I wonder what “Ahmed” would have called ladies. Girls, chickies, or ladies?
- That whiny comment I got ... !


A long time ago, I worked a very crappy job indeed in the Middle East, which of course due to a) an amalgamtion of circumstances (no, I did not create those!) and b) my own doings (after a), I figured, phock, why not) I did all I could to get canned from.

Eventually, I succeeded. Hehe.

But that job was a total crap job, in fact, it was one of those jobs in the Middle East where apparently “everyone from India was a “menial worker”” and the Arabs were entitled as phock (dont know if that still happens, probably to a degree?) – and of course, the company heads were Indians, but they pandered to the Arabs in the same degree.

I still remember one person telling me when I brought goose and gander up.

“It’s their country! They can do it, we can’t!”



Like, lets take the U.S.

Do Americans – or anyone – doing a shoddy job or not at all get away “Its America, so we can!”


It’s about pandering. Bottom line. Plain and fuckin simple!

And of course these days back Stateside, good ole (not) Hiden “creepy Joe” biden has made sure that illegal immigrants and criminals have MORE rights than legal folks.

I shit you NOT. Just look at what is happening on the borders there – and in many places!

But anyway …

Ahmed was one of those guys who whether he knows it or not (probably not) – was a perfect example of NATURAL MARKETING!

He was just … well, I’ll give you an example.

He was the backslapping, beer drinking type (yes, despite the hoo haa about liqor being illegal in the Middle East without permits and crap, and Muslims not drinking – guess what. EVERYONE DOES).

Ugh, that bootleg I once drank!

Anyway, he was that sort.

He was working IT with me – they called us “technicians” instead of engineers. LOL.

You might get pissed reading this, but as I’ve said before, that company, everyone laughed at everyone, so …

But anyway, a huge black bag showed up with one day with servers or some shit.

It was unpacked.

Then I saw Ahmed at the back of the room.

A rustling noise was coming.

And I looked back, and here was Ahmed, about as tall as me (not quite as phat as I was back then, hehe, but hey – I still had the GRIP! As Ahmed said “he’s very STRONG!” – when they tried to grip my hand, and he did, I gave him the GORILLA!) … trying to wriggle his way into the black bag.

On a whim.

PIcture this, a full grown adult trying to wriggle into a garbage bag and you’ve got an idea how comic it was – now add the Arab robes (bedouin, or whatever it’s called)in, and you’ve got the IDEA!

It was hilarious. We laughed up a storm.

Dish-dash-a I believe not bedouin?? I dont know, Abaya? I dont know, can’t remember, but those words … ah yes.

Abaya was that sexy thing women wear, with gleaming eyes showing, and plenty of unhidden LUST  in many cases. Dishdasha, the men …

(can’t quite recall what Bedouin means, hehe).

Anyway, I loved the Balochs there. 


And more INdian than yours truly, hehe, ever could be!

We love India, they kept saying. They DID, right down to BOllywood (they hate Pakistan with a fervor and passion).

Hamidullah, in case a certain “Farooq” is reading this. What a great guy he was, solid character!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Ahmed.

One afternoon I walked into work after lunch (Ahmed sat in front of me).

I fully expected to find him sleeping or something.

Instead, there he was, watching sloshy porn with headphones on, and not bothering who was looking. Hehe.

Of course he didnt care.

The company pandered to them to such a great extent that he was impossible to fire (dont know about NOW, but back then thats how it was).

And with all the whiny nonsense coming in about “calling women women and not chicks” , I wonder what the great, hehe, Ahmed would have said.

(Hey, he was a good guy actually. Just brutal, not so much as me, but similar!)

“Call them bitches” would have been his response.

ask him. LOL!

Funnily enough, women seem to get away with calling each other bitches all the time, rating each other tits and what not, yet, a man does it, it’s wrong?

When women talk about you know what sizes, is it big (like I keep getting asked “I want to see your big wang”) or if it’s teeny Bozo flapping in a teenier breeze … its OK.

When men do it, its wrong?



Anyway, Ahmed was nothing if not brutally honest.

He once calle dme an “fucking” A hole for not showing up to work on Saturday, or not wanting to, hehe.

That I am!

He also shook my hand when he got a better job!

“Friends foreever”, I remember him saying.

Thats my man. My  (sandy, hehe) nikka!

Not a Bozo like “Manny from Philippines” who bears grudges for years. Like Uncle Bob said, drunken argument, get over it ALREADY.

He never did, of course.

Anyway, where am I going with all this.

I dont know.

I was going to give yo u another Ahmed special.

Ah yes.

Here it is!

After lunch, his “supervisor” (of sorts, apparently), an INdian dude questioned him meekly about work (it seemed like the other way around i.e. he was the boss Ahmed, and supervisor was the supervised. “because he was Indian” or some BS. Phock that. yet another reason I LEFT!

ABILITY, folks, not BS!)

he replied with some inanity.

And then, apparently the water was out in the bathrooms or something and he complained to “Anupam” (India dude) about it.

Anupam shrugged his shoulders, like “wtf can I do”.

True, lol. /

Ahmed –

“But then how we wash our hands after we go poo poo !”

Trust me, this guy was a character!

Bozo would love him, hehe, except Ahmed would probably whoop his ass big time!

Anyway where am I going with allt his again.

I dont know …

Except to say this, be a real man, friend.

And TRAIN real man style.

Get your pre-order in for the best damn course in “dat” regard right now, hehe.

Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness. 


Rahul Mookerjee

And really, friend.

I’ve got weary of asking you so please dont make me ask again.

Get the Collector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness, only TWO COPIES lying around – the rest all sold like hotcakes, now these two, they’re sitting around.

I love the book.

But it needs go NOW – to YOU!

Grab this now, friend, and those that do within the next hours – you’ll get a special offer in your Inbox!

PPS – What to call them?

Well, In China, I call them ladies.

“How dare you! We’re not old!”


Then I call them “girls”.

“Were ladies!”

Then I ask them what to call ’em.

They giggle.


What can I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LAdies, we love YOU!

Bad Boys forever, hehe. REAL BAD BOYS!

Then you have those that ask “if you’re married”.

You say no.

“why you not married!”

OK, so I am.

“Why you talking to me!” (she’ll never ask why she’s talking to YOU, hehe).

I swear. It’s just hilarious, folks, and yours truly brings it ALL TO YOU!

Why manipulating emotions is a trick ALL GREAT MARKETERS use – bar none!
- Either naturally or not ...

And it doesnt’ necessarily happen the way you think, friend.

Sometimes, folks use the “feel sorry for me” emotion so often and so much, that the other person just relents.

They do it naturally ins ome cases, in some cases, they “learn”.

MOST scammers for one – at least the predatory types like Bozo Schofield use do this naturally.

They make the other person, lonely or not feel so sorry for them that they’d do anything to “help” ’em … and of course, once the money goes, away flies the Bozo.

Hey, I know.

Even yours truly “seasoned” tried helping the Bozo, of course, I stopped short of financial or anything like that, and called him out ALL THE TIME on his B.S. including when he smeared other people in the WeChat group I owned …

But I did try and help him, even me!

Which of course, I dont know, I’m a nice guy, I’ll try and help folks naturally, it’s what I do – like Mandy said –

“You can help people, both physically and mentally”



Bozo wasn’t.

Anyway, I remember my Uncle and Aunt once discussing Rambo II with me when I was in college.

Hehe, in 1997 I think …

First, Rambo I.

You end up feeling sorry for him!” my Uncle said about that movie.


The entire movie is built on the premise of making people feel sorry for Stallone -much like happened with Rocky, except that happened in a more natural manner, but First Blood Part ONe, was pretty natural too!

IN Two, of course, he turns into a stud.

I know, Mandy.

How dare I objectify Stallone by calling him a stud, eh.

Or, is it no goose and gander ie. All OK for men, but not for women? All OK when women say something, but men say the same thing, not ok?

I dont think so!!

Anyway, my Aunt responded with a censorious look …

(she was actually gorgeous. Hehe, but the look … )

“he had to apologize to many people!”

(Stallone racking up the body count in Rambo II).

Maybe he did.

But point is (and my Aunt also gav eme a long lecture about how I shouldn’t be all alone “out here” at the age of 17, and how if she had kids (which I think she does, wel, she DOES, two) she would “never send them” anywhere at that age … hey, what can I say, Ma’am – or Auntie, in this case. I’m a pathblazer! TRAILBLAZER!)

I’ve always been that. Hehe. Plus, there were other factors at work, but bottom line – well, there were others I won’t get into here, but I wanted FREEDOM – as I always do and did and will!




Its so worth it!

Point being emotions.

Trump does this so well all the time.


He simply plays on similar emotions “naturally”. Thats who he is!

Anger, rage, frustration, Trumps a master at manipulating those too!

But yeah, if you’re dealing with scammers like Bozo, yes, the first thing you’ll see they do?

They try and make you feel sorry for them.


And since they’re so damned lazy, like the Gigolo in one of James Hadley Chase’s books I so loved “Helga Rolfe the Nympho” (I didnt say that, Chase did, and she was upfront about it too!) … they amount to nothing in life.

“I looked at the gigolo, and suddenly felt nothing but CONTEMPT for him”, thought Archer. “What I’d have given to be in his position!”

(this was when gigolo did the only thing he could do i.e. make billionarie lady Helga feel sorry for him, do a damn fine job in bed, his only area of expertise – – unfortunately for Glyn, he ain’t even got that going for him – all he does in bed is “tongue up ass” … and Helga offered him a partnership in her million dollar enterprise!)

Sometimes, I feel the same way about Boozo.

Fuck, all the opportunies he’s got on a platter HANDED to him, right from Mommy’s American Express Credit card whenever he needed it.

If I had all that, I’d be a bazillionarie by now!

Come to think of it, I prefer being in the trenches and LEARNING. Hehe.

And then getting to whereever I want to be.


Anyway, thats the emotion part out of the way.

“you sell all the time”, like a Bozo recently claimed.


I didnt even put too many links in all that!

But I’m brutal – in your face – and I market all th etime, yes.

But I do it in a way that slips past the radar, and it doesn’t fit any sort of conventional playbook on HOW to.

Read the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales, you’ll know!

Be yourself, folks!

Thats really what it boils down to … and BE HONEST!

And as for you, the reader reading this – write back – let me know what YOU Think!

I’m out – back soon!

(as for you, Mandy, remember, Glyn Bozo gave you my email so you could “forget” about what Bozo did to you).


Unless, of course, you want to be fleeced again by the Bozo or others (mark my words, THAT is why- another reason – he sent YOU – MY EMAIL! -so you could “forget”, then “forgive”, give him dough again, and then of course- vicious cycle), thats your choice. I know if I were you, I’d be applying for coaching right about now, I’d be saying THANK YOU, RAHUL, not this “whiny inanity” you’re sending, but hey ..


Rahul Mookerjee

PS. – Today is the LAST day for the pre-order for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness. IF enough people want me to extend it, I will, otherwise, it’s gONE NOW. (today).

And remember, write back and tell me if you want any other implements in that book other than whats mentioned, since we’re nearing COMPLETION!


Like the last one was… (is)…

PS #2 – Folks, stop feeling “offended” for inanity. The great doers of the world don’t feel offended. They take what they perceive as insult as FODDER to hammer the BOZOS with – and they succeed.

If every millionarie alive would spend time whining about their lonely hearts for one, they’d get NOWHERE.

Be a winner, not a loser!

And if you are, or want to learn HOW – well – pick up Gumption Galore now. Trust me, from Rahul Mookerjee in the trenches, along with zero to HERO! – you’ll LOVE IT!

Why I prefer calling women chicks (on occasion) and what I need your input on – and more!
- Amazing how ENTITLED some people can be. Hehe.

From the Bozo to Charles to now a certain “Mandy” …

Who we decided we wouldn’t mention again, but of course, much like the Bozo himself “el scammer” shes stuck to this site like a limpet.

Now, first off, lots of people ask me “why I dont reply to them personally”.

Friend, it’s just not possible to reply to ALL inquiries personally – especially with the amount of marketing we’ve been doing.

But if it’s a question that deserves an answer (sometimes even if it doesn’t) – you’ll see it on the emails – and the site most likely!

(By the way, and just so you know – ALL emails are NOT posted on the site. Most are, but what I show the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship members, what I send them in terms of emails etc – all of that is normally not on the site – or if it is, it’s “private” for members only).

The Ship my friend is truly a value packed deal you need to jump on NOW.

Not only does it ensure that you have access to ALL products digitally, it also means you have FAR greater chance of your question – fitness related or not – answered by “the man himself”. 

And, not to mention the forum I keep talking about – where you can share your stories, tales IN PRIVATE – with the other doers!

Remember, it’s one thing to get advice from me (coaching etc). But it’s quite another to talk about your progress etc with like minded trainee – or those trying to motivate each other – or achieve something in LIFE!

Anyway, that out of the way, here’s the whiny email I got this morning –

(seems the Bozo attracts exactly that, i.e. whiny sorts who “can’t help but visit yours truly’s site”. Hey, I get it. Plenty of people hate me, but they all sign up to read and hear what I have to say anyway!)

(see yesterday’s post about why blocking Bozo Bo(o)zo beyond a certain point would be fruitless and pointless. He’d find a way anyway to contact me!)

Anyway, she referenced THIS post … Bozo Schofield and the 5000(00) he stole “ongoing saga” (rahulmookerjee.com) 

She quoted this part …

It’s nothing short of hilarious, friend.

The Bozo has given (as y’all know) my email address to the chick he stole money from “Mandy whoever” who like many others was gullible enough to fall for the Bozos scammy words and such.

Then she quoted this from some other post – but she won’t mention which one –

This was, if memory serves right, the same chick from whom Glyn stole “5000 RMB” by acting all innocent and “the blue eyed boy that just lost his job” and other rubbish, and fleeced her money. Chinese girls can be SO simplistic at times!

And then this –

From my deep heart,I don’t like to be opened the scar to public,I prefer you to delete all “Mandy”‘s stories from you post.But I know you want to save other astray women and warn people,if you still want to post,pls remove “Chick” and any Chinese from your post,and change to use neutral calling like “women” or “girls” objectively.

I dont know where she got the last bit from, but probably someplace . Tons of people have been emailing me and asking about the Bo(o)zo.

Along with his “Tiny Todger” rants, they’ve even made it into an autoresponder for everyone that signs up. Bozo, we will never forget you!


But I gotta say a few things here, friend.

First, people can be so goddamned ENTITLED!

I mean, let’s see.

This chick has been pestering me with emails sent to MY Address – obviously she didnt bother to research who “rahulmookerjee” was and believed the Bozo blindly – and now wants ME to EDIT what I said ?

I helped her the best I could via email and not, and notice one thing that I dID NOT BRING UP AS YET.

SHE DID NOT APOLOGIZE – even once – for the misunderstanding and all the long emails which I had nothing to do with to be very FRANK!

Thats right. 

This lady apologized NARY ONCE!

ENTITLED is what comes to mind!

Now she wants me to “censor my speech”?

Now, Idont know what ya’ll think.

I had honored her request not to mention here again on the site. Thats fine.

But from a chick that could have easily asked me first “Hey, is this Glyn” – and I mean, come on, it’s bloody obvious – the mental level of someone that thinks “rahulmookerjee” is anyway associated with the Bozo, is, well, the same sort of idiots he fleeces …

Like attracts like, like I said. Hehe.

And now she’s complaining about calling women chicks?

if you still want to post,pls remove “Chick” and any Chinese from your post,and change to use neutral calling like “women” or “girls” objectively.

Honey, here’s a simple fact.


I post what the hell I WANT.

Not what “you deem right to post”.

Emails and posts are NOT CENSORED – they’re raw, honest, brutal – and TRUE!

My followers follow me till the end of the earth not necessarily because I’m the bodyweight exercise Guru and the Stella Artois of Fitness.

It’s because I speak the truth – and tell people the TRUTH in a brutal and harsh manner. 

Thats who Iam, who I’ve been all my life, and I ain’t changing for you, any chick, my Mama, Bo(o)zo or anyone else.

Shades of Nazi feminism, anyone??

As for “saving astray women” – I’m hardly a white knight. Far from it. Hehe.

I am who I am.

But removing “Chinese” from the post?

She claims that –

About the second link,I found “chick” twice in the post.And you also strengthen Chinese girls.And that made me uncomfortable .He stayed in China for the longest time,it’s his fault to hurt many girls locally.It’s not related to nationality but for his bad character.If he stays in Korea or any other countries,then these women are in other nationality.

Now, this is utter TOSH AND HOGWASH.

Lets see, can you imagine a SINGLE girl in the UK, for instance, giving anything to the Bo(o)zo?

Not saying it wouldn’t happen. It might. But the chances are slim and next to none, and none just left town.

India. Malaysia. Anywhwere. It’s only China where certain people worship “foreign devils” as being “God incarnate”, especially if they’re dancing monkeys at schools that this sort of thing happens.

Interesting she mention another country I have NO intention of ever visiting – Korea.

Lets see the Bozo try that in Japan, for one!

True, it ain’t about nationality here.

But it’s about HOW the people of that country perceive others, and how dancing monkeys are … well, thats not entirely accurate.

The Chinese have long woken up to the fact that “foreigner” doesnt mean Gold, and often times it’s often the opposite – as you can see from the Bozo’s case, cheating, looting, scamming i.e. that it’s exactly the people WE would rather NOT have in our own countries that show up in China, for one!

Apparently it hasn’t trickled down to the Aunties and Mama’s though, and hey, Ig et it.

I wouldn’t have mentioned it anyore.

But to tell ME to censor what I say?

It ain’t happening, lady.

Here is what I told Charles about the same thing (a former friend and the Bo(o)zo’s current (one of them) “madness enabler”) …

Now, the million dollar question.

YES! ?

Why do I call girls chicks, and “honey”, and all sorts of oh so bad names?

Well, I’ve been a “bad boy” all my life, hun.

And that ain’t changing.

And hey, let’s face it.

Personally, I dont think its a bad thing women being women and not uber aggressive social justice warriors or Nazi feminists, and men being REAL MEN, and not cuckolded Bozos or what not “in ass” as it were.

Men like women – real men do, at least.

And thats all I gotta say about that!

Not to mention – here’s another sage question.

Women seem to have the right to call each other these terms all the time.

I noticed one calling herself  “floozy” the other day.

Yet, when a man says it, he’s “abusive”?

Fock that, lady.

The abuse is happening from someone that stole money from you, looted you, scammed you, lured you in with false tales and promises, and is doing the same to others right about now, and has done so all his life (not to mention steal from his friends, get kicked out on the road in his underwear, and plenty of other things you have no idea about).

I’d suggest you focus on THAT – i.e the REAL issues as opposed to whine about a guy who was at least kind enough to give you space on his site and talk about this BS.

I’d suggest you focus on what the Bozo has said to me publicly as well .. .

Anyway, thats my take on it, chickie. Hehe. Or “Madam” (which I called her in the last email I sent her, because I predicted precisely something like THIS happening, lo, it happened!) … but of course, Madam didnt notice “Madam”, she just noticed chicks.

Cant win for losing.

Anyway, you guys KNOW what I mean. I’ve been sending out emails over this galore! Hehe.

So here is what I need your input on …

Those that have purchased the book on Nazi feminism – THANK YOU!

Leroy, thanks for your kind words!

“Mike, you make me blush and thats not easy, I’m black!”

I got that from a stud on another site.

Oh wait.

How dare I call him a stud and objectify him. Hehe.

Why not call him a “man”.

Well, I call myself a stud too on this page. Really, these SJW rants are dumb, dumb, DUMBEST! SO STOOOOOOOOOOO-PID!

But anyway, he ain’t Leroy.

Leroy bought the book – and he loved it.

So did a lot of you guys.

But guys, write back – LET ME KNOW what you thought!

Second, the pre-order on Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness ends NOW – and I want YOU to tell me this – in addition to the implements listed on the page – are there any OTHERS you’d want me to put in?

Remember, this is a behemoth, the best ever, so I’m asking you – YOUR voice is the only one that counts here (in terms of the exercise stuff, the books, etc etc).

So write back – let me know.

I’d ask YOU about the chick thing too, but if you’re a real man, you’re likely chuckling reading this anyway. Hehe.

Anyway, that, my friend, is that for now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The workout from the DEVIL INCARNATE.
- Truly!

Some horror movies are just laughable, friend.

But some – well, they’re nigh classics!

Like the Exorcist, one of the first in its genre about the devil “possessing” a young girl.

Come to think of it, in real life, it’s the Bozo who needs to be exorcised to get the demons out. Hehe.

But that movie was a classic, although I don’t believe in all that rubbish – what people call paranormal to me is just spirit – hell, I’ve often spoken to said spirits (yes, I know you probably think I’m drunk when I say that, but I’m not!! Haha. I’m drunk on LIFE though, as I perennially am) …

… and if there are two scenes that will remain in mind (I didnt quite like the later movies they maed in that series – boring – but I loved the first – classic!) …

one, the girl levitating to the top of the ceiling, th eterrifying shrieks.

All crudely done, yes.

But effective!

Like my workouts, I suppose. Hehe. EFFECTIVE

And second, more importantly here and PERTINENTLY?

IF you can’t guess which one by now – you ain’t a serious fitness fanatic – or you ain’t on 0 Excuses Fitness, friend. No exceptions, no ifs, no buts!

Or butts. Hehe.

Or “fags”. LOL.

Sorry, had to deviate a bit and play “devils advocate”.

But, really, that scene where the kid goes into a bridge.

Easy peasy.

AND WALKS … while in that position!

And walks … DOWN stairs!

Now, remember this, friend.

Getting into a gymnastic bridge alone is hard enough for most people, even more so than the regular bridge.


Your shoulders, traps, core, all will shake like the Bozos ding dong in a teeny breeze the first time you do it.

I mea n, this is one of the best exercises you can do.

The pose on the front page shows me doing it on one arm – super tough.

Then you go fingertips, as Ive mentioned in the book on the BEST DARN exercise ever.

Then you … well, do the best damn exercise ever!

And then – what I ain’t brought to you in my books as yet?

Is advanced gymnastics!

Or, more accurately, the next book in the offing. Advanced Bridging!

It contains amongst many other things – how to walk in the bridge – and how to do so UPSTARIS – downstairs – and on level ground – and uphill and downhill!

Advanced Hill Training gives you a simple version of this in the crab walk.

But believe me, what I’m gonna put out in Advanced Bridging will be a) so advanced you’ll be working on it for ages, and b) completely unlike anything I’ve put out before.

For now, remember that the bridge and all its variants taught in 0 Excuses Fitness is MORE than enough by itself to get rid of back pain which in some cases has persisted for years – build a lower back and core like steel – strengthen and stretch beyond belief – and of course, the best damn exercise, is well, the best darn exercise … truly makes you feel better than anything you’ve done before!

And for now, the key book to focus upon is the upcoming Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness.

Pre-order runs out in 2 days.

So hurry, and get your order in now before the price skyrockets – yet again.

This is truly special!


Rahul Mookerjee

Amazon employees drinking beer at work now? ?
- Too funny...

I Was speaking of bottom of the barrel scum in China, was I not in the last post?

Like a certain Bozo Schofield from Brum who not only showed up for his so called classes (he did nothing but leer at the female parent’s backsides, ugh) DRUNK – he was stoned most of the time too.

Literally, I remember several manic messages from him once at a job in Foshan, China …

“Rahul, which way is my class!!!”

HE sent this about 10 times or more while stumbling about and making strange “gargling noises”.

He even sent me a “gargoyle” like selfie (no, I’m not making it up. Bozos forgotten, but it’s on my WeChat. Haha).

Like I know, or care, you Bozo. I dont do dancing monkey, and I wouldn’t touch a school crazy enough to hire you with a flagpole anyway (even if it’s a flagpole as mentioned on the other site! Haha)

Anyway, ya’ll know about his bipolar, paranoia, schizoprenia and so forth – and his paedophilia, cheating and scamming gullible women, then making threats against them when they complained … and so forth.

Literally, he’s the most abusive person I’ve ever met – and the stories are ALL starting to fall out of the woodwork now.


Like even your friend Charles said, Glyn,

The truth always comes out.



But anyway, The Bozo once took a dump in class if you can believe it.

I know.

I know.

You’d associate this with rowdies at football stadiums too drunk to know the seat isn’t a toilet …

… So was Glyn Bozo. Right smack in the middle of class, dont ask me how they “carried him away” there.

No wonder with his drugs, visa overstays and what not, he got deported. Truly a loon x 100.

But this ain’t about him …

It’s about the best and greatest company ever Amazon!

I read the following on Wired today.

Here’s the orignal article – The slow collapse of Amazon’s drone delivery dream | WIRED UK

Apparently Prime Air in the UK is not doing so well, which I can understand.

End of the day, you can automate processes all you like, but somewhere, someplace, a HUMAN being has to be involved.

Amazon understands this FAR better than most other big companies. Trust me on this!

Their customer service over the past month or so – at least for me – has improved dramatically after the last month where I literally tore my hair out with them.

Someone’s listening at Amazon – trust me!

Jeff Bezos KNOWS no-one is too big to fail – I can feel it!

Not so the nut that runs Google apparently given their shoddy service and complete lack of regard for the customer (no wonder their top Vp’s all quit, and are quitting by the dozen daily)

And not so MANY other big companies.

Amazon is, and continues to be the sole shining light – at least for me – and I WILL continue doing business with them!

Anyway, this is how the article starts –

Well over 100 employees at Amazon Prime Air have lost their jobs and dozens of other roles are moving to other projects abroad as the company shutters part of its operation in the UK, WIRED understands. Insiders claim the future of the UK operation, which launched in 2016 to help pioneer Amazon’s global drone delivery efforts, is now uncertain.

Those working on the UK team in the last few years, who spoke on condition of anonymity, describe a project that was “collapsing inwards”, “dysfunctional” and resembled “organised chaos”, run by managers that were “detached from reality” in the years building up to the mass redundancies.

They told WIRED about increasing problems within Prime Air in recent years, including managers being appointed who knew so little about the project they couldn’t answer basic work questions, an employee drinking beer at their desk in the morning and some staff being forced to train their replacements in Costa Rica. Amazon says it still has staff working for Prime Air in the UK, but has refused to confirm headcount.

Well, well, well!

Maybe THAT explains all the problems.

Too many Glyn SChofield types in Amazon showing up drunk for work, and hey, Iget it.

Monotonous job, and it’s all mostly automated, but with deliveries not showing up on time, if at all, customer care often “could care less” – and items missing from orders, and even the automated refunds sometimes taking days to show up … you gotta wonder.



But anyway, jokes aside, Amazon is a great company – more so its founder.

And though Jeff is no longer the CEO, he’s in a very prominent role yet – UNLIKE “Larry and Serge” in Google.

Jeff is ultimately still who the CEO reports to, at least until the man goes to Mars and settles down there with his Spanish enamorata. HEhe.


What can I say.


Enough said!


Anyway, I dont know bout Mars so much as I do what is happening here on planet Earth NOW, my friend.

And I do know one damn thing.

YOU have to be – and remain – in the best damn shape of your life to cope with, as they’re rightly saying above, the utter chaos to come.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

And if you can survive whats to come, as alonzo Harris said in Training Day?

A whole another world will open up to you, son!

PREPARE – both mentally – and physically – they go together!

And the system that will MAKE You do so even if you dont consciously want to is HERE.

Go get some now.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Hey, the dude in the article popped open a Stella of all things – KINDRED SPIRITS! Heh.

PPS – And Glyn Bozo ain’t the only one who went to the toilet when he shouldnt have, hehe. Remember the story of the lady that pooped on no less than subway station in China – wouldn’t even clean her mess up – and her husband stood guard?

True story. Not  to mention, the Chinese lady who put her feet up at Starbucks. Bozo would have had kittens!

Poor Ole Blighty, hehe.
- I've been saying it for a while now!!

I’ve been saying it for a while, of course.

The Scum of the Earth Bozo Schofield who got deported from first China, then damn near from Hong Kong and then ended up almost jumping off a bridge or something after doing drugs galore in the Phillippines and after his money ran out – well, end of the day, he ended up in Brum.

Poor Brum.

I’m sure with all the logs stuck in sewers there, or what not they could do without Glyn Bozo.

The UK in general is a GREAT cOUNTRy!

I was thinking of this last night.

I love all of Europe, but the UK has always had a special place in my heart.

Not just because I’ve got great customers from there, not just because Ive worked with people there – and not just because of my great friends there.

It’s (despite it’s colonial past which I’m sure is all water under the bridge, at least it is for me) a DEMOCRACY – a free country – and along with the US, there are few countries I’d rate higher.

Unfortunately, they’ve got Glyn Bozo to deal with.

I’d Twitter ole Boris about it, but he’d tear his hair out dealing with loonies like that!

Truly, we should ship the Bozo to the Amazon and let him eat leaves or whatever in the jungle. hehe.

Trouble is, the tribals would run after he “went after their buttholes” there. Ugh, what a lunatic.

Anyway …


Thanks for your sincere reply.Ok,then keep the last post on your blog about “Mandy” to warn other people,but not more.

I knew his many things after I rescued him from Philipine and introduced him a good job in my friend’s private school.He ruined his future by doing bad things and made all people lost face.Nobody could save him.

(Rahul – I’ve been saying this for ages, Mandy. Hehe. I completely understand!) 

My mom was intermittent mental.I totally understand the crazy hypochondriasis and recalcitrance.Why I was mercy on him and did foolish thing to lend him money was that I wished to send him back to UK and let him be with his family , never coming out to other countries and scam more people.

(Rahul – “Mom” is nothing compared to Glyn Bozo, hehe. He’s bipolar, paranoid, schriczpenia (however you spell it) – and a TRUE EXAMPLE OF FOREIGN BOTTOM OF THE BARREL TRASH IN CHINA!) UGH, ESL – it does attract the LOWEST OF THE LOW!

Finally my lsat wish for him came true.He went back to UK.

Recently he says he has big deal and plans to pay me back and help me.I thought he recovered.Today I just found him never wake up to be normal people.I blocked him totally.I think my money couldn’t retrieve.It doesn’t matter now.Only wish is that he keeps staying in UK under his law and being in the mental hospital.If someone in mental ,he would never retrieve.

Thanks for your invitation to be your free reader.I would login time to time and read .Sometimes I forget what I am seeking for life.Maybe you would guide us to find the way.

Best regards!


Anyway, the bolded part explains why I’m sorry for the UK, hehe. Everyone wants the Bozo out, and unfortunately home is the only place they can send him back to!

His big deal – – well, we covered that in the last post.

And since Mandy is requesting, thats fine Mandy!

It’s the last you’ll hear of “Mandy and the Bozo” on this site.

Thanks for sharing it with us – we all LOVE YOU!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- More soon on another better note, stay tuned! and in the meantime, remember – the PRE-ORDER IS WAITING! And it won’t wait forever, so jump AHOY now!

“I am Sincerely sorry for the innocence to trust a mental people”
- Glyn Bo(o)zo...


I said yesterday it sucks – women get divorced, or in a lonely or bad situation. And of course, scammers and wackos like Glyn Bozo lurk in the woodworks ready to “shove nose up ass” at the slighest opportunity, weasel and scam money out of these gullible women – and so forth.

Of course, when real men talk to them, they get so disillusioned by these Bozo types that “everyone is the same”.

Sad, but I get it. Hey. Glyn Bozo is one of the more convincing ones, to be honest – he does seem to manage to cheat quite a few of these types.

Anyway, Bozo Bo(o)zo Schofield’s been outed again.

I was wondering how long it would take … I got this today.


I saw your blog on your website until i become suspicious today.
I am Sincerely sorry for the innocence to trust a mental people.
You know Glyn well.Pls delete all blog about me and him,and also delete my e-mail.
It’s totally a drama. Sincerely sorry for it.
Pls do delete all related to me and him.



And then a short while later this . . .

Hi,Mr.Rahul Mookerjee,
Sincerely thank you to delete the blog about the big joke.When I realized it was a scamming playing from Glyn again,I really pray Glyn stays in mental hospital for his whole life.
You may blame me for the first sight why I am so supid to trust such mental guy.Yes,I am too stupid and kind. I just rescued a guy as a instinctive mom when hearing someone is going to suicide himself,no special relationship with him.That’s all.
You are wise man.Actually your articles are interesting and critical,could heat soul of human.
I believe you could rescue people from physical to mental.
Bless you have more and more prospeous business.

Best regards!


Now, first of all, my response…

Hi Mandy

Thanks for both your emails. Don’t worry – I have not shared your personal information with anyone (no bank accounts, no email address, nothing). All my readers know is Glyn Bozo “mental” as you say has scammed yet another person “Mandy”, but thats it. Actually, my list knew about this way before you sent me these emails (I realize Glyn conned you into thinking that was “his” email address) . . . so it’s nothing new.

The whole world knows Glyn is a scammer – and he’s done some bad things to me personally, so it’s very important to “out him” – he has hurt many other women in the same manner. Most people don’t say anything against him including his friend Charles, but I don’t take shit from anybody, and I’ve been hammering the Bozo for years, and will continue to do so – he deserves it.

Therefore, let us let the information stay so other people know about this and he cannot continue to scam others- there are other women that have contacted me about this. No-one can identify you personally i.e. there are many “Mandy’s” in this world, so please dont worry about that.

As for the big joke, the joke’s on Glyn, not you, hehe.

Cheers – I hope you manage to get your 50,000 back – at the very least though, someone should file a case against Glyn Bozo – he’s already “on the lam” for drunk driving, and I’m sure other things he hasn’t told everyone about (like doing drugs in Hong Kong) … this guy should be behind bars, if not in a mental asylum for the criminally insane, then a REAL jail!


Rahul Mookerjee

Well …

I dont know if Mandy knows about the racist posts, paedophilia, and the other women he’s scammed and continues to scam (Bozo Boozo’s current scam is preying upon gullible young women in mainland China to “help them study in the UK” or some nonsense – once they pay him – of course “take the money and run” is the Bozo’s philosophy in life)…

Probably not. I didnt tell her.

She’s got enough on her plate, so I dont want to overburden her with other things!

But I might send her the Amazon reviews the Bozo left for a laugh, hehe.

Anyway, it’s important to out these types, as I’m sure you’d agree, folks!

And since I haven’t shared any personally identifiable info, and never would (i.e. bank accounts etc were all blocked out, as were emails), well … its more fodder to call Bozos out.

And if he ever is “lucky” enough to meet me face to face I’ve got a huge fist waiting for him too!

Anyway …

When I realized it was a scamming playing from Glyn again,I really pray Glyn stays in mental hospital for his whole life.

He’s the sort even Hannibal Lecter would run away from, hehe . . . I pity the looney tune bin, but true – he needs to be either in jail, or the looney tune bin!

You may blame me for the first sight why I am so supid to trust such mental guy.Yes,I am too stupid and kind. I just rescued a guy as a instinctive mom when hearing someone is going to suicide himself,no special relationship with him.That’s all.

Nah, I dont blame you Mandy. I know how “convincing” Glyn be. I know these passive aggressive types very well that claim they “love you” when all they really want is to spend money on the next hooker so they can lick their (ugh!) rank backsides…

I know these types that claim “you’re the only one for me!” and how they manipulate female emotions etc. Trust me, I’ve been in marketing all my life – I know these things!

(I’ve been doing it naturally!)

And I know how Glyn plays the blue eyed boy and how he plays the “damsel in distress” so well that the damsels become the men and show up to rescue him. Hehe.

So relax – I dont think bad of you, or any of the ladies he’s scammed!

You are wise man.Actually your articles are interesting and critical,could heat soul of human.
I believe you could rescue people from physical to mental.
Bless you have more and more prospeous business.

Thank you, Madam! Thanks as well for the praise on the writing, much appreciated, and yes its why I have my coaching – both life and fitness wise. I tried rescuing Glyn myself once (though never to this extent) and he turned around and bit me like a scorpion does.

Unfortuantely, he doesnt know he’s dealing with a black mamba that won’t stop until it gets what it wants – it’s PREY.

I never forget people that have wronged me. Never will , never can, and if someone goes after me, I’ll go after them viciously x 100. Thats me. It might not sound nice, but it’s exactly what these Glyn Bozo sorts and other scam artists I’ve brought up in the past need and DESERVE!

Mandy, if you haven’t already, do a search on Bozo Schofield – you’ll find plenty of “interesting” (I use quotes for a REASON – aGOOD REASON!)  and ALL TRUE STUFF!


I saw your blog on your website until i become suspicious today.

It’s good you did – sign up for the daily FREE newsletters (No Glyn Bozo like scamming here) – you will LOVE ’em!

Well, folks, thats all for today.

Remember, the pre-order offer for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness ends – THIS WEEK!

And remember, those two last copies sitting around for Fast And Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition – if you want IN – get ’em NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

Lonely Bo(o)zo Workouts…
- ... were what got the JOB DONE!

Just got this, friend.

(and before you think “not another Boozy Bozo email, relax – it ain’t about him, it’s just a “little bit on him”. Initially I thought this was Mandy Bo(o)zo sending this i.e. Bozo’s alter, now, I’m not so sure – seems I missed the initial email) …

Have a nice day!
As our discussing on wechat,I couldn’t help you more but only chat with you time to time to listen to your soul.I know you are lonely as me.

You said you want to help me and release me from the most embarrassing status of my life.I appreciate you could borrow me RMB500000 to pay debit and start business together.Plus the owned RMB50000,that is nearly GBP 62000 pounds.
Your assistant Ava would read email.and arrange remittance to the previous Singapore bank account,then send me bank recorder , right?

Thanks and best regards!



Poor Gal (I should say lady given his propensity for over 60 year olds) hasn’t given up and is still wearing the rose colored blinkers…

It’s sad, really.

Women get divorced, go through tough times, and of course, given logic is the last thing on their minds – out of the woodwork come scheming, preying Bozos and of course scam artists, Ponzi Scheme Central and so forth (Glyn is all the above “3 in 1”).

And I’m sure it’s embarassing having his nose stuck up her rear end permanently for one…

But anyway, the “lonely” part.

Strikes a chord!

Hell, all those workouts I did – and all of the ones I often DO these days could be classified as such.

If I dont feel like it, I do it anyway.

All those climbs up the hill – in blazing heat – at 530 AM in the morning – pouring rain – all those workouts in the park at 230 PM in the afternoon when even the trees were wilting in the summer heat, all of it.

It was hardly a circus, and not “fun” per se.

Yet, I had to do it.

All by my lonesome!

I Did it – often breathing fire.

Without nobody to encourage me – indeed, I have and had even back then plenty of Bozo detractors!

I remember thinking “just why the heck am I doing this” or “what am I doing this for” all those years I slogged, kept learning what I teach you NOW by dint of being IN the trenches myself.

And so forth.

But ultimately, friend, the road to achievement – true and lasting – in any sphere is a long and lonely one, and you have to be persistent!

Even if you want to be a troll el supremo – ’nuff said on that. Hehe.

But it’s those long, “lonely” workouts that got the trick done, friend.

Its how I got in the best shape of my life.

No talking, no photos, no selfies, no gals, no Tom Tomming or Tom tom’s around…

All by my lonesome, which of course is how a lot of you train so you know what I mean!

Anyway, as we talk (speak) – lots of you have been writing back (thank you, thank you! thats what I want i.e. feedback).

Lots of you are dealing with adversity.

Lots of you for the first time …

And lots of you are just plain … well, DEMOTIVATED.

I get all of that, and have addressed all that in past emails, so I won’t any more…

But, remember one thing.

It’s the long and lonely “routine” that ultimately leads to gold, friend.

Most people don’t have the gumption to stick it out.

Will YOU be one of the rare ones?

I hope so – for your sake!

I know you will …

But anyway, hope this little message helped lift you just a little.

And for workouts that particularly and PERFECTLY encapsulate “lonely man” or perhaps caveman workouts (and lonely in a great, good way) … Animal Kingdom Workouts is the ticket.

See you SOON!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The lady to whom I made the wig comment asked if I was having a “random” week.


Random, and in the flow is what it’s ABOUT! Hehe.

(my wig’s still firmly on tho, thank you?)

Motivation, folks, MOTIVATION!
- It truly matters!


I posted the following on Twitter a while back.

motivation, folks, motivation. I dont understand the idiocy folks spread about the plague – I mean, YOU are still here reading this ain’t you??? RISE UP!!!!!!!!! Precautions not PANIC!

There was a hashtag thrown in there (not Bozo Schofield, hehe).

But for the most part, thats what it is.

And I think I have to tell you this NOW!

First though, a tiny little tale.

I was going to the bathroom a while ago.

And, my hand felt for the switch (it was somewhat dark outside) …

And amazingly enough, my left hand – NOT my right that I normally use to turn the switch on – was elsewhere!

At first, I didnt get it.

My conscious mind wondered why.

Then I got it!

It was at the EXACT SAME SPOT it was in an apartment a few years ago – that I Was thinking of for a while now!

I was thinking of some good times, some beer, hehe.

And I always do that, but combined with a recent visualization trick I used – it wa slike I was transported into the past, and felt ECLECTIC!

I know you probably think it’s nothing.

Its stupid.

But it aint.

Immediately thereafter, there was something uber annoying that happened to test me.

Normally, I’d fight for days over it.

Or, stew.

This time?

After a brief vent, I convinced myself “focus on the goal”.

Is it really worth to as a great customer once said “We don’t sweat the small things!

This wasn’t small – but given how folks in general have become these days, unmotivated and “down” ( Icannot for the life of me figure why, Maybe you could Google it – I did – other than the usual nonsense ,I can’t find anything!) – it was “routine”.

Folks everywhere, not just in China or whereever

It sometimes pays to take a LOGICAL look at things.

“Will getting angry or wasting energy on this get me to my ultimate goal” (whatever that might be)?

It’s a question to focus upon.

So much for it not working though, as a delivery I’d been expecting tomorrow is showing up – now – today.

I’ve no doubt more of the same will happen soon!

Folks, try and UNDERSTAND what I’m saying.

I know youre reading, I know you’re listening.

But MIND stuff – WORKS – if done right!

Anyway – back to the original premise of the plague, lockdown shockdown mask nonsense, panixines and so forth …

If you’re still here, reading this, well, then to borrow a famous author’s words (who probably got it from someone else too).

KICK ASS – take – NAMES!

Do so NOW!



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Matt is a great motivator. So am I. So can YOU be if you DO the thing, friend, and shake off the cobwebs.

Do it!

The world needs more people like US!

PS #2 – Plenty more motivation here – Gumption Galore – and here – Zero to Hero! 

GEt some now.

And if none of the above doesnt motivate you, hey, you ain’t got a pulse, not like I know it! Hehe.

PPS – and no, the darkest days dont lie ahead, as the wankers keep telling us everywhere. OUR BEST DAYS DO – if you DO THE THING!

“He never has any money!”
- That CLAIM, vhehe.

This is going  to be, to use a Glyn Bozo word (at least he used it once, I think he got it from me or what not, I dont know – his English is terrible for the most part – and pronunciation – forget about it!) … a “contentious one”.

MANY of you will disagree, friend.

Which is fine, but please – hear me out first!

I remember Michael HArding once bitching about “Steve”, a guy in China.

The specifics are not important, but here was the gist –

“He never ever has any money for anything!”

Yet, the dude had plenty of money to fly from Australia to China, and back …

Some say those were his welfare funds. I don’t know, somehow I think maybe not, maybe so, I dont know . Idont know dude that well!

I just know he’s a stellar group admin, we’ve always had a good thing goin on in that regard.

This dude has been trolled up and down numerous times as well – Glyn Bozo being one of the ones doing it as well.

But anyway, coming from someone (Mike) who hardly ever had or has any money himself unless his girlfriend deigns to hand him some “thats rich!”

I’ve written about that before, of course.

Then, my friend Dwayne.

“I never lend money to anyone, period”.

Hard and fast rule for him.

I hear you, BRO!

He never does – with good reason, and why?

not just because of Glyn Bozo who so called borrow money and run away with it never to return it …

(Bozo, if you read the link above – he actually claimed he stole more. SOmehow I doubt that. But that amount, yeah, sounds about like the Bozo…

What a jerk eh)

But because …

… “My friend once borrowed some money from me. Every time I ask him to return it, he says he doesnt have some, but I keep seeing him buy more guns on Facebook”

Now, guns are a great thing to have – I’m all fo r it!

But fuck, at least return the dude’s money first!

So I agree with Dwayne’s stance.

I might be a little different in that SOMETIMES Ill lend money – but very sparingly, and with damn good reason.

I still remember the story of Henry Ford who was NOTORIOUS for being what people call stingy – the sheeple – and what the smarties call SMART.

He’d make people prove they were worthy first.

Like the lady who once asked him for a loan for a school or something, and he gave her a sack of potatoes. Or something like that.

She went away.

Or she grew them, I dont know – net result and upshot was she did that, and sold ’em – made a profit, and came back to Ford.

“There, now you see I’m worthy of it!”

Thats the gist of the story. Specifics vary.

But thats the gist.

Thats the type of person I help too, friend.


And YOU DOERS on this list know that!

But anyway, what is the point in me saying all this.

It isn’t so much to urge you to buy nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

It’s to tell you, if it’s something important, friend, you’ll find a way.

I’ve often found that when people say they dont have money, they DO have some.

Oddly enough the ones that truly don’t – they could care less. Hehe.

Like yours truly at a certain point in my life, maybe thats why I have what I do NOW!

Anyway …

Some random thoughts.

But remember, if you leave a review, friend – you get the 10% off coupon …

Free. No obligations!

And if you email me, I’ll work in a special deal for you too on specific products.

Key being, talk to me, get back, do something, anything. Hehe.

(no, I’m not saying y’ll ain’t buying. I know you are. For that – a huge thank you!

The reviews are where we’re “stalling”.

So please – more reviews!

all that come in within the next hour – special bonus for YOU!


Rahul Mookerjee