When they can’t decide if they hate you or love you – or want to follow you, or not … Hehe.
- Quite the conundrum

I gotta give this to ole Benny’s, he’s actually a big loveable “good ole boy”, in many ways his habits are probably similar to mine – in some ways so dissimilar I wont even go there (well, we’ve been there!)

But anyway, I got this from ole Benny today –

“Results from Recent Training” was the subject line

It’s pretty funny you try to call me out for being fat and all that. Hate to break it to you man but I’ve put in a lot of hard work and have lost quite a bit of weight while putting on some solid muscle using sledgehammers, animal exercises, fat grip handled cable work and Isometric training. Never talk about something you can’t prove.

By the way, those tik tok videos are demos, not full on workouts. Instead of being a dick, why not actually show your workouts and demos to help give people an idea on what you do. You had some decent videos on YouTube and you are fit I will give you that. Sample videos can go a long way and have a higher potential of getting more viewers. Just a thought.

I don’t agree with what you do or how you represent certain things but you have great potential man and doing videos that give an idea on your products more often will go a long way. Last thing, calling people out without knowing the full story is really lame and shows how much of an asshole you are when you don’t need to be.


Now, for once he’s actually being rational for the most part and not throwing a hissy fit as he always does – so I’ll respond in kind.

First off, his results – well, he sent me pictures. I’d post them here for all to see and weigh in, but then he would, as he recently did whine about “please remove my pictures” so I’m not.

But those are the same shots that people in the Ship and past customers, not just me have called out for being – well, what they are – exceedingly fat.

I hate to break it, Benny, but those results aren’t showing because you are not doing the right thing, period.

You’re obese – and guess what, I’m fully qualified to tell you, and all the other people that are – because, well, I was one of them myself, I worked my ass off – I made mistakes, learnt, made them again, learnt again, fell down again, learnt again and then eventually reached where I am today.

With my crappy genetics and all else (and hey let’s not even go there for this one – this isn’t about ME) – if I can do it – you can – anyone can.

It all starts with being honest though in terms of what you see in the mirror, and only you can take that step my friend -clearly you aren’t.

I realize you don’t agree – but deep down inside you know the facts for what they are my friend – every phat … well, guy, I’ll be kind (for a change – since you didnt throw a hissy fit as you usually do), hehe – does.

Anyway “skipping” (pun intended, hehe) past his “results” … let’s address what he said.

I don’t agree with what you do or how you represent certain things but you have great potential man and doing videos that give an idea on your products more often will go a long way.

Well, thats perfectly fine Ben. Yours truly “jackass” – you’d be hard pressed to find people who “agree” (at least upfront) with a lot of the stuff I say.

Behind the scenes, you’ll find plenty more that agree though, because all I say is based upon fact.

It’s hard to hear, like you say I’m a dick about it and blunt as well (perhaps more than I should be), but I dont think anyone can doubt me on the facts or the veracity of what I say – the logic, as I so like to prattle about. Hehe.

As for the rest of it – potential, videos etc …

Instead of being a dick, why not actually show your workouts and demos to help give people an idea on what you do. You had some decent videos on YouTube and you are fit I will give you that. Sample videos can go a long way and have a higher potential of getting more viewers. Just a thought.

Now this is what I Really wanted to write about!

It’s something that I hate doing – videos in general – and I’ve written about why before.

And if I hate doing something, regardless of how much money it might make me down the line, I probably aint gonna do it long term …

But anyway – I’ve done ’em in the past like he says, but I’m leaning towards not doing them long term – again.

My customers have asked me for these too – some of them.

I dont know, to me, I’d rather train people one on one, I’d rather … I mean, those X number of followers I could get on Youtube, those millions of views and other crap – I’m not into all that.

I’m into RESULTS.

And as you know probably Ben – and a host of other people – none of that actually translates into sales in that proportion. Maybe it does for some people, and hey – kudos, but building a business on a third party platform which can shut you down without prior notice if they so choose – look at all the Instagrammers for one making tons of  money on there – then next day their accounts get banned – and where are they? Back to ZERO, working a job, and less…

I’ve written about all this before.

And I’d rather not depend on those third party platforms (other than Amazon) any more than I have to.

I’m well aware I could have videos etc for “public consumption” on my website like I do in the members only “Ship“.

But I dont, because it tends to attract more rabble and freebie seekers wanting things for free as opposed to serious buyers.

End of the day, main thing is this – I prefer running my show via writing – and thats probably what I’m going to do long term, period.

Never say never, of course, but at the moment, that is what it seems like.

Lumberjack training is an exception, because of the sheer weight and “difficult to do” nature of some of the exercises, I might just go ahead and put more videos out for public consumption – and maybe some one handed pull-ups if I really want to Tom Tom, hehe.

I focus on my strengths.

And while I’m hardly someone that can’t back my shit up, a lot of the preening these guys on Instagram etc do about “how strong we are”, how pretty we look etc – all that seems puerile to me, as Charles Mitchell once rightly said “but thats not you!”

It’s not.

But Ben has a good point in that regard – and he brought it up sensibly so I’m addressing it – thanks for bringing that up without “tripping” Ben – I appreciate it!

Hey, videos, that ole brain killer, its dumb, its moronic to “watch a video” when putting it in writing is an option, but people do it everywhere, everyone does it, so he’s got a point in that regard,  but then again, as far as I’m concerned, I don’t market to everyone, I never have, and I never will.

And if you had to ask me right now… NO. No why, not that the question is not the right one, but … I dont know, the gut speaketh as it always does.

I’m the contrarian that chooses to go down the path most label “dont go down”.

And my long term results back it up … most of the time, anyway.

(and look, if even those that dont particularly like me want to learn from me, albeit indirectly (or not) and/or might / are curious to “see” what I do, I must be doing something right – again. Heh)

Anyway …………………………….

Point of me mentioning all this?

If YOU guys want to see more videos – write back, tell me, and we’ll see what we can hanker up around here.

And if you guys have an opinion on any of this, as always share it, remember, yours truly doesn’t mind any sort of opinion, certainly not if it’s valid criticism of me – hey, John Walker sent me that on my birthday this year when he said I looked “out of shape” (and believe me, that was around the time many people were asking “how the heck do you do THAT kind of stuff”)  – and that was the best damned birthday present I could ever have asked for (and I will never shy away from saying that either), sitting here in the shape I was at 36 (actually better) – and when I was 36, I was truly in the best damned shape of my life – I’m fully qualified to say that as well.

“With your work ethic, I predict 2022 will be your best year”.

Gut feeling is always right, John, as is that canny mind!

I feel ya.

And it’s TRUE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Ben if you ever want any of my products, there’s a special discount waiting for you. Just thought I should put that out, hehe. Not because you said I have potential or because you called me Twiggy, or a dick or what not (though I hope you keep that coming, hehe, always up for some banter) but because, well, you’re finally ceasing to trip, which to me is the biggest thing. Like ole Alonzo said, “stop tripping, man”.


Like a customer wrote back …

“Thanks for taking my feedback like a man, you never know how people will react”

and he was right.

Life, punches from the Silverback Gorilla (Marc), feedback, applies to all of it.

I’m out. Back soon!

Bodybuilder with arms that massive that he can barely turn them around to see his ELBOW
- The madness, hehe.

I was recently watching a great movie “The Outlaws” – with a great male lead (one of them, the Korean dude, who sort of reminds me of Freddie who  said people call him everything from Spanish to Indian -kinda lik eme, hehe – we “like minded folks” seem to find a way to find each other eh!) … and the movie is superb (I have not finished it as yet).

Its about Korean gang wars (basically two brutally bloody – and I mean that – and believe me, some of these Asian gang wars … just like in real life, you wouldn’t believe the brutality – Japanese yakuza included, at least back in the day – Chinese Korean gangs going at it) – and unlike a lot of these type of movies, it’s realistic, and done very well …

… except for the fight scenes – the polar opposite.

Not the parts where the bad guys cut up people for not paying back loans (at a very inflated rate) – that part is done right, as well as the waterboarding etc.

But the actual fights – the male lead is a cop – who at first glance looks purely fat, but he’s SOLID – as you see when he takes his shirt off, yet, those huge arms …

At a certain point during the movie he does half pushups on the bathroom sink to pump up already grossly inflated pecs – then turns around and asks his colleague to apply oil to his triceps “because he can’t even turn his neck around to see the tricep”.

He says that specifically.

Then another part where he hurts his elbow, can’t turn his arm around to see it, so massive it is.

I’m not sure if that part of the movie is done satirically – maybe, maybe not, and this is nothing against the actor himself, he’s done a great job I believe, movie’s superb.

(even though I dont understand Korean, I do understand some of the Chinese, and plus we have subtitles) …

But anyway, the dude –  other than massive upper arms and huge chest is nothing but mostly bloated.

I wont even get into describing the core, but lets suffice it to say the following –

In a fight WHEN he lands one – the other one goes down – out like a light – just like you would if a grizzly landed one.

Two – thats assuming he catches the bad guys to land one in the first place, and any sort of serious chase which involves him running or climbing stairs – any real world stuff – he loses.

And is shown extremely out of breath in the movie.

This movie has no shortage of characters like that, along with the lean and mean sorts (the bosses basically).

Reminds me of one night when I almost got into a fight in China with one of these meathead type Bozos (thinking about it, I believe there was more to the situation there than met the eye, hence my “request” to my buddy from the Marines to leave before it escalated, but of course he never did – I dont blame him. Hehe. Sometimes, you can’t back down!) …

… He was great at lifting people up and tossing them.

But ask him to last three rounds in the ring with the African Silverback Gorilla for one, no slouch in the size department, and he’d fail within the first round.

I still remember the other guys pulling him back from me.

“Lao ban, lao ban”, they went, looking at me (Boss in Mandarin Chinese).

Of course, my buddy and him then duked it out arm wrestling – and my buddy won. Hehe. That dude is just massively strong – naturally!

He’s also the first to admit when his conditioning is off.

“Ive got a layer of fat around the midsection I need to get rid off!”

Last night, the wife was talking about being fat “because of the C section” and how women can’t get rid of the flab later.

I attempted to tell her flab is flab, reduce the overall percentage of fat in your body, you’ll get there, of course, nothing doing there. Women. Hehe.

Then she claimed “I just have fat thighs, I’m not fat overall”.

I had to interject.

“No you dont. Those are BIG thighs, STRONG thighs”, I went – and I’m RIGHT there.

She’s got that from years of cycling and farm work as a kid, running through mud farms at 5 AM in the morning …

“But your core is fat”. 

Specifically, your … butt, I went. 

The squeals of “how dare you” would have woken the dead. Hehe.

All in good fun though …

But really, back to body builders, read about the case I’ve mentioned on the Shoulders like BOULDERS! page.

He’s hardly the only one.

Look, why am I telling you all this again -first off, remember, big arms doesnt necessarily equate to big anything else, its a medically proven fact it equates to tinier “bollocks” down there as well and this can be verified.

Second, slimmer guys – well, there is a reason for the Chinese saying “pang ren qiu dian”.

Fat man have small penis – not because they do, but because of the BLOOD flow to the lower back, lower abs and core.

And last, but not least, all that excess mass is not functional my friend.

This is perhaps the most important thing, not to mention all the heart related issues you’ll have from bulking up most unnaturally, look, I realize everyone wants to be big, a sizeable proportion of those people – pun intended – because they’re FAT as well, and want to counteract that.

I get it.

But realize one damn thing – size dont mean shit in a fight overall unless you’ve got the other attributes with it.

You might be able to outlift a Gorilla – not really, but whats the point if you drop dead after that one time lift? (if you have to exert yourself further)?

Look, this silliness has got to end, and I’m going to be the one telling you about whether you listen or not.

NATURAL fitness is how it should be.

Nature never intended us to become bloated freaks pumping the bis, tris and other crap.

We were intended to be lean – mean – FIGHTING MACHINES.

Bottom line.

If anyone can tell me or prove different, have at – the floor is – YOURS!

Back to it – Animal Kingdom Workouts is the product the doc ordered in this regard, if you truly want to get back to what Nature – Mother Nature, hehe – intended you to be – then get this product now, and start romping out on the exercises and workouts in it – NOW!

Not to mention, the 0 Excuses Fitness System and its contents should be your constant companion no matter where you go.

Back to predicting the future for me – I’ll be waiting for you to get those products and get back with a great – honest – review as well!

Best ,

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Please, again, ditch the foolishness. What good does that bulk do if you can’t turn around – literally – to wipe your ass??

Or lift your arms up to put a damned shirt on?

You gonna hire valets for that? Good luck with that! Maybe Glyn would volunteer, but … ugh. I mean, lets get REAL HERE pally …

To get REAL SIZE AND BULK – do what is mentioned here, and do so naturally as well – https://0excusesfitness.com/shoulders-like-boulders.

And that, my friend is that.

Why your so called 1 million page views per month matter NOT.
- And they really dont.

Out of all the tom tomming a lot of people do, this one is the most asinine.

It’s also what works for the “herd” – so if you’re marketing to the herd, by all means include crap like that which is neither really measurable nor always true in your bio, links, everything.

It’s amazing, but people buy that crap, then regard that person (who usually knows a little more than “F all” and is sassy enough to market himself or herself at some sort of level with the right political correctness, breakfast images and other crap) as some form of an expert or guru, and the only answer to the question “but what they have done to qualify them to be as such” ?

“They have one million views” (insert number of choice).

Now, that isn’t necessarily a BAD thing.

If anything, it proves the person at least marketed themselves well enough (for their own purpose).

Or destiny struck, or the stars aligned for that book to become a mega hit, once in a lifetime as it were…

But it doesnt necessarily prove – if you break it down – the person is a guru at something.

Often times, usually – the real gurus are very successful indeed in their own lives, so are their followers.

But you wont see them market “X” number of followers – period.

I’ve never seen Donald Trump do it – he doesnt need to.

I purposely stay off social media, block people from emailing me etc routinely, do all I can to CULL my list, yet, that list burgeons – and I Dont even Tom tom my “15 K plus” numbers on that, most of whom are very highly engaged.

I could parrot my 30% click rates all day long…

But fact is, while these stats sound good – lets focus on YOU is my maxim.

What exactly do those stats do for YOU?

Wouldn’t it be better to give YOU the real deal, what works for YOU fitness wise??

Por ejempelo, I could go on and on about how my book “0 Excuses Fitness” is the best out there, nothing comes close to it (these aren’t my words, they’re a review the book got) … and so forth.

(link to review here)

Personally I feel thats great – I feel humbled when I get these reviews, and people telling me I deserve all the praise for the great work Ive done.

But I’d rather focus on what works for you.

Which is at the end of the day basically what worked for me.

Brutal honesty.

Hard workouts – tough ass workouts with no mercy, never becoming a pussy trainer just to sell more …

Giving it to you STRAIGHT.

Telling you what you NEED to hear – not what you WANT to hear.

And keeping it all interesting, of course. Hehe.

And therefore, achieving one million views on Youtube ain’t high on my list of priorities, it’s not even there.

Metrics wise I Could point out far more important metrics that dont sound that snazzy, but they are really what matter, what count, what keep you from having skinny kids and so forth.

Like SALES, for one … Hehe.

And not giving a rip about feelings or political correctness or other BS of that nature.

Anyway – enough on that front, bit of a rant, all well warranted and true though.

For brutal hard hitting fitness information that CUTS PAST THE HORSESHIT, and just flat out WORKS – and is the best out there by far (competition does not even come close in any regard) – get the 0 Excuses Fitness System now.


Rahul Mookerjee

The movie all beached whales should probably watch (along with apologists and phat phocks)
- Note - this applies to the whiners.

With so much whining going on about “big but not fat”, and “I’m not fattttttttttttttttt!” while surreptiously posting about “my weight loss is coming soooooo slow!” – and posting pictures of man boobs claiming ‘it’s muscle’ and other nonsense the masses are so addicted to (really, my wife made a telling comment the other night “they’re making people WEAK” is what she said – and I laughed – “people were already weak, its been goin on for years”) …

I mean sac up beached whales, if you’re fat, you’re fat, there’s no two ways around it.

Either you get off your blubbery ass and do something about it, or you live with going to plus stores and whine about it – there’s no two ways around this.


Or this “amazingly awesome!” crap I see a certain fellow keeping on going on about …

Or this “so what if I’m fat! I’m a human being!”

I mean jeez (this was a girl I wont name) – yeah, I never said you were a Martian, women are from Venus eh.

Christ Almighty, as a certain John Walker once said, “where’s the Dunkirk spirit”.

Doubt most even know what that means.

Anyway – this movie, I ain’t seen it, neither will I.

“The Whale” its so aptly named as well …

And after watching the cast, I sure won’t x 10.

It smacks of hypocrisy and political correctness, the VIBE – except for the 600 lb male lead Brendan Fraser, now I know nothing about the dude, but the vibe he gives off is actually that of a DOER.

In the movie apparently he wears a prosthetic suit to mimic being a phat phocker.

I dont blame you, Brendan!

Though of course, if you’re really dedicated you could do a Sly Stallone (Copland) but Sly even there looked “solid but out of shape” – NOT 600 lbs – doubt despite all the eating Sly did for the movie he’d want to get that badly out of shape no matter what the payoff.

I know I wouldnt.

Suits, well, Ben Affleck put on one for Batman, hey. Thats movies…

Anyway, this movie – the male lead (again, I didnt even know who Brendan Fraser was until today) –

“Obesity is the last domain of prejudice that we as a society still haven’t changed the way we speak about it, the way we refer to people, the way that we care about one another,” says #TheWhale star Brendan Fraser. “I’m hopeful that can change.”

Well he had to say it – its his movie, apparently a “comeback” movie from what people are touting it as, I’ve no idea why and I dont particularly care to research it either.

Bozo Glyn of course would watch it just for the “gay” and “humungous butt” part.

But its sad movies like this with all the right Asian cast, the “token Indian” thrown in (sorry, I have to be honest friends – and I’m not exactly white myself, so please spare me the drama on this one) and so forth …

… are all the rage.

Anyway, phat phockers will likely love the movie, for me, one to avoid…

I mean, really.


Like, if you’re sad, get the fuck over it. Its that simple.

Or be sad and workout.

If you’ve got genuine health issues that make you balloon up and you can’t exercise, then I’ll never say this sort of thing – other hand, over dependency on medicines you dont need in the first place making you a beached whale and lazier by the day, if thats you, you’re just pathetic my friend.

IF thats you (before the drama comes rolling in).

I’m being honest here, fellas.

There’s no two ways around it.

If you want to kick ass and take names, at a certain point you face facts, and no matter how tough it is you make a start – and (a certain “Chuck” hates me saying this, hehe, he says its “mindless”) – just do it.

Thats it, you just do it, you ignore everything else.

The simplest of maxims works the best.

I’ve been recently asked “do I have a copyright on Just do it”?

I might as well, hehe. Maybe I’ll apply for one!

In the meantime, for a brutally tough, hard hitting fitness system that sticks to real world sensible info that works, is not politically correct, and tells you what to do to get in shape without the extra bullshit, go here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

And that, friend, is that.

Back – SOON!


Rahul Mookerjee

The book that truly seperates the POSERS, wackos and wannabes from the DOERS, the real MEN …
- It truly does.

I just love it when I get comments like “you dont even look like you work out!” – or … “Twiggy” or other nonsense, hehe.

I make it a point to mention it instantly. Hehe. Always one for mentioning BOTH sides of the coin am I – bluntly at that, hehe. So it shall remain!

(because my list knows I give it to them straight in terms of everything, not just the “good” stuff) (Thats why they call me the REAL DEAL!)

Not just because it’s a massive boost in sales – I know every time Glyn Bozo shows up for one, theres a HUGE spike in sales (which has already registered since he’s popped his head out of his mouse hole a coupla days ago apparently) … but also because it gives me a chuckle and amuses me.

And hey, end of the day if it wasn’t interesting enough to amuse me I probably wouldnt bother anyway. Hehe.

Anyway ….

This one from a real man – my buddy who spent more than 20 years in the Marines, when I kept telling him compared to him (he’s HUGE naturally) – I looked “small”.

There’s plenty of things that he said, but there’s ONE thing that he kept repeating /saying that sticks in mind.

“You’re not a small specimen, Rahul!”

And then the part about the “packed chest“, “you look like you workout regularly”, and so forth …

Truly, with me, even in that regard, it’s a case of “extremes”. Either you do or you dont. And thats fine.

I still remember Marc the African Silverback Gorilla telling me – “you’re not that much smaller than I am!”

Actually he’s right on this one, but he could knock my damn lights out too, hehe.

“He’s thick, but you’re broad!” 

Anyway …

One of my favorite pictures, and I dont take very many was from China in 2018, me working out on my lonesome, it was approaching winter, and it was almost Chinese New Year when damn near the entire country would overrun the park, so I was trying to get my workouts done FIRST.

Solid, hard pull-up workous…

It was during that period I created three of my best, most solid books – Pull-ups – from STUD to super STUD within a matter of WEEKS!Advanced Hill Training – and of course the incomparable Battletank Shoulders, truly forged in the spirit of battle, bleeding chin and all … Hehe.

(no fun when you hammer your chin to the ground when doing handstand pushups).

(even less when you pop a thumb in and out – OUCH! That one remains on the top of the list of injures to avoid) …

Anyway, my ego BE spilling over – as always, eh. Hehe.

And so in that regard, here’s a picture I wanted to share with ya’ll, not for any other reason other than I LOVE it – some of the best memories ever.

Whether or not it shows me working out, you decide. Hehe.

A bit grainy that pic eh.

But it’ll do.

The better pictures are in the book – which seperates the DOERS from the wanna be’s and posers.

And that book, my friend is “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within a matter of weeks!

It’s even being translated into Spanish as we speak. Hehe.

But if there was ONE book in my catalog I could point out as having that description, it is this one.

Trust me, it’s a tough choice.

There are MANY – Animal Kingdom Workouts is another – Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness is another – and many others that fit the bill, and rightly so.

But pull-ups, doing them in proper form, and the core and ab workouts you get – and the special ways I teach you to do pull-ups in a manner most people not only have never thought of, but cannot DO, period – they will always remain the litmus test of real fitness.

If you’re a poser, if you’re fat, if you’re someone that talks a big game but falls flat on their face when it comes time to DO – this exercise is the #1 indicator, the #1 test that will show YOU up fast – and humble you BRUTALLY.

So it should.

On that note, heres a great review for the book from John Walker, a true doer –

This book will transform you.

First I must address the above review otherwise you’ll find what I have to say regarding the book hard to believe.

The fact is, Glyn Schofield has an ongoing dispute with the author of the book and his review is designed to try and dissuade people from purchasing the book and thereby cost the author potential customers.
Glyn Schofield has not purchased any of the books he routinely reviews, nor does he have the slightest clue as to what constitutes a valid training book, I seriously doubt he’s ever exercised in his sorry little life.

Back to the review, this book will transform anyone who has the guts to give the book’s content a good hard try, there is a reason that the top elite military units around the world prize this exercise so highly, having the strength to pull your own bodyweight from full extension to full contraction repeatedly is very rare these days, which is why the easier lat pulldown exercise is so popular, it does not require the same amount of strength, only pulling your own bodyweight will give you that superior strength, if you want that kind of strength you owe it to yourself to get this book and learn from it and prepare to be transformed.

Another excellent book from the bodyweight guru.

Here is a review he sent in earlier for “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD – within a matter of WEEKS!” –

(he did what I keep telling people to do i.e. get the books in ORDER, this one first, then the advanced book.

Kudos, John – doer as always!)

Brilliant Book On The Most Important Upper-Body Exercise.

Quite simply, if you cannot pull your own bodyweight from a dead-hang till your chin passes over the bar you are not “strong” and no amount of lat pulldowns will correct this weakness.

Buy this book and learn how to do the most important upper-body exercise correctly and you’ll never look back.

Brilliant book, thank you.

Notice how he keeps saying “chin passing over the bar”.

Lots of posers and fitness wannabe’s claim they do pull-ups, they do em in piss poor lousy form which dont count.

Look, if you’re using momentum to swing up there, if you’re not gripping the right way, if you’re wimping out and doing parallel bar pull-ups more than regular (dont get me wrong, the former is great, but nothing replaces the latter), and most of all – if you’re not COMFORTABLY getting the chin over the bar and holding there for a sec at least – ideally, it should be STERNUM to bar – then you’re not fit, you’re not strong, and you’re not doing pull-ups right, period.

Even my buddy from the Marines admitted that I was right in terms of form on pull-ups when we were discussing it, now for them of course they train for combat, so form isn’t always paramount – but ask any Marine to read either of the two books I’ve written, and give you an honest unbiased opinon of the contents, and how to’s on pull-ups, they will tell you the same damn thing.

If there’s one thing Marines know it’s how to do pull-ups, if there is one exercise they respect despite cracking out over 500 pushups daily as “routine” – it is pull-ups.


And it shouldn’t be any other way!

Anyway …

Back to ego, I got this whiny rant today (as I suspected I would)

Wow Dude What’s Your Deal?

Hey man,

If you have an issue with me, just talk to me instead of bitching on your blog. I’m right here. I saw some of your recent posts and I don’t what your deal is but whatever you think I even wrote about recently had nothing to do with you at all. You need to check your ego man, or get some serious help. Seriously are you that messed up in the head?


Always interesting how people react when the shoe is on the other foot. Hehe. Reminds me of Bozo Glyn who has been begging for an audience with me for years for ostensibly the same reasons, yet, when the shoe was in his corner, he would happily troll me publicly and blocked me from the get go instantly.

Hee hee, is all I can say. Should I put in that giggle emoji Maria keeps telling me not to use?

Doesn’t fit in with the image above, I know, but hey, shades of grey, and hey. Seriously. I cannot understand why people trip like this, but trip they Do, trip they will, and its all a massive sales boost for me which I love. Hehe.

As for Benny Boy, who sent that whiny stuff in, dude, like I said, I had forgotten all about you, but you didnt.

You’re the one that can’t get enough, and keep coming back for more. Dont they all, lol (hey, that rhymed!)

And if you’re going to keep reading what I say “on the sly” – trying to copy my style (so obvious it shows) – if you’re going to make comments about books not even released as yet – and so forth – and then pretend you never did – well , all I can say is … cop out, my dear Benny.

Look, luv, as Aunt Dahlia would say, hehe – you’re dealing with a Master of the Game here, and you won’t win, I’ll tell you that much, but you’re welcome to keep trying.

(and as for being messed up in the head, while you’re nowhere near as messed up as the Bozo is, hehe – you’re getting there, I mean really – who parades their man boobs around shaking them off and saying “look at my muscle” …)

Not to mention, what you keep babbling about “he knows nothing about training”, well, chances are “he”, whoever he is, and I think I know, knows a hell of a lot more than you do about it, hehe. But hey, keep at…

As a customer said about this “guy”

“My God, what a real man and a half”. Hehe.

(i put in the “half”).

And that’s that.

Anyway …

Fitness wise, “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within a matter of WEEKS!” is truly the book, the LITMUS test, the ONE indicator amongst many that seperates real men from pansies, poses, whiners, puffers, buffers, and so forth.

If you’re in any way interested in physical training, and if you’re a real man or woman reading this, then you’ll want to have this book in your catalog – period.

If you claim “its just pull-ups”, or “I dont want it”, or any other rot of that nature, then I’m sorry (any other rot of the nature mentioned above that is) but you’re neither really interested in any form of serious physical training nor are you a real man or woman.

Facts may hurt, but there they are.

Every real doer should want, and HAVE this on their bookshelf – PERIOD.

Get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – On a side note, but this is something that could and should be of supreme interest to a lot of you reading this, I once asked John what his favorite book was in terms of all of the ones he’s got (he will get more too when his situation permits) ..

And he answered with this one – Pushups – Reverse Pushups – the best darn exercise EVER! 


Well, the review on the page says it all, check it out NOW.

Why your big tummy should give you “the creeps”
- More than your bad debt, hehe.

I keep getting bazillions of offers for credit cards, debt fixes, and other junk in the old Inbox – not to mention a barrage of spam daily from Bozo, of course, which all goes to a folder than I read when I have time – or am looking for troll material like I was yesterday, hehe (Bozo never disappoints).

His latest is some whiny rant about “not looking like a movie star”, like really Glyn, step one is to get rid of that belly hanging down to your non existent “cankles” if you get my drift …

Anyway losers aside –

I got this today.

“Is your bad debt giving you the creeps”?

I’m no stranger to marketing, headlines etc, but this one made me giggle, I’ll admit.

I really should post something more “manly”. I still remember “Sister Maria” once telling me “you’re a man, you shouldn’t use that one!”

Hehehe – she is, was, and remains TOO CUTE. Hehe.

Anyway, giggle is giggle, and a certain Bozo will be wetting his – or her – pants reading this. Hehe.

Back to it – –

And then I instantly thought of something that should give most people the creeps, but it doesnt.

A Long time ago, my mother once referred to my working from home (and not preferring to go out and work in an “office” i.e. corporate slave, suit and tie crap) as “shudder, it FEELS so … horrible when you stay at home”.

She did not mean horrible when “I” stay at home, she meant “any man who works from home should feel horrible for doing so”.

Despite the fact Mom stays home all day, of course. Hehe. Some logic it’s best not to attempt to EVEN argue, heh… I didnt!

But anyway, the next job was a lot of fun, met the wife, drank a lot of beer – hardly if ever went to the ole office stead, a job that continued years after I left it “working from home” – and so forth – all mentioned HERE.

All great fun, all great memories, guys, and so forth (and even the headhunters right next to us, dont even get me started on girls on phones, hehe).

Hey, I ended up marrying one! (she was not in that office, but..)

Anyway –

Poor health, being a lazy, slothful and FAT individual with man boobs hanging down to waist (and proudly parading them as “muscle”) – bellies that hangeth over and look like you’ve had 10x “Barnhill Buffets” too many on a very regular basis, a general look that looks like you never workout – much less be an expert on which books work and which dont’ – and which routines and best and which not – and overall, getting back to it- being a fat lazy sloth in general.

Which unfortunately most men (and a lot of women) these days are, and they’re damn proud of it too.


What you really though in my opinion need to be ashamed of, my friend – and it SHOULD give you the creeps fitness wise isn’t not being able to do pull-ups, or being terrible at squats, not being able to climb a hill without collapsing and so forth – all those things, YES, you should feel bad for not being able to do ’em, there’s far more actually in terms of what is considered “normal” to do – take a gander at what the great Earlie Liederman said for one, what he said would be considered a “go straight to the grave” workout for most phat phools these days, since they’d go straight to the hospital most likely (or grave) if they tried it… (and it should be NORMAL, and it aint ME saying it either!!) …

There’s MORE to those benchmarks, I only gave you the watered down version, and dont blame me, a DOER said those words.

Anyway ………

The real fitness based issue that should give you the creeps – that massive TUMMY hanging down to your cankles – hangeth over.

Look, it aint even about looks, if you’re fat, you’re fat. Thats true, but … its about HEALTH. Its about function. Its about OBESITY, and all the related health issues.

If you’re fat, chances are excellent and second to none you can’t do one pull-up, or very many pushups, or climb a hill, or do any of that normal stuff in any sort of proper form.

Your risk for heart attacks and all other ailements increases exponentially.

You FEEL like shit all day when you’ve got a gut that hangeth over – and you likely suffer from IBS, constipation, and other related stomach issues all the time.

You probably can’t sleep worth a damn – unless its in a drunken stupor.

And so forth, and a host of other ills you already know about, so I wont mention them here again.

There is NO excuses for having a big gut, period, I dont care what you do otherwise – but a big gut is a sure shod giveaway along with man boobs of someone that does F all in terms of actual workouts .

I dont care about the preening , posing, how much you can bench and other crap.

Again, if you’re fat and unfit, and lazy and slothful it SHOWS.

You dont need me to tell you this, do you?

The core, my friend – which includes the TUMMY – is one of the MOST important parts of the body to train along with grip and legs.

And rather than me prattle on again about it – go to the Corrugated Core page – NOW.



Assimilate (pun).

And then GET the book, and start cracking.

Note – only for serious core trainees, not pump n tone beach wannabes. This course, sure, you’ll get those abs and then some, but that ain’t the goal, if thats yours, you’re best off NOT getting the book.

So much for making sales, or not. Hehe. But I’m just being honest.

And remember, dont put the cart before the horse.

Gorilla Grip and the 0 Excuses Fitness System are must gets along with that book in order for it to function effectively together, much like your body was intended to.

And thats that. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

More “feedback”- no pun intended hehe – on Dish Delicious. Dive in!
- Getting thy feed on - feels good!

I wrote about a great review that Helena Loureiro, a reader of Dish Delicious sent in a few days ago .

That email can be accessed HERE.

If you remember, that one ended off with her saying she’d get back to me.

In a sure shod sign of a doer – she kept her word – and DID!

Which I truly do appreciate, and of course the great review she sent in. So many people “say” they’ll get back, then they never do – which I truly hate. Disrespect x 100 – thats something I dont tolerate, period.

Helena is truly a doer, anyway, enough from me – for now – onward with what she says –

(she has even translated the book into Portugese as well already, she liked it that much. Hehe).

Hello, Rahul!

I’m really glad you’re happy with your translated book, that really means a lot!

And YES, it would be so amazing if there was Volume 2.

In my most sincere opinion, it’s about time people stop treating food as the enemy of a healthy life when it’s actually one of the greatest allies. And although nowadays we, as food and nutrition professionals, talk a lot about that when it comes to sweets and carbs, what is not enough talked about is about not treating “healthy food” as enemies either, as if they were “killjoys”, or as if it was impossible to enjoy eating or having fun around them, when they can be actually delicious!

Content like yours do a great job reminding us that “healthy food” does NOT equal “sad food”.

Being in a post-pandemic weight loss journey myself, this type of content has helped me change the unhealthy relationship I had with food and made me realize that YES, I can crave things like salads on a weekend evening and honor that craving without feeling guilty for not having a burger or pizza just because that’s what society classifies as “tasty”
(just like I don’t need to feel guilty for choosing the pizza once in a while if that’s what I ACTUALLY want to eat and not because I was conditioned to choose that for a Saturday night or else the party was over), healthy food can be great when we think outside the box and, by doing that, I realized I actually love healthy food and today it can bring me as much joy and comfort as things like chicken nuggets did when I was a kid.

Thank you so much for letting me translate your book, reading and translating it was such a great experience and I really hope you and your wife keep on writing more and more cookbooks to make more people realize how delicious healthy food can actually be.

By the way, I did try the spinach recipe and it’s amazing, I’m adding it to my lunch salad everyday!

Can’t wait to try more recipes from your book!

Is there somewhere in here where I can leave you a review?

If so, let me know!

Best regards, Helena.

Showl is Helena, we always appreciate these great – and honest reviews pouring in!

Yours truly –

Hi Helena,

Thanks for your positive feedback – that truly means a lot!

Yes, you’re spot on – healthy does not need to mean “boring” or “plain Jane”, or “staid” or any of those things that people equate with healthy – YES, you can eat well – and healthy – and you can still enjoy that dinner – or lunch, as you can tell!

I love the way you referred to is as “sad” food – hehe. Yes, that is how people feel when asked to eat healthy, but it does
not need to be that way at all!

And I’m glad my content is helping changing mindsets in that regard – YES (and especially if you workout) you dont need to feel guilty for your food choices. In any case, what the “so called experts” tell you is one thing, and it usually doesnt work,
my book “The Simple and Effective Diet” gets into this in further detail as well…

Food as an ally?

It is so apt you mentioned that here – my wife and I were discussng “North Korea” (amongst a host of other things) at the dinner table (appropriate? hehe) during one of those conversations our daughter loves so much …

And the one question she posed to me which I couldn’t and cannot answer – why doesn’t the North Korean leader at least get his country to a point where people dont starve to death routinely?

I mean, I get it – he wants control, pure and utter control, but just look at China, thats control x 10 as well, but the government manages it by providing the people with the means to a better lifestyle, and by improving China’s lot in the world
which is a constructive way of achieving what might not be desirable for all …

North Korea – it seems they have a few nukes, but nothing else – and even that huge army of theirs (in relative terms) needs FOOD to sustain themselves, so I must confess – I thought about it – but for once, I was tongue ties, and I usually never am in these sort of discussions. Hehe.

i.e. “an army runs on FOOD” basically, you dont fight on an empty stomach …

Perhaps leaving the country in that sort of disrepair works in terms of geopolitical rivalries which we then discussed, that might be a good answer, but for his own people, his own nation – the only answer I can think of it “he truly doesnt care”.


Anyway, the reason I bring that up here is what you said – its time people stop treating food as an enemy.

SO TRUE! We dont “live to eat”, but certainly – thats one of the base requiremens of all mankind, no matter how (so called) advanced we get, no matter how many “dumbphones” we have, we still need food to fill our bellies and nourish us and
treating, or thinking of food as the enemy is utterly counterproductive. (and illogical as well, not to mention STUPID – to me “one and the same thing” in this discussion).

In terms of reviews … <chopped>

Once again, thanks for the “feedback” – hehe, I truly do appreciate it. Volume Two is definitely “in the works as we speak”, “when” is the question – there are about 5 books I’ve got right now pending on the backburner, all in various stages of completion, so I suppose catch as catch can on that one.

Enjoy that food and do keep writing back – always glad to hear from you Helena!

Rahul Mookerjee


Well, my friend, that says it all I believe, eloquent as ever from yours truly …

Remember, the Simple and Effective Diet is yours GRATIS with a digital purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System – and of course, for all Ship members.

Stay tuned for more on this! (ie Volume two of Dish Delicious – in the meantime, get Volume One NOW).


Rahul Mookerjee

Why 2 sec Tik Tok Fitness will be the death of us all.
- Along with dumbphone addiction in general ...

My wife was making a somewhat valid point the other night about (and this is an old fashioned Indian concept, but I’m sure it’s applicable everywhere) – “if you’re eating from the soil of a certain nation, dont “curse” that nation”.

She meant curse as in “complain excessively about” …

Its hard to translate it to English directly as it with many of these Asian sayings, but I agree – to a point.

To me, to criticize constructively is something that should always be done – if just to IMPROVE something – it applies to countries, places, rules, individuals, everything.

True, excessive whining and moaning with no real solutions is completely counter-productive.

But to truly change and better ourselves, we have to realize – and admit – that a problem – sometimes a huge one – exists.

And thats true with life, fitness, everything.

If you’re going nowhere in life, step one isn’t necessarily to think about where you want to be.

It’s to first understand and acknowledge the cold, hard, brutal fact that you’re headed nowhere now – but good news is, you’re doing so because you WANT to make a change in your life, a better change, and then you start the visualization and everything else.

Same thing for fitness.

You realize you’re fat and out of shape, but you WANT to get in kick butt shape, so thats the starting point.

Without that though, nothing changes, if you look in the mirror and try to justify your lack of ability at pull-ups by saying stuff a lot of guys say like “this exercise isn’t for me” – or the eternal, sorry ass “I’m big but not fat!” … then nothing will change (it goes for your weight, health, everything really).

Same thing for business. If you’re making zero sales, you know nothing is happening, nothing probably will, yet you stubbornly stick on to “but it’s working” (when its not) – then nothing will ever change.

You gotta acknowledge there is a problem FIRST – in order for solutions to appear. And they will if you do it right.

Anyway, Zero to Hero tells you more about that.

I’m here – today – to tell you about “Tik Tok Fitness” again, hehe.

Or “Instagram Fitness”, what have you.

The two second – or minute, hehe – bursts that dont work, dont satisfy anyone or anything except ego. Hehe. I won’t even go there (a certain Bozo Schofield knows all about  “two second rounds” hehe) …

Anyway, back to fitness –

A lot of fitness – and food apparently these days – boils down to “looking pretty in front of the camera”, “camera angles” and other nonsense, and they skip over what really matters- focus, form, rep counts, and many other things.

Viewing some of the junk that passes for fitness and nutrition these days on YouTube, something I never do normally – I have to say this. Reminds me of what they said in Rocky I about Apollo Creed…

“I’ve never seen a fighter so concerned about his hair!”

Or, the Sly Stallone movie “The Specialist”, where a review went something like …

“Preening, posing and oiled to a T, the stars contort and pose in front of the camera so much that after a certain point you forget you’re watching a movie and begin to wonder if you’re watching a yoga show”.


That, unfortunately though is what fitness has become for the mainstream.

X number of “followers”, and what not.

My point is simple – this sort of thing is not only stupid and doesn’t work – but its downright dangerous to your health to think that sort of thing will actually do anything for you health and fitness wise.

Doing five reps of a pushup and then claiming “its a WORKOUT!!!!!!!!” and puffing and buffing a bit and then crashing on the couch for hours apparently isn’t how its done.

It’s called blood, sweat and tears.

Its called old school.

Think when Rocky went old school in Rocky III.


That look in the eye can only come from training in bare bones, spartan surroundings -training for hours to perfect form – technique – all of the things that matter.

True, when you get good at it, your actual workout wont, and shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes tops, but you’ll find you keep doing it throughout the day in those intervals.

You’ll find you keep twirling a club you keep by your side even when you’re ostensibly doing nothing, much like the great Bruce Lee did with his dumbbells…

You’ll find you find every excuses under the sun to knock of sets of 10 pull-ups during the day ..

And so forth.

You’ll look better, feel better, you’ll slowly start getting in top, kick ass shape …

And then you’ll get to a point where you view those Tik Tok videos, those Youtube videos, and say “WTF are these guys even doing? Where is the form? All that there is music and looking purdy but little else” …

Works for some people, but if you’re into real fitness, stuff that really works – nah. Stay away would be what I’d say.

Anyway, I’m off to get my tea. Writing about some things yesterday – literally, as a client “John” once told me “my tea has gotten cold writing that long email to you”, so I’m off to make another pot.

Hehe, maybe it was coffee, but I get it John, I’m the same damn way.

Anyway, Tik Tok fitness seems to be all the rage, and that what, along with dumbphones (mentally) – it will be the death of us all if we LET it. Not only does it not work the body like it should – but your heart, cardio, strength system, none of it is really worked in that show biz type workout a lot of these influencers and wanna-be’s put out …

To end this (and this ties into what the wife was saying)-

“Why do I even have a dumbphone if I hate it so much”. 

Well, unfortunately even yours truly cave dweller lives in this here world, therefore… Hehe.

And thats that.

The 0 Excuses Fitness System is by far, so far it ain’t even funny your best bet for REAL fitness – stuff that really works, old school stuff that aint “nice” or “pretty”, but it will hammer you into shape – fast.

Go get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

What truly seperates Scorpion “in butt” Schofield from the lot…
- And it aint nice. Truly a vile bastard is he...

First off, dont get me wrong.

I “love” Glyn – if just for the fact he’s made me more sales than any other troll has – by far.

And that one indicator alone is enough business wise, which is why I welcome more of his trolling – unfortunately he’s not doing it publicly any more.

I still remember when he wrote something about “worshipping cocks” and claimed it was me who wrote it, and posted that review on another site (under some alias of his) which promptly got banned, but not before I shared it both to this list and the “Ship” members. Hehe. All had a hearty chuckle at the Bozo, hey, can’t “beat” that – no puns intended, no matter how “micro” Glynnie.

But anyway – what really makes this bastard stand out from the rest of the idiot trolls he leads?

Trolls, and you’ll see this in the upcoming book “Profit Troll” – are usually a pretty harmless bunch – 90% of them.

Theyre usually sad little clowns with nothing going on in their lives that dont just get their jollies from trolling behind the computer screens – they get it from the reactions they generate. Hehe.

Its sick I know, but these clowns are such losers they get their jollies from upsetting others.

And so they’ll think of inane things to say, and sometimes actually smart things that hit home – except they dont apply them smarts, if they ever show up – to anything but their own lives.

And of course, with how PC and molly coddled the world has become 90% of the world is shit scared of these fools i.e. “what people think of me”.

And so their trolling continues. Not necessarily “profiting” anyone except them mentally (like a quick but unsatisfying jerk like Bozo once claimed he did on a bus in Nanjing in response to a Facebook promo on Gorilla Grip. Apparently Bozo posted something about “thats how I built my gorilla grip”, well with his non existent gorilla, anyway, I best not go there heh).

But it’s the 10% that are really vile, mean, nasty – and that like Bozo get the crap kicked out of them at regular intervals.

You know what makes Glyn stand out though?

His propensity to target women and children – the elderly – people that couldn’t fight back if they tried, people that dont know any better.

His propensity to first be friend someone, and then rip them off in the worst manner possible.

His tendency to be a lowlife, scumbag, scam artist and backstabber – and stuff like that.

It is nothing else – I dont care about his tendency to sniff butts wherever he goes, his constant rants about “I want to be a woman” – hell , if a member of the UK parliament can cop a manly feel if you get my drift when drunk, I guess so can Schofield …it is not the fact he gets drunk and poos in class (ugh) – it is not his habit of throwing beer bottles out of 11th floor windows in China, it isn’t a host of other lunacy … it is THAT above bit.

I mean, here’s the thing.

I’ll call people out till the ends of the earth if they’re full of shit in the most inventive, imaginative, reasonable and profit making manners possible.

(and it would be all TRUE).

The ring of truth, as my buddy once said!

But I would never, ever, no matter what the provocation might be, stoop to the levels Glyn does which is attacking the weak.

I mean, even Hannibal Lecter didnt do that …

You don’t target women and non combatants, period, my friend. Thats the bottom line!

Especially not family either – say what you like about the dude, do what you like by all means, but “what goes on on the field stays on the field” my friend – and thats how it IS.

If you dont believe in that maxim, you’re not my type of person, and not a real man, period.

And even on the field, there are lines.

You do NOT, not unless you’re a lowlife and scumbag of the grandest order like Schofield is target, either verbally or otherwise, women and children, I mean when you’ve got this ass clown talking about “snuff movies” and stuff (to him it’s funny) – then all you’re thinking is “how I can have him hanging from the nearest tree”.

Funny – or not – I aint the only one thinking that either. His long suffering once upon a time friend who he viciously attacked, stole from, targeted his girlfriend – feel the same way too.

Hell, I for one dont understand how the fugg Chuck put up with him for so long, I’d have given him the almighty BOOT and heave ho a long damn time ago.

Anyhow …

That rhymed didnt it?

And to me, thats the difference.

Look, despite a lot of the stuff I say coming off as arrogant or what not (and so it shall remain, hehe) – those that know me in person know I’m one of the most humble people going around, always willing to “share”and so forth …

And no matter how fat you are, no matter how full of shit you are in terms of promoting stuff you clearly don’t do, how much of a wacko you are for attempting to troll products that dont even exist (well, they do, but not on the market as yet) – I dont really care.

Hence, my constant thing about unlike what most people say, you “wont” hear from my lawyers.


And you wont.

I actually enjoy all of it, it makes me BOOTY … BOUNTTYYYYYYYY … sorry, hehe.

Honestly, it does, and even if it didnt, it truly gives me a laugh, so hey. Carry on – but when it crosses a red line, then it crosses a red line, and that is what I have never tolerated and never ever will.

and if you on this list feel any different, or the reader, or anyone reading this, well, you ain’t my type of person…

… I dont think a single person either on the list or Ship DOES feel differently in that regard.

And I hear ya!

Ok, enough of the profit trolling – wait for the book when it comes out.

For now, place your pre-order HERE.

Truly, this book will not just help you grow the thick skin we all so need, but you’ll learn how to not just not care about trolls, but to want, WELCOME them – and make MONEY off it , which is really the reason I wrote the book, and YES, it applies to life, business, everything – those lessons in there are real world, practical, absolutely PRICELESS – like the Bozo’s expression, hehe, when he learnt of it.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Bozo once wept up a storm about “pictures on websites” when they weren’t even there, now that they’ve been there for ages, hehe. Poor chap …

Glyn, two lessons, sometimes you bite off more than you can chew (and I ain’t even started on you boy) and two – – well – be careful for what you wish for – you might just get it. HA!

PS #2 – If you aren’t a card carrying member of the Ship as yet (yes, we have cards as well!) – then why not? Remember, free access to everything digitally for the duration of your membership (but no cancellations, once you’re in, you’re IN, no el cheapo stuff) – a FORUM – more advice from you, which you’ll never get here much like some of the member’s only emails I send out on life, fitness etc … and so forth …

and not only THAT – pretty soon, you’ll have an option wherein even paperbacks will be offered to you free for “one set membership fee” (I’m still calculating what it will be, shipping etc can be complicated to figure out on that one with all the different countries, but we’ll GET there).

jump AHOY – NOW!

PS #2 – My favorite memory of Glyn Bozo, pictorial memory that is? It isn’t the Mommy’s Amex he used to snort coke in the “ghettos” of HK. Hehe. It’s the way Chuck threw him out of the beer house – literally – “butt up” on the streets of Jieyang in China. He went whining to the cops, did him NO good. Hehe.

Bozo was lucky he was in China, pulled the “I’m the helpless foreign devil” crap. Back home in the States, the cops would have had a GOOD laugh, lol.

Yes, Charles, I have them pics. Hehe. They shall be revealed to ALL down the line – in DEW time though. Patience grasshopper..

Why I dont blame people for copying my style (or trying to, heh)
- The signs are SO there.

I put little things into every email – little subconscious twists, tips and tricks that a lot of idiots reading get pissed off, yet, without meaning to, or meaning to – they copy.

A lot of stuff including my immaculate marketing (from the fat horse’s mouth, hehe) – and “format that looks great” (I had no idea Benny, thank you! Personally I focus on FORM and results more than “looking pretty”, but I’ll admit, it looks prettier than the ungodly mess your own “site” if I can call it that is, not to mention -hey, if it looks good as a byproduct, much like I say with FITNESS – so be it! But form and results are always my goal, Benny) – people blatantly ape and copy.

Benny isnt the only one, he’s just “one of them” – except his style of “be nice” apeing means he previously allowed comments (true) on his site – now he’s set it to, after observing what I do, how I do it, and publicly dissing it but privately DOING it – ….. allowing only those comments he “likes”.

What a loser, I’ve said this before -either you allow all or you allow none, its that simple Benny. Hehe.

And the reason he did that was too many people were calling him out on his bullshit, and what I dont get is this – he thinks I’m “personally” into calling him out.

Nah, I aint.

If I was, I’d be pimping his site in every email, post I send, I merely use the term Benny Boy because it’s true and hilarious, not that I care two hoots about what fat boy does “business” (or excuse for the same) wise, or fitness wise, but he sure does about me. Hehe.

They can’t stay away, like I keep saying.

Now the marketing I dont blame them for trying to copy, yet, the fact is this.

You can’t copy Mozart and hope to turn into one, even if you learn from him – but you can hope to BETTER him someday if you practice enough.

Hell, bottom line is this son – some of Mozart’s symphonies, he’d be the first to tell you even he wouldn’t be able to repeat the success he had with some of them if he tried.

There is a time and place for it all – it comes from the subconscious, some of the greatest hits ever, you cannot repeat them, not even the person who wrote them, same thing with writing, biz, life, everything, but you can TRY to – and keep bettering yourself as opposed to apeing, slyly or not, which most people do unfortunately.

And thats fine, like I said in a prior email I’m hardly going to go down the route some have and say “you’ll hear from my lawyers”.


You wont.

I’ve been screwed over by lawyers in the past, ultimately won, one of my friends is a lawyer, so I could – but I wont.

Fuck that shit.

I’d rather say “keep doing it”.

And their lack of results, specifically some of these clowns who struggle to sell even $8 ebooks and then whine about “he didnt let me read the book for free” – I mean really, it’s pathetic, but where was I?

Well …

Look, my style of putting in F bombs “strategically”.

I dont do it all the time, or in every email.

Benny for one has picked up on it. Hehe. The aggravation so shows in his writing, but he’s trying not to let it show.

I mean, dude, look I’ll try and be something I’m not very good at “being nice and kind” and this applies to Glyn, Benny, and a host of other fools I have not named here –

You can keep copying, but it will show, and the lack of results will magnify.


Again, I dont blame him, he can’t sell worth a damn, so he’s trying to follow someone that can, he’s trying to get results. Which is fine, I dont blame him, but, and this is a big butt, bigger than Bozo Glyn’s ….

If you want to learn, learn, but I keep saying in my books and products – its right there, so it should be – be yourself, be your own person, stop trying to “ape”.

It aint gonna work.

And it doesnt.

Host and barrage of reasons why, but one prime reason you shouldn’t is youll get called out as a wanna be and it’ll make you look even stupider than you look currently when you’re trying to ape…

I mean, jeez.

You dont like the guy, yet you keep trawling his site, keep looking for things to learn, makes no sense does it.

actually, in a way it does.

It shows what you really think which is this –

“He’s an asshole, but he knows his shit and what he’s doing”.


And I’ll take that, my friend.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’re into heavy duty, HARDCORE style training – then my MOST brutal book by far – truly a book that will HAMMER you – is Battletank Shoulders. Get it NOW!

Not like fat boy hammers, hehe, I wouldn’t want to think about what or if he does hammer, hehe. Some guy told me he bought a “hammer” from stimulus money or something – what sort I dread to think. I’m NOT Even going there!

But to fat boy, really, at least promote shit that works, not shit that has your own “customers” telling your … well, your “betters” for lack of a better term, about how you ripped ’em off with utterly useless crap …