“Fuck the world”
- And, the two times I was called "Rambo".

The two times I’ve been called Rambo.

Well, there have probably been more that I ain’t aware of, but these past two days as I deal with GRADE A BUFFOONS “always tooooooooooo busy jerking off to social media to reply to messages”, yet send irritating one line responses – I gotta say – I feel exactly as Rambo did in Rambo IV when he was attempting to explain that if you’re not bringing weapons to a fight, you’re not changing anything.

“Its thinking like that that keeps the world where it is”, laments a fool going into a war zone with nothing but Bibles.

(and meds for the poor. Choooooooooooo chweet isn’t it, and equally fuckin practical.)

Fuck the world, goes Rambo.


And he’s spot on.

Anyway, as I engage in a brutal cull of my already culled down to bare essentials lists, across social media, on THIS site (you’ll know why if you read that last email!) – I gotta tell YOU this.

One time I was called Rambo was when I shook hands with a former supervisor at work, who claimed “It feels great to shake his hand! Like with Rambo!”

I think a co-workers who was thrice my size made the initial comment, the supervisor (about my size) made the latter.

NO, I am not kidding you. Hehe.

And the second was when I went “nuclear” on some fool intent on disturbing me when I was doing pull-ups.

I have written tomes about both these times, but today, I want to say it’s APT it happened during those times – that I know of – and why?

Because perhaps his other skills aside, physically, what sets Rambo apart from the rest?

What do you see FIRST?

Neck and traps.

Massive bulging traps, forearms with veins running up and down them like PYTHONS.

And massive legs.

Stallone himself has said it all along.

If you want to look bigger, focus heavily on neck and forearms (traps too).

And LEGS – which build the foundation for it all.

And so,  I think it was apt I was called that while working out doing pull-ups – one of the most sought after exercises “I wish I could do ’em” – one Bozos globally cannot do – one phat phocks globally WANT to do – one people mangle and claim to (along with the pushup) “having done ’em” – one that most people, even Crossfitters and such can barely get their chin over the bar and hold for time – or even the former. And so forth.

And to learn how to do this exercise which EVERYONE wants to ace, be a “stud” at – be Rambo at – well, my book Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS! is the ticket.

Second, remember you’re only as strong as your foundation – that goes fitness wise too. Build a strong foundation FIRST with the 0 Excuses Fitness System and Gorilla Grip, THEN move on to everything else.

And last, but not least, newbies to the list will see yet another addendum to the confirmation email you get in your Inbox i.e. a message saying YES, you WILL be sold to on this list.

If that bothers you then by all means dont confirm and please (nice please) F off from the list as well.

I’ve said it nicely before, I’m sick of being nice to people that take up room on the list and do nothing for ages.

So there it is folks, from “Rambo” no less (or Akshay Kumar and Amitabh Bachhan rolled into one as a certain idiot once called me).

Have at.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I ain’t got no handkerchief either, so please dont come running to me with sob stories of any nature. Maybe I’ll send you to Glyn, perhaps I’ll buy you a calling card so you can call Glyn and engage in that “bitching” (pun very much intended, hehe) session with her…

On obsession – and more! (and how to get people to obsess over YOU)
- Little ole Rahul Mookerjee says...

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – increasingly, people are getting “obsessed” with yours truly – which whether or not thats a good thing or not for ME is NOT the point of this dispatch.

“Glyn’s literally OBSESSED with you!”

I’m sure you guys remember the statement Dejon made years ago along those lines.

It hasn’t waned any either.

This guy who I roundly blocked off all social media, blocked his emails to the point none get through even with alters ( though he’s been sending me some weird stuff with “Charles the Rutherford” or something in “snuff” – apparently from what the Bozo in Brum’s “in the know” people tell me, he’s into “snuff” as well – ugh – Glyn – are there are any limits to which you wont’ stoop to? I thought having your tongue up nether regions was it, but apparently not…) … to the point where he was goaded enough to leave all those crappy reviews, to the point where he STILL tries to troll me, and more – and all for what?

Because I called him out on his racism and trolling (and bullying, and abusive behavior against women in general, especially underage girls) – and then told him he was a scorpion.

Thats all I did (and told him to fuck off after that).

Thats it, really.

You wouldn’t think that leads to that sort of obsession but it does. Hehe.

I’m not going to get into the why’s and wherefore’s, and how it benefits me (it does, big time!) – but I’ll say this.

That long list is GROWING – like the list of names I keep getting called is (swelled to about 2200 as I speak, hehe).

My own family is part of the obsessed lot – though they’ll never say it.

They all want to know – they all want a piece of what I do. Hehe.

My lovely – not – “wife” -and many others too.

People on my weShat list I deleted, blocked, yet, they will find ways to reach out to me via others, via other accounts etc.

Most of all , on my list.


And other inanity I keep getting on the list.

Not just this list.

ALL my lists.

I’ve told these people to either put up or shut up i.e. either buy or leave the list, and not expect “freebies” for nothing.

I’ve told them to (in those words) “fuck off from the list please” if they dont do it.

Yet, NONE of them have left.

Maybe “abuse” is part of who they are?

But really, what I tell them politely so many times, what they choose not to get – I mean really, folks, why would you pester someone with meaningless questions – GET his or her stuff if you are really interested, but constant questions for free – UGH!

I never answer ’em.

I can spot a freebie seeker from MILES away, and most of these obsessed sorts are just that.

SOME are smarter.

And they buy – everything I have to offer – and LEARN from them.

And then they get themselves put on the doers “smart doers” list. Hehe.

I mean, it’s one thing to be obsessed with someone to the point you want to do EVERYTHING like him or her, it’s one thing to want to learn for free – it’s quite another to be obsessed to the point of being a pest.

Believe me, people that claim they “hate me” have bookmarked this site, and keep coming back “on the sly” to see what I’ve posted.

These idiots would be best off obsessing on their own goals, except they dont know how to do it and are too cheap to pay to learn.  (and most likely they’re too foolish to have any meaningful goals anyway).

Dont believe me?

Ask this sort what they want out of life, their goals, and beyond the usual “moneeeeeeeeee” nonsense, you’ll hear crickets.  What utter BUFFOONS!

Idiots that whine about me calling them phat guys (when they’re that x 100) – what they REALLY want is the goods for free “the skinny” on how to DROP that weight.

Idiots that troll about how many girls I’ve been with – well, that is what THEY Want – for free again.

Unfortunately, I dont entertain for free. Hehe.

And so, another shout out to all the “hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” types on this list – if you’ve signed up, but never have any intention of buying, kindly piss off from the list. You can still obsess over me “for free” via your bookmarks…

And for the rest of you, well, if you want to learn from me, then you know where to start.

Really, folks… Hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’ve been wondering how to get people to obsess over you – well, being a DOER is probably the best and more sure shod way of accomplishing this. Hehe. Except you have to do i.e. become a doer RIGHT.

There are other tricks to this too, which I’ve covered in emails past, I’m not going to get into again. This was basically a “ho hum” on it. i.e. folks, get REAL … yawn. Less hypocrisy, more doing..

And fitness wise, if you’d love to be called fitness God, fitness expert, fitness “ideal” (all from a trollish standpoint, which means it’s REAL, hehe) – then start working on your own fitness NOW.

What legacy do you want to leave behind?
- Updated...

I first wrote this almost a month ago HERE.

This morning, my email list saw it again – and so many people loved it that I figured I’d repost it here – except in UPDATED format. Enjoy!


My daugher had been away with her grandparents for a short trip, and as usually happens after she returns – her smile was completely GONE.

Gone, disappeared – zilch, zippo, nada, and I can understand – all one has to do is look at how I felt growing up. Hehe.

Oddly enough, I see everyone trying to “correct” the mistakes they made with me growing up – yet, doing all they can to lambast me behind the scenes for not “doing what they want” and other liberal bullshit.

Hehe. (Speaking of which, I just BLASTED a certain Gorilla Girl Sophia – I mean she’s alright most of the time, but her insistence on sending me dumbass “sympathy” videos and other crap – I mean really, look at the FACTS Sophia, and this applies to the current conflict going on in Ukraine as well! Dumbass – ignores FACTS laid out in front of her, written “I’m tooooooooooooo busy to read” – and yet has time to watch all the most inane and dumb videos mankind ever created, and thats saying a lot, ugh! Ok, be that way if you have to, but dont send ’em to me first thing in the morning girlie…)


I spoke to the daughter yesterday.

Four days had passed, the smile hadn’t returned.

This morning, from what I Can “see” – the smile is back full blast.

Then I told her about a childhood memory where she (as a baby) lay there and kept “staring” adoringly at a big FAT Papa, hehe – which some kids do in such a cute manner, and she was ultra cute!

And about my uncle – her grandfather – another one who my mom roundly pilloried and hated on for most of his life because he was the sort (like me, hehe) – who drank it up, partied, smoked etc – and “wasn’t stable” or other bullshit – and then when he finally passed away due to lung cancer, when his biz (that he got from a friend or whatever the tale is, I’m not entirely clear) – “he did soooooooooo much”.

Typical liberal hypocrisy.

Castigate the person while he’s alive, shed crocodile tears once he’s gone. Hehe.

But it’s interesting.

People with a legacy – such as yours truly – usually get that treatment.

Every time I return home, for instance, I have “zero value or less”.

The minute I disappear, despite all the promises “I’ll never contact you!” – sure enough, she does (green dollar bills, or red RMB notes, or the lovely Rupee, you decide. Hehe).

Anyway, I told my little girl about how the Uncle used to look at her looking at me, and how it was so cute.. of course, the wife had to interject with “he only spoke about you!” (talking to my daughter).

Truly, the Nazi fems do ALL they can to keep me out of it.

Unfortunately honey, you can’t. Hehe.

I’m just too all pervasive in that regard, even when I’m not “here”!

Now, that Uncle (and another one on my father’s side, I believe, or maybe two of them) were the ONLY ones that spotted something in me that everyone else tried to stamp out.

Rebellion. Independence. A keen sense of RIGHT – and WRONG. Physicality – desperately wanting it as a kid, never having it (now, as the fat women all over the globe piss and moan about my weight loss and such, my “sexy body” as some say – or as the daugther says about my arms etc “it suits you!” – while getting fatter every minute and bitching about inflation not letting them chow down or other crap – really, as I told a dude on another site – people need to eat LESS – not more – and EXERCISE MORE! – people are WAY too dependent upon food as I’ve said here so many times!! – that didnt go over too well. lol. He thought the US government manufactured this to make people lose weight, in a way he’s right, lol, men’s thinking has landed us in the mess we are today – Trump did his best to resolve it, no-one would let him, and so forth…)  …

… My singing which was roundly pilloried by my Mom ever since I can remember – he liked it.

I still remember him remarking one night quietly to his wife.

“He’s got a good voice!”

And he often said other complimentary things about me too that no-one else did.

Growing up, and even after I was grown.

Maybe thats why he still appears in my dreams, as a guiding light of sorts, although I never consciously imagined that would happen.

And it’s been consistent, for years and years and years.

When my daughter grows up, I’m going to teach her the tricks of communicating with the subconscious in that manner too- while the rest of the world laughs and does zilch all, she will see how her GOALS get accomplished.

And how, when I tell her something – it’s ALWAYS done.

Like three things were yesterday, even without me planning. Hehe.

Anyway question begets – how do YOU Want to be remembered?

What legacy do YOU want to leave behind?

What have YOU do to change the world – or your family – or your own life – something – anything – anything special?

I aint saying you have to be exceptional if you dont want to, what I’m asking is what sort of legacy do you want to leave behind when you pass, how do you want folks to remember you?

For me, I’d rather they remember the non conformist hell raiser, hehe.

Someone whose not afraid to speak his mind – no matter what the consequences – someone who loves being a rabble rouser – and so forth.

Someone who was brutally honest no matter what.

Someone that said it like it is – and didn’t particularly give a rip what others thought of him or didnt.

Someone that was never scared to burn bridges – of any nature – in any number – if it was necessary to get to where he wanted to be.

Someone who created brands from scratch – successful ones that made a difference in peoples lives – with NO support (or less than it). Someone who was an ace at not necessarily just marketing, but communication overall… Someone who was WAY ahead of his time in terms of thinking (not just fitness wise, but overall).

Someone whose views despite being rabidly “right wing” dont necessarily agree with EVERYTHING the right says, and – newsflash – I dont necessarily “hate” all liberals, I just cannot stomach their reluctance to get into factual discussions and the way goose and gander is not respected, and (as of late) the utter lunacy going on in terms of other liberal policies etc.

Someone who wasn’t afraid to sleep with X number of women – someone who if he wanted something, ultimately got it – someone who made huge sacrifices to get what he wanted – and so forth. Someone that understood the world is shades of grey, wasn’t shy of admitting his own grey areas (and indeed, profiting from it) – someone who understood that despite what gaslighters say about “cheating” and other nonsense people keep going on emotional rants about, FACTS and reality often … are very different from emotional crappy meaningless rants.

Someone, who in short, ultimately always, despite huge odds “seemingly” being against him emerged as a WINNER in this game of LIFE.

And everything in that regard.

Someone who was persistent from day one “due to circumstances” – and remained that way regardless of circumstances till he passed.

Someone who NEVER gave up on any dream – no matter how small or big. Someone who wasn’t scared to dream big, someone who understood it all STARTS (practically) with baby steps – someone who never thought of money as a be all and end all, but a MEANS to an end, that end being far more important.

Someone who didnt so much have an ego – as PRIDE – and self respect – self honor – and DIGNITY.

Someone who did the right thing over all..

Someone who understood the power of sexual transmutation more than most men ever will.

Someone who lived by Napoleon Hill’s principles so closely he might as well be Hill “reincarnated”, really, the resemblances are SO uncanny … (right down to the “cat with nine lives” and Harry Houdini part. Hehe).

And perhaps most of all, someone that understood the AMAZING powers the subconscious mind has, how it worked, the time it needs, how it ultimately leaves ALL Else in the dust, and someone that lived through this subconscious mind philosophy ALL his life “in the flow” – with results scarcely believable at times (so much so that people would say “he’s so lucky” – except he MADE his own luck).

Back to YOU now – what sort of legacy would YOU like to leave?

In the meantime (while I wait for your answers), if the above interests you, Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore are some great reads my friend.

And – get the 0 Excuses Fitness System – BEST fitness system ever to drive away the blues and a lot fuckin more – NOW(if you have not already).

Back – soon!


Rahul Mookerjee (or was it Michael, hehe).

The burgeoning man boob syndrome
- Ugh

Many years ago, I remember walking by the French Quarter in New Orleans.

And I was (with the then girlfriend, who is happily “no longer with us in body, but in spirit” if you get my drift, probably smiling like her favorite sunflowers, hehe “when you see a sunflower think of me” was what she told me. She’s probably right on that one, and if there’s one thing I might have picked up from her, it’s my tendency to do charity and engage in charitable acts every time I can – not just from her, but I think she played a huge role in that) … walking down the street, and at an intersection there was this dude with a big fat dog – a yellow lab, her favorite.

The dog was barely moving, he was too FAT to.

Which knowing labs, that are so playful (I remember one I recently saw that almost knocked me off my feet as the hound bounded up at me, hehe, striking me one on the chest almost) … might come across as surprising.

“He’s been eating so much unhealthy junk, that man doesnt feed him right”, I remember Emily telling me.

Now, whether or not the man did that or not, or the dog had other medical issues, I’ve no idea.

But years later, with all this talk about food inflation and such going on – I got one thing to say – which I’ve said before too.

It doesnt LOOK like thats a bad thing.

Look around you if you dont believe me, and count the number of people you see in shape around you.

If you can count more than a couple walking down the street – a busy street – well, you’re not in the good ole USA – or the UK – or perhaps you’re in some parts of Europe where they walk a lot – or perhaps China, India, I dont know (though even there these days…!)  …

I mean, to me, most people need to eat LESS anyway, and going by what people are saying on social media etc, even “lard asses in general” are catching on.

“Is the US government trying to get us all in better shape”, one guy asked jovially. Hehe.

Maybe , maybe not(I doubt it). The government probably benefits more if you’re NOT in shape. Big Pharma and so forth … Medical bills, more asinine goverment interventions and so forth.

Anyway, where was I (I smell me some GRILLED stuff right now, I dont know why, the smell is so strong!).

Grilled chicken, mm.

Uncle Bob once, when I was discussing the crappy food at the factory I worked at (where I gave up on eating lunch there altogether, with the massive rats running down the halls and so forth) once said the following to me after discussing the “lovely juicy burger he was going to dine out on” (he had a company car at the time, so had lunch elsewhere).

“Aint I an asshole for rubbing it in”.


But the point, where was I …

OK, social media, and I saw this inane video on there that is going viral.

I’ve no idea if it’s “true or not”.

But it’s basically a FAT guy – so fat that when he sits up, you can literally see massive boobs rolling down and the layers of fat on his midsection (sort of like a smaller version of Schofield, if I might say so, except he’s black – and by the way, what I said about charity up there? Mine is real, not like the “steal money from women” charity the Bozo loves so. Ugh).

Interesting, that smell I was getting just went away …

Anyway, this guy was supposed to be homeless, sleeping on some garbage bags.

And some girl says “I offered him food”.

“Then I offered him a bed” (apparently she had a spare one).

video then cuts to a bed – with them in it together. Hehe.

So much for the spare bed. Girl must be one that likes “big” (fat) guys. Hehe. Dont get me wrong, some do, “more meat to hold on to”, but a lot of those girls also make comments about “don’t slim guys have the biggest…..” while thinking about how that guy would look WITHOUT the phat.

As Carol once told me (and she was REALLY into me – I wasn’t phat, but certainly not in the shape I’m in now when I met her) …

“Much better now, so much more confident!”

(but I’ve also known girls who think man boobs are “cute”. Just … UGH!)

Anyway – then video cuts to “a few months later” when she is pregnant, and … sooooooooo happy.

I’ve no idea if any of this is real.

Or just some publicity stunt (I suspect the latter).

But it’s gone viral, which is probably what this social media loving Bozo wanted…

My thoughts here?

If someone is truly homeless, just how the hell can they be that FAT?

It’s one thing “not to be in shape”.

But to have rolls and rolls of fat dripping off like you eat buffets all day long … And then claim “you have no money to eat” (with a huge happy smile at that, I’ve never ever seen a truly starving person smile with that radiance of “I’ll get it anyway!” “all I gotta do is SMILE for the camera!” have YOU? Be honest! – a truly starving person would have the look in his eye “i.e. really starving!” – happiness certainly wouldn’t be the first thing you saw dripping off him with so called sweetness and honey!) – I dont get it.

I really dont.

And I see it all around me, so I’m bringing it up…

Anyway, this email would no doubt cause a lot of angst, which is fine.

But think about what I’m saying, I’m sure even the most “anti Rahul” of those reading this will agree I’m making SENSE.

I am making SENSE, as a certain Sunny Deol once thundered. Hehe. With a raised forefinger at that did the guy with the “2.5 kg” hand. Hehe.


This sort of person is exactly who would benefit the MOST from my “Eat more – Weigh Less” course – and “Animal Kingdom Workouts“.

And of course, the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Maybe I’ll suggest it to the duo.


How dare I.

He’s homeless!

better to say “choooooooooo chweeeeeeeeeeeet” isnt it? Ugh.

Gotta love the “feel good” crap people put out there for social media likes that mean nothing until the next dopamine drip – NOT.


Anyway, thats it for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Quote of the day –

People claiming they’re homeless, “no money to eat” – and other crap – neither do they know how it is in other countries – and – more importantly, how the F can someone be so FAT – with man boobs and all “with no money to eat”?

Truly, one half doesn’t know how the other lives …

I swear, this phat phocker issue is getting WORSE now – not better.

Yeah, I know, some will get back with what Emily once told me “the poor can’t eat healthy”.

But it aint got nothing to do with that, stop stuffing your gut with pasta and other crap, eat LESS, work out more – oddly enough, you’ll notice your life heading for the BETTER that way.

But I know, how dare I say it.

But I did, and guess what – it’s TRUE. And people DO NEED To hear it! We’ve all turned into a bunch of crybabies basically…

Reboot your fitness TODAY.
- NOW.

I had this interesting dream last night – which is by no means an “aberration” to the norm.

I have dreams all the time, and I decipher them all the time, and they always correctly predict the occurrences in the day – or days ahead – I’ve spoken about that before.

Last night though, I had a dream about “bank withdrawals”.

I think I saw a statement or something with some numbers, but the “statement” itself is hazy, the rows aren’t.

And for whatever reason, my wife popped into mind, every time she has to withdraw money (in fact at the time of writing this, she is probably doing it NOW) – she falls into one of her moods.

Not that it takes much for her – or a woman in general – to get into a “mood” if you get my drift.

But every time she withdraws money, you can bet your bottom dollar she isnt happy.

I dont know why – she has more than plenty, but her thinking is the opposite. Haha.

Personally, for me, spending money is something I enjoy.

Not so much “because I spent money”, but because to me the end result is more important, i.e. if I see something I really want then I’m getting it no matter WHAT – the money is simply a “medium”, numbers in the bank, nothing more, nothing less, can always be replaced, more always comes, and so forth …

Lots of people buy into the hoarding mentality though i.e. “if I spend even a single penny, there goes my money”.


You have to give first to receive.

And with money, the more you circulate it (for proper purposes, logical purposes) – the more comes back to you.

It is another one of those “natural” laws of compensation I talk about. Just as energy comes back to you, so does money (if it’s good energy) … (and to me, money is essentially at the end of the day “energy” of sorts).

Which of course (energy) costs a bomb – no pun intended – these days. Hehe.

Anyway, all that aside………..

I had this idea in the middle of the night about a “fitness reboot“.

It was so distinctive I even wrote it down right there and then, and then here I am writing to YOU about it.

Why not make TODAY – NOW – the day and time you reboot your fitness – and therefore your life – for the BETTER?

Lots of us need a reboot at some stage.

And I’m betting most people reading this could do with a reboot of sorts, start all over (or get the chance to) – and DO something with their fitness, DO what they want to with their lives (i.e. really want to) and so forth …

The two things I said in this email may appear to be unrelated.

But they aren’t, my friend.

They never are.

And fitness wise, get your NEW start on today – right here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Leave an honest review for this product, and I’ll even make sure you get some extra goodies on your next purchase – along with the 10% discount you automatically get, of course.

Jump – a roy! (if I got that right), hehe. I was going to say “Ahoy” but I thought of the other phrase first, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, a Ship membership gets you access to EVERYTHING so long as your membership remains active – I highly recommend getting this value packed membership NOW while the price remains at what it is (unlike everything else, prices at 0 Excuses Fitness have NOT gone up – as YET, that is. So get your thang on while you CAN at the price NOW).

Yada Nada Schnada
- And why I give CREDIT where it's due ...

Yada, Nada, Schnada.

Do a google on it, and tell me the first three URL’s that pop up. Hehe. I didnt know it until I searched for it, not out of the kindness of my heart or curiosity of my mind, but because …

Hi Mr. Mookerjee:
A new question for PROFOUND “70% Gorilla, 30% human” HANDSTANDS! in 11 BRUTALLY EFFECTIVE EXERCISES. No 4. “X Handstands”

No, I get nothing for promoting the book, no I’m not associated with Hill etc, no, yada, nada, schanada. Simply a matter of giving credit to the GREATS which I have done in all my books, and will continue to do so.
What is the meaning of ” yada, nada, schanada. “?


Hi Raisel

Interesting question again – it basically means “bla, bla bla”. Or, “whatever else you guys may think”. Haha.

In the book, I say I get nothing for promoting Napoleon Hill’s book, but there will always be people who dont believe that I’m giving credit “simply for the sake of giving credit and doing the right thing”.

Hence, I used that expression – haha.


Interesting question, as this dude often asks!

And given the BS I’ve been dealing with today (so much so that at a certain point I just gave up trying to deal with idiots and went to sleep for a while, hehe) – it’s a nice break!

And it’s also why I give CREDIT where it’s due – and why I point out CRAP when it’s crap – and do what I do as always in a brutally honest fashion.

Simply because … well, if someone did something, if someone pioneered something, if someone brought something to the world, THEY, not me, deserve the credit for that.

You’ll see me give credit to Matt Furey in 0 Excuses Fitness.

You’ll see me give credit to Napoleon Hill in Gumption galore (and probably other books, like Raisel just mentioned).

You’ll see me give my CUSTOMERS credit when they DO the thing – a certain John Walker – and you’ll see me HEAR them out when they’re RIGHT on something – as John often is.

And so forth.

Not because I “get anything out of it” or from it, it’s just because it’s the right thing to do – simple as that – a concept which is alien to most these days…

The Universe hears all, my friend (and no, there is NOT always an angle, a reason for everything, other than the Universal Laws of Compensation) – and it’s interesting I got this question about that book – I was doing workouts straight out of that book this evening (that I was supposed to do earlier, but I fell asleep after arguing with a certain “rose”).

Women, ugh.

She’s gorgeous though. Hehe. Which makes it worth it.

But, a certain Vladimir was SPOT ON about “there isn’t any point arguing with women”.

So was a certain John when he told me I might as well beat my head against a brick wall.


All good – she’s not that bad actually. More on her later. For now, pick up the book – and I’ll see you soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

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What can you get , from this, you ask?

What is it in it for ME, you ask?

  • Priority access to yours truly, and personalized advice – much more so than you already get in my daily emails and posts. (You signed up for ONE email/day, and fitness themed, but in terms of what you get? Well, Rahul Mookerjee believes in and goes the extra mile, above and beyond, and then some!) (and access to me is NOT cheap, as you can already tell, hehe).
  • (I charge more than a MINIMUM of $2000/month for my basic coaching plans, so believe me now and trust me later, while this doesnt mean you’ll get one on one coaching from me – you WILL get a lot of personalized advice if you need it, and at the price I’m offering it for a YEAR – it truly is a STEAL!) 
  • LIFETIME FREE access to all my books and courses – everything on the site that is there now – and will be in the future (and believe me, I’ve got a lot planned). Which is obviously worth it’s weight in SPADES!
    • (Note though this doesnt include free PAPERBACKS. Paperbacks have to be printed and paid for, and that obviously costs. For now, it’s DIGITAL downloads that are ‘lifetime free’ – I will soon have an even more exclusive option out there where paperbacks are included free too … but that is for the future, not now.)
    • (so much for the bozo trolls that claim I dont “state it upfront”).
  • A FORUM via which you can discuss QUESTIONS you might have – not just with yours truly – but with PEERS as well. This alone is worth the price of admissions, I’d say … (No more excuses, my friend!)

  • EXCLUSIVE advice and tips that will NOT – I repeat NOT – be revealed in my daily emails. Believe me, these tips alone are worth MORE the price of admission, and there will be TONS throughout the year!
  • Even if you’re currently in one of the categories above that I d o NOT want ANYWHERE near me or my biz – guess what. IF you decide you want to make a change for the better, and sign up HERE – guess what. Your life will take a turn for the better so quickly you won’t know what HIT YOU. In fact, you’ll probably be wanting to pay me MORE once you see your results, and how GOOD you feel overall!
  • A MONTHLY “digest format” newsletter which is normally worth $50/issue, which is $600/year – yours – FREE with this membership! Sure, you could buy these individually off the site as well, but why not get it for FREE with the Ship membership (digitally)? Believe me, if you think my daily fitness tips and emails are something – you “ain’t seen nuttin as yet” so to speak!

  • Memberships such as these will eliminate the need for the following – expensive doctor visits – repeated chiro visits – IBS And other digestive issues that plague modern day “man” (I use quotes for a good reason since most men these days are the polar opposite of what they should be i.e. REAL MEN!) – not to mention those fancy shmancy machines, gym memberships, yoga shmoga teachers that wouldnt know a yoga pose from a pretezel (believe me, yours truly is called a yoga teacher sometimes, and I could probably get away with pretending to be one – ugh!), fitness trainers that talk up a storm and do nothing – the idiotic gizmos sold on late night TV – tai chi for Bozos – and … well, youg e the photo. Truly a bargain deal, again!

And more – a lot more that I have not mentioned here.

Well, my friend, I’ve said my bit.

Now it’s up to YOU.

ARE you ready to take the next step – and go to the NEXT level in terms of your overall health, strength, fitness and conditioning?

Only YOU can answer that question, bro. Only YOU!

Sign up right here, mi amigo.

Jump on this – NOW.

I agree, Rahul! It’s truly a BARGAIN DEAL, and an investment that is well worth making!

Signed – ___________________________

Sign up right here, mi amigo – The 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP

Jump on this – NOW – while the price remains what it is – The 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP.


Rahul Mookerjee

Mosquito Magnet
- I've always been that, hehe.

A couple of flashbacks…

One, an ex (who once famously told me “honey, why do slimmest guys have the biggest *****?” – when I was phat – and then bitched up a storm when I claimed I was phat (I wasn’t really that fat then, hehe – anyway ) who kept telling me this.

“I keep having to ping the girls off like this”.

And she made a sound like mosquitos buzzing, and the “mosquito killing racket” or whatever they call it in China “buzzing them” off – or “zzing” them if you get my drift.

She was pure blue American, hehe – Southern girl. But what she said rang true years later in China as i heard the saying so many times…

Pang ren qiu dian i.e. Fat man have small penis.


Think about it.

The other thing , in 2017, I remember cussing up a storm when I was waiting for an appointment outdoors in typical hot muggy Guangdong weather … and the damn MOSQUITOES were eating me up!

I remember complaining about it to Marc the African Silverback Gorilla.

“They leave me alone, much like a lot of Chinese girls do”, he laughed.

For me it’s been the opposite in BOTH regards.

Same thing apparently at least mosquito wise for my buddy from the Marines, when we were sitting around drinking beer one night we had the “coil” burning full go , non stop, the smoke was THICK – but at least, as he later told me “well if I hadn’t done it, the mosquitoes would have eaten us up and that would have been unacceptable”.

True that, my friend(s).

Workout wise, my GOD – Magnum, if I might say so.

In China most of the year where I was it was hot and muggy – and though I sprayed and slathered on a ton of nasty mosquito repellant before going out – it didnt make much of a difference.

Well, maybe a little.

but I remember all those long pull-up and dip workouts – my legs were literally red and bleeding with all the scratching going on.

My apartment complex was better – they sprayed regularly, and so as soon as I got home – safe haven – back to 24/7 AC, and a long shower, cold beer etc “a man’s home is his castle” (indeed) … and I’d be fine.

But mosquitoes, gawd.

I just posted a picture of my mosquito bitten legs and feet on some social media I think – they seem to follow me around.

And it’s annoying as heck, aggravating as heck too …

Yet, even mosquitoes – there is something we can learn from them.

Not mosquito fitness, hehe.

And not irritating people like the Bozo does.

It’s persistence, those little suckers sneak up on you before you know it and are damn persistent arent  they? Kinda like mice gnawing through pipes and stuff, they just KEEP AT IT – forever!

Kinda like a certain world event going on right now which I won’t even mention.

Anyway …………

Point of me saying this isn’t that if you do 0 Excuses Fitness, you’ll never deal with skeeter attacks again.

In fact, the increased blood flow everywhere combined with the fact that some people are apparently genetically more “prone to being bitten by mosquitoes and such” (I dont know how true this is, but apparently people say this) … may actually excaberate the problem.

0 Excuses Fitness solves a lot, but unless it’s human skeeters like the Bozo is, we can’t solve that one for you.

But there’s a lot we can learn from animals my friend – and certain birds like the pelican as well, even with their pelican legs.

And Animal workouts combined with 0 Excuses Fitness will kick your ass into the best shape of your life.

I should know – I was FRIED the whole of yesterday and all I did was isometrics, day before that was utterly brutal with lots of animal kingdom workouts, pull-ups, bridges, best darn exercise, and so forth …

Try it out for yourself.

You’ll see what I mean!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Here is a review for Animal Kingdom Workouts


This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.

Mastery of one’s own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.

Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.

People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.

Glyn Schofield, you’re a clown and quite clearly you’ve never worked out in you pathetic little life, because if you had you’d know what’s important in a “training book” which is the training information it supplies not whether it has typographical errors, “I mean come on man training books are about training not writing style”.

Warmest Regards

John Walker.

Amen my friend. amen!

What you think, KILLA?
- And more on "killing" ugh.

I recently heard a rant from the so called wife on how “the principal called her to school or some BS” – and why?

“Your daughter said “she will kill you!”” to another boy!

Oh, OK, I said – and was going to walk away, when of course the blame game started.

“It’s because of you, and what you said about the grocery guy once”

Now, for reference – this guy I often get groceries from – or used to, I should say – had an odd habit of doing the following –

He’d give me a time, then he’d never ever be there at the time, I’d call him, he wouldnt’ answer, he’d leave it dangling for literally “from morning till night” without even the courtesy of a simple answer “because I’m so busy” – and when I lost it one fine night, apparently I made the statement of “I’m going to INCINERATE this guy one day!”

When he delivers stuff, it’s usually not the right quantity – or the quality is shit – I still remember worms crawling out of the eggs once. Ugh.

When I told him – he seemed not to give a shit either way – because the honest truth is he hates his job. He could truly care less either way.

The wife claims I said “kill” which I dont think I did, but either way two things –

One, obviously neither the wife or the daughter was anywhere near me when I said those thing – I was letting STEAM OFF – period.

Like Napoleon Hill said, and like he’s given plenty of examples of in the Laws of Success, if you really have some animosity towards someone you want to get out of your system, write it in the sand next to the beach – in great, gory detail – then step back, let the water wash it away.

Something of the same sort happened to Napoleon Hill working late when the janitor turned the lights off (when he was doing so) – and he gave the janitor a piece of his mind (to say the least).

Later on, he felt ashamed and went down to apologize.

To his amazement, the janitor not only sportingly accepted his apology, but did so in a most “I’d be the same way!” manner (if that happened to him).

And second …

She doesnt know the REAL reason my daughter said that.

Now, despite all my wife’s efforts (and my mom’s) to stop me from talking to the daughter, thoughts transmute.

What happened was some guy was getting snarky to an extreme with her, this happens a LOT – both when I’m there with her physically and when I’m not.

See the story on the Kiddie Fitness page.

When she lashes out physically, she gets lectures from everyone except me.

I taught her how to do some basic kicks to the shin etc too – not to kill – or decapacitate, but DEFEND!

All too often, people ignore the OTHER person making snarky comments, those little things that drive you up the hill when all you’re doing is minding your own business, finally the frustration boileth over, you give the guy one, and then of course everyone is all over you.

Happened to me in fourth grade too, oddly enough the same class the daughter is in now.

Guy who I kicked right in the shin wept for hours in the clinic, and of course yours truly got such a beating at home for just that … and a drilling down to be “honest if nothing else!” – that – … I completely lost all confidence to defend myself growing up.

From then on for the most part it was a downhill slew of me getting picked upon, beaten up, bullied etc – all of which my parents shrugged off as “it happens”.

not once did they ever teach me how to stand up for myself.

How to DEFEND myself.

Teach me how in this world it’s either EAT – or BE EATEN.

On rare occasions, the frustration bubbled over – and the Gorilla Grip came into play – big time. Of course, I got whacked for that too, but the bigger guy literally squeezing the breath out of me in a bear hug, no-one apparently said a damn thing to him either.

The joys of having liberal parents… not. Ugh.

Oddly enough, those same teachers that years later today called my wife to the school – back in the day – these SAME teachers would dole out discipline physically and BRUTALLY to kids – but thats apparently OK because it was another time.

The limit to which these gaslighting bozos will go truly BOGGLES The imagination.

Apparently this one statement of letting out steam meant three teachers and one psychologist (talking inane rot that we already know – common fuckin sense to be honest, though I will admit – shrinks can be damn cute! I was badgered by my Nazi feminist mom into seeing one – ONE Time – and the giggles, I still remember her giggling about how I could myself outbrain her. Hehe. And of course, Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. Ah, but I digress. Hehe.) had to be called in …

Like really – in our time, far worse was said and shrugged off on a daily fuckin basis.

GET TOUGH is what I want to YELL at these bozos, I dont, but this sissified world where even SAYING something – venting or whatever (I mean really, how many times do girls say “I’m gonna killll him…. he’s SOOOOOOOOO mean!”) is looked upon as a cardinal sin.

Dumb asses!

As for me, I’ve always told my daughter dont just give it back.

Give it back x 100!

Lesson I wish I had learnt growing up, rather than “taking it”.

I dont know about you, my friend, but I’d rather she whoops ass than BE whooped herself.

Oddly enough when the wife says it, it’s OK – when women vent and yell all day long at their kids for idiotic stuff, its “OK” – apparently I make one statement – aimed at something completely NOT related – and apparently these idiot women have to connect it to a completely unrelated instance.

The REAL reason my daughter said what she did was something I have told her myself, and that something has got nothing to do with actually killing anyone, or any sort of violence.

I’m not going to reveal what it is, but guy backed off enough to whine and moan like guy did with me in fourth grade, so clearly it worked.

And clearly she hasn’t got the sort of Dad I had who takes great pleasure in beating up young kids that cannot defend themselves, yet, himself, when he’s faced with people he yelled at – and when those people come to physically fight him – he backs down whining about “I’m sorry”.

I still remember him telling my eight grade “Clay Modeling” teacher, an utter fool not exactly known for behaving kindly towards kids (not that we little rascals cared, hehe, we’d take great pleasure in sticking clay to the tip of his nose in all the Tom Tomming pictures of himself he had up everywhere) …

“Please, do what you have to!”

This was after Dad’s beatings failed. Hehe.

Yeah, Dad, like his beatings fuckin worked.

If anything, they just made me more determined to WIN – and SURVIVE – at ALL COSTS.

I repeat – ALL COSTS – even if that meant aching body for DAYS.

Dad was the sort of guy who’d come home from work, and see something I did (outlined in a kids magazine Target I read back in the day) and yell up a storm about “how dare you notice Dad had a pimple!” (the article basically told us to be observant as hell which I am naturally anyway, and WRITE it down).

I still did it – period. I just didnt write it down anymore. Small details, anyone, and why I’m so attuned to them??

What I needed was some support, some “real man” talk as opposed to whiny “hide behind what Mommy says and wants” talk – man to man conversations as opposed to Nazi feminist bullshit – what I needed was someone to tell me it’s NORMAL to want girls, and flirt with them as opposed to make it out to be a punishable crime, what I’d want is for someone to teach me how to change a car tyre, rather than complain at the age of 15, he knows nothing – what I’d want is SUPPORT – not someone constantly tearing me down.

Of course you wouldn’t know that.

And it’s OK for the other person to do it, but not you react.

Kids emulate what they see, I hear a lot of you saying.

Fine, well, in my case, I wonder “who is at fault”?

Ah, but wait, when I talk about what happened to me, it not repeating again or I’ll be goddamned, I’m “frustrated”.

fucking IDIOTS.

Typical liberal bullshit.

Not to mention the wife, I have lost track of the number of times she bitches about rotten eggs, the stuff the grocery guys deliver, apparently anything I say is wrong “because she’s a woman” (not that I give two flyin hoots about groceries anyway, I order online, and I’m done!) …

… You have to get it yourself, she keeps moaning.

Yeah, honey, when you’re that into your country that something GOOD people are trying to do there i.e finally going online is looked upon as “it can never happen in India” by so called patriotic people like my wife, Dad, and so forth.

Look, if you want the change – BE The change.

More on what I said about most men (and women) being content to lead lives of QUIET DESPERATION in the email before this one!

Like I give a shit either way. To me I’ll whack any SOB that pushes me over the limit, so they better not, and if I can’t do it right there and then, or for some reason, then it’ll be done SOMETIME, but done it will – proof’s in the pudding.

As for you, Miss Sehgal, well, what goes around comes around.

Those slaps you doled out so viciously will come back to bite you in the BUTT.

And if you look at what is happening globally today, that is what is happening – all the years of “wrong” are now being righted, except not in a manner you’d expect…

Anyway … thats that from me.

Remember, its fight or die ultimately my friend.

I’d rather have a kid that when faced with a catastrophe like a school shooting or something horrible like that – doesnt curl up into a ball and cry – she fights back x 100.

THAT is where it’s at.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.

And only YOU Can choose the side you’re on – I’ll leave it there.

Get the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW.

Truly one of the BEST ever. Will make the best out of “current nobodies” too – that I guarantee!


Rahul Mookerjee

Show me what you can DO – with very little.
- YES!

“We both know this isn’t a lot of money, Rahul”.

And then he went on to explain – or sell his project, hehe – in his own unique style I learned a LOT from – wise old man indeed was John – by saying “SEO will need to be done, nothing happens on it’s own” , and so forth.

Now, he started the whole project off with “money is very tight!

Normally this statement would me make not run – but take off QUICK – in the opposite direction, but given he was a past client, given I at the time (years and years ago) was giving the web dev biz another drumming as it were, I figured I’d take it on.

(dont get me wrong. He had money, and boatloads of it. Usually when people make statements such as that, they HAVE money. You just have to get it out of them – a lesson indirectly explained SO many times in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales!)

(if they’re customers or partners you WANT that is. Even those that claim “I dont have the money for a product” or what not – the money is very much THERE. Hhe. They’re just trying to be CHEAP).

(again, if you WANT someone like that, and at that point I wanted this guy onboard for the future)

That project ended in a disagreement that was never resolved – as far as I know. Maybe I’ll write John a long email someday! Hehe.

Goodbyes are never final, I’m sure he knows this. Time soothes all … except the most rancous of wounds.

Is that even a word up there?

Maybe I invented it.

But anyway, it’s been a theme all my life – and funnily enough, not for a lot of my “peers” … EVERY time I’ve done something, cut my teeth at something – I’ve got very little at all for my work.

In terms of titles, in terms of compensation – when I started something new – work, fitness, whatever it is – I’ve endured years of hard slog for very little to seemingly “show for it”.

This often drove me insane in the past, because those “alongside me” were being paid much better etc – but again, not all is as it seems.

Today, as I look back upon the rough times, lean times, some of the really tough times – I’m confident in the knowledge that come what may – I will not only survive but thrive, as opposed to the others “drooping lilies” essentially.

Show me any true leader who wasn’t put through his paces and then some, and I’ll show you … well, the sun rising in the West.

It dont happen, my friend.

As Napoleon Hill talks about in the chapter on persistence in Think and Grow Rich.

Broadway will give any struggling actor a coffee and a sandwich – but if you truly want the HIGHEST spoils…

Actually, let me quote the great man himself here, I could paraphrase, but I think I’ll quote him –

As these lines are being written, I look up from my work, and see before me, less than a block away, the great mysterious “Broadway,” the “Graveyard of Dead Hopes,” and the “Front Porch of Opportunity.” From all over the world people have come to Broadway, seeking fame, fortune, power, love, or whatever it is that human beings call success. Once in a great while someone steps out from the long procession of seekers, and the world hears that another person has mastered Broadway. But Broadway is not easily nor quickly conquered. She acknowledges talent, recognizes genius, pays off in money, only after one has refused to QUIT.

Then we know he has discovered the secret of how to conquer Broadway.

The secret is always inseparably attached to one word, PERSISTENCE!

The secret is told in the struggle of Fannie Hurst, whose PERSISTENCE conquered the Great White Way. She came to New York in 1915, to convert writing into riches. The conversion did not come quickly, BUT IT CAME. For four years Miss Hurst learned about “The Sidewalks of New York” from first

hand experience. She spent her days laboring, and her nights HOPING. When hope grew dim, she did not say, “Alright Broadway, you win!” She said, “Very well, Broadway, you may whip some, but not me. I’m going to force you to give up.”

One publisher (The Saturday Evening Post) sent her thirty six rejection slips, before she “broke the ice and got a story across. The average writer, like the “average” in other walks of life, would have given up the job when the first rejection slip came. She pounded the pavements for four years to the tune of the publisher’s “NO,” because she was determined to win.

Then came the “payoff.” The spell had been broken, the unseen Guide had tested Fannie Hurst, and she could take it. From that time on publishers made a beaten path to her door. Money came so fast she hardly had time to count it.

Then the moving picture men discovered her, and money came not in small change, but in floods. The moving picture rights to her latest novel, “Great Laughter,” brought $100,000.00, said to be the highest price ever paid for a story before publication. Her royalties from the sale of the book probably will run much more.

Briefly, you have a description of what PERSISTENCE is capable of achieving. Fannie Hurst is no exception. Wherever men and women accumulate great riches, you may be sure they first acquired PERSISTENCE. Broadway will give any beggar a cup of coffee and a sandwich, but it demands PERSISTENCE of those who go after the big stakes.

These may seem like mere words to most of you, which is fine.

Looking back though, it all makes sense, despite my NOT being a millionaire as yet (not that I care -I said that since people will spot nothing but the zeros’s at the end of the 1, hehe).

You have to GIVE first before you receive.

You have to work magic with very little before being considered a success – or a leader – eventually.

And if all you have in mind are results and money when you start (dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting money) – you’ll get nowhere my friend.

It all depends on if you want to be a leader or a follower, if you want to live life on your own terms and so forth, you have to DO what it takes to make life GIVE you what it is you want.

Fitness wise, I could never have imagined when I started all those years ago that I’d one day be known as the bodyweight exercise guru (amongst others) – or teacher – or lao shi – or anything like that!

If anything, growing up I was always told the polar opposite i.e. “remain with the herd because it’s safe”.

Anyway …………… why do I mention this here?

Well, simple friend .

My FITNESS regimens are designed for everyone – and not just people with big pockets.

They require no, or very little equipment (other than a pull-up bar, other than Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness – every other fitness program I advocate, all you need is yourself, a floor and a wall and we all got that dont we??) …

And it’s a sage question to ask YOU now – since most people are so caught up in the idea of “machines” and weights and all sorts of idiotic grippers, cables, and other tools being necessary to get fit.

Let me tell you, when shit hits the fan, all you really got is YOU.

And so, the question begets –

What can YOU do with very little?

The answer is as simple – the WORLD.

And fitness wise, you get the best results with very little and keeping it VERY simple indeed, bare bones, almost.

Learn how I do it here if you so choose – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee