Real people, real results – and FEELINGS.
- The last counts.

I’ve been very upfront about the fact that all the “law of attraction” nonsense (well, in the form its normally taught) – and all the beads, chains, amulets, tantras, mantras etc – can and usually end up driving most people FURTHER away from their goals than they are right now.

Fact, my friend.

Money, you’ll say when you read this email (I dont get it – people obsess over money, then wonder why they dont get it – dont get me wrong – you do get what you obsess over – but you have to FEEL good about it first! – and the way most people do that is completely wrong – and they’re taught by so called gurus more interested in pocketing their money than anything else by giving them “feel good” affirmations and crap).

“I’m rich”.

Tristan tried it all.

He said it a bazillion times, but years later (when he found us) – he figured out just why the hell his “afffirmations” were not working – by dint of real life, simple examples.

He’s not rich – YET.

But he’s on the right track.

And one of the best compliments he gave me about Zero to Hero! – and Gumption Galore! were the video packages which are available for sale with the former product, in the future with the latter too.

You know you’re doing well when you can help someone “heal” during their darkest times – and make them BELIEVE that “the darkest hour is always before the dawn”.

I’ve never done a video specifically on that – maybe I will. Maybe after This email!

But I HAVE done videos on what most people fail to grasp – you can only have something once you BELIEVE you can have it.

Simply deeply desiring something – money included – is NOT enough.

You’ve got to feel you can have it FIRST before it will make its way to you.

You’ve got to be PERSISTENT.

You’ve got to put in the hard yards. Nothing happens by magic.

And most of all, keeping that burning DESIRE going amidst all the frustrations, lows etc – and many of us, myself included, have been at REAL low nadirs during our lives at some point – is not always as easy as the gurus make you think it is.

Yet, my videos helped him “feel” better and see a way out – along with the examples I give in the videos. And thats not an easy way to feel when you’re down in the dumps and the entire world is “seemingly” crapping on you …

Thats the goal, friend.

Real life, practical, ACTIONABLE stuff that just flat out works.

And a lot of you reading this probably are NOT where you want to be in life yourself -and if you’re truly interested in getting to where you want to be, and REAL life advice that works other than “I’m worthy of this” crap that is meaningless in the long term – well, invest in the books and products mentioned above.

And that is … that!


Rahul Mookerjee

Yes, we accept bitcoins too!
- And much more ...


Lots of you have asked about alternate means of payment other than credit cards, Paypal etc.

And there’s plenty!

I get it – not everyone prefers to pay “the traditional” way and some of you may have funds sitting around in BTC etc that you want to move – and so forth.

And we have all these options available, my friend.

You can select BTC as a mode of payment during checkout – as well as Cashapp etc. There’s a wealth of alternate payment options available – if you’re a doer, and truly interested in investing in world class products we offer, there’s always a way – and in this case, a very easy way.

(Amazon Pay is also available – you can use your Amazon balance to shop here)

Let me know if you face any problems, and I’ll be happy to help – but I doubt you will!

I look forward to hearing back.

Best,Rahul Mookerjee

Movie break – or shit weather- PUSHUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s been shit weather over the past few days. Pouring incessantly – ugh. I dont mind the occasional rain, but by and large I’m an A/C and sunshine guy – not necessarily in that order as you know.

Rain means I can’t climb mountains for one, rain means getting nasty and wet and so forth, lots of folks LOVE the rain and getting wet in it – I’m the OPPOSITE.

If my bathroom isn’t bone dry minutes after a shower, I hate it. Hehe.

Phobia, mania, call it whichever – whatever – it is what it is.

Much like some people term my exercise mania.

I aint been able to step out after the “jump rope” workout I did which seems like ages ago. Thank Heavens I did it that day, or Id be FUCKED. Basically (or that night, rain notwithstanding) – ever since then, it’s been pouring non stop.

And I’ve been doing …

well, I’m at 250 pushups – for the day.

I’ve been ANTSY as a … I dont know, ant?

And I haven’t even felt like doing 250 pushups all at once.


During movie night – or day – every time there is a movie break (I’m streaming) – I pop off 25 regular pushups – or 15 fingertip pushups.

And thats what, along with pull-ups and stretching I’ve done all day.

I’m buzzed.

At the start of yet another fast.

And movie #2 in, I thought it would be a great time to write to you about two things.

One, never any excuses.

And two, visualization works best when you LET GO.

More on #2 in Zero to Hero, if you can spot it.

As for pushups, nothing replaces ’em, if you want to get into the sort of shape you can pop off 25 perfect pushups all day (hint – most can’t) (even so called fitness gurus who dont go all the way down, or up) – then start learning via the best manual on pushups out there – Pushup Central.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’re looking to make a NEW start to your fitness – and get into the best shape of your life possible – THIS above book will DO it for you – provided you do. Start NOW.

If your man tits are that big that women jiggle ’em … or that newborns feel the need to have a suck …

Long and short of it – or the fat of it, and many men need it – you need help. It’s pathetic, simple as that. Again. Pathetic with a capital P … and I’m being kind and polite there.

You hear all this nonsense about how you shouldn’t body shame and crap, that men with man boobs have enough issues already. True, the first and most important one being LAZINESS.

99.999999% of all gyno can be cured with EXERCISE and the right diet etc, and what cannot can go under the surgeon’s knife, but unless you’re a superstar like the Rock who needs to look “perfect” – most people dont need that.


I remember a time I was so fat that … but wait.

I will get to my own tale – or tales – later.

For now, let’s get to what really prompted this post.

It was this –

Hehe. So apt …

Anyway, I was watching Obama prattle on for a sum entirety of two minutes on Twitter about some new show he’s doing where he claims being fulfiled by one’s work isn’t important, so long as you’re paying the bills thats what counts.

True, if thats what you need to do, you do it, but life goes way beyond that Barack – with all the slush money he no doubt has, not to mention Hillary – he’s one to be talking.


Anyway – I remember a time I was so fat, literally, that my one day old daughter who was learning how to breast feed almost tried to do it with my breast.

True story. Hehe. I’ll never live it down, much like at the age of 23 where a girl in China literally “jiggled” them boobies up and down and giggled – and get this, I was paying her to perform some “services” on me (enough said – and yet, such was the PHAT hanging down off me).

You might wonder why the bodyweight exercise Guru is sharing these tales from his past.

Because at that point, I deserved to be body shamed.

And I was, without people meaning to do it.

I took it.

I copped it.

I didnt complain.

And I DID something about it, which I never would have got off my fat duff and DONE if people hadn’t pointed it out, and if it hadn’t stung.

Not that their words did, but my lack of physical ability then did …

THAT is what is needed today, my friend.

Way too many fat focks who cannot do a single pull-up chin over bar, make all sorts of whiny pathetic excuses about being big and not fat, when they’re positively OBESE, and such – they ALL need to hear this sort of thing, and the REACTION I had to it.

Get fit, my friend.

Get lean and MEAN.

Its the only way.

Of course, if you choose to keep them man boobs I’ll send you an used bra or something, I believe Glyn’s into that from what Charles was complaining about. Ugh, what a lunatic.


Point made.

Get to it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

The upper body equivalent of the SPLIT
- YES.

I’ve spoken tomes about the JCVD split – although he isn’t the only one by far that can do ’em right and well – at a level most people cannot – he made them famous, therefore, like the Jack La Lanne Pushup, and Rahul Mookerjee patented squat, it gets the moniker – the exercise, that is.

You’ve heard me talk about the dip, the upper body equivalent of the squat, or the pull-up.

But have you ever, despite my tomes about the split, heard me talk about an upper body equivalent for it?

There is one, my friend, and it’s one that stretches the entire body but especially the hips, and upper back, and that is this, the DEAD hang.

Lots of folks might say “downward dog”, or wrestlers bridge.

But those are full body stretches.

If you really focus “upper body” as a whole, then nothing beats the dead hang done right, no swinging etc.

Gripping right.

Combined with the Rahul Mookerjee patented squat, it makes for a heck of a workout, and given the going ons thus far today, as you can tell from my last email, damn did I need a LONG workout.

Sometimes you just want to lose yourself in things, and isometrics are perfect to do that with.

Not only that, the dead hang opens up the upper chest, traps, the HIPS as you relax further into it, the SIDES, even the lower abs – in a manner nothing else can.

Try hanging properly for three minutes.

At a stretch.

If you can do less than quarter of that right, you’re getting somewhere.

3 minutes, you’re on your way to stud level.

And such

Part of the reason monkey bars, a hidden secret I’ve mentioned (but it’s out in the open for you to use, no-one does) in Gorilla Grip, Gorilla Grip Advanced, and Gorilla Grip TIPS! work so well is that this workout, especially when done at an advanced level forces you to move your body through space vertically, but also if done right you’re doing a dead hang on one arm for a bit as you move back and forth, or jump with your hands back and forth – I wouldn’t advocate the last one for everyone. Takes work, practice.

But you’re using momentum there.

Even if it’s controlled.

For the true benefit of the dead hang, do ’em isometrically on a THICK bar.

Combine with the rest of the stuff I teach, do regularly, your life will OPEN UP in ways you never ever imagined possible, my friend. The funk will lift, others spreading negative energy will MELT away, problems will disappear, goals will materialize – I cannot speak highly enough of the above exercises.

Thats that, friend.

Be sure to pick up Isometric and Flexibility Training now. Oh, if you’re just on this list for freebies, do yourself a favor and unsubscribe before I block you …


Rahul Mookerjee

Unconscious REACTIONS, 500 reps and more …
- Lots to talk about

This afternoon, as a certain idiot came at me claiming “there’s nothing to fight against” (in terms of me) – yelling her lungs out – she was ready to “take me”.

I did not expect her to advance into my personal space, and unconsciously, without even knowing it, I circled slightly, and got into fighting stance, one foot behind the other, any fighter will know what I mean.

Reviewing it in my mind later, it surprised even me, but not really …

A lot of Nazi feminist women think “the guy wont hit back”.

As Chuck once correctly told me, women know they wont get slapped on the head, and if they do, theyll whine to the cops – even if they’re the ones that instigate the physical violence.

Along with the other Nazi feminist BS my so called wife learns from her Boob Tube videos, attacking men is one of them.

Most in her circle defer to her, and wouldn’t fight back if she killed them .

With me, it’s different. Obviously.

My own reaction surprised me – true, I practice it daily.

Away from cameras, youtube, I call it my “survivalistic” training – and it helps that I’m not a phat phock and/or dont have “He man bulging muscles” – most people – especially idiots like my wife who claim “this woman is fit, not fat (when she’s HUGE) because she pumped out four kids – how many did you?” – associate fat and “portly” with “strong” – big mistake, but after an hour of splits, who could be bothered to correct ’em …

A switch went off in my mind, and I got in my wrestling stance.

You can look at all the youtube in the world, but unless you’ve done the thing, been punched, can TAKE a punch first, been thrown FIRST, well, you wont understand what I am saying, and wont be able to – WITHOUT THINKING about it – project the fighting vibe.

The other person gets it subconsciously too.

She backed down instantly. She’s not that crazed – yet.

Not that I would have hurt her. I’d simply have gone to what is level one for me, and ended it there – quietly.

Of course, with this idiot “there’s nothing there to hit” she claims pointing at my 12 pack, and then backs down.

You think she would have backed down if I was truly “nothing there to hit”?


Shikhar Dhawan, swashbuckling Indian batter batting and hitting sixes, and I remember the TV commentators, a certain Ravi Shastri talking about his midsection.

“There’s nothing there”, he quipped when talking about how fit today’s Indian cricketers are as compared to those of yore.

Nothing there?

I remember my buddy from the Marines saying “he’d be wasting his time hitting there”.

Nothing there?

Try me, hun.


Truth is, my fitness levels piss her off despite me doing not one single thing the gurus advocate… (including this BS of “three square meals”).

Anyway – this got me thinking about PRACTICE.

Lots of folks bitch about high reps.

“Why is 500 a magic number”, the pansies whine.

Wanna know the truth?

It’s not.

You could, and you’d have a point – ask why “600 isn’t the magic number” – or 6000.

You could also ask why human beings dont live on Mars – yet.

And so forth.

There’s no limit to the number of questions you can ask my friend, yet, nothing replaces DOING.

And given exercise is physical, and we’re all human – with a human body at the end of the day – well, the fact is this – certain numbers, rep combos etc have been passed down for generations.

For pull-ups, 100 is a good number to hit daily – properly. Proper form. Thats more than what most people can even conceptualize, of course, but it aint that hard.

Pushups, 500.

Point is this, when you do that many reps daily, you’re not just getting fit. Your training your mind.

Discipline, day in and day out, and when it comes time to PERFORM, time for the big show – why do you think athletes put in so much hard work and reps behind the scenes, hours and hours of practice – then you simply “unconsciously” do.

500 pushups daily will get you into great shape my friend.

Swinging  an Indian club 400-500 times will too.

Thing is, when your life’s on the line, and it often is (not the BS i mentioned above, but REAL life) – then you better be ready to FIGHT.

Part of it is knowing how to fight.

The bigger part is CONDITIONING, and preparing for the fact that your adversary might well be a trained fighter too …

Ultimately in life, exercise, anything – the LONG term counts, the person that LASTS longest – no pun – is the person that WINS.

Either physically or mentally. Or both. You can be skilled as heck, but if those skills aren’t backed up by lasting power, the dude or gal that can outlast you will win – simple.

It’s just that simple, friend.

And 500 reps builds mental power, focus, and unconscious reactions like NOTHING else will – its a tried, tested and true number – down the ages – for many exercises.

And so it should be.

Pushups, squats and pull-ups are ALL you need to kick start your fitness program, my friend.

Get started now – TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Guys, never hit a woman. Or anyone. It’s that simple.

HOWEVER, if you’re being attacked, then by all means defend, and do what you have to do to protect yourself – and importantly, win by setting an example for the other person.

NEVER back down “just because it’s a female attacking you”.

NEVER buy into that BS. No matter what the consequences.

Never listen to idiots like my father and mother who claim “no matter what she does its OK, she’s a woman after all”.


Your life is AS valuable as anyone else’s my friend. NEVER let anyone attack you without it going unpunished, and make sure to WIN.

And you’ll be better off for it, I promise.

And remember the INDIRECT, long term way – NOT the direct “talking” method – or physical confrontations – work with Nazi feminists in a way nothing else can.

My world class, world famous, RESULTS producing book on it bears testament to that.

OK, off for 400 more reps!


Good Genetics? HA!
- What utter TOSH

My hairy arse … and it IS hairy as hell.

And “big” too as in well shaped. Lots to kiss there. HA!

I just had a fat moron write in whining about “I’m in good shape and ripped because “I have good genetics”.

Good genetics?


For a guy whose been obese for many years of his life, for a guy who couldn’t grip to save his life, for a guy who the girls (skinny ones) threw the shot put further in 11th grade when testosterone should have been running RAMPANT, for a guy who could barely do a pushup or pull-up when he started, for a guy that couldn’t run around the block, for a guy that even at the age of 24 would sweat up a storm simply walking up flights of stairs…

… who used to be the one picked on and bullied the most in school …

… who for the longest damn time struggled to get his chin over the bar at pull-ups, couldn’t do 5 straight pull-ups for even longer, and so forth …

I could go on and on and on – a guy that if left to genetics couldn’t touch his toes without bending his knees (ok, granted, a lot of folks are in that boat, but still).

Trust me now and thank me later. My GENETICS ain’t the reason I am where I am today either life wise or fitness wise, or financially.


It’s amazing the excuses these poor sods (lazy fools) will come up with to troll successful people that are doing what they are on their OWN friggin steam with never having any sort of safety net whatsoever and worse.

People that learned from being in the trenches, the school of ultra hard knocks that Blow Biden didnt pay for …

And so forth.

Next time anyone gives you either the good or bad genetics excuse for anything – slap ’em in the face and walk away.

OK, not “literally slap them in the face”.

But you get my drift!

It’s pathetic, the way people use excuses and “Mars moving into Virgo” and “Retrograde Saturn” and all kinds of other BS excuses to justify their laziness, slovenliness, lack of physical abilities, being FAT – or obese – and find ways to troll the successes.

A friend of mine once said “Herschel Walker looks like he does because his genetics is good, muscle naturally sticks to him like shit to a stick”.


What utter tosh. Walker was fat and used to get bullied growing up, zero confidence, and a  host of other issues I can relate to.

It’s these type of people that either sink or swim, because they are FORCED to by dint of circumstance.

Walker’s hard work and his workouts – and work ethic got him looking like he does, and the physical specimen he is – not to mention a very open MIND.

Anyone that disagrees with any of the above, is, I’m NOT sorry to say – an utter freaking fool I refuse to engage in any sort of debate or conversation with – and thats that.

OK, enough of that.

To find out more about the sort of high rep workouts Walker did?

Pushup Central has some. Most people you consider super fit have probably done workouts from this book at some point and probably still do.

And of course, the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Get going NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.s – A HUGE part of my success, and indeed where it all started for me at the age of 23 (19 for a while with the swimming although I started early there with my grandfather swimming in wild lakes and such) – Advanced Hill Training. This book will get you into super shape quick if you apply what is in it – and you do not even need a hill to do most of it – stairs, subways, skyscrapers, parking lot inclines – just dont get run over, hehe – the world is your oyster. Have at “baby” (as a guy is calling me translating my other book  LOL)

Potentially gay dude walks up to Rahul Mookerjee and …
- And ...

Nah, he didnt grab my butt. No-one would dare to do that – or kick it. Hehe.

I do remember an asshole looking through the toilet doors on the 5th floor of the library once when I was taking a massive dump in college. TMI I know, but these freaks. Ugh. Reminds me of Stallone’s character staring holes through a “bad guy” (Eric Roberts) in “The Specialist” and he walks out, leaving his dame in the car and pulls a knife saying “then dont look so hard – someone may put something in your eye” (I wont bore you with the usual Holly wood prologue of “do we know each other, the way you’re looking at me we must be old friends”, etc etc)

Anyway …

I’ve always railed against these classifications of outright “gay” or “straight” or “lesbian” – or what have you.

I dont care WHO you are – you’re shades of grey inside. I know – personally – super fit football players that like to dress up as women in the bedroom, and hey, if thats your thang go for it – I draw the line though at FORCING – OTHERS – pay attention to the words in bold – to toe YOUR line because it’s the only way or the highway and shoving it down kids throats etc (who obviously arent the right age for it).

’nuff said, I know this will piss many people off, but it’s true. The most so called outwardly alpha male of men that even “say” we’re alpha (I’ve always said if you need to puff your chest up and say “I’m an alpha male!” – then you’re likely not, and FACTS hidden deep down inside when I’ve spoken to these people have proved me right) are not as alpha as you might think, ditto for “betas” etc.

I’m always told “I’m an alpha male, stud ” etc.

I NEVER refer to myself in that vein though except in jocular manner …

Anyway, point of this – a long time ago, I remember discussing size with my buddy from the Marines (get your mind out of the gutter if it is) – and how he was guys my size outdid him in pushups during practice.

One guy “my size” did 150 “boxer” pushups without getting off his arms (though he did pause for rest in the downward dog position).

Thats stud level.

And he kept telling me one thing repeatedly when I kept pointing out his size (he’s about 3x as thick as I, and a mountain of pure streaming muscle except for a layer of fat he had at that point by his own admission around the midsection).

“You look like you workout!”

“You’re not by any means a small specimen!”

“I’d be wasting my time hitting there!” (my core).

And so forth.

Today, as a guy walked out of me out of the blue, I thought nothing of it – I thought he wanted help with directions or something.

Instead he asked if I want a body massage.

I asked if nubile young women would do it. Honestly, I did!

He said no, he would.

I said I didnt want it.

He said “Sir, I’m a trained therapist!’

Well, running around in dirty flip flops, ankles visible, pants pulled up, he looked like a laborer out to con someone …

Nothing against the flip flops, but certain situations, certain things are a give away.

This guy was nothing of the nature you’d expect from outwardly gay folks, normal attire, normal behavior, not rude, even said Thank you to me later (actually “sorry” – I dont know why he said that) …

Clean him up a bit, your average Joe.

But I could tell.

And I laughed.

No way, Jose.

But point I’m trying to make here is this – folks can tell when you work out.

And especially when you have that lean mean corrugated CORE – it just shows even if you dont actively tom tom it.

Last night, after a splendid meal of sphagetti done in a – of all things – wonky old microwave sitting around for CENTURIES – and this afternoon, after hearing the daughter loved it too – damn.

I feel great.

That DURUM wheat is highly recommended.

Fills you up, high protein etc – folks think meat is the only way to go for protein.

Not true.

It’s the tastiest sometimes, yes. Hehe. I love it.

But there’s eggs, lentils, so many other things you can take.


Ending this on this note – the MOST important part of your body to train – and conversely, the first part that will show if you’re not in condition.

Your CORE.

You better start working on that corrugated core NOW nikka.

Here’s the course that you need to get in that regard – Corrugated Core. 

Dont get it if you’re looking to look good for the beach. Get it if you’re interested in a truly ruggedly strong brutally CAPABLE – CORE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Although I’m exclusively a “female” lover when it comes to getting massaged – there are some “blind” doctors in China (male) that have done WONDERFUL “blind massages” (they aren’t fully blind) on me. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Still remember the old lady asking me “ugh. why choose a guy”

Hehe. I dont blame her on that one!

Jumping Rope and Bear Crawls
- A 5 minute BURST.

A great conditioner, I’ve spoken about these types of things before (exercises). And while I’ve been wanting to jump rope for a long damn time, tonight was the “day” – night I finally got around to it after like four months. Damn.

Ditto for bear crawls, except that was perhaps a month ago.

It’s been too hot during the day, and too congested when it’s not.

So, I did it “night” workout style.

Duh to ME for not thinking of this before, that FAST seemes to have truly opened up the GATES of manifestation and more, right down to as I’ve said before, Amazon delivery times – to the second.

I know people will scoff. So be it.

Those that wont

Video’s on my youtube channel for those interested. Hehe.

And thats that.

Takes away ALL excuses – but caution, do NOT think its too simple and “nothing”. Most adults, even those who think they’re fit – wont be able to do more than a few seconds of this when they first start out. Simplest works best, I’ve always said that, can really really HUMBLE you like nothing else friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – For more such goodness, grab Animal Kingdom Workouts and Jump Rope Mania NOW.

Stay tuned for more such vids too. Paid download for Jump Rope MAnia! has a LONG video doing pushups, and other things while jumping rope which is not, and will NOT be out there for free – ever.

PS – Hate to mention Nazi fem’s in this great post, but … uh.

Well, while locked out – right after the short video I did, wife showed up, daughter in tow, made a joke about “the dog ate the keys, so we’re locked out for the night”.

I quipped something about “Eat Lightning, Crap Thunder, except here the dog eats metal, craps keys”, and more, but it was lost in the babel that ensued.

Daughter of course is shit scared of her mother’s moods, bawls, yells which are well know, which she takes out on the child too.

And she got scared.

And on cue, wife started yelling, and KEPT yelling for over an hour over (and still not in a “good mood” – why can’t women just forget – ugh) “I told you it was a joke, you know its a joke”.

Clearly she’s truly mental in that she doesnt see how petrified the kid is of her…

Anyway. Just ugh.

But still, great workout – enjoy! I just rememberd to put this part in…

Whiny fat boy excuses for not doing pull-ups
- And more ...

When talking to my daughter about pull-ups, I told her how even getting into a handstand, as Charles Mitchell told me once, puts me into an elite category fitness wise.

That I am, of course, elitest of the elite perhaps, but I worked damn hard at it, I didnt get it easy, my genetics was, and is, and remains anything but conducive to any sort of real functional fitness, strength and conditioning, and most importantly HEALTH – and even more importantly, from the INSIDE OUT.

Then I told her about pull-ups, and how most so called men out there today cannot even BEGIN the first step of a pull-up – which is a dead hang.

And how getting the chin over the bar is something most so called men, even those with huge muscles in the gym etc cannot do.

Hell, a lot of WOMEN do better at pull-ups (those that train) than men, because their egos are a lot less fragile – they’re not “expected to be strong enough to do ’em” (and there you go, valuable LIFE LESSON – take pressure away, you perform like a genius without pressure, and practice far better) – and simply, most women are way more honest about their fat and looks than most so called men are, especially gym goers, pumpers, and some on the liberal spectrum who claim to “train”, but do nothing but get on social media and do “Tik Tok videos” and sleep the rest of the day claimed “Look, Mama, I outtrained him!”

Even Mama’s sick of taking care of these grown up babies. As my wife once said “its not her responsibility to take care of him”.

Anyway – pull-ups, and I’ve written about this before, remain the one exercise most so called men out there today cannot do.

And the one exercise most people WANT to do – most of all, those that are FAT – outright fat and in lousy shape and condition, and continue to deny the reality staring back in the mirror (and their man boobs, hehe, which they get pissed off when people point it out) – those that are weak and have zero functional strength or strength to weight ratio – and make the most excuses for.

If the above isn’t a fact, I’ll eat my HAT, Jack. And I dont even got one.

No, if you’re swinging, swanging, it doesnt count as a pull-up done right, no, if you’re not doing a dead hang fully stretched out, pausing a second – it doesnt count, no, if you’re not getting your chin over the bar COMFORTABLY – and pausing, it doesnt count.

I could tell you how to do it stepwise – my great book “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!” tells you how, but really, guys, you get my drift.

And its one thing not to be able to do something.

It’s quite another to not be able to do it, and claim you’re a fitness expert or something (I’m sorry, but there are folks out there claiming to be fitness “gurus” with the recent shamianic stuff from China or what not – I mean really, where did China get this rap of being “mystical” while India got left behind, when it all came from India originally??) … people claiming to have postures that only “they know about” that will “Transform you miraculously within the space of SECONDS” (not even kidding) – and then these guys when you look at them are FAT, out of shape – and cannot do a single pull-up themselves – and have never been able to do.

And judging by their hypocritical and constant denial, they will never be able to do one in their sorry lives either.

Look, the pull-up is a LITMUS test of REAL MAN strength and conditioning.

Ask anyone with half a brain, they’ll tell ya.

And making excuses not to be able to do it is pathetic.

I remember how my Dad used to dead hang for a second, then fall of “literally”.

Most men are like that.

And the excuses they make – my – ugh.

Look, fella, if you’re fat, then along with the table pushup, the PULL-up will POINT IT OUT MOST BLOODY BRUTALLY!

There’s no 2 ways around that.

You can continue to make excuses and … ah, but thats what this is about.

So “top 10 excuses” maybe? I dont know, this just came into my mind so I’m writing about it but off the top of my head .. (maybe I’ll do an extended pull-up training session and talk about it on video too) …

(btw, thanks for all the “love” on the videos, I never once expected it would take off so rapidly after I started VERY late indeed last year – I never got going on youtube seriously before that – amazing as it might sound!)

  1. “I’m big but not fat”. Ugh. No, you’re fat. Plenty of “big” guys can do pull-ups friend, it’s fatsos and whiners and PANSIES that cannot (referring to the excuse makers here, not those who are trying to “do”).
  2. I have a “different body type”. No you dont. Look down, you’ll barely be able to see your dick with the fat tummy you’ve got bulging out. Look, pull-ups brutally expose excess weight and fat around the midsection, even if that ain’t a lot – it’ll expose it QUICK. Again, ask anyone with any sense thats done pull-ups, they’ll tell you.
  3. “I dont like doing pull-ups, or I could do ’em!” – one of the most idiotic excuses I’ve heard, but this keeps being peddled out there, so figured I’d put it out there
  4. “I do ’em differently!” – no, you DONT – you do it wrong. Making excuses and doing chin ups or monkey bar parallel grip pull-ups – the last being WAY easier than what I recommend, pronated grip pull-ups, chin over bar – is good (the two variants) but they dont hold a candle to the real deal friend. They have a lot of value, dont get me wrong, but the real deal is the real deal, and if you’re not getting your chin over the bar there either – most fat boys DON’T – then you’re not doing it right. Simple as that.
  5. “An exercise can be done differently”. So long as you dont compromise on FORM, and things that have been passed down through ages, I dont think fat boys excuses to change them holds any water. Simple, there is a REASON you have to get your chin over the bar friend – it taxes the traps and upper chest that bit more, and the biceps, that last bit COUNTS!

Whew, I need some tea already.


But lets continue, I’m on a roll..

And I’m RIGHT. I “quadruple dare dog” anyone with sense to tell me otherwise.

6. “My grip is too weak, my biceps etc” – well, strengthen ’em. Just do it. Stop whining.

7. “The MACHINES allow me to use more WEIGHT!” – UGH! This is by far the top most retarded excuse I’ve heard along with 1 and 2. Look, that lat pulldown is the WORST machine out there in the gym, and most of them are utter crap, and responsible for more injuries probably than all other machines combined. And it ain’t about how much weight you pull once while your keister is SEATED. It’s about using your whole body as an unit and pulling yourself through space and defying gravity, the two are different. Idiot.

8. “I can build strength in other ways” – another sorry way to say “I’m avoiding the facts”. True, you can build strength in other ways, but not the strength that COUNTS.

9. “Pull-ups aren’t even necessary” – you hear this BS from folks often. Um, the Army uses pushups and pull-ups along with other basic conditioning routines like running, log carries to whip sissies into REAL MEN within weeks – there is a reason boxers, wrestlers, martial artises, swimmers, UFC guys, REAL fitness gurus *hint hint* – swear by em.

10. “I’d like to isolate and PUMPPPPPPPPPP my lats” – another huge ugh. I’ve spoken about how the whole body needs to function as an unit, not the grotesque Mr Olympia style you see people pimping and posing on, not man boobs hanging down to your penny – is – lol …

Damn, I could think of 20 more.



If you’re still making excuses about not being able to do pull-up, stop NOW.

And start now – doing that is.

Get my world famous book on doing pull-ups RIGHT that NO-ONE out there will teach you – secret info that yours truly has learned “in the trenches” and that I charge HUGE bucks for at a pittance right now.

This book when you DO what I tell you to – will truly turn you from DUD to STUD at pull-ups and NIGH QUICK.

Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

And thats that. I shall be BACk.


Rahul Mookerjee