Triple Chinned Fat boy tries to destroy Rahul Mookerjee and 0 Excuses Fitness.
- in an odd way, I predicted this too.

I wont mention him by name here.

And there are tons like him, a certain Bozo Schofield being one of them ….

Anyway, the braindead one showed up again – as expected. These guys are literally obsessed with me, it’s so easy to get them to do what I want!

And he’s doing precisely what I want, trolling me all over the internet like the Bozo did (granted his trolling is far more rational than Glyn’s, but a troll is a troll nonetheless).

Anyway …

This is aimed at no-one in particular, but if youre ranting about form when …

You can barely do a single Hindu squat in proper form without making excuses about your legs, when you’re so fat you can’t even do a single pull-up – let alone get the chin over the bar and over compensate or try to with hammer grip, when holding a handstand is a current impossibility for you, when those chins jiggle as you walk, when people call you out for having a case, a serious case of gyno … Hehe.

And I’m just getting started.

Man, this dude put out some videos that are just insanely jokerish, let alone form etc.

I haven’t subscribed to his channel, I never will either, but this clown was blocked from mine, he did his best to show up again – like I knew he would.

And he’s hell bent on destroying this biz too.


For a wannabe “flying by the seat of his fat “extra large” pants” so called affiliate (this triple chinned blubber laced monster-wacko I’m referring to)  who couldn’t sell a $8 book if he tried, lives on his wife, looks like (customer words, NOT MINE) “Braindead ****** looks like he’d need to fast for a year to lose all that blubber” .. well, he’s not quite right up there with Glyn in terms of being obsessed with me.

But he’s getting there, right down to his angry rants of “get over yourself!”

Hey, I did.


Anyway – our Youtube Channel which he’s spreading everywhere is HERE. I never really did many videos, but I’m really getting going full steam – wait for some great, great stuff coming out – especially on my FAVORITE exercise, the mighty pushup.

And yes, you’ll see me teach a few fat fools a thing or two about form, hehe (if they can get beyond rep #5 on anything, which most cannot).


And in the meantime?

If you ain’t gotten (customer words, not mine) – the BEST DAMN BODYWEIGHT FITNESS BOOK ever, nothing else comes close … the best System ever?

Get it now. There is NO better system out there to get you in shape – lean – mean – FAST!

At the end of my results speaketh, as opposed to fat boys who couldn’t wag their tongue without their chin bobbing up and down and need Mommy’s (or wifey’s) assistance to do literally “cringeworthy” intro “read from script” videos… Hehe.

Results, my friend, results.

And thats proof enough eh.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I almost feel sorry for this guy, its one thing to be braindead. Its one thing for a nutwad to be booted from everyone’s circle he tries to weasel himself into – I know he’s tried to partner with many a bodyweight guy, but he’s been booted because quite simply, triple chins my friend dont equate to “passionate about fitness”, it equates to being lazy, usually liberal, and … “ostrich with head in ground and fat ass protruding”.

Its quite another though to call Herschel Walker out on form for one, claiming Walker does “half ass reps” and crappy form. Lunacy central, of course, what else could you expect from braindead Bozo liberals.

*thanks to T for noticing it, I had completely, as always, forgotten about this nutjob, then of course as predicted he shows up again*

Anyway, yours truly is called the Bodyweight Exercise Guru for a reason.

Follow along, you’ll soon know why. Hehe.

And if you want to apply from coaching from yours truly, where I coach, train, take you by the hand – and SCRUFF hehe – and WHIP your ass into shape like NO-ONE else out there, I repeat, NO-ONE comes close – even can come close to “can” – then apply for personal coaching from the very best HERE.

And thats that!

The MIND MUSCLE connection
- Another hidden key to gains in strength and power, and whatever your goals are - and how!

This afternoon, I was out there waiting to pick up my daughter.

Despite the stares from passerby’s, I got some squats done – advanced style.

I also got some stretching done – and most importantly, some ab work which lasted less than a minute, was a few reps only, and left my heart – HAMMERING like nothing else I’ve ever done!

Well, not nothing else. Hehe. But I haven’t done this exercise in a while!

It’s one I learnt from the great Farmer Burns Book “Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture” – and its the first one in a series of ab exercises, basically you activate the abs by clenching them as hard as you can – except you take a deep breath, and dont release the breath until you’re done clenching.

Yes, the Farmer specifically recommends HOLDING the breath while clenching, another opposite to what most gurus claim about it being bad for blood pressure or what not – hell, with the Farmer’s 20 inch neck, I’d be more inclined to do what he says as opposed to so called Gurus.

Anyway – I dont always hold the breath while doing this, and this exercise is not mentioned in Corrugated Core either – another excellent one “the stomach vacum” is.

I’ll get into that more later, but for now, one prime reason amongst many most trainees dont make gains either with these exercises or others – is the mind muscle connection.

This is another reason I’m anal on form, if you aren’t, its impossible to activate the right muscles being worked my friend.

When you do a pushup, for instance, bring your MIND into it – keep the head looking ahead, and the arms straight, maintain tension on the shoulders, triceps and upper back – and clench the thighs as tightly as you can while doing them (which is hard for super high rep workouts, but thats the ideal you should shoot for).

Clench the butt, keep the core tight and so forth, with the ab exercise above, I did this in the shower as well last night as well as (without preening naked) in front of the mirror after an icy cold shower.

I could literally see my abs popping through with each rep which made it easier to focus on the muscles being trained, which is CORE – not just abs – and internal abs.

Same thing with squats today.

I did 100 in 2 minutes.

I could … man, my heard was hammering like truly nothing else when done.

Given I normally do them in 2.5 minutes to 3, that was a solid workout!

I doubt I’ll get those results daily.

But stranger things have happened, and it happened only with the right mind muscle connection, and not dwadling regardless of what.

“Finish or you’ll be shot” is a nice way of thinking about it. Hehe.

Or, take the less extreme route and follow my meditation techniques which I will lay out in a seperate book to build mind power first, which the mind is the most important muscle – the sooner you get that, the better it is for you and your overall gains pal.

Most people dont ..

Anyway – thats the tip.

When you workout, really get the MIND into the MUSCLE you’re training – actively, you’ll find you do a lot better, and GAIN a lot more.

As an aside, my wife was telling the daughter not to kick her shoes into place today.

“The shoes are what most people notice first!”

I wouldn’t say that. Hehe.

But if you, as was said in a Hindi movie “Hum” – a hilarious one in some regards, but a classic – want to truly a “judge a man’s standard”, then one of the yardsticks, you look at his shoes.

Or, how clean his bathroom is …

And so forth.

Not a gold standard by any means, my shoelace tore today, and rather than buy a new pair I just looped it around another hole.

Maybe that isn’t kosher?

I dont know, but unlike in the movie where a fake Major General shows up with holes in his shoes … I wouldn’t quite go that far. Hehe.

I still remember the General, the one and only Michael telling me the following while making pots of money . . .

“I’ll be the one dressed like a bum on the roads!”


Some rules, well, they’re meant to be broken – sometimes.

The mind muscle rule is meant to be NEVER BROKEN!

Emblazon that into your mind as you go about your day friend, it truly is that important.


Rahul Mookerjee

When you’re too fatigued to do a single repetition …
- Of any exercise, really.

To me, this applies – curiously enough, to the bodyweight exercise Guru whose favorite bodyweight exercise and like the Marines, one he prides himself on the most – pull-ups.

Before you start wondering whats up, well, hear me out first pal.

First, I’m human like you, once you start getting beyond rep #150 on a pull-up workout – not only YOU – but I start to feel it too.

Two, and more importantly, and this is a key difference between when I wrote Battletank Shoulders for one, I dont – well, not at the moment at least have “easy” access to the monkey bars I used when I wrote that book.

In that book, you’ll see how I mixed in pull-ups with monkey bar work – a tried and tested technique to build the upper body of a strong sinewy APE – and then work in pushups, specifically those done on thy fingertips to build a corrugated “rock solid, kung fu like unnatural pull to you it x 10” grip.

If you’ve DONE the workouts, you will know what I mean or what Charles, a customer here once told me “I dont see how anyone can do those workouts unless they’re part Gorilla!”

And hence, Vol #3 in the series – to turn you into 70% Gorilla – “Profound 70% Gorilla 30% Human Handstands” – another very well, profoundly received book in fact, and the bridge to the next one i.e. freestanding handstands, whenever that comes out.

No pun either.


This is about a different topic, I suppose I could also make it over how I almost fell over in a free standing handstand today … but lets stick to pull-ups, the former is even more difficult for most people to do right or at all.

Look, another reason my pull-up workouts are this tough these days is I focus on ONE style of pull-ups – today that was the regular grip pull-up, thick gripz, 50 reps, and believe me, if you apply super focus on form, do ’em slow and steady – oh yes, you will FEEL it (I did 100 pushups too in a similar vein, mostly TOUGHIES. The only somewhat “easy” work I did was 250 squats and the splits..) (and some club work – light).

So thats a solid workout unto itself, but anyway, when you’re too tired, or feel fatigued to rep out another one?

I’ve told you for one it’s all about the mental, but we wont get into that here.

Physically, what you can do is this – either stop the workout at a somewhat lower number than you normally would (if thats 25, maybe you stop at 16, or 18 – trust me, you’ll know when the number comes).

Or, and even better, you slow down the tempo of the workout.

And you focus – both mentally and physically on FORM.

This may mean your reps take longer to complete which is fine if you’re too fatigued to go fast (you’ll lose form if you do, if you even can).

But thats fine!

You’ll literally work the muscles to the BONE this way if you do what I’m saying above. and you will grow – like a damn weed as well if you do it right.

Some of the pull-ups I’m doing in terms of the regular pull-up, well, they’re so tough I can only do 3-5 reps in proper form per set.

And as I finished rep #50, I feel GONE.

And exhilarated.

I think I’ll knock out 20 more slow and steady pushups and be done for the day, or will I?

We’ll see.


For now, thats that.

And I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – To learn how to do pull-ups effectively at a high level, bang ’em out butter smooth “easy peasy lemon squeezy”, get the world famous course on it, truly the JEWEL in the crown it’s been called right HERE.

Hamstring pushups
- You may not have guessed this!

If I were to talk about hamstrings, and pushups, the first pushup that would come to your mind is .. what?

Obviously, well, the Hindu pushup – perhaps even the “table” pushup and reverse pushup … and there’s nothing wrong with that.

All of those are great exercises covered in Pushup Central. 

But one style of pushup, my friend, which is not that popular out there – is one of the best styles you can do for yourself – one of the very very toughest – – and, a great way to both work the hamstrings, and work up to freestanding handstand pushups.

I’ve covered this exercise before, it’s the pike pushup.

Much ignored, big mistake.

And you shouldn’t just do this one to work up to handstand pushups.

These are different – these tax the core and abs differently from handstand pushup which do the same, but they really blast the shoulders more – as opposed to pike which does that too but you’ll really feel the lower abs working HARD if you do it right.

Now – this is done by forming a triangle with your body and then going on from there – I believe our youtube channel has more on this.

But one of the things you guys with tight hamstrings (and a lot, not just me have ’em) will notice is this – your hamstrings will limit how far you can dip down – either in the easy version of the pike pushup, which involves bringing the head down between the hands, or the tough version (that involves head going beyond hands).

Shoulders too, yes, but if you’ve got strong shoulders, yet not able to push all the way down – your tight hamstrings may well be a limiting factor my friend.

And you’ll feel it when you keep the legs ramrod straight during the movement.

Maybe I’ll devote a video specifically to explain this issue and what you can do to get around it . . .

For now, remember though – this hamstring issue a lot of people have (but isn’t talked about) is one huge reason why although Hindu squats are great – as I say in Squat 101, you must never ever overlook the mighty BODYWEIGHT SQUAT!

And you must not, my friend.

That style of squat really taxes and builds the hamstrings like no other, my friend.

My workouts these days dont involve high reps so much as … well, the number 100 – 100 pushups – and … TOUGH variants of pushups. Hehe.

And part of what I’m doing is pike pushups, so much more planned for Pushup Central – Volume Two.

For NOW, if you haven’t yet gotten Pushup Central, I dont know what you’re waiting for – either you’re not truly serious about your health and fitness, or you’re not a doer, plain and simple in that regard . . .

And thats that, pal.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Car pushing, Poke Tohola – and more!
- More memories hehe.

Growing up, I often saw people doing one of the most natural things to do when their cars stalled (assuming the tyres weren’t the issue).

I even saw my father doing it, which was one of the few “manly” things I ever saw him do – in front of me, anyway.

That was pushing a small economy car along because it stalled due to some reason.

This afternoon, I wish I had my phone with me! I rarely if ever take it out with me when I go unless it’s to film something (if there is a chance of filming something), otherwise, I just leave the blasted dumb thing (or intelli-phone as I gotta tell my daughter, hehe, or she’ll trip) at home.

To hell with it.

Thats what I did when I worked out on the hill, despite numerous requests for wechats, pictures etc.

To me, training time is training time, and not even the most gorgeous of women comes “in between ” my training and me.

Well, some do … Hehe. But not most, and they come AFTER the workout.

Sometimes I even wait for them after my workout.

Anyway – there was a guy pushing a small car today – mumbling something about it not being stable against a brick or something.

Now, I dont interfere unless asked, and men are notoriously picky about these things – if another guy asks them, he might just take it as an insult i.e. “I’m strong enough to do it” – plus I leave people be in general anyway. (I wish more would reciprocate!).

So I said nothing, but that damn thing, I would have pushed it like nothing, I WANTED to help him out, perhaps if I had my phone I’d ask him to video it too.

Thats a great real life workout, works your entire body from head to toe, especially if someone applies the brakes while you push.

If youre Hercules, I wouldn’t do that – not good for the brakes.

If youre not, which I’m not – and most people reading this aren’t, it’s good for your body, wont affect the brakes that much.

Hey, for a guy who once drove to a mountainous region in India with no brake fluid, practically none, I should know! Haha.

Anyway, I was thinking about something entirely else while on the way to pick up the daughter.

About a James Hadley Chase Novel (I dont remember the name, but rabid fans no doubt will) which centers around a Seminole Indian in Florida hell bent for getting revenge for “rich white elitist – or racist, depending upon how you look at it” attitudes towards his Dad growing up – and how he enlists two “vaga bonds” to help with this task.

The first V is a big burly guy named “Chuck” – second … a girl named “Meg”.

And Chuck has a lot of pride in his strength, his massive muscles, and so forth, and Meg kinda likes his BRUTE strength too.

While hitchhiking on the highway they break into an unused house, decide to spend the night there…

… I wont bore you with too much of the story, but later on they – or Chuck, at least, goes to bathe in the sea nearby (or river, I can’t recall).

And while coming out of it he sees another dude there.

This dude was the opposite of Chuck, from a distance skinny.

All steel and whalebone, and as Chase writes …

“As Chuck looked over the Indian, with muscles rippling like a snake underneath it’s skin, he suddenly lost faith in his own strength”.

Dont whine at me, for some reading this – I aint a seminole Indian for one, and Chase wrote it, not me.

But it’s true.

The biggest of people, my friend, if not truly fit – when you see a truly functionally fit person (which is another thing even people who hate my very guts have to admit along with a few other things about me) … then you “feel it”.

It’s about ANIMAL LIKE strength, cat like explosiveness and agility and most muscle bounded monsters with massive bloated tummies – or if you’re a booby building fanatic, striated abs – just dont got it, period.

I won’t get into the details of the book beyond this, including a knife fight shortly thereafter, where Chuck tries to disarm him, almost does it, and then … POW!

Like a cat, the Indian puts Chuck on his back when he least expects it.

And thats the sort of fitness I sell, my friend.

Thats the sort of fitness standard you should hold yourself to anyway, not the nonsense about “I have a different body type” or “bulging biceps” or “I’m big but not fat” – if any of that is your thang hey – I get it. I understand.

But in that case, this here ain’t the right place for ya pally.

Other hand, if youre looking to turn into the leanest, meanest, and STRONGEST cat like version of you – like you never imagined – then all my products ARE for you, friend.

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and (since we’re back on the video train for some reason, hehe) – subscribe to our YouTube channel HERE.

Who misses the days when our stomachs were flat, and our TV’s were fat?
- Joke of the night, hehe

That was a sage comment Jyoti – a girl I’ve been chatting with on twitter made!

Admittedly she is on the bigger side, and loves her chocolate and junk food. Hehe.

But reading it caused me to guffaw and I told her she wasn’t THAT fat (believe me, I’ve seen real fat) – and to workout more and eat less junk.

The second, of course, Madam is nigh impossible, I snickered a little (pun intended).

Which it sometimes is for ladies.

Then of course, I had a dash of something pop into my brain that doesnt a lot of times – common sense.

I mean, if you think your stomach is fat I went. (I wouldn’t want my nether regions in trouble if you get my drift “Bobbitt” – not that she would, hehe, but I added in a corollary anyway “since you said our”).

We’ll see what she responds with.

I’ve got a feeling I’m headed for an ass whipping or tongue lashing – both. Hehe. But I knew that before I started, so I dont mind.

Ok, jokes aside … it’s actually a sage question!

Given the legions of phat phockers plonking down in front of plates of overflowing food they’d be better off NOT shoving down their gullet, and the corresponding “load on the chair” increasing by the gobble – it’s not a bad joke actually, quite realistic.

Not to mention the loads on their systems and fat legs barely able to wobble up a flight of stairs without collapsing.

This, my friend, is no way to live, yet most of the world lives this way.

You know something?

Recently a couple of videos I took – I took them right after dinner – well, 30 minutes later – and it was a HEAVY ass dinner.

I didnt even feel it, when back in the day after eating I’d just slump on the couch or go to bed drunkenly (or “happily” I should say after a lot of BREW).

Yeah, the latter is a far better descriptor – I never really get drunk no matter how much I drink – or drank back in the day which was a hell of a lot my friend – both when I was fat, and not fat -and now too. Hehe.


Taking the videos I didnt think would go absolutely glitch free, to my amazement, it was like I hadn’t eaten anything at all, so intense was my workout before that the body got to work digesting it as soon as I ate it, and was done QUICK too by the looks of it!

Same thing tonight.

I ate a hearty meal fit for a horse – and about as healthy, with potatoes and wheat (and that lovely green chili, hehe) – making up most of it. Or all of it, and clarified butter (think Indian wrestlers slapping on oodles of the stuff on their food) to lubricate the joints better than anything else could (except isometrics – that is an equal).

People literally dont understand how my energy levels keep increasing exponentially as I so called age in years…

Not to mention what a lady told me the other day – what I was told 10 years ago – “you look no older than 26!”

Except when I grow that beard out, hehe, at the age of 19 I never got carded for beer when I did that – which is why I did it (I plead the 4th for anyone reading!) … which I have now for some reason.

Maybe the flavor of the day is turning into a fit, lean, bearded pard

The last isn’t necessary for super fitness – but to get that corrugated core – my friend, two courses are a must –

The 0 Excuses Fitness System 

Corrugated Core.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of you on this list, the absolute sound of “crickets” when you’re asked to buy something …

Really, if you’ve been on this list for over 5 years like a gentleman has (he ain’t the only one by FAR, either in terms of what I mentioned or moaning about other irrelevant nonsense “why do I wear that red sweatshirt all the time” – I mean dude, couldn’t you think of a better one to ask??) and never has any intention of buying anything, just unsubscribe, golly, how much more plainly can I put it…

A workout meat grinder for the meanies.
- And it is. FRIED!


This afternoon, while doing pull-ups at home (chinning bar is located in my daugher’s room, NOT mine – the goal was to get her to pull-ups along with handstand pushups – though the latter has been a resounding success, the former, almost as much of a failure – until NOW, hehe).

Wait till she grows up and is outmuscling me and the meat heads at the gym shooting up effortlessly with each rep!

Speaking of shooting up effortlessly…

Well, first off my forearms feel like they’re been put through a meat grinder I told my daughter.

When you consider the fact that time spent in the park doing the video was about 5 minutes (on pull-ups) and the time spent otherwise doing pull-ups and pushups was 30 – you get the drift.

Then we did the other videos..

But anyway, she agreed.

Well, you have, she said.

“sure have”, I grinned back, never to be outdone – “the workout meat grinder!”

And I finished my set of thick grip pull-ups, moved on to squats, presto, in a bit the daughter showed up to get her HW checked. That by the day is a duty the lovely wife has assigned me amongst many others – not that it matters to the daughter “since Papa never scolds me anyway” (with Mother it’s the opposite, so is the case with “Granny”).

Polar opposite I should say.


I was doing squats, and didnt stop (set of 50).

She handed me the notebook.

I kept going up and down, she started giggling as I held the notebook out telling her the corrections and “to take a look”.

“You can if you squat with me”, I chortled.

And without meaning to, she joined in.

“Three more”, I kept saying.

Just three more.

And we ended up with 100 squats.

Or well, I did with 100, she did with … well, somethin!

But thats OK. She did it, which is what matters.

For kids, thats another prime example of how you get your kids motivated THEMSELVES – mine swings – sorta – clubs for adults if you can believe that.

That she even wanted to, and can lift shoudl speak volumes, it does to ME.

Thats how you do it – yourself, and your children both. Being lazy and fat and kids seeing that growing up, thats precisely what they will emulate whether you want them to or not. Believe me, been there, done that – so have others.

As for yours truly, I was going to end this one off with something but I forgot.

Oh yes, Squat 101 is a must grab.

(And while updating I remembered – again).

Kiddie Fitness is a must grab too, a far better gift for your kids than any (most) of the other junk people give their kids these days.

Nothing wrong with pampering, I do it myself, but balance it out. And don’t forget to be a DOER yourself, not a lazy ass, or it will all be for nought.

Maybe I’m preaching to the choir for some reading this, but it needs to be said, and now I have.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – While hitting the translate button on this – I remembered.

Show me, you meanie, went a certain someone. Hehe.

And thus, the title…

Giggle. ????

I didnt know it would be THAT tough for the bodyweight exercise guru – for a while, hehe.
- And the type of pushup you might just be ignoring, my friend!

And the type of pushup you might just be ignoring, my friend!

I remember a long term customer writing in once about these, and basically saying although regular pushups and a lot of chest facing floor pushups were not that challenging for him, REVERSE – and handstands – they challenge him big time!

Especially reverse pushups and table pushups – and he ain’t fat either my friend.

I also remember the great John Walker writing in about the book on reverse pushups – “this exercise made me feel better than ANYTHING else I’ve ever done” – and he’s done a lot, my friend – a lot, and continues to at 65.

DOER! (s) – both of them

Anyway, as I was doing my pushups this morning, and cracked off 20 easy peasy – then 10 tiger bends in TOUGH style – I gotta put up a video shortly – I wanted “something different”.

And something TOUGHER.

Then it struck me.

With all my club work and other pull-ups I do, I’ve been ignoring one thing for damn near months – REVERSE WORK!!!

Including bridging, although the splits give you a lower back workout if you do it right, bridging is great too. And it used to be a favorite exercise for me…

So I decided on reverse pushups. Got into position – the tough way, as I mention in the book dedicated to it – rightly so! (some idiot once wrote about “this book only has one exercise” – well, you fool, there is a damn good reason behind dedicating a book to ONE exercise!!) …

… not the easy way on toes, but tough way…

And then figured I’d do 10-20.

What happened next shocked me!

I was barely able to lift off the floor.

Yes, yours truly!

Now to be fair, that lasted only a minute or so before I “gathered myself and muscle memory flooded back” (my daughter was asking what that meant in a video. Hehe).

And then I did them.

But still stiffly. Not as fluid as I was, though I’ll get there today – this struck me as so damn IMPORTANT that I stopped at rep #35 and RUSHED to the computer to write to y’all about it.

I remember those workouts I did NOTHING but reverse pushups and wall walking …

You can find some samples of wall walking on my Youtube channel, but reverse pushups – man – nothing replaces them.

And I plan on doing more of them today, we’ll see how that pans out.

Man, oh man.

This exercise is hard to crack, yes, John – for everyone!

It was for me when I first started too, and it continues to be if I dont DO the thing regularly, but thats OK – muscle memory to the rescue.

And, it was nothing like what happened when I didnt do a single pushup for months and turned into a pull-up monster – and then when I did a pushup, I was shocked and sore. Hehe.

Nothing like that at all.

But still, an important lesson, many, if you choose to learn them.

For now, at $35.99 the book is a STEAL, my friend, and it’s the best damn thing you can do for your core and lower back – no exceptions.

You’ll literally develop a core so solid with reverse work and the BEST darn exercise that when you’re elbowed in the stomach, even without “taut” muscles, them elbows will fly off a “wall”.

True story, I had that happen returning to Lou Hu from Hong Kong in a busy damn border crossing (why people dont follow basic etiquette there is beyond me, but whatever).

Back soon – and get the book HERE. By the way, the best darn exercise I Talk about goes WAY beyond the basic reverse pushup, EONS beyond it, and you’ll need time to get good at – but once you do, watch out, nothing will or can replace the sheer FEELING of EXHILIRATION you get from doing sets of this in letter perfect FORM!

Pay close attention to form and breathing, its the parts you think that dont matter that really do with this superlative movement.


Rahul Mookerjee

How switching your grip can improve your pushup rep count.
- It sure can, it does!

One of my most valuable tips for increasing rep counts on pushups – or even pull-ups (though it’s much harder to do with pull-ups) – is this – SWITCH grip.

No, not the switch grip pushups I tell you about in Pushup Central where a slight change in hand/arm position makes ALL the difference, my friend.

People have reported falling flat on their face on a variation like that. And that was only #7 into the 51 variations, I think …

Anyway – if you’re stuck at pushups in terms of reps – switching your grip WHILE doing the pushup might make all the difference, friend, without necessarily giving you a poorer workout.

Lets say you want to do 25 fingertip pushups straight.

Well ,one of the ways I worked up to it when I was stuck at 16 for ages … ?

It was to do more, do them daily, do them every hour, and all that – yes.

Without all that you’re getting nowhere, the hard yards are the key, the “boring and unsexy” stuff is really the key.

But something you might want to do along the line …

If your current max with proper form, slow and easy is 5 pushups – well, then do 5 fingertip pushups – or whichever way you want to do them.

Then pause in the top position.

Do NOT, as so many people do, do the downward dog to rest – unlike youre doing Hindu pushups which is different.

For this, lets say fingertip pushups which most people have trouble – switch to palms flat – or perhaps knuckles first on one hand, then the other.

Do one or two that way. then switch back to fingers.

This tip will seem “too simple” and Bozos globally will read this and jump up and down about soooooooooooooo easy.

But it’s the simplest and most elementary stuff that does the trick, Watson, it sure is.

And it will work wonders for you this tip  if you just … TRY IT!

It dont matter if you can do 5 pushups, or 20, or 50, or 100 – this sort of thing will not only give you a more superior workout in many regards – muscles get “suddenly shocked” because of the change in grip, but you’ll also shoot past personal bests before you know it.

A sample might look this way (referring to the example above) –

5 fingertip – 10 regular (if you can do that many) – 5 more fingertip – 3 regular – and so on and so forth – all without taking your hands away from the floor or moving your feet, or sagging in the back or what not.

I will probably do up another video on these sometime, golly, lots of videos these days eh.

Well, my friend, thats it for now. For more such inside tips, you’ll want to read Pushup Central – and overall, you’ll WANT to be part of the Ship if you’re truly interested in taking your health and fitness to the next – and far better level – NO excuses.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why catering to fat “ultimately do nothings” and “know it all’s” is a recipe for utter disaster for any business
- The death knoll

I obsess about many things my friend – business wise, and I usually get ’em all eventually (ultimately).

One of those things though, and one of the most important is being very selective to a fault in terms of who I allow as a partner – an affiliate – customer – or even on this here email list.

I literally put up so many barriers to joining my list that it repels most lazy people instantly.

Some complain “its too hard to join” with all the confirmation required, but its that way for a reason. There is a reason not just anyone can sign up for this site, customers only – despite what the hordes of other online sellers do …

A very good reason.

I think I’ve mentioned the reasons in emails prior to this.

But this one example – to a great video we recently did about bodyweight squats – is the perfect example of why I do things the way I am, and why despite crap about the economy and other rubbish (excuses basically) – I’m going to continue to do so.

Early in the AM, a man (I dont know if he’s fat or not specifically) sent me an email saying basically that “he didnt need to learn about squats, he’s been doing them for years upon years (his own language) and that he “already knows it all in terms of squats””

Then he expounded by saying that “nothing replaces jogging” and that I should be putting out info on other “common workouts” (i presume this idiot never saw the video I once did about roadwork) …

And he finished off by saying he could find it all on the internet for free, and that exercise books (not just mine) are a waste of money in general, and rambled about “how to download it for free”.

It reminded me of a recent Bozo who reviewed Grizzly Power without even buying the book “very few fitness books are worth any money”.

We reviewed that fool here, I believe.

It also reminded of a time when 0 Excuses Fitness was actually free in that if you looked for it, you’d find it (I then made complaints, and it was taken down).

Some did.

Some wanted it for free, and every one of them that wanted it for free, never got back with a review or even did a damn thing with the invaluable material they were literally handed on a platter.

That taught me many lessons, my friend. Lessons that I keep learning daily.

As for this moron, he’s so full of shit it stinks – first thing you know, if this idiot had been doing them for years upon years, then he’d be the first to tell you what Bruce Lee, yours truly, a host of other illuminaries tell you – that you never know it all.

Mastery is elusive, true mastery almost impossible.

Maybe the meditating sadhus know how to do it, but I sure dont – and most doers sure dont.

Second, his tripe about common workouts, and then the lament (he put that in his email) about how “Hindu squats didnt help him lose weight” (?????) (with no further details) reminds me of just why I do NOT allow comments on the videos – every time I do, I get some inane nonsense.

The doers dont ramble and talk.

They hit the like button.

They subscribe.

And they DO!

This is exactly why I dont allow this sort on my list, on my channels, or anywhere near me.

Free, free, free, hey, my friend – if you can find it all on Google for free, well, chances are you wouldn’t be on my channel in the first place?

It’s exactly these sort of morons who have to butt in where they’re not wanted with advice they’d be best applying to themselves – who always have to “obsess over those that could give a crap less about them i.e. the DOERS” – who have to constantly chime in with so called advice when it’s neither accurate nor wanted, nor have these fools ever followed a word of it themselves – nutjobs that whine about camera angles instead of priceless info – and that sort of thing . . .  (Not to mention – a lot of these fat boys (fools) need to take a good long look at themselves in the damn mirror, and the size “extra” clothes they take pride in buffooning on) …

… because they all want an audience, someone to whine with. Someone to show off their so called knowledge – which they copied and pasted out of “Liberal do nothing” manual most likely.


If anything, Im fastidious in terms of running away from ass clowns like this.

Believe me, if I wanted to, I could sell to him.

I could put out some easy stuff to do, and he’d probably buy the book, but Id rather he doesnt.

He’d buy it, and do NOTHING with it like idiots do – and then whine about how the information doesnt work.

And so I’d rather lose that “easy sale” my friend.

I’d rather sell to people who truly value what a Master of his craft as a customer recently put it – has to offer.

Id rather NOT do what I’m not i.e. offer easy workouts to make an easy sale.

That will never happen, as I told yet another old customer … No “pussy trainer” for me!

No pun intended, hehe.

And that, my friend is that.

Anyway … we’ve been putting out some great videos.

Be sure and grab Squat 101 while you can at the price it is at NOW, because when I put together an EXHAUSTIVE video for this like I did for 0 Excuses Fitness, the price will likely double – if not TRIPLE, my friend.

For now, heres the latest –

Enjoy!  (link –

And remember to invest in the courses above if you’re a true doer, I cannot stress just how important they are for your fitness bookshelf.


Rahul Mookerjee