The topsy turvy workout

Well, dear reader, thats precisely what today’s routine was.  A combo (some may say “jumble”, or perhaps even “mish mash”) of what I normally do, and for a longer duration, and truth be told, they’d be RIGHT if they said that.

The words don’t do justice to how I feel now though, which is “tackle grizzle x 1000000”, to put it just ONE way.

It was an approximately 1:10 long workout, which (as regular readers are no doubt aware) is LONG, LONG, LONG by MY own standards, but it’s hardly anything compared to what the average “fitness” guy (or gal) that goes to gyms, spas etc spends.

In fact it wouldnt be a stretch to say that it takes the average person 15 minutes to drive to said establishment, 5-10 minutes or so to “change clothes”, another 5-10 minutes of procrastination while they furiously (and curiously enough, right at this very instant) “respond to all my messages on WhatsApp, or WeChat, or Face-Waste-Book”) and so forth.

25-35 minutes right there, and thats not even counting wait times for machines etc.

I think you get the drift, and thats not even getting into the actual “workout” itself (which often consists of nothing other than “bunny ogling” to be quite frank, and a few hurried reps on the “chest machine” before jumping on to the treadmill, phone in hand no less).

Laugh all you like, or get “ticked off” – but its true, my friend. It’s 100% PLUS true, in fact.

Other hand, if your one of the VERY RARE FEW who actually treats workout time with the SERIOUSNESS it DESERVES, well, hats off to you in that case.

Anyway, at the time of writing this my neck and lower back feels like it’s got a pounding, and so do my shoulders. And  contrary to what some folks might think, this WAS NOT a “bridging” workout.

Here’s a “rough sketch” of what I did: – 400 squats, 100 pushups, stretching (forward and backward, plus some advanced stuff), 50 more pushups, 25 more squats, and then 50 reps of my ALL TIME FAVORITE exercise followed by 25 more pushups, and then, and ONLY then was it time for the bridging.


Some of y’all out there might be wondering why I worked out for longer than I usually do?

Well, because I wanted to give myself a TREAT today. I’ve been hitting it HARD, hard, HARD in terms of other activities for days now, and I wanted to give myself a REAL treat.

And no, “real treat” for me does NOT equate to slamming beer and pizza, or a “night out at the local tavern”, or simply “vegging out”.

For me it equates to a LONG – TOUGH – and TAXING workout!

Folks babble about “those are just pushups”. Folks ramble about “oh, just your own bodyweight”, and of course – one of my all time favorites – “I am interested in strength! Not yoga!” (this despite NO, I repeat, NO mention of yoga being made anywhere throughout my teachings or website).

How many folks actually do pushups CORRECTLY?

How many of these nuts can actually pound out 250 plus squats IN PERFECT FORM and at the RIGHT CADENCE – EVERY freaking workout?

I’ll bet you my bottom dollar (or RMB, hehe) that number is zero, or close to NONE, and the latter just flew out of town at “supersonic” speed, hehe.

Bottom line – what I do needs NO investment (other than the BARE minimum).

What I do WORKS. It flat out WORKS. And it works in lesser time and has MORE benefits than all the fancy “shmuckola” that passes for fitness out there.

And it takes less than 30 minutes to get in a ball buster of a routine. In fact, those that have been following me know how exactly you can get in said type of a workout in LESS THAN 10 minutes – IF YOU EVEN LAST THAT LONG (no pun intended, hehe)!

And thats it for now. If you work out today – make it an AWESOME ONE!




Rome wasn’t built in a day, my friend

Well, dear reader, it wasn’t. Neither was the Coliseum for that matter, or the Great Wall of China, or the Taj Mahal in India.

More pertinently though, none of these “monoliths” would ever have gotten built, or even “conceptualized” if said builder(s) or architects, or designers, or what have you sat down and emitted a sigh and the proverbial “ho hum! thats too tough! It’ll never get done” before even starting.

As they say, the journey of a thousand steps starts with ONE SINGLE step.

That’s right, my dear reader.

ONE SINGLE STEP – but that ONE single step taken CORRECTLY – and with the right ATTITUDE – turns into two, three, four, and before you know it your well on way to building up that “deposit in the piggy bank” (which I believe I have spoken about before numerous times in various posts prior to THIS one).

How does any of this relate to fitness, you might ask.

Well, it should be pretty obvious, to be perfectly honest.

I get inquires about my fitness products (books and videos) on an almost DAILY basis.

Most of the people contacting, if not all, see the free videos that are there on the site and then go “Oh, wow! That’s great! I wish I could do that!”

And they then emit the proverbial “ho hum” that I mentioned above and collapse back into their couches, or car seats, or whatever it is they are doing with “it’s too tough. I’ll never be able to do it” flooding through their minds.

I find this sort of thinking to be asinine, and why?

Well, because people ignore the BLOODY obvious, thats why!

Not only that, most people look at success (of any nature, be it financial, or physical, or spiritual et al) and completely ignore the background that occurred IN ORDER FOR SAID PERSON TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL!

Lady “C” who I spoke about yesterday is a prime case in point. Making money is something that interests her immensely (curiously enough she hasn’t made a lot of it herself until date), and “immensely” would be putting it lightly.

Now, there is NOTHING WRONG with wanting to make money – nothing at all. Personally I’m the type that “follows my passion” as opposed to “chasing money” (which is what most folks that “want to make money” end up doing), but so be it. To each his (or her) own!

NB – “Want” and “Chase” are two different beasts altogether. And if your the type that wants to make money, and make it QUICKLY – well – my sales book here should give you a few pointers (at the very least): – 10 Commandments of Successful Sales

Though it says “10 commandments”, I actually end up giving you more than 18 – 20 to be exact, I believe. Thats just me. Under-promise and over-deliver (was that a tip right there? hehe) …

That’s just the tip of the iceberg though, to be honest. A book on marketing is currently in the works – and THAT will give you EVEN more. For now, though my other book that I recently put up on Amazon “Zero to Hero” will give you 25 solid – and different tips on LIFE in general.

Apply these tips correctly, and there’s NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING that can stand in your way in terms of achieving goals (financial, spiritual, mental, or what not) that you SET for yourself.

(This book will soon be up at a SPECIAL – and LOWER – price – stay tuned!)

Back to fitness though – like I said, the majority of the people that arrive at this website look at the videos, emit the proverbial “ho hum”, and just browse away.

There’s only a SMALL minority that actually READS what is there on the website, and THAT, my dear reader is the type of customer I WANT.

I do NOT want customers that just “buy” my book and never “actually do”. Case in point being “Lady L” that I spoke about a few weeks earlier …

I do NOT want customers that constantly complain about “he’s so fit but I’m not”.

I DO however want customers that make factual observations about where they are, and DO what it takes, step by “agonizing” step to GET themselves to where they WANT to be.

If that takes buying the book, so be it. If it means they come and train with me so be it.

In short – I want customers that DONT make excuses, and DO what it TAKES!!

And if your one of the very few people in this world that fall into the category I just mentioned, well, you know what to do.

Last, but not least, remember that no-one succeeds without making mistakes. We often ignore the 99 failures and remember the one success, blithely (choosing to, in many cases) forget that that ONE success would not have been achieved without the 99 failures mentioned above.

Of course, there’s a way to reduce that 99 to “very little” and in terms of fitness, my books and videos are what show you that way.

In short – stop making excuses. DO the thing – and you SHALL have the  power (good ole Emerson, hehe).

All for now!

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The book is right here: – The Book

P.S #2 – The videos are right HERE: – Videos

P.S. #3 – And that “excuses” mentality is probably why I don’t work with either “Lady C” or “Lady L” anymore, in case your interested. Thats just how I am. Excuses SICKEN me (unless they are genuine and in most cases a quick factual dissection proves they are anything but genuine). Again, that’s how Rahul Mookerjee is, was, and WILL always be. Take it or leave it!



250 pushups <30 minutes

Dear reader,

“Me so sweaty me hit the shower long time” (right after typing this, hehe – NO PUNS INTENDED!)

Haha, so the above was a bit of an exaggeration. I admit it. But hey, what the “hezey” – I’m feeling like a BILLION BUCKS RIGHT NOW – much like the “taking on a grizzle part” (another exaggeration, but the feeling is NOT)  that I mention elsewhere on the website …

Anyway, started off with this thought in mind – “I’ll do 50 pushups for now, and call it a day for THIS workout”.

Why? Well, I had a rough day yesterday. Most people would just collapse onto the couch for a week or so after the sort of day I had yesterday (reference the last post if you dont know what I’m “yelling” about, hehe) … but I do something everyday without fail.

I dont care – unless I’m literally so sick I can’t move – I DO SOMETHING DAILY.

In other words, yes, I do “practice what I preach”.

Got through 50, and then it was “well, lets do 20 more and call it a day”.

Before I knew it, that 20 turned into “30 more”.

And long story short, I was done with 250 pushups before I know it – and get this – in LESS than 30 minutes.

Thats nothing out of the ordinary for me of course – and the videos are proof. Grab ’em right here: – Videos

And yes – YOU – CAN – do it! Try – and dont make excuses – and you CAN – nay, WILL do the same too. Heck, you might just surpass me – who knows!

All for now!


P.S. – If your the sort that falls into the excuses category this site and book (and videos, et al) ARE NOT for you. Feel free to navigate away if thats you.

P.S #1 – Other hand, if you fall into the rarest of rare “DOERS” category – well – then – you know what to do!

“Nice Video” and other “non-focused” comments

Dear reader,

Well, well, well. I’ve been receiving comments, most of them overwhelmingly positive about the videos of the website and that can only be a good thing – right?

Right – but only when VIEWED THROUGH THE RIGHT LENS!

What do I mean?

Well, just saying “it’s a nice video” and then doing exactly NOTHING won’t move you along the way to your goals.

A Chinese lady (let’s say “Lady C”) who I know for a while and who has been a customer of mine in another (non fitness related) venture recently made this comment after I shared this website with her. I offered to “share” the book with her as well, although I haven’t “share” the actual paid videos with her (as yet, at least).

Why did I do this? Well, she’s helped me in the past. She’s been a customer in the past and has REFERRED me new business – quid pro quo as it were, and a case of doing the right thing.

There’s a tip right there, by the way. Never forget those who genuinely DID help you in the past  … NOT because you should expect them to help you in the future, but because what they DID for you in the past (and did it with a clear heart, so to speak). This is very important, and it goes for friends, family, customers, and just about anyone you meet / interact with to be honest.

Sadly enough though, this lady falls into the “excuses” category when it comes to getting fit. She’s signed up for various dance classes, gyms, fitness programs, and even the local swimming pool (swimming is a great, great exercise BTW folks) – but guess what – the pounds aren’t flying off.

If anything, that waistline is just expanding, and the “gluteous maximus of plenty” is growing by the day as well, more “junk” being piled on as I read this most likely.

Laugh all you like, my dear reader, but ’tis true.

Anyway, as the Chinese say, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. And if this lady doesnt “DO” despite having all the tools to “DO” QUITE LITERALLY at her FINGERTIPS, well, then … methinks it’s an exercise in futility.

But, and here it bears mentioning that I bear no ill will towards my ex-customer – so – Lady C, I wish  you all the best!

As for me?

Back from a tiring trip yesterday that took me a total of six hours, if I’ve got it right.

Pounded out a new book which is sitting in the (very capable) hands of my beloved publishers, and am in the process of fleshing out a new one.

In the middle of all this I had to deal with some family issues which took up a LOT of time.

And yet – I found time to get in not ONE – but TWO workouts for the day.

In fact, I should say three. I traveled in the subway a lot yesterday, and subway stairs are one of the best training tools you have – COMPLETELY FREE – and right THERE for you to USE!

And this brings me to the closing note of this post. I’ve mentioned this before in my old blog (which can be accessed via, but I’ll say it again in brief here.

Many years ago, I used to work as a sales “VP” (whatever that term might bring to your mind – I personally hate these “titles”). I’ve mentioned this Company of course in my other writings, most specifically this one – 10 Commandments of Successful Sales

… I used to work from the office on occasion (though it was supposed to be the exact opposite, hehe), and I traveled by the New Delhi subway on the rare occasions that I did show up (sorry, guys! hehe).

And I’d literally POUND up several flights of stairs every time I changed trains (I think it was a sum total of 4 trains I changed to get there – so there were plenty, believe me). The New Delhi subway has trains that go underground as well as overground, so there’s plenty of climbing involved – if you do it – of course.

Many a Metro station in New Delhi has signs literally exhorting folks to climb. I think one of them went “climb stairs, healthy heart” (or something to that effect).

Amazingly enough, most people do the exact opposite.

I’m sure you know what I mean, don’t you?

Long “dreary” lines of folks “lined up” at the elevators, or escalators in this case, negative energy exuding from every pore – and of course looking at old Rahul “that boy be crazzzzzzy” as he sprints up subway stairs, laptop bag flying behind him like a purse on a harried’s lady’s shoulder, hehe.

And this was after doing squats and pushups in the morning, BTW.

Anyway – felt compelled to share this “blast from the past” today with y’all.  Enjoy!



P.S. – Other blasts from the past are mentioned in the book – The Book

10,000 words, 250 pushups plus the “10 minute’r”

Dear reader,

Well, I’m retyping this post all over again as the Internet gremlins apparently struck – AARGH!

250 pushups followed by a back bridge, and of course the aforementioned number of words as I pound out my latest novella. 10,000 words as of now, although I have ZERO doubt I’ll hit the 20,000 mark very soon, most likely tonight.

And two things that I noticed right off the BAT AFTER my workout are: –

  • My THIGHS feel swollen and worked to the bone WITHOUT doing a single squat.
  • My hamstrings are far looser than they’ve been in ages, and (although this stretch is a problem area for me) I literally FELL into the forward stretch today as if it were CHILD’s play and judging by the ease with which I did so, it WAS!

I focused on the following during my pushup work out – my goals (#1), and then (in no particular order) – my hip flexors, lower abs, UPPER BACK (YES!) and groin area.

I really, really focused on the upper back, and also the folks that inspired my latest piece (though they dont know it).

And so it goes, as the words literally write themselves, as they quite often do when I’m in the ZONE!

I’m back to writing for now. More later!


P.S. – Want to learn how focusing on the upper back during a certain exercise can literally double the flexibility in previously TIGHT hamstrings like there’s NO tomorrow – and QUICKLY?

The key is RIGHT HERE, my friend – unlock it now, and unlock them tight “hammies” – The Book

My grandfather’s unspoken training philosophy

Dear reader,

500 squats and 50 REPS of my FAVORITE exercise (the ALL time BEST exercise there is, bar none!) – but this post is not about that, is it?

While I trained I kept my grandfather in mind. His image continuously flashed into mind with each rep, with EACH deep BREATH, and the words that came immediately after was “BLASTING PAST”

Not blasting past old records, or goals, though that was why they came to mind – but whatever it is, those two words came to mind while training.

And nothing else. Just me, the image I mentioned above and deep breathing. And the workout, of course.

The best memories I have of my grandfather, who I mentioned passed away in rather tragic circumstances when I was 13 are waking up at 4:30 A.M. in the morning with him and going swimming EVERY DAY WITHOUT fail during the summer holidays.

Being he lived in a different city from where I grew up, thats the only time I got to spend with him. And being he – get this – until the age of 78 – worked from (after his swimming routine) until 10 P.M. at night, he was rarely there at home either.

But the times I DID get to spend with her were JOYOUS. Good vibes galore, and one of the most poignant memories I have is of young Rahul playing chess with his grandfather, who would always “let him win”, hehe.

“How can be so silly, Uncle!” I remember running up to my relatives and saying, while my grandfather would smile on in a benign fashion.

Little did I know at that tender age, of course. I was around 5 or so IIRC at that time …

This man accomplished so much that HIS OWN story would probably be way more inspiring than anything I could ever put out there. He served in the army. He literally built himself up from NOTHING.

Despite his numerous accomplishments, he was the most humble and GIVING person you could ever meet. The most unassuming, I should say, and I NEVER ONCE recall him even mentioning any of his achievements, though there were plenty, mind you.

When he was young he crossed flooded rivers – swam them – did what he had to do – to get to – get this – SCHOOL.

And he did not give up his swimming routine until he tragically passed away at the age of (78 or so.

The most lasting memory I have of him though, is this – I’d often go and sit by his bedside when he was lying in bed, unable to move, his body ravaged by a disease that until this date I’m not sure why they couldn’t cure. No-one ever told me many details about it at that point …

He was a Doctor, by the way – one of the BEST if not THE BEST in his city.

And as I’d go to him, and try and talk to him, even in his bedridden state he’d “drive me away”.

“It doesn’t matter!” And he’d put on a cheerful smile for us kids.


And THAT – my friend – is such an intensely personal memory that though I could write pages on it, I’ll stop here.

More later.

For now though – if a man of 78 can do it – why not YOU??

Dump the excuses NOW, my friend. 0 Excuses is the ONLY way to do it – – The 0 Excuses Fitness System

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Though I had several cousins, for whatever odd reason the rest of them never did make it to swimming. I remember us knocking on the doors in the “wee hours”, and a sleepy Aunt calling out “not today!”.

Ah well.

P.S #2 – And NO, I did NOT have to be FORCED to wake up (in stark contrast to other events during my childhood). I did it of my own accord. A 6 year old boy waking up at 4:30 A.M. to go swimming in a LAKE with water snakes and the rest of the good stuff “floating about” (no “cossetted” swimming pools!). Take that for what it’s worth!

The old man I met in China

Dear reader,

I’ve posted about this before on my old blog, but for whatever reason I feel compelled to post it again.

On second thoughts, I’m not going to “repost”. I’m going to “rewrite”. And no, it is NOT a case of me reinventing the wheel or “regurgitating old stuff” …

Those that have read my book will know that there was a time in my life where I climbed a hill DAILY – MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY – MORNING AND EVENING – in my life as part of my fitness regimen (this was complimented by 50-100 pullups and a few other stretches post-climb).

I cared not if it was HOT AND HUMID out there. In fact, some of my toughest climbs have been accomplished – and YES – I WILL use that word here in humidity that would sap the average person the minute they stepped out of the house (think 40 degrees Celsius and 90 percent plus humidity – or 100% if the phone apps are anything to go by).

People that saw me literally made comments like “Ah, THAT is real climbing!” as they saw me “down, but not out”, literally “inhaling and exhaling fire” (thats what each breath felt like) after my climbs/routine, as I was literally “sweating half my bodyweight out”.

I cared not if it rained, snowed (yes, there was a day it did snow here in Southern China) or if I had a bad day at work or not. I cared NOT if I had “relationship troubles”. I cared NOT if I had … Ah, but you get my drift, pally.

I woke up at 5:30 A.M. come rain, shine, or HAIL – and I got right down to it. Bottom line.

Anyway, during some of my afternoon climbs I met this old Chinese man who climbs this hill daily – UNTIL THIS DAY, by the way (I don’t climb any more except for an occasional change as what I do currently is even tougher).

This man would do the same. Come rail, hail, shine or thunderstorms (and there’s plenty of them around, hehe) he’d be seen there climbing the hill.

He’d do it ONCE a day, of course, but he NEVER MISSED A DAY!

After his climb, he’d do a few stretches, and then jump into a handstand at the end of it, and walk back down. And that was his routine, and is until this date.

This man is over 70 years old by the way. This man has a cast iron grip that’ll make the average gym goer feel like he’s gripped a blacksmith’s hand. This man has RAMROD straight legs, and looks about 50 to be honest, though he’s more than 20 years older.

Being my Chinese is rudimentary at best, I never really had a chance to get to know him better, but WORDS are NOT necessary at times!

The sheer PASSION that I spoke about in my last post spoke TOMES, and did all the communication that was required.

As I commence my workout in another 10 minutes, I’ll be sure to keep him in mind.

Along with my grandfather, who (sadly) passed away when I was at the age of 13. I’ll write more about him in the NEXT post – stay tuned!

For now – if THESE men don’t inspire the average 22 year old to get off their arse and DO SOMETHING – well – I hate to say it, but nothing will.

All for now!

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This post was inspired by a recent quote I saw on social media (which I absolutely loathe by the way for the most part but pretty much “have to use” given how prevalent it is) about advice a 90 year old man (who I do not know, by the way) gave his family before he passed away. 50 power packed tips, and I may just write about those in future posts as well …

Sweat blood and shed tears

Dear reader,

Blood and tears as they say, and thats the attitude you should adopt when your working out – or doing ANYTHING that MATTERS to you, for that matter.

If your not really giving that last rep ALL YOU HAVE – then your not doing it RIGHT!

If you ain’t working AS HARD as you can to achieve your goal – in fact, if your not thinking about whatever your goals are EACH AND EVERY WAKING MINUTE of the day – you ain’t doing it right!

If your making excuses – your not going to get anywhere. If you wimp out while doing a toughie (in terms of exercise), you’ll never progress. And so forth.

I speak about the Ten Commandments of Successful Physical Training in the book (right here, by the way: – The Book) and these 10 commandments, my friend, hold true when aspiring to achieve ANY goal in life, no matter what that is.

Looking to get fit? Looking to progress in your career? Looking to break out of that dead end job? Looking to increase your income? Well … those commandments apply to ALL these situations, and MORE, my friend.

And no, despite what some of you might think this is not mere “marketing spiel” from the “content mills” or what-have-you.

In terms of fitness … let me just say that over the past few days I’ve been waking up with a sore, WORKED TO THE BONE feeling, and I could probably sleep all day some of these days given how physically exhausted I am.

However, that is the PHYSICAL part. Mentally, I’m WAY MORE focused upon what I need to do than I would have been if I wasn’t this physically “worked to the bone”.

And note I AM NOT USING THE WORD “tired”!!

Doesnt make sense to you? Well, to further “pound it in” (no puns intended), I’ve pounded out 4 non fitness novellas over the past 2 weeks as well as working outdoors for a couple of hours a day (dont ask, long story) – and getting my exercise in REGULARLY.

And dealing with all the other things that we all deal with on a day to day basis.

In terms of exercises, I’ve been doing my usual 2 workouts a day but I’ve been switching up the order. Hell, I remember I did THREE workouts a couple of days ago when I was REALLY pressed for time.

And if I can do that – and still find time to get all my other stuff in – THEN YOU, my friend – have NO EXCUSES LEFT.

Last, but not least, these workouts were not simply “run of the mill workouts”. I did indeed sweat blood in them – so much so that my left pec (or, more accurately the area where the pec “meets” the rib cage) is SOORRRRRREEEEEE!

And thats today’s tip. Whatever you do – do it well – and give it YOUR ALL!



Thats what counts at the end of the day.


Rahul Mookerjee

The 24 minute workout

And thats how long it took – by the CLOCK, my dear reader.

I should actually call this the “24 hour” routine, since it can literally be done ANYTIME of the day.

Or perhaps the “2 in 1” routine as I got in workout #2 plus EXTRAS in during this time. All this without doing a single pushup, BTW  – though I’ll be getting to pushups later this evening.

What did I do? Well, the correct way to put it would be “DEEP BREATHING WITH EVERY REP while working out”.

Yes, the words are capitalized for a reason. Not to say the actual workout was any less important, but and as I say REPEATEDLY in my book, there is NO point doing any of the stuff I mention if you don’t add CONSCIOUS deep breathing into the mix.

There is a breath with every rep, and this, my dear reader, is probably the most powerful fitness tip there is out there.

Yes, it might sound strange, but do it the way I tell you to and you’ll know what I mean.

And believe me, it wasn’t me that “made this discovery”; this has been around for ages. It’s just that  it’s being ignored these days for the rubbish that passes as “serious training” or, as in parlance, the “bro culture”.

I don’t care if your lifting weights, working outdoors, running, or simply even doing 10 pushups. You need to focus upon your breathing to gain optimal benefit.

Subtract the breathing, and you get about 10-15% of the benefits (real benefits).

Anyway, my routine took exactly 24 minutes today. 400 squats done with the same different hand technique I mentioned (or I think I did) a few days ago followed up with some bridging routines which  I generally do in my 10-15 nightly routine.

All this includes “toweling off” time and short (few seconds) breaks, by the way, and there were NO WARM UPS required whatsoever.

So there it is. A 24 minute blast you can do anytime, anyplace, ANY DAY!

Try it, and tell me how it works for you.

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – There are plenty of other GOLDEN TIPS in the book – The Book

P.S #2 – The real icing on the cake, of course is (are) the videos – Videos

450 squats, 15:12

Dear reader,

Well ,for once this post didnt write itself while I was training, but that understandable when doing high rep squats (most of them toughies, by the way).

I can barely see out  my glasses right now, so pardon any typos (like I care either way about “perfect” typing, hehe, I’d rather do PERFECT REPS!).

I’m feeling ON TOP of the world, and it look less than 16 minutes. Amazingly enough I wasn’t feeling sort of like, well, crud this morning, but 15 minutes is all it took to get that WINNING – and GREAT – feeling back!

You too can get this sort of feeling, my friend, if you just DO the thing. Doesnt take much time at all as you can tell.

As for today’s tip, believe it or not, a SLIGHT (yes, slight) change in HAND position of all things made all the difference with the squats. I’d post it right here, but you’ll probably think I’ve gone stark raving bonkers if I do so I’m not.

Although, whats “crazy” for most of the world such as 500 daily squats, for instance, isn’t as crazy as it may seem or sound.

Take that for it’s worth. I’m out for now – more later!


P.S. – Plenty of 15 minute blasts right HERE: – The Book