Communist until you get rich …
- ... and more such "believe it if you can", hehe

The other night, I saw an immensely interesting meme from “Hypocrite Diaries” (not sure if that is a website or what) but as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it.

I used it on my WeChat account to promote my Mao post (with credit, of course! ?).

And I’ll post the meme on my blog for those that want to see the white text on a BLACK background. Yes, simple DOES work best for more things than just fitness.

But for you email subscribers, you might not get the image in the email, so I’ll type it out here.

Communist until you get rich.

Feminist until you get married.

Atheist until the airplane starts to crash …

And to this, I’d add this.

Bodyweight exercise BASHER … until they start to work, and HOW!

Now, let’s go through these quickly, hehe.

#1 – Heck yeah. I’ve made NO secret of my thoughts on communism and commies in general, and it’s well known that commies (in private) do and want to do the exact opposite of what they “preach” to the sheeple (that blindly follow ‘em to the point of rioting, but that’s another story).

#2 … Hmm! Controversial, but I WILL say the “married” tag leads us (regardless of race, religion, culture or anything else) down the road of “What did Nature want the man and woman to do”?

I don’t know how it would work for the third gender, and those in marriages with multiple wives or husbands, hehe, so I wont even go there.

But in terms of one man one woman marriages, well, yes.

Whether we like it or not, Nature has programmed men and women a certain way biologically, and men have been programmed to PROVIDE, and women to “care for and nurture”.

Yes, I realize that sounds anti – feminist but it really isn’t. Women can do things men CANNOT, and the reverse is true as well.

(I should say “better”, maybe not CANNOT, but you get the point. Can of worms I know).

And while that don’t mean women need to be barefoot and in the kitchen all the time, trying to muck around with the natural order to ridiculous degrees leads to one thing – CHAOS … and I believe that is precisely what we’re seeing in many societies globally on that standpoint.

#3 – LOL. But yeah, when that shoe starts to pinch, loaf starts to drop (sorry!) or …well, the airplane takes a nosedive, well, we’re all human after all …

#4 …


I’ve met people that dissed bodyweight exercise up and down until they were blue in the face – literally so.

You’ll recall the story of the boobybuilder out in the pool, my friend, and if you don’t, read it on the Shoulders like Boulders page right here.

This guy used to be a hardcore bodybuilding fanatic, and yet, after two heart attacks and probably surgeries too before 26, and realizing that a walk up the stairs left him winded, he made the switcheroo … because he HAD to.

Started doing pushups.

Started walking.

Started swimming (which he couldn’t do well at all when I first met him, admittedly, but he was trying which is what counts).

And the bloated pecs and abnormal six pack was already starting to recede, and he went on a long rant about how harmful bodybuilding etc was (not a rant – ‘twas true, but listening to him talk, you’d think he was me, hehe) … and this from a former worshipper at the altar of exactly what he was now speaking out against, and no, he ain’t a hypocrite either.

He’ learned a lesson.

A valuable one.

And so does EVERYONE that makes the switch, my friend.

Whether or not YOU do … is of course, entirely up to you!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re part of the majority that doesn’t want to flip the switch and get on the road to supreme health and lasting fitness, fair enough. That’s your business, my friend. But for those that DO, here is where you START –

The immense value of GOOD MEMORIES
- ...and I cannot overstate this!

We’ve often heard the saying, the past is the past. Leave it there.

And this is true and a GOOD saying to take to heart – from a physical and emotional standpoint (as well as MENTAL) … but with a caveat.

You do this for the “ho hum” memories in your life, or those you flat out don’t LIKE – or even “hate”.

And once you file those away in a “do not touch” folder (much like Stalin’s cronies did with the Mao poo analysis files which the BBC unearthed years later), what is left are GOOD memories.


Memories of past successes – of what you WANT to accomplish – both in the here and NOW, and the FUTURE.

This morning as I woke up, I instantly wrote down all the dreams I had.

I’ve been having tons of them as of late, each one more indecipherable than the other (but the ones predicting actual events aren’t indecipherable). And that’s how I like it, hehe.

And as I was sitting here, doing something for one of my other writing businesses, a thought struck me. Much like the “do it on the side” thought struck me yesterday as I was preparing my puh-er cha and I then wrote about it to you …

The subconscious is a wonderful thing. I don’t know why more men don’t make use of it. And that isn’t mine – that’s what a person said in Claude Bristol’s the Magic of Believing, a book I HIGHLY recommend you get your PAWS on. I ain’t gonna provide a link here, as the neighsayers will neigh and say “he’ doing this for personal profit!”

No I ain’t either.

But what Claude Bristol says in that little book literally has the power to CHANGE YOUR LIFE around – almost instantly.

Anyway, so as I was sitting here banging out an email, memories FLOODED back in the darkened room … both in physical terms and my mind.

Memories of LAST year. April 15, 2019 to be precise.

Memories of the year before that around the same time…

And memories of May 2018, which is when I made one of my “never to return to China” excursions … only to be BACK there a few months later, hehe.

Never say never, my friend. Never know when it’ll come back to bite ya in the ass!

Anyway, as I thought about all this, the environment, the surroundings, the sheer PEACE I felt … the good FEELINGS came flooding back.

Bear in mind I woke up with a bit of a headache. Not really feeling on top of the world (but not bad either), and as I sit here typing this to you, I feel WONDERFUL – and this is BEFORE my workout, hehe.

At peace with the world, and this is why I recommend you, my friend do the same thing before visualizing future goals.

Get yourself in a good emotional state FIRST. And if you combine it with the right exercise – such as a 100 Hindu squats, for instance, well, you’ve just amped the GOOD feeling factor up by about 10 or so, if not more.

Do something like this daily. Clear the cobwebs of the most powerful machine ever invented – your BRAIN – and replace them with GOOD, positive memories, and then think about what you’re GOING to do – and ACCOMPLISH.

And then stand back, and watch the seas of your life part!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S .- The above is one of the best things I can tell you to do … if you just DO the thing. Simply reading it and moving on ain’t gonna accomplish diddly squat.

P.S #2 – Oh and on that note, Hindu squats are probably the best thing you can do to keep in shape if you’re currently under partial/total lockdown. Believe me, this exercise ain’t no joke. The simplest things often work the best. Here is where you can grab the course that will teach you all there is to know about this great exercise –

P.P.S – Don’t forget too, to take a peek at Advanced Hill Training (which you CAN do within the privacy of your living room) right HERE –

“There’s more to do than just eat and shit!”
- Hilarious, but true!

So if the above comment interests you, it may also interest you that Chairman Mao, upon being invited to Russia (or the erstwhile Soviet Union wayyyyyyyy back in the day) had precisely this to say, and then some.

He actually said it to the “walls” of the hotel room he was confined in during what I can only assume was his inaugural trip.

You see, the Soviets back in the day used to do “poo analysis” as a means of gauging a person’s personality, and when Mao came to visit, the first thing they did was to lock him up in a hotel room, and send him food, food and more delicious FOOD!

I can only assume Mao liked this initially, but the fact was this – they had special toilets installed in Mao’s hotel bathroom which weren’t connected to sewers, but the Soviet LABS, hehe.

Quoting from the BBC source I read –

It is former Soviet agent Igor Atamanenko who claims to have uncovered this unusual project, while doing research in the archives of the Russian secret services.

“In those days the Soviets didn’t have the kind of listening devices which secret services do today,” he told the paper.

“That’s why our specialists came up with the most extravagant ways of extracting information about a person.”

Mr Atamanenko says it was Stalin’s henchman Lavrenti Beria who was put in charge of the secret laboratory.

When I contacted Mr Atamanenko, he told me what the Soviet scientists had been looking for in faeces.

“For example, if they detected high levels of amino acid Tryptophan,” he explained, “they concluded that person was calm and approachable.

(Source –

Now, I have NO idea what the chemicals mentioned in that bit are, hehe, but later on in the article it means that the good Chairman quickly tired of the “poo” treatment, and allegedly shouted at the walls of the hotel room.

“I am here to do more than eat and shit!”

And it’s funny … this afternoon, and indeed right NOW, as my daughter isn’t eating her lunch (sound familiar?? Hehe) – Mommy is exhorting her to eat.

“Why we do live, honey”, she said. “To eat!”

(that’s a translated version of it, of course, hehe)

And my daughter responds with “There’s more work than just eating, Mommy!”

OF course.


Like watching the dumbphone or Teeeee Veee, for instance …. LOL.

Or playing, of course, or asking Daddy to feed her!

On that note, I gave my little girl a 10 minute “ultimatum” to finish her food while I sit here and write to you.

It’s been around 5 as of now.

I’ll go check now … and has she finished it?

You be the judge, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – There IS indeed more work than eating and shitting it out, my friend, but try telling that to the average adult that wakes up – EATS – sits his butt on the chair or commode – then EATS – then does the same for another few hours – and then – you guessed it. EATS. No exercise, no movement, and is it any wonder most people are going STARK raving NUTS during this period of extended global lockdown for one?

P.S #2 – Lock a domestic dog up for a few day, and he’ll go stir crazy due to lack of movement, and the same holds true for human animals too. Don’t let that happen to you my friend. Avail of the best HOME workouts right here –

P.P.S – Ok, around 7 minutes. I’m out!

“That’s something you should do on the side!”
- And side is all it'll remain if you approach it with that attitude!

I saw an interesting quote from Napoleon Hill the other day when writing the LinkedIn piece on … I think hypocrisy, it was.

I’ve got a few more planned, and written actually, but here is the quote in its entirety.

The #1 reason people fail is because they listen to friends, family and neighbors.

And this quote stopped me in my tracks – and HIT me with the force of a Mike Tyson punch (metamorphically speaking, of course, but you get my drift!)

Back in the day, one of the ventures I was trying to get off the ground was an I.T. venture where I’d work my day job, and do my own thing by night building websites for clients.

It quickly became nigh apparent to me that this “doing it on the side” was NOT going to work if I wanted to really try and make it on my OWN – my lonesome as it were.

Lets face it, folks

After a full day of work – wherein you get BORED – depressed – frustrated at NOT doing what you want with your life – not to mention a job that takes up your most productive hours and then some – you’re hardly in the frame of mind to handle a new business full on, by yourself with no support.

And the programmers I worked with and their results reflected it.

Though I’d pay them well, their work was shoddy – and the clients complained – and it wasn’t they were bad coders or designers.

In fact, they did STELLAR work for their own clients at their full time jobs.

But what I was offering them was always “part time” or “easy money” (according to them) that they could hammer out on the side while they’d devote their main energies to their OWN full time jobs.

And that, my friend ain’t the way to build a solid roster of appreciative clients, which is pretty much #1 for any successful biz (or should be at any rate!)

And yet, of course, when I announced this to my family, the answer was predictable.

“That’s something you should do on the side” was what my Dad told me.

Mother? Nothing at all, but I could feel the vibe. Oh, him?? How can HE ever do anything himself?

My Uncle a few months ago was more adventurous in this regard and said something that made sense from a certain perspective about expanding out and BEYOND my bedroom, and to be honest, this made sense from a certain perspective.

Yet, that’s not what I wanted …

And here is what I’m going to tell you my friend (by the way, the above was the POLITE version of what I was told – both by my FRIENDS – and FAMILY. I wasn’t married by then, and if I was, I can just imagine my wife’s reaction to it as well).

When you do something on the side then guess what my friend.

It will NEVER, EVER become your full time job or full time “gig” unless you MAKE it.

You HAVE TO BE WILLING TO cut off all backup – and “security” and stability in order to really make it. And that might take years for some. Ain’t no shortcuts, but when you get there – it will be all worth it my friend.

Don’t believe me?

Think I don’t know nothing?

Think I’m full of it?

Well, do what Andrew Carnegie said (and indeed, told Napoleon Hill back in the day).

Study the most successful people in any endavor (Hill studied 500, but you get to study the number of your CHOICE) – and tell me about their failures before the ultimate success.

The heartbreaks.

The times where it was them against the whole world, and somehow they found the courage to keep fighting.

An idea, as Twain said, is only applauded AFTER and IF it succeeds.

“The man with an idea is considered a CRANK until he succeeds”.

And this is so true, my friend.

WINNING is what counts.

And it is only by cutting off all sources of retreat that you can maintain the state of mind necessary in order to WIN – and SUCCEED.

Hill speaks of a famous general that once sent his troops into battle way back in the day.

I’ve written about this before, but Ill mention it again.

The troops were vastly outnumbered both in terms of manpower and weaponry.

And yet, they were asked to BURN their ships by the Commanding General.

They had no CHOICE!

They had to WIN, or PERISH …. And win they did.

And while that’s the stuff of legend, that’s the stuff WINNERS are made of.

Which you are, only you can decide, my friend.

And before I end, remember that THIS attitude is what gets you there in terms of fitness as well.

You can’t have any safety nets in terms of “Oh, it doesn’t matter, I’ll get it done tomorrow”.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter if I don’t finish those last 10 pushups”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter! I’ll get to cardio later”

And so forth.

And ALL of the above is TRUE, and I’ve experienced it personally in my life, and continue to do so on a nigh DAILY BASIS my friend.

What you take away from it … is … again …

Up to YOU!

And that’s that for now. Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can find the fitness routines that CHAMPS and WINNERS (both in life and the physical arena) are literally MADE of –

“What is unpopular is often what is NEEDED”
- Unpopular decisions are tough - but need to be taken.

Well, so I woke up to an interesting slew of comments on social media, and a few via email w.r.t. my latest decision on “Eat More – – Weigh Less” morphing BACK to what it originally was, “Advanced Hill Training”.

A NICHE course for those truly interested in getting into the best shape of their lives – SUPER quick – and certainly not for the average Joe or the average price shopper out there (though curiously enough, the RESULTS this course will get the average Joe if they just do the thing beg to beggar belief, if I may say so!).

And you’ll remember the case of a person named “Alan” who I’ve spoken about here in this email newsletter before.

You’ll also remember a person named “Linda”, hehe.

Both polar opposites. One who took the time to POLITELY message me and ask me why he was removed from the employment group I administer (one of the best employment resources by the way for you guys looking for JOBS in that part of the world – and yet one of the most unpopular – at least outwardly so – due to my style of administration) … and the other who took the sneaky route and tried to “buy her way back in”, but miserably failed at doing even THAT. Hehe.

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to guess which is which!

And this would be a good point to bring something up.

If someone disagrees with me, even on something that I have a very STRONG opinion on, but if they do so politely and with restraint, while pointing out the FACTS – guess what.

When people talk in a civilized manner to me – – and a RATIONAL manner – – yours truly will do ALL he can to bend over backwards and help these people out, even if he doesn’t necessarily agree with what they’re saying or doing (within reason of course).

But it’s the HYPOCRITES – and the entitled lot (both often the same) that I cannot STAND, my friend, and while hypocrisy isn’t the topic of this email, it’s a subject for another article I’ve penned on the topic.

I try and keep my lengths down (in terms of what I write via email) to the bare minimum possible, as not all people have the time to go through lengthy emails, but when it comes to articles and expressing myself – well – ALL bets are OFF there, my friend.

I’m my verbose self and then SOME – and my LinkedIin account – as well as my Medium account would be a good one to check out some longer pieces, and my UNABASHEDLY POLITICALLY INCORRECT, to the point, and TRUE opinions on what is going on in general in the world (and of course, the fitness world).

And the next piece (specifically on LinkedIn, and I believe my 68th LONG form article there) is gonna be about hypocrisy.

Be sure and check it out for those interested (oh, and by the way, the number 68. Very special to me, so I’m going to celebrate it with a special article indeed!).

Anyway back to unpopular and it being exactly what is needed.

My style of administration in the employment group, for instance, is something highly unpopular and polarizing, but it is what is NEEDED to keep the group a quality group.

As I told Alex the other way, give them an inch and they take several miles, and there goes the carefully put together group and it’s guidelines within the space of a few pissers, moaners, groaners, and complainers.

The rules are applied fairly WITHOUT exception. And that’s not a popular way to do things. Some group administrators often “cosy up” to their members of fear of them leaving.

I don’t. If people leave, they leave. That’s their business. Those that stay … well, I’m HERE for ya!

And that’s the same spirit in which I renamed what is probably my BEST course out there TILL DATE if you’re looking to burn off flab at record speeds.

It wasn’t a very popular decision from what I can tell.

And neither was the initial nomenclature very popular with a lot of folks.

But guess what.

As Alan correctly stated in his comment, unpopular is often what is needed – and you have to look no further than the current U.S President to see the truism of this  – – and on a smaller scale, 0 Excuses Fitness.

You’ll never seen me tom tomming what the experts jump up and down about.

You’ll never see me follow the path most traveled.

You’ll never see me listen to the experts that claim “emailing your list honestly and more than once a day will drive people AWAY and cause you to lose sales”.

And most of all, the people that say I should “keep certain thoughts to myself”.

Nah. That ain’t me. That ain’t my style. And that ain’t my fitness style either, amigo.

Take it or leave it – that’s Rahul Mookerjee in a nutshell for you – and THIS right HERE is Advanced Hill Training for YOU – and it WILL get you in the best shape of your life at record speeds – – guaranteed!

The ball is in your court now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – By the way, if you haven’t already, make sure to pick up Corrugated Core – a course that will help you as well in losing that stubborn belly fat, as well as building strength all throughout your entire body (and get you ready for the beach post lockdown, hehe) – – right here – –

P.S #2 – Be on the outlook for the piece on hypocrisy. Coming soon to LinkedIn, hehe.

Back by (un) popular demand, and why that’s a GOOD thing
- ... sometimes, unpopular is exactly what the Doctor ordered!

When I first came out with “Advanced Hill Training” (one of my first courses after Gorilla Grip and “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks” – it was exceptionally well received … by those that were already at a certain level of fitness.

Amazingly enough, and despite the fat burning POWER of the exercises and routines in this book, this particular book never attained “cult” status like Gorilla Grip (by far and still the most popular course it seems) did … and to a certain extent the book on pull-ups (well, more than a certain extent actually, but you get the point).

And amazingly enough, despite the positive reviews for the book, those that started off with my basic 0 Excuses Fitness courses would often times overlook this advanced course.

They’d go on to OTHER advanced courses. Corrugated Core. The course on pull-ups (the advanced course). And of course, Shoulders like Boulders.

And so forth.

But this little manual never received the recognition I thought it would, and although it kept selling, the fact intrigued me.

One fine night, I was talking to a friend on the phone and he (metamorphically speaking) pulled me aside.

“Rahul, you gotta niche the course LESS”


“Well, right now you’ve got this course – a great course, but the average person probably looks at it and by the title itself thinks it’s too difficult”.

I paused a minute.

And come to think of it, he was right. A light bulb went off in my mind (and note – I’ll tell you here – hindsight is often 20/20, LOL).

“You’re right”, I said. “And …” I continued, my mood picking up almost instantly, “Maybe I need to sell it to the MASSES instead of the NICHE, and I know just how to do that”.

And thus was born Eat More – Weigh Less, essentially the same courses with some modifications, and voila – the sales almost instantly improved.

(within a week or so of marketing it, getting the new title out, etc etc)

And along with that, something else did too.

The pissers, moaners, whiners, groaners and complainers ALL increased, and while NONE of them said a word against the course itself, or the exercises, they all had the same idiotic refrain.

Much like the overly polite dude the other day did (and he was literally so polite I can’t even “name and …” him here. As people that know me KNOW, beyond a certain point, if you’re that polite, then I won’t even TRY to call you out on your views or even present my own, hehe – – even if you’re a diehard liberal, and that should tell you a lot about how I view freedom of opinion, hehe).

To each his own..

Anyway, they all complained “it was too easy”.

“How can you put out such an easy course”

To which, of course, I’d reply with the following.

  1. Have you done the thing?
  2. Do the exercises WORK?


… Crickets.

Now don’t get me wrong, of course. Sales DID increase, and by a LOT after I renamed. Sometimes that’s all it takes to move a book – – much like Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, which would probably never have seen the light of day in the cult-like manner it has if he had named it what it originally was “How to use your Noodle to get the Kaboodle” (eww!).

And you might argue it’s my job to educate these people on the why’s and wherefore’s, and to a certain degree, I agree.

But only to a certain degree, my friend.

All the “education” in the world won’t help if that horse don’t want to drink. You can lead it to the water all you like, but if will BUCK and not DRINK … well, that’s nothing but a waste of it’s time and energy, and (to me) more importantly MINE.

And as I thought about what the dude said, another bigger light bulb went off.

“Rahul, this is damn near the only product you’ve not niched!”

And he’s right my friend.

He’s right!

He meaning my mind, of course, but hey … what can I say. MOST of my products, either in fitness or elsewhere are niched and while that may mean fewer sales, I’ve never been one to sacrifice either my values or beliefs at the altar of public opinion (or anyone’s for that matter) or the almighty DOLLAR.

If I make fewer sales, so be it, my friend. At least the book gets into the hands of those that will USE it – and being THAT was the intention with which I write all my books – well – the OLD favorite is back as of now, my friend.

I had the idea while in the shower, and almost instantly, like that … I readded what I removed from the course, and got the old cover etc back up (with some sprucing up) .. and its ready for purchase (once again) right here – –

Something else that was of curiosity to me but didn’t strike me before was that even when “Eat More – Weigh Less” was doing the rounds, those REALLY interested in getting fit – the NON complainers that is found a way to get to this book WITHOUT it being there on the products page!

Where there is a will, there is indeed a way, and that way is straightforward now.

And yes, and to reiterate. This is a NICHE course, and delivers results that are OUT OF THIS WORLD in a very short span of time.

If you’re not looking to get precisely those, or if you’re one of those that requires long, fancy drawn out routines, then this is NOT for you.

If you’re not a believer in quick and dirty workouts, this is NOT for you.

If you’re NOT serious about your health, STRENGTH, fitness (and indeed overall testosterone levels) then please do NOT get this course.

But for those of you that fall into the “rarest of rare” category – well – have at!

Alright, my friend. I’ll leave you to it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – You’ll find that this course is now under the “Core Training” section – and appropriately so, since this course, more than any other, will strip off the lard off your body in record quick times and double speed. Grab it now, my friend (if you’re truly interested!).

P.S #2 – Along with that, don’t forget to grab a copy of Corrugated Core right here.

P.P.S – I used to offer a free one hour consultation online for those of you that had bought the Advanced Hill Training course, but discontinued this months ago. However, for those of you on my list – I’m re-opening the offer – but only for a week, my friend, and I might pull it before that as well. So go on ahead and get in while the going is good (and if you do – send me an email if you’re interested in the free one hour – and we’ll see what we can work out!).

The hike of a “lifetime” in the Indian Himalayas …
- .. "Manki point!"

I should have probably included this one in my book on fitness recollections, but I forgot.

My bad, and anyway, I’ll talk about it here, but first, if you haven’t gotten the book as yet – HERE is where you can get it.

And now, on to the recollection itself and the famous “Manki” point in Kasuali, Himachal Pradesh, India.

It’s one of those charming colonial era “hill stations” (as they call ‘em here) that I so love to visit.

One of those quiet getaways in the mountains where you can walk, walk, walk all day long, and get all the exercise your body needs without ever feeling like you’re working out.

And Kasauli is safe too, unlike some other spots in the mountains. The Army maintains a base somewhere up there, and they’re no doubt responsible for the local policing etc, and anyway … great food, great hikes, and of course huge monkeys all over the place.

Which brings me to the central point of this dispatch.

My hike on “Manki point” (monkey spelt another way  – -hey, as Twain once said, “I don’t give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way!”) … a 10-15 minute climb that KICKS MY RUMPUS – bonafide ass kicking – EVERY TIME I attempt it.

Last time was in 2009, I believe. Been a while since I’ve been there, and though the FIRST time I went there was with family way, way back in 2000 (I think?) … I’ve gone there a lot over the years.

And believe me, I’ve gone there AFTER my China hill adventures, so this hike kicked my ass – AFTER I was used to the China hike, which should tell you a lot!

So what is this Manki point, you ask.

Well it’s an old temple situated at the very top of a SUPER STEEP hill.

You walk about 10-15 minutes out of town at a leisurely pace uphill (I think) and while that alone is enough to kick the average lard ass in the booty, what is waiting for you AFTERWARDS at the Air Force base there (again, the Army and in this case the Air Force seems to administer the place) will make your jaws drop, and legs sag in sheer anticipation. Hehe.

Suddenly, you come across this base and the first thing you notice are monkeys galore all over the place.

Monkeys are worshipped as a “God” in Indian culture (no not me – yours truly has always been an atheist) and this temple is dedicated to the monkey god, I believe.

And as you start your hike up the STEEP path that leads to the temple, it sometimes feels you’re walking upwards in a VERTICAL manner, so steep is that hike!

The first time I heard about this hike, I was like … no problem, I’ll do this easily. Hey. I’ve got experience hiking hills daily, and …

… and a short while later, after the blubbery mess of sweat I turned into at the top, I turned around and acknowledged the hike for what it is – one of the toughest short hikes I’ve EVER done, hehe.

I still remember doing this with my Dad once.

We did it.

Back to hotel.

“Dad, let’s do it again tomorrow”, I piped up.


And the sheer vehemence and (unintended) FORCE with which he said those words still make me laugh. Yes – that hike was that darn tough, and if you’re even in them neck of the woods, I highly recommend YOU to try it.

Guaranteed booty kicker.

And that’s it for now, my friend. I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Wait, I forgot to plug my product “Advanced Hill Training”, my friend – or what USED to be named that. I’ve now renamed it as “Eat More – Weigh Less”, and it’s been a roaring success due to obvious reason. Here is where you can grab it – –

P.S #2 – Be careful of them monkeys at Manki point – they’re adept at snatching food and handbags, for one! Hehe.

Are you embarrassed to take your shirt off in public?
- I know I was at a certain point!

A while ago, two years or thereabouts to precise, I saw a person that I admire manifold – more than a lot of other people I see on a daily basis.

I’ve written about this man before, and continue to do so.

A man that truly INSPIRED me for the way he trains – and trained, back when I first met him in China in 2013, a man that truly does it BARE bones – and bare foot, most of the time!

That man is the old man I met in China, and if you’re on this list, you know who he is – – or you should, at any rate!

At the time I mention I hadn’t seen this man for ages.

If you remember, that was my “5 climbs/morning plus 2 climbs/evening” days … 7 days a week, something that truly did WHIP me into the best shape of my life … overall.

But there was something, but anyway, on with the story.

At that point (when I met the old man again) I had switched up my routine again, and was doing afternoon workouts with my shirt OFF.

And as soon as he saw me, he broke into a huge smile!

“Oh!! Nihao, nihao!” (How are you, how are you?!)

And as we shook hands, and I noticed his gorilla grip the SAME as what I remembered, he “poked” me in the abdomen.

“Hao li hai!” he said, nodding approvingly.

Now, for those that remember, stomach fat is something the old man was always against, and rightly so.

Your waistline is indeed your life, as Paul Bragg famously said and you should never let it get BIGGER than it was in your prime.

(Which of course is advice most people just “Read” and then “shrug off”, and I suspect so the vast majority of people on this list. Oh well. Can take a horse to water, but can’t make it drink, hehe).

And as he pointed at my stomach, I was reminded of just how far I had come … but something else too.

Until a short while ago, I was doing the other type of workout I mentioned. Which was great, but also “LSD” in a way, and my body was starting to tire and give out.

I could no longer seem to force myself to go on those long hikes, and those daily 5 AM walks … and after a full day of work, two more hikes.

I still did it occasionally, but for the most part I was on 0 Excuses Fitness.

And while the hill climbs got me in great shape, I still did NOT take my shirt off.

In public, anyway, and certainly not while working out.

However, as soon as I switched to a modified version of my workout that I mentioned, bingo – those LAST bits of fat flew away.

The man boobs (albeit so tiny you couldn’t see ‘em, but still). The love handles. The last bit of jiggly tummy.

And so forth.

All went away after that ONE day I did a modified workout, and was STUNNED at the results I got … in less than a few hours, with less than an ideal DIET …

And that was when I chronicled my own experiences (and others I trained at the time) into a power packed, pathbreaking manual the likes of which I have NOT seen out there on the market as yet.

If you have, let me know – but I doubt it!

That little ditty is Eat More – Weigh Less – and the routines therein will truly blast away those last bits of (or rolls of) pesky FAT my friend – quicker than you ever thought possible.

To literally FEEL the fat peeling off as you work out … well, go here, and do the thing, my friend.

Do so now, and I promise you this – you won’t be disappointed!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is that link again – –

P.S – #2 – Oh, and pushups do a fabulous job of stripping away nasty FAT around not just the midsection, but the entire CORE. Whats the difference I hear you ask, eh. Find out here – –

P.P.S – I never did realize that I didn’t address the initial question, hehe. If you are – well – HERE are the fitness routines that will get you in the sort of shape where you can start to STOP being embarrassed – –

What I love the most about being the “elephant in the room”
- ... it can indeed be interesting, and LIBERATING!

Uncle Bob, a friend of mine “back in the day” (who has passed on now, unfortunately due to cancer) had this to say once to me when I was talking about saying it like it is – unafraid, and UNAPOLOGETICALLY.

Saying it like it is with scant regard for “hurting feelings” or considering “what others would think”, or whatever.

Saying it like it is in a brutally direct, honest, and EFFECTIVE manner that gets my POINT across (whether or not its acknowledged by the naysayers is another story altogether, hehe).

“The nail that sticks out often gets hammered the first”, is what my friend had to say at the time, and he was right, of course.

In true laconic Uncle Bob style he hit the nail on the head, but as he knew, and as I’ve discovered (a long, long time ago) … and as YOU on this list know, hehe, “being hammered the first” (or having a long list of folks willing to do it at the drop of a hat) ain’t necessarily a bad thing whatsoever, hehe.

And this one trait of mine has endeared me more than anything else to those that know me.

Family, friends etc, and when I say “endeared” me … I mean turned me into the elephant in the room.

You know the sort, don’t you?

That one relative that everyone does his best to AVOID, and NOT talk to, if at all possible …

That one member of the family that is pretty much the black sheep – or “skeleton” in the closet hehe (although during my corpulent lard ass days yours truly was ANYTHING BUT a skeleton) … pretty much due to NOT doing what the family wanted, and society in general “expects”

That one person that does NOT follow social mores, or at least most of them …

And so forth. You get the picture, hehe, and while this might not be a descriptor that endears itself to the majority of people reading this, I’m just fine with it, my friend.

For one, I don’t need to “prove myself” constantly to people.

Black sheeps are black sheeps for most people, and since their mind already “done” made up, hehe, I don’t have to go through all the extra effort (not that I want to) to change it for them. I keep doing my own thing, and being a caveman, and let the naysayers neigh away – hey – works for me!

Another huge thing is NO family drama to deal with, or very minimal at best. Probably my decision to live in mainland China (something which my family was very vehemently against – after all how dare I leave a “steady job” and be adventurous and follow my heart, hehe) had a LOT to do with this, but hey, I made my bed in that regard, and am glad to sleep in it as well!

And of course, it frees me up from listening to the fitness BS out there – vast majority of which doesn’t even begin to work in terms of RESULTS.

No need to go to the gym and pump/tone with the bros, hehe. No need to display my “pecs” in front of the gals.

Not that I’d do any of that anyway. Never needed to, and never will … but when you’re a black sheep, it’s easy to avoid all this, hehe.

And here’s something you might find interesting.

Virtually EVERY achiever throughout the ages – big, small or “medium – anyone that’s ever done ANYTHING OF NOTE (be that writing books – or perhaps starting a business, failing, and starting again, and so forth – or even lived life on his or her OWN terms – truly – it could be anything meaningful, really) … anyone that’s gone against the grain and dared to do so PUBLICLY has faced exactly this, or perhaps worse.

Ridicule. Scorn. Derision. Countless “lectures” from nuts that haven’t ever done anything of note in their OWN lives (the most interesting of which being me getting fitness advice back in my corpulent maximus days from someone that has hardly ever done a decent workout in his life!) …

And of course, being called the family embarrassment or black sheep, hehe.

And I’m happy to live with that, my friend – for reasons stated above!

In terms of fitness, I’m perfectly happy to do things my own way – do ‘em in a way that works – while the “general majority” run around the gyms listening to the bros and gym trainers, and post selfies on Instagram, never getting the results they want.

Hey, that’s fine by me. If you want to be the hamster running on the treadmill in terms of fitness, no problem, my friend.

But if you want “black sheep” workouts that DELIVER … and how – well – you know where to go!

And if you could make sense of this dispatch, then the first thing to do is go here and apply to be part of the black sheep family, hehe – –

Do so now – you’ll never regret it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is another course that has been getting rave reviews, and will build a midsection of STEEL in no time – –

What a Kolkata rickshaw puller can teach YOU about fitness!
- Simple workouts are ruggedly effective, my friend.

Bronzed limbs, muscular upper body … and a midsection that looks like it’s carved from GRANITE … nay, STEEL – or ROCK – or more!

Thighs like a horse, and calves that pulsate with sheer power and strength …

Upper back muscles that would put most bodybuilders to shame, and chest development that would make the average boobybuilder SWOON.

And of course, the grip.

And all of this was an enduring image that yours truly saw when he “ye tall” … and a young lad of about 6 or 7, if I remember correctly, during summer holidays and the usual 2 week or so jaunt to visit my maternal grandparents.

Now, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but Kolkata isn’t high on my list of favorites cities to visit, and never ever was.

Thinking about it NOW, one reason probably is the “People’s Republic of West Bengal” that the state has turned into (the Communist Party – one of the numerous political parties in India rules it) and industries leaving etc, or at least that was the case a few years ago. Not sure about now …

But yeah, that sure wasn’t the reason why I didn’t like it at that young age! Its was SOMETHING about the city.

The food was  just a little too “Chinese in nature” for my taste, for one … and while they didn’t go so far as to eat bats, roaches and other disgusting creatures, they DID eat lots of fish – with those annoying tiny little bones.

Give me a “Southern fried catfish” any day with ONE bone that I can take out and then enjoy the MEAT as opposed to fish with bazillions of tiny little bones, some so tiny that you literally have to spit them out as you eat. UGH!

Anyway, that’s just me. Tons of people love the food from that part of the globe, but … anyway, where was I?

Ah yes. The enduring image … of a man pulling my mother and I as we sat in what was nigh common those days in the city – the humble, but omnipresent “hand pulled” rickhshaw – something that would make most people cringe when they thought of what was involved, and something I even at that young age often thought about (how can this be happening??) … but something that was COMMON back then.

I think they banned them a few years ago, but I’m not sure.

Anyway, basically what happened is these guys were responsible for ferrying half of the citys corpulent population wherever it was that they wanted to go … literally pulling them “by hand” and “on foot” as it were.

NOT a very pleasant image if you think about it and especially not from a “human rights standpoint” etc, but these guys were hardly the “skin and bones” scrawny sort you see on TV all the time.

At least, the ones I saw weren’t.

Now don’t get me wrong – I’m sure some of them ARE that way, and I’m by no means a fan of the rickshaw as many are in India.

The very thought of sitting in one of those makes me CRINGE … and when (and this is obviously a memory from “back in the day”) I’d look at the corpulent, obese, well fed “glutenous maximuses of plenty” piling onto a rickshaw seat, haggling over fare, somewhat protected from the elements … with the dude pulling out the exact opposite, I’d often think the kiddie equivalent of “WTF is this!!!”

I never actually said it, of course at the time, but anyway, why am I mentioning this?

What is the “lesson” to be learnt here, you ask?

Well, just this – the simplest things in life are often the best.

And as I’ve said so about a bazillion damn times over and over again, the simplest things are often what get you in the BEST SHAPE of your life, if you just stop procrastinating and hiding behind the “it’s too easy” excuse.

Which, of course, is precisely what a reader wrote back to my last email on “tummy shaking workouts”.

“Can you stop sending me all these basic workouts”, was the gist of his (otherwise very well worded and polite) email.

Well, dude, sorry to say it … but no I can’t. And won’t.


Because … the simplest things work the best. Sorry to say that again, but ‘tis true, my friend.

And while you certainly don’t need to slog away on roads of Kolkata as a rickshaw puller, it WOULD get you in great shape.

And there are many equivalents to this sort of training …

Think Stallone in Rocky IV training in (what was effectively) the Arctic, bare bones, back to basics training while his opponent, the giant Ivan Drago trained in exactly the opposite sort of environment, with machines and tests galore, beeps recording his every breath it seemed like.

You see Sly pulling sleds. You see him running in knee deep snow. You see him shadow boxing with nothing but a rope next to him.

And you see him running up the mountain in that final, but iconic scene …

Closer to home, yours truly often carried bottles of water up by hand to his 5th floor apartment – which is a workout I’ve written about before ,and a great, great grip workout – and one I “learned” about way back in 2005 when I saw petite Chinese ladies doing what I (at the time) couldn’t (as they delivered my water).

Those ladies might have been petitie, but as I state in the fitness book, they probably had the kick of a mule, hehe (much like my home brewed PINEAPPLE beer did last night) … and the grip … well, lets just say most gym goers would be envious to have even HALF that powerful a grip.

I was going to put the wheelbarrow exercise in Kiddie Fitness, which is another great one – and another SIMPLE exercise that kids enjoy, and that will kick the average adult’s ass from here to you know where within the space of a few SECONDS, if even that.

And these, my friend, are examples of simple exercises that YOU can do – to get in sort of shape YOU like – starting TODAY.

Question is, WILL you?

Will you be one of the doers … or one of the “it’s too easy” whiners, moaners and groaners?

Only YOU can answer that question, but if I were YOU – well – I know what side Id be on!

OK, enough for now. I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I’ve written before about what a skinny Chinese dude can teach you about working out. Another must read if you’ve enjoyed THIS ONE!

P.S #2 – For workouts that get you in the best shape of you life, click on over HERE –