0 Excuses Rewards
- Rewarding YOU!

We finally got this one up – and running!

Basically – this page contains some great coupons, discounts – for both you returning customers, and ongoing customers – in a manner we hadn’t done before!

Sometimes, and often times, actions speaketh louder than words – so check out the page HERE.

Have fun ordering!


Rahul Mookerjee

Note – some of the discounts offered are HUGE – and some of them can be availed SIMULTANEOUSLY! You’ll love this page – bookmark it – and keep checking it periodically as we’ll continue to update it as we go along.

When sites, businesses become “overly salesy” …
- Sad, but true!

Recently, a company that I used to greatly admire (and indeed, I use their system as the backbone of some – or a lot of what I do here on this site) sent out a mass email.

Their owner was, after 12 years or so, handing over the company to another (somewhat bigger) company – equally well known apparently in the digital world.

Another software company.

(ever notice how so many visionaries that started companies – huge ones, or even small ones that made a huge impact – are resigning, or moving on to better things or something now?? Google guys, Jeff Bezos from Amazon, and a litany of other doers.

They figure they’ll cash out while the going is stil good – hehe – bottom line.

Cant say I blame ’em – and in Jeff’s case, he sure ain’t cashed out like a lot of others has, he’s simply reinvesting into the next big thing down the line!)

But all these people give SOME sort of a story or the other i.e. “the right time to leave” or “life happens”, or something…some “sound and feel good story”.

yet, when I read these stories, I have to suppress a chuckle.

Like dude, just be honest and come out and say it – the PROFIT margins if any are no longer worth it, not to mention the hassle!

Ain’t nothing wrong with going out on a high, onto bigger and better, yet, we rarely see that being written or said?

Maybe not everyone is as brutally frank as I am.

But anyway, so this company CEO was doing the same.

And while the personal reasons mentioned are likely true, I KNEW the biggest reason was what is ABOVE.

i.e. MONEY – financial reasons.

Their site was down briefly the other day.

It’s back up now!

And … voila!

It’s back – in a much more SALESY format.

“Discount coupons” and “stamps” stamped all over the page.

“100% money back if not satisfied guarantees” everywhere!

And of course, the tacky “strikethrough” i.e. the prices have been increased for all their options from what they were – BUT – they’ve got higher prices with a strikethrough above.

Nah, fellas, it doesnt fool us. (like, why would anyone give up an obviously GOOD THING?) (unless you profit more by giving it up but that aint the case here)

And whats sad?

They’ve got many loyal customers like me who will see through that BS instantly.

Yes, I get it.

Profits are likely at an all time low if at all, their coders need to be paid and so forth.

If I were them I’d just increase prices upfront, like I do with my books and products!

For me, I think it’s best to be upfront.

And as I finish doing on the other site what NO-ONE except Amazon is doing these days, and what I will do on this one too i.e. a REWARDS program for you guys – (indeed, businesses even when you mention this to them directly, they just look away – people have LOST long term vision apparently??? People have lost sight of the fact that FOCUS on the customer is where it’s at!) . . . I stopped doing that to write this to you, because its just so important.

Dont you just hate that?

A great company, except now you’re at the site, and you see clearly tacky BS there…

That will never happen for a visitor to our website!

I’ve used the strikethrough before, but only when it’s REAL.

And with us, what you see (like with Rahul Mookerjee) is what you GET.

You either do or you dont.

And you’ll certainly never see any tacky BS like that happen to us.

Hey, they switched owners for a reason like I said.

And I suspect it’s going to come back and bite them in the ass – their tactics.

(What people really loved about them – their stuff worked – and it still DOES, they’re great – dont get me wrong! – that despite their initially high prices, there was no sales BS about them – no repeated badger “buy nowwwwwwwww!” emails, no repeated offers, and so forth. I think they sent ONE email if the guy didnt buy, that was that – now? They send out way more – and this change is happening right after the “handover”, so …)

(i.e. people loved their products and the NO “pushy sales” thing – they had it RIGHT, like Amazon does, like WE do.

Trust me, if people want to buy, they’ll come back to you anyway, turning them off with this salesy crap isn’t really worth it long term – but businesses dont care anymore, which is utterly, to me at least, insane.

Bills, yeah, we all got ’em, but there are different ways to think about this particular kettle of fish, most choose the profoundly moronic Bozo way)

Anyway, I’m out.

Be on the outlook for the rewards program and link – should be up soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Give first, and THEN you shall receive. 

Universal mantra that holds just as true today as it did when Emerson said it, since the beginning of humankind, Universe, even!

Two sides of the same coin, static movements that almost NO-ONE can do (though they’re dissed as being “sooooo simple”) – and more.
- Isometrics - and...

They’re both two sides of the same coin!” I catch myself saying as I write this.


I dont know, when I was teaching my – or when she was somehow “learning” the art of division (a sage art, hehe) – in MATH, not LIFE (although marketing is in her blood too!) – daughter – she asked me for a sheet of paper, and showed me a screenful of Math she did (she did two out of five at the time I saw it).

Both correct.

30/6, 14/2 … elementary.

“Dad, I used Multiplication to do it!”

I said that was ok. “They’re both the same thing, just opposite!”

And I toodled off online or what not …

I was going to say “Two sides of the same coin”, but I didnt.

But really – this brings to mind a couple of things.

First, the idiots who keep claiming “bodyweight exercises are soooooooooo simple”.

When you point out the facts, numbers, results, everything I keep pointing out here, they shut up, but now they have a new grouse (excuse).

“It’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring to keep exercising at home”, someone recently told me.

“You keep talking pushups, pushups, but it’s boring, I want something new, outdoors!”

Well, get your ass outdoors then is what I told this lady in a very cranky sort of “growl” voice.

Catch me in the morning before I fully wake up, and I’m nothing but a loaded grizzly. Hehe.

Although I’m never in a bad mood when I wake up, never ever, I SOUND like it.


Those first few hours of the day, dont interrupt me!

We all have “that time” we need for ourselves.

Taking that time away destroys us mentally.

Growing up, I remember my father telling my Aunt something about “when he comes home, he needs 45 minutes or so to just … I dont know, do nothing!”

“Before and after that, all goes, but THAT time…” I remember him saying.

For me, it’s when I wake up – and write!

Or just putter…

But anyway … back to the idiots.

So now it’s “too boring”.

Hell, get your ass out of the house then. 

No…… the plague from China.

Screw the plague from China, friend – it’s as simple as that. LIVE your life – you got only one.

You can choose to cower in fear the rest of your life, or go out and do something that’ll drastically reduce the chances of you getting this idiocy (which are small to begin with you if you’re a healthy individual anyway and IF you do, you’ll likely recover anyway).

Lots of you live in surroundings where it’s even better than what I have or always have had for a lot of my adult life i.e. “hill right next door”.

Mine is in the middle of a huge city.

But lots of you live in the country.

New Zealand.

The Welsh countryside.

Certain parts of Greece.

The wild (not so) West.


Go out – do something!

But anyway … two sides of the same coin huh.

Let me give you a simple – “soooooooooooo simple” people say – yet they cannot do it – even the 5000 (I added the zero) lb bench pressers would be hard pressed to do this 0- ISOMETRIC MOVEMENT – that taxes your entire body like crazy.

It’s not a pushup, squat, pull-up – its not even the almighty BRIDGE I keep talking about in 0 Excuses Fitness.

You dont need to do dead hangs!

I dont know if I mention it in the award winning book on isometrics.

But it develops WORLD class levels of strength and power through the shoulders, core, grip and – FINGERS!

Martial artists all over the world do fingertip pushups for this effect.

To YOU – all I’m asking you is this.

Get in the fingertip pushup position, and stay there for 2 minutes.

Thats your workout for the day.

But beware.

Most people cannot make it past two or three SECONDS – let alone anything more than that before their fingers shake, bodies quiver, and so forth.

Thats right.

Too simple, huh.

Well, why not DO the thing and report back??

Want something even tougher – and even simpler?

Flip over like I show you in Advanced Hill Training – or even better, Animal Kingdom Workouts – into the crab walk – ON YOUR FINGERTIPS.

I’ll ask you to do the static pose for 10 seconds here.

Thats it, 10 seconds.

Trust me, if you can even GET into the position you’re in good shape.

And if you can do the fingertip version, you’re already half a stud, my friend.

Most people cannot.

Thats a 2:10 workout – you CANNOT DO.

And that taxes the entire body.

And you’re telling me it’s boring?

It’s simple

Its easy?


Really, the nonsense people come up with …

Anyway, idiots are the heavier side of the coin there, no doubt, but the DOERS are the side of the coin that really matter, friend.

And if you’re a doer, you simply must get in your pre-order for the best fitness course ever – Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness right NOW, my friend.

When I say best fitness course ever, I mean it – and thats saying a lot given the great, great stuff I have out already.

But remember, folks.

We need YOUR support to keep going at full blast – the DOERS need to step up, hence my repeated calls for pre-orders, or promoting the other books too.

Sure, it will help YOU first and foremost (which is the entire point).

But lots of you are falling into the “apathy” and “lets check the news to see how much everything has fallen” syndrome, which is not good, and its my job to give you that wake up call – or kick up the booty – whichever way you see it.

Hey, I wouldn’t be who I am without doing that!

As an aside, Bozo recently sent me a non functional link of “The Bozo is on TV”

Muppets? LOL.

Anyway, I’m out.

Remember – simple is what works the best!

DO the thing friend – and you shall HAVE the POWER!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those of you that are returning customers, contact me, there is a special COUPON I’ve got waiting for you – October special. It’s huge so let me know – I’ll HOOK YA UP!

What you can learn about (and how it can help you in) CORE TRAINING – by shooting hoops right!
- Indeed, all sports!

The core, my friend -that pesky core – is indeed one of the – if not THE most important parts of the body to train.

Not only does it hold the entire body together – your vital organs are housed within – and a weak core ultimately doesnt just mean a weak, flabby, hanging gut from Buddha – but it also means increased fat accumulation externally and on the chest, and most importantly, around the internal organs, waistline and so forth.

When your organs are surrounded by nasty, visceral or subcutaneous (yes, I know, one is more dangerous, but both are BAD!) – they cannot do their job right, or at all.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what happens next.

Most talk about looks, looks, looks when it comes to core.

Ugh, this cosmetic nonsense – and of course, lots of idiots (males) have taken it even further these days with their silly metrosexual or whatever it’s called nonsense.

Anyway lets talk sports.

Back in college, a certain group of people whose physiques I was always in awe of – the blacks.

No, I ain’t even trying to be racist, or pandering, or anything, so please – STOP – if someone is thinking that.

Im stating FACT.

And I dont mean the gorilla like black guys either (like a friend of mine from the Marines once told me “Africans are the REAL gorillas” – which that they are, THICK!!!!!) …

I mean the tall and lithe guys … the BROAD GUYS.

As was once said about me and a far stockier “muscle bound” individual.

“He’s thick yes!” (so technically stronger!)

“But”, and the but had weight behind it.

“You’re BROAD!” 

I’d rather take broad over thick anyday if I had to really choose.

Now basketball is one of the perfect sports there is, and my friend Jay was talking about that when I first brought it up in college (the guy’s physiques)

“They get an overall body workout while doing it!”

Which is so true – like in swimming.

An dlike with my exercises and routines.

But this was really brought home to me when teaching my daughter to shoot hoops.

So cute to watch her try and shoot … And as I got the stance down, the “power comes from the TOES – and LEGS – and CORE” – and then the power into the upper back and finally the throw, she got it!

Perfect hoop!

I remember telling her.

“Core, honey, core!”

She was doing it “standing in one position” which is not how to do it.

Now, I ain’t no basketball expert, so those that are, feel free to prove me wrong on this one!

But “standing rooted” to a spot does not work in any sort of sport except perhaps chess, hehe – and even there, these guys condition themselves physically – and how!

You’d be surprised to know that most Grandmasters train like – catch you rbreath – TRI-ATHLETES for months before the chess match.

Climbing hills is HUGE with them – so are pushups, pull-ups and swimming – all done daily for hours.

Another most amazing fact?

They literally “sit” and burn calories by playing chess at the highest levels.

And that focus, concentration, mapping moves out like a computer or defeating one – well, it takes a  LOT OF PHYSICAL behind the scenes to sustain the MENTAL!

Back to sports – combat sports – staying rooted in one spot don’t work for boxing – wrestling – anything related.

Martial arts, notice how you KICK – and where the POWER comes from!

Muay Thai, Kick boxing, all of it is the same.


Tennis, swimming, basketball – CORE!

Weak core, my friend = weak performance in life, in bed, in sports -it is that frigging simple.

I dont care how much you can bench or deadlift, if youve got a weak core and grip – you’re woefully lacking, and thats the fact of the matter, friend. Not to mention, weak core = open invitation to injury, especially for weekend warriors…

Core fitness is something EVERYONE needs to keep working upon, my friend.

And this here course is the best when it comes to core – Corrugated Core.

Truly, not for the beach puffers and buffers, but if yo uwant a real functional CORE, hardcore training, this is for YOU!

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

One Charles thought I was a “wetback hombre” (though he never directly said it) – and the other can’t get enough of me!

I love extremes.

I write about it all the time. I live that way. I do THINGS that way. And my books – fitness routines – they’re ALL like that.

You either love me, and can’t get enough of me and what I Say (not Bozo style, I mean you either “really like me”) or you just hate my very sight, guts, and can’t seem to find enough opportunities to criticize me.

Growing up I often felt sad for being treated this way, yet, of course, I didnt know what a natural innate GIFT I HAD!

That, to be able to do it naturally – is natural sales and marketing – the ability to adapt on the fly – to power through circumstances and situations that would defeat 10 normal men in a jiffy – is a talent to be nurtured and admired, not “feel sad about”.

Thats OK.

I was young!

But anyway, I never consciously tried to be this way despite what the Tom Tom’s claim

The wall of positivity I created around myself from a very young age – not a conscious decision either.

The spirit of the great and immortal Napoleon Hill was there with me since I was BORN!

It isn’t for nothing I’m called a seer by many (and an utter fool and worse by many more, hehe).

I’ll take it!

Anyway, I wrote about how life comes full circle – always – regardless – on the other site. And in a bestselling book I wrote as well.

It’s one of the opening comments.

And the book , the way it proceed, it literally takes the protagonist through a journey good ole Rahul at the age of 19 would never have dreamt of but wrote about years, and years later.


Charles, the friend or former or current or whatever it is, who always hated my very guts.

Who’d NEVER call out anyone for anything, but me saying it like it was, always had a lovely hissy about it. Hehe.

Who while he might not have directly created the memes Bozo so loves about it, was equally complicit in the racism because he never told me about it even once.

Till this date, never.

I haven’t asked why either.

For a guy who claims “only white people can speak English well” – … and then camouflages his rubbish by saying “they (chinese) want the real deal”, and attempts to pass off the racism as “I’m not racist because I bought stuff from India (of course, his girlfriend hates “dark people”, explains why Charles despite tom Tomming his desire to visit INdia never has, never will which is fine, I dont think India wants him either! – and of course, first thing his girlfriend did upon getting the stuff “he stole our money” – when it was the opposite – I literally begged Charles to take invoices, I literally asked him DOZENS OF times if he wanted do this, and so forth! – but yeah, “India man steal money!!!!!” – DUMB!)   … and of course, the usual “I’d rather have Indian food cooked by an Indian than anyone else” (which is inane, look at me, can’t cook damn near anything other than a good ole steak (ok, I do up some pretty good rump roasts too Glyn, hehe) – and someone that can – just because of race … I mean COME ON!!!!!!!!!).

So, I haven’t asked.

(and honestly, I let it all go until his last comment about restriction my freedom of speech when the Chinese intruded onto Indian territory, as they have done with so many other nations.


Oddly enough, he was happy to let “people post angry comments” – they had the right – I didnt – he’s never explained it, but that really did it for me.)

(thats ok. takes a while to show one’s true colors).

Then, we have the outstanding Charles Mitchell, ex cop, and a man that embodies why I do all this!

Doing handstands and handstand pushups at an age way beyond 60 (most men call it quits at half the age), cannot get enough of REAL MAN TRAINING – advocates it to all – follows my emails, replies with intelligent comments – which is the whole point, not simply “agreeing” …

Bought so many of my books, left great reviews, not all, perhaps some aren’t favorites, but some are, whatever it is – a man that GETS IT – and a man that came into my life – ok, I said that the wrong way, hehe – I should say, the “customer” that materialized right after the other Charles got something from me that was SO Meaningful to me yet he just tossed it away …

Thats OK, Charles.

And thank you, Charles!

Think it’s just “Charles”?

Think again.

Herschel Walker, the guy I admire so much, and then another customer of mine John Walker – both unnrelated.

Then the spammer from Greece I was “foolish” (yes, foolish – I should have listened to my gut and never done business with “Feetus Footis”) to do biz with … and my great customers from Greece, probably the one I’d talk about most is Panourgias!

And so forth.

It beats me why people dont understand the concept of give and take, and that everything in the Universe, money included is cyclical.

Emerson and any great seer down the ages wrote about it, but I’d really, really recommend YOU to read the Laws of Compensation by Emerson.

No I dont sell it, no, I get nothing from it, but YOU LEARN some very valuable lessons – thats why I tell you this all the time!

You give FIRST, you get MORE in return, its that simple … 

People just focus on the end goal “get more”.

Thats fine, but every action does have an equal and opposite reaction, thing is, you gotta be willing to TAKE that action!

Life, my friend comes full circle.

It truly does.

Always has, always will.

And as the books ROAR on the other site, I’m out.

Remember to pick some products up – whatever you guys have decided – NOW.

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – We’re soon going to be adding wish lists and more to the site – stay tuned!

“Ek Haath Do, Ek Haath Lo”!
- "Awwnline" ...

I’ve always been an online guy as far as I can recall, and people often made fun of this.

They’d mimic my accent (heavy Southern accent at the time) and go “there’s the awwwwnnnlliiiineeee” guy (funnily enough, when they had problems online, guess who they came to. HA!).

And there’s often been discussions and arguments at home (when I do actually “live with somebody” ) about why everything has to be ordered online.

And why I’m so happy with Amazon etc, and do (despite my complaints about them) business with them every opportunity I get.

It ain’t low prices, it ain’t free Prime delivery or what not , it ain’t drones sent in by drunken managers in the UK, it ain’t the fact they offer video, it aint’ that they offer every service you could think of (the only reason Glyn got booted from Amazon is they don’t do the “butt licking Bozo” thing, hehe – those types have no mooolah to start with, and never will – well that, and his fake reviews) …

It’s this – and I LOVE this about Amazon.

(oh, it ain’t just customer service either, oddly, that part of their stellar outreach has been declining as of late. Yes, the famous Amazon customer service has gone down…but..)

As is often the case, they’ve compensated everywhere.

Bezos had this thing in his head about marketing –

“In the old days, you’d spend 30% of your time building a product, 70% of the time yelling about it. In the modern world, that inverts”.

Now, I dont know so much about that.

I’m as modern – and old school – both – as they get.

And I prefer the initial approach.

Maybe someday when I am operating at Bezos like scale, I’ll go the other way! Hehe.

(Amazon is different, friend – they were pioneers in their field, and the scale at which they operate – they can do that i.e. they dont even need to market – and I’ve hardly seen them do it).

that dont mean they dont serve the customer’s needs though.

EVERY time I open Amazon these days – the app – I see something new.

Trick is, they dont need to send me emails in orde for me to open their app – much like YOU GUYS on this list, that even if I dont send a single email, y’all will still visit the SITE!

But I’m nowhere near that scale as yet, so …

But anyway, what  I love is this – “Ek Haath Do, Ek Haath Lo” .

Thats a Hindi expression.

It basically means “give and take”.

For everything you give, as Emerson says, for everything you lose, you GAIN something.

And remember, both gains and losses – good and bad – all come with compound interest!

I was trying to explain this to my wife i.e. I order so much from them because they understand how it works.

I can almost hear Bezos with his “loud laugh” and wink (ok, thats a defect he can’t control, but still) saying it …

“Give me some, TAKE some more!”

And may the cycle continue. 

Amazon seems to be only biggie out there that gets it, and understands this.

ANYTIME you do something on Amazon, you either poke your toe into their other services – or want to – and when you do, you GET something in return.

Free months, extra credit to balance, whatever it is, you shop more, use more, and the cycle continues.

I LOVE BUSINESS – and companies that do it that way!

I shouldn’t have said the only business out there.

0 Excuses Fitness does this too.

Show me ONE BUSINESS OUT THERE that overdelivers while underpromising, friend, other than Amazon, show me ONE!

Especially in the fitness vertical where you’ve got morons parading their six packs at every turn.

Idiots Tom Tommming the  Gym and retarded machines and “bro bench” exercises.

And so forth.

Show me one business talking about REAL training EVERYONE can do in their HOMES – without equipment – that works better – silently produces results you’ve NEVER Experienced before … and does all this while giving it’s repeat customers HUGE discounts – repeatedly.

Thats right.

People complain about my prices.

So be it.

They dont see the discounts I hand out lik e”butter” behind the scenes though … Buttery Behinds and Schofield like trolls, and idiots in general rarely do. Much like they never see all the WORK I put into this!

Thats fine though.

Those of you that know me, and have bought from me know I’m uber generous in that regard, and would rather dole out praise aplenty than criticism and HELP YOU.

Key being, of course, you have to be willing to help yourself FIRST.

Give me some, my friend – I’ll give you more in return you EVER BARGAINED for, but again, YOU have to take the first step here. Not me. 

If that part isnt there, all the talk and pushing in the world wont help an unwilling horse drink.

Anyhow, enough on this front.

Fitness wise, make a start today.

Pick up the greatest fitness systems of literally “all times” if you get my drift (it’s been called that – I’ll produce the actual email soon) – right HERE.

That, is THAT, then!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Crossfit, you said.

FOOEY, I say!

My courses go WAY ABOVE AND BEYOND in a way NONE – no others out there – DO!

What to do if you’re not “naturally fit”.
- Lots of us have this lament, so I thought I'd write it here.

I can just hear the envious comments, sighs and stares.

“Thats easy for him to say!” (i.e. yours truly)!

“you’re so naturally fit and strong!”

Hmmm – it might SEEM that way when I’m in super shape.

When I’m the opposite, ie. a phat phocker, I look the opposite, and people SAY the opposite.

“How could you let yourself get this way!”

“Fat Slob!” (Like Schofield, hehe).

But really – with me, it’s all about – and always HAS BEEN about EXTREMES!

Extreme ways have helped  me out of a tight, tough, and NIGH UNFORGIVING SPOT MANY A TIMES!

As I sit here, ruminating the entire morning (that, believe it or not is what I do right upon waking up. Like Jeff Bezos said “I putter”. For me, it’s about “I do things!” (like Uncle Bob once said)).

You’ll see me sitting quietly, staring off into space. Doing exactly F all… (Bozo once said that about me, hehe).

But I’m doing more in those quiet moments than a lot of people do in their lifetimes!

Anyway, lions and tigers were on my shoulder last night in the dream.

I even saw my own demise (remember Jeff Bezos once predicting Amazon’s demise? He was spot on – it will happen – to everyone, everything, all of us, thats the cycle and NATURE of life which is cyclical to start with, hence I dont take the Al Bore warnings on Global Warming too seriously) …

Then I saw the re-birth.

Four stages indeed.

Deserts, craters, all came to mind.

A September 10 dream (which was essentially recorded after the night of the 9th) mysteriously popped up in my diary the minute I opened it.

And then I KNEW!

The “coincidences” are too many to ignore, even if there had been one, I dont believe in ’em – things happen – for a reason.

Right down to money materializing in your bank accounts for seemingly no reason …

Yes, you heard me.

I’m not going to expound more on any of that …

But, lets get to the lament – I’ve never been naturally fit, friend, its been the opposite.

A lot of people that LOOK super fit aren’t either.

For instance, ever seen parading my six pack?

No. (Unless it’s the shirtless picture which was called a super porn star photo by many, and the wife bitche dup a storm, so I removed it from the cover of 0 Excuses Fitness – but if yo see Corrugated Core, it’s me without the vest, hairly “macho and manly” chest and so forth – can’t understand why Bozo guys these days go in for manicures, pedicures, facials, waxing chest etc – UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!) …

There is a reason.

Because neither does a six pack mean naturally fit, nor does it mean super fitness, bro.

Druggies often have 13 packs for one…

And some of the artificial six packs you see – these guys couldn’t do a sit up to save their lives.

A popular fitness trainer from the UK – I wont name him here, but Yahoo him, and you’ll find him – has a body most would be envious of

Rippling abs, literally.

Washboard abs.

NO fat – or very little!

Yet, the first thing he says in his upcoming book is “it’s a mirage” basically.

He has Crohn’s disease, IBS – many of the same thing yours truly did – except with me I’ve ALWAYS PUT ON WEIGHT SO EASILY – and I have a PEAR shape, though you might not notice it! – with him, he “struggles to put on weight” literally.

And while you might think thats a dream come true, think again.

He can’t do a sit up at all unassisted.

He does lots of pull-ups, yes. (lesson there, folks????)

(both on the sit up and pull-ups) … (see if you can FIND the lesson therein)

And yet, he’s got that six pack.

He rails againts crunches and artificial “training for looks alone”, much like I do …

And he ain’t naturally fit either.

Think “bending down to tie a shoelace” and…

… not farting like the Bozo.

But, tearing hamstrings – literally.

Like Stallone said of his unnatural look when he was at his peak – it looked good, but his body was cannibalizing itself, and he had ZERO energy – literally.

He used to be at the point of fainting often!

Same thing I say.

And that guy above says.

It might look good on social media, the look, but it’s equally artificial, not the real you!

Maggie, a girl who I know on WeChat posted a (well, I know her otherwise too, hehe) picture of herself the other night, shopping during the holiday.

As girls are apt to do, she called herself a “mess”.

While to me she looked great – gorgeous even!

But the picture was NATURAL – that is what did it – for me at least.

Not the majority of people out there.

Anyway, now to the NUB of this.

IF YOU – like  most people are NOT naturally fit, then here is one exercise you should work on for the next 30 days – straight out of “Advanced Plyometrics” (another upcoming course) … (it showed up in my dream too last night).

If you fall into that category as a man – you’ve got bingo wings, man boobs and of course the love handles and tummy. Period.

And do this –

Squat down. 

squat back up. 

Back down. 

Jump up – ferociously – such that your knees touch your chest.    (flat footed jumps IF you can – more on that later)

Then lunge another step. 

Rinse, repeat for at least a 100 reps daily – or  whatever you can do. 

Or, at least a minute a day if not more.

Thats all you gotta do, friend.

Footballers globally do a variant of this great exercise – despite the running they do that keeps them in super shape and swilling BEER, hehe.

There is a variant of it in Corrugated Core, and it doesnt take  long at all.

So – if you’re in that category, that exercise – one of 25 so far – will HELP YOU – big time!

That, my friend is that for now. Back very soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And as I end this, those of you that never take action – please – at least unsubscribe if you have no intention of ever purchasing anything. Thats all I ask – thank you!

When explaining the most BASIC of things can be a hassle like none other.
- Ugh!

Sometimes, you just gotta wonder and think.

I feel this way a lot of times in China – more so in India, and other parts of the subcontinent (when I’m here).

Every time I say this i.e. that “explaining the most basic of things” lik e”blue eyes doesnt mean you’re from the West” or some nonsense, you hear furious retorts from idiots being shamed for their stupidity.

Remember, with me, I say ONE word – it cuts DEEP.

I sure do GET TO THE POINT – DRIVE IT IN DEEP! No puns on that last one, or maybe there are, I dont know, hehe.

TIC , as I often say. This is China!

Or, TII – This is India!

Man, I’ve heard the above two so often.

TIB is something I’ve coined myself though apparently and ain’t never heard before.

“This is Bangladesh”.

Apparently, Andrew, a friend of mine is renting a place with some friend’s help or something – an admittedly ABSYMAL apartment – but apparently he’d rather be there than in good ole Australia (dont ask me, I can’t figure out why people want to lose their dignity, but hey! – like I said in that email, to each his own) … dealing with conditions (living conditions) y’all would expect in a fourth world country or worse.

(Not saying Bangladesh is that or whatever, but hey – facts are facts – if someone doesn’t like me saying it, welll….!)

Apparently the landlord told him that the deal he has i.e. paying rent, or his friends helping him with rent, or whoever finally pays – means – he shares his living space with others – that dont pay rent.

Bathroom, kitchen, what not.

Apparently they can just walk in and “they own the place” basically.

Which just sounds so insane to me!

But, it reminds me of what happened in China in 2019 to me, where the neighbors were putting their shoe rack – overflowing with Shoes – Glyn Bozo would have gone straight to work, hehe, paradise for him, nothing but ladies shoes galore! …. in MY space.

(I used it to write a book on Miss X, hehe, except she doesn’t know it. Actually, she was pretty cool, so was Summer ultimately…) 

(nothing if not the shameless opportunist am I eh. Hey.)

Four apartments, common shared area, except they took both their space and mine.

Yours truly noted this when he moved in.

I didnt complain, figuring they would do the right thing.

They never do, do they.

One day, I got the red ass.

I complained to my neighbor a certain “Miss Summer” about it.

The response was predictable!

“You always complain!”

(I didnt. HEhe).

“They have family, so they need!”

“They ladies!”

(these two unsaid – basically her point was “it is what it is”).

No, it ain’t either.

I bitched up a storm to my landlady, threatened NOT to pay my utilities, and eventually, despite my landlady trying to coerce me to pay first and she’d solve the problem later, problem solved FIRST.

Trust me, there is a way to handle these things!

And it’s insane.

If I am paying for space, I dont give a rats ass how many other people need it.

It’s MINE – I’ll Tom Tom it, I’ll pay for it, me and ME ALONE will live there, no-body else!

(I mean, dont get me wrong – as I told Charles, its one thing if they ASK ME nicely first, I’ll probably let them do it then, if I want, but thats teh point, I aint gonna be forced!)

Thats what I told my landlady

Maybe it ticked her off, and Summer too.

But families or not, problem solved the next day.

Thing is, I’m legal, of course.

With Andrew’s dodgy visa status, though I dont know, he could be legal too, who knows -but it sounds lik ethey’re taking advantage of him big time (not like he doesnt know Asia, so there is something going on here!) …

I had a contract, if they didnt follow it, I’d raise all sorts of hell with the China authorities about it and WIN.

Even though people think foreigners can never win – OH YES, they can!

Assuming they’re legal, of course.


Miss Yiyi’s car just got hit by some Bozo not carrying insurance, so she is flustered today. No real updates on that, except…

… I remember an incident in 2015 where some idiot did the stop and start too often on a busy highway in … I dont know, Guizhou I think, with Carol – and my foot finally slipped, and I just GRAZED his car.

Carol had insurance (her car).

We didnt call the cops though, I’ll let you figure out why. HEhe.

(I had a HK driving license and yes, foreign devils can drive in China).

I’ll let you figure out – special prize for the first one that does!

And of course, the guy fleeced us big time.

Took 500 yuan for like 50 worth of so called damage, but we paid up anyway .

We had to. Hehe. Well, we didnt, but thats another tale!

Anyway, explaining the most basic of things can often be a massive hassle.

Here’s an email I just got :

Hello sir
My name is <chopped - was it Glyn??>
Please suggest me ways to find true fitness

Some things, you really … Ugh.

Now, I could send him the link for the System, etc, all a massive waste of time, timewaster – another one, and he’s being BLOCKED right now.

But even they have their uses, as I said on another site recently. . .

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest.

I just did that, SO …

All for now – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Poor “Brum” city council, Bozo has been spamming them apparently as of late too, ugh.

First the sewers clogged in Brum with Bozo sitting in them, now this. Truly insane!

Why I never worked for my friend Ricky.
- Or anyone, pretty much, if you look at my "work history".

I remember my Dad yelling his lungs out at me once as if he were a school teacher and me the kid.

(upon quitting some idiotic job or being canned from there or what not)

“Look at your work history!” he went.

And he listed out a long list of the jobs I either left, or was canned from, or … I dont know, the “end result”.

(He left out the fact, of course that a certain Jack Ma in China was rejected from far more, didnt even get to WORK half those jobs he applied to, and look where he is TODAY? Hehe.

Of course, “those” people aren’t applicable.

They’re “those people!”

According to Mom, they have “drive and ambition!”

Truly Jeff Bezos was right when he spoke about being willing to be misunderstood long periods if you want to be an entrepreneur.

Bezos probably was – but he picked the right time to start – the internet was just getting off the ground, and online sales were a novelty.

And even him – his parents did give him 250,000 to keep the biz afloat in his earlier years – even when he told them it would probably never succeed! (70/30 was the split I believe).

Nothing if not smart is Bezos. Hehe.

Anyway where was I…)

As he went through it I had to stifle an internal chuckle.

I was pissed externally yes, but internally, I was laughing.

But anyway, this thing of “work a job” …

My friend Ricky, who remains one of my VERY BEST friends till this day – with whom Ive done BUSINESS too – key word being WITH, not FOR – has said this so many times I could write a book on it!

“Come work in my store!”

Now, they need good workers in convenience stores – folks that show up on time, stay till the store closes, dont skim off the top, treat the store as their own etc.

And, I’ve been on the phone so many times with Ricky hearing his complaints about the workers there – all very JUSTIFIED.

I get it.

But, what does the WORKER get in return – what security – or money – or … anything meaningful?

Exactly F all.

When you consider the fact that Ricky (who doesnt know Bozo Schofield, hehe, I should introduce him) when he buys a new house or sells his own, or whatever hires “$10 plus beer for the day” drunks off the street (sort of like Glyn, yes) to clean the place up – you get the drift.

Pay peanuts, get Bozos and monkeys.

To him its about saving a buck … which it might, I dont know.

But for me, I could never understand one thing – I mean, I get that he thought this business would never succeed.

Hey, my entire so called family and circle of friends told me that – and they continue to say it.


In the meantime, the one business I dont even promote that much – well, you’ve seen the rave reviews!

Not that this business doesn’t have ’em!

But really – why would I WANT to be a convenience store worker anyway??

Not like the store (he got it from his grandfather, then built it up – so it’s NOT that he built it from scratch) would provide me with a work permit or anything …

Not that I’d need one, but I’m just sayng – there would be no “contract”, no agreements in writing, nothing.

“But you’ll get a room”, he said.

As I see my friend Andrew in Bangladesh sending me pictures of an admittedly awful so called apartment where apparently the deal includes landlords allowing everyone and sundry to use private toilets (not EVEN kidding you) … I gotta think.

I mean really, why would yours truly – and believe me, I’ve been in the most desperate of situations in the past I have NOT told you about – want to do that?

I can’t understand why people – anywhere — would want to lower their DIGNITY AND PRIDE!


Like one of my customers once told me,

“I have too much respect for myself and you to ask for discounts all the time!”

He’s right.

ANd he GOT some great discounts – no prizes for guessing why.

But really, working with friends is one thing.

The minute that changes to “for” – that dynamic and therefore the friendship changes.

Especially for Mercurial Firebrand Mookerjee sorts like yours truly …

True, if it’s the sort of “transactional” friendship a lot of people have – it would not just survive, but thrive.

But Ricky and me, were peas in a pod.

I used to stay over at his place when I had no place to go for the hols (when the dorms shut down).

Ricky never charged me a penny.

He even brought me “Colt 45” and “Magnum” from his store, hehe.

True, I paid for the beer. I would have paid the apartment rent too – yes (shared, I’d sleep on the couch in those days temporarily, eat Krystal’s…)

But he helped me in many ways – that no-one ever would think of.

So dont get me wrong, great guy – and he’s not offering me the “position” so he can subjugate me or whatever – quite the opposite, I suspect.

But, its that whole thing about freedom, about doing my OWN THING.

And that, my friend is what I have done all my life, and will continue to do so.

Never about money or benefits for me ultimately, it’s about being a FREE BIRD flying HIGH!

As high as only a truly FREE bird can!

And this spirit, my friend, embeds itself in ALL my fitness books and courses.

ALL of them.

And if you’re still on the fence about which one to get – THIS is where you start – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

I’ll see you!


Rahu lMookerjee

PS – To me (if we’re talking in those days when I was really at my lowest) it’s NEVER EVER about “well, the shitty option is better than what you have now”.

To me its about GRINDING it out like Mike Pompeo keeps referring to (and precious few people understand why) doing what I WANT TO DO – not what someone else forces upon me – and ultimately making a grandstanding, outstanding SUCCESS OF IT.

Its about vision – about persistence – STICKING TO IT – and your DREAMS – when nigh everyone is against you – nay, not just against you, but up in ARMS against you, quite literalyl sometimes.

Thats what I have done all my life, that is what I WILL DO.

And perhaps Zero to Hero is the one book that encapsulates THAT spirit better than anything else I could say here!

OK, off for now. Back soon!

Why ultimately it’s ALL About FREEDOM!

If there is one spirit – and vein – in which I write – have always written – and speak (which ticks off many a censorious buffoon) – it is this – FREEDOM!

Freedom of thought – expression – spirit – and UNFETTERED freedom at that!

Last night I was laughing while talking to Yiyi – some of her insane “requests” or demands, whichever way you put it. Ya’ll are fully aware of that, of course!

But I was also reminded of an instance in the Middle East, or a job (which I hated, but was pretty much forced into) – where they “wanted to keep my passport for safekeeping”, essentially turning me into their version of indentured labor.

Needless to say, that didnt go over too well.

It was company policy, to be fair, so everyone followed it, for me, it really did not go over too well.

And of course, I was blamed there for emails I never sent – apparently I was supposed to apologize for nasty (or so they said, to me it didnt seem nasty even after reading it!) emails my “SO” sent them … and blamed forever for it.

They even expected me to apologize for the emails sent – which I had no clue about.

Anyway, Ive written about that before.

Needless to say the job didnt last too long.

But really, with my family – it’s always been this way, my friend.

I know a lot of what I say might sound extreme – but not really, a lot of YOU have been through similar situations – especially a lot of my customers!

And with my family, it boils down to this.

“Birth a boy, send him to school and college”, “put him to work for us” (the women).

And God Forbid he actually, you know, has any of his own dreams, ambitions, passions he’s raised REPEATEDLY, God Forbid he has any of those.

GOddess, I should say, hehe, given the rampant Nazi feminism in my immediate family – it ain’t the only one either.

But it all boils down to this – CONTROL!

Growing up, my long hair was always a problem for my parents who tried everything in their power to stop me from growing it out.

They succeeded – back then.


I’ll let you be the judge, hehe. (my wife didnt like it either – oddly enough, she dated me and found me attractive when I had long hair – the minute we got married – BAM! Control Central – which is why I keep telling guys NOT to get married – precious few listen, of course) …

(oddly enough, or not, every other girl I’ve been with has absolutely loved it, even the sorts who claim “I’m a bad boy” – that I truly am, hehe).

As Eric once said.

“You got the hair, bro!”


My Dad, I still remember him saying once.

“I’m sure the girls will find you attractive even without the long hair!”

Ah, but Dad, that wasn’t the point.

I could give a rats ass less about what girls like, to be honest.

Maybe thats why I attract so many!

Point is, I like it – I want it – so I do it.

And it extends to CONTROL in all aspects.

“Work a job, be a corporate slave working minimum wage – be a human ATM” – and so forth.

Boy oh boy, I could tell you SO many tales about this – really!

I mean, really.

I never wanted to do that.

I’ve always wanted to be an individual – my own man.

Freedom of choice, thought and expression.

These values should be the fundamentals of thought FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING out there – unfortunately, with the growing number of Tom Tom’s and Bozos out there, they’re all too quick to dismiss it as “American thought – the radical right”.

It ain’t either.

It’s got nothing to do with politics either.

It’s about FREEDOM!

Look, if you like being a slave like Bozo Schofield does, by all means – you’re free to be one.

But me, when you encroach upon MY RIGHTS – my FREEDOMS – you tell ME what to do – and how to do it – and these days, what to put in my body, when to do it, and keep doing it forever – uh uh.

It ain’t gonna fly.

I ain’t gonna DO it, period.

FREEDOM, my friend, has always been the most important thing for me.

Y’all on this list know it.

And when someone tries to control not just my freedom of EXPRESSION, but my freedom of THOUGHT – then, my friend, I truly done “got the red ass”.

Ever notice how the Tom Tom’s and Bozo Glyn’s only attack when you’re in a disadvantaged position – so they think? 

When you can strike back – when YOU are in a position of authority – when YOU have the final say – they wont say a word.

Unlike me, I could care less whose in authority –  if I gotta say something, I’ll fuckin say it.

End of story.

But I’m so sick of these Bozos trying to ruin people’s lives, in some cases doing it (temporarily – Schofield, no, it ain’t you we’re talking about here, trust me) – and then coming back and saying “we never did anything, it’s YOU!”

Temporary memory loss.

“Short term memory loss”, as Pradeep Rawat said so well in the potboiler Ghajini. Hehe.

Maybe thats why I chafe so much at people asking me idiotic questions instead of just ignoring them.

I’ve never met Yiyi – well, not too many times let’s just say.

Last night?

“Send me your passport!” 

Out of the blue

And to her, the most astounding part is this – it wasn’t even rude!

Apparently you have to “prove” you’re from a certain country so “Yiyi can feel safe”.

True, the Chinese have been scaring people with the handsome foreign devils cajoling state secrets out of so called innocent Chinese girls willy nilly.

Fact is, they ain’t that innocent either.

Of course, CCP won’t say that!

Fact also is, according to Yiyi “only Obama or white” is American, and of course, passport means more opportunities for HER down the road, so …

Trust me, women! Always about what THEY can get out of it one way or the other.

And dont get me wrong.

If one is in a committed relationship of sorts, and down the line you want to see some docs or whatever I can SORT OF understand it in China etc.


I mean, you could be anyone, foreigner from anywhere.

But just a casual relationship, and that sort of thing …

“Chinese send ID card to each other always!”

They dont either, Yiyi..

True I’ve seen a lot of theirs, but its usually fiercely and jealously guarded.


Anyway, her comments brought back memories of the job in the Middle East.


And just to reemphasize, friend.

THAT is what this is all about.

FREEDOM – and the right to live YOUR life as YOU WAnt, not be a monkey dancing to everyone else’s tune and terms. 

I’ll wait for the Bozos to get back with their profoundly inane and illogical arguments “but we dont like!” .



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Damn, forgot to pimp my System- here it is NOW – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/