The Mr Olympia BUFFOONERY!
- Another huge ugh.

You know who I’m talking about, and the competitions dont you??

Those puffed monster with muscles so puffy that you wonder if they’re even human, those bloated fools with peckers the size of 1 inch you know what and shrinking by the hour – those nuts who cannot live without their capsules, pills, and constant worry about “muscles not being pumped” – those unnatural looking bodies with muscles pumping everywhere … just, UGH!

I believe I have a photo on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page?

I believe I talked to one of the wannabes for that competition, curiously enough although the health of the contestants is the polar opposite of anywhere near healthy, the tourney is marketed as being “the epitome of health” and people fall for it … mentioned on the Shoulders like Boulders! page.

I’ve often wondered whats the point of “building” – I use that term sparingly – yourself up or DOWN to the point you can barely squat to take a dump or lift your arms up to put a shirt on (no, I aint kidding on the examples, there are MORE extreme examples)??

I mean, a 12 pack may look “good” (ugh!!) but when it can’t do a damn thing, when you could punch a hole in it with your breath almost, whats the bloody point???

Yet, it continues for ages, still does, tells you what society has been slowly turning into for ages, a bunch of wusses and NOT real folks, a bunch of sissy boys and whimpering Mama’s boys for the most part that all want the easy way out that leads to nowhereville.


Rant and a half, but then again, here is what I heard back from a great customer (again, carrying on from HERE) …

Hello Rahul

I was also referring to the mass monsters being just too heavy/massive to do pull-ups.

Most if not all of the old time/old school bodybuilders from the “golden age” either used bodyweight exercise extensively or at a minimum included exercises like Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Handstand Push-Ups and Dips regularly in their workouts.

Since the late 1980’s there has been an emphasis on becoming as massive as humanly possible, it is since then that there has been the inclusion of human growth hormone and insulin on top of the massive amounts of testosterone and anabolic steroids these bodybuilders take.

These people may be able to Squat 3 times their bodyweight with a bar but ask them to crank out Hindu Squats and they fail miserably, their strength to weight ratio is also out of whack, it is not just fat people who struggle to complete even the most basic of bodyweight exercises.

Pulling yourself up over a bar is “training for survival” it can be likened to pulling yourself over a high wall/fence if you’re being pursued by some enemy soldiers (for when China overthrows India) and you want to evade capture.

The term “functional strength” should not exist, this should be the norm for all but the sickest/oldest of our society but with every passing year the masses get sicker and weaker to the extent that they struggle to do even the simplest of tasks.

Anyway got go for now, take care my friend.

I would have left out the politics (what people call politics, what I call reality) OUT of this, yet, in the sort of mood I am NOW, I aint either.

If my response offends, so be it. If you can find a proper counter to it logically, I’m all fucking ears, but please dont come back to me whining about how politically incorrect t is to say what I am, because it’s TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

Completely agree – that is what I meant by people having a “different definition of strength” these days i.e. they may bench the house once or twice, but ask them to do 25 proper pushups, chances are they wont get past three if even that. Hehe.

Sometimes I wonder what is the purpose of competitions like Mr Olympia which they fool the masses into thinking “thats the epitome of health”, when those bloated muscles and the mess those guys are internally are the polar opposite, but that is what society has become these days, fake and “wusses” in general. Ugh. Nothing real anymore, been that way for years – and therefore, thanks for being one of the few ones remaining “the survivors” that DO keep it real, and always will! hehe (but I mean that my friend).

I’ve known people personally that take HGH and stuff, personally, I cannot understand why people do it – you can get all the T boost and what not you want from high intensity workouts, and they dont necessarily have to be bodyweight only either, I really think its the lure of “the easy way out” and “muscles sprouting” bullshit the modern day muscle media so popularizes.

Spot on w.r.t pull-ups! As for China overthrowing India, unfortunately you’re right, unless things change, that is precisely what will end up happening – – the masses here dont believe it, but those “in the know” do. . . (I just did a post with India in it “why I can’t stand beggars” – sadly, India is a bloody mess, considering it was truly a jewel in the crown back in the day, well, it’s just sad, a country with so much potential, except the public just dont give a shit about anything other than pissing and moaning in general, and doing F all to fix the problems they claim they hate, and there are so damn many, whats sad is these days theyre rationalizing it by saying “it happens everywhere” – no jt dont either. REALITY FUCKING CHECK! Ugh).

Anyway, along with the “she’s arisen from her pit” term you once used which I truly LOVE – the pictures that evokes , lol, SO TRUE! – what you said about functional strength and the term “should not be there”, and the reason for it not being there?

We should frame that and put it on people’s walls. Hehe. You’re so right – strength should be functional – period!

Tell people these days that, you might as well just “sometimes it’s easier to just give up” as I once saw a little boy (caricature) pissing out the words on the desk of a senior manager in China in 2002.

Ah, the memories of them days at the factory! At least life was somewhat normal back then, even if they had those massive rats running around lunch room at the factory while people ate if you can believe that. LOL – and UGH!



and then.

PS – Now in terms of “big guys” – look at ole Doug Hepburn. Bodyweight of over 250 kgs I believe, with all the genetic defects the man was born with – became a champ to the point he was doing handstand pushups on DIPPING BARS OF ALL THINGS! I still remember the SHOCKED LOOK my buddy from the Marines, all 6’1″ of him gave me on that one – dont blame him!

Or, Bert Asserati the old time English wrestler and his one arm handstands… list goes on and on – THAT is real STRONGMAN STUFF!


Rahul Mookerjee

And there it is, my friend.

And thats what I base my entire business on.

REAL WORDS, real STUFF, REAL TRAINING – that really works.

Brutal, bare bones, in the trench, REAL STUFF.

Get you some NOW if you so choose!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I can’t stand BEGGARS
- Anywhere!

I dont know how I got onto this subject.


But I’ve lost it SO many times in the subcontinent – to a lesser extent in China as well,  but a much, much lesser extent – with these goddamned BEGGARS!

The problem is particularly pernicious in the subcontinent where the begging mafia basically does all it can to … ah, but let me start with a PICTURE.

You’re standing there on the road – or driving a car, minding your own damn business

Some beggar, usually a woman with a sickly kid in tow (usually one she carries in her arms) which show up begging for money with tons of sob stories, and an appearance that if you didnt know better youd fall for “oh, POOR lady!” some would think.

And hand over the cash.

These fuckers though, both male and female for the most part – you wont believe it, but come nighttime they shed their outer skin and don fancy clothes and drive, as they say in India “long cars” all night long partying.

Quite literally – Google if you dont believe me.

And they harass bystanders for cash during the day.

Growing up, I never understood why my father wouldn’t give these idiots money – when I grew up a little more, I did.

You know whats really sad though?

The kids in India, and the subcontinent that are FORCED into a life of begging – at least while they’re young – often maimed by the mafia, and by and large, no-one really cares…

This same mafia of course does all it can to prey on kids, and loot people in other manners too.

And while not ALL beggars are part of the mafia, when you see an able bodied man or woman (and dont get me wrong, it applies equally, but the women these days take undue advantage of the feminism movement and … yes, it applies even to begging! I remember a guy telling me sardonically the problem is worse – she’s a woman, you can’t even say anything beyond a certain point!) begging for alms, you feel like whipping his or her ass, and telling him or her, as my wife once told a beggar “earn yourself, eat yourself”.

And so forth.

Ive been doing my damndest to teach my daugher to stay far the fuck away from this sort.

In China, they have high tech beggars with QR codes, but thankfully the problem is mostly gone along with a host of other social evils very much present in the subcontinent (and tolerated) such as child labor, for one – or the domestic help abuse – and much more.

Those in the subcontinent (my wife being one example) believe it happens in China or “everywhere” too because of the isolated cases you read about, but believe me, China despite all its faults is light years of India (China and the far East in general) and the subcontinent on all this (while knowing deep down inside I’m right – its just a way to justify her, and those who think that way “current reality”) – and I suspect you guys reading this deep down inside know it, even though it aint the politically correct thing to say.

Anyway, I’ve lost it on occasion in China too as you know, because I hate being PESTERED for no reason, and me being a lao wai in China, working out, the nuts coming up wanting to take selfies, wechat’s, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Anyway ………….

Applies to life too.

We all need HELP once in a while or more than it, thats fine.

But HANDOUTS and those constantly wanting them are different, you can spot that sort from a country mile away, and I personally do all I can to keep them away from THIS here business.

Because that ain’t the just do it spirit.

It aint the buckle down to bare bones, brass tacks and get her DONE thang.

And thats that from me.


Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Why people claim “they hate all of this” but do exactly F all to fix things other than blame the government (curiously enough formed by the PEOPLE) is beyond me. Maybe someone from or in India can tell me!

In the meantime, ANCIENT India, now THAT was a gem! Pity things are what they are now, but ancient India was where it all came from – fitness included.

Yes, those fancy shmancy Chinese tai Chi moves you see were originally Indian, my friend – fact, like it or not …

And the three exercises, and more that will get you in superhuman shape – well, who better than yours truly to teach them to you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Been used for ages by wrestlers and boxers all over the world, a system that gets the lay person fitter than a fiddle in a nonce, and gets Ironmen panting as soon as they begin, hehe.

Get it NOW.

How 15 minutes of working out – can indeed give you 15 x TEN productivity…
- And it can - and DOES.

Dont believe me?

I understand, my friend.

I was going to title this email “my workout this morning”, but then I chanced upon this title I had in mind and am writing to you about it.

This morning, there was a lot of BS going on I dont want to talk about – I prefer my mornings “undisturbed” (reminds me of a certain “ball and chain arising from her pit” -John, that was the BEST thing you ever wrote – I still cackle about it, hehe – the sheer IMAGERY those words evoke, and they’re so true, at least for me!) … and they weren’t, but thats fine, I did my mental training as I always do before doing anything else.

I’ve mentioned what it is, but since it seems to fly over most people’s heads, and some dont believe in it (which is fine) – I wont talk too much about it, but it literally works miracles in my life my friend. Miracles.

Anyway – after that – my tea, emails, pruning lists of dead weight, idiots that wont buy, idiots that complain about prices then after being blocked try to resign up and so forth …

… and pruning in general.

But this email isn’t about removing what you dont want in your life to attract what you DO WANT.

It’s about this – I was feeling “off”.

yesterday was a light workout by my standards, and I dont know, this morning when I woke up, just feeling “off”.

Maybe I’m not fully recovered I thought (from the flu).

I  probably am not.

While waiting for my tea I pumped out a 100 squats on the spur of the moment.

I felt amazingly fluid while doing these!

I broke a light sweat. Did NOT jump right into the shower…

(Yes, 100 squats will make YOU sweat if you do ’em right, my friend. These were bodyweight squats, but the same thing applies to Hindus, same thing applies to fitness gurus and couch potatoes, this exercise will kick EVERYONE’s ass if you do it in proper form and full speed.

You might think for me that would be “easy” – and it is – but I still break a light sweat when doing them non stop, so it should be, or the exercise would be “worthless” if it didnt make me huff and puff and “feel it” even at my level!).

Then I did some dead hangs on the pull bar while the tea was brewing.

I like it strong!

I did ’em with thick grips as I always do.

10 pull-ups later, and about an hour or so later, I’m feeling so refreshed I’m wondering why I didnt do more (I will, hehe).

That workout took me a sum total of probably four minutes minus the dead hangs which took 1.5 minutes more (30 second hold each time from different angles).

And it’s given me nigh triple the productivity I would have had otherwise within less than an hour!

I’ve written about this before of course. I’ve written about how mini workouts get you in top shape – about how I was talking about them for years, and the world is only “now” starting to pick up on it – about how if you work out between the power hours of 11AM – 1PM – you truly get even more BOOST for your bang – or bang for your BUCK, hehe – ditto for late night workouts, but even if you do it at a time of your choosing as I did today, mini workouts just … there’s nothing that beats them.

You just feel awesome afterwards!!

Pity more people don’t do ’em, you’d not only get in better shape, but there’d be a lot less vipers clambering out of pits for one if this was done. Hehe.

anyway …

That s that for now. Some lady’s been hankering after me to chat about something for days, I best go see what it is before … ah, but you know what I’m saying there! ?

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This “little workout” of 100 squats and 10 pull-ups is more than what the average Joe can conceptualize these days, let alone DO. We’ve truly turned into a society of wusses over the past 20 years or so, especially the last few years.

(if I said do 500 squats a day in sets of 5, people will be clamoring for my head. literally. hehe).

And if you think it wont get in you super shape my friend – oh yeah it will.

DO – and you shall the power.

And learn how to do them thigh shakingly SUPERB workouts right here.

One PRIME reason one could argue human “extinction” has nigh already begun.
- Been on the wall for ages, of course.

It is strength that makes all other metrics possible, strength equals survival, nothing can survive without it.

Nature has the answer to the lack of strength to survive, it’s called extinction and human beings are still subject to the laws of nature in spite of all their technology and looking at the world today it could be argued that human extinction has already begun.

I’m quoting the interesting part of his email first i.e. interesting w.r.t the title of this email!

Or, the subject of the email, and the title of the post. Hehe.

There was more – and it was in response to THIS email I sent out recently . . . (sent out again, I should say, as it’s more than two years old is the initial draft!).

We’ll get to training shortly, but thats an interesting point he made!

Survival of the fittest – something I KEEP talking about or indirectly referring to in ALL my emails (for those who care enough to notice, and a lot of you do, which is great!).

Mental strength and physical strength both build upon each other and add compound interest to the “will to survive” which I’d argue would be weak and incomplete without the first two.

And needless to say, in the JUNGLE – in Nature, you either have it or you dont, and humans in general have completely lost it in general – especially over the past 20 years or thereabouts.

As for what he says about extinction, remember the four cycles I was referring to yesterday, and me telling the daughter about how we’re well and truly into the fourth and final (before rebirth) cycle?

Anyway – other than this there isn’t much in this communication you guys dont already know – but it never hurts to repeat the basics. Here goes!

(And thanks for writing in John!)


Whilst the below list is relevant it is limited, you have not included the number one reason people either struggle to do many pull-ups or fail to complete any, is because they “weigh way too much” their strength to weight ratio is out of whack.

I put it to you that no amount of supplementary push-ups will negate that fact.

People who train to “look good naked” need to realise that mass in and of itself does not guarantee strength, in my experience there is too much emphasis on building size for size’s sake, train for strength, keep your diet in check and leave the aesthetics to the pretty boys who don’t know any better.

It is strength that makes all other metrics possible, strength equals survival, nothing can survive without it.

Nature has the answer to the lack of strength to survive, it’s called extinction and human beings are still subject to the laws of nature in spite of all their technology and looking at the world today it could be argued that human extinction has already begun.

Take care my friend

Yours truly –

Hi John,

Thanks for the email on this one! Yeah, I agree – limited indeed, but I’ve written SO much about the main reason people cannot do pull-ups i.e. excess FLAB around the midsection and the fact that “big” does not mean “fat”, and “fat” certainly doesnt equate to “big” either that I figured I’d share a few other reasons, but you’re damn right in what you did NOT say, hehe – that the reason just mentioned “cannot be shared enough”. Hehe.

Strength to weight ratio is a great way to put it as well, but some may argue “we measure strength differently” (i.e some guy may be fat and still be able to do some sort of heavy one time lift). . . of course, that is akin to fat people saying we aren’t fat, we are “big” – so that doesnt hold any water in the world of LOGIC (and real training incorporates plenty of that!).

And you know my thoughts already on the pretty boys puffing and buffing in the gym, hehe – as well as the bodybuilders with muscles increasingly more bloated and massive, and a pecker equally “tinier” by the day (ok, I know, I shouldnt be saying that, but I couldnt resist, plus its true, hehe) that can’t really do much outside puffing and preening outside the gym (just ask some of their ilk to pick up a massive sofa and move it up a flight of stairs, and watch them collapse like flies even before starting – hell, I’ve heard of bodybuilders literally collapsing before the age of 25 simply to raise their arms up to hang a picture! Extreme example I know, but the guy on the “Shoulders like Boulders!” page  that I mention (scroll down to the center I believe) was one of their ilk until … well, you’ll read why. Hehe. At least he learnt in time, a lot dont or refuse to even with the right knowledge at their fingertips “can’t lead a horse to water”).

I agree, you’re really seeing survival of the fittest play out now, and it’s just starting (although as I keep “prattling” on about the signs have been there for years, but people prefer to stick their heads in the sand as I believe I said in one of my communications today and ignore the bloody obvious) …

Now pushups do help improve your pull-ups in terms of strengthening a lot of the muscles needed to do ’em, but you’re right, no amount of pushups will remedy that issue of having too much fat around the midsection,  or not DOING pull-ups regularly for that matter. Pushups do build strength (I dont need to tell you that, hehe) in the core and entire body (upper included) but if someone has too much fat around the ole waistline, chances are their pushup form will be pretty lousy too as will their rep counts etc, so it all goes together really.

Functional strength is what it’s all about, I think that is what you mean when you say “It is strength that makes all other metrics possible, strength equals survival, nothing can survive without it.” . . . (and in life, mental strength obviously too – though again – lots of overlap there, and rightfully so!).

And there it is, my friend.

There it is!


Rahul Mookerjee

Father Time, that great LEVELER!
- Amongst men, amongst ALL.


I dont know what prompted me to “finally” write about this today – although it’s not the first time I’ve written about something like this – indeed, all my emails contain a very, as Charles Mitchell once said “strong spiritual content” (for those that can spot it!) … I’ve never written about it directly.

I could have named this email “Form is temporary, but CLASS – is PERMANENT – it always is!”.

I almost did, then thought of this title.

So be it.

But anyway, I believe it was yesterday I was having one of those very rare “conversations” (you know, people actually TALKING politely to each other in a cordial manner instead of coming to blows either literally or figuratively, not that literally would ever happen with her, I’d take off the hills at the slightest hint of that, hehe) … with the wife about (she’s a headhunter) how people that used to accept “10 lakhs per annum” (she’s talking India, thats about 12.5 K USD if I got the Math right in my head) are now working for less than 4.5 or so. (do the math yourself on that one).

This isn’t the first time she’s brought it up either.

Which of course, I’ve been seeing for years and I would have said it, but I restrained myself, if just to keep the conversation going.

Hey, my wife and me actually talking is about as rare as men landing on the moon . . .

It happens, but only so often!

So anyway, she was talking about how the used car industry is also now going down the commode (she’s working in that vertical apparently) and everything related, and I kept grinning like a Cheshire Cat as I often do.

“The heavy hand of justice is slowly descending isnt it”, I remember saying to no-one in particular.

The daughter piped up with her usual cute little “what do you mean”.

So I explained the four cycles to her, told her we’re almost at the rebirth phase and so forth. . .

Always fun explaining something to someone who GETS IT, even at her age!

But anyway, what does this have to do with the topic?

Certainly it ain’t about playing the long game – the topic that is, something I’ve done consciously and even unconsciously since I was born and keep doing MORE of as I keep “ascending” in terms of years.

The long game, my friend, solves all – period – or at least I’ve never seen it NOT solve a problem – or issue – or obstacle. Like water, Father Time and patience usually wears ALL, even the most stubborn of obstacles down.

Oddly enough, or maybe not although that is precisely what people need to be doing NOW – they aren’t – even less of them are than they would normally. GO figure.

Anyway ……… this isn’t about that. Maybe some day I’ll write about that, but for now?

Lets switch tacks a bit, lets talk about sports – cricket.

A lot of talk has been circulating about the Indian (once) captain Virat Kohli – who is a legend of the game – to such an extent that even if he doesnt pick up a bat again he’ll be regarded as of the best, if not THE best in many regards – to ever step foot on a cricket field.

True, the sport has evolved and become easier over the years, and so comparing a modern day great like him to say Don Bradman, the REAL great might not be on – but then again, Kohli’s record cannot be ignored even keeping that in mind – his feats on the field have just been spectacular and superhuman, that sheer weight of runs SPEAKS.

He was untouchable at one point.

Everything he touched – for years – turned to gold in terms of results, and so did the Indian cricket team’s with him.

Then, one fine day he slipped out of form.

No-one cared.

“It’ll come back”, people said.

It didnt.

A year passed.

The murmurs grew louder. Then two. Then three. I dont know the exact time frame, but I think it’s the third year now where he’s had such a lean patch that his record (again, I’m not a records guy, I’m an intuition guy) over those three years could probably be compared to someone with less than 10% of his cricketing class.

And his lack of form doesnt seem to be dissipating anytime soon either.

I read another introspective piece by a certain Mr Chopra whose pieces I often read on cricinfo, but lots of people have missed the point, or aren’t saying it.

Ricky Pointing, another great of the game – similar thing.

For years, he was nigh untouchable, then a Pakistani fast bowler got him on the wrist with a searing bouncer – when he came back – he was never the same (despite having all the weaponry in his armor to dispatch the fastest of fast bowlers back over their heads).

Now, you might think lack of confidence, you might think lack of focus, vision, or even “self doubt” – but the truly great know how to battle all that, and it usually doesnt apply to them as much as it would the average Joe.

You might think .. well in Kohli’s case, as Mickey told Rocky in Rocky III “you got civilized! Before, you had that LOOK in your eye!

Then you got married, you got civilized!”

You guys reading this will likely remember that email.

But it happens to the best of people – men are often BEASTS before getting married – once that happens, they get tamed. Hehe.

Hey, it happened to me for a period too!

But looking at Kohlis training (physically) and his fitness levels, which are superhuman even now – looking at how hard he trains, even now probably one of the hardest working people in the Indian team despite all his success – that dont apply.

Much like it didnt to Ponting, who even in his twilight, and indeed even now was “as fit as a greyhound” (the greyhounds Punter so loved punting on, hehe).

Then people talk about Kohli’s slight technical deficiencies.

Apparently when you’re on top you can paper those over, when you’re not, it shows.

I dont quite buy into that either, for a legend of the game with that many runs behind him, if it was just form, he would have worked it out.

The answer my friend, is this.

At least according to me.

“He who goes up, up, up MUST fall , fall, fall”.

And the fall is often painful.

Yin and yang, ups and downs, for most people they never really rise that high so when they fall, no-one, them includes really notices it.

But when people that were once flying HIGH – such a high profile computer programmer I know back in Jersey who today is almost homeless if you can believe that! – are down (and in sports it’s public) during the darkest of their dark times, their most precipitous falls – then people notice, if just for the contrast.

And hey.

It happens to EVERYONE.

No escaping that Universal Law, what goes down, of course, must also sometime come back up!

The key here lies, in my opinion in how you react to the DOWN Times – not so much how you act when times are good – but when times are ROUGH – rougher than you’ve even known, when you’re literally being thrown into new and unchartered waters daily, when you’re literally “you against the world” and so forth.

Sure, introspect, if your business is faltering then take logical steps to improve what needs to be, if your game (if youre a sportsman) is not where it needs to be then do what you have to, but remember – ultimately – Father Time is a great, great leveler.

And sometimes you cannot prepare for it.

Indeed and this is not talked about a lot, you hardly ever “see it coming” in that regard.

And why do I say this now?

Well, a lot of people need to hear it (not necessarily Kohli – I just used him as a very public example and a sage one indeed) . . . whether or not they will listen is another story.

“Yeah, you’re listening, but you didnt HEAR ME!”

Hehe – Alonzo Harris again!

Anyway, if you look around you, what is happening today in the world, maybe this email will make perfect sense.

Maybe it wont.

So be it (either way).

Fitness wise, same thing my friend.

Those tough periods you have when you simply can’t get past sticking points.

Those long years where you slog to get the weight off, seemingly nothing happens, or it does, then it stops for a while, and so forth …

Those 50-70 pushup workouts that never hit a 100 . . .

And so forth.

The answer as always is persistence, Father Time, and of course, the long game – which if you think about it are all one and the same thing really.

And in terms of form, class, and what not – well, remember – DESIRE is permanent.

OBSTACLES, no matter how many, no matter real or imagined in your MIND – are temporary.

If you truly want it, you’ll find a way to get it . . .

So says Lucky Singh, hehe.

Dont EVEN ask me where that one came from, lips sealed!

And thats that, my friend.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you TRULY want the 0 Excuses Fitness System, if you’re truly interested in learning about hidden fitness secrets NO-ONE will tell you except me, if you’re TRULY interested in just how the course gets such RAVE reviews, then you’ll find a way to get it, my friend. It’s that simple.

All yours truly can do is point you to the link – here it is – 0 Excuses Fitness.

The rest, I now leave up to YOU.

Why the world remembers WINNERS – and not the EFFORT
- And it holds true in all spheres.

Let me start this one off a little differently – or maybe not.

In the movie Bloodsport -and there are tons of movies I could use here – Rocky I perhaps too – you see Van Damme’s character “Dukes” being relentlessly – and clumsily – and hilariously pursued by the FBI’s finest (I believe) through Hong Kong in the 1980’s. (which brings back memories in itself, not the pursuit personally, but the CITY — the walled city – – how it all used to be…) …

… its nothing short of hilarious, the way they run after Dukes, and how he literally toys with them pursuing him – yet, that is exactly how it works when fat phocks with no inkling of what real fitness is pursue someone with jack rabbit like speed, or a martial artist in general (a real one) . . .

But that isn’t what I’m talking about here.

End of the movie, they fail to capture him – and the old man in charge figures “if I can’t beat him, I’ll join him”. Grudgingly, these guys are literally forced to show up for the very fight that they were pursuing Dukes halfway around the world for (to stop him fighting “because Uncle Sam has invested too much in you”).

And through the final two fights you see them worried – and then HAPPY – and then exhilarated.

In typical movie style, van damme triumphs ultimately – and all those AGAINST him – are now vociferously FOR HIM.

Thats how it works in life, my friend.

The world loves to kick a man when he is down, and takes great pleasure in doing so, or not supporting him, or whatever form that takes, and if you try your best, yet you lose – guess what.

I wont quite say what Sean Connery did in the Rock i.e. “losers whine about trying their best, winners go home and fuck the PROM QUEEN!” – but I will say that if you truly try your best at something, whatever that something might be, if you’re cut out for it, and if you keep at it, chances are you will succeed big ultimately no matter what else happens.

But if you “try your best and lose” or “try and whine”, or whatever, your effort?

The world wont remember it, my friend.

The world likes to remember WINNERS, my friend – the feel good portion of things.

The world likes end results, and good ones.

The world in general doesnt particularly care about WHAT you did to achieve said result.

So, my question to YOU.

You could be an office workers, business man, retired person, or just an average Joe, or a fitness expert, or an Ironman, or what not.

But my question.

Here it is – have YOU ever been the BEST at something you do – done something that few other, or any people have?

Have YOU ever really pushed yourself – come out on top?

Have YOU succeeded at those hidden goals and desires we all have – if not – have you really tried?

The answers to these questions in my opinion separates the winners in life – and fitness -and everything – from the LOSERS.

And perhaps I should rephrase – these are questions you should ask “looking back”.

If you’re 40, perhaps thats a good time to start introspecting, but really speaking, when you’re 80 years old, when you look back – regrets – or none?

Be honest when you answer that question, my friend.

The only way to live life, my friend is go the whole humpty at everything.

To be the BEST, the very best at what you DO – what you promote – your work – whatever you do, to “execute excellently” if I might borrow the term from Bret Hart . . . (or whoever in the WWF/E coined it!).

Fitness wise, how does this apply you might ask.

It does, bro.

HAVE you ever accomplished those goals in terms of pull-ups?

HAVE you ever got up to 500 squats without stopping (no, simply saying I did it doesnt mean you did either!) ?

HAVE you managed those stretches you’ve always wanted to do?

HAVE you ever done 500 pushups per workout for a while?

Those are just some common goals a lot of people have, and never get to – mostly due to lack of trying.

Trust me, if someone like me who was genetically disadvantaged from the get go, and had a host of other so called disadvantages did it – and did it in STYLE, so can YOU, my friend.

But, the will has to be there – I cannot place that in you for you!

I can INSPIRE you to do, yes, but there are a lot who won’t be inspired to do no matter what. Hehe.

And thats fine.

I’m here for the select bunch of doers who understand that “second sucks”.

I’m here for those of you that understand life is about WINNING – without a “h” and one less “n”. Hehe.

And for those of you that have the desire to DO fitness wise, but haven’t done as yet – well, if you truly desire ultimate levels of fitness that will leave the average Shmoe gaping as you “pass by” – that will reduce goals to DUST as you pass one after the other – that will get you in the best damned shape of your life at ages you never thought you’d get close, if ever, and so forth … well, start building the foundation right now.

Via the 0 Excuses Fitness System – YES, truly the BEST for the BEST.

I’ll see you onboard!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Life wise, Zero to Hero! And Gumption Galore are great reads. Not to mention my Fitness Central series too, all so inspiring you’ll never ever want to put these books down!

When your walking is equal, or equivalent to their RUNNING.
- And it often is for me!

I dont know why but I’ve always, ever since I can remember, especially post 23 – had this “military style” walk – BRISK, shoulders back, chest OUT – and so forth – head held high – and most of all, a BRISK pace.

It isn’t necessarily because I’m in a hurry either. Most of the time I’m not, yet I prefer walking briskly no matter what.

I dont know, but it’s always been a habit – except when I was younger and PHAT – I remember calling others “The Energizer Bunny” when they ran around trying to complete tasks while I was far more “relaxed” – hehe – although those guys (and gals) sometimes took it to an extreme…

… but its been with me, that walk!

When my daughter first started to walk, I had to literally retrain myself to walk slowly – even that walk would mean she “jogged along” – something she says till this day “your walking is like my running, Dad”!

I wouldn’t say Running, but yes, jogging …

Right NOW?

Most adults seem to struggle to keep up with me and then say “I’ve lost too much weight”. Hehe.

I remember Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once turning around and looking at me – or actually, “hailing me” as I strode ahead of me while going to boxing practice with him as the coach.

“Walk with me, calm down! I’m not your bitch!”


He sure wasn’t, I wouldn’t have such a butch bitch anyway!


Great guy Marc … anyway, the ONLY other person I’ve known whose that solid and keeps up with me?

My buddy from the Marines, all 6’1″ inches of him …

He’s the only one that strides “stride in stride with me” as we keep GOING. Hehe.

And thats the message here.

Fitness should be a lifelong thing, my friend.

Much like a professor we had in college “Dr Seyfarth” whose name I’d claim to have an accent  and pronouce as “Say Fart” just because I could, lol …

… but you saw the dude walking back from work (and at a time where NO-ONE would ditch their cars even for a five minute walk) – and you’d be seeing something.

SHOULDERS BACK – CHEST OUT – military stride – no wonder ole Ray was in prime shape, probably still is.

Now, walking is one of the BEST ways to lose weight, my friend, if done right.

Most people dont do it right.

And walking uphill, well … we all know about the benefits there, eh.

Those LONG climbs in China, they got me down to the point where people called me, wife included “13 year old”. Hehe.

Right NOW?

My mom was asking the other day about some trousers she had which might or might not fit me.

Waist size 36, she said.


I’m at 30 right now, I told her, laughing. And in 2016 I was literally at waist size 26 – and feeling the BEST I ever had in my life!

I still do!

She was asking if I dont eat much at all these days.

I laughed.

I was going to mention Herschel Walker who till this day eats salad and bread after pounding out 3000 pushups daily, training MMA (when he did it) -and a host of other activities that would leave the average strongman in the DUST.


And thats that.

Anyway, to learn how to lose weight by WALKING, and then running – and then sprints – and then sprints on all fours?

Advanced Hill Training is the TICKET, my friend.

Get it NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

Back at it …
- ... after a bit of a timeout!

I’ve been sort of under the weather over the past three days – the weekend in general.

Time out time, truly – sometimes it happens to me, with all the intense workouts, full days of work, and everything else we all deal with – sometimes I just need some “time off”.

That doesnt mean I sit around and do nothing – but if I’m truly sick, I can FEEL it in my bones – much like I can when I’m well and thriving (most of the times).

When I am sick it usually ALMOST ALWAYS starts both in the head – and the gut.

The mind of course is the mental part of this, but the gut – well, for me, and anyone into real fitness, you know that if your CORE is not in great shape, or if you haven’t been working that core regularly, or if something goes wrong in the core (stomach, lets say) – then your WHOLE body gets affected.

Most people LIVE in that state on a daily basis, so for them it’s normal.

For me, it’s NOT.

Perhaps it was the extra spicy food I ate over the last week (tasted damn good tho, hehe) – perhaps it was all the stress moving sites etc over, perhaps it was all the stress from another business I’m working upon – and the manifold translations and so forth, whatever it was, I came down with a mild case of the flu or something, so took it easy for a couple of days.

(high fever, but nothing that rest wouldn’t solve, and it did).

Today, I HAD to workout.

Two days off, and the third was a light workout, workouts were on my mind since I woke up.

I HAVE to do it!

And as I walked outside to get some (very annoying) chores done (which I didnt really want to, hehe) – it had a dual purpose.

First, the chores, which never got done – long story.

Second, walking around jogged the brain a little.

And here I am, writing to YOU about all this …

Really, fellas, and ladies – and Brooks Kubik wrote about this in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training …

“If you’re REALLY sick, then take a few days off to recover. If it’s just a minor case of the sniffles, then a light workout may make you feel better”.

Key thing is to accurately know your body – judge- and be honest with yourself in terms of “if you’re really sick”.

And even if you are, chances are moving around a bit, even if it’s just a walk around the block, will make you feel a heck of a lot better.

Then you naturally graduate to brief workouts, and more and more.

Before you know it, you’re back in full swing!

Look, the mind and body operate in TANDEM, neither one works best without the other in optimal shape . . .

And to keep your mind and body FRESH, rejuventated and READY for all the challenges the world throws at us daily, intense, short, brief bodyweight workouts are the key my friend.

Exactly what I promote in the 0 Excuses Fitness system – get it NOW.

As a customer so rightly and adroitly once said “Rahul has all the resources you need to succeed”.

Now it’s up to YOU.

And it is, my friend, it is.

Take action NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushups make for great mini workouts as well, and I’ve got so much variety in my book Pushup Central that you’ll NEVER run out of motivation while doing this great, great exercise. Get this book NOW my friend.

Dont half ass it
- The whole humpty or NOT at all . . .

This may be just me, but I doubt it.

Every time I see someone – and there are many – go through a workout with the “ho hum” attitude (not always obvious, but you can tell!) – it irritates the hell out of me.

Not that I say anything.

And actually, the right term to use here would not be “irritates”- that happens more when I see sloppy form being not just executed, but paraded around the park or wherever the person is (no, i dont go and dispense advice where it’s not wanted, or asked for, and where it probably would not do any good anyway, unlike the idiots who come up to me when I squat and implore me not to go “ass to grass” to keep the “pressure on the thighs” or some such wacko nonsense – ugh – to each his own, but I am simply talking me here) …

… I should say, it makes me sigh and shake my head.

Like, how can someone just go through entire workouts daily with that sort of attitude…

I see it in long distance runners all the time, fatigued to a T, doing their damndest just to get through what is another interminably long and boring workout…

Dont get me wrong.

At the fag end of a tough tough workout – obviously you’ll drag a bit.

Hey, that Undertaker like walk I did on the fourth or fifth hill climb daily in China in blazing hot and humid weather, sometimes at midday (when people labeled me crazy for doing it in weather where breathing felt like “fire being sucked into your lungs with each pant”) . . . I remember it. It happens.

But I’m not talking end of a brutal workout, or extreme Ironman workouts.

I’m talking when you go through the motion on any exercise, but thats it.

To me, 100 squats a day is the bare minimum (in terms of squats as an example) someone should do.

I make sure to knock out between 150-250 at the least daily.

But even if you do 100, you put oomph into each rep.

You make each rep count.

Same thing for pull-ups. You might grip harder, or you might pause for 5 seconds at the top of each rep, and do sets of 5-8 that way.

And 20 might be all you do sometimes.

But hell, whatever you do, make the damn exercise COUNT – if you can’t “feel it” you aint doing it right . . .

Thats  my take on it, anyway.

Go the whole humpty, or not at all. . .

And that, my friend is the lesson of the day – short, sweet and simple.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Fast and Furious Fitness, that book I wrote over 10 years ago is STILL going wrong – check out the sales page now, then read the reviews, and pick up a copy NOW. Truly one of the most no nonsense, SPARTAN fitness books you’ll EVER read, period.

More on my thoughts on FASTING!
- And more "contradictory" TRUTHS. Hehe.

Lots of people have this idea of fasting being something that “weakens you” – that is “only for fat people” – that is “not good for you regularly” – and so forth.

That you shouldn’t train hard on an empty stomach.

That “three meals a day” is the way to go.

That “fats” are bad for you.

And other utter rubbish I debunk in the Simple and Effective Diet, and have debunked for years in all my writing.

To me, if there is one thing missing from most people’s training regimens and something MOST people need – it is FASTING.

Most people, even fit people could do with a prolonged fast once a month.

You dont necessarily need to start with days on end like I did either – I jumped straight into a 2.5 day fast when I first did it – but I’m a huge proponent of “sink or swim” as you can tell (not a bad thing, but not everyone is ready for that).

Most people are so damned addicted to food.

It’s the mental barrier that is toughest to break and the whining about “I didnt have a meal today” or other bullshit you hear so often, especially these days.

Animals in the wild – you dont hear them piss and moan about how … well, you dont hear Mr Tiger for one gripe about losing strength, power, stunning speed, reflexes and flexibility and the lot “because he didnt eat for three nights in a row” do you?

NOT an extreme example either, humans evolved from animals.

Anyway …………………………….

Other than the fat loss benefits if you do it right – hint – SIMPLY fasting and being a slacker otherwise (just explained that term to the little girl, hehe) – will not do the trick, it may do the reverse.

You have to exercise in order for anything to happen, and keep doing it.

But other than fat loss, things I’ve noticed – yet again as I finish (I think) a 2 day fast … (I did another two days a while back) …

Mental focus increase x 10. My! If you’re a writer, artist, poet – well it just amplifies the vibe in your writing and real life both x … SO MUCH that I cannot even begin to tell you.

INCREASED flexibility often within HOURS. Not kidding you either.

Increased T production – BIG TIME – pun intended – for men.

And much more – NO, you dont lose muscle if done right – you GAIN.

I realize all this might sound very contradictory, so be it, but it’s all very true.

Try doing thick bar pull-ups – 50 in a workout – on a four day fast for one, and when you ace it, you’ll know what I mean. You have to, like with anything else do it to really feel it.

Do the thing, and you shall have the POWER, said the Sage of Concord the great Emerson, he was right as always, spot on.

But something I really wanted to point out – the “getting out of breath” that happens when you workout.

I’ve told you in the System – and Advanced Hill Training for one – how to deal with it (you’re missing out if you do not get BOTH these courses, value if there ever was!!!) …

… but you’ll notice one thing, if you’re not a wuss, if you can tough it out initially (though it doesnt seem like you’re toughing it out) – you’ll notice you can do MORE – and get “less” out of breath.

Sounds contradict-uh-reeeee dont it bro.

I know.

Especially if you’re a beached whale right now terrified at the idea of “skipping a meal” or an idiot who claims “I need six meals a day to maintain my muscle mass”.

But it ain’t.

It’s all flat on TRUE – fasting is something I have not covered in depth before, but it will be covered in an upcoming book – so stay tuned on that one.

For now, it is something I highly recommend EVERYONE works into their system once in a while, no matter if you’re fat, thin, skinny, pudge wudge, or whatever the status is.

Along with a proper exercise system, there are few better things you can do for your overall health and development.

I’m out.

Thought Id share that tho!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – By the way, I drink copious amounts of green tea while fasting. You dont have to. Water does just fine.

I also drink a ton of black coffee while fasting.

You dont have to either. . . more on this later.  (no, the coffee isn’t “to keep my energy levels up” and neither is the tea). It’s “something to sip on”, believe me, those grinds taste EVEN BETTER during a fast, all your senses get amplified SO!