What do I really want?
- This might be an interesting read, hehe

I received some very positive feedback indeed on my last email about “Which man truly knows himself”, and one of the questions was about a person trying to figure out what exactly he wanted out of life.

Despite having a GOOD job . . . and a salary some might regard as being “very comfortable indeed”.

Despite having a happy family, and owning his own home, and a car (they have plans to buy a second one from what I can tell).

And despite being “outwardly successful in all regards”.

It’s amazing, but when you ask people the question as to “what they want out of life” – most of them cannot answer this definitively!

And in terms of HOW to figure out WHAT you want out of life – – well, I’ve put together a little guide on another site I write on (for, perhaps), and it’s a question often asked by those that I coach (even though those are fitness related questions).

For example, “I’m not sure what I want. I think I want a six pack. But I also want to look strong, big and massively strong!”

And believe it or not, people DO email with questions like this, unable to decide what they WANT.

Either out of life or fitness, and this isn’t just a question “some” people wrestle with.

Most do, until . . .

I know I did until a while back!

And while I won’t be laying out EXACTLY what to do in this email to find out what you really, really want out of life (after all, that’s what my coaching programs are for) . . . I WILL tell you this.

What do I WANT.

And I’ll talk life here.

In the last email I spoke about Napoleon Hill mentioning in Outwitting the Devil that no amount of money would ever make him happy.

And this comment, more than any other (although there are plenty of other questions in the book and plenty of other STATEMENTS made that are just as valuable and thought provoking) STUCK . . . in my mind, if not my craw!

And I “flash backed” to all the jobs I’ve left over the years, before finally deciding very definitively that I DID NOT want a job no matter what.

No matter if I was broke (at the time of deciding, sometimes I was!).

No matter if people complained. Moaned. Groaned. No matter if people yelled up and down about “stability working for other people”.

No matter what my “family” thought of me “sitting at home”.

Ah, sitting at home. There we go.

THAT is what I want, my friend . . . in the right environment.

It might sound amazing, but I do NOT want a bazillion dollars as bad as I want the FREEDOM to sit at home and do my own thing .  .  . in an environment of my OWN choosing.

I do NOT want a bazillion dollars NEAR as bad as I want (and have) FREEDOM.

I do NOT want money, any amount as bad as I prefer and WANT a hill right next door to my house where I can exercise as I like at a TIME OF MY CHOOSING!

And so forth.

YES – – for me, what works is being a caveman, and I’ve structured my life and business accordingly.

Much like it did with Napoleon Hill, Steve Jobs (I know, I know, how dare Rahul Mookerjee DARE to put his name on par with them, hehe) BEFORE they became successful (true and lasting success, not fleeting), this has caused and continues to cause to this day MUCHO friction with family and myself, and friends as well.

Not to mention the casual “person on the road” as it were.

Working? Huh? As a friend recently told me, how can you work from home?

This despite said friend knowing about 0 Excuses Fitness . . .

To work, you have to go to an office, he said. You have to step out of your home! You can’t work from a cave!

And so forth. Exactly what my family keeps telling me (and those that do NOT tell me directly think that, hehe) – – and to all these people, thank you very much my friends and family.

Rahul Mookerjee has just told you what he wants, and Rahul Mookerjee does what he wants, and GETS IT.

And so it shall.

And while I’ve detailed what I want life wise, here’s my question to you.

Fitness wise, or life wise – what do YOU WANT?

Be pithy and direct when answering this, and tell me the FIRST thing that pops into your mind.

I’ll be awaiting your reply.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In case rapid weight loss is your thang, here is where you go – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

P.S #2 – In case “raging bull like strength on steroids” is your thang, then here you go, bro –https://0excusesfitness.com/shoulders-like-boulders/

Which man truly knows himself?
- Sage indeed!

In “Outwitting the Devil”, Napoleon Hill wrote about something which may be glossed over by a lot of people reading the book . . . but if you’re smart, and “in the know”, that might just be one of the most important sections of the book you read.

As he works up to telling us the two experiences in his life which truly brought his “other self” into play, he lists out his jobs prior to that. His work. His many accomplishments (which weren’t looked upon as accomplishments at all by most people at the time. Sound familiar huh??)

And he talks about going from one job to the next.

One venture to the other.

One profitable biz (which he started, often times with NO capital) to the other, and handing over (by virtue of circumstance amongst others) the profits and proceeds made in said businesses to his partners, while he, often broke, looked for the “next thing”.

The next thing for him.

As he writes this, he tells us,

it became increasingly evident that no amount of money would ever make me happy”.

And often times his friends and family would  roundly laugh at him and castigate him for leaving profitable sources of employment or other income, and he’d have little choice but to agree, even so far as his mind (the rational part of it) was concerned!

What man truly knows himself??

These lines were written way back in the mid 1900’s, but they may be some of the most important and “from the heart” lines you ever read, my friend.

And I can relate.

Oh boy . . . can I RELATE . . . both in terms of life and business. And fitness, of course!

What truly makes you HAPPY?

For me, it wasn’t the cushy expat jobs I worked when I FIRST went to China. Jobs that paid me five times more than what the average wage was for the position (but there was good reason behind this, but still) . . . jobs that helped me build up savings to the point that if I KNEW what I was doing, could easily have started my fitness ventures back in 2005 instead of ultimately in 2011 . . .

Boy, time flies does it not? Seems like yesterday when the friendly realtor Tom Song showed me my first apartment in China . . .

Anyway, it wasn’t the jobs that followed thereafter. Not even THAT job I talk about so often!

And it wasn’t jobs I did YEARS later in mainland China again, and certainly NOT what I did in the middle in the middle East.

What man truly KNOWS himself, my friend?

As you set out to find out WHAT exactly you were MEANT to do in terms of life (not “work) . . . this question will crop up many a times, and you’re a lucky man indeed if you can answer it before the age of 40 . . . and well beyond in some cases!

I know of people that started successful online businesses.

Matt Furey, renegade info publisher and bodyweight fanatic for one.

He started his business, built it from scratch and (finally) got to a point where he was wildly successful.

And then, for a period, he let it all slide.

No blog posts. No emails. No products. I still remember Matt’s early emails back in the day in 2005 when yours truly should have started HIS own venture too, but hey, live and learn, no regrets either!

Certainly no regrets. I’ve had a very storied life until now, and it promises to only get BETTER.

Now, in terms of what man truly knows himself, here is a question I’ve been wrestling with for ages, and indeed one that I considered back in 2017 when I “diversified” and put all my “fitness and motivational” eggs into one basket (0 Excuses Fitness) and my other writing under another umbrella.

For whatever reason though the rahulmookerjee.com site did NOT change.

It’s still the old fashioned site I created way back in 2011. Not many products. Lots of posts though.

Certainly no annoying pop ups as you see HERE (hehe, sorry, but they’re necessary!).

And so forth.

And I’ve been thinking.

If the site had built on the same platform the rest of my sites are, then I’d probably leave it as is and just build on there. After all, you’ll still see www.rahulmookerjee.com pop up a LOT on Google . . .

But it’s not. And that’s part of the conundrum.

Maybe I’ll use it for other business ventures. Who knows! If you have any ideas, feel free to write back and let me know!

And in terms of fitness, the same thing.

What man truly KNOWS himself?

What really WORKS – FOR YOU, my friend?

I’ve got a wide array of fitness products for you to use, and they all “work”, but the point is that what works – – really works – – amongst those products for YOU might not be what “really” works for me!

For me it’s always been about intense leg and back work, and I’ve done that through hill climbs, pushups and pull-ups.

But others may find that Hindu squats are their lifetime “to go” exercise.

Or perhaps the “extended arm” pushup (another favorite of mine).

And so forth.

So, an interesting question for you, my friend.

What man truly knows himself?

Write back, and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Remember that no matter what your preferences are, if you’re looking to strip weight off your body in record time, then THIS is the course you need – – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

More on blatant and sheer HYPOCRISY
- Boy I cant stand hypocrites!

A while back, I was talking to an Aussie friend of mine who was down in the dumps.

He was having trouble with his life … business … whatever it was, you name it.

And I should say he makes up a part of the expat community currently in China (the ESL sort) and while I don’t have a high opinion of this bunch in general (you know this, and for obvious reasons), I for whatever reason thought this dude was different from the rest if just for his professional background (or so it seems at any rate).

This dude for what its worth is a bonafide, card carrying China tom tommer as well …

But anyway, before I get into that, he was having trouble paying his bills, and his girlfriend (who he lives on – dirty little secret, but hey, I ain’t gonna name and shame here hehe) apprarently wasn’t willing to do so yet again.

Or something.

And his entire rant was about “I’ve had enough of China! I’m leaving! This business is useless!”

As you might imagine, I did my version of counseling for him as a friend.

Told him the same things I tell YOU in terms of persistence, stickability and what not, and for all you know, it could have been water off a duck’s back (much like one of my other friends, this dude has selective hearing and only hears what he “wants to”, hehe).

Anyway, he was all packed and ready to leave apparently.

And while I was walking back to my apartment at the time, and was on 4G , the signal suddenly petered out, and so I didn’t chat with him for 10 minutes.

Upon arriving home, I sent him a note.

“Hey man. You booked your flight as yet or not?”

And what ensured shortly thereafter not only shocked me to the core, but irritated me no end, and I suppose, although hindsight is always 20/20, it shouldn’t have.

Turns out his girlfriend paid his bills, and all was rosy with China – – his business, and the WORLD in general —  until the next time he needed help.

I asked him why on earth he made me expound valuable energy trying to help him when he was obviously just creating a scene (being a drama queen) in order to get the cash from her.

Crickets, obviously.

And a short while later, as I saw his business posts look and SAY the exact opposite of what he did in PRIVATE, I called him out  on it, and of course. Crickets.

I believe he’s deleted me since then, but I’m not sure.

And look, that’s fine if you’re a China tom tommer and still believe that (with everything that has happened over the years and has been proven, and is happening now) China is the best place on earth to a) live and b) do biz (while complaining up a storm privately), then sure, that’s your business.

If you still believe China is the next America, well, by all means, have at. And so forth.

I might rant about it occasionally, but hey, I’m not going to even bother commenting on the sheer stupidity of such thought processes more than I need to or feel compelled to.

But more than anything else, this to me smacks of hypocrisy, and as I’ve said before, I can tolerate pretty much anything but back stabbing (remember the dude I wrote about in an email a few emails prior to this) and hypocrisy.

And it relates to fitness as well, and how you ask?

Well, those that diss bodyweight exercise publicly privately WANT to be able to do ‘em – and do ‘em in high reps, as evidenced by my recent email tests on fitness and the responses I’ve gotten.

I know, I still gotta get test #3 out to you … and I will shortly.

But for now … hypocrisy.

The same guys that rant about bodyweight exercises being easy, and “I can pick you up and throw you through the window” are the EXACT same guys that say they want to do pull-ups – and privately do everything they can to find out how.

The SAME guys that claim “I’m big, but not fat” are usually the ones that secretly hanker after the six pack . . .

And so forth.

And if you fall into any of these categories, or something similar, well, you’re one of the fitness hypocrites then. Sorry if that causes offense, but it’s true. I can’t stand hypocrisy . . . and if you’re one of the ones that has the balls to say what you think without fear of losing business, or “what other people will think”?

Well- -kudos, my friend. You’re part of an elite and ever decreasing group. Hit me up for a beer one of these days … we’ll get along like a house on fire!!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – If you just admitted to yourself (albeit perhaps privately) that you DO fall into one of the above categories, well, GOOD. You’ve just taken the first step to becoming the exact OPPOSITE of a hypocrite by recognizing that a problem exists (again, albeit privately) . . .

P.S #2 – Check out our products page right here, my friend. No matter what your fitness needs, we’ve got something for YOU. Truly a “one stop fitness shop”, hehe.

“You have to do something extraordinary to become successful”
- Indeed - you get out of it what you put INTO IT!

Back when I wrote all the books for another business venture of mine, I barely did anything but WRITE.

Write, write and write more.

It was a writing fueled BINGE quite literally, and other than the brief times I’d take “out of my schedule” to fit in a quick workout, there was literally nothing else going on in my life other than writing.

I was quite literally, a horse with no BLINDERS ON . . .

And I banged out output that most people would be hard pressed to produce within months, if not YEARS – in weeks, or (and this wasn’t uncommon at all – and isn’t when you’re writing in the flow) – DAYS.

And yes, the books SELL (for those that are wondering).

I’ll reveal more details later, but for now, I was reading an article on a hugely successful Indian cricketer at the TOP of it’s game – quite literally so.

And how he got there is a tale unto itself.

A tale that can be boiled down to two things – PERSPIRATION -and persistence.

Now, for those of you that know my cricket mania (well, sometimes!) may think this is some sort of adult hero worship.

No it aint.

In fact I ain’t a fan of Kohli in many regards, but facts are facts, my friend – and one has to but stop and take one’s hat off at the sheer amount of RECORDS he’s piled up at his (still relatively) young age.

Quite clearly the premier batter in the world by far, but it wasn’t always this way.

This guy was once denied selection to a junior sports team because his Dad wouldn’t pay a bribe.

(And knowing how it works in that neck of the woods there, the story sounds very true to me)

Although Virat had talent at that point he wasn’t exceptional. He had the POTENTAL to be, but wasn’t at that point.

And it was then he realized that mere talent alone doesn’t cut it. You have to produce results – work HARD – harder than anyone else – and be EXCEPTIONAL (in his own words).

And coming from a man that (although he was close to his father) could muster up the COURAGE and channel the inner MAN in him to go chalk out 90 match winning runs for his team the morning after his father breathed his last on a hospital bed, that means something.

Lots of people see the SUCCESS, but they don’t see the HARD WORK that goes on behind the success.

They don’t see the GRIND.

They don’t see the daily STRUGGLE the man or woman is facing.

They don’t see the constant criticism, and carping by family members, and they don’t feel the PRESSURE the person has to BREAK OUT OF THE mould (or the bucket of CRABS) and BE SOMETHING in life on their OWN TERMS.

As Ben Settle, world famous copywriter (now) said in one of his daily blog posts, everyone sees the success, but NOT everyone sees the STRUGGLE and hard work that goes into CREATING that success.

In his own words “that ain’t sexy”, is it now.

And I can relate.

Back when I got into the best shape of my life (something that people have ALL noticed) I realized I was going to have to channel MY INNER MAN in order to even come close to doing so.

And events in my life lined up accordingly.

First, the ONE event that made me REALLY get emotional about it. I’ve written about this before, of course . . .

And then the ACTIONS that came from that event. Things I had never done before, and was amazed I could DO, to be honest.

The human mind literally has NO limitations, my friend, as Napoelon Hill once famously said, and whether that means Rahul Mookerjee the cavemen waking up at 530 to climb hills multiple times, and do so again in the evening, or bang out 500 pushups a day religiously, or whatever it took … or write all day long … I realized the SAME DAMN thing a long time ago.

As my friend from the Marines once told me, “Yes, but … you’re exceptional” (this was with regard to a conversation we were having about Indians, and how some Indians didn’t “fit in” very well into the West, and so forth . . . )

And he’s right, and so is HE.

The spoils in life – and fitness – go to the EXCEPTIONAL, my friend.

And in terms of workouts, it’s the same damned way.

If you don’t workout in an exceptional manner, you ain’t gonna get nowhere real quick, if at all.

Other hand, if you do . . .

The choice, my friend is up to YOU!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I’ve said my part, but I forgot to include the link where you can pick up the guidelines for what will form the base (and a solid one!) for the MOST exceptional workouts you’ll ever have in your life – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – If your kids are driving you insane during the lockdown or cant sleep until the wee hours of the morning, well, here is the course that will have them burning off their energy as they should be – – https://0excusesfitness.com/kiddie-fitness/

P.P.S – Rave reviews are pouring in for Advanced Hill Training. Truly an EXCEPTIONAL course – check it out here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

Does a scorpion change it’s nature?
- I think NOT, my friend!

So last night, something interesting happened.

I received a message from my buddy Charles – whom I seem to disagree upon on just about everything, hehe, but with whom at the end of the day I still have a strong (and pretty cordial too bar the occasional crankiness) relationship. And for good reason.

He’s the guy that I wrote about a while back that started his own business, but unfortunately gave up at the FIRST hurdle or should I say (to me, at least) the first SIGN of a hurdle.

And while I don’t agree with this at any level and indeed have EXPERIENCE proving that persistence and STICKABILITY pays off (literally!) in spades … well, to each his own.

All I will say before continuing with my tale is this

Persistence truly is to the character of man what CARBON is to STEEL.

Not mine.

The great and incomparable Napoleon Hill . . . (from Think and Grow Rich) – and it applies to YOU whether or not you want to get rich or not.

Anyway, so we have – or should we say HAD – a mutual friend.

A friend named … ah, but I’ll spare ya!

This is a British dude I struck up a friendship with a long time ago, and he was actually the guy that introduced me to Charles.

Now, this guy is the sort that bounces from job to job and swings from end of opinion to the other like a pendulum on a grandfather clock.

You know the sort, doncha.

The type that rants up and down galore about his job, and how unlucky he is to have it, and how unfair life is to him, and how all problems are “created by others” and he just “suffers” …

.. and the minute his paycheck comes in from the dancing monkey job he works at (or did, before he got kicked out of it) – – his tune changes.

Everything is fine and rosy  in his world until the next upheaval, when it’s time to bitch again …

And I’m sure you’ve seen the sort too. I wrote a piece abot HYPOCRISY a while back, and this dude qualifies – big time.

As well as qualifies for the following tags –

Paranoid, Schizprenic (spelling?), OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder), bipolar …

And likely a host of more syndromes, and I ain’t no psychologist … or wait a minute, I’ll us ethe term I normally do.


Oh, and by the way, as Twain said, I ain’t got no use for a man that can only spell a word a certain way so before the comments come flying in – hold yer HATS … hehe.

Anyway, both Charles and I helped this dude on numerous occasions, and on all occasions he accepted the help and turned around and stabbed us in the back – – or ONE of us in the back, depending upon who was doing the helping at the time.

I had enough a few years back, and called him out on his B.S.

And his response?

Was to make stickers of me (using my fitness logos etc) – and add a racist twinge to them.

One of them (indeed a hilarious sticker, I wish I had it now. Maybe Charles does, hehe) was showing a good ole cowboy (something I’m often called) with a gun and then my face, saying “This is American, but THIS …?”

You get the drift, hehe.

A pathetic attempt to rile me up by playing the RACE card – in REVERSE. Hehe.

Anyway, while it pissed me off initially I soon forgot about it. Far worse things has this cat been called, hehe, and I could care less.

He blocked me upon sending me those GIF’s, of course, so I couldn’t even respond to him.

Ballsy, eh. LOL.

And last night, I saw some messages about him “apologizing for his mistake” (or supposedly) via Charles, and “asking if Rahul could forgive him” and some other garbage I haven’t bothered to respond to.

And though I didn’t respond to him, this reminds me of another story.

The scorpion and the frog, my friend.

I think it goes something like this – scorpion asks frog to help him out with a ride across the river.

Frog does so, assuming scorpion will protect him (via his fangs) on the way.

And midway, scorpion sinks his teeth into the frog … and BAM. End of story.

Not quite as pithy as what Denzel’s friend Roger told the young upstart in Training Day about the “snail” … but close enough! Hehe.

Anyway, my point of mentioning all this is simple.

People that are out to bite you and have a certain nature will NOT change.

Most people would probably get suckered in by the photo he sent Charles of “Rahul and Glyn” together – a picture I’ll post on social media, by the way, for those interested.

And most people would probably “forgive” – and be bitten again.

My advice?

Stay the HELL away from energy drains, and it’s something I’ve been saying all along.

And in terms of scorpions that turn around and bite you in the back numerous times despite you trying to help ‘em – well – they ain’t gonna change, my friend.

You can either sink with them or rise UP – and I don’t know about you, but I know which choice I’d make!

Last, but not least, those that worry about “the void not being filled” – well – guess what.

Once you consciously make the decision as to what sort of people you WANT in your life is one step towards moving towards success and what you really want outta life.

Make that decision NOW. The void will be filled so quick you would’t even notice it gone!

And on that sage indeed note, I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – Fitness test #3 on the way. Stay tuned!

P.P.S  – The scorpion might not be one to befriend, but the scorpion walk IS a great exercise! Hehe. Again, more on that later.

P.P.S #2 – I recently got a comment along the lines of “hunching the ground and building a crowd”. I’ll write a tome on that later, but for now – here is how YOU too can do the same – and get in the nigh on best shape of your life – QUICK – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

Squat and walk
- Test #2!

Here is fitness test #2 … carrying on from the FIRST Test I gave you (the table test).

A lot of you wrote back to tell me just how difficult GETTING into that position was, let alone holding it.

One fine lady on LinkedIn even commented on the sheer efficacy of this exercise and for those that didn’t read the dispatch on that –  let me know, and I’ll send the link over!

A former gymnast and cheer leader, so the lady KNOWS what she’s talking about.

Anyway, this morning I had a mission to complete.

My daughter’s made a mess in the playroom (as usual, hehe) and being the “benevolent father” I am (and being my wife seems to be a stickler for cleanliness), guess who the cleaning up tasks fell upon (at least in terms of removing the toys etc spread all over the place if not the actual sweeping and mopping, of course).

Yours truly!

Was going to do it after dinner last night … but ended up doing it this morning (wife asked me “why I’d want to do it after dinner”, hehe).

And as I did so, the test #2 came to mind.

It is this – and it consists of two simple parts.

Or one, actually.

I was going to include this exercise in 0 Excuses Fitness, but didn’t.

I DID however included it in Kiddie Fitness, and those that have bought the book know what a great exercise it is – not just for kids – but for adults too.

It’s the DUCK waddle, my friend.

Simply get down into an Asian style squat (like a duck, on your haunches).

For what it’s worth, the Asian style squat isn’t the Hindu squat done on your toes.

It’s a version that for most people (at least those of us “Westerners” used to sitting on chairs and toilets hehe) find INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT to do … or even GET into position, for that matter.

Stand flat footed, and drop down, with feet pointing out at an angle until your butt’s almost at the floor. That’s it.

Here’s how we’ll grade this one.

If you can GET into this position, and STAY in it for at least 5 seconds – 10 points.

If you can hold for at least 20-25 seconds – 20 points.

If you can hold for until a minute … 40 points.

You’ll see the points DOUBLE as we go along and when you DO the thing, you’ll realize why!

And if you can MOVE around in this position … well, you get 30 points. That’s moving around in this position for at least 30 seconds without stopping, my friend.

And if you can sum it all up and get to a 100 without cheating – write back, and let me know. I’ll let out a holla that can be heard WORLDWIDE, hehe, and I’ll also hook you up with a special discount coupon for the site if you so choose!

Alright, my friend.

That’s test #2.

CAN you pass it?

The clock starts … now!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. -To get your legs in the sort of shape they need to be in order to ACE this test while breaking nary a sweat, get on the routines mentioned in the System right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – At NO point are you allowed to get on your TOES for this. This is meant to be done flat footed!

Sheeple fitness conditioning
- Fitness is unfortunately going the way everything else, it seems . . .

I’ve often written about the value of visualization and MENTAL conditioning through the power of REPETITION to achieve whatever goal it is you have in mind – fitness included.

In fact, it matters not if the goal is fitness, or sales, or life related – – once you make it a part of your subconscious (the true seat of ALL human POWER) – – then it WILL become a part of your reality down the line provided you “feed” the subconscious accordingly.

As Claude Bristol so famously wrote about in “The Magic of Believing” …

Repetition is the fundamental rhythm of all progress, the cadence of the Universe. The tap tap of the hammer drives the nail into place. The deadly “put put” of the machine gun mows down everything in front of it. Constant and determined effort breaks down all resistance, sweeps down all obstacles. The repeated auto and hetero suggestion makes people BELIEVE. The tap tap of the same conscious thought causes it to be impressed upon YOUR subconscious mind, and on the subconscious mind of others!

So true, my friend.

So true, if you think about it … And here is ANOTHER quote that will allow you to grasp the entirety of what I’m saying below … a quote that is a personal favorite, so much so that IT, more than any other occupies PRIME real estate on the center of my laptop screen.

Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations leads to belief. Once that belief becomes a deep seated conviction, things begin to happen.

And I’ve used the above two pearls of TRUE WISDOM to guide me and help me out of jams that most people would give up just thinking about.

To pull a Houdini, as I often tell myself!

Anyway, enough on that.

I gave you a fitness test in the last email, and before that I asked my readers if they could drop down and give me 50 at one shot.

The response to BOTH of these has been overwhelmingly in the negative.

NO, most people could not hold themselves in, or get into what I’d consider to be an elementary position!

As for 50? Most would be doing well to crank out 12 good pushups and then be done for the day, and that’s the 1% we are talking about.

And that’s just the initial test. I have more to come – stay tuned, but for now, do you think any of these people would give the tests any further thought other than what I asked?

Would it cause them to PAUSE – and STOP – AND THINK about their current fitness regimen on a grand scale, and see that the gyms, treadmills and all the whiz bang gizmos and machines are NOT addressing the “Core” (pun intended!) issues of expanding waistlines, too much in “el glutenous of plenty maximus”, knee and lower back pain, weak wrists, and so forth.

Or a weak upper back and “hunched over look”

Or low energy levels.

Or, but you get the drift, I’m sure.

And yet, these same people amazingly enough continue to go to the gyms, and shelling out big bucks for what does NOT work at any level, my friend – – except at THEIR subconscious level.

They’ve been subconsciously programmed by the “shmedia” to believe that the good things in life ALL Cost money.

That the machines and gizmos and babe watcher treadmills and pec decks are the real keys to fitness, health and strength.

That crunches get the job done (ugh!)

That quick and dirty bouts of intense exercise done intermittently rhroughout the day can never work. How dare the “enlightened” spread the gospel? Didn’t you know you need extended cardio sessions so that your heart keeps at the 80% maximum recommended by the shemxperts?

Folks have often asked why I send these daily emails, sometimes two or three, and usually at least two.

The main reason is value for sign ups, of course. Those that trust me enough with an email address, so to speak, get MORE than they signed up for.

Over delivering while under promising has always been a 0 Excuses Fitness mantra, my friend.

But it’s also to combat the tap tap tap going on in the rest of the world with regard to the lunacy – and I ain’t talking just fitness.

I’m talking LIFE itself, and unless you’re living under a rock and not aware of the lockdowns, mass panic etc (all of which has been nicely buttressed over the past few years by a sliding economy globally) … you KNOW what I’m talking about.

Anyway, I’ll limit this to fitness. A much lengthier piece on this will go up on LinkedIn shortly, and HERE is where you can check it out, if you’re so inclined/interested.

For now, my friend, make sure to DETOX daily from the sheeple fitness conditioning by doing the exact opposite, and conditioning yourself to believe the exact opposite, because guess what – it’s TRUE.

And it don’t take long at it.. 21 days is all it’ll take before you start forming a new habit – that of following the TRUE and REAL fitness and conditioning path, and from there on in, things will work on auto pilot provided you provide the physical input.

And that’s all there is to that!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I’ll write more on the 21 day thingie later, but for those familiar with my writings, my import should be abundantly clear, no?

P.S #2 – Only YOU can decide which side of the fence you fall on. People, or sheeple. And if it’s the former, then congratulations – and get started on the only fitness journey you’ll EVER need to take in your life right HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

The lower back / core fitness test
- CAN you pass it?

Dear Reader,

With the increasing amount of glutenous maximuses all over the globe, and the lockdown seemingly NOT helping the cause, here is a short, sweet and simple test of fitness – endurance – and overall strength levels in your core.

This is the LOWER back/core fitness test #1. There are more, but lets start with this.

The “table test”, as it were.

Those familiar with my writings will know what this test IS, but they probably haven’t taken it before – – at least not in “test” format, hehe.

And it’s simple.

Get down on the ground.

Push yourself up on your palms and legs (such that your back remains parallel to the floor), legs bent at the knees so that the lower legs are perpendicular to your body.

Make sure to keep the head BACK while in this position.

Get into position – – if you can.

Here’s how I grade it.

If you can hold this position for a minute to begin with – you’re at ACE level.

If you can go for longer (remember, no resting – – I mean a minute plus CONSECUTIVE hold), well, kudos. Ace ++, and if you send me a video of yourself at that level doing the exercise for a minute or more, I might just give you a 10% discount on your next purchase off the site!

If you can hold for 30 seconds – 1 minute, well, congratulations again. You’re at ADVANCED level … You can still get better, but you’re doing pretty well already.

And now, we get to the “meat of the matter”, and (unfortunately) where most people “stand on this” …

If you can barely GET into the position, let alone hold it, then you’ve got a) WAY too much fat around the midsection, and b) have a lower back that cannot support the excess flabbage on it – and is likely weak and achy as a result (and you likely have low energy levels throughout the day too).

You’re at “rank beginner” level if that is the case, but don’t worry. You’ve got plenty of company there, hehe, and you CAN improve – if you want to!

If you can get into position, but your lower back starts shaking and butt starts to hurt within the space of a few seconds, then you’re at “beginner” level. Lots of room to improve, my friend.

And if you can manage 30 seconds – well – you’re at “getting there” level!

The second and third last levels are where most people are, unfortunately, but this can – and should be reversed.


Well, simply because holding this ONE position for time can do the following …

  • Lead to increased energy and stamina levels – throughout the entire DAY.
  • Build strength throughout the core and lower back, and arms as well (and when you add the pushup in as shown in Pushup Central, you amp the benefits received to another level altogether!)
  • Increased blood flow to the “nether” regions, and better performance you know where due to increased core strength, and I’m pretty sure I don’t need to expound on this one, do I? Hehe …
  • Reduced fat in the “glutenous maximum” (again, if you get my drift!)
  • An increased sense of “connection” to the ground – – and the Universe – – especially if you do this on a regular basis.
  • Increased strength and flexibility throughout the entire spine, which alone makes this exercise SO worth it

And more, but that’s the tip of the iceberg, my friend.

The “table” position is one of those fundamental positions EVERY adult should be able to get into, and hold – for a length of time.

Let me know how you do on this one. I’ll have more such “tests” for you in the future as well, hehe .


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – You’ll want to get into the best shape of your life so you can get into, and hold these positions for lengths of time and benefit immeasurably. Do so by getting a move on on the exercises mentioned in the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – If this position is confusing in terms of descriptions (it shouldn’t be, but IF) – check out my social media posts (Instagram for one) – and you’ll see me doing it. Follow along!

“I won’t do HW for 700 days if I can do 700 pushups in an evening!”
- Now that was a deal and a half, hehe.

So, I’ve been receiving some interesting responses to a question I recently posed on social media – – that being this.

Can YOU drop down and give me 50 – NOW?

And while I covered some of this in the last post, I’ll cover the REACTIONS and questions (or some, at any rate) here in this email since it might benefit those reading it.

For those that have more questions – email them my way, and we’ll see what we can cover in our daily broadcasts!

Anyway, the first comment was from my daughter.

“Daddy, you’re barred from the lunch table. You’re late as usual!”

“Hmm!” , she went, looking years older than her cute little six year old self …

“I’m so sorry, sweetie”

“No sorry, Papa! You should learn from me!”

And then she rattled off several points about how she’d been a good girl that day, listened to her parents, did HW etc ..

I managed to (finally) get a word in sideways.

“But I’m doing some good things too, honey. I did 100 pushups today!” (yes, I knocked off 35 more later, but that’s another story)

“100! How can you do that without …” (and here she mimicked a pull-up, and I corrected her).

“Pushups, honey, on the floor. Not pull-ups!”

(She automatically equates exercise with having a Gorilla Grip and doing tons of pull-ups, and being I got her started on both of those at the age of six months, hehe, can’t blame her for thinking that way!)

“You can do a million pushups”, she went on.

“Nah. Not quite there”, I laughed.

“Well … how about 700?”

“I can do 700 pushups!” she went on.

“Not me”, I laughed again. “My max has been 500. Probably could bang out more, but haven’t done 700 as yet” …

“But you can, of course, Gorilla Girl!”

She grinned.

So did I.

“Let’s make a deal honey” I continued.

“If you can do 700 pushups this evening, no more HW for 700 days!”

Hehe … and whether or not that deal will be honored remains to be seen, but for now, here is what Jake, a solid looking guy with a bit more fat around the midsection had to say about the pushup thingy.

His initial comment was a very candid “NO”.

And then …

(note – some of this is paraphrased for the purpose of keeping it as pithy as possible)

“I’d like to be able to do though”

And he went on to send me a picture of himself.

“I’m definitely fat. Obviously overweight. But … I’m pretty strong and don’t look awful, hehe”

He then went on to ask if I had any suggestions for him. He’s been hitting the gym as of late – a lot – but has recurring knee pain, most likely (according to him) due to being a tad bit overweight …

My response?

“Jake, you’re nowhere near as overweight as most people are (and he isn’t, to be honest. Bit more extra fat than he should have yes, more on the chest area than he should, and perhaps the chin, but overall, not anywhere near what I’ve seen in “my days”, hehe).

Yeah, the knee pain etc. Probably because you’re doing too much gym stuff. I’d advocate hiking more for your weight. Climb that hill a couple of times or more a day, and work up to running it. That’s all the strength and conditioning you need at this point.

And cut back on the beer (man boobs etc?).

But really, with the right workouts, you can get away with a lot more in terms of a bad diet than youd think. Not ideal but …

It’s not about strength being exerted “one time”. IT’s about being able to use that SAME amount of strength and exert the SAME FORCE repetitively over and over again a.k.a as in a boxing or wrestling bout. That’s what real strength and conditioning is about!”

“Good advice”, he responded.

Another dude, Paulo (him of Pizzeria Calzone, hehe, them folks from Portugal that have been making, and serving great pizza from wayyyyyyyyyy back in the day. If you’re ever Dongguan side, let me know and I’ll hook y’all up, hehe) had this to say –

“50! No way!”

And he followed up with …

“I’m happy with 25. Well, maybe 12. 25 after a couple of days….”

My response?

“Paulo, do what you can bro. Gotta start someplace. Start at 12 and work up from there. Key as always, is getting STARTED!”

To which Jake responded as such …

“I can do 25 slow strict pushups, I think …”

And yours truly …

“Do them in sets of 25 then. Mike Tyson did them in sets of 50 so 25 ain’t a bad start, hehe. Or 25, 15, 10 and …. Ladders. Pyramids. Whatever floats your boat. More than one way to skin that cat, or …BEAST, hehe”.

And so goeth that bit of feedback. There’s more on my LinkedIn page, but I’ll share that later!

Last, but not least, in all this, I’ve completely forgotten to give you the “test” I promised I would in the last email.

Mea culpa, but I’ve got that written – and that WILL be the next one out – stay tuned!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Another link I sent Jake was the link detailing the physical movements which EVERY MAN should be able to do to save his own life … as laid out by the old timers, no less. Fitness benchmarks for REAL men indeed – check it out here – https://0excusesfitness.com/2018/06/12/fitness-benchmarks-for-real-men/

P.S #2 – If all this talk about pushups has got you FIRED up, and RARING to go, well, breathe that fire on over HERE, my friend – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/

P.P.S – Don’t forget up to pick up Advanced Hill Training while you’re at it – right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

“Drop and give me 50!”
- And more if you CAN!

Woke up this afternoon … I know, not morning, hehe.

But that’s my lifestyle – caveman lifestyle as it were, and since I was up until 4 or so creating a new product and configuring some plugins for the website, I figured I deserved the extra rest.

In any case, I normally arise at the early ole hour of 11 AM and today was 12. Just an hour extra, hehe.

Anyway, being the “workaholic” (fun-a-holic) that I BE, I jumped straight back into my work … neglecting something.

Not my morning tea.

Not trimming my beard, which is at a nice “stubble” like length these days. The archetypical “dirty” look, hehe, and so be it. Such are cave dwellers, hehe.

Certainly not putting out emails for my businesses.

And in the middle as I started chatting with a lady “Rainbow” about her business, I got it.

I wasn’t feeling peppy as I normally.

Wasn’t feeling the best … not bad, not real bad, in fact pretty good, but NOT the best.

And I paced around the room a bit, and suddenly shut down the laptop on a whim.

Did what came naturally next, and right now as I sit here breathing DEEPLY and sweating a tad bit, I feel every bit as awesome as I normally do, and am raring to go.

What did I do?

Drop down to the floor, give me 20 pushups.

20 table pushups.

15 “extended arm pushups”

And then 10 of my “patented” “palms inward” pushups which would make even the strongest man fall FLAT on their face when they first try it. Note – that’s why I urge you to exercise caution on this one in the book. Not only is it hard to explain via text alone, but it’s hard enough to DO – – even for advanced trainees.

That’s 65, and I added in a few stretches and then a squat or two, and I’m done.

Took no more than 7 minutes if even that. With no warm ups prior to that. No dallying and no diddling around.

Just drop down to the floor and give me 50 stuff, straight out of Heavy Metal Jacket as it were, hehe.

And that’s the perfect tonic to start the day, my friend. And that’s how YOU should start your day too.

I’m sitting here drinking puh er tea now. A perfect after workout beverage, but as I BASK in the glow, and prepare to “depart”, a couple of things.

Most people would be doing good to drop down and give me 25 straight right off the bat and that’s IT.

Or even 15.

Or even 10, or … believe it or not, FIVE.

Yes, the vast majority of men these days would struggle to do FIVE perfect pushups, and that ain’t no exaggeration, mi amigo.

And while Pushup Central gives you workouts and “progressions” that you can use to get better at the almighty pushup, truly the very best darn exercise out there, the fact is that even this might be a lot to do for some people.

Fear not.

My next dispatch will have a fitness test for you, which is easier than this one, and yet, I predict most of you will get a D or thereabouts in it.

No worries – so long as you honestly try – that’s what counts! Hehe …

And I’ll be back with that soon. All for now though -see ya later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S- Make sure to get your paws on the BEST home workout system there is right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/