The type of hands every REAL MAN Should aspire to have
- IT came out as "MAM" the first time. LOL. I'll explain more later!

My own hands are small, and as I’ve been told growing up – “weak”.

And I admittedly had a very weak grip growing up, which I later parlayed that weaknesses into one of my biggest strengths – men three times my size and physically far stronger – martial artists – wrasslers – alike – are all taken ABACK by the unnatural and ferocious pull I have to my grip.

“you’ve got the PULL!”

My words do too, hehe.

Ive never seen ANYONE with an unnatural kungfu like grip like that!

Vincent, you’re right. Hehe.

Very few – and YOU are one of them. It comes from WITHIN.

And I say all this not to brag about my GOrilla Grip (braggarts and Tom Tom’s – few things I dislike more in life) .. but to show you and tell you what is POSSIBLE if you DO.

Anyway, growing up …

your fingers are slim and artistic“, my aunt said wistfully once. (I was taking her picture, I believe, and her feet were showing – and she said NO!)

(apparently those were BIG feet – and not “photogenic” or whatever she said).

Schofield would probably go bonkers reading this, hehe.

“Surgeon’s fingers”.

“Talented fingers”.

True, I’ve always had slim fingers – and SMALL hands.

If you think most macho men need to be BIG?

Well, you’re wrong.

It’s about the size of the fight in the dog, friend, not the size of the dog.

Look at Sly Stallone for one, his hands are uber small, I once remember an ex saying she put her own hand in a “bust” he had in NY or something, and … her hands were bigger, couldn’t fit!

Mine are small too.

Good things come in SMALL packages – DYNAMITE, ever seen the great Tony Greig (no more with us) comment on “Little Kalu” and the pocket rocket dynamo that the master batters were – Sanath Jayasuriya, and Romesh Kaluwitharana?

Probably not, if you did, you’d know …

but anyway, in the Bourne Identity, you (in the book, which I’ve said so many times, as is often the case, as was the case with Jurassic Park – the BOOK is far better than the movie adaptation) … you read about the drunk Doc commenting on Jason’s body.

“You have the body of someone used to physical labor, lots of it!”

“Not an athlete, not a jock, but someone whose does a lot of manual work, moves around a lot!”

For an ex CIA agent … well, that observation was spot on.

Given he saved Bourne, maybe he wasn’t quite as drunk as he made himself out to be (then again, he went sober for a fortnight or so first!).

Ah, that movie, the book, one of my all time favorites, but anyway, yours truly?

I can LOOK at a person and in an INSTANT – size them up – and tell you if they’ve been involved in physical activity or not.

The tell tale signs are ALL There, and it ain’t obvious signs either like cauliflower ears on wrestlers, for one.

You observe closely, you look at the way the person moves, the BENT to his hands – and even the feet can tell you a LOT about a person (well, thats in a woman’s case, since mens feet are usually covered) ..

Por ejempelo, lets talk Bozo here.

He’s short, squat, a cockwomble and fat as phock.

But he’s also got uber tiny hands, and when I shook his hands first time I met him, Jesus!!!!!!

Charles his friend had a weak grip too yes.

But it was just a weak grip, nothing else.

Bozo – positively limp “dead” “cold” fish x 100. UGH!

I didn’t shake his hand once more even back then when we were still on speaking terms, I just got a creepy “ewww” feeling from him.

You can tell a lot about a man the way he grips, friend.

Anyway, Bozo’s hands – soft, effeminate … weak sweaty palms (in the middle of winter) … spindly fingers…

A true troll’s hands, never done a day of honest work (or, has been noted on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page) – a day of exercise in his whole LIFE.

I could tell all that by looking at Glyn from afar.

Then the neck, the traps.

ANY man – a real strongman – those traps will stand out. You can’t miss ’em!

The LEGS – and core.

They dont necessarily need to be in super shape “12 pack” lik emine.

They dont have to have a movie star look about them like mine do – a side effect I NEVER thought about.

But you’ll see, the thighs will be big and strong, the core will NEVER be flabby – a mess like again – a LOT of modern day men (and of course Bozos) have.

Anytime I see so called real men with soft hands and a gut hanging over their pants like that, I never fail to hide my contempt for them, though I do a good job of trying – a great job, but still, the contempt SHOWs.

So it should be, what a pathetic – PATHETIC – caricature of what Mother Nature intended men to be …

But the hands, my friend, are the most obvious giveaway – if you take the time to look.

Personally for me?

Small hands.

But they’re always rough, calloused, no matter how much lotion I put, no matter how many calluses I tear.

Fingers banged up and thick, yet slim from all those years of fingertip pushups

Wrists SMALL – yet, you can see the strength

I dont know, you’ll hav e to do the thing to understand what I’m talking about.

But those, if you’re a real man are the attributes you should aspire to, friend – at least that would be my advice to you.

Take it or not, up to you!

Anyway, on a more laughable note I’ve been getting emails from CockWomble Schofield to the tune of “I like dog shit” (i.e. apparently now he’s into that).

This guy is truly batshit, and didnt get the memo on signing me up for newsletters etc either, hehe, that it just dont work. (like he wants it to).

But he has nothing else TO do, or can do, other than whatever Bum’s ass he can stick his fat nose into, hehe.

Good part, what I didnt mention yesterday?

Some of those people that he trolled with my info, they’re signing up HERE – and buying from me.


Glyn, you, my “friend” are truly the best gift a sales guy could ever hope for, except most wouldn’t see it.


Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, cockwombles are people I do NOT want to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System along with the lookie lou’s, Bozos, idiots and morons, price wankers and so forth.

Everyone else – MOST WELCOME!!!!!

The Bozo is busy, and “Dirty Harry” vs “Dirtee Brown”
- LOL ... It's hilarious!

First off, guys – and gals, hehe – heads up!

Glyn Bozo is busy. Apparently the tranny he was pestering finally “blocked him” (judging from some insane nonsense a mutual friend (or contact) just sent me i.e. “Glyn is just a total LunATIC!” was his message, I’m copying and pasting)) …

So he’s busy.

And he’s on this site as well.

And the other ones.

And he’s been signing yours truly up for a barrage of strange newsletters.

Whatever comes to his Googly fingertips, I suspect. lol.

But it’s hilarious – for two reasons.

One, because Glyn Bozo doesnt know how these subscriptions work – and even if he did after reading this, I doubt he’d understand.

Any email subscription of any note requires you to CONFIRM your subscription, my friend.

i.e. click a confirmation link in the email you get after signing up.

and a lot of YOU after signing up have forgotten to do just that – therefore, yall ai’t getting the emails.

Beats me why someone wouldn’t click the link if they actually did sign up, but many people don’t!

Perhaps I lose subcsribers that way, but not sleep – I’d rather it be that way than anything else i.e. people that sign up actually care enough to CONFIRM their sign up.

Far improved delivery, sales, everything, all foreign terms for Bozo of course.

So Glyn, simply putting in my email address to a bunch of sites to “get my attention” just won’t work. Hehe.

He truly has no idea how many peoplle, women included are LAUGHING at the mugshot he keeps posting on social media … lol.

(Glyn, you’ve truly been OUTED in more ways than one. Hehe)

But anyway … that aside, reason number two.

Lots of you know, (and the idiots don’t) – I’m a huge fan of the Dirty Harry series.

More so the Dollar Trilogy.

Anything with Clint in it, I’ll watch!

Even “Million Dollar Baby“.

And I see why. Hehe.

From the crankiness to the slim and lean figure “hanging off a barside ledge” in one of the Dollar movies – to effortlessly pulling himself up walls (Dollar trilogy) to doing one arm pushups at 80 PLUS – I do it all – I can relate!

Right down to the brutally honest nature of what Clint says.

And Bozo loves calling me Dirtee (China style) “Brown” of course. That was the very basic of his racists nutty rants i.e. “all Indians or brown, or whatever Bozo thinks” are “dirty”.


Even the old codgers in “Sardar Udham” would look at the Bozo askance, so batty is he.

But anyway, I wonder if Schofield knows I LOVE being called “dirty” – right down to the stubble.

Maggie, of course apparently was calling the “coffee dirty”. LOL.

Apparently the word “latte” was foreign to her, which hey, China, Chinese, gotta give them a long ass rope …

Shit, best not to use that second last word, Bozos be lurking and reading and sniffing.


But anyway, Clint is a great, great example of natural fitness.

Super fit.

Lean, mean, trim and toned.

And the two courses I have that will get YOU into the shape of your life – best shape – quicker than even 0 Excuses Fitness

Advanced Hill Training

Animal Kingdom workouts. 

BOTH these courses can be done on FLAT LAND too, yes!

And you need to get the FIRST one first, as one works up to the other, the other feeds off and GREATLY Expands the first.

Have at, my friend!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Glyn, you FOOL! It’s truly pathetic, lol, my friend – that he’s run out of EVERYTHING he can do, and this is all he’s got left in the tank.

As Dejon once said, “Glyn is truly obsessed with you, Rahul”.

Poor guy, hehe. (me? – what a “not” honor)

The “ring of truth”
- It does!

In 2017, my buddy from the Marines and myself were discussing something – my writing, I believe came up.

Maybe we were discussing other things, maybe it was oft repeated topic of “Is Trump more brutally honest than me”when it came up.

I said Trump was. Hehe.

My friend disagreed.

“Its’ by no means a foregone conclusion!”


I’d agree with him.

And it’s a classic example of me knowing what he said was true – but saying I was “less” (when I knew I was more).

THAT is one key, by the way, which I keep teaching people that come to me for life coaching.

It isn’t so much what you say – it’s HOW you say it- first off all.

And second, it’s what you THINK (therefore picture) WHEN you say it.

Glyn Bozo when he said “Rahul has no sex life” – well, we all know what he was thinking i.e. “deep down inside Glyn Bozo knows he has no sex life beyond … well… we all know”.

But thats just one example.

To me, when I tell people “oh, my grip – just normal!” – or “oh, I’m just a normal guy at pull-ups” – what I really mean is one – and two things.

First, and importantly, if I can do it – YOU can too. IF You stop with the excuses, complaints about price (when you’re learning), “teaching from the bottom” i.e. students trying to tell the teacher what and how to teach, and so forth.


I’m as normal as you, genetically likely a lot MORE disadvantaged than you – and I’ve spoken about that before.

The second thing, what I think when I say that – and people (like the Tom Tom’s – like Charles the former friend) actually “agree”.

What a fool is what I think. Hehe.

True wisdom is more listening than talking, my friend – and then ANALYZING – and then DOING.

Results speak – in all regards!

Anyway ………….The ring of truth. 

I was explaining to my friend how I did what I did, how he could too, but he was wondering – “how I made so many sales off “just emails””.

It aint just emails, I told him – and explained.

Then he asked me why so many people “follow” me – buy from me – and so forth.

I gave it to him straight.

Because one, I give it to them STRAIGHT in a manner straight from the heart, BRUTALLY HONEST – that they wont find anywhere else.

And second (here I was referring to some of the more outrageous things I write) … he was asking “how people believe it”.

Because its true, I said. Hehe.

He agreed.

It has the RING OF TRUTH to it!

So it does, my friend.

So it does.

Lots of lessons there, bro.

And the truth to be gleaned from this, other than everything else we keep writing about – is a lot of you on the list need to step up and take action NOW as opposed to “just reading the email and ignoring”.

If not for yourself, do it for me – or 0 Excuses Fitness.

Though I’d prefer you do it for yourself – and help yourself…

But really, lots of people on the list are just “sitting on the fence” and neither do they unsubscribe, nor do they buy, nor do they participate …

I dont get it, friend.

For free reading, that can be done via the website, no ?

And any business needs sales, and lots of it to bring YOU what you really want.

I’ve had requests for many different books and products from many people, but it doesnt all happen “for free”.

You have to step up, show your support – and thats about as true as it gets.

The rest is up to you!

But really, in life, and otherwise – the ring of truth – THAT is what you must get, my friend.

Once you do – watch out – watch the seas “part” for you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System HERE – truly the best ever!

Whatsup with ole Mike Pompeos recent “slim avatar” ?
- I gotta say, job well done Mike!

Mike Pompeo to me is one of the, if not THE best Secretary of State’s ever … right up there with Colin Powell I’d say, and being the latter has passed – well R.I.P. Colin!

Powell and Pompeo to me are exactly what Secterary of States should be – erudite, clear, concise – and get their point across with a minimum of fuss and drama (Pompeo to me does this even better!) … and Powell, for one, was a true old school Republican – not afraid to admit when the admin was wrong (such as the Iraq war for one – a disaster if any!).

They should have never gone in there into Iraq, I said it when they did, and I still think so.

Sure, Saddam was a tyrant, but thats par for the course for that part of the world, while that does NOT make it right, simply going in there and trying to impose democracy upon people who may not necessarily “want” it – well, you have an Afghanistan like scenario right there, and given the state Iraq is in – chaotic, lawless, civil war etc … well, we’ve all seen the results.

Not to mention I Really dont think Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 – Afghanistan, I was always in favor of going in there and bombing the hell out of Bin “Laden” … because THEY are the ones that were directly responsible for the terror attack.

Iraq, somehow I doubt it.

Those guys were saudi funded for one … So is Pakistan for the most part (or USED to be).

Anyway, politics aside.

RIP Colin Powell.

And as for pompeo, I have noticed it over the past month or so – the guy looks positively SLIM NOW!

Like he dropped more than a stone or two of weight – mostly fat.

I mean literally, you look at his face – and the way his suits fit NOW – and how it was just a few months ago, and it’s nothing short of amazing!

Of course, the man is former Army.

Being the Army takes people that are WAY out of shape – and whips them into shape REAL QUICK – with no excuses BROOKED – I’d say Pompeo knows a thing or two about training.

But back when I lost all that weight, nigh quick – within weeks, literally – I’d keep hearing the same comments as I do about Pompeo now.

“He’s really lost a LOT of weight!”

“Sou La!” (Chinese pin yin for slimmer!)

And so forth.

And of course, the age thing – Id routinely get called, and still do > 10 years younger than I am / was.

Maggie, a batty chick I was talking to today looked at my photos today (on social media).

After failing to decide where I was from – apparently I was either Arabic – or Spanish – or Indian – or African – anything but “from the West” according to her “apparently the picture of me doing dips was “African” –  dont ask – Chinese. Haha) … she made this comment about me when I sent her a recent picture.

“OMG! Thats really you!”

I asked her what the OMG was about, but of course, got no answer. lol.

But its par for the course …

Anyway, back to the Army.

How do they get their recruits into kick butt shape so QUICK?

Lots of pushups.

Tons of pull-ups – though guess what – the number of pushups done always outnumbers those on pull-ups – by a LOT at that – and this holds true for elite branches too ie. Seals, Marines etc.

TONS of “odd object lifting”.

And of course, lots of running with rucksacks on backs, boots on feet, all the things the so called docs say “is bad for you”.

And certainly NO molly coddling.

If you’re a phat phock, you get reduced rations, if you’re underweight, you get to – whether you want to or not – eat MORE.

And if you’re a Bozo, of course, that rats out your fellow trainees as happened in … I believe “Saving Private Ryan”?

(or, eats Snickers or whatever when he wasn’t supposed to, and the whole unit gets punished, whatever the tale was, I forget??)

Well, you get WHACKED hehe.


Bozo and the Army – dont even talk about it!

But anyway – Pompeo truly looks in super shape now.

Looks great, and while I wouldn’t quite say 10 years younger, easily 7 or so …

And while there isn’t anything on the internet about how he did this – other than some nuts claiming “no more free lunches “on the house”” or some nonsense – I’d bet you anything he kept it simple, and did the basics like I’ve mentioned above.

And I’m sure, down the line we’ll know …

Therein lie some lessons for YOU, my friend.

See if you can spot ’em – and take ACTION!


Rahul Mookerjee

“Monkey see, monkey do” …
- Funny, that recollection!

This one isnt part of 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections, haha.

But … it happened a few years ago, or perhaps a couple, or … I can’t quite remember.

Anyway, India – the city I’m in – yet another one of those “india quirks” is that along with the cow, the monkey is considered holy too. “Hanuman” the “holy monkey” is venerated in the Hindu religion – and he was STRONG too in lore – lifted up a hill in the palm of one hand, a mace in the other, and flew over to a king to hand him a special herb that only grew on that hill.

“Sanjeevani”, if I got it right.

Dont ask me what that means, hehe.

But much like the tale of Adam and Eve, and Moses parting the waters, and other such “religious tales” – and the “vimanas” and “Garudas” in India – I take all of this with a pinch of salt – in any religion, or said text.

In India though, it is what it is.

And if cows routintely sit in the middle of the roads and cars manoveour around them (I remember – I did it way back in the day!) – then the monkeys and stray dogs show up where people live, and often “terrorise” them.


Late at night, you’ll have stray dogs after ya.

And monkeys, those apparently show up at any time “when they want” and apparently it’s NOT acceptable to ask the civic authorities to either neuter them, or put them in shelters or what not.

Apparently they can be worshipped, but not “taken care of”, and apparently theyre free to roam free, spread disease – bite people (I believe my Mom once got bitten) – and so forth.

TII (This is India. Hehe).

Not so far off from TIC (This is China) back in the 70’s … LOL!

Anyway …

So there I was, in the park.

IT emptied out pretty quick (well, it was the afternoon) when the monkeys showed up.

I believe I was the only one left doing my monkey bar swings (literally) – and thick bar pull-ups from a swing set.

Now, the lead monkeys were approaching the swing set, so I walked away – no sense in pissing hungry and sometimes rabid monkeys off!

But a curious troop kept looking back at me as I did my monkey bar swings, then off it was to the dipping bars.

And soon enough, I was the one looking back – and lo, there the monkeys were – two of them, squawking away excitedly and doing those monkey bar swings just like I was, two at a time, “Da Xing Xing” style – and one was even doing his (or her) version of a one arm hang!

If the whole scene weren’t that damn hilarious – you know, that sort of hilarious where even laughter fails you – I’d boom in laughter.

I didnt though, since that would probably alarm them.

But its funny, and ever since then, my daughter and I have had a standing “monkey see monkey do” joke about it, and I told her there’s nothing to worry so long as she doesnt carry food and stuff (or handbags, hehe) near them.

They’ll usually leave humans alone for the most part, provided people dont feed them bread and other nonsense they shouldn’t be in the first place (much like the nuts who feed black bears “because they need the food” – I mean jesus, did God forgot to dole out the BRAINS?? Like the Bozo, certain people got left at the end of the line on that one!).

But anyway – lesson YOU can learn from this?

We all know how damn strong monkeys are.

Chimps have been known to attack and kill full grown crocs, and if a baby monkey got a hold to your little finger and squeezed, well, YOU would cry like a baby, my friend.

We all know how STRONG these simians and apes are as well – even in terms of sheer lifting power.

Gorillas can lift TEN times their bodyweight, for one!

And the way apes and monkeys – and other primates, from whom WE (and modern day man is a flabby MESS – and joke – in terms of the real man he was MEANT To be, and the flabby mess he IS) are descended get so strong – is – you got it.

Natural movements.

Climbing trees.

Doing all sorts of pulling movements.

Monkey runs (which I explain in Animal Kingdom Workouts -a superb exercise!) (along with the many other great ones there).

But most of all, for apes, it’s the swinging from tree branch to branch that really gives them that Tarzan (or Jane) like BRUTE strength, my friend.

Just like there is no exercise that makes you feel like pull-ups make you feel – if you’re interested in a strong GRIP, my friend, there is NO exercise- I repeat – NONE that does the trick quite as well and QUICK as monkey bar swings (with thick bars) do!

Believe me on this one.

You want your forearms to pop, you want the veins to show, you want an unnaturally strong pull to your grip, you want HUGE forearms, fingers like a vise (and grip) – and so forth – THIS exercise is one you must, simply MUST – I repeat, MUST – get damn good at!

Most adults ignore this, even those into Cross fit and similar styles of training.


And there is a reason I include this in the Gorilla Grip book – as well as Battletank Shoulders – and Pull-ups – from STUD to super STUD – within WEEKS! as a basic exercise you need to get damn good at before you move on to the meat of the matter (in those books).

So, if you want Tarzan like grip strength, you know what to do … and which exercise to focus on the most ..

Get started now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pre-orders still going for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness – for those interested in knowing how Gama, and a lot of the other old time strongmen trained with “implements” and other weights – and clubs, kettlebells (the only section remaining) and so forth – get your pre-order in NOW. Truly nothing like this course out there, and you’ll see what I mean when it’s finally out!

“But he is right”!
- Which yours truly "humblest to the nth degree" usually IS. Hehe.

It’s played out over my life for YEARS.


What is right is right, what is wrong is wrong.

I’ve never shied away from saying it that way – because thats how it is, my friend.

Coupled with my nigh uber brazen approach to life – fitness – everything – this pisses off most people I come in contact with.

“how dare he!”

But the ones that dont get pissed off – and actually see the “right” past the brazenness (and trust me, the WRONG is brazen, so if you want to be right, you gotta take it to EXTREMES!!!) – those are theones I focus upon.

I could give you plenty of examples.

The way the Chinese treat foreigners, for one – is one thing.

One rule for the Chinese, one for the foreigners.

Although admittedly it’s yin and yang, and admittedly yours truly “in the know” has never really been impacted by it (if I was, I extracted max poundage of FLESH for it – figuratively speaking) – although admittedly what “foreign devils lose in one area gain in another (if they know how , which most have no clue) – it still ticks me off. It’s not right!

Por ejempelo … I’ll give you two, one salacious, one not so much .

One was when I was at a “get together” for some Chinese adult “students” at some learning center or something, where the owner badgered me to show up for a tete a tete.

I kept saying no. I hate teaching English, and won’t – and refuse to be a monkey.

They kept upping the ante until it was a comfy 9PM “with beer talk” arrangement.

Finally, I said. Hehe. The idiots got it!

i.e. BEER!

So I went, got paid, did the “talking thing” – and the pleasant surprise there was, Marc the African Silverback Gorilla was there too!

I didnt know him too well at the time, but that was his area, his “prowling ground” so to speak (as I told him later, hehe). So it wasn’t a surprise he was there.

But anyway, we finished up, went home, next day I spoke to Marc.

And he told me all about how the “host” (Chinese) at the party bitched up and down about my poor English, so called accent and a host of other rubbish including (what former so called friend Charles claims about India) “those darkies can’t speak English”.

It’s interesting what people REALLY THINK!

And what they say – or can – or cant.

IN the recently released movie “Sardar Udham”, they show India during the colonial times. The movie was set on the Jalianwala Bagh massacre – which I’m sure everyone knows about – and the subsequent protests led by first “Shaheed” Bhagat Singh – for which he was hanged (not before being put through a concentration camp – think it was just the Nazis had ’em? HA! The Japanese and British did too!) … and then “Sarda Udham”.

Now, I’m not going to get into the gory details, but in one scene they show an old fart bitching about “The food is terrible there, the weather is horrible”, and so forth.

I dont know why they had so many curry rooms even in the UK, even in those days, hehe, if the food was truly “So bad” – replete with beer mugs and such for that matter!

Old fogies will be old fogies though, and obviously the “jewel in the crown” (Bozo in his own racist way once used that term, hehe) was India because of it’s RICHES, not anything else.

“This is what I love about Indians”, the Bozo in the movie goes.

(Schofield once said he did movies. LOL)

“Their willingness to please!”

(My My. I musta missed the boat on that one!)

Of course Bozo didnt know (in the movie) that the person he “hired” as an underling would eventually go onto assassinate him in public.

It’s a true tale, read about Udham Singh and the rest, the more I do, the more I believe THESE, along with Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose are the TRUE and FORGOTTEN heroes of the Indian freedom struggle – not Gandhi and Nehru, both of who willingly acted as colonial pawns if i were to be brutally honest about it!

Anyway …

What people really think.

And as the lady said that to Marc, I laughed.

“thats how these fools are”.

And they are. The Chinese are racist to a T, but not just racist, they’re stupid enough to hire Russians to “teach English” instead of native speakers “because he black man”.

Even Glyn Schofield to his one credit never quite bought into THAT lunacy, although yes, what he REALLY thought – we all know! Hehe.

I remember him pestering some poor girl at a learning center about “but why does skin color matter” … hehe. But I gotta say, Bozo was right ON THAT one – except he did it to show off. Again,what he really thought, we all know. He just did it to show “I have a black friend so I’m not racist”. What utter crap… I remember thinking that in 2015, but didnt say much.

And what his friend Charles “really” thought. Hehe.

Now, I’m neither black, nor do I have an accent, nor is my English “poor”  – its the opposite, actually, but hey, facts dont count. LOL.

But anyway, the lady wanted me to go there again.

Think of it, a person she privately castigated, yet, “she wanted me to work for them”.

You should have see the earful I gave her.

It pissed off the people there.

But end of the day, I heard one of them saying quietly as I left in a rage.

“But he’s right!”

Another more salacious incident occured in a bordello I once frequented and wrote stories about later, hehe.

For the Chinese, theyd always bring out “three girls” to choose from, while with foreign devils, only one.

And most played right into it.

But I asked them point blank the first day I went there “after the deed” through my Chinese friend i.e. WHY they did that.

I thought it was disrespectful, and when they replied with their usual shifty “sorry I dont know”, I told them this.

“One, I DO know why – it’s because you think expats are all fools.

Two, isn’t the color of my money the SAME as anyone else’s?”

True story, friend.

THe managed ended up profusely apologizing at the end of it, bowing in a “exaggerated” manner, and refunding me for the entire time.

The Chinese grumbled as if to say “what is he complaining about”.

But a lady sitting behind the counter said the following in Chinese as the guy who “bowed” uttered a few choice epithets under his breath that he thought I couldn’t understand, hehe.

“He’s right, though” .

I still remember that thoughtful stare she gave me.

Perhaps there was a reason she came and (she was the boss) ended up sitting “on my lap” the next time I was there – when the damn place shut down temporarily without warning – I still remember bitching up and down about that …


But anyway, all the other stuff aside, it’s about when the other person is RIGHT.

Nary has there been ever a time I’ve ranted – and I’m not RIGHT in what I say.

If I am wrong, I simply dont say anything – or I’ll say I am wrong (usually the latter).

Fitness wise, same thing.

When I say a lot of you are not buying because of price, I’m right.

And just so you know, NO, I am not going to lower prices regardless of how many whiny emails I get about it. There is a reason the prices are what they are, I have explained them many times in the past, and if you as a customer choose to go elsewhere, Ill hold the door for ya too.

When I say – and justify – the price – I’m right (and I’ve done so many times in the past).

A fool just emailed me this.

“mabe i woulda bought if it was like, 20 BUCKS or something, but not so much!”

OK … then again, I dont think so. This idiot would want it for $2 next thing you know.

And that ain’t the only reason – Ive explained this all in the past really, I shouldnt have to keep REPEATING MYSELF FOR FUCKS SAKE!

(and to the poster, who shall remain annoymous – As Gorilla Girl would say

“READ, you FOOL!”)

(no, despite sounding like Glyn, it wasn’t Glyn here. Gotta call a spade a spade, not the spades the Bozo so loves to “suckle” on i.e. Ace of Spades, but just being honest)

And when I tell you, perhaps most importantly, HOW my fitness routines get you in the best shape of your life, it dont sound pleasant either – people hate for me “just pushups” (when they can’t DO pushups) – but I’m right.

If I’m wrong, I invite people to tell me that I am – and WHY.

Truth is, they usually never can, because if Im wrong, I’ll never argue about it in the first place …

I dont know why I felt compelled to tell you all this.

But since I have, I’m out.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the most “righteously” effective fitness system there is out there on the PLANET – HERE!

PS #2- To the $20 “twenty dolla” jackass I know a certain Bozo in Brum that would be more than happy to oblige, hehe.

My fitness products- no way – “eff off” if you or anyone think something like Pushup Central should be priced at that!

“This is an amazing book on fitness that has the right combination of intensity and intelligence.”
- He got it spot on!

Today, we’ll go over one of the oldest and best reviews 0 Excuses Fitness has got – a review which I’ve inexplicably and seemingly not “advertised” enough – it’s not even there on the … nah, it’s there on the testimonials page, but it’s buried deep down there .. !

Pun not intended , and intended…

But here it is –

(From “Murli” in India) (2017, I believe?)

This is an amazing book on fitness that has the right combination of intensity and intelligence. These aren’t soul crushing workouts or weight training, but they certainly aren’t a walk in the park either. The word that could best describe these workouts is SMART. It helps you play with your bodyweight and get yourself super fit.

Now, he’s spot on!

And it’s an interesting play on words he’s used.

Intensity, we all know about how intense I am – how intense my workouts are – not for the “faint hearted”, as a certain customer once told me.

He’s right too. Hehe.

But the right combination of intensity and INTELLIGENCE!

That last bit – there it is!

These are SMART workouts, my friend – more “smarter” (I know, I know) than anything you view on the dumbphone.

“It helps you play with your bodyweight and get super fit”.

Yes, though HE didnt mean “play” – that is exactly what these workouts are – FUN! The sheer variety of routines included make them fun, me in the videos – I make them fun – following along with me – FUN! – but most of all?

The way they make you feel make them fun, not so much the benefits, that too, but the FEELING!

You just feel great, on top of the world…

These aren’t soul crushing workouts or weight training, but they certainly aren’t a walk in the park either.


If there was a book I’d classify as “soul crushing workouts” (what he meant is SUPER DUPER TOUGH) it would be this one – Battletank Shoulders. 

That will truly make men out of sissies and HE-MEN out of real men (those that already are) …

And THIS book too – Animal Kingdom Workouts.

And this one – Pushup Central. 

But 0 Excuses Fitness is certainly not something that will crush thy soul.

You go as slow as you like, or as intense.

While that holds true for all of my books, it’s different with this one …

And walk in the park, well, none of my books are that.

Even Ann Lee if she were to read them would say that, hehe.

So many walks in that park, so many climbs up the hill, memories, memories!

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Read about more memories here.

PS #1 – If you’ve been on the list for ages, have no intention of getting a product – please LEAVE now. Thank you! (not too much to ask, I hope? HA!)

PPS – Ann Lee, well, if there is one book I should “devote” to her, it’s Advanced Hill Training, trust me, without that initial kick up the RUMP she gave me  literally (yes, Bozo, I know!) – and FIGURATIVELY! – this would never have happened.

Well, I take that back, it might and probably would have anyway but it would have taken a different path.

Can’t get away from who we really are, as I keep saying. And this is ME!

And to end, poor Glyn, he begs them to kick his assimus, yours truly, well, you get the picture. Hehe. What a Bozo he is though, really!

(and to end, y’all, get the courses above, dont make me come KICK your rumpus, hehe).

(ok, enough with the puns, hehe)

Is Donald Trump into golden showers?
- He might well be, hehe.

I dont know if y’all have seen it as yet, if not, go HERE.

But there’s  a lot of hoo haa about some secret expose – and Donald Trumps fetish for golden showers, and so forth.

Or so called fetish.

Now, here’s the thing.

If you were to ask me?

He might well could be!

Trust me on this one, my friend.

Some of the most alpha males you see out there – they are the EXACT OPPOSITE away from the public eye – or in the bedroom – or just plain at home.

Sometimes, the most DOMINANT Of men – REAL MEN TO THE CORE, not Bozo Schofied’s – are that way in bed!

Except, here’s the thing.

Nary a person is REALLY OPEN About what they want – and think – sexually especially!

It’s always a sore spot for many, most are embarassed to talk about it – but our hidden desires – deep down inside – never go away, friend.

Remember how Bozo Schofield responded “ferociously in the negative” when I mildly told him to be “open about it all”.

“I’m not into it!”

And that very remark, that very response proved he was more than any other statement or Josie or anyone that blocked him or called him out could.


Now, his friend Charles was apparently into golden showers too from what Bozo told me.

When I first asked Charles, I didnt mention Bozo.

And his response was the same.

“Hell no I’m not into “that””.

There speakeath the pressure of a “not alpha” trying to be alpha.

Notice the difference between how Trump neither really denies or admits it, but BATS away the question.

Thats a real man, regardless of what sexual preferences he might have!

And no, his “lack of prowress in bed” or what not as so many women claim don’t make him any less of a real man.

Wanna know why – go HERE!

As for Charles, when I told him the Bozo said it – he erupted in fury “how dare the Bozo say all that!”

True, Charles, I agree. Bozo isn’t exactly a person to trust your innermost secrets with.

(Believe me, on this here site I haven’t covered the TOP of those secrets as yet – would make a sailor blush most likely).

But really, I write about this all the time.

Be open, folks.

If you have the desire – and need – chances are someone else has it, and as these words FLY off my damn fingers – remember two things.

One, SSC i.e. safe, SANE and consensual.

Two, be comfortable -hey, it’s a DESIRE like any other – so long as it’s not underage , illegal any of that – you know what I mean – all OK – so long as you dont force OTHERS INTO IT!

Thats why I never call gay people “faggots” for one unless they try and force their shit on me (like that nasty Schofield does, ugh).

As a great customer once rightly said, what two people do in their privacy of their bedrooms is THEIR CHOICE.

So true.

Who is anyone to pry into a consenting adults private life?


To each his own, live and let live.

And second, and again, RESPECT IS PARAMOUNT!

To me, THOSE attributes make a real man.

And Trump has ’em all, so do many of YOU on this list …

Speaking of respect, well, I wrote about disrespect and people being “too busy to reply” in one of my last comms to you, no?

Dani, a great translator has been guilty of doing just that as of late.

And … well, let me just say the second or third time she did it, I was going to cut her out of my life.

But I didnt..

Hi Dani

I have a request for you.

I realize you’re always “too busy” for my emails etc, which is perfectly fine – hey, I was just replying to your “staying in touch” email. . .

From my standpoint, I however feel highly annoyed when I spend time and energy explaining the same thing many times – and the other person just takes it casually, or ignores it, or – the vibe is “his email is not important” in this case i.e. what I mean is NOT – I repeat – NOT that I should be “important” for you – the POINT is this Dani, if you’re communicating with someone, then it’s just basic human courtesy to respond properly to them – anything else is just disrespectful to the extreme.

This isn’t about (private affair part chopped) – it’s about life.

I realize that is how the world has become i.e. “too busy” when really all people are doing is sitting staring at a dumbphone and “not wanting to reply to the tough questions” (not you, the <chopped< agent) – but I dont agree and refuse to accept this “new” way of communication.

Maybe it’s me thats a Dino, or maybe I’m old fashioned or an idiot or whatever you want to think about or call me for saying this – it’s fine.

However, I hate disrespect more than anything else.  I never do that to people, and hate it when someone does it to me.

Im sorry if you feel offended by this, but I am being honest, and I do not believe I’m wrong in saying this.

I realize your opinion is “if that person wants to leave my life, he can, I won’t run after him” – which is FINE. You can delete me or block me or NOT do so, hehe – but the point is this, Dani – I never “ran after you” – or anything – I didnt “pester” you to reply – all I’m asking for you is WHEN you do reply (maybe next year, if you’re really too busy?) – please do me the same courtesy I do you i.e. a polite and thought out reply as opposed to an irritating “one line” response.

I realize you may not agree, in which case thats fine too – just let me know, but thats how I feel.

Sorry – had to get that off my chest, now I have.

Thank you!


PS – I dont know why you keep saying “vacation” – by “busy” – all I meant is “there are other things more important than replying to <chopped> in your life”, that is ALL, if that is the case, which it is, fine (honestly, it is fine! If it wasn’t, I’d keep emailing you back, but I dont, do I?), just tell me – but WHEN YOU DO reply – please reply properly – THAT IS ALL I ASK.

I think thats reasonable ….

Sometimes, people do deserve a second chance.

My initial thoughts were she wouldn’t respond at all.

Yet ..


I am sorry if you felt annoyed or disrespected. It was not my intention.

Maybe saying I am “busy” sounds like an excuse to you (which is fine if you think that). Sometimes I do not know how to express in words what I have in my mind. Again, sorry for that, it was never my intention.

This isn’t about <work part chopped> – it’s about life. Again I agree, it was disrespectful of me to do that, and it is good to speak up and say it. I appreciate you did it. Sometimes we need that, you know someone saying “you are being an ass” which I need from time to time. So thanks for it.

Maybe it’s me thats a Dino. it is not, I think like you too.

However, I hate disrespect more than anything else. I never do that to people, and hate it when someone does it to me. Agreed, if you feel I disrespected you anyhow, again I am sorry, it was not my intention.

Im sorry if you feel offended by this, but I am being honest, and I do not believe I’m wrong in saying this. You are not offending me, no worries. And saying is not wrong neither, is good to speak up.

Now, I do not understand why you say this

I realize your opinion is “if that person wants to leave my life, he can, I won’t run after him” – which is FINE. You can delete me or block me or NOT do so, hehe – but the point is this, Dani – I never “ran after you” – or anything – I didn’t “pester” you to reply.

I never told you to “leave my life or to run after me” If you think that answering me some emails is “running after me” I do not agree.. if it is something different well I didn’t get it.


PS: About the “vacation” you asked how I was doing and I just said I wanted vacations to travel

Well …

I didnt think she was being an ass per se – just the way she was replying, or her lack of proper responses – THAT was the disrespect I cannot STAND AND TOLERATE – – and refuse to!!!!!!

She’s not a native English speaker, tho … so  …

Hi Dani

Thanks for your reply. I did not say you were being an ass, I merely said the way you were replying to me (and have sometimes in the past) was disrespectful, that is all. I’m glad you understand my meaning in that regard, and there is no need to apologize, because we are on the same page now.

Yes, you’re right – I do think it’s an excuse, because the simple fact of life is this, if someone wants to reply, or do something, then they will do it, period, regardless of other things. However, that is perfectly fine – which is what I mean i.e. reply when you have time, NO rush, but when you DO reply, please do so properly or not at all. As I’m sure you agree that is not too much to ask.

I also think what you are claiming about not knowing how to express yourself, not being a native English speaker as I am or whatever are semi-excuses, because you did a damn fine job as a translator, therefore, obviously, explaining yourself is not the point. Sure, I am not a native Spanish speaker, but I can “feel” you explained what I said in English well enough in Spanish, so I do not think that plays into it.

Thats all I am saying, nothing more …

Thank you! (and no need to apologize, since you get my drift now).


Mike (no rush to reply, just reply “when you have time”, which can be whenever, no issues!)

Her reply –

Oh no, I was being an ass I know, even if you didn’t say it, I was.

Got it, from now on I will reply to you when I have time and I am not in a rush.

No, believe me, expressing myself by writing, Spanish or English is HARD for me. I have a lot of things in my mind that I want to say I am not always the best at explaining it and putting those words in order. Translating on the other hand is easy because I do not need to express myself, just type, so there are different things for me. Expressing and translating are not the same, no matter the language.

Now, I could go on and on about it.

But I won’t – she is right about the translation part tho i.e. there she’s simply taking my thoughts and putting them into her own words – and adding the vibe to them as best as possible in a different language.

But REAL COMMUNICATION is a skill, my friend, that only real leaders can do.

Bottom line.

Yours truly, Trump, any REAL business person – they get to the MEAT of the matter.

As I have with the “agent” I’ve been talking to all morning, he’s finally after months given me some straight answers.

Sometimes, you gotta go REAL DEEP.

You gotta persist.

And there endeth that story!

Back to the Trumpinator, asses, and more …

I wonder if I should introduce the Bozo to Dani, with her words about asses, and she’s got a damn fine one, he’d explode just by reading it if you get my drift, he’s that much of a clown (or “denied” or whatever he calls it, though really, which girl would want to be with an asshat like that, hehe).


Dani deserves better!

But anyway, that my friend – is a sage lesson in communication to you too (and its exactly what I think of people that dont get back to emails etc for whatever reason i.e if you dont want to reply, just say it, I wont pester you!).

OK, had to get that off my chest. I have.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – As for the Trumpinator. He might well have those fantasies, and more. Like who cares?

What I care about is his LEADERSHIP, his common sense, business acumen, and thats what anyone with any brains should care about as well.

PS #2 – Similarly, anyone with any brains – whether you like me or not, there is no denying the FACT my fitness products are the best in the world, my friend, by far.

Let me drive it in – the COLD, HARD, FACT!

Even Bozo loves that word “Fact!” he kept telling me in “Keeping it Real in China”, hehe. Some things, even Bozos cannot deny or get past.

There is no discussion, no argument there.

Or is there?

I didnt think so.

Therefore, pick some products up NOW.

It’s as simple as that, as simple as it gets, no frills, no fancy, no Bozos, nothing…

Why it’s never a good idea to taunt – or worse -a caged TIGER.
- I realize "lion" is the animal comes to mind, but ...

I realize “lion” is the animal comes to mind when you talk “caged, but …truth is the following, my friend.

Nothing – I repeat nothing (maybe other than a grizzly all charged up) can stop a RAGING, ROARING tiger that you’ve pissed off.

Jim Corbett, the great hunter and conservationist wrote about this a lot of times in his books, when he mentioned he’d sleep in the forests of India (back then, there were a LOT more tigers than there are now there) without a worry in the middle of th e night, even when he heard tigers moving about.

“The tiger is a true gentleman”, he said.

“Leave it alone, and it will leave YOU alone!”

Which has been my philosophy to life all along – ever since I was born.

Other than, you piss that tiger off, and I dont care what your size is, skills are etc – you’ve got a bloody FIGHT on your hands!

Even the ancient Maharajas that almost drove the tiger to extinction in India did so with the aid of horses, weapons, and elephants.

So much for a fair fight, as Charles once told me.


In the movie Damini (a long ago Hindi potboiler) they had this line of the lead actor saying the following.

“Even kids can throw popcorn (I believe it was something else – kernels??) at a caged lion”.

Thats easy, he went.

“But its only when you face AN UNCAGED LION, READY TO FIGHT – that you’ll know what a real fight is”.

And who the real man is.

Needless to say, the dude being referred to (i.e. that the lead actor) was referring to was a cuckold Schofield like pansy to the extreme and drunk on power i.e. “when I have the power I can do it”, but when it’s a fair FIGHT, I’ll turn TAIL and RUN!

This morning, I caught myself literally “growling” like a tiger.

An image of a tiger on the prowl literally flashed into my mind – so AUTHENTIC that it sort of scared even me!

There is a limit to my patience, my friend, and business wise, a Bozo I’ve been dealing with has left me hanging for MONTHS ON END – for no reason.

Even more inexplicable, I’ve done business with this nut for years, and he’s never quite been as disrespectful as he is NOW to me.

“Sir I’m always busy” is what his nonsense boils down to. 

I asked him if he wanted to get the job DONE.

He claims yes, but nothing after that.

Ask him for a fucking deadline, nothing.

Ask him for clear answers, WHAT he wants – or thinks – nothing .

Offer him more money  – a LOT MORE – nothing.

I mean, I dont get it, but this is what people in general seem to think life is about i.e. “keep the guy hanging for months, then a long phone call”, and then of course the usual nonsense of “I’m too busy” which really translates to “give me a job I can do with minimal effort, I’ll do it, anything more, zero”.

It’s pathetic. Really!

Anyway, I got myself under control – sort of.

But the parade of buffoons out there continues to grow …

Here’s the bottom line, friend.

Basic human courtesy hasn’t changed no matter what, and it never will.

It’s people in general that have become MORONS in general.

“I’m too busy” .


At least be honest…

Anyway, that the rant for now.

And remember, that time I saw that caged jaguar, it’s eyes, and the FURY – spoke more than anything I can write would!

I had an image – literally – of that beast breaking free and jumping – straight from my throat.

I dont understand idiots globally that keep these magnificent wild cats caged – disgrace!

But anyway, remember that the next time you think (I’m referring to people in general) “you have the power” – and “can do what you like”.

First, the caged tiger thing.

You never know when the tiger might break free.

Second …

What goes around – DOES and will come around.

It’s that simple.

And I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Even watch a tiger walk – from the core – with all it’s muscles blending into one?

Ever watch a tiger CROUCH – before the final spring?

Ever watch a tiger go literally from 0-60 in the space of a few seconds?

I have, and more.

It wasn’t just to exercise my fingertips that I wrote Animal Kingdom Workouts, my friend.

And it ain’t just because “I can” that I priced it at what I did.

That course is sheer gold, friend, and I know many of you want it.

So … where are the excuses?

Get this NOW– this is truly one of the best fitness books – if not THE best you’ll ever read (and implement, which you damn well should!).

Respect your training tools!!!
- Really, how someone can NOT do that ... beyond me!

Honestly, man, people these days!

I go to “gyms” etc – either the shiny chrome and fern kind, or the “old school” style – which are actually GOOD – and I see it there too!

Dumbbells, kettlebells – barbells – power wheels – grippers – what have you – just lying there often times in a state of disuse, while everyone makes their way to the shiny machines.

Oddly enough, those machines are what is marketed to the Bozos globally.

Oddly enough, THOSE are kept clean – or the “illusion” of cleanliness i.e. just wipe it down, and add glitter to the photo  you use to market!

But the real tools, the real implements, and this happens in people’s homes too – laying there, gathering bloody DUST!

I mean, really.

IF you dont want it, don’t buy it!

Same thing for books “gathering dust” etc.

I tell my daughter this all the time too i.e. “dont toss your training tools away!”

It could be my power wheel, or perhaps her cricket bat, or even a bow and arrow.

But once you’re done training the skill – or READING about it – remember to RESPECT the book – or tool!

That doesnt mean you need to get fastidious about cleanliness, wear frilly frocks and long ass socks and high heels like Bozo Schofield does before cleaning (sometimes I wonder, given the nasty state his “room” was always in, I think he paid more attention to becoming a sissy than doing the actual WORK.

As they say, that thin line between fantasy and REALITY – and the latter bites. Truth is indeed not just stranger, but tougher than “fiction” – especially faggotty lust inspired Bozo style fiction).

But at least dont toss the damn wheel away like some people do!

Don’t leave your equipment sitting there “gathering dust”.

A lady I knew Rendy had a treadmill – which she used to hang baby nappies and laundry on!

In the park, I see these people hanging their bloody coats on the dipping bars!

I mean, give me a fucking break!

To those not as fanatical about training as I am – this may come across as odd.

But remember, if you’re disrespecting the teacher or medium, then that will come back to bite YOU in the ass, my friend.

Only those really serious about fitness will “get” what I mean in this email.

Respect, friend, respect.

It’s always paramount!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System here – best part, literally NO equipment required for this, not even a chinning bar!

PS #2 – Those of you (and there are a lot) interested in REAL training, REAL MAN STYLE – do the bodyweight stuff as a central focal point FIRST. Get good at it FIRST. Then, and only then, proceed to implements.

Once you do, do NOT ignore the bodyweight work!

I’ve recently spoken with a guy who got REAL good at swinging Indian clubs, and thought it would translate over into pull-ups – which he tries, but can’t get his chin over the bar.

Did club work translate into better pull-ups?


The other way around ?

YES – and yours truly – and many other people I’ve trained are living proof of this – much as pushups translate into pull-up ability, but NOT necessarily the other way – this is the same.


Anyway, for those truly interested in training with implements – go HERE.