“Contentment is contentment, but fat will wear XL”

Dear Reader,

Oh my. Right about after I sent you that last email, I saw something on a contact’s social media that I just had to share with you.

That contact being “Emily” – a real estate agent that’s helped me in the past, and a contact that is (unfortunately) putting on way too much weight around the midsection than she should.

Now, at this point a lot of you will probably be asking me to “hang on to my hat” given the “XL” size I posted above.

After all, a size XL isn’t that is it? Especially not in the modern day world and many “developed” nations where XL seems to be viewed as skinny while the lard asses packing their gargantuan bellies into “large size” (read clothes made for ultra-fat people – as if we needed more of that!) T-shirts seems to be viewed upon as normal.

But it is – at least for Emily – as she’s a Chinese girl – taller than the average Chinese girl, but still fairly fit when compared to most of the “outside” world – though not in her eyes, and probably not in mine either.

She was probably a trim 25 or so around the midsection when I First met her, but when I last met her, all the danger signals pointing towards “lardassianess” were glowing brightly.

Expanding midsection, “thunder thighs” (that admittedly didn’t look too bad, hehe), and the rest – but anyway, the pictures and caption she posted on social media were of her and her friends (I believe) gorging on street food and stuffing their gullets with all sorts of unhealthy delicacies – especially at that advanced hour (from what it seems they were gorging way past midnight).

Now – – admittedly I had to translate what I told you in terms of “contentment being contentment”, and as y’all know the translation doesn’t always work accurately but the gist is clear enough, eh?!

Especially when accompanied by some “sigh” and “fed up” emoticons.

The message she was posting was loud and clear.

Eat up – drink up – be merry – and do no exercise whatsoever while living a highly unhealthy “modern day” lifestyle – – if you’re content to stay unfit.

And for her, a size “XL” means what a size “XXXXL” would to us, hehe.

Sad part is, that post actually got a lot of likes and “commiserations” in terms of her having a busy schedule, hectic lifestyle etc.

Fiddlesticks, I say. What this lady needs is a good dose of what I mentioned earlier on this morning – that being quick, intense and RAPID bursts of exercise done the way I teach in 0 Excuses Fitness.

The squats by themselves will ensure those thunder thighs melt away and the midsection gets chiseled down to a trim “M” instead of a “XL” as she’s currently lamenting. And that’s just the squats.

Work in the ab work and the pushups, and she’ll truly had a body she can display proudly on social media – – clad in “M” size clothing, hehe.

OK – so that’s it for today. If you’re content to balloon in and out of your clothes, rapidly advancing towards “super obese” peak, well, no problem, my friend. That’s your prerogative, and I support your right to live life as a beached whale.

But if you’re like Emily – who is at least aware of the situation and (looks like) she’s trying to change herself for the better – well  – I’m right here for ya!

Here is that link then right again, my friend – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

It truly WILL change your life for the better.


Rahul Mookerjee

My constant battle trying to “fit into” my clothes

Dear Reader,

Yes, you read that right.

Yours truly – fitness fanatic – pull-up and sprint maniac – a guy that climbs hills in his dreams (and wakes up to them apparently as well as I did today in a certain regard) – and a guy that pounds out pushups and dips by the dozen or more has the SAME issue as a lot of other people do.

You know what I’m talking about, dont you?

What do I  mean by the “constant battle trying to fit into clothing”?

Well, for most people, this translates into trying to fit into size 32 – or 34 – jeans – and not quite succeeding.

Or perhaps putting on that body hugging slim fit T-shirt you had when you were 20 or so, and having a few buttons pop off instantly.

Or perhaps just a battle trying to shop for clothes to camouflage the “expanding girth” around the midsection.

I’m sure we’re all familiar with all of this, eh?

And as for me?

Well, I’ve got trouble fitting into my clothes for sure – – but in my case, it’s the OPPOSITE.

I bought a couple of T-shirts the other day in India. Size XXL.

They fit fine around the traps and shoulders (a tad bit tight, but all good) – – but thats about the ONLY area they fit fine.

South of chest and “north of knee”, it looks like I’ve got a bloody tent on to be honest.

I mean, for real. The darn thing is billowing around me as I speak as if a tornado had turned it upside down – and as for pants?

Well – – my wife bought a size “L” pair of shorts the other day – – and she literally had to take a needle to it to ensure I could wear it.

That darn thing wasn’t no L – at least not for me. I could pull it up all the way to  my chest and more, if that tells you anything!

Funny part is, the reason clothing manufacturers make clothes like this is because THIS is what people “need” and this is what sells.

In short – and in a nutshell – clothing manufacturers these days make clothes for fat  – or obese people – and the small minority that actually believes in staying fit – and doing what it takes?

Well, we’ve got a battle on our hands for sure!

Anyway, the fact is that most that are battling to fit into clothes they haven’t been for years would like to end this battle pronto – and the good news is this – there IS hope.

There is SOLID hope – and there are ways to whittle down that midsection quicker than you thought or believed possible.

Quicker than the gym bros tell you it can be done. Quicker than taking “magic pills” that don’t work.

Quicker than going on fad diets that do the exact opposite of what they promise.

Yada, nada, schnada.

And how do I know all this?

Well, I’m living proof of what I say, my friend. I’ve got plenty of pics and vids out there on social media — as well as right here on the site and the products – – and if THOSE don’t tell you the entire story, I don’t know what will.

Without further ado then, HERE are the two products you need to start whittling down that waist and chiseling them abs and upper body – –

The 0 Excuses Fitness System – a must have for anyone serious about fitness.

(Available right HERE – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/)

Advanced Hill Training – – routines that will quite literally TORCH the fat off your body so efficiently that you WILL be able to eat and drink more – and STILL end up losing blubber all over your body at breakneck pace.

(Note – – the routines can be done on flat land as well as hills – – but you DO need to build a base first – – and 0 Excuses Fitness gives you that base. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can jump straight into the “Advanced Hill Training” stuff without prior conditioning. You can’t).

And that’s that for today, my friend. I’m back to wondering how exactly to “whittle” this tent down, hehe. Maybe another needle? We’ll see!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I might actually come out with a few T-shirts of my own down the line. 0 Excuses branded – – Just do it — NO excuses tolerated! Sounds cool, eh?!

My grandfather’s training philosophy

Dear Reader,

Many moons ago, a young lad of about … um, say 6 years of age – or perhaps even younger – I’d say around 5.5 years of age or so, woke up at the crack of dawn during summer holidays in Kolkata, India.

That’s right – the crack of dawn during summer holidays.

The time was about 4:20 A.M. or so when the alarm clock rang – and it was one of those old fashioned “shrill” alarm clocks that you turn off with a thump to the top – – but the only thing was, the darn thing rang SO loudly the first time that you really had no choice but to get up as soon as it rang.

No “sweet melodies” playing on the cellphone back in those days, hehe. We didn’t even have the laptop back then – – or computers as we know ’em for that matter. Did have the old “dial” phones tho …

Them were the days, eh?!

Anyway, this young lad would wake up each day of his summer holiday – and he’d go swimming with his grandfather – come rain, sun, shine or hail.

‘Twas about 5 A.M. when we set off from the house in an old “Fiat” car – – and we’d sometimes stop by my cousin’s house as well to pick him – or THEM – up.

Funnily enough or perhaps not, neither one of my two cousins usually ever woke up in time for the morning swim.

We’d swim in a wild lake – so wild that water snakes and other “creepy crawlies” would float by us as we swam.

In fact, I used to be terrified of getting into that lake – which by the way was a man made lake opposite a swimming pool, and we’d often swim laps in the pool after swimming to a certain point in the lake.

And after that, we’d towel off and go home – him off to work, and me doing “holiday homework” supervised by an often cranky mother, hehe.

Now, the point of me telling you this is not to draw parallels between modern day living and “way back in the day”.

My almost 5 year old daughter wouldn’t wake up at 4 in the morning if she was offered a truckload of chocolates, brownies and all the other treats she loves – and during summer holidays? Not a chance in hell.

Point of me mentioning this is to say this tho – my grandfather, at the time I’m mentioning was a sprightly 73 years of age, and – get this – worked a full day AFTER his morning swim.

He was a doctor – one of the best, and his shifts often lasted until 10 P.M. or so, but did that mean he’d miss his morning swim?

No way, Jose!

He’d be up at the crack of dawn no matter what – – and even funnier, I would willingly be up as well – – even though I’m NOT a morning person by any stretch of the imagination.

Those times were some of the best in my young life, my friend. Those memories can never be erased, and I learned several valuable lessons from these (and other similar) experiences.

What are these? Well, many, but for starters …

Well, one is the power of HABIT, and to DO something daily.

Both of these are things I talk about all the time in my fitness books and courses, none more so than 0 Excuses Fitness.

Do something – anything – and do it daily with passion, and you’ll be surprised at the results that follow.

The second?

Well, it’s something that I’ve been talking about ad infinitum over the past few days – but I’ll talk about it again now.

And that being – – if a man of 73 can do it – – then so can YOU! There are literally no excuses my friend – NONE whatsoever.

So when you feel lazy the next time – – or don’t feel like waking up at the crack of dawn to work out – – or just feel like skipping it altogether – – think of the men that do OTHERWISE.

Think of my grandfather – or the almost 70 year old Brigadier I’ve referred to in past emails.

Or, in “another life”, and as I’ve told you in 0 Excuses Fitness – think of yours truly – making it a point to get up that darn hill no matter how late I’d get home from work.

The point is this – – amidst all the other many lessons you CAN and SHOULD be taking from this email – – do SOMETHING – – and do it daily – – and do it WITHOUT fail.

And don’t make excuses.

And the water snakes, you ask? What price the man made “wild” lakes and 4 AM boxer like routines?

Well, good news is this – you don’t need to wake up at 4 AM if you don’t want to. Neither do you have to swim in a lake full of snakes – – or other creepie crawlies, hehe.

All that I ask of you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System is this – your own body and 10-15 minutes of your time (more if you so choose).

That plus the dedication and habit I’ve mentioned above.

And that’s all you need to transform yourself into a super fit version of yourself – – fitter, leaner and stronger than you’ve ever been in your entire life.

Give it a try TODAY, my friend. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – My advanced course on pull-ups seems to be garnering quite a bit of attention as well on social media. Here is where you can grab your copy — http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/ 


Do YOU inspire others?

Dear Reader,

Just got done with some Hindu Squats, pull-ups, and sprints – – followed by a long, long walk around the ‘hood, and I be feeling GREAT, my friend.

I feel absolutely great – on top of the world – and while completing my last sprint, I saw the retired General (who I referred to in an earlier email) out and about on his morning walk as well.

Turns out this gentleman does a walk on the very same route I run – and also turns out that his doctor has told him that “gentle” running (or jogging) is best for his knees as opposed to sprints which I do – mostly because of pre-existing knee injuries as well as his age.

Well – can’t say I agree with the good Doc there – most “gentle” running is exactly what aggravates pre-existing knee conditions, shin splints etc – – and why?

Well, for one, because you don’t go full bore – or anywhere near it when you’re pounding the pavement, my friend – and can thus “go for longer” – but does that make it better than rapid all out bursts of exertion?

Not a chance, my brother. Not a chance and yet that’s NOT what I’m writing to you about today.

I was engaged in a conversation with the gentleman while doing my pull-ups – – and one of the things he told me today was this  “I hope to inspire others by my workout routine!”

And my response?

“You already do, man! At your age … and considering everything you do, and HAVE done … well … ”

I paused, and looked around.

“Take a look around you. Most of these people are way, way out of shape – and they’re probably less than half your age. Always on their smartphones yakking away, doing all the wrong things, and …”

He nodded.

“I agree. It’s sad in a way”.

“It sure is”, I said, as I moved away to do some pull-ups, and I meant every word.

It IS sad that people ignore the ONE thing they should NOT be ignoring – that being their body and therefore their mental state as well.

Anyway, the ex-General’s routine sure DOES inspire me. If I’m feeling lazy some mornings – one thought of this “young” 70 year old man running every morning WITHOUT fail is enough to give me a virtual kick up the backside , and I’m raring to go again.

I wrote earlier about the old man in China who climbs that hill DAILY – come rain, sun, shine or hail and not only has a cast iron grip, but a set of abs that would put most gym bubbas and “young ‘uns” to shame within the space of a few seconds.

And so forth. These people are (sadly) few and far in  between, but boy are they sources of inspiration for me!

That’s what I try and do too, my friend.

I aim to inspire YOU – and others through my daily emails, writings, books, courses and personal training (for those that have opted in) to aim towards – and ACHIEVE – a fitter, leaner, stronger and better YOU.

I aim to inspire ALL reading this to rise UP and ABOVE their present conditions, no matter how “depressing” or unsavory they might be.

I am writing this to tell you that it IS possible -and it IS very doable.

And last, but not least, and most of all, I’m writing this to tell  you about two of the gentlemen – another being my 73 year old grandfather who I’ve written about previously – that  have inspired me greatly, and continue to do so until this day – if just in spirit.

Ok, my friend. That’s it for now. If the above doesn’t inspire YOU to get off your duff, and bang out some Hindu squats and pull-ups – – I don’t know what will!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The 0 Excuses Fitness System contains my own personal tales in terms of HOW I got as fit as I did and the steps I took to get there. Crack it open NOW and read through it (yet again, if you’ve done it once or even twice before) – – I bet you’ll find it just as inspiring!

Indeed an inspiration!

Dear Reader,

‘Twas a hot, hot day out there today. Oh boy!

The humidity levels must be approaching near about 70% – and this is early in the morning. Can only imagine what it feels like later on with temperatures approaching 47 degrees Celsius, but then again – I don’t need to imagine it.

I’m living here, so I KNOW how hot it is.

Anyway, a little bit of heat never stopped this particular maniac from working out, did it?

I’ve written earlier about my sojourns and regular hill treks in China where though the actual temperatures were somewhat lower (around 35-38 or so in general) – the humidity meter rarely, if ever budged from the 90% or higher mark.

Felt about the same …

Anyway, I wrote about a (near) 70 year old tough dude – a retired Brigadier General – a few days ago, and I saw this tough dude working out today again.

He works out daily in the morning as well come rain, hail shine – or humidity, for that matter, and the first thing I had to say to him today was this.

“You’re an inspiration for people your age! Most people your age don’t … ”

I trailed off, but the gist was evident.

Actually, I should have said he’s an inspiration, period. Not only has this dude served in the Armed Forces since the age of 16 (NO mean feat, I can assure you) – his workout routine, albeit not quite as extreme as mine would put most modern 16-30 year olds to shame.

Not just that though. It’s his dedication to the routine that really counts.

He’s there every morning – come rain, hail, sun or shine – and THAT is really the key, my friend.

It’s often been said that showing up is half the battle won – and it holds true for fitness as well.

In “Pull-ups – from Dud to Stud within WEEKS” I wrote about my own journey from a measly 20 or so pull-ups per workout to well over a 100 per workout.

And amongst the other tips I’ve given you in that manual, what I said above is equally applicable. Showing up was half the battle won – even in that regard.

“I was the one that got the pull-up bar here installed”, said this fine (young) gentleman as he was completing a set of modified leg raises.

“For real?” I asked, surprised. And yet, as he said I knew it was him that must have been responsible for getting the apparatus installed – and that too in a park where it hadn’t been done for ages.

Believe me, getting something like that done in a city like New Delhi where the general levels of fitness are nothing short of pathetic and where “babudom” (read bureaucracy) reigns supreme is NO mean feat.

And I just had to shake his hand once again – this time with an extra bit of “Gorilla”added in, if you get my drift, hehe.

“I gotta say thank you for that, man!”

And I meant it. I meant every word of it.

Mucho respect Sir – – you’ve earned, and continue to earn every bit of it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And if stories like the above don’t inspire YOU to get off your duff today and get started on the road to superior and lasting health, strength, and fitness – – well then I don’t know what will. If you’re amongst the crowd that will read this and go “Oh well, that’s fine for them, but …” – – well, then there’s nothing I can do. But if you’re part of the group that decides it’s time to make a CHANGE – and do so NOW – well, then, I’m here for you, my friend. I’m right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Do YOU wake up tired every morning?

Dear Reader,

Woke up this morning and hugged my wife in the kitchen as she was completing a few chores.

She’s feeling tired and run down – – due to a variety of reasons NOT linked to fitness or even health for that matter.

“Now I feel so tired ….”

And though her situation is (again) not linked to lack of fitness or the right lifestyle as you might imagine, this reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to talk about for a long time now.

One of the most common “banes” of modern day living is this – folks, for the most part go to bed tired – and WAKE up tired as well.

Going to bed tired may or may not be something that surprising – but WAKING  up tired?

Aren’t we all supposed to wake up feeling FRESH – after a much deserved rest?

Sleep is Nature’s great restorer. The great healer – both physical and mental – and of course, as I’ve spoken about  before, programming your mind correctly before bed can (and usually does) lead your mind to find solutions for problems that currently exist in your life.

Incredulous as it might sound, many a post here has actually been “written” in my dreams – and visualization plays a key part in all this, of course.

But getting back on track – it’s sad that the vast majority of people not only put up with “waking up tired” but also “accept it as normalcy” and the way things should be.

Well, I’ve got news for ya, my friend.

It’s NOT how it’s supposed to be – – and believe it or not, all the modern day junk out there about “what to do” to feel great upon waking up is actually the exact opposite of what you SHOULD be doing.

We’re told to do cardio “for X amount of time” so our body gets into fat burning mode and we “expend X amount of calories/energy”.

We’re told to monitor our diets closely – right down to the last morsel of food passing your lips.

We’re told to “workout 3X a week” so our bodies have “enough time to repair themselves”.

And plenty of other things, and yet despite doing ALL these things and more – – people still don’t feel great either upon waking up, OR during the day for that matter.

What if you were told that there was a way to feel great as SOON as you wake up – and KEEP feeling great throughout the day?

That way exists, my friend.

And it’s simple as pie – and the way is this – incorporate deep breathing into your morning routines.

I’m not saying turn into a yogi or yogini. No – that sort of thing can actually be counter productive from a certain angle if not done right.

I’m talking about deep breathing – done correctly – and and deep breathing practiced ALONG with the right exercises – first thing in the morning.

The first thing most people do in the morning is what they SHOULD NOT be doing.

Grab a cup of coffee. Light up a cigarette. Turn on the laptop – or the news on Tee-Vee – – or, worst, and most common, check the dumbphone instantly after waking up.

All any of this is give you a massive headache to start the day.

Instead, why not incorporate deep breathing into your routine along with some of the stretches and exercises in 0 Excuses Fitness?

Why not work up a sweat doing a 100 Hindu Squats right after waking up, for instance, and BREATHE the way  I tell you with each rep, and THEN take care of the other nonsense?

You, my friend, are the most important thing you gotta take care of – and this means your health and well being along with your mental state take priority over everything else.

And if you can jump – or kick – start the day with 10-15 feel good routines that keep the feeling good feeling lasting all day, why not?

It’s a no brainer, my friend.

Without further ado then, make the leap over to the 0 Excuses side, my friend – and get cracking TODAY. You’ll be forever glad you did so!



P.S. – If you’re currently NOT feeling great as you SHOULD be – well – make no more excuses, my friend. Hark on over right here and dive straight into it – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

70 yr old ex-Brigadier does pull-ups

Dear Reader,

Over the last week or so, I’ve been breaking up my workout into TWO parts – or should I say two locations.

While I initially chose ONE park as my workout location (and so I should – it has plenty of thick bars – – perfect for building a rugged, strong grip as I describe in Gorilla Grip) – I then changed my mind and broke up my workout into two stages – essentially finishing off in park #2.


Well, park #2 has thicker dipping bars for one – and these are located at exactly the right width i.e. shoulder width apart.

Park #1 has ’em too, but the bars are located a tad bit further from each other than they should be.

I believe I wrote about this in a previous post. Dipping bars should not be any wider than average shoulder width, as doing ’em that way causes immense strain on the shoulder joints – especially if you’re overweight.

Anyway, as I was a completing a sprint en route to the park, I noticed an elderly looking gentleman out on his daily run.

I’ve seen this gentleman before out and about in park #2 – and truth be told, though I could tell he was of advanced age, he doesn’t really look like. In fact he could easily pass for being “over 40” as opposed to his actual age which is a lot more … but we’ll get to that soon enough.

So I was doing dips. Nice ‘n’ easy, slow and in proper form, sets of 10.

The gentleman was watching me from a distance, and after I was done (or between sets I should say) he jumped on to the bars, and did ’em as well.

And though the vast majority of folks I’ve seen doing dips make a parody out of ’em, THIS gentleman sure didn’t.

He was doing ’em the RIGHT way – and though I could tell he was literally STRAINING to do ’em correctly, he still did ’em – except for one small thing, and I just had to point it out.

“You’re going way too down in the bottom portion of the movement”, I noted. “Don’t stretch all the way down. Go all the way up, but not down – that’ll kill the shoulders quicker than anything!”.

The gentleman looked at me.

“Oh? Really? But I’ve been doing ’em this way all my life …”

“Oh. Doesn’t it hurt your shoulders?”

“Not really. Just my elbow, and I’ve had an injury there so … ”

Anyway, there’s a tip right there for you dipping maniacs out there – do NOT stretch all the way to the bottom position of the dip.

Do so all you want with the pushup and it’s variations – in fact, that is what you SHOULD be doing with pushups, but NOT dips.

Anyhow, there was something about this gentleman, and looking at him, I suddenly “knew”.

“You’re ex Military, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am! I used to be in the Air Forces Defense”, he replied with a smile.

“I knew it!”

And I shook hands with him, and talked a bit more before heading off to do pull-ups – – something this gentleman was doing as well.

Again, he was doing ’em spot on – all the way down, and he was TRYING to go all the way  up. A welcome change from the way most people masticate pull-ups – but then again, he’s ex Military.

He’s been doing ’em all his life – and he KNOWS the right way to do ’em – and he does it!

“You must be over 40”, I noted. “Or 50…” I ventured cautiously.

He laughed at me.

“I’m almost 70!”

“Jesus! You’re in good shape! Most people your age, and especially around here  …” I tapered off, but we both knew what I meant.

And I meant every word, my friend. EVERY word.

So that’s today’s story. If a man approaching the age of 70 can do it – and hit it hard and regular daily – where is YOUR excuse?

If a guy like this can TRY – TRY his best daily – to get that chin over the bar – for multiple reps – well – where is YOUR excuse?

Hmm … I hear crickets chirping …

Without further ado, then, my friend, get started on your fitness journey TODAY.

The 0 Excuses Fitness system contains ALL the instructions you’ll need for a lifetime, and leaves you with no chance to make excuses.

Sprint on over here, and get started today, my friend. It truly is one of the very the best investments you’ll ever make!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Turns out this gentleman lives but a couple of houses away from where I am currently. He’s the guy that has a board stating “Brigadier … (retd)” on his front gate.  Well, fancy THAT eh. I’ll keep y’all posted on further conversations on this front!

When to listen to your body

Dear Reader,

I’ve been hitting it hard and heavy ever since I returned to India.

As mentioned I don’t have a hill near me – but that hasn’t in any way, shape or form diluted the intensity or effectiveness for that matter of my workouts and routines.

And I’ve been sooooorrree over the past few days – pretty much because I’ve taken the pullups to ANOTHER level altogether – some of which has been mentioned in my advanced course on pull-ups – and some of which has NOT (including muscle-ups etc).

Think about a 150 pull-ups per workout – including other things – and done in a slow, steady manner … for starters, hehe.

While all this might sound very interesting and you might be tempted to jump right in, the truth is that these are advanced workouts – and workouts most folks are NOT ready for – but the good news is you CAN start somewhere and in terms of pull-ups, here is where you need to make that start – – http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/

Anyway, I slept well last night. REAL well. I can’t remember sleeping this well in ages, for that matter.

And when I woke up this morning, I was still sore.

Relaxed, but sore.

As I headed on to complete my morning routine before beginning my workout, I quickly realized it was “that kind of day”.

The kind of day where you just “know” that  your recovering – recuperating – and that you probably will NOT be able to give it your best in terms of your exercises.

And as I sat down, and analyzed this feeling to make sure it was NOT just pure laziness, my shoulder twinged.

Just a teeny weeny little twinge in the shoulder joint, but that was proof enough. I’ve been getting this twinge on and off for the past few days, and it’s time to REST, my friend – and to recuperate – at least for a few hours.

I then evaluated the rest of my body. Curiously enough although pull-ups have been forming the bulk of my routine these days – my TRICEPS are the next “sorest” part of my body – and it’s not simple soreness.

It’s exhaustion -with everything else going on, my body needs some time to recuperate. And it’s all good – I’ve given it that today.

And if I didn’t give it that rest?

Sure, I could have plouged on through my workout. But I wouldn’t get near the same results.

Even if I did, the most important part is this – I’d end up feeling even more run down than before, and that ain’t a good thing.

The entire point of a workout (other than the physical aspects) is to FEEL like a trillion bucks – – and if any workout of mine doesn’t accomplish said result, I take a step back and analyze WHY.

And in many cases, it’s as simple as knowing when to listen to your body, my friend. It’s something that’ll come naturally to you as you advanced in the routines and exercises I teach.

I slept in for another couple of hours – and woke up later feeling great. ON TOP of the world – and this is different from the “lazy” sleep in where you don’t really feel like a billion bucks after waking up.

This is more like a “well deserved” rest after days of fatigue inducing, muscle building and blubber roasting workouts – – and it’ll be a relaxed Monday for sure.

Of course, part of what adds into the relaxed Monday feeling is that I work from home – on my own timings. My business has allowed me that freedom, and I am ETERNALLY grateful to have a biz that allows me to work on my own times without any restrictions.

Anyhow, another interesting little tidbit to note is this – – I’ve recently purchased a punching bag.

Yes, a punching bag – and a heavy duty one at that. Yours truly will be getting to back to his “Oman” days where he hit the bag on a regular basis, and though nothing can quite compare to the 0 Excuses stuff I do, hitting the bag regularly (and in proper form) is something I highly recommend for everyone, regardless of current fitness levels.

Who knows – I may even put out a course on it down the road!

Anyway – that, my friend is THAT for now. My daughter seems to be about as relaxed as I am, and it’s time to get her ready for the day, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – That course I mentioned on pull-ups is a must grab, and here is where you can get yer paws on it – – http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/

“He nearly squashed my hand in his grip”

Dear Reader,

A long long time ago, a skinny 16 year old lad alighted from a bus that hadn’t quite stopped – and did it the wrong way – and promptly fell right on his right wrist.

Though the injury didn’t appear to be serious (other than the manifold scratches, bruises and slight bleeding on display – not to mention the goggling onlookers) – the young boy felt it for sure.

When he went home, he couldn’t move his wrist sideways without it hurting. Ouch!

And he finally decided to get it checked out at the local doc’s – who along with taping the darn thing up – also gave him a cold one to boot (the young lad’s father knew him, and the father took advantage of the situation to have a cold one with the Doc – not entirely a bad idea methinks!).

Last, but not least, this young lad was one of those skinny, scrawny types you see so often. Skin and bones – and with a grip as weak as weak can be (along with an equally weak upper body) but what DID seperate him from the rest was this – a burning desire to get STRONGER – a LOT stronger – despite all the nonsensical advice he was given at that age about doing so.

A week or so later, this young man had to take an exam which necessitated travel to a different city.

There he happened to chance upon a burly, strapping tennis player – and the first thing this guy did was grip his hand – his injured (and naturally weaker) right hand – and I’m sure you can guess the outcome, eh?

Tennis players have rock solid grips, and …

Anyway, fast forward a few years – or quite a few, to be exact. The young lad had turned into a lean mean machine by now – a fitness machine if I might say so, and he happened to end up in China – where (during one of his sojourns there) he ended up teaching English occasionally despite his dislike for the job (he doesn’t do this any longer though).

And this is what his supervisor at one of the jobs had to say: –

I first met Rahul in 2016 and he nearly squashed my hand in his grip. We got to talking about fitness and he suggested fingertip push-ups to try to mitigate some chronic pain I’d had in my hands by building up the tendons in my forearms. I started off very gently and over time it’s worked like a charm. My next goal is to improve my general fitness by exercising my abdomen and legs using the methods Rahul describes here. Off to a good start!
Alan Murray, Regional Administrator – Balboa International Education (U.S/China)

That young lad was ME, my friend – and if a naturally weak, scrawny young lad can build himself up to a point where even the burliest of gym gorillas shy away from a grip competition with him – so can YOU!

Here is another comment I received – this from a Veteran (an Ex-Marine) with 25 plus years of experience –

I’ve never met anyone that grabbed my hand with a kung fu style grip naturally!

And I’ve received comments like this galore, my friend. Some of these are mentioned on the Gorilla Grip page , as well as the Gorilla Grip (advanced) page – some are not – but the fact is that if you use the exercises mentioned therein, you WILL develop a grip that will have the average person shaking his head in wonder and quite literally “begging for mercy” when you encase his paw in yours, hehe.

Just so you know, the exercises mentioned therein are NOT lifting heavy weights the way it’s done at the gyms.

Doing repeated sets of heavy curls will NOT give you this sort of grip, my friend.

Pull-ups are mentioned in the course, but they’re just ONE of the exercises mentioned. In fact, believe it or not, some of the things you find lying around your household – things you don’t even notice – are exactly what you need to give you the best grip workout of your life – and  Gorilla Grip (Advanced) mentions a couple of these exercises.

These exercises are truly unparalleled in building a superhuman grip in record time, my friend.

Try ’em out NOW, and let me know how it goes!


Rahul Mookerjee

The biggest problem plaguing modern day gyms

Dear Reader,

Do you know what the biggest problem is with modern day gyms – or “modern” (“scientific”) training methods for the most part?

It isn’t the retarded, ridiculous and asinine “pump’n’ tone” routines that most gyms and personal trainers advocate over REAL training routines that actually work and build an appreciable (or more) degree of health, fitness  and strength – that lasts.

It isn’t the nonsensical bunny curls and “crunches” done on Swiss balls, yoga mats, the latest fancy gizmo from late night TV or perhaps even your recliner.

It isn’t even the “bro” culture that goes on in most modern day gyms – although that plays into what I’m about to say.

And though the injuries suffered from using utterly useless pieces of junk such as, for example, the pec deck (a prime example of a machine that only a human baboon on speed would think had any real use) or the millions of cables hanging around, or the “TRX” suspension system, or the lat pulldown (a sorry ass alternative to the real thing if even that) are real, they don’t take the #1 spot either.

Although all of this DOES rank high up in the pantheon of “biggest problems with today’s gyms and today’s training culture” – there is ONE thing that outranks ’em all, much like a 4 star General does.

What is it, you ask?

Well, it’s this, my friend – it’s that training the way most folks do – and training the way it’s done in the gyms is – quite frankly a MASSIVE, UTTER and sheer waste of precious time best utilized for other activities.

What do I mean?

Well, this morning a “Bro” that I spoke about in an earlier email or two was out there in the park with me.

I was about to start my  pull-ups – 100 of ’em, and other things as well. But for whatever reason I felt compelled to start with pull-ups today, and so I did.

I did 5 slow and strict reps, stretching ALL The muscles in my back and shoulders as I did so. Ahhh … It felt great!!

The “bro” in the meanwhile was “loosening up” by moving his arms and legs in an awkward manner somewhat akin to a stork perched on top of a skyscraper.

Suddenly, a couple of other “bros” showed up, bellies in two, and the usual backslapping, hoo -haa, and meaningless banter started.

“Did you catch the latest flick in the halls? Wow, that babe sure looked good!”

“It’s always best to wake up in the morning and exercise” (this followed by a lengthy discussion over what time was best to workout – one that culminated in three dumb-phones being pulled out to end the debate – if it ever did).

By this time I had got done with 15 pull-ups.

The other two bros spotted a couple of chicks walking in the park, and decided to make off after them. Off they went in a slow, ponderous manner of recalcitrant hippos being forced to vacate their favorite “watering spot” if you get my drift …

Our first bro starts to get “ready”.

He flexes his arms. Looks at his biceps. Stretches his chest and makes a few primal sounds.

By this time I was done with about 22 pull-ups and was doing dead hangs. 8 o r so minutes had likely elapsed.

He then cast a few furtive glances at me and jumped up to the monkey bars.

Could barely hold on, and he made an expression of sheer “effort” (not) and kicked himself up to a few quarter-ass reps on the bars before collapsing and heading straight for his towel and smartphone.

This “workout” continued for at least 20 minutes, by which time I was WELL, WELL, into my own routine – and he had probably completed like 8-10 pull-ups done in the style I mentioned.

And as I walked off to another area of the park, the two other bros showed up again …

Now, I mention all this not simply to “carp” upon that dude or even to “just rant” – but because this sort of thing is commonplace, my friend.

Folks furiously claim they have no time to workout, and yet when they do – whats the first thing they do?

You got it – they WASTE time – and oodles of it.

And of course, when you tell these same people that you can literally get a full body whoop-ass workout in LESS than 15 minutes (or even 8 minutes when you begin) – they are the first to claim otherwise.

Hmmmm…. !

In the military they teach you to pack with an economy of space. To move through the jungles with a minimum of noise – and sneak up behind the enemy before they know it. All within the blink of an eye no less.

In the 0 Excuses Fitness System I port this attitude over towards fitness, my friend.

My exercises and routines do NOT take forever – in fact, they require a MINIMAL (very so) investment of time.

My routines require NO equipment. No gadgets either.

My routines have you breathing naturally – and moving like a jungle cat from exercise to exercise – so quickly that you’re blitzed before you know it – and the fat is dripping off you nineteen to the dozen as well.

Most of all though, and again, my routines ensure you don’t WASTE time – as we all have precious little of it, my friend.

So drop the time wasting “take 10 minutes break between sets” routines that are all the rage in today’s gyms, my friend.

Drop the backslapping – at least when you’re training. Ditch the dumbphones. Resist the urge to pump, preen, pose and “tone” in front of the mirror for that perfect selfie.

All of it does NOTHING to advance you along to your goals.

Instead, train the 0 Excuses way – and get done with your workout in less than 15 minutes or more if you so choose – and then get on with the selfie clicking and life in general.

I guaran-damn-tee you – you’ll feel a heck of a lot better for doing so!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Still don’t believe me? Still don’t think you can get a ball buster of a workout in less than 15 minutes? Well, watch the 250 workout for starters – – available right HERE  – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/