Why I’m going to continue to be MORE of a hardass about my prices.
- Read, get offended, whichever it is, YOU choose.

Some of you, a lot of you have noticed the almost utter lack of emails from my end for a few days – which for some one that promises one email a day, and gives you like 7-10 plus consistently, is not on – you might think?

The astute and obersvant might have noticed that the same thing happened around this time LAST year…

Now, I’m not going to get into the reasons, or maybe I will, but first, here’s something I got last week as soon as I made the decision to temporarily “Slow down” on the emails.

“Can’t you just reduce the price !!!? i,m struggling to pay my bills, my NetFLXI has been turned off already, I cant buy my …”

And this rant went on for a paragraph, supposedly about how he couldn’t buy “snacks” (whatever those were) “because they’re too expensive or some crap” and it started and ended with the same crap i.e. “cost”.

Now, beside the obvious reasons which I’ve stated way too often (do a search on this either on Google or on this site, and you’ll find out why I dont just NOT do business with price wankers, but I PUSH them away and REPEL them as much as humanly possible, regardless of “lost sales now” – regardless of the so called depression and other nonsense and what not..) – here is why I Ain’t got no sympathy for this crap, period.

Let me repeat – none at all.

This is the same guy who whined about Netflix and his Ship membership expiring which he never ever renewed.

I mentioned him then…

… and now?

Really, dude.

If he had complained about something halfway important, or really important – for instance, cant make his house or car payment – cant provide for family – or what not – I’d probably not be calling him out here.

No, I wouldn’t reduce prices anyway – but I wouldnt call him out either, but some idiot – I repeat, IDIOT for whom “chips and Netflix” (and probably tubs of country brew too, ugh) is that important that he has to plan for that, but whines about life changing products like mine he WANTS (or he wouldnt keep emailing me) – with all the obvious benefits – compared to something that ruins you mentally and physically – well, for idiots like that all I’ll do is call ’em BUFFOONS.

Period, that is what they are, buffoons.

If you’re that addicted to Bozo Flix, join Schofield in Brum lazing about on his couch with his stained fingers wanking to girls’s feet while claming to do “charity”. Ugh.

But dont come here and expect sympathy from ME – you will get the polar opposite (if the above is you).

I’m always happy to listen to GENUINE customers – or people.

And I’ve gone on record bending over backwards on price for people who I feel TRULY deserve it, and I’ve never once been proven wrong.

For the vast majority of jackasses out there though, sorry, it ain’t happening no matter what.

I mean, if people are so damn STUPID after all I’ve been saying for years about World War III being in the works, about how things will really go downhill in 2025, China’s 5 year plans, what has been going on for years before 2020 – then, well, they deserve everythign that they’re getting right now.

Like Claude Bristol said in the Magic of Believing, it’s mens THOUGHTS that lead to ruin and depression.

This was as true in the 1920’s as it is now, anyone that cannot see the parallels is a moron, anyone that sees them and shrugs their shoulders and says “there is nothing I can do” is … well, self defeatist to say the least.

I realize this may offend a lot of you, thats fine, feel free to flame me publicly. Hehe.

But dont come runnning to me looking for sympathy on all this, you aint getting it, because you dont deserve it.

Yours truly knows one thing from being in the trenches, educated in the school of hard knocks plenty of times “if you dont help yourself, no-one else will”.

Ultimately, you have to DO, its as simple as that.

And if youre not buying products because they’re too expensive or other crap, despite you wanting to, then you’re not a doer, its that simple.

Dont agree?

Well, prove me wrong, and I’ll be happy to retract my words PUBLICLY.

Last but not least, Im getting sick and tired of providing way more value than you signed up for, and dealing with, for the most part, as a customer put it once “Rahul, you must have the patience of a saint, all day long, dealing with shit thrown at you“…

He was being very nice about it. HEhe.

I’m actually an impatient person in many regards!

But, that patience is there for genuine folks, but it’s wearing thin, it does so every year around this time, and while emails will commence again soon, for now, I’m silently recording how many doers come to this site, and the other one, how many ACTUALLY have an intention to buy, or do something, and more…

Lots (good) in the works for that bunch.

The rest, well…

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And if you’re so much of a cheapskate (like idiot above) who whines every time summer comes around and you have to spend one, or a few more red cents, well, this probably aint the place for you either.

I mean, theres a limit to providing so much value for free. Ugh.

Dumbphone induced … PAINS.
- I aint even talking MIND!

I realize most will be reading this on a dumbphone too, or maybe not …

It’s (unfortunately) become such an integral part of our lives, has it not?

I dont know, to me I never use the phone period – dumb or not – and a lot of my friends – and even customers still do NOT have a dumbphone.

Good ole Nokia flip phones like a certain “Uncle J” had… (I had the “brick Nokia” which never got bricked, hehe, unlike dumbphones).

Anyway …

Shoulder pain and neck pain have always been a pandemic – a real pandemic.

But TRAP pain, and sore traps – now that is something I hear more and more of these days – along with impinged necks and so forth (achy necks and so forth).

I remember my wife complaining about sore traps all the time, I once even asked her if there was “something wrong with her neck”.

She looked at me strangely.

But there was. Her neck alignment was all out, I could tell by just looking at it (of course, I did not take it any further. No point taking that horse to the water if you get my drift…).

My friend, believe it or not, the NUMERO UNO reason for sore traps these days is either one of the two – incorrect posture (or machines at the gym that encourage such via isolation and such) ….. or the dumbphone.

Second being more and more common these days, you spend the majority of your day with traps HUNCHED over, chin deep in your throat almost, well, trap pain is what will happen.

Same thing to an extent in terms of laptops, working on the bed, putting your feet up on a sofa all day and relaxing and so forth (far better to do it on a straight backed chair).

Now, thats the problem, how do you cure it you ask

Well, less dumbphone for one.

Howl, I hear………..

OK, watch the damn thing, fry your brain more than it is already if you so choose.

But, massage is one prime way in which to resolve sore necks, backs and traps – except not all of us have access to those all the time do we?

Exercise – the right forms of it – are key too, but there are some exercises better than others in terms of trap pain – or sore traps in general.

Remember, the neck and trap region is a HUGE energy “block” for most people.

When these areas feel good – and are “normal” – you not only look better – but more importantly, you feel a heck of a lot better!

And without further ado, the best exercises for this sort of soreness?

One, the BRIDGE – in all its shapes, variants and forms. Taught in 0 Excuses Fitness, it can be done by anyone if you work up to it – and doesnt necessarily require extreme strength or flexibility despite what you might think from the pictures in the book and videos.

Two, pull-up – either basic, or advanced.

Three, the REVERSE pushup – and WALL walking.

The exercise in this book is quite difficult to master but once you crack it, it will blow you away at how good it makes your entire body feel, I’m 63 and let me tell you, this one exercise has done more for my overall wellbeing than anything else I’ve ever done. A masterpiece, thank you.

For the reverse pushup and my book on it was that testimonial from a certain John Walker…

And fourth, last, but not least – FORWARD bends – of all sorts. Front bridge being one, but a lot of the forward bends taught in my books on ISOMETRICS.

I’m linking the compilation above, but you can get the books individually too – check out the products page for more on that.

We truly have ALL options – paperback, HARDCover, digital- so you have NO excuses left, my friend.  (other than what a lot of Bozos trot out, we all know what that is. Pah).

a lot of people think that BACK bends are all you need to get good at.

Now, traps, back, yes, all of that requires a lot of back bending, but if you dont balance it out with a few forward bends, then you’ll be in trouble too.

Remember, goose and gander, remember, forward bends and stretches REALLY work the hamstrings and BACK of the legs… another HUGE energy block for most people (and injury cause) – so dont neglect those, my friend.

Incorporate these into your routine, and reduce your reliance on the dumbphone, and watch that back pain say bye bye NOW.

Well, my friend, I’m off, oddly enough to do some biz on the dumbphone…

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Moonstone gemstone lunacy and more…
- It continues. Hehe.

The more people feel out of control, the more they turn to their tantra mantras, it seems. Hehe.

Especially the loons, the loonier you are, the LAZIER you are – in general – and Nazi feminists, SJW’s, Bozos, Faggots, and so forth …

You guys know the sort I’m referring to. Hehe. And that link above should tell you a lot in itself about my thoughts on all this crap.

Anyway, my wife got a package this morning, instinctively WITHOUT looking at the package, I knew what it was.

“Gemstones”, I inferred – despite the package being HUGE and despite me not even looking at it. I had no idea what was in it, or where it came from, but I guessed.

If I didnt, it would show up on my email.

Hehe. And it has before – and I’ve asked my wife about it, and she did the phone equivalent of glaring back at me “you’re tracking me!”

No, honey, I ain’t either.

Thats what you REALLY call using the MIND – and MIND POWER.

Predicting events before they happen, getting solutions to issues in dreams – DECIPHERING dreams that seemingly make no sense, connecting the little dots, trusting in the mind, and GUT – winners in life do all that.

There’s more to it than that, but anyway – I remembered what my wife once told me about acupuncture.

Now, remember I live in China, go to all the foot massages in the world, cup massages, and so forth – name a traditional remedy, I’ve done it (I still remember her “ewwing” when I told her a male doc once gave me a massage – honey, that was a clothed massage, a MEDICAL massage! But try explaining that to someone whose mind is closed) …

… so I’d say I know a little something or two about all this. Hehe.

I dont necessarily believe in reflexology, pressure points etc, but I’m sure there is SOMETHING to it, sure feels good – and painful when you first start.

I’m more interested in the girls to be honest. Hehe.

“He doesnt know anything about this”, she once sagely informed my daughter. “He just asks me, then claims he’s an expert”.


I can’t remember claiming to be an expert on acupuncture or related nonsense. Hehe. Can you? Please let me know if you do!

Doesnt know anything about it?  A guy who has literally been called a “healer via touch” …

But anyway (and the feeling seems to be mutual) – this “moonstone” what not has a long laundry list of supposed benefits, one being “to attract opulence”, one being “gain confidence” – bla, bla, yada, nada, schnada, ….. and the last being “if you have problems with women, dealing with mothers, mother figures etc” – then get this.

I swear, I dont see how people believe in this junk, and more so day by day …

And the last is likely why the lovely wife got this, dealing with a Nazi feminist mom in law as it were. Takes two though, peas in a pod and all that …

Despite all the money spent, despite all the tantras, mantras, neither one’s life has changed in any appreciable way … for years.

And it wont till they get these two fundamentals.

One, the MIND – and belief is what is responsible for creating RESULTS.

Yours truly who looks like so much of a bum off the streets at home sometimes attracts far more from the dark cave he resideth in than all these loons claiming this guru or that guru will cure the problems of the world …

It isnt about what you wear, jewelry, and so forth.

Same thing for these idiots that keep buying “weight loss supplements” from these websites.

And keep complaining about gaining weight, yet, despite having a stellar example in front of them do exactly F all in terms of LOSING that weight, and are secretly envious of the doers and their results…

Look, all the supplements, herbs, pill, and other crap in the world wont do a damn bit of good if you dont DO the thing, which is to stop being lazy and exercise (and if you do, chances are they wont help).

What is needed for most people is a kick up the ass, and less reliance on this sorta crap, not MORE.

When they will get it, only they know…

Anyway, as far as Nazi feminism goes, the best piece of advice I can give men dealing with it – get AWAY – as soon as possible, from those situations.

Dont just “accept it and live with the pain to have a “peaceful life””. It aint gonna work, deep down inside you know it too.

And if you cannot get away, then use the MIND – and the tricks – which are so subtle I shouldnt even call them tricks – I outline in the book on combating it – and PROFITING from it.

Hey, if you can’t beat’em, join ’em, and profit from them. I realize a lot of you reading this might shrug and say whatever, but my track record and results in this area speaks for itself.

No, the price of the book, or any of the others are NOT going to go down – period – before someone asks (again).

For women, my sincere advice is not to be that way – and again, if you’re stuck dealing with that sort of woman as a woman “women tend to be womens worst enemies” as the wife keeps saying (silently thinking!) …then get the book NOW.

Fitness wise, same thing.

Start doing – TODAY.

And thats all I gotta say about that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Economical with words, generous with ACTION . . .
- Rings so true !

This morning, I was idly scrolling the news, something I often do – and recommend most people NOT to do – after waking up, while drinking my first cup of green tea.

Proudly sourced by you know who … ah, I digress. Hehe.

(but really, if you want high quality teas, many of you DO – you know who is the MAN to contact on that one. Hehe).

I was scrolling the news – and I dont advocate most people do that first thing in the morning because most people are easily emotionally and mentally manipulated whether they realize it or not, and to them, that is what they will think about all day, and it will shape their perception of the day going forward – which is the purpose of news these days anyway, not to mention the majority of what is in a newspaper or TV or internet in terms of mainstream news is utter, paid BOLLOCKS.

Such as a lot of the liberal nonsense you see about “Russia losing the war in Ukraine”. I mean jeez, any sensible person can take a look at what is happening on the ground right now in the country and judge for themselves who is “winning or losing” – not to mention all the other factors I laid out here.

Or the nonsense doom and gloom about rising gas prices, economy – all MANUFACTURED by men, much like the depression etc was

As Claude Bristol rightly says, in the Magic of Believing as we think, so we DO.

And thoughts create depressions – or the reverse. Feast or famine, it depends upon how you think, and the news is conditioning you to think ULTRA negative – on everything – even during “good times”.

Tis a fact, friend – believe it or not is up to you (but research a bit yourself on how the news, Freakbook etc affects the average brain, and you’ll see).

Anyway, I dont advocate “news” for the average person for precisely those reasons and more.

To me, it provides an interesting insight into not “what is going on” – but the way people are SPINNING current events going on.

And it’s something to do, something that gives me ideas for my business, strange as it may sound.

(and, it reinforces my belief of what NOT to believe and listen to, and I’m always proven right by the mainstream sh-news. Hehe). (most are not wired that way though, anything “on the news”, it must be right, and they’ll look for all sorts of rationalization hamster excuses to back that up…)

While scrolling through my feed I saw something about some new port being opened in Cambodia, which to be honest didnt interest me one bit.

China is apparently at it there too, apparently the US is concerned about Chinese naval presence etc there (even though it’s a tiny backwater port – though truth be told, the Chinese tend to make huge things out of nothing, so the “fears” are not entirely unwarranted) – and I believe while making their official statements on the port – one of the Cambodian officials included the following in their “China Cambodia friendship” statements –

“Economical in words, generous in action”.

And more about standing by each other’s sides etc, the usual you’d expect to hear. Hey, so long as the almighty RMB flows – except it isn’t, unfortunately, from what everyone can see of the Silk Road debacles…

Now, I dont know much about this “port”, and I aint interested in finding out either.

What I DO know – is this.

That one statement encapsualates some of my most brutal books so well – and my own philiosophy to life – even down to why I dont do too many vidoes, because vidoes end up with, in my opinion, too much “talk”.

Thats just how videos are made, you have to talk – a lot!

Not that I mind talking, I seem to do my fair share here!

But a lot of the trolls, fools, Keith James, and other Schofield alter “buffoons” have complained about …

“Really, the price!” 

“Really, only so many pages!”

And other tripe like I’ve mentioned here.

Now, I’m not going to get into why their comments are so obviously trollish – I’ve done that plenty of times before.

To boil it down – it aint the size of the package, its what that package can do (pun SOMETIMES intended, hehe – but the point stands).

You can get your point across in one line, or several flowery lines, it dont make a damn bit of difference, the “center” point remains the same.

And to me, Battletank Shoulders for one – or even Profound “70% Gorilla 30% Human Handstands” – or even the first book “Shoulders like Boulders!”  – these books are short. They’re SWEET. They’re …

(A compilation version of the first two books in the series is HERE).


They kick your ass!

they aint “cheap”, and they never ever will be regardless of how many trolly complaints I get on “price”.

And they deliver results bar none – like NO OTHER workouts you’ve done – nothing like it out there.

Just check out the reviews for one on the books, you’ll see.

But if you’re the sort of person who judges a book by “size” and not content, then prepare to be SORELY disappointed, because the most brutal of all things come in SIMPLE packages.

Short, and sweet.

It ain’t talk that counts at the end of the day.


And those workouts may or may not take a lot of words to write.

But if you DO, you’ll see how much they take out of you workout wise!

And to me, that is what really matters.

If I wanted to be a flowery orator (not saying I’m not, hehe) I’d go into politics.

I’d rather deliver you RESULTS though – stuff that WORKS – flat out WORKS.

And therefore, I endorse the statement in the “subject” of the email – not because of the politics associated with it, but the meaning behind it.

And that, my friend is that. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Well, since the Kiwis started to tax cow farts… lol.
- Didnt the world just fall apart. LOL again.

I gotta say, this LUNACY for one – has and knows no bounds.

Its all well and good to switch to alternative means of energy, but you dont just stop systems that have been working for years upon years without adequate preparation behind the scenes – and oddly enough, for the last couple of years or so with all this rubbish about “green power” and what not … I mean hey, I get it – Bozo Schofield for one loves his green hats, but everything green – well, great goal, but its an utopian one for now for very obvious reasons, and you cannot rush the process, simple.

And idiocy like this?

Cow and sheep burps to be taxed by New Zealand in world first (telegraph.co.uk)

One of the few instances where I didnt even read the entire article, but I’m sure it will mean ONE thing eventually – more price rises for those that can afford it the least, which seems to be everyone judging by the outrageous costs on everything these days. Hehe.

And, yet another tiny step towards the ultimate tipping point, that “world cleansing” I talk so much about.

War almost never happens out of one single occurence – either between two people – countries – or the globe.

Its those little things that rankle for years that build up to it (and if you’ve been payin attention, the cycle has repeated itself viciously over the course of history because men dont LEARN from it, or seem not to at least).

Anyway, back to them cow farts, some idiot once came up with some stat on it, something like “cow farts – or cattle farts contribute significantly to global warming” or some crap.

Holy crap, the planet has dealt just fine with dino farts, tiger farts, bear what not, and even cows galore until now …

As for this Al Bore inspired global warming crap – “enough said already”.

Would happen whether man was around or not . . .

And all those years ago, I remember once – I dont know why I did it, but when in China, I applied for a NZ green card (or there version of it).

Permanent residence basically, for no other reason than I could do it.

I still remember the trip taken to the local police station to get fingerprinted, where they looked at the lao wai (foreign devil) as if he was crazy “why would someone just want to up and get fingerprinted!”).


They were right about the crazy part, but my translator from the factory did a great job of explaining!

Then, long notes to HK’s finest requesting info on where I could get it done – was all part of the very voluminous paperwork I had to submit, then calls to the FBI and so forth, and a lot more.

And after all was said and done, and after I got the medical tests, paid the initial $1000 or what not, they got back with “fatty liver”.

And further instructions on how to proceed, which included getting liver biopsies amongst one, and a detailed description of how “they will take a small sliver out of your liver” or something that would probably enthrall Hannibal and bring out the Cianti or what not, but it just put me off.

Now, if I had known back then what I did now – if I had got some decent advice on workouts, exercises, how to cure all those health problems that my workouts eventually did on their lonesome, I’d have probably done it.


But I didnt!

And telling a 24 year old in the prime of his life – or a 42 year old for that matter, hehe – in the super prime of his life – to “not drink beer”?

Wasn’t going to work, period.

And i jettisoned the entire plan, I believe a certain Michael Liu working there still remembers Rahul Mookerjee though!

We dont – our types – come across too often. Hehe.

As I told Uncle Bob, “hey, I dont want it that bad!”

Those were the days of the China boom – well, the tail end of it, and you could simply get business visas and stay on there indefinitely and enjoy life (which oddly enough I didnt do for the long term, but thats another tale!) …

… and with all the girls and beer around, well, certainly no NZ for me I decided.

As Bob told me one night.

“If they really want you, they’ll make an exception”.

Pretty much what I thought too.

Anyway – looking back – I’m kinda glad I never made the choice to do it their way.

Hell, even people in NZ born there dont particularly like it, say there is no future there, are looking to leave etc, mostly for good ole Oz … (which I still maintain, I love Australia – one of my favorite countries, I’d love to visit there someday!).

And the liberal lunacy going on there, I’d probably not like it any more than I do France, which is an absolute no no for me (y’all on the list know that!).


Got me thinking, pally.

How about HUMAN farts?

Look at all the obese phocks out there belching, burping and farting their way through life – what about them?

Ah wait, how dare I call them that and hurt their feelings.

Gotta be PC eh.

But I wont – I never was – goose and gander applies no matter what.


To boil it all down – I had these gastroentital problems, liver issues, and a lot of the IBS stuff a lot of YOU guys deal with – I had it all, and then some.

I still remember a Doc once noting “colon packed with fecal matter” when I went for some sort of a checkup or something. Hehe.

And while my 0 Excuses Fitness routines did indeed cure all – the other system that really got it all out – pun intended and maybe not?

My pioneering system of isometrics based upon what the OLD timers did, my friend.

Information that old time Russian strongmen used, information that strongmen globally used – information the Great Gama used – information that is “so simple” (so say the Bozos) – yet people dont do it, except the DOERS – and the ILLUMINARIES we all read about, they all did it! – and info that flat out WORKS.

Truly, if you have IBS or any other stomach related issues, this one course, even without the 0 Excuses Fitness System – will CURE it.

And it’s EASY to do – requires but a few seconds in some cases!

To know more about this, here is where you go – Isometric and Flexibility Training.

And here – Advanced, PROFOUND, Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Compilation lovers, go HERE.

Volume Three is on the way too as I speak!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Nothing funnier than when a dumbphone lover accidentally pronounces phone as “foon” when she’s SO angry at being asked to turn it off. Hehe.

A house divided cannot stand
- A truism very few truly understand..

That little sentence by itself up there in the heading of this email (or post for those of you that prefer to check it via web) (truly, i do throw estabilished norms under the bus, hehe – more on that later though) should say it all.

Precious few people understand it, get it.

When you TELL someone those words, they nod and say “yes”.

But they dont get it.

In a lot of ways, it explains what is going on in the world today – what has been going on for years, actually, which I’ve been saying, but people dismissed it as “bunk”.

There are other factors of course, as I’ve spoken about, but lets focus on the house divided cannot stand analogy, because it applies fitness wise too.

But first – growing up in a Nazi feminist household, where everything was always “at the whims and behest of one person” (my mother – who until 17 or so, and in some regards a few years later too had me so brainwashed I was thinking “she was doing what she was for my own good”) (to a certain extent “love” in 2008 caused that to happen – but that was very short lived though) … (2015 again, ah, but I digress!) – anyway, growing up in such a household, as I look back, this one truism repeats itself – especially when I see the state of the place today.

In these type of families, it isn’t necessarily and usually isn’t about money, or who has it, or how.

It’s about POWER.

And ONE person, and that one person bending others to their thinking – willingly or not.

Of course, it can only happen if that one person is enabled. My mom was. Hehe.

But it doesnt do a lick of good to be that way, my friend – in such houses, it’s always about that those that feel oppressed – and cannot (so they think) rise above the pain and shackles – that are looking for (curiously enough, my mom once used this term) “an axe to grind” – and they will do it ANY way they can.

When resources or money show up in such a family, the first thought – even though most might not say it – amongst everyone is “what is it in for ME” other than “us”.

It’s always me against them – and even those that enable deep down inside feel that way, though they might not know or admit or acknowledge it…

When someone fails, the others are secretly happy (sometimes not secretly) – when someone succeeds – they’re jealous.

And when people like this HAVE to live with each other for years upon years and “see no way out” (or cannot find a way out, or believe they cannot – which trust me, despite what the Bozos following gurus on social media say about “I’m indeeeppeeenndddeeennnt” -they’re not mentally – and otherwise either because it all flows from there) – then they find EVERY way to “cut the other person down” – often times subconsciously without even knowing or showing it.

Happens most oddly, or perhaps not – with Nazi feminists living together of all things. Hehe.

Women truly are women’s worse enemies was what my significant other told me (who isn’t exactly anti Nazi feminist either to say the least).

And she’s always on about how “she’s always on my mind” (referring to her mother in law etc) when I live there – and asks me about “isnt she always on your mind too”?

Never has, never will be, but there’s no point tellin her that, and when she is, I look for, and always have – till this date – found a way to profit and benefit from the madness.

In some ways, I’ve been in a war since I was born. Hehe.

And the results show.

I should know – I’m speaking from brutal experience on this one!

Anyway – lots of you are stuck in such relationships – such households – or families where you feel “you dont have a choice”, and “you gotta do what you gotta to keep the Missus happy” or so forth.

Truth and fact is you dont, and no, bringing a T72 to the battle wont help either. Hehe. The best won battles are those where you win MENTALLY – actually, they’re all won mentally FIRST.

Fact is this, what I teach you in my one of a kind path breaking book on Nazi feminism can be applied to most “unequal” situations where you feel “you dont got a choice”.

And I dont just say one of a kind myself, even if you just scroll down to the benefits part of that sales page, you’ll see.

You’ll want to get this book NOW, my friends – it’s that good.

Now, back to fitness (as for what I said up there about “shattering norms”? well, that should be obvious – but the “post vs email” part should provoke the thinkers. Hehe. Lets see if it does!) …

SAME thing with your fitness.

If your body is made up of a system of disconnected parts (which it aint) then “isolation”, “pumping a certain muscle strand to the exclusion of others not pumped, preened and toned X number of times” – working on idiotic machines that force your body to work unnaturally (lat pulldown being one prime example) … may work.

Even then it wouldn’t ultimately.

But fact is, your body is NOT a system of disconnected parts.

When you exercise, eat, sleep, all of it – even drink your favorite brew – green tea – beer – whatever – hehe – it isnt just your lips drinking it, for one.

It’s a system that works only because all the parts within it work together.

The heart doesnt say “I’m resting too” when you go to sleep, does it?

Neither does your digestive system after a heavy meal …

Thats why I keep emphasizing workouts that tax the entire body as a whole and one part, my friend.

ONE part.

A holistic system of fitness that focuses on the most important thing we all do daily – BREATHING – FIRST – and everything else later.

On strength – but strength that is TENSILE And flexible.

Matters not if you can squat a ton, but cannot kick someone in the head with a lot of power my friend – or tear a hamstring or hip abductor doing so.

And so forth – matters not if you can bench Manahattan, but cannot wrestle your way out of a hold well applied …

If you cannot pull your WHOLE body up effortlessly for reps – until your CHIN, yes, your CHIN clears the pull-up bar, then all those deadlifts are useless, my friend.

Argue all you like with me on this, but ’tis fact, and this fact of course is backed up by FEELING – when you see someone do handstand pushups but you can’t, pull-ups, and so forth …

… And there is a reason behind that feeling.

Long story short?

This – a house divided can never stand.

And the time in which it does stand is temporary, unhappy and fleeting …

Make this a central mantra of your training philosophy TODAY, my friend.

And grab the one fitness system that truly “gets it – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The ONE exercise phat phockers hate the MOST – and simply cannot do right, PERIOD.

“If you’ve got a gut hanging over your midsection, you simply wont look like an athlete no matter what. Sorry if that offends anyone, but its true”.

So said Brooks in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training – hell, at least he put in the disclaimer being the lawyer he is (or was – but once a lawyer, always a lawyer, hehe).

I wouldn’t bother to say sorry.

I’d say “too bad if it offends someone”. Hehe.

Now, truth be told, phat phockers come in various sizes, shapes, forms and guises – and while the majority of them are flat out lazy, some aren’t.

Some are actually doers, like Donald Trump, who famously once proclaimed “exercise depletes the engine, so I dont do it” (I wonder if that was more Trumpish marketing, hehe).

But he’s a doer, I’ll give him that! Always have…

But there is ONE common thread, one common excuse – other than LAZINESS – which unites most phat phockers – – that being their dislike and hatred of a certain exercise yours truly did for reps even when he was a phat phock, proof on the cover of THIS book.

That being their dislike of a certain exercise.

That being their almost fanatical HATRED of a certain exercise.

And the excuses just SPEW forth.

Yes, you got it.

The PULL-UP – or the hatred of the pull-up is what most so called big guys hate – and real big guys LOVE!

There is no exercise that makes a MAN out of you upper body wise than the mighty pull-up, my friend – period.

And if you’re a big guy, but not fat – YOU CAN DO THEM!


Other hand, THIS is the one exercise that most ruthlessly exposes a weak midsection – fat, toned or trim.

THIS is the one exercise that exposes FLAB – and excess flab around the midsection.

If you cannot do 5 pull-ups (most people reading this probably couldn’t do ONE in proper form) in proper form, then you need to buckle up and get DOING ,my friend.

And you most likely need to lose a ton of, or at least some weight- around the midsection.

If you’re skinny and can’t do ’em, then you need a STRONG core.

Anyway, thats the common thread my friend.

Phat phocks of the world, unite against “this here cowboy”, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If this offends, tough shit – but all of it is TRUE.

Like a customer John Walker once said “glad to see you take it like a man”. Hehe.

(he had similar feedback, although not quite as extreme for ME at the time, he was RIGHT too).

Many reading this will whine, moan and unsubscribe.

But if you really want to learn how to do pull-ups right, the one exercise most people cannot do no matter what – then this book is for YOU – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

Get it NOW.

Why it aint my job to motivate LAZYASSES.
- and never will be!

All day long I hear – and see – corpulent fools with tummies hanging over their midsections – note – I dont call them fools because they’re fat, but because of their inccessant pissing, moaning and whining – and their LAZINESS!

I’ve often said I cannot tolerate one thing – stupidity.

But perhaps the only thing that irritates me more?


And lazy phockers.

It annoys the heck out of me, for instance, when I see work piled up everywhere – and “her” (for those on my list, you KNOW who that is, I wont name her for a change) just sitting around, complaining about “how I wish I had someone to do it all for me” – and yelling at the daughter from the other room to not watch the phone or what not – oddly enough, while inculcating the same terrible habit herself “because she’s an adult and can”.

OK, so can many others.

I’ve seen far lazier people as well. Ugh.

Perhaps one reason it irritates the ever living heck out of me – is not the “work piled up” – but because I’m a doer.

Even when apparently relaxing, I’m always DOING.

Like my wife keeps saying in a “tauntish” sort of manner. .

“He’s planning and plotting all day!”

True dat.

That I do.

But it annoys the shit out of me to see people doing the polar opposite, lazy, uninspired, unmotivated people – people that are fat and unhealthy and know it, people that make every excuse under the sun to bring the other person down (you should see and hear in my house “when Rahul was fat” – but when he was slim – and NOW – you’ll never hear anything about that hehe).

Maybe my family is more comprised of utter lunatics than the other families are …

… but as my wife yells at the daughter to “not watch videos” – while doing the same thing herself – I gotta say, MAN.

Then she complains about the daughter getting fat, and when its pointed out, she says (if I point it out) “she isn’t fat!”

The LEFT – my friend – is full of buffoons – and so are WOKES!

And being my immediate family is comprised of nothing but leftists and wokes that thought “Benghazi Clinton” is the best choice for President – hell, I’ll take even George W Bush over her ! – enough said.

But the laziness is the real pandemic – or epidemic – or both – of epic proportions, and its contagious

Which is why I stay to my loneseome most of the time.

And crank out more work on my lonesone than most Bozos would in several lifetimes.

Not to mention workouts.

Ah yes.

If someone is too lazy to get off the couch and invest 5 minutes a day for squats – or 10 for pushups – or perhaps 5 for jumping rope – or what not – it aint my job to convince them to do so.

I can tell them once – beyond that, I’ll just call them out ruthlessly for the idiots they are.

(sure, sure, it’s your choice to be that way, but it’s my choice to point out the TRUTH and facts)

I mean really, the left, one hand they scream about defunding police, and NO weapons in the US – other hand these moronic cunts are seen holding the very firearms they claim to hate “to defend against their rights being taken away” and are all for sending Ukraine aid or what not.

Like, no goose and gander whatsoever.

Anyway …………

Ain’t my job to motivate lazyasses.

Thats for sure.

Primarily because I feel IRRITATED to the nth degree when I see laziness, when I see idiots squandering away their lives and times doing “F all” -and secondarily because its no use i.e. you can drag that horse, kicking and screaming to the water – but it aint gonna drink no matter what if it dont WANT TO!

Thats for sure too!

But if you’re a doer, I can – and will be most glad to show you the way.

And the way to the fittest, most capable, in the pink of health YOU starts with the 0 Excuses Fitness System – which you really should have gotten by now.

And that, friend, is that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I dont agree with Chuck on many things, specifically the Tom Tomming i.e. China tom tomming, but he was dead on here –

“She dont do shyyyyyyt!”

(referring to his girlfriend).

That she dont.

She ain’t the only one though bro… Hehe.

PS #2 – Before the phat phockers reading this start to whine, no, simply being fat doesnt necessarily mean you’re lazy, yours truly (back in the day) was one prime example.