The ONE exercise you’re truly a Master, Mistress at … (or both, hehe) – as far as POSSIBLE.
- Read on!

Years ago, I read the great Brooks Kubik’s Dinosaur Bodyweight Training – a book which I really enjoyed, and which has remained with me ever since.  (like my conversations with Brooks since 2003).

In it, one of the gems goes as thus “true Mastery of an exercise can be defined in this manner – if you can do an exercise for superlatively high reps that very few, or any people can – or perform it in a manner few, if any others can – or do them super slow like very few can – and so forth”.

I’m paraphrasing, but you get my drift.

The great Bruce Lee in my opinion – if you take him, and the ONE exercise he truly “mastered” – or came close to – the fingertip pushup.

I’ve seen NO-ONE do them like he does!

Truly takes it to another level like my book 0 Excuses Fitness does, which takes bodyweight training to a hitherto UNHEARD of level – as my loyal fans, customers, and even the multitude of haters (deep down inside) KNOW for a FACT.

Now, in that book I take what Brooks said, and much  like my own bodyweight workouts, I take it to another level by saying, and this is TRUE – spot on – that you’re never really a master at anything, and someone like a Bruce Lee would be the first to tell you that too.

You keep learning, its that simple.

Ask any true Guru, they’ll tell you that too.

But you can come damn CLOSE to mastery – and for me, that one exercise?

It isn’t pull-ups, it isn’t a pure grip exercise , it isn’t fingertip pushups …

Let me give you TWO.

OR, both that vie for the same spot.

One, the finesse, speed and agility – and STRENGTH – and repetition – with which I do monkey bar work. 

I’ve seen no-one do them like that – and my results in that regard show, plain and simple.

Second, the “arms out” pushup, or the Jack La Lanne or floor humper, hehe – pushup.

I’ve seen NO-ONE except perhaps the great La Lanne do ’em like I do.

If La Lanne was here, he’d tell you the same thing too.

And that isn’t me tom tomming – its me stating a fact.

The benefits for me – well, I’ve spoken about them, you can see ’em, but for now, question to YOU my friend.

What about YOU?

What is that one exercise, that one workout you’ve gotten to a level very few people can match even if they tried their damndest?

Well, I take that back – very few people can BETTER is what I should say.

If you truly try, anything is possible for anyone!

And on that note, I’ll end.

Write back – let me know – and if the answer is none, you’re either not training hard enough, or haven’t for long enough seriously, its that simple.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pushup Central is REALLY making waves now – if you haven’t yet pushed on to GET this course, what the PHOCK are you waiting for, hehe.

Get it NOW.

Great exercises inspired by the best kiddie ever!
- My kid! Hehe.

In comes a great review of Kiddie Fitness from Prajakta Telele, mom of two, currently in FL (originally from India) …

(Author’s note – I am EXHAUSTED after the madhouse here – this place I’m at truly puts the N in nightmare, and with the move etc, man! Been hellatious, so much to catch upon and its been only two days. Let me keep this brief!)


(and a 5 star rating – YES!)

If you are like me and prefer to workout at home without equipment, this book is for you. The exercises mentioned here are not too complicated and hence suitable for kids and are good enough for us grownups too. The author has divided the exercises into different sections, like stretching, animal movements and cardio. My little one has a lot of fun doing the animal moves and the older one who is obsessed with increasing her flexibility finds the stretching exercises helpful. I love that there are 10 sample workouts mentioned in the book, so that’s 2 weeks’ worth of workouts right there. And of course we have an option of mixing and matching the exercises as per our needs or liking! I would definitely recommend this book.

More “beat over thy own head” fodder for the Bozos who whine about book prices, not enough details in the book and everything else under the sun that trolls, losers and price wankers whine about, if a mom of two OK’s this book – then you know its a good one!

And, the best gift you can give your little one – the gift of ever and long lasting health, strength and FITNESS.

enjoy – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjeee

” look no further than Rahul Murkerjee’s system! It works!”
- That it just does, my friend, that it just ... does!

Yes, it does -it just flat out works.

The one overriding advantage our products have over MOST other fitness books, programs, materials out there – is they require to spend virtually nothing long term to get on the boat (note – if you’re a cheap skate that wouldn’t invest in a product, even a one time investment “to save your life” – then this here dispatch is NOT for you, continue to Google for the best workouts or what not but let me tell you right now, you get what you pay for, and what I’m offering you you simply will NOT find elsewhere)… and the RESULTS they bring – nigh quick – with very little, if any at all equipment required!

Anyway, we all know this, or we should, at any rate …

In cometh another zinger of a review for Animal Kingdom Workouts

As an athlete, I’m always on the lookout for something new and more effective to enhance or even supplement my current training regimen. When I came across this system, I was skeptical at first, but after trying some of the basic (“beginner”) workouts, I was astounded as to their effectiveness and efficiency. If you’re without some of the typical “indoor” machines and/or equipment, or even if you have access to them, but are looking for a way to “one-up” what you already know, then look no further than Rahul Murkerjee’s system! It works!

Terrence Miller, USA

And that, my friend, says it all!

The workouts in Animal Kingdom Workouts – much like the movements themselves are SO basic you’ll laugh at them – but you’ll quickly stop laughing after a minute or maybe 30 seconds or so of them!

That is, if you can even GO that long – if you’re the average adult, you won’t be able to DO most of these movements beyond a few seconds, and thats just the basic movements.

Note too, that even the most basic of animal movements is complex to PERFORM.

The tiger bend, which is an intermediate level animal movement is in itself a movement I could write an entire book on, there are so many different ways to do it, so many different things to note -even an expert at these things like me learns something new every time I do ’em – I ain’t even kidding you there – and that also means, new and challenging for the body means you continue to improve – and gain in every workout!

Same thing for the bear crawl, or perhaps alligator walk – or even the FLAMINGO walk – something I’ve never seen done properly ANYWHERE except by yours truly in this book.

And the way the heart thumps, the way you strengthen every tendon and ligament in your entire body when doing these exercises, the way they make you FEEL – like a wild CAT – the way they BENEFIT you – especially in terms of fat loss around the core and a rock solid midsection – the way your grip solidifies into a VISE within a few days of doing these movements, the way you build lumps of muscle all along your upper traps, neck and back on these routines – legs that just keep GOING – well, you simply won’t get that sort of benefit that quick – from ANY other routine.

My friend, every serious trainee simply must have this book on their fitness bookshelf.

Get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

The cumulative effect of heavy, hard training …

Or more on it, I should say, as I’ve written tomes about this in the past.

I was thinking about my pushup workouts out there in park in the winter, which I do indoors now – its way too hot to be doing them out there in the afternoon now, and in the morning theres too much dew for my liking.

So, indoors it is, and with all the moving etc going on – it’s been BUSY around here – not to mention other things we constantly work upon – so busy that vidoes etc have taken a hiatus for now (not to worry, we’ll be back on that soon).

Now that aside, emails etc have slowed down a bit too … as I myself had to take a bit of a break, but as I was chatting about all this to my wife the other day, how she tires out so easily while moving (granted she isn’t used to it, I am – my whole life – like a certain Percie, though even I ain’t used to moving the amount of junk there is in THIS house, hehe) … how she says “bodies give up after a while” – and how I respond they dont give up, its about training …

And getting better with age, regardless of childbirth or not (but I dont push it. Hehe).

Its about heavy duty training.

And the CUMULATIVE effects of it, much like money saved up in a bank account, it doesn’t just fly away.

Over the past few days my 150 squat/150 pushup workouts are something that for me I’d describe as being purely maintenance but even with everything going on, I find some time to drop down and do ’em.

If I didnt I’d go insane.

And oddly enough with all the packing etc – I have MORE energy after the workout to “keep going”.

Thats how heavy duty training done right for years affects you!

Anyway, we’ve been getting MORE great feedback on our books – the best is yet to come – including from a long distance marathon runner currently reading Squat 101

It’ll be MOST interesting to hear his feedback, as well as from Melani Brown – who sent me this –

(for Shoulders like BOULDERS!)

Hello! Now you got me curious as to what exercise you recommend! I’ll admit that I’m a weight rat, but I also do 45 (real) pushups every morning.

I told her “which exercise”.

Then she responded with this –

..  look forward to reading the book and will absolutely leave a review. I’ll have no excuse for upping my pushup game..haha.

And thats another true DOER!

Truly, the feedback I’ve been getting from WOMEN as of late – is really humbling, inspiring, and keeps me going – a lot of women do more than what a lot of fat pot bellied men do in terms of pushups and pull-ups – and OLDER women at that.

Women, I’ve noticed, are FAR more honest about their weight issues than men – of course, guys, I wouldn’t recommend pointing it out that directly!

With men, a lot of men give you the usual BS of “we’re big but not fat”, different body type, “pull-ups aren’t required” and other utter junk that not just the Bodyweight Exercise Guru Rahul Mookerjee has and continues to debunk daily – with PROOF – but others have as well.

It’s amazing the excuses folks come up with to avoid HARD questions, direct FACTS, and to avoid doing the thang.

Oh well.

0 Excuses Fitness my friend doesn’t cater to that bunch, never has, never will.

and that, my friend is that.

BAck soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The marathon runner asked me about why my books were a tad more expensive than others in the same genre, I told him – a very detailed response which I don’t think I need to share here yet again – I’ve explained it SO many times already.

Here is his response (David Quiros) –

Hi Rahul, thank you for taking the time for the detailed reply yesterday and the rationale about your marketing approach. Totally agree that people spend (waste) a lot of money on other things so your book is just a small investment, and worth its weight in gold!

And there we go, my friend.

Hi David,

Thanks for your response as well, exactly right, I urge folks to look at my products as both current and long term investments which ALWAYS bear fruit – given the cost of medical treatment, chiropractors, and the host of other ailments folks get “treated” – I mean, far better to invest once rather than carry around a medicine cabinet with you the rest of your life both literally and figuratively speakng – not to mention all else I said i.e. gym memberships lying unused, useless waste of money and so forth – and of course, the “four quarters” vs “pennies” analogy – we’re on the same page!

I look forward to your review, and ..<chopped>

Where is your excuse for NOT getting these products – NOW – and starting to improve your life – TODAY?



Straightforward – HONEST – and MOTIVATING!
- Certainly describes me to a T !!

We’ve been getting some GREAT feedback as of late – well, thats been happening for the past few months, always does – but its gone up to a new level now.

And, here is what Parrish Patten from the good ole US of A had to say about Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) (you on this might remember he really enjoyed the read!)

I love positive, motivational content that helps people to achieve their goals and their true potential.

You are an excellent author, sir and you’ve certainly motivated me!
I am sure that your book will motivate, many, many others to get healthier, stronger and achieve that Gorilla Grip
they didn’t know they wanted or needed! X0D

Speaking of which, to encourage that further, I left my review on the book. It was genuine and definitely from the heart. Lemme know what you think. ;0)

Now, as of now, the reviews hasn’t shown up on Amazon – but it will shortly – and here too.

Here is the review he left a while later – I urged him to be honest again, and “from the heart” …


Thank you again for your kind words, Rahul. You certainly made it very easy for me to follow in your footsteps to inspire your audience. 

Ah yes, the infamous review post, waiting game. I am all too familiar. It’s been a while since I’ve left a review on anything. Hopefully it won’t take too long. In the meantime, here is a preview of what I shared. I hope that you approve:

Subject: Motivation is the Key Body: “We all know we need to exercise in order to improve our health and strength. There are a myriad of ways to do this with an equal amount of coaches to help us achieve our goal. It can be confusing for on which one to choose.

For me, I chose this book because it resonated with my spirit and motivates me to take action. I mean, who doesn’t want an iron grip they can be proud of? I can hear the author’s voice in my head, cheering me on and telling me, job well done!

This is also an easy read. It’s very straightforward and he’s honest about the challenges, but makes it clear that they are worth it for the rewards that you’ll gain.

This is one of the BEST exercise programs that I’ve ever read!

And then, I discovered the audiobook! HEARING the author’s thoughts took it to an entirely new level! Now, nothing can stop me from getting the Gorilla grip that I know I can with his help! So, if you happen see me and I shake your hand, don’t be upset if I accidentally squeeze it too hard. Sorry. I won’t know my own strength. The only thing I can say is to just get the book and practice the exercises so that it doesn’t happen to you! Haha!!”

… WOW!

Hey Parrish –

Thanks for that great, and heartfelt review – that is truly humbling, and that as I said in a prior commnication is what it’s all about – motivating, uplifting, and INSPIRING – emphasis on the last, I’m SO glad I was able to do that for you, and countless others globally over the years – and more to come!

I still remember the “limp” face Alan Murray , a former employer once made when I gave him what was a NORMAL handshake for me – he acted like I pulverized his hand, which I kinda did (unfortunately, hehe) = hence the review he left on Gorilla Grip! (and other books he’s gotten from me).

Yes, my friend – ALL I do is in the flow, and from the heart which is why is resonates so strongly with folks like YOU – DOERS!

And that, my friend – is all there is to say on this one

GET our grip series and the tips NOW – if you dont you’re TRULY MISSING OUT!


Rahul Mookerjee

All you wanted to know about planks!
- in BRIEF, of course!

I said yesterday no more videos for a while, boy how that changes “in the flow”!

Anyway, I’ve often spoken about the plank – and how I do not prefer to hold it in the traditional sense on your elbows, how holding it in the top portion of the pushup is a far better workout, etc etc.

And today, I’ll cover all of that – but show you MY PREFERRED way of holding the plank – which involves doing what a TIGER does when crouching.


The tigerbend plank, my friend – will FRY your triceps, shoulders, chest if done right – and that, along with planks is today’s video.



Plenty more where this comes from in Animal Kingdom Workouts to, any serious fitness trainee SIMPLY must – I repeat, MUST – have this sitting on their fitness bookshelves.


Rahul Mookerjee

“I wish I had been following your work outs. It would have help with the snow shoveling lol”
- Yes SIR!

A Fast and Furious Fitness reader Jeff Heisler (from CA) wrote back with the following –

We got hit by a blizzard of snow. I wish I had been following your work outs. It would have help with the snow shoveling lol


That it would have – except shoveling snow, of course is a great, great workout by itself “lung buster” style – as I’m sure he found out!

Right up there with moving heavy boxes and stuff while moving …(up and down flights of stairs) …

Anyway, here is what he had to say about the book -a  5 star review, deservedly so, he enjoyed the read – indeed he did!

A no nonsense approach to fitness

I was interested by the concept of using a classic fitness routine. Coming out of covid, I’m still shy about going to a gym. This is the perfect answer, even better than a gym membership. The exercises in this book can be done by any age, at any level, literally anywhere!

A top notch read!

ANd he’s right!

The “no nonsense” approach is one I take in all my courses, but perhaps none more so than in this one, my very first book on fitness – and it’s been echoed by others too.

Here is another review (from John Walker in the UK, who I heard back from today after quite a long time!) –

A “spartan, NO NONSENSE book that will build the best YOU”


This book is the perfect manual on how to get into serious condition with the absolute minimum of equipment, all that you require is something to hang from to perform Pull-Ups and a couple of bars, boxes or chairs to perform Dips and you’re all set. If you’re looking for a minimalist approach to getting strong and supple you cannot do better than this book. Get the book, put it to use and it will turn you into a Leopard, why a Leopard? Because a Leopard is the perfect balance between suppleness and strength. The book delivers on many fronts but it is it’s no nonsense “spartan attitude” that makes it stand out from the crowd, I believe that this book will transform anyone with the smarts to put the information in it to good use. If you want to be a beast you have to train like an animal, this book is all you really need to transform yourself into the absolute best version of you, you can possibly be. Your new strong and supple body awaits, the only thing you have to do is buy the book, apply the information therein and you’ll never look back. I highly recommend this book, outstanding, bravo Rahul bravo. John Walker.

And it is that  – spartan, no frills, no nonsense, much like all of our other books, we do what everyone else does NOT do.

We cut past the marketing, BS and frills and fancies in the books.

The books are anything but “barebones” though – they’re JAMPACKED with information – every single page is worth its page in gold my friend, now if you’re looking for frills, fancies, niceties, fluff and other crap – then sorry, you’ll be disappointed.

You’ll get down to earth exhaustive training information that just flat out works – for everyone – and will work for YOU too.

And perhaps NO other book typifies this approach better than Fast and Furious Fitness – if you don’t have it, you’re truly MISSING OUT my friend.


Get on the train NOW. This book is top notch for anyone looking to get in super shape, you simply must grab it NOW if you’re serious about your health and fitness.


Rahul Mookerjee


I’ve pushed too hard, my friend.

Over the past couple of weeks or so, it’s been so hectic I’ve literally had no time to breathe (not to mention a lot of nonsense going on at the old homestead – if I can call it that – I prefer not to).

And all of this came to a head the other day when although  I woke up fine, although I put myself through my workout, although we took care of all other biz – I realized I was so exhausted I’m going to have to stop for a while or I’ll COLLAPSE – literally.

This is one reason I’ve stopped replying to certain trollish emails I get – or emails asking  me the obvious (how do I buy – geez, now thats obvious isnt it?) – or whiny comments on social media claiming his site was down or some nonsense.

Yes, the massive surges in traffic we got did cause things to temporarily go down – temporarily being key.

WHINING doesnt resolve anything.

Write in to me, then if you dont get a reply whine by all means, but whining without even contacting support is a sure shod way to get labeled an idiot and all future whines going directly to spam.

A lady doing a book on the other site contacted me whining yesterday about how she had a cold, how I had unrealistic expectations for expecting her to get back to me, yada, nada, schnada, and the sure shod sign of an idiot “it’s my WEEKEND!!!!!!!”

Guess what, lady – unless we’re working for large companies, all of us, doers included “work when we have to”. As my friend Michael said in 2002, those of us “lucky” to be getting a paycheck work during the week, the rest of us work when we have to, I’d rather be in and work with people in the latter category to be frank.

And all I wanted from her was COMMUNICATION.

I dont care if you take a few extra day to finish the work I’ve assigned, but going AWOL, missing deadlines without a care in the world – all of that shows you dont really care about your work, and I’d rather not work with folks like that either (I mean, is sending a one line email update so hard – I dont think so!).

Anyway – this isn’t an excuse to be lazy for ya’ll reading this.

But when you’ve been literally burning the candle at what seems like 15 different ends, you need a break …

Which means, no new videos – for now.

It means – a few less emails from me – for now.

It means – everything is normal – except I’m RECHARGING, something every achiever and goal setter no matter how intense you are / go will reach a point where you’ll feel it in your bones.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, my friend.

LETTING go is key to achieving goals, and you can either consciously let go – or when you’re too exhausted to do much else – your mind will AUTOMATICALLY let go, and provided you’re doing everything else right, that is usually when the magic starts to happen as well.

Doers will know what I mean!

Thats that for now.

If you’re looking for real world practical (as opposed to amulets, Baba, colors, planets, numbers and other hocus pocus that doesnt work) ADVICE that people have actually USED – including yours truly – and improved their lives – advice that coaches give their OWN students – well,the following two books are a must have for your bookshelf.

Zero to HERO! 

Gumption Galore. 

And thats that my friend, remember, the 0 Excuses Fitness System should always be your first purchase here, like the recent review on Gorilla Grip (TIPS!) say – fitness can teach you SO much about life when done right.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Our site just went down! Back up now.
- Conceive. Believe. ACHIEVE!

Seems that last email caused SUCH a deluge the site itself went down – back up now – enjoy! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS -Concieve. Believe. ACHIEVE!!

Edit – a Day or so after this happened – we were down AGAIN. We’re truly getting a LOT of traffic what with all the positive reviews and RESULTS folks are getting from our products – so again – we’ve upgraded infrastructure “behind the scenes” yet again, but if YOU, the end user encounter issues -shoot me an email. We’ll get it taken care of asap!

Why I gave my “frame” for the degree away.
- Hehe

My parents, I still remember the hue and cry they made over a graduation ceremony back in .. 2001, was it?

And my ex too.

Guess who showed up for it though – it wasn’t the former.

But the hue and cry they made over something – the formal graduation ceremony – funny thing, you didnt even know if you graduated until the Monday after – because final grades were announced LATER – after the graduation ceremony! (and the semester before I knew I failed something, so I did not even attend it) surprised me.

Like Juan, an older friend of mine from Spain said.

“This is essentially worthless!”

Which it is, but I can understand the sentiments attached to it, but – on the other hand – if you make such a hue and cry over it – at least attend the damned ceremony without making excuses about it!

Years later, as I “get the frame back” from Mom – they even framed the degree when I showed up to “show off to everyone” (despite not ever visiting me ONCE when I was in the US) – my wife pipes in.

Give that to me, she goes. “I want to put .. ”

Some nonsense about something to do with God.

And from a woman who routinely tutors people in a typical Nazi feminist manner about life advice that hasnt helped her own cause one damn bit – she recently answered another question with “go with the flow!” (which in her case is go with what my parents tell her to do – haha – the way these losers self project is amazing!).

I could have blown my top, I didnt.

Instead, I gave her the frame.

Take it, hehe.

In my study, I dont want degrees framed all over the place.

What I DO want to keep, and will keep is what was handed to me through my daughter – my student ID card.

The memories – including Jyoti, a girl who I wrote an entire book series on – taking my ID card to the football game, “because they dont even look at our faces, just the name”.

And she was right. Madam got free entry there… Hehe (she didnt live on campus, so her ID would not work).

And I never went to football anyway, though I DID get pissed after she showed up later, I had to miss dinner at the cafeteria – fried chicken at that!

she wanted to then give me home cooked Indian food – which I declined, irritably.

Mc Donalds will do!


Memories, including my friend Ricky using my card to eat on campus – though at his house, back when we were friend, I often ate there too – that was OK! (the meals I never ate – might as well not let them go to waste).

Degrees, formal education, all great.

But the REAL deal is what I keep writing about, what all the reviewers of my products, those that use them and benefit from them – talk about?




Nothing replaces that hard knock learning.

Claude Bristol and Napoleon Hill – and Henry Ford have a place in my “den”.

Jeff Bezos too.

No-one and nothing else though …

And thats how it is, my friend.

For more real world inspiration that just flat out works – and ADVICE that works other than nonsensical tripe from fools who’ve never done the thing parroting lines they dont even understand (youtube school, hehe – and trying to control their bad moods and negative vibes all the time) …

Zero to HERO! – and Gumption Galore! Are the TICKETS.

Get ’em NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee