Really getting that CORE into it.
- Clubs, again!

I can’t get enough of my clubs, neither can my nine year old.

God(dess) only knows what she’d do if she discovered the 20 kg clubs I use that I dont put on full display everywhere, she’d probably be chomping at the bit to use those too!

My daughter is indeed the best in the world – how many little  9 year old girls have you seen interested in club work to begin with – and then hefting a massive 10 kg (no, for the fools that think “its like a 10 kg dumbbell” – no it aint either) around her neck and shoulders …

It was great fun today, filming videos with her – and explaining the difference between many things including “Victorian ruff” (Elizbathean Ruff, if you’re from the UK you will understand, hehe) – and a muzzle – and many other questions she asked me in the park – oddly enough, or perhaps not a lot of adults would be asking the same questions she did.


Bringing the core into it is something I highly encourage and emphasize in any movement you can do so.

From pushups to pull-ups to even sprints and throwing punches, we all know it starts and ends at CORE.

And club work is the same.

Look, these clubs aren’t just what most people think ie to build muscle on the chest and shoulders and upper back – that will happen, yes.

Not to mention your ligaments and joints will strengthen and be healthier than ever – so will your digestion and your sleeping patterns once you get a steady diet of Indian clubs, maces – even kettlebells if you have ’em (which I’m still to procure some of the ones I need to finish part of the book!).

All of it, but losing weight isn’t something people think about a lot when it comes to training with “implements”.

But it happens if you do it right, and it happens way quicker than with traditional cardio.

Not to mention these tools will give you lower back strength you never knew you could build IF you do ’em regularly, and right!

These clubs – and indeed, everything in the upcoming book “Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness” are something I Highly recommend to everyone – even if you’re not a fitness buff, swinging these clubs, and they can be 3kg – or 5kg – it’s not so much about the weight, its the movement – is something nigh everyone can – and should be doing their whole lives.

Like John Walker, a customer recently wrote in saying “we might be living longer these days, but a lot of that is … well, let me just quote.

Great hear you’re still putting in the hard yards, it is the “only way” but as you say it is becoming more and more rare with each passing generation, I shudder to think of where we are headed as a species, fat, weak and lazy is the norm these days, we are not progressing we are regressing, we might be living longer thanks to medication??? Although most of this extended lifespan is coupled with frailty, weakness, illness and no quality of life.

And he’s right!

Look, I’d rather live to a robust 70 or whatever it is, live each day to the fullest, in robust and in the PRIME of health and fitness till the day it comes “time for me to pass”, not that I’m planning on passing anytime soon. Hehe.

But I’d rather than than a frail, weak, 90 plus where I can barely stand up myself, let alone do more.

That quality of life matters to me ..

Quality over quantity here too.


So I’ll let a video do the talking here!

Not something I’ve done as of late, I’ve explained why, but sometimes, even yours truly bends to your will, and since a lot of people have asked, well here goeth!

Video link for this –

And if you’re viewing in your browser …

There’s another short on pull-ups we did too, see if you can find THAT one. Hehe.

Enjoy – and remember – all starts – and ends – with the CORE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Follow us on Youtube if you like this sort of thing, and want to be notified of new videos as and when they’re “alive and kicking”. Handle – @0excusesfitness. 

- And reviews, and more!

Oh boy!

I was just thinking of John Walker, the DOER I mention here all the time – rightly so, the man deserves it and then some (every bit) – and presto, his email shows up in the ole Inbox right down to the precise email address I used when I first started chatting with him back and forth.

If that ain’t yet another example of visualization working and HOW, I dont know what it is.

Anyway, its been a magical day thus far as usual around here.

Lets start with REVIEWS, well, lets start with John’s email to me!

Dear Rahul

It’s been ages since we last communicated so I thought I’d check in with you, I sincerely hope all is well with you.

I don’t know if you still monitor your amazon reviews? But I had to put another “price wanker” straight in response to his review.

It would appear that some people never learn and they cannot see the “wood for the trees” anyway I gave him and anyone else who can be bothered to read it what I feel is a fair and unbiased review, even though I don’t own the compilation book he was commenting on I do have two of the three books that the compilation is made up of.

Anyway my friend, just a quick one to check that you’re okay and life is not getting you down too much? Take care my friend.

Warmest Regards


Well, first things first, with all the I.T. and server moves, I took some of my long term customers OFF the list (yes, thats right – marketing SACRILEGE! Hehe, but to me my relationship with my customers, like friends is worth far more than mere dollars) – because some, including John were getting repeated emails to buy what they already had.

And I can be very “persistent” in that regard, eh. Hehe.

We’re sorting all that out, lists etc all sorted, but he hasn’t been on the list a while, so wrote in.

Now, I gotta say, reviews? I monitor my Amazon regularly, but there weren’t any reviews – after his email, I checked – I still couldn’t find any.

Then I went to his profile, and I saw it!

Turns out Grizzly Power wasn’t on my list of books for Amazon for some reason, now it’s there (I added it) – – and now it will probably show within a couple of days.

Anyway, an idiot – some “do gooder” (remember that joker who once badgered me about why I want to “train the body and not the mind” when I was doing pull-ups??) – left a review.

This nutjob apparently trolls Amazon looking for books to review (not just mine, every book he can find) – and comments mainly on PRICE – without BUYING the book, which like I wrote about just a couple of days back is an utterly stupid and moronic way to review anything, let alone books.

Unfortunately, thats the world these days …

Link – 

His review

What is going on?”

This authors books were moderately priced and then they climbed and climbed. Who is going to pay over a hundred pounds without seeing all of the content? I have checked some of the author’s other books and have found:
a) some reasonable advice, but nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary
b) some dubious claims, especially regarding the possible results, since his methods are not unique, others would have discovered if these methods are the very best.
c) He repeats material over and over, so that the books on Pull ups seem to be virtually the same
d) Most of the books are not very long, so they are massively over-priced.

There are very few fitness books that are really worth ££s, and only a handful that are worth anything like £50. This author’s books do not deserve to be priced at well over £100.

I always laugh out loud when I see tripe like this.

Like dude, if no-one were willing to pay the prices, obviously you wouldn’t be reviewing it trying to hurt sales? (which by the way, please keep on trying, lol) …

c) He repeats material over and over, so that the books on Pull ups seem to be virtually the same

Utter tosh, my friend – but from someone who hasn’t even bought the books, that is to be expected.

I’ll let some other folks that HAVE bought the books on pull-ups ring in, but the exercises in Pullups -from STUD – to SUPER STUD (turns out I was right here. hehe) and the initial book – well, completely different for one, this guy has clearly not even read the sales page for the book, all he did was look at the $$ and balk.

Idiota, as Rod Steiger would say, these “do gooders” often are nothing but massive pain in the ass wanna be Mother Teresa’s (I hate to associate the great lady’s name with a wackjob like this) ..

(His Amazon name is “Hopeful Evangelist”, that alone says a lot)

This authors books were moderately priced and then they climbed and climbed.

And thats his business – how?

lol ’nuff said on that front ..

(although, here’s a little secret – his INITIAL review for my book “Gorilla Grip” came in (you’ll see the link below) when it was priced at $9.99, and that was “too expensive” or some nonsense.

I raised the price shortly thereafter, the sale I was having having ended so ..

So now “that price” is reasonable for him, but this isnt.

This is why I coined the term “price wankers”. Hehe. Illogical and moronic to the extreme for one…

a) some reasonable advice, but nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary

Well, you’re clearly not in position to decide that my friend. Especially not without further explanation … I mean, what qualifies as “out of the ordinary” for this joker? Blasting the intergalatic third strand of the sixteenth tricep while wanking your banana on a bus in Nanjing?

Or what??

Inquiring minds want to know, fool.

b) some dubious claims, especially regarding the possible results, since his methods are not unique, others would have discovered if these methods are the very best.

Well, clearly SOME have, you moron. Like I said, I cater to doers, not the herd. If that bites, get used to it, it wont change. I ain’t changing “to make more sales” either, so get used to it pal – thats life.

Not to mention this jackass never mentions what claims are dubious – and what are not in his opinion … perhaps because he himself doesnt know. Hehe.

d) Most of the books are not very long, so they are massively over-priced.

There are very few fitness books that are really worth ££s, and only a handful that are worth anything like £50. This author’s books do not deserve to be priced at well over £100.

He clearly doesnt have the brain to read page counts, let alone read the book, so I’ll leave it be at that. Not to mention, dude, it ain’t about quantity, its about quality, like I can make 10 pushups harder than 1000, I can likewise be a hell of a lot more or less verbose – depending upon how I want to do it. That dont reduce the quality of matter being disseminated one damn bit!

Its not about length, or size – it’s how you use it, you bozo. Its what you do with what you have as opposed to gripe about what could be!

Brings to mind a recent Twitter discussion I was having with a lady Jyoti about the 18- char limit, I said I wish Musk would increase it a bit.

But then again, I think its best to to leave it as is, I laughed. Forces me to be, I forgot the word I used on the tip of my tongue, lets see what I wrote .. (pithy??)

ust twitter hehe. (i was running out of space). maybe Musk

can increase this 180 char limit, though i must admit, it forces brevity while keeping meanings intact, which can be good too.

And there it is, my friend …

Anyway, why me?

This review came in in March, I never noticed it, or I would have shared it before.

And in September, John Walker reviewed it – I never saw that one either!

Here goes –

Lets Get Real. 

Although I don’t own this particular book, I do own two of the books in this compilation so I believe I can give an honest review.

Hopeful Evangelist points out that the authors books are reassuringly expensive and I have to agree they’re not cheap, however, as I’ve pointed out in a previous review of the authors material, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the authors knowledge you have to pay what he is asking, otherwise you’ll miss out.

Interestingly, Hopeful states that the authors knowledge is nothing special??? Sorry I have to disagree with that statement, the author knows his stuff from the inside out and his training methods work but here’s the “kicker” his training methods only work if you do!!! There are no magic exercises or routines and that’s why most people do not get the results they expect from their training, they lack application.

It is often asked why prison inmates are so muscular and “jacked” what is their secret?

Their secret if you want to call it that, is this, they train very, very hard and they do this consistently day in day out without fail.

If you apply yourself appropriately to any of the authors works you will be rewarded for your efforts but do you have what it takes? You’ve got to dare to sweat, dare to strain and dare the pain, most are found wanting, hope this helps.
John Walker.

and there it is, my friend.

There it is!

What I wrote to John addresses his review –

Hey John –

Long time no speak – how are ya??? I’ve been thinking of you a lot as well (you know, although I’ve been using a lot of different email addresses to chat with you, I was looking through my hotmail last night and remembering this one was where I first started to communicate with you, presto, your email shows up right there!), yes, been a long time since we communicated – and you chose the nigh perfect day to “finally” get in touch – see this –

Truly a chip off the old block is she as you said! Hehe.

Now I do indeed monitor my Amazon reviews at least once a day, but for whatever reason, no new “reviews” showed up for Grizzly Power – I had to go in there and manually check your profile (which also pulled up the review you left for the “Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture” book (Farmer Burns) – you are spot on, that book deserve 5 stars too, I’ve read it, superb old school training and wrestling info!) (Matt Furey being associated with him – well, I’m not sure what folks make of that, but either way, he did and continues to bring Burns’s work to many globally, so kudos and hats off to the “Fure cat” if just for that!).

This “evangelist” character – I’m not sure – in fact I am 100% positive he doesnt “buy books” – he left a review for Gorilla Grip eons ago (which you’ve likely seen here – – his main purpose, and his Amazon profile seems to indicate this as well, or it did back then at any rate seems to be “look for prices and comment upon them” i.e. which books he “thinks” are worth it, which is utterly STUPID – I mean, every author has the right to charge what they think is worth it for the book, and if someone knows his or her stuff, if someone has been through the trenches pretty much in terms of all this and then some – well, then like you say, that sort of knowledge is priceless, it’s impossible to quantify that knowledge via a price tag alone – of course, try explaining that to the price wanking sissies and nutjobs of the world (increasing in number as we speak, haha, as you are no doubt aware).

Thanks for the great riposte – quoting but one part of it –

// start quote

It is often asked why prison inmates are so muscular and “jacked” what is their secret? Their secret if you want to call it that, is this, they train very, very hard and they do this consistently day in day out without fail.
If you apply yourself appropriately to any of the authors works you will be rewarded for your efforts but do you have what it takes? You’ve got to dare to sweat, dare to strain and dare the pain, most are found wanting, hope this helps.

// end quote

And that, my friend says it all – with their shitty diet and everything against them – the example you’ve given of how prisoners get so jacked (and I use this example all the time myself too) is a perfect example of how ultimately its DOING AND PERSISTENCE that brings home the BACON – in any regard.

Dare to dream, then just DO IT! (as you are aware – thank you again, my friend for the HONESTY in your words – I had no idea that review was even there, much less check it) …

I believe the reason his review (and then yours now) wasn’t showing was because for some reason ‘Amazon Author Central’ did not put “Grizzly Power” in the list of books written by me. I’ve added it now though, so I am sure it will automatically show up within a couple of days, but thanks a lot for bringing this to my notice – I had no clue this idiot was still “at it” as it were!

As for life, when it gives you lemons in some regard, well, you know me, my brother. Squeeze those suckers for all you’re worth (no pun haha) – and get all the lemonade you can – and ultimately there’s only one winner in the battle of gumption – in short, I’ll never let it get me that down, though that happens sometimes, we channel our inner warrior, and we move on – to bigger and better!

Lots of stuff going on at this end, but I’ll let YOU weigh in first – how’s life treating YOU?

Let me know, like you said, long time no speak, let me know how you’re doing – I hope not too much craziness in the ole garden, hehe. I didnt mention it in the initial link outside, but I Was training clubs with my little girl in the garden until the wife started to complain about “others seeing it” and then we came in. My response should have been “who gives a shit who sees it, this is something to be damned proud of (read the link I sent)” – but of course, women, pointless saying anything, and so … Hehe.

Thanks for the email John – although you’re not on the list right now, I keep mentioning you as an example of a true DOER to everyone, because you are – and you deserve the praise. The very best birthday present I could have gotten was what you told me on my birthday this year, and given the hammering I put myself through now, and the comments I get – well – that alone makes it all worth it, that was the best damn thing I could have heard on that day, trust me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart again for that honest and heartfelt remark!


Rahul Mookerjee

And thats that, my friend.

Thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A common answer to the why are prisoners in shape question – well, this – “they dont need to work for a living”.

To an extent true, but dude, it’s hardly a cakewalk there behind bars, it’s not like all expenses paid hotel where you do nothing but train, there’s plenty to “worry” about.

They do because they have to, in prison you either whip ass or you get … well, we all know.

There’s no in between.

You either adapt or become a sissy.

You either get in top shape with the tools you have which is usually just your bodyweight, or you dont.

And you either focus like a maniac, or you dont … its that simple.

That explains it, in a nutshell, I’ve written about it before, I’ll try and find it..

When the girls were stronger than me, and one of the most humiliating memories ever, hehe.
- And - my little girl is a true little chip off the old block - CHAMP!

My little girl is truly such a champ, my friend.

True, it takes some time these days (dumbphone addiction) to get her into the exercise mood, but she’s always observing, like yours truly, one hell of an observer is my little “carbon copy of Papa” as her Mom says. Hehe. Mom’s right on that one!

And she did her first club swing today – which shocked and amazed me both!

Not because she hasn’t swung before – she has.

But this was different.

I was telling her to warm up shoulders a bit more before doing them – after a handstand or two as I did pull-ups (after 100 pushups and 25 pull-ups).

She ran off to my room (study).

Where I keep my clubs.

And showed up with … well, the 10 kg!

Let me tell you, most adults would be hard pressed to do ONE repetition – double handed with this sucker – let alone the 20 kg ones I use in both hands, but my little girl?

She takes it.

And she does a letter perfect 99% perfect swing!

I was actually scared as she did it – that’s heavy for a little 9 year old, even though she’s a strong girl as she damn well should be, too many Bozo men around for one …

The world is a nasty and mean place, while nothing replaces fighting skill, strength to land one doesn’t hurt. Hehe.

Ask some of the world’s strongest men, they’ll tell you yes – punching technique is what ultimately counts.

But to have that STRENGTH behind the blow counts just as much.

Anyway, I’m trying to teach her to do the splits, for whatever reason the wife doesnt like that.

Go figure.

I’d love to be in a position one day where she’s throwing POWERFUL kicks at my head and I’m furiously defending like JCVD probably does against his champ daughter, a good martial artist in her own right (in that case Mommy forced her to do it. Smart Mom!).

Anyway, THAT is the strength handstands and my sort of training can build in general, my friend.

And as she was asking me about my own childhood, I told her I was really weak growing up.

“Clubs”, she asked.

I had none I said.

All I had was a chinning bar, and pink dumbbells that I was told to lift to build muscle. Haha.

And the chinning bar – well, there was no environment to do either pushups or pull-ups – hence my perennially tight hamstrings from being forced to “study” for long periods (which I got around by hiding novels in my drawer, my daughter does the same. Hehe).

Whatever – we all have our own cross to bear. I’ve got many – and I’d get nowhere by bitching about it I told her.

I just did.  (i.e “doer” did)

And then I told about a very embarassing moment in 11th grade, or 12th I think.

Yeah, 12th.

It was PE – I took that as an elective.

And final exam time, they made us throw the shot put.

I’ve mentioned this before, but those girls in our class threw the damn thing further than I did.

“Come on Rahul!” my friends were furious.

“The girls are throwing it further!”

Indeed they were – than me. Hehe.

Then running around the field, I almost collapsed after one round.

“This is going to kill everyone”, moaned another guy – a skinny dude – next to me.

But it killed me more, that felt like I was going to feel years later after climbing the hill with Ms Lee – except then I was 24, and took action, because I could, I was able to!

And thats ultimately what seperates a doer, a winner from the rest.

Claw your way back – and never let them get on top.

And today, I laughed, I could run circles around all these people.

And I can.

And I deserve to, I’ve earned it (as Brooks Kubik said about my pizza after dinner all those years ago, hehe).

He’s a legend is Brooks …

Anyway, thats one of the humiliating memories.

There’s plenty of inspirational ones too, maybe I’ll write a book on the former…

And thats that.

BAck soon.


Rahul Mookerjee (PS – Pardon the tai-pee-ing … hehe. Fingers .. sorer than usual!)

PS #2 – She’ll be stronger than the boys, so it should be. So apt! That wheel ALWAYS turns full circle, we ALL get on the merry go round!

Whats up, my friend?
- Write back!

Hi Everyone,

Lots of you – in fact, if you’re getting this email, chances are excellent and second to NONE that you’ve not only signed up for this list (sometimes multiple times) – but have also repeatedly added a lot of products to your cart, which is great!

However, despite the “burgeoning” (no pun intended, hehe) interest in all of this, as it should be – a  lot of you have omitted to complete the final ALL important step – the SALE!

Clearly the intent is there, based upon what I can see in my analytics “data never lies”.

So this is a shout out to ALL of you – lots of you wanted to place pre -orders for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness for one (Squat 101 seems to be another hot favorite!).

A gem amongst all the other gems -“Pull-ups – from STUD – SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!” – many of you have been interested in the paperback version of this.  (We’re showing a sum total of $9000 “odd” for this one, so clearly tons of people want to do pull-ups the right way “super stud levels”!)

And so on and so forth.

Some of you wanted other things – all in your cart, saved and ready for you …

My point is this – if there is something “stopping” you from taking that final plunge – write back – LET ME KNOW what it is!

In terms of the near future, the VERY near future – going ahead – setting up a lot more for you loyal customers out there – but we need FEEDBACK – and your support in order to keep going the way we are.

In addition to more site “infrastructure”, you will soon be able to login to the site via SMS if you so choose, purchase products and more that way – we are also looking into creating an app if there is enough interest (seems there is) – as well as enhancing the current SMS updates etc you’re getting. Much more on this front – stay tuned – but again – FEEDBACK from YOU is key …

So write back – if there is a product you’ve added to your “cart” repeatedly, but have not checked out and bought i.e. the “all important final step” – then write back, and LET ME KNOW the reason!

Feel free to be frank about this.

Dont be coy!

I’m awaiting YOUR response…


Rahul Mookerjee

Do too many pushups cause muscular imbalances?
- What utter nonsense people write on the internet!

The internet is replete with utter BS of varying natures – and training info is a dime a dozen, but most of it out there is utter nonsense.

Not only is a lot of it written by arm chair jackass theorists who have never done, but the hordes of Instagram influencers, Tik Tokers, and other jokers who dont really do any real solid training other than yap about it and two second “show” training or what not talk about a lot of stuff they’re NOT qualified to talk about.

Bodyweight exercises often get the worst info put out about them …

One being this constant bad rap pushups get about a) not building “strength” – and only endurance and b) “muscular imbalances”.

I’ve debunked theory a) so often it isn’t worth it for me to devote more time and space to it HERE – but really, if all the doers – if illuminaries from Herschel Walker to Iron Mike to just about anyone you can think of found a reason to do them daily, and tons of them (and they DID them, not just “found a reason”)  – then there is a probably a reason, no?

These guys are the definition of “beast” in their chosen fields.

Thousands of reps of bodyweight exercises daily for one – lots of swimming, hiking, sprinting – but they ALL – I dont care if you’re talking college level wrestlers, pro boxers, Olympic athletes -even someone like Michael Phelps during his competitive days when you’d think he would focus on “pulling” way more than pushing – no -land based pushups were a part of his routine too … I could simply state that as a fact and that would be enough to counter some of the most ridiculous arguments people have about bodyweight exercises – and by extension, the mighty ole pushup- in general.

I could state dozens of other reasons as well and have in the past.

I mean, take the guy that can bench a gorilla in the gym, ask him to either get into a handstand – or the “floor humper” pushups I mentioned earlier on in the day – or do a Hindu pushup – or any other solid variant, and chances are he wont be able to get into the proper position for these and HOLD – let alone even do the damn exercise.

Not to mention the fact that … well, when you take guys (Herschel Walker is another great example of this) that have never lifted weights (as in the weight room) before, but have done tons of reps of bodyweight exercise all their lives prior to entering the weight room – well, they do GREAT on the weights – and progress rapidly from a point you’d never think they’d be able to start from in the first place (because they never LIFTED in the first place).

I’ve seen it over and over again myself personally.

Bodyweight exercises – and pushups – dont just strengthen, they train the ligaments and tendons from the inside out – they train the body as a whole – they train the grip, they train the core, they train the damn digestive system (pushups especially) – the CHEST AND LUNGS – again, pushups especially being one of those exercises that force you to breathe right whether you like it or not … phew.

I got carried away there. And I’m just getting started!

but anyway, I’ve debunked a) i.e. the you can’t build strength with pushups nonsense so many times that I’ll let it go – for now. In any case the jackasses that claim this sort of thing will respond to everything with “I’m big, not fat” – and “my body type is different” and other pathetic, pitiful, whiny “genetics based” excuses, so lets not even go there, period.

(But I have in the past, do a search).

Lets address what I meant to initially, this strength imbalance bullcrap people keep pushing – but only with pushups for some reason.

You have idiots galore on the internet writing about “please dont do 100 pushups a day”.


What utter bloody ROT!

If all you did was 100 pushups a day for the next 5 years, let me tell you this, you’d be in  better condition than most people out there, and you’d be at a point to pop off 500 per day if you so wanted to, the “holy grail number” in terms of pushups.

Yet, you have idiots claiming “they cause strength imbalances” if you only do pushups.

Look, it aint bench pressing, fools.

YES, the bench press – if that is all you do causes not just injury to the shoulders but strength imbalance. Think about it, lying on your back, unnatural pressing movement – without using the core one damn bit – hardly bringing the back into it (most dont) – and so forth – not to mention “shearing the shoulders” as well for most people.

It is a horrible exercise, superseded only by the lat pulldown in my opinion – deadlifts and squats even though they are responsible for injuries too are FAR better than these two overall – and yet, you dont hear a word about strength imbalances therE?

Look, when you do pushups, you’re engaging the entire upper body, the CORE as well – even if you just do the basic pushup.

And pushups as I’ve told you can be done so many different ways – a lot of those directly targeting the BACK – that there is no fuckin way they can cause any sort of strength imbalance.

Ever hear of swimmers with strength imbalances – yes. You hear about it all the time, with what is supposed to be a “pulling movement”.

But I dont think you hear of wrestlers and boxers that do pushups as a mainstay with strength imbalances, do you??

It’s lazy, foolish morons who write this sort of utter tripe, knowing people (equally lazy fools) will buy into their nonsense.

Much like the hordes of fitness authors out there who’ll write “easier books” with “easier workouts” to sell more. Ugh. You’ll never find me doing that!

Anyway, the very nature of pushups and the angles, varieties etc you can do them from – not to mention LEGS – you work legs HEAVILY during pushups if you do ’em in certain manners – there is no way you can get any sort of imbalance from doing them in high reps.

(See Pushup Central for all the variations)

Even if you do “nothing else” (which wont happen, you will naturally progress on to more anyway. Trust me!).

You never hear about this with pull-ups, do you?

i.e if you just do pull-ups, you might have a strength imbalance. . .

Truth be told, you wont if you do just pull-ups either, but remember – pull-ups (while you can do them in a way that you get solid cardio from them – see “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!” for more on this) hardly bring the legs and lower body into it for the most part, but you still wont have upper body imbalances if you do pull-ups and nothing else.

But …

One doesnt replace the other, but especially not pushups.

Pull-ups build brute, animal like strength in a way nothing else can if you do ’em right, chin over bar, pause, not the jerky so called pull-ups or hammer grip pull-ups a lot of jackasses out there do claiming to be “real pull-ups” when they dont come close to touching the chin to the bar, let alone GETTING it over the bar ..

Conditioning too in many ways.

But pushups my friend, nothing replaces them, nothing at all.

Remember the time I’ve told you about – 100 pull-up workouts per day, and I’d hike hills for like 6 times a day, but that was a time I neglected pushups, not consciously, but I guess, I dont know, I was really trying to nail my pull-ups, my dead hangs, the L sits, a lot of it, and so I neglected pushups.

One fine afternoon I did close grip pushups just to see if I could still do ’em, sure enough, I could.

But the FEELING – my, 20 pushups felt WAY harder than they should have!

And the real feeling – the soreness that kicked in when I went home – I was nigh shocked and amazed, a guy banging out 100 plus pull-ups daily, yet, I was sore when I lifted my arms up to shower! (lower lat area)

That alone taught me a lesson I’ll never forget.

Imbalances my rear end.

Hopefully Google or someone picks this one up, this one wasn’t written to sell or anything but it’s important to dispel a lot of the idiotic tripe and notions in terms of fitness that seem to be picking up even more speed as time goes by.


The 0 Excuses Fitness system is a sensible, sane, hard hitting results based HOME fitness system – that you can and should be doing daily.

Find out more by clicking the link above.

And thats that – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why respecting your body ain’t about the external.
- Everyone needs to hear this.


Brutal Saturday seems to be the tone of the day around these parts, bro.

Sunday, I dread to think … hehe. I can already feel the muscles SORE – I love that feeling!!


I keep hearing my wife talk bout (to my daughter) “applying lotion on your body” and so forth.

Now admittedly dry skin runs in the family – my daugther obviously is a chip off the old block (it came out as chop, so heavily I BE Sweating while writing this one) and given I’ve got super dry skin at the best of times – – winters, well, I can understand why she says that, the daughter is TARDY at the best of times at doing that, unlike me (though I’ve got to a point my skin doesnt need it, much like I dont need hot water showers even in the cold of winter) …

And my contempt for Bozos in general – not the wife here, just increases.


Farmer Burns wrote about this in his famous “Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture”.

I know I’ve got the name of the book wrong, you guys know the one I’m talking about – it initially came out as “Lessons in Exercise and Wrestling”.

Maybe that would have been a great title too!

Him of the 20 inch neck, amongst all the other great stuff and holds that will make you TAP – indeed, like Matt Furey once promoted, “like a typewriter” – he wrote this little ditty about how a laborer working all day outside, hot, smelly and sweaty – is often cleaner inside than the manicured, freshly showered office worker.

Same thing for a lot of these fat ladies slathering on makeup galore (my wife falls into this category occasionally too) but making every excuse under the sun not to pamper themselves the right way.

Taking photos artfully to show just the face doesnt cut it, lady – or my friend.

Right camera angles dont either.

The ole Farmer was right, internally, those laborers are FAR cleaner, and thats what counts ultimately, not a ton of makeup, or perfume, or deodarant, fancy soaps etc …

You do all that, yes, but you do it AFTER you pamper yourself the right way – with brutal workouts.

Simple fact of life

That, my friend, is yet another reason why I hold photos, social media etc in such disdain.

Maybe some idiots claim “if we didnt see it, we dont believe it”, my response to that –

Two fold.

One, perfectly fine.

And two, buy the books.

Those photos in there are not photoshopped, they are not taking with necessarily the right angles. Sylvester Stallone’s make up artist did not boff my hair before I got the pics taken.

And so forth.

I love it that way.

Look, I’m terrible at taking pictures, not because I can’t be damn good at them – if I put my mind to it, I can and am good at anything I really do with gumption, VERY good, better than the rest.

But pictures, videos, just ugh, just boring to me.

Show off crap I dont need in my life, now in books, they have a place (pictures).

Fitness books that is…

But here’s the thing.

They dont show me at my best, they usually show me at my worst – brutal as always – brutally exposing any imperfections or showing off the already perfect.

Thats how I’d prefer it.

John Walker was spot on in his comments last year.

And he was spot on in predicting “2022 would be my best year yet”. (that was the gist).

And we aren’t even over it as yet.

Well, my friend, thats it from me. Fitness wise yours truly has this to say to you or ask – have you really bettered yourself in any regard fitness wise this year?

Answer honestly, you might be surprised at what comes out as an answer.

you dont necessarily gotta tell ME either, but the best damn fitness system will ALWAYS be there for doers.

Here it is now – The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Chop chop for me, I’m out for pull-ups.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Ladies, dont get me wrong. I love that makeup, especially when as Jyoti does “delightfully artful way in which she takes pictures”. So droolworthy hehe, now if only she’d do what I said (I have NOT told her as yet) fitness wise, hehe. Oh well. Can’t win ’em all. I probably wouldn’t want to win this one either. Hehe.

PPS – John was “surprised how I found the time to workout given all else I Do, and my output otherwise”.

Well, what I write about all the time in terms of short exercise bursts which the world in general is only NOW starting to catch on to is one reason, my focus, discipline, all count too. PErsistence, horse with blinders …

And much more. I will expound more on all this later.

Grip plus core SMELTER
- And I'm just getting started

I can barely type.

I’m barely getting started, I thought, as the ole “lady” passed by (I use quotes for a damn good reason there) and stared at me thinking as usual “plumb dumb nuts” as there I was running the ole fan, and probably the AC soon too, hehe in the middle of winter, or coming close to it.


I used to sleep with AC on in the winters sometimes!

She probably wonders if she ever thinks about me – how the heck does he take those cold water showers when we barely shower at all.

And stay in them for ages.

No, it isn’t just workouts. Funnily enough those cold water showers feel even colder right after a workout … (as opposed to without working out).

Anyway, my friend, this isn’t about cold water showers.

it’s about me getting more and more barebones and BRUTAL, as the world outside gets more and more brutal in many ways too.

It’s about me getting in even more superb shape day by day as the hordes and legions of pussies, idiots, Bozos, wannabe fitness experts and so forth fall by the wayside, preferring the comfort of “doing very little” and preferring the fallback excuse of “be niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee to yourself” while patting themselves on the back with their Youtube short workouts or tik tok, or tok tik, whichever way they swing, saying “but I’m not fattttttttt – I’m BIGggggggggggggggg!” (and other rubbish – truth be told, several ladies have said that to me when I was fat, but look, dude, bottom line, I was FAT then – they liked fat, that different, hehe) …

… preferring the sanctity of the wife’s earnings padding themselves while the real men go about their way getting more brutal by the day.

Hehe. Anyway.

I gave you some solid fitness tips in the last email, most wont dare to come close, but you should pally.

And now?

Another mammoth grip plus core smelter is what I got done with just now as I did a 100 pushups (which is daily for me, for me, my day starts off with tea, pushups, and at least 25 pull-ups – squats, I’ll do throughout the day these days along with plenty of other things).

Remember the floor humper pushup I rate so highly, talk about so damned much?

It’s mentioned in Pushup Central.

The basic version of this is so brutal that most fitness gurus would fall flat on their chins even getting into this position.

Let alone do ’em for any number of reps…

Jack La Lanne – a real fitness expert (now that sort of person is someone you aspire to be fitness wise!) – did these aplenty.

And there’s many ways to do ’em detailed in the book above, it will strengthen your core, burn off FAT – around the tummy and lower back specifically – make yours abs pop – solidify the grip, shoulders and upper back – all with this one movement.

Mix in club work, mix in other things, you get the picture.

Its downright BRUTAL.

When you can do 20 reps of these LETTER Perfect form as mentioned in the book, you’re getting somewhere, when you can do them for sets of 5 with short breaks, you’re really getting somewhere, when you do them as a huge part of daily or maybe weekly 500 pushup workouts, you’re REALLY getting somewhere?

But you wanna get to elite level fitness wise – grip wise – strength wise?

Do these – even the most basic version on your fingertips.

If you can crank out set of 10, I’ll give it to you.

20, better.

And so forth.

If you can mix in the advanced variations in the book, well, you wont need me to tell you more about grip training in many aspects. Hehe.

Trust me, my friend.

There’s a classic pose of La Lanne doing these on his fingertips, I will see if I can find it someplace laying around.

It’s just classic. And so is the movement, bare bones, basic, brutal.


Much like the “table” pushup, and the pull-up – – -this movement is SUPER at exposing fat around the midsection.

And lack of core strength and stability in general.

If you’re fat , out of shape, you simply wont be able to do these – let alone the hold the pose without quaking and quavering, and you wont be able to do ’em in proper form, period.

Yet another “reminder” that – those three exercises above to Bozos that claim they’re “big” but not fat …

You wont need me to tell you anything else after that.

It will stare you in the face.

As it should … Because, well, as yours truly loves to say, as David Goggins loves to say, and Herschel Walker, amongst a host of other illuminaries proves daily –

I’m accountable. 

Showl am, bro.

Thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Open challenge to any fitness expert, guru, who can do what I said above with one hand – on fingertips.

I’ll not only doff, but eat my non existent (no, idiots – those that are – it ain’t tinfoil either, these are real movements, real workouts, NOT For pansies and sissies in general unless you’re looking to BREAK OUT OF THAT MOULD!) hat if you can …

Sobibhor – rock breaking – and more.
- Brutal!

Sobhibor, I believe, was the name of a concentration camp the Nazis had – one of the most awfully, horribly, brutal ones – and thats saying a lot. Probably right behind Auschwitz, I dont know… (in those stakes).

And the movie made in 2017 in Russia, I think – same name – which I watched recently on Prime Video – well, it was BRUTAL.

Not so much an eye opener, as anyone with half a brain knows the horrors that went on beyond the walls (though knowing it is one thing, living it is another – my word!) of those so called work camps, but the movie is realistic, gritty and brutal – and obviously just “touches” upon what really went on there, it’s impossible to put the horrors that did in a movie – but they did a pretty damn good job!

Movie’s all in Russian, and it was Russia’s official entry to the Oscars that year, I believe.

Brutal, and if you’re not into seeing brutal real life, dont watch it, period.

And if you’re not into brutal training, dont read this – period.

Real life, my friend, gets that way.

And it doesnt necessarily require a Nazi prison camp to be that way either….

In the great Sunny Deol (there is a reason he is featured on the sales page for Pushup Central)’s blockbuster movie Ghayal (translates into “injured”) – the initial training montage, and the music – barebones, yet brutal – I’ll never forget it.


One of those things that cannot be repeated no matter what.

In prison, you see Sunny (a boxer wrongly imprisoned) on a bare bones diet.

Indian prisons as I wrote about are BRUTAL.

You see him breaking rocks at the crack of down – with an axe.

Not those wimpy hammer swings you see so often these days from fat boys swinging them and claiming they “give you a pump” or other nonsense.

No, this is real man sledgehammer stuff, really bringing the WHOLE body into it – much like you see Stallone chopping wood in the Rocky series.

Or, the initial scene of Rambo II.

Then the movie cuts to him at night, all the prisoners are exhausted and sleeping, he’s doing pushups, letter perfect form!

Chest to the ground on EVERY rep, eyes burning with rage…

Then he does chin ups on a bare bones rafter when it’s pouring outside. Reminds me of that story I told you about so often when I picked up a massive rusty iron pipe in China and had it installed for doing pull-ups (lucky the landlord never found out. Good ole Andy, hehe, but he wouldn’t have cared, I fixed the place back up too! Made a hell of a racket while installing it tho… Hehe).

OK, it was outside the bordello, but it was not part of the piping. Hehe.

Boy, if you could only see the smile on my face writing that!

Anyway ……. in the movie Sobhibor.

You see the commander of the camp who isn’t physically outwardly as brutal as the rest of the guards under him, but MENTALLY the worst – obviously – (which matters!) – ordering a Russian prisoner who had been caught before breaking out – to “break a stone” as punishment for being out of turn (I forget exactly how, but they didnt need an excuse for that, did they).

He points to a large rock.

“Either you break that within 5 minutes, or we’ll shoot 10 of your fellow prisoners”.

Dude accepts – he didnt have a choice anyway, did he?

He ends up breaking the rock – which would normally take 10 minutes or more to break.

Gets offered an apple in return.

“No, i’m fine with prison rations”, he says, looking the General straight in the eye.

Sure, he was polite, respectful, but even then, the General saw a fellow leader – despite the massive discrepancy in the power balance between them.

This guy would routinely shoot prisoners willy nilly. For no reason.

Despite all the various skirmishes between him and the other guy mentioned above, he never so much as touched him.

Perhaps even the Nazis knew the meaning of the word “respect” and when it’s warranted…

Anyway, great movie overall, I recommend it – if you’re into brutal that is. But everythin depicted it in is real, including chaining men to carts and making them literally pull other men around like horses, and being whipped while doing so.

Again, thats real life in many places.

Kolkata, India, read this

Brutal, eh.

But fitness wise, for lifelong fitness, it’s brutal that gets you there.

Not wimpy videos on Tik Tok filmed from so far away that you try and hide that humungous belly poking out but dont quite manage to do so … Not stupid “motivational” crap on youtube “you’ll ATTRACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCT it!” – not 2 min exercise “bursts” – unless it’s real sprints – and so forth.

It’s REAL MAN training.

And if you’ve got a tool laying around, damn, son, at least use that tool like it’s meant to be. Anything less is disrespect.

THAT is why I get so pissed when I see guys (or girls) ignoring the basics of pull-ups, pushups.

Not so much disrespecting me, I could care a crap less about that – its disrespecting the exercise, the movement…

Same thing for implements.

Or anything you train with.

Same thing with your own body too, which is why I cannot understand how people let themselves get SO out of shape my friend – it’s just pathetic, I cannot understand how these people look themselves in the eye in the mirror in the mornings – or at any time.

Disrespecting YOURSELF is what that is, whether you know it or not, whether you realize it or not.

Cut it any way you like – facts stand.

And here’s the bottom line, BRUTAL is what you’ll get in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness.

You wont get “just the easy club swings” or the basic kettlebell moves which you could probably find on the internet.

No, it’ll be damn near as brutal as what I’ve described above.

You, of course, dont have to be in the hot sun like ole Sunny was, hehe breaking rocks – or doing it with sadistic prison guards watching or more like in the other movies mentioned above …

But the movements, the exercises, they will be exactly and just as – if not MORE brutal.

There’s a reason, of course, Pushup Central and Battletank Shoulders are called BRUTAL as well … because they ARE.

THAT sort of training is what gets results.

From wimp to REAL MAN – or woman.

And that, my friend, is that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Nothing moves – without DOING
- In all ways

Here’s some thing that might be familiar to a lot of people.

The “C” word – in terms of DIGESTION.

Yup, we’ve all been there, eh. Straining, straining ….

And believe it or not, over 90% of the population suffers from it to some degree.

Over 70% of it suffer from digestive issues in some way, form or the other – that includes – usually -a LOT of constipation.

I remember back in the day when I was “plagued” by IBS and other crap – pun intended.

I remember the doctor’s reports coming back saying … “colon stuffed with fecal matter”.

For those going eww, it’s a lesson in how visualization works – and soon, how it does NOT.

Finally, when I started to exercise – bang – (exercise the right way) – pun intended.

Things started to “move”.

Without doing, I’d just feel lazy and like shit – full of it too in some ways.

Doing it, I’d feel better – of course, if I had known about the special isometrics to do to “get it all out” – not only get it all out, but also RESOLVE the root causes – well, I’d be doing them then.

But I didnt.


Nothing moves unless you DO first – fat included,  my friend.

And this, strange as it might sound, this email I mean – isn’t just fitness related.

Life wise, the bozos who keep talking about the “law of attraction” like its some magic key – 19 to the 12.

The Secret.

And what not.

You look at these people that sit there, passively waiting for “inspiration” to come, or “think about it, and it’ll happen”, and so forth – taking what was being said in Think and Grow Rich in precisely the manner the author did NOT intend for them to take – ignoring the most important chapter of all in it – or two of them, and no, I’m not going to name them, but chances are excellent and second to none that if you read the book and think those two Chapters are “bogus” or “horse manure” – then those are the chapters I’m referring to.

I know, I’ve lived it. Been on both sides of the coin my friend.

I know what works, and what does, and passively reciting mantras, affirmations, Law of Attraction and other crap – you may THINK it attracts what you want to you.

It actually REPELS – unless you mix in other crucial parts of the equation.

And one crucial part, though by far not the most and only crucial part, but still crucial enough in terms of the bottom line – is DOING.

Without doing, my friend, nothing moves, nothing stays moving.

And this, if anything should be a lesson to the lazy fat (and likely constipated) blobs sitting on their couches right now reading this, too lazy to do any real physical activity other than run their jaw muscles, and there seem to be plenty of those.

Plenty of people like that, if you’re one of those, if you’re reading it, who knows.

You might – nay, you WILL get pissed off.

But you might just learn a very important lesson if you read between the lines…

Alright, thats that.

My book on isometrics is one you simply must have even if you’re not interested in heavy duty – hardcore workouts – it should be “recommended” doing for everyone if just for health purposes.

And when you get on the programs and find yourself beaming from ear to ear on them like I am, you’ll KNOW what I BE Talking about!

That, friend is that -get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

The sheer ILLOGICALLITY of it all …
- I just invented another word, eh.

The lack of logic in most people’s heads befuddles me.

Maybe it’s just me, but … I seriously, seriously doubt it. So would any real doer, MGTOW guy, logical person or …

Fitness, yes, this email is about fitness, not farting in front of temples (lots loved that one though!).

But lets side track a bit …

This afternoon, it was time to pick up the daughter from school which I normally do.

Y’all know me – creature of habit, routine, clockwork, everyone knows that.

Bus is supposed to come at time X.

It always comes by time X plus 10 – no exceptions, and usually a few minutes after that.

I show up at X plus 5 to be safe.

When I mildly bring this point up with the so called powers that be, I’m told “I’m an idiot for doing so”, or “How dare I ask someone to stick to their word on something of obvious importance such as this”?

Anyway, this afternoon, as usual, the wife’s phone, one of the two she has, or probably 20,000 – hehe – was ringing off the hook.


I hate phones ringing, mine never does. I’ve never understood what wrong with checking notifications periodically, or better, doing things in advance, but hey the ROW doesn’t seem to agree?

Anyway, after a while I heard hollering going on.

“My phone’s ringing”, she hollered.

I had to guffaw a bit, for a guy whose barely allowed to get near that phone “because she bought it” (not that I want to get near it, hehe) …

… for a guy who is studiously ignored when it comes to everything (the feeling has always been mutual though) …

“Ok, so”, I riposted.

“Well, answer it!” she hollered.

OK, so I did.

“Who is it!”

Apparently “Dada Ji” which is “grandfather plus respect” in Hindi.

I told her.

Then I answered.

His first question was “why has no-one gone to pick up the daughter”

I said we were about to, which I was.

“But you’re already 10 minutes late”.


Apparently the bus showed up at X minus 10.

“Ok, well, no-one informed us”.

He then said “its not time to talk. Its time to ACT!!!!!!!!!!”

Um, maybe thats exactly what I was doing when I said initially “I’m going to pick her up” …

For some reason, of course (ah, but wait, I know the reason – hehe) when I so much as reply to someone – they seem to get ticked off, hehe.

To add to the sheer and utter absurdity of all this, I’ve NO idea why his phone is there with the school as a backup anyway – wait, I do know.

The wife said I never answer mine, so she canceled mine off the form and put his.

OK, great.

But last time this lunacy happened, the wife didnt answer her own damn phone, this time she didnt either…

Hmm – logic, anyone?

Nah. I’m the fool. Hehe.

And of course, she claimed when asked “she was in a meeting” when truth is she was sleeping till noon (which is perfectly fine, hey, I sleep till 11 myself, but if someone asks, I tell them, well, I was sleeping, not in a goddamn meeting) ..

Honesty plus logic = foolish?


Anyway ………………. this same BUFFOONERY applies to fitness too.

“Sir, PLEASE!” my daugher’s basketball teacher said a while ago, stopping me in my tracks.

WTF did I do NOW, I thought.

“Sir, youve lost SO MUCH WEIGHT, please dont work out so much, please eat more!”


When I Was a phat phock, then they said I need to exercise LESS and eat less.

Yeah, you heard me, I used to jump rope for 1000’s of reps (but I did it the wrong way) – and my Dad used to tell me “I work out too much”.

In the same breath, he’d tell me “I have a belly hanging over” – when his was far worse.

OK, fair enough, I was a phat phocker then (I didnt bother to point out goose and gander, of course. Sometimes beating that head against brick walls doesn’t work…) …

But now?

Like, look dude, I was about to tell him .

“If I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO weak – lets try this one on for size”, I should have told him, but I didnt.

I mean, look.

I can do 25 fingertip pushups in letter perfect form – SLOWLY, with 5 second pauses between each rep.

I can do 100 squats without breaking a sweat damn near, ass to grass.

And pull-ups galore.

I swing clubs like them swinging Johns and their Mama’s … ah, I best not go there!

And more that the average muscle bound nutter pumping and oiling their asses and what not at the Jim couldn’t even dream of doing (ah yes, handstands as well).

And yet, the world in general thinks phat phockers that couldn’t do ONE pushup to save their lives, or climb a flight of stairs without collapsing – or muscle bound monsters in the gym that can barely do a simple kiddie exercise like the bear crawl are the epitome of fitness?

While the latter dies of heart attacks, and yours truly – well, the medical reports keep getting “unbelievable” – more so by the day – the latter is what people claim are healthy?

Then they claim green tea causes hammeroids if drunk too often.

I wont even get into who said that, and I wont’ even bother correcting my spelling. I never do.

Point being, logic isn’t exactly a strong suit for the masses, it would seem.

Ah, but wait, I’m the fool eh. Hehe.

Anyway, if you want to learn how this fool got into the best shape of his life, and how he continues to astound people at an age most people give up around 15 years or so ago – well, the 0 Excuses Fitness System explains a lot of his secrets.

And you’d be a fool not to jump on it NOW.

And dat’s dat, my nikka.


Rahul Mookerje