Thump, Thump goeth that HEART!
- And so it should my friend - if you're doing things RIGHT.

Dear Reader,

This morning, as I was pounding out Hindu squats (remember, my rope gave out) my heart was thudding away nineteen to the dozen.

POUNDING away should I say … so much so that it felt like a sledgehammer was buried deep inside of me, and before my muscles started to tire from the repetitions I was doing, the SWEAT started to roll off me – and how.

By the end of the squatting part of my workout I was soaked in sweat – this before a single pushup or anything else.

Now, this might seem strange to those of you that do a lot of “LSD cardio” – or long slow distance cardio.

Those of you that run on the treadmill bearing in mind the “80% target heart rate” limit proposed by the “experts”.

Those of you that pound the pavement.

And those of you that jog long and slow, long and slow – to “burn fat at the optimally recommended limit for 30 minutes a day”.

And while all of this is better than nothing – you’ll likely notice that you start sweating a lot later – as opposed to very early on in your workout.

And you’ll never have the “heart thudding away at your chest” feeling unless you go ALL out my friend – and THIS feeling, more than anything else is what tells you that you’re having a great workout – both in terms of building MUSCLE  and burning FAT (and improving your overall health beyond belief).

A good indicator would be this – “can you talk” during your workout?

If yes, then you’re NOT doing things the right way.

If you can, on the other hand, barely get a “word out sideways”, so out of breath are you – then chances are you’re on the right track, my friend.

And it’s this deep breathing – – this DEEP seated “heart pounding” effect that really cranks up the internal fat burners and starts to melt away that nasty VISCERAL fat around your internal organs – thereby making it a heck of a lot easier for everything else to get in shape.

It is THIS sort of a workout that releases plenty of “get young” hormones into your system – that literally “jolts” your body wide awake, and “tells it” to burn fat – and get YOUNG – and energetic!

And it is precisely THIS sort of workout that builds health – bone strength – and benefits the entire body like never before.

And I can think of no better exercise to achieve this effect than Hindu squats, my friend.

Done at the right pace, these give you the workout of their lives – especially when followed by Hindu pushups – a great exercise in it’s own right – and another great fat burner when you work up to reps beyond 40 or so at one go.

Great part about these exercises is this (hill climbing and hill sprints being another example) is that you don’t even have to workout daily if you don’t want to. You can do these 3x a week – or even 2x – and STILL get a LOT of benefits in terms of overall fat loss.

My current routine has me doing Hindu squats every three days or so, and I’ve never felt better my friend. And neither has my abdomen been quite as toned over the past few months as it is now – and given my hill climbs over the past few months – that is saying something, don’t you think??!

This doesn’t mean, of course that you “veg out” on the days you don’t go full bore. You still do SOMETHING – as I’ve mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness – do SOMETHING daily – and that is the best way to super health, strength – and fitness?

So, takeaway from today’s email?

Treat your body like a Ferrari. Blow it’s valves out WIDE OPEN when you workout – and you’ll be nigh amazed at the benefits you reap – in lesser time than you ever imagined possible!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Oh, and an email of this nature would NOT, I repeat, NOT be complete without mentioning a course that contains tons of exercises that will do JUST what I said above – blow your body’s valves WIDE OPEN and then some – and crank up your internal fat furnace like never before. If I were you, I’d tell you to drop everything you’re doing, my friend – and HARE on over to this page right now – and get cranking –

Workouts done on your BACK
- - can be a great overall body workout!

Dear Reader,

Today’s email may come across as a surprise (or the title might, anyway) to those of you that have been following me a while.

I emphasize (as you know) FULL body workouts – as opposed to isolationist movements like the bench press (yes, done on your back, hehe) – and workouts that give you a cardio/muscle building effect – in an “all in one” workout.

I’ve long railed against, and rightfully so the crunch – another worthless exercise done mostly on your back.

Not to mention the lat pulldown – done mostly while sitting on your bottom – another massive waste of time.

So, what do I mean by today’s title?

Well, for starters, my workout didn’t start off as planned today. My jump rope broke about three jumps in, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t fix the darn thing.

The rope had de-attached itself from the handle, and being I had no other jump rope – well – guess what I did.

Hindu squats – – a total of around 250 if I got that right – – and I mixed in “jumping” squats in as well into that workout.

That’s key, by the way – to mix in movements that involve jumping into your workout.

When you climb stairs, or run stairs, your body experiences movements through three dimensions – and while it’s not jumping – it really hits the entire body from the entire out (hence the results with exercises shown in Eat More – Weigh Less, for instance).

But when you jump exclusively for a large part of your workout – such as when you’re jumping rope – or on the mini-trampoline (a gizmo we don’t really need, but whatever) – you’re stimulating not just your fat burners – but your lymph nodes – kidneys – and many, many other things in your body.

I could go into more detail there, but suffice it to say that soccer players – amongst the fittest in the world – and boxers – and martial artists – and wrestlers – including workouts that incorporate jumping as a major part.

Anyway, being I didn’t have a jump rope I did jumper squats.

That’s right – squats while jumping – and for those that don’t know – these are an even more killer movement than regular Hindu squats.

And then of course, it was onto the “workout done mostly on my back”.

Or, the “turnover workout”, I should say, hehe.

The majority of this workout was the “reverse pushup”, my friend – a movement which taxes the entire upper body and spine – and the THIGHS and CALVES if done right – and the forearms as well.

Do these in high reps, and you’ll start to feel the cardio effect as well – especially when you mix them in with “table” pushups – another movement done mostly in a manner REVERSE to what most people associate with pushups.

And the reason I call this the “turnover workout” is that after every few sets of the above two exercises – I didn’t stop to rest – but turned over – and did regular pushups (or a variant – and there are so many, my friend – so MANY).

At the end of the 22 odd minutes, I did pushups for – I had gotten up to 200 odd pushups – and I was SOAKED in sweat.

The heart was RACING. The blood was POUNDING – or is it the other way around, hehe.

And I felt great. The cobwebs cleared. My annoyance at the jump rope “crapping out” during the workout all but disappeared. And as I toweled off, and threw my shirt off – I threw my hands up in victory – for ANOTHER great workout in the books.

Step by step, little by little, my friend.

The little victories are what add up to BIG victories – and consistency is key too, my friend.

And that’s today’s tale. Give these sort of workouts a whirl – you’ll be surprised at the changes in your entire body after just a few of them!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I’ve got plenty more such workouts for you in Pushup Central – a course you really must grab if you’re serious about burning off that ugly lard around your midsection – and turning it into solid MUSCLE. Here is where you can grab the little monster – –

Winning the battle of the BLOAT
- ... and the ONE superfood you NEED to be eating!

Dear Reader,

Most of you out there have heard about (and experienced) the ever growing and ongoing “battle of the bulge”, hehe.

You know what I mean, right? No matter what you seem to do, that expanding arse – or fat around the midsection – or “turkey” neck – or “love handles” just don’t seem to go away.

If anything, they seem to “hide” for a while until your workout is done – and then re-appear with a BANG.

And while that is immensely frustrating – and while the truth is workouts that target the fat from the inside out are what really work in terms of getting rid of those pesky lard lumps forever and altogether – this problem is made worse by the “other battle” I’m referring to.

And that is the battle of the bloat. In other words, a bloated tummy – not necessarily overly fat in all cases, but BLOATED – or constipated – or “gassy” or a combo of all the above.

I’m sure you know what I mean, my dear reader. It seems to act up most of the time when you least expect it (think tummy rumbles while sitting in a meeting, hehe) – or perhaps when you’re not getting the food you normally eat while on vacation –  or just about any other reason.

And believe me now and trust me later, while exercise goes a long way towards curing said “ills” – embarrassing ills if there ever were any- it does not completely eradicate the problem.

The key to reducing bloat – as opposed to BULGE – is what you put into your mouth, my friend.

And there is ONE superfood in this regard that you really need to be eating – a superfood that will get rid of all “bloat” related problems once and for all.

Lets face it, folks. Even the most toned midsection looks out of place when bloated and/or constipated.

And though a lot of otherwise fit people suffer from this affliction, the good news is – it “dont” have to be this way.

… if you make sure to include that one super food in your diet at least three times a week – if not daily.

This ONE superfood is …

NOT mentioned in the Simple and Effective Diet, and /or any of my courses out there until DATE.

NOT something that takes forever to prepare. In fact, its prepackaged usually (major mind bender there I know for those of you that have read my pieces on NOT eating packaged foods,  but exceptions do sometimes need to be made!)

NOT a fruit.

Not berries of any nature. No raspberries, dark colored “wasp berries” – blue berries – or any sort of berry. Though those are great, I ain’t referring to that here.

NOT lean meats.

NOT broccoli and green veggies (though again, those are a must have).

NOT meant to be eaten WARM (despite the amount of literature out there on how warm food benefits the system).

NOT cereals, rice or lentils.

And so forth. This food is something you probably see daily – yet overlook – and this is the ONE superfood you do need to be including in your diet, my friend, if you want to see results – and QUICK.

I’ll have more on this in the exclusive, “for doers only” 0 Excuses Ship – – so if you aren’t a member already – JUMP aboard – right now!

And while on that topic, remember that exercise is also key.

Combine what you learn from a diet perspective with the exercise part of things -and the results shall be MIND BOGGLING – and long lasting my friend.

Amen, and on that note – its adios for now! I’ll be back later. . .


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Along with the ONE superfood, you need to also be on the ONE and ONLY – and very best – FITNESS system on the entire planet – that being the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Get on the stick now, my friend – –

Six pack – without a single crunch
- - and why crunches are the most useless exercise ever!

Dear Reader

Back in the day, when I got into the best shape of my life, and indeed now – getting that six pack – – and that “V-taper” – -and everything associated – – was merely a by product of training the right way.

My goal was NOT looks. Indeed, I had no idea that  I would eventually end up getting a six pack (perhaps more, hehe) – I just did as a result of training the right way.

Now, although I’ve gotten hoarse from “yelling out from the rooftops” (and on emails) about the emphasis “should be” on training the whole body functionally from the inside out for REAL health – and STRENGTH – and fitness (hint – six packs alone don’t mean any of the above, and often times they AREN’T), not everyone is willing to listen.

Most folks have been so brainwashed by the modern day muscle mags, gym info-mercial with fitness models that did the exact OPPOSITE of what they advocate in order to get into the sort of shape they’re in – the so called “experts” and so forth – that (unfortunately) the look is ALL these folks train for.

Now, don’t get me wrong though. There are still a lot of you out there that train for health from the inside out – but ALSO want the look – and given the priority is #1 – nothing wrong with also wanting the second as a by product, and indeed tailoring your workout towards it.

There IS something wrong with working on the ONE exercise nigh everyone seem to jump up and down about in that regard, though.

That being – yes, the crunch. The almighty (not), much vaunted (UGH!), and utterly USELESS crunch.

You heard me, my friend.


I’ve made mention of the lat pulldown and the pec deck (another massive ugh!) as being one of the most useless machines (and therefore exercises) ever invented – but if I were to choose numero uno in that category, it would be, surprisingly enough, a bodyweight exercise – that being the crunch.

If I can call it an exercise, that is.

Exercise the way I see it works the entire body as a whole – the crunch ISOLATES (in itself a bad, bad thing).

Exercise is meant to reduce fat – or proper exercise is, at least. The crunch fails here as well as you barely even get out of breath when doing crunches.

Exercise is, or should be meant to, make you feel GOOD – buzzed – ENERGIZED – and the crunch fails miserably here too. All I feel when doing crunches by the dozen is an artificial, superficial “burn” in the upper abs – again useless because most folk store fat in the LOWER abs.

And newsflash here – if you’re thinking that crunches alone will get your muscles stronger – no – they won’t.

Neither will they build  a six pack. You could do thousands of them daily, but the real key is body fat for one.

The second key?

Well, I’ve mentioned it numerous times in my books and writings – especially in Corrugated Core, my friend.

It’s a muscle that needs to be trained – and strengthened – WELL – in order to really get that washboard abs look you’ve always wanted – and hint – that muscle ain’t what you’re thinking it is.

In fact, most have likely never ever heard of that muscle – – but believe me, done right, that ONE exercise in the “elementary” section of Corrugated Core will go a long, long way towards both reducing fat – improving digestion – getting rid of BLOAT – and yes, building a real six pack as well.

What is it?

Well, you’ll have to crack open the book for that – but for now, the above reasons should give you plenty of pause if you’re still on the wavelength of “crunches build the midsection”.

No they don’t – the sit up is far, far superior to crunches – especially some of the sit-ups I’ve shown in Corrugated Core – but even they’re NOT the real deal – and guess what – sit ups aren’t required as well to be honest, although you CAN work them into your routine if you so choose.

I’ll have more on this topic in future, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a set of exercises that will get you them washboard abs, then being that “summer is a-approaching, my friend” – then Corrugated Core is the TICKET.

Get yours right here – –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And don’t forget to pick up your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System – which tells you another “best darn exercise” ever that will do more to build six packs than all the crunches in the world combined. Click on over to reserve your copy NOW, my friend –

Popeye forearms
- And a few GREAT forearm builders!

Dear Reader,

My forearms are TORCHED – a day after I literally “torched” them, hehe.

My fingers feel sort of numb, and the area towards the middle of my forearms feel tender and somewhat “swollen”.

The TOP of my forearms feel pumped – a day after working them.

And as I sit here, writing to you, my first thought was of dinner tonight – and what Im going to “chow down on”, hehe, is boiled eggs – and spinach.

Might not sound as appetizing as the slice (or wedge, I should say) of PIZZA I recently posted on my Instagram account – but hey – your body forgives the occasional transgression (as I’ve said in the Simple and Effective Diet) – but NOT continual, habitual ones.

(BTW, the Simple and Effective Diet is included FREE OF COST when you buy the 0 Excuses Fitness System – just a headsup!)

And now, since we’re talking spinach, on to popeye forerarms, hehe, or thats what it feels like at any rate!

Lots of folks think “pull-ups” when it comes to grip and forearm training – and while they ain’t wrong (pull-ups done right build a grip of STEEL – and VICE) – there are plenty of other ways to train that have just the same impact – if not more.

Today’s workout was rope jumping and fingertip pushups – and believe me, if you do it right – your fingers will feel like they’re about to fall off – and your entire forearm will be TORCHED – in a very small space of time.

You likely won’t even be able to turn the key in the door after such a workout – let alone do pull-ups (unless you’re a real super stud, hehe).

And back to spinach …

I went grocery shopping yesterday, and instead of having it delivered online which is my preference, I figured I’d walk outdoors and get it myself, just for a change.

And I took a couple of LARGE backpacks along with me.

It was a 25 minute brisk walk to the store I went to.

And a 25 minute walk back, with two LARGE bags overflowing with groceries, milk, curd and all the usual essentials – and spinach too, of course, hehe.

And what made this walk special – a farmer’s walk (modified) if I might say so is the GRIP workout I got in during it (remember, this after my morning grip workout).

I did NOT lug the bags on to my shoulder. I did not grip them with the regular grip.

No, I pinch gripped them (forefinger and thumb at times, sometimes all 5 fingers) in both hands – alternating the style of grip and kept walking at a brisk pace.

This is indeed the exercise that is called the farmer’s walk – and believe you me, this one exercise has so many variants I could probably write an entire book on it – and believe you me again, it will build the grip and shoulders like NOTHING else if done RIGHT!

And yes, even 25lbs in each hand starts to feel “heavy” after a while if you’re using just the thumb and forefinger!

More later, my friend – but the above should give you some FREE and very USEFUL tips on how to incorporate grip training into your own routine – and I’ll “rant” more on this issue at a later date as well, hehe.

For now – its adios – I’ll be back later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – While spinach is an awesome “power food” (again, refer to the Simple and Effective Diet) – – it isn’t by far the only thing responsible for Popeye like forearms, hehe. The exercises in the Gorilla Grip manuals are – and here is where you can get your hands on them –

P.S #2 – If you enjoy fitness tips of the nature mentioned above, you’ll likely LOVE the 151 or so fitness tips in Fitness Central – the READER. Grab it right now –

P.P.S – My bad – it was 153, actually!

Keep that HEART RATE up!
- - Burn max fat

Dear Reader,

One of the reasons a lot of people don’t believe about the fat loss effects of bodyweight conditioning – is this – that a) they’ve been conned into thinking it’s “too easy – and b) more importantly from a fat loss perspective, they aren’t doing it RIGHT.

Way, way too many people equate bodyweight training with pumping weights in sets at the gym – and that right there is a huge mistake, my friend.

This morning my workout was my usual (while in “quarantine”, hehe) 2000 jumps and 200 squats.

I did NOT do the jumps straight. Contrary to what you might think working out daily doesn’t necessarily you increase the number of straight reps daily – if that were to be the case I would probably be at 200000 reps by now, hehe.

You CHANGE things up, my friend – you do so daily – and thats one key to burning fat like never before, and building a heck of a lot of functional MUSCLE.

(and feeling great too, but thats another story!).

I interspersed 250 jumps with 50 squats today – and went that way for the first part of my workout.

The second part was mixing in pushups WHILE jumping rope and doing a few stretches – and believe me, this hit my entire body like never before.

But I still haven’t gotten to the magic key, my friend.

That being this – you don’t DWADLE between sets.

You do NOT dilly – and you do NOT daddle – and you most certainly don’t spend 10 or 15 minutes “recovering” after each set of an exercise, for instance!

It’s NOT weight training, my friend.

It’s not pumping and preening (or as my friend from the Marines once so adroitly put it “puffing and buffing”.

It’s real training – and more to the point, its real CONDITIONING.

When you’re cranking out 250 pushups straight – you get it done as quickly as possible, and that, my friend is the key to burning fat like never before – not just the actual exercise itself.

One of the reasons my hill workouts are so effective isn’t so much the actual hill, but this – that when I’m out of breath – I always have another set of stairs to climb – that is staring me in the EYE, and goading me, so to speak – to GET IT OVER WITH!

To get it done as soon as possible.

And so even my “rest” periods – even when my heart feels like its going to thump straight out of my chest – include light walks up hill, or at least a couple of stairs.

No standing around, no selfies, and nothing of that nature my friend.

You KEEP GOING – and you keep BREATHING THE WAY I taught you in 0 Excuses Fitness (another massive key) – and that is how you burn MAX FAT – and build max MUSCLE.

And that, my friend is today’s tip – or should I say TWO. I’ve just given away two of my most valuable tips for free – and as for the third, you’ll have to crack open the System to see what I mean.

All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – A couple of folks have asked me when I’m coming out with a course on jumping rope and all it’s variations. Well – it’s in the works – but for now – feast “yerself” on our latest “offering” right here, hehe – –

“Too tight around the thighs – and TOO LOOSE around the waist!”
- - they dont make clothes like they should, hehe

Dear Reader,

So, was engaged in a bit of conversation with my wife the other day.

It was about clothing for whatever reason, and I felt the need to bitch up a storm.

“Dang, these track pants”, I went. “I bought them at the end of 2018 – – and they’re already way, way too tight around the leg – – and too loose around the waist!”

Her response?

“Buy better brands and better quality!”

“Huh”, I replied. “Last I know, my Jockey training pants had the exact same, if not quite as acute, issue … as did my sports vests!”

And this problem gets even more acute, my friend – if the clothing I’m wearing has been purchased (note I’m not saying “manufactured”) in the country I’m in – that being China.

Apparently the apparel manufactures have forgotten that the Chinese (holy smokes, I know!) are getting FAT too – and a LOT of them.

And apparently those in the rest of the world have designed their clothes for the atypical “gym bodies”.

What do I mean?

Well, in terms of T-shirts and pants both – I end up having to buy one size too large.

For the T-shirts, this is to ensure that my shoulders don’t “break right through” the sleeve. Unfortunately this has the effect of making the waist “billow” if you get my drift!

And for the pants, it’s a struggle to get the thighs and ass in with the right size – but the waist goes all the way up my lower chest, hehe, if you can picture that!

Of course, this won’t cause any issues for the typical “beach body” gym goes with unnaturally scuplted “twelve” packs – a puffy chest – little to NO back development – and spindly “spinster like” or “pelican like” legs.

You may think I’m being a tad bit unkind here my friend but I’m not – look at the average “gym fanatic” supposedly “exercising” while seated on a padded seat pumping away furiously at the pec deck – and you’ll see what I mean!

It’s sad, but true. They don’t make clothes for those of us interested in REAL health, strength and fitness.

Those of us that have narrow waists – and keep on whittling it down even further while our shoulders, thighs and hips all increase in sheer SIZE and strength (not to mention the calves and forearms as well!).

Those of us that are built well with broad backs and a muscular, strong, rugged CHEST – – and have traps to boot as well.

Those of us with, … ah, but you get the picture!

So if you’re interested in “fitting into” your clothes right off the rack, my friend – then you might as well give 0 Excuses Fitness a MISS, and a ROYAL one at that. Join the gym and start pounding out some crunches – more power to ya!

But if you’re amongst the few interested in REAL health, STRENGTH – and fitness from the inside out – then you’ll gladly put up with the inconveniences I’ve listed above – and CONTINUE training the 0 Excuses way!

The choice is yours, my friend – but I know what I’d do. And if I were your brother, I KNOW what choice I’d give you!

It’s a no brainer my friend. Jump on the very best fitness program on the planet – right NOW – – and start CRANKING!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Along with the above course – “Eat More – Weigh Less” is another little course that  is a must grab. Scoot on over here to do the needful —

The one exercise akin to stair climbing ….
- ... that will lower your resting pulse rate quicker than anything else!

Dear Reader,

Way back in the day, when yours truly slogged up the hill the first time with “Ann” Lee – whom I’ll always remember if for no other reason than to introduce me to the HILL – the almighty HILL I write about so much – and love so much – I wasn’t in the best of shape – and thats putting it politely.

Now, I was strong – don’t get me wrong. I used to lift weights and had a strong grip – as well as a strong upper body – but the bulge was literally expanding by the day if you get my drift.

My digestion was off – my legs were “somewhat strong” – or so I thought – and core? Forget about it, my friend.

Well, I was hammered the first time I climbed that hill – thats a story I’ve told you so many times that you probably remember it the first thing every time you work out, hehe.

My entire body was PULVERISED – in a good way.

“Can I do this daily”, I asked Ann. “Well, maybe not. I work late and … ” (the procrastination part of me speaking up there!).

“No excuses! You CAN do it daily!” was the tart response, and thus started the fitness journey – – of a LIFETIME, my friend.

I’ve detailed how I climbed that hill galore – late at night – early in the AM – multiple times a day – at noon – and the great shape it got me into.

Prior to this, my resting pulse rate was an unhealthy 95 – and after? I got it down to 70.

But sad as it may sound, I’ve had occasions where I have had to move to another city in China – or elsewhere – and did NOT have access to my favorite workout “tool” at that point.

I still stayed in great shape by running up stairs etc … but there was something missing, I always felt.

One day I saw some Matt Furey videos about Hindu Squats – and my first thought was “Gosh, that’s gotta be EASY”

“Can I really get in even better shape with those?”

If I had been like most people, I’d have knocked the exercise right there and then – but I didn’t.

The first time I did the squats RIGHT – I was so sore I couldn’t walk properly for two days.

That’s right – much like what happened the first time I slogged up the HILL!

And slowly as I progressed in this great, great exercise – – I developed versions of my own – – and started teaching it to my students all over the world – – and the results have been GREAT for everyone that has actually DONE the exercise as it SHOULD be done.

“Bodyweight exercises are too easy”, you hear people say.

Well let’s see you do a set of 50 Hindu squats, my friend – and then tell me how you feel the next day.

“I really can’t lose weight without at least half an hour of cardio”.

Fooey. Once you get to the point you can do 100 straight squats in less than 3 minutes, and then 500 straight in around 17 minutes (ideally 13-15, by which time you’ll be at Superman status!) – you’ll realize that quick’n’dirty – and HARD – workouts are the way to go when it comes to burning FAT, my friend.

Not to mention lowering that resting pulse rate – mine dropped to (believe it or not) – 60 after a couple of months of doing these every other day religiously.

Am I saying these are BETTER than the hill – or even running stairs?

No – but they’re not WORSE – they’re just as good in terms of overall fat loss and muscle building. Believe me, you’ll feel your chest and shoulders work too (I know, sounds strange, doesn’t it?) as you work up to higher reps of this great, great exercise.

My workout today was 2000 rope jumps interspersed with 200 squats, and I could have done it the other way around too – to make it tougher – much tougher!

Anything over 500 squats in a workout is no joke – BELIEVE me.

Anyway, I feel great. Had a bit of a case of the sniffles, and this heart pounding, sweat inducing, lard BURNING workout was JUST what I needed.

It’s just what you need too, my friend – but bear in mind – proper form is key on the Hindu squat – as well as many of the other great exercises I teach.

Jump on them NOW – right here –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In case my numerous tales about the mighty HILL enthrall you – then my workouts there will too. They’re detailed right here – –

The secret(s) to weight loss that you aren’t being TOLD
- - and how they can help you lose weight rapidly

Dear Reader,

There is a secret to rapid fat loss – WEIGHT loss – over your entire body, and especially that pesky midsection area that you aren’t being told.

The “experts” aren’t telling you because most of them don’t know about it themselves. And if they did, they’d sneer at it despite the solid proof that it WORKS.

Ditto for commercial gyms, relatives, friends – and just about whoever you reveal this secret (or should I say secrets) to.

But mark my words my friend (and I learned this the HARD way) – this is KEY to reducing FAT in the fastest possible amount of time – while making VERY little – or even NO change to your diet – and believe me, I’ve been there and done that.

I’ve been in the situation where I was working out – gaining muscle – getting better – but still, there was something missing.

I wasn’t getting my midsection in the sort of shape I wanted. I’d try and watch what I ate (not to an extreme), and while that worked to a degree – it never really accomplished the REAL results I wanted (think rapid weight loss from a portly 120 kgs – to a slim, svelte and STRONG 60 kgs – NO, that ain’t an exaggeration either!).

And before you jump on this as being “yet another marketing message” for Eat More – Weigh Less – well – HOLD YER HORSES, my friend.

While the above manual is an INDISPENSABLE tool in your fitness and weight loss arsenal, the point is this – – it isn’t the entire secret.

The secret isn’t what you eat – or watching your calories, or even so much WHEN you eat.

While workouts DO factor into the secret (obviously huh), they are NOT the full secret – and NOT in the way you’d think.

No, it’s a combination of various factors – – and this is something I’ve never written about before fully in my books and courses. I have no idea why, by the way. I’ve always been meaning to do it, but …

Anyway, due to the sheer number of people asking me about these things – and exercises etc – I figure I’m going to go into detail on this one “combo tip” in the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship – and back it up with facts. So for those of you that are really interested in supreme health, fitness and VITALITY levels – sign up now – you’ll never regret it!

On other fronts, Pushup Central seems to disappearing off the shelves as fast as we can restock – good thing it’s an electronically delivered book so we don’t have to physically restock. If you haven’t yet gotten your paws on it – do so NOW, my friend.

And that’s that for now. I will be back again soon!!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In terms of secrets, Eat More – Weigh Less (and indeed even the 0 Excuses Fitness system) reveals another one that is NOT talked about in contemporary fitness circles – – that being how to RECOVER from being out of breath – quicker. No more panting “for ages” until you finally get back to it – once you master this secret – you’ll be recovering from them sprints like no-one’s business! Grab the courses  here – and HERE –

“Are pushups good for a lot of muscles?”
- - and more on the PLANK

Dear Reader,

So, just had an interesting conversation with a good friend and old “cohort”, hehe, who had apparently noticed my posts on social media about the plank – and of course Pushup Central.

He asked me about the Coronavirus in China, and we discussed that a bit. Differing opinions we had on that one, but in any case,we quickly got to talking about EXERCISE.

This guy, by the way is a 6’1″ former Army man – as well as wrestler – so you’d think he knows a thing or two about conditioning. Hehe.

“I didn’t contact you about the virus, Rahul, actually … ”

“Well thats good!” I responded, laughing. “I’m certainly no expert on the virus … ”

“Are planks good”, he abruptly followed up with. “I saw your recent posts regarding the plank, and … ”

“Can the plank be done with other exercises?”

“Planks are great”, I responded, smiling. “Did you hear the new about the ex-Marine breaking the record for the longest consecutive period of time spent in the plank position?”

“Sure did”, he responded.

“Planks are great”, I repeated. “But if there is ONE exercise I’d do – I’d do the pushup. If there is ONE exercise I’d choose – it’s the pushup. If there is ONE exercise that hits the ENTIRE body – it’s the PUSHUP!”

“Do pushups work a lot of muscles”, he asked.

“Hell yes they do! There is a reason boxers and wrestlers use them in their training … ”

There was more, of course, hehe, but I think you can guess what I told him.

“Thanks Rahul”, he replied. “I’m going to seriously consider your product – but I still think the best way to lose weight is to stop drinking a ton of beer”, he said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Can’t argue with THAT, my friend”, I laughed. “Especially not if you’re polishing off 5-6 large bottles of lager a day, hehe. Or whiskey, for that matter. If you’re serious about losing weight – – STOP drinking – period!”

Now, those of you that are regular readers will probably chime in at this point.

What gives, Rahul? What about Eat More – Weigh Less? What about the results you posted from following exactly what is being posted in that book?

Well the results are true, my friend – but it doesn’t mean that you can go “bottoms up” every night and still improve your health, my friend.

True health is from the INSIDE OUT – and while you WILL lose weight externally if you’re on Eat More Weigh Less routines, drinking too much is NOT good for your internal organs, regardless of the sort of external shape you’re in (or look to be in).

Anyway, I didn’t probe further on why he was asking me these questions – but I got it. Haha.

The Coronavirus lockdown in China has pretty much kept folks indoors for months on end – and people are getting antsy – and “acting strange” (he wasn’t – but a lot are) from being cooped up with nothing to do all day.

Funny part though is, a few GOOD home workouts would not only take care of the excess flab – but also the “antsy” part!

Trust me, my friend. I wrote to you this morning about how good I feel – and now – hours later – and it’s evening here – that feeling has NOT gone away, despite my NOT going out anywhere at all during the day.

Thats how good these workouts make you feel – and look, of course, hehe.

Especially pushups, my friend – and if you’re not already rifling through Pushup Central to find out what exactly the big deal is about – well – then – do so NOW – by grabbing the course right here – –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t dilly, and don’t daddle my friend. Run on over to the link I just stated – and GET CRACKING ON the exercises – it truly will be one of the best investments you can make in your health, fitness and overall strength levels – from the inside out – for the LONG TERM! Here is the link again – –