Success hangs with success

Dear Reader,

Just got done having lunch with one of my best friends here in China – and it was a big ole juicy hamburger – with fries – and salad – the works.

Funnily enough we were supposed to eat pizza – pizza at the pizzeria which I mentioned a few emails (or weeks ago).

You remember that one, don’t you? The unprofessional nature of the biz was such that I mentioned it in my daily emails as the type of business you do NOT want to be dealing with – and the type of business which God only knows how stays afloat (to a degree, at least).

I mean a pizza place ignoring customer requests for toppings – and brazenly? Uhhh … not exactly the best way to go about things!

And that callous attitude repeated itself today. My buddy had booked a place there a few days ago – had confirmed it up and down with the guy that owns the place – and yet, today he received  a curt sounding message from the guy saying “I’ve gotta be someplace else” (so he wouldn’t be available at that time).

I mean is that unprofessional or what – and this is NOT an isolated incident.

Anyway, we grabbed a great juicy burger at another place, and a great time was had. Sat outside in the sun for a while, chatted about this and that – and I must say he’s one guy I’m gonna miss big time when I leave for India in a few week’s time (or perhaps even sooner than that).

The camaraderie. The sense of shared brotherhood. The sense of knowing another person’s got your back … and most of all, the positive vibes we share amongst us.

And that’s one of the main takeaways from today’s email, my friend.

If you’re looking to improve or better upon your station in life – hang with those folks that are looking to do the same.

The extra boost of energy – and positive vibes you get from hanging out and associating with these folks is the polar opposite of what you’ll get from hanging out with low vibration “energy vampires” (of which there are admittedly way more than there should be).

Not only that, you’ll feed off each other in terms of achieving the ultimate goal that both of y’all want to achieve.

Napoleon Hill called this the “MasterMind” principle. “Think and Grow Rich” (a book you should read even if you’re NOT interested in getting rich) devotes an entire chapter to it, and it’s well worth a read at least once a week if not more.

And when it comes to fitness?

If you’re looking at getting fit naturally – achieving REAL levels of health, strength and fitness as opposed to the “pumpers and toners” – well – hang with people that have similar interests.

If you’re currently at a level where you’re stuck at 40 squats – but aspire to a 100 – or more – then hang with people that have similar goals/energy levels, and you’ll find your performance improving that much more.

Last, but not least, success in any endeavor doesn’t happen “by accident”. It happens, as a well known author once put it by “standing on the shoulders of giants”.

If you’re looking to get the fittest you’ve ever been – the leanest you’ve ever been – to be the sort of person that can bang out 500 pushups per workout – el al, well, you DO what THOSE people have done – as opposed to the gym bunnies, “crunch maniacs”, crash dieters, booby builders, and so forth.

You follow the SAME exercises and routines they have – and those routines are right HERE –

And believe me, it works a hell of a lot better. For instance, the burger I ate today didn’t even register with me, and it sure as heck won’t add a lick of extra weight to me either.

That’s the way to live, my friend.

Associate with success – train hard – and allow yourself the occasional indulgence every so often.

You’ll be all the better off for it!

Ok, that’s it for now. I’ll be back again later.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re part of the crowd that loves to “indulge” more than you should – perhaps more than “once in a while”, then you’ll want to “arm” yourself accordingly against the lard lumps that be-a-waiting to form. And the info – nay, AMMO – you need to blast them pesky fat cells right out of the water is right HERE – –

Sprints par excellence

Dear Reader,

Many years ago when I first climbed the hill I do now in China, it was, as opposed to now, ANYTHING but easy.

I’d huff and puff my way up that sucker, and often times I’d do it during peak hours of the day (between 11 A.M. – 2 P.M. ) due to work and other reasons.

Yes, this foreign devil is indeed nuts about his exercise routine – but thats a lesson right there in discipline folks. As I state in the 10 Commandments Of Physical Success, I didn’t let ANYTHING come in between me and my workouts.

Not work timings – not “personal things” – nothing. I’ve worked jobs that required me to work until 8 P.M. at night often times, and yet, first thing I’d do upon getting home would be to get my exercise in.

Anyway, it felt like I was literally – BREATHING FIRE on the way up the hill, my friend. LITERALLY!

My heart would pound nineteen to the dozen, and sweat would pour off me even more than it would in normal weather. I mean I REALLY, really felt that climb back then – especially during the summers!

BAM, BAM, BAM my heart went like a sledgehammer against my chest – – and THIS, my friend – this exact same feeling was what I experienced TODAY – except certainly not when climbing the hill in hot and humid weather.

I ran sprints today in the local park – and went full bore on a few of them – and had that same “magical, in the zone” kind of HEART THUMPING, fat blasting workout – and the amazing part, of course was that the actual workout lasted less than the rest periods in between!

When you have this kind of feeling after running sprints, you know you’re doing them “par excellence”, my friend.

And not only will this sort of training work your entire body from head to toe like it’s never been worked before – it’ll also blast fat off your body quicker than lard off a George Foreman grill on speed.

And bipedal sprints are certainly not the only sprints that are as effective in this regard. Quadruped sprints – that are in many ways easier for those in poor shape to do – are probably  just as good – except in a different manner, and that is why I’ve detailed plenty of these in Advanced Hill Training.

If you haven’t grabbed a copy as of yet, do so NOW and get started on the road to a slimmer you TODAY, my friend.

And other than the dramatic fat blasting effects (yes, you CAN literally eat more and still melt ugly pudge off your body with these routines) – you’ll be amazed at how good you feel – for HOURS afterward.

Not only that, the best part is this – your body will be in fat burning mode for uptil 48 hours after the workout, mostly due to the overdose of HGH and other natural growth hormone the workout requires the body to product.

In short, these workouts tell your body this – Get lean – quickly! Get in shape – FAST! And most of all – GET – and STAY – YOUNG!

So if you’re still sold on the idea of workouts having to be looooonnnnnnggg boring drawn out sessions at the local gym, well – give this sort of routine a shot, and THEN come back and tell me, my friend.

I bet you my bottom dollar you’ll be singing a different tune altogether!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The 0 Excuses Fitness System is modeled on the “sprint workout” philosophy as well. Grab your copy of this world famous exercise progam right HERE – –

An ICE cold one

Dear Reader,

Akin to the “heart thumping” effect that sprints and training outside in hot weather have on the body – there is something else that produces much the same effect, and has health benefits galore.

Many years ago in China my hot water heaters stopped working – that too in the middle of winter.

Right smack in the middle of winter, and yours truly being a person that just HAS to shower in the mornings before heading out (unlike the Chinese, who seem to prefer to shower at night for whatever reason) guess what options were there.

I turned on the water – expecting it to turn warm – then hot as it usually does – but it never did, of course.

Now, this pattern for whatever reason has repeated itself ad infinitum over the years – so much so that the hot water heater is something I test multiple times before signing a lease etc. They use those old “gas” heaters in many parts of China here, and them darn things give up for a multitude of reasons at all the wrong times seemingly.

Anyhow, that was the first time it happened to me back then – and the only option was – well – to grit my teeth and jump straight into an ice cold shower – in the middle of the winter.

And after a bit of hemming and hawing, and prancing around on tiptoes, nervously testing the water – THAT is what I did!

Hoooo boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! My heart rate instantly shot up to about fifteen times it’s normal rate (ok, not really, but you get the drift) and to say that each jet of water felt like a cold knife passing through my bones would be the understatement of 2004 (I believe that was the year it first happened).

I gritted my teeth, and stayed in. Each second felt like an eternity.

But guess what …

Slowly, but surely, that cold water didn’t seem near as cold – and this when the outside temperature was hitting 1 degree Centigrade.

Sure, it wasn’t something you’d want to stay in all day – but I must have showered for my usual 5-10 minutes in that cold stream of water – and I then leapt out – and … here’s the kicker.

I didn’t “shiver” uncontrollably. I didn’t fall sick. I didn’t feel like puking.

NONE of the above.

Instead, I felt like a BAZILLION bucks. I felt like energy was shooting through every inch of my body – as opposed to the “relaxed” feeling you sometimes get after a hot shower.

And though it was colder than a witch’s t-i-t outside, I didn’t feel the cold when I stepped out. In fact, it felt like a normal day to me – as opposed to what would happen otherwise if I took a steaming hot shower.

I remember something else as well. Back then, I had just started to workout and my digestion would be on the blink often.

Gas. Indigestion. Flatulence. Bloat. You name it …

And THAT particular day was an exception to the norm. For whatever reason that cold water shower had revved up entire system – including my digestive processes – and everything worked perfectly that day – so much so that I remember it even now.

I’ve always taken cold water showers whenever possible after that – including today after my sprints (albeit in hot and humid weather, hehe).

I also researched it a bit more after my initial experience, and it seems I’m not the only one that partakes of these “cold water blasts” to rev up the internal engine.

The Finns and Scandanavian nations do this on a regular basis. In fact, Finland, a country near the North Pole is actually renowned for the tough folks who’ll bake in a sauna first – and then  jump headfirst into the nearest almost-frozen ocean or lake to “cool off”.

Talk about a JOLT, my friend – and these people by the way are some of the healthiest people on the planet.

I’ll have more on this subject later, but for now – remember to do what the  Finns do on a regular basis – and what a lot of the old time strongmen did – that being to incorporate cold showers into your routine whenever possible.

Turn it on as cold as you can get – and jump straight into it. You can switch back to warm or hot later on – – but that initial blast  – – and staying it in for aat least a few minutes is really what does a WORLD of good to your health — more than you realize!

So that’s today’s tip, my friend. I’ll be back again with more.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Your internal engine cranked up to it’s MAX means only good things in terms of fat burning. Even better, if you’re not currently hardy enough or a card carrying member of the “Polar Bear Club” (yes, such a thing apparently exists) then the workouts in the 0 Excuses Fitness System will get the job done as well. Grab your copy NOW and get started on some of the fat MELTING routines included right HERE – –

The old man I met in China

Dear Reader,

A lot of you wrote back about the “old man I met in China” that I references in an earlier post, and with good reason. That post (when I first posted it on the old blog) proved to be quite popular – again – with good reason!

If there’s ONE person I’ve met here while training (one amongst not too many) that I can happily say I’m honored to have met it’s this old dude – probably around 75 or so by now, but wiry and tough as nails nonetheless.

Without further ado then, here is the original post –


Oh – and after you get done devouring that – here are some related readers “Q&A” –

Again – enjoy!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – NO products are currently being sold from the site as of now. I’ve got grandiose plans for the site – stay tuned on that front – but for now, here is where all fitness products are being sold – –

How I counter negative energy

Dear Reader,

(Note to reader – a) this post is longer than usual and b) we’ve been having some weird errors on the site as of late. 503 errors appearing out of nowhere, 404 errors, and one reader reported not being able to make a purchase.

ALL these problems have been resolved now – but if you still face issues purchasing – please shoot me an email ASAP at [email protected] and I’ll have it looked into pronto.

Note to self – Change hosts …)

As I was feeding the fishes this morning, completely oblivious to the world, enjoying being at one with Nature – a couple of jokers showed up.

Now, normally the time at which I feed the fishes or even workout etc is when most people are busy banging away at their computers – – a.k.a. 9-5 – – and therefore I’m usually left alone and to my own devices.

I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but the best part about doing my own thing is the sheer freedom I have in terms of “work” hours etc – – and to be honest, most of my work seems like “play” to me, hehe, so much do I enjoy it.

Anyway, it being the Labor Day holiday here in China, most people are on holiday. Thats about a billion people all over the place- and not only does it get crazy hectic during holidays here – it also seems to bring out all the negative folks that have been “in the woodwork” – hidden, unseen, but certainly there.

This clown was apparently not happy with the way I was feeding the fishes, and started to “prod” my arm.

“Feed them this way!”

I gave him a cold look – one that should have stopped the dead in their tracks and moved along a bit – but it didn’t seem to bother him one bit. He kept grinning in an inane manner about the “foreign devil” not knowing how to do things.

Now, I’ve written before about the fish recognizing me when I come to feed ’em, and how absolutely amazing it is. This is what was drawing people to the scene – but of course they did the exact opposite of what they should have been i.e. quietly enjoy the scene, let the “foreign devil” do his thing uninterrupted – – and of course, be at one with Nature.

A couple of teenage ruffians around the age of 15 or so showed up shortly thereafter, and their way of getting the fish to come to them wasn’t to feed them.

No, it was by way of throwing rocks and pebbles at the fish!


So much did it ruin the entire vibe of the situation, so potent was the negative energy spewing from these people (and they didnt even know it) that I figured I’d pack things up and head on home and return later.

After all, they were looking for a “rise out of the foreign devil” essentially – something which most negative folks are looking for on a subconscious level as it seems to justify their negative behavior to them in some strange regard.

To be honest, I’d have blown my top in the past. I’d have said more than a few words.

For example, I was training outdoors yesterday and a young lad about 14 or so (old enough to know better) kept following me around as I did my workout. Like a bleeding shadow of all things …

“You so strong!” “Where are you from!” And so forth. He’d do all he could to try and get in some conversation as I was working out – although my entire demeanor indicated I did NOT want to be disturbed at that time.

Then there was this one clown (also a foreign devil) who saw me doing pull-ups (this was a while back) and proceeded to lecture me on “how I should be training my mind instead of my body” and “why am I working my body so hard”. He only made a beeline for the exits when I turned out – perhaps the way my muscles unconsciously tensed gave him a clue or two …

In the past, I’d have (like I just said) blown my top – and probably very justifiably so in ALL these situations – but I ended up ruining my entire day as a result.

Despite what many people think, the way to counter most annoyances is NOT by blowing one’s own top and indulging in an “over the top” response. This might serve as a quick fix, but ends up infusing way more negative energy into your OWN life.

What I did this morning was to simply walk away. I knew the lunatics would get bored if I wasn’t there to “entertain” their negativity – and sure enough, when I returned after a quick 10 minute jaunt, they were GONE, and it was all good again.

What I did with the ass clown telling me not to do pull-ups was – again – to ignore him. Sure, I could have told him to go **** himself. I could have engaged in a war of words. But I did none of the above. I IGNORED him, and presto – he disappeared of his own accord.

Similarly with the dude hell bent on following me through the park. All I did in that case was utter a simple “Be quiet”, and the lad seemed to get the message.

Most of the times, negative people are the way they are because of their subconscious programming and they subconsciously do all they can to drag YOU down into their vortex of negativity as well, my friend.

And in most cases, you’re best off simply ignoring them – and doing so doesn’t add fuel to their negative fires, which ultimately peter out and BURN out.

So the next time you’re faced with an angry driver, for instance, cussing at you in traffic for no apparent reason – simply ignore him/her – or even better, smile back and go about your own merry way. Not only will this frustrate him/her no end – it’ll also defuse the situation — and said person will think again the next time he attempts something like that.

I feel GREAT now – like a billion bucks – – and what I did after that (after I let the negative “vibes” out of my system via ignoring the idiots) was to engage in some Hindu Squats – done “par excellence” as I teach in my 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Man oh man oh man. Combine these exercises with the power of the mind – and staying positive (and FEELING GREAT) all the time – and you cannot go wrong – no matter what!

If you haven’t grabbed yourself a copy, you owe it to yourself to do so NOW, my friend.

So that’s today’s tip. Don’t fan the flames of negativity. Ignore ’em and they’ll burn out on their own in most cases!

Last, but not least, this is NOT meant to be taken as a a post denouncing those at the park or anything like that. I’m merely denouncing the loons who occasionally show up out of the woodwork here – curiously enough during all the major festivals and holidays, though I don’t know why.

Some of the BEST experiences I’ve had in China and the friendliest people I’ve met have been while working out.

The old man I met in China years ago – a man whose hand I feel honored to shake every time I meet him.

The guys that workout alongside me doing pull-ups, dips etc – – it’s a pleasure to work out beside ’em.

And of course, one of the security guards at the park – an enthusiastic sort of dude who grunts, growls, and howls his way through dips done ultra fast, hehe – and whose got me pegged for having an “extra large” chest, though I have no idea why!

And so forth. Bottom line  being this – all these guys are there for a REASON. A PURPOSE – and this purpose makes them vibrate POSITIVELY as opposed to the ruffians I mentioned above whose only purpose in life is to be nuisance.

So do whatever you do purposefully, my friend. Not only will you make great strides in your own life – but you’ll also be doing a heck of a lot in terms of adding positive energy BACK to the Universe!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – One reason your on this list is because you’ve several fitness goals you’re looking to meet. Approach those goals with clear intention and PURPOSE, my friend. Make a plan – and stick to it. And step #1 on that plan is to pull out that credit card and reserve your copy of the best fitness system there is on the planet, bar NONE. Do so right HERE – –


Who to ignore – and who NOT to

Dear reader,

One of the pet peeves I have – something that annoys me so much that I should probably label it on par with (and sometimes above) folks playing the fool when I’m working out.

What is it?

Well – this – people not GETTING back to me when I ask them something (and amazingly enough, this is looked upon as NORMAL in today’s dumbphone’s obsessed world).

Apparently it’s “kosher” these days to spend every waking minute updating one’s Facebook and other “streams” with meaningless, mindless and profoundly moronic “vicarious” selfies – but get back on an actual message?

Even better, post – or respond at length – to something that requires rational, conscious, and intelligent THOUGHT?

The most common excuse we hear for this is the same as we hear in terms of fitness – that being a sorry ass “I don’t have time to get back” (this despite dumbphones making it easy to get back within the blink of an eye if one really chooses).

Most of the people who say this really mean “I could care less about getting back to you”. Sadly, this list of people sometimes extends to friends as well who seem to take relationships (and great ones at that) for granted, never stopping once to think that relationships, like anything else, need constant nurturing or else they stop “blossoming”.

Some folks are slightly more “smart” about how they word their responses on this given what I said above.

“Oh, I’m unplugging from said devices”

“Oh, just give me a call if it’s something important”

Uh … and what if it’s not something earth shatteringly important that requires a phone call? What if you could simply type out a simple textual answer to what was being asked?

“Uhhhh … ” No answer.

Now, to be fair today’s social media obsessed world does mean that we all have multiple “conversations” vying for our attention. Something which is the complete opposite of what I state in Zero to Hero, and most of my other courses – that being to FOCUS upon ONE THING AT A TIME.

Despite what the plethora of “gurus” out there tell you, multi-tasking is without exception, for the most part, one of the biggest productivity – and ACHIEVEMENT – killers out there.

Following on from what I said above, some folks come up with the sorry ass excuses of “I’ve got 40 messages to deal with. Man, how can I ever keep  up!”

And believe you me, if it’s a message that gives them some immediate benefit – or some immediate quick fix – these people are the QUICKEST to jump upon it despite the so called 40 other messages vying for their attention.

Now, why does this annoy me no end?

Well, because I’ve had more than one relationship (I’m talking friendly relationships – between buddies) go nowhere in general after said people suddenly decided to stop nurturing the relationship with the aforementioned excuses.

Now, you might think there were some problems brewing which caused this – but no. Amazingly enough, these same people when you meet them in person hold NO grudge towards you – and have NO issues with you – and yet, they won’t get back on anything in any sort of timely manner.

It’s the “run after me” syndrome they’re subconsciously displaying – something you do NOT want to display with close friends and family for one.

Sure, if it’s something or someone you don’t care about – by all means don’t invest time and energy into following up.

But if it’s a friend – a relationship you “believe” you care about – then sift past all the B.S. on the smartphone, and choose the messages that are important to you. Give them – and your TRUE friends – the attention they deserve, my friend.

You’ll be all the better off for it. I guarantee you this.

Personally speaking I’m down to less than 100 contacts on my WeChat list – and at one point it was literally down to about 19 – and I’d classify less than five of those as real friends.

But those “less than 5” are the people I CARE about. The people I choose to spend time with. The people that motivate. The people that uplift. The people, that in short – CARE.

Until, of course, they as well fall prey to the ever expanding “I’m too busy to get back” syndrome.

This recently happened to me and a good friend of mine – a guy I rated VERY highly indeed – a guy whose been into physical training his ENTIRE life.

When I first met him there was this “buzz” about him that attracted me to him and vice versa, and we hit it off from the word go and had many enjoyable conversations, brews together etc etc.

And today, that same person falls into the category of folks I no longer want to invest any time in – if just because his attitude towards the relationship in general frustrates me no end.

Does that mean I hate him? Not an iota. Wish him harm? NOT an iota. Stopped respecting the guy for his numerous accomplishments? Not a chance in hell. It’s simply something that has sadly stopped to blossom – and I’m accepting it – with an open heart and choosing to move on.

Funnily enough this downward spiral started a month or so after the dude stopped actively exercising (he was into bodyweight stuff himself). Now it’s all about “I don’t have time”, or “I’m not in the kind of shape to do that”, and so forth.

Ugggggggggghhhhhhhhh. ‘Tis indeed sad to see an inspiring figure turn into a pale and sorry imitation of his glory days – and all when it does NOT have to be that way!

Moral of the story?

Make time for those you love – and care about. Treat with the respect they deserve, and allott some time out of your day exclusively for these people.

You’ll be all the better off for it – that I DO guarantee you.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If your “buzz” (translation – vibes) are DOWN, DOWN, and DOWN in a big way, physical activity will help ’em get back to the levels I stated. And pushups, my friend – including the “very best darn exercise there is” are the NUMERO UNO way amongst all the other bodyweight exercises out there for getting your vibe levels back up – and QUICKLY. Learn how to do so right here – –

Why I train in a bubble

Dear Reader,

As I was pounding out pull-ups today outdoors, it happened – as it usually always does.

It happened once again as I was getting some dips in – nice, full stretches done EXACTLY the way I teach in Shoulders Like Boulders (which by the way has a new and updated “Handstand FAQ” section – something you’re gonna love if you’re into doing handstand pushups).

And of course, it happened yet again (and a lot louder) towards the end of my pulling workout when I was doing hanging leg raises – done slowly, all the way to the top of the bar and then down again in a smooth, controlled manner – as I teach you in Pull-ups – from Stud to Super Stud within weeks.

And what happened, you might ask?

Well – what happened was what normally happens when I train outdoors – and being I haven’t installed a pull-up bar at home like I did wayyyyyyyyy back in 04 when I first got to China – I usually end up doing pull-ups outside.

Not to mention dips etc.

Now, when I train the “outdoors” is usually deserted. Most people are pounding away at the computer in their cubicles when I train, and that’s a good thing for me in that there are MINIMAL – or almost NO – distractions when I train.

That’s one of the great things about doing what I do – writing and selling info products can be done on one’s OWN time, leaving so much more time to do what really matters in life.

Anyway, being it’s the Labor Day Holiday here in China, there were plenty of folks outdoors today. This sometimes happens during the weekends as well, and on each and every one of those occasions, crowds gather to watch the foreign devil train.

And then of course, the parade of “wahs’s” and “ooooohs” and “ahhhhhhss” start – especially when I’m cranking dem toughies out.

All “admiring” noises, of course, and yet – this is the one thing I absolutely HATE to have happen when I train. It can’t be avoided at times though, so I imagine myself in a bubble when I’m training during “busy” times like this outdoors, but yet, it still sometimes ends up annoying me (though nowhere NEAR what it used back in the day when I did NOT picture myself in the bubble – boy the fits I threw on occasion, haha).

Anyway, why do I hate this so much you might ask?

After all, they’re admiring me, aren’t they? They’re trying to “say” I’m doing something good – or great – something which is apparently “impossible” for them to do – whats so bad about it?

Well, several things in my opinion.

First off, it lessens my focus – especially when some loon comes up to me and starts offering advice on something he has NO idea on how to do – unsolicited advice at that.

Example in point would be an ass clown who showed up when I was doing pull-ups one day and tried to pester me about “why I train like this”.

“Why do you work so hard on pull-ups?”

“Why don’t you train your mind instead”

And he only really backed away when he could tell he wasn’t getting anywhere. Funnily enough it occured when I turned my  own back to him – and he suddenly fled. Perhaps it was something to do with the way the muscles were tensed in my back? No idea, but that is ONE example.

Or, as happened today, a teenage boy old enough to know better following me all around the park as I did my thing, despite being old enough to know better.

Negative energy galore, my friend. Not only do these people do NOTHING with their own lives – the unwanted disturbance is actually them projecting a boatload of negativity on the person that’s actually out there doing something.

And note I don’t so much mind a crowd forming as what happens AFTER the crowd forms. If folks want to “admire from a distance”, fine – but repeated requests for selfies during HARD training – or any training – are NOT welcome.

Second, I’m not training to impress anyone or put on a show for that matter. Some of the movements I do and the precision with which I do ’em may make it seem that way, but it’s NOT what I’m trying to do.

I’m training for myself. I’m training to get better – ALWAYS get better and improve – and what *I* do, as opposed to “enthralling a crowd”.

‘Tis strange but true – the “wahs” and “ooh ahs” not only make me lose focus – but they also hinder my performance during my reps. I do FAR better training “like a tiger” by my lonesome, and I bet the same is the case for YOU as well if you’re a serious trainee.

Third, these movements demand concentration and max effort – NOT idiotic conversations or selfies galore.

And fourth, but NOT least, I don’t “compete against others” when I train. Sure, I’ve got goals – but end of the day, after you get past a certain level, the only person you’re really competing against – and the only person you SHOULD be competing against – is YOU, my friend.

The ease with which I crank out 10 plus pull-ups per set may stun some people – especially when done in the noon time heat for multiple sets, but believe me, there’s so much MORE to accomplish.

And the way to accomplish said things is to go into one’s BUBBLE – where NO-ONE and NOTHING exists except you and your training.

The world quite literally ceases to matter. Everything stops. It’s you – and your training – and NOTHING else, my friend. That’s just how it should be if you’re looking to improve in each and every workout.

There are folks that claim “onlookers” give them the energy required to perform better. One of my friends claims that he does way better at pushups when he’s got others watching as opposed to by his lonesome.

Perhaps – but yet – he’d do a hell of a lot better if he got into the zone – into his bubble as it were – and moreso, the people “watching him” when he does better are likely nothing more than silent approvers – something which is fine – so long as it doesn’t cross the line and turn into what I’ve described above.

Anyway, that’s what I love about the exercises in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, so much, my friend.

You don’t need a gym. You don’t need more than a few square feet of space. Hell, I could be traveling and can get in a great, great workout doing just THREE pushup movements that work the entire body – and that too in the privacy of my hotel room.

The 0 Excuses workouts allow you to train in a bubble – IMPERVIOUS to outside negativity and influences – the way it SHOULD be when you’re looking to accomplish goals, my friend.

Get your paws on it NOW, and watch your training take a leap for the better.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you love stories, you’ll love the book in the System. I even mention how I fashioned a pull-up bar out of a rusty iron pipe – NOT something most expats or even people in their own countries would do. When there is a will, there is ALWAYS a way, my brother. Oh YES there is.

Rahul’s “believe it or not”

Dear Reader,

Today’s I’ll do my own version of “Ripley’s believe it or not”, and share some things about myself with you.

Some of this may come across as unbelievable. Most of it WILL probably come across to the average reader as “incredulous”.

And who knows, I may even get some comments about being “too abrasive” or something along the lines of “you can’t be too direct”. So be it, hehe.

Without further ado, then – here’s my list of 10 “believe it or not’s”.

  1. The WORST inventions of the 21st century are – in that order – the SMARTPHONE – and the TEE VEE. One stifles the imagination and encourages slothfulness (not to mention is  a massive waste of time), and the other does much of the same except WITHOUT the little bit of value certain “educational channels” impart to the boob tube, making it #2 on the list.
    1. The radio was great, and so was the tele”fone”. FAR better the above two.
  2. I haven’t watched TV in years. Hell, I haven’t even OWNED a functional TV in any of  my apartments here in China. Landlords and others have offered to “fix it” (it being part of what I pay on a monthly basis for RENNNNNT) and yet – I could care less. It’s one thing I do NOT want in my house, period (the one exception I do make is back at my “own place” but that’s only so my daughter can avail of the cartoons and whatever little instructional stuff is on the darn thing).
  3. I’m in the best mental and physical shape of my life at age 37 – and going strong (and I attribute the majority of the first part of this to a) no teeee veeee and b) ignoring the dumbphone as much as possible).
  4. My first meal of the day is a simple enough meal with NOTHING fancy – and get this – MOSTLY carbs (and rice) at around 6 P.M. or so.
  5. My second and last meal of the day is the biggest one – usually at night, mind you – and here is the biggest mind bender of dem all – right before I go to bed.
  6. I do NOT follow any special diets, or calorie count.
  7. I partake of hard workouts daily, and despite the bozos out there that jump up and down about “3 days a week splits”, I do NOT “take days off to rest and recover”, and yet, I’m improving in each and every workout.
  8. I eat what I like, and drink a few brews on occasion, and none of it adds a lick of fat to my waistline.
  9. I have crappy genetics. I’m more prone to putting on weight than the average person out there despite the results I mentioned.
  10. Dreams DO indeed come true – if you let ’em. This last one is probably the most difficult to believe, but so be it. Incredulous and mind boggling as it might sound, I’ve met people in my dreams – and have had names pop up – that I NEVER knew of or even heard of, and yet a few days later – BAM. I end up meeting those people without even knowing or trying to. Same thing holds true for actual events I “dreamt” of (including something that happened today itself). Truly psychic, my friend. And yet, all true.

Most of this may sound unbelievable, but it’s true, my friend.

‘Tis so true. And you’d be well advised to implement some of the above in YOUR life – and report back how your life changes – for the BETTER!

OK,that’s it for today. I’ll be back again with more.



P.S. – – #11 – – I follow the MOST unconventional routines out there – – perhaps the most unconventional devised by man – – but boy do they work! You TOO can gain access to these routines right HERE – –

What the hezey

Dear Reader,

Just got done chatting with my wife for a while, and what I heard didn’t entirely surprise me (at least, not part of it).

It seems that these days “most” people are perennially down with either some sort of bug or flu – – or a stomach infection.

Or food poisoning. Or worse.

And you know what the funny (I should actually say “strange”, not “funny”) part is about all this?

Most of these people are “ostensibly” those very same people that a) apparently “take care of their health” and b) are meticulous about their diet etc – and do what the “shmexperts” proclaim works.

Case in point being a family member of mine (I’m not going to name him) who curiously enough delighted in lecturing me about “bad habits” galore, but is himself afflicted with a case of the “Buddha Belly” as well as flatulence, and (currently) apparently a case of severe food poisoning “due to the weather”, apparently.

And yet, this person refuses to give up his glass of spirits at the end of the day …

Another case in point being a good friend of mine – who is apparently “trying to lose weight”.

My first comment to him was “Well, get started back on the exercise program man!”

When I met him – this guy was lean and mean – and a FIGHTING MACHINE – and I don’t mean “in real life”. He had the look in his eye – the “eye of the tiger” – and the way he grabbed my hand in a bone crushing vice spoke volumes not just to his physical conditioning – but also his MENTAL state of mind.

And today, this same person is constantly down with lung infections. Illness. And so forth.

And his answer to my comment was “Oh, I have no time to exercise” – but curiously enough, he’s got time to “monitor his diet”. He’s got time to think about whether or not his meals have carbs in them (or something like that) –  – but yet, a simple exercise regimen?

No way, Jose.

Give up the “brew? No way, amigo!

And so forth …

‘Tis sad, but very true – in BOTH the cases, and the vast majority of cases not only is blindly just “sitting on your rumpus” and following “shmexpert” advice (which usually panders to an inbuilt human tendency to be LAZY and make excuses) WRONG – – it is actually detrimental to your overall health and well being.

Not only that – ’tis very sad – but VERY true – a solid exercise program done for about 20 – 30 minutes a day, or even less could CURE most of these “recurring illnesses” once and for all – if only people stopped being lazy and GOT ON THE STICK.

I love my buddy like a brother – and yet his unwillingness to simply do what would “get him out of the mud pit” (if I might say so) frustrates me no end. And the same thing applies to the vast majority of folks that are constantly “feeling down” or “perennially ill” or “have a constant case of the bloat” – or IBS – or so forth.

People – it’s simple enough. The solution is … to GET off your duff, and DO something.

Rather than spending time worrying about whether the gym will give you discounted prices for the next year, drop down on the floor and crack out a 100 pushups as fast as you can. Not only will the deep breathing involved in this entire set energize you – but you’ll also feel far better for the rest of the day.

Key here being to stop making excuses – and get on a decent bodyweight exercise program – the same one yours truly has used for YEARS – and continues using till this date – the one right HERE – –

My own diet might shock most of you. I’ve written about my irregular “animal like”eating patterns before. I’ve even spoken about how I regularly “go against the grain” in terms of what the “schmexperts” say.

And yet – the results? I can’t recall being sick in years — not even a minor bug or so – – and if it does happen, it’s usually over before I know it.

I can’t recall feeling weak – – or “having no energy” – – or “not feeling up to it” – – in donkey’s years.

Am I special? A superhuman? From outer space?

I think NOT, my friend. I’m just your average guy with  less than average genetics/background that’s built himself up – from the INSIDE out – the way YOU should as well.  And the ONE and MAJOR key to do this – is exercise.

Regular hard “bouts” of exercise  (done the RIGHT way) – and NO excuses made. That’s all there is to it.

Drop the fancy diet plans. Drop the excuses. Drop all the wailing about “it’s not going to work” or “it is too difficult”.

Just – DO it. It’s that simple, my friend.

Get on the stick right here today – – – – and watch your overall health and fitness improve by LEAPS and bounds.

Sure, your local Walgreens might not be too enthused about declining revenues – – but your body sure WILL!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t have time? Well, try telling me that once I get through looking through all the selfies you so assiduously posted on Facebook and other social media. Ugggggggh. Whats the world coming to when folks have “time” to engage in meaningless banter and update about a bazillion pics of their lunch – and dinner – and shopping – and ah, but I think you get the point. Control, my friend. It’s all about CONTROL. Grab complete control over your life – and your HEALTH today – and make a start right HERE.

P.S. #2 – And if this email comes across as being “abrasive” or “uncaring” so be it. My job is to point out the facts – not be a “babysitter” of sorts.  ‘Tis how I am, my friend – ’tis how I’ve always been – but the one thing I CAN promise you is I’ll give you the facts – unadulterated – straight – and EVERY darn time.

P.P.S. – Make today’s training session the BEST one ever. I sure did!

The “pro” wrestler

Dear Reader,

I watched a re-run of “The Wrestler” last night. It’s a 2008 movie if I’ve got it right, and Mickey Rourke in my opinion does a great, great job of portraying the once great “Randy the Ram’s” fall from stardom.

Not only that, the movie depicts a pretty realistic picture of what actually goes on behind the scenes in the dressing room. The choreographed and pre-planned outcomes. The roids (and regular trips to get said ‘roids). The “preening and posing”. And so forth.

Not to mention the catastrophic results that the abuse these guys put their bodies through (especially in the more brutal “no holds barred” matches) often result in fatal, or near fatal consequences.

In “Randy’s” case, it was a double bypass that was required – with NO further strenous activity allowed (and certainly no steroids!).

And this mirrors what goes on in the real world of pro wrestling as well. Chris Benoit, the much publicized case was but ONE of those that (in a fit of steroid induced rage and madness) not only took his own – but his family’s lives in a horrifying incident that once again started the debates on “whether or not pro wrestling should be more closely moderated and so forth”.

“Kamala”, one of the premier WWE (or was it “WWF” back then) wrestlers (or at least one of the main attractions) in the 80’s was a giant of a man that was billed as a “savage from Africa”.

And when I say giant, I don’t mean around the shoulders/chest, although he WAS built like a rock overall – but the vast “bulk”  of that weight was concentrated around the huge gut he had, and which he proudly “smacked” each and every time he made a ring appearance much to the fan’s delight.

Fast forward to today, and he not only faces a glut of serious medical problems, but has apparently also had to have both his legs amputated beneath the knee.

Anyway, none of this takes ANYTHING away from the wrestler’s work ethics. Being a pro wrestler by itself is by far one of the toughest things one can do – and I don’t mean just the wrestling or the abuse the bodies get put through.

I mean the time spent on the road. The time spent rehearsing the scripts. The late nights. The “staple guns”. And so forth.

Burning the candle at both ends, my friends – and it adds up pretty quickly.

Now, THESE guys do it as part of a show – a business – sports entertainment as they say, and none did it better than the WWE during the attitude era in the 90’s. Hell, I tuned in many a times just for the storyline as opposed to the actual “wrassling”!

But sad part is, these unnaturally bloated bodies and layers upon layers of “show” muscle are not only bad for the wrestler’s themselves, but also for a whole load of “gym bros” who either consciously or unconsciously aim towards that sort of an unnatural physique.

It’s rare to find a modern day bodybuilder that doesn’t take artificial supplements of some sort (and I’m being kind when I say that).

One of my good friends here whose into bodybuilding takes testosterone supplements. He aspires towards much the same sort of physique but as I wrote about in a prior email, taking artificial boosts of “the ole T” has more drawbacks than  benefits.

Certainly so for the average gym goer as well.

Closing note of today’s email?

Well, if you’re aiming towards heart attacks – multiple bypasses – fits of insane rage at odd and unplanned intervals – muscles that “shrink” once you stop injecting ’em – and so forth – well – feel free to continue on along the “bodybuilding” way, my friend. You’ll hear no arguments from me!

But if you’re looking to get much of the same benefits – REAL benefits – strength, endurance, and flexibility that not only lasts – as well as routines that are modeled along the SAME patterns as old time strongmen and wrestlers (not to mention the average old time guy who didn’t fall in either one of those categories) used – well – I’m right here for you.

If you fall into that latter category, click on over HERE my friend – –

It’s the best decision you can make for yourself – and if you’re part of the “former bodybuilders” crew that has decided to make a switch to sanity – all the better – it might just save your life!

Alright, my friend – I’m out for now. Be back again with more!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And in case you think these are isolated incidents, and not applicable to your average neighborhood gym, think again. THIS page details what a (former) dedicated “booby” builder told me while attempting to swim laps in the pool – –

P.S. #2 – BTW, I’ve included a BRAND NEW ” Handstand Pushup FAQ’s” manual along with the initial book. This was NOT included before, but over the past year I’ve got a raft of inquiries on handstand pushups and I figured I’d put it together into a concise little manual to clear up any and all doubts on the matter. Grab it now – and get cracking!

P.P.S. – Oh, and by the way, if you’re of the belief you can’t develop mammoth muscles by natural means – think again. Take a gander at the Great Gama’s picture included in the 0 Excuses Fitness book, for one. Or Herschel Walker. Or, …ah, but I think you get the drift, eh? Don’t delay any longer, my friend. Set the tone right HERE –