Why being a news anchor don’t appeal to me one damn bit.
- Not in the least, friend.

Recently, Gorilla Girl Sophia told me the following – and I wrote about it, of course.

“can you tell me some truths”

This after some gentle pestering about … “do yo uhate the Chinese government and do all other countries hate China”.

Of course, I told her the facts – which I suspect, given her response of “I hate them too, too much lies”, she already knew.

Came out a little too glib, I thought…

But really, after I schooled her a bit on what she didnt know, it was the usual.

Deafening silence.

Like, honey.

If you dont want to talk about it, why ask me.

Recently I called out some of the foreign trash aka Tom Tom’s running around in China posting news articles.

I dont mean Fionn – not right like – idiots and clown who are paid by the CCP to post troll pieces that are so supportive of the CCP even the Chinese can smell a rat.

“Like, everything China shits is golden” kinda crapola.

I mean those that post news articles, then let it dangle.

Their excuse, though they dont say it, is that “this is how news anchors do it”.

Trouble is, they ain’t news anchors.

They’re looking for responses, and dont want to post their OWN.

I called out one of these Bozos on LinkedIn (hence my ban? Hehe).

“No, No”, he went.

then he ranted about “how helpful it is too many people, a whole paragaph”.

But he never focused on the point.

That being, fella, YOU POSTED IT – where is your honest opinion?

If you’re too scared to post it, dont fucking post it in the first place!

I dont know, it’s irritating.

And same thing with people that expect me to the life and soul of the party when they themselves have as much energy, gumption and thought as a bump on a log.

I ain’t no free radio anchor, friend.

Though it might seem like it a lot, hehe.

But if I really loved doing it so much, I’d get on She En En, trust me ….


Or, tangle with Wei Yia Jiang on CBS. Hehe.

She’s actually not bad once she cleans up a bit…


Anyway, enough on that.

Brutal is what I’m known for. Never boring.

And if you wanna have a conversation, then for God’s sake, have a conversation.

One sided ain’t my idea of a conversation.

And fitness wise, if you want to work out, then for God’s sake, do it right or not at all.

If you wanna get a product, get the right one, or not at all…

Alrighty, I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why the “recall” feature in weShat is the worst ever!
- Ugh.

WeChat, my friend, despite the CCP being able to track it right down to “nuts and bolts” if they really want to, for each of their billion plus users, has some advantages, and despite being a crap app, has SOME design benefits.

And some nice features.

One was an auto translation feature – now, this one, it didnt always work right.

You often got hilarious results, even more so than Google Translate.

But thats how it works when “auto translating” languages, especially Asian which are done completely different to English, for one …

And it’s also why I get all my books translated not just by “a translator”, but a quality one.

Speaking of which, I gotta write Dani. Hehe. Truly an awesome translator is she!

Yeah, I totally agree with you, nowadays most people are living like zombies or robots. Like this is what I have, I do nothing more… Idk why. I am always trying to do something different, learn things, idk, maybe bcs I get bored easily lol.

Spot on!

And why I lik ethis girl.

NO bS.


And does great work for me – again, without drama or BS.

When she’s late on translation, SHE emails me herself and tells me before I ask, though I never would, Dani is truly that conscientious!!

But anyway, another girl thats been pestering me for nudes as of late.

I never sent her anyy – well, not direct nudes.

Not because I dont want to, or feel shy or what not, I just feel this whole “send nudes” thing is juvenile to the extreme, especially when a lot of women don’t send ’em at all.

And expect men to do so …

Yes, despite the Tom Tomming the Nazi feminists whine about “he sent me dick pics” – curiously, thats what a lot WANT.


And she recently sent me a picture of her butt.

Thats all, a butt.

Bozo Butts Glyn “But” “Butt Buttling” Schofield would love it.

Holy smokes, even I gotta say, it’s hot.

But the one thing it’s not?

You couldn’t identify her from that butt. Could be anyone’s!

Bozo might, he’s well accquainted with how asses and holes smell and other nastiness, but I wouldn’t be able to.


And she recalled it instantly after sending.

I was like, honey, why send it in the first place.

If you dont trust me, then dont send it!

Of course, that brought the predictable whiny response …

“You angry at me!”

Like, no, I am NOT.

even if I was, it doesnt change the fact that if you send me something, something NOT where I can identify you, and then recall, then … well, it’s clear and evident.

If you were too shy, you wouldn’t send in the first place, not to mention all the raunchy “other pictures” I keep getting.

Oddly enough, I sent this girl a picture of an … well, ass.

A while ago.

She giggled out something about “you dont need to send me those”.

OK, so I didnt…

but really, this whole thing is juvenile, I mean, if you gotta say something – SAY IT.

And be done with it.

No need to recall, recant and other BS, then pretend “you are angry” when YOU (referring to chick there) are the one that sent something, initiated a conversation … and want toplay games.

As ole Steve Austain said in the … “The Condemned”.

I dont know who you are.

But I dont play games!

Neither do, I friend.


Anyway, I’m always this brutally honest.

You’ll hear more such home truths fitness wise in the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Pick up the Royce and ride not with it – but IN IT!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – THIS course has some great workouts for the Butt, if you’re so inclined. That expanding butt will become a sexy young ‘un again …

How I cured my pre-existing liver issues with NO medication. None at all!
- Despite what the docs said.

I’ve always had liver issues – for MOST of my life.

One, genetics – apparently I’m genetically more pre-disposed to “riboflavin” or whatever the … ah, “Bilirubin” it is that too high levels of mess up the liver.

Of course, everyone chose to ignore that (in my immediate circle”.

He drinks beeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr. We gotta sTOP HIM!

So the chorus went.

How well did that work when I was forced to, partner (or you tried)?


But anyway …

Docs Tom Tommed all sorts of silly medicine up and down.

I was even told by a phat Focker Doctor “to not swim” “because it taxes the liver”.

If there ever was more idiotic and crap advice a doctor gave, I’m yet to hear it.

Of course, being he himself famously probably did zilcho exercise, I get it.

Then you have docs that order gallons of whiskey while on the phone (while patients are waiting) then give the patients a lecture about healthy living.

And the sheeple buy it, of course.

“Doctor said, Mommy!” 

Hell, even Mommy buys it in some cases!

But anyway.

Its often caused issues when applying for certain types of visas etc (I’ve applied for a lot).

I was once denied an “immigrant visa” – well, not denied, but the application was put on hold so I could “fix my liver”.

Or get a biopsy or all the rubbish they wanted.


I was young, wild and 24, had NO good advice to listen to.

Only advice I had?

Go to the doc!

Which I did NOT want to do, because, well…

As I told Uncle Bob then,

“If they really want you” .. 

Or that was his reply when I bitched about it and was like, it ain’t hardly life threatening either is it.

Anyway …

This silly medicine thing – dont get me wrong  meds are required sometimes.

My old landlord for one, he’s asked me to import some for him, since they ain’t freely available in China – at least not the ones we consider normal.

But of course, tell the Tom Tom’s how yours truly fat phocker with genetic issues overcame his issues?

Of course, they’ll Tom Tom and hem and haw and nigh and sigh and nod their little heads up and down …

…. Before whining about medicine again, as a certain person did in one of the WeChat groups I adminster.

I Responded with a saucier version of what I just said.

Two people jumped the group. Hehe.

I’ve no doubt a flurry of comments is coming in right about now as I write this.

But I dont get it, friend.

Folks are ready to spend big bucks on the following –

Fancy ass medications.

Repeated doctor – and chiro visits.

Repeated visits to the “general physician” .

The Jim, of course.

And of course, stuff their gourds like it’s goin gout of style, and drink and party every night … spend big bucks on that.

When you tell them to spend a fraction, a tiny fraction of the amount of that – to save their asses – the way I did?

Like, less than $250, which is less than the average Tom Tom spends in a bar in a month I’d bet.

They balk.

It isn’t alway sbecause of price either …

Though yes, some of it is idiotic whining about price – its boils down to this.

People are just fucking LAZY my friend for the most part.

Like, learn how to breathe right.

ANd learn how to workout right.

Both last for a lifetime.

Better than anything else ever could.

And yet …

Ah well.

If you’re on the right side of this, well, the Rolls Royce of Fitness is for YOU.

If not, well …


Rahul Mookerjee

People seem to be stuffing their GOURDS more than ever before…!
- I dont get it??

&, friend, I dont get it.

I really don’t!

EVERYWHERE you see, once you skip past the PC bullshit, or rather, since its impossible to skip past it, here is what people are doing.

They’re either buying or selling houses (those that can).

Or, they’re EATING.

Like hogs.

If they aren’t eating, they’re posting pictures of food on social she-dia.

Or, pictures of themselves all made up to a T, usually often “from the past”.

There’s nothing out there that shows real, friend.


But the eating, and gorging is real.

It ain’t because of heady optism either.

“Might as well eat while we can” is the mantra it seems.

Or, the polar opposite, Jassy, who I keep writing about “starving herself” and running circles in the Jim to lose weight (she never needed to in the first place!).

She’s fallen for the “unattainable BONE SKINNY” standard “Uniqlo” promoted for one… Which has been the case forever in China, of course.

Dont get me wrong, I dont promote being a Tubbo or Lardass, but NATURAL is the way to go.

I mean, especially for you ladies, gotta have “something to grab” if you get my drift.

Lots, at least in China don’t – or they go the other extreme, turn into beached whales and claim “we’re not motivated”.



I dont get it… I really dont.

Given all thats going on, you’d think people would be PREPARING for the worst.

Instead, people have prepared for “there’s nothing we can do, so eat and drink and make merry”.

Sure, if Katrina’s on your head, and you refused to leave, well, that might be the best option.

But not with whats coming now, friend.

Its definitely very surviveable.

If you skip past the BS, and stop burying your head in the sand.

Jassy looked GORGEOUS when I first met her.

I’ve seen a lot of girls, friend, and continue to do so, so that saying a LOT.

A hell of a lot.

sadly, these days, she’s a pale, anorexic (so it seems) mess compared to what she was in 2019…

Nothing wrong with losing weight, but the “starving oneself” look cannot be hidden, neither can the skin and bones.

Sure, if thats what she “wants” to live up to the standards so she can “make more money” or whatever (Chinese girls and money, you know it, hehe) – thats perfectly fine. Her choice … but it’s not the most sensical choice by far, friend.


So, I dont know…

Rather than focus on food and selfies, why not focus on FITNESS (and not the pump and tone at gyms people love to post, and it’s just increasing!?)

Know why the pictures in my books are BASIC – to an extreme?

Because we gotta fight these Bozos that make everything look all shiny, new fangled, perfect… with each bead of sweat dripping off JUST at the right moment and time.


Start NOW, friend, with the tools you have, and remember, it’s not going to be perfect all the time!


And fighter!

THAT is what You need – and the world needs.

I swear, this molly coddled nonsense of nice food and all that, then you talk to them about something sensical, you get, what?


“We can’t change anything”.


Anyway … whatever.

Cut past the BS, friend.

Cut past the fancy crap that burns a hole in your pocket and doesn’t work worth a damn.

Get started on real fitness – right now – via the Royce right here.

It’s called the Rolls Royce of Fitness for a damn good reason. 

And As Charles Mitchell said, “there’s never a better time to promote the type of training you do!

At least, that was the import.

We love throwing each other curveballs and seeing who, if, dodges. Hehe.

But anyway, no dodging allowed on this one, friend.

Do the right thing by yourself, and get the 0 Excuses Fitness System – and get started.


Rahul Mookerjee

P S- No, it aint just pushups either. NO, you dont know it already either. And so forth.

No excuses, friend.

Get this now. You need it! (and you know it too!)

Life is WAR!
- And you had better be prepared for it, friend.

… And you had better be prepared for it!

More so than the life is WAR – perhaps that second sentence is more important.

It’s all fine to “voice your opinion” – sit behind a computer and type (hell, I do that all day) – but in the real world, when shit hits the fan?

What do you do THEN?

Lots of idiots criticize what I say (and do) as being “just talk”. 

Bozos that can’t do a single pushup, for instance, or box their way out of a paper bag complain about “his logic is useless, he just argues”.

And of course when you talk subjects like I am now.

“That’ll never happen!”

When you tell them it can – will – and has been fixing to happen for years, and that you saw it in your dreams, or as Sean Connery said iin “The Rock” – I saw it in his eyes!

They ridicule you.

And some get back with “it’ll never happen. Everyone has nuclear weapons now”.

I swear, the STUPIDITY of the world in general.

Libs especially.

I mean, the latest weapons on both sides didnt stop the two World Wars from breaking out and mass devastation occuring, what makes you think human beings have changed and evolved?

We haven’t.

At the core, my friend, resides a BEAST.

And as I say on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page, you just have to UNLEASH IT – let it do what Mother Nature intended for it to do.

Sure, the flabby belly and repetitive donut stuffing has covered up the REAL MAN Within you – some of you, not all.

It still exists though, friend.

It still exists!



But anyway …

Back in the day, the Attitude Era in the WWE – they had the “Raw is WAR!” tagline – and the opening segment would show the superstars showing up in the ring, battling each other – all amidst FLAMES.

It would end with the glass breaking, Steve Austin showing up, and then the actual show starting to cheers.

Y’all that have watched it know it!

There will never be another Vince Mc Mahon – and the Attitude Era, well, it was the 90’s era I wrote about, just classic!

When MEN WERE MEN and women were women, and not all this woke purple hair shit you see everywhere now!

And while all their taglines and storylines were nigh perfect, hit the spot – made Vince billions, I bet, hehe – right NOW ?

The polar opposite.

The WWE is a PALE SHADOW of what it used to be.

Bring back the attitude, friend!


Anyway, note the tag line even then.

RAW is … WAR!

End of the day, thats what it is, friend. IT’s always been that way.

I Dont know if y’all watched Rambo – IV.

Not the visceral hard hitting “Last Blood”.

IV was a classic – an understated classic that many miss, almost as visceral, but a lot more “thought focused” as well.

And they have several versions of it out there.

In one of them (which probably never made it to screen) – the initial dialog between Rambo and the female missionary he eventually rescues despite being initially reluctant to get into the mess “nothing ever changes!” as he says in a sardonic, “the hell with it world weary manner” – I love the hair! Hehe. And the attitude – and the LUMBERJACK LOOK Stallone had in the movie for that one!


Not the puffed and buffed nonsense in II and III, though Sly did a damn fine job at that as well, I gotta tell you.

Classic, absolute and utter legend!

But anyway, the version that made it to screen doesnt really focus a lot on talk, its about “We need your help” and Rambo saying “Go home!” and a bit more about “nothing ever changes!” before reverting back to type i.e. “Go home!” …

But the uncut version I believe, or perhaps one that was edited later, Stallone goes on a rant about war.

I dont remember the exact words.

Computer crashed, so I aint got the movie sitting here either.

But it was about war, and how it never really stopped, and how people never really want it to stop.

And how it’s been going on forever in SOME part of the world non stop,r eally, despite what people think.

People hate each other, he went. And they LOVE war.

And he’s RIGHT.

I’ve been saying that for ages.

Think about it yourself! Yes, your “mind” may try to convince you you dont … but … look DEEP, and you’ll see what I mean!


Eventually, every so often, all comes to a boil, parity is restored, and then … well, it’s a cycle!

The Earth, my friend, has seen plenty of global warmings, coolings and these cycles. It’ll survive – question is, will the Bozos that think otherwise make it?

I doubt it. Seriously.

And he then went on a rant about how war has been going on forever, how people literally find excuses to start wars, and so forth, looking at history, he wasn’t that far off.

People say “this is an era of peace”.


With all the mini battles going on everywhere for years, peace?

Peace is an illusion, I believe Rambo says (maybe different words, but that was the gist). 


I might be wrong. But I dont think I am – thats what I think.

Thats what Rambo said too.

And he ends with this classic.

“War sucks. Old men cause it to happen, young men fight it for them, and EVERYONE dies in between”.

So true!

ONLY the survivors survive – and thrive – he might well have said.

Well, my friend, thats two examples I’ve given you – and what does this mean for you?

Nothing, except you better start getting prepared now.

The time for talk is over, the time for action starts now.

Yes, you CAN make a difference!

In your own life if nothing else.

Start by learning how to get in the best shape of your life.

Get the Rolls Royce right now, and watch how “the seas” start to part for you as you truly enter the realm of the UNDEFEATABLE!


Let’s do this – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – From The Rock, again …

Lets do it!

With the LOOK inthe eye!


“What the fuck is going on” – and why you must get 0 Excuses Fitness.
- Before it all goes to hell , hehe.

I was chatting with a friend the other day, and I was asked him if he was still in China, or what was going on …

He sent me this (amongst other things).

“Yeah. Still hunkered down here until……………………….”

… The shit hits the fan was left unsaid!

But it’s hitting it already, ain’t it.

If you’re part of the crowd that is just wondering “What the HEZEY” when you look at whats going on around you, and how crazy things are, well, you aren’t alone.

Dysfunction everywhere has reached record levels, and the few that push back, well, it’s a nigh uphill battle!

But perhaps the best response came from Charles Mitchell a few days ago.

So far all is well even as the world gets crazier by the day. The type of training you promote is more important than ever. It builds fighting strength, survival strength. And can be done anywhere at anytime. No gym needed! You are the gym!

I posted this before, but I didnt really focus on it a lot … I was more focused on the “entertainment” aspect of what he said i.e. “your emails are as entertaining as they are sensical”. Hehe. That they are! And I wrote a 2000 word epic responding to that, I believe? LOL.

But in this here email, lets just get down to business, friend.

And why you need the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

I’ve written tomes on it already, but his response up there encapsulates it perfectly well.

FIGHTING strength!

Look, my friend, thats going to be needed – it is NOW. You need to fight for whats important, or it’ll be taken away.

I just got my account at LinkedIn restricted AGAIN for some weird reason.

The last time, well, I understand. I was posting content critical of the CCP and of course given how Bill Hates and the loony left panders to China, that is perfectly “understandable”.

They wanted me to upload government issued ID in order for them to “investigate” the problem – and note, at no point did they say they would “resolve” it or restore access to the account.

Simply “you’re banned, we want your ID” – what was left unsaid – so we can send it to the CCP.

Not that the CCP needs LinkedIn to send it, all the WeChat accounts have it for one. Thats China, they can track you down to the last thing you bought at the convenience store a few minutes ago if they want to!

Been that way for ages, only getting worse with all the QR codes etc required to be scanned to go anywhere – even ENTER into your own apartment complex.

You still have the so called choice in China not to get panixated.

But practically speaking, you’ll be barred from subways, traveling via train and most other things that you “have to do” – so it’s forcing you in way to get it anyway.

Not that I posted about anything of that nature recently, it’s weird.


The mental feeds upon the physical, my friend, and what I promote via the deep breathing techniques I show you in the System is the best vaccine ever against anything.

“Deep breathing alone made many a sick man well, and many a weak man strong”.

-That was Martin Farmer Burns in the early 1900’s!

Baba Ramdev in India said something similar a few months ago, and look at the hue and cry and national attention he got!

Amazing, this bloody woke culture. Amazing!


Ever read what I said about 2020 being the year of the Survivor?

Well, it’s only extending into one long survival mode now ,and you can only survive – and THRIVE – as I’m sure you want to – if you’re in the best of shape my friend.

CAN you stay in shape without heading on to the gym – without the nonsensical machines – without the latte to cheer you up, the trainer to “press your shoulders”, the weights and so forth?

When the bombs are flying around you, when the WAR starts – which it will sometime – what will you do at that point?

Yeah, yeah, I know.

“We dont care”.

But you do care, friend. You do care. We all do. We all should!

The fact is, running scared never solved jack shyt

Anyway, the point is this – SURVIVE – and in order to do so? you gotta be in the best of shape physically!

The raw, primal strength that you can feel, that comes from the inside out, you’ll know when you have it!

Youll have to climb up rocks – clamber up steep hills – lift things off the ground – sprint at a minute’s notice – and way more in the sort of situation I’ve mentioned above.

Its called real life, it’s called WAR – when it hits you better be ready, friend, or …!

And can be done anywhere at anytime. No gym needed! You are the gym!

This, my friend, to me is the best part of it.

If you can drop down and give me 100 anywhere, if you can drop down – and back up – and give me 100 Hindus anywhere – well, THAT is the ticket for me.

The Tom Tom’s will no doubt get back with “not bodyweight exercise again”.

But it works, friend.

And for the Tom Tom’s – CAN you do it?

Deafening silence, I’m sure.

Anyway, the software we use here has been recording a lot of you clicking “buy” on the Rolls Royce page – but then doing nothing at all after that.

That Royce is waitin for you, friend, all you gotta do is jump in.

I can’t push you in. Neither would I want to!


So that, and the ongoing thing for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness I’m going to pull very soon.

Get both of these now, friend, truly worth it.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- And another thing – if you’re concerned about price etc – well – there’s the Ship which gives you access to everything we have for ONE price – so long as your membership stays valid ,thats all you need!

Thats right – you can simply download whatever you like for as long as you want – you dont even need to store it on your computer if you dont want!

(which given all the computer crashes and what not seems like a great option for those of yall that are getting sick of backups etc. I know I am!)

Hey, we even have a custom option for “downloads only” i.e. without the forum and other incentives the Ship offers, contact me for more on that if you want IN!

Slipping and sliding on the Ny state highways…
- Funny how the brain works!


It’s funny how the brain works, what recollections it pops up at odd moments!

I was researching the US Canada border openings – apparently not all of them have opened up as yet, at least not on the U.S. side, whereas Canada, from what I read seems to be somewhat more inclined to let folks in or whatever.

I dont know, maybe I’m not up to speed with it all, but the main news there seems to be Canada “cracking down” upon the “Alaska loophole” issue where some people apparently take advantage of the loose border restrictions for those going on to Alaska by road through Canada, or back to the “continental US” (or whatever the term is in that case).

Apparently folks stay on and “enjoy BC’s sights and sounds” was one of the laments.


Can’t blame ’em.

Canada is a damn beautiful country!

I almost went to the Canadian side of the Falls in 2000, I believe, or was it 2001 ah , yes, 2001 – unfortunately due to a glitch with some paperwork, I never made it to the other side. Pity – I’ve heard the Canadian side of the falls is even more spectacular than the U.S. side which is awe inspiring to say the least.

At the bottom of the falls, especially when the thang ain’t all frozen over -my oh my – you truly feel NATURE!

I dont know if they still do the boat down there, but they did back then.

And you gotta feel for the folks that take it upon themselves to go over the slippery and sliding rocks in a barrel.


Anyway .. the caves around Niagara were also fairly interesting.

And of course, the highways of NY in winter!

My first time there, I was “thrown in at the deep end”. Hehe.

First thing you know, I wasn’t 21 when I went, I believe – I believe I was a month or so shy when I “first went”? Maybe a couple, I cannot remember my exact age, but it was less than the 21 that “Enterprise Rent a Car” required. Hehe.

So the girlfriend used to drive, I chafed. LOL.

But that was the first month, minute I got my hands on that damn car, I’d drive.

And one fine weekend (we’d rent a car damn near every weekend, almost!) – we were driving back from Albany or something when it started to snow big time.

That didn’t seem to matter to the majority of the people on I 90 something, was it? I dont know, I’ve forgotten!

But to me, it was a terrifying experience driving the first time, at the positively pedestrian speed of 60 miles/hr, trying to keep the damn economy car we were in from slipping and sliding all over the place!

I was shitting bricks, and felt like an idiot while the rest of the world seemed to zoom past me anyway. Hehe.

Then, we got to our exit, and it was over!


Next morning, I remember Enterprise came and picked up the car, how they got it out of more than three feet of snow, I dont know. I was at work. Girlfriend got it done, thankfully.

I guess snow tyres or chains or what not woul dhave helped, but hey, coming from MS … snow wasn’t even something we had thought of much driving wise!

And that was a MILD winter in NY that year – while I froze my butt off, others were like “no big deal”.


The only other time I remember being that “deer in headlights” behind the wheel was in 2009 on a trip to Ranikhet in the nigh treachorous Himalayan roads en route to Tiger and Leopard Paradise in Northern INdia. Forests so dense at night with no lighting you wouldn’t want to get out of the car and sheer drop to (Rambo like) gushing mountain streams beneath, and you get the picture!

We were lost on that trip, and being lost in the INdian hills is no fun at night with a teeny weeny little car (again) running low on brake fluid for one, and with no fog or other ultra powerful lamps (I learned my lesson tho – got ’em installed for the next trip, which went fine , no hitches!).

But that was truly a slippery and sliding workout on the NY State highways…

Next time I encountered snow like that – or any real snow for that matter where I “lived” was of course, 2015 in China – but thankfully I wasn’t driving then!

My shoes made firm and solid contact with the mountain on that occasion.

It was a Sunday, traditionally a very busy time on there, but it was nigh deserted.

I was told not to go too, of course, David Goggins style, I had to!

Froze my butt off, slipped and slid a litte, but came back in one piece. Hehe.

Was a great workout, except I couldn’t do very much pull-ups on the metal bar outdoors!

Anyway … why am I suddenly telling you all this?

Goodness, certainly not to promote 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections

Nah – honestly, I dont know. I dont even believ eI’ve put the recollections above in that book; maybe a version of the last one, I dont know …

But my workouts are all done on terra firma friend, certainly no slipping and sliding.

And just in case you do, they get you in the best shape of your life!

Right there in your living room no less …

Go HERE to find out how.


Rahul mookerjee

The two things that NO-ONE can take away from you.
- Which are they?

Dear Friend,

Yours truly caveman is sitting in his uber dark room as usual, dark as midnight right now, it’s been that way for a while now!

The ONLY light is coming from the computer screen as I type!

I’ve done my best work fitness wise on my lonesome – lifewise as well – and writing wise too!

And while many may answer the question posed as “mind and body” (you wouldn’t be entirely wrong there in many regards), I’ll choose to give you a different answer.

When it’s all gone, or when it’s all there, all we really have – ? Is our memories – good or bad – and FUTURE plans!

  • Rahul Mookerjee, 2020

Think about that for a minute.

And I bet youve never heard it expressed that way before, much like Dr Bisland never had someone do DB coding the way I did. Hehe.

“you have a different way, but if it works, hey!”

The grader, my friend Ricky had marked it as incorrect.


It wasn’t!

But point is this, friend.

My best moments haven’t come with women, or while climbing hills (well, they did, but in a different way), while writing (they always do, but again, different!) – they’ve come when?

I was doing exactly F – all.

I dont mean be a lazy ass.

But I often, like the grizzly bear does, like the mighty tiger does sit and RUMINATE for hours without doing much.

Sometimes, I won’t even move a limb!

I just sit – and think.

I dont force myself to do so either. Ideas come. From within, as Edison I believe it was who said – or perhaps he said “from space”.

Both are ultra true.

Because both are one and the same, and we’re all connected – ever notice how you have an idea to write about something, for one, next thing you know, someone else you follow or that follows you does as well?

We are all part of the Ether, friend.

And my sitting and thinking, its either memories that flood into my brain – and LIGHT IT UP – or, it’s FUTURE PLANS.

Both of which most people think is a waste of time.

It aint either.

If you try and outwrestle your subconscious mind with your conscious (rationale, logic etc) – the latter will miserably not just fail, but completely be “obliterated” in that battle so unequal it ain’t even worthy of being called one.

When its logic vs emotion/imagination, the latter always wins, bar none.


If you’re like most people, you’re thinking doom and gloom all day – regardless of China viruses or not.

Haven’t you ever noticed that “the economy is always down”.

Hell, when it was rip roaring up, people were warning of the downs to come!

Nothing wrong with a bit of practicality and logic, friend.

What goes up often must come down – good or bad, but thats a natural law.

How many people consciously focus on the up thought and have the thought and gumption to create up x 100 in the future?

Simply saying “he’s bla blaing” as some idiot recently told me (she was denied coaching, perhaps thats why – but here is the thing – I dont coach those that are destined by virtue of their own constricting thought to be losers and Tom Tom’s) … ?

It ain’t just that either.

Question to you is this, friend.

With all the doom and gloom, crazy and not, what are YOU thinking?

OK, so you keep yourself updated with the doom and gloom.

Thats fine, to an extent you should.

But what about YOU?

The things that matter – the people that do?

And your fitness, which matters the most than any other thing… ?

What have YOU done TODAY in that regard to improve? 

What are YOUR future plans in that regard? 

What do YOU want to do in the future? 

You dont have to tell me either..

But, some THOUGHT is often of the essence.

I’m off to think a bit now – on the throne, hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those of you that have trouble going, well, a position mentioned in Isometric and Flexibility Training will DO It – without a shadow of doubt.

I’ve told you what it is before several times, so I’m not going to repeat myself again.

And, make sure to pick up the best and very only foundation there is overall for fitness – any sort – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

PS #2 – I’ve heard back from a few people on Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness, but here’s the thing – I made an exception once, but not again. So, this offer WILL fly out the door very soon – stay on the alert!

(and, to be honest, I’m getting irritated, especially with all the discounts etc we do, especially with the UNPARALLELED AND UNIQUE benefits you CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE else like I give you – people keep squawking about price)

(some dont say it, but I can feel the thinking. And again, if money “here today gone tomorrow” (dont get me wrong, it’s damn important, but..) is all you’re worried about primarily, then this ain’t the place for you – either short or long term).

Yet, “replacing your phone” is always important …

Same thing for being “always too busy”.

If something’s important, you’ll always find time for it, friend, period. Fact of life.

For said people ,well, I give up. Hehe.

But you doers you know what I mean!

Why it is almost impossible to vibrate at a super high level without regular correct EXERCISE.
- Amen!

My friend,

I’ve often spoken about the importance of vibrations.

Some, usually the Typical Tom Tom’s, and “hoo haas” have dismissed this as being “just talk that doesnt work”.

I still remember when I sent a lengthy wechat note about it in 2017 to my (then) wife.

The response I got, so acerbic it was, you might wonder how could two people that truly wanted each other to start out with HATE each other so much now.

Thats one thing.

But that aside (I could care less about the hate side of it, I get that all the time!) – the sheer tone of incredulousness in her voice, something you cannot fake, was nigh evident.

Fast forward to today, and she’s doing all she can to learn about these from the Joo Tube “gurus” and shamians “here today, gone tomorrow” with their xxxxx number of followers (when they get deplatformed, guess what happens!).

This isn’t about her preferences though.

It’s about the fact that despite the immense hardships I’ve had to go through in my life, the typical TOm Tom’s usually doing drugs on Mommy’s credit card (or was it Dad’s??) label me as “being lucky”.

“He’s the one that gets all the girls!”

Or, more accurately, as a friend once remarked (though he was a great guy!)”

“Raooool’s got all the girls!”


I love Dwayne (different Dwayne from the guy I’ve mentioned before in these emails. A true BROTHA for the ages, hehe).

I love ’em both!

But anyway, its about vibrations, friend.

It’s about connecting with your subconscious. It’s about, most importantly, trusting the magic will happen – at the right time – and when it does, voila!

You barely even register it happening, you’re so busy doing and rejoicing!

True, that period is one where you should rejoice – yet take stock of the FUTURE.

“Success is a fickle bird, for if you get complacent, it grows wings and flies away sooneth. Always remember, friend. Plenty of others waiting to take YOUR PLACE!”

Rahul Mookerjee

Jeff Bezos, for one, understands this better than anyone else.

David Goggins does too.

He describes success and getting complacent as “dont! Because that shit disappears like a flash of hot oil in a frying pan”.

I’m always amazed at people who just “Read” these words and then do exactly F -all.

Of course, not everyone’s a DOER!

But part of the key to vibrating at the highest levels, friend (and believe me, I’ve been guilty of basking in success – and YES, it DID go away! And life taught me that lesson very well like it did Napoleon Hill.

“You’ve been a stubborn student! You had to be cured of your affliction (shying away from what he was really meant to do!) through temporary disappointments and setback. GO home NOW, and put these words to paper (what he had in his mind about success then).

Outwitting the Devil) … is EXERCISE.

Regular hard exercise, and workouts that work you internally and externally. the MIND too!

Believe me, it’s not the Jim Jam at the Jim Shim pounding away and preeing and oiling that gets you there.

Those workouts are superficial.

What truly does it is REAL workouts.

Sure, you can lift weights.

But there is a way to do so, and not do so.

Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness tells you how to workout with weights if you simply must!

But it aint a book for the Tom Tom’s, I’ll say that. It ain’t got no preeing and posing either, so please be aware of that before buying.

It’s down to earth hard hitting training info with weights – and the workouts you’ll see incorporate BOTH weights and bodyweight in a SENSICAL manner.


Bottom line, your workouts should leave you feel energized!

Or, if they’re the long ass ones I did – drained – YET ENERGIZED at the end of it!

I’ve pumped and toned when I was young, friend, and not only did I not feel energized – I was growing fatter by the day and more miserable.

I could barely run around the block even after watching the nth re-rerun of Rocky, drunkenly deciding “I’l do it tomorrow” – andthen tomorrow, I could barely do it!


I haven’t ran in over a month.

You can bet though if I had to, I’d sprint up stairs like nothing (with a brief warm up).

And I wouldn’t even feel it the next day like I wrote about the other day.

But more on vibration.

Recently, a decision had to be made regarding some paperwork.

A lot of it, in fact.

It was supposed to be done NOW i.e. August.

For some reason, I pre-poned it “lets it get done NOW!”

And it’s done now. And as I look outside, the inclement weather makes me wonder “what if I had done it per the original plan”?

(Nah, this ain’t about the Shanghai typhoon, but remember, I lived in an area for years which might as well be Cherrapunji! (in China, hehe)). I’m not a stranger to rain, reference that last post I wrote!

But the original plan was something else, yet, my subconscious changed it, and it was all for the better.

“whatever happens happens for the best” as a guy recently told me.

I’ve always believed so too, friend.

And vibrations, those vibrations are how you attract – either good or bad – into your life.

Vibrations are what decide how your life is going – NOW.

Sure, you could dismiss all this as hoo haa.

But it’s not.

Of course, convincing those that will never be is a losing battle, you’d be better off not even trying.

But back to fitness . . .

Yes, there ARE some exceptions to this rule – but very few.

Truly exceptional exceptions.

Even in those cases, you’ll find a lot of movement -and not sitting on rumpus the whole day.

Trump once famously declared “exercise depletes my batteries, so I dont need it” (something to that nature).

But look at all the rallies he does all the running around, all the energy, all the walking … for a man over 70 something, thats a hell of a lot anyway!

I dont much like Obama – never really have.

I don’t like Biden either, and I’m starting to like him a lot less as I see more and more of him “the true self”. Before, he had the “nice old guy” routine which I almost fell for, now, you’re seeing the real Joe!

Thats how liberals are.

And as a great customer told me in May “the media created that image for him”.

Spot on, as always.

Creepy Joe and Hyena Harris, I call ’em.

(I never liked Harris from the word go. FAKE!!!)

But back to Obama and Biden.

There is a lot to admire about how these men have kept themselves in shape despite the rigors of the Oval Office (as opposed to Hyena Harris – you can see the lard piling on daily despite her idiotic video of “Joeeeeeeeee we won!” while jogging when she was given the news last year).

I dont agree with how Biden does it.

But hey, to each his own – and if he truly does pushups?

Well, spot on Joe!

Obama too.

Of course, the best PResidents have been avid exercisers.

Teddy Roosevelt, I believe he was so tough they tried to shoot him once during a rally, the bullet got in his “lapel button” or something, it penetrated the skin too – he simply pulled it out and kept speaking!

True story.

Real strongman.

Then Raegan, I believe, one of the all time greats who used the Power Wheel, something you’re going to read about in Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness.

No, it’s not just about book on weight training.

In fact, barbells and dumbbells don’t even MAKE IT IN.

Kettlebells do though!

So thats that for now – friend. I think I’ll go work a bit on the book – the kettlebell section.

In the meantime, remember everything I’ve said before – all very true!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Irwin, thanks for your order – youll get yours PRONTO once done!

And those of you, and there seem to be quite a few still “on the fence” about getting it, well, I dont know what to tell you.

Except, life waits for nobody, friend…

Wanna get left behind, well, be my guest.

Don’t wanna ? Be my guess there too!

When people dont change, the daily power of habit, and more…
- I was starting this out otherwise, but...!


I was starting this email out by talking to you about habit, showers, and so forth, something I’ve often spoken about.

But as I do certain things, as I think about my life, where I want to BE in a month – year – 5 years – and so forth, I gotta rap about other, related things.

Most of us don’t even think where we “want to be” beyond a wistful “I wish”.

Curiously enough, the terminology “what if” is hardly ever used.

I dreamed a large, luxury hotel last night right by the sea – sort of like the Marco Polo I stayed in years ago in Hong Kong.

True 5 star hotel, great service, great everything, right by the side.

My hotel was in “Macau”. Maybe that meant Hong Kong! Hehe.

But either way, thats a simplistic example.

But lets say someone really, really wants to stay at a hotel like that.

How do you do it?

Instantly, the brain will bring you 10,0000 reasons as to why you CANNOT do it.

And, what you keep seeing on social she-dia these days i.e. the Tom Tom’s talking about “those useless motivational speakers” that never do it themselves (curiously, these idiots living on their wives and girlfriends – what are they “doing” by saying it?) …

Rare is the person who looks at a goal practically impossible NOW, and says – “what if it WAS possible”.

What if I did this – took these actions – changed these things – and voila, I’m there!

Refer to what I wrote to you last night about Michael Bevan, thats another example.

No, my friend, while the world may be crazy around you, it doesnt mean YOU have to be crazy as well!

Personally, for me, every time I’ve REALLY wanted to do something – the heavens have opened for me – and in ways I’ve never think possible.

Routes were smoothed out, decisions were made, and all “on the spur of the moment” .. .much like a couple I made this morning.

If you trust the gut, that is what happens, friend.

Precious few people do.

Then you have those people that “just won’t change”.

When you ask them to do something that would benefit THEM eventually, they won’t do it because “how dare he tell me”.

So true – you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.

Far too many people make the mistake of attempting to change others.

DOn’t do it, friend.

Yours truly is a perfect example of how people have tried to change, browbeat, mould me into something THEY Want – and can Tom Tom to others – family included.

Ultimately, I’ve never done it.

Ultimately, i’ve always known its what makes YOU happy that counts.

Unless YOU are happy, you’ll never make others happy.

Simple fact of life, bro.

Not changing is also why people end or leave relationships – again I’ve been there!

Sometimes, there are situations you cannot control.

But you can always control YOU – and your reaction to the situation – and what you make of it.

Life wasn’t always supposed to be fair, as David Goggins often says, and given his background, I’d listen to him!

There is a very good reason he is mentioned on the sales page for the book on “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within weeks!

Some may think it’s yet another book on pull-ups.

It ain’t either, friend.

Each one of David Goggins quotes, much like what Trump says, much like what Bezos says – much like what Napoleon Hill says – I could have written them!

Here is another gem he wrote (I’m paraphrasing) –

“You’re not stuck making less money than you think you should because of Trump, politics, or whatever reason. It’s because of YOU!”

Goggins hits hard, friend.

And for a guy that did pull-up workouts galore like Goggins did and still does – truly SUPER STUD level, it all resonates with me.

Like the time Goggins had to do 100 plus pull-ups.

(again, there is a REASON Doug Hepburn and a few others are on that page!)

He did one less rep on the last set.

That last rep haunted him.

That night, he came back – re-did it all again!

Hey, I get it bro.

As a client of mine once said,

“I feel you! I can see your passion for fitness!”

True dat.

I’ve ALWAYS completed what I set out to do workout wise. Cracked thumb, bleeding chin, hot weather, cold weather, rain – sleet – trees falling around me, I’d lace those damn shoes up, often smelly and stinky from the LAST workout, often soggy WET with all the rain, and I’d go again – for hours.

THAT is dedication.

THAT is life changing.

And when Goggins, former Navy Seal, Ranger, and far more says it, you can bet your bottom dollar it ain’t just some motivational hoo haa.

When Rahul Mookerjee says it, you can believe it too!

And on the power of habits – THAT is how it’s formed.

You DO, do, DO until not doing becomes ALIEN to you.

And it dont take that long, friend.

20-30 days is usually all it takes for people to form a new habit.

For example, there was a time in my life I couldn’t wake up without taking a shower first thing- or, having my coffee, taking a dump, then shower.

That was my routine for years.

I cannot remember the last time I woke up and had coffee. Hehe.

Tea, yes.

I cannot remember the last time I rushed to the shower in the morning.

It doesn’t even feel alien now!

I ALWAYS shower at night, but thats a habit I might change again… I dont know.

These days, and indeed for months, I’ve been doing brief workouts throughout the day that I’ve written about so often that keep me in super shape.

So can YOU.

I feel strange when I don’t do ’em!

Initially, for a guy that pumped out Ironman like hill climbs galore, this sort of thing felt strange and “not enough”.

After seeing the RESULTS though, I was addicted – hooked!

So question begets, my friend.

Are YOU willing to step up and take control of your life – despite the craziness?

There’s never been a better time in my opinion – when the herds grow by the day, REMOVE yourelf from that herd.

BE something.



And fitness wise, the road to super fitness starts with the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

15 minutes and your living room is all I ask of YOU, friend.

Not a hell of a lot to ask, I’d think!

Get your orders in – write back with your workouts and how they’ve nigh CHANGED and TRANSFORMED you both mentally and physically.

I’ll share ’em with the world!


Rahul Mookerjee