“Nothing prepares you for it”
- Some random thoughts - again!

If you’ve ever met someone that has been working hard for years, going through the grind, the tough times – the unimaginably tough and down times, yet kept the VISION – persisted – and has ultimately forced the Universe to give up whatever goal he or she is seeking – well, you’ve not only met just a doer – but chances are this same person will say, or feel the following

“I’ve been planning it for years but nothing prepares you for it”.

Same thing whether you win Wimbeldon, write a bestselling book, win an Olympic, or start an ultimately successful biz for one.

As they say about Amazon, or Jeff does.

I started a company, but certainly not the one you see today.

Things build, compound, often in ways unimaginable (as with Amazon) – often in ways you never thought of – except perhaps subconsciously.

Nothing prepares you for the FEELING – of that ultimate success you’ve been working long and hard for …

Why do I say this?

Well, fitness wise, when I first started getting called a movie star – a “guy in super shape” – and many other such things “Ironman” – “Rambo” – and so forth – as opposed to the exact opposite “phat” – “obese” – “lazy” and so forth (I never was lazy, but…) – well, I felt the same damn way.

Often I would say “me”? (silently).


I’m just the average dude with a higher than average work ethic that sits at home, drinks his beer, pounds out 7000 plus words a day … Hehe. And more.

I love drinking tea in the garden on warm winter afternoon’s, I love me my daily climbs, but I also love being out in Nature, uninterrupted.

it’s a side of me I guess I rarely show people, what with all the marketing, all the sales, business, and so forth going on …

But it’s very much there, its why I have so many internet businesses (that actually make money despite what so called pundits say about that age dying out a long time ago, despite what people say about recessions now – bottom line – if you can hit the spot, if you can give people what they need, what will benefit them, if you can show them what is possible – you will ALWAYS make money – and it will be a byproduct, which as it should be) …

But anyway, those words, those compliments, it all sounded alien to me.

I’m used to it now, of course, but again, why do I say all this – well, not to talk about me – not to prove I’m a “fitness God” as some people call me (rightly in many regards, hehe) (or troll me, that can be said too, but I love it all) (I’m loving the “attention” as a lady once told me! She’s right!) … but to show YOU what is possible.

It’s to show you how YOU will feel once you accomplish your fitness goal – any goal – nature of fitness though (at least the way I train you) is that you accomplish OTHER life goals while you’re at it too, almost without knowing it.

And you just feel awesome.

Hell, the first time I was asked for an autograph on Fast and Furious Fitness, a book I wrote in 2010, tears came to my eyes – almost.

Stiff upper lip, Jeeves, I know.

But it just felt …I mean, damn – and that wasn’t the only request I had. (that was in 2021 from John Walker when we were doing the “specials” on the “Collector’s Edition” of the book).

When he used the word “honored” (I think, if not that, maybe another similar word) – man, I had to write back and tell him I was equally honored!

There are many such instances I could point out. I’m using that word “instance” more and more often. Hehe.

But – whatever it is, thats the whole point of not just all my businesses, but everything I do in life in general.

As a certain Tracy once told me (when I had next to nothing) –

“You’re always so positive!”

That I try to be

– and am naturally!

So it should be for YOU TOO, my friend.

And the point of all this – to inspire you, to show YOU what is possible – fitness wise, life wise, to help YOU become the BEST you possible, and then some, and THAT is the entire purpose of all my writing, biz, all of it …

And THAT, really is the lesson here.

Think about what is POSSIBLE.

Open thy mind.

Then do what you have to do to get there.

End of “sermon” – though it’s true. Hehe. The best ones always ARE.

Anyway, to get the fitness system that will get you on the path to super fitness right quick – and get you RESULTS quick too if you do it the way I teach – grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW.

And some of our other products too.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Giraffe legs, and more. Hehe.
- Seems to be a theme!

I once wrote a book about a femme fatale – one amongst many – who worked at “Happy Giraffe International School”.

I know a guy named “Giraffe” as well. The names Chinese come up with, hehe, though from what I can tell he’s named “Louis” now.

He goes to France a lot from what I gather.

Smart guy in many regards…

Anyway, I’ve always had long limbs. Giraffe legs, and long, monkey like arms – and of course, these are looked upon as a disadvantage in most sports – swimming excluded I suppose.

And strength wise too, people have this mistaken idea of “short yet thick” is better.

Not true, my friend.

We come in many different sizes, shapes and forms, to an extent we cannot control genetics, but we can control what we do with it.

If you allow a naturally weak grip to REMAIN Weak, thats a choice you can control – and if you dont, thats on YOU, not your genetics.

Ben Affleck said it best about his physique, I think.

“I can’t control how my movie will do ultimately, but if it’s something I can control, like my physique, and I dont, thats on me”.

Same thing – Jeff Bezos.

As he once famously said, its one thing to innovate and fail, that doesnt just happen, it should be encouraged.

But if you do something you’ve done zillions of times before, per a process, and you fail because you did not follow the process properly, something you can control – then thats on YOU.

There’s a very valuable lesson, or two, or more in those two comments – and I keep saying the same thing.

Focus on what you want, not what you dont, to get there, one of the things you do is focus on what you can control – DO – not all the miscallenous reasons you can’t, or shouldn’t, or “bad luck” or other B.S. the human mind in general is wired to fall for.

Yes, the human mind itself is wired to “look for that one reason not to do something as opposed to do it” – and if it wasn’t we wouldn’t be innovating in the first place i.e. make things easier. Hehe.

Anyway where am I leading up to with all this?

My daughter asked me today if her legs were long in comparison to her body, how tall she’d be when she was 11, and a host of other things.

I laughed.

No, I told her. All perfectly fine, but my legs – yes, like a giraffe!

she giggled.

“Yes, a little”.

I remember a certain “Carol” once telling me that too about my long legs, but hey – the more you climb hills, and hell, I really started my intense routine at 35, so that just proves age is no barrier to anything – the longer and leaner your legs, and your bone structure becomes.

Long arms are thought of as “not good for pull-ups”.

Baloney, as you can tell.

It’s about what you do with what you’re given, my friend.

It’s about not making excuses, and those long levers can be incredibly useful and powerful when grappling for one, takedowns and so forth, especially when coupled with a strong grip and traps.

Some of the best boxers in the world have long arms, in a sport where short arms are thought of to be the best.

Long arms, made longer of course by all that Gorilla Grip work I do.

Anyway, point of all this?

Is that it ain’t about looks.

It’s about function.

It ain’t about a six pack, it’s about a functional core.

None of that should be taken as an excuse to be fat and slovenly.

Here’s the litmus, if you as a big guy can outsprint on a hill a skinny dude all other things being equal, you’re probably “big”, and not that fat.

If you can’t, well …

Function is ultimately what dictates all, my friend.

Functional strength, functional fitness, what you can DO with that conditioning, how you can apply it to YOUR life, not necessarily just sports or climbing hills etc either.

THAT is what all this is about, to help YOU not only get in the best shape of your life, but use that to achieve your other goals as well.

And that function, that performance, that is the ultimate indicator of how fit you are – or how fat – or how unfit.

Numbers never lie, at the end of the day …

Tests might, but numbers usually dont.

And thats that for now.

To get the world class fitness system that has whooped thousands and thousands of people, and probably millio-uh-ns, hehe in the future into SHAPE – and right QUICK – well – get on the train right HERE – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

No excuses, pally.

And thats that, I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Also, always remember, POWER – should be coupled with conditioning.

Flexibility should as well.

All go together, perhaps my books on isometrics explain this the best – both theoretically – and practically.

And that explains the rave reviews they are getting – Isometric and Flexibility Training and Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Get them NOW to start taking your health and fitness to hitherto UNSEEN levels, my friend.

If wishes were horses, then beggars would RIDE.
- More on the self defeating folly of affirmations people dont get.

This age old truism is probably far older than the “new age” thinking that was first made famous by Napoleon Hill in the 1940’s via “Think and Grow Rich” and his other books.

Dont get me wrong, Hill was a genius, FAR ahead of his time, and he was spot on in everything he said, including the part about attraction, sexual transmutation, and much more – but he also covered the nitty gritties of persistence, of DOING the thing repeatedly – of GRIT – never giving up – that are oh so conveniently ignored by most “gurus” these days especially on social media where its a crock anyway with fancy pictures and what not, but all about “feel good” and nothing else.

Dont get me wrong, again, feeling good – well, there is something to be said about that.

But if you’re really doing the thing, if you’re really headed to greatness, or even close, chances are you’ll be FRUSTRATED more than feeling good along the way – exhausted – tired – down in the dumps – wondering why the world seems to be against you – and so forth – and not “happy happy” as these idiots make it out to be.

I often remember my wife going to sleep with “female affirmations playing out” via headphones on the dumbphone.

No, I didnt tell her about it. If I did, “how dare I” would be the furious retort, and I dont want to waste my time anyway, nor do I want to give out unwanted advice.

Most of those affirmations, as I’ve written about center on this “I am happy” – and “I am rich”.

I even did a video on this last year, several emails as well.

The theory goes, and they’re right in that listening to something repeatedly before you go to bed – yeah, the subconscious picks it up far more than it would normally if you didnt really think about it,but two things –

One, if you have to listen to affirmations that way to force yourself to think about what you are – well, you dont really want it.

Two, you have to be careful in terms of how you instruct the subconscious mind – it brings to reality what it’s told to, however, most of these so called gurus will never tell you what the REAL words are that you should tell  yourself – and the real qualities to inculcate in yourself – because thats not “easy” and it would take their easy money away.

Yours truly has told you and continues to tell you plenty of times.

Until you WANT the thing deep down inside so bad that affirmations or not, it’s a part of you – it aint gonna happen.

Telling yourself repeatedly you’re happy, rich, when the reality is the polar opposite wont attract any of it to you – it will only make things worse.

And examples are there right in front of me everywhere…

Fitness wise, let me tell you this.

If you constantly look at fitness models, big guys, or whatever your ideal body “want” is – and then “wish” you were like that – well, if wishes were horses, phat men would be supermen.

But they aren’t.

You have to back that wish up with DESIRE.

You have to back that desire up with DOING.

If you really want it, chances are you’re already doing it – or on the way to doing it – or TRYING To.

SAYING “you’re fit” when you’re not before going to bed at night – and then waking up and proceeding about the rest of the day as usual won’t cut it, my friend. It wont attract it to you magically.

You’re far better off wanting it, creating that picture in your mind, and then telling yourself exactly WHAT you’re going to do in the morning – or instructing your brain to figure it out by the morn – and then following through and doing it.

Action is what ultimately counts.

Inspired action, that is.

And that can only come if you truly, truly REALLY want it.

Free life advice this most people will not give you, but believe me, I will – I am – and from one that has been in the trenches, well …

Gumption Galore and Zero to Hero! are some great reads in that regard, and of course, our coaching awaits you if you’re truly interested in improving your “lot in life” as it were.

No, it doesnt depend upon the war, economy, all that nonsense, it’s your thinking that ultimately does it. Remember, there are rich people even during a war! (and fit people, and so forth).

Humanity doesnt stop.

People dont stop living …

And so forth.

Anyway – fitness wise, remember to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System if you have not already.

And enough already with the “I am” crap when you’re not.

(if you are, chances are you wont need the affirmation, chances also are you should be aiming for MORE).

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Buttler Glyn got butt hurt
- The latest on Schofield, hehe.

I haven’t mentioned the Bozo in a while, have I? Nah, I think not, despite his constant trolling, I left him “in ass” as it were… ?

(eww, that fishy stench I was getting this morning, I know the Bozo was around someplace)

Anyway, the latest on this clown –

Nothing you dont already know.

He’s pestering women, retweeting them and such, when they ask him not to (very politely) constantly share their pictures (and believe me, they ask nicely) then Buttler gets pissed off, and claims “they’re butt hurt” when in reality the bozo is upset he couldn’t put his tongue in the “nastiest” places possible….

Which of course ain’t just Schofield, sadly, a lot of guys tend to be that way.

“male ego” is a thing too, which can be good if done right, but done wrong – the opposite. (like with everything else).

Anyway – point of me saying this isn’t really to update you on Glyn, that was just a catchy title I thought of.

The less said about Butt Hurt yet in butt Schofield the better.

Point was, a lot of people suffer from “butt hurt” – and complain about it all the time.

“My butt hurts from sitting all the time!”

It’s actually something people say all the time, yet when you give them stretches to do that solve the problem, when you tell them to get off their butts and MOVE – do something, anything, even a mild walk, you hear “crickets” – well, that and the springs on the old couch creaking again.

Really, a lot of those aches and pains go straight the fuck away if you just MOVE, if you just work the body a little, people are just too damned lazy for one…

(and digestive issues perhaps when it comes to rear ends, if you’re Glyn Schofield, ugh, I dont even wanna go there with the cures for covid or what not he’s been putting up there).

Speaking of which, a gentleman I know was asking me about China, their zero tolerance to covid (I dont agree with it, but hey, it is what it is) – and I was like, well, I dont want to take the vaccine, period, and I wont.

“You can still get it anyway”, I told him

Later, I was to find out his wife got it on a flight to China … So did he, he recovered well, I’m not sure about his wife, as he left shortly thereafter. (explains why he was the one doing the grocery shopping, heh).

or maybe not on the groceries.

Anyway, thats that.

If you feel butt hurt by any of this I’m “sooooooooooo” sorry. (not, hehe).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The best way to get your butt in shape, and get rid of junk in the trunk, cellulite, and more – well, SQUATS, period.

Learn how to do ’em right HERE.

After you do, place the pre-order for Squat 101 as well, it promises to be – and IS – nothing you’ve EVER seen before, heh. Those tips, truly, some of them will make you “eat your hat and say Uncle” and thats just the beginning.

PS #2 – What I told the lady.

“Poor Chappie, but he’ll live. Hehe. ”

Not to mention keyboard warriors and trolls in general, they’d NEVER say what they do to one’s face what they do online, thats been discussed enough times already.

And she was right in that “is it silly to expect some BASIC courtesy”?

No, Ma’am, it’s not silly.

What is silly is how people have forgotten, especially over the past few years, the meaning of the phrase “basic human courtesy” …

“Do it alone. Do it broke. Do it tired. Do it scared. Just do it.”
- He might as well be a 0 Excuses FItness fan.

He – or she – or they – I’ve no idea who – might as well be a 0 Excuses Fitness – not just fan, but card carrying member and FAN-A-TIC!

Quote of the day basically this one for me …

’nuff said, my friends.

Just do it – NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – – I once had this discussion with Major General Michael, he of “I could eat two lieutentants for lunch (he prob could, haha)” about my “splash screen” as he so artfully called it, showing the Tsingtao girl in all her full glory on Dongguan Expat.

It pissed off many, many liked it, some loved it. Michael, I suspect, loved it.

“Rahul, when are you going to get Tsingtao to pay you royalties”.


Spot on, but hey, bro. We loved that brew, we still do -some things, you “just do”, it aint about $.

Just do?


Maybe I should be having that conversation with Nike right about NOW. ??

PS – If youre “Chuck” and think it’s mindless BS as he once said about my posts on “just do it” (when fact is, I said it like it was on the almighty handstand pushup)well, well and good Sir, but please, dont write in and whine about it. Hehe.

Focus “hocus pocus”
- Kids these days, my word.

The precise, polar opposite of what we were like when young, or what it was like during the 90’s.

“We grew up playing in the woods”, I still remember a certain Alan telling me.

He was spot on

And he likely didnt get molly coddled when he fell off trees, or his hands scraped against the bark, or when he was told to climb a tree or what not.

Hell physical activity for him – and most in the 90’s was probably normal and routine to a degree for everyone during the 90′!

Even those fighting with each other during “road rage”, hehe. Thats another story though, not something I particularly advocate, but like life, hey, it happens sometimes on occasion.

Anyway – this was about focus, no?

“If you were living during our times, you’d be GROUNDED by now – big time” I often tell my daughter …

She would have – and then some. Hehe. What kids get away with these days, the only reason I dont push it too much is because of the dysfunction all around them, they have to balance it all in their little minds, so … that has to be taken into account as well.

But I was viewing her other exams after getting “notified so formally” of the good Spanish grades.

And MOSTLY, if not all of boils down to two things – focus – and practice. Both of which my daughter is rather averse to doing these days apparently with school work (and exercise too for some reason).

And on the exams, at least from what I saw – she KNOWS it all. She’s smart, chip off the old block, yet, that focus isn’t there, the mind is wandering a 1000 places, and she ain’t got any form of ADHD either before the politically correct liberal nutjobs jump in with that.

It’s a very clear cut case of needing to be disciplined, following a ROUTINE no matter what.

“Routines are boring” she yells.

Yet, that boring, unsexy stuff is what builds up to something, what really works, i.e. what I told an ADULT on Twitter who was moaning about “when everyone is moving forward with their lives – and you’re stuck” …

(or SEEMS to be moving forward, I should have told her, the BS on social media is hardly an indicator for one, often times the reality is the polar opposite from what you see i.e. the “2 min” of carefully selected and curated photos…) ..

PERSISTENCE was what I replied to her with.

And without focus, there can be NO persistence!

Without focus, there can be no daily practice!

Horse with blinders on, I have often written about it, its like I am in life, with my routines, my goals, my fitness, is it any wonder I (sometimes eventually, but it always happens) reach my goals no matter what ?

So can you, if you do the unsexy stuff.

And focus, well, dumbphones are the #1 culprit for destroying brains in that regard and many others everywhere yet people continue to knowingly and willingly feed their addiction to that (of course, thats why it’s called an addiction. hehe).

Anyway …………

I can’t help adults that knowingly not focus, and do it, be lazy etc, but I can say this much – if you flit around from system to system, if you never give any particular fitness system time to work, if you claim “the unsexy and boring stuff” isn’t something I need to do ‘because everyone has a different approach’, if you claim ” doing the thing day in and day out, often the same boring unsexy thing” doesn’t get results, then you’re a grade A fool and non doer. And thats all I gotta say about that.

Really, if you can’t focus long enough to do 100 squats (of your choice) at one go, and trust me, most today CANNOT – then you’ll never get where you want to be fitness wise (same thing for pull-ups, climbing hills day in and day out, or what not) – and the results, or lack therof  will damn well SHOW.

To kids, well, I’ll keep trying to tell ’em. It ain’t hocus pocus either, hehe.

Along with that, as a certain lovely lady “Jyoti” told me, and I had to retweet “a smile is the best way to improve your looks” (or change, I cannot remember her exact words).

I had to retweet.

Shes right.

(and she was right about requesting me not to retweet her picture – lots of Bozo Schofields and other lunatics out there).

A positive attitude goes a long way.

And a smile sure dont hurt, which is what I hope I bring to many people’s faces with my daily very uncensored, and unscheduled, and erratic, off the cuff rants … that just flat out work, hit the spot like NO other, and so forth.


Much like a fitness system which works like clockwork if you DO it , no matter the other things out there.

OK, enough pimping for now.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

(PS – the title of this email was unwittingly, unknowingly designed by the lovely daughter, heh)

PS #2 – the More you focus, the more mental strength you build, its as simple as THAT.

Fathers, daughter’s dreams, and more …
- I'm loving it, hehe.

Recently I was informed by my little girl about “Dad, do you know the one exam I got full marks on”?



Yes, the one language the entire family did NOT want her to learn, they were all very vociferously for French, not even near as useful practically (my own personal feelings about the French in general aside) …

.. and the one she did.

I patted on the literal and metamorphorical shoulders.

Yes, both of ’em!

“Now thats how I know you’re always Daddy’s little girl!”

I feel sorry for her, dealing with a completely dysfunctional situation at home, the constant drama between mother in law and wife (no prizes for guessing who), the constant BS being indirectly fed to her i.e. “its always ultimately the father’s fault” (it’s funny, when I’m there, “I shouldn’t be there I’m a bad influence”, when I’m not there, my “lovely” Dad writes telling me “your absence means she has mental problems”) …

Can’t win for losing hehe.

Some may write back and tell me what Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once said “they need an alpha there”.

They do, hes right, unfortunately some situations – some battles – especially those involving FEMALES – are left UNFOUGHT, you as a man will never win it – directly.

Indirectly is another story. Hehe. You CAN AND WILL Win those if you do what I tell you via the link (and aren’t too cheap about getting the tutorial, or manual, whatever you call that book)…

Not to mention, with women – most, not all – it always boils down to “I’m a woman so I can get away with it”.

There is always some form of blackmail, if not sexual, then other forms. There is NEVER a logical discussion – and no, while ALL Women are NOT like that, this is aimed at the very sizeable “always yelling about shit” majority that ARE.

Karen’s, the colored equivalent, all the rest – you know who you are. Hehe.

Funny part, it’s that group that could both DO With – and NEED – a calming, steady male influence – a REAL MAN – the most!

Look at what a bonafide Nazi feminist wrote on Twitter today …

“No-one will support a daughter’s dreams more than Daddy will!”

And she’s right.

Everything I do, directly or indirectly, even stuff that on the outside “may look like it’s just for me” – is linked to her in some way or the other.

People dont like it when that is brought up – especially not my immediate family, but thats how it always has been, she will always be the “3.2 kg” little girl she was in 2013 (even though she yells at me for saying it “Dad I’m no longer a baby!”) …

.. Like it or not, she is one of the very few things that truly matter to me in this Universe.

Fitness is another.

And I’m telling you, if you’re a single Dad reading this, or even a Dad (ever notice, by the way, how Dads get called out all the time for leaving, but when women do and plenty do its always “alright”? Dad leaving for work “he’s a deserter” – women do it – “career conscious” – what other fuckin B.S!) …

… or even a sensible Mom – then …

FITNESS is one of the best gifts you can give your children, my friend, period.

Kiddie Fitness is the GO TO BOOK, and the BEST damn gift you can ever give them in that regard.

And adults – well, ALL TOO MANY times, adults get away scot free with “I’m an adult, so I can do it, but kids can’t”.

Bullshit, my friend.

If you’re a lazy slob, dont work out – and justify it with horseshit, chances are your kids will too – directly or not.

If you’re a woman that doesn’t clean up after herself, creates messes galore and doesn’t clean up even when she should “I’m not a maid!” – well, chances are the kids will pick up on that too.

If you’re constantly on the dumbphone, yet yell at children for reading novels all day long (that last one … ugh!) …

Well, I dont know, there’s way too many families this BS goes on in, mine included, and I’m calling it out.

Because it’s TRUE.

Do yourself, then expect others to follow you, especially young kids!

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pimp time – the 0 Excuses Fitness System – best damned gift YOU as an ADULT can gift yourself – today (in fact, you should have done it by now, hehe).

The meme that made perfect sense to me from some standpoints!
- From MOST ..

Well, first off, I think I shattered my own world record by not emailing you guys yesterday – or some of you, at least.

Or maybe the auto responders went out, I dont know.

But for someone whose been emailing for damn near centuries, so it feels like, a day’ break – hehe – not a big deal, but I “felt it”.

Anyway …

I was scrolling Shitter this morning, and one meme amongst all the rest of the other BS stood out – actually, lets talk about the latter first.

Some idiot (female) asking about “so many breakups these days, what in your opinion is the reason”.

Like honey, it’s bloody obvious, its not like you dont know the reason yourself, it’s not like it hasn’t all been headed this way for years (unless you’re part of the majority with head stuck firmly in sand) – bottom line, words have a vibe, this one came across as most from a certain Ricky does …

He already knows the answers to most of the questions he asks (repeatedly, over and over again, the same goddamned question) – yet he keeps asking “to make conversation” which he doesnt make, he wants to hear the other person speak except he doesnt hear, it’s “background music” for him at his job, and he by far ain’t the worst or only person doing this. UGH!

Anyway – the meme.

“Republicans make things way worse, Democrats are the reason they never get better”.

I had a quiet chuckle.

Old crows and all that apart – I actually agree. (though it was a liberal posting that mot likely).

Politicians, man, there is a reason I was NEVER invested into politics before Trump, there is a reason I still could care two hoots less about it all to be frank.

All birds of the same feather ultimately, all a bunch of damned crooks with a few exceptions like Mike Pompeo for one, who I whole heartedly endorse for Pres and always have – if he runs.

Anyway – it’s interesting.

The Dem part makes sense.

Dems do nothing but bitch and moan and do nothing and whine and make things worse with their lunacy – open border, defund police, funding an unwinnable war while things get progressively worse at home (while defense companies make billions of dollars), utterly useless sanctions that were designed to be useless in the first place – well, it’s no surprise that Putin (and yes, he is justified in his response, I have always said it, I will keep saying it because it is TRUE, and if you dont agree – fine – lets argue FACTUALLY ON THIS, not “emotionally”) laughs when he talks about it.

Utter BS – especially most of the news coming out on Russia and China these days (like “Xi Jinping” under house arrest – whichever fool thought that up must have been super high or something) ..

.. utter tosh, yet the libs believe it, so it’s spread everywhere.

Dont even get me started on the stuff on Russia, all of it pure bunk that even a third grader should be able to look at and say “WTF”.

Like dude (to the Ukrainian Pres) – if they’re really so weak, take your damn land back and stop begging for weapons daily which makes it worse, you were warned about this before plenty of times, you still went ahead and did what you have to, now, well, live with the consequences eh.

Just simple fuckin logic …

Anyway – back to Republicans and the far right as libs scorn us as being . . .

Look, you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.

I’ll be the first to admit Republican policies have collateral damage.

But thats required.

Thats life, not the nirvana “attract paradise to me” utopia liberals create in the fuckin minds.

At least we DO.

Not just sit on the sidelines and either cheer or whine and moan – and anyway, on a fitness list, for someone famously neither into politics nor any of the rest – why bring this up?

Well, first off, bottom line, people over the past few years, and this number has been increasing are getting sick and tired of mamsy pamsy liberal BS they can see through NOW (though they should have years ago).

And politics wise when the right secures majorities in countries like Sweden, you KNOW something good is happening in that regard (and Italy). (all famously “left wing” nations).

Ive no idea what will happen in the US, with all the chicanery going on, probably liberals will get re-elected (sham, or not) again.

But .. fitness wise, people are tired of shit that doesnt work.

People want old school back.

People want hardcore fitness BACK.

And the signs are all around you, my friend – talk to anyone, ask them what they really, really want fitness wise, they’ll tell you – then ask them how to get there, and the answers will be self evident.

Then there is another bunch of buffoons that is too lazy to actually do a damn thing fitness wise or life wise, and justify their lack of action by trolling others and “spying” on their emails, trying to copy their tactics (falling flat on their own damned fat faces while trying to do so) – and claiming “the soft way is the easy way to go”.

ie just say “oh, reps dont matter, pull-ups dont matter, nothing does, fat doesn’t matter, we’re all built differently”, and other horse shit these fools can themselves see through or they wouldn’t be writing about it trying to justify it.

I dont sell to that group.

But I’m so happy to note that the OTHER group is rapidly rising – UP – and is outnumbering the fools by a factor of about 10 as of now …

Last but not least, these Bozos who write back to me saying “I could do this, could do that”.

Great – what can you do NOW?

Answer in most cases is usually F all.

Look, at least show me some proof you’ve done it before, if you haven’t, then dont talk about it – especially stuff like 500 Hindu squats, and no, non sequitors of “there were no dumbphones back then” or other crap like “I dont have to justify this to you” (sure you dont, but you dont need to claim it’s true either do you? and write back to me about it saying … ah, but I wont even name and shame, pointless) ….

I mean, you’ve either done it or you haven’t, and if you genuinely have in the past, and cannot now, well, it’ll show, and thats a different case altogether.


End of rant.

A true one as always.

To pick up the most brutally honest and by far the most effective overall fitness system out there – go HERE –

The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

And thats that.

Back – soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – To the fools spying on these emails and reverse engineering them, two things – or more –

1. Have at.

2. Your pathetic attempts at doing so shows, and its nigh retarded too.

3. It won’t work.

And four, you probably can tell swiping my stuff ain’t working either.

No, I ain’t gonna come out with the “you’ll be scared of my lawyers” crap most would come out with.

Keep doing it is what I say … Hehe.

Out for now – back soon! (PS – You know its important when I interrupted my 100 squats to talk about this. Hehe. But really, it needs to be said, it has been now).

Why my 8,40,000 th birth might just be my luckiest…
- Lunacy Central again.

I was drying my hair the other night, one thing led to the other, and suddenly, a song popped into my mind – an old Bollywood song for some reason.

And along with that, an image of my daugher popped into my mind – that was a movie I enjoyed – then I remembered, my nine year old (recently) wasn’t even there then!


I asked her where she was, got the usual “donnnnnnnnnt ask me that Dad!” (she’s kinda prickly these days about everything it seems, but with the lunacy all around her, well, its affecting her too…) ….

“An angel in the sky, perhaps”, I said, rubbing her head affectionately, then walking out of the room – of course, the wife had to interrupt.

She claims “she never interrupts father and daughter” yet seems to find every chance to do so, which is alright sometimes, I suppose, but what she said – my.

“Don’t worry, honey! Everyone takes 8,40,0000 births before they land on planet Earth”, she announced like she was announcing some sort of a fact.

Now, my wife was never a religious freak – but over the past couple of years – she has turned into one.

Strange what stress that people dont admit exists – yet they know it does deep down inside – does to people.

And of course, couple the stress of “doing nothing” (and therefore having no real control over her life) with “someone will always do it for me” – and you have these weird ways it manifests.

I keep requesting her not to fill the kids brain with this sort of nonsense, I doubt it has much effect (but my daughter knows).

I mean, dont get me wrong, religion is fine. I aint got no problem with that, but taking things to extremes, bringing kids into it, all of that – till a point is OK, but after that … just gets to be annoying I guess, not to mention it has no real bearing in the real world.

Anyway ………….

Thats Lunacy Central for ya!

Maybe though, YOUR 840000 (I lose track of the zeros, hey, maybe there should be a 1 at the end, hehe)’s birth will be luckiest.

I mean, I’m used to my wifes lunacy, but even I guffawed when she said that.

“Thats a LOTTA births to go through, honey. Most people can’t handle one”, I chortled, then left the room.

But maybe it will for you!

Or, the number?

Maybe 840001 will be the number that turns YOU into a super human fitness wise.

It ain’t even all that outlandish, lets see…

200 Hindu squats a day.

200×30 = 6000.

Go a whole year, you get 72000, go five – you get …

Well, I dont know. Maybe it IS outlandish. Actually it is.


Anyway – back to terra firma.

To get in shape with a sensible fitness program that puts you through your paces, understands and teaches you the value of PRACTICE, progressions, and all those other nitty gritties we hear so much about … go HERE.

And I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Because I’m the hombre that delivers, hehe.
- YES!

I was watching the latest Tom Cruise movie (not that I’m a fan, hehe) – “American Made” for shits and grins, mostly because of the true story (so they say) it was made upon.

Set in the 1970’s-80’s, the story if true and even if not is TRULY incredible – truly an adventure filled life. Hehe.

Which ends in jail time most likely – I’ve not seen the entire movie, but from being recruited as a slap dash flirtatious heavy drinking pilot who falls asleep half drunk after getting home ignoring his sexily dressed up wife (gotta love the dark look on Madam’s face, hehe) … I can relate to a LOT of the movie.

Though I’ve lived an adventure filled life and sure continue to, it ain’t anywhere near as shown in the movie – where the CIA recruits him, so does the Colombian (and other mafia) – they all find out about each other, incredibly, they both let him be a “double agent” (I’ve written a book by that name, hehe) …

… and I’m not sure I’d want to do anything remotely resembling what Cruise did in the movie.

But his arms – forearms, specifically stand out – I can so relate to the cords running up and down them, and the sort of heavy duty training he did for them!

Not quite Stallone like, but damn close, I’ll say that!

Good upper body development there, at least for this movie.

And I can relate to the “green eyes” (that was alan Murray who made that comment, hehe “too cool”) sunglasses he always wears. I wear mine in the rain too apparently. Hehe.

Too cool, green eyes, I still remember Alan saying.

Good man, that!

Anyway, I’ve been known to wear the Aviators a lot, even the sky blues shown in a certain 80’s flick, but this ain’t about my style or forearms.

It’s about – well, something that Cruise gets repeatedly throughout the movie.

Why people keep recruiting him?

“Because he’s the gringo that gets things DONE”.

(specifically, “because he’s the gringo that DELIVERS”.)


Same thing for yours truly fitness wise, my friend – and life wise – except I’ll replace the word gringo with hombre, come to think of it, I’ve been called gringo so  many times that … well, either would work.

But really, if you want to get the job done – and quick – and right – fitness wise?

Call this gringo – or hombre – what have you. Hehe.

He delivers like no other – and better – quicker – faster – PERIOD. NO questions asked. He ain’t too fussy either provided you DO what he tells you to !

On second thoughts, please dont.

He never answers the dadgumit phone …

He hates it. He’s sick of telling people to stop calling him and text or email – and he prefers email.

And he prefers online.

So  to get the “because it gets the job done” fitness system that will give you forearms like Rambo for one, upper body development like the Gama if you do it right, boundless energy, stamina, girls, and what not (ok, I put the girls in, hehe) – then order right – NOW.

Yes, NOW.

And go HERE To place your orders.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee