Note too, that WATER is key.

Note also, that if you ask any old time strongman, they’d tell you that the real strongman is one who can go without at least 24 hours of food, and whatever normal routine he or she has – while feeling no deleterious side effects.

And last, but not least, you’ll be hearing from ME as my fast “expands” too.

Amazing how the subconscious mind works!


Rahul Mookerjee

“I dont know. I only start counting the number of reps once they start to hurt!”
- So said Ali!

I’ve spoken often about someone I consider a legend in boxing, despite all his continuing imperfections – Mike Tyson, and his famous sit up routine.

Situps, an exercise often ignored in favor of bunny crunches, and other idiotic gadgets you see on late night TV.

Big mistake.

Neither are they the same as crunches, nor are they profoundly useless like crunches are.

Sure, they’re not the only way to train the abs, and I feel there are better ways, but they aren’t a bad way at all, and there’s TONS of variations you can do, for one – that will keep your workouts fresh and enticing ALWAYS – as I detail in Corrugated Core.

They’re also great to strengthen the entire core and lower back.

Anyway …….. the POWER wheel is another great tool you can use to work the abs, and use with all your other exercises.

Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness has a whole section devoted to just that – i.e. training with the power wheel, so you KNOW it’s good.

Everyone from martial artists, to boxers, and movie stars – and the every day Jane or Joe Fonda – can – and should use this particular tool, my friend.

But anyway … with proper form.

Now, I was recently watching some videos of a Dutch dude that travels to India to swing clubs.

He’s got some pretty good and cool videos out there!

Certainly far less bare bones than my own videos – plenty of them – that I put out on this sort of training.

In one of those videos, in fact, All of them, I keep telling you – and keep getting ignored – PLEASE start with a weight you can handle.

If you’re a gym goer and think you can start off with 20 kgs or even 10, well, you’re wrong friend.

You’re advised and I say this constantly to start small, because these clubs because of their shape and the mass distribution are NOT regular weights you lift in the gym – when you start, 5 kgs will feel like 50 if you do it right.

And this dude has been doing it for years, Dutch dude.

Yet, the latest video he put out, he was training with 22 kgs for the first time.

And – in the middle of the video ?


He smacked himself one on the side of the head. Hehe.

Just like I show you in the videos, just like has happened to me too, and thats why I keep telling YOU not to rush on the weight numbers here!

Get the form down pat, no matter how much you think you don’t need it.

CHECK the ego in at the door.

And get your pre-order in for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness NOW, as always, a pioneering book in that regard.

Now – is that the sort of hurt the above quote refers to?


That was something the great Muhammad Ali said , someone with so much HEART that even when on his deathbed, when all his organs had failed, that great HEART of his kept beating for 30 minutes before he finally passed (I ain’t even kidding) about situps.

“I dont know”, he replied when he was asked how many he did.

“I only count when the reps start to HURT!”

No doubt Ali didnt mean this literally, but there is a lot to learn from that quote above.

It’s really when you do an exercise in proper form that you’ll understand what it means.

To not worry so much about rep numbers, but HOW you do the exercise.

How your breathing during it, how it makes you FEEL at the deepest level.

How the exercise taxes your entire system – from the inside out.

The table pushup, for one, is one in which FORM is horribly and grotesquely MANGLED for the most part – even by those with good intentions.

If you ain’t feeling the pushup at the base of your neck, you ain’t doing it RIGHT, period.

I realize that might sound like a shock to you – much like my statement a few days ago on “if all that burns during Hindu squats are your thighs”, you’re not doing them right.

How can that be, people asked.

Well, do the doggone exercise RIGHT, pull out your wallet to invest in the System and LEARN instead of just constantly asking away, and you might learn how – and why ….

Anyway, there’s a lot to be learnt from Ali’s above quote.

See if you can find more than what I just said.


Rahul Mookerjee

The secret behind Iron Mike’s explosive PUNCHING power
- And more! (there's many, but we'll focus on one)

I’ve been seeing more than a few videos of Iron Mike as of late, but not so much the fights, but the man’s TRAINING.

Guy got WAY out of shape a few years back, then came back tremendously – all credit to Iron!

Iron Mike, not “iron”.

Or the iron IN him, which allowed him to take criticism he got like a man, and then COMEBACK – something which might not have quite happened during the young and wild days (we all have ’em, but I’d bet Tyson’s still that wild at heart. Hehe. He’s just toned it down a little).

Anyway …

His “peek a boo” style of fighting, not unique to him, but a style that most fighters prefer not to employ since it’s HEAVY on the legs, and tires you out quick – was something he used to devastating efficiency in his hey day.

Iron Mike’s built like a brick outhouse, which y’all know.

But he wasn’t especially tall, and when competing with giants (i.e.taller than 6 feet), in boxing, he naturally had to make use of his strengths while minimizing his weaknesses.

For him, that meant getting “inside” his opponent’s long reach, which he did not have, and then unleashing his POWER.

Iron Mike’s one of those guys that is built naturally strong, like my buddy from the Marines (though even he’s quite not up to Iron Mike levels, but he’s a ways there!).

Like “natural lumberjack”.

And while there’s plenty of reasons for Mike Tyson’s punching power, I’ll list some out …

One, his conditioning – and his massive, strong, legs – that kept going, going, going.

(true, some may debate that , but I’m talking about Iron Mike in his PRIME).

Two, those naturally strong arms, shoulders, and traps …

Three, his core – solid as a brick – more so!

his speed.

Training – hours and hours put into the punching bag for one.

Much more, a killer instinct he was born with.

But most of all, it boils down to #3.

You look at Tyson’s core, THAT is really where that punching power comes from.

Remember, your core ain’t the six pack.

It’s everything down from the lower chest to your knees.

Hips, thighs, butt, lower back – and of course, the abdominal area, you just look at the guy, guy’s MASSIVE in the core – yet lean, toned and flexible!

Like, you’d think you’d HURT your hand just punching him there!

Brings to mind what I wrote about “soft and flexible”, ask Iron Mike, he’ll be the first to tell you the truism of this too.

Martin Farmer Burns once wrote about this in “Lessons of Wrestling and Physical Culture“.

“My own abdominal muscles are soft enough when relaxed, yet if I were to tense them to prepare for a man striking me, they would be hard enough so that his fists might incur damage, but not my abdominal muscles”.

This is a quote from memory, not verbatim, but he was talking about someone striking him with full force in his stomach for this one.

(read the book, you’ll know).

Thats what a core should be like, my friend.

And core, ultimately is what gave Iron Mike that tremendous punching power he has.

Now, you might not ever turn into someone like Tyson when training hard.

You might not even have that as a goal.

You might not be as genetically gifted in that department. I ain’t, I’ll tell you that.

(and even Tyson, look at the first place he puts on weight when he does..)

But there is no reason YOU shouldn’t get  a core of steel – the best you can – today, my friend.

Some of the best exercises for doing so?

Hindu squats. 

Some of the exercises I have in Corrugated Core.

Pushups, tons of them (Mike Tyson did 500 pushups, 500 dips, 2000 situps a day in addition to ALL else he did, you can surely do 100 pushups a day if nothing else?)

And of course, that fabled HILL – any hill – hike hills hard and long, your core issues will start to take care of themselves.

Alright my friend.

Get to it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I haven’t been writing a lot about CLUB swinging as of late, but those are another superb means to build the core. Like the old time Indian wrestlers did, and its going to be all detailed in the upcoming book Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness.

From one that was never a natural at it … you’ll want to reserve your copy of this book NOW.

Know what really, really sucks about this Nazi feminist BS?
- The "silent suffering" inflicted upon...

I suppose I could start this one with a rant on how Nazi feminists ruin lives – including their own – do their best to pull down anyone thats actually doing anything of note – everything I’ve spoken about in the past -and so forth,but I won’t.

While thinking about it this morning, you know what saddens me about this whole mess?

Take my so called marriage – which is sometimes at “divorce” status, sometimes not (dont ask, hehe) …

It’s not so much the “me” i.e. Rahul part I’m referring to here.

Ultimately a man, a real man finds a way to leave the situation – for good.

The poor sops that don’t, or refuse to – well, the Nazi feminists usually leave ’em.

Or, one party compromises and seethes silently the rest of his or her life – which again is not ideal, but thats an adult making a choice.

Unfortunately, without knowing it, guess who suffers the most in most of these cases?

The kids.

There’s usually at least one, if not more involved…

I will always remember the look of sadness and disappointment on my daughter’s face – growing up, and even now, all she wanted was a “normal” family – with Mommy and Daddy sitting down together to eat, talking at the dinner table, not always at loggerheads with each other.

With her mom (my wife) – its always a constant babel of yelling “do this, do that” and other idiotic advice which even she laughs at that my daughter gets.

With me, I help her all I can, she knows it, but beyond a certain point, dealing with Nazi feminists – well, I’m not going to do it, I dont, and she knows it.

It’s the sadness I often see in her eyes, or more to the point, hear in her VOICE – and the way it affects her growing up that bothers me, yet, I know there isn’t much I can do about it.

Sad part?

This sort of story is probably playing out silently in dozens of households globally, more than we know or read or hear about it.

No, throwing money at the situation doesn’t fix it either.

Over-doting grandparents (from whom the kids usually never want to return back to the “nasty ole home”) spoiling their grandkids with every bit of love they never gave their own children might make them feel good – both of them – but it doesn’t work either.

The root issue is family, until that one is addressed, nothing will change, it will just all keep going downhill.

I remember what a great customer once said upon reading Fast and Furious Fitness

“… Happier times, if women would only realize that life is about sometimes GIVING, and not always take, take take, then maybe things would be different”.

And he’s right.

My “wife” is proud about “taking money” (all she can extract) out of me. Hehe. Seems to be a badge of honor, the “shameless” part in all this.

“It’s good to be shameless”, she crows. 

Maybe it is if you’re independent and actually doing something.

Or maybe a shameless leech or a shameless hussy is a Nazi feminist thing.

Come to think of it, it is. Hehe.

Anyway, you guys dealing with it – there IS a way to combat – and profit – from this madness.

Learn how in the book right here.

You’ll want to get this book now, as I keep telling you, its truly hard hitting info in a way you have never ever seen before (on this subject).

Fitness wise, two things.

Remember that you can always give your kids the best gift ever – the gift of FITNESS – right HERE.

It starts NOW.

And remember too, you have to lead by example.

If you think you can get away with being a lazy slob while your kid turns into Superman, think again.

It works in reverse too, if you’re Mr Handstand Pushup, for instance, your kids will naturally take to that as well.

Become the fitness phenom that resides within you – all of us – by following the steps and exercises laid out in the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

There’s a path to success at everything – part of that involves standing on the shoulders of giants who have done it before.

Fitness is no different, friend. Why should it be?

Grab the courses and books above, and start turning your life around TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee