The handstand Bozo Schofield would so love…
- My, my, the things people get up to!

Yours truly just saw a clip that made him go OUCH!

x 1000.

Now, it’s useful on the other site where I cater to the Schofield types with “Madam plssssssssssss can I kisss your ass” or what not fetishes…

But as far as this one goes – YOWZA!

Trust me, when I describe it, you’ll know what I mean.

And it’s a handstand the lard lump Bozo would love to do – if he can.

Now, dont get me wrong, first off.

Bozo can’t get into a pushup position and hold with arms straight to save his life, and being as phat as he is, dong (I mean DOING, but you’ll see my point! pun intended) a handstand?

Or even close to it?

Even the easy peasy kick up style I do NOT teach in Shoulders like Boulders! – Bozo can only dream of it. Trust me.

(So can most gym goers, but Bozo is worse, but those gym goers with all their huge muscles, ask them to just GET into a handstand, much less do a handstand pushup.

Their jaws truly WILL drop when they see YOU doing it though!)

But anyway, if he saw this, he’d love it!

Some slim looking dude got into a handstand. Fairly OK I guess, kinda unstable, and then it come – POW!

Some chick just started to punch him.

Not where you’d think either.

Chest, head, no kicks, just punches…

But she wasn’t punching the legs or body if you get my drift.


Let me just say the guy had legs spread for a reason – when you kick up – sometimes your legs are spread (as opposed to the way I teach them – unless you’re working up to freestanding handstands though, which is taught in Profound – 70% Gorilla 30% Human Handstands – that is the bridge between the first two books and the fourth – not yet out – freestanding handstands) when you do kick up handstands.

And she was punchin him – get this – right in the gonads.

A certain Sophia once called me a masochist – why – I’ll let you guess!

But I;d rather be an Iron man and masochist exercise wise!!!!

Which, I’ll take.

But this??

He was apparently into, as Bozo is, into getting his “nuts busted” . Ballbusting they call it in parlance where male bits are kicked, scrunched, punched, pushed – OUCH!

(by “ballbustrixes”) (or whatever gets the Bozo’s goat, I gues. Though most of those folks are actually sane, they just have insane preferences, hehe, but they’re nothing like “pester Central Bozo” – they keep it SSC!)

And people get real creative with it too!

And as soon as (and believe me, I’ve marketed to those folks too, hehe in their way – they love it!) – the dude got down from the handstand, kicking back down – he just collapsed in a heap and the video ended.

I dont blame him.

Thats rather extreme!

Though  of course, with Bozo, he probably wouldn’t say it’s extreme at all.

Anyway …

That’s something “interesting” I saw!

And while I can’t particularly say I “like it” myself – LOL – if you get my drift – theres tons of idiots that do. Hehe.

Good news, YOU dont have to do anything near about as awe inspiring – or stupid, if I might say so. Hehe.

For you, getting into the regular handstand will be enough to evoke that AWE in most people, gym goers included.

And to learn how to – well – get Shoulders like Boulders! here.

Limited time offer – the “FAQ” (25 great questions everyone has on handstands) is offered FREE OF CHARGE – if you choose the digital download option.

Get on this NOW, my friend.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why the word “drifter” is often misused.
- By the Tom Toms ...

A customer (long term) of mine once recently made this comment about me.

“You have an interesting lifestyle with the way you move about. I wish I could do that!”

He meant every word too. Hehe.

Ties into what I keep saying about the reason people complaining so much about me and ranting behind my backs about “what a loser he is” or “he has so much money, gives us nothing!” and so forth?

THEY want the same thing, except they have found every excuse to justify the lack of that same thing in their own lives, therefore…

I get it – why wouldn’t someone want it?

Charles was right!

But anyway …

(I mean , think about it – a business that pays you as you move about – quite literally while you sleep – a lifestyle people can only dream of in terms of “new and interesting things” – and of course, if you’re a guy, ahem… the gals – and not just that – just, different places, interesting, different cultures, so forth!)

Everyone wants it, precious few have the gumption to say “screw you” to the world that wants you to do the polar opposite, and then do what it takes to create that lifestyle.

Some dont even believe it’s possible, which hey, I get that .. – I honestly do. I didnt for a long time myself (but I still always wanted it!)

But anyway …

My Uncle once asked me the following (I believe when I was 19).

“What do you want to do?”

He broke cardinal rule numero UNO, of course, which is to do the thing first – and tell people later!

Knowingly or not , I have always followed that one sage rule!

And many others…

He then went on to say “I could do something definite, or “be a drifter“”.

Nothing wrong with either one of the following, he went.

I remember thinking.

“Duh, Uncle. Tell me something I DON’T KNOW!”

But I kept my mouth shut, hehe. I always do!

Thing is though, there is often confusion between the terms “nomad” and “drifter”.

Charles Mitchell, my great customer and ex cop from the Big Apple used the term “nomadic lifestyle”, and he was right.

A drifter, as Napoleon Hill famously said in his books is someone who has no definite aim, goal or purpose in his life (Bozo Schofield would be a nigh perfect example of this).

(Which is why I dont despite my numerous talks about the Bozo, ever tell him to “change”. I advise him, yes, but he wants to drift and be a loser – hey, who am I to change him!)

But thats never been me. I’ve ALWAYS had huge goals, and I’ve met each single one of them.

Of course, when you “dont do it as the world expects, on THEIR TIMEFRAME and conditions” – then you’re a drifter (curiously enough, they find the time to chat to drifters, these so called doers, hehe) …

(pretty much what happened in Rambo I – i.e. the guy was just looking for a plac eto sit down, recuperate – he wasn’t a drifter by any stretch!)

Nomad is anything BUT a drifter.

Just WHY would someone not want to live life with full freedom as I’ve described above is beyond me, of course…

Maybe the Tom Tom’s can chime in and tell me !

Anyway, Id rather be confused as a “drifter” than not be a nomad, or semi nomad.

To me, what people say and my own words even dont matter.

When people tell me something like that, it causes internal giggles of the sort Bozo never got from any girl laughing at him. Hehe.

And so, I let them say it, then I do my own thing.

So should you – and thats a lesson in itself in terms of doing your own thang, bro.

Or sis, what have you, or, if you’re Bozos tranny (that one he’s after now, some of the stuff he’s been saying, I gotta wonder, geez) …

Anyone, really…

Alright, thats that for this one.

Remember, this is yet another thing SO GREAT ABOUT ALL MY FITNESS PROGRAMS!

You do them ANYWHERE.

On the road, in hotel rooms, even out while drinking beer (I still remember showing my buddy from the Marines Hindu Squats while drinking.

“I hope these tight jeans dont rip”, I quipped (I was wearing them).

“We dont want that!” he riposted back.

And that, my friend, is that.

Now, i dont know what you’re waiting upon if you ain’t yet got the System, truly the best fitness system out there…

And since I’m sick of telling you about offers, rewards, and so forth, I’ll just say this –

BE A DOER – not a “booer”!

And I’m out.


Rahul Mookerjee

Truly, friend, doing is the ONLY way to succeed in life. NO SHORTCUTS!

Why life is all about playing the WAITING GAME!
- Black Mamba!

Like I say, Black Mamba style!

Jeff Bezos (and this happened only in the last 8 years when his company grew in a very stupendous manner (it might sound surprising, but Amazon wasnt what it was for most of it’s 20 plus year “lifespan” and still going – until around 8 or so years ago! – they had like I believe 30k employees at that point, as opposed to the massive numbers today) … had this to say when asked about the company’s performance.

“This was baked in three months ago, maybe a year ago!”

Which is how it works, my friend – in life – or money – or business – or fitness – or even “beating the Bozo at his own game” (the last if you were to get downright infantile).

But lets get infantile for a moment, remember the wait and watch game I subconsciously played with the Bozo before really letting him “crucify” himself with his Amazon reviews, and then starting to bring all my guns out – one by one.

Big ‘uns still on the hip, Glyn! Hehe

But it’s a waiting game, my friend.

You have to be willing to look past – way past – temporary setbacks that might seem nigh huge, disappointments that might crush you.

This morning, I woke up and saw a 60% plus return on an investment I made a few months ago without thinking about it except “plant a seed here, plant one there – see what and how it grows”.

This one sure did GROW!

But lets say you LOST that money – the opposite.

What will your reaction be?

Doom and gloom – or chalk it up to the GAME?

Most people would go for the former, especially with huge losses – and hey, I get it.

Can be galling!

Can literally “cut into you”…

I know the feeling – been there, done that!

But it’s if you look at it as a learning experience for the GOOD to come next, the LESSONS learnt – then , my friend, you get knowledge that is nigh invaluable!

Napoleon Hill wrote about this in Think and Grow Rich in the lesson on .. PERSISTENCE, that “strange force” which comes to your aid – when all else is lost, the whole world is against you, yet you keep fighting, and SOMETHING HAPPENS!

And it is the “verily persistent” that finally make it to the top, and stay there (if they’re smart).

These people dont just, as Hill wrote, get the prize that they are seeking.

They get something more infinitely important, that being knowledge on temporary failure, persistence, and the rest!

You’ll have to read the book for more on it –  but this same spirit shines through in Zero to Hero! as well. (I’d say it’s a mini Think and Grow Rich from a practical standpoint i.e. DOING – though again, visualization is very important, and the first few words of the book – and the prologue, or whatever I named it – bears TESTAMENT TO THAT FACT!)

(done with FEELING).

Fitness wise, same thing, except a bit different.

You dont just get the System, for one, and sit on it – you keep quietly DOING.

Some days you think about your goal actively, some days, no. But you keep doing, and much like monitoring stocks – or investments – or what not – that doing makes you think automatically as well.

And one fine day, you wake up – and you see you’re TRULY in great shape – people are starting to applaud you, and so forth.

Its the slow burn, friend.

It’s the appetite to keep going for long periods with nothing but discouragement staring you in the face.

It’s the appetite to lose, and lose big – and then win even bigger. 

Might sound like a bit of a gambler’s Mecca that last one, but really – what is life at the end of the day?

Aren’t we all gambling each single day – big, or small – or infinitesimally?

Think about it …

And remember, as I keep saying, invest in the System while you can, my friend. A few months down the road – the price will go UP – and you’ll be cursing yourself for NOT getting in at the price it is now (and the offers I have applicable now).

Do this NOW, friend. Really.


Rahul Mookerjee

Survival of the fittest.
- Both mentally and physically.

In all ways, my friend.

Mentally, physically, and in every which way.

Simply saying “crazy world right now” doesnt cut it. Trust me, plenty of people say that to me- but if you saw what I did, from ALL angles, and many countries etc, with insider knowledge of what is going on in some of those places, you’d truly understand!

This ain’t even about predictions coming true (that people scoffed at me years ago for saying “it will never happen” – oh YES, if it CAN happen, it probably WILL happen at some point – question is, are you PREPARED?) years or months after I predict them, it is NOT about yours truly either.

It isn’t about Tom Tomming my abilities.

It isn’t about thinking “all is well” and “good attracts good” – dont get me wrong, it does, but you can’t control the world! – when the reality is the polar opposite.

It isn’t about ignoring the news altogether – it’s about not letting it affect you, and it’s about sifting through the chaff to find the grain, or whatever the expression is.

I’ve been saying for YEARS now that it’s truly all headed up to SURVIVAL of the fittest in an extreme manner.

I built – wrote – all my courses in a manner that would make you physically, mentally, emotionally – in every which way – able to weather the STORM to come – the MASSIVE storm that is out there NOW.

Just look at what is happening.

People were happy 2020 was over.

“2021 will be better!” everyone mused.

I remember laughing sardonically.

“The pain ain’t even begun!” is what I told people.

They didnt listen.

Almost a year down the line, I’m saying this now – its begun – well and truly – but we’re a long ways from even halfway down the pain meter.

Think what is happening NOW is bad?

I dont blame you -look around you.

Crisis damn near everywhere on all fronts, price rising for everything everywhere, scare campaigns going on DAILY – the fear people are feeling now (or the “resignation”) is so palpable I could cut it with a KNIFE. – relationships deteriorating alarmingly – people themselves having changed beyond any semblance …

I mean, I dont get it – the sheer callous nature of folks now, send them an email no response, send them a text – no response – and I am talking BUSINESS HERE with profit in it for them – it seems all people want is everything on a platter!

And it’s getting worse.

Now, what does all this have to do with you, you might well ask.

Well, last year I wrote about – in March – 2020 being the year of the survivor.

You might want to edit that to “the next few years”.

Look, things are what they are.

And you cannot ignore the FACT, my friend – that to survive whats coming – you have to be at your WILDEST, fittest, BEAST LIKE BEST!

Societal niceities, “politeness” and all other crap be damned (not like you’ll get it back – reciprocated – anyway!).

What it’s boiling down to – and I wont even use the “frog in boiling water” example like someone recently used about the power crisis in Europe (that metaphor is inaccurate, btw, frogs DO as far as I know feel pain when dunked in boiling water!) …

.. .is the survival of the fittest.

In every which way possible .

And if you dont believe that, if you think this will “pass soon” – then youre sadly mistaken, friend.

Then, I might well use that above metaphor – or maybe “sticking your head in the sand” (which never works).

Pass it will, but the tough phase must be negotiated, not everyone will …

Look, my courses make you like ME.

Lean, mean, ready to blast past obstacles, and “die trying” (figuratively) …

It’s THAT sort of attitude that my fitness courses foster.

It’s ABOVE AND BEYOND “just get you fit” or “make you tough as hell” (these workouts are indeed used by Special Forces and other supremely fit individuals everywhere! – dont believe me? show them one of my books, lets say Battletank Shoulders, and ASK!) …


And my courses toughen you up to the point where that is at the forefront of your mind daily – while you thrive and prosper in other areas of your life.

And the very basestone – cornerstone – Lodestone- if I might say so, of that system?

The 0 Excuses FItness system – get your hands on this now, and get started TODAY!

Truly building WARRIORS from the INSIDE OUT!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A huge shout out to Cathy and the rest that took action on the last email!

And in terms of lodestones – here is another course you must invest in right here – Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness (do so before the price goes UP).

And no, steeling yourself “not to buy”wont work -just like the above system, THIS is worth more than it’s weight in GOLD, my friend – trust me – quite literally – secrets you have NOT heard before!

Secrets that truly will catapult your health and fitness to hitherto unheard of levels..!

Get in on the pre-order while you can!

Some things just dont change…
- Hehe.

A lot of things don’t.

I believe I wrote about this a while ago?

As companies globally revert to shipping “as it was in the 1960’s”, and the apathy, laziness, and disregard for one’s fellow human being just rises, I gotta say this …

But before I do, on a slightly humurous note – to me.

My daughter is “cheating” in her exams – so she told me.

Just like yours truly did – and everyone in the class did as well, hehe. We did inventively, with “little bits of paper” stuck up socks, underwear, and every other crevice we could find.

Bozo Schofield, of course, stuck it up the one crevice even the teacher wouldn’t look for (although given whats going on in some of the “Catholic schools”, churches etc – what a DISGRAC E- have you read the stories of abuse????? and in some and many cases, it’s WOMEN abusing girls! – just a disgrace, I thought… – I wouldn’t put it past some of them!) …

If caught, we’d just “eat” the paper.

I never was, fellow students often were. Hehe.

Bozo, I dont know how you ate that paper.

But apparently he did!

Or hed get a whack like none other from a cane or what not …

These days, from what I can glean, it’s become taking photos on the dumbphone and smuggling those into class. Hehe.

Some things dont change!

I keep telling my daughter ONE thing – for most things.

“If you wanna cheat on some things do it – but dont get caught!”

Now, I encourage her NOT to cheat – especially when it comes to English, communication skills etc

But I also know, from experience, she’s going to do it anyway … kids these days have become lazy like you wouldn’t imagine!

(Not their fault, of course, the environment around them) …

And so, if she’s going to do it anyway – I’d rather she TELLS me (as opposed to in my case where I wouldn’t dare tell my parents – hehe – reminds me of me burning exam papers etc with my friend Dheeraj when I was 17 so my Mom wouldn’t get a hold to them, hehe) … and then does it.

“Do everything”, I keep telling my daughter, but “tell me first”.

I draw the line at ACTIVELY helping her cheat though. Hehe.

If she’s gotta do it, she’s gotta learn how to be inventive enough to do it!

Hey, fair trade off, I think.

BUt anyway …

The world – my friend, and PEOPLE- just, I Dont get it.

I had it out this morning with a guy I’ve done biz with for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.

He promised something in July, never got it done.

Almost three months, I still dont even have an answer on how much it will cost, IF he can do it, just “stringing me along” basically for months – I trusted him because of our past business dealings together, now, as he avoids my calls, messages and texts, I’ve come to the conclusion that I did a couple of months ago, and told Dani, who claims “I need to be patient, it’s COVID”.

No I dont.

COVID is a fucking excuse.

I mean, if you can’t get the job done – TELL Me – thats fine! But dont leave me hanging in the middle for MONTHS on end, literally …

Neither have Bozos, and their tendency to be that changed.

Y’all know this, of course.

And really, people are people beneath all the razmataz , dumbphones, gloss and glitter and so forth…

Always were, always will be.

And something that has NOT changed either is the need to keep yourself physically fit and strong in all regards, my friend.

You may think it’s just a sales pitch, but it ain’t either.

With life the way it is these days, you’d think MORE people would want to jump onto the bodyweight fitness bandwagon, because THAT at the end of the day is what really, really works!

Not the fancy gyms, mirrors, tanning oil, babes, and so forth.

Many people are, but have YOU invested in the System as yet?

LOTS of you, I haven’t called you out by name, have been on this list for YEARS.

You’re still on the fence??

I dont get it, friend – either you take action or you don’t …

I’m compiling a list of DOERS which I will put on the site shortly (more on that later) -and I’d love to see YOUR name there, my friend, as someone who truly cares about his health, strength, and fitness, someone who is willing to look past the BS, someone who KNOWS that REAL Training is what makes real men and so forth …

So dont disappoint me, my friend.

Get your paws on the system HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My daughter hates “losing” too. Big time! You should see her scowl after she loses – even if it’s a simple game of Scrabble or what not!

But THERE I give no quarters, friend.

I tell her its ok to hate losing, but being a brat and whining about it – no way!

THAT won’t help you win, honey, I tell her.

LEARN how to do it – then go out there – and WIN!!!

Thats how I did it, thats the spirit in which my products are written, and to be frank, that is how YOU should do it too … (and get started now, friend).

“How come that every conversation with you starts so comfortably well, and comes to such serious topics that I dont discuss even with my husband”
- Because yours truly goes DEEP!

That last email, I talked about the ongoing conversation with a certain Helen …

And a lot of other things too…

And as my customers have said (and it’s why people either hate me, or love me, and the former category is BURSTING, lol) …


No puns intended, or maybe so, hehe.

But I ain’t talking about in the hay, I’m talking MIND.


To me, conversation should stimulate, rather than the boring daily crap people talk about, selfies, Tee Vee Shee Vee, other nonsense, and in China, that godawaful monkey business ESL.

(All power to those who wanna do it, no issues, but yours truly – NO – even when I could and DO make way more doing it than Bozos in general do).

Speaking of which, recently, I got a nice round of applause from a certain “Vanya”!

(who I didnt even know was a foreigner).

This nice, sexy, yet obviously NOT an English speakin g(or from English speaking parts of the world) messaging me out of the blue, thanking me for my work, saying she really appreciated a chance to be in the group, saying “I didnt just join the group to find  a job, I joined it to laugh at the same things with other people” … this lady called “van ya” … so it was spelt…

I had no idea who she was .

Then I got it.

A day or so ago, I was talking about giving up my most stellar WeChat Employment groups and networking groups – its getting to be too much hassle maintaining them, plus the general level of people in there just keeps going down.

I never started the group for this ESL crap alone, yet, that is ALL people talk about.

So fucking annoying … (and it ain’ tjust them, outside China, all people talk about is the economy, covid, panic etc) …

And so, despite the offers I’ve gotten from a certain Linda to buy the group – pretty decent offers – despite me giving away a couple of my other groups, given what Keeping it Real in China, which I gave to a friend who handed it to Bozo, and it turned into a porn group, this time (and Charles was right, dont give it to Glyn, he told me!) (but I didnt…) … THIS time, and especially a stellar group like that people want to BUY from me (unheard of in China) – I’ll be more than selective about if and when I give it away!

Certainly not to some dancing Tom Tom for sure.

But anyway … was nice to get the appreciation ,and as I asked her her name, pat came the reply.

“sorry for the accent”, she giggled. “I’m from Ukraine” (I believe Serbia, actually).

“Yes, Vanya, you know like Sophia, Tanya!”

I asked her to introduce me to the latter two.

“I’m so bad!”


And the giggly way in which she ended up with cheers mate, well, that left a good feeling. Hehe. Nice to be appreciated.

Back to Helen, conversation and such, all I was talking about was why would a qualified IT person (her) and shrink (her) be doing a mindless ESL job in China.

She gave me all the usual stories about it being tough back home, about “My salary there is 250$, here I earn that in a day!” (then I pointed out 250 BUCKS isn’t the same as 250 YUAN, which took about 4 tries before she got it) and when she did get it,

“You’re really so terrible!”


That “terrible comment” repeated itself twice, then what I said in the subject line.

I replied with because I go DEEP!!!!

Anyway, she explained it. In her case, she wanted to be a doctor, financial constraints, an ongoing divorce (Mom and Dad) threw a spanner into the works, and so forth (all of this while I told her “it ain’t about romance” i.e. the husband part).

Which is fine, but the defensive nature …

I spoke about money, and she instantly jumped up with “at least I earn myself!I dont ask others to give me money!”

Well, Helen, I never said you do …

And “your comment sounded accusative!

(Remember, she’s from Belarus)

(and this whole discussion, apparently there they get THREE YEARS of maternity for one, so I was asking, given both China and Belarus are dictatorships, why leave “free holidays” galore and paid leaves etc on the table…)

(which I get it, China overall is better and more lucrative financially, but still!)

Like I said, that ONE line I say, and …

“You seem too rational and if we were close friends I’d shake you like a bottle of Pepsi, let those angry bubbles go out and have FUN!”

Anger, rational … in the same sentence. LOL.

I wont repeat what I told her – not for the not PG rated site. Hehe. (i.e I told what to do instead of shake “me”, lol).

Anyway, to keep it light I brought it back to the inane topics of make up and whether hers was sexy enough, the obligatory giggles, and so forth …

It ended up with what it started with, some bally “Octopus Game” that is all the rage now.


But really, this comment stood out.

“You’re a shrink, Helen. Thats why I ask you all this”, I grinned. “And look at this, I’m outshrinking the shrink!”

Then I spoke about Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.

“I dont doubt that you’d be a stunning male Sharon Stone in that movie!”


Anyway … where am I going with all this, you ask.

Certainly not to teach Glyn Bozo how to talk to women for one …

And neither is to encourage Nazi feminism of any nature.

Its to tell you this, when I say something – I MEAN IT.

When I tell you my fitness programs are the best out there, I ain’t just being a typical Tom Tom.

I’m telling you the FACTS because there is good REASON behind what I say!!!!

And that, my friend is that.

(well, that, and this is literally LIVE proof of why my coaching programs are the best out there i.e. one on one coaching, I truly GO DEEP and FIND out where you’re failing, and FORCE you to address it!!)

Invest in that fitness system today right HERE.

Truly the best investment you’ll make all week!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I was talking about how I hadn’t seen a beautiful white chick for a while, hehe.

True dat, I haven’t!

I’d like to, too. Hehe.

“There are still a few of us left”, she giggled. 

“But all ESL related conversation”, I replied, “so damned BORING!”

“Chinese girls, at least they pester me with Chinese, I learn something new…

… Nah, not really. They end up learning English, me a big fat ZERO”.


“You’re so bad!”

I’m out. Back soon, hehe.

PS #2 – Remember the cute little giggly shrink I once visited in India to “get it over with” and how I outshrinked her? Helen’s even cuter, lol. Interesting indeed, I ain’t even got a degree in it, yet!

When and why – the “it’s my culture!!” or “your offending me!!” crap don’t fly.
- TIC (This is China). UGH!


“This is China. Ugh!”

As a certain Uncle Bob was so fond of saying, and when he said it, he was usually spot on right. Dead on.

I dont know how I thought of this, but as I speak to a certain Helen (a Doctor by profession, but teaching English in China of all things!!) – about another certain girl “Ashley” – a nurse who didnt understand the basics of nursing, and as I talk to her about cleanliness, and hygiene, well….gotta say this!

Ashley, of course, well, her of the “My mother told me” fame!

And a woman who if at the age of 35 or 36 thought that was funny, or “Mommy told me” – well, the general level of intelligence can be well gleaned from that one statement.

Not to mention, as I said, she wanted me to wash before “the hay” – but she wouldn’t.

Apparently men do but women don’t.

Then she bitched up a storm about cleanliness when I asked her (which is weird, dont girls sit down as opposed to guys!!?) about goose and gander, and apparently she was a nurse, very fastidious about cleanliness (of course, as mentioned before, her cleaning the house involved leaving gigantic clumps of hair in the drain and claiming “it was clean”) … because you know, “I nurse, I know!”

Needless to say, as I told Helen, that relationship didnt last too long!

Then I was bitching about these idiot guys out there that see fit to pump, preen, tone, wax, oil, and so forth …

Apparently the metrosexual thing, apparently more and more guys jumping onto the bandwagon.

Helen seems to agree.

Manicure and Pedicure woul dbe a good idea for every man, nothing “gayish” about that!

Of course – she is right.

I hate labels, I’ve said that before!

But still, I didnt mean “gayish”, I explained it…

I mean, it’s about the NATURAL look, not unnatural!

When I asked her about what she thought of me, she giggled like a schoolgirl which she claims I make her feel like.

“You are in a perfect middle!”

(she’s from Belarus, hence the English)

Perfect middle or not, core like granite, midsection like STEEL or not … point begets.

Hey, I’m just a believer in being CLEAN AND NATURAL.

I can see women’s viewpoints, i.e. guys that “stink down there”, and guys that crap in bed, want their women to clean it up (apparently some badge of honor there??) – but really, goose and gander, the SAME thing applies to women.

And makeup, I’ll leave that to sissy Glyn and the girls, and the cleaning too, hehe (again, a certain Glyn).

I’d rather be a man. REAL MAN with a hairy chest or what not, as opposed to the monkeys walking aroun dthese days …

You men are blessed to be handsome without any extra things such as makeup, hair dying, manicure, pedicure etc ..

You wake up, take a shower, voila! You’re perfect!

Manicure and Pedicure woul dbe a good idea for every man, nothing “gayish” about that!

I doubt you on this list need to know what I replied with.


But then, the conversation shifted onto to culture, and more on hygiene, how the Chinese never wash their hands before eating (or some dont) – how “they eat with their hands”.

And of course, the usual “Im civilized!” “I dont eat with my hands!”

And of course her remark “not like Indians!”

Now, she wasn’t meaning to be racist – nothing of the nature. Nothing at all! Trust me on this one … But she said what she felt i.e. the “dirty Indians” thinking a lot of people have.

I tried explaining different cultures – that it was the “subcontinent” not just India that ate with their hands – some – yours truly prefers rice with a SPOON, hehe – never chopsticks and certainly NOT bare hands … (but if thats what someone wants, and in Southern India they do, I wouldn’t necessarily judge them on that either) …

I dont know if it did much good. Probably not!

China, and the dumb ass foreigners in it – used to be the level of expats was far higher, now its the dregs x 10.

But anyway, this whole eating with hands things…

The Chinese do it too – and WE do it too – dont we?

Burgers, pizzas, I dont see anyone using chopsticks for those!

And pizza can get nice and messy, as the Southern style fried chicken did back when I ate it – with my hands – and a nice mound of used and new paper towels next to me!

I’m sure y’all FEEL me on that, hehe.

It’s this stupid thinking people have – the Chinese dont like eating with hands, when called out, they do it, then Northern China eats with hands a LOT – except with plastic covers on the fingers, apparently thats fine, India apparently thinks the Chinese have strange eating habits, and so forth …

And all in the while here, we in the West are happy enough to, as my friend said , “dig in” with our fingers. Especially CHICKEN!

Weird, this thinking …

Anyway …

Equally weird, or what is so, you wanna know?

I’ll tell  you.

I’ve told you why I never eat lunch with my students in China. I’ve said it many times!

But I haven’t ever mentioned a reason equally important as what is mentioned int he above link (which is kissing up, free English lessons and so forth, and the desperation of the Glyn Bozo sorts happy to do it) …

To do that, let me tell you a story!

Few years ago, the lovely Carol, the almost as lovely, or lovelier, depending on how you look at it Grace – and another guy – and me – ate lunch.

Of course yours truly was the monkey – or guest of honor.

Truly, this crap the Chinese have about inviting the teacher out for lunch occasionally isn’t just about “respect” or so called respect. It’s an excuse for them to go eat out, and spend money without feeling guilty over it “we’re doing it for him!” crap.

An dof course, the free English lesson.

That time, I remember going into some restaurant.

And – the three of them just chatted NON STOP in Chinese, and I remember feeling – hey. What am I even doing here?

It pissed me off, and I told Carol and Grace about it later.

Not because I wanted to understand what they were talking about – it was finances, and thats fine – they thought the foreign devil spoke or understood no Chinese.

and Chinese, and money …

Its this – when you INVITE someone out – you at least be a BIT polite to him or her!

I mean, think about it. Sitting there, and all they do is gab away in their own tongue the foreign devil doesnt speak.

Just plain fuckin RUDE.

I can hear the Chinese start to shout about it.

“He disrespect China!”

“This our culture!”

“If you in China, you speak Chinese!”

and other retarded crap.

Let me debunk it.

Lets start with #3. LOTS of people in China dont speak Chinese, as for speaking their language, I dont see them asking us to do that when we deal with them and their factories, so why the double standard????

Ah wait, because it’s always about China, and them making money from us, then it’s ok, not the other way around!

And second, these people KNEW I didnt speak Chinese – not only that, they KNEW learning English from someone who didnt speak Chinese, or tried not to – because if you’re teaching a language, you teach the language, you dont pander, and the Chinese are more than willing to lapse back into Chinese ANYTIME, becaus eguess what, they never came there to learn, all about so called “face” …

So knowing that, if they invited me, then ignored me – well, typical example of why I dont do it.

Of course, most Bozo expats in China are happy to take it.

“Free meal”, as Glyn often messaged me, and for him it was …

Or, and again, Glyn – but here he is NOT the only one – “too scared to offend those with the money”.


I done told Carol, Grace everyone about it … I could care less.

Now, the other thing s- culture and offense?

Another story first!

A Chinese dude I once worked with, Victor, said it wasn’t just foreigners it happened to – he’s from a different part of China than his wife, when he went home for Chinese New Year – guess what.


He was sitting around the table, and no-one spoke Mandarin (Chinese national dialect) – they all spoke in whatever local dialect it was.

To be frank, he understood some of it, so he was better off than me in that regard.

But still, he was pissed, and told me.

“Ok, I get it”, I said. 

“Then you shouldn’t complain!” he retorted. 

I laughed.

“Well, Victor, aren’t YOU complaining as well?”

I mean really, there is a limit to stupidity and RUDENESS, and all the examples above are just that, stupid – and RUDE to a T.

Which is why I stay away!

Golly, had to get that off my chest – now I have!

Anyway, back to cleanliness and hygiene to finish this one off.

As Martin Farmer Burns said in the 1914 mail order course Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture, the laborer on the road, hot and sweaty could and usually is indeed cleaner than the so called spic and span office workers, smelling nice and all the other crap.

Truly, cleanliness from the inside out is what HE was talking about – and what counts.

You can smell as purdy as you like, aint gonna make a difference when you’re so constipated your breath smells – or, when you sweat even a mite – it smells like a garbage dump or worse (like Schofield, zero “internal cleansing”).

For Schofield, of course, its a different tale with regard to breath etc , we all know why …

But really, deep breathing done right and exercise that taxes your body from the INSIDE OUT – that is what cleans you both internally – externally – and MENTALLY, friend.

Id rather a good sweat anyday over a good shower IF – I repeat, IF – I had to choose!

Personally, I’d work up a great sweat first and then shower, not the other way around, but what do I know…

Anyway, this one is a RANT el supremo.

But it’s true too!

And to end it – the fitness system kicking RUMPUS all over the world – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Pick your copy up now.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember that company I spoke about yesterday? Now, in addition to the gimmicky sales crap they’ve put up, its more “fake proof” as well in terms of social shedia popping up on their site.

I dont know if they know just how much they are turning genuine customers OFF.

I mean, nothing wrong with Tom Tomming genuine sales, but when you see fake crap, you can spot it a MILE away…Ugh.

The “I dont give a shit” syndrome …
- Ugh, what a pain!

It well and truly seems to have taken ROOT.

And if people truly care about something – anything – they’re being LEAST vocal about it these days unless it’s a cause “championed” by some idiot with x number of followers, or if it’s the latest “Octopus” game which I really mussssssssssssst try because it’s some popular Koreans something.

I’m even befuddled by the constant selfies people keep taking – and in most of those cases, you can almost peel apart the makeup and see the exhaustion on peoples faces – their eyes.

Of course, most of the Bozos globally doing all this wouldn’t think twice, they’d swipe right or click, or something, and move right on.

But it beats me, really.

Just WHY don’t you care?

I dont get it, friend.

And I dont get some of the lunacy going on either – according to Yahoo! News, the latest is that Google etc have been ordered to “secretly” hand over search terms (certain ones) – and the users and their info who search for them to the “government” …

i.e. is this news even real?

Dont get me wrong, I wouldn’t put it past big tech (except Amazon) to do something like that, but to me, the vast majority of bunk spread out there is SCARE MONGERING.

And they’re doing a damn fine job of it, from what it seems.

People in general seem to have given up hope – or caring.

“We’ll see what happens”.

Passive observance never really led to anything, my friend…

“We can’t change anything!”

Well, if enough people get together – you CAN.

It’s often one man’s (or woman’s) idea that changes the world.

“Those times are long gone!”

May I know “why”?

Beyond the BS, the Universe hasn’t really changed, my friend.

(other than the massive increase in the number of bozos when presented with a fact based argument either opt out – “gracefully bow out” – or just start yelling about some BS)

(Yes! Can’t answer something, just get irritated and yell. SAGE! -not, hehe)

Human kind, as I was telling a certain Maria the other day is but a blink of an eye for this massive Universe we live in.

The laws remain the same, and always shall.

Anyway … pointless trying to tell people that dont care.

But the good news, there’s still some doers left – that DO CARE.

And for those of you that still do CARE – about your life – health – strength – fitness – we’ve put together a special rewards page.

As expected, the 0 Excuses Fitness coupon is getting some special interest right about now, hehe.

I get it, hey.

A welcome discount .. which is fine.

And if there are more you’d like added on to the page, or anything specific you’d like to see, please get back to me and tell me.

But doing nothing, and “its all going to shit”, and “I dont care” – please dont get back with those answers as they accomplish nothing.

Solutions is where it’s at, friend, not endless whinging.

And my products offer just that – solutions – to something you can damn well control, your life, health and fitness.

I’ve seen people these days that used to work out.

Running, jogging, even lifting weights, whatever it is, they did it before – over the last few months?

They’ve just STOPPED.

In some cases, people have ballooned back up to what they were.

They look at themselves in the mirror, and wish “the fat wasn’t there”.

Guys look at the man boobs, the “fat around obliques”, as someone recently put it (of course, getting Corrugated Core and DOING was too much of a stretch) .. women worry about saggy breasts or if theyre bone thin (China!) “how to gain weight” – and if already in decent shape “I dont look good”.

Never satisfied, it seems, which is fine …. (always strive for more!)…

Yet, they’ve stopped giving any sort of F about it … 

(I should know, a lady in this category falls into the coaching client category!)

When asked, her response.

“Oh, whatever, it doesnt matter any more”.


Amazingly enough, this person has NO financial issues (I know sounds strange, eh?) – no real health problems  -fairly normal family life – and so forth.

And yet … !

The scare media is really doing a great, great job globally it seems..

Anyway, all the anti-scare stuff I say is so much water off a duck’s back if you choose to exercise your right NOT to think – not to snap out of self imposed lethargy and so forth …

But the rewards page is there for the doers. (or I wouldn’t have created it).

More to come , but for now …

Go get you some NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If it’s constant “I dont give a shit” about anything – well the answer to that?

Personally, I’d say LOSER with a capital L x 100, but then again, what do I know, I’m “just the fitness guy”, hehe…

PS #2 – Listen, it is not just adults falling prey to this – its kids too.

Take a look at the mental health of your kids NOW if you have ’em, if not, look at what is HAPPENING around you (not the sh-news, but what is REALLY happening, how kids are behaving, childhood obesity etc!).

I’ve seen kids doing the same exercises – modified – that adults do – and believe me, these days?

They need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand the need to “pamper” kids. It’s different from when we were growing up.

But the best thing is not to pamper, it’s to give something something that will help them their entire lives, and DO with them – and if you crack open Kiddie Fitness, you’ll see its JUST what the ole Doc ordered in that regard.

And if you dont care, well, you dont care… but you should!

0 Excuses Rewards
- Rewarding YOU!

We finally got this one up – and running!

Basically – this page contains some great coupons, discounts – for both you returning customers, and ongoing customers – in a manner we hadn’t done before!

Sometimes, and often times, actions speaketh louder than words – so check out the page HERE.

Have fun ordering!


Rahul Mookerjee

Note – some of the discounts offered are HUGE – and some of them can be availed SIMULTANEOUSLY! You’ll love this page – bookmark it – and keep checking it periodically as we’ll continue to update it as we go along.

When sites, businesses become “overly salesy” …
- Sad, but true!

Recently, a company that I used to greatly admire (and indeed, I use their system as the backbone of some – or a lot of what I do here on this site) sent out a mass email.

Their owner was, after 12 years or so, handing over the company to another (somewhat bigger) company – equally well known apparently in the digital world.

Another software company.

(ever notice how so many visionaries that started companies – huge ones, or even small ones that made a huge impact – are resigning, or moving on to better things or something now?? Google guys, Jeff Bezos from Amazon, and a litany of other doers.

They figure they’ll cash out while the going is stil good – hehe – bottom line.

Cant say I blame ’em – and in Jeff’s case, he sure ain’t cashed out like a lot of others has, he’s simply reinvesting into the next big thing down the line!)

But all these people give SOME sort of a story or the other i.e. “the right time to leave” or “life happens”, or something…some “sound and feel good story”.

yet, when I read these stories, I have to suppress a chuckle.

Like dude, just be honest and come out and say it – the PROFIT margins if any are no longer worth it, not to mention the hassle!

Ain’t nothing wrong with going out on a high, onto bigger and better, yet, we rarely see that being written or said?

Maybe not everyone is as brutally frank as I am.

But anyway, so this company CEO was doing the same.

And while the personal reasons mentioned are likely true, I KNEW the biggest reason was what is ABOVE.

i.e. MONEY – financial reasons.

Their site was down briefly the other day.

It’s back up now!

And … voila!

It’s back – in a much more SALESY format.

“Discount coupons” and “stamps” stamped all over the page.

“100% money back if not satisfied guarantees” everywhere!

And of course, the tacky “strikethrough” i.e. the prices have been increased for all their options from what they were – BUT – they’ve got higher prices with a strikethrough above.

Nah, fellas, it doesnt fool us. (like, why would anyone give up an obviously GOOD THING?) (unless you profit more by giving it up but that aint the case here)

And whats sad?

They’ve got many loyal customers like me who will see through that BS instantly.

Yes, I get it.

Profits are likely at an all time low if at all, their coders need to be paid and so forth.

If I were them I’d just increase prices upfront, like I do with my books and products!

For me, I think it’s best to be upfront.

And as I finish doing on the other site what NO-ONE except Amazon is doing these days, and what I will do on this one too i.e. a REWARDS program for you guys – (indeed, businesses even when you mention this to them directly, they just look away – people have LOST long term vision apparently??? People have lost sight of the fact that FOCUS on the customer is where it’s at!) . . . I stopped doing that to write this to you, because its just so important.

Dont you just hate that?

A great company, except now you’re at the site, and you see clearly tacky BS there…

That will never happen for a visitor to our website!

I’ve used the strikethrough before, but only when it’s REAL.

And with us, what you see (like with Rahul Mookerjee) is what you GET.

You either do or you dont.

And you’ll certainly never see any tacky BS like that happen to us.

Hey, they switched owners for a reason like I said.

And I suspect it’s going to come back and bite them in the ass – their tactics.

(What people really loved about them – their stuff worked – and it still DOES, they’re great – dont get me wrong! – that despite their initially high prices, there was no sales BS about them – no repeated badger “buy nowwwwwwwww!” emails, no repeated offers, and so forth. I think they sent ONE email if the guy didnt buy, that was that – now? They send out way more – and this change is happening right after the “handover”, so …)

(i.e. people loved their products and the NO “pushy sales” thing – they had it RIGHT, like Amazon does, like WE do.

Trust me, if people want to buy, they’ll come back to you anyway, turning them off with this salesy crap isn’t really worth it long term – but businesses dont care anymore, which is utterly, to me at least, insane.

Bills, yeah, we all got ’em, but there are different ways to think about this particular kettle of fish, most choose the profoundly moronic Bozo way)

Anyway, I’m out.

Be on the outlook for the rewards program and link – should be up soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Give first, and THEN you shall receive. 

Universal mantra that holds just as true today as it did when Emerson said it, since the beginning of humankind, Universe, even!