Boom boom BOOM, a bit of romance, and all great fun!
- Story of my life, hehe.

That is what “Jay”, a friend of mine in college once described the Rambo series as. Specifically part II where he took a fancy to the chick in the movie (I believe).

Anyway, he was right.

And sounds like the story of my life too in many ways, hehe.

Anyway, in the movie they see Rambo in a mopey-reminscient-thoughtful kinda mode while on the way to a bloody battle in ‘Nam, and of course the gal finds a reason to come sit by his side, make small talk, and such.

(all more professionally done and shown back then, of course, than in the ham fisted movies these days!Sly is a true professional – you gotta give him that – not to mention DEDICATED – see the hours he spent choreographing for the Rocky fight scenes for one! True embodiment of the “practice makes perfect” mantra if there ever was one, and a testament to GRIT and not giving up even in the direst of circumstances)

(All that and more in his recent 30 minute blurb on Rocky, and while the “length” idiots like a certain “James” out there who complained that “Shoulders like Boulders!” was too short, and hence didn’t warrant the price tag will complain about the short running time, I gotta say it one more time – it is the value of INFORMATION that counts, not the “length” of the book in which it’s written, or the movie in which it’s delivered!)_.

That bit will fly over most heads, but so be it.

Now anyway, he asks the girl, who is killed later what the greenish amulet around her neck is for (looks Indian to be honest).

Luck, she replies, andasks him what brings HIM luck.

He pulls out that mean knife which seems to get longer with each installment of Rambo, much like the hero himself getting longer in the tooth, but as deadly as ever!

I guess this, says Sly.

In Rambo III, replace the girl with a young chatty lad in Afghanistan, and he wants the amulet (after trying to hog the even longer knife, hehe).

“You want everything”, says Rambo. (boy asks what its for).

Luck, says Rambo.

What is luck, asks the boy.

Luck is, uh…. Goes Rambo, before the dude next to him translates it as something like “God gives”. Or something like that, I don’t know. My Pashtun is not up to the mark!

But I don’t blame ole John for not being able to explain.

First, and most obvious, the language barrier, but second and more importantly?

We all make our own luck, Sly more so than a lot …

And even he while filming must have remembered all the “hard luck” he’d been through to get to where he is TODAY.

Every time I hear the words “but you’re lucky” – either with regard to fitness or life, it irritates and makes me laugh in equal measures. These days more of the latter.

People don’t get it, my friend.

Like a great customer of mine said, everyone wants the results, but precious few are willing to put in the hard yards needed.

Fitness wise and life wise, I made my own damn luck bro.

And other than the basics (i.e. food to eat and such, which I admittedly have always had, but so have YOU) there is no other special luck or circumstance that has ever favored me. The opposite, if anything!.

If these people would replace the word “luck” with “gratitude” I’d be in FULL and utter agreement.

I’m grateful for a ton of things.

Including the ability to make my own luck, and my own results manifest in a manner I want them to.

But luck?

Anyone that pulls the luck card in such things and moans and groans about it is a loser that might as well NOT get my products, or anyone else’s because it won’t help.

You gotta fix your attitude first, friend.

And you gotta realize that the more you make (or try to) your own luck, the luckier you’ll get – eventually.

Until then – keep doing the thing.

And like Sly himself said recently.

“Thats why I keep telling people, you gotta keep buying that lottery ticket. You gotta keep doing it.Because, you know. You just never know. You just never know!”

I think coming from a man like that, those words must be believed eh.

I’d say YES!

Ok, all for now. Remember to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System here – truly the best EVER in fitness.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, Advanced Hill Training is another one of those must have courses as well. Get it NOW. There are few better blubber roasters than this manual!

Two of Trump’s (least) best kept secrets in terms of SUCCESS
- That he just does!

Trump, Trump, Trump.

What can I say. I love ole Donald!

And I say that about very few people.

“Rahul, I dont like many people at all! But I like YOU!”

So said my gorilla like “ironmonger forearms” friend from the MArines, and if there ever was a reason for him being feature din Gorilla Grip that you KNOW NOW (and that pisses the Bozos reading this off), you KNOW IT.

But anyway, in Napoleon Hill’s “Get Rich with Peace of Mind”, and probably in all his other books, he wrote the following.

“Ultimately nothing matters!”

And Hill is a firm, firm advocate of the fact that the subconscious mind knows NO barriers.

NO obstacles.

It might and generally usually does meet with a lot of temporary defeat, but never ever permanent failure, he wrote.

And THESE two things, my friend, are what Trump uses in his own life along with others.

He doesnt give up. NEVER.

He’s a fighter. Till the end!

And … well, you get it.

Ultimately, nothing matters my friend.

Thats not to say nothing matters NOW.

It does.

If you’re in poor condition, and doing 10 perfect pushups leaves your back aching, abs feeling like jelly, and thighs shaking, then it’s time to do something about it NOW.

If you can’t hold on to the chinning bar, the time to change that starts NOW.

Everything matters in the here and now.

But ultimately?

What matters is … NOTHING.

And what mattes is this – you TRULY did your best.

Beyond that, nothing else really matters bro.

And no, the last isn’t an excuse to be lazy and NOT get off your duff either.

I know some people will use it as an excuse to do so, but it isn’t.

As Sean Connery said famously in the Rock, “Losers whine about their best. Winners go home and **** the Prom Queen!”

Sage, my friend.

So true – and sage! RIP, my friend!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My computer very mysteriouly SHUT down while writing this, and even with all the computer breakdowns etc something’s off. Celestial sign in a good way? I think so!

PS #2 – Cage referred to the “fact” that “Carla was the prom Queen“, hehe,  but the fact is this, most modern day men when confronted with Prom Queens wouldn’t be able to “match up” in many areas, if you get my drift, hehe. Really, my friend. As an ex once told me, “Girls want men that can perform in bed not the gym!

And the best way to get both blood flowing there like never before and get to be an ANIMAL in all regards is to pursue workouts such as in the below – Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Never a course like this – never ever!

(Sorry, Mr. Mamma Mia. I took your words, hehe).

The FOUR Trumpinator words that he doesnt even know that cause a marketing … WINDFALL!
- And he doesn't even realize it most likely, hehe.

Trump, my friend, and I’ve said this before is not only a true Patriot but a MARKETING GENUIS.

Many of the things he does naturally are curiously enough the same things I’ve done int he past, without knowing it, on auto pilot.

Going back home STONE COLD DRUNK – talking to clients – and then waking up the next morning to?

A big fat deposit in the company account, and mucho praise from the big boss almost daily.

Of course, “then it fell apart like it always does”. Hehe.

It doesnt have to, but usually does . . . (because most people dont get it).

But anyway.

Trump in November put out a brief video that yours truly VEHEMENTLY anti video for the most part watched.

Believe me, I do NOT watch videos of any nature. I did create five for the System and may create more in that regard, but thats IT.

I’d rather read, or write.

And even when it comes to Trump, I READ what the man says.

But anyway, I watched the video.

And the marketing mind in me spoke up.

“Even if you weren’t already a MASSIVE Trump supporter, you’d love it!”

I mean, the man’s a genius at marketing.

As John Mc Intosh once told me, “Rahul, you SOLD it to me!”

And I did, my friend. I did when no-one else could!

And so has Trump.

Here we have yours truly LOGICAL thinking he’s still the Prez when he obviously ain’t, and this is ME, and I’m NOT easy to sell to!

But Trump does many things right, my friend. PEople just dont realize the very valuable AND FREE education he gives on an almost daily basis, hehe.

(so do I)

Anyway … he said the following at the end of the video.

“After watching all this?

Maybe you’ll vote for me, maybe you won’t”.

And then he ended.

“Maybe you will, maybe you won’t!

Those are six words, actually ..

But there are FOUR that matter. See if you can find ’em!

And while “why” is outside the scope of this email – – the point is this.

After reading all my emails, promos, sales pitches etc – I have the same thing to tell to any potential customer.

Maybe you’ll buy.

Maybe you won’t.

But either way, you KNOW the RIGHT THING TO DO – not for ME, but for YOU!

You know, and can see and FEEL that the products will get you in the best shape of your life.

Or, you wouldn’t be listening to me (or reading me, hehe) in the first place, my friend.

And that, my friend, is what it all boils down to!


Not really!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can grab some great products. Do so now – and start re-building your LIFE back – today!

Why I price my products in USD (and why I will likely continue to do so in the future)
- This one was something a few people have asked!

Way back in the day, a great customer of mine “Gautam from India” contacted me.

It was about two things – one – the price of the book was “too high for him” – (the book on pull-ups) .. and he was curious (I think that was him, not sure) why there was no “INR” pricing option (or the option to choose your own currency at checkout).

Now, normally I do NOT entertain emails asking me to lower price etc.

In most cases, they get … ZERO in terms of a response.

And they likely wont go to “hero” either, hehe.

But anyway, I got a great vibe from his email, and so replied, and sure enough – this man did his HW!

This guy asked me questions about the book that even I hadn’t thought of. Sure, I answered them all, but it was a pleasure doing so, because I could instantly tell this was a guy that DOES the thing.

(and evidenced by his testimonial, he DID the thing, and …)

Now anyway, he paid, and that was that.

But it brings up an interesting point.

Global business, and yet, I charge in ONE currency.


Well, a few months earlier I did actually toy around with the idea of putting “INR” as payment (many of you reading this, are for whatever reason, from India, which curiously enough is a country with possibly many great things – but in terms of online sales, ads etc – India isn’t really a revenue generator to be honest( for whatever reason).

Most of my customers are in the US or UK (and some in various parts of the good ole “EU”, hehe).

But anyway, the USD seems to be actually “declining in value” over the past couple of month if you’ve noticed (hence the host raising their prices etc probably).

Dont know if that is a temporary thing or permanent. I aint no economist beyond counting the zeros in the bank account, hehe (at the end of FIGURES, lol).

But … the Euro as a currency seems to be “stronger” now.

I dont know if thats permanent, again.

But here’s the reason.

The US, at the end of the day is still pretty much #1 globally no matter what the Tom Tommers or the Chinese say.

Everyone knows that .

The big dog, elephant in the room, 800 lb GORILLA – no matter what you say, it’s true.

And I’ve no doubt that the USD will eventually bounce back as well.

So, prices stay in USD (not to mention thats where a lot of my long term customers are from, so that makes sense anyway!).

I dont know, man. Seems more NATURAL if you get my drift.

Anyway, there may or may not be an option to choose your own currency in the future.

I’m toying around with it right now, but much like the never implemented INR option, I ain’t sure if I’ll actually DO it.

We’ll see.

For now, remember that you STILL DO have the “20 % discount” coupon if you’re a new customer – your first purchase – so go ahead and avail of that while it lasts. It won’t be forever – that was more an “extended New Year” sorta thing that I still ain’t pulled, but may very soon.

Jump on it – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System FIRST my friend. It truly DOES pay to build a base with me first! Hell, you even get to see the inside of one of my man caves, hehe.

(no Wuhan bats flying aruond tho, hehe).

PS #2 – No, I dont plan on adding RMB as a payment option either, hehe.  Not for now at least. But then again, it’s pretty easy for folks either in India or China to use a credit card to pay, so … if you’re from one of those “areas” – well – pull out that CARD – and have at!

Why you shouldn’t complain about price rises (why I Dont, at least)
- Because ...

I still remember a story from a famous individual and personal trainer (back in the day) that I won’t name here.

Sometimes, as I often do when women ask my age “letting you guess is more fun”.

Hehe. They can never guess it right, of course!

And, its a great way to break the ice …

But anyway, this guy raised his prices a little, and instantly, a ton of clients complained.

This was way back in the DAYYYYYY …

“You’re raising your prices on us so you can buy yourself a Porsche”, grumbled one guy.


Dude was living in the gym, driving a beat down Chevy, and would have been happy enough to just have a roof over his head. LOL.

But anyway, I just got an email from my current host that they’re raising their prices.

Initially I thought it was $2, but it seems to be $6. While that might seem like pocket change remember these are monthly charges, it all adds up etc – and any sensible business person will tell you that if you dont watch the pennies, the dollars won’t necessarily “watch themselves”.

But my thoughts weren’t that of “oh no!”

Or annoyance, or what not.

I’m curious to know why, so I emailed them. I’ve got NO doubt they’ll get back to me nigh quick. They’re GREAT guys – I have nothing but good things to say about them and their whole team as opposed to the last host I used – the polar opposite. Gazdooks!

But anyway, my thoughts?

My first thoughts were, funnily enough – GOOD.


Because it means I’ll EARN more.

Obviously earning $6 more is not what I’m talking about for you “literal” types out there (those that might be reading this).


And it’s called FAITH.

And – the point I’m saying this?

Recently, I raised the price of the Ship memberships from $799 to $999 – which given the value I provide in there is still a STEAL by any and ALL standards.

I mean, the info you’re getting free access to took me literally years to compile, which is why I get so irritated at the trolls and Bozos that claim “it’s too expensive” or “it’s nothing! Those are just simple exercises!”

I mean, look fella.

In MOST, if not ALL cases, these idiots can’t DO the thing themselves, and they rant about price etc!

Insanity PERSONIFIED (much like that brick wall, hehe).

But REALLY – fitness wise?

YOU should have the same mentality.

Extra challenge?

More challenging stuff?

Hell – throw the kitchen sink at me, you might say!

Because guess what.

Real men – and warriors – never stop the fight. They never sit on their asses and think they know it all. They know there is ALWAYS another mountain to conquer – another peak to scale – TODAY!

And in today’s world, that i sth ebest advice I can give you for now.

And no, Steve the prices for the books won’t go down, hehe. Sorry!

They might go UP though (some of ’em).

Anyway, enough on that front. REmember to pick up Zero to Hero! and Gumption Galore! Right here in case you’re in need of more motivation (arent we ALL?).

(I may put out more Volumes for the latter, but the ole brain is putting out NEW Positions for “Profound Positons“, a likely upcoming book. Yesterday I put in positions from some of the other books, but now I’ve got NEW ones in my mind, so this is definitely a project to WATCH. Watch this space for MORE).

And I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Our shoulder compilation was for some strange reason a long time coming, but it’s picking up steam now, especially the paperback. You know how it is – nothing beats the feeling of holding a real book in your hands! Check it out here – Barnstormer Shoulders!

(and remember, paperbacks available for all products).

What young kids can teach you about … no, not just fitness, but GOALS and SUCCESS
- Well worth a READ!

Ever notice a young kid that DOESN’T get what he/she wants?

If it’s a newborn, they signal their hunger by loud wails until someone feeds them.

(Or, if it’s my daughter, until Daddy changes his diapers. Hehe. Yes, I did that wayyy back in the day too. Such cute memories!)

(She HATES staying dirty even now, hehe)

(She is also “Little Einstein”, meaning her room at any time from what I gather looks like a rocketship hit it, hehe) …

Anyway, way back in 2016, curiously enough a couple of days after I read the Pyscho Cybernetics book, I bought a new air con for the bedroom.

I wasn’t there, of course, but I bought it online.

The old one?

Well, some nutter who serviced it apparently didn’t do it right and it went bad.

Wouldn’t cool worth a damn. So I finally bought a new one.

And you should have seen my THREE year old when that damn thing showed up.

You’d think the biggest box of chocolates showed up!

YES, she’s my daughter and has my polar bear like genetics in that A/C (and hot water) is a MUST (something which apparently in India is still a luxury for the most part, and despite what you read to the contrary, even in the good ole PRC in many areas)

(I still remember the sneer “Amy” gave me when I first got aj ob in China and said I couldn’t live without A/C)

“We Chinese do it all the time!”

OK, so … how does that negate the fact that Southern China is hot as heck, and AC is REQUIRED?

It doesn’t, of course, but of course, “they don’t use it, so how dare I tom tom my own usage of what I consider and what ARE basics of life. Hehe”.

Anyway …

Much the same thing happened today when a “tenthouse” of sorts she’s been waitin for a while showed up.

The last one I ordered was apparently utter CRAP.

Finally, this one seems to have shown up and she’s HAPPY!

And the joy is the same – it shines through!

PURE, unadulterated JOY!

Kids are MASTERS, my friend, at unconsciously (I won’t say subconsiously – there is a difference!) at going back into the memory banks and RELIVING their WINNING – and HAPPY moments!

How many times do you see a young kid wake up “unhappy or tired” no matter WHAT happened the day before?

Every day is an adventure, a blank SLATE.

And this, my friend, is something (an attitude) most adults need to RE-LEARN.

Do so, and you’ll reach levels of success you never dreamt about before my friend.

THIS is the key to visualization – the feeling – something most people either miss or ignore.

It’s about understanding, acknowledging and RECOGNIZING (and then taking action) the FACT that as Dr Maltz so famously said in Psycho Cybernetics, and Napoleon Hill did too in his books.

YOU are Master of the ship of your life and decide how and where it sails. EVERY MAN is indeed Master of his own fate and soul!

These words are mine, but they capture the gist perfectly.

And I mention this story and more in Zero to Hero!, possibly one of the best and most motivational books I’ve ever written.

Grab it Now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Make sure to pick up some fitness products right here too – you’ll LOVE ‘em! (and you’ll get in the best shape of your life).As a customer recently said, “even if they didn’t have any value fitness wise, which they SURE DO, I’d still want to read ‘em anyway because they’re MOTIVATIONAL!”

(Paraphrased, but you get the gist)

Profound poses – or positions?
- Indeed profound, hehe

Bozo Glyn, I cannot thank you ENOUGH for your trolling. LOL.

Anyway,  the word “profound” was used by him in one of his inane nonsensical rants.

And today I created not one, but TWO courses (well, the second is in the WORKS) – with “profound” in the title.

Using my patented, of course, “while I create courses” workouts …

And profoundness aside, the SECOND is a workout book.

With as an “as yet” undecided number of poses and positions (basically isometric holds) that do the following – (give you the following benefits) –

  • Great HEALTH – kiss goodbye to IBS, flatulence, constipation and much, much more!
  • Build abdominal strength from the INSIDE OUT LIKE NEVER BEFORE ! I talk about this in Corrugated Core, and the exercises in this book – well, let me just say Corrugated Core x 10 in many regards (when we’re talking isometrics)
  • Get a full body workout in within 5 minutes or less that will burn fat, and greatly enhance your overall MENTAL and PHYSICAL health – from the inside out!
  • Constipated? Get into a combo of these positions daily for a few SECONDS, and believe me, that waist will SHRINK. Yes, it will. Believe me now, and trust me later, all that “poo” inside is WAITING to come out …
  • Never rely upon artificial fiber, supplements, “Digene”, “Pepto Bismol” and other such crappy medicines to give you the “natural relief” you so crave, need, and should have. It will be YOURS once you get on systems such as what has been mentioned here, and then some.
  • NEVER worry about “finding a clean toilet” everywhere you go, or that “burble” in thy tummy. Believe me, Ive been there!
  • Get a full body stretch in – and a great workout to boot with these exercises!
  • Learn how to “feel your food” literally digesting as you eat it. I know that sounds impossible, but it’s TRUE. Talk about knowing your body from the inside out!
  • And why just the physical? Let’s talk about MENTAL as well. Once you get in these positions, you’ll literally feel “profound” and youll feel you’re on your way to achieving ANY goal you set for yourself in life. Thats how loose,limber and FLEXIBLE some of these exercises make you feel!
  • Laser sharp focus and DETERMINATION to move forward to towards ANY GOAL – shall be YOURS once you get good at holding these positions for time!
  • Those of you, especially the “boobybuilders and pavement pounders” (and the like) that have trouble “staying hard” (if you get my drift!) never ever will again. Trust me, these exercises improve flow to the NETHER regions more than ANYTHING else will!

And while these are SOME of the benefits, the fact is this – most of the exercises/poses/workouts (remember, the book is yet “in the works”) show up in either Isometric and Flexibility Training – as well as my other books (some of ’em).

Some dont, of course. The “holding a baby in hand” pose (yes, even that can be turned into a very excellent movement if you know how!).

Why did I write this course?

Valid question, you might say.

Especially considering some or all of these exercises have been seen in some way, shape or form in other courses.

Well, its simple

The other courses all serve a certain PURPOSE.

The courses on pull-ups may have the dead hang, for one. But it doesn’t have the rest of the stuff HERE that will have the mental and “physical” benefits from the inside out that this book does.

The book on isometrics, truly the “missing link” in my workout books section (and indeed everything I’ve put out until date) may have a lot of these movements from an isometric standpoing.

But I don’t mention doing these from a digestive or “mental” standpoint, do I?


But in THIS course, I do.

And I give you the best, the best of the very best exercises that will quite literally “clean you out” from the inside out – both mentally and physically.

And that, my friend is the real reason I wrote this course.

And before proceeding, word of caution.

The “lotus” pose is probably what comes to mind when were talking profound positions, eh?

Rightfully so, given all the gurus and swamis meditate or seem to, in that position.

But here’s the thing (and don’t get me wrong – that pose does make it’s presence felt in the advanced book on pull-ups, if you can believe that) – sitting on your ass or lying on your back isn’t what REAL fitness and health is about.

Just like REAL exercise is about STANDING on your feet, and working out (or hanging either way) … REAL health comes from the inside out, and it doesn’t come from sitting on your ass.

I’d much rather you squat on your HAUNCHES, for one!

Anyway, more on this later – just wanted to give you a heads up on whats to come!

As for the “Profound Poses” book already released, hehe, that is sort of “NSW”, so it won’t be mentioned here.

More later!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, health is #1. And when you clean yourself out from the “inside out” – well – there is NO feeling that compares. While THIS course isn’t out as yet – Corrugated Core and Isometric and Flexibility Training do an EXCELLENT job of delivering the benefits above. Jump on these courses – NOW.

More on women and INSANE RANTS

I gotta say it.

I mean, really.

What often happens at my mom’s “citadel” (her “house”) in fact when someone rings the doorbell?

Well, what would you think?

You open the door, of course.

And if you’re on another floor or something which yours truly “if” he is, you wait for the DOOR to open.

When it does, you let the person in.

Simple goddamned common sense, ain’t it?

Especially considering the constant rash of rubbish (well, not really) about “crime rising” my wife gives me, and the TRUE STORY of (people still ask me about it!) someone “almost stealing my Mom’s jewelery or something using JUST THIS PRETEXT i.e. “ringing the doorbell” and …)

(Dont ask me. I wasn’t there!)

But it happened.

And yet, these days apparently when delivery guys and what not ring the doorbell, one doesn’t even ASK or wait for the door to open.

One just apparently “sends them up”.

I mean, really.

The most basic of things seem to be (for some women, and men as well – some) “uber complicated”.

Like John said, arguing with them is like arguing with a BRICK wall.

But I don’t.

I sit in my citadel. Hehe.

And yet, they come to me. …

Enough said. I give up.

But point of this short rant?

Well, it’s this.

So sayeth “Mr Rant” as a certain left leaning idiot once called me.

That … it’s the same idiocy when it comes to fitness.

You tell them what works, and what is sensible, and they don’t do it.

You tell them HOW to get better at pull-up, and they hempth and haw and look the other way.

You TELL Them the KEYS to superfitness and they burble about Jim Shim.

And the “experts with mammoth bellies of Buddha”.

I give up.

John, you were spot on in that the BRICK WALL MAKE MORE SENSE!



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up some great products HERE.

PS numero TWO – But of course. The brick walls just told me (in some way, shape or form) that yours truly has no common sense.

Of course, what can I say.


The SAGEST review EVER!
- Just do what Rahul says!

This one is gonna be SHORT as opposed to the LOOOONNNNNNGGG ones I’v ebeen sending out as of late.

But Panourgias, a customer who “the system” recently asked for reviews (it asks every real customer) just said.

He said … ah, but let me paste it!

I cant write a review for the reason that what you write for each product is true and incomparable.So i suggest to the future buyers just read what rahul says for the product and believe it.He is the real deal.


And said so crisply and SUCCINTLY, much like Gautam from India said all those years ago.

In fact, Gautam said the SAME thing. Exact same words.

The wheel DOES come full circle!

Curiously enough this came in (well, a couple ofhours ago, but whatever) around the same time that post about ASKING for reviews ( I mean my request to yall for genuine reviews) was posted.

Truly – in FLOW!

Hey Panourgias

Nice to hear back from you – and THANK YOU! Yes, as you know I dont BS – in any way, shape or form.

Enjoy your training – and again – much appreciated!


Rahul Mookerjee

And that, my friend is that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – More great PRODUCTS here!

PS #2 – So much for the Bozo “Keith James” who claimed on Amazon I had only one customer leaving reviews. HA!

I’m yet to understand why when I say it like it is, it’s personal, but when the other Bozo does, its supposedly “fact” and not “personal”?
- Maybe the smart 'uns can EXPLAIN it to me, hehe.

I should say person. Not Bozo.

But really, everyone and anyone thats ever said that not just to me, but in general is nothing but a BOZO el SUPREMO.


I remember my old boss at THAT job telling me that during “round 2”. Hehe.

After hiring me on at a salary lower than before to “teach me a lesson” (Which admittedly I needed to learn, it was this – “you’re not cut out for JOBS” – that inner voice kept telling me, like it did Napoelon Hill. True to form, I found nothing but misery in most of them jobs. China ones were interesting though but NOT for reasons you’d think, but hey, I quit those too. Ugh), after praising me roundly during “round one” saying “I was doing a great great job” and then when it suited him doing an about turn and saying “I did nothing at all” (when I asked him for more munee, his response was “train your future potential replacement” who was hired at a salary higher than me, brought in a – I ain’t kidding – sum total of ZERO “sh” ero sales – and so forth) …

(Speaking of which, the next guy made the comment about “the guy who took …. from Zero to Hero!)

(and hence the book. All true stories!)

Where was I?

If you’re Alan reading this, I don’t blame you for saying “Jesus, Rahul” upon reading this. LOL even if is NOT on a dumbFONE.

(They called me Jesus back in the day too, as I wrote about before!)

But anyway, I don’t understand one thing.

Actually I do, and everyone whose ever DONE something of note has said it.

What if the tables were TURNED?

Dont think for a minute, my friend, the other man won’t get “personal” if you let him.

And I didn’t get personal.

I simply refused to give my direct so called boss “face”.

I’m sure he ranted up a storm, but I didn’t not give him face on the Internet, or phone, or what not. I did it in person. So much for the idiots who claim I never say it in person.

Showl I do.

Without a goddamned mask at that.

And I said it in person to … except, he was the big boss.

So he tried to “rip me a new one”.

Dropped the hint about “if you want to quit, and never thought I’d take it”.

I did.

I quit that same evening, and the look of sheer astonishment on his face made it all worth it. Hehe.

But back to it.

Just why the hell is it KOSHER for a politician or like facsimilie thereof to spout their own nonsense, but yours trulyu can’t state fact?

Because facts HURT.


And I ain’t job shobbin here either.

I’m talking workouts.

The FACT is this (when it comes to pull-ups)

Everyone, men especially WANT to do ‘em – and well!

Precious few can.

Even fewer are willing to invest in the RESOURCES that will get ‘em there preferring instead to “piss in the wind” and hope the Jim Shim willg et ‘em there while pretending about being “big guys” and not “fat” which they are.

Why just pull-ups?

EVERYONE, possibly even MORE people want to be called Mr. Handstand pushup.

(and a solid character)

EVERYONE wants to be likened to a movie star.

EVERYONE wants to live life on their own terms.

(and if you deny it, youre  LYING. Simple).

*which is fine, of course*

Ah, the jealousy. I can feel it, and I love it. LOL.

But really, fella.

You’d be far better off taking action to improve your own situation and then gab about it.

That ole thing about people that gab the most have the most humungous bellies …

OK, enough gab “shab” from me, hehe.

Pick up the compilation on pull-ups HERE and the one on shoulder building HERE.

Best and greatest training books ever!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – and yes, for the nth time, do leave HONEST reviews! (even if they’re not 5 star. I don’t care – honest is what I want).

PS #2 – The lovely Carol was the smartest, hehe. 

“You no need job!” 

Sage, hehe. Chinese gals are nothing if not CANNY when it comes to munnneeeeeee…