The mirror technique, and how you can use it to lose weight.
- Just do it, my friend.

I’ve written about visualizing a fit YOU in the past – multiple posts, in fact.

I’ve written about the POWER of visualization in the past and given you EXAMPLES of how it’s worked wonders for me in all areas of my life, NOT just fitness.

And I’ve given you exactly what to do (or tips on it, at any rate)if you hate exercise so much that you simply cannot bring yourself to MOVE, no matter what. That was the last email, I believe!

And NOW, I’m going to REVISIT an oldie – but goodie – the MIRROR technique, and the incomparable classic “The Magic of Believing”.

The lady who hates exercise loves reading, as I mentioned, and she asked me for a list of authors that I read (recommendations as it were).

“Well, I love fiction, or used to ,at any rate. Voracious appetite for the same, but these days I read mostly motivational and self improvement books. Always something new to LEARN!”

And without pausing I rattled off the names of Claude Bristol and Napoleon Hill, two of my all time favorite authors and then a few others too as they came to mind.

One of those would be Wallace D Wattles and the “Science of Getting Rich”. Whether you wanna get rich or not has NOTHING to do with what is being mentioned in the book, amazing as it may sound!

Anyway, if I have to choose TWO personal favorites, it would be “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, and the “Magic of Believing” (by Bristol) … and Bristol’s “TNT” book being a very close second to the above two.

In the Magic of Believing, Claude Bristol talks about the powers of the subconscious, something we ALL USE in our daily lives whether we know/admit it or NOT.

Your subconscious is what creates your reality, my friend, as I recently told a former boss of mine (who seems to be new at this sort of reading). Your subconscious is what determines the FINAL RESULT, and whether it comes in a straightforward manner (or, as is most common) through “winding brooks” (Emerson, another author I really do recommend!) … is a different manner.

Come it will, and the MIRROR technique, which I’ve detailed before is one of the best ways to get your subconscious INTO play – pronto – with AMAZING results, often instantaneous.

Draw yourself up, look into the mirror – – into your VERY SOUL – – into YOUR EYES, and literally SPEAK to yourself – – your MIND – – telling it what you WANT.

Do so with passion, vigor and conviction … preferably multiple times during the day, and you’ll soon find yourself believing what YOU WANT to be TRUE BEFORE it’s actually manifested in reality, and THAT, my friend, is when things will START to manifest for you!

While the mechanics may be different for certain people, I can tell you this much – nothing great was ever accomplished in mankind without getting the subconscious involved, and this ONE technique has worked WONDERS for people (along with the technique I once gave Tracy, an English student of mine, and then others after her).

And in Bristol’s book he lays out other very useful techniques too, and I’ll get into those later, but for now, fitness wise, what do you really WANT?

Determine that, my friend, and be CLEAR about it. As I’ve said before, when you ask most people what they really want they are either unable to answer or are VAGUE (NO, “more money” don’t count!) … and you MUST put vagueness out of the equation for any of this to work.

Maybe it’s the extra lard hanging off your frame, that unsightly lard that jiggles and bobs as you walk out of the shower, or are “neekid” with your SO, hehe.

Maybe it’s the fact that you’re in shape, but you’ve got a few more pounds hanging on than you need to, perhaps the love handles – or the lower abs.

Whatever it is, look at yourself in the mirror, and TELL YOURSELF that this lard will disappear.

Do it the way I’ve mentioned above. Grab that lard for added emphasis – hell, pinch it until you really feel PAIN … if you must! Whatever it takes for you to really “get the message”, and keep repeating this process multiple times a day for AT LEAST 21 days.

For those of you that don’t like exercise, you’ll notice yourself naturally gravitating to MOVEMENT – or some sort.

For those of you that love to workout, the results will be even quicker.

But whatever the goal, and whatever the RESULTS DESIRED are, they will come – if you just do the thing, as Emerson said, and you’ll have the power!

This here email, by the way, contains one of the most important tips I can ever give you, either in terms of life, success or fitness. Apply if you so choose, and stand back and be amazed at the SEAS OF YOUR LIFE parting before your very eyes!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re looking for more such turbo charged tips that will propel you along the road to success in whichever endavor you choose (in whichever economy) then do two things. First, make sure you’ve signed up for our newsletter HERE. And second, realize that ONE on ONE coaching is ALWAYS better for YOU, my friend. One on one makes sure I tailor my tips and advice for you, and you alone. We are all unique, and this sort of coaching truly has the potential to take your results and multiply them by mind boggling degrees, my friend. Apply right here if you’re interested!

Why I have a zero tolerance threshold ,and a very strict NO REFUNDS policy
- One bad apple DOES spoil the rest!

Boy, the day is proceeding in an interesting manner indeed!

As I removed a guy a couple of days ago for breaking rules in my Dongguan employment group – a dude that curiously enough runs his OWN group, and (seems to have) as of late modeled his own group along the lines of how I run mine (kudos) messaged me.

He went on to say that while he knew why he was removed, he a) didn’t know the rules and b) I should have “let him know privately before removing him”.

Here is what he had to say …

“I’m sorry, Rahul. Just helping a friend. Didn’t see the rules. It’s OK – I understand why you kicked me out now.

You should at least let me know in private to remove it so it doesn’t stay on the group, before you kicked me out”.

My response to him –

“Sorry, Alex. Rules are rules. I have a zero tolerance policy. Those that argue about it usually end up breaking the rule again. Haha. This has been made clear many times, so no, nothing personal. That’s how I run my groups, and that’s how it is going to remain. I realize most don’t agree and that’s fine, but that’s how it is.

You probably posted to all your groups at once. Hey, I get it. Times are tough, but rules are rules buddy. If you want, I’ll put you back in, but you gotta promise not to do it again.

As for Linda, she’s full of shit. I confronted her about it before I removed you, and she denied it. Typical dishonest recruiter … “

And over here, I went off on a rant about how most ESL recruiters are worth about as much as a screen door on a bally submarine, and it’s true.

Now, why did I give the dude a second chance?

I have a zero tolerance policy, right?

Well, MOST of the time I do.

If someone breaks a rule for whatever reason and takes the time to contact me in a CIVIL manner due to whatever reason, then I am MORE than happy to listen to the person, although I might NOT agree.

Most don’t though. Most contact me and throw a hissy – – and as one member Alan who I removed, and then added BACK to the group said “Thanks! If you really didn’t want me in there, then throwing a hissy would NOT help the cause”.

Smart dude, I must say!

And as for the recruiter in questions, it’s none other than the by now (in) famous Linda.

You remember her, don’t you?

Trying to buy the group from me at a substandard price, and having the balls to complain that I  didn’t sell it to her.

Trying to break rules – she did it TWICE – and then getting others to do it – and professing INNOCENCE in a typically “Chinese” manner (and NO, NOT all Chinese are like this – – but a sizeable percentage of the population IS, especially when dealing with us foreign devils who they view as PUSHOVERS).

Bottom line – you break the rules – you’re out pally. No second chances, and no whining and moaning, and nothing of the nature – – unless you fall in the “rarest of rare” category that I mentioned above.

Anyway, dude replied back.

“Its OK. I ****** up. You don’t need to add me. My mistake. “

MORE kudos, and I’ll probably add him back anyway, hehe.

And the point of me saying this is THIS IS WHY I have a zero refund / tolerance policy towards BULLSHIT, my friend, and that’s why I very clearly state on my POLICY page.

There are NO REFUNDS when you buy something from me – PERIOD, and for a good reason.

This will probably turn off most serial refunders, lookie lous, and “try before I commit” types, and that’s fine. There’s plenty of other gurus out there that can pander to your whims, but NOT this cat – or wolf, hehe.

As for WHY, well,  I believe the above example explains it all.

And more on the madness sweeping the globe and on POORLY implemented lockdown restrictions is what is on my mind NOW … but I think I’ll save that for another email, hehe.

For now, on to the good stuff – HERE is where you can take a gander at our products – and buy some as well.

Do so now – – they may just be the best companions for all of you stuck at home during these incessant lockdowns!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Read that BEER – – craft beer at that, or a version thereof is literally flowing down the drain due to the government’s blanket ban on alcohol and tobacco, one of the MOST RETARDED decisions anywhere unless you consider the fact that there is a booming black market, and guess where the proceeds from that black market goes. Can we say STRAIGHT into the politicians pockets, hehe. So much for helping the middle class though – other than Trump, globally, the trend seems to be squeeze small businesses and the middle class out of EXISTENCE, period …

P.S #2 – Oh, and if you’re interesting in losing weight pronto by doing PUSHUPS alone, then here is where you can grab Pushup Central.

What to do if you “really don’t like to exercise”!
- .. the answer may surprise, even shock you!

So, I was talking to a lady last night (not Candice – that was another “story”, hehe) that I hadn’t talked to in a while.

This lady responded to my posts on WeChat about “my thoughts on those that contact me out of the blue asking me “are you in China”” with a “What is this???” comment.

I hadn’t spoken to her in a while, and shes a good friend, so I responded to her, but the comment was deleted shortly thereafter as she read the entire thread and figured it out.

And as I got to talking to her, it was interesting .. in many regards, hehe.

Although mainland China has officially “conquered the virus”, there is, in her words “still a lot of uncertainty” around the place, and that does NOT come as a surprise.

I don’t know if you’ve heard it, but the “anti-foreign devil” sentiment, something which has been picking up STEAM in mainland China for ages now (specifically, since 2018 which is when Xi literally “took power for life”) has really gone up a notch or two due to the virus.

Now, I don’t know what the reader knows about mainland china, of course.

It has MANY admirable qualities, and lots of things I love. Free home deliveries for just about anything for one – with a SMILE.

Convenience stores etc stay open night long WITHOUT the ridiculous laws we have in many parts of the world prohibiting wine, beer and alcohol sales beyond a certain point. No “dry days”. No dry counties.

In India, for one, all of this is government controlled – NOT a good thing, and not the way it works in mainland China (well, at least not OVERTLY). India has tons of days out of the year which pop up out of the blue where you CANNOT get alcohol, period, and certain states are entirely “dry”.

And when you CAN get it, its from 12 noon – – 10 PM ONLY … and you CANNOT get it home delivered. More to the point, and to add “insult to injury”, unless you go to a bar or something, you’re stuck standing in line at the “jailhouse” – or so I call it – – and anyone that has seen the motly, diplidiarted “English Wine and beer shops” in mainland China KNOWS what I BE talking about, hehe.

And back in the good ole US of A, we have dry counties where folks drive from one county to the other to get their tipple. We have sales until 2 AM in the morning – or “not on Sunday”, or whatever the local church (in theory, I know, but hey, practically that’s what happens) decides. And so forth.

And the above two examples are NOT the only examples I could give you … the Middle East being another prime example of CONTROL Central, as it were (hey, that’s an idea for a PRODUCT! Hehe).

So there are plenty of good things there (and yes, I like a cold one on occasion, hehe, as you can tell) , but there are plenty of BAD things as well … and one of the bad things is what I mentioned above.

Yet another is the constant NONSENSE the government keeps spouting, that being that the “virus is under control”, or that “foreign devils are responsible for the second wave” (yeah … RIGHT … only 10% of the new cases have been ascribed to foreign devils when you get right down to it!).

And of course, the political mileage they’re looking to get out of the situation, the actions taken against their OWN PEOPLE that called all of this out way before it was a problem … I could go on and on, but the point is this – this lady has been out precisely ONCE in 78 days.

And she’s living in Shenzhen, a city that was never really locked down as it were.

Gazdooks! And this venture out was simply to “pick up groceries she ordered online”.

True, a lot of it has to do with her Dad wanting her to stay safe, but the panic in China hasn ‘t abated any is my point (which is bad, bad news, but that’s what it’s become globally now). Along with a crumbling (and that’s pretty much in the open now) economy, virtually “no friends” in the world, and so forth … the country finds itself in a BIND, big time, and its showing.

A person once asked me why I keep equating China with beer sales etc … well, the number of folks (those in the mainland) I see on social media daily these days seemingly are doing nothing but drinking up – – and while that may be a good or a bad thing depending upon, I believe you can tell a lot about the actual mood of a place by gauging how people REACT to things.

Anyway, she said she gained 3 kgs during the “self imposed lockdown” (of sorts).

And I asked her if she exercised, and recommended the following.

“Alexa, jump some rope or something. Do some bodyweight stuff. Something. Anything!”

Certainly better than playing video games for 10 hours at a stretch – admirable indeed in many ways, and something I’ve never been able to do, but something that puts a strain on your body – I’ll say that!

Anyway, she responded with the following.

“I’m going to the gym, but I hate it! I’m doing it because I have to!”

Now, at this point I could have quizzed this young lady on WHY she did something she HATED.

In fact, I do remember bringing it up at one point.

“You’re far less likely to do it if you hate it”, I noted, but then I stopped. At least she’s doing something, even if it’s “forced”, hehe.

And back to the point – what to do if you HATE exercise so much that virtually anything becomes a pain in the ass?

Well, it ain’t an ideal situation but if you really do NOT want to find out the exercises you like, or a routine you can STICK to  – – well, the next best thing thing is THIS. . .


That’s right.

You heard me.

Exercise the muscle between your ears, my friend – – and if you do it right, believe me, you will be LED to losing weight naturally … even if you HATE exercise, which you won’t after you do what I tell you, hehe.

I’ve spoken about the power of VISUALIZING before, and how it CAN help you get on the track to losing weight – – and QUICK.

And for those that believe what I said, and have done it – – well, the results have COME, and how.

I’ve spoken about what really kick started the final “leg” of my fitness journey in terms of the 60 kg number. And it sure wasn’t anything exercise related. It was an entirely unrelated situation which gave me the IMPETUS to go for it … a burning FIRE within … but that DESIRE was sparked by something else altogether, but the MECHANICS of how I went about it were the same!

I’m NOT a guy that wakes up at 5. You know that. Hehe. And yet, back in those days … in the winter … well, if you’ve been on this list a while, you know the story!

As for Alexa, I believe the way she is exercising her brain is READING – and given the list of books she’s bought, some of which make yours truly GOGGLE, well – she’s certainly on the right track there!

And that’s today’s thoughts. What you can do if you truly do NOT want to exercise, hehe. Give it a twirl, and let me know how that works for you!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can get on the actual ROUTINES that will burn off the fat quicker than you can say “hallejullah” … right there in the privacy of your living room!

Starving, vs losing weight naturally.
- Which is best and what should YOU do?

So, I spoke to Candice after a while last night after noticing an update or two on her wechat moments – – something I don’t really get into much to be honest.

Neither do I get into facebook, Twitter, Instagram a lot either … I do post on them, but usually only as much as I have to.

And though I DO occasionally share what I do in these emails there, I don’t really spend much time on social media overall. In fact, if Facebook were to shut down tomorrow, I’d probably not even notice or care, hehe, and that is a fact.

Anyway, I saw Candice after a while, online of course, and the first thing I could tell after looking at her in a black dress was this – despite her complaints of gaining weight while at home – – and my subsequent “pep talk” – – she’s actually lost a bit of weight.

… but, not in an ideal manner.

Her face was slimmer, and so were the legs and derriere, but overall, it didn’t seem that the weight had come off like it should.

You know what I mean, don’t you??

She has this semi-sunken look to her face that comes from starving yourself (to whatever degree) and I instantly noticed.

“Hey Candice! Looking great! (and she was)” … I went.

And then …

“You lost some weight, or maybe it’s just the black dress”, I said. “But I think you lost weight – – especially around the face”

“And probably by starving yourself” I said, with a touch of admonishment that I don’t know if she picked up upon.

She responded in the affirmative with a giggle or two.

“Thanks, Rahul! Yes, I’m  on a diet” ….

Now, I’m not going to rant about diets in this particular email. I’ve spoken a lot about diet before, so much so that the Simple and Effective Diet is offered FREE now along with your purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and I’ve also spoken about how diet is NOT required to get in the best shape of your life – or even in good shape.

You CAN pig out and still make gain, and while you’d be better off not doing so and making even better gains – the fact remains (and she didn’t specifically mention this, but I’m guessing it) – – STARVING oneself is NOT required, my friend.

Lots of folks “eat less” and do little meaningful exercise other than a few yoga stretches during the day (Candice, for one) thinking it will get them in great shape.

Now, something is better than nothing. Sure.

But yoga is NOT the best way to get in shape and (more to the point) lose weight, my friend. A combo of bodyweight exercise (and no, unlike what someone told me, what I teach is NOT yoga) and good CARDIO is what is required, and if you can get them both in one workout, hey, so much the better.

Other hand, if you choose to go it the “diet” route, hey, no problem. If that works for you, so be it – but there are always more and BETTER ways to skin a cat … and that what today’s missive is about!

All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – To learn MORE about what I would have suggested Candice do during the LOCKDOWN, click on over HERE, my friend – –

Sell without knowing your product
- Sounds incredible - but 'tis true!

Sounds incredible, doesn’t it?

Breaks the cardinal rules, or ONE of them, at any rate that everyone tells you about SELLNG and making SALES?

Well, maybe, but I’m here to tell you it’s true – – well, for the most part.

What do I mean?

Well, let’s consider the following tale from the Bollywood flick “Blood Money” I saw a few years ago which came to mind today for whatever reason I was taking a shower.

This movie is about a young upstart “lured from Mumbai, India” to work in the glitzy environs of South Africa and an office that looks straight out of an interior decorator’s dream playbook … with villains to boot, hehe.

While the movie is a typical masala flick, and based upon the “ambitious get rich quick” mindset that was all the rage back then in India (probably still is in most of the world, to be honest) it could have done better than it did at the box office, I felt. Missed a coupla tricks, but anyway, this is NOT about what the movie missed.

At the start of the movie, we see young upstart in a meeting with the boss (well he was observing the whole thing via video link from his office) and several wizened pros, all trying to sell a 13 carat or so diamond to a very picky buyer indeed.

The sale was crucial, and a high value sale. Time was of the essence, and the boss sent his second in command to close the deal, while the rest learned from him (the “team” in other words), but said second in command wasn’t doing such a great job of it, as the customer repeatedly wanted to buy the ring at a price much lower than what the company was offering it at.

Not only that – he was seemingly not happy with the way he was being handled during the sale, period (I mean in terms of negotiation etc, of course).

Young upstart is shown silently chafing … and as the big boss asks about the sale, and the second in command hems and haws, he pipes up.

“Sir, let me do this”, he says.

Second in command shushes him, but big boss looks on curiously.

“What makes you so sure you can close the sale”, he asks. “Most likely you don’t even know a lot about our business now…”

And he didn’t, of course. Young upstart had joined the company a few days back and this was his first job and his lack of practical knowledge on gems had already been very ruthlessly exposed in his first encounter with his second in command.

But he grins anyway.

“I may be new to the game, sir, but I’m very old at the game of selling! Starting from selling knock offs at the age of 7 to pizza at the age of 11. ….”

And while I’m not sure I recall the specifics, his enthusiasm convinced the big boss to take a PUNT on him – and guess what – he made the sale – and at a price BETTER than the second in command, and in LESS time, leaving both boss and customer GASPING.

When big boss asked him what exactly he did to get the sale, he told him – and it was basically a case of knowing the customer – as opposed to the product – inside out.

He had but a rudimentary knowledge of the latter, but an SOLD knowledge of the former based upon EXPERIENCE, my friend – and that clinched the deal.

And that’s how it works in terms of sales, my friend .

Many years ago, when I worked as a systems analyst at an I.T. job, I used to be BORED all day long writing functional specification docs for the tech team (a liason between sales, client, and programmer as it were, which is an essential function for an I.T. project, but is usually ignored).

And along the way, I noticed the sales guys, and their laments about not being able to close deals, and about not being able to get REPEAT business …

One fine day, I had enough.

An idea struck me, and I spoke to my immediate boss about it, who liked it.

I side stepped my “reporting boss”, and went straight to the big boss with it who had hired me a few months ago, and he instantly OKed it much to the (for whatever reason) chagrin of reporting boss, who was the operations manager (more sales = more headache for operations? LOL).

Anyway, long story short, a few weeks later, I made my FIRST sale. To the tune of a USD 7500 I.T. project sold entirely over email and later the phone, and this project value escalated down the line, of course.

And the rest, as they say is history.

Was I an expert in web development?

Well, I had done tech work and programming myself, but I was hardly at that point up to date with the latest coding skills etc, and probably still am NOT today.

But what I did know was the customer – their pain points – their pleasure points (sorry, I know, but that’s how you SELL!) … and what GOT ‘em, and what didn’t.

Hard experience as it were dealing with people all my life, and I took the knowledge and married it to selling I.T. instead of something else, and voila.

And that’s why I bring this up today – to dispel one misconception that you need to know your product inside out before starting to sell it (either yours, or someone else’s).

Now, don’t get me wrong. You DO need to know your product, the more and in detail, the BETTER. I’m NOT recommending you sell or try to sell something you know nothing about, but the point is this … there is something FAR MORE IMPORTANT to know inside out – that being your MARKET, my friend.

And that is indeed where a lot of folks fail, including yours truly at various points as well.

Anyway, good news – I’ve put together a lot of sales fundamentals (note – NOT copy writing fundamentals) into the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales, which despite its dated cover has info within it that is anything BUT dated.

And I highly recommend it – especially if you’re trying to SELL in this economy – or any – and make a few extra bucks here and there – or do it full time.

There are many other stories I could share in this regard, of course, one being a customer in the NEXT company I worked at that taught me a LOT about selling, and getting others to do what they don’t want to initially, hehe. Perhaps he read the Art of Negotiation by Sun Tzu, I don’t know – – but whatever the case be, after a few emails, yours truly was going back and forth with him like no-one’s business as well.

Born natural, and perhaps that is me tooting my horn, but hey, results speak, and we certainly got results there!

As the old man once told me “you sold it to me, Rahul! No-one else could!”

And I did. He was a tough, tough sell even WITHOUT shelling out a penny … or dime, hehe, and more on that in future emails.

For now, make sure to grab the book if you haven’t already, and start implementing the advice therein today, my friend. If there’s one skill that is going to be essential as we move further along the road to survivordom, it’s sales, and there it is – can’t get any more blunter than that!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Oh, and get yourself in SHAPE – FIGHTING shape – not only to feel the best you ever have in your life, but also to SURVIVE and THRIVE. Here are the two courses you need to further yourself in that regard – – Eat More, Weigh LESS and the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Man caves, those that inhabit them and man BOOBS
- Do those that inhabit the first have the last? Find out!

Well, well well.

I’ve been getting some interesting responses to my “wolf” emails – some funny, some “provoking” and some downright RETARDED.

One fine gentleman emailed me saying “you’re talking rubbish”.

Well, he didn’t word it that way – but that’s what he meant, hehe.

I haven’t yet made my response to him “public”, but I WILL – be on the outlook for this, but in the meantime …

…and more on the topic of my Uncle up in Connecticut (or wherever he may be now, hehe) …

Oh, and I just read that Donald Trump has “temporarily” barred immigration – – stressing the word in quotes.

I’m pretty sure this ain’t got squat to do with his re-election … despite what the naysayers NEIGH, hehe. I really think he had to buckle down under pressure – temporarily – and knowing ole Donald, a trick is ALWAYS up his sleeve – watch out for what happens NEXT, hehe.

Anyway, back to the “wolf like days”, and fast forward to a time in my life I was working in India – – and doing rather well apparently.

Yup, it was THAT job. You got it!

And after I quit that job due to reasons explained in the book (and reasons YOU TOO DO NEED TO READ if you’re a business owner of any sort that actually hires employees) … well, I was doing web development out of my bedroom on a full time basis.

Something that was not looked upon kindly by most people, family included (any surprise there?? I’ve often said that friends and family can indeed be the biggest energy leaks in your life, either willingly or unwillingly).

And my Uncle made this comment –

“Man, you really need to expand and go big”

He continued … “You have two choice here”.

“One, do this from your cave, and continue to do so.”

“And two, take it big. Open an office – and make more and more money as you do so!”

Now, before you jump up and down and “pre-guess” my response to him, hold on.

His #2 suggestion was actually a great one, not so much in practical terms, because being a WOLF is what I’m cut out for – not an office worker – – but in terms of making more money, and the intent behind what he said – – hey, I’ll all in agreement.

Many ways to skin a cat, and from what the rest of the family says, this dude has apparently made enough money to last not one, but THREE lifetimes, but he’s done it in a way reverse to what you or I (assuming we are WOLVES, hehe) would have – – and hey, that’s perfectly fine.

There are many ways to skin that cat, as I’ve always said.

Results count, and more power to Uncle for doing what he has, and suggesting what he did, but, and here is the point – – and I did NOT know this back then, or I would have said it (well, I knew it, and actually did have a blog even back then, but I was shy as a dormouse, and …)

(That blog done disappeared by now, I’m sure. IT’s NOT the old site … it was another domain, and it’s a pity, but I did not have the posts backed up either. Ah well, hindsight is always 20/20. Things happen for a reason. And so forth!)

Anyway, what I would have said, and what I’m saying now is this.

What if there were a way to marry the two?

Work out of your bedroom – – like a wolf in a CAVE – – a darkened one at that – – and make a ton of moolah while doing so?

Believe me, it’s very doable. It takes work yes initially, but it takes PATIENCE more than anything else to be honest – – and yes, anyone can do it if they just OPEN THEIR MINDS UP and just do it.

Trouble is, that is too much trouble for most people to do, certain wolves included, hehe.

Anyway, a common refrain amongst those working from home, or those forced to (remember Candice and her story of weight gain??) stay indoors is obviously weight gain … and for men, the MAN BOOBS are usually what happens the first along with an expanding bottom and obviously the mid section.

Good news though is it don’t have to be that way my friend.

You can get the best workouts of your life while in “wolf” mode – – in rapid quick time – – and for those that don’t believe me, I understand, and no, I ain’t gonna try and convince you otherwise either.

Can take a horse to water as it were, but can’t make it drink, hehe, and the same holds true for wolves most likely.

But I will say this – man CAVE does NOT equate to man BOOBS, and on that note – – well – – I’ll howl you be!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Candice actually ended up losing 3 kgs at home. Whether or not my pep talk helped or not I know NOT – but she did it with diet – – something I’ll talk about in the next email or so, and something I noticed right off the bat, hehe, along with the reason.

P.S #2 – Oh and you wolves that love pushups, we have got just the THING for you …

A thousand yes men cannot equal one honest advisor” … and my opinion of those that start a conversation with “Where are you? Are you in China?”
- ... long subject line that, eh? Hehe


Yīqiān gè chéngshí de rén bùnéng děngyú yīgè chéngshí de gùwèn

And if the above bit seems like garbage … well, it’s not – it’s the Chinese translation of what I posted in the subject line, and it’s true.

And I felt compelled to bring this up in my communication with YOU, my friend -if just for the amount of flak I’ve gotten for saying it like it IS over the past few days on a wide variety of issues.

This is nothing new, of course. Folks that know me know that I will go to any limits to cut past the BS and get to the FACTS and the meat of the MATTER – either fitness related or otherwise – – and as Alix, a friend of mine once said after I didn’t do this for a while in a group I was a part of (actually, that “famous” employment group I’ve referred to, hehe) he had this to say …

“Rahul, I’ve been missing your soliloquys!”

And he was, hehe.

Marc, the African silverback Gorilla got more than a few chuckles out of my “rants” on his way to work as well, but he was the first to say they were TRUE.

“If someone wants the facts, they’ll come to you – or me – or Mydnight (another poster in the group”, he once noted (after mentioning that morning that I was in “fine form” that day – and I was, hehe).

(That above conversation was in response to what I told him about the haters. Hehe. I didn’t know what I did NOW back then of course…)

And that being, if someone raises a stink about you saying it like it is – or complains about a book you wrote that is doing pretty damn well considering … or says a sales letter you wrote is “over the top” (while that sales letter is successful and pulling in MOOLAH) … then you do what the great Dan Kennedy has advised many a person to do (those that listen, anyway).

Put your hands up in the air – and go HURRAH!

Literally say it out loudly. FEEL the excitement – at having the opportunity to remove another moron from your life that adds absolutely nothing to it.

Additionally, you’re never successful until the vast majority of people you come in contact with hate you, hehe – – – or should I say publicly diss you, and PRIVATELY follow you (a lot of expats in China right now FIT THIS BILL, hehe).

And so forth. I’ve advised doing exactly this before in many of my emails, but anyway, lets “Cut past” all this … and let’s get to the MEAT of today’s FACTS, hehe.

I wrote a few emails ago about my opinion of lunatics, BUFFOONS and time wasters in general that start a conversation with “Hello”, and then never bother to reply.

I also provided proof of one such moron, if I recall correctly.

Said moron messages me back again this morning.

“Want Massage?”

“Hello! You’re really very busy!”

And so forth, and then he deleted me again, only to (I’m sure) re-add me later. He’s been at it, adding folks willy nilly from groups he’s in, and before I even start on how ridiculous it is that a guy is offering other dudes massages on Wechat in a manner NOT remotely resembling anything professional (if you get my drift) – it is an indicator of the state of the Chinese economy in general.

Headed SOUTH, and while I love China, I fear they’re all headed down the wrong path collectively.

Anyway, enough on that.

A lady I know (a lady that’s actually helped me in the past) read my recent opinions on China etc on Wechat, along with the other things I’ve been posting, and I got a message from her today.

“Where are you? Are you still in China?”

And I knew why she was asking, of course. Either to sell me something – – such as the numerous “mask sellers” (hey, is it just me, or is everyone and their Mama in mainland China selling masks, both FAKE and genuine, the fake far outnumbering the genuine??) that add me out of the blue, for instance … or those that try and “threaten” or otherwise co-erce me to change my views on something.

Now, the former, I don’t really care. I occasionally rant about ‘em, but for the most part, I just block ‘em. End of tale.

But for those that think they’re too smart (an Asian saying, hehe) … and try and figure out my whereabouts to then “threaten” me either indirectly or directly – well – I got a FINGER for ya, my friend, and it aint the thumb if you get my drift.

This lady asked me the same question thrice, without bothering to answer my why.

I mean, fair enough right?

You add someone out of the blue, and just ask them “Where are you” because you don’t agree with their opinions, and then when said person asks why, you reply with “Why the why”?

Well, I gotta give her credit, hehe. Credit where credit is due, she did NOT do what most in mainland China do, which would be to reply with “no why” (that’s what I actually typed out in advance “no no why”, hehe).

And of course, she started on about the virus, mostly making no sense.

I told her the facts as I tell everyone very openly – Chinese or not.

The damn thing started in China, for one, and the Chinese covered it up for ages, and hence the problem we have NOW. And while the rest of the world knows that (other than a few whiny ass liberal morons) the “sheeple” in the mainland are being fed a different narrative, and they’re bleating it out daily.

“No proof”, was the only thing this lady had to offer me to the PROOF I offered her.

Actually, no point offering proof to either libs or the sheeple, as they look at said proof and say “no proof”. Hehe …

And as I told her that her tactics wouldn’t work on me, she changed tack.

“Oh, I’m just concerned about you! You know … “

Yada, nada schnada.

Yeah. Right. What she was doing was a typically Chinese behavioral trait I HATE – that being to pump or attempt to pump the foreign devil for info that may or may not be used later to incriminate him (and they do this to their own people to an extent too) … and something I aint gonna stand for.

Sorry, honey. That ain’t how shit flies, not for this WOLF, hehe, and especially not a wolf that is as cranky as I am today (long story again, hehe).

And true to form, when I attempted to discuss other topics, the lady up and disappeared.

So much for being smart, Miss Qun – I don’t think so. HA!

And that in general sums up my opinion of those that attempt to FORCE me to see their things their way regardless of fact. Sorry – – but it ain’t happening, Jose, and if you don’t like that – you can roll over and die, hehe.

Sorry for the harsh words, but ‘tis true. And that’s why, Miss Qun, its not “so many complaints” as you keep blabbering about. It is FACT, and I ain’t gonna shy away from stating FACT.

Last, but not least, always remember that HONEST criticism is ALWAYS warranted, especially if it comes from someone whose heart is in the right place – – but NOT in any other case.

Fitness wise, if you have clowns telling you that Hindu squats are bad for your knees, for instance, and that you’d be better off pounding the treadmill despite the EVIDENCE proffered to the contrary, well, … do what I said above, hehe.

Other hand, if you have some one that genuinely cares about your progress (and believe me, this is rare indeed) – – then by all means, get feedback from that person – – both positive and negative – -the real scoop as it were, and IMPLEMENT said feedback – – all for the better.

And so forth. A thousand yes men CANNOT hold a candle to the truth – or ONE honest person – or someone that says it like it IS – and that’s a fact no-one can deny.

And that’s that for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Miss Qun asked me to delete her. I asked why. “Because I’m rude”, was her reply. Uh, no… what she really meant was if you don’t agree with me, delete me! Hehe. So typical . Ain’t happening either. I’m all for the next person having their opinion so long as they don’t try and shove it down forcefully my own damn throat, hehe.

P.S#2 – Oh, and the FACT is, my friend, you can get in the BEST shape of your life with nothing other than your own bodyweight. Find out how HERE.

P.P.S – For those wanting “proof”, well, my wechat for one has it. I’ll probably post on social media too about it, hehe. Stay tuned.

My opinion of lardass commie dictators “on the death bed”
- ... isn't too complimentary to say the LEAST

So a friend just sent me some news on Wechat that states the North Korean leader – or should I say bonafide DICTATOR – is in “grave danger after surgery” – at least if the CNN and certain other news sites are to believed.

Other hand, and quite obviously (no surprises eh hehe) the official North Korean newspapers, websites etc all deny that there is an issue. According to the South Korean government, apparently the news is not true – and that Kim the first, or second, or God knows how many recovered just fine after the operation, and is top health, or as close to it as he can get.

And as for me, I tend to take ALL news with a pinch of salt until proven and backed up by common sense.

And in this case, it wouldn’t take me long at all to conclude that CNN and the other news sources reporting what they are are probably spot on, my friend.

I mean, commie tendencies aside, take a look at the dude if you would.

Dude’s fat – and that would be an understatement.

Dude’s OBESE – and that would be an even or equally big understatement (pun intended!).

Dude’s grossly obese is getting close, but not really.

Dude’s about as close to a beached whale as you can get in real life – almost there, but not quite.

A herd of beached blue whales is what he looked like (don’t know if what I read about the “Blue House” in the news article recently has anything to do with me saying that or not, but hey … whatever!).

Officially and non officially though, there is ONE congruence between the news – that he is in trouble due to being overweight (grossly) – being a chain smoker or worse – and “overwork”.

While I’m loathe to believe the last, the first two are self evident, and my first thoughts upon hearing this, HEARTLESS as it might sound is this – one less “tubbo” (and an evil one at that) on this planet.

Now, before you jump up and unsubscribe from this list in DROVES, listen up (or unsubscribe, and then listen up).

My point isn’t so much his physical health … well, it is – but there are plenty of folks in Barnhill’s Buffet, for one, if it still exists … that would rival Kim Jong whatever in terms of sheer obesity and I would never wish what happened to Kim on them.

Yet, as far as the commie dictator is concerned?

A guy that routinely puts people into gulags – and GORGES on caviar and salmon while letting his population starve?

A guy that CONTROLS with an iron fist, and brooks no dissent?

And so forth … Sorry, but I have NO sympathy for commie dictators, no matter what country they’re from.

And on that note it behooves me to say that political affiliation doesn’t necessarily determine “lard ass status” – or not, hehe.

Obama for one is in or was in – great shape, and do I agree with his politics? I think we all know the answer to that, hehe.

Putin, another bonafide dictator is also in awesome shape if reports are to believed, and indeed, seeing him with his shirt off in the Tundra … those reports seem to be TRUE. Hehe.

As for good ole Trump, my all time favorite EVER – he could probably do with a little less baggage around the midsection, hehe. Not that he seems to care though, and more power to him for that!

Imran Khan, Narendra Modi, ah, I could go on and on, but hey – political affiliations aside, here is a fact.

If you’re that overweight and obese, then you’re a walking disaster on the face of the planet – no matter what your position is in society, and no matter if you’re President or janitor – either in a country – or organization.

Lard ass is lard ass is lard ass, and do I hate ‘em?

Not at all, my friend. If you choose to be a lard ass, go on ahead and be one – no complaints from my end.

But do I like commies – and those that rule with an iron fist?

Hell NO!

And that about as blunt as I can get it … and before you start screaming “China”, well, let me go on record saying that while China has tons of it’s own problems in terms of being “commie”, at least they’re nowhere near as restrictive as North Korea is.

Contrary to what folks believe, you CAN have an opinion in mainland China these days. There are limits, of course, but writing what I am is hardly gonna get me put in jail, and as for the limits, no, I do NOT agree … but, hey, ‘tis their country. Who am I to complain, hehe.

More on that, and folks that try and CHANGE my opinion on anything or all of the above with ridiculous assertions – – in the next email!

Back again soon, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re looking to shed the “lardass” tag ASAP – then HERE is where you START, my friend.

How being a “wolf” can be PROFITABLE – and make you howl with laughter on occasion, hehe.
- READ first before you comment!

So as promised in the last email, ole Rahul is taking you down memory lane again.

Bear with me as we roll back the sands of TIME, hehe, which in “wolf” land takes but a few howls and keystrokes.

I told you about my Uncle (one of them, at any rate) calling me a wolf, and while I didn’t fully comprehend it at the time but enjoyed it regardless (Jesus, Habib, wolf, Spaniard, chameleon, hey, whats NEXT?!).

Indian maybe? Ah, but that’s never happened, or rarely ever happens, hehe. Well, it did once in Hong Kong in 2005 (indeed a strange occurrence) but that’s another tale for another time!

So it was the end of the first semester at school, and I showed up at my uncle’s place for the winter break, somewhat unwillingly, but willing to give it a good shot (parents badgered me no end, and I was but 17 at the time, and so forth).

Being I did not want to go home, I figured this might be a better option, and while the stay up in upstate New York – – or was it Connecticut, hehe , was indeed interesting – it wasn’t a sojourn I’d like to repeat again.

Now don’t get me wrong. It was the nigh perfect place for a wolf like me and with no need to wake up for classes etc, it was PERFECT in that I got to sleep in late, wake up late, eat when I wanted, sleep when I wanted, do pushups when I wanted, and in general enjoy nothing but the foxes outdoors frolicking in the snow.

Lovely idyliic place too, but there’s one important thing a young guy in school needs – that being the golden suds, and that was in short supply at my Uncle’s place, hehe.

Somewhat understandable I suppose given he had a young kid back then (probably a strapping young ‘un by now) … but I still remember dreaming of stacks of beer cans and chilled BEAST ICE during the entire holiday, and when I finally got back, well …You can well imagine what Rueben and me first did, hehe.

Rueben being my friend I spoke about in the last email, hehe.

And again, don’t get me wrong. Uncle’s a good dude, and he asked me how many pushups I could do at one shot too once as I was pounding them out in the bedroom, but those were NOT my fitness days.

Those were my drinking – and WORSE – days – days that returned with a vengeance in mainland China, ah, but that’s a different tale again.

So roll around to the next spring break, and being I was living on campus at the time, I was in a quandry.

The dorms done all closed, and the Mardi Gras was just too much trouble for me to go at the time. Too many drunks, even for yours truly at that time, for one!

And plus wolves don’t do great in Mardi Gras parades, and neither do chameleons and given the story my roomie told me when he got back (apparently some dude hit a girl and he then smashed a bottle over his face, and so forth) – – I’m GLAD I wasn’t there. Never been one for bars either, if you get my drift.

And so it turned out that I shacked up for a while at Motel 6 on the highway, about a 20 minute walk or so from campus.

And I called my Uncle up on occasion, detailing my lifestyle at the time, which involved waking up at 4 PM sometimes, hehe, if you can believe that, and going to bed when the rooster rose.

“You’re in full wolf mode, aren’t you”, he chuckled once.

I still remember that time. I ate nothing but McDonalds and Waffle House (right opposite the motel) – – usually the former, and didn’t gain a lick of weight due to all the walking I did (despite the beer drinking).

Despite me being prone to gain weight, and anyway, here is the point of me saying this.

I’m STILL a wolf, and have always been.

I STILL work out of my bedroom, or living room, usually in pajamas. It’s 4:04 PM at the time of writing this and I have NOT had lunch or breakfast. And I’m wearing a vest and shorts.

And … I’m LOVING IT!

People have told me I’m a “loser” for following this sort of a lifestyle. People have said I lack social skills, or any skills at all. (hmm!).

People have told me (my own Mother specifically) that this sort of lifestyle is fake and artificial, replete with no smartphone video calls. Of course. How could video calls NOT be artificial, hehe.

And so on and so forth, and yet, this loser HAS (fact) –

… made MORE MONEY and LOST it – and made it again … hehe, than the vast majority of those calling him a loser.

… met (and I say that with a pinch of salt if you get my drift!) more interesting people (females included) in more parts of the world than the “herbivores” (who they claim I am, hehe) have or ever will.

… does NOT live in Mama’s basement.

… does NOT let himself get out of shape, or even close to it, no matter what.

…. Has probably visited and LIVED in more countries than the average pisser and moaner has, and could probably – and does – talk to you about a range of topics that will have you saying (refer the previous coupla emails, hehe) “Oh, I don’t know”, and running for the hills (God forbid any sort of intellectual talk and PRODUCTIVITY actually occurs).

Am I saying this lifestyle is for everyone?

No, my friend. It’s not … (oh, and before I forget, this wolf DOES venture outdoors on a very regular basis too) … but it CAN be done, and can be done very well, if you know how!

Like anything, it takes dedication and commitment, but hey, that’s the case with everything and on that “howling” note, I’ll leave you be. More tales a coming – – stay TUNED!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Michael once told me, “the wolf seems to have disappeared, Rahul. The old Rahul still howls on occasion, but the new one is more pleasant to be around”.

P.S #2 – … a statement which was quickly retracted a couple of months after he said it, hehe. And as for the wolf disappearing – – that never ever happened, hehe.

P.P.S – For WOLF like workouts that will get you in great shape, go right HERE –

Video calls just plain SUCK
- ... and why? Find out!

If there is one thing I’ve always hated – or perhaps I should say “intensely disliked” – it is the PHONE – in all it’s ways, shapes, forms and guises.

I do NOT know why – – well, actually I DO and I’ll talk about that later, but after the T.V., the phone is productivity killer #1. And in some cases its such a potent “downer” and productivity killer that it probably jockeys for attention right UP THERE with the television – – or folks disturbing when you’re concentrating on something intensely, or just sitting out there and meditating.

This afternoon, and as I write this, my wife is one of her numerous video calls, which for whatever reason have to be done in close promixity to me, though she KNOWS there are FEW things I hate more than this sorta thing, hehe.

Perhaps she’s doing it out of necessity, but as I sit here writing this, I’m less irritated by the constant chatter of a VIDEO call which is NOT required – – audio does just fine, and preferably with headphones.

Try telling that to the vast majority of MORONS out there though, that believe that “video calling” and videos are the way to go.

One of my pet peeves is folks sending me long videos to watch, and so forth, which is happening more and more as of late, and which I NEVER EVER watch.

I don’t care if it’s politics, relationships, health, or so forth – the only way I’ll watch a video is if there is some new exercise being shown, and if I really, really like the person I’m listening to (and NO, though I love Trump, political speeches do NOT count here) … and even then, PERHAPS.

I can count on my fingers the number of times I’ve watched a video in the last five or so years, and in video crazed mainland China, that is SOMETHING. Hehe.

If you thought the rest of the world was crazy about smartphones and video content, wait until you get to the Chinese mainland, hehe. Folks literally LIVE on videos and wechat there!

Anyway, the PRIME reason I hate this sort of thing is what my old boss – – and Michael, he of the “eating lieutatnts” for lunch once told me, hehe.

We were sitting in the factory once (old boss) and it was time to convert the Linux systems they had running there to Windows (I should say “transfer”, or change the O/S, but those of you reading this may or may not be techies, hehe).

And he told me this “it’s fine to talk about how you want to do it. Past guys have come and gone and done just that – but who will reduce it to WRITING?”

Music to my ears of course, as he mimicked someone typing. Ole Freddie was, and still is a great guy …

And of course, Michael.

“I don’t always like using the phone either, Rahul! It takes my attention away from the keyboard!”

More music to my ears, and this was said when I was telling my friend to NOT get on the phone for a biz reason.

My own business runs, believe it or not – entirely on the internet.

ALL I need is a smartphone and laptop (or computer) to make things work – and believe me, the ONLY Reason the smartphone is required is either for internet or taking PHOTOS (in the olden days I could just have easily used a camcorder).

And I believe – – truly believe – – that most discussions, except perhaps family and personal are done best in WRITING.

Anytime you get on the phone, unless it’s a very brief call – – ENERGY starts flying out the window, energy that could be better devoted to other purposes such as writing this, for instance.

Energy that is often wasted, because often times when you talk SENSE, the other person starts yelling, pissing and moaning … and the conversation never proceeds logicallyu.

Energy that is WASTED – especially during lengthy video calls – – business calls, at a time where the recruitment biz (which is what my wife is doing) HAS LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO because of the global shutdowns etc.

Annoying as heck, of course, but perhaps that is why they are doing it. Gotta do something to pass the time, hehe.

Do any of those video calls actually result in any decision being taken?


Are they required?

Hell no. What they are talking about could just as easily be accomplished over email or audio call at most, and yet, when I tell most people that, they get so angry that you’d think I’d personally insulted them or something.

And this includes my wife on occasion.

“Noone’s interested in reading all of that stuff you wrote!” Hehe …

And while I obviously don’t argue it with her, the SAME thing happens with me when I talk to many people – one of my Uncles included, hehe.

This man has made MONEY – MOOLAH – a ton of it, and he kept urging me to “abandon my wolf like cave dwelling days” back in 2009 when I did web development on a regular basis.

You gotta expand this beyond your bedroom, he kept saying.

And he ain’t the only one either (note – the “wolf” story dates back to my days in Southern Mississipi, and I’ll do up an email on that later).

But it’s nigh impossible for me to explain to these folks that people do WORK OUT of their bedrooms in their SKIVVIES – – and DO make money doing that.

People CAN and DO make money writing nothing but emails to a responsive list. Doesn’t happen overnight, but it DOES happen – – and I’ve got solid proof, my friend, hehe, but of course, when you show this proof to folks, they scoff.

Despite the results …

Much like fitness, of course!

When you talk about home based workouts, and how TWO exercises are ALL that is required to get in the best shape of your life and back it up with PROOF, the same darn thing happens.

The doubters doubt. The naysayers neigh. And then look on enviously (hey, Star Sky’s “envy” comment was made for a REASON – LOL) as yours truly marches right on and continues to get in the best shape of his life – and better – and BETTER!

And that’s how it should be and will be for your fitness levels too my friend, if you get on the TRAIN now, a train that moves so fast that I might as well just call it the fitness GRAVY TRAIN. Hey, there’s another marketing idea!

And on that note, I’ll leave you be. HERE is where you can get on the train – and I’ll see you aboard!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re interested in truly mind boggling and SPECTACULAR levels of fat loss while stuck indoors, check out THIS course.

P.S #2 – And if your kids are going plumb darn INSANE during the lockdown with nothing to do, get them started on Kiddie Fitness – right HERE.

P.P.S – Not to mention having to hold the damned dumbphone in front of your face while chatting. Why not just meet IN PERSON? Ah, but wait, that requires getting REAL, and …!!