When an attempt to “put me in my place” backfired – spectacularly …

So I’ve been doing some thinking as of late.

Remembering some things.

And as memory floods back, I remember the roar of the ocean. The “nothingness” and “Everything” the ocean represents, especially choppy oceans with giant waves, and that constant “roar” …

I can still remember it.

On the beach. Staring out at the ocean for hours on end.

OR those beach runs at night …

And many other things, but for now, between the years of 2010 till 2012 (and indeed my whole life, hehe, from various angles) an attempt was made to “put me in my place” (albeit very indirectly in some ways and directly in others) by those you’d consider closest to you (or many would, at any rate).

People that have always pooh poohed what yours truly accomplished, choosing to focus on what I did not i.e. The BS THEY wanted me to accomplish for THEIR OWN selfish “wants”.

And it didnt work out, of course.

The strong willed, and indeed as “Malcom” in Jurassic Park so famously said of the dinosaurs that couldn’t breed (supposedly so) – that “life finds a way!”

And so does the subconscious, my friend. So does the subconscious!

And those periods in the Middle East, those dehumanizing (in many ways) and “depressing” (again in many ways) during the tumultous period yours truly worked for a couple of large multinationals in the Middle East and before that in a suburb of Delhi in India no less (back in the day) came to mind.

It’s no secret I don’t work a job.

But it’s also no secret that I’v ebene happiest and accomplished the MOST when I chose my own path.

And curiously enough for a period after getting married due to whatever reason I didnt, before of course yours truly reverted to type.

Does a fox change its colors?

Or a lion shed it’s mane (coat)? Hehe, I thought not.

Neither did I.

Anyway, point of this isn’t to rant about the past, but the wonderful things MEDITATION can do during times of deep turmoil (such as what the World is going through NOW).

Do you often feel as if you’re “stuck somewhere due to (and indeed, it’s true!) no fault of your own”?

And I don’t necessarily means lockdowns etc …

And youd be right in asssuming that a LOT of peopel are going through this right now.

Work is slow (for many). Money is drying up (for many). And many other things.

Stuck at home with SO’s when both grate on each other nerves.

And … well, you get the picture!

There are days when you feel like “doing nothing”. Maybe you’ll exercise. Maybe you’ll do your work. Maybe you’ll … but you won’t accomplish much.

That mind will never calm.

And in these turbulent times there are two things that can help you and GET YOU OUT OF them – much like they always have for me in every bad situation I faced/was throwin into (insert terms of choice).

(Not to mention being cheated durnig those years. Anyway …)

One being meditation, and it has to be done right.

Many people are surprised at the spiritual side of me, especially given my viscerality in writing , speaking and thinking – and physcial prowress in other areas.

And yet, this (not) jock IS a deeply spiritual man, as those truly close to me know.

And tuning into yourself is one of the best things you can do during these tough times.

Do so RIGHT though.

And you’ll truly experience what Claude Bristol referred to in “TNT – the Magic Force” – that being the power of going “within”. Into nothingness.

Think of nothing, and all your problems will fade away, my friend.

And it’s true.

And along with this, PHYSICAL exercise is key.

Could be walks on the beach. Could be runs. Could be pull-ups. Could be anything.

Key is to short bursts of exercises throughout the day to keep yourself fresh and mentally charged – and ready to HIT IT!

And that, my friend, is really (or are really) the two KEYS.

Have at!


Rahu lMookerjee

PS – Here is where you can pick up a fitness system, the best ever, that will allow you to do precisely what I’m talking about here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Do handstand pushups work the CORE?

I wrote about this a while ago, but not a long time ago. Those of you on my list paying attention should get it, hehe.

But along with core, let’s talk about GRIP as well.

And first, a bit of a story (flashback).

Back in the day, I believe Gorilla Grip, easily still the bestselling course here (though Pushup Central is fast threatening to shoot ahead!) was the first book I wrote on fitness.

Even before I wrote all my other books. Hehe.

And it was a nifty little neat manual which I later expanded in 2017, when I ramped up 0 Excuses Fitness.

And while I wrote a bit more on grip in the revamped edition including a “special just for YOU” primer to the book (really, it’s a MUST READ if just for that primer worth its weight in GOLD!), there was something I then did.

I revamped the book on pull-ups with something I thought of for years, but never put in the book. Once I tried and tested it (which I had at that point) I did!

And of course, the results peopel got were OFF THE CHARTS.

But perhaps the most important thing that came out of all this tweaking was the (were the) numerous changes I made to my pathbreaking book Shoulders Like Boulders!

One, I put in the exercises you NEED to do in order to get better at handstands and handstand pushups.

Two, I emphasized WHY I do things the way I do and why I teach the exercise the way I do – opposite from most “experts” and while I wrote this part way back in 2010, I addded ON TO IT.

Again, worth its weight in gold if I might say so.

Three, and extremely important, I showed you how to position the fingers when doing palm handstand pushups – another killer tip which most people “miss” when they start.

And fourth, and more importantly, I told you just why handstand pushups build the grip – and CORE like they do!

It sounds strange to most people to begin with, of course, that handstands build the grip.

You’ll hear grippers. Pull-ups. Fingertip pushups. And so forth.

All of which are great options, but believe me, despite the fingers not “crushing” as they do in most of the above movements (or the reverse as in fingertip pushups) the very act of balancing your entire bodyweight on your arms send your WRIST And FOREARMS into overdrive!

Blink and you’ll miss it, but years ago (and Is poke about this many times) in 2007 or so I believe, I was fairly strong.

Did plenty of pushups, hill climbs etc, but I couldnt hold a handstand for more than a few seconds, if even that.

I had WRIST PAIN when I did ’em. Big time! And I wrote about that too … including a nasty bone spur I once developed on the left wrist (my naturally stronger hand) while doing these.

This went away after I Started doing MORE pushups – but numbers weren’t the key.

The variety and style of pushups were …

But really.

My FOREARMS feel sore after a good handstand workout, and it’s for a reason.

First, your whole body weight is placed on the forearms. Second, the flexion. Third, well, bodyweight on wrists, and fourth, the way you push that much weight on an entirely vertical base really taxes the supporting muscles too.

Am I saying don’t do pull-ups with it?


But by themselves, and in and as of themselves to be honest, handstands and handstand pushups are great for the grip – and the above “story” (true!) should tell you why too.

Anyway, the core, you ask?

Well, gee whiz.

Just do a handstand, and you’ll soon see that other than the shoulders it’s not your arms or anything that shake first if you do it right.

Believe me now and trust me later, when you lose focus, or start tiring, it’s not the arms or shoulders, but the CORE that starts wobbling.

Think about the super core workout pushups give you. On the floor.

Then take that weight, and double it or whatever, and amp the load on the lower back and upper abs for one (and the entire internal “trasversus abdominus” or whatever you call that little muscle internally that is REALLY responsible for holding your abs in and sucking the fat off).

IF your entire core feels tigher after a good handstand pushup workout, its because the GLUTES are heavily taxed too, bro.

And the thighs as well (though not as much as in regular and other styles of floor pushups I teach in Pushup Central -t hats for sure).

Well, my friend, thats enough info for now. I just got done doing a set of these, and my abs feel so tight a Mack Truck could run over it, hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another unusual course from yours truly that seems to be getting a lot of eyeballs as of late is Animal Kingdom Workouts. Check it out – no less than 68 exercises to kick your butt for one! (And plenty of workouts too, hehe).

PS #2 – Pick up one of my favorites, “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections” right here. In these plague ridden times, we all need a good solid dose of motivation daily, and then some, don’t we? !!

Handstand pushups tougher than pull-ups?

Interesting one, ain’t it?

And one that just came to mind for yours truly, much like a lot of the stuff that (as of late) I’ve been talking to you about has and DOES …

I was finishing up a set of 15 handstand pushups.

For some reason, I broke this down into 7, 1 3, and 4.

Don’t ask why.

Just worked out that way!

But I feel energized again, not to mention feel like I got a super lat and trap workout in less than 3 minutes I think.

And will sleep like a baby too, given this set got me to 45 (5 more to go) and given 3000 jumps are out of the way.

But really.

And I actually Googled this idly.

“Are handstand pushups tougher than pull-ups?”

It’s something that peopel think about, but haven’t asked me as yet (not one single person as yet).

And I never did put it in the FAQ book because the answer is obviously subjective (each person has his own take on it, quite obviously).

But overall?

The pull-up is one of the TOUGHEST exercises for most adults, bar none.

But I really, really believe that muscle ups and their variants apart, the good ole handstand pushup and certain versions of pushups are even tougher.

Not so much because you can’t get good at ’em.

You can.

The criteria is the same as for pull-ups, as Ive mentioned in my books …

But really, handstand pushups are just IGNORED.

And the massive trap workout (and lat) workout that you get from these – using what are normally “pull” muscles to push … well, let me just say the results beggar belief my friend.

And overall, given the number of people that can do either exercise well?

I’d say WAY more people can do pull-ups (and that ain’t a lot) than those that can do handstand pushups …

And if you get to free standing handstand pushups – even ONE – well, you’re in the rarest of rare category.

Now, you who is overweight and fat (some of you are, not all) may be thinking th efollowing.

“How does this benefit ME”

“How does heck does this advanced stuff benefit ME”

Well, it does.

My friend, here’s the deal. Even if all you do throughout the day is get up into a handstand and hold (even if it’s a partial version where the weight isn’t entirely on them shoulders) for say a few seconds – your strength and conditioning WILL improve.

I often tell people that the best way to get better at pull-ups is by doing pushups, and for those that can, tons and tons of handstand pushups.

Crank out 50 per workout at least, and pull-ups will become SOOOO Easy you’ll wonder why you ever had any trouble.

But really, the two exercises are symbiotic to the extreme and you should do both.

And it’s just the “balance” part of the handstand pushup (as well as the facts that it doesnt a) let you cheat and b) is EVEN more unforgiving of LARD around the old tummy) that makes it harder for most people, I bet.

But it doesnt have to!

Pick up my course right here today, and get started my friend.

I look forward to hearing back about your progress.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Advanced workout fanatics – go HERE – BattleTank Shoulders.

On avoiding crowds due to COVID, and more …

Someone recently told (advised, I believe he would say) my wife the following.

“Try and avoid crowds, especially during the festive season. The COVID rates are really increasing!”

Now, the plague from China is what I’d call it. COVID sounds like way too polite and dignified a team for the biowarfare that the People’s Republic knowingly, willingly and gloatingly released upon the ROW – a reality a lot of folks are yet to come to terms with.

Not the actual plague itself, but the Chinese intentions.

I mean, but really.

These days in the news, it seems there is nothing but this blasted COVID related news going around, which is nothing but a “super flu’ basically, and 9 out of 10 people that do “get it” DO RECOVER!

Which is a fact oft ignored in all this PANIC.

Another thing oft ignored during this panic-demic is this.

That out of the 10 people that do get it, most, if not all have SOME underlying conditioning which weakens the immune system first.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say what Trump did, that being doctors falsely inflate COVID counts etc (though there might be some truth to what he said).

But I WILL say that people attach way too much importance to the numbers and the panic being spread by the media.

At the end of the day, that old Claude Bristol saying holds true my friend.

As we think, so we are.

This holds true for families. Individuals. Societies. Countries.

And if we buy into panic on the whole, then PANIC is what reigns.

If we try and stay optimistic as a whole, then THAT is what registers with the subconscious.

IF we buy into Hilter like thinking (and while China is one country in the world that comes to mind, there are many others doing the same damn thing, India being another prime culprit though it’s not often talked about, of course!) then guess what happens.

What happens is, well, what happened during the World War. II.

And so on and so forth.

Personally, yours truly avoids crowds like the PLAGUE even when the China plague was nowhere to be seen (Except perhaps a lab in China).

You on this list are well aware of my distaste for crowds, especially when working out.

Other hand, they have their uses. Hehe. Lunar New Year 2018 being a prime example, when the pathbreaking Advanced Hill Training was written and filmed, all in two days FLAT.

On the spur of the moment.

Back to crowds though.

I mean, really my friend.

The Trumpinator for one holds massive rallies daily … people packed in shoulder to shoulder despite the COVID.

Is everyone that doesnt buy into the panic stupid?

OR is it the reverse?

And was it specifically sent out for the latter category, sheeple and more.

Point to ponder, eh. One that the POTUS already has, and one that I already have for that matter, one that is common sense.

Yours truly doesnt even have a face mask.

Dont plan on getting one, and never plan on wearing one unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO (and I don’t).

I socially distance.

Wash my hands.

Do things I would normally.

I exercise as much as I do normally, sometimes more, sometimes less.

And I try and tell people that the plague is the “overlying symptom” but the real issue is something else, and of course, no-one believes me.

But really my friend.

Precautions, not panic.

As I said the other day to a guy in the park …

“China done spread this and bailed. Now we as the ROW need to deal with it. What are you going to do about it?”

(He was asking me about lockdowns etc)

“Are you going to just stay at home and be “scared” the rest of your life because this ain’t going away anytime soon bro. It was engineered that way!”

(and believe you me, the China figures on the COVID are anything but real. In face right now, Qingdao is under lockdown (certain parts of it) from what I hear, and there are more, and … well, yours truly should know!)

The answer is obvious my friend.

Feed the RIGHT emotions, not the wrong ones.

Ok, enough on that.

But really, remember one thing.

It’s the super flu, and ain’t nothing other than that.

And a good solid exercise regimen is the best damn protection against it, bar none (and most of those who rail against not wearing masks etc, well, goodie – I’m not asking you to, or not to – but fact remains exercise is but a dream for most of these people. I should know. I’ve seen plenty!).

And so it goes.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – For the best damned course on pushups out there, and indeed what many call “their favorite course ever from yours truly); go HERE : Pushup Central.

On BOLLOCKING (Bollock Shaking!) workouts, and “spacing things out” …

Wel, well well.

If the title of this here email doesnt cause more than a few unsubscribes yours truly will be a Monkeys stunned Uncle and eat his non existent hat.

No, I don’t even have a MAGA hat.


I don’t know why, but I’ve never been able to stand hats. Sunglasses, of course are an entirely different matter, especially them aviators I love so much.

Now, what am I yapping about now you ask.

Well, it is this.

I literally shook things out during today’s workout without meaning to, and as I felt the unmentionables “shake and flop up and down”, I was tyring to stop it, but couldn’t.

Innuendos aside (and no, this ain’t because youre “also on the other list” – most of y’all “aint) here is the point of me saying it.

Multiple, actually!

One being it seems yous truly is losing weight by the day. Truly what I say in Advanced Hill Training, and whil eI haven’t embarked on the X/workout standards for a long time, I am NOW.

Funny part, and even better.

I ain’t got no hill right now in terms of the workouts.

(Reminds me of when I got in the best shape of my life with nothing but 0 Excuses Fitness … Ah, and Cindy as well. she helpedout in a way most people wouldn’t dream of! 

Thank you, Cindy. I truly DO MEAN IT.  )

In fact, I don’t even head out to my beloved park bro.

All at home.

And by doing less rather than more, I’m LOSING weight daily, and this “clothes hanging off me” is likely what caused the effect I’m mentioning.

Not to mention a week or so ago I took (or was it two weeks) an extended break due to being hit by the plague from China (or a varaint thereof, I truly do believe).

And I covered that before, of course.

But anyway, thats one reason.

How does it apply to you?

Well, self explanatory even for those of you that need to be mollycoddled and handheld, and there seem to be too many of them bees buzzing around, hehe.

Th ebees and then you have the birds that FLY …


OK, sorry. Couldn’t keep of the innenundos, hehe (or the typos for that matter).

This editor I’m using right now doesn’t auto corret like MS WORD does.

And thats a good thing, hehe. For me at least.

And now, point #2, and as I told my little girl about handstand pushups a while ago.

“All problems in life can be solved by doing handstand pushups!”

“Really, Dad?”

“Really”, I laughed. But I meant it.

The increased blood flow to the head which you get from doing handstand pushups or even handstands is BEYOND BELIEF, and CANNOT BE REPLICATED.

No, not even while doing pull-ups.

(and on that note, it behooves me to say I’m NOT doing pull-ups as of late, despite having focused on them for a while now, and the reason – well – thos eof you following my emails thus far will know why, hehe. Or you should, anyway).

If not, get on the train!

But yeah.

You feel better, and you think better.

Not to mention the overall physical benefits and heart thumping.

And shoulders like boulders, of course, and THINKING is really how you move ahead in life my friend, provided you back that thought up with ACTION at the right time.

(But really. There is no right time for the most part. Kinda like having kids. No “right time”!)

And here’s the thing.

Spacing ’em out.

I told my little one to at least 50 during the day.

She will probably do 5. Hehe.

But even that at the age of 7 is great!

And if YOU Want to get to the levels that I once told my friend from the Marines who said “100 pull-ups per workout is hard for anyone!”

… here it is.

The infamous quote from yours truly, as brutally honest as ever (this actually came a day or so after I hurt my chin doing handstand pushups)

(and thats why I say be carefful. Remember that nasty ass THUMB injury on that cold wet night for one!!!?)

“100 pull-ups are easy if you work up to it bro”, I said. “But now 100 HANDSTAND PUSHUPS per workout! Now thats something! And daily!”

His response was this …

“Youre goddamned right” (said via one of those oh-so-popular WeShat stickers…)

And so was he, hehe.

But really.

There are many keys to getting to that level.

Most obvious being getting Battletank Shoulders, for one, and doing what it tell syou to do without useless questions and no “I wonder if it will work”BS.

But the other part is this – do ’em throughout the day.

This applie sto whatever you wanna get good at.

Writing is hard, you say?

Well, write more, and write all throughout the day at regular intervals.

Pretty soon you’ll be up to 20,000 words a day ….

Handstand pushup BE Hard, you say ?

They are.

No doubt.

But to make them easier, do ’em in sets throughout the day like I am currently to work back up to levels which I …well, never touched (I used to do 50 -70 per workout as opposed to 100 which I’m shooting for now).

What I do is do ’em in sets of 10 throughout the day.

Easy Peasy my friend.

And one fine day, I’ll do them in 100 per workout cadence …

For you, the reader, this coul be getting up into a handstand and holding for time multiple times a day.

I dont know … Depends on your situation.

All an individual situation.

But really, you get the “point”, hehe.

And on that pointy (no pun intended!) I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, you cannot jump to “Battletank Shoulders” first without doing “Shoulders like Boulders” first, so please do NOT ask. A fair compromise might be to get both courses though and implement #1 before, or just get #1, and work on that FIRST. Whichever way, the point STANDS! (pun INTENDED, hehe).

Why getting better at handstand pushups is an absolute must if you want to get better at pull-ups

Some of you on this list might not like what I am about to say, but it’s gotta be said.

And in typical “don’t careish” fashion (interesting how the words “band” together, and words and memories come FLOODING back) … I’m gonna say it. And now!

I’ve made no secret of the fact that pushups and pull-ups for one are all you need to do for your upper body – your entire life.

And variations therein, etc.

I’ve given you reasons, including one CARDINAL reason that EVERYONE ignores and avoids even though it’s nigh on obvious and it’s spelt out very clearly in all my books on it. (them)

That being, that pushups work the very muscles that pull-ups do as well, except you don’t “think they do” because the bozos at the gym tell you “it’s a bicep workout”.

If there was ever anything pull-ups are NOT, it’s “bicep workout unto itself”.

True dat bro.

And if it is for you, you ain’t doing ’em right at all.

Anyway …

Getting better at handstand pushups is something most people don’t do their entire lives. For some reason the more glamourous PULL-ups take precedence.

And hey, I get it.

Nothing like pulling yourself up effortlessly with all those back muscles standing out in stark regard is there, or having that “V shape” to your back

Or looking like you go to the gym when you never ever have, do, or will …

… And so forth …

And pull-ups will get you there.

But point being this. Not all of you can do pull-ups.

And not all of you want to listen to how to do ’em, let alone get better at ’em, but a lot of you read what I’ve got to say it on anyway (even if it’s secretly).

Even if it’s you nuts I’ve “blocked” on social media. You still come over to my website and READ, just to see what ole “Rahul” has been up to as of late.


And here it is – getting better at handstand pushups or even doing ’em is not just the secret I mention in BattleTank Shoulders for one (advanced shoulder building course, that one).

It’s part of getting REALLY good at pull-ups.

Stuck at 5 perfect pull-ups per set, but can’t advance no matter what?

Stuck at 15 pull-ups per set all day, but can’t do a muscle up?

Can’t get that chin over the bar on ANY rep?

And so forth …

Can’t hold for time?

And so forth …


Why do these work so well you ask (in terms of getting better at pull-ups)?

I dont’ normally reveal my secrets in free emails, but I’ll let on to two here.

First, weight issues, especially around the midsection.

Pull-ups are nigh on impossible to do for FAT (not BIG – I said FAT) people i.e. Those that carry a ton of lard around the ole midsection.

I don’t care if you can bench a house and deadlift a cow.

If you’re fat, and carry more weight around your midsection than you should be, you’re not going to be a champ at pull-ups until you rectify the above. Very simple.

And handstand pushups are the same.

Except, by their very NATURE, they FORCE you to lose weight in exactly that area I’m talking about – WHILE you’re attempting to do the workout!

‘Tis true, my friend. Do ’em, and you’ll see how your core feels!

Mashed some would say, hehe.

And second, handstand pushups are heavy on TRAPS, and lats.


Most people work the arms way too much while doing pull-ups, while neglecting lats, and of course grip …

Handstand pushups done right won’t LET YOU ignore these two key parts my friend.

And the traps is really what get that chin over the bar, for one (that and LESS WEIGHT around the MIDSECTION)

So there it is my friend.

Two very valuable secrets out there for FREE, and plenty more in my courses.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and pick up Shoulders like Boulders if you can’t do a single handstand or related pushup. You’ll be ROCKING them out in no time with the advice therein! (not to mention a special “faq” section I put together for you – that is FREE with your purchase – choc-abloc full of tips like this one. Hurry NOW, my friend. Do it NOW!).

“I can’t climb those stairs! My legs will have “veins”!”

So it was a long, long flight of stairs I saw in my dream …

And there was a young schoolboy in shorts (old style) and (while he wasnt fat at all), he wouldn’t ascend them stairs, instead opting to take the equally long (obviously) escalator to the side.

I still remember the way he looked at me when he said the above.

And I still remember the steel of the escalator handle …

It was that vivid, but while this dream was one of those “disjointed” ones which pops in and out, with random occurences all over the place, the point begets – and stands.

Lots of people are scared of working out hard because they’ll get the “veiny roid monster” look for one.

Maybe that is the case if you do what the booby builders at the gym do, pumping, toning and so forth until the “cows come home” as it were.

Cow is an apt metaphor here, because (and the C grade flick “English Dogs in Bangkok” actually had this part spot on) when those roids disappear – so do the muscles.

The man boobs and saggy veins do not, though …

Anyway, can be avoided if you train the right way.

I trained harder daily than most people do in a lifetime on occasion, and while I didnt go all out like that for long periods of times, i’d do it for months at a stretch.

I’d back off al ittle after that, but backing off a little for me is still a heck of a workout for most …

And I never ONCE had those nasty veins show up where I didnt want ’em – except on my forearms, where I DID want them.

But really, it’s funny.

And though I didnt write this down as I normally do in a dream diary, I still remember it right now. And I’ll say it.

When you see those long flights of stairs at the subway station (or when you used to, at any rate, pre – China plague) what was your first thought?

“Where are the escalators” most would think.

And there’s plenty of these at the border between Hong Kong and China for one. Stairs, escalators, both

And it’s only me, without exception that is seen climbing that MOUNTAIN every time I cross the border (either way) – usually with luggage in tow.

It’s called seeing – and getting workouts in when no-one else even “sees” the possibility first.

I mean, lets face it.

I usually get my workout in FIRST.

Climbing hills. Pushups. Pull-upsk. Whatever.

So you’d think I’d be DONE.

But no – every time I see a flight of stairs – or a hill – I just have to conquer it!

Reminded me of myself in the Middle East where there were no hills but plenty of those rocky “outcrops” everywhere.

I was getting my driving license (don’t ask – it was a farce – a man that had driving licenses virtually all over the world – yours truly – was forced to take “classes” from a nimrod that could barely shift a gear, let alone teach anyone how to drive …) and I asked the instructor “can I climb those”.

He looked at me as if I was crazy.

“Sure, but … “

Same thing when I did the “hair flying, laptop in tow” subway sprints wayyyyyyyyy back in the day in 2007 in India, for one. Or was that 2008. The year of the collapse of you know what, and damn near everything else.

Yea. 2008 I believe. But the memory sticks!

Yours truly sees workouts where no-one else does, and gets here done – daily – and nightly too, in his dreams.

So should YOU, my friend. Truly no other way to LIVE!

Beast (Best),

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The “beast” came out naturally, hehe.

PS #2 – Here is where you can pick up a course that will strip off that nasty lard off your body as quickly as you can put it back on, and then some – Advanced Hill Training.

How to BLISSFULLY … take a CRAP. And …

… no, it’s really NOT about taking a crap! Or maybe it is, hehe.

I dont know.

Thought struck me while jumping rope (afterwards, actually) as I blissed out in a stretch I’ve written about SO OFTEN.

That alone should giv eyou ahint.

But th e other hint (not really, hehe)?


I’m sitting here in shorts and nothing else, and writing this to you without glasses for one.

Do it QUICK!

And so says MR. Quick, and that has more lessons in it than most people reading this will realize.

Back to it though, hehe.

Crap, and taking one blissfully.

And here are the facts with regard to something that most (let’s face it, the majority of the populace is not just affected by mental constipation i.e. Inertia and ZERO FLOW, but the physical aspect too) –

First, it ain’t done by sittign on the porcelain throne.

Not blissfully at least.

And second, taking a crap blissfully is the LEAST of the benefits you can expect while “in this position.

What is it, you ask.

Well, the “Asian squat” I’ve written about so often.

Simply put, you get down on your haunches and squat down.

IF you can hold this position for even a few seconds, or getting there, you’re better off than most in the West who’d be hard pressed to even get into position (remember that was one of the basic fitness tests I put out a while ago in terms of “how long” you could do it!).

And I mean hold the position, hehe.

And third … ?

Something you already know.

Ain’t nothing like feeling “cleaned out from the inside out”.

And jokes and inneundos (if you’re smart enough to pick up on it! ;-)) the point stands.

Simply getting into this position will and can work your entire body like never before my friend.

It will also giv eyou a stretch throughout the entire lower body like never before.

And it’s part of the isometrics I include in the book that never seems to finally “Come out”, hehe.

I know. I know.

OK. I’ll stop!

But really, point begets! Hehe.

And on that note, I’m out. HERE is where you can find more such secrets that will get you in the best shape of your life my friend (but I ain’t gonna say “without trying” to “without breaking a sweat” – if that is you – this ain’t for ya – you need to WORK at it and just DO THE THING!) – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Truly the best ever.

Not a crap, hehe. The system!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Constipation is also responsible for a host of health issues and added FAT around the waist my friend. Fact. And here are some exercises (one, specifically) that WILL (and read carefull) get rid of constipation WITHOUT you breaking a SWEAT.

Correct. WITHOUT.


You heard me! Truly something for everyone, and if you’re curious to learn more about this, pick up Corrugated Core right now.

PS #2 – Make sure to have the throne nearby, hehe. Especially if you’re reading on it! 😉

Think – and get FIT!

Or get rich too, I could say.

Or find a suitable relationship.

Or get better at golf. Or … well, whatever your heart desires, but …

… this isnt about that. Maybe it is, but it isn’t my primary focus.

Anyway, this morning I saw the news.

The sh-news as I like to call it. Because most of it is, well, doo doo.

I’m not saying it’s not true, but virtually all of the news reported on all major news outlets is “massaged” to tailor it to whatever political viewpoint you have. Or to get more clicks. Or views. Or what not.

As Denzel famously said in Training Day …

“You know why I read this? It’s 90% bullshit (this while waving up a newspaper energetically at the coffee shop he’s at with the rookie). But it’s entertainment.”

“You won’t let me read it”, he continues. Apparently the rookie wouldn’t let him read it…

“So YOU entertain me!”

Kinda interesting yours truly brings that up here, eh. 😉

And for those that say “I don’t get it”, well, hold on.

The news was basically nothing new, and something I’ve been saying for months, if not years, and t was basically Secretary of State Pompeo telling India during his recent visit that constant vacillation (he termed it as “hesitation”) wouldn’t bode well for India or the rest of the world for that matter (he worded it differently, but thats the gist).

And he’s right.

And it’s blindingly obvious.

When someone intrudes into your house, do you reach for the shot gun or do you sit him down with coffee and beer while you discuss “if he’s willing to vacate your house”?

I mean something so blindingly simple, and people don’t seem to get it …

.. Anyway, point being this.

I’ve been saying it for months. And now people are taking it seriously.

(I don’t mean people on my lsit necessarily. I’m saying people in general).

Same thing for the plague that China spread. It was nigh on OBVIOUS who spread it and how, and Prez Trump for one has gone hoarse screaming it from the rooftops and yet for the majority of the year there were tons of people who wouldn’t believe it.

“We haven’t seen proof” (when there is PLENTY – they just didnt read it because ah, but facts …_).

Yours truly doesnt make statements on ANYTHING without considering it first, even it’s for a split second.

But (and I don’t say this to toot my own horn), I’m usually RIGHT.

As a buddy of mine keeps telling me after many arguments.

“I know. Yes, you were right”.

And he doesnt say that to flatter me. He says it because its, well, true …

As another friend once told me.

“There are no prizes for being right!”



But are there any for being wrong bro?

And that brings me to my central point. IT ain’t politcs or news.

It’s about YOU.

What if you were to, keeping in mind my track record on FITNESS, and FITNESS ALONE, consider what I have to say about more efficient training methods than pounding the iron for hours at the gym and feeling weak and exhausted for days later.

What if you were to, for instance, take my advice on doing pull-ups (for those that can’t do ’em) – and just DO ’em – rather than argue about “why I say what I do”?

I follow very few people my friend.

One of my Twitter accounts has over a 100 or so followers. For a business I rarely, if ever market (because I don’t really need to. IT finds me!). And I have zero peopel I follow.

And thats just because the vast majority of people don’t INTEREST me in any way, shape or form.

I follow doers.

I Follow those that go by gut feeling. Those that value instinct. Those that LIVE life as opposed to “meander through it according to what someone else wants or thinks”. And so forth.

And back to it – what if you were to take my advice – get down to brass tacks and start DOING? Rather than meaningless posturing and questioning?

The choice is yours, of course.

But would it help you?

I’d say yes – resoundingly so!

And on that booming note, I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can pick up the best course on pushups. Don’t “think” my friend. Just effing DO IT. Just BUY the damned course, and get cracking. You KNOW you want to be the guy that can rep out 100 slow pushups in one set at the gyum for one, in perfect form!

Why age is just a number …

And it is!

I keep telling people I meet that, usually members of the opposite sex. And people in general, actually.

But ladies in general.

For some reason, and especially in mainland China “age” seems to be nigh important for women.

Gotta get married by 25, for one. Gotta have kids by 27. And while people may claim that “thing have changed”, and China has modernized, it really ain’t so in this regard, and a quick look at all the “rent a boyfriend (or girlfriend)” companies that have sprung up all across mainland China will tell you a different story.

The market truly doesnt lie!

Every year, tons of “single” Chinese return back home for the Lunar New year to be with their families, but the first question these families have (usually for the girls) is this.

“When will you get married”.

It’s gotten to the extent that some girls will “rent” a boyfriend (with contracts included in which “no touching” is allowed, but “show is”!!) just to appease/please their parents who can sometimes see past it all, but go along with it anyway for “societal purposes”.

And this isn’t necessarily limited to China alone. A lot of other Asian countries are afflicted with this sort of thinking …

I find this sort of thinking to be nigh on asinine, of course, but then again, who am I to say anything. 😉

But I DO tell people that age is just a number, and I don’t just tell them this because my best fitness gains have come at a point where most people GIVE up on fitness entirely.


I was in good shape (so people said) at the age of 25 in China. With a waist size of 32.

And at the age of 36, I was in EXCELLENT and the BEST SHAPE of my life in China. With a waist size of 27!

Right now, I’m back at 30 for a variety of reasons, but it ain’t fat to say the least, and I’m almost 40. And I don’t climb hills all day long like a maniac either In fact I do short bursts, short workouts like I recommend in my books, specifically 0 Excuses Fitness and Pushup Central. . .

But really, man.

Look at the lives of successful people.

Abraham Lincoln. David Copperfield (did I make him an actual person, hehe). Napoleon Hill. Edison. Henry Ford. Rockefeller. And the list goes on and on and on and on …

You will notice two things.

One, most of these men were “nothings and nobodies:” before the age of 40.

Two, most of these men didnt even start to really hit their strides before their mid 40’s.

And no, it ain’t got nothing to do with “you have no ambition” if you haven’t made it until 50.

You, the person KNOW if you’re truly doing what your heart desires and if you’re a success or not, or if you’re getting there!

But age doesnt mean anything my friend.

And indeed, a lot of times, we “age better with time” (especially men, but this applies to women too I believe).

Sexual transmutation is one huge reason for this when we’re talking males … I won’t get into it here, but let me just tell you this – there is a reason old time boxers and wrestlers refrain from having sex weeks before a fight.

You truly gotta “save it” and TRANSMUTE it. The second is more important.

Some of us have been doing it on auto pilot our entire lives and don’t even know it (yours truly).

The others, well, we learn how to do it and then do it ..

But really.

Age, my friend is just a number.

Alright, enough on that front.

For the best damned fitness system ever that will give you results no matter what age you’re at – click on over right HERE: The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Truly the best ever!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure too to check out Pushup Central, another splendid course from 0 Excuses Fitness HQ’s!