Why CONSISTENCY is key – and how life seems to ALWAYS come full circle.
- No matter what.

It’s something I’ve written about galore before, life coming full circle – in more ways than one.

But it’s also … TRUE. Or I wouldn’t write about it?

Anyway, I’ll always remember what Dejon once told me (Dejon, whose an actual strongman and does the lifts etc as opposed to a lot of the posing morons in the gym) (he does thick bar deadlifts, farmer’s walks, a lot of REAL grip stuff, and so forth …)

(Yes, Charles, grip strength is truly more important than breathing, or damn near, hehe, and most in the know – AGREE. )

…. but anyway, what he once told me about Glyn (while we were discussing his lunacy and antics and Glyn literally, like many others, till date being nigh OBSESSED with me).

I wrote about this before, of course.

“Man, Glyn’s literally obsessed with you!”

That he is. Hehe.

And then we discussed his lunacy, how with Glyn it’s always one thing or the other, and he’s always got this vibe of “trying to get something from you”.

“With you, thats never been there”, he finished off.

“You’ve always been a consistently nice guy!”

Which was really nice of him to say as well.

And hes right – I dont talk to people simply to sell them something, or “get” something – I talk to people mostly as PEOPLE – as human beings – and thats it, and why do I mention this – because it ties into what I’m going to say now.

I ranted about it on WeShat a bit.

But this tendency (that has been magnified over the past couple of years) of people just saying “Hi” and nothing else (this I’ve written about a LOT before, how much it just pisses me off – they’re waiting for YOU to respond, which is BS – if someone contacts someone, the least they can do is, you know, be halfway human and TALK??) – and this has now extended to business as well.

It’s aggravating as hell, really . . .

If youre doing biz with someone, he says nothing but “hello”, then you dont get back, then he later gets back with “but you never got back”, you send messages, he doesnt reply to all – it’s pitiful, but that is the stage the average pea brain around you has come to.

No, it isn’t “make yourself so interesting that they will talk to you”.

They wouldn’t contact the other person if that wasn’t already there.

More to the point, these same jack and jill asses were more than happy to hold HUMAN conversations extending beyond a couple of “curt” words *curt sounding* just a couple of years ago, now it’s full blown panic mode apparently.

It’s not just frustrating, I laugh at it, and it’s annoying, irritating, aggravating, all of it.

I ROUTINELY cull the number of people on any sort of list I have, this one included, and my personal list, a lot of time for these very reasons – I do NOT unless I absolutely “need for some reason” that sort of idiot anywhere near me!

Tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy. 


On the dumbphone watching videos…

Or – more commonly – zoning out to “worry”.

I mean really, what I want to tell these people , just what the hell are you so panicked about?

Not that someone’s got a gun to your head, no?

Thats extreme, they will reply.


It’s also a reminder of the FACT that things could get a lot worse no matter how bad they are NOW.

It’s a reminder to be grateful for what you have NOW – and NOT forget basic human courtesy which is what made human kind “successful” for a period, anyway before it all went to self propelled and created utter SHIT . . . even during “these times”.

Times are only tough because people THINK they are, and create a corresponding reality around themselves that affects EVERYONE.

You have to stop buying into the BS, my friend.

Even if the world were to end tomorrow, panicking about it wont stop it from happening, will it?

Do what you can NOW.

Live in the moment.


And thats the message, really – oh, and CONSISTENCY is key.

There are people on my list, usually the ones I communicate with, the only ones – that have been, as Dejon said, CONSISTENT in their communication, behavior and so forth from Day ONE (from when I knew them).

That, no matter what, makes me want to converse with these people, talk to them, do business with them, or socialize with them.

The idiots that “forget what happened a day before, let alone a couple of years ago” – nah, I’ll leave that sort out of my life.

Anyway ……… coming full circle, I remember a guy almost running me over on a Fri afternoon when I was walking back from school. This was right after the 9/11 attacks in the US, so I wonder – till this date – I have that feeling if …

… Maybe, maybe not, but my first reaction was it’s Fri afternoon, and the parties done started already – which I get it, hey – they did start for me early too. Hehe.

Today, the same thing happened on a short walk back from somewhere in blazing heat, my one thought was, what if that dumb car hit my daughter whose always merrily frolicking on the roads despite me telling her not to (not really, but when I’m there, if I’m with her physically, she’s “safe”, so she just does what comes naturally, which I get, but…) …

… These, and more thoughts about how “road rules, yeah, whatever, those lines on the road are there for decorative purposes apparently” were passing through my mind…

“Excuse me!”

I heard the voice as I was about to step into the house.

And there he was, the guy, apologizing.

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t see you, I almost hit you!”

But you did see me and swerved at the last minute. So you didnt hit me, I smiled back with a hint of double entedre that confused him (I was also referring to his mad dash on the road which shouldn’t have been done, period). 

I mean, at least look before turning a corner dude.

But, to his credit he apologized. Most would not have bothered.

I smiled again, shook his hand, and we parted ways.

Basic human courtesy isn’t all dead.

Nether will it or should it …  (of course, I dont know how he’d react if this was another person, or how I’d react if it was someone else, but the way it worked out, all good!)

… not to mention consistency is key.

Workout wise, life wise, same thing.

Be consistent.

Keep showing up.

And eventually thy shall reap the rewards, much like the salesman who keeps showing up, showing up, showing up and then some – and eventually badgers or gets the sale out of ya, haha.

Or the Bozo who keeps showing up at his trolling faithfully, and gets his just desserts. Hehe.

Anyway, enough of this.

But remember, the 0 Excuses Fitness requires consistency. Its part of the 10 Commandments of Physical Training Success (or success at anything) for a damn good reason.

Get this great fitness system NOW, my friend. Two books and FIVE videos, truly the best for the best!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – as I write this, another “hello Sir” message pops up. Ugh. . .

The magic “tool” I haven’t written so much about, ignored off and on, and so forth …
- The magic of the YANTRA...

This email is probably going to fly over the heads of most that read it.

I dont mean that in an “arrogant” manner – but I’m just saying, a lot of the advanced mind stuff I talk about … people dont “truly get it”. Hehe. Which is fine, but anyway –

Story from 2019.

I was leaving an apartment, hadn’t (for once) decided on another one – so I booked a room at a pretty decent local Chinese hotel for two days (until I figured something else out in the same apartment complex).

So, as the landlady was helping me move (nice lady!) – we noticed one thing hanging on the wall which I had oddly never noticed while packing my stuff up, while tossing the multitude of beer bottles that had sprung up like plants all over the house, and so forth …

(while tossing all the tea I could into a suitcase – which was already bulging at the seams, much like a lot of those beer bellies you see out there).

Reminds me of a project I did in CSC 404, the “internet” class I loved. Back then making HTML websites was a big deal, that was our semester project or something, of course, I had to put some beer bellies on there for some reason (I thought it was hilarious) and ended up getting a “B” as a grade instead of an A for the project “since it’s too gross”.

Well, I dont know, in real life people dont seem to think their lard is too gross do they. Hehe.

Not judging by the number of lard asses I see on a regular basis, yet, when you put a picture of a belly online it’s “gross”?

You should talk to the Prof, my friend Rueben went. There’s no reason for that B!

He’s probably right (he was probably right).

But since I ended up with an A in the class anyway, I didnt really care. There was no way I was not going to ace that class. Hehe. Dr B knew that!! 😉

Advanced databases, now there I ended up with a B, but thats a different story. Maybe I was too focused on Jen in front of me and not the actual class, haha.

Anyway – where was I.

Ah yes, so she pointed out something I missed.

“What about that, Michael!” she went.

What, I asked.

She pointed to something hanging on the wall.

Oh, SHIT, I went. How could I forget THAT!

“Very important!”, she laughed (not in a bad way).

She was right!

But there it is, my friend – the MAGIC I’m talking about.

It’s the SRI Yantra, something I’ve written about often, something that despite all the literature out there on it is very well and truly misunderstood by most – something that is a GREAT mind tool – something that brings your deepest desires TRUE – something that DRAWS things you WANT to you – ONLY – if and ONLY you do it … RIGHT!

Some may think “whats the big deal”. Just a collection of triangles, geometric shapes – but research the history behind it, you might be surpised – and shocked to learn how many parallels Nature has to this magical yantra.

I’ve recommended meditation in the past.

I’ve often not done it MYSELF – and the two things that have served me the BEST – I often, oddly enough, tend to ignore them – such as the Yantra, always with me!

In physical form, it’s always hanging in whichever room I work – or sleep.

I often dont even notice it- but my subconscious mind DOES. Which is what counts. It’s always one of the first things I “see” – yet dont see (therefore, consciously, when moving, I completely forgot about it!) ..

No, it aint tantra mantras, no, it aint something religious as my wife thinks, it ain’t about God either. (I dont believe in God, as I’ve said).

It’s about the Universe, chakras, and universal energy.

It’s about FOCUSING thy mind.

When you can stare at the Yantra without moving a muscle, being completely calm, BLISS as it were despite the rough waves “on the surface” – the calm in the ocean underneath – you’ll see what I mean about attracting results – galore to you.

There are SO MANY ideas that come to mind after even a brief session of meditating with the Yantra that I cannot begin to tell you what a powerful mind tool it is.

Of course, like with all tools, you can use it for good – and evil.

You should ALWAYS use it for the former – enough said.

And a lot of the modern stuff out there on the Yantra, the depictions, the “how to’s” etc are utter and pure rubbish.


The Yantra should GLOW with energy – even if it isn’t electric.

GOLD should be a huge part of it …

Even if there isn’t any real gold in it…

And as with all meditation, you dont force the process – you SLIDE into it (like you do into the stretches in Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training).

OVer the years I’ve been lax and often times forgotten to make this a part of my life.

Sometimes for months, when I get really busy.

Then I remember, kick myself in the can – and get back to it. Hehe.

Such as it goes.

I’ll have more, a LOT more on this topic in the future if you’re interested – for now, remember, these sort of things only work if the MIND is calm and if you’re a believer in mind power, if you dont believe in it, it wont work for you no matter what.

But this is one of the MOST powerful, yet most ignored, even after reading this – most will ignore it – tools to work – THE MIND!


Exercise gives me much of the same benefits, my friend, not just because of the physical – but because of the deep breathing I incorporate into my workouts – THAT is what really connects your body to the Universe (and the mind too).

THAT is what gets the fat burners within activated, and working – pronto.

And that is what allows me to slide through my days in utter bliss most of the time …

Get your hands on the fitness system that lets me do all this – the 0 Excuses Fitness System – get it NOW.

And I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

More on Twiggy’s central “twig” – or … hehe.
- This one is worth a read, lol.

Twiggy has an anecdote to share with you – which oddly enough rings and is more true than you might imagine.

From a source with more experience at it than I’ll ever have – an ex – I had (and if you’re reading my emails, the last one mentions me at 19 – well, this one came along right about then too!) – once made this comment while I was a “phat phock”.

“Honey, why is it that the slimmest guys always have the largest *****”?

Then she giggled, and continued dong – doing, lol – what she was to me, which was something I wont mention here.

Its also something that made me literally swerve off the highway as it were…


Anyway, I asked her why she was with me at the time “phat phock” and you should have seen the hissy she threw.

“How dare you say that about yourself!”

Well, because I am … I attempted to say, but she wouldn’t let me get a word in sideways, and wouldn’t discuss the comment above for MONTHS after that.

I’ve no idea why she got that pissed at me saying something about myself – not the size of my you know what, but my stomach. Hehe.

I wasn’t truly fat per se then, to be honest.

But although I could do 30-35 pushups non stop, one set, perfect form, thats pretty much all I did – although the swimming kept me fairly lean, I wasn’t where I wanted to be fitness wise, although people told me back then “your damn arms are huge!” – I wanted more, therefore, all I said was I was fat, and …

Anyway, we all know it ain’t about size or lack thereof, unless youre into porno or comparing sizes like Glyn is (or lets see, ole Boris’s pal is, apparently grabbing men by the pussy or what not, ugh) …

But there’s an element of truth to it if you think about it.

The ole Chinese saying “Pang Reng Qiu Dian” (fat man have small penis) isn’t just there for heck of it.

To me, it’s simple, the less fat you have on the core, especially lower abs that most people try and hide “it’s not visible” (sorry pal, but it is) – the more blood flow down there, the better you feel, the more you want it, the higher your T levels and sex drive, and even if its just a visual thing, you “look” bigger – period.

I dont know, fitness wise thats my take on it, looks wise Schofield could tell you, hes been scouring the net for books on it apparently from what a mutual friend (not good ole Charles, hehe) tells me today …

Some guy he trolled for being black or what not.

Just pathetic, Glyn … really.

But anyway, this email isn’t to discuss the size of Twiggy’s twig – or lack therefore. Hehe.

(if you missed the last email, you gotta read it NOW – that will explain the Twiggy part).

It’s to say this , my friend – that in life, in bed, fitness, anything you do …

it ain’t SIZE that matters necessarily.

It’s really the size of the FIGHT in the dog that matters if I might say so.

Take a look at any world leader around.

Take a look at the best boxers and fighters around.

They weren’t necessarily the biggest, tallest or strongest – but they damn sure were the FITTEST.

There ain’t no point whining about genetics or what you cannot control, friend.

If someone is bigger than you either naturally or otherwise, so be it.

As a friend of mine told me in tenth grade at my comments (to this day) about me not being a big guy (though that was when I kept getting bullied, and he’d keep stepping in to whoop ass) …

“MAKE yourself so that no-one can touch you!”

And there lies the nub, friend.

It’s not about SIZE.

Its about what you do with that size, and how FIT you are.

BIG guys can do pull-ups- tons of them – in letter perfect form.

PHAT guys – just simply cannot – no other exercise exposes their lack of conditioning and fat like this one exercise does.

You can be HUGE in the ring – but unless you’re well conditioned, you’re a goner basically.

Trust me, for someone (me) who was WINDED after his first three rounds in a boxing ring with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla – who himself had more fat around his midsection than he should at the time (by his own admission – and gotta give it to him – real man!) – I KNOW what I’m talking about and then some.

I’ve seen skinny guys that are amazingly strong, and some skinny guys are amazingly UNFIT.

I’ve seen fat guys that are strong, some that are stronger, but none truly fit, because if you’re fat, you ain’ fit, at least not by any reasonable real world definition, and this doesnt require you to take my word for it – try any sort of real world fitness test, you’ll see.

A great example of this – Sylvester Stallone.

While getting into shape for his movies, he by his own admission followed the WORST diet ever – diet that left him weak and dizzy at times (lets face it training on nothing but a couple of slices of toast, and egg whites – six, I believe – for months on end while training heavy more than 4 hours a day – AND working on scripts, movies etc…!) (gotta give it to ole Sly none of that showed in the movies!) … but that had him looking GOOD – like that movie star I referred to up there, hehe – he was so dizzy at times that he had to do handstands to get “the blood flowing to his head”.

(another manifest example of why handstands and handstand pushups SHOULD be a part of YOUR fitness regimen no matter what).

Later, post 40, as you see in movies like the Specialist, he changed his goals, and became significantly more muscular and BULKIER.

Which is great.

At NO point did ole Sly have a gut hanging over his belt tho, at well over 70, he still doesnt.

THAT is the entire point, for those that choose to get it.

If some dont and keep whining about “but this works for me”, be my guest… Hehe. The facts have been put out in front of you, I Can’t “make the horse drink”.

Anyway, the 0 Excuses Fitness System makes no promises to increase the size of that twig to a tree branch (oak) or vice versa. Hehe.

Animal Kingdom Workouts makes some oblique references to it, with good reason …

Hope this email made you laugh – a little, or a lot.

We ALL need that these days!



Rahul Mookerjee

What yours truly “Twiggy” just read. Hehe.
- Gotta love me a LONNNNNNNNG rant!

A couple of weeks ago, I recieved a lengthy rant – sort of along the lines of what Charles the former friend sent in about my comments on “just do it” – and his “irritation” at not being able to do handstand pushups and pull-ups because of – well, that massive, ponderous belly of his he refuses to acknowlege, and when he does, he blames the fitness guys for it ie THEIR stuff doesnt work (of course, he ignores yours truly back in the day “phat phocker” who used his own programs and got into the best shape of his life…) …

Now this rant came in with the ” I need to talkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” subject line.

It got my attention, I’ll say that, but only because of the person sending it.

I then wrote about it here – a must read!

I was expecting a response from him right then and there – the person being referenced there – hehe, I did not mention him by name to “give him a break” in that post, so I wont mention him here as well – oddly enough, that lengthy rant which sounds like “Benny is literally in tears” doesnt mention me by name either – I guess if anything, he’s picked up some of my “devious” methods. Hehe.

But I didnt get any, so I moved on …

This morning, I saw something on Twitter about “I failed and moved on”.

Nothing wrong with that of course, failure is part and parcel of success – and you dont succeed ONE (big) time without failing like 99 times before, or maybe more than that.

Numbers … and hot shit, ah, but we’ll get to that. This was one of the best compliments I could have been paid, hehe.

He starts off with with a lengthy rant about how he can’t do pull-ups rights and how “he’ll never be a movie star” or “have the best looks” (or at all) – and how you’ll never see him do a perfect pushup (all the while ignoring the fact he’s got way more fat around the midsection than he needs to – something which not just me, but guys like Matt Furey etc have pointed out to him YEARS Ago – there is proof – verifiable proof of all this) … in short, he’s doing precisely what Charles did i.e blame the messenger – but he’s doing it smarter ie he’s blaming the entire “exercise” – anyone but himself.

So typical.

Brings me back to my own phat phocker days, and hey, I get it – I’d be a little touchy feely about my weight too – but to my credit, I never let my weight get in the way of doing perfect reps on each exercise! (hence, those photos are there on the COVER of the books to show YOU what is possible!).

When as recently as last year a guy told me – a good friend and customer – about letting myself get out of shape (well, for a few months) – I fully agreed with him. Hehe. That has been well documented too.

No hissies from yours truly. Hehe.

“Thanks for taking it like a man!” is what he wrote.


REAL criticism as opposed to the nonsense I wrote about in the last email and that which you’re going to see NOW here – is something I welcome, because it helps me improve.  (and because the person criticizing truly had my best interests at heart. It’s a vibe, it shines through!).

Those that really know me in person know I’m the most self critical person of all – even when I was climbing those hills 7 times a day in blazing heat and humidity, I was thinking “how can I make this better”.

Always aim to IMPROVE, and the only way you can do that is by having people that can kick your ass – of which there are admittedly plenty, but MORE IMportantly, TAKING the feedback in the sense it was meant.

I’ve given this guy feedback on his excess weight, but I didnt troll him, I didnt say anything other than respond to the videos he sent me saying “at least he was doing something” – and then I proceeded to try and help him – for FREE.

Again, big mistake there.

See the last email for that (it’s funny how these guys keep coming back to sneakily read what is there on the website, isn’t it – hehe – like Glyn Bozo for one, always back here no matter what … they truly can’t get enough of me. Hehe).

(and for this guy when he threw a hissy about not selling my products because I wouldn’t give them to him for free,  I just calmly told him “ok” and not much else, other than some advice and a few of my links – seems that really rankled).

But that wasn’t it.

What REALLY rankled was my comments about his fitness, but sorry bro, if it was just me saying it I’d understand, but pretty much everyone and anyone you come in contact with says it my friend.

That you’re FAT.

Sorry, but I’m not going to sugar coat it.

And as Brooks Kubik said in his world famous Dinosaur Training Book, if you’re fat and have a huge gut hanging over your midsection, then you’re not going to look like an athlete. 

No-one’s saying look like a movie star. I’ve gone on record saying looks are something you cannot control, therefore despite my own (admittedly very) good looks, I could care less about them – that is something I was “given” (as far as I’m concerned) via genetics, but my FITNESS – now that I DO tom tom – and will until the day I pass, because I WORKED for it, damn hard at that!

Anyway – let’s get to his “el rant”, hehe.

I’ll leave the whining and moaning out, I’ll leave the comments others have left him out of this – I’ll simply say this much  … or, I’ll paste the parts where he (indirectly – credit, hehe, he’s learnt SOMETHING from his association with me!) talks about ME.

The Stella Artois of Fitness. Hehe.

You’ll never see me do the best looking pullup or the most awesome pushup, I don’t have the patience to do 1000 or even 500 Squats anymore, I don’t have a great looking set of Core Muscles but I know how strong they are, I move weird in certain animal exercises but that’s what the universe gave me. I know what I can do and constantly learning what I’m capable of. What I can do has kept me strong and durable for the longest time, what I can do, helps others and what I can do, inspires a lot. I’ve also failed at doing things that weren’t meant for me in the first place and tried to live up to others’ ideas.

I’m not meant to do someone else’s program to the “T”, I wasn’t meant to live up to those who don’t really matter and I’m damn sure I wasn’t meant to be affiliated with a company that by all accounts, has a guy who thinks he’s hot shit and acts like he’s god’s gift to fitness when he looks like Twiggy and can’t properly set up a camera to get a good angle for exercises. If you feel the need to film yourself being in a dark ass room and nobody can see you but you want everyone to listen to you, you might want to just put out an audio. Anyway, the real lesson here is, failure is a part of life, the real success is how we break through it and keep fighting to get what makes us successful.

Like Dude, you’re really digging a HOLE for yourself here. Heh.

Let’s take a look (and remember, this is but two paragraphs of his whining)

And before you take a look at it, remember, that when he first asked me for freebies, here was a comment from him (very heartfelt at that) –


Thank you for sharing my blog on yours and even reminding others of the things I promote with other people. Nobody has ever done that or even went out of their way to mention that.

// chopped//
You are a hell of an observer but I wanted to fill in the blanks. I’m not big on the squats as much anymore and have focused on Step Ups like legendary wrestler Bob Backlund. Those have been a huge difference for my legs and are better suited to my structure than the squats have.

Keep it up man, I love your writing style and you’ve got an honest sense of humor.

My, my, my. How things change eh. Truly, either you love me, or you hate me (and if I had given him free products, he’d be writing tomes about how great I was right now).

Anyway –

You’ll never see me do the best looking pullup or the most awesome pushup, I don’t have the patience to do 1000 or even 500 Squats anymore,

He means he doesnt have the MENTAL focus to do them. I’m not sure if he ever did, or he wouldn’t be writing what he is – anyone that has EVER, even once, done 500 Hindus in a ROW knows this for a fact – there are very few other physical activities that start to compare, and probably NONE (other than those long repeated hill climbs) that truly build mental focus and gumption like the Hindus do.

It ain’t about looking good either. It’s about doing the exercise right – not doing it half ass and then saying “it don’t fit my body” so I am going to do it this way. True, if he’s got pre existing injuries I’ll make exceptions, but you cannot use injuries as an excuse for being fat and overweight my friend, that is just the bottom line, if you ain’t getting your chin over the bar, it ain’t a damn pull-ups, and thats that. Simple.

Patience? Dude, 500 Hindus done in one row takes like 15 minutes on average IF – big if – you do ’em right. 

Clearly you’ve never done ’em, and if you dont have the patience to exercise without getting your panties in a royal mess for 15 minutes then true, you’re certainly not cut out for 0 Excuses Fitness – or any real fitness program for that matter (but especially not around here). 

He clearly considers himself “too good” for pushups and squats, how anyone REMOTELY interested in real fitness other than “2 second Tik Tok jerkies” could say that is utterly beyond me. I thought the guy was a doer when he joined me, apparently I was dead WRONG.

The big dog of fitness, and the big Daddy of fitness, he ignores both saying “I have no patience” or “not my body type” or some utterly retarded excuses that even his pre existing injuries which I’ve been more than kind with him on compensate for.

Really – the “L” word comes to mind – or CAME to mind when he said that! I wasn’t sure if the commentators on his blog had something personal against him or not, but now it seems they dont, they’re simply pointing out the facts (much like I do, except yours truly seems “truly more eloquent” in that regard. Hehe).

I’m damn sure I wasn’t meant to be affiliated with a company that by all accounts, has a guy who thinks he’s hot shit and acts like he’s god’s gift to fitness when he looks like Twiggy and can’t properly set up a camera to get a good angle for exercises

Remember the rant on Isometric and Flexibility Training – hehe. Similar rant, except that was about “it not looking pretty”, and this dude is interested in camera angles.


Admittedly my camera work is bare bones. I hate taking videos, but I’ll take them, but they’ll be done BRUTAL – bare bones – in my style – and they’re heavy on info, not miscallaneous bullshit, and I certainly wouldn’t hire Sylvester Stallone’s make up artist to look even prettier than I am, hehe – and I’ll leave my gaffes in there too (it isn’t meant to be “unrealistic”).

Again – he’s right, he probably wasn’t meant to be associated with this company – even the system ignored his application for six months, when I finally fished it out of junk, he was MORE than happy to get the chance to work with me.

Hot shit, God’s gift to fitness, sounds like a certain idiot Glyn – or perhaps Ricky – this constant “God” reference (someone who is a self avowed atheist and always will be, hehe) –  as for hot shit?

Well, that I am.

I’m super humble too.

thing is, I’ve got the track record to back it up – and YOU – DON’T (I’m referring to the person posting this, not the reader).

simple as that, pally.

I’m hot shit and I can back my shit up – you obviously cannot. And that hurts, I get it, but it’s TRUE.

If you feel the need to film yourself being in a dark ass room and nobody can see you but you want everyone to listen to you, you might want to just put out an audio

True, but then again, why not a video?

Especially given youtube as far as I know doesn’t support audio? Unless I’m wrong Sir … Hehe.

(not to mention this bozo never addressed what I asked in my videos ie has he – or those whining and moaning – ever DONE the thing – especially hardcore style?)


Thats a new one! Hehe. I remember my wife bitching about me looking like “13 or 14” when I did these workouts, of course, with her fat belly hanging out … LOL.


I’ll take Twiggy.

I’ll take being a movie star – or a TV star.

I’ll take being in the best damn shape of my life.

I’ll also gladly if you roll back the clock take being called a phat phock, at that time I was, so …

But you won’t hear me moan about it.

This Twiggy by the way could snap your grip like a twig, that I AM sure of (again – referring to the guy posting this rant, not the reader). Hehe. And that doesnt come from me – it comes from men more than twice my size that make me look like a mite, not Twiggy (David, not Goliath. Hehe). (real men that have served for years in the Marines, the military at that).

“An unnatural kung fu like grip”.

Indeed, hehe.

I’d rather sell – and teach – THAT type of person, real men, DOERS. (and work with as well as opposed to whiny self entitled phat phocks likely living on … ah, I’ll let that one go – personal, I know, hehe … I’ll just say as opposed to people like “bozo Schofield”).

As for the last bit about failure, I never insinuated he failed at anything or said it, so I am not sure where he is coming from on that.

He though did insinuate I failed (hilarious, that part about “did you ever sell your books!”) – just like a certain Bozo Schofield who was then laughed out of it roundly … by one and sundry. Or, all and sundry I should say.

Anyway – bottom line is this.

If youre a phat phock my friend, then thats what you are – fat.

If you’re in damn good shape and “hot shit” – then thats what you are – hot shit!

And, the fitness system that gets you there better than any other is the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

There is NO other system out there like it, period.

Get it NOW.

And to end – before I do – let me get yet another gem from what he said –

There is this fear people have of being open about their failures. I’m no exception but I also know who will tell me the truth, the real truth because they know me best. If you don’t know me outside of the web, you have no reason to tell me the truth or have the faintest idea of what the truth is with me.

Obviously he’s been told he’s failed over and over again and has some complex about it. Beats the heck out of me why he thinks I said that though, though of course the entirety of his post is aimed at not just big bad “aggressive evil” Rahul, but the aggressive, evil WORLD in general.

That part about “if you dont know me, you dont know the truth!” – is exactly, I repeat EXACTLY the sort of defensive comment someone makes when the other person has knowingly or not HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD in terms of the truth.

Anyway – we’re almost at what, 4K words? I’ll let this one be for now.

Get the 0 Excuses Fitness System now if you haven’t as yet – NO excuses, pally!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – More:

I don’t have a great looking set of Core Muscles but I know how strong they are, I move weird in certain animal exercises but that’s what the universe gave me.

Maybe they dont look good, but that aint the point. The point is there is way too much FAT there. Which he keeps trying to paper over saying “that is what the Universe gave me”, which is what I find so “sorry ass” about his rant – like dude, EVERYONE has told you, including the mirror. Take a look at it, and you’ll see the truth for yourself, blaming the “Universe” for it may may you feel better, but it does F all in terms of changing the reality – if anything, you’re pushing yourself back even further.

Admit where you are NOW.

Then see yourself where you want to be – whether thats like me – or whoever – or your own ideal, as you say.

And figure out a way to get there – join the dots – if you do it right, you’ll be doing it on auto pilot, which is one lesson I give you in Zero to Hero! – one amongst many.

I dont know if he looks wierd in animal exercises or not – I seem to recall an instance where I gave him kudos for doing those exercises the way he was . . . so I dont know where he’s coming from. Probably other comments he gets on his blog from “annoymous” sources – of which there seem to be plenty. Hehe. (again, proof in the pudding).

To me, we all look wierd doing animal workouts, but who cares – the point isn’t that again.

He’s so caught up on looks this guy – inferiority complex – BIG TIME!

And I get it, look, dude, at the age of 19, my roommate told ME the same damn thing when I made a comment about “what will women think”.

Given my own background growing up, the zero opportunities to do what I wanted in terms of fitness, NO knowledge, and then being thrown all of a sudden “sink or swim” in a culture I had never really known a lot about other than books etc – at the age of 19, somewhat understandable, but no excuses, pally – even at that age.

Certainly not when you’re a phat phock approaching 40 and you NEVER grew up (there were some comments on his blog saying just that, I passed that off as jealous people, but it now seems there is an element of, or maybe more than, truth to it?)

I mean dude, thats WOMEN who are supposed to be that damn conscious about “how they look” and other rubbish of that nature. Not men … I realize given the lunacy these days your definition of manhood and manliness might be different from mine, but again, that is how it IS.

(and even those damned girls look “hot and sweaty and wierd” when working out – thats just how it is).

Anyway, those of you that want REAL ABS that LOOK as strong as they are – REAL abs, not beach boy fluff – get on the exercises in Corrugated Core. Once you do, you’ll understand what “ab work” is really, really all about!

And one last “lovely” comment from this dude … he wrote this –

I understand this article comes off as a pity party and I’m just begging for attention when the truth is; this is just me being human and sharing with you a side of me that is about as real as you can get until you’ve actually been around me and not just go by what I’ve written.

Pity Party.

Indeed. I should have used that as the title of the post “Pity Party Twiggy Central“. Hehe.

But for now we’ll stick to what it is …  (I’ll ask Sophia to bring me a handkerchief too, though I never cry, I might make an exception … hehe).

On that note of course, more – (last, I promise, this dude is just hilarious, I have to share the pity party)

(he truly needs some scones along with it as well, pump them “muscles” with all the bloat up some more, hehe).

 I need to take my own advice on many things and learn to take things for what they are and pay attention more to who I really trust in this world. Very few in my life I trust and one of them isn’t here anymore that I can talk to. 

Gee, I dont know if thats because a certain friend of his passed away (which I’ve no idea if thats true or not, as I dont know the guy “personally”, but he posted about it before) – but really, pity party my friend – people pass away all the time, doesnt mean you cry and moan about “not being able to talk to anyone”.


Not to mention, you can always talk to them if they’re truly in your heart and mind . . .

Anyway, enough of this. But this guy is just classic, I had to . . . not to mention, trust? and “few people he trusts” – like really, one massive rant that was, a hissy fit and nothing else really. Suspect the shoe is starting to pinch and his sales are really tanking now, if at all. Hehe.

Ain’t I an utter arsehole for pointing out the facts.

But facts remain facts regardless of the messenger, my friend…

Alright, enough. But really, well and truly, the ONE book – numero UNO as my little girl so adroitly keeps reminding me (gotta love it when the rest of the family’s so called crappy advice on learning French or what not was rejected, and a quiet word from me or two was enough to convince the chip off the old block to learn something USEFUL i.e. Spanish) …. that ole Benny needs like air, water (and food, how could I forget that, hehe) – is THIS ONE.

The 10 Commandments of Successful Sales. 

And I’ve no doubt he’ll be back to read this too. Hehe.

(And yes, those tips work in ANY Economy!). (especially bad ones like NOW).

Why I no longer sell “$30” (or lower) ebooks….
- For the most part that is...

Despite my insistence on high prices – very well warranted high prices, there are actually more than a few books that idiots that whine about my prices dont look at.

The Gorilla Grip series, for one, each book individually is mostly priced LESS than $30.

Ditto for the Simple and Effective Diet

And a few others.

But anyway, that aside – I’ve spoken enough about why my books are – and will continue to be – sold at – HIGH PRICES.

This has been sent out on email numerous times, I’m not going to relink it here, if you want – do a Google search, or search on this website, you’ll have your answer very quickly.

If you’re like Gorilla Girl, who when told to Google throws a hissy of “How dare him!” – well, two things – one, you’re more than welcome to do so, but two, I’ll definitely have a laugh at you if thats the case, hehe ,and it wont be near as cute as if it came from her again.

Hehe again.

Anyway ……………….

Couple of stories first, as always…

With a sip of piping hot red tea straight from China!

Back in the day, when I sold the first draft of 0 Excuses Fitness– just the book, without the five vidoes, just the digital download, no paperback – the book didnt have a lot of the chapters it does now (massage, recovery, the all important part about MASTERY – which the original Fast and Furious Fitness book did NOT have – that one chapter itself is worth a re-read and then some – several times! – people have said that ONE chapter by itself has given them more information in many regards than a lot of the entire book! – and a few others as well) – it was being sold at a 50% off i.e. $60, but I was selling it at the time for $30.

Of course, it didnt take long to make a sale.

Which I did.

A guy named “Cesar”, I believe, and oddly enough, or maybe not, his behavior was the precise and polar opposite of what you’d expect a “Cesar” to behave like.

He was a Fast and Furious Fitness buyer too if I recall correctly.

But when he bought this book, he got back a week later and threw a hissy about the format of the book, comparing it to some other authors and telling me “I should write like them” or some other bullshit.

I think I should format it like they did, make it “purdy” or what not was his drift… not necessarily the writing, tone, but “make it purdy” was what he wanted.


Same thing for the guy that ranted up a storm about Isometric and Flexibility Training about the “photos not being super high resolution” (his rant was far less “genteel”, by the way, but that is what this particular FOOL meant. Idiot-a!).

Rod Steiger would be proud. Hehe.

Anyway – he also bought the book on reverse pushups.

“Pushups, reverse pushups – the BEST darn exercise ever” – a gem of a book that has made people of advanced ages, way past what you’d consider “young” feel better than anything else they’ve ever done in their whole lives.

And he ranted about that book too “the workouts are the same”.

Now, I could get into how stupid his rant was i.e. why reverse pushup workouts would not or should not be included in 0 Excuses Fitness is a mystery – and why “same” workouts matters either way?

He was looking for the “next thrill” basically, the next dopamine drip, and needless to say, never DID anything outlined in the book.

So I never replied to him.

He whined about refunds etc, I denied it, he filed a chargeback of sorts, I even won that (you know you’re in the right when you win chargebacks. Hehe).

I can just hear the fool saying

“But it’s not about who is right or wrong!”



Bet this idiot wouldn’t have said that if he WON the case. Hehe.

Anyway ………….

Another story – Gorilla Grip was being sold at $9.99 – special sale.

And that also attracted another whiny Bozo, whose review is still up on Amazon claiming “there is no doubt they work, but the price is too high or some other bullshit, such as “you can Google it””.

I wonder if you can Google it, why this idiot didnt just Google it and why he bought the book?

Gotta be some skill there at play, eh, to get him to pull out his crabby little wallet and BUY? !

Anyway – that review has been discussed galore, taken apart enough times – if you want I’ll logically do so again here.

Let me know.

But my point is this – at that time, I had two options.

I could have either “caved in” and bowed to the customer hissy’s and did what they wanted.

I did the exact polar reverse opposite.

I still remember the two voices inside of me …

One, doubtful. The external voice.

(remember, this was back when I started)

And two – a DEEP voice piping up saying “CHEAPASS!!!!”

The deep voice won – later on, I was to go on and read Dan Kennedys book on marketing (if you dont know who Dan Kennedy is, you’re truly living under a rock) – and how he advised those selling products getting these whiny, illogical and NOT justified rants which all boil down to price to raise their arms up in the air – and scream HURRAH!

Seemed a little extreme when I first read it.

But I still remember the feeling of “you know you’re going places when people really start to hate you”.


And now, every time I get a rant like this, I dont delete it, I dont ask Amazon to delete it, and I proudly write about it on this here site too. Hehe.

And I love taking it apart!

Makes me more sales as well – especially Glyn’s reviews, which brought in so many smackeroos at the time he wrote them that I should probably thank him for being the sorry fool and troll he is. Hehe.

Anyway – after that?

I raised the price of 0 Excuses Fitness (with videos, full book) to $149.99 for the digital download, and then last year to it’s RIGHTFUL price ie. $249.99.

The other options cost more or less depending.

Gorilla Grip – $17.99 I believe…

The book on reverse pushups $35.99 if I got it right…

And a month or so, or a week, I dont know which, I got a sale – two, in fact, for ALL Three of the books above.

None of these guys ever got back to me – in fact, a couple of them did not even sign up for the main list!

But, they left 5 star reviews, no whinging, no moaning, no bitching about price, and so forth …

Look, when you treat your products with the respect they deserve, it shows.

People may hate you for it.

But they’ll ultimately respect you FAR more than if you put someone, customer or not, on a pedestal and devalue yourself and your work.

Think about it – would you still consider a Michelin grade restaurant “high quality” if it sold $5.99 or whatever the price is burgers and fries ?

I think NOT.

Would you expect – or WANT it to sell at that price?

I think NO.

Same things applies to the Rolls Royce of the Fitness world, or the Stella Artois of Fitness, what have you . . .

I cannot believe I have to explain this over and over again, but since I do – the other thing is, when you cave in to whiny, entitled brats (like a certain so called wife I have) – and you let them get away with it – that behavior multiples like roaches I so hate.

Conversely – you let the GOOD guys come (which yes, admittedly it took me a while to get my good customers, I played the long game, I stuck it out) – and that behavior multiples too – like flowers and greenery on that hill I so love.

Hate me or love me, or both, hehe (nah, it’s never both with me!) for saying it, but can you call me out on the LOGIC behind any of this? I think NOT.

With my wife, of course, to a certain extent there are no consequences for her brattish behavior, so she gets away with it – but thats something my equally Nazi feminist mother and “cowed” (I’m being polite here!) father can discuss with her.

Their main goal is “your enemy’s enemy is my friend” i.e. I’m the common enemy so they get along to the extent possible to try and combat me – of course, it doesnt work too well because deep down at the core of it all they all hate each other far more than they hate me. Hehe.

Anyway, so thats why …

Let me know your thoughts on this, rather long winded, I know but thats the sort of mood I’m in today…


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Just noticed a couple of days ago a certain Joe Blow is sending $400 mil of aid to Ukraine or what not. Now I know Sleepy Joe considers himself a family man or what not – has he ever thought how that $8 billion, ever ballooning to more could be used at HOME to help those that are struggling?

What has Ukraine ever done for the US?

(I still remember a certain Carol asking back when I was still “not saying it straight about my wife” – well, I was, but I was trying to keep her (carol) calm as well as she became FURIOUS every time the topic was brought up – especially with my wifes idiotic resistance to divorce at the time and “I hate him, but I wont leave him” illogical buffoonery – which NOW I’ve gotten past by “just doing it” (yes, Charles (the friend) – just doing it does make things happen! Hehe) …

“What has your wife ever done for you!” 

Sage question indeed…

And she’s right, every time I was in an emergency, really needed something, she didnt help, when she needed it, of course…

Not saying Carol would have, but for the time we were together, she did way more than her “share” was – gotta be fair there!)

A country that as recently as 2014 – the US Congress, yes, the Congress, not the Russian Duma – passed legislation FORBIDDING the sale of military equipment there due to too much corruption and the presence of Neo Nazis (albeit to a small extent) …

(not to mention all this military aid just makes it worse for Ukraine, the Russians just pound them even more – each of those weapons being sent apparently also costs $1 mil to fire…)

The Trumpinator asked these very sage questions too, he was ignored, now that people are asking NOW – I thought Id bring it up.

Truly, some of us are light years ahead of the pack.

As Marjorie Taylor Greene rightly said “what we are saying is the news six months later”.

Ah well…

PPS – ALL the books above are pure GEMS, my friend. Get them now – they will literally take you to levels of health, strength and fitness that you’ve never even IMAGINED before!

More on the “he thinks he’s God” craziness I often deal with
- from NON doers, of course. Hehe.

I think I wrote about this before!

Being I’m on the clock and aiming to get this done in 5 minutes, I’ll edit, send LATER – but for now, I had it out with Ricky again the other day about “you think you’re God!”

Now the specifics of the argument dont matter, maybe I’ll get into that later.

But he repeats this silly idiotic line (even more so with my professed and avowedly always atheist self and beliefs) – mostly because of my opinion on MOST, if not all things and a grudging acknowledgement that I’m usually on the RIGHT side of most things I say or I dont say it at all – as well as predictions (especially the latter).

When the latter happens, such as what I kept saying about Trump wont win the 2020 election (unfortunately, I felt that in my bones too) – the neighsayers dont say a word.

Which is fine.

Some do, with idiotic comments like the above.

What he is referring to as “he thinks hes God” is my self worth – or SENSE of self worth.

Look, self worth is one of those things you either have or you dont – along with confidence.

You can develop both.

But really, intrinsically, you either got it or you dont, simple as THAT!

Now, for me, I’ve always had it – and it’s not – NOT been linked to money or even physicality (which admittedly I go on a lot about, but really, for a guy always mocked for his lack of physicality – not masculinity, but physicality growing up – think about it – not to mention someone who was bullied throughout his child hood, not given a chance to excel physcially though he desperately wanted to – and really look at what is going on around you in the world today – I’m not saying might is right, but might certainly provides a damn fine point to negotiate from, or start to do good from!) – or any of the other things people link it to.

Rickys the sort of guy who just bought a spanking new house, loves to brag about it – while going in debt for it.

Ditto for a BMW he did not need.

And a swimming pool that took forever to construct, complete, cost him a LOT in credit card bills, borrowed money from friends etc.

Look, I’m not saying dont brag about those things if you want to …

By all means, if that is your thang, go for it!

But to me, those things matter NOT.

Never have.

My sense of self worth remains the same whether Im a millionaire, zillionaire, or zero-aire – whether I have debtors / creditors running after me, or women crazy for cash – and other things too. Hehe.

Or not.

It remains the SAME.

And being I’m at 5 minutes already, I’ll return and finish this.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Now that I’m back – what?

Well, nothing, but this – my programs instil a sense of self worth, deja wu – SANG FROID – and “general feeling of well being and CONFIDENCE” in YOU – like NO OTHER PROGRAMS DO!

Irrespective of the economy, lack thereof, war, not, electric bills, nagging spouses or what not – you’ll be ready to KICK ASS at any moment – PERIOD.

And thats what really counts.

The 0 Excuses Fitness System – along with Isometric and Flexibility Training truly is the secret my friend – get them BOTH – now. (the idea for writing this came to me while doing some stretches out of “Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training!“).

Ignorance is bliss … or is it?
- The vast majority of people would seem to believe it is ... or do they, deep down inside?

The other day, I was speaking about the rather heavy handed verbal smackdown I handed to a certain Gorilla Girl, who in all her infinite cuteness “took it” as well and then of course handed it straight back to me on a platter in her own inimitable style which I rather enjoyed too. Hehe.

I think she loves these exchanges.


That aside, what sparked it was – as usual – one tiny comment – or in her case, a video she sent over.

A typical “oh they’re soooooooooooo badddddddddd these guys!” video showing a missile strike somewhere in war.

Thats all it was, a brief “video made for dummies and dumbasses”, one of those silly 2 second edited Tik tok style reels on a China version of Tik Tok (isnt Tik Tik Tok half owned by a Chinese company anyway??) which I absolutely hate, just for the “shock” value of it, with NO logic, no facts, NO Explanation, nothing behind the video . . .

She was expecting a reaction, to which mine was “it happens in war”.

Simple, factual, no right, no wrong, no good, no bad – it just HAPPENS.

And to debate any further, you’d have to look at facts, which of course people dont want to look at  or even acknowledge.

That provoked an “angry face” in response.

“But <name chopped, as it could be ANYONE, not just Gorilla Girl>, you dont read, you dont research, all of which are necessary for having a reasoned discussion on this”, I told her.

“All you do is watch mindless, brainless, moronic videos which do nothing but fry the brain more with liberal induced “panic” BS” . . .

“Oh, OK! I’ll educate myself more to talk to you!” , she responded haughtily in that cute manner women often have, and walked off – of course, she never did. Hehe. All good. 

The point begets though . . .

Most people are so addicted to dumbphones that talking any sort of reason or logic with them (my wife being one prime example) is like banging your head against the proverbial brick wall, yet, it’s not just the mindless “lose yourself in the video” BS (and fry your brain while you’re at it) why these people DO it.

It’s to not face facts.

In the vast majority of cases, these people have a boring unfulfiling life themselves – and it’s “escapism” – easy to do – not only that, it’s called ignoring the facts because they KNOW the facts are true – yet they believe there is nothing they can do about it, so they ignore it.

Sure, you can be that ostrich sticking your head in the sand if you so choose, content to watch “teasers” and edited videos which do exactly F all in terms of explaining the REAL situation and history and PEOPLE behind whatever it is you want to discuss.

“I just sent video!”



The why is the point, Sophia . . .

Anyway – these ostriches – or sheep – are the first ones to be culled when shit really hits the fan. You can of course tell them this, tell them to prepare, tell ’em to make plans, none of it will make a damn bit of difference to them, so you might as well save your breath.

I mean, good or bad in war …

During WWII, the US used naval blockades as part of their strategy against Japan to “starve Japan” (oddly enough, the same thing happening now with Russia and Ukraine is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, from a logical perspective, I wonder WHY?? – goose and gander, anyone??) – and I believe it was General MacArthur (not sure, but I think so) who predicted that it would cause more than a million casualties on the Allied side (mostly US I believe, but again, I’m not entirely sure on that one, but Allies yes) – and pretty much starve the entire country of Japan to death.

… and hence, they dropped “two bombs, two cities” and the war was over (which of course they conveniently papered over the massive Soviet contribution to the war before that which really caused the German demise, and the battle the Soviets turned around and fought with the Japanese BEFORE the Big Boys were dropped).

The “in the trenches” contribution that really turned it around, ass whooping all the way straight to Berlin when no-one expected it after the massive and brutal hammering the Soviets took initially.

Dont get me wrong.

I aint no cheerleader for nobody, I’m pointing out the FACTS.

And what is right, what is wrong?

Dropping the bomb, or the million casualties, or … ?

(On a side note, this was also the “shock and awe” tactic you hear so much about when the US Pounded Iraq – but that wasn’t the meaning of the term as it was originally intended. Originally, the term was intended to have “max impact, minimum casualties” – the British had a far better term for it than “shock and awe”, but the media picked up on the latter, and so …. but essentially that is what it was “one bomb, one city”, done with it – not “max casualties”).

Right, wrong?

During WWII, the city of Kolkata was pretty much starved to death too – I believe the entire state, actually, in the Bengal famine of 1943 – where pretty much it boils down To Churchill and the policy of taking all the grain away from India to feed the UK which at that point was pretty much being hammered by the Nazis.

Right, wrong?

It happens. It’s war. You make tough choices, that is how it is.

Doesnt dim my perception of Churchill being a great leader one damn bit either.

You be the judge, but you can only be the judge if you have access to facts, and more importantly, if you READ these facts, process, think intelligently, and so forth.

Most people dont.

Dont get me wrong – I’m not a huge believer in the sh-news anyway, and regularly call it out myself, yet, before starting my day, I’ll often idle over the news for a while – and when I Read it, guess what the words are that come to mind.

“Common fuckin sense”.

“This started a long long time ago”.

Trust me, if you’re reading a lot about inflation in the news now and if doom and gloom is all you hear, it’s been going on for years – a lot longer before it finally hit the “mainstream” news.

Like a certain Marjorie Taylor Greene, a lady I rather admire and like if just for the way she presents FACTS –

“Republicans saying something is just the news six months early”

(or something like that was her latest comment).

I tend to agree, except I’d say in my case two years or more earlier. Hehe.

The key thing, as always is READ – be informed, but dont INTERNALIZE the news to an extent that you forget everything you have to do for the day and think “doom and gloom” all day long.

I dont obsess all day about “what turn the war will take” or other nonsense I cannot control. I know what will happen, other than that, I also know two things – one, man’s THINKING is what shapes his or her future – and two – it’s my job to keep myself INFORMED of everything going on.

And thats the extent of it in that regard. Most people end up internalizing the news, but it’s better in my opinion to internalize what is happening out there – not ideal, but better than the alternative of as they say in India “bheja fry” (fry your brain, except not quite as Hannibal would, hehe – but by watching vidoes on the dumbphone).

Thing is, to make the sort of judgements I do, the predictions etc, it doesnt take anything YOU dont have already.

All it takes is the following –

A Brain.

A willingness to use the brain, and learn to trust your GUT.

And reading, researching, acknowledging facts which a lot of you after reading even half this email will yawn and go back to your videos, and thats fine – point is, all you need is the Internet in addition to the above two which if you’re reading this, you have access to, no?

Other than that, of course, your choice . . .

Fitness wise, same thing.

Some of you on this list have STILL, despite knowing fully well that fitness is the order of the day more so NOW than ever before, that your very survival could be at stake – knowing fully well that my fitness system is by far the best sort of training you can do because you can take it anywhere, there is no need for gyms, or any equipment even (other than large stones or boulders if you so choose, hehe)  – NOT gotten the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

When someone points this out, these people lash out with nonsense like ‘we dont need it’ (when you know fully well you dont just need it, but you WANT it too – a noxious heady cocktail that, aint it , hehe) – when you know it will help you – and some lash out with price related rubbish, some lash out with other tripe . . .


Despite EVERYTHING having gone up over the past year – big time – and even this year – the price of the 0 Excuses Fitness System has NOT.

And that alone is a fact which should hammer sense into a lot of people . . .

Along with the fact that for REAL Fitness, what you NEED – is not the stupid edited half ass Tik tok videos you see all around, or the Youtubers with their glitzy living rooms showing you basic moves in revealing outfits or what not, or chowing down on so called healthy crap in “exotic” locations and all that.

All that might look good, but it’s in the trenches and “boring” relentless repetition, often times in a dark cave that gets the job done.

It’s READING – and learning from someone that has DONE it – and been in the trenches more often than he cares to admit that gets it done.


Mine are unedited. LONG. And they’re shot in my living room, which you can even see my suitcase sitting around there, along with empty boxes of green tea.

I was told to edit that out.

I didnt.

I’d rather keep it real and focus on what matters- the CONTENT!

And that is what I did – that is what YOU need as well my friend fitness wise.

Anyway, this has gone on for too long already so I’ll end it here.

Fitness wise though, you simply MUST get the 0 Excuses Fitness system if you have’t already, and that is the bottom line – period.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – No, and thinking “I’ve seen it already” and clicking past or not clicking at all wont resolve the situation either . . .

The so called “women’s century” . . .
- And so it goeth.

My wife started yelling and screaming this morning again – God(dess) knows why.

Perhaps she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or perhaps she’s on the rag again (funny how that happens every time there is some sort of an argument about “he didnt send me monnnnnnnnnnnneeeee” or some other horseshit) …

… I’ve no idea.

All I did was ask a simple question about FOOD.

Hey, thats the least a woman can do – cook for her man, eh.

(and really, CLEAN – I mean she lives worse than most bachelor men do to be honest – it’s just filthy and DISGUSTING – I still remember a certain Venus, who was “more interested in money than men” as well, but even she once pointed at the mess in my apartment and said “I’d clean if I was living like that!” (and it was just a bit of dust there, hehe – as compared to the roaches, rats, rodents, dishes, and what not piling up “at the ole wife’s”)) . . .

And a marriage which despite me literally BEGGING her to leave the marriage, she steadfastly refuses to leave – of course, why would she?

She’s got money flowing in from me for one, and she’s got a Nazi feminist Mom-in-law (her own family apparently couldn’t ever stand her or didnt want her, given all her rants about being “an unwanted child” growing up – though really, the way she behaves, sometimes I wonder!) who admittedly hates the very sight of her (which I can identify with, hehe, as you can probably tell – lots of people love, even more hate my very guts, and then there is the last category i.e. my immediate “family” except my daugher and I use quotes for a reason, hehe), but is willing to put up with her to “score one up” on yours truly “MGTOW” that doesn’t shy away from saying it like it  is.

In the past, when we all lived under the same roof (and even when it happens NOW, if it does) – they bitch up a storm when we fight and argue, and why?

“She can yell, thats OK”, goes my mother. “But you can’t!” 

(she never did tell me how to react. Hehe. So much for her sooooooo accurate (in her own words) wisdom).

So goeth the Nazi feminist “no goose and gander” so called logic.

Now, admittedly they gave up trying to “tutor” me on marriage and other crap (really, Dad, your “keep the wife happy at all costs or shell make your life miserable” was never for me, and for a guy whose never been with more than one woman his whole life, if even that, it’s RIPE – you giving advice to ME on that – like 10 bald guys trying to tell me how to trim my own luxuriant mane which my little girl so wants, but of course her Nazi feminist mother bitches up a storm about “even girls can have short hair!” – ah, I give up) – but back to why my wife doesnt leave her marriage -why would she?

She doesnt pay a single bill, she has no fiscal responsibilities, she does F all around the household, and of course, when I’m not there, she stews in her own “he never sends me money” BS – but end of the day, she’s not being pushed to go out and work and fend for herself.

I keep thinking, isn’t true empowerment supposed to be about bettering yourself without using others as a perennial crutch?

IF she allows a long pending divorce (which I’ll get anyway ultimately – cant nobody force me to stay in a relationship I dont want, period!) – then she’ll bitch up a storm about alimony.

Equality, anyone?

I bought the cunt land – I bought her so many damn things I can’t even remember which – when I show her the bank statements, “it means nothing”.

Truly, as Marc the African Silverback Gorilla said “there’s no credit based upon past history with women”.

And as a certain Vladimir Putin once said about women bitching up a storm because they “can” – and how it shows weakness.

I tend to agree with him on that. Hehe. And yeah, Valdimir, maybe it’s not a bad thing for women to be weak- I feel you on that one! Hehe.

The natural order as it were – thankfully even the US has taken steps towards that by repealing Roe vs Wade, long overdue in my opinion (dont get me wrong, I’m not entirely against abortion, but I AM against the way in which it was being used by mostly – get this – WOMEN!! Like my own wife who conveniently forgot to get on the pill when we (finally, I didnt even want any part of her to be honest) did the deed after years of NOT (doing the deed with her))…

I thought abortion there for a second – that was that – I decided AGAINST it.

I dont know what my wife thought, but I bet if the money wasn’t flowing in, the cunt would rush for one.

I realize this language might offend many of you out there, so be it, but it’s time to call these Nazi feminist bit**** out for what they are – HYPOCRITES!

This women’s century crap they keep spouting reminds me of a certain Benghazi Clinton who another Nazi feminist once thought was a fine, fine choice for President.


Do these guys even live in the REAL WORLD?

Or fantasy land?

Anyway …. where am I going with this lengthy family drama, which I suspect most people face at home, but no-one really ever talks about it?

It is this – the response most men (real men) would have is probably along the lines of what Charles my former friend once told me about women.

“They do it because they know we wont smack ’em in the head”.

Gotta agree with Charles there, although I do give women verbal smackdowns all the time (such as a certain lovely Gorilla Girl, hehe) – physical?

Personally, unlike Bozo Schofield, I’d consider it BENEATH me to fight physically with a woman unless she’s trying to kill me in which case it’s different, but other than that, I’ll yell back, perhaps, but physical violence?

Against women and kids especially?


I’ve had way too much of that done to me growing up . . .


Nah – you dont get off scot free. Perhaps that is why I have such few confrontations with men, because they know better and so do I.

Reminds me of a certain something my idiotic Nazi fem wife once said to me about “you’re trying to kill yourself!”


Well, apparently because I asked for spice in my food.

Given she’s from India, given I asked her something perfectly natural for that part of the world, given the population in the country doesnt exactly look like everyone’s killing themselves by eating “spice” in their food, I mean, the utter lunacy!

Perhaps that is why I lose it sometimes, I can tolerate Nazi feminists to a degree, but I simply cannot tolerate FOOLS!

And illogical morons…

It is also this (where I’m going with this) – these Nazi feminists are just DISGUSTING unwomanly cunts.

The first thing my wife does upon waking up in the morning, and all throughout the day is fart and belch loudly and noisily – and tries to tutor the daughter on “its OK! It’s a natural bodily function!”

When she responds with “but I never hear Dad do it”, Nazi feminist fool claims “he does”.

Just disgusting – weren’t real women supposed to be real women, as a certain Carol once said “look sweet, smell sweet, talk sweetly” – and this girl EARNED a ton of money – most of it from an ex who is STILL running after her.

No wonder I was with her, and not my so called wife. Ugh. It’s DISGUSTING.

And the way they use kids and weaponize them – EVEN more pathetic!

My daughter is routinely told “don’t let Dad kiss you”.

A simple kiss on the cheek is apparently a “no no” because “all men are big and bad”.

When my daughter fights back saying “Mom, he’s my DAD!” – of course, Mom will bully her into submission by her harsh foghorn like yelling (which seems to intimidate my daugher now, but I can already see what will happen at the age of 12. Hehe) – and which she thinks intimidates me, but does the polar fuckin opposite – and then she does it anyway, except quietly.

If these dumbasses only knew as Marc once said “I dont know if your wife even knows how destructive she has been to your relationship”.

Neither do they know how they literally destroy kids lives growing up – now THAT I wish there was a law against!

More than that, of course, the buffoonery is what it gets me.

Anyway – the SLOW BURN is how you combat these fools to the point where they delude themselves into thinking the other person (on a self imposed fast I was at that time!) “is trying to kill themselves” when in reality their own minds think of that all the time.

Of course, they never follow through because then the ATM wouldnt work … Hehe.

Such as it goes, round and round in circles.

And I continue to profit from it brazenly and daily, funny part is when I tell them how they sneer and say “thats just writing”.

Ok, dont tell me I wasn’t honest honey. Hehe.

And that, my friends is that.

To DEAL with – and more importantly to come out on top with Nazi feminist fools and morons – DO – what is specified in my pathbreaking book on it which MGTOW guys are raving about from here to … MGTOW’s ville. Hehe.

How to not only COMBAT and WIN AGAINST – but PROFIT (big time) from the Nazi Feminist DISEASE plaguing modern day society. (0excusesfitness.com)

And that, my friend is that.

Gotta admit, my mom did have it spot on about “my wife having mental problems” years ago.

Of course, knowing her shes probably forgotten ALL About it. Hehe.

Get the book above if you’re a real man. You will LOVE IT – and identify most likely – and most certainly, the most important thing – BENEFIT.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If this sounds like a comedic skit, I agree – it kinda does. Hehe.

But the facts mentioned therein are all true … Hehe. Unfortunately or not, this sort of shit probably rings true for many real men globally tho.

Fear not though – yours – our – time isn’t just coming – it’s already HERE – and what you see going on all across the world proves it better than my eloquency, or lack of it, ever could.

And get the book NOW – it’s that damn good, really.

Tenacious SURVIVAL!
- Is what is REQUIRED - NOW.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been doing something I often do with old friends – and customers – past, loyal, long term customers there with me for the long term, people that truly have my and their own best interests at heart – which fitness ,and these products – really, thats one and the same thing, but anyway – I’ve been “catching up”.

Some people have responded to me, some not – but as we gear up again for full scale emailing to the list etc (which over the past month or so was somewhat slow in some regards, although new guys were still getting daily emails etc, a lot of others were not) – as we prune the list to what REALLY matters (as of now, there are over 40,000 people on the list, definitely needs a pruning down to “doers only!!”) …

… I was talking to John Walker.

And as I saw some videos of people training etc, Tik Tok and so forth, I was struck by not just how shabby form was for some of these people – but their obvious lack of attention to their ever expanding paunches.

Twitter, Tik Tok etc makes it damn easy to “show” you’re training.

If you do 5 Hindu squats, or 15 – and then show up with 5 Hindu pushups, and then keep mixing and matching in the short video to show youre training, well, it may look somewhat cool. Probably DOES look cool and “elite” to the vast majority of people out there for whom ONE Hindu Pushup would be a stretch …

… but it aint real training, my friend.

Luckily, despite the hordes still tuned into their damn dumbphones “head in the sand” – the world in general has and will literally force them to go back to the good ole days.

Part of which involves surival at the most base levels possible!

Make no mistake, everything going on in this world is “justice” – or perhaps payback for what Man has done via his actions or to the other man.

Easy credit, easy money, the eras of rapid fire internet growth – anyone with any sense and long term vision could see that wasn’t sustainable – much like job hopping from one job to the other “because theyre paying me more” is ultimately a hunt down a rabbit hole and nothing at the other end.

It isnt just the war right now, it is not the wars fixin to happen that yours truly has seen for years in advance, it isn’t the inflation – and in some places, deflation going on – it isnt even “just philosophy” – while Emerson was one of the most eloquent writers ever, what he said, everything he said smacks of COMMON sense, except its worded SO ELOQUENTLY!

His Laws of Compensation are well worth a read, I’ve often said that.

Not because it benefits me if you read it – it will benefit YOU. I dont sell the book, nor do I have any plans of doing so.

The part of universal justice being inescapable, and the part about that justice, while it may take YEARS to come- but when it does come, it’s dispensed with a heavy hand, and with compound interest, either good or bad – is SO true, and it applies to everyone, yours truly very much included.

Of course, Emerson wrote it more eloquently than I could!

… and that brings me to the great John Walker, who at 60 plus and with numerous injuries truly to me, with his 500 plus squat workouts exemplifies the never say die spirit.

“We must be pyschically connected” was one of his comments to me when I wrote him an email.

Well, thoughts transmute my friend, and especially for those living by GUT!

He’s been saying for a while the end game is near, and fears “he wont live to see old bones” as it were .

He also gave my daughter regards from Uncle John, which made her day – and mine! That SMILE!

But anyway, we discussed all the above, and more …

I also told him that while we’re having a customers only (past customers) 35% OFF sale – he’s more than welcome to an even bigger discount if he needs it, not just because of costs rising “out the ass” everywhere, but because he, to me, is a true DOER!

And THOSE are the people that truly deserve my time and attention, and therefore discounts, for me to work with them as I always have for real doers.

… and I also told him (after some very lengthy “eloquent” emails as he put it, hehe) – that I’m counting on HIM to survive what is to come.

Make no mistake, it will be tough, but he’s physically and mentally prepared for it, and he DOES – daily.

THAT puts him ahead of the vast majority of the dumbphone addicted braying sheep out there – or was it jack/jill asses. Hehe.

Glyn Schofield if he is “out of ass” enough to read this probably identifies with the ass part. Hehe. He’s been trolling as of late with statements like “I’m a fun cuckold!” (no doubt, dude, you’re a laughing stock. Hehe)  and other rot …


If it’s all going to hell, Glyn figures he might as well get his share of nose up “ugh and eww” before it does! Hehe.

But anyway – to survive what is to come, and I doubt even the most stubborn of neighsaysers would argue with me on this – you gotta be in TOP SHAPE – both mentally and physically.

My workouts, MORE Than anyone else prepare you for what is to come.

I’ve been doing it for years.

If you’re interested in learning how yours truly has lived in the flow – predicts things accurately – how YOU can too – how YOU can get into the best damn shape of your life by working out the way I teach … like NO-ONE else, I repeat, NO-ONE else out there does – then the 0 Excuses Fitness System is your ticket, my friend.

Remember, it’s one thing to know.

It’s quite another to stay prepared.

Do both – get on it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

Summer Sale – Past customers ONLY!
- Beat the heat, hehe.

RESTRICTED TO PAST CUSTOMERS ONLY! If you’re seeing a “restricted” message for this one – too bad. That means you aren’t yet eligible for this great sale – which, given all the hoo haa and utterly UNWARRANTED in my opinion – and I even made a video on it!! – about price, and other nonsense that truly matters NOT – THIS time, I figured I’d do this only for PAST customers. In short – If you want to view this content, you need to buy any product.