What a lifeguard had to say about the 0 Excuses Book Compilation
- And theyre some sage words indeed!

A long time ago, The great Doug Hepburn used to work as a lifeguard on the beach – and he used to stay in shape by doing sets of handstand pushups all day long during his stint at the beach.

He likely did other styles of pushups too that aren’t that much talked about, mostly due to the big man’s prowress at handstand pushups (notice “big man”? Not “fat man”. There is a difference folks that I’ve gone hoarse explaining, but nutters who dont want to understand never will..)

Doug has gone on record stating that while he DID do the benchpress and lifted weights etc, the strength for those “world record” lifts came from the bodyweight exercises he did — namely, the handstand pushup – and all its variants.

Over the past few days, Roberto – a reader – who feels so close to me now that I term him a “brother from another mother” – he truly enjoyed the book so much you can HEAR it in his voice! – sent in a great, great review on the book.

Roberto is one of those guys whose communication has really hit home from the get go, every time I communicate with this dude, “something wells up” deep inside … Only those in the know will understand what I mean!

And here is the review –

Nicole Berrocal
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Zero equipment FULL BODY FITNESS at home

Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2023

Best regards,
Roberto Berrocal-Pujol

And thats a great review for the 0 Excuses Book Compilation, isn’t it – nigh true, encapsulates all the salient helpful points of the book SO well via personal experience.

Amanda, a narrator for the other business once reviewed a product there by saying my personal tales and stories, honest appraisals etc – are what other than the excellent info in the books, really make the readers “bond” with the author.

And she’s spot on – so is Roberto!

Hi Roberto,

Thank you so much for those heart felt words – they mean a lot, and I truly do appreciate it!

Yes, thats one of the main benefits of 0 Excuses Fitness – you need very little if anything in the way of equipment, and you can easily “fit in” between your work schedules etc – I often do! They call them “sandwich workouts” these days, but I’ve been championing this idea for years, and it’s good to know people are finally starting to come on board – with the rapidly deteriorating health and fitness levels everywhere, much required my friend!

And there was a lot more I said, not to be mentioned here …

To end – think about how this can help YOU.

I’ve been championing the idea of “brief workouts” for years now, it’s only now that the mainstream has caught on. And with exercises like in my books, you only need 10 minutes or so really to get in super shape.

You can do more, or you can spread it out in segments over the day.

Waiting for the bus to show up? Do 50 pushups while you are!

Waiting for Win Blows to reinstall? Crank out some clubs while thats going on!

In the park though you dont really want to be? Well, lets do some pull-ups while we’re at it!

And so on and so forth – THAT is the main idea behind all of this, quick and dirty workouts that get YOU in the best shape of your life, and you STAY in that shape too if you keep DOING.

Pick up the above books now, my friend – make this Sunday the BEST Sunday ever in a long, long time by doing so.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The list has had another cull – that being “flakes” who say they’ll do something, or are interested, then never get back. Sorry folks, not the sort I want on the list. This one was a smaller cull, but I think around 400 folks are gone ..

Request and again, if you’re on the list but never wish to purchase anything – PLEASE write back and say “no” or “unsubscribe” or use the link at the bottom of the email, and we’ll do it for you. We aren’t here for excuse makers, we’re here for DOERS that want to get somwhere in life. If you don’t, then thats on you – but please- nice please – leave this “here neck of the woods” in that regard, thank you!

PS #2 – Be sure to take advantage of the SPECIAL offer at the very end of this page Products (0excusesfitness.com) – you’ll be getting a $1000 value for less than $500. Another 50% off, doers – take action NOW.

The sort of person I want NOWHERE near me – and on my list (and neither should any successful or “wanting to be” successful REAL business person
- Amen

The latest widespread CULLS I executed on my email list, my friend, had quite the impact.

Some people wrote back with snarky responses, some wrote back with simple yes or no’s (which I truly appreciate – thank you!) – some with “you’re an asshole!” (yes, that was one response I got, the same idiot who values Netflix more than his fitness or life apparently) – some asked “why”, some asked …

ah yes.

Why indeed.

I’ve covered this many times before, of course, all boils down to that cardinal law that only serves me BETTER as I “progress” in life. (and years).

Remove that which you dont want from your life with faith that something better will come along – and do so permanently and without fear, and ATTRACT what you want in your life – sometimes SO quickly that the results will boggle your mind.

Put it another “Un Secret” like way (although what I told you above is nothing like the tripe discussed in “The Secret”) … Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

I’d say it has a COMPOUND and opposite reaction (see Emerson’s Laws of Compensation on this).

The Universe rewards you/penalizes you based upon your thoughts and actions (one leads to the other) – with compound interest, and that friend, is a fact as clear and simple as daylight which I know fully well most people will ignore, but to their own detriment.

Bearing all the above in mind, you probably get SOME idea why I’m so quick to block people out of my life, sometimes it scares even me.

On rare occasions these people get back to me and do something that allows them back in – very cautiously on a “test” basis. But for the most part, once gone, it’s only a good thing and then Some.

That said, the Law then says that if you repel/remove those you do not want – the types mentioned beneath- then you very naturally on auto pilot attract the opposite, and here, without futher ado are the “types I dont want, need, or desire anywhere near me” (in other words, if I see this sort on a busy road, I’ll hare across the road to cross it to avoid shaking hands with that kinda person).

(This has been discussed before of course, this list will likely expand too with time, but for now…)

One, perhaps most of all, “bumps on logs” who sit on the list, and do nothing at all.

Even asking this sort to reply back with a simple yes or not is too much, such is their couch induced torpor (this sort made up the majority of the almost 2K folks culled off the list).

Let alone actually READ what you’re saying – I can just see the dumb, glazed over “huh” expression. Ugh.

If I want a bump on a log I’ll go to the forest…

Two, the whiners. Not necessarily just about price either, this sort always finds something to complain about, point out “some perceived negative” about something – and it’s usually these nimords who’ve never actually done the thing they’re referring to or critiquing.

Arm chair experts (idiots who talk about fitness when they’ve never been remotely fit in their life) – posers that masquerade as fitness expert when they’re too portly to do a single pull-up, let alone in proper form – idiots with man boobs dripping down to their mammoth midsections talking about “how I lost weight this week” – nutjobs claiming “dont body shame me” when that sorta tough love is PRECISELY what they NEED (if not want – I remember Aunt Dahlia telling Wooster that too, hehe “what you want, my dear boy is one thing, what you will get is quite another!”).

Three, the price wankers – obviously. Ugh. The sort who value Netflix more than fitness, curiously enough, give these wackos a discount, and they’ll still find an excuse not to buy – and then they’ll come back complaining about their problems they couldn’t solve, when you tell them “this product will show you the way”, they hem, haw, balk …ugh.

At least dont whine about your problems if you’re not willing to take the steps required to solve ’em.

More on the above lot, you could discount a product down to $.99 and they’d STILL spend an eternity thinking “is it worth it” – not so when going bottoms up at the local pub though, or “keeping the Missus happy”.

Fourth, the sort that never has any money, lives off family/relatives and so forth, does exactly nothing to improve their lot in life beyond moaning about inflation and how expensive things are (get over it – thats the case for everyone my friend) …

Some of this lot – ugh. I can never figure out why folks email back saying they’re interested in sales etc going on, then do exactly F -all to accomplish the goal being talked about.

Fifth – lazy Tik Tok addicted buffoons (and there are a LOT) who believe in a couple of seconds “short” workout, and claim that brings results (it doesn’t, the proof is there for all to see, but … ugh).

Sixth, Bozo Schofield and his ilk, ’nuff said on that one.

(ok, I lied there. Hehe. I do kinda want him and his trolly sort around if just because of the dollars he brings in, again on auto pilot – hehe).

(and he does the cleaning and housework too – LOL. Gets rid of roaches too from what I heard, and if you have a non functional washing machine and are looking for free Netflix style entertainment and soap operas right down to him throwing beer bottles off his 11th floor balcony while ranting about “how I took a dump in class” – or some other nonsense – ugh – then Schofield’s your man, when he isn’t “ass up” thrown out by Chuck on the streets of Jieyang in China..)

Seventh, lazy phocks who’re unwilling to do what it takes to improve, always looking for the easy way out, making excuses about body types and other nonsense (“look dude, if you’re out of shape, you’re out of shape, its that friggin simple”) …

Eighth, wackos that complain about taipos – and I meet plenty of these, and I make sure to put more tai-pos into my communication with them – really, idiots that have no clue of “living in the flow” (admittedly one doesn’t want something full of typos, but the odd typo here and there especially when its EXPLAINED to them, and they still complain – ugh).

Ninth, nimrods who think fitness books are beauty paegants and Boo-zos wanking about “why he keeps wearing the color red”.

Tenth … Folks that live their lives for others. An admirable goal “in theory”, but it never works in practicality, and these types are always frustrated big time inwardly, and it shows. (they’re usually also the armchair critiquers offering so called advice on stuff they know F all about, the clowns that think “You tube University” teaches us all, and so forth).

OK, thats it “for now”- more later most likely. I could probably think of a 100 more!

Admittedly this “disclosure” may result in more people voluntarily leaving the list.

And guess what, thats a mighty fine thing as well, because if you’re not on board with all of the above, you dont deserve to be on the list anyway, and I dont want you on it!

And thats that.

Back soon – and if youre looking for the RIGHT way, cutting past all the BS to achieve whatever goals you have in life for yourself on auto pilot – then Zero to HERO! – and Gumption Galore are the tickets for YOU, my friend – grab ’em now if you’re a doer and even remotely serious about improving your life.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Please dont email me back about the sale which is almost over now asking me to do up a coupon when you’ve got no intentions of following through – that will only get you removed from the list. Might as well just say “remove me” and I will, no drama or fuss…

The POWER of fingertip pushups – much ignored, but NIGH ESSENTIAL!
- And they are!

With all the hoo haa about building grip, thick grips, pull-ups and so forth, clubs, dont get me wrong, all the above options are must haves, and you MUST use ’em all – and get good at them – ONE basic has been forgotten, even by many fitness enthusiasts who get it, that being fingertip pushups.

Man, there is a reason martial artists and wrestlers do these ALL The time.

They build the grip in the opposite direction from what grip work on thick bars, pull-ups etc, do, but dont get me wrong – if you just do the latter, you’ll build a ferocious grip – no doubt – but dont get me wrong again, ignore the former, and you’ll never, I repeat never build your grip to the fullest extent possible.

It reminds me, another one of those so many memories I’ve been having today, hehe – in the flow, of Tim, my friend in college banging out code while I sat next to him drinking beer (he was using a BONG if you get my drift .LOL!) – and we were talking grip.

This builds it too, said Tim, banging out keys on the keyboard (no laptops back then).

So was Ricky in teh computer lab, so hard he almost broke the damn keyboard, yet, neither one of these guys obviously had the corrugated IRON grip they loved, and so did I, and me, skinny, unfit at that age?

Well, this dude – “big guy” as we called him – Tim’s roomate “all he does is smoke weed and workout”, Tim would say, was in great shape, and I’d often think about what if I had to fight him one day. Hehe.

But he was friendly as hell, and I remember trying to crush his grip once, and couldn’t and him laughing about it.

He used wrist rollers a lot, yet, thinking back to that time, I wonder if he’d laugh at my grip NOW. Hehe.

Anyway ……………………

This afternoon, I was putting door jambs under everyone’s door, the new roach infested place we’ve managed to move into (dont ask me, in China, I never move in anywhere unless they spray the place first, but here I gotta deal with others too if you get my drift – ugh) means all sorts of bugs keep crawling under bedroom doors, the daughter hates it, so do I.

And to get those suckers under neath the doors, the kind you SLIDE in – with stops on either side of the door, man, thats a chore especially with tight doors with very little space between door and floor!

The veins on my forearms were literally popping like I was working out, and the motion?

Both there, and when I admister self massages to myself, or open hard to open cans and so forth?

It MIMICS the motion of fingertip pushups!

The wife claimed she was getting dizzy doing it when I finally asked her to help – job almost done unti then.

But its a sage reminder of why this exercise is SO highly recommended and rated by the old timers, my friend.

I used to do them on grass.

Or carpets.

These days, I do them on hard cement, true martial arts style, I still remember charles Mitchell, a customer of “yore” and maybe future too commenting upon how these were much harder than the knuckle pushups his karate instructor made them do.


Knuckle pushups are EASY PEASY lemon squeezy compared to these, and you can take these all the way by doing toughies like archer pushups on your fingertips – or handstands – just be careful you dont incur nasty injuries like I once did if you do ’em when you’re not ready for ’em!


Got delayed due to that, then rushed off to pick up the daughter from school, school bus apparently has no time when it comes, so you’re at their whims, if you dont show up despite THEM being early or late they call the house raising bedlam … so, after speaking to a couple of people (idiots who claimed they want business NOW – I’m like dude, I just took your number for the future!) – I literally did my Bourne sprints to the bus stop.

Out of breath, the bus showed up a few minutes later (me out of breath, lol).

I remember thinking oddly enough about a scene in a movie which you guys likely have NOT seen, Khiladiyon ka Khiladi, an old movie from back in the day (hero is an actual black belt and Muay Thai guy) – where the male leads literally runs after a bus that doesnt stop for him, overtakes it, and climbs up on top – jumps down again when the bus doesnt stop for him – falls the RIGHT way as opposed to me landing on my right wrist at the age of 17 when I did it (I still remember the onlookers gawking and doing F all to help, and the Dad claiming I needed to lift pink dumbbells 5 kg each, ugh, to build my grip up – UGH!!!) – so many memories!

I could probably do that TODAY and not hurt myself. Hehe. There is a way to jump off a running bus, and a way not to, though its got nothing to do with fitness, and I dont recommend it unless you’re a stunt man or woman. I’m not, but I enjoy doing daredevil stunts anyway! LOL.

Anyway …

As I told John Walker who skyped me a while back and I never checked (these dadgum dumbphones!! UGH) – “I am off to do some pushups now”, delayed by over two hours.

Truly, it happens when it does when you’re living in the flow as I do.

So I’m off for this, well, after I respond to john via email (I sent him a voice note too).

Pushup Central, my friend, will as Charles Mitchell once told me, “build INDESTRUCTIBLE human beings”.

That it will ,my friend. That it will, and with the 50% off offer going on, I cannot think of a better time to get this, Battletank Shoulders, Animal Kingdom Workouts, and many other (rightly so) high ticket products while the sun SHINES, if I may say so.

Make that hay while you CAN.

Else, you’ll only have yourself to blame.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

How people can be so STUPID boggles the mind!
- Ugh

And, here I was thinking Bozo Glyn is the only one… Ugh.

Over the past few days, the drunkard (I spotted it as soon as I saw him) who comes to pick up the trash here (a complete polar opposite from the uber professional ladies who did it in China, regularly, on the dot, holiday or not) has been asking for his pay repeatedly.

Now he got paid bang on time in cash on April 2, which is apparently when it’s due according to him.

Yet, over the past few days he shows up every couple of days “asking for his money”.

And he’s usually drunk when he asks too.

I gave him a piece of my mind today after the wife told me to (Requested me to, I should say) – but she keeps telling him “maintain a diary”.

I told my wife you could give this idiot all the good and well intentioned advice you want, but a drunk like that, an idiot like Glyn for instance, you can advise until the cows fly home but they never will, it is POINTLESS wasting energy on said people.

Much like I have deleted everyone on this list who didnt even bother to get back to me with a simple “yes” or no, I BLOCK such people out of my life all the time, only reason I opened the door in the first place with the incessant jangle that is the doorbell (God I miss my last apartment in China where all went per schedule, I did not even have a doorbell there!) – because I was expecting an Amazon delivery.

And then – ugh.

I told this idiot to stop pestering me, I told him if he asks me one more time, I’ll throw the damn trash out on the roads myself and then he can piss off trying to collect it.

Some people, you try and be nice, no use!

Anyway ……… how someone can be that stupid boggles the mind. Ask Glyn I guess!

Asking repeatedly when he’s been paid on time … Ugh.

Anyway – something you guys SHOULD be excited about (those who’re still on this list, if you’re getting this via email you ARE still on the list) – the 50% off offer I sent yesterday.

It is a one time offer, a thank you for being on the list and being proactive enough to TELL Me – and it does NOT have any min cart value associated with it, or number of products – the only thing is, it expires TOMORROW sharp at Apr 13, so like many of you have already expressed interest in it – you’ll want to jump on this NOW while there is still time – while you can.

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I can never understand these drunks who get out of control . I do my fair share of drinking beer, yet, beyond the age of 19 or so, I’ve never been that out of control I cannot remember what I did when drinking – such as pinching another guy’s drinks in a bar once at 19, or trying to feed a dog beer once. Hehe. But even then, I was always “nice”, so unlike certain other people I know, I never got my face punched in or whatever (though I have to admit, Angela’s boyfriend probably wouldn’t have been too happy if he saw me trying to grab her mammaries. LOL)

But really, hot damn … the memories!

A huge thank you to all that responded!


A huge thanks, as I’ve said in today’s newsletter(s) to all of you that have taken the time to get back to me with either a “Yes” or a “No”.

To those of you that have “gracefully chosen to exist” – my handshakes to you as we part – for now.

I never believe in anything permanent of that nature …

To those that chose to stay – a hearty congratulations and thank you again!

And for YOU elite bunch – yes, that is YOU, my friend, reading this (if you’re on this list) – I naturally have to dish up something along the lines of one my favorite Karl Gotch saying “talks cheap, but money buys whiskey”.

Sure, I mean it when I say thank you.

But to SHOW it – you get a special 50% off ANY one cart checkout of your choosing, my friend – and you only get this if you chose to remain on the list and got back to me.

More – unlike my other sales/offers in the past, there is no minimum order value for this one- except the “one” cart checkout limitation my friend.

You can have more than one product in the cart, or just one if you prefer – entirely up to YOU!

That, my friend, is my way of saying thank you with proof and providing even more value to YOU.

“Ain’t nothing free in life”, I can hear y’all think … “so what does he want in return”?

Well, nothing that wont benefit you as always!

All I want from you is the following – an HONEST “from the heart” review for anything you buy, either on third party platforms if you bought there (though I can’t discount anything on those) – or on here via the review links you get in the email you get along with purchase. Remember, honest reviews help everyone looking to make an informed purchasing decision – and thats the point of it all. I know I sound like a broken freakin record on this, but it’s true, and damn well bear repeating my friend.

Second, what I want is for you to write back and tell me what you want next in terms of products. Sure, our ideas are usually what you want even if you dont “know it as yet” – but I’d like to create more of what you want – need – or both – right NOW my friend and your feedback is crucial.

Third, write back with any other feedback you might have, dont be shy – we listen to and take everything on board!

Fourth, we will be sending you a few questions within the next few days which will enable us to serve you even better. Please DO reply to them, it wont take you but a few minutes of your time and will help you and me both immeasurably.

So, 4 simple activities are all I want from you in return that cost you nothing and benefit YOU ultimately, my friend …

Be on the outlook for the questionnaires coming soon within a few days.

For now, take advantage of the special offer I outlined above as it wont last beyond the 13th i.e. April 13, 2023 is the last day for this one.

And thats that – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Reply back to this email in case you’re interested in the offer, and we’ll get back to you with a special coupon code. I cannot post this here since it’s only for those who got back to me wrt remaining on the list!

Time for the “cleanup” – no pun intended, hehe. Do YOU want to remain on this list, my friend?
- Although certain "Schofield's" love it ...

Dear all,

It’s time for the “yearly” cleanup around here – which is already delayed by a month – and which was prompted this morning by a record (even for me) number of “blocks” I did – both in my personal life and professional life.

Bottom line, if you get sent an email, if you write to someone, if you’re polite to someone, and that someone doesn’t reciprocate, ignores you with BS of “I’m too busy” (no they’re not – you’re never and weren’t ever a priority for them and so forth) – then most people would never go to the extremes of blocking them – most would be SCARED to do so , lose business etc.

Yours truly has done the opposite for years, and I’m getting MORE “anal” and STRICTER about it than before.

Curiously enough, despite what the “gurus” say, results both financially and personally in my own life have only IMPROVED – as opposed to what everyone keeps telling me “dont do it!”

Bottom line, and this is a cardinal rule of success mentioned in ALL the points in the great book Zero to Hero! – Remove that which you dont want from your life – for whatever reason – UNHESITATINGLY and unflinchingly – and that something either starts to chase you – or something better instantly takes its place.

Trust me, though most people dont believe it – this law works – it works when you have full faith in it, and yourself, of course.

And that little thing called self respect …

Anyway – point of me saying this here.

Although the list has swollen (again no puns, hehe) – to over 17k  now – its time to clean up some dead weight the system isn’t cleaning up automatically.

If you’re someone that doesn’t bother to open their emails, someone whose inbox is perennially full, someone who is a “lookie lou” – and so forth, and still, despite my numerous requests NOT to taking up precious space on an email list that costs money to maintain (vs you reading what I have to say for FREE on the site) – then please respond back to this question with “NO”.

Ah, the question.

DO you want to be on this email list?

Just a simple yes, or no, thats all I ask, I dont think thats too much to ask, for some of you deep in inertia it might be, but I doubt it, all you gotta do is copy and paste the answer and respond back to me, and no hard feelings either way.

And no answer = no.

Please let me know – thank you!



Rahul Mookerjee

How to raise your pull-up rep counts to get into the MILITARY!
- Sage, and true words Kevin!

One of the best reviews I recieved last year from John Walker, a customer, on “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS” said the following –

5.0 out of 5 stars This Book Will Transform You.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 January 2022

First I must address the above review otherwise you’ll find what I have to say regarding the book hard to believe.

The fact is, Glyn Schofield has an ongoing dispute with the author of the book and his review is designed to try and dissuade people from purchasing the book and thereby cost the author potential customers.

Glyn Schofield has not purchased any of the books he routinely reviews, nor does he have the slightest clue as to what constitutes a valid training book, I seriously doubt he’s ever exercised in his sorry little life.

Back to the review, this book will transform anyone who has the guts to give the book’s content a good hard try, there is a reason that the top elite military units around the world prize this exercise so highly, having the strength to pull your own bodyweight from full extension to full contraction repeatedly is very rare these days, which is why the easier lat pulldown exercise is so popular, it does not require the same amount of strength, only pulling your own bodyweight will give you that superior strength, if you want that kind of strength you owe it to yourself to get this book and learn from it and prepare to be transformed.

Another excellent book from the bodyweight guru.

Now, I’ve shared this review before, and I’ve stated many a times that apart from the PLETHORA of reasons that prove that ultimately bodyweight exercises trump ALL, period (no, if you’re fat and can’t do a single pull-up or handstand pushup that doesnt excuse you either – fat is fat, period, if you can’t do bodyweight exercises properly, you’re simply unfit my friend, if you make excuses about not being able to do them while lying barefaced to yourself, then thats your prerogative – but you’re LAZY in addition to being unfit – and if you’re trying to do ’em – and are currently unfit, and RECOGNIZE this fact and admit it, if just to yourself – the most important person – then KUDOS, what I’ve got to say is for YOU!) – one huge and obvious fact is this – what exercises does the miltary, elite forces use for admission – and also post admission to these hallowed institutions?

Same thing for wrestling training – Muay Thai – martial arts of any nature – high rep pushups, pull-ups, squats, and bodyweight isometrics are an absolute must. No coach worth its salt will train an idiot who cliaims he’s “fat” so can’t do pull-ups – not only is that utter bunk i.e. I’ve said it many times before, if you’re big and strong but not fat, you’ll be able to do pull-ups in proper form just fine, but if you’re just plain ole fat, then you wont be able to do ’em, period.

Force = mass x accleration.

If that mass if PHAT, well .. you get the picture “phut”. (as in air hissing out of tyre. hehehehe, pun intended for fatso Schofield types…).

Anyway – point of all this?

The LATEST review we just got on the book – here!

5.0 out of 5 stars You Don’t Need a Gym to get Strong!!

Reviewed in the United States ???????? on April 5, 2023

This is THE book if you’re looking to build strength outside a gym. This book came right on time as I’m trying to join the military and was wondering how I could raise my pull-up count. Rahul gives the reasons why certain exercises are important along with explanations and pictures that will help you get them done. He keeps you motivated throughout the book and helps you understand that a lot of the battle is mentality and the rest of it is just PRACTICE.

Exactly, Kevin! (his name).

Kevin Howard from the good ole USA, actually – and he’s spot on – the techniques I teach you in the book, especially the initial one in the compilation are the exact same techniques any military instructor would employ to whip your ass into shape for battle, or simply even admission.

My friend from the Marines (and they pride themselves on their ability to do pull-ups willy nilly) mentioned once that “your technique is definitely the best and right way to do them!”.

And it is, my friend. It is.

There is a REASON I’m called the bodyweight fitness/exercise guru, and it is NOT for brag/show purposes! It’s because it is nigh TRUE, every bit as true as it SOUNDS.

And theres a reason people say I motivated thousands daily – every word I write, every line I speak, it all has MOTIVATION rolling off it – because that is who I am as a person, I inject my personality deep into all my books. So it should be!

Last, but not least, I’ve often spoken of persistence, and the importance of DOING the thing, even if thats just ‘something’ daily.

And kevin echoes this too.

You’re on the right track, Kevin – DO keep us posted on how that pull-up rep count increases for you, which it will for sure if you keep at it – and it’ll happen QUICK!

Moral of the story – if you’re looking to get good at pull-ups, and quick – then the best instruction to do so is contained in this world class manual right HERE my friend. And every serious fitness trainee owes it to himself/herself (sorry, no third genders allowed, or Glyn Bozo’s, hehe) to get this book NOW – and start BENEFITING FROM IT!

Thats that for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Supplements – yay – or NAY?
- I dont take 'em. But ...

Yours truly has that “X” shape to his body – thanks to the fitness routines my friend from … well, all over the world, I’d say – teaches.

Truly, its not the huge muscles look that men and women REALLY want – though a lot “say” they want that.

What folks really want is the slim, sexy build – with muscles all over, and minimal fat – a slim midsection without it being weak – strong back muscles and arms – and powerful legs – basically, that coveted X taper to the body everyone wants.

And last night, I was discussing business, current and future, with some guys that got in touch with me on Instagram …

We were talking about supplements -something I’ve never really promoted.

But, these guys sell some good stuff, genuine reviews that feel genuine (like we get) – not the copy and paste spam nonsense that passes for reviews everywhere else!

But it’s funny, while discussing it, one thought was uppermost in my mind – or two.

One, what I’ve always taught fitness wise – that you dont need supplements or fancy diets of any nature to get the body of your dreams – just look at prisoners in jail for an example.

Nothing beats HARD work – good old fashioned hard work, my friend, and doing the thing day in and day out, and PERSISTENCE.

Yet, sometimes, extra supplements can HELP – though they’re not required – and maybe what these guys have is the real deal (I think it is).

And so this is a shout out to YOU on the list – LOTS of you want protein shakes, supplements, pre workout “potions” (sorry, I know I’m not using the right terms – hehe) – and since we MIGHT be selling some quality stuff in that regard here – shout out in advance to everyone!

I’m not going to let the cat out of the bag just as yet on this one in terms of WHO we’ll be partnering with – at least not now- but for you guys, if you’re interested, WRITE back – shoot me an email, because these will be sold here on this shortly, and we’ll be accepting pre-orders etc for it as well soon.

No, I’m not going to promise you magic results etc from these – like I’ve always said, magic results take a while to come, and they require hard work, focus, discipline (day in and day out). Supplements, fasting, green tea, all of these things HELP – but they dont replace the above – nothing can, nothing will ,nothing does. And you better be careful you’re taking GOOD supplements and not the crap a lot of folks sell – thats something else to consider.

I’m not going to promise you crazy stuff either – fitness these days seems to have been reduced to a bunch of idiotic videos such as one I saw (Chrome keeps pestering me about it “his teeth grip is insane!!!”) of some dude deadlifting with his teeth (wtf – I mean it’s great if you can do that – there was this old timer who reportedly pulled a plane by his hair, the Mighty Atom I believe, but how many of us really need to do that?? LOL) – or “no arm pushups” – how the F do you do pushups without arms, but apparently one can! Hilarious … but “views” seems to be what it’s been reduced to which is sad, and it shows in folks fitness levels out there.

(and most of this teeth grip thing – it boils down to NECK strength more than anything else, something you can build wrestler style with the bridging – yes, BOTH front and back, NOT just back as some gurus like to advocate – dont get me wrong, back is an area weak for many people, but FRONT bridges and frontal stretching is often ignored because it doesn’t look as fancy as the back bridges do – big mistake, I’ve always said that – HAMSTRINGS are of vital importance to train!! – taught in 0 Excuses Fitness. It’s neck and upper traps that really allows you to “lift with your teeth” animal style if you’re so inclined)…

Yet, we’re coming full circle as we always do, despite the electronics and all that, demand for good ole fashioned paperbacks and hardcovers has not gone away, and is returning with a vengeance too – for those smart enough to FORSEE and foretell it (yes, I know, but it’s true!).

And thats that.

Happy Easter – write back (in terms of what precise supplements etc you’d like to see us sell or anything related) – and we’ll go from there!


Rahul Mookerjee

“Terrific Resource for core training”
- And it is!

Over the last few days, those of you on my Youtube channel have been treated to nothing short of SUPERLATIVE – the usual exercise content as yet, but lots of delicious FOOD AS WELL!

The foodies amongst us – including yours truly are well used to the calls of “glutton” – albeit playfully said, hehe. And “getting as big as a house”, and so forth – I remember my friend Rueben once saying that about eating too much of that good ole Louisana style Cajun food!

My wife was saying much the same thing about needing to slow it down a bit, yet looking at me, lean and ripped as well, you wouldnt guess I’ve been gorging on a bunch of heavy meals as of late, not to mention drink a lot of that BEER as well. Hehe. (and some liqors too).

Lots of parties going on as of late, and yet, the core stays as corrugated as ever – lean as ever, mean and hungry as ever, what gives?

Well, 500 – or at least 250 pushups a day is part of it.

I’m not quite at 200 pull-ups/day as the wife was joking about – hehe. Maybe someday, but I do crank out quite a few of those daily too!

If thats all YOU did everyday, you could eat like a horse daily and never worry about gaining weight, but Ive got more secrets and aces up my sleeve than most people – fitness fanatics included.

What are these?

Well, read Corrugated Core, and you’ll know!

Before that, here’s a great review on the book from David Quiros, whose “really getting to know me and the way I train now” (in his own words) as he reads all my books one by one!

5.0 out of 5 stars Terrific resource for core training

Reviewed in the United States ???????? on April 5, 2023
Similar to Rahul’s other work, I found this manual to entertaining and a terrific guide with exercises I could do with ease, those I have no fear of attempting, and everything in between. Great resource for general strength of core that translates to endurance and strength training athletes alike. Can’t wait to for the audiobook to be released!

And there it is, my friend.

There it is.

To get that lean, mean core we ALL Want (lets face it, more than bulky show muscles) and that X taper to your body EVERYONE wants – get this course now, and start cranking on them exercises today.

Write back – let me know!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Start your day off with 50 pushups
- And thats the message!

It’s key not to get hung up on numbers – all the time.

It’s also key to NOTE numbers – the right way.

And on that note, when the mercury is touching record highs (and lows too apparently) – my long workouts out there in the park doing 500 pushups are a thing of the past – for now.

I still do 500 pushups at home – sometimes.

As of late, I’ve been doing something I haven’t done EVER in my life – which is to start my day off with nothing but pushups.

I don’t do 100 necessarily.

Somedays I’ll do 90, most days 50 – and then I’ll do workouts along the way (remember those “mini workouts” throughout the day that I made popular initially, and now since COVID damn near everyone has jumped onto the bandwagon??) . . .

But if I had to choose a number which you dont necessarily need to be a fitness fanatic to do either – its 50.

Make those 50 really count though.

Do a tough type of pushup.

Or, do easy pushups – in one set (like I did this morning – 50 pushups in proper form in one set with the right breathing).

Or, do what Melani Brown does daily 15 x 3 – perfect form.

Key is this, remember not to DWADLE while doing them and keep breathing.

The key is to get your heart rate up – quick.

It’s all well and dandy to have long distance running goals and such, but as a certain excellent narrator working for me David has found out – those short, intense workouts do far more to strengthen the body and aid in recuperation than the long drawn out workouts he also engages in (he recently told me he fits my definition of a “pavement pounder” to the T. Hehe).

Kick start that system RIGHT, my friend.

Not with caffeine, not with LSD (not the drug either) – and not with whiskey either, hehe. (ok, I started mine with a dash of vodka this morning, but thats certainly NOT what I do daily!).

(and that has more to do with eggs and Tabasco than anything else) …

And that, my friend, is that.

Pick up the very best fitness system out there – beats everyone else by a country mile and then some – the 0 Excuses Fitness System. If you’re STILL not on the 0 Excuses Fitness train, I dont know what you’re waiting for, friend.

And remember the courses making waves globally, kicking people’s RUMPS into shape faster than anything else I’ve ever taught – Squat 101 and Pushup Central. Yes, they both go together, no, there is not a compilation of them – as yet, at least. Maybe down the line, write back if you’d like to see it, hey, thats another idea for another superlatively GREAT product like NO-one else out there can or is or will deliver…

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Remember to check us out on Audible HERE. And remember to download the app, a link to which is there in ALL The emails you get!

PS #2 – Although it’s key not to get hung up on numbers, it’s equally futile to NOT get hung up on numbers. Do at least a 100 pushups daily, my friend – if you can crank off 500 per day, then you’re getting somewhere, but 100 should be a very bare minimum, if youre not cranking that many out daily, chances are you’re NOWHERE near as fit as you could be, if at all. Start TODAY!