The paradox of the cucked male looking DESPERATELY to break free…
- Of the SHACKLES.

Though the title of this email may seem to be completely at odds with what I am going to say below – or maybe not – it is also one of the prime reasons why so many people are nigh “obsessed” with Rahul Mookerjee – despite roundly and outwardly professing to hate him, saying (and thinking about) the nastiest things you could possibly say to him -and so forth.

It all boils down to this.

People follow leaders.

It’s a vibe that you cannot fake.

And part of this lot that I am referring to as desperately trying to break free of the shackles is the “looking for approval syndrome”.

Like someone makes a comment, moves on, but these idiots will think about it, obsess over it – even though it doesn’t do them a smidgeon of good to do so.

Trouble is, of course, they cannot forget what was said because well, “it has the ring of truth to it” as my friend from the Marines often said about what I say.

And, brutal honesty – well – it has a ring of its own!

I mean, if youre a real leader, a real man, it will show – no amount of shirtless pictures, videos, or “triple chins” will get you there though.

Probably one reason why Ive never done shirtless videos, despite some of my customers wanting me to (one of them was a couple of years ago worried about my health and well being) …

“I dont blame you for not wanting to make a show of yourself”.

And it’s another reason I dont buy into the video craze that is so prevalent these days, the thinking being “if you dont do videos, youre not doing the right thing”.


People follow those that “know” anyway.

Videos or not.

I could stop writing this instant, and people would still be emailing me, buying from me …

Then you have the Bozo Schofield’s who constantly send me totally idiotic and insane messages about “I did this…………….!” (when they never did).

It’s the “looking for approval syndrome” – and that is one prime reason why these nutjobs are never successful in their own lives at what they do.

Of course, they “want” to be.

They want to break free of the self imposed shackles but dont know how to … and therefore, they keep haunting this place – that a real man runs.

Like only he knows how to. Hehe.

What these sorts really want is for you to “agree” with everything they say – or do – even if they tell you they flew to Mars and back today. Hehe.

If you do that, you’re the best person, all is fine and dandy in their make believe worlds (until it rudely shatters, which it always does).

Minute you point out some hard to hear facts though, the whining – and obsession (after you say it) starts.

You could tell these loonies how to improve themselves, how to better themselves, all of them until the cows come home, they’d nod their heads and listen, yet, do NOTHING – my friend – or one of the former ones, at least, “Ricky” is a prime example, all they want is meaningless conversation and approval, and “someone to talk to”, and thats it.

And it’s this lot I try and keep away from my list as far as possible. (and I do a pretty good job of it for the most part too). Ugh. Non doers, nothing is more aggravating…

I dont know, this applies to Nazi feminists as well, my wife keeps writing some tripe about (and it’s always lying there in full view of everyone) “you are always looking for approval!”

And some nonsense about when she was a kid – and how tough it was for her, and other horse manure that as a customer once rightly said (about someone else) “This guy is truly pathetic if he feels the need to whine about how tough life is, we all have our own cross to bear. Live with it!” ….

True, she was a “second child” sandwiched between an elder sister and younger brother and as is often the case in these cases, somewhat “unwanted” – but look, sweetheart, get the eff over it, that’s life, it happens!

And it manifests in weird ways, she’ll watch a video, then someone comes up to her for normal conversation, and she will be like “dont ask me that same question again!” in a mean and nasty manner – which really – it was just normal conversation, I mean kids do it all the time for one, my wife has this tendency these days to get “irritated” at the drop of a hat “because the gurus told her to set LIMITS!!!!!! What you will tolerate and what you wont!” – and other nonsense.

The bottom line is this – if you’re a needy SOB, the vibe will show, nay, shine through for miles…

And way too many people are.

Anyway, to stop being a cucked male and turn the sword of Nazi feminism against the very people that use it – without them even knowing it in most cases – without you even saying a WORD in many cases – well, go here.

And fitness wise, turn into a real man by following the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

They both go together, my friend.

And thats that – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Sometimes, I do honestly believe the spam filters do a good job – a great job. I really shouldn’t be manually checking them months later … Hehe. Ah well, all in good fun.

Spending more time in the splits – to get better.
- and more ...

Its blindingly self explanatory, isnt it? But how many people actually do it?

Not too many, certainly not regularly from what I can tell.

Lets take fitness as an example – although what I am saying can be applied to everything, life, writing, business, sports, swimming, even “in bed”, hehe – everything.

To get better at something, you put in the practice. No two ways around it, including the “10,000 hours” rule which states you need to put in at least 10,000 hours of solid work at anything to get – or start to get – someplace at it (note I said “start to get someplace”).

(because you never attain full mastery of anything, no-one does). (you can come damned close though!)

JCVD comes damn close when it comes to flexibility and the splits (his signature move) – truth is, and he’d be the first to admit (for a man who famously once admitted during the making of the movie “JCVD” – I’ve done NOTHING in this life until now, NOTHING!) … well, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who does ’em better than JCVD yes, but there’s plenty of people that do ’em just as well.

Anyway, when I want to meditate these days – I often do so – one way with the secret tool I’ve mentioned so often, yet few people get – but second, in the splits position.

Not necessarily because I cannot do the splits – obviously I can.

I wouldn’t have written Advanced, Profound Flexibility and Isometric Training if I couldn’t and I wouldn’t have shown you how beginners look when they first do it!

Truth is, the splits – bridge – and the “Rahul Mookerjee patented Asian squat”, or the Asian squat in general (see Isometric and Flexibility Training for more on this)  are some of the HARDEST for people to do – period.

Most people can’t do ’em worth a damn, yet, while it might seem odd if you’re currently struggling – chances are if you focus on your breathing right – and if you simply relax into the position – and if you spend TIME in it daily – you’ll get better at it far quicker than you imagine now.

When I first started bridging, I thought it would take me years as it has some people to get my nose to the ground- yet for yours truly naturally extremely inflexible, it took me like a week.

No kidding either.

The front bridge took a bit longer – my hamstrings are naturally tight from all that sitting I was made to do as a kid…

They still are.

So getting good at some of the stretches in “Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training” for me took a lot longer than some other people – as did getting good at the squat mentioned above.

Once I did though, bingo, it’s now second nature, I cannot imagine not being able to drop down into a butt to ground “ass to grass” squat within less than a second and stay there, move around etc for one …

Same thing with the bridge, splits.

You spend time in it daily, my friend – a lot of time.

Sure, you can get a workout in – – a great one within 10 minutes or less, and so you should.

But it’s the hard yards, the roadwork if I might say so which really count, which really get you someplace.

And spending long periods of time trying to get a pull-up – or get better at stretching, and it applies especially to stretching, the more you do it, the quicker you’ll get better at it, thats just how it goes.

Elementary Watson (pun intended for those aware of the other two biz’s) – you’d think.

But few people do it …

The next time when you have 10 minutes to kill, try getting down into whichever stretch you find hard now.

Focus on the muscles, focus on stretching out in that position, focus on a whole host of other things that I’ve spoken about – focus on breathing – most of all, just focus on STAYING in that position and going as far as you can while you do so.

Splits wise, some of the things you can do?

Focus on keeping the CORE – not just the abs – tight and straight – you should be feeling it all along the BACK and lower back, not just the abs and groin if done right.

Keep the legs STRAIGHT – tough for those with weak hamstrings, I know. But you’ll get there.

Stretch forward and sideways as much as you can each time you do this, merely BREATHE and hold …

Believe me, if you do it right, each of these stretches can be turned into a full body (with emphasis on CORE) workout themselves.

There are many other tips to this (and yes, you’ll have to read the book for more on it and pictures etc), but I wont get too technical in this email, for now, I will say this – when it comes to stretching, focus on BREATHING – the “internal” i.e. not just the external muscles and the “being” is what is really key – and time spent in it.

All else follows.

Well, my friend, I’m off to spend some more time in the splits I love so much.

And I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Those of you that want these two great courses in ONE compilation format (yes, Keith, we do have paperbacks for this too!) – Go HERE.

What MGTOW is – and what MGTOW isn’t.
- A bit of a lesson on it.

It’s one of the most commonly misunderstood terms out there, except most of the misunderstanding, of course, has been spread around by Nazi feminists whose entire intention is to, first and foremost “gaslight and obfuscate” the logical and reasonable to a point where you push most men to a state of frenzy and rage “because I’m a woman” – and then end an argument with insults a man cannot respond to – or won’t “because he won’t smack you one in the head, while she has carte blanche to do so” “because she’s a woman”.

You hear a lot about mgtwo guys being “incels” – involuntarily celibate, that is.

You hear a lot about MGTOW guys “hating women”.

And the most misunderstood of them all “they can’t get none” – or they “get none”.

Actually MGTOW is not a movement either, as Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once rightly told me (though all of the other stuff I knew for ages) – – “its a philosophy”.

Which it is.

And the number one book … ah, but wait.

What MGTOW is –




Against squandering resources, no matter plenty or little.

Doing the right thing.

Against this concept of LGBTQ and “all men must want to be women” and vice versa.

Neither is MGTOW against gays, lesbians, or any of that bunch – provided you dont shove it down our throats my friend.

MGTOW is simply men like you and I my friend at the end of the day.

Or more accurately, as a customer once put it …

“Most men are content to lead lives of quiet desperation. You on the other hand seem to have figured out how to live life on your own terms!”

Which I have, but it did not come easy.

Truly baptism by fire X 100 – much like my fitness journey my friend.

But anyway – yours truly MGTOW – let’s see. I get plenty. Women hanker after me all the time. And get pissed off at me big time all the time. I dont particularly have any financial issues or problems.

And most of all, I have my freedom, I do what I want, when I want, as I please, with no-one that can tell me otherwise.

I Dont live my lives based upon the whim of some woman. I tell them to go find someone else if thats their thing.

(Unfortunately for me, most dont).

The MGTOW philosophy, my friend, if you’re a real man, is highly worth it – and definitely something you should learn about if you do not know much about it as yet.

And a book every real MGTOW enthusiast should have – and that has not been written as yet (believe me, there are plenty of books on the philosophy itself, perhaps that is why I did not write one as yet, and have no  plans of doing so) … is not just about the philosophy, but about taking the ATTACK to Nazi feminists in a way they can neither combat nor dream practically possible – is THIS ONE.

It involves NOT the physical, nor mostly the verbal, unless you know how to do the latter right.

It’s mostly, believe it or not, MENTAL techniques that affect the enemy subconsciously.

And if you want any proof as to how well they work, well, yours truly and a host of other MGTOW dudes not mentioned here are living, breathing proof of it.

And that is THAT.

Get the book NOW.

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

The nothing and nobody that everyone salivates over anyway …
- Hehe .

I drive people – the losers, that is – up the wall, dont I?

Part of the words I sent over to my daughter for “English practice” (which my idiotic wife somehow believes writing 5 words a day is the “magic potion for success” or some nonsense, perhaps some idiotic tripe her self help gurus told her, hehe) – included the following.



I would have put “bratty” in there along with others, but I finished off with “Lunatic”.

She’ll get the hidden message. She says it herself, except not out loud of course…

Sad that a kid’s gotta grow up with a Nazi feminist mother …

Anyway, my lovely – not – wife threw a hissy again this afternoon.

That was to be expected, as of late it’s “one day good mood” – three days bad – which is going on.

And as she showed up complaining about her goddamned scooter YET again -which apparently I’m supposed to be the mechanic – as well as the guy that pays for it – but never gets to use it (when I care to – which is not often) – and of course, after she herself sent it in for repairs where I told her not to – it escalated into nonsense as usual.

Which I responded to do with facts, calmly and cooly, much like Ben Affleck in “Dirty Water” – that drove her up the fucking wall. Hehe.

(Difference between him in that movie and me – I’ve actually told my wife to divorce me, or do what it takes to get that lovely life she so dreams of, except she won’t do it – even when I pay for the damned divorce, which of course the lawyers take a pretty penny for).

And it descended into the usual gaslighting, nonsensical blaming etc and “no goose and gander” – and emotional so called blackmail that women are famous for, especially Nazi feminists.

I can’t help but chuckle a little.

A woman that writes down “my husband will give me millions of dollars!” – goes to bed with it playing in her ears (quite literally) – that watches motivational videos spouting crap about “I’m a modern woman!” – and “I’m rich” – and all this other nonsense – which leads to her calling me a “nothing and nobody” – yet shows up for everything money related to this nothing and nobody – and his parents, when the former approach fails.

And she curses all three of us roundly.

Now, my own relationship with my parents – y’all know all about that.

But I’m writing to tell you – or give you – just another example of this crowning lunacy that Nazi feminists pride themselves on thinking “is logical” aka “entitled to an extreme”.

Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla once wisely spoke about “extreme case of gynarchy” at that house.

Given how my mother is, and wife has become, he was right. Hehe.

Except, I benefit from all this in ways these people dont even know is possible.

It would be easy for it to descend into a shouting contest – which is what women want.

But if you can remain the “factual” person – well, and do it the way I Teach you in the book on not just combating – but BENEFITING from Nazi feminists at a level hitherto you didnt dream is possible – well, then you got it made, my friend.

And you’ll actually welcome this sort, as I do. Hehe.

Much like I welcome the trolls, Bozos, fatsos, non-doers, all of whom can’t resist writing me long emails to point out idiocy  which I could quite frankly care less about. Hehe.

So much for the nothing and nobody, eh.


Anyway – I often wonder what my wife would have done with no support which she gets in spades, big time.

That bed she sits on all day doing exactly F all might have to be auctioned, come to think of it, I can’t figure out who’d buy it.

Maybe Bozo Schofield, but thats it, hehe.

Come to think of it the two make a nigh perfect couple as well – of course, with Glyn’s “nether regions” status these days, who knows.

It’s also interesting how those that have done – and accomplished exactly zip all feel the need to Tom Tom and brag the most – something, which oddly enough the wife spoke about the other day about “other people doing” (in terms of politics, countries etc).

The lunacy continues, eh.

Anyway, if you want to see how this nothing and nobody can get you in the best shape of your life in a way few others could even begin to (and damn, that workout yesterday, I’m still recovering from it!) – then the 0 Excuses Fitness System is your best bet, my friend.

Get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

A music laced “Happy Diwali” workout
- How times have changed. Hehe.

Diwali, the festival of lights and smoke – well, lights was what it was supposed to be, then it morphed into fireworks galore, which used to, when I was growing up – leave a haze of smoke around the city that would linger on for DAYS – so thick it was you could barely see beyond 2 meters in your own house (so much did people revel in it).

I dont know and wont get into the debate for whether or not its good for the environment or not, or the child labor forced into making them fireworks in “Sivakasi” – but I still remember, growing up, the neighbors – and everyone really – bursting fireworks with such gusto that the streets would be covered with paper the next morning – inches thick literally.

And it would go on till at least 3 AM in the morning the fireworks, and thats being kind.

It would start days before the actual festival, end a day or so later.

These days, its back to what it was supposed to be, ever since the Indian government banned fireworks a few years ago, its calmed down a lot.

I dont know if I, when I’m in India miss it or not.

Some part of me wants to say I do – those – the 90’s are the BEST TIMES ever, they will never return, I will always miss things about ’em!

They were REAL, for one…

Anyway, the wife will probably, as we speak, more than make up for “smoke” with all the religious “puja’s” she does on the day, which has just increased exponentially, the madness (not necessarily the prayers, but the other madness) over the past coupla years since 2020.

Hey, COVID really got people thinking -albeit too late, and not right. Hehe.

ANyway …………

To those of you that care enough to know about the festival – happy Diwali!

To those that dont, workout wise – well, nothing much new to report – another brutal one, but this time – it was laced with music.

I dont know why, but I woke up with Twitter for some reason ablaze over this utter rot below –

GNASHING my teeth doesnt cut it.

I mean, the world has come to this – the UK is even worse than the US in this regard (this nonsense about LGBTQ invading the real world and so forth) … Ugh.

Just – UGH!

And so, I guess I was on youtube today, watching some great training montages – as I told my buddy Vincent, “wish there were more real men left in the US and West in general!”

Mr T – Rocky III.

Sly in Rocky IV, that run up the cold mountain in Russia remains my favorite!

The first Rocky!

Then the Bloodsport training montage.

And I normally never train with music on, this time I decided to.

I played the last (Bloodsport) the most – the sound track isn’t “blaring” or rock and roll – it is a mixture of East and West in a way, and I prefer that.

And I was literally meditating my way through the workout, which was 700 squats, 200 club swings (all one handed) – 50 pull-ups – 50 pushups – and  lots of stretching (and some special ab work with the ab roller i’ll be covering in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, trust me, that ab roller will KILL you the first time you use it, I’ve been using it for ages, it still kicks my rumpusssssssssssssssss – hehe).

The squats were all done at once, yes -but they were not done in the same style.

And surprise of all surprise, not a single Hindu squat today, although that ain’t nothing against that great exercise…

I did plenty of different squats and variations that literally left me shaking and dripping with sweat – Squat 101 will have a lot more on this.

And that, my friend is that.

For now, the 0 Excuses Fitness System workout video is the go to for YOU – and remember, it can be done with music, without music, as you prefer.

Key is no matter what you do, you focus INWARDS.

And thats the bottom line.

Get the above books now – and start cracking – truly the BEST for the BEST.

And I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

One arm pull-ups after a long, long time!
- Yesterday

Yesterday I did my first one arm pull-up in … a long time!

One arm pull-ups are nothing new to me – except I do not do them like is commonly shown in movies etc where people are mostly actually doing one arm CHIN-UPS.

Now, I’ve made it clear that pull-ups in general are far more superior to chin-ups – and a far more natural movement as well.

Think about it, when in real life do you consciously use a “supinated” grip to grab something, usually not too often?

In addition to this, there are several other reasons the pull-up far outtrumps the chin-up – all covered in my book “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!“.

Most people prefer the chin up or the hammer grip pull-up because its easier than the regular pull-up (especially if you’re carrying more fat around the midsection than you should be – pull-ups expose this BRUTALLY, bar none) – – and in the initial case, because of more perceived “bicep work” i.e. more pump and tone.

Not true, my friend, yes, the chin up might seem to tax the chest and biceps more than the pull-up, but ultimately, the pull-up is what hits all the right areas of the upper body in the right way when it comes to pulling. Dont get me wrong, chin-ups are still good, do ’em if you prefer, but you’re missing out on the real benefits of ape like movements if you skip pull-ups and thats all I’m going to say – here. More in the book.

Anyway, back to one arm pull-ups.

I haven’t been doing these for a while now – maybe YEARS (seriously).

Off and on, I’d do one or two, then get back to my regular pull-up workouts.

And thats how it should be for YOU too. Maybe thats one reason the book on one arm pull-ups hasn’t seen the light of day as yet. One reason is “it’ll happen when it happens” but the second and more important reason, from a fitness and strength standpoint, you dont necessarily HAVE To do one arm pull-ups at all.

From certain functional perspectives it may be very useful, yes.

But for most people, you’ll do just fine sticking to regular pull-ups and then the workouts and exercises in “Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!“.

Now, that dont mean the one arm pull-up and its variants are simply a “show exercise” – not at all.

They build some serious, serious grip/back strength and pulling power  – IF you do ’em right.

And cutting out momentum is one of the keys to getting the one arm pull-up – again, IF you can do regular pull-ups well enough in proper form, which most people dont, swinging, swanging and “kipping” on their way to the top (not to mention they dont clear the chin either).

Key mistake, if you’re not getting your chin COMFORTABLY over the bar, at least till the lower neck, it’s NOT a pull-ups, period.

Anyway, so one arm pull-ups, despite what you might think follow all the same fundamentals that regular pull-ups do – including starting from a dead hang and so forth.

There ARE some differences, which I’ll cover in the book on it – but for the most part, the fundamentals stay the SAME.

However, these naturally lend themselves to super advanced workouts, so that is different.

And again, for most people – you’ll do just fine getting good at the regular pull-up and it’s variants. Hey, even I haven’t really seriously worked one arm pull-ups in years, for some odd reason I wanted to last night, so I did, and ..well, this email.

Charles, maybe that book WILL see the light of day soon. Hehe.

I still remember him saying “DO IT! Your books are the best!”

And last, but not least, one arm pull-ups – they do lend themselves to super intense “short” workouts, but again, thats if you can do ’em …

My thoughts on the one arm pushup are rather different from the one arm pull-up, and I’ll cover those later.

For now, remember to get the books above – build a proper base – and get PULLING.

And thats that …


Rahul Mookerjee

The most annoying part of my marriage (and BAPTISM by fire, hehe)
- And more from the one and only "yours truly". Hehe.

I seem to be on a bit of a roll, not to mention I think I’ve finally deciphered most of the messages that came through to me last night when sleeping, took me hours if that …

So it should.

Anyway, “Rahul Mookerjee vs Delhi Police, or the NCT of Delhi”, whichever it was, will forever be famous in 2009, at least amongst the legal community, and probably others too. Hehe.

I won that case, as this list here knows, and the second one that followed shortly thereafter, and the details, well, all public if you can find ’em .. (and it’s easy to, really).

Started in 2008, the whole sorry mess ended – or started again, hehe, depending upon how you look at it and WHAT you look at – in 2009.

As Uncle Bob sagely said.

“Good that bit is finally over, now you can get on with your life!’

I agreed, so did the parent, one of the very rare instances where it seemed all was in harmony.

Given what was to follow later – HA!

Anyway – part of that whole story involved my “second” marriage or first, depending upon how you look at it, apparently in order to get married in India “legally” (which was my preference, go to court, get the whole mess done with, no lengthy Indian wedding nonsense – Gorilla Girl once asked me why Indian girls have to pay so much dowry, Girl, I got NO clue as I told you, and neither would I really care to know other than from a theoretical standpoint, which I DO know, but anyway…) – you have to do it from a religious standpoint first, so said the to be wife then at least, and a host of other people.

I didnt like it one damn bit.

“in a temple”, I queried dubiously.

I aint wearing the kurta pajama, I’ll tell you that much,  I told her.

Although I got it done in jeans, I DID have to wear the headgear, if you can imagine me with that.

Those photos, I’ve never shared ’em. I dont think I will either. Hehe. Some things are best left private (wife was decked out, of course, in traditional attire).

But the most dadgumit annoying part wasn’t all that, it was the FIRE.

The term “baptism by fire” came to mind as I was walking around the fire as they do in Hindu religion, yours truly of course, doesnt believe in any of it, but I did it with a scowl on my face, but so dense and thick was that damn smoke I had to say SOMETHING.

I mean, I had smoke come out of my ass pretty much, but thats how it is apparently “Agnee Pariksha” being the Hindu term for “walking through fire” as a test, while this wasn’t that, the smoke made it feel pretty damn close.

Eyes watering, we were finally done, and the first place I headed to was… well, I’m not ashamed to admit it, the BAR.

Where I downed beer and whisky galore. Hehe.

So did the wife, I believe …

So much for the girl who once said “I will SLEP the boy who drink in front of me”. Hehe.

Anyway, that lasted one date and three Foster’s precisely.

Some things, a man’s gotta do, will do.

BUt anyway – smoke is huge in Indian religion, ceremonies, everything, probably yet another region I stay away from religion in general, because I’d bet incense is a huge part of most serious religion.

Nothing wrong with a bit of incense, of course, but the damned smoke is what I can’t stand to be honest…

Its supposed to be healthy says the wife, I dont quite get it, smoke’s smoke regardless of how you cut it – or “chop it up”.


Anyway, that reminds me of the time I sold incense imported from India, no longer though.

It also reminds me of today while doing pull-ups in smoke – ugh.

Now, yours truly doesnt have any desire to be a “swami”, or “seer” or anything like that, though I’ve been told I was Jesus at the age of 19 because of my long flowing hair and olive skin (and when a guy that could probably lift me up in the palm of his hand and toss me out of the window said it – nah, he wasn’t THAT big, but he was strong – fat, but all solid bulk! – you gotta believe it, heh) …

.. .not quite a moniker I understood or wanted, or cared, but I’ll take it to being called “Habib”.


Actually I’ll take ’em all.

Anyway, yours truly “habibi” (friend in Arabic) says this one thing – if you’re a real man, one book you simply must get is “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!”

Lots of people equate real man to bulging muscles and gym built bodies.

Truth is, the girls dont flock to that lot either, and neither do those bodies work functionally for the most part.

Its lean and mean which really gets you there, which really counts, and be honest, thats what most people WANT deep down inside.

And the various styles of pull-ups in that book, including a certain swami pull-up that I’m about to, or should, at any rate, file a patent for … well, they’ll give you CARDIO along with everything else pull-ups give you – and get you lean as a fiddle – or was that fit, hehe – or both – while you’re at it.

If you’re a real man or woman interested in fitness, that book is a must grab, if you have not yet got it, get it NOW.

And that that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

What the number of Christ may have in store for YOU.
- Indeed interesting!

At the outset, please hear me out – I’ve said this before, I will say it again – I ain’t, and have never been a religious man.

Not one iota, not one smidgeon, I dislike how people follow “cultishly” religion (Which basically is “God” spoken in different languages and tones to me!) to an extent where they can literally  kill, maim, crusade and so forth over it..

I’m not against religious beliefs or any religion in particular either, neither am I a Karl Marx follower, but I do believe he was somewhat spot on in terms of his famous line “religion is the opium of the masses”.

If you think about what has been going on down the ages, and even today, well…

’nuff said.

Anyway, like I was telling my little girl the other day (she’s 9, but she’ll always be a little baby for me – can you identify, doting dads? Hehe) …

I was trying to explains Signs from the Universe to her, how “cats” – either black or white – are a good thing in general – and much more, and ..

“I dont believe in God”, I went. 

“But there are signs from the Universe, the Universe speak to us all the time, and we cannot ignore it!”

She pooh poohed some of this – externally, but she got my drift internally, I could tell which is what counts (and hey, expecting a 9 year old listening to her old man drone on about this, hehe…)

Although every time I use the term old man she claims I’m “anything but old” …

Anyway – so I’ve no idea why 57 is the number of Christ, but from what it seems it is, or something similar.

If Im wrong, I do stand corrected.

But I saw it in my dreams last night, now I see a hell of a lot of things in my dreams, most that come true later, but when my Uncle that passed away in 2013, curiously enough the only one (along with a couple of others) that really liked me (in our family I’m very proudly “the black skeleton”, hehe, or black sheep, or skeleton in the closet, and so forth) … and 2013, being the year I returned to China after a bit of a hiatus, well, when he shows up in my dreams, and he does so very often, I THINK more.

While trying to decipher the message, a segment from the Bhagwad Gita – and a lot more, actually (my dreams usually have multi layered messages that have to be literally deciphered for hours like code) – came to mind.

Again, I aint a religious man.

And when it comes to India, I’m not necessarily in favor of jettisoning English either like the current admin is hell bent on doing, look, it’s one thing to be proud of one’s own language, way too few Indians are, but it’s another to be AGAINST a language which, lets be honest, is still the only global language out there besides Spanish (ok, if you go to China thats different, but other than China!).

Even Russia speaks SOME amount of English ..

Anyway – I think it was “paragraph 57 – and verse 2” or something like that which gave the definition of being what I call true detachment.

Or, “he who is a true sage” – or seer, as I’ve been called, but lets leave ME out of it, I dont have any plans to start year long meditations any time soon! …

Let me see if I can quote the precise verse.

One who remains unattached under all conditions, and is neither delighted by good fortune nor dejected by tribulation, he is a sage with perfect knowledge.

Or, lets phrase it the way the great Rudyard Kipling did it in his poem –

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same…
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

(in the famous poem “If”) …

You see “enlightenment” (which is what the poem was about) or “detachment” (Which is something all the gurus talk about, precious few of them themselves are truly detached from anything) which is key to #1 – cuts across cultures, languages, religious “divides” and so forth …

Anyway, 57 – I saw a wrestling match and clubs in my dream along with many other things, and a countdown going on, many other things.

I doubt y’all be interested in any of that. Hehe. Other than certain readers on this list who love the spiritual stuff…

But I had to tell you, when my Uncle speaketh from the “heavens” (if you believe in such a thing) then it’s important…

But anyway, this is the same sort of thing you need to master, or get close to mastering when it comes to fitness. Especially when you first begin, but long into your journey as well.

Ultimately, you have to remember this- you SHOW up daily, but you dont FORCE the outcome, or even try to.

You may want to at times, it’s but human to do so …

But it’s when you can show up daily and just do without really being attached to the result or outcome in any way (and I mean any way) – and this usually happens when you’re already at a certain point fitness wise – then you know you’re getting someplace.

It’s one thing to want.

It’s yet another thing to NEED.

And once you decipher the vibes and meanings of these two words, well, I wont need to be lecturing you on any of this. Hehe.

Anyway – plenty of spirituality if you can notice in a brutally hard hitting honest manner from yours truly (if you care enough to notice it, lots notice just the fitness, and thats fine!) – in the 0 Excuses Fitness System. 

If you ain’t yet got it, well, as the lovely lady said (I’ll keep her identity a secret for NOW), well, “chop chop”, as they say.


And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why ole Mike Pence was damn skippy sure SPOT ON in terms of not having dinner ALONE with anyone (female) but the old lady …
- And he was.

He, along with a host of other people – or perhaps a couple of that I have not put on there (I really should put Vladimir Putin on there too, given the topic – and I mean it – Putin’s comments and thoughts about women in general mirror my own thoughts so much it could be the same person talking!) …is on the page of the “How to not only combat – and WIN AGAINST – but PROFIT big time from the Nazi feminist DISEASE plaguing modern day society” …

And for a damn good reason.

With it spreading its ugly tentacles damn near everywhere, and even more insidiously these days and a certain segment of the population (read doddering fools and Bozos) believing in it and buying into the crap, I gotta tell ya ….

But first, a story.

I remember a certain Carol and Grace, two students who’d take me out to lunch every Sunday afternoon post English class which was fun to be honest.

The class, that is, the lunch, for some reason they wanted to do that – and listen, it was all completely above board.

Both of them are gorgeous – Carol perhaps more so, but that might just be me.

And as I talk to her today, I remember how I met her the first day …

Anyway, this isn’t about that – so the lunch, it was all above board, but I remember telling my wife about it anyway.

“just go”, she said. “It’s just lunch, a good meal for you!”

Which – to be honest, is a rarity. My wife telling me to do something for myself (something nice involving me) is like the Moon shining brightly during the day, it just dont happen. Hehe.

Some of her thoughts and views, anyone that can put up with them deserves not just a monument, but an engraved plague with the words “world’s most patient and tolerant” person inscribed on it (I’m being polite. Hehe).

Anyway, so this happened quite often, I had their wechat’s – again, for no reason other than they were students, and would habitually show up late to class, which I do not tolerate, therefore, one fine day I messaged Carol saying class would begin without her if she was late anyway.

She came in late. Hehe. What is one to do!

Anyway – that afternoon’s lunch was fun, a “Western Chinese style” lunch which … OK, they chose it, and then Grace dropped me off back home, Carol after that.

In the middle I showed them my wife and daughter (then a few months old) – or, actually … well, two years, I believe.

And they both seemed way more interested in the daughter than the wife. Go figure. Hehe.

All above board, I’m telling ya …

At this point, it might be well worth it to remember Pence’s comment again.

I’m sure everyone knows what it is, eh.

Anyway – next day, out of the blue I messaged Carol, for no other reason than to ask about “if she knew an ayi” (cleaning lady, or maid (Glyn basically) in Chinese).

Not if she knew Glyn, hehe. If she knew an actual maid, I had tried cleaning my apartment, but did a shitty job of it I must say, and the old lady Carol found – gem!

Anyway – I asked her that, one thing led to the other, I’m still not quite sure how it happened, but yours truly “fell in love”, and extremely so for probably the first, or second time in his life – or maybe third – but this, the passion, the emotion, the few months we were together – thinking about it, “rollercoaster” doesnt even begin to cut it.


I still feel a shiver of lust when I look at the girl today, she’s that gorgeous (and it’s been damn near 6 years now). Or maybe 7.

Anyway … this isn’t about erotica.

But it all started with that lunch, a few simple words, communication does indeed rule the nation even without trying if you do it right (without trying, hehe).

And Pence was just being honest.

Look, guys, if you’re telling me you aren’t looking at how beautiful she is, and just her qualifications or what not (nothing wrong with looking at BOTH) – then you’re lying.

I recently saw Jennifer Yu, two times U.S Chess champion, and since women with brains has always been my thang – in addition to LEGS, of course, hehe – I had to tweet congrats and more to her (more on that later).

But if I were to have lunch or dinner with her, alone, then I’d be a lying SOB to tell you “I wasn’t thinking of how beautiful she looked” – even if she didnt. Hehe.

Point being, Pence was just being flat out honest.

And if you think about it, he’s right from the standpoint of being safe when it comes to marriages, far too many break up for the wrong reasons, those which could have been avoided.


He was recently asked if he’d vote for Trump, I loved how he answered “well, I’ll probably vote for someone else”. Hehe.

Diplomatic to a T as always is the former VP, solid, I’ll give him that!

My man is still Mike Pompeo though, if he runs …

Seems “Mike” is a thing for me, right down to my own English name. (that is applicable only for China, of course. Hehe).

“English” names.

Like geez, why even have them (use your own damn name, if it was an English name, I dont know if they’d want me to have a Spanish name “raol”, lol), but thats a China thang, what can I say … Maybe an Asian thang.

Anyway, maybe this has something to do with fitness, maybe not. I’ll let y’all chew it over.

Life wise, it showl applies.

And thats that.

For brutally hard hitting honest info like this from a fitness standpoint – the 0 Excuses Fitness system is indeed your TICKET.

And that’s that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Edit – I realized I left two KEY words out of the title, so I had to edit it.

Why ole Mike Pence was damn skippy sure SPOT ON in terms of not having dinner  with anyone but the old lady …

The two words I left out, ALONE – and FEMALE. Hehe. All corrected now, tho!

Behind the scenes
- is where it really all happens.

Vince Palko last year, or maybe in 2020 made a telling comment about me on Freakbook, which I no longer of course use after Nov 2020 …

“Good to see the old guys still there!”

Something like that, if I recall correctly, but that was the gist.

He’s still looking great, I doubt many, if any at all remember the times he was the “Godfather of Internet Marketing” – hehe.

He still looks the part, at least the Godfather part – big, bulky, solid “linebacker” look …

Anyway, this isn’t about him, or anyone in particular, although I could name a few names – more than a few actually.

I dont know, we spoke about Mike Tyson and Herschel Walker in the last email, so we’ll talk about them, perhaps?

Or a certain Matt Furey who my products keep getting compared to “the next level” in that regard, so say my customers “I’ve never seen anyone with products like yours other than Matt Furey and your workouts are far more advanced” …

Business wise, I dont know, you talk Jeff Bezos, you talk anyone you admire really …

The question I have for you is this – all these guys, when you think of them – you think success, you think “they have it all” – you think MONEY – and more.

You think FAME.

you think they’re popular.

But does it ever occur to you, my friend, there was a time where all of these people had nothing – or next to it (perhaps Bezos doesn’t quite fall into that category, but he certainly wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth!) …

ALL of these people, and these are just a few names that come to mind – ALL of them started off from a very dark place indeed.

Herschel Walker, idiots around the globe claim “muscle sticks to him like shit on a stick”.

Maybe now after 30 years of rigorous routine it does.

But he was fat and chubby growing up, he didnt have a fancy gym to train in, I believe he even fashioned his own weights out of implements and so forth …

Iron Mike, we all know he grew up in what was pretty much the “hood” . . .

I’ve spoken above about what you think when you see these people now.

Yet, and this probably should have been the title of this email “none of this would happened if … ”

you can sit down with any of those people, and they might all, in theory, give you different answers, but “if I had not have FAITH” will be one common denominator amongst ALL.

Cut in any way you like, friend, but every stunning success you see in front of you NOW has failed – sometimes spectacularly – FAR more than he has succeeded, and likely grew up disadvantaged in a host of ways you wont even imagine.

They all went through times far darker than what most people consider “dark” – during the “good times”.

They all had the faith and peserverance to keep going “when the whole world was against them” – and during the many difficult years you’ll rarely hear them complain about, except when they mention it as fact.

The faith they had in their skill – their product – the perserverance, the years and years of showing up daily, the hard slog, there is a reason I praise doers like this so much, because it doesnt show, does it, the work?

But it’s there, behind the scenes.

Show up daily, and do so without fail in whatever you do – keep the faith – and I guarantee you you’ll make a success of yourself at that thing – or pretty damn close, or it’ll lead to another success.

THAT is perhaps what I admire most about all these people, their desire that kept burning until the barriers of success were finally thrown open to them, and how.

The average reader reading this will think “baloney” and “horse tripe – or manure, hehe” – and look away.

The average reader will see the results – not the work that went into creating the results, or the DRIVE that set it all up years ago in most cases…

Which is precisely why (if you feel that way upon reading this) you’ll remain average, and thats fine – nothing wrong with that if you so choose ..

But if you choose to understand and apply what I have to say above – what I just said – well, you’ll go places and thats just the beginning.

My books Zero to Hero! And Gumption Galore! deal with these topics in detail …

But anyway, fitness wise, same thing applies.

You have to show up daily, my friend.

Come rain, hail, sun, shine, whatever you show up – sure, sometimes we all need a break from hard workouts, but you do SOMETHING, you keep moving ahead in SOME manner, even though it might not feel like it at the time or be evident or what not …

It is SHOWING up daily that ultimately brings home the bacon, my friend.

Perseverance, my friend, there is no other quality that is more essential to success at anything, or “persistence” as they say, as Napoleon Hill rightly said in Think and Grow Rich, it’s the one quality that cannot be supplanted by ANY OTHER.


Anyway, if you want to progress beyond the average in terms of fitness, to get to truly “superhuman” or superhero status, then you do what those people that are regarded as such did.

Simple as that, I covered that in the last e-mail didnt I?

And the first step is getting good at the 0 Excuses Fitness System, damn good …

And if you have not as yet invested in this world class “champion producing” fitness system like none other out there, then dont just get it NOW.

Get it NOW – chop chop, as a lady recently said (if I may borrow her words).


Chop chop!


Rahul Mookerjee