Smart phones VS FART phones … and more!
- What is the world coming to, hehe

If you’re below the age of 30 or so, this email will probably have you doing exactly what Granny did in the memes I’ve been posting on my Instagram account … stop and say WTF.

If your dumbphone is so much a part of your life that you take it to the John with you (much like people took reading material to the loo in the olden days, hehe) … then you’ll likely NOT be able to relate to this.

(Side note – it’s far better in my opinion not to take either to the loo, but if you have to choose between a book and a dumbphone, I’d say the former without hesitation, hehe).

And so forth. But if you’re amongst the very small (but present) percentage of us that regards smart phones as dumb and a necessary evil to be gotten rid of ASAP, then this email is for you! Hehe.

Anyway, I was talking to an old friend from Rueben this morning via email, a bonafide “coon ass” if there ever was one, hehe, and a great guy all around.

And as always, I got more than a few CHUCKLES while talking to him.

Now, I’ve been on his ass to buy a dumb phone for ages, and he hasn’t done it. Though I don’t quite like the darn things myself (and do NOT endorse iPhones, for those wondering!) … I DO use one because it has SOME uses, such as easy payments during lockdowns for one.

Or, staying in touch with friends, loved ones and beloved coonasses, hehe.

I had sent him a few emails before, but for whatever reason those didn’t get a response, but as a mutual friend “re-introduced us” via email again, it was off to the races

And as for fart phones, the FOLLOWING excerpt from his email will explain it ALL, hehe.

Disclaimer – hold that coffee cup tightly in your hand, and make sure you face away from the ‘puter or mobile, hehe.

. I don’t have a smart phone I have a fart phone. It is an old flip type. I never did like I-phones they are a pain it the ass to use. I like a phone to be a phone a computer to be a computer a jackass to be a jackass a toilet to be a toilet and so on. I don’t like devices that do a hundred different things. soon they will have an app on I phones that will wipe your ass. you will just push a button and a tongue will come out of he damn thing. Oh that coon ass food is what keeps me from catching the virus. I constantly fart and that kills all viruses within 10 feet of me! If China gov would have just called me I could have flew in an airplane over Wuhan stuck my ass out the window of the plane and my fart would have killed all of the virus for them before it spread. Well better go back to work I will writ you more later.

Well, well, well. When a Louisiana native says this in a direct, BACK TO BASICS manner, and says it in the way he did, well – – you LISTEN – and that’s pretty much another reason I’d rather be back in Cajuns ville right now as I said yesterday, hehe.

And once you stop guffawing, notice the back to basic style of the email.

No fancy smiley, nothing fancy at all actually. No real formatting – – just getting one’s point across – – and this resonates with me, and how.

When I create my products, FANCY is the LAST thing I have on my mind (and if you’re a budding info-publisher, listen UP – this is a most valuable tip in itself).

I focus on CLARITY and getting my point across, and doing so in a manner that benefits the end user, but there ain’t no fancy Hollywood productions here, my friend.

In my initial books I included color photographs, but now it’s even more BAREBONES and back to basics with BLACK AND WHITE photographs – but guess what – that is what folks want.

We are TIRED of the B.S. and fancy shmancy stuff out there that don’t work – – and bare bones and basic is what the world is going to end up being anyway pretty soon – – and bare bones and basic is what people really, really WANT.

Shit that actually works.

Shit that actually is WORTH it’s price (more than a fancy cover).

Stuff that I’ve been doing for years – – and KNOW how valuable it is.

And Kiddie Fitness and Pushup Central are two PRIME examples of this, as is my initial 0 Excuses Fitness book, my friend.

Back to basics, and if all of this sounds appealing to you – and you’re twiddling your thumbs wondering “what to do and where to go” during times of LOCKDOWN – – well – – the above three courses would be a great start, my friend.

All for now – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S.- They may have phones out there that will wipe your you know what, hehe, someday, but they will NEVER have a phone that writes emails and does business the way many of us do online – – a very profitable way of doing biz indeed. If you’re interested in learning just how to do this in 15 minute BLASTS just like my daily workouts – – well – – apply here, and I’ll get the ball rolling on it – –

Do I have “low self esteem and ego problems” for saying it like it is?
- Or is the OTHER way around?

So, on the topic of myopia that I brought up a while back … or in the last email, actually …

I’ve been chatting with a dude online (that I met on the China HK border a while ago) who seemed like a nice and helpful person (and indeed, he DID help me that first day when I met him – and thanks to him for that) to be friends with – – at least initially.

It quickly became evident that his main “purpose” in life … was literally … NOTHING other than “complain about mainland China” – – something that seems to be a passion with certain expats living there.

Literally, nothing other than that. Day in and day out. You’d think he was paid to do so, and not retired as he claims he is.

I received about 50-100 messages from him daily on various forms of social media, and that ain’t me exaggerating. It’s FACT.

And every time I try and steer the convo away to something more helpful or meaningful, it quickly became apparently that it wasn’t happening.

Him and his “Red China” … why he doesn’t start a blog or write a book on it is beyond me. Oh wait, that would require actually BACKING his shit up and actually DOING SOMETHING OF VALUE other than meaningless rants.

Anyway, Hong Kong and the ongoing protests there are a pet topic of his.

Now, before someone starts to jump in accusing me of this and that, let me go on record stating that Hong Kong at the end of the day is a very complicated issue, and at the end of the day, it’s also really a China based issue.

China and the UK, so to speak, and while I DO think the treaty signed by Xiaoping and Thatcher should be HONORED (and while I’m aware it isn’t and so forth)  – – well, at the end of the day, I got more important fish to fry, my friend.

And what particularly caught my attention today and irritated me was this –

“China kept the U.S busy with something related to the Coronavirus, and in the meantime, a few HK pro democracy leaders were arrested”.

And he’s been trying to get me to say that the US should get involved – do something about it – and so forth.

Um, dude – it ain’t an American issue – – or an Indian issue, or even really an issue for the UK anymore to be honest (though yes, they technically should have a say in it based upon the treaties and so forth, but then again, I could argue both sides of that).

Anyway, I didn’t mention that. I just replied that I “saw the news, haha”, and apparently the “haha” was enough to set him off.

He then went on to accuse me of being “jealous of Hong Kong’s success”. And questioned me if I was “happy” with what happened.


Jealous?? Success? What success? HK has plenty of good points, but I sure as heck wouldn’t want to live there and never have – – and more to the point, why on earth would I be JEALOUS of their so called success, or not? More to the point, why would I actually CARE? What made him think I actually gave rats you know what?

More to the point, if you hate a certain place so much, why the heck are you still living there? Vote with your feet – and BACK YOUR TALK UP!

Have the balls to actually put a face to your facebook ID and your so called protests. If you really want to stand with HK, then go and DO IT ON THE GROUND – – as opposed to being a keyboard warrior.

Here was his response (or part of his rant anyway) –

“I find your conversations highly offensive. Sounds like you are suffering low self esteem and have an ego problem, and are constantly making accusations, framing others, and looking for wars. “

He went on to say that he was (verbatim) – – “exposing the darkness of Red China for obvious purposes and that he had taken a stand (right!?) and could see the results of his Internet activities”.

He ended his rant with the following – –

“I do not make friends with people who harbors hidden animosity against me, be it out of envy or having personal problems, so am I ending it here”.

Actually, I think it would make more sense for the purpose of this post to post what he said in its entirety, so here it is in all it’s gory “details” –

I find your ‘conversations highly offensive. Where did I ignore you ? Sounds like you are suffering low self-esteem and have an ego problem and are constantly making  accusations and framing others, looking for wars. 

I am exposing the darkness of Red China for obvious purposes. I already have taken a stand and I can the results of my internet activities. 

Of course I know about HK’s history especially the treaties and agreement. 

I do not make friends with people who harbors hidden animosity against me, be it out of envy or having personal problems so I an ending it here.

That was that, and he blocked me shortly thereafter.

So much for rational debate, or conversation.

Here, for what it’s worth, are my words that apparently ticked him off (this after he sent me a bazillion questions about the issue mentioned above) – –

Strange. Why the **** would I be envious of Hong Kong of all.places?? Or be jealous of anyone’s so called succeeds or not? More importantly, what made you think I was?

I voted with my feet. I ain’t the one living in china and bitching up a story about it daily. You are. And I never wanted to live in hk anyway. No clue where you got that from.

*up a storm.

*success, not succeeds

If you really want to make a change – take a stance. Hiding behind facebook won’t help. You are too scared it seems to even reveal your face on wechat etc. Haha. If you truly care, go to hk and join the protests. Blaming others for non existent reasons and being an internet warrior wont solve anything. My $0.02 .

Choosing to live somewhere tho ( emphasis on choosing) and constantly.putting the place down (don’t get me wrong – it is warranted) is hypocrisy. Ask whoever you trust and they will tell you the same thing most likely. And back to Hong Kong. Me ? Jealous of Hong Kong ? What success? Hong Kong is about as aggravating in many regards as NYC is, and just as congested etc. Thanks, but if not living in hk means I’m unsuccessful, then I’m happy with the tag.

I’d rather be in MS or LA. Once the world actually starts functioning and at this rate noone except trump and apparently myself want it to…

There is MORE … but if you managed to get through all that – I applaud ya!

And this sort of thing, to me perfectly encapsulates what I’ve been telling you in my last two emails – 1) not being able to BACK ONE’s talk up and 2) extreme myopia.

Dude continues to live in China, because “the costs are lower”, and yet continues to rant about it. Single dude. Unmarried. No woman. Is it any wonder why?

Dude deflects any and all attempts to start any sort of other conversation and when I point this out, he blocks me.

Wow. Now THAT is mature!

And guess what, he ain’t the only one either. Hehe.

And as for how this relates to fitness, well it DOES.

Backing one’s talk up is an area where most people SORELY fail. They want to get in shape – but don’t take the actions required to get in said shape.

They add products to their cart (yeah, I’m talking about YOU!) … and then abandon them and never come back. Hate or block me for it, but the cart software I’ve got does a pretty good job of tracking that sorta thing, hehe, so I can easily separate the DOERS from the “wanna be’s” out there.

And as for the myopia part – – well – – getting people to actually OPEN THEIR MINDS to what is possible is in itself such a chore that I gave up a long, long time ago. Hehe.

Hey, I can but present the facts. As they say in China, you can take a horse to water, but you CANNOT make it drink – and if you’re that horse – – well – – more power to ya, but you ain’t gonna finding me trying to “convince” you of nuttin, hehe.

And that’s that for now. I’ll be back soon.



P.S. – If you’re truly one of the DOERS – then here is where you can start DOING –

P.S #2 – And no, there are no free trials for Pushup Central either (so please don’t be the “nth” person to ask. Thank you!).

On sweeping MYOPIA, and more …
- Folks - lets start to get REAL!

One of the issues that the blasted COVID-19 scare (yes, I’m going to continue to call it a SCARE because that is what the entire issue boils down to – – mass PANIC and more) has brought to the fore, and how, it’s MYOPIA.

In other words, a marked unwillingness to see the other person’s viewpoint, or even where he or she is coming from – – or worse, make assumptions based upon what you THINK the other person is thinking.

The lady lawyer I spoke to a few days ago is a prime example of this, of course.

Every conversation we have (and probably, as I told her, that is why we can’t really connect on any meaningful issue other than the superficial stuff) is about us talking – – or should I say I talk, and she … well, does nothing other than IGNORE what I say. Hehe.

And not because of lack of proof, or what I’m saying is not relevant, or anything. IT’s because the conversation must always center around “I’m right”, and “this is right because I said so”.

And while Stone Cold Steve Austin might have pulled that off spectacularly (and how!) in the good old Attitude Era days of the WWE that ain’t how it works in real life, pally.

Other than an increasingly polarized world, this seeming inability to discern fact from speculation and ACKNOWLEDGE said FACTS are what irritate me big time and are pretty much what caused me to write the post a week or so ago about becoming a HERMIT.

Hey, maybe I’ll even take a beer brewing kit there and brew me a cold or two on occasion – if nothing else, the water in the Himalayas is PRISTINE! Hehe.

Not sure “sadhus” (as they term hermits there, hehe) have reliable or any Internet, so scratch that plan, at least for now. LOL again.

Anyway, the COVID-19 – – something that everyone claims that “we’re all in it together” feels anything BUT.

In fact, it’s increasingly starting to feel like “every man for himself” and “dog eat dog” and this is in the EARLY stages of 2020. Who knows what the rest of the year will bring, hehe.

What do I mean? Well, more examples …

Often times, people message me to ask about how things are going in my here neck of the woods, but (and often even before I can answer), they then go off on a tangent about THEIR OWN situation.

Which is absolutely fine, of course. We all need a good rant once in a while, but where it gets ridiculous is the extreme myopia when discussing issues.

“Oh, you’re locked down there? Ho hum. At least I’m not”.

“Oh, South Africa doesn’t have alcohol sales? People are going nuts due to the (pretty much) Prohibition?” Well, who cares. I got my own tipple, which is all I care about.

Now this is fine to an extent.

I’m NOT saying we should stick our noses into or be responsible for other countries or their biz, but the point is THIS – a) it’s a global issue and b) if we’re all in it together, then we share the joys and the pains!

These people then come back with the “oh, I don’t know about XYZ country” remark.

Well, whoopity doo, my friend. The information you need is available at your fingertips, and if you have all the arcane details right now down to the way the Governor’s face “curled” (you should have seen his face was the exact remark someone made to me) when he replied to Donald Trump’s latest outburst, then the least you can do is keep up (at least superficially) with what is going on in the rest of the world.

If not, at least have the courtesy to listen to the other person other than just use said person as a tool to “vent”.

It really DOES seem folks have become even MORE isolated now – with literally “no-one” to spill their “woes out to”. Funny part is, some of these folks (and especially you expats in mainland China) would be doing good to realize that it could be, and likely WILL get a lot, lot worse down the line!

End of rant … or maybe, hehe. It’s impossible to discuss any sort of issues with people that essentially treat it as “we are important, nothing else matters” – – but THAT, unfortunately is what it’s come down to for a lot of people right now.

Sad, but true and if you can relate – hey – I feel ya!

And on a fitness note, that is precisely why I put the 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP together.

Much like Marines on a mission together, YOU – and WE – are on a FITNESS MISSION – TOGETHER. To get in the best darn shape of our lives, and woe betide anyone who comes between us and that mission.

Along the way, you’ll likely have pitfalls. You’ll likely need help. Advice. Support. Either from yours truly or others on the forum. And so forth.

And that, my friends, is really what the world really needs to stand up and DO MORE OF – as opposed to the B.S. insular attitudes and “devil may care what happens to them” attitude.

Trust me – MOST of the issues we are facing right now as a planet would nigh disappear if we ALL adopted said stance!

And that is that for now, my friend.

Back again soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – – I don’t know if you know it, but I’m FAR likelier to answer customer questions on fitness as opposed to random questions (although I DO answer those too occasionally). But customers that value my time and products and BACK UP THEIR TALK (and you KNOW who you are, my friends!) are worth their weight in gold, and then some. Join their ranks today – and start right HERE –

P.S #2 – If you’re a rank beginner, then I suggest you start off by buying my courses or getting personal coaching from me. But if you’re looking to move UP the ranks – or move into the ranks of the ELITE – then HERE is where to do it – –

What I do with people that say “Hello” … and then … crickets.
- ... Can we say USELESS - with a capital U?

I often get strange messages on WeChat (and no, this doesn’t really have anything to do with Trump’s statement about “strange things going on In China”, or my Twitter blast about it this morning, hehe)…

A lot, if not MOST of them starting with the following  –

“Hello”, or “Hi bro”.

All of these people are people I don’t know from Adam, without exception, and when they add me, my comments (mental comments) are “Okay …”

And though the vibe – and I’m huge on vibes I get off them is usually and instantly those of the TIME WASTING sort – – those that want something for nothing – – or the “can I be friends with you so I can get X and Y free benefit” or some such rubbish, I almost always give them a chance.

A chance to actually say something, and once they do (which the vast majority don’t, expecting ME of all people to reply to them though I don’t know them and they don’t know me but still added me), it’s usually always some bullshit.

For instance, there was a time I’d post about building websites (when I did that as a side job back in the day) on WeChat, and every time I posted, I’d have a flood of people adding me, asking for quotes.

“Bro, how much?” was the general response I got.

And my response was – if price is all you’re concerned about – you might as well go ELSEWHERE, my friend. I delivery quality but it ain’t cheap for sure, and I don’t make any bones about that.

There were of course those that claimed otherwise, and made me type out lengthy quotes etc all of which went nowhere.

Time wasting galore basically. Once I quoted them, it was always “oh that’s too expensive”.

Anyway, long story short – anytime someone adds me online with the “Hello” opening line and never goes beyond that, guess what I do with the person.

Instant block, and I suggest you do the same too, my friend.

Once upon a time I had a dude approach me in person with this line in a Chinese Wal-Mart of all places.

I got to talking to him, and his second question or so was this –

“Can you teach me English for free?”

“No”, I replied politely.

He didn’t quite like that answer.

“Why not?” he demanded.

I grinned at him, and continued with my shopping. Think I was shopping for jeans or something at that point …

“You guys learn English for free! Why can’t you teach us for free?”

And though this statement wasn’t that high up on the list of moronic statements I’ve heard in the past, it stopped me in my tracks nonetheless.

And then I smiled in my Cheshire cat style.

“Well, you get your salary, don’t you? Why don’t you share it with me?”

I might as well dropped an Atom bomb on his head, so loudly did he explode at that point.

What?? Huh?? How dare you? I work for it!

Well, diddles, we work for what we have too – it ain’t like we got a Communist state handing us everything on a platter. Capishe?

Moreover, just because someone learned something themselves doesn’t compel themselves to “give you that skill or ability” for free!

In my case, I grew up in India – – a country NOT renowned for what is known as “native level English”, and that I did get my English, writing etc to where it is NOW – well – let me just say it didn’t come for free!

I had to practice – work my ass off – and DO THE THING myself – no-one “gave me what I have” for free.

And this sort of time wasting entitled mentality is precisely what I can’t stand when it come sto fitness either.

“Oh, you’re naturally fit, Rahul!”

“Oh, pull-ups are easy for you!”

“Oh, the planets never align for me!”

And so forth. The excuses pour FORTH when the TRUTH is the person is a leech – nothing less – that wants to “mooch” off other’s efforts for free – – and more importantly, even if they paid for it, it wouldn’t help them since they’re more interested in wasting time than anything else!

And so it goes. I’ll post proof of some of this on my social media accounts, or maybe I won’t. Let’s see!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S.- If you’re interested in REAL fitness – as opposed to all the time wasting B.S. they fool you into believing, then HERE is where you need to go to GET it –

Tell the world what you’re going to do – but show it first!
- Actions (deeds) are what count MOST.

In Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, and indeed his other writings, this is one common strand he refrains to.

“Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it FIRST!”

And Hill explains further when he goes on to say that ACTIONS (deeds) are what count most as opposed to talk.

In parlance, talk’s cheap, my brother, but can you BACK that talk up?

Importantly too, there are other lessons we can learn from this.

Last night, my daughter was watching her Mom dish up a barrage of delicacies in the kitchen.

I spoke about gratitude in an email prior to this, and boy oh boy am I grateful that we’re eating WELL at a period where a lot of people in the world don’t even have the basics sorted (and sometimes not really due to any “fault” of their own).

That the lights are on. That we have internet. That we are SAFE – – Gratitude, and while these may seem like very small things, they really aren’t, my friend.

Anyway, she was experimenting with some cooked food, and after adding some hot chili pepper, mustard and another condiment I won’t name here to some baked flat bread, she asked me to taste it.

Um… I’m pretty brave when it comes to food but THAT made me hesitate – -but looking at my daughter’s smiling face, I couldn’t resist.

I popped it into my mouth.

“Excellent, honey!” I said, desperately reaching for a glass of water to calm my tastebuds down (I’m a hot food fanatic, but heapfuls of red peper will make almost any tongue BURN, hehe).

My six (soon to be seven) year old grinned in delight.

“Mommy! Look! I’m as good of a cook as YOU are!”

And this happens often. We let her experiment with things – pick things up on her own – – something which was for whatever reason expressly forbidden when yours truly was growing up (you’ll make a mess! And so forth) and something that gives her CONFIDENCE.

But as she wrote down her version of the recipes, she made a comment to my wife.

“Mommy I’ll share these with my friends first!”

“Sweetie, don’t do that”, responded my wife. “OR someone will steal your idea, and you’ll be left crying and feeling upset!”

“Or, she might just up and haul him one”, I cheerfully interjected.

Hehe. But my wife was right, as usual …

A while ago, I mentioned my green tea business and how I did it (well, not the specifics, but in general) to a person I know well, and lo and behold, a few days later, I see his wife posting pictures of … guess what. Green tea. Hehe. Selling it in China, the same as I do, no less.

Now, I don’t mind being copied. In fact, one enterprising guy went so far as to copy Gorilla Grip and call it his own – – and while that was a minor annoyance while it lasted, all par for the courses, hehe.

You haven’t really “made it” until a few folks start hating you – – or copying you!

And that has been happening a while, but in terms of the tea what I did NOT tell the person was that a) I’d never let on to the idea if it could be that easily copied and b) the niche I serve CANNOT be served by others due to various and TRUE reasons.

Ditto for selling coffee in China … or fitness, or anything else I do. Hehe.

And that’s what we told our daughter.

“Mommy’s right, Barb”, I told her. “Tell the world what you’re going to do – – but show ‘em first!”

Whats that mean, my daughter asked.

Well, do it first, I said. “Do it FIRST – – and then no-one can take the idea away from you!”

And my daughter’s got it down pat, hehe.

In terms of fitness, the same damn thing applies, my friend.

When I got down from 120 kg to 60, or what I am NOW – I didn’t blow my bugle about it BEFORE I did it. I did NOT express my intentions to all and sundry, as doing so would likely have meant I’d never have got to the goal.

Not for sure, of course, but most likely. In case you’ve ever noticed feeling “deflated” after you talk about your goals with people and then suddenly losing ALL motivation to DO something – -well guess what.

You’ve just been deflated – or your ENERGY field has. Plug that leak, my friend, as it is nigh crucial to success at anything – – fitness related or NOT.

“Mommy, but I Can tell my parents, can’t I?” was her next question.

And my wife replied in the negative.

“Honey, you shouldn’t tell anyone at all”, was her response, and shes right.

Wittingly or unwittingly, knowingly or unknowingly, our loved ones and friends are often the cause (hard as this might sound to believe!) for energy leaks. You’re better off telling VERY VERY few people, and preferably no-one about your goals – until you accomplish ‘em!

And back to fitness.

I mean, what good do you think will it do YOU to tell the average gym Joe that you’re planning on getting in shape with nothing other than pushups and squats?

It can be done, will be done, and is true, and he knows it, and so do you – -but upfront, most people will do anything but agree to facts, hehe, and you’ll get pulled into meaningless discussions as I was this past afternoon.

Always better to keep one’s mouth shut until one DOES the thing – and then by all means blow that bugle – you’ll have earned it, for one!

And that’s that for now. Back again soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – It’s one thing to keep your cards close to your chest, but it’s quite another to be shy as a dormouse in terms of going after your goals, and announcing and enjoying your ultimate success my friend. Numbers and RESULTS speak for themselves, and in that spirit I bring to you a fitness product that will truly REVOLUTIONIZE the way you think about fitness in general. Go right here to check it out – –

Unconventional pushups that give you GREAT results.
- ... That you SHOULD BE DOING NOW!

In 0 Excuses Fitness, back when I originally wrote the book, I had this idea of putting in “Pushups are the big dog” as the tagline of the book. (or the subtitle, I should say).

I also figured I’d need to say it ONCE – – not multiple times, but upon “testing” this out on the average person, and some of my reader I was WRONG.

If there was ONE flaw that my FIRST book Fast and Furious Fitness had, it is this – it was NOT the most comprehensive book out there in terms of pushups.

True, that was a book focusing not just on pushups – overall fitness, strength, HEALTH AND CARDIO – all in one, but 0 Excuses Fitness is the same, and in 0 Excuses Fitness, I remedied this error (the only other book that SURPASSES the pushup tally in 0 Excuses Fitness – is – no surprise – the immensely popular and well received – Pushup Central).

And I made sure not to only to include the above line in the book, but devote an entire SECTION to it, my friend.

Yes, it IS THAT important.

Amazingly enough, this didn’t do the trick either – – at least not in terms of the majority of readers (and I’m talking those that cannot say enough good things about the book).

What do I mean?

Well, if I tell the average Joe, for instance, or perhaps even you guys – – my readers – – that pushups work the chest and upper abs heavily – – I bet you anything that ALL of you would agree with me bar none.

If I tell the average person though, that pushups are one of the very best ways out to there to lose weight – bar NONE – 60% or so of folks would snicker and accuse me of “marketing tactics”.

If I tell the average person that pushups work the legs heavily, I’d probably folks calling for the cavalry – – armed with straight jackets, hehe. Or, wait a minute. That happens on a daily basis, don’t it? Hehe …

If I tell you that pushups can build lower back strength like never before, you’d probably think what I was on. Or smoking. Or a combo thereof.

You get the picture, my friend.

Most people think traditional pushups when it comes to pushups with the benefits generally associated with them, and this is fine and dandy, of course.

Pushups are a fantastic way – – probably the best way to build the CHEST and UPPER ABS – -but that particular benefit is just one, and by far not on the TOP of the list.

Pushups truly can be done in every which way – – unconventional ways as well, and the results you get will nigh ASTONISH you, if you do these right!

And today, to (attempt to) dispel the myths regarding pushups being easy, or “a limited exercise”, let me give you THREE unconventional styles of pushups that you likely have NOT heard of before.

And before I start, no, I ain’t referring to the Hindu pushup either. A great, great style of pushup, but I’m referring to something possibly even more unknown, and even more unconventional.

One, the “extended arm pushup”. This one is done as you extend your arms and legs out from each other as far as you can go, sort of like you were using one of those ab roller gizmos.

This is hard enough to think of doing with your own body, let alone do. If you’re able to even get into the position I mention above and hold for a second or two, you’re light years AHEAD of the rest of the “world” out there on this one, and already have core strength that most people do NOT have!

Second, the “spiderman” pushup as TEMB recently thought I was doing, but what I was doing was NOT the spiderman pushup.

Curiously enough, this one is done as he said, i.e. you look like Spider man while doing these, and these build the CORE and obliques like never ever before, my friend – – if you can even do ‘em beyond 2 or so.

Last, but by no means the least, TORQUING pushups, or “One leg in the air pushups” as I call them in Pushup Central, and no by no means am I referring to the regular pushup with one leg in the air, which is also mentioned in the book.

I’m referring to pushups where you literally TWIST and TORQUE as you do ‘em, and if that sounds unbelievable, here’s another doozy – they are actually a way, way better SHOULDER and chest builder than core builder, although they build the entire body as a whole!

And that’s three of the top of my head.

Three pushups that can give you a great great cardio and strength workout in less than 10 minutes, and for those that complain about time, well …

Actually, you shouldn’t be complaining about time if you’re locked down as the majority of the globe is, hehe.

But either way, for those of you looking for quick and dirty home workouts based upon pushups – – and WEIGHT LOSS – – RAPIDLY so – well, you’ll want to check out that book HERE.

All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And no, there are NO free trials – -either for the book, or for ANY OF MY OTHER PRODUCTS. No “can I have a look first” nonsense. If you’re serious, jump aboard, if not, well, too bad. That’s how it is, and that’s how it’s gonna remain!

P.S #2 – Here is where the SERIOUS (probably around 1% or less of those reading this, but that’s OK) amongst you can grab the book – –

“That’s pretty impressive Habib! You’re looking like spiderman, lol”
- Well I sure was - but it wasnt the spiderman pushup, hehe.

So, over the past few emails I’ve been talking about Eric Blanks – the chat master INCARANTE – or TEMB as I used to call him back in school, hehe.

And the chants still ring out in my mind, as I exited or walked into the door of “Bond Hall” which was where I lived for the majority of time I lived on campus at school.

“Habib! Habib! Bib, bib!” they went and while this was nothing short of hilarious, I did NOT mind it.

“Don’t you feel upset they call you that”, I was once asked.


Well, to them – – mostly black dudes at that time, they all thought yours truly was “from the Middle East” – and the white dudes thought I was Jesus, and the Indians, well, they thought I was Spanish and the Spanish spoke Spanish to me, and the Mexicans, ah, but you get my drift!

Chamelon incarantate as it were, and I’ve posted about that before, and if you ever need more reason to ask WHY – well – this here email is it, hehe.

Anyway, I told TEMB they call me “Habib”.

He guffawed out loud for the better part of five minutes. Perhaps the entire day, hehe. Perhaps it was a tale he shared with his “nikkas” as it were.

I know not, but he had this to say.

“If they call you Habib, you call them Tyrone!”

And then of course it was my turn to bust up laughing.

Damn, I miss them days politically incorrect days when everything wasn’t about skin color, offending others, or political correctness as it is today! I bet you anything that sort of thing would NOT be bandied about as freely as it was back then – – and even back then, I had the politically correct crowd (Indians mostly) telling me “Don’t call black people black!”

Call them African American, I was told.

Huh?? I can call an Indian an Indian, but not a black person a black person? Seems kinda strange to me, and did at the time, but hey, whatever!

And as I mentioned him on Facebook with regard to his (by now) famous “floor humper comment”, he had this to say.

“Rahul Mookerjee, that’s impressive! You look like spiderman Habib lol”

(the full name because that’s how facebook does the “mention” thing apparently).

And my response?

“Eric Blanks – (why is Facebook calling you Eric by the way?? ;)) – spiderman pushups are actually another style of pushup. I’ll post on those shortly. Lets see what you call ’em, or what they look like, hehe.”

In case you didn’t know, his name is not Eric. It’s his nick name. He’s really either “TEMB” (Tyrone Eric Milakuwhat Blanks) – – don’t ask!! … or Chat Master Incarnate, whichever you so choose.

He’s also a smart dude and a great guy – one of the best – probably why I’ve stayed in touch all these years! Has more common sense than the next ten people I could think off right off the bat, if I might say so …

Anyway, spiderman, you ask?

That’s a different style of pushup – – and Pushup Central has more on this – as well as other “unique” styles of pushups you’ll never seen out there in conventional pushup books.

Like the “leg in the air pushups”, for instance, which add TORQUE to your workouts.

Believe me now and trust me later, these unconventional pushups will give you the WORKOUT of your lives, my friend – and you’ll be burning fat like no-one’s business once you get on said workouts.

Get on the stick – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Along with pushups, remember to also pick up a book on training the core … the best ever, and more unconventional stuff in it that just flat out works. Do so right HERE – –

Is the WWE an “essential service”?
- No, but I support the decision fully!

Just read a very interesting piece of news indeed – – something way more interesting than all the bickering currently going over in Capitol Hill and of course the White House, “Trump VS Governor”, and so forth.

Saw that the WWF – ah, sorry, WWE – WWF was how it USED To be known back in the day has just got permission to stage live events again presumably in front of an audience … and also been classified as an “essential service”.

Now, my thoughts are mixed on this ,but I fully support the decision, but NOT for reasons you might think.

Most of the folks in the WWE are anything but truly fit. “Roid crazed monsters” is what I’d call ‘em – – and yet – – these performers do a hard job, my friend. A TOUGH job indeed, and the movie “The Wrestler” (starring Mickey Rourke as the down on his luck “Randy Orton” – – a must watch, by the way) is a perfect example of what these guys put themselves through for their fans – on a nightly basis almost … NOT easy to say the least.

And I loved watching the WWE when growing up, hehe. The Attitude Era as it were. Kane. The Undertaker. “Degeneration” X – – and of course my all time favorite … the TOUGHEST S.O.B. on the planet – Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The “Hitman” Bret Hart. The Rock (I’m not a huge fan, but I love some of his movies, hehe) – and so forth!

Anyway, point of me saying this?

Well, first off all, I’d never in my wildest dream think of roid crazed monster throwing each other about a squared circle as being essential to anything except entertainment.

But come to think of it, is SPORTS essential at all?

When it comes right down to it, is there much difference (other than the ROID factor) between a group of grown men chasing a ball around a field (in it’s various shapes, forms and guises) – and the WWE?

Entertainment is what it all boils down to, and I bet you anything ole Vince Mc Mahon had MORE than something to do with this decision (taken in Florida apparently – so it’s a state level decision).

Vince Mc Mahon is someone I admire greatly – – a TRUE example of a rags to RICHES entrpeneur, and how.

Starting off from humble beginnings that most of us would never imagine possible for the CEO of the world’s largest sports entertainment company he made wrestling into the show biz it is TODAY – and all credit to him for doing that!

And in terms of it being classified as essential services, well, what people are MORE in need of than anything else right now – other than workouts (the right kind) is ENTERTAINMENT.

And while I’m not saying the WWE is for everyone, it provides entertainment – GALORE!

And a load of chuckles as well – – at least it did during the Attitude Era … and if it gets people LAUGHING – and smiling again – hey, I think it’s worth it!

They’ve been having sports events all over the world (or they WERE, at least, last month or so towards the start) in EMPTY stadiums – – something I thought was nigh ridiculous, and I bet you anything most players would say the same thing.

In fact an Aussie cricketer said it was eerie – he could actually hear his own voice echo in the stands, and for ONCE he could hear his teammates speaking, which isn’t possible in the normal din and babel of cricket, hehe.

What would sport be without spectators anyway??

And on that note, it’s adios for now. More power to Vince for getting the WWE to be classified as “essential” – – hey, whatever works – and more power to Trump for being the one leader in the world that seems to be desperately trying to get a stalled economy back on it’s feet.

The fact is, my friends – when the U.S. sneezes the world coughs. When the U.S. does well, in general, the rest of the civilized world (and no, a certain country is NOT included, hehe) does as well.

That isn’t Trump trumpeting or “blindly supporting a country” – ‘tis me stating a fact – much like the other fact which is oft – ignored – that being that at the end of the day, it’s a darn virus – much like the flu (except with higher mortality rates) and a) MOST people that got it have recovered and b) much like the flu, its probably going to be around a while, if not forever in some shape, form or manner!

And so it goes. Im out for now – will be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – What is REALLY essential to feeling good is regular doses of SOLID exercise that melts FAT like crazy and also builds you up from the inside out. My “Eat More – – Weigh Less” workouts do a damned good job of making you feel this way, as do my 0 Excuses Fitness workouts. Make sure to grab both of these now – and write back and tell me about the awesome workouts you had – and the fat loss you’ve experienced!!

“Are foreigners in China all sexpats?”
- … and more on PRECONCIEVED and usually WRONG notions …

Well, it’s been an interesting day so far. Sent you the email on gratitude, marketed the post very unashamedly and UNABASHEDLY, hehe, and did up another one on TEMB.

Did I mention him? Him of the “floor humper pushups”, and a good friend and buddy, hehe.

He made a comment about me looking like a spiderman and while you pushup afficiandos will instantly make connotations (and I don’t blame ya, hehe) – this particular missive is NOT to talk about pushups, well, not mostly.

So, after doing all that and doing some writing for my other business, I took a break.

I woke up at 11 today, so probably didn’t need one, but was feeling nice and relaxed, and I idly clicked on a pizza group on my Wechat.

And I saw a massive political discussion going on there – – mostly centered around – yeah, you guessed it Trump bashing, and NOT calling a spade a spade (and vilyfing those that DO).

Much like what happened yesterday in Mr. Shen’s group – a tool if there ever was one and a bully, and while nothing of this sort was happening in this group, I felt the “mob mentality” – and the VIBE.

Like I said in an email a while back, its NOT so much what you say. It’s often and usually HOW you say it.

And this one dude was being hopelessly outnumbered by a bunch of insane, asisine comments advocating nothing but PANIC and stating the exact opposite of fact, and I just had to break my own self imposed rule of NOT engaging much in these type of discussions (heck, I didn’t even notice it last night) and DIVING in – HEADFIRST.

Gotta take a STANCE, my friends as I’ve often said.

If you believe in something – – deeply so – – then FIGHT FOR IT. Take a stance, and don’t be worried about the morons and naysayers urging you to do otherwise.

Believe me, it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself, and yes, I’m talking fitness too.

Anyway, when Rahul Mookerjee takes a stance, people get pissed – QUICK, hehe, for all the wrong reasons.

But I’m pretty thick skinned. I’ve heard it all, and to be fair, political discussions can get very heated, but as I was rather enjoying the discussion (hey, being honest!) – a woman jumped in.

And here was her FIRST comment

Now I do NOT have screen shots to prove this one as I did the last time around, but even if I did – I probably wouldn’t name and shame, if just to keep the name of Bartolini’s the pizza group out of all this hehe.

The owner is a good friend, and makes the best damned pizza I’ve had in Southern China by far. If you’re in ever (was that the other way around, hehe) Dongguan – bonny DONGGUAN, or nearby, hit me up, and I’ll hook you up with the BEST damned pizza in Southern China.

And this is coming from me, whose been to Schenectady in NY where I’ve had my share of GOOD – awesome food.

An Italian family owned pizza biz for one. Lines so long outside the restaurant that even Monday night RAW was left behind, hehe, and they STILL wouldn’t deliver.

Tells you a lot about SUCCESSFUL businesses, my friend.

And of course the SPICY chicken wings made by the Afghans running the nearby convenience store …

Ah, but where was I.

The comment.

“You and (insert other dude’s name) are typical sexpats and losers and SJW’s! Go back to your own country”.

I couldn’t believe I was reading that, and initially I let it slide, but after it was repeated, I had to reply to the lady – – I’m using the term politely here – – and call her out – – NOT politely – – on her Nazi feminist crap.

Hey, don’t get me wrong. I’m a VOCAL AND HUGE supporter of TRUE feminism.

Equal rights are fair, fine and should be given but the other side of the coin is RESPONSIBILITY. Trump VS NY anyone??

The state begs for funding from the Feds when they had enough to start with (at least in terms of equipment) – – enough that they did NOT reveal – – and now when Trump wants them to do the right thing and start the economy back up, they throw a hissy.

I mean GROW UP fellas.

With rights come responsibility. IF you want the feds to keep your nose out of your biz – then don’t go abegging for money and such to them. ‘Tis just that simple!

And back to the point at hand. The personal remark.

It pissed me so much (and believe it or not, yours truly was the first person warned for SAYING something about said retard) that I left the group – – something that I never normally do. So therefore no screen shot, but it’s probably best I don’t have it, hehe.

I’m back in it now, of course, but here is the point.

People have PRE-CONCIEVED notions about everything, which are usually WRONG. So wrong that you could write a tome on it and then some.

And while it is true that SOME folks in China fit the category above, aren’t there said people in other countries?

That person was calling EVERY foreigner in China a “loser” – -when it honestly seemed like she was sitting in her Mama’s basement chowing on Cheetos and complaining about “how unfair her parents were” to not give her her own room at the age of 35.

Or some such horse manure. Yada, Nada, schnada.

And when it comes to fitness?

Same damn thing, my friend.

Oh, bodyweight exercise?? No way! How that can help anyone (despite solid proof and results that they DO).

Oh, bodyweight stuff is too easy! I’ll never gain a lick of muscle from it!

Oh, I need to run on the tread-monstrosity for hours at a steady pace to lose weight. This “Eat More -Weigh Less” stuff is marketing B.S. – -it just aint possible.

And so forth.

And if you’re in the above crowd, well rest assured of one thing at least. You ain’t in the minority by far hehe.

Shake of head. What has the world come to when simple basic common sense is anything but common. And no, I’m not a huge supporter of the global shutdowns for those that may ask.

Shut down a country and (sorry, but Trump DID say it, hehe) you literally bring a country to ruin.

Precautions, NOT panic!

And again – get rid of the preconceived notions. They just ain’t true, my friend.

On that note, check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System. If you have any preconcienved notions about health and fitness, well, they’re probably WRONG, my friend. Check it out right now – – and get back to me later – – I promise you won’t be disappointed!



P.S. – Don’t just check it out and dismiss it as hooey. DO the thing, my friend, and as Emerson said, you WILL have the power. Every little bit does count. Fat can only accumulate on the part of the body where there is LEAST activity (Eugene Sandows, I think it was) and in that spriit – lift that right buttcheek up and pull out that wallet – and start your fitness journey right HERE – –   

- is one NOT to be ignored.

This email is being written IN THE FLOW, hehe … as my wife brushes her teeth early in the morning.

Lets see who finishes first. Me – or her!

She normally takes around 15 minutes or so for this task as opposed to me that does a quick and dirty “2 minute job”, hehe. She often tells me to pay more attention to, ah, but that isn’t the point of this missive.

OK, start clock. 857 AM. Bright and early for a change, maybe that’s because I finally chose to get back on WIFI? Back to the real world? Hehe…

Anyway, I’ve spoken in the past about attracting what it is you want in life – and fitness – or finances, for that matter to you through the power of visualization, focusing on the end goal, and FEELING good about it – and many other such “tricks” (which aren’t tricks at all, by the way!).

I’ve spoken about being in the right EMOTIONAL state to attract what you want in life to yourself, and while visualization is one way to GET into this state – and activate what they call the “Law of Attraction”, there is MORE.

There is another MORE important “law” as it were – or an emotional state – or a combo thereof – that being the law of gratitude – something which we truly need to APPLY more in our daily lives – and something without which you’ll find it very difficult indeed or almost impossible to attract that which you WANT into your life.

Or get into the right emotional state for doing so, for that matter.

This morning when I woke up, I felt GRATEFUL for no reason – and PEACEFUL. I often feel this way, but I’ve also been guilty of the opposite as I’m sure some of you guys reading this have and so I sit here, writing this to you …

I felt grateful for the small things in life – such as Wifi, hehe.

I felt grateful for my HEALTH – and FITNESS – especially in these trying times.

I felt grateful to have food on the table and lights on – again, especially in these trying times. Sounds insignificant I know, but it isn’t – the small things are what count – and add up!

And of course, I felt grateful for customers like YOU – that buy from me – support me – and BENEFIT immensely from my books and teachings – so a huge thank you to YOU – you know who you are!

And so forth.

I was also reminded of an interesting thing my Dad said years ago back in the day when I was little more than a kid.

“We get used to the good things in life very easily”.

Now, it is well known that he and I see eye to eye on almost nothing, but there are SOME things I agree with him on, and this is on.

He was referring to air conditioning which at the time was a luxury in India (which is where we were then) … but it holds true for just about anything.

Take a minute, and stop to ponder all the things that might be GONE from you the next minute, my friend – things you take for granted.

Lifewise – fitnesswise – relationship wise – and indeed even financially, I bet you anything that if you do this analysis, you’ll come up with AT LEAST ten reasons to be GRATEFUL about what you have NOW, my friend.

And believe me, it’s true. I’ve been in relationships in the past which after I left I mused over … and wondered “what if”.

True, there was a reason, and a damn good one that those relationships ended as they did, but often times, and far too often we’re guilty of NOT appreciating what we have – when we do have it!

And fitness wise, how does this relate? Or does it?

You bet it does, my friend!

Let me give you an example. The hill near my house, for instance.

Most people, locals included, don’t give this a passing thought. It’s just “there”. It’s always “there”.

So, people end up taking it for granted.

And in the process, forget what a great, great workout tool it is – – – and how it would be if they did NOT have said tool, for instance. I know this feeling – – when I’m away from my hill for an extended period, I feel like something’s been TAKEN away from me.

And curiously enough when I get back – – although I’m grateful as heck to have it there, very quickly, I settle into a feeling of “oh, it’s there”, and …!

True, it is GOOD and indeed you SHOULD get “used to the good things in life” – but being GRATEFUL, and finding reasons to do so is what really puts you into peak emotional state of RECEIVING – in any area of your life.

And so, let me end with one simple task for you.

Take a sheet of paper. Preferably 8 x11, but if you don’t have that, something similar will do.

Take a pen, preferably a RED one.

And start writing down things you’re grateful about.

When you hit 10, stop and ponder these things – – and before you know it, you’ll have ten MORE things on paper – and then 10 more. And so forth.

I know this to be true. I did this before writing to you, and I have a sheet currently overflowing with more than 78 items, and counting!

And that, my friend, is what life is really about. Be grateful for the small things in life – and indeed what you have – and stand back and watch as you receive more of what it is you DO want – either lifewise or fitness wise!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Almost forgot to add being grateful for good FRIENDS that will help you when you really, really need it ..

P.S #2 – By the way, the hill I refer to so often is mentioned in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and as for being grateful you can literally FEEL the vibe when I talk to YOU in the videos. Perhaps that is one reason why the series has been so successful – who knows! Go ahead and find out for yourself right here – –

P.P.S – 9:10 AM. 1050 or so words. Oh, and the wife won … as the clock strikes 9:11!