Why I KEEP sending out that email about reviews…
- That ole bugbear, hehe.

Ya’ll have probably seen it multiple times already, the two emails on reviews – one, why you genuine customers SHOULD leave reviews – even if the book isn’t up to what you thought it would be – and two, well, to LEAVE a review, because it’s nigh required – because…

… well, because, and this is the answer, it’s needed!

I need to keep telling you to do this, because the number of trolls and do nothing’s, my friend, keeps increasing exponentially.

The latest madness on Shoulders like Boulders, for one … that review was most likely written by Schofield.

Trust me, he tried to change his normal tone and grammar up, but it has Schofield written ALL over it.

And the final proof is this – the name of the person never shows up, which is strange.

Except for ONE time in my life – on a site “Thats Dongguan” (a sister site Uncle Bob and I set up in somewhat sort of competition to the much more popular Dongguan Expat we were ALL a part of – mostly Michael and Michael i.e. me, hehe) – when some idiot was criticizing me for saying “$100 steaks – or hamburgers (believe me, it was Chinese style nonsense, certainly no Michelin, and in 2003 at that!) were expensive)” … and he refused to put his picture, or state his name.

I’ve no idea why, maybe he was a freaking coward, since there were a lot of expat Bozos at the time “on his side”.

(the restaurant, tho, went out of business, I still remember Bob ranting about “The Koreans support their businesses, the Japanese support the Sushi bars, even the INdians seem to support their curry houses, but Americans, they never support their own businesses, calling out the chef for taking a smoke break” (or something, I dont know what the tale was there!))

Uncle Bob was a true Southerner, hehe, man after my own heart, about as cranky on occasion, usually MORE. Hehe.

I’ll tell you a story sometime, about the old farts breakfast they had (myself the young fart was invited too, hehe).

But anyway, other than that one time?

People are loathe to leav ePOSITIVE reviews in general – and I get it.

Use a product, love it, but you forget or otherwise don’t leave a written review, hey, I GET IT!

I’ve done it myself too, human nature, even for companies I do repeat biz with.

But, most people, and here is where I differ are MORE than happy to leave NEGATIVE reviews if something is even a little off.

No, not all negative reviews are “bad” – some help us improve, to be honest!

So I encourage ALL reviews, good, bad, ugly – but the TROLLS are what I’m seeing more and more as of late, with nigh nothing to do on their hands, so they troll.

This guy calls himself “Amazon customer” which by itself, given the amount I’ve called Glyn out for his rubbish trolling on my books nails it for me.

Bozo, for what it’s worth, lost his ability to post reviews on Amazon – not, oddly enough because of his trolling in a negative sense, but the 5 star reviews – obviously FAKE AND SPAMMY – that he left – obviously in hopes of getting refunds or kickbacks from the seller – which Amazon is doing all it can to crack down upon.

Given the nonsense he wrote about his electric toothbrush, apparently he puts it in his rear end and controls via Bluetooth or some crap (I mean really, whats the world coming to when even a dang it toothbrush gotta be “smart”???) (only an idiot would use such a thing IMO)… and that review was too much even for Amazon, admittedly very lax on this.

And last, but not least – because the guy never BOUGHT the book.

Believe me, if he had BOUGHT the book and then complained like a lot of wackjobs and price shoppers do, I could understand it from a certain perspective, but this was someone – Bozo obviously who like with his other nonsensical reviews, and others said this too, has never either bought or read the books.

Sometimes, it happens – for genuine reasons.

I’ve had customers – even long term customers buy something, and then return it – and never tell me “why”.

Maybe they dont want to, hehe.

Thats fine – maybe they thought it would be something it wasnt, maybe “Junior’s school bills”, maybe shopping, maybe who knows what.

(usually it’s newbies though, but it’s happened on occasion with long term customers too).

But the trolls, it’s so obviously, they never ever BUY ANYTHING and yet leave long and silly so called reviews …

And it’s just increasing.

Hence, MY CALLS – to YOU – to leave reviews – INCREASE!

Because it’s warranted.

And because as Panourgias, one of our great and best customers once told me.

“Your books are the best”.

That they are.

And more than that being a badge of honor for me(though it is that) – the results they get YOU – are nigh spectacular.

So there it stands, friend.

As for the book in question, it’s Shoulders like Boulders!. 

And, I guaran-damn-tee you one damn thing, ain’t no-one teaching this great exercise like I am.


Click on over, grab the book, and you’ll see what I mean!


Rahul Mookerjee

Max BANG – for your BUCK!
- Is what its always about!

Every adversity, every misfortune, every negative occurence – carries with it the seed of an equivalent, or greater benefit. Not the flower of full blown success, mind you – but the SEED from which said flower may be said to germinate.

Sager words were never spoken.

Those were Napoleon Hill’s words, he keeps saying them in his books, and I repeated it – 99 percent verbatim.

When he was stuck with nothing – his life savings gone, all his income wiped out (remember, it’s PRE-“government assistance” era, even in the U.S. – then it was truly every man for himself or herself!) … his house gone, nothing but his car, no work to do, nothing, no motivational talks because no-one in the Depression was interested, he wondered if the current Depression really had any “upsides to it”.

Incredibly, he found one – as us positive folks, truly positive folks always manage to find.

The latter part of Outwitting the Devil, which most idiots scoff at – and the doers dont – was written, an unsung classic I have mentioned so many times before here, and it keeps getting ignored, of course.

Fine by me.

But as we go through this so called pandemic – panicdemic – and all the batty, idiotic crisises – it’s so goddamn evident it’s all man made for one.

I mean, notice how “the shit is all hitting the fan at once” – “pre programmed”.

Most dont, of course.

I’ve said so many times it’s all about thought.

Most, even on this list dont agree, and just say “whatever”.

Again, fine.

But why just me, read what Claude Bristol had to say about the depression he went through in the Magic of Believing.

He was thinking of quitting his senior level position at a financial firm, so badly was it going.

One night, he stayed up till 3 AM – then he had a “dazzling flash of inspiration” – again, most dismiss this as bunk, so much so that he put it in “TNT -it truly ROCKS THE WORLD!” (I believe that was the name of his first book) … but didnt in the better and more lengthy book “The Magic of Believing” because, in his words, people would think “he’d lost it” (gone over the top) (call him a crackpot, whatever).

(gone off the deep end, I believe, were his exact words)

And they likely would.

But that inspiration revealed something to him – it was the thoughts of man that not just created, but worsened the Great Depression.

Once he got that into his cranium, he thanked the lady who told him not to quit repeatedly. (his job).

And his company not just prospered, but thrived during the downturn.

I know, I know.

Just talk.

But it ain’t just talk either, friend.

Look outside right now.

The Sun’s still shining, no? The grass still groweth, no? Nature’s laws still apply, no?

Then where the hell is the Depression ?

I know.

Ill never get an answer on it, will i.

But anyway, lets assume for a minute this panic demic is warranted.

If there is one thing all of us have learnt, or are doing, either the hard way or the easy way – it is get max bang for your buck.

Actually, I take that back – not ALL of us – yours truly is neither scrimping nor spending more, for me, it;s business as usual with NO panic.

But yeah, getting the last drops of laundry detergent out of the pack, using the soap bars till they’re paper thin (no Glyn Bozo jokes please, hehe) – making your money LAST in ways you never thought – and so forth, hey, we’re all doing it (or most of us are).

And this brings me to my central point – just how ANYONE, even people without much common sense can say my books are expensive – especially NOW when they’re needed more so than EVER is beyond me!

You truly get max bang for your buck in my books.

MOtivation. Inspiration. Workouts to keep you busy the rest of your life. Nigh NO equipment required.

And that ain’t even getting into the main shebang – the health benefits – the way you FEEL – better fitness through the entire body and mind.

I mean, you on the list just goddamn well know it, so does everyone else.

When I hear the “expensive” rant, it makes me want to tear my hair out.

After I have a hearty laugh, of course.


But they are, apparently!

Anyway …

On a somewhat hilarious note, as often, I was recently asked again by an illuminary (not) “what I do for a living”.

I responded as follows (copyright a certain Steven California from the past, hehe)

I shake the tree, and see what nuts fall out.


I shake a tree, and money falls, I quipped. 

Now, I could have answered properly about my business, curated email lists, marketing, years of effort, persistence, and so forth, but no-one wants to hear all that apparently, its just the “end result” people want.

Look, it’s a journey, and if you dont enjoy it daily you’ll never make it till the fag end. Believe and trust me, it’s true.

Most wont – again – thats fine.

Not my job to try and convince the lot that never will be anyway and the Bozos, excuse makers and so forth.

But I CAN try and crack your skull open a bit on it, to see if by chance, you adopt an open mind.

all figurative, of course, the cracking part!

But anyway …………….

Max bang for your buck, my friend, is always a good thing, and my products deliver there as well.

Check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System for one, five great videos, two great books, paperbacks, hardcover, honestly, I dont know what more anyone could ask for fitness wise!

But hey, who am I to say it eh.

I know.

I know!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Final days for the pre-order on Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, if you haven’t yet stepped up to the plate, do so now. Remember, my friend, we need YOUR SUPPORT – and REAL support, not just silence to thrive during “these days”. I know you’re on my side, so step up, SHOW some love especially considering the great VALUE you’re getting on all of this!

Why a long, strong NECK is an UNMISTAKABLE sign of male virility – health – and STRENGTH!
- And overall fitness levels !

It’s one of those body parts you cannot hide, even if you try – much like a corrugated core – or strong thighs – or FOREARMS and traps!

Interestingly, most people focus on beach ball abs and the chest – both of which are not only smaller muscles in the grand scheme of things, but easily “hidden” – the main muscles are the biggest ones – and you simply cannot hide them even if you try (whether or not you work them or not) .

Anyway, I was looking at some of those “throwback pictures”.

It’s all the rage these days for some reason, how it “used to be” back in the day …

As I looked – Instagram has (or some user on it does) a picture of 5, Bollywood, I believe, stars from the 90’s.

All natural looking, without the makeup, male “chest being shaved” and everything that is so popular these days…

And four of them, including one guy that played a villain – looked normal.

One stood out though.

“Akshay Kumar” 

You might have heard his name!

Tall, lanky – martial artist – the guy had a physique back then most men would DIE For.

He’s now become more of the “greased and pumped” type, but I’ve no doubt he still retains his martial arts skills – those never quite go away!

Back in the day, THAT was the type of movie star I aspired to be – or … I should say, his hairstyle was what I took as a “cut out” to the barbers to get “hair like him”. Hehe.

(I still remember the barber – and they didnt laugh at that sort of thing back then, those were the 90’s, “good ole days” – “ye to waise hi ho jayega“, he laughed, and he “fluffed up” my hair, and it looked that way!

He was a great guy though. That ONE haircut he gave me … even my Dad, who hated my long hair noticed it, hehe, and asked me later for it. “That ONE time he cut your hair like that” – and he did – he truly cut it in that style!)

He was the sort of guy you might “ignore” on the street.

Natural, tall, broad, lanky …

Slim and trim, corrugated core and so forth …

But you wouldn’t ignore his physical prowress!

He’s the sort of guy who back in the day could probably pop off Battletank Shoulders! workouts daily without a pause.

And anyway, what I saw ?

In the picture, other than his 6 foot plus height – that made him stand out?


Strong, long – thick – naturally thick neck, my friend.

A true sign of virility – and male STRENGTH.

The guy would stand out in a crowd anyway – at least back then he would.

That NATURAL look – you cannot miss it – you martial artists on this list will understand!

A six pack without trying to “work for the six pack” – it comes as a natural by product of all the kicks and LOWER ab work – martial artists do regularly (that alone comes as a surprise for most people who think it’s all about crunches).

Corrugated core – and bulging, rippling, forearms WITHOUT trying to work them – lots of pulling and thick bar work!

And of course, the legs, lots of hill work!

This particular actor lived in Thailand for many years – which explains it! That part of the world lends itself so well to hills and the such …

But anyway, the neck.

It’s the common strand ALL real strongmen have.

The “bull neck”. The “Scottish highlander”  neck as my friend from the MArines once spoke about “you cannot miss the NECK!”

And by extension, the traps.

YOU too – my friend, might be surprised to learn that the neck is not only a part of the body YOU can train that way – but it’s also a part of the body that responds to intense training very well – and promptly.

And there is only one exercise that works the neck the best – like nothing else – the bridge, which is also a FULL body and core workout – (it’s more than that!) …. I teach in 0 Excuses Fitness, along with all it’s variants – – and the BEST darn exercise ever.

Trust me on this one, you’ll want to get good, REAL good at the bridge my friend.

Not only is it an all in one exercise – ie you bridge, you need to do nothing else for the workout – but it will help you achieve levels of health, strength and fitness you haven’t achieved in AGES.

Get on this exercise now, my friend.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You’ll get rid of neck and back pain FOREVER if you get on the bridge, and that alone my friend makes this worth the “price of admission” – not to mention you’ll build a core like granite. Get on this exercise NOW. No more sore and stiff necks upon waking up, thats for sure!

The old man in China that wore shorts in almost “sub zero” weather!
- Another tough guy, that dude was!

Hark back to I believe, I dont know, as winter starts “approaching” (although look outside, you wouldn’t think there’s any winter right now!) … 2015, I believe, the “fag end of it”. Hehe.

And those 530 AM climbs I often did – in freezing cold weather often.

Sometimes, a girl named Carol would join me for the climbs – sometimes not. But I’d do it before she showed up, with “Angel of the City” blaring out from my dumbphone, and I’d usually finish at least one climb i.e. up and down in utter darkness – and freezing cold weather, and sleet sometimes too in Southern china before she showed up.

Sometimes, of course, I was the one that couldn’t wake up.

But, that rarely, if ever happened!

But anyway, during one of these climbs, I think around 6 AM or so – I saw an old man walking around.

And it was BONE chillingly cold that morning!

Trust me, people associate Southern China (and India for that matter) with heat and humidity, and that perception is right.

But, during the winters – it can get real cold in China for one!

India too …

And with the slight rain that morning, a biting wind – it felt like way below zero (though the actual temperature was like around 2 degrees Celsius or so).

As my fingers were numb, I rubbed them together before starting my climb.

Now, that climb was one that will warm you up and work up a massive sweat even in cold weather – even if you’re in great shape already.

It’s just that sort of climb, but remember, I hadn’t started it as yet …

And I saw this old man in the park … entering it.

The guy was literally entering in nothing but a pair of tiny shorts!

You know, the “middle of summer” shorts – those white tennis shorts they wear!

Man oh man, I remember thinking.

I’m by no means scared of th ecold.

Hell, I wear shorts well into winter most of the time, both indoors and outdoors (no heating usually).

But this guy was something else, as was the other old man I met in China that I wrote about before!

Another old man, and he was taking deep, INVIGORATING BREATHS with each step as he walked, the vapor coming out of his mouth in “gasps” as he took in air, exhaled, and so forth.


I get it!

Deep breathing, can, will, and DOES warm the system up!

And much like a lot of these guys who dive headfirst into freezing cold water in the middle of winter (after a jaunt to the sauna) … this dude was one of those hardy sorts too. Not a lick of fat on him, I noticed, as we were the only two in the park at that Ungodly hour!

Trust me, that jungle looks different at that time!

But anyway, most of all, what struck me was the “invincible” feeling that was pouring off him.

I can identify.

And the sheer THRILL – the ADRENALIN that comes from doing extreme stuff like that …

I get it, again.

Been there, done that, will continue to!

But that is how your workouts should make you feel, my friend.


Once done, and even when starting you should be anticipating nothing less!

And thats why I laugh at silly idiots who claim “dont buy this book!!!!!!!” because I charge $80 for it or what not.

(that was covered last night, I’ve covered those nonsensical reviews so many times in the past).

And if there are two books in my entire repertoire – though most will do the same thing – that make you feel like a true MONSTER, absolutely and utterly INVINCIBLE …

Shoulders like Boulders!

Battletank Shoulders!

Go get ’em! 

Best ,

Rahul Mookerjee

The hill sprints my daughter ran.
- Or her modified "Princess" version, hehe.

I just received a great video – and some pictures – from the wife and daughter.

Apparently today was a day to “venture out” and so they did – apparently to one of Delhi’s most iconic monuments “Qutab Minar”.

That is basically a tall, tall, minaret – another one of those marvels of ancient engineerning – standing till this day while modern day buildings all around collapse in the dust.

I’m sure I could give you plenty of stories about it.

But, the Mughals when they were in India built it – at least as far as I know! The Taj Mahal, one of the Wonders of the World, apparently the REAL deal behind that is it used to be a Hindu temple or place of worship before it was taken over by the “invaders” as it were.

(and, when it comes to the Taj Mahal, looking at the architecture, looking at what they don’t show you deep down in the “bowels” of the monument – it makes sense it was an ancient Hindu temple to start with).

Then again, civilization basically all started in India, so that bit don’t surprise me. India and Africa were one, for those that will get back and say “the first human being was black and in Africa”.

God knows how we got to all the race issues, Bozos and so forth………….

Anyway, thats a tall, tall minaret, standing at least a few stories tall x 10 and then some (I can’t remember the exact height, but climbing it would be an interesting workout, especially those STEEP massive steps, one by one!).

Unfortunately, that climb has been closed to the public ever since … well, ever since I can remember – the Great Wall isn’t though and I so love climbing that!


But anyway ….

So they were there, and there’s this tiny hill – or lets say grassy slope next to the Minar.

(Minar, that used to be the name of a great restaurant I went to when young, some AWESOME Tandoori Food!)

And my daughters there in the video, yelling to Mom.

“Mom, send this to Dad!”

She did.

My daughter started off in a hill sprint. Running.

And it started well, …. except…

Pretty soon, and the slope wasn’t fit for a sprint anyway, so tiny was it, but pretty soon, my daugher did the kiddie version of what Sandra a girl I knew once did when climbing the hill – I was focused on getting to the TOP – she was more focused on the birds, bees, and flowers, and complained “you need look at flower too!”


I get it, girlie things, but men dont stop to smell the roses, they go BANG, BANG, get the job DONE – in more ways than one.

Little Princesses of course DO.

And once she reached the top after much “goading” apparently, she said “oh, finally done!”

The hill sprint DOWN though was done at full tilt, hehe.

Anyway ………….

Hill sprints are great, great workouts my friend.

And in Advanced Hill Training, you know what the great thing is?

I teach you bipedal – and quadruped sprints – the whole shebang.

No, the book isn’t Animal Kingdom Workouts – it’s stage ONE.

But this book is a masterpiece in its own right, my friend.

It teaches you how to walk correctly – breathe – and then run up hills right – and then the various ways to sprint up and DOWN (and remember, believe it or not, way more people get injured sprinting DOWNHILL than up) – and downhill sprints are an art to themselves, and a workout like NONE other for the calves if done right.

I even include the famous “diamond shaped calves” picture – so much for the idiot who called me a Charlatan in his last “price wanking” review.

But the best part?

Even a slope that tiny, a gradient that (not very) steep is MORE than enough to give you the workout of your LIFE with the three basic “on the ground” movements I teach in Advanced Hill Training.

Trust me, an empty living floor is more than enough for some of this.

I did this workout today along with swinging my clubs and jumping rope – and boy, I can feel it – and COULD feel it while doing it.

I was literally, as I say in the book, burning fat WHILE I did the workout, and could feel the fat “smelting” therein!

And that, my friend, is the tale for now.

Make sure you pick up the books above – and DO leave reviews – the idiocy that is masquerading for a review that I just sent y’all in the last email, well that sort of thing if any, is the reason we need REAL men and women – YOU on this list to step up, buy – and REVIEW!

All for now – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some great workouts for your kids here in Kiddie Fitness; make sure to grab this NOW as well.

PS #2 – The daughter is truly a “chip off the old block” as a customer rightly told me, she’s always loved HILLS – even when she was young!

I’ve written before Khajjiar in India, where I went in 2012 I think, then in 2016 … (second time with daughter) … and she was walking up those steep REAL Himalayan slopes – the real deal – like nothing!

And, leading the way, an intrepid three year old with a stick, sunglasses, the whole shebang, on a REAL mountain – so cute!


Great memories…

Much like I’ve put HERE!  (but travelogues dont make it into that one. Maybe for another book, this one is just yours truly and his own fitness recollections. Immensely inspiring, grab NOW!)

Man – on a – MISSION!
- YES, that is how it is, always has been!

Have you seen the Denzel washington movie “Man on Fire“?

I think they have two movies out by that name – I saw the first years ago, and to be honest, I dont think it’s one of the great actor’s better movies.

It’s OK dont get me wrong – Denzel makes anything watchable!

For me though, he’ll always be Alonzo Harris, the cop “el supremo”- cum- bad guy in Training Day …. ALWAYS!

I’ve never seen a better movie of Denzel’s than Training Day, though I’d say there are many – “Flight” being one. Then there was “Malcolm X”, then the movie about the submarine, and so forth.

Like I said, he makes anything watchable!

Great actor, and coming back to Man on Fire, look at the cover photo, and you think one thing – and he IS one thing in the movie – MAN – on a – MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big time!

Thats how I’ve always been, my friend


It’s either the whole humpty or NOTHING AT ALL.

You either love me, or you hate me. There has never been any in betweens, and this has caused a lot of strife and grief over the years to many, but thats how it is, and how it shall REMAIN.

Anyway …

I was rifling through some photos – as an idiot Maggie said, “such old photos”.

And two in particular caught my eye.

One was the picture I took in front of the harbor in Hong Kong not so long ago – the “movie star” picture.

Without trying to be one.

I love that picture, yes, mostly because it shows me as being HAPPY.

(PS – This thought just came to mind – Bozo, our famous by now “friendly corner bum” is now trolling me with “Dejon the N word” – and so forth. Apparently he didnt let him do you know what based upon what the Bozo is saying.

The entertainment NEVER stops with Glyn. Hehe)

But anyway, mostly because it shows me in great shape, being happy, it was one of those on the spur of the moment pictures I took – oddly enough, when I was SUPER stressed out due to some visa issue I was having (believe me, I was stranded in the Kong at the time with nothing but the clothes on my back, and what I had in my trusty backpack, which wasn’t a lot at all!).

And it was “swollen to the max” after buying “beauty products” for a certain Carol when I was there (who could care less about the situation, hehe, so I never told her) – but thats OK – I was returning a few favors!

Mailed it off to her, she got impatient “when will it arrive”, I told her, check the goddamned postal service (HK post has a fine site) … she didnt listen, and so forth.

But anyway … that women for ya!

They want everything yesterday”, dont they, John. Hehe.

But anyway ………..

The other picture, and surely my all time favorite, me climbing … the HILL!

The same picture as on the 16 Inspirational FItness Recollections page, which a lot of you have expressed interest in (and if thats you, for God’s sake, why not just GET the book? ) …

(it’s one of the most inspirational collection of recollections out there!)

Starting at the bottom of the hill for my THIRD climb.

All alone, out there in blazing, steaming HEAT AND HUMIDITY!


Broad shoulders, non existent waist, powerful chest, slim, strong legs …

All paints a picture of male desirablity, I know.

Yet, more than all this, what strikes me is the POSTURE.

The WAY I’m climbing the hill – walking up it – the RIGHT way – which most do NOT walk up hills that way – to their detriment (and thats why I teach you the right way in Advanced Hill Training).


Those calves!

And if you look at my face, in the by now famous photos .. it screams one thing.


And I sure was, with those climbs that almost killed me – but what doesnt kill you will make you better and boy that was truly the case for me – and still IS!

Sure, I dont do those extreme workouts anymore – for now.

Maybe I will in the future.

You dont have to do ’em either!

But, they get you in great shape and every serious fitness enthusiast has done those solid workouts for a period of time at SOME point in their life or the other, in SOME way, shape or form.

I can almost feel myself on the hill out there NOW.

I’m RARING to go!

It was like YESTERDAY, literally!

And … that is how YOU should be when focused on a mission, my friend.

Fitness or otherwise, MAN ON A MISSION is how you should identify.

And your numero uno mission for now should be to get into the best shape possible – with MINIMAL INVESTMENT.

Or very little, and certainly no idiotic equipment either.

If you want to learn how to do that, well, the 0 Excuses Fitness System teaches you.

Get you some now.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Possibly other than chinning bars, the only book in which I talk about training with equipment, and the only book I’ll probably ever do on it – and believe me, it’ll be a STUNNA … go place your pre-order for it now –Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness!!

“How do you know it wont”
- The wrong question to ask, my friend.

My friend,

I will never forget the one night I was introducing the exercises in 0 Excuses Fitness to one of my friends (from the Marines – an ex Marine) with tons of pre-existing hip and knee injuries.

The exercises I introduced MOST to him were the Hindu Squat – and the … I believe the bridge, but mostly the Hindu squat, an exercise that does tremendous good to the entire body, internal systems of the body – in other words, it’s not just “an exercise to build the legs”.

Sure, you will build thighs like oak trees if you do this exercise regularly. Sure, the Gama built those tree trunk like legs that way!

Sure, if you read 0 Excuses Fitness – you’ll know that along with pushups, the Hindu squat – and other squats I talk about perhaps in Isometric and Flexibility Training – are the CORNERSTONE of my fitness programs, any of them.

I know guys that can squat 500 or thereabouts, but can’t get into the patented “Rahul Mookerjee” squat with nothing on their back – or even close to it – which, my friend, is just pathetic.

For a long time in my life, even when I was overweight, squatting “on my toes” was no problem for me, even a deep squat.

But the patented style of squat I teach you in Isometric and Flexibility Training, now THAT was always an issue – until the last couple of years or so.

This one exercise, my friend, not only greatly benefits your entire body, but also REDUCES – GREATLY – the time you spend on your fitness program – in and as of itself, it, like the bridge, is a GREAT core and lower body – and leg exercise – while you dont even “feel like you’re working out” when you do it (when you start to get to be able to do it).

Anyway – where was I.

So, I was telling my buddy to bridge – and do the squats.

And his response was “great, but … ”

But what, I asked.

“I dont think I can do them. Ive got pre-existing injuries”.

Which to be honest, I’ve seen plenty of people with worse injuries do these rehabilitative exercises, so I told him ..

He wasn’t having any of it though, hehe.

“How do you know it wont cause more problems”.

Again, I explained the case studies – the real life examples – my own examples – and finished off “just give it a WHIRL aka TRY”.

Can’t hurt, I grinned.

Just TRY it.

“How do you know it wont cause more problems”.

My reply was, “how do you know it WILL“.


It’s a classic example of “expecting problems to happen”, my friend.

True, if you were to spread your arms and jump off a building like his cat once did – you might be better off thinking “what if” in that case.

The cat, of course, landed on its feet 16 storeys beneath – and was perfectly fine. Hehe. I’ve written about that before.

But exercise wise, why not do the thing – and expect something GOOD To happen, my friend?

Especially when you’re being taught by “Mr Brutally Honest” …

Of course, the usual thought processes played out in his mind most likely.

“He’s not a doctor”.

“He’s not a millionaire”, so “how does he know”.

And so forth.

But it’s stupid, my friend, to “expect problems” – and not even try.

Ditto for the people that have got it into their heads that “overhead presses” (weight wise) – and “handstand pushups” – are “bad for the shoulders”.

Even accomplished athletes – Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla, an accomplished boxer – have these ideas occasionally.

I dont know, if they’d just TRY it once – much like I once got my ass whopped in the boxing ring (I believe that email has gone out about 12 times alredy, hehe – I dont know why that keeps going out – I didnt set it that way – but hey, I loved the experiences, so perhaps the emails “love it too”!) ….

They’d become believers.

To finish this off, of course, here’s what a great customer from the UK once said about the “best darn exercise ever” – he said it’s his favorite book (that I’ve written) (apart from Animal Kingdom Workouts and Isometric and Flexibility Training) …

THIS book – Pushups – REVERSE PUSHUPS – the best DARN EXERCISE! (0excusesfitness.com)

The ONE exercise that will give you the CARVED ABS look you so desperately WANT.    (that was me) 

The exercise in this book is quite difficult to master but once you crack it, it will blow you away at how good it makes your entire body feel, I’m 63 and let me tell you, this one exercise has done more for my overall wellbeing than anything else I’ve ever done. A masterpiece, thank you.

– John Walker  (from the UK).

Remember, this is a former Samurai, a guy thats been into heavy lifting too – and exercise – the RIGHT kind – all his life!

And that, my friend, says it all.

Just give it a shot, friend.

You might well be “nigh” surprised!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Ditto for those of you with knees you consider too banged up to do sprints.

They might be banged up – NOW.

But, despite what the “docs” say … just TRY some of this stuff, and you might just find that “degrees” and other rubbish paperwork (ever note how it’s always “kosher to get MBA’s for one” – and then those some MBA’s always complain about not being able to get hired at “what they’re worth”) dont necessarily make a man (or woman) a genius.

It’s real life, learning in the trenches that does – and produces RESULTS.

Trust me on this one.

I’ve been told I’d die before the age of 30 – that “I’d never get that fit” – that … I dont know, all sorts of pills and other nonsense was required to cure my “liver issues” (genetic mostly) and other nonsense.

I disregarded all of the advice, and was roundly booed.

Good thing I did, if I TOOK the advice, this here site for one may not even BE there…

Why bodyweight plus IRON is what really rocks – and why BODYWEIGHT is always, at the end of the day – superior to all.
- IT TRULy - IS!

I’ve – I was thinking about this, my friend.

This afternoon, pacing around the living room, I remember the days I lifted weights – REAL weights, not the nonsensical curls with 50 kgs in each hand that admittedly “toned” me, but did in the way of reducing fat, building REAL muscle (other than the grip) (and even that not fully) – and of course, overall health and strength – and stamina (I could barely climb up five flights of stairs without gettin gout of breath – compare that to me lugging BOXES up stairs now – TRULY Lumberjack Style!) …

Dont get me wrong, lifting odd and heavy objects and doing so REGULARLY – is GREAT for health – and strength and overall fitness.

The story of Milo and the calf bears testament to this i.e. Milo lifted the baby calf daily till it was a full grown COW – hardly a weight you could “grip” comfortably (unless its Glyn the cockwomble uddering away under the udders, hehe).

Progression, incremental weight, UNWIEDLY weights HARD to grip -the story of Milo and the calf satisfies ALL.

And I’ll be bringing you exactly THESE ways – and better, from the Indian subcontinent (and Persian too) – to train – which despite what people REALLY think about the subcontinent, the food – and training as done by old time wrestlers etc – everyone, I dont care who it is – wants to know MORE about.

This will be my best book ever.

Perhaps thats why it’s taking so long to get the last kettlebell part done i.e. good things come to those … that wait, sometimes a very long time!

Anyway ………..

I remember doing “overhead presses” – the only exercise I ever really trained with a barbell.

Squats too, but the overhead press was what I really trained. And what made me feel like a MONSTER!

Bench press – fooey. I hated that exercise, always felt unnatural.

But the overhead press, picking something OVER your head – throwing it – or putting it back down under control, and it’s variations (bent leg, ramrod straight legs etc) – I’ve always loved it.

And when you combine it with pull-ups – or heavy clubs etc – few better “feelings” overall!

Trust me, bodyweight plus unweildy weights is how the oldtimers did its, and ate like horses (and drank like fish, if it’s Arthur Saxon) – and looked GREAT – REALLY GREAT!

Yet, here’s the thing.

I’ve spoken before about how BODYWEIGHT exercise EXELLENCE translates into WEIGHT lifting prowress.

NOT the other way around, tho.

Get a guy that can do overhead presses till the cows come home – dont get me wrong, great exercise, but he might not necessarily be able to crank out 50 pushups in a row, or 250 per workout, or more – and handstand pushups.

Someone though that can do what I say in BAttletank Shoulders – you can bet your Betsy, Bozo, or bottom dollar, existent or NOT – that this person might take a while to get used to heavy iron – maybe a day or so at most.

They will FEEL different the first day.

You’ll be NIGH amazed though at how quickly the person picks up the skill – and ADAPTS – due to pre-existing strength in the bones and tendons and overall musculature that “just weights alone” simply cannot build.

Neither can it REALLY get the beast out.

Do REAL weightlifting, then do REAL Animal Kingdom Workouts – you will SEE.

Best of all, of course, do BOTH …

But great thing about bodyweight, and why it ultimately trumps ALL.

Because if you do bodyweight, you truly need NOTHING ELSE. 

The reverse is not true.

And that, my friend, says it all…

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – One of the best bodyweight exercises you can do?

The BEST darn exercise ever – be sure to check it out NOW.

What But(t) Buttling Bozos, B.S. artists, and scammers, and the like FAIL to get about TODAY.
- It don't work, friend, hasn't been for a while!

Just ass clowns, most of the above lot as Glenn, a friend from Australia once famously confided in me.

And like the Bozo, despite his Ponzi schemes and scams not working, or backfiring spectacularly (guess why he got deported from China for one, it wasnt just snorting Coke in HK – it was the crimes he committed there, the sheer lunacy as a girl he ripped off and cheated big time, and was physically abusive to “Mandy” – we’ve covered her responses here too – and Roya – and a lot of others would attest to – Bozo is truly lowest of the LOW SCUM) – they dont get it!

Here are just a couple of the latest emails that are nigh annoying – and piss me off.

Buy 3d printer, radio controlled toys, cell phones, home appliances, tv box, home and garden, clothes at great prices

Ugghhhh. (thats all this idiot sent me with some idiotic link)

“Hi Tech Proposal” (sent by Sumit the Fool)


We are in the process of following our last email. Typically, when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they’re really busy or didn’t get the mail.

Please let me know if you got a chance to go through my last emails and interested in app.

From: Sumit The Fool
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 4:37 PM
Subject: Hi-Tech Proposal !!!


Hope you are doing well..!

We are an iOS and Android App Development Company. We have own in house expertise team in:
Our services in the mobile development range from the entertainment applications to complex enterprise solutions.

Developments which can be done on Mobile:

• Mobile Games
• Work Order Management
• Asset Tracking
• Networking/Bluetooth Apps
• Website for Mobiles
• Widgets
• Business & Sales Application
• Integration with Enterprise Apps
• Banking and Finance
• Theme, Mock, Icon Design for Mobile Applications
• Productivity Application
• Web Service Integration
• Time and Materials Tracking Applications, etc…

If you feel your business also deserves a mobile app, we will be glad to create an app for you in the most cost-efficient manner.

Please feel free to get in touch with your requirements so that we can share our recommendations.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,
The Fool

Then this …

“Can I write an article for your website?”

Relocating, especially to a new city, is an undertaking.

Oftentimes, we’re so caught up in logistics, we can forget how important it is to find the right place to live when you know next to nothing about the city itself.

Could I write an article with best practices for determining what’s important to you in a new home, townhouse, condo, or apartment? Considerations like: proximity to what matters most to you and your family (restaurants, bars, parks, workplace, daycare, schools…) and living space details like the layout or number of bathrooms.

Do you think you’d have time to review this article if I sent it your way? I’d love the opportunity to do so 🙂

Looking forward to hearing back – hope you have a wonderful day,

Charlotte Bozo (her contact info, I won’t dignify it by even mentioning the NON linked version here!)

My answer to all this?

No, you FOOL!

Sometimes Sophia – Gorilla Girl and her brash attitude – hehe, it’s not just a turn on for some, but its PRACTICAL and wanted.

No wonder the Bozo was literally begging to be a simp for this lady, hehe.

But really, these people – plumb damn STUPID.


Not to mention, Sumit, if someone doesnt reply, its because they dont WANT TO reply, period.

It aint because they’re “toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy” or didnt get the email.

These same people are NEVER even “remotely busy”, let alone too busy and their social media trail for one PROVES IT!

I just wonder what these people are on. Hehe.

Oh well …

And for YOU on this list, a lot of you – same thing applies.

I’ve sent you MANY offers, many emails, yet, no response, and no, the “we’re busy” excuse dont fly, because the stats prove otherwise, plus I’m not your average run of the mill Bozo or fool.

So, step up, take action now my friend.

You might want to start right HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

The most inane, idiotic, baseless, and SENSELESS advice one can give to ANY kid.
- Really... !

My wife and I have been discussing something I’ll keep private for now – but it’s got to do with martial arts, and my daughter getting into them.

But I gotta say, some of the advice my daughter (according to my wife) has been getting from so called family members since she was young – utterly BASELESS, and retarded!

I’ll keep their “identities under wraps” for this one ,but anyone that knows me – and on this list – knows who they are or might be. Hehe.

“Stay away from all fighting” was the advice.

To a kid?

That the WORST advice you can give, along with forcing them into excessive study!

First thing you know, as you said the other day, you can’t control your kids forever, the more you try and control – the more that kid will rebel and NOT do what you want growing up – especially if she’s Rahul Mookerjee’s daughter.


Of course, for people who have always blamed me for all the “bad qualities” (so called, I dont think they’re bad) my daughter has – even when I was never THERE in person – or when I WAS (funny how that works, always a scapegoat eh) …. that advice is par for the course, and as the wife tells me “it’s pointless to argue”.

True dat …

I’d probably, as a great customer said about his wife “old lady aka ball and chain” – have more luck talking to the brick wall there.

But really, these same sort of people are adamantly against physical exercise.

And for a guy growing up that routinely got bullied at school, it was OK for the other guys to be violent, and I should just take it – “because good boys dont fight” – and for a guy with a daughter – who is even more vulnerable with the exploding crime against women, this sort of thing is not just senseless.

ITS LUNACY  x 1000.

Of course, lunatics rarely understand they’re that, so we need the padded cells. Ask the Bozo for one. Hehe. (Schofield).

But here’s the thing.

I submit that if there is ONE thing – or some things – you should ask your kids to be damn good at?

Anything PHYSICAL – NOT the dumbphone!

COMMUNICATION – language – and MATH!

HISTORY! (or it’ll repeat itself)

And back to the physical ..

Anything sports related – or martial arts related.

Get DAMN good at SELF defense. No, for idiots that think something like Taekwondo or Karate is “violence” – it ain’t exactly Krav Maga we’re teaching here, boys and girls.

There is a difference between martial arts in COMBAT – and in SPORTS.

i.e. “military martial arts” or their version – which are meant to hurt, maim and kill …


I remember our Taekwondo instructor once telling us – all the time, actually while doing pushups (which I was, oddly enough, despite NOT being the best fighter there, being very stiff etc – always praised for touching my chest to the GROUND on EACH REP!!) …


I wasn’t quite happy with the way the dude hammered his own son in front of all of us though – that guy was like 8 or so …

But that was parenting back then, I suppose, my wife has similar stories to relate.

But he was spot on in terms of it being self defense – not “attack”.

Yes, you attack in self defense, its the best way to defend, I’ve always said that but you only attack when provoked.

On the Kiddie Fitness page, I make NO BONES about the fact that I will ALWAYS stand for and behind my daughter when she’s being bullied.

I’ve given you the real story of what happened on that page.

No-one helped me when I needed it in that regard, and come hell or high water, directly or not, I’ll be goddamned if my daughter turns you into a wimp or something or whatever certain nuts want her to be.

(oddly enough, these same people will later turn around and castigate that same person for “being fat” (when they are far more out of shape themselves) – and “not being able to defend themselves”, and “those boys being far stronger!” – and other nonsense, when they themselves never let the kid do much physical …. HA! I mean, there is a limit to sheer and utter MIND BOGGLING STUPIDITY!)

(This link might be interesting, lol) (and I’m not even a real boxer!) (but yes, I DID learn to hit HARD!)

Aint gonna happen – NO MATTER WHAT!

And thats another parenting lesson for a lot of you.

Maybe ya’ll wanted it, maybe yall didnt, whatever it is, but thats how I feel, and it’s important – very important – to say it.

And thats that.

Grab the course above for your kids, my friend, its one of the VERY BEST (check out the reviews) courses you can ever give ’em ! (gifts)


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And stop dilly dallying (those that are) on the ADULT version HERE.