2 tips on completing high rep workouts

Dear Reader,

Today I’ll touch upon something which I’ve been asked often, and with good reason.

Often times, when I talk about my high rep pushup – and especially pull-up workouts to clients, trainees and folks in general – I can see their eyes open wide in amazement at the sheer numbers.

While I don’t consider the number of reps I do per workout to be astronomically high (at least not when compared to guys like Herschel Walker – yes – there’s a good reason I mention him in the 0 Excuses Fitness system!) — ’tis what it seems like to the average person.

And I understand.

When you can barely do a pull-up – or 20 squats – the idea of 500 or more squats per workout might sound terrifying and “way out there”.

If you’ve been raised on the standard diet of “10 reps of the lat pulldown machine plus greasing/oiling with the bros, followed with preening and posing and a few more sets this way” – – then doing more than a 100 pull-ups per workout probably doesn’t just seem insane to you – it seems IMPOSSIBLE as well (although I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t something people secretly DO aspire to!).

And so I’ll talk about this a bit today.

First off, my 250 rep pushup workout that you see in the video (was a total of 500 for the day actually) is NOT by any means something you cannot achieve, my friend – if you go for it and do the right things.

The Marines and special forces all over the world routinely bang out 500 pushups a day as part of their training – perhaps more.

As for pull-ups, even my buddy Vincent once told me that “100 pull-ups in a workout are hard for anyone” – and while I agree, you CAN get there.

And how?

Well, my books tell you how – but I’ll give you two tips right here.

First being this – do NOT focus so much on the end number as you do each rep and each set.

Believe me, if I started each workout with a “Oh God, I’ve gotta do 200 pull-ups (yes, that is NOT a misprint) – I’d probably never get there with the regularity that I do.

I tell myself I have a certain goal – or number – in mind, sure, but once I start DOING ’em, I don’t worry about this goal.

I just go out there and do it – and let things happen – and happen they do!

It’s the same way with life. If I’ve got a financial goal, I might have the number in mind as I go about my work – but I sure don’t obsess about it WHILE doing my work.

I’ll hit that goal – so long as I keep hitting smaller goals and milestones along the way.

Even the seemingly insignificant gains ADD up – and make a huge difference. Eat a bear at a time, as the saying goes!

And tip #2?

Well, it might sound amazing, but BREATHING the right way can get you through these workouts a lot quicker – and with a lot more ease!

I show you an example of this in the “workout” video I created for 0 Excuses Fitness, and tell you how exactly both in the video and the book.

And yes – the same thing holds true for pull-ups as well – or dips – or any exercise you can think of.

You literally BREATHE life into the movement – and if you do this correctly, chances are you’ll speed past your rep count – or goal – and not even notice it – you’ll literally have too much “fun” along the way!

Alright, my friend. That’s it for now. If you’re going to partake of a high rep pushup workout today – and you should! – keep the following tips in mind as you do so.

I’ll bet you’ll have one of the very best, if not the best, workout of your life!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t forget that tips such as these, and more videos as well are all gratis when you sign up for the 0 Excuses Ship – which you can do right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/0-excuses-ship/. It’s truly a value that cannot be beat, my friend – at least if you’re serious about your health and fitness in any way, shape or form. Sign up NOW and get ready to be catapulted into GREATNESS!

“Everyone has a plan ’til they get punched in the mouth”

Dear Reader,

I don’t know if you’ve heard it before – but Mike Tyson uttered these words once when he was asked about his upcoming fight with Evander Holyfield, and whether he was worried about (or concerned about, should I say) the latter’s gameplan.

And Tyson’s answer was short and snappy, much  like those KO punches he threw so often in his heyday – and one of a kind as well!

Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth.

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about “are plans overrated?” – – and with good reason, my friend.

Often times, the best plan that has worked for me int he past is “no plan” – or the plan that presents itself to me on the “spur of the moment”.

I’ve noticed that when I plan months or perhaps even weeks in advance for something – it generally never ever works out the way I’ve wanted it to.

Other hand, if I just have a proper VISION in my mind and then just go ahead and DO the thing I want to do – as directed by my subconscious mind – then a plan automatically generates itself somehow, and I somehow weave and bob my way to the final target – and generally achieve FAR more than if I would have with a “plan written out ahead of time”.

Lots of folks attach a lot of importance to plans, and that’s fine – but what happens when that plan doesn’t workout?

What happens when plan A – or B – or even C doesn’t work out?

What happens when you’ve got to adjust those plans on the fly?

There’s no room to hide in a boxing ring, and there’s no time to “contemplate” a change of plan.

You do what comes to you in the spur of the moment based upon your training – and you do it WELL because you’ve been trained to do a job well – but thats about the extent of the planning that’s required when you, as Tyson so succinctly puts it, “get punched in the face” in the midst of your well thought out plan!

Does this mean I’m against plans?

Not at all – and I’ve mentioned this before in a post as well. I just feel that way more importance is given to plans than the REAL deal behind the scenes – – which is basically VISUALIZING what it is you want – – and allowing the plans to “flow” from there.

It might sound amazing to you, but a lot of solid planners have trouble creating a VISUAL of what it is they WANT to achieve out of the plan – – and I’m sorry to tell you (and results will back this up) – if you’ve got no visuals of what you want to achieve – no clearly defined goals (and no I don’t mean written down by defined!) then you’re more likely NOT to get to your goal than you are to get to it.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz spoke about this at length in his path breaking book Psycho Cybernetics.

He speaks about the self image, which is governed by your subconscious – and about how you can literally NOT rise higher than your self image permits it to it.

He also talks about the way a missile zigs and zags before it ultimately hits a target.

It doesn’t go in a straight line. There’s plenty of zigging and zagging – at times it appears the darn thing is off course – but it ain’t.

And THAT is the point of me saying all this.

There’s nothing wrong with having detailed plans if you so choose, but remember that you’ll have to be flexible and change them on the fly every so often. Old man life can be rather grumpy at times – both inside and outside the boxing ring!!

In terms of fitness, the same thing applies.

What if you’ve got a clearly defined plan to do X number of dips – and pull-ups – but end up tweaking a wrist – or shoulder?

This happened to me once, by the way, and no – despite what you might think – I did not abandon the workout. I simply modified my plan, and did something else!

In terms of life, I’ve often made plans – and have had to change them at the very last minute – and this has happened so often that though I’m not underestimating the value of plans – I trust my gut more than anything else.

If I don’t have a clearly defined plan for a goal I want to achieve – as yet – no worries. I put the visual in my mind -and I just go ahead and DO something – that I believe will get me closer to my goal!

In terms of fitness, that could be taking a walk daily.

That could be reading the 10 Commandments of Physical Success DAILY until they’re literally ingrained into your subconsciousness and you see ’em in your dreams!

Or,  it could be setting a goal to do a 100 pushups at a go – and then 150 – and then 200 – and then more – and then going out there and DOING it!

Whatever it is – remember this – plans are great, but we often tend to overemphasize their importance.

The best plan is often times this – go with the flow, and deal with life as it presents itself, while keeping a PICTURE of what it is you want to accomplish in your mind.

Do this, and you’ll be nigh astounded with the results!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Some more great stuff on the way from 0 Excuses Fitness HQ’s. One of my next posts will talk about high rep workouts and a couple of tips you might find interesting in that regard. Stay tuned!

P.S #1 – By the way, if you enjoy motivational reads, my latest book Gumption Galore is perfect for you. Here is where you can grab the lil’ gem – https://0excusesfitness.com/gumption-galore/

Tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW ’em first!

Dear Reader,

Way, way back in the day – when yours truly was 17 years of age – he fell out of a running bus on his right wrist, and pretty much made a royal MESS of the wrist – a decidedly “non Gorilla Grip” wrist at that point.

Though the wrist didn’t hurt that bad at the time, and though I was going to treat it at home myself, I could barely move it in a clockwise and other manner – and long story short, I ended up going to a doctor who put it in a cast.

Probably the right thing to do, and ’twas my right wrist – which has always been a weak suit for me.

A few weeks later, I remember having to go an examination in another town, and my father was the one that took me there.

We had to stay in a hotel on the way, and all of a sudden, we met up with this one guy – – this guy about 6’2″ in height, and a tennis player at that.

And as we shook hands, I made it very clear that I had an injured right wrist – but he seemed not to listen, and he gripped my hand with his own “vice” like grip (tennis players have great grips!) – and the pain I felt was beyond comparison.

But the worst part wasn’t that – the worst part was the look in the eye – a look that he gave me unknowingly – a look that spoke volumes.

A look of “you’re a weakling” – something I’d heard ad infintium growing up.

Something that I’m sure would resonate with the great Charles Atlas if he was alive today.

You’ve heard of Atlas, I’m sure? The guy who used to routinely get sand kicked in his face at the beach – who was to become one of the VERY BEST proportioned men in the entire world down the line.

It was at that point (and perhaps also when the doctor who strapped my wrist gave me a “sorry” sort of look which spoke volumes as well) that I decided I’d get the STRONGEST grip I could get.

That I’d work my grip with a passion – and today, bonafide gym MONSTERS and “gorillas” in their own right shy away from shaking hands with me – and not because I intentionally try and crush hands either!

As Vincent, a wrecking machine of a man if there ever was a one, a 6’1″ mountain of pure muscle and an ex Marine noted last year –

I’ve never met anyone that gripped my hand naturally with a kung fu like grip like you do!

And so, is it any wonder that despite not a lot of promos – the two Gorilla Grip courses are the ones that sell the very best for me?

Is it any wonder that I constantly get remarks about my grip – and how strong it is – and other related comments?

Now note this. If I had told folks of my goals back then at that point – they’d have literally LAUGHED in my face.

I’d have got sand kicked in my face – figuratively speaking – and then some …

And NOW? Well, now it’s the exact opposite – and this truly IS a case of what Napoleon Hill famously once said i.e. Tell the world what you’re going to do – but SHOW ’em first!

It’s also a huge reason why I’m an advocate of never mentioning your goals and desires to others at the outset and right until you accomplish ’em. The less negative vibes you deal with at the outset, the better it is!

The same thing holds true for my writing – and any other ventures I’ve been involved in. Back when I started rahulmookerjee.com I was greeted with nothing but “ho hums” along the way.

Oh yeah. Right. Another info product seller. Yet another fitness guy. He’ll never make it!

And so forth.

Today, as I’m doing my 0 Excuses stuff, people still don’t seem to “get” that I don’t have a full time “job” and certainly don’t want one!

Sure – I might not have sold a million books as yet – and I might not be a multi-millionaire – as YET – – but the bottom line is this – I’ve not had one single person tell me “I can’t sell” or “Your books won’t sell” now – as opposed to when I first started.

The biggest mistake I made amongst many when I did the first site was to listen to other people’s negativity and let that impact me internally – – and I let things slide for a couple  of years.

No more, my friend. No more .

I could honestly care less about the millions. What I’m concerned about and what I DO is to a) give it to you STRAIGHT – and b) be the motivation and inspiration we ALL need in our lives these days and c) get you in the best shape of your life possible – with ZERO excuses along the way.

And if I do all that – I truly don’t think I’ll need to tell the world anything – – they’ll notice it anyway!

Alright, my friend. That’s tonight’s “sermon”. See if you can find the lessons therein!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Almost forgot to mention – amidst all the hoo haa about building a strong grip and perhaps rightfully so, always remember that if you don’t have a proper base in place, it won’t work. There is a reason I mention this truism not only in Gorilla Grip – but also in Pull-ups – – from Dud to Stud within weeks, and my other courses. And the way you build that base is doing the right exercises – the right way. Find out what the way is right HERE – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

The WILL to SUCCEED – despite all odds!

Dear Reader,

I don’t know if you’ve heard the saying “there has be a fire brewing underneath it” – – in terms of goals, or achievement in general?

Look at ANY great achiever of the past, and you’ll see that their goals not only “didnt come easy” – – but the ONLY way at the end of the day that they HAPPENED was the BURNING DESIRE they had underneath the goal.

Desire, as Napoleon Hill rightly says is the starting point of all achievement!

A white hot flame of desire that kept them going in the face of obstacles most men would give up on just after hearing them – let alone experiencing them.

Desire that kept them going to the exclusion of all other obstacles and odds.

Financial odds. Odds against their success – – in most cases RESOUNDING ODDS against their success. Physical odds. Mental odds.

And yet, despite all these obstacles, at the end of they mustered up the will and GUMPTION to keep going – no matter what life threw at them and no matter how hard life hit ’em!

THE SAME thing applies to your fitness as well, my friend. The very same thing. It could be a biz – or a story – or a relationship – but the moral you take out of the relationship applies nonetheless!

Remember the story of Edwin Barnes? The “tramp” like person that showed up in Edison’s office – literally demanding to work not FOR him – but WITH him – as an EQUAL?

Barnes had nothing. He was so broke he traveled on a freight train to get to Edison’s office – and Edison being hard of hearing couldn’t even hear his entire story the first time around, so he repeated himself twice – at least.

Barnes had no qualifications at the time. No accomplishments. NOTHING to convince one of the world’s greatest inventors to work with him – – or even to get  a lowly job in  Edison’s company, and yet – Edison hired him – and why?

Because Edison could tell that the guy had DESIRE – a burning DESIRE underneath his goal, and when a man has that desire BREWING under any sort of goal, and stakes his entire life on one turn of the wheel, then he generally ends up getting exactly what he wants!

And why just Barnes? Edison himself was NO stranger to mishaps and other obstacles.

When he was young, the story goes he was literally lifted up on a train by HIS EARS by a conductor, which led to hearing disabilities his entire life.

He was told at school he’d never succeed at ANYTHING (I’m couching it in polite terms) …ah, but we know THAT part, don’t we??

He was fired from numerous jobs – his laboratory once burned down when he had NO insurance, and yet, he found it within himself to keep on keeping on!

And again – this, my friend, applies just as much to your fitness as it does anything else.

THIS is one of the main reasons I’m at the level of fitness I am now – genetics or other hogwash aside – – it is this – – DECIDE in your mind what you want – – get a clear PICTURE of the desire – – get some WHITE HOT heat brewing underneath the desire – – and then just go do it!

If you want to lose weight, pay NO heed to those that tell you can’t, won’t, or that it’s tough. Just do it, and keep doing it while you bear the end goal in mind, and you’ll get there – provided you do things the right way.

Want to get a 100 – or 200 – or even 500 pull-ups? 

Take NO heed of those that snicker behind your back when you currently can’t even do ONE. In fact, thank them for the snickers. You’ll be the one laughing a while later when you’re pumping them pull-ups out, and they can’t (and believe me, I’ve got very real stories to share in this regard – actual customers that have gone through just this).

The key part is – never give up.

Napoleon Hill correctly said that great achievement is born out of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.

Keep that in mind as you go about your weekend – or day – or whenever you might read this!

Ok, my friend. That’s it for now. I’ll be back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you want to achieve great things in your fitness – and KEEP those levels high for the rest of your life, then following the right exercise program is nigh crucial. Here is where you can grab the very best there is in that regard – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

My antidote to an exceptionally brutal day

Dear Reader,

Boy oh boy oh BOY.

As “ole boy” Denzel (and “bad cop” Alonzo Harris) said after being shot in the buttocks by his rookie protege … “What a day. What a *********** day!

And if that above line offends some people, so be it. There’s a time and place to say something a certain way – – and the time and place is both NOW – – and HERE!

Anyway, ’twasn’t smooth sailing for me on many fronts today – both business wise, and LIFE wise (the latter being multiple fires to put out at the ole homestead).

Now this happens every so often, but today was an exceptionally rough day – – and for those wondering why I’m writing about it – – or “why the guy who talks about visualization and POSITIVE emotions galore” is even talking about this – – well – – it’s because life happens, my friend.

Despite our best efforts, we’ve ALL had days like this – and there’s no doubt be days such as this in the future as well regardless of our goals, fitness levels, or anything else in life.

Part of the reason why people follow me on this newsletter (and indeed on social media etc) is because I keep it REAL – and in that spirit, so yes, I had an exceptionally rough day – somethign that most of you will no doubt be familiar with, and yet at the end of it all?

Well, let’s see. It’s 8:48 P.M. at the time of writing this, and I’m literally feeling “hoopsy daisy” right about now at the time of writing this!

I believe that is one way of saying “over the moon” – and why?

Well, because I applied the perfect antidote to a brutally rough day.

The yin and yang as it were, and the YANG in this case was an equally brutal workout – and what was it?

150 pull-ups – – all in letter perfect form. Sprints for 15 minutes in the midst of that – and then back to the pull-ups and then 25 dips, and 25 handstand pushups upon getting home.

And I’m fried – in a good way!

And that is how life should be, my friend. When life knocks you down – as I’ve often said, it’s all about GETTING BACK UP – -and how!

As ole Rocky said, if you let life keep you down – – it’ll not only keep you down — but BEAT you to your knees if you let it. The world sure ain’t all sunshine and rainbows at time, but your personal rainbows are available upon command via a variety of means if you choose to apply ’em – – and hard, tough workouts are part of the toolkit here!

Thats one of the reason I love 0 Excuses workouts. Nothing, I repeat, nothing – not even benching 500 pounds for multiple reps at the gym can give you the same sort of “on top of the world” feeling as a high rep pullup workout can.

More than that, these exercises build gumption — and BULL DOG tenacity as I said before. 

I say the following on the BattleTank Shoulders page –

But every serious trainee knows that the body is but one part of a REAL MAN’s pysche, makeup and ARSENAL, my friend.

Every serious trainee knows that it all starts with the mind, and usually ends there as well.

And the mental toughness, gumption and DESIRE to carry on – PUSH forward – despite all the obstacles life and others toss at you that is required is NOT present in most modern day men.

And it’s true, my friend. It’s true – and you’ll see what I mean when you get done with any of the workouts in either “Battletank Shoulders” – – or in any of my other advanced courses.

So thats the missive for tonight. If you’ve had a rough day – – work it the heck out of your system – – in a way only 0 Excuses fanatics can.

You’ll feel a ton better for it!

Best, and keeping it real –

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Another great course that’ll get all the frustration out – -while building that classic “X” taper and lat spread is course #2 on pull-ups – – which you owe it to yourself to take a gander at right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/

P.S #2 – Along with the physical, a mental dose of MOTIVATION is equally important so you can keep going out there and GETTING ’em! Here is where you can get the very best motivation ever – – straight from the horse’s mouth as well – – https://0excusesfitness.com/gumption-galore/

My highly unconventional secret for RAPID weight loss

Dear Reader,

Back in the day, when I was trying to lose weight, one of the things I did daily – – on a regular basis, come rain, hail, sun, shine or not was to climb a hill nearby daily.

Though this wasn’t all I did, and though the hiking was NOT ultimately what got me in the best shape of my life, it helped – a lot.

In fact, it provided the vast bulk of the impetus to my ever increasing levels of fitness, and I’d be lying to say that the weight didn’t start to FLY off shortly after I started this routine.

Believe me now, and trust me later – it wasn’t but a week before I had to buy new pants – and not because they were bursting at the seams. It was because the belts were not “long enough” to hold the pants in place!

Don’t know about you, but I’m not a huge fan of the “pants down to ass crack” style some love – – and therefore, off to the store it was multiple times … and all this shortly after starting my new routine.

Fast forward a few years, and I discovered yet more secrets – – secrets which the AVERAGE person can use as well.

Let’s face it – – not all of us have a hill next to us to hike regularly – – and not all of us have the time, inclination (though we should!) to do so. Most importantly, not all of us are in the sort of SHAPE you have to be in to jump straight into that sort of routine.

These new tips, however, are something anyone can implement – – and get the SAME astonishing results as I did – and you can either do ’em on a hill – or incline – or flat land. The benefits will roll in nonetheless, and in case you’re wondering, yes, I sure do have a product to “pimp” here – – that being the much vaunted “Eat More Weigh Less” book.

But although THAT book contains a ton of secrets (or should I say one main secret), it still is NOT what caused my weight to fly off my frame initially back when I started my hiking routine all those years ago.

THAT secret  is something so unconventional that jaws drop when I detail it – especially the mechanics of it – – and people flat out refuse to believe it.

And yet, those of you that have tried it KNOW how effective it is to jump start your fat blasting routines and getting you to those goals as well!

This routine is so important that it’s detailed in a separate portion of “The Simple and Effective Diet” – – BEFORE I start the  “main course” as it were. Yes, it’s that important, and that unconventional!

And if you think you’ve seen it before, nah – you haven’t.

This particular secret has got nothing to do with eating more – or eating less – or counting calories. 

This secret is NOT a magic potion – or slimming pill –  or extra strong coffee before your workout – – or “six small meals a day” – – or anything of that nature.

This secret is NOT a “fruitarain” diet – – or any type of “diet” for that matter. No paleo shaleo nonsense. Nothing of that nature.

What it IS is this – something that is unconventional, but works – and leaves out with SUPER HIGH energy levels throughout the day.

It is the OPPOSITE of what most experts recommend, and works far better than the latter option.

And it is something so simple that even someone that has been a couch potato for YEARS can start to implement.

Herschel Walker for one used this secret, and reportedly still does – – and so do many other achievers and DOERS – including yours truly.

You’ll have to crack open the Simple and Effective Diet to find out what the secret it – and good news, it’s yours free with your purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System – – which of course (along with the rest of my courses) is gratis as well if you’re a member of the 0 Excuses Ship.

If you aren’t on board as yet, I highly recommend considering the option. It’s truly value times 100 – – or even more – – and I’ll be putting out more tips like the above in the future for members therein as well.

Do it NOW – I look forward to welcome you onboard!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – By the way, the one exercise related course you really need if you’re SERIOUS about your fat blasting goals is “Eat More – Weigh Less“. Even if that premise doesn’t appeal to you, the benefits and the FEEL GOOD factor you’ll get from following any of the workouts therein will. Run on over here to see what the fuss is all about – – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/


Believe you can do it – and then just do it!

Dear Reader,

Just got done with a relaunch of my paperback book on Amazon. Although 0 Excuses Fitness was on Amazon for a while now, I wasn’t quite happy with the book cover the way it was and while that appeared to what “sparked” the re-launch, things aren’t always what they seem at the outset.

The REAL reason, and I found this out while DOING the thing i.e. while re-launching it – – was that I wanted to add a line – – a simple line to the back cover of the book that wasn’t there before – – and something I’ve been meaning to add for a long, long time now.

What is that line, you ask? What line could  be so important as to make me re-launch an entire book?

Well – here it is –

In this book you’ve got the set of exercises that’ll give you the body you’ve always desired. Believe you can do it – – and then back that belief up with action. You’ll be nigh astounded by the results!

And if you’re thinking the most important part of that above quote is the bolded and italicized part – you’re RIGHT, my friend.

It’s by far the most important part, and something I could write an entire BOOK upon – but unfortunately back covers don’t lend themselves well to long tales, so I crystallized it all into a simple few lines.

We’ll see how long it takes for the book to be up on Amazon now – probably no more than a day until they complete their review process, but here’s the point – BELIEF, my friend is really what makes things happen at the end of the day. 

Belief was what made things happen for ME fitness wise – and ultimately in every area of my LIFE.

When I was unfit and overweight, I couldn’t see the results in the mirror – – no matter how hard I looked, but believe me now and trust me later, I could see the results I WANTED in the “mirror of my eye” – – right there in front of me as I looked at the “obese me” in front of the mirror and literally demanded change.

A few years ago, when I was in one of the most catastrophic situations of my life emotionally and perhaps in a certain regard financially as well (although the former is far more important)  – – it was again – – read this carefully – – BELIEF, my friend that ultimately saved my skin.

It was BELIEF that I’d overcome the situation – that I’d wake up the next day and things would get better.

It was BELIEF, driven by hard ACTION that made me do something I’d never ever do in my wildest dreams now – that being to wake up at 5:30 each and every morning, every day of the week and go for long hikes in the mountains – – followed by a long day of work – – and then bodyweight stuff when I got home.

Many, many  years ago, when I was a callow youth fresh out of college, I was told by “everyone in the know” NOT to go to China for my first job (that was when I worked “full time”, of course!).

I was told it would be a wrong choice. The wrong decision. Career suicide. And many other things.

Although these things in a certain way were “logically” correct, the little voice inside of me has never been one to rely solely upon logic.

While logic is no doubt important when it comes to making decisions, I’m of the firm belief (and this has been backed up by subsequent occurrences on numerous occasions) that the GUT – and quick decisions are what either make or break a man in the long term.

I’ve never once made a decision based upon gut feeling that was wrong. Never ever, my friend.

Anyway – I believed deep down inside that moving to China would be a good thing for me, and boy am I glad I did it. Not only did it provide the fire for not one, but TWO businesses down the line, but it gave me and continues to give me some of the best years of my life overall.

Can’t beat that, my friend – and it all happened because of the quote I mentioned above.

Because of BELIEF – HARD, unwavering BELIEF – backed up by strong ACTION. 

And belief will make things happen for you too, my friend.

Believe me, if you’re currently obese and unable to do a single pushup – – and yet have a STRONG belief – and a PICTURE in your mind of what you want – – then you’ll get there.

If doing a handstand pushup or even getting into a handstand sounds like an almighty joke to you at this point, well, I understand.

But you’ll soon find out that if you use the mirror technique and just BELIEVE – then things will start to happen sooner or later.

In short – FIRM, unwavering belief is the driving force behind making ANYTHING happen – including your fitness – and if there’s one tip I can give you today, it is THIS.

I’ll end this with a favorite Claude Bristol quote of mine – a quote that I make sure to read EVERY morning and during the day as often as I can – –

Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations leads to belief – and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.

Couldn’t have said it any better myself!

OK, my friend. Thats all for now. If you workout today – have a great one – and when going about your goals or even daily activities make sure to embed BELIEF into everything you do!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Although paperbacks are great, nothing quite beats the convenience of instant downloads available right here on the site – – and if you’re talking 0 Excuses Fitness, well, the entire gamut of videos is ALSO available in the same package instantly after purchase. Can’t  beat that combo. Click on over and grab  your copy now – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/.

P.S. #2 – Also, remember that ALL 0 Excuses Fitness PAID material is available to you 24/7, year round, at your fingertips, for instant download upon subscription to the 0 Excuses Ship. Yes, that is right – all current products and all future products as well are yours for FREE if you’re part of this select group of DOERS. Click on over to get into the group now and start achieving – – https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/0-excuses-ship/

P.P.S – Only apply for the group above if you’re SERIOUS about making a rock solid commitment in terms of improving your health, fitness and life in general. No lookie lous please – we’re not interested in them!

More on handstand pushups

Dear Reader,

Back in the day I put out a little course titled “Shoulders like Boulders” – – a course that is NOT the “revamped” course that you see out there today.

This was back during my “Fast and Furious Fitness” days (for those interested in taking a trip down memory lane, the site is www.rahulmookerjee.com – yes – I do plan on doing a few things and then some with that site as well down the road!) – – and while I knew the course would help many a trainee out with their shoulder building goals – and shoulder health/fitness in general I had no idea it would be as popular as it is now.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that along with Gorilla Grip and the 0 Excuses Fitness System, Shoulders like Boulders is one of the products that people want the most – and LOVE the most as well.

And with good reason. It’s got the ONE exercise that you need to build massive, strong pain free shoulders – – and what’s more, in typical “Rahul Mookerjee” style, the exercise NOT done the way most people teach it.

Now, over the years, people have had questions.

Lots and lots of questions which they emailed in, and I’d do my best to answer ’em all via email or on the blog. In fact I HAVE answered more than few of them on the blog – – but there were simply too many that kept coming in for me to answer at length.

And so I decided to put out an addition to the course – a FAQ section as it were – a few months ago which is a digest and blow by blow account of the 25 most popular questions I’ve received on this superlative exercise.

If you’ve bought Shoulders like Boulders from Amazon, for one – – but do NOT yet have the FAQ, now’s the time to grab it, my friend. It’s climbing up in the Amazon sales rankings as well (currently sitting at #550 or so despite me doing VERY LITTLE, if any publicity for it – and thats no mean feat!).

And if you’ve recently invested in the download here on this site – well, it’s included GRATIS for you.

This little manual will truly address ALL the questions you have on handstand pushups, and more.

You’ll learn, for one, why I advocated doing the handstand pushup as I do – when nigh everyone else is teaching it the OPPOSITE way.

You’ll learn how vitally important it is and WHY to notice how your arms are positioned as you do the movement – not to mention why how you BREATHE during the exercise can literally skyrocket your performance and get your total number of total reps through the ROOF.

I’ve been saying all along that the pull-up isn’t by far the only exercise to build a massive BACK – – and you’ll learn WHICH section of the entire back is worked the most if you do the handstand pushup the way I advocate – and you’ll learn not only by reading the book, but by following along and DOING the exercise as well!

And much, much more, my friend.

This truly is a must grab – – and included along with the Shoulders like Boulders download on this site. Go on ahead and grab it now. If you have any questions that are NOT addressed by the FAQ or the course – – shoot me an email, and I’ll see what I can do!

Last, but not least, if the idea of FREE – and GRATIS – appeals to you, well, I understand. I’ve got not just THIS course, but ALL my materials up on the site FREE (along with regular updates, videos etc) for those that sign up for the 0 Excuses Ship.

Those that sign up for this will have access to ALL 0 Excuses paid courses for FREE – – as well as several other benefits such as an online forum to chat with other members about their progress, goals etc – plus of course input from yours  truly you will NOT see elsewhere. This alone is worth the price of admission, methinks!

Along with all this, you’ll also be receiving updates and tips that regular readers of this list will not receive  – all immensely helpful stuff that is yours for FREE as long as your membership stays active.

If that interests you – sign up right HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/0-excuses-ship/. 

I’ll be waiting for you ON BOARD!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Along with Shoulders like Boulders, the 0 Excuses Fitness System is also a must grab for building a proper base that’ll allow you to progress into this ADVANCED exercise. If you haven’t already, go on ahead and grab it right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/


Have you been there – and DONE that?

Dear Reader,

Something that annoys me no end in today’s world is that there is NO dearth of “experts” (I’m being polite!) on any topic under the sun – fitness and life included.

You hear some of the most ridiculous advice out there from the “shmexperts” as well.

For instance, I was doing pull-ups out there in the park the other day – with my legs positioned a certain way (to make it even tougher) and there came the pavement pounder – a guy that is in fairly decent shape, but get him on the pull-up bar – and bam – he can barely hang on, if even knock out one rep.

You’d think a person like this would WATCH what someone that CAN do pull-ups is doing – and emulate, or try to – but though he was watching, emulating was the last thing he did.

Instead he proceeded to give me advice on how the personal trainers at the gym apparently do not a) advocate full extension, dead hang pull-ups, b) how I “should” kip to get more reps, c) why Mercury is always in retrograde and d ) …. well, I ran off into the wide out yonder before I had to listen to any more of his talk – with him calling after me, and finally calling it a day when he saw I wasn’t in the least bit interested!

And you know what’s the funniest part?

These people that give advice – personal trainers included – that can either NOT do pull-ups themselves – – or even if they can get one sloppy rep or so – – that rep is NOT done in proper form. 

Sad part is, these people are all over the place, and even worse part – the “show” quotient these guys put on means that a lot of folks get suckered into listening to their so called “advice” – – and get nowhere.

And lest you think this applies to fitness alone, think again.

You’ve got people giving you all sorts of nonsense on LIFE – and business itself – advice that is NOT steeped in reality and the world of common sense – but instead advice that “Joe Blow Shchmo” told ’em  – and advice that is usually completely WRONG with regard to the situation at hand.

For instance, when I tell most people the most important of running a biz – any biz – isn’t just the products, marketing and effort you put in – it’s your THINKING – and your VISION that really counts, they pooh pooh it.

“Oh, that can’t be true! Hard work , and hard work alone combined with positive thinking does the trick!”

Hmm. Really? If hard work alone were the trick, then the vast majority of folks in the world, including a lot in the “third world” that labor away daily for a living should be multi-billionaires, right?

And more to the point, when you ask these people the question – how many successful businesses did they create – or products, for that matter – or the eternal question “what qualifies them to dispense said advice” – you hear CRICKETS.

I’m not kidding, my friend.

A lot of the “gurus” out there haven’t only not followed the “advice” they’re giving – – they have NO idea on if that advice is even accurate or not.

Simply reading books and then “regurgitating” that knowledge doesn’t work, my friend. It stinks of B.S. and I for one can smell it a mile away, if not more.

Other hand, if someone has BEEN THERE and DONE that – and has literally “walked a mile in similar shoes” (or worse) –  well then that vibe communicates itself naturally as well.

Napoleon Hill speaks about the down times in his life in his book “Outwitting the Devil“, and amongst all the other gems in that book, here is a quote worth remembering –

I faced the greatest emergency of my life. Unless you have gone through a similar experience, you cannot possibly know how I felt. Such experiences cannot be described. To be understood they must be felt.

Indeed, my friend – indeed!

And where I’m leading up to is here – first, when you get fitness advice from me, it’s coming from someone that’s literally BEEN in the trenches – been there, done that.

My advice might be unconventional and completely opposite what the “experts” recommend – and yet – does it work?

When I talk about visualization – and it’s benefits – its’ not just me “speaking”! It’s not just “hot air” – it actually works- and if it didn’t, I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this to you today.

But the most important reason I’m telling you this – is – again – stay away from the “shmexperts”. If there is one thing worse than NOT taking action – it’s taking action advised by those that have never actually BEEN in your position – or done what you’re trying to do.

Believe me – the experience of having BEEN there and DONE that cannot be beat – not by textbooks – not my “fancy shmnacy” marketing – and certainly not by a bunch of glamour surrounding the person’s services!

Alright, my friend – that’s it for now. I’ll be back again later! In the meantime – don’t forget to KEEP it REAL – – and if you work out today, make it a great, great one!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If what I mentioned about not being able to even hang on to a chinning bar for any length of time strikes a chord, well, take heart. You’re not alone. I’ve been there, and plenty of others are there WITH YOU right now. Grab the course that they’re all following – and get cracking on the road to pull-up mastery NOW –http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/

P.S #2 – What I just told you holds as true for my latest product “Gumption Galore”. Not only is it all STRAIGHT from the heart – but the advice in there, like all my other advice has been tested multiple times by not just me – but anyone that’s achieved anything of note in his or her life. Get your paws on this little gem right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/gumption-galore/

My thoughts on Gandhi’s philosophy

Dear Reader,

It’s Oct 2 here in “here neck of the woods” where I BE, and being it’s a national holiday in India – Gandhi’s birthday (Gandhi, who they term as being the “father of the nation” ) I figured I’d write a bit on his philosophy.

That being “See no Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” – – a metaphor visually backed up by the three monkeys which make up part of India’s national emblem, visible in courtrooms, passport covers, and all other “official” documentation as it were.

Now, I’m NOT a huge admirer of Gandhi (despite being repeatedly called a “modern day Gandhi“, hehe). The reasons are many, and I’m not going to get into those here …

But back to the above – the main issue I have with what he said in that regard is this – it works well in an “utopian society” – or perhaps in kindergarten, but NOT in the real world.

Sure, in an utopian society you could tell people to “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” – and they’d abide by that, and all would be fine and dandy – but in the real world that ain’t how it works.

In the real world you have to be AWARE of the “evil” – and/or bad things – or undesirables, and FOCUS to make sure they don’t manifest in your life, while what you do want DOES.

Way too many people these days follow a variant of Gandhi’s philosophy, both offline and online. I wrote about this in a post earlier about being real – and BEING YOU.

Way too much, if not all, of social media for instance is devoted to the “feel good” and “look good” pictures – and selfies – and “meeting in the office where everyone is high fiving” – – while precious little, or ANY time is actually devoted to detailing REAL life and the nitty gritties where things don’t always go according to plan.

There seems to be this thread of thought going around these days that if you “ignore the bad” – it won’t happen – or will miraculously go away.

No it won’t – and the current state of the REAL world – behind the glossy photos posted on social media and behind all the razzmatazz and “show” lives most people potray is proof enough.

And this holds true for both fitness as well as life, my friend.

In terms of life, I’ve often spoken about one of the secret keys I use while visualizing.

While I visualize what I WANT to manifest in my future and infuse energy from past successes into it, I also visualize myself on another screen simultaneously – that screen showing where I am NOW with regard to whatever goal it is I’m looking to achieve.

The incongruity between these two images is really what sparks the emotion that in turn drives the subconscious into action – which then products real RESULTS – given you’ve got some real desire going in terms of the “to be” picture in the first place.

Simply visualizing the goal is fine, but it doesn’t do much in terms of telling your brain where you are in the HERE AND NOW – and often times, people fall into the trap of thinking that “visualizing the future” is all they have to do and their problems will magically melt away.

No they won’t.

If you’re currently unable to do a single pushup – create TWO “movie screens” in your mind – as I said before, one on the left and one on the right.

Play the current YOU along with the associated emotions of “how you don’t want this” along with the FUTURE image of a happy, confident, FIT you … again, along with the associated images.

In other words, you focus on what you do want – while keeping what you don’t want in mind all the time to make sure that focus gets stronger by the day!

Powerful concept indeed, and one I’ve used personally back in the day to attain my handstand pushup goals – – as well as more than a few goals I set in terms of pull-ups.

You too, my friend can do the SAME thing!

Write back, and let me know how it goes for you.

Keeping it REAL,

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Resolving the incongruity is done through action backed up by the right emotions. And in terms of fitness, the very best set of tools you can use to get the flab off at rip roaring speeds is right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/. Grab it now, and get started on a RESULTS oriented road to fitness today!