It takes less than 15 minutes when you begin – or are at EXPERT status, friend. Like 15-14 . . .
- It ain't HOW much you do ... its....

It ain’t how much you do, my friend – not necessarily.

It’s about working SMARTER – not necessarily harder, although sometimes both are one and the same thing.

As the world goes to hell, and as people just act STRANGE – I mean, really, if you’re doing business with someone (I am) – and the dude promises something for months, then neither does it – nor says “yes or no” when you ask him, doesn’t block you after taking your $$ (so he’s not a scammer) – does – precisely – like Bozo Schofield “F ALL” – then just what the hezey, my friend.

I’m at a loss to understand why a business would refuse someone’s money – or why someone would promise multiple things repeatedly, then do “F all”.

As I asked a certain guy today.

“You may be in the business of frustrating clients, but that girlishness aside, how much DOUGH does it mint you?”

The way people act BOGGLES the mind – especially these days.

“No reply to anything”.


I mean, wtf my friend. 

Same thing here for this list, I send out stuff daily, people read, love it, but won’t respond to offers, even those that … ah, but let me get back to my original point.

It’s about how much you can do – in a certain TIMEFRAME.

Believe me, and perhaps Advanced Hill Training (which can be done at home, anywhere) is the best example of this – in 0 Excuses Fitness I tell you that 15 minutes is all the super fit need even for a butt spanking, sweat pouring workout to get them in even better shape.

’tis true, bro.

But did you KNOW my friend – that we go one step further here – where NO other fitness guru has gone.

what if I told you that – lets assume you’re either at ACE status (you never really are, I myself keep learning with every workout, the little things!) – or DUD status (which many are) … 15-14 – or even less – is all you need?

To burn fat like never before?

I ain’t even talking sets of sprints here – it can be applied to anything.

When you’re fat and out of shape, my friend, what you really more than anything else is to KICK – WHACK – WALLOP – your ass into HIGH GEAR. 

Like, 0-60 or the fatso Glyn equivalent, whatever it is, that heart needs to BEAT – and quick!

And your breaths should be RAGGED very shortly – and that massive stomach should be going in and out without you trying to.

If you’re in super shape, same thing.

THAT is what gets you in super shape!

For this sort of thing, you start and really need like 10-12 SECONDS tops of actual exercise.

The rest of it is LITERALLY – I repeat, literally – stopping to smell the roses if you so choose, or chat with girls, or what not, or just plain WALK around.

Or do isometrics, or what not.

Those rest periods are also when you’ll notice a real sweat form, start under your chest – or man boobs – trickle down your sides – and the sides of your spine – the waist – and so forth.

The sort of sweat that is a deep, deep sweat which makes you realize you’re getting a super workout!

When you start – you literally need to just START the furnace – get the body used to it.

Same thing for you advanced trainees.

You GO QUICKER – in LESSER TIME – same effect!

Your body, my friend, was NOT meant to run on treadmills for ages, or sit on your butt and push so called heavy weights – or do so on your back.

You were meant to train STANDING up.

And perhaps that is what is emphasized most in Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness – and all my other courses, nothing is done gym style on your booty.

Thats Glyn Schofield kinda romping.

Real men don’t do those things – or workouts.

Real men CRANK up the HEAT.

FEEL THE HEAT, as they said in Cobra – regardless of how cold it is outdoors, or not!

Well, my friend, thats it for this one.

I’ve told you the timeframe needed for a great workout – and that same timeframe, or less is all you need to get Advanced Hill Training – right NOW.

Can’t think of a better way either to beat the post stuffing blues either – and it certainly beats long ass lines with so called discounts for “Black Friday” or what not .  .  .

The rest of course, is up to you!

Be a real man, and take up my challenge!

It ain’t as hard as it sounds, believe me. Those rest periods are also when you will see you start to go FURTHER!


Rahul Mookerjee

- And do so SMARTLY.


The violent “insurrection” as it was called at the Capitol last year was something no-one wanted – no-one with half a brain, at least.

I didnt want it, regardless of my support for Trump (which continues till this day).

Yet …

As people have told me privately – ex men in blue – martial artists – anyone that has been on the street and actually DONE something with their lives, DONE SOMETHING OF NOTE other than being a WOKE NAZI FEMINIST WORSHIPPING LIBERAL! – the FEELING on the roads – till this date, can be best described as “anger”.

Sure, the elections being stolen was the external reason.

Those with half a brain know though that this is just the EXTERNAL REASON.

And if you’re a normal sane man (hint – the polar opposite of Glyn Bozo) that believes in men being men and providers, women fulfiling their own equally important biological roles as CARETAKERS – if you’re a guy that was born say between 1980 and 2000, or even later … (I dont know, Generation Z or whatever they call it, or Millineials)  – if you’r enot a Tom Tom content to work crap min wage jobs the rest of your life – you KNOW what I mean.

It ain’t even about inflation, it ain’t even about madness, the woke shit, the lunacy, the faggots, the sissies, or the men that think it’s ok to be a woman and women that want to be both men and women and both …

It isn’t even about any of that.

It’s about the underlying ANGER that a very substantial percentage of the population FEELS – on a daily basis – and this COVID madness has made it worse.

Fortunately, people are starting to wake up and smell the roses as we see from the worldwide protests everywhere on this.

And the anger people feel on a day to day basis – is starting to erupt.

Except, in most cases, people dont channel it right.

Look , if you want change, you have to start with yourself.

Part of that change means being willing to FIGHT – and DIE for your beliefs.

That might sound melo dramatic, but it really isn’t.

At the end of the day, nothing worthwhile was achieved without struggle, or a fight.

And the CORE “ingredient” is – again – your fitness.

If you’re flabby, out of shape, can barely throw a punch – or do a pushup – or hang from a chinning bar for any length of time, what chance do YOU think you have of surviving when it all goes to hell?

It ain’t about IF it will all go to hell.

It’s about WHEN it will.

And it’s about SURVIVAL, and SURVIVING whats to come in the future . . .

I dont know, if you’re still sitting there thinking price, well, I’ve got nothing more to say.

But for the smart ones, well, and those that haven’t, INVEST in your fitness now.

Trust me, you’ll need it down the line!

Start right here – 0 Excuses Fitness System.

And build from there.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And CHANNEL that RAGE – productively! That last word is KEY!

The elusive (or not) Rahul Mookerjee
- And a very happy Turkey Day to all of you!


I’m a highly elusive person for the most part.

If I dont want to be found, contacted, etc, then much like the pyscho in “Chainsaw Massacre” – you’ll have to go through hell and high water to even find me (if you can).

Online, offline, whichever it is, and even if you do find me, chances are it ain’t gonna be easy to get a hold to me.

Of course, ONCE I’ve got you in my sights … hehe


But it reminds me of an ole Steve Austin line which he often employed …

“Hell son, I ain’t a hard man to find!”

He wasnt – and neither am I, when I WANT to be found – or when I want to find YOU.

Which I do all the time, hehe.

And will continue to!

But anyway … on this here Happy ? Day – happy thanksgiving! (again)

As y’all BE filling your bellies with the “autumn harvest” or what not – or as y’all BE drinking up that scotch, hehe  – remember … one thing.

Certainly not ME.

But remember, all that eating and drinking has gotta go someplace, and the bellies creep up, my friend, much like advancing age.

It’s easy to LOSE your gains (much like money) – but it’s easy to pile on the “pounds” (or debt – much like money again).

So while today is definitely the day for cheer, eating, drinking etc – remember, as I keep spelling out in the Simple and Effective Diet, moderation is key – for everything.

almost everything, not really exercise though!

But even there, you gotta be SMART about it.

And to get rid of all the turkey necks, hangovers, double chins, protruding bellies, muffin tops (ugh) – bingo wings etc that will no doubt pile on during the Jolly season, well, My course Eat More – Weigh  Less is what you need to get NOW.

And that endeth this one.

Back soon – and happy thanksgiving again, you deserve it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, do your thanksgiving / Xmas shopping HERE. Pull out that credit card NOW, my friend – it’s SHOPPING time from the comfort of your home, scotch by your side, no crowds to deal with, no “non existent” deals, and more …

(dont you just hate it when people sell you what should be worth $200 for $1200, then claim it’s a deal because the original price was $1500)?

None of that here, our offers are as genuine as ever.

Jump on them NOW, they will NOT last forever though.

Do you want to get a shoutout from us?
- The latest rot . . .

Woke up to this today, damn near . . .

Hello 0excusesfitness,
We just wanted to get in touch with you because we did see your 
lovely images and we really think you are doing an extraordinary 
job. We would love to see more from you because we love your 
We would love to share some of your phenomenal photos on our 
account <chopped>. We do have more than 60000 followers 
right now, and we know they will love your images if they see 
them and many of them will also start following you. 
You will gain so many new followers if we can share some of your 
phenomenal images on our profile and your images will be seen by 
thousands of people. 
Let me know if we can share some of them on our Instagram feed?

Best Regards
Team Bozos

I dont think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what my answer was, or lack thereof . . .

Those of you on the list for ages know I could give a fig less about social media, numbers of followers and so forth.

I’d rather focus on the QUARTERS – four big quarters, then a hundred pennies to be honest, and  most of this rubbish on social media – while it’s true people have nothing better to do these days and getting more moronic by the day “addicted” – I want nothing to do with the vast majority of people, because they ain’t DOERS.

That ain’t even getting into the whole thing of when they deplatform you one fine day, the fees you pay all these companies to promote you on there, they deplatform you, you lose your subscribers, company finds another patsy, and you’re – well – you’re back where you started.

Nah, no thank you – very much.

But it does bring up an interesting question, my friend, one I’ve often asked – and precious few people have replied.

YOU the DOER – write back to me – send me a description of your current workout, what you do, a bit of “blurb” about you – and a picture too if possible – so I can put in on this site!

That DOERS section is ready – we just need a substantial amount of people to launch it.

And please – it ain’t even got nothing to do with money.

In fact, YOU get a $50 off your next purchase – or a flat $50 added to your site wallet, whichever you choose – for sending in your story.

I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again – get back to me – send in your story!

Whatever it is …

Now as far as images are concerned, Bozo is addicted to my images for one.

He’s obsessed with me, many people are . . .

I do that to folks!

But those “movie star like” looks – physically – came about when I was one – on my lonesome, which I’ve always been a lone wolf (Uncle was right, hehe) – but also on some solid fitness programs.

Believe it or not, the foundation for Animal Kingdom Workouts – and Advanced Hill Training was laid BEFORE the 0 Excuses Fitness System, although I hardly knew it.

And these courses, friend, are what YOU need to pick up right now to get started on the path to looking that way – physically.

You might not want to look like a movie star, or care less

(but lets be honest – all of us do!)

But the raw, brutal physicality – THAT is what I BE talking about.

We all care about that, friend. Period.

Whether we admit it or not.

The best Thanksgiving present you can give someone, where you can literally eat more – yet weigh less . . .

Get these courses now, my friend.

The best ever!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Those of you that have got, but not reviewed, step up to the PLATE my friend. There is still time!

(and you’re pardoned. Hehe. Just saw Biden do that a couple of days ago I wonder if the bird was laughing, hehe).

“Like dogs at each other’s THROATS”
- Hehe.

I dont know if I told y’all about an idiot “Chloe” (not Chloe Lee, hehe) – once – WAY back in the day when I was living in … Gawd, I can’t remember his name, ah.


Brian’s apartments, as we called ’em.

Tiny little studio apartments packed together like sardines, wooden floors, thats all I coul dafford to be honest.

And I was so happy!

College days!

“Thats all you need!” remarked a friend of mine Aaron when he came to visit.


I used a velvet cloth for a curtain. Taped together to the windows.

Hey, it worked, I didnt like blinds because I once had peeping Tom’s try and catch a glimpse of me – at home – and believe it or not, on the THRONE in a public university library.

The freaks out there, ugh.

Glyn Schofield certainly has company!

But Chloe bitched up a storm once about my girlfriend – stomping her feet in the shower or what not.

Apparently it was to “clean between her toes”.

Glyn, where were you. lol.

(I had no idea why she was doing it, so I asked).

And she complained up a STORM . . .

When Emily my girlfriend at the time spoke to Brain, she blew her top too.

So naturally, Rahul got pulled into the middle!

I took her side.


He was a wise dude!

And, taught me one thing – I was a shitty negotiator back then. Hehe.

“You’re not a very good negotiator“, he laughed at me on ce when I was trying to get my deposit back.

Girlfriend lived next door, got none back – I got MOST of it back, but he should have returned it ALL . ..

But anyway, beyond the usual about women . . .

“Rahul, listen to me”, he said, interrupting me.

“Thats like dogs living together in tiny kennels!”

Seeing how people are at each other throats regardless of the size of their silly houses these days – I cannot help but chortle.

Ole brian had it spot on.

Live and let live, anyone???

And of course, those that created the pandemic – so called – exploited this so well!

Anyway …

With all going on, people just dont get it, do they

You have lunatics running cars into people, you have nutjobs in power recommending masks or else – you’ve got the whole word panicked, frustrated and depressed.

Hitler would have a field day.

Maybe he is right now in Argentina. Hehe.

Try telling that to the Bozos and Tom Tommer’s though …

But he was right, people – thats a trait people dont have in general i.e live and let live.

And sometimes I think the chainsaw guys are the smart ones, do all they can to avoid people.

Of course, ONCE you’re in their sights, you’re gone.

Kinda like you on this list, there is NO escaping the fact I will push my offers DAILY – because guess what.

It’s good for you.

And unlike what (certain) mothers say – it truly IS GOOD FOR YOU!

The best, actually – and thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS -I remember a case in India where I was once sardonically referring to a maid (people in general in India tend to treat them as sub human? For me, just another person, I could never understand the “dont sit on our chairs”thing and squat on the floor. Heck, nothing against squatting on the floor, Id rather that than park my assimum in a chair all day … but you know, it’s insulting to treat people that way, but India, subcontinent, China to an extent, though NOT AS BAD! – what can I say!)

Anyway, she was a great ole lady.

And I was telling her as she as on her haunches sweeping (she asked your struly “chainsaw” if I was busy first, which I appreciated, I find the vast majority of maids insanely annoying and aggravating, I refuse to deal with them, especially the young ones, I’ve been that way since childhood with the fat tub of lard that was there as a maid growing up and mos tof th eothers, skinny,fit or not – but this one  was different!).

And I replied, no, me, look at me, in a dark room, sitting, “doing nothing”.

look at you, on the floor, sweeping, mopping.

“Madam, I’m just you know, the bum on the streets, y’all be the one that really, you know, work!”

And I dont know if it was me calling her Madam, and then Aunty …

Or, what it was …

But she giggled like no-one’s business, my ex heard it (well, my current SO actually) – and ..

Well rest of that tale later.

Kinda glad Glyn the maid wasn’t around then, hehe.

PS #2 – I learned from Brian’s experience, next time around, the cleaning guy when I vacated my apartment showed up FIRST.

“This is spotless!” he said, looking around, big ole black dude.

“Now you go to the management, they’ll give your deposit back, tell them (I forgot his name) said so!”

They had great service, serviceman, ole “good ole boy” was great too, would show up in a minute for a clogged toilet or what not!

But the owner was an ass, reedy beanpole, but he had no choice but to return the deposit.

Lessons we all learn, hehe.

I truly feel insulted.


It’s hard not to say this, and it’s hard to say it!

And nah – I dont “really” feel insulted. 

I know whats going on, BUT, and this is a Glyn Schofield like butt – a LOT of you have not gotten back on ANY of the emails I’ve sent as of late. 

Special offers, new products, pre-orders, nothing seems to “hit the spot” – except, here’s the thing. 

It DOES hit the spot. 

OPen rates (and y’all know what I think of stats, for one) have more than TRIPLED for these here emails I send. 

And so have click through rates etc. 

Yet, oddly enough, responses back – they have DECREASED – except from a very SELECT AND ELITE BUNCH OF DOERS. 

Now, before you give me the standard sop, friend … 

I know you’re in a bad mood, I know you’re “too busy” (except not really, hehe, you know how it goes) – I know like me a lot of you “just want to be left alone” (but even yours truly finds time to get back to what and who REALLY MATTERS) … 

… I know a lot of you – dont want to spend a single red cent right about now – but you do. Hehe. 

Lots of great DEALS, unlike Black Friday everywhere which you can already see, those great deals are a thing of the past – at 0 Excuses Fitness, nothing doing, business as usual – and those great offers and deals are KNOCKING AT YOUR DOORSTEP, almost! ?

But here’s the thang, friend. 

If you dont want to do even what doesnt cost one red cent, if you’re not getting back … 

If you say “I just want to read but not reply” – both you and me know thats a COP OUT. 

So yeah, I guess I do feel a bit insulted, but then again – I feel the opposite too, since I know how people have gotten these days, I know people are acting abnormally – I know people “have given up caring”. 

What can I say, eh. 

Except another call out to keep what matters in your life … 

And for those of you that have bought a lot of my products – but haven’t left a REVIEW in months – kindly step up to the plate and do so NOW. 

And that, my friend is all I’m asking … 

The rest of course, is up to you. 

(never one to provoke chainsaws) 

(nah, kidding, but you get my drift!?)



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I mean, think about it…

An old friend trying to get in touch, you never reply, wouldn’t YOU feel the same way?

I dont think I’m being unreasonable here, friend.

The one trait I highly admire in the pyscho in “Chainsaw Massacre”
- I really do. Hehe.

…. is this.

This guy is a lunatic – and has the body of a massive guy working on a farm all his life – and on cars (those forearms!) (I still remember Bruce back in the day, skinny as heck, yet a strong, strong grip … from working on cars all day back in the day – that will DO IT!) …. and the mind of a 8 year old …

Anyway, another short flashback first about how the grip – and punch – is usually the LAST to go on a man – if you’ve trained hard and heavy your whole life!

There was a time in … I believe somewhere in 2013, where I wasn’t quite “phat phock”, but certainly not a lean and mean fighting machine either, a guy that saw me when I was, and then when I wasn’t – he said the following.

“Rahul what happened!” 

Now, I wasn’t fat then – no way.

But I “looked different”, as my buddy from the Marines said. “Thats just how it is”, he said. “You ain’t fat!” but you look different. 

And THIS guy … well, he said the following too.

“You have a core of steel, a VERY STRONG CORE – but now, what happened!”

And then  I remember him saying th efollowing –

“I’m sure you’re still super fit though”.

(which I was doing pull-ups etc, so … pull-ups, with any extra weight around the midsection, you just can’t do ’em, period).

“And your grip, super strong still!”

He was basically referring to the “bulky” look, not so much “fat”.

But anyway – back to Mr Chainsaw the Loon –

So he’s a pyschotic killer that apparently wears masks he fashions out of the faces of his victims – something that these serial killer movies – all the serial killers seem to do, and it comes off (to me, at least) as I’ve said before – downright comical.

Maybe the comic factor and the grisly stuff in there is what makes the nuttiness stand out from all the other horror – laughable to me – movies I’ve watched.

Except the Exorcist, the original one, NONE scared me.

But anyway, this dude – unlike the killers in the other movies?

He doesn’t search for victims.

In fact, he does all he can to AVOID THEM!

You’ll see, that huge house seems empty – you clang the doorbell like 15 times, no-one opens, then you step into the house “hello, is anyone there!” (which you should NOT DO, hehe – even if the house doesn’t have nutjobs – sometimes, people like me dont like to be disturbed and as my Dad once told me “badgered”) (we’re badgering him, he told my Mom – which he was right, they were!) ….

… It’s only when you really push, really, really attempt to enter the basement, and even then, the heavy metal door – that would deter most folks – that out comes the nutjob, with chainsaw in hand.

And once you’re in his sights, of course, he don’t let go!

But like the character in the movie, I do all I can to avoid idiots and morons.

And right until this day, I don’t chase customers – or people in general.

I let THEM come to me.

How I attract is of course – well, I’ve spoken about all that before.

But the top part, it boils down to this, and yet another reason I love Texas.

“My life, my property, now dont BADGER ME!”

I’ve always loved to be left alone …

And there it standeth, friend.

Thats why I never answer phones for one, and do everything on email. Most people hate that about me, but that is how it will be no matter what.

I’ve found the phone is an excuse to badger people – there are very few things (ah, that drill started up outdoors, hehe) that cannot be said on email that can be on the phone, and it’s always best in writing.

On the phone, it turns into a hollering contest.

(just look at the 2020 Presidential Debate for one, hehe – the first and the second!)

Anyway ……………………….

What can I say, my “nikkas”.

We got some great, great offers going on for YOU as the clock ticks down to Thanksgiving.

Some of you still have not stepped up to the “plate” – why is that, my friend?

Grab your special offers before they run out, because come the end of the month, they all will.

And the one course I’d recommend for you most if you want that “farm boy” look is as beneath –

Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Wait, that one is not yet out – pre-order.

after you place the pre-order, buy THIS book to achieve the said results above – Animal Kingdom Workouts.

The “they touch my stomach!!!” rant – and why I’m actually in agreement with it.
- Some things, just plain RUDE.

Some things, just plain RUDE and disrespectful, my friend.

Not to mention some of the stuff people pull in places like China and India for one would likely get you shot in other places.

Remember Glyn Bozo for one ending up in the emergency room last year (before the infamous “shoved bleach up his arse to get rid of COVID” episode)?

Lips busted, nose busted, a nasty gash on his cranium, or what passes for it . . .

As Charles said, “someone probably got tired of his BS“.

Charles was more right than he knew – and than I let on. HEhe.

“Did you say you have pictures of Glyn doing drugs”?

Pictures? I’ve got full CCTV …

But anyway (and curiously enough, Bozo was so high he himself sent me the pictures, apparently using Mom’s credit card to snort was “something to post on social media”??) … Chuck once went off about “these rude Chinese!”

And how for one they’d all make comments about how fat he was, “can he get it up in bed” (not due to any other issue other than being fat) – “what position they use” (literally!) – they’d all also pet his tummy like some sort of exotic animal while poor Chuck stewed. 

“They keep coming up to me and poking me (or maybe he said touching) my tummy!”

Glyn, of course, took all of this (now Glyn, there’s someone who is even fatter!) – as some sort of inane compliment.

Unfortunately back in the UK he grabbed one ass too many, and one of the lads (rightly so) let him have it, and there was Bozo in the emergency room, pestering Chuck about “I want to be friends with Rahul, I’m so sorry!” for what I did – typical “scorpion” like stuff I saw right through …

But really, I don’t agree with Chuck on the flab, and pull-ups being useless or whatever he said they were, most certainly NOT on his political views regarding covid and China for one – but this?

Fuck yeah I agree bro.

That is just plain RUDE, taking liberties like that with strangers!

Walking up to someone you dont know from Adam (or Eve) and touching tummies and such – liable to get you punched in the nose, and thats just the beginning of it.

I’ve had it happen in the past too, BOTH when I was a phat phock and when I was slim – but mostly for me, oddly enough, its always been the chest they poke and feel as if I was Russell Crowe in the Gladiator with them feeling his rump muscles and such (literally treating the slaves like animals – and despite what Glyn reading this might think, it ain’t THAT I mean).

I’ve even had someone from the literal “third gender” poke me in the chest, this was 2011 in India so he – or she – got away with it, apparently you can’t say anything because they dress female or some nonsense.

I HATE that sort of touchy feely crap, that “touch BS” from people I dont even know, they have no business doing that.

Ditto for taking pictures when told not to – I’ve been known to snatch – or grab on to phones and not let go until my photo was deleted (the stock “we delete already” in China does NOT mean they’ve done so).

(that last bit got me into many a tussle, but so be it. To me, my personal space is SACROSANCT).

Unfortunately this sorta thing is way too common in China, and really – as far as their stupid questions about “what positions they used” – I wouldn’t be surprised if Glyn had given them one of his sissy worship courses (such as the one I referred to in the last email, which he bought, then had guilt trips over or what not) or what not.

The Chinese are more than happy to get their fix of free English, no matter which way they get it.

Despite their claims to the contrary …

And what positions, really, his girlfriend isn’t that skinny either. I remember being WAY slimmer than her (I know, sounds strange!) – when we all met …

Next to Chuck, maybe she seems “a bit slimmer”, but really, for me, looking at them, nothing so out of the ordinary, but then again, what do I know. Hehe. I’ve been in places “dawnnnnn South” where they make them BIGGGGGG for one!


But it’s just plain rude, unfortunately treating foreign devils like oddities out of some crazy museum is way more common than you’d think.

Of course, slobbering faggots like Glyn with his “Mr Wang” (he picked that up from this site i.e. when I Refer to it as “wang doodle”) fetish … they dont make it any better for the very tiny sane minority out there like yours truly (in China).

And that, my friend is that.

Respect – always paramount!

Be sure and pick up the pre-orders, really BLAZING at this point – for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness.

Be sure also to read the last email I sent, and BE SURE TO LEAVE REVIEWS, PLEASE!

Please don’t ignore this.

Please LEAVE REVIEWS, and genuine ones!


Rahul Mookerjee

Mungo Bozo’s reviews on Gorilla Grip, and a few other of my books.
- this made me cackle!

There must be something to the day, hehe.

September 21, 2020 was when the Bozo posted his inane, insane reviews (or lack thereof) which I promptly just had to share with the list!

Before that, if y’all remember, there was THIS.

The infamous “experience is worth more than pound of ham” post, hehe.

Then, of course, the even more infamous case of the Bozo in one of his avatars doing, for a chance, well, what is real ie. complaining “he couldn’t get it up” -which Glyn can’t anyway, but asses and male “equipment” and hockey fields for some reason – well, if he’s nose deep in those, he’s always happy!

Y’all know about Glyn, but of course, but here is another refresher on what I BE referring to, hehe.   (that one refers to his micro you know what, hehe).

ANyway …. a year or so on, on October 21, 2021, no less – geez, I can’t see how I missed THIS ONE!

Bozo, you gave me another golden marketing opportunity on a platter. Hehe.

Except, much like last year, I took like two months to get to it last year, this time, it took me … well, over a month. Or exactly a month!


Now, let me present to you the review Bozo most recently left on Gorilla Grip (which while he was rummaging around in Nanjing China he claimed he was using it to “build his grip on his wang” or what not – that was a facebook comment he left, if you can believe that!) … And a few other books.

The reviews were all copied and pasted, clearly Bozo this time didnt even take the time to write out new trash for each book.

But I first saw it for Gorilla Grip.

Here goes –

Truly a life changing book. I was an out of work and out of shape middle manager with not much to provide to my family or society. After reading this book I changed my life dramatically from a middle manager that could barely speak up to my supervisors to an actual STUD! I don’t take crap from anyone. Thanks to the lessons I received in this book.

But fitness was only the tip of the iceberg for me!!

After contacting the author he turned me onto an entire new way of life with his other books on erotica. I never knew what a femdom could be or how I could truly unleash my powers not only in the physical arena but in the sexual one as well. Rahul mookerjee truly turned me into the man or woman I was meant to be. You have to read “Coo* worship for sissies and fagg**s if you wanna really change your fitness and your life! Thanks mike!

Now, for reference again –

Bozo Schofield apparently paid someone to be “outed” on a certain website.

And I know the guy, I’ve helped him a lot with his marketing.

Heck, the book above that he wrote – I basically told him just to write about what Glyn would like. Hehe.

And he did!

And funnily enough, Bozo BOUGHT the book – and then trolled it, and then now, apparently hes having “guilt trips about being gay” or some rot, and then this.

Though he must be really confused, he’s calling me MIke which they do in China yes, but the foreigners all call me by my real name – Rahul!

Anyway, to say I started guffawing – that would be an understatement. The perfect end to a solid day of exercise I’m sure, more marketing “fodder”!

Now, the first half of this review actually makes sense, so I dont even know if Bozo wrote it ..

Truly a life changing book. I was an out of work and out of shape middle manager with not much to provide to my family or society. After reading this book I changed my life dramatically from a middle manager that could barely speak up to my supervisors to an actual STUD! I don’t take crap from anyone. Thanks to the lessons I received in this book. But fitness was only the tip of the iceberg for me.

This makes sense, perfect sense. The exercises do do that!

Unfortunately, Bozo or “Mungo” (apparently Schofield with his bald pate has for some reason taken to the rock guy “Mungo Jerry”, hehe) as he calls himself lost it after that.

After contacting the author he turned me onto an entire new way of life with his other books on erotica. I never knew what a femdom could be or how I could truly unleash my powers not only in the physical arena but in the sexual one as well.

Well, just ask Glyn bro. Or, Google Glyn and Josie, and his inane rants to Ada and other girls, and you’ll get the picture of what “femdom” looks like, but isn’t quite either fantasy (a common fantasy for many guys) – or reality – it’s some wierd Bozo like behavior where he basically wants the girl to dance to his tunes in the garb of some crazy sexual fetish (kinda like the “Chainsaw dude aka Leatherface” – he dresses up as a woman, as so many of these pyschos like Glyn do – replete with a room full of female dresses and makeup, the former made from human skin – in his “House of Horrors” in the basement!) …

Ah but wait.

I said ask Glyn, but it IS glyn.

Can get confusing this Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde thang, hehe.

Basically then, it’s guys getting off to women’s orders and such, sending them money and such, except the real deal is between equals, and its like an orchestrated play – with agreed upon limits and you let your imagination run rampant. Thats what it is, bro.

If you want real life (as well as how to profit and benefit from the same in real life)  well, go HERE

Now, I dont know what conversation he had with the author or “Mike!”

And I certainly dont know – I promise! – about “turning him into the woman he was meant to be”.

Maybe he was.

I know Glyn wasn’t meant to be either a man or woman, he is meant to be what he is, some sort of Bozo like pyscho “in between”. Hehe.

or how I could truly unleash my powers not only in the physical arena but in the sexual one as well.

Well, apparently he’s happy “worshipping wang doodles” now … so all’s well in the world, eh? Apparently “c***” makes him or her feel like she has the POWER! So hey, who am I to do much except cackle. Hehe.

These reviews make me laugh not so much because of the insanity (i’ve seen so much of it) – but the sheer lunacy i.e. there is NO mention made of anything in the book, just some inane garbage made up by some nutjob with an axe to grind (that apparently the grindstone gets progressively blunter every time he does it). Hehe.

The other books he left this same “cut and paste” job on –

Animal Kingdom Workouts

Gorilla Grip (Advanced!)

Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!

Fast and Furious Fitness

Pull-ups – the Faq!

Gumption Galore!

Corrugated Core! 

10 commandments of Successful Sales … 

… and actually, he’s left it on MANY other books, pretty much all of ’em.

(all 30 odd of them, I think he missed a couple, he must have gotten tired of copying pasting the Bozo, after all, can’t be convenient when his dominant hand is always stuck applying makeup or on flagpoles if you get my drift… )

(i know I got tired of copying the list out, but Google it – you should find it (until it gets removed for spam that is, but I kinda hope it doesnt. Hehe. Amazon has wisened up to the Bozo though, so who knows, maybe these guys too).

This, my friend, is why I keep asking GENUINE buyers to leave reviews, I keep saying it, but the genuine buyers lie low and do the thing, which I get, but hey – guys – if you buy a book – leave a review!

I’ve given you all the incentives I can to do so …

And anyway, thats your laugh for the day – or the night!

Get some of the books above, even the trolls say its life changing – it truly must be, eh.



Rahul Mookerjee

My “butt hurting” “Hercules RACE READY workout today!
- Indeed, hehe.

In one of PG Wodehouse’s classics, I can’t for the life of me remember which one, the great Jeeves “cons” ole Wooster into riding for miles – from one English country village to the other in pitch darkness – with pigs and chickens running amok everywhere … and no lights, and thinking …

“What a frightful stinker I might come if I hit one of those!”

Old school classical “English English” if you get my drift, nothing like it, hehe and the way Wodehouse does a play on words, there is no-one, I repeat, no-one that comes even close when it comes to comedy!

Basically the story was one where Bertie Wooster was supposed to imitate a robber in the dead of night, the occupants of the mansion all showed up to see who there was, and before they knew it they were locked outside – or so they thought. Hehe.

Bertie was the one who was “pushed” to ride an hour or so to the next village, another one back.


Except you should have seen how purple he turned when he learned the key was there all along, and it was merely a ruse to get the occupants off each other’s throats by focusing on a common “enemy” (joker) – Bertie. hehe.

Nothing quite unites as a common hatred, your enemy’s enemy is my friend and what not.

And I remember how Wodehouse described Bertie, google eyed on the bike, hoping he wouldn’t run into lampposts or what not, and having an “ache” in the billowy regions if you get my drift, his “seat” not being used to riding for a while …

Well, the PG Wodehouse series have always been a favorite of mine!

And – yours truly didnt quite have a Bertie moment today.

But he did ride a bicycle, a pretty nifty one made in China saying “Hercules race ready!” … for a long, long time today!

I remember thinking “what if the old skill deserts me ” (like Bertie thought, hehe).

But much like driving, swimming and walking, once you learn, you never ever forget!

And I didnt, and pretty soon I was “off to the races” doing my version of Lance Armstrong crouched over, speeding away at full tilt!

For some odd reason, I’ve never ridden beyond 8.

The age of 8 I mean.

I dont know, on the hill I kept seeing people on cycles, but yours truly always walked or ran.

Now, I fully expected some soreness after the long bike ride I Was on, being I have not done it for donkey’s years.

Surprisingly enough, or maybe not, the only soreness I have?

(Oh, and I did some heavy stone lifting too “lumberjack style” today. After seeing a movie on a pyscho in India who used those stone to smash people’s craniums in. Rumored to be part of a tribal shamianic group or something that worshipped the occult, guy was never caught, murders stopped mysteriously, started again in Kolkata, stopped JUST as mysteriously. They even made a pretty good movie I remember watching a while ago on that! – that same movie, for that matter).

I’m NOT sore in the upper body – no more than when I wrote to you this morning.

My legs, thighs, butt muscles, all dont even feel it.

Thank you HILL – and thank you, HINDU SQUATS!

But you know where and what I feel.

The “seat of my pants” is sore, and not the muscles either. Hehe.

It’s the feeling you get from sitting on that bicycle shaped seat. After a long long time …

And thats all, grip, triceps, I was expecting it all to be sore, nothing doing.

Anyway ………..

I have never included swimming or cycling specific exercises in any of my books. Maybe I will someday!

For now though, remember, the book I’m currently working on – guaranteed to turn you in a MODERN DAY HERCULES?

Is right here.

And you should check it out – right away.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Trust me when I say it, fellas. The ODD OBJECT lifting section of this book alone – so worth it!

You’ve never quite experienced your heart thump out of your chest than when you climb hills, yes.

But THIS, when you hoist heavy MASSIVE objects you can barely hold on to, grip, whatever, the weight all hither and thither?

Just TRUST me, it will build overall body strength and condition you – like a race horse, like nothing you’ve ever felt.

Place your pre-orders now.