Why George Bernard Shaw was SPOT on about “making the family skeleton dance if nothing else”

It’s funny, aint it.

The way the brain functions…

After a couple of those last emails, I took a break.

Made me some hot tea.

Good ole BLACK tea.

Not “Liu” cha (green tea). BLACK tea. “Hei Cha”.

(Some elementary lessons in Mandarin Chinese for ya’ll, hehe!).

But anyway, what did Mr. Shaw say.

“If you can’t make the family skeleton go away, you can make it dance”.

I dont think thats the exact quote, but it was the sum and substance of it.

IT’s funny, but I suppose thats what I did in the past couple of emails !

But anyway, what he meant was this.

If you have an obvious “flaw” (even though it isn’t a flaw) – well USE that flaw.

And market it. And sell it, UPFRONT – with NO excuses (and feeling guilty BS).

Por ejempelo, some people write back and tell me “your stuff is not good! You just say just do it and don’t hand hold!”

(We all know who made that comment, hehe).

Then we have those that say “its too advanced! Why not make something simpler?”

(That was a “potential customer” who raised this “objection” when reading my emails. I’ve no idea why he’s still on the list tho!).

But anyway, point is this.

Some have pointed out these “flaws” in my books, and they are NOT flaws at all.

They’re how it should be.

But even so my friend.

YES, I’m pithy and to the point in my books and courses. YES, my stuff is hard and doenst hand hold.

NO, I’m not the best at handing out “freebie” and so forth.

NO, I’m NOT one to molly coddle!

And so forth.

Which pretty much cuts out the vast majority of people out there as my customers.

But to these people, I have this to say.

There is reason I’m making the family skeleton dance, my friend (in terms of my products).

A very good and valid reason, and a reason even my most ardent detractors couldn’t argue with if they TRIED.

(and no, it ain’t money)

See if you can figure THAT one out, hehe.

But anyway, for now, here is my LATEST book on isometric training.

It may not involve any skeletons dancing. It DOES involve the opposite i.e lots of static holds from yours truly, hehe.

And you’ll love it!

Get it NOW, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Mix that in with a good dose of Jump Rope Mania! And you’re OFF to the races, brah.

From “problem child” to “bodyweight exercise guru”, and a lots more in between, hehe.

It never fails to amuse me when people look at me accusingly in a “pseudo knowing manner” (at a time and place of THEIR choosing and convenience, when the other person can’t reply) and claim yours truly was a problem child.

“You’ve not been an easy child to raise”, went the moan.

Of course, the problems only happened because I was headstrong and despite everything else, somehow found a way to NOT do what I wanted to …

… and this “headstrong” nature persisted into adult hood, and then some.

As did the memory of an elephant.

It’s funny.

The very people who call me an idiot expect the most out of me!

In school, getting 98% plus was never enough.

“Oh, we all thought you could do better at Math!”

In LIFE, being the first anyone “in the family” to do something, whether it be sales, go to China on my OWN STEAM – or write books – or even start businesses and FAIL MISERABLY at them and yet start BACK UP again time and time again… it was neve rquite “enough”.

Apparently being the first lawyer in the family was a big deal, but none of th eother things were, because I was the wrong “gender” to be praised, hehe.

And of course, I didnt “sit in the office” in a Bozo like manner, twiddling my thumbs with nothing to do.

One the mantras of success I’ve always followed is this my friend.

(and it could be workouts, it could be writing, it coul dbe anything)

(could even be getting it on in the sack, hehe).

It is this.

Reserve the first couple of hours of the day, which is when you’re typically the freshest for yourself.

For YOUR things.


And so forth (and amidst all the babel of daily life, people forget to do this, and those that do …)

(As far as the “problem child” goes, its interesting how the focus never ends up on the parents eh. Always the child’s fault. All my fault, as my wife loves to say too, and I love hearing, hehe).

Anyway, that mantra.

Reserve the first coupla hours out of each day for yourself.

Make sure you get your workout in FIRST.

The world can wait, my friend.

We can only take care of ANYONE once we take care of ourselves – FIRST!

Same thing for business.

If you value your business, and whatever it is you do in life – you give it priority over ALL.

You wake up first thing in the morning and start to get after it!

And if you’re the problem child, you do it all day, hehe.

And if you’re the bodyweight exercise guru, fitness fanatic, and a lot more, you make sure to pop out sets of 10 handstand pushups throughout the day on occasion! 😉

Between my writing that is.

And thats another key to staying supremely fit and strong as the years fly past.

More on this later – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

PS #2 – Herein lieth a very, very important lesson in terms of “failing at something and NOT giving up”. Apply it to handstand pushups, that holy grail of bodyweight exercise, and see how you do! 😉

Why HUMILIATION can be a very powerful motivator … if you let it!

Perhaps one of the reasons that I ultimately became the “bodyweight GURU” as many people say I is that I was the exact opposite when starting out.

Or, I should say I never got any push to DO what I truly wanted, then got frustrated, and never did, and …

From having a pull-up bar installed, but no-one teaching me how to use it, from being told to “lift pink dumbbells for strength” from a person that has never done any meaningful exercise in his life himself, and from being roundly beat up at school most of the time (but somehow I still got the gals, hehe ;)) – perhaps thats why? ;)) … yours truly was the LAST PERSON anyone expected to become what he did.

And thats one reason I’m so roundly hated in certain circles, and why I love the hate.

But really, if your MIND is working and you have a purpose, and you GO AFTER IT, you’ll get it.

Let me tell you the tale of “Baby Halder”, a maid in India’s upper class homes (I read this in the New York Times a while ago when she became a bestselling author for a book she wrote).

Let me tell you this as well, being a “maid” in India isn’t like being a “paid by the hour” maid inthe US, or perhaps other locales.

It’s more like indentured servitude with zero rights, and you’re humiliated every step of the way.

India,and people in India on the whole still for whatever reason have a morbid fascination with their household help and lording it over them …

… and so the practice continues.

(No, I ain’t interested in changing the world for those that wil no doubt ask).

As Denzel said …

“Yeah. Right. Changing the goddamn world!”

And he was right.

Spot on.

My point is this, despite the many years of humiliation and the immense hardships she endured, she finally, by luck or crook or chance found a kind employer who noticed her writing down “scribblings” in her spare time.

He recognized the raw talent.

Encouraged her to nurture it.

The rest is history.

Indeed, those of us that accomplish the most go through the exact opposite first!

Recall the quote from Christ/Edison having to surpass all but insurmountable obstacles.

(from Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting the Devil”).

It’s true!

And fitness wise, same thing.

If you’re 50 lbs overweight, and get called out for it – channel the humiliation my friend.

Channel the “impotent rage” and make it a very potent fire indeed.

And once you light a FIRE under your desires, watch out how the world STANDS by – and let you pass!

Truly the best thing I’ve said all day, and the last word too? Hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is the workout system that will light a RAMPANT Aussie BUSHFIRE under your ass – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

PS #2 – Speaking of fire? Fat burning courses are what the doc ordered for many of ya’ll and Doctor Rahul “el cranko” gives you his very best at in Advanced Hill Training. Check it out – NOW!

PPS – Some may ask why “Baby” didnt just out and tell her employers to “piss off”. (yours truly has thrown fits for way less, hehe). Well, she had no choice. She couldn’t say it. It was all bottled out … but she hid her strengths, and bided her time, and when it came out … oh .. BOY!

Enough said, eh. Hehe. On many fronts …

What Quasimodo said about me “always wanting to have the last word”

The words still ring out in my mind …

“Youve got no ambition! You’ll never make anything of yourself (or haven’t!)”

I’ve heard this SO often from the people supposed to be closest to me, and the exact same reverse from people you wouldn’t think are anywhere NEAR close to me …

… and I’ve written about this before, of course. Galore, and many a times !

And this isn’t so much about bringing this piece of the past up, as another.

In 2005, I believe (I know – I have the memory of an elephant), hehe, yours truly was young and wild.

Yours truly DID NOT understand the meaning and import of “hide your strength and bide your time” (I still don’t for the most part, hehe, but I’ve improved as I get closer to 40!).

As I have my fitness too! 😉

I didn’t understand either back then that sometimes it was better to concede the battle, and win the war.

And that sometimes, just sometimes, you’re on the wrong end of an argument.

And so I was, as “Quasimodo” told me in an irritated manner (or I believe he told the forum owner)…

“Alright, mate (when asked to stop debating the topic)”.

“But really. Why does Rahul always have to have the last word?”

Well, in THAT instance, I was WRONG.

But when Bozo Schofield, and a host of other bozos out there get pissed off at me doing so, it’s usually jealousy and their own laziness speaking and displaying itself to the world.

Hey, no-one stoppe dthe Bozo from creating his own site and products, did they?

Not that I am aware of.

We all make choices in life, and we live by those choices.

Live by the sword, and DIE by it has always been my maxim. All I’ve done as of late is to mix sensiblity in them, to minimize risk and maximize gain (profit!).

Now, what on earth I BE talking about, you might be thinking.

IS that the ULTRA competitive, UBER COMPETITIVE spirit was always there in me.

In school, I HAD To be the guy that would cut class the most. Hehe.

I HAD to be the strongest guy – except I didnt know how to!

In college, I still remember a friend of mine (Vincent) saying to me “Rahul, you can’t be the best in the gym!”

(This was back when the two of us were taking “PE 101” or some garbage from a Spandex wearing cute instructor who said she’d “get me pumped” – and yours truly was so irritated he walked out, and dropped the class RIGHT THERE AND THEN).


HA! Little did Madam know .. but again, she was cute. I’ll give her that. Hehe.

And therein lies the point bro.



ALWAYS HANG OUT WITH PEOPLE that areBETTER THAN YOU, and MAKE something better of yourself, each and every single DAY.

Doesnt necessarily gotta be workouts.

Could be LIFE.

Could be relationships.

Could be anything.

But the point begets!

And on that note, I’ll have the last word again, hehe.

Back soon! (for more last words! ;)).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can get on Pushup Central – truly a course that makes MEN out of BOYS and then some, as ALL my courses do!

Tough workouts, and book reviews

Some of the most lasting memories I’ve had (my entire life) weren’t necessarily of the people I met, but the WORKOUTS I’ve been engaged in.

I think its safe to say, as a customer Charles recently said (he said that about me being called Mr. HandStand Pushup and that it was a great name, which it IS!) that yours truly has done workouts for a long, long time that the vast majority of people cannot do.

(Not because they “can”t” – but because they dont buckle down to brass tacks and GET HER DONE).

EVERYONE can do the workouts I advocate, and nigh on everyone, if youve got four limbs and a pulse can get to advanced levels by following what I advocate in my book.

It’s just that simple.

Whether you do or not, of course is entirely up to you!

And right now, as my fingers FLY over the keyboard, and I recover from that nasty stomach bug that somehow seems to have taken a hold of me, here is the point of me saying this.

The workouts.

And they’re so inspirational (to me) at least that I put many of them in 16 Inspiratonal Fitness Recollections.

If you’re ever NOT feeling fired up for your workout – now there’s a little bitty book that will fire you up big time!

Me slogging up the hill at 515 AM in the morning, determined to get FOUR climbs in if not more before my 9AM “work call”. (back when Idid a full time job for a few months – not really full time, but I was being paid a “salary” of sorts so ….).

Me makin my way up the hill in the blazing noon sun. (As a friend said – I dont see how you can do it!).

Me doing the same thing at night …

Me doing (and this was a VERY VERY great period of my life) workouts where I did Advanced Hill Training, and the routines I advocate from Battletank Shoulders for more than five months at a stretch.

I didnt miss a day. Come rain, sun, shine or hail.

I was doing it in freezing cold rain and weather!

And let me tell you, bro.

Doing 100 handstand pushups and 150 pull-ups per workout will get you int he sort of kick ass shape that the Marines, Navy Seals, Green Berets, SAS, and other special forces from the world are RENOWNED for.

Here is what a person I know (a former Marine) had to say about my workouts.

“100 pull-ups is tough for anyone!”

I said no. It wasn’t. That you could work up to it.

“But, 100 handstand pushups per workout! Now thats tough!” I riposted.

And it’s TRUE.

His response was this.

“You’re goddamned right!”

And so I was.

And that was one of the best periods of my life, where according to this same person “I did nothing but workout. Thats your life!”

Indeed. It was.

And there are worse things I could have been doing with my life, so to speak!

So for those of yo ustill “dithering about whether or not to get the advanced course” (Battletank Shoulders) – well – dither no longer my friend.

Truly the best damn course ever on shoulder builders. Barnstorming routines as a customer recentlt said!

And thats it from me. I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Damn, forgot to address the reviews part.

Well,there’s plenty on each product page, many are HERE, and then of course the email I sent out yesterday … Or, you could simply browse Amazon etc to “hear it from the horse’s mouth!”

And thats that. Back soon!

PS #2 – Naturally, I don’t advocate going as extreme as I did (at least not when you start out) – but even if you do TEN PERCENT of what I did – that will be more than enough! Believe me now and trust me later. Simple – and BOOTY KICKING workouts!

Why simple doesnt necessarily (and usually doesnt) equate to “easy”

… and isn;t a bad thing at all, to be honest …

Anyway, Henry Ford (he needs no introduction now does he) had THIS to say about what he thought was the hardest job in the world.

It wasn’t making cars, or 8 cylinder enginers, or bouncing back from multiple bankruptcies to become the most succesful man in America (in his time) …

… It wasn’t any of the other things he accomplished.


It was this – thinking.

“Thinking is the hardest job in the world” said Ford.

I am not sure if he said that with regard to a certain topic, or if he just said it offhand.

But he did say it (Google if you dont believe me).

Now, if you told the average person this statement, they’d goggle and gape at you.

Or of course, they’d go the “how dare you compare yourself to Ford” or some idiotic rot.

(such as Bozo you know who does and such as people in my family have done, and certain people I know have, and … well, does that sound familiar to you??)

Or, they’d giggle like Carol, a student of mine did when she was asking about “future plans”.

All you do is think, she would say.

And indeed, yes. MOST people that know me (or think they do) are quick to criticize me as being all theory and nothing else.

Hmmm ,.. so lets see.

Over 30 fitness books as far as I know… (I haven’t kept count). Not including the various compilations.

Over 60 (way more) in the other genre yours truly writes in.

And probably over 2000 or so blog posts cumulatively, in addition to traveling when the urge takes me. In addition to making sure I get workouts in EVERY time I can – any place I can – and at least once a day (unless I’m holed up in front of the computer with a nasty stomach bug that somehow surfaced this afternoon, hehe – but it’s already getting better!).

Just think?

I dont think so, Carol, hehe. Pun intended!

(Of course, for the layperson, what I do is “all rubbish”. It “means nothing”. What means something to them is doing what the Bozos do in life…)

Anyway Fred Herman, that great salesman, had this to say about selling.

It was actually the title of one of his books, I believe.

It was … “Selling is simple, but not easy”. (that was it, I believe).

Curiously enough in yours truly’s family, selling has always got a BAD RAP.

Figures eh.

Every time I did well at sales etc, it wasn’t acknowledged.

It was the bozo like “sitting in the office until 1 AM in the morning (doing God knows what)” that was …

… Which is wierd to me.

Ask any successful CEO, entrepreneur, or anyone successful at anything really.

They will all be the first to tell you that sales and marketing aren’t just necessary functions.

They are vital and the lifeblood of any organization.

And of course, precious few people do it well …

(Remember, when operations screws up – guess who (and it happens a lot!!) covers for it – sales! Ever seen the reverse happening? I think NOT, hehe).

That isn’t to say your service or product shouldn’t be good.

But selling is simple, really – and yet, so few people do it WELL.

Anyway, point of this diatribe you ask?

It is this, my friend.

ALL my fitness books and courses, writings etc have always either consciously or unconsciously followed this principle.

I’ve never bothered about page counts or word counts.

Unlike many others, I do NOT fill my books with “fluff” and useless, time wasting gabble.

(And even then, despite my intense drive on being pithy, I do tend to ramble on at times, but it’s always relevant!).

And I have never once believed that the “length” of anything means anything when it comes to value.

You could say the same thing in 10 words, or a 100 sometimes, and it wouldnt make a damn bit of difference.

Same for my workouts in the book.

They just flat out WORK.

They’re not fancy.

They do NOT involve 15,000 pieces of equipment, DVD players, females holding coffee mugs on treadmills, and certainly no spandex.

And the workouts I give you?

Most of them are killer workouts taking up NO more than a page of text at most (often times not even that).

But do they work ?

Well – you on this list have likely been reading all the reviews I’ve been sending your way as of late, and … well … you be the JUDGE!

K.I.S.S. my friend.

Keep it simple and sweet – there truly IS NO OTHER WAY!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Check out some of our review here – and then grab one of our products HERE.

Engage when THEY are the weakest!

What I’m about to say right now might surprise some people reading this.

Especially with your truly being “in your face” about most things …

But I’ve long, long believed in the Deng Xiaoping maxim – Hide your strength, bide your time.

Long, long, long!

It could be the Bozo hitting me out of the blue with his racist memes, and gang of trolly nutsjobs “ganging up on me” by trolling me.

So they thought, hehe.

I didnt make any mention of my response.

Actually the Bozo was too much of a pussy to actually TALK to me after he did what he did, so he promptly blocked me before I had a chance to respond.

Years later, the shoe is on the other foot, and HOW. Hehe.

The Bozo is roundly blocked from all my social media, emails etc, and yet tries to get in touch with me every way he can.

Do you think he’d be doing this if HE was in the position of power, my friend?

Not a chance. He’d just continue his bullying until he either got whacked, or the other person couldn’t “take it”.

Believe me, I’ve seen that sort of behavior from him many a times.

Right now, of course, Bozo Schofield has become world famous, with a certain person even writing in to tell me that he’d be happy to “kick his ass” for me.

To which I responded “better keep that foot out of shit”.

LOL. But it’ s true!

Currently I’m dealing with much of the same thing from a person in my family.

I won’t name who, but those of you paying attention know who it – they are. Hehe.

It’s not even conscious most of the time. It’s subconscious.

But most of the time I just smile and seemingly “take it”.

Until that one day comes to spring out like the proverbial black Mamba and strike, and do with venom – once and for all – and finish the issue – much like with Bozonator Schofield, hehe.

Until then, its a matter of hiding your strength, and biding your time!

Sometimes, it is best not to engage at all.

Sometimes, it is better to concede the battle, yet win the war.

(uncomfortable as that might seem at the time)

And this doesnt mean you’re “weak”, my friend.

Not a chance.

IT simply means you’re smart by not banging your head against a brick wall until the brick wall gets sufficently “old” enough to knock it over (no I’m not referring to age, hehe).

And that is what I wanted to get off my chest. All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and pick up Isometric Training here. Perfect in light of what I just mentioned above. People will be laughing at you and saying “those are just stretches!”

Let them do so.

Let them laugh, until the day you bang out 10 handstand pushups in a perfect set while the rest around you collapse like Dominoes.

And then when they ask you the secret behind your SUCCESS, tell them. Isometrics for one!

And watch the mouths fall, hehe. And at THAT point, you won’t even need to drive the nail in!

PS #2 – All of this is really paraphrasing the Napelon Hill saying “actions are what count – not words!”.

Isometric Training and Flexibility – its OUT – NOW!

OK, so first off – big news – the long awaited book on isometric training is live and online – go right HERE to grab it!

A couple of things with regard to this book

1. It’s a 168 page “behemoth”, but truth be told, I could have made it 368 or more, and I STILL wouldn’t be able to cover all the variations etc in one book. So, these are the most useful variations and the ones yours truly uses – and the ones that will benefit YOU the most!

2. Remember that isometric workouts don’t need to be long at all in order to be effective!

(especially not when combined with other more regular workouts)

And 3 … there is NO fluff in the book in that the exercises, workouts etc are all to the point given the length of the book.

And all of that is pretty much what you find in any of my books, of course.

Never any fluff, hehe, if you get my drift – and without further ado, grab this now!

My fifth day of being and staying “chained to the keyboard it is. And given the amount of work I still need to put out – well – doesnt look to be ending any time soon, but thats OK! 😉

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

On dropping new habits, and building NEW ones.

I’ll never know what prompted me to finally quit smoking at the age of 24.

Perhaps it was (or maybe it was 25, but either one) the fact that I could barely climb a flight of stairs or so without getting out of breath (much like the bozos I often write about that build boobies (and ogle them, hehe) in the gym but when it comes to real world functional strength fall FLAT on their face) .. or the fact that I was, I dont know. Just tired of it.

I think it was the latter.

But most of all, I think I wanted “a change”.

A challenge. To prove to myself that I COULD DO IT!

Like Dr K at college said, “you need a challenge. These Mickey Mouse classes won’t cut it for you!”

(He was referring to Calculus classes etc which I aced without going to class and showed up drunk for exams et c(not that anyone knew of that, hehe) while the rest tried tried, tried and apparently still couldn’t “get it”)).

But he was right, really.

People like me and I hope YOU Too, reading this, need to be CHALLENGED.

Now, smoking was one of those things I had tried to quit before.


No less than THREE times.

Of course I was never quite at the point where I had to have my morning smoke or not be able to take a dump.


Some guys say they can’t take their morning dump without a smoke.

Apparently the “pressure doesn’t build” or some such rot …

Anyway, chuckles aside , or not, the point is this – when I quit – I just put my foot down and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

I quit from two packs a day to COLD TURKEY.

Now, one person I know had this to say about my quitting.

According to him I didnt “inhale the smoke all the way into my lungs and therefore quit easily”.


Somehow I doubt that, with all the ill effects on my health, and the fact that I tried quitting thrice, but couldn’t!

Anyway, point being this – and unfortunately it’s sure to inflame and INFURIATE a lot of you reading this, but here goes!

Lots of gurus talk about the “doing it slowly” practice when quitting a habit or forming new ones.

Work up to it, the theory goes.

Do something today – a little more tomorrow – and then befor eyou know it, within 24 days or whatever it’s become a habit.


I’ve found that a good way to PROGRESS at things.

And truth be told, most people are so scared of change that telling them that is probably a good thing, because at least it gets them off their lazy asses and DOING something (the something every day thingy).

But in terms of smoking, and many other things, it don’t work that way.

You just have to do it – cold turkey.

Same thing for those that are alcoholics. Or druggies. Or addicted to their morning coffee. Or what not.

You simply just do it.

And pleasant surprise?

Once I decided to just do it and quit the ill effects weren’t near as bad as I thought (feared) they would be!

The tobacco industry has done a pretty good job of convincing most of us that it’s easier to keep smoking than quitting!

Sure, it was tough the first couple of days. But it got easier. And at no point was I not “not able to take a dump”, hehe.

TMI, perhaps, but hey. It’s what happens in people’s lives!

Fitness wise, same damned thing.

You just drop the excuses, and DO it.

If you keep saying pushups are too tough, or pull-ups are, then they’ll get tougher.

Key is to TAKE A STAND.

Put your foot down – even if it’s a grossly swollen foot as mine was back in the day for a few days due to (I suspect, since the good doc wouldn’t even look at it!) being grossly overweight.

Of course, that went away on it’s own too, so who knows.

But really. Put your foot down – draw a line in the sand – and just start to just DO IT.

The results may surprise yo, my friend!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I look forward to the “infuriated”, straight from the heart responses cussing me out for saying”just do it”. I know, I know. Doesnt sound good. But thats how you do it, my friend. You just do it like Nike and anyone ever succesful ever did!

PS #2 – Learn how I went from ZERO to HERO – from DUD to STUD (and then super stud) levels at the pull-up by investing inmy course on it right here – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

PPS – Here is another one of those trollish reviews that Bozo Scofield left. Really. I can’t stop chuckling …

(and thank him enough, probably too, hehe).

The author claims to share how he can be a stud, I thought I would try it. My days would start at 3am with me walking 20 miles a day, and doing 25 laps of the swimming pool at the complex. The rest of the time, I was doing volunteer work or working with the local authorities. I was just a typical Tom Tom! I wanted to be a stud like Rahul who has no friends or sex life. Sure enough, the book was utterly drivel. I asked for my money back but Rahul launched into a campaign of threats. He is obviously a loner and we hope he will get help.

(had to mention that since the “Stud” part pissed the Bozo off, whose obviously anything but. He could do with a steady diet of cornflakes tho so the “pressure builds” and he takes that long overdue dump rather than dumping it on all “paper”, hehe).

(as for the rest of the drivel, I’ve addressed it before – including how he supposedly bought it from Amazon, and then supposedly asked yours truly for a refund. And copied the part about walks and swim from a “free” section of the book I put out to my list. Indeed one of a kind is the Bozo-nator, hehe.)

(But really – get the book – check out the HONEST reviews from REAL customers – you’ll love the book, I guarantee!)

“Thats why you’re so thin!”

I’ll never forget what my career counselor once told me in college.

(if only the poor lady knew, hehe. She was cute though, I’ll say that! ;)).

“Thats why you’re so SLIM!” she exclaimed.

“Huh”, I asked. I was looking in a bored manner at a CV that I had been “forced” to brush up (or I wouldn’t get credits for some class or something – routine stuff really).

She pointed at my legs.

“Thats why” , she said. “You just keep moving so much!”

And I got it.

A bad habit I had WAY back in the day – one of those “tics” as it were, was fidgeting. Which Is till have to an extent, but nowhere NEAR as bad.

Now it;s more conscious fidgeting than anyting else.

Another tic I had was “involuntarily” raising my right eyebrow up.

Nah, Iwasn’t trying to be the Rock, hehe.

But really – the point begets.

All that fidgeting I did, moving my legs around rapidly in a maniacal manner CONSTANTLY – probably DID burn some calories.

Along with the lengthy walks back and from class with loaded bookbags – and regular climbs up stairs to my dorm (yours truly never took the non existent elevator in “Bond Hall”, hehe – truly was the hood in many ways!) …. and regular swims, I wasn’t muscular or anything, but I wasn’t fat at all.

I was lean, and I dont know if I could do pushups and pull-ups back then, but like the football player told me, I probably could have!

Some of you will wonder what I ate.

Perhaps nothing fattening, you’d say …

Well, you’d be wrong. The campus cafeteria which I often avoided in favor of McDonalds (ugh!) had GREAT Southern style food, including but not limited to tons of fried chicken black eyed peas, lots of fried omelettes, bacon, everything pretty much.

Lots of bread. A crap load of butter. Just about everything you might need, so much so that some of my off campus friends would often borrow my card to go eat there, hehe.

And as a girl once did, she borrowed my card to go watch a football game “for free”.

Hehe. Apparently the guy checking ID’s didnt figure out she was a girl and the picture was that of a guy, or maybe he just didnt care. 😉

But anyway, back to weight. I ate like a pig, and the clothes still fell off me.

Of course, all of that very rapidly changed at the age of 19 when I moved in with my girlfriend.

Almost overnight, I grew a MASSIVE pot belly.


Well, it wasn’t so much “no long walks”. The walk from my apartment to campus was pretty long!!

It was this though – no activity THROUGHOUT The day!

What I’d often to do to avoid the long walk back home between classes was to camp out in the library or other spots until all my classes were over, and Id then walk back home.

And THIS, my friend, regardless of the fidgeting that went on anyway was what really caused the weight gain (not to mention the fact that Bond Hall had five flights of stairs to climb – yours truly for some reason always got the top floor, hehe – and the apartment complex had a teeny weeny excuse of a first floor apartment) … and the fact that the swimming stopped.

No it wasn’t extra beer, hehe. I drank plenty of beer in Bond Hall too. Those were the days!

Anyway, the point (again) begets.

Move around the entire day, my friend. Make activity an integral part of your life – and you’ll find it;s much, much easier to keep the weight OFF than automatically pile it on!

In other words, shakey shakey, hehe.

And thats all I got to say about that!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I got this idea while writing the book on Isometrics, and this sort of thing is part of the “joint loosening” section. Stay tuned!

PS #2 – Learn how to eat like a pig, and still have the weight fly off you right HERE – Eat More – Weigh Less (this is especially applicable now during Thanksgiving!).

PPS – Get on the 0 Excuses Fitness System now as well!