Why core fundamentals always remain the SAME.
- And they DO!

You hear a lot of guys that are fat – or that can’t do a certain exercise whine and moan about “but I’m doing them right for my body type”.

Skinny dudes aren’t necessarily immune to this either, except they don’t get called out so often – the popular perception of “skinny means fit” (no it don’t – SLIM and skinny and lean and mean and “twig” – are all completely seperate from each other – of course, that is assuming the observer has enough cognitive abilities to look in a mirror and judge accurately what stares back at him or her – most idiots don’t).

Like pull-ups, I’ll always remember a guy once telling me “how many people do them right for their body type”.

This guy can’t do one proper pull-up, and the reason is simple – he is obese.

Not “big”.


As I’ve said so many times in the past, there is a huge, glaring fuckin difference between the two.

Then the idiots banging out pushups in terrible form – some of them skinny as heck and chest pounding about “I did 20 reps!”

No you didn’t.

You didn’t even do ONE rep right, bottom line.

It’s just stupid, this thinking of “modify an exercise to a body type”.

Look, if you’re doing pull-ups, you do them slow and steady, dead hang – chin over the bar, pause, and go again.

It’s as simple as that.

If you’re doing pushups, you cannot say “my chest doesn’t touch the ground on every rep because my mammoth ponderous belly does first – or because my skinny lower back is too weak for it”.

Yes, if you have medical problems, and hint – most don’t really, most use it as a crutch to whine, moan, piss and grown – but if you’ve got genuine medical issues, then modify the form of the exercise SOMEWHAT by all means.

But saying “I can’t get my chin over the bar because my body type is different” is pathetic.

Ditto for stretches or any other form of exercise you do.

You didn’t see Doug Hepburn, 200 plus kgs, complain about doing proper handstand pushups did you?

The man went out and did ‘em on dipping bars, something which is quite beyond me even now!

You didn’t see Vince Gironda moan about “I have more muscle mass” – or Arnie, did you?

They went ahead, worked the exercise in proper form, and just did it.

And therefore, they’re legends, and the vast majority of idiots out there are not.

Of course, which boat you choose to row is up to you.

But the facts remain facts, the fundamentals of an exercise remain the same, human bodies have pretty much remained the same over the years (except they’ve become bloated, fat and Mama’s boys and girls over the past 50 years or so “yes, John, where is that DUNKIRK SPIRIT!” – yes, it’s sickening my friend the level of mamsy pamsy I see daily!)… and therefore, exercises passed down over the ages have remained the same too.

And thats that, take it or leave it, but it is what it is.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – EVERYONE wants to bang out pull-ups slow and steady in proper form. Even the Bozos that claim they don’t want it want it – wanna know WHY?

Well, a perfect example is on the page here – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

Read, assassinate, and then get the book if you’re a doer.

And get cranking NOW.

Benny done exploded once again
- Hmm..!

… again. Hehe. And given the “mass” he’s accumulated over the years, a guy on this site told me “he’d need to fast for YEARS To get rid of that bulk” (to which I replied “Benny would probably burst into tears if he even heard the word “skipping meals”).

And he likely would.

This weepy sort is exactly who I love to stay away from – hence the blocking, the REMOVING from my life and so forth I’ve been writing about as of late – and to be fair, Benny isn’t the only one I’ve done so with (and he certainly ain’t the worst).

It’s just that … look, dude, if you’re promoting fitness, you have to be in shape, some sort of shape – not woefully obese as you are.

What is even stranger is the dude parades his massive floppy man tits and ever growing junk around the trunk (ugh) around, keeps sending people pictures and videos of Tik Tok fitness for “validation” apparently (the real reason) but externally he says “I’m proud of myself!” and “this is what Gorilla Grip training can do for a man!”

yes, a real man it can Benny- I’m not sure you fall into that category at all.

Not to mention dude’s literally so obsessed with me he keeps following me and looking through this (much like Bozo Schofield does) even though I’ve roundly blocked him everywhere, even though dude himself claims “he wants nothing to do with me”.

Like dude, grow up, you’re not big, you’re FAT – and extremely fat and unfit at that.

Maybe if you were promoting phat phocker fitness, I’d understand – but you claim you’re promoting the reverse.

Dont get me wrong, you certainly have the right to do so, but it just … it’s just retarded.

Jeff Bezos once said something about your business is what people say about it when youre not in the room.

Spot on as always.

Benny may whine on about me “not being nice” as all this LGBTQ loving liberal sort do.

True, I’m routinely called an asshole and far worse.

They don’t wait for me to leave the room either, hehe, neither would I want them to.

But the one thing I’ve never been called is grossly obese, not to the point I can barely not even walk properly, let alone do sprints that you claim to be able to do, even during my phat phocker days, I was never quite of your mindset Benny.

And thats the difference, the X factor, the mindset.

Leaders have it.

You never will – unless you get down to brass tacks and start DOING. And no, pestering the old lady for money and whining about other people making it “because his products are SOOOOOOO expensive” don’t cut it either.

Fact is, you ain’t got a clue on how to sell, especially in this market.

Fact also is, what people say about YOU – both in front of you and behind you – well, those facts are out in the open.

Just take a look at the comments on your own site for one, now yes, people have haters – lots of them sometimes, but sometimes the haters aren’t haters, but they’re being HONEST.

Sometimes, Benny, a long hard look in the mirror is required. You’ve clearly never done that. (or if you have, what stares back at you horrifies you so that you pretend it’s the opposite).

Which is fine, but … dude, for the last time (though with his obsession it wont be the last) – you’re not BIG. You’re obese, bottom line, and grossly unfit by ANY STANDARD.

Ask anyone, they’ll tell you the same thing – except perhaps they will sugar coat it even less.

(come to think of it, I knew there was a reason I was thinking Benny Boy whining last night, sure enough – it …anyway!).

Dude, the Rock is big, Arnie is big, Stallone is a naturally small but still “big” guy (with his workouts) – and so forth.

They ALL Did pull-ups properly and tons of ‘em for one …

If you were Andre the Giant, or someone similar – or the Big Show for one, i.e. so freakishly big that one has to ignore the tummy, then I’d gladly do so, but Giant Gonzalez you ain’t Benny.

You’re the average shmoe – just like I am.

And you’re fat and obese and out of shape.

Anyway …………

Why do I say all this?

Well, this morning he sent me a long whiny email about “remove my picture from your site!’

Kinda like what Bozo Schofield sent me in 2020. Except the Bozo’s picture was never there on the site to begin with, Bozo was probably snorting cocaine in Hong Kong or something as usual.

These “ESL” loser types (it tends to attract nothing but bottom of the barrel scum “rejects in their own countries ending up in China”, I’ve been around them so often all my life – I can spot ‘em from a mile away.

Ditto for the WINNERS – I can spot a real man from a MILE away.

and winners in general.

But anyway, the picture he was referring to was on the Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) page, and apparently still is, given at the time of writing this my broadband is down, I cannot check it, but I will soon.

Now, Benny, you’re no doubt pissing your pants wondering why?

Well, if you recall you sent me a ton of pictures with you pumping and preening and claiming “I wanted to send these to you to show the results a DOER can get”.

And second, your whining about price from day one – even though you did not directly say it, it was evident from your emails you wanted two things – a product for free, and for me to lower prices.

Neither one of those happened, nor will it, therefore, you wanted hand holding and a shoulder to cry on, which I’m willing to do and HAVE done for real men (ask my friend from the Marines who called up the next day saying “Rahul, sorry about that, real men don’t cry” – and I was like, oh yes, sometimes they do my brother) …

But this is business, bro.

You don’t succeed in business simply by nice – you do so by being HELPFUL and helping people solve their problems.

If you’re nice thats a welcome bonus, but bottom line – its about bloody minded cussedness and doing what you have to do to get where you want to be. It’s not about mamsy pamsy “not offending feelings and other crap” the vast “bulk” (no pun, hehe) of people worry and wonder about.

It’s about finding a problem people have – and offering a quality solution that WORKS. Simple as that.

You’ve clearly not solved your problems either life wise or fitness wise, and it shows in all regards, trust me.

Bezos once made the comment about “going after small publishers like a cheetah would hunt a sickly gazelle”.

I don’t think he’d have achieved the level of success he did if he simply said “nurse the gazelle back to health, cheetah”.

Bottom line – like you said about me, GO for the JUGULAR.

Most don’t. Most have no clue how to do it right anyway. They just whine about “it says a lot more about you than your customers do”.

And therefore, most stay at where you’re at, at “Benny the Penny” levels, always whining about pinching pennies and more (there’s a lot to pinch there Benny).

Really, this “feel good” vibe coming off your emails, the validation you want, the way you constantly follow me around. If you don’t want me, then fucking don’t follow me around dude, it’s nigh on pathetic is what it is.

Dude, what my customers say matter a hell of lot more to me than what some average Shmoe on the internet does . . .

… I could care less what idiots and morons think about me.

I care about what those that buy from me, those that support me, those that have helped and continue to help this business grow say and feel and think.

THEY count.


You Benny shouldn’t even BE in business in the first place to be honest, I can spot so many things you should NOT be doing, but you keep doing ‘em.

To each his own though.

Anyway, so back to his picture – thankfully fully clothed – and with Benny special camera angles to disguise the phat – I put it on there to help you Benny.

Not “help my own sales” as you so idiotically mentioned in the email.

It was and continues to sell just fine without you there.

You were just there because as I told you, start off selling comparatively lower priced products.

You then claimed (when I asked about results) no problem, “Ive sold BIG before, $200!” (I believe that was the figure you mentioned).

So, I did not bring it up any more.

I left the picture on there to help YOU – not me.

And I removed it as soon as our association ended – unlike with Schofield, but Schofield has done so much to RUIN this business and me personally that I’ve got a full right to put his picture on the Profit Troll page – if just to teach others how to profit off his ilk. Hehe.

Believe me, without a lot of his hate I likely wouldn’t have got where I am now in some regards.

Anyway …………

The picture was supposed to be gone. I don’t know why it’s up again, perhaps a cached page. Like I’ve been saying, we’ve been switching servers to ensure better speed etc – and we’ve been doing a lot of backend hardware maintenance and so forth, so perhaps a cached page came up.

I don’t know.

I’ll have to ask IT.

Maybe I should ask myself. Hehe. Hey, I was IT back in the day!

I probably still am “IT”!

Anyway, puns aside, thats the story.

And for you guys reading this, plenty to learn, what to do, what not to do, and so forth.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If anyone sees Benny’s photo on(his blasted “forearm” shot as he keeps saying, and I think the last email on forearms really got him – hehe. . . again, dude’s obsessed, even though he’s not on my list, he’s got this SITE bookmarked, so can’t resist having a “look see” which he will this email too, heh) Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) please inform me – likely a cache issue or something, but it shouldn’t be there, period.

(no puns intended with “forearm shot”, I still remember Butt-ler Bozo Glyn once Facebooking me about “I build a gorilla grip jerking off in Nanjing (on the bus))”. Ugh.

PS #2 – Think about it, dude’s still on my site after all we’ve been through. Like Benny, just pony up and buy the damn product already and be done with this – you’ll be posting GOOD reviews about it too despite your other nonsense. Trust me on this one. Hehe. Simply “adding to cart” repeatedly does not mean you’re a buyer, it just means you’re putting it off “until the wife gives you money” and thats fine, but really, its been months since you’ve done that.

Just up and get the damn thing and be done with it…

I mean really, a couple of six packs less a night won’t harm that gut you so proudly parade around any … or would it? Hehe.

I mean really, a couple of six packs less a night won’t harm that gut you so proudly parade around any … or would it? Hehe.

PPS – My next prediction on this one will be Benny getting back and saying “please remove my “words” from your email””.

Nice try, but no dice Benny Boy. First thing you know, those have already been sent/written, second thing you know, if you said it it’s fair game, bottom line (so long as those are your words).

No more “concessions” (which really, the only reason I made the concession in the first place is I want no part of Benny on this site. Yes, he’s hooked on to us – I’m not on to him though. Hehe).

Oh wait, you could sue me Benny.

Reminds me of Rocky V, when ole Rocko gives a phat phocker one to the gut (as my buddy from the Marines said “lets see him take one to the GUT!”) and phat phocker lands upside a car or something.

“I’ll sue you!” the phocker keeps yelling.

Yeah, sue me, says Rock.

“For what?”

Hehehehehehehe. But really, go ahead Benny… be interesting if nothing else. Reminds of me a few court battles I fought (and won all) in my day too. Hehe.

Maybe I’ll reverse sue for all the eyeballs you put on this site and then “get ideas” to write about. Nothing if not a shameless indirect plagarizer is Benny, but then again, the no originality part shows my friend.

Oh wait, ideas don’t have a patent on them do they.

Well, neither do emails you sent me or pictures you keep sending me without me ever once asking for them, Benny . . .

Anyway, enough on that, hopefully dude remains a “silent observer” from here on in and doesn’t start pestering me with his retard nonsense. Like Benny, plagarize all you like – I won’t even say a word. But for Christ’s sake stop emailing me with your BS, or you’ll be BLOCKED there too. (like Bozo and several others are already).

A layman’s guide to “big” vs “phat”
- And more..

The reverse doesn’t hold true – but wait, hehe – let me SAY what I had to first.

There’s plenty of tests I could give you to find out if you’re a phat phocker (and / or woefully out of shape – the two dont always, but usually do, go together).

One, can you do a slow, strict pull-up  – even just one – and get your chin over the bar – hold for 10 seconds that way – come down – hold again for 10 secs.

And I mean just one rep.

Two, the mirror – if you’re honest. Hehe.

Three, how many slow regular pushups can you do before you collapse.

Fourth, the TABLE pushup – and if you can even do ONE rep – or get into the position – for ANY length of time. If there is ONE exercise that along with the pull-up brutally exposes lack of core strength and excess flab around the belly and lower back, it is this one.

(you’ll rarely see phat phockers do ’em, along with pull-ups, they’ll claim “we prefer something else” and try to pass it off as they aren’t obese to a T, which is fine of course, but the facts stand).

Fifth, the “floor humper pushup” – another supreme core tester – along with REVERSE pushups.

Sixth, some of the – one in particular, the splits done Van Damme style in Advanced, Profound, Isometric and Flexibility Training

Most guys are gung ho about their bridge when they get good at it.

But what about your FORWARD bends, my friend?

Rarely, if ever do you see anyone do these – except fit and slim guys, the phat phocks cannot do ’em, period, there’s just too much around the midsection!

Seventh, if you’re fat, chances are excellent and second to none you have IBS and a host of other digestive ailments (this isn’t certain, but chances are good you have ’em).

Eighth, ……………..

well, wait a minute.

You guys that have been following me KNOW all the above, and I didnt really mean to list those out – although I could list probably, I dont know, 800 more!

But 8, 800, a prosaic number indeed, prosaic message I’m getting, and here’s the real layman’s guide – you dont even need to know what a (proper) pull-up or pushup is to figure this one out.


Right, those veins, that holy grail so many men in particular attempt – especially on their forearms, but never get there.

It’s no secret that you have to have low fat content in order for your calves and forearms to be vascular, my friend.

If you’re PHAT, then it simply wont happen regardless of how “strong” you are or how many cows you can bench before gobbling ’em down.

Other hand – BIG dudes? Truly big dudes?

Hell yes!

Look at Stallone, a guy that is not naturally even big, and yet – the vascularity there?

Look at the Rock. Steve Austin.

Then look at the Big Show.


You get the picture, eh.

I love the Big Show, by the way, thats not my point!

Point is, just … if you’re PHAT, then you wont be really vascular no matter how much you claim you’re big and strong but not an obese turd.

Ever notice phat guys have those “big” forearms?

There’s little to no vascularity there though – I’d rather slim forearms with veins running up and down them – even as I type – as I can see ’em!

Big guys can have ’em – just ask Brooks Kubik!

PHAT phocks cannot. Period. Unless they shed the blubber!

Now, the other side to this coin?

Skinny guys are often extremely vascular, but they’re not necessarily either the fittest, or strongest, or even most capable exercise wise – they COULD be, but they often aren’t.

It’s about SLIM, not skinny.

Not that I wear either one of those two styles of jeans.

I wear STRAIGHT cut. Hehe.

Hey, that could be #9.

Phat phockers will find straight cut jeans just won’t fit ’em. Hehe.

The butt, the thighs, it just wont happen …

Anyway, thats that from me. I better go look for some jeans on Amazon now, since the old ones seem to be sliding down rapidly…


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – To lose all that whale blubber some of you have accumulated over the years “he must need to fast for a year to lose all that fat!” (was what a shocked customer told me about some dude he just saw promoting health and fitness products, and when he saw his physical condition) – get on the 0 Excuses Fitness System now.

Truly the best value money can buy, my friend. Get this world class, award winning system NOW.

PS #2 – I mentioned a ton of pushups up there, and you guys likely have not heard of many of them before, if you have, you probably either (if you’re a fool, hehe) think some of them are “gay to do” – or if you’re a doer, chances are excellent you dont yet know how to do these RIGHT.

No worries – we’ve got you covered with the best, and one of a kind course on pushups out there – Pushup Central. Another sizzler this one, be sure and grab it NOW.

(too lazy to link it above, heh).

PPS – A lot of truly moronic fools and those “easily offended”, or those that “want it but dont want to pay” (my contempt for that crowd, as well as for those who try and pass off “not paying for anything” as OK has been well documented) will whine about “you’re shaming us, but not helping us”.

Well, phat shaming is good. Sometimes, often times, a kick up the RUMPUS is needed – the litmus test of whether or not you’re a doer is how you take it i.e like a man, or if you whine, piss and moan and groan.

But as for helping, my courses do plenty of that.

BUT, they’re only for honest people that can look in the mirror and ADMIT The truth and facts for what they ARE.

If you’re fat as heck and look in the mirror and keep saying “I’m big”, then you’re better off not buying, products wont help, I can already tell you that.

Ditto for any other condition that needs to be cured, you have to ADMIT it frankly and honestly first before anything will ever happen “on the physical plane”.

And so, only get my products if you fall into the dead on honest category, and WANT to solve the problem, not just sit, whine and pretend “all is well” when it aint either.

The little things that add up to a lot – and MEAN the most!
- Or should, anyway.

With all the me, me, me going on – and people wanting more, more, more (without even wanting to “give” first to “get”), its interesting.

Little kids, those that aren’t brats that is – ever notice how the littlest of things can make them happy – often more than the “big things”?

When I give my daugher something SMALL – often times something we plan for (maybe a “Dr Who” book”, hehe) as opposed to the “big stuff” that comes in anyway – she’s often over the moon – in a manner most wouldn’t get.

This afternoon, I gave her – or got her – a … well, box of chewing gum.

I couldn’t even get the one I wanted to give her – wasn’t available online, but you should have seen the SMILE on her face.

“Its a secret”, she giggled.

Those little things!

Every morning she wakes up and remembers the little things – and talks about them before the “day” kicks in.

She does this WITHOUT anyone telling her, despite all the advice I’ve given her, and continue to, I have NOT given her this bit of advice. Does it naturally does she, truly the chip off the old block!

Contrast that with most adults, whining and cranky when they wake up, thinking about all the trials and tribulations ahead, not living in the flow and so forth.

Often times, we forget that you need very little in order to be truly happy.

All the wealth in the world might not make you truly happy either – I’ve explained WHY in Zero to Hero!  (yeah, yeah, I know. We all “need” money, but its not the end all and be all of everything!). (it’s a MEANS, not an end, at least that is what it should be for all intents and purposes).

My daugher, a three year old version I believe is mentioned in that book – going ga ga over something as simple as a new A/C I ordered from China.


The SECRET – most of it – is mentioned in that prologue! If you can spot it.

If you cant, well, as Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich, all the “Rahul telling you what it is” in the world won’t make a damn bit of difference because it will DEPRIVE you of most of the benefit, if not all, you will get from spotting it yourself.

Now, this applies to life as an adult too.

The little things add up – could be savings, daily workouts, whatever it is.

The little things are what eventually cause a conflagration between two people – or cause them to fall DEEPLY in love. I should know in terms of both – HA!

And workout wise, I’ll give you an interesting take on it.

Not so much about things adding up and such which you’ve likely already thought of.

But little improvements during each and every workout you make (and if you’re not improving in some regard in the bulk of your workouts, you’re doing something wrong – maybe not ALL, but the bulk for sure).

Last night, I stretched that much further in one of the “van Damme” stretches I talk about in Advanced, PROFOUND, Isometric and Flexibility Training.

It wasn’t much, not a lot, maybe just a few cm more.

But that’s how it goes!

SLOW increments, slow and steady progress, which often times during and at the end of the workout, that PROGRESS is what you’ll remember, and what feels good.

CAN you identify?

Let me know!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Let me KNOW!
- FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Guys (and gals, hehe) –

We’ve been noticing (especially since our last “Twitter only” offer) two things –

One, a HUGE influx of hits to the website(s) which we’re currently upgrading with new hardware so YOU can have a better experience while purchasing without slowdowns etc.

This is obviously good news – great news, to be honest.

And two, LOTS of you that weren’t able to access the site while it was down went to Amazon / Google and bought a LOT of products (not to mention Lulu – we’re on there too) there which is great too!

But remember, I’d love to REWARD all of you regular purchasers (those that do).

But you have to GET BACK TO ME in order for me to do so! COMMUNICATION is key, my friend…I can only reward you if I KNOW who you are!

We have so many products that you still want, and for those of you that have bought repeatedly in the past – PLEASE email me back with some reviews at [email protected] (or just hit reply to this email) – or email me anyway! – and I’ll be giving you a special discount off your next purchase, just to reward you for being a repeat purchaser, and a 0 Excuses Fitness “faithful” as it were.

Additionally, get back to me with MORE on what products YOU want to see next – I’ve got my own list, but I want to know what YOU think as that matters more.

Last, but not least, remember – get back to me, and let me know which product you want to get next – all cashapp / other “direct” orders will get a flat 25% discount if you get back to me via email (and if you’re a repeat purchaser).

We can’t do discount etc on Amazon, but we sure can on our own site(s)!

So thats that for now.

Let me know – get back to me!

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And DO leave some reviews – the more the better provided they’re honest, these reviews REALLY help my friend. Thank you!

More on disagreements, different opinions and so forth …
- Carrying on from the last one.

I’ve always been a massive believer in freedom of speech, having a different opinion – and the right to air that different opinion freely, so long as you dont shove it down the other person’s throat.

A lot, if not ALL of my customers – and those I consider friends – are the exact same way.

Now, in order to be friends, or to buy something from someone, you have to have some common ground and agree on some core things – true.

But it reminds me of what a lady (who a friend Dwayne later sarcastically called “Princess” and he was right) – a high powered lawyer from Shanghai once told me about “I can’t be friends with you”

Not that I added her “to be friends”, but Nazi feminist females are often slow on the uptake. Hehe.

We actually were in agreement on quite a few things until I brought CCP shennanigans up, and then it all went downhill from there.

“Sorry, I cant be friends with someone who disagrees with our government, this is just basic!”

(at the same time she was happy to roundly pillory Trump, vilify the American system, and so forth).

Trump isnt’ fit to be President, and many Americans told me this, she claimed.

Well – they probably did – in front of her.

Behind her what they said is a whole another story (and believe me, there’s tons of Chinese out there who admire Trump’s America first policy, as it should be).

I’ve actually DEBATED it in China in classes and such (women have thrown hissies and walked out, but a lot of men enjoyed debating it. Hehe).

But anyway – that sort of disagreement, and someone not wanting to be friends because of that aint what I am referring to.

To me, a true friend is one who support you – but also KICKS YOU IN THE CAN when needed.

Not because he gets some perverse joy out of doing so.

But because he or she truly has your best interests at heart.

Lots of my customers have left me some GREAT reviews on my books – all 100% true.

Remember, these are hardly people that haven’t done anything fitness wise in their lives prior to getting my products.

Some of these guys are  martial arts black belts and more – some are ex cops – some wrestlers – and MOST, if not all of my most “loyal” customers are people that could probably pick me up and run up a hill if they chose to. Hehe. Kinda like a tiger would, not internet tigers, real tigers. Hehe.

I made that comment, or something similar to my buddy from the Marines who exemplifies the word “battletank“. Hehe.

Just a solid, thick guy overall … naturally STRONG!

And he responded with  as he always does “you’re not a small specimen, Rahul!”

And he asked me to “stand toe to toe with him” which I did, and then “you’re as broad as me!” – which he was right, but not as strong likely, hehe.

Or whatever it is.

Maybe it’s that tendency I have to HIDE my strengths until REALLY required (I’m not huge on showing off on “how many pull-ups I can do” or “how strong my grip is” and so forth. Showboating hasn’t ever really been a thing for me)  . . .

. . . it shows, others can feel it – if its there, and thats all that matters and counts to me at least.

Now, back to REAL MEN, and REAL FEEDBACK?

These same customers have KICKED me in the RUMPUS – when required.

One once told me that he was getting sick of hearing about Schofield (in 2020, when I really did up more than a few emails themed on him).

Good point, Charles.

One I took on board instantly.

Another guy once told me I was looking PHAT – I repeat, PHAT in some of my videos, and “paler than him”  (he’s white, hehe). Now I dont know about the pale part, but I INSTANTLY put myself into a “neutral third party” (he wasn’t neutral in that he had my best interests at heart honestly) mindset – and looked – and note, he didnt say “obese”, or “massive paunch” because it wasn’t that bad – but once I put myself into an observer mindset, there was no doubt “the spread was starting around the midsection and it was visible around there and the chest area too”).

And so I took the feedback on board, and mentally gave myself another kick to the can (again, like I keep saying, squats are key, I wasn’t doing near as many of them as I should have been) – and then got to work rectifying what he pointed out (he was right).

(and now I’m called Twiggy and Skinny and what not. HEhe).

(which given I was called a 14 year old once by my wife … well, all during the course of a good workday, hehe)

But really, it isn’t about “getting offended” my friend.

its about FACTS.

And taking feedback on board – and working upon your flaws and getting better – that is what true winners do.

True leaders aren’t necessarily the biggest and toughest people out there.

It’s in the MIND.

The NEVER give up mindset.

The mind that recognizes genuine feedback when it sees it, the mind that KNOWS one ALWAYS has to improve, and that EVERYONE, I repeat, EVERYONE needs a kick up the RUMPUS at some stage – if just to get even better at what he or she does.

Truly, my friend, truly.

Agree or disagree, there it is …

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you run up hills, do it RIGHT – Advanced Hill Training teaches you how. Another course a lot of you want to get, I know…

The difference between “cancel culture” and “factual culture”
- I invented the latter. Heeh.

I think Rahul Mookerjee invented the latter term.

You know, that dude who … Hehe.

Anyway – this cancel culture nonsense seems to be big these days along with the “new age” crap and a lot of other steaming “baloney” (I’m being polite).

Apparently if someone disagrees with you – even politely – then they’re “canceled” for having a different opinion, youll be roundly trolled, ignored, called out in Whatsapp chat groups, and what not – simply for having a different opinion from the herd.


I think I’ve dealt with that my entire life – and enjoyed every minute of being “canceled”. The name calling, all that … Hehe. I love me a good tussle!

But anyway, to me, it isn’t about cancel culture.

It’s about FACTS based culture.

Look, here’s the bottom line.

If someone wants to come to me and say (lets say a guy like Glyn) “I want to spend my life living underfoot, lickin female butts and God knows what else, and being humiliated, being a maid or what not (he’s literally put comments on timesofindia.com pages saying “Some Brits would love to go to India to be household labor!”)” … and then that same person were to come to me and say “Hey, Rahul, join me!”

You know what I’d say?

I think you do.

But I wouldn’t tell HIM he was “wrong” or “dont do it” or what not.

I’d simply say it so long as you keep your gay or masochistic or whatever tendencies away from me Glyn, all good, I certainly wont care either way.

And if he actually said it in a sane and sensible manner I’d probably guide him in terms of finding those with the right mindset to do it with as well. (i.e. similar mindset as him).

I would not however “cancel” him or even attempt to.

To each his own.

However –

If someone were to come me and say “The Sun Rises in the West” – or something like “I could sprout wings and fly off the top of a building if I wanted to” (people actually tried that back in the day!) … or something equally asinine, then I’d simply tell the person “dude, facts are facts”.

That ain’t canceling anyone.

That is being FACTUAL.

Fitness wise?

Same thing, if you’re PHAT, your PHAT.

If you rant when you read emails about handstand pushups saying “you just say just do it, that doesnt help, make it EZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!” – well, then you’re ignoring the core fact ie. your fat (which is why you cannot do ’em right, which is exactly why you’re reading what I have to say on it in the first place) …

Strength wise, same thing.

If you’re strong, you’re strong … but STRONG doesnt mean fit by itself.

And some of the boobybuilders you see all around you are prime examples of this, I’ve even pointed out a REAL life example and there are MANY, pally, MANY – on the Shoulders like BOULDERS! page.

Fit is different, my friend, we all know what real fitness is, even those that claim to ignore facts and claim “we have a different definition of fitness”.

Calling these people out isn’t cancel culture, its called “being logical and RATIONAL” culture.

Simple as that.

And why did I feel the need to bring this up, well, simple my friend – a lot of people confuse the two.

they’re different, as seperate as light and night – or day and night, whichever.

I’m out.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the no nonsense award winning BEST damn fitness system out there – the 0 Excuses Fitness System – NOW!

PS#2 – We had a “special” going on yesterday – ONLY yesterday for my Twitter followers, some people took action. Good on you, pally (if you did) …

I got this this morning

“i tried, but I couldnt get the discount”.

Dude, because you were clearly told it ends Jul 31 EOD, to GET off your butt and do “now”, you didnt, and now you’re whining …

Guess what I did after that?



Why I’m such an asshole about blocking people.
- I get it. But ..

Over the past few years, I’ve done MANY things right – quite a few wrong – but learnt and then did them right again.

Oddly enough, what I keep forgetting to do periodically, what we ALL Forget periodically – is what has really brought us the greatest successes in the PAST.

And continues to now.

No, it isn’t about fitness, or life necessarily, or any certain action “staring you in the face”.

It’s about the stuff you forget, yet DO – and have DONE in the past that brought you BIG results without even trying.

The first is something spiritual I’ve often mentioned here. Most, including great customers often tell me “it goes over their head”.

Now thats fine. Hehe.

The second, of course, is what I’m writing to you.

Yours truly crabby and cantankerous is very ruthless about culling people from his life – or even admitting them into it (or into his dark room, hehe) – in the first place.

The email I sent out earlier is proof of this, but look – as I got this this morning on Freakbook –

LOL seriously dude, why did you block me, I don’t get it? I call a truce and was being a man about it.

Now, this dude is the same dude “Benny” that appeared in emails past – first he called me names, then he said what I did “wasnt the be all and end all of fitness” (I’m putting it politely) – before that he ranted up a storm about price and not being able to sell products (when in reality he does not have the skills nor the techniques to sell anything remotely high value) – then claimed “he wasn’t fat” when well, the results show otherwise, and so forth …

… after all that, after name calling and what not he then said “he made a mistake”, wanted a truce and so forth (this on Twitter, this after I did not reply to his initial message on Twitter).

I finally replied “lets be done with it”.

He mentioned something about “taking care of my beautiful daughter” – which I truly do appreciate – now THAT is something I can relate to (according to him “the only thing we have in common is we inspire people” – I believe he got that from one of my emails on “inspiring thousands” – and then copied that, hehe).

Anyway, we were done with it.

And then after talking to him I blocked him.

Note I did not block him “while” we were having the spat, it was when it was all said and done, so I thought (of course, I knew it wasn’t – these guys are OBSESSED with Rahul Mookerjee) that I took the final step.

Predictably, and I was discussing this with a customer “these guys are obsessed”.

They KEEP coming back.

Look at Bozo Schofield, he’s still creating new email addresses daily and trying to email me after all these years, as Dejon said “he’s truly obsessed with you”.

First off, dude clearly hasn’t noticed how much I dislike and try to stay OFF social media. Twitter, Freakbook, whatever it is, he’s clearly ignored that all throughout.


Second, although I use the term “LOL” – I dont overuse it, and you use it way too much. You didnt before, but you seem to have picked it up from me, and thats fine, but remember “a strength overused can often turn into a weakness”.

BLOCK.  (not to mention overuse of the term “bro”) (Marc the African Silverback Gorilla hates this too).

Third, dude, email is open. I’ve said this many times before, if you want to communicate with me, use email …

Fourth, look, we clearly have different views on fitness and life in general.

You’re of the mamsy pamsy “its OK to be fat” view and “fitness for phat phocks” philosophy.

And – let me bold this – THAT IS FINE!

Really, it is.

And dude’s probably a great guy in real life, I dont know …

But that ain’t me i.e. the philosophy.

Different philosophies in life, as Uncle Bob would say.

And as SOON as you remove people from your life that irritate you like he has, that whine and moan and claim to be a man when their actions show otherwise – well, the best thing to do (like with Bozo Schofield and a host of others) – is BLOCK!…

The minute you remove something you do NOT Want in your life – the minute – and this often happens IMMEDIATELY – I’ll repeat, IMMEDIATELY – something you DO want shows up in it’s place.

It happened last night too as I blocked this dude – and a bunch of others on another Twitter account (freebie seekers looking for “free talk and advice” basically). I wont tell you what exactly, but it left me spell bound, flabbergasted and bowled over for words. And remember, Rahul Mookerjee being at a loss for words don’t happen too often, but it did last night, that was just … those guys are great!

Like dude, you want free advice, sign up for the list (not aimed at Benny this by the way).

I mean, everyone wants it, but precious few want to pay for it.

I’d rather focus on the latter, and last night I was reminded yet again why this is the RIGHT way to go. Not to mention, I was thinking this guy would throw a hissy instantly, and he did.

Like dude, if you really dont care to see what I’m doing – or writing – or saying – then just forget about me?

But he can’t. I forgot about him basically, but he couldn’t. Hehe.

Truth is, he WANTS what I have. He’s just too cheap to pony up, well, as my buddy from the Marines says, “thats too bad!”

(and again, like I said a lot of these people aren’t “bad” people . No. They just arent those I want to associate with. Like a wise man once said, you whether you like it or not, will pick up traits from those who you associate with the most).

(and therefore my dark cave, yet another reason. hehe).

Last, but not least, and I’m sure I’ll think of more, these guys just want to “talk” but they DO exactly F all.

And they IGNORE – I repeat, IGNORE – everything in the conversation that doesnt please their little weetle ears.

I’ve gone on record talking about my own phat phocker days so often that it could be a stuck record.

yet, phat phockers reading this will ignore this , and instead of LEARNING from me in terms of how to REDUCE that massive gut – or flab – or bulk, whatever you call it – you’ll want to constantly whine and moan about “different perceptions of fitness” and “fitness is what makes you feel good, not “real fitness””.

which is fine, to each his or her own, but that ain’t my type.

To me that sort of person is a loser with a capital “el grando” L. (I dont want that sort in my life either).


Anyway, here is what a great customer had to say about all this …

(I’m not going to name him as I dont want him to be drawn into it all)


What I can’t get my head around is what do these people see when they look in the mirror, clearly there is massive cognitive dissidence going on, they’re obviously not seeing what the rest of the world sees.

I’ve known/know many fat people, indeed my mother and all but one of my sisters have struggled with their weight there entire adult life and not one of these would tell you that they’re happy with their condition.

Not only is it a health issue as they age but the mere fact that they struggle to get clothes that not only look good but also fit them straight off the peg is always upsetting for them.

I honestly believe that anyone who says that it’s okay to overweight, fat or obese (take your pick) and they’re happy to live like that truly have some kind of mental issue.

I’ve witnessed first hand more times than I can count the pain and the tears that this situation brings and anyone who says that they’re “happy” is either lying or just not functioning cognitively.

People who make excuses for fat people and who say fat shaming is “bad” are hindering these people not helping them, don’t get me wrong I’m not saying you should be deliberately hurtful or spiteful but you should encourage them to take a good long hard look at themselves in the hope they finally can see what the rest of us sees.

Anyway, back to Benny The Bulk, he’s one of those guys who believe their considerable mass is a suit of armour that they can hide behind, I believe the term is “the little boys in their gorilla suits” indeed he’s obviously been doing some “chest beating” in the vain hope that he can intimidate you, yeah right how’s that going for you Benny??? Oh, that’s right you pissed your pants and called for a truce, my god what a real man.

Indeed, my brother.

And then this –

Give me strength!!! Where do these people come from???

Fat people are fat end of story, you can try to kid yourself it doesn’t matter and it’s what’s inside that really counts, yeah right and there are fairies at the bottom of my garden, also Santa Claus is real and your government has got your best interests at heart, nobody with any kind of sense actually believes any of that crap.

How can anyone believe that being fat is acceptable if you want to be taken seriously with regard to health and fitness???

People these days are just weak and use any excuse to justify their weakness, even to the point of trying to convince anyone stupid enough to listen that their weakness is actually a strength in this “new age” where people’s feelings are all that matter and you can’t hurt anyone’s feeling’s that is a crime.

Did you know that the British Police have been told to stop investigating so called “online insults” and focus on actual criminals committing real crimes.

It seems that you can call someone “hurtful names” online and then get a knock on your door from the police to “investigate the hate crime” that’s how bad things have gotten over here, everyone is so touchy these days that the least little thing is a massive problem for them.

I am disgusted at the total lack of backbone in today’s society, where and how did it fall apart??? What an earth happened to the Dunkirk spirit of our Grandparents, I just don’t understand any of it.


Before all that, he gave me a few choice words, hehe. John, dude, I love you, true BROTHER!! (albeit from a different mother, hehe)


What the hell is all this about???

Why are you wasting your time responding to an obvious “snowflake” we’ve all got our own personal cross to bear, winging and whining about it to all and sundry online just underlines how pathetically weak this guy is.

I don’t know the background to all this (nor do I care to) but anyone who claims to be a real man does not take pot-shots at their adversary online, these kinds of “virtual battles” edify no one, just let this bullshit go over your head there is no glory in defeating “internet tigers” anyone who knows you does not require you to explain anything, you don’t have to justify yourself to anyone, as the saying goes “the more you play with shit the worse it smells”.

Leave the dickheads have their day, no one who matters gives a shit what these clowns have to say or what they think, take care my friend.

Now THAT is a real man! Hehe.  (he did not put in the exclamation mark – I did – but that was the tone of the email, I loved it, hehe).

That “what the hell”, the ASS KICKING vibe I got – I loved it! Hehe. (and dude is 65, still going strong at an age when most give up or dont even start decades ago).

Anyway, I’ve explained my opinion on all this enough times, so I thought I’d tell y’all what a neutral third party thinks of all this as well. Gotta keep it fair, hehe.

Not to mention, what OTHERS are thinking – I’ll be sharing those comments here probably soon too.

But … thats why I’m an asshole about blocking people.

Because thats life, it works.

Because I’d rather have the four shiny quarters and not the 100 pennies.

Because I cannot stand people that whine about price despite wanting the product and knowing fully well it’s worth every damn penny.

Because I cannot stand Two minute Tik Tok Fitness, or people that claim they’re “big and strong” but in reality FAT – Charles the former friend is a perfect example of this sort of whining (and with him of course I would not even have brought him up a couple of years ago if he hadn’t ranted about my posts on doing handstand pushups and “making it easy”).

Like dude, if you wanna cry, go find a fuckin ‘kerchief, I ain’t here for that purpose.

Anyway, to end all this…

Remove that which you do NOT want in your life – watch the positive replace it so fast that youll be bowled over.

Precious few people will listen to this bit of advice, or they will “secretly” read it and then do nothing.

Which is fine, your life, your choice. . .

But thats my take on it.

It applies to contacts, customers (YES, I’ve blocked customers in the past too, and have STOPPED them from buying from me again. Thats right, I’ve DISALLOWED purchases from people!) – past girlfriends, current women that play games (though it’s cute to a point) – and pretty much all I dont want in my life.


Bloody minded CUSSEDNESS.

And thats it, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Last year, I put out two of my greatest and best shoulder builder courses into compilation format here. Check it out NOW.

PS #2 – I wrote this on another site – but I’ll say it again.

If you, like this dude, feel to point out to the other person “that I did this like a man” or “I’m a real man” – accompanied by mindless and unnecessary pictures of “preening and posing”, then you’re probably the polar opposite in real life.

(again, dont get me wrong, if you WANT to do that, by all means do it)

I mean, just sayin, that sort of thing doesnt need to be said. It shines through . . . if it’s there in the first place!

Some idiot got back to me on the other business about “I’m manlier than you!”  (when he was anything but).

I think I wrote about that as well.

(he got blocked too).

Really, if some guy feels the need to say that … Ugh. This constant “validation” people seem to need, especially these days, the “butt hurt” syndrome.

Anyway, enough, this has gone on for long enough already, although I doubt it will be the last we hear of dude.

PPS – All this talk of “real man” – pick up real man fitness right HERE – The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Why I often give out discounts, but never tom tom them.
- For DOERS only.

Lots of people whine and moan about price, price, price.

And there is a reason why my products are priced high, and why they will continue to be – and why they ALWAYS WERE priced high.

It’s interesting isnt it, things are getting more and more expensive across the board NOW in terms of “inflation” (I use quotes because it all starts in the mind of man to be honest) – yet people forget the fact that yours truly’s prices haven’t really gone up – or down – that much.

Thats what you call REAL value and real marketing i.e. my prices dont go up “just because some idiot decided it was time to ring the inflation bugle”.

And given people are more than willing to spend – or throw away – hundreds of dollars on “nights out at bars” and other crap that doesnt really do much for them either life or fitness wise, I see no reason why premium fitness products that are unlike any other out there, that get you in the best damn shape of your life and have SO Many more benefits other than just fitness shouldn’t be priced highly?

Maybe some people do.

The idiots do, you mean. Hehe.

Anyway, that in a nutshell is why my products are priced highly, we’ve been over this “in detail before” of course.

But what I’ve said before, albeit in not that much detail?

Every doer that has got a product from here knows that IF REQUIRED – if the person has a genuine reason, I’ll be more than glad to do up a custom discount for the person – and have plenty of times in the past.

If you’re “retired”, on a fixed income (whether that means investments or pension or what not), if there is a genuine problem, then come and TALK TO ME.

My customer service isn’t like the crap “copy and paste” customer service out there.

If you have a genuine problem (NO, saying “I need to pay Netflix bills” doesnt count as a genuine problem my friend) – then it’ll “show”.

People understand if you have a GENUINE problem as opposed to just piss, moan and whine and groan.

The point gets across, especially when a doer mentions it.

Now, why dont I tom tom this on the site “To make more sales”?

Same reason I dont price the products low.

I’d rather only the most serious people – those really into fitness and life for the long haul – even consider getting my products.

I’ve always been huge on the “four quarters as opposed to a 100 pennies” principle – lots of people have called me out on it.

So be it, but thats me.

If you’re running Amazon, perhaps the “pennies” count. Hehe.

But I’m not running Amazon, and these days, with “the penny pinching going on” and the shoe starting to pinch as well (and the pain has just started my friend, I’ve been saying this for years) – I haven’t just doubled down on this philosophy.

I’ve TRIPLED down on it.

It works.

Its what makes it worth it.

I’d rather my books get into the hands of real doers, and it’s also a test i.e. if you’re really interested in the books, can’t get ’em for whatever reason, then do you have it in you to hit reply and give me a good reason I should work with you?

Believe me, these products aren’t priced high for all the benefits packed into them.

You know that, of course, or you wouldn’t be here reading this!

But giving me that good reason isnt that hard, its called being honest, its called not whining, its called having some common sense which ain’t that common these days…

Anyway, enough of this.

To pick up the very best out there in terms of fitness, indeed, this should be the BASELINE for any serious fitness trainee no matter what their current level – pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Once upon a time there was the “rewards” page… Hehe.

(worry not, that will be updated soon too, but YOU guys have to get back and tell me what offers YOU would like to see up there, and it will be DONE)

Going the extra mile and then some.
- Thank you Paula - and all of YOU!

Truly gladdens the “cockles of my heart”, as a certain great PG Wodehouse would say, when it comes to comedy – slapstick humor and ole school British comedy, he does it the best, better than anyone else could, true LEGEND – respect!!!!!!!!

I’ve said this before, of course.

But this email is not about comedy. It’s about a topic which is the polar opposite in many regards – an “adult” oriented topic at that. Hehe.

And some of the “going the extra mile” my readers – and people that work for me do – well truly – and this without complaining, whining, moaning and so forth – there is truly a lesson to be learnt for the average Joe or Jane from all of this!

Lets take Paula, a reader – and then a translator for some of my books (erotica themed).

Ive mentioned her here before, of course..

But today she got back to me with another review  of a book I wrote – another adult themed book, and one in which “chastity” i.e males (or females, for that matter) remaining celibate plays a part.

The hows and why’s aren’t important here.

Neither does it have any bearing to my own tendency to remain “celibate” for  long periods, the book deals with involuntary chastity in that “the guy gets off on forced to be chaste” (even though it’s an agreement made in the bedroom, as it were).

Domination, submission, the MENTAL game as it were…

And in the long and accurate review she did up for the book, she actually went out of her way to put in a review about some of the devices these guys “get off” on wearing.

Again, specifics NOT important.

But when I first read the review, I was like damn, Paula, I dont think you wore that yourself – therefore the review must be from SOMEONE?

I thought she perhaps got it off the company site, but upon asking – no – she specially sought out and interviewed a guy “just for me” – the sake of the review!

Might not seem like a big deal eh?

But bear in mind, in today’s world where people are trying to get by with the BARE minimum of effort extended, a lot of my readers, and then translators are doing the OPPOSITE – often and most of the time for the “long game” and even no immediate pay (more on that later).

Think about it.

She sought out a guy just for the purpose of a REVIEW, and to make the review more meaningful to future readers – shows the level of utter and sheer dedication she has to her WORK – much like Daniela, another reader and translator who my “recommendation” helped find a job as it were – good on her!

She went to the extent of emailing me every time she had a doubt about a native English phrase such as “tugga”, hehe – no, not the sort of Tugga Ice Man Steve Waugh (old time aussie cricketer) was called or why, hehe.

But again, dedication.

Dani wasn’t being paid at the time for what she was doing, she LOVED doing it, and in her own words “she learned a lot from the books”.

And anyone that has translated KNOWS that its not exactly the easiest to maintain the original meaning of the text while translating into another language.

Not just women either in case you’re wondering, I’ve had male readers exactly the same.

As dedicated, super so – like what I Said about hardship in the last email cutting across race, nationality, culture, nations etc – same thing for dedication to your work and more importantly true and real interest in it that just cannot be faked, period.

Bear in mind, neither one of these two girls nor any of the other guys I have not mentioned as yet “had to” go the extra mile, they could simply “do their job and be done with it” and I would not complain.

Yet, they didn’t.

They went the extra mile when they did NOT have to.

A key ingredient for their future success too, and it means the world to me personally when someone does that for me in terms of work they’re doing for me!!

Same thing holds true for your fitness, friend.

ARE you willing to go the extra mile – wake up when no-one else does and GET her done regardless?

ARE you willing to give your last rep its all – and then some? And then do another in perfect form?

ARE you willing to cut past the BS and make sure to get good – damn good – at ANY exercise you do?

ARE you willing to make sure that FORM is the most important thing you focus on during your workouts?

Just a few sample questions these, you could apply these to life as well.

When I have the idea to write to you, I dont care if it’s 2 AM – if it can be done then, I do it right there and then. As Napoleon Hill correctly notes in Think and Grow Rich, failure to do so i.e. act promptly upon an idea (which is usually given to other minds as well) may well be FATAL to your success.

Anyway, just thought I’d let you know.

All is not lost, even in this mamsy pamsy “feel good in a fake manner” world we live in today.

And thats that.

BAck soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – 0 Excuses Fitness should be and IS the baseline for any serious fitness system. IF you haven’t got it despite all my emails on it, get it NOW.

And do up an honest review too once you get on it!