“I asked him to send me an email. He done sent me a FEMALE!”
- ... and more on how I maintain my cave dweller lifestyle, hehe.

So, I don’t know why, but as I was resting between bouts of writing this afternoon, a thought struck me.

A line out of a movie which I had seen a while ago “Lage Raho Munna Bhai” (a Bollywood flick, and a funny one at that).

It’s about a couple of bumbling goons who are in reality good guys – – and while the storyline isn’t really relevant to what I’m saying here there is a scene where one of the main protagonists was trying to get his daughter married off to a local rich dude (a builder or something), and dude wasn’t willing due to some reason, and due to some OTHER reason or other, the first guy tries to convince the second guy, that his assistant, that gave the second dude a wrong marriage date based upon some astrological prediction (don’t ask, hehe) … was partly deaf.

And if you got through the above bit without goggling, then Bollywood movies and YOU may be a match made in HEAVEN, hehe.

No pun intended, and as if to prove it, dude #1 gets on the phone with his assistant, but before doing so, he tells dude #2.

“You see, he’s deaf! I once asked him to send me an email, and he sent me a FEMALE! Hehe “ …

Anyway, slapstick humor and comedy apart, another thing this reminded me of was a question I often get from readers.

That being, how I maintain my cave dwelling lifestyle entirely on the Internet in terms of making money and doing my work, etc.

And my answer is always simple – emails and products form the backbone of what I do.

And their questions are always (almost always) the SAME.

One being, how do I do this?

And two, does my writing need to be good in order to SELL?

And I’ll address #2 today because there are a LOT MORE misconceptions surrounding this than there need to be.

First off, as far as writing is concerned, there are many types of writings.

Good, bad, ugly, awesome, so so, “adequate”, average and so forth.

And none of these styles of writing necessarily lend themselves to selling – or NOT.

You can have the best writing in the world – but it won’t necessarily sell unless you know how to, my friend.

That along comes as a mind bender for most people, but it’s true. My own writing, which has admittedly always won accolades .. has NOT always sold, or at least it hasn’t sold at the levels it should have always.

And the reason was anything but my writing skill, or lack thereof, or anything related.

Similarly, you can have bad writing that SELLS – another mind bender.

And you can have good writing that doesn’t sell – or sells a little.

Trust me now, and cuss me later, hehe, but SELLING is a different ball of wax from WRITING, my friend.

While it helps to be good at one, it isn’t essential – – but it IS essential to be good at the former, my friend if you’re indeed interested in writing for a living.

Unless you choose the “starving artist” genre, of course, and in that case, it’s entirely up to YOU, my friend, hehe.

Salvador Dali and Vincent Van Gogh are two prime examples here.

BOTH awesome painters, and only ONE of them sold well – during his lifetime, at any rate, hehe. Once Van Gogh passed on – – his paintings started to sell – – and HOW.

And while writing obviously wasn’t involved there, the mindset was – – and the mindset IS something that is important if you’re writing, but more so if you’re writing with a view to sell (not necessarily win brownie points, my friend).

Anyway, on to other things.

If you’re interested in selling online, either selling web development projects as I started out and the branching on to other things, or just up and selling products from your website, either physical products or e-products as I do, well, there are certain basics that you can pick up right HERE.

Note this book ain’t gonna teach you how to write, or write copy for that matter.

It’ll teach you the fundamentals of SELLING though – there are MORE, obviously, but these are nigh important to learn for anyone that wants to sell at any level.

Second, and during this lockdown in various parts of the globe to varying degrees, this is important – if your kids are going NUTS due to the lockdown as mine is – well – get them started on Kiddie Fitness today to burn some of that excess ENERGY off QUICK, my friend.

And that’s that from me – for now. Back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Vibration and vibes are key to anything you do in life, and feeling good – -really, really good – -happens only from the inside out – and once your BODY is in tune with your mind. Keep your body fit and healthy – and BUZZING – with the routine mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness right here, my friend …

The toilet that overflowed, and the importance of GOOD MEMORIES . . .
- And no - I don't mean the former was a good one, hehe!

A few emails back I wrote about the “magic power that got me into super shape” (or was responsible for doing so) … and how that “magic power”, or what I’d like to call my other self mysteriously and oh-so-effectively materialized (seemingly out of nowhere) in late 2015.

The power truly drove me to accomplish things I never thought I could, and without trying, seemingly … but it was preceded by one thing.

The occurrence in 2015, I hear you say, that you spoke about. What else?

Well, yes, that … but today as a friend of mine Percie sent me a message, something suddenly clicked in my mind, and words that were spoken years ago came flooding back as if they were yesterday …

“It may or may not last, but whatever happens, the memories will be good for both of us”

This said while I was sitting in a car driving to Guangxi province in Southern China (or was it Guizhou, hehe) – my FIRST drive in the mainland … and let me tell you right now, there is a LOT more to this that I’m NOT going to type here. Was quite the adventure for many reasons …

Anyway, those words were spoken in 2015, and at the time I didn’t think much of them, but they tie into what I keep saying about visualizing positive memories FIRST before visualizing your new goals for those of you that have a mind open enough to believe in this.

ALL of visualize, whether we know it or not. If we’re thinking in “words” – well – guess what. You’re visualizing even then, my friend.

Let’s take the case of the word “friend”.

Utter it to yourself several times.

Whats the feeling that comes over you?

A “friendly”  feeling I’m sure, and when you say “friend”, the first thing you think of “visually” is … well, a friend!

This might sound like an absurdly simple way of stating a fact, but it’s TRUE.

Visualization is what causes what we WANT in our life to materialize – and whether we do it consciously or not is not the point – the point here is that we all have to “picture” what we want repetitively before we finally do get it.

Anyway, it didn’t last way back in 2015 … but this morning, I saw a message in my Inbox from Percie who was asking for a video of a trip to Southern Florida WAY WAY back in the day … swimming with the manatees in Crystal Springs as it were.

Gentle giants if there ever were any, and it was a most enjoyable trip right down to the beer drinking … midnight snacking, early in the AM waking up and struggling to get my (then) corpulent self into a dive suit … and of course, most of all, the toilet that overflowed in the Indian-owned motel we stayed at for the night.

And when it overflowed, we reported it to the front desk, and what did the genial lady at reception do?

She handed us a plunger and told us “Oh, you can just use this”.

Words fail me, even now. LOL!

Anyway, point of me saying this …

With everything the world is going through right now, and the doom and gloom spread all around, the environment of fear and panic so thick you can almost feel it, the frustration levels so palpable all around us, that what WE ALL need MORE THAN ANYTING ELSE right now is to think of good things.

Good occurences.

To be GRATEFUL – for what we DO HAVE at this point in time, no matter how little or not.

And when crafting our own goals for the future, to bring POSITIVE memories and good memories into our minds so we light our brains up with happy vibes FIRST before we start visualizing the future!

Do this first thing in the day before you do your workout, my friend – ideally for a space of a quiet 10-15 minutes UNDISTURBED.

Then sit back and watch your day unfold …

I bet you my bottom “RMB” there’ll be plenty of surprises for you throughout the day … and all that are propelling you along the path to what you DO want as opposed to what you don’t!

Think good – FEEL good – and then, my friend- get after it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Note too that physical exercise, and a regular dose of the same is integral to keeping your SPIRITS up – energy levels up – and most of all, keep the GOOD vibes going. And yes, getting in a great workout is easy even in 15 minutes or less. I teach you how to do so in the 0 Excuses Fitness System which you can grab right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Blubber burning on STEROIDS
- Burn fat like never before with these tips!

Oh no.

I can just see it now. The “bros” at the gym, all pumped and toned in front of the mirror are ready to hurl their cables and pink dumbbells at me, along with the Swiss exercise balls via which the abs are displayed on full show for the babes …

How dare I say something about the holy grail to build muscles larger than Arnie’s.

Or Ronnie’s, to be precise.

The infamous steroids and “small penis” related syndrome aside (LOL) … today’s email isn’t about popping pills, my friend.

‘Tis about .. but wait.

A bit of a trip down memory lane first, specifically back to 2004, when yours truly wasn’t just overweight – he was a chain smoker as well, and showing up in China did nothing to combat this issue … at least initially.

FWIW, I had attempted to “quit” three times before this, but had failed each time.

Finally, one fine night I noticed my wheezing and puffing every time I climbed even a simple flight of stairs – and said enough was enough.

I put my foot down – and as I did so, I thought about my ever expanding belly, and my inability to do even traditional cardio at that time, so shot were my lungs from smoking a coupla packs a day.

And I was only 24 at the time!

Anyway ,long story short, while it was hard for the first few days, I stuck it out, and OVERCAME this addiction (a key turning point being during work when my colleagues would smoke galore, but I’d force myself to stand with them and chat anyway, but NOT smoke as I did before).

There ain’t no easy way out, my friend, and it ain’t just Rocky IV that’s saying it!

Anyway, the major turning points of my life, and indeed fitness came after that – – in 2005, to be precise, when Miss Lee introduced me to the HILL.

Ya’ll know all about that, but the lesser known aspect of it is what Brooks Kubik mentioned first in his famous email about “Rahul’s hill walking workout from China”.

I still remember it.

“Rahul gets home, and makes himself a pot of green tea. He used to drink coffee in the U.S. but quit after coming to China, and drinks “pots and pots” of green tea now, and loves it”.

“After his workout, he makes himself another pot of green tea, and settles down to a well deserved dinner. And he should. He’s earned it!”

And this tea my friend is a key, key weapon in the battle of the BULGE – – one that works silently when you’ve long forgotten about burning fat and are snoring or otherwise occupied.

That floods your body with free radicals of the GOOD kind.

That cures liver disease so long as it’s not advanced, and kicks fatty liver to the CURB. (Note – I’m not a doctor, but this is TRUE).

And that ramps up your latent fat burning abilities by a factor of about 10, or more.

While Chinese green tea is my favorite by far, most traditional Chinese teas, especially the darker ones – do the trick just fine.

I’ve got a few on my shop right here, so if you’re looking for the lazy man’s way out in terms of fitness, well, you’ll want to take a brief gander at what we have got. Still not fully updated, but getting there slowly but surely …

Along with this, remember that I’m talking real green tea – or Chinese tea – not the packaged junkola you see sold in the supermarkets.

That is NOT real tea – not even close.

And no, you do NOT add milk or sugar to the tea, strange as that might sound. I’ll get into that later, but you do nothing but add hot water at the RIGHT TEMPERATURE – – and you’re off to the races, my friend.

More later, but again, if the person that asked me about losing belly fat this morning was halfway serious enough, I’d have told him just that.

Matter of fact I did, and also sold him said tea, but of course, he doesn’t want to spend munnnnneeeeee anymore, not more than he has to.

Ah well. Can take a horse to water, but can’t make it drink!

And so it goes. I’ll be back later, fellas!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And remember, while green tea is a potent indeed weapon in the BATTLE of the bulge, winning the WAR requires more than one weapon and certainly more than one strategy. HERE is the “Art of War” version of dropping that nasty flab, and quick – right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/

P.S #2 – If you’re looking for bulk orders of organic teas, feel free to contact me via email ([email protected]) or via the form HERE.

The case AGAINST video
- ... marketing, or not!

A lot of people have asked me about my thoughts on video marketing, and how to incorporate it into their selling … or marketing, and I’ve given them my thoughts.

But as I see this video crazed world – – really, give the average person a video and he’ll stop what he is doing just to watch a few seconds of some moronic (or perhaps NOT) video … and give that same person a book, or a paragraph to read, and despite his claims to the contrary guess what – that book will never get read.

Or written, for that matter!

Anyway as I see folks around me all going crazy for video – – as I see the “pundits” predict that by 2021, more than 95% of marketing will be video marketing … and as I see every Tom, Dick and Harry rack up followings on Youtube and so forth, my thought is this.


An old Chinese saying goes such, “A Strength overextended becomes a WEAKNESS”.

And when you look at the VAST MAJORITY of those that spend all their time on videos, you’ll notice this to be true. More than 99 percent of the time, once you get past the videos (IF they’re interesting and most ain’t) … there is NO product, or nothing good at any rate to sell.

In many cases there isn’t even a service. They’re “making it up as they go along”, and don’t get me wrong – if that works for some folks, well and good, but is it the best way in my opinion? NO.

I’ve been well known for having controversial opinions, saying it like it IS – and I’ll say something that will probably cause most of you to laugh.

That being this. Video marketing ain’t all it’s trumped up to be, and b) it will NOT become as important as the pundits claim it will.

I do believe that while a small fraction of us right now (like yours truly) will hardly ever watch a video (unless they really feel it has value) and would rather read everything under the sun .. that is right NOW.

Given the information overload we are all faced with, I believe that eventually, people will go back to doing what people did in the old days – actually READ – and start WRITING too, hehe.

If you can condense your thoughts into a video, or while SAYING something – great. Kudos.

But there is a skill to actually putting those thoughts down on PAPER in a way the reader can understand – and empathsize with – and that is what yours truly does my friend.

It’s a skill anyone can learn and it’s a skill I’ve used to make MONEY … and it’s a skill YOU CAN learn too, and use for whatever purpose you so desire.

Contact me here in case you’re interested, but one last thing before I “lop off”, hehe.

In terms of marketing, do what you’re BEST at.

Work to your STRENGTHS, not against it.

Lots of people aren’t comfortable making videos, and if that’s you, no problem. Do text. Audio. Or emails. Or even selling via CARTOONS (yes, that IS possible!) … or whatever media you so choose.

Do so in a way that YOU are comfortable with, and that play to your strengths – and you’ll quickly lern one old truism of marketing … that being the media doesn’t matter. YOU matter and how you PUT YOURSELF across matters.

And that’s about as bluntly as I can put it, hehe.

Last, but not least, do I watch videos? Rarely, if ever. Even if it’s something useful, I’d rather READ the transcript of the interview, and then move on to other things to apply what I learned.

Watching videos, unless it’s people I admire and like, is for me a massive ENERGY DRAIN, period. By the end of that 15 minute video all you’ve done is give the other person a like and perhaps a boost by following him or her, but for yourself?

Precisely ZERO, my friend.

My friends keep sending me YouTube videos etc to watch, and how many do I watch? Precisely NONE, my friend, because to me, there ain’t nothing that can be covered in a video that cannot be put down into paper – to be read in less time – so one can actually, God Forbid, DO something with that knowledge!

Anyway, you survivors out there know what I mean, hehe. You TRUE survivors I should say!

And on that note, it’s off with me. Back again soon!


Rahul  Mookerjee

P.S. – And don’t get me wrong. There are certain ventures in which pictures and videos do help a lot more – one of my OWN ventures so to speak, but WRITING is still KING even there, my friend. Trust me. End of the day, WRITTEN products ALONG with video are what sell the MOST, and the former is the most important. But yes, there ARE times I’ve deemed video necessary – and for one of those “unique” times – well – go ahead and grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System – and you’ll see why, hehe.

“Rahul, what is the best exercise to reduce belly fat?”
- ... and then he went SILENT ....

So this morning, I was talking to a dude who I first met way back in 2018.

A dude who saw me doing pull-ups out in the park, and a dude that seemed pretty friendly (well but to be honest I was my usual cranky self right off the bat when I was interrupted mid workout, hehe).

He asked me something about pull-ups – I can’t quite remember, and my blunt response was “why”, as it immediately brought back memories of Chinese badgering me for selfies and other inane requests during my workouts.

I’ve written about it here, I believe … so those interested can check it out, but long story short, this dude is a friendly enough guy, and I often gave him tips etc on how to improve his pull-ups when I was working out.

He tried for a couple of days, but then GAVE up, and I wrote about it here too.

And no, this ain’t about calling him a quitter or anything – ‘tis just sad though that people don’t STICK with what they start both life wise, business wise and fitness wis.

I’ve written about this before, but persistence is key, my friend – – and never more so than during the initial stages of anything when you’re still forming a daily HABIT.

Do something for 21 days straight whether you like it or NOT, and you’ll find yourself automatically gravitating to said thing, and getting better at it.

Amazingly simple. FREE advice too, for those of you that choose to TAKE IT and IMPLEMENT it, and yet, I’m positive the majority of people reading this will “ho hum” their way through this. Some might even hit “unsubscribe” for me saying it like it is, hehe.

And while this dude is a great guy, I’ve been asking him some questions as of late, and he never seems to give me a direct answer.

Again, all good – but he asked me today about the best exercises to reduce belly fat.

“My answer would be to buy Corrugated Core”, I responded, and with good reason.

“And of course, drink less. Which during the lockdown in India shouldn’t be an issue. Hell, you should have lost weight anyway during the lockdown. I heard they’re not even allowing shops selling NON-VEGETARIAN items to open!”

And at this point, remember we’re talking about the India lockdown that I’ve spoken so often about.

Four hours (or less according to this dude) for a complete and total lockdown. No alcohol sales. No sale of non-vegetarian food. As I sit here typing the above two, I’m shaking my head in disbelief.

I’ve traveled all over the world, and cannot for the life of me FATHOM what good either one of the above two would do. I mean, if you want folks to stay at home – at least give them a good incentive to do so!

Sure, I’d give people the incentive of EXERCISE. Losing WEIGHT, specially around the BELLY. And midsection.

But being people are LAZY in general, exercise is the last thing they’ll want to do during the lockdown.

They’ll piss and moan, complain about Facebook, do everything EXCEPT make PRODUCTIVE use of the time they’ve been given, and that ain’t just me saying it – it’s a fact.

And so .. makes no sense, not to me at least. If it does to you, write back and let me know, hehe.

Anyway, so then I went on.

“Actually, you should buy the 0 Excuses Fitness System first. Basic system” (this upon “crickets” after I asked him to purchase the initial product).

Hey, he asked me what exercises to do to reduce belly fat!

Crickets – – again. When I last checked, I can no longer see his profile picture, so I can only assume he blocked me, hehe.

And so it goes, my friend. It’s no wonder that this person hasn’t either lost weight or gotten better at pull-ups – and on that note, he ain’t the only one. Tons of people have the same mentality, and hey, if that’s you- fair enough. I ain’t gonna try and change it, but I will tell you this …

… 0 Excuses Fitness is NOT for you in that case.

If you ask me questions about fitness, then I WILL ask you to invest in my System, because that is the RIGHT THING TO DO!

And that’s about as simple as it gets, my friends.

For those interested, here is where you can go

Watch the fat FLY off, hehe.

And that’s it for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Those in the know that I’m perfectly willing to bend over backwards for CUSTOMERS that DO THE THING … but if you’re not willing to take the first step – then sorry, I can’t help you pally. And no, no freebies either, hehe. Just thought I’d say that once again.

P.S #2 – Oh, as for Corrugated Core – here is the link for this splendid, FAT BURNER of a course INCARNATE …

The magical force that got me FIT … and in the best shape of my LIFE.
- ... a force like NO other ...

I’ve spoken a lot about exercises, and I’ve spoken about a lot about the type of exercise YOU should be doing on a very regular basis.

I’ve spoken the magic power of visualization, and how it can truly get you in the best darn shape of your life if done right (YES visualization alone can propel you to do things that will literally move MOUNTAINS!). . .

And many other things, but have I ever spoken about the intangible driving force behind all of this, a mysterious power that LURKS within us, ever ready to make an appearance when it’s really needed, and how?

I think on occasion, yes, but I’ll talk about it from a fitness standpoint.

Back in the fall of 2015, I went through a period of life like I never had known before in my life …

There were few happier periods in my life than the three months between July and November, and while I’m not going to detail exactly what happened, the astute reader can probably hazard a guess or two.

Come November, things came crashing down due to various reasons as they often do (note to self – when it seems too good to be true, it often is!).

… but, looking back upon this, and hindsight is always 20/20, was it really?

While I was working out before then, and climbing my favorite hill etc, and was not quite “obese”, I sure wasn’t in the sort of shape I should have been or wanted to be.

And my personal life and/or finances weren’t quite doing that well either.

Up and down basically in many regards, and though I wasn’t starving by any means, I sure wasn’t stable or making money as I’d have liked to.

Well, come November … something strange happened after what I mentioned above collapsed.

I felt a fury – a YEARNING – deep within me like I had NEVER felt before, and a desire to ACCOMPLISH – – to strive for more – to be BETTER in many regards.

It was strange, the intensity of the passion and feelings I was experiencing, the likes of which I had NOT felt before …

Before I knew it, there was not one restful minute in my day. I’d wake up, workout, do my work … and then head on again to the hill, climbing it in a different manner, and then again.

By the end of the day, I was nigh exhausted. There had never been a time in my life where I had climbed that hill multiple times a day and let me tell you, it took a lot out of me!

2 times increased to 3 .. then to 4.

Along the way, I kept receiving compliments of how quickly I dropped weight, and “what did I do to drop weight”.

It happened at warp speed – – at a speed that both shocked and amazed me, and it all culminated in 0 Excuses Fitness of course down the line …but I still maintain that if the year 2015 had not happened along with all the occurences in it, then none of this would be happening now, or at least not at the levels it is now.

Things happen for a reason, and they happen all the more when what happened that fall happens.

My OTHER SELF had awakened, and how!

This other self is something that has made it’s presence felt in ALL aspects of life when really needed, sometimes in most spectacular fashion, and in these uncertain times, it’s my duty to bring to you the powers of the other self and how it can literally sweep past any and all obstacles … if harnessed correctly.

And for all of you that are interested, here is a far longer piece that I did up on it – – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/your-other-self-rahul-mookerjee/

Hit the “like” button and leave comments if you so choose, and take a gander at the other articles I’ve done posted on that site -truly well worth a read, hehe, and I plan on porting some of those over to this site as well very soon. Stay tuned on that front!

Back to fitness, what exactly WAS the secret that got me fit?

While externally it was doing the thing that got me the results I desired, and way beyond, internally, there was way more going on than I can tell you – – or that you would understand, unless, as Napoleon Hill correctly states in Think and Grow Rich “you make the discovery for yourself!”.

‘tis true, my friend. ‘Tis true.

And while I talk about this other self a bit in 0 Excuses Fitness, and even give you a primer on how to harness the sheer power of the “other self” – – there are still some that don’t fully get it – and I understand. ‘Tis truly something you have to experience to feel my friend!

In any case, know this -if you do the thing, you WILL eventually have the power (not mine – the immortal Emerson) … and in terms of fitness that applies just as much as it does life itself.

Do the thing – the right way, and the fitness results you want truly SHALL be yours, my friend.

And on that note, it’s adios for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re interested in taking pushups and that SIX PACK of yours to another level altogether, then here is the course that will GET you there – –  https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/

P.S #2 – Lets get it ON, my friend. I DARE you to get in the best shape of your life!

“Trumper to the core” … and more!
- .. and what I ain't, lol.

So in response to one of my last posts (I believe it was a while ago though) I received the following response.

“Trumper to the core”, for sure!

I think we were discussing the … ah, I remember now – the current COVID madness going on.

And while all I was really posting about was “precautions not panic” and in support of opening businesses up rather than let economies around the globe stagnate, this dude wasn’t in favor of that, and launched a rebuttal.

Most of the rebuttal didn’t really contain any facts … none pertinent to the discussion at any rate. And the discussion finished off in a private conversation, being that for whatever reason I broke one of my cardinal rules and actually GOT into a social media discussion contest (or you could say “semi pissing” contest, hehe).

And it just goes to show that one can have different political views and still be civil to each other. Dude still takes digs at me daily from what I notice, but all good, hehe – he’s a good man and plus as I said in the last email … ?

But anyway, more than click bait which is probably what some people will accuse the headline of this HERE email being, pause and think about it for a minute.

Yes, I love Donald Trump, but the reason isn’t what you, or most people might think.

It ain’t so much his politics or his brash style – yes, I DO support his politics (to me its just plain ole common sense, amazingly lacking all around the globe apparently in terms of leadership with the notable exception of Australia and a few other nations such as Germany) and his style – – close to my own heart as it were, but that ain’t the only reason.

I still remember what my buddy King Kong … OK, not King Kong, but the closest human equivalent to King kong out there, hehe, him from the Marines once told me over a coupla beers while we were discussing politics.

And Donald’s brash, brutally honest style.

“Donald Trump would probably trump me hands down in a “say like it is” contest”, I think I remember saying.

“Not so fast”, laughed my friend. “It would be tight, and a contest for sure!”

I’ll try to find the exact blog post detailing that (for a few chuckles), but back to it … NO, that is NOT the main reason I love Trump.

Two main reasons actually.

One being that his heart is indeed in the right place. It shows, my friend – and two … he truly is a MASTER of the game – the MARKETING game as it were, and take this to the bank when I say it – that is NOT an accolade I give out easily, or at all!

I can probably count on the fingers of one hand people that would even begin to qualify for said accolade, and while MASTERY is something that doesn’t just extend to politics, ‘tis true.

In 0 Excuses Fitness I devote an entire Chapter to MASTERY of a certain exercise, and how most men (you ladies out there ain’t exempt either, hehe) do NOT master any exercise in its entirety – or even close.

I wrote about how even mastering the REGULAR ole pushup can take a lifetime, and even then …

And ole Donald would likely be the first to admit that he isn’t a Master of the Game as well. I don’t know the man obviously, but I bet you my bottom dollar or RMB, hehe, that’s what he’d say, and it’s a fact that we are ALL always in learning mode – or should be.

Anyway, enough of being a proud “Trumper”.

Let’s go over a few things I’m NOT (at the core!) –

  • I’m NOT a puffer and buffer at the core
  • Neither am I a buffet molester
  • I ain’t no pansy ass “preener and weener” (sp!) at the local meatheads Central, hehe.
  • I ain’t a pumper and toner. Never was, never will be.
  • I ain’t a movie star to the core, and certainly not a T.V star (was that the other way around?)
  • I aint’ an A-hole at the core (surprise, surprise!)

And more.

Did I piss most of you off as yet? LOL.


Those that remain – well – click on over HERE to get the very best in and straight from the heart, no frills, BARE BONES training products that just flat out WORK – and will get you in the best shape of your life – QUICK – https://0excusesfitness.com/products/


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Learn, grasshopper, LEARN … when someone is a Master of the Game so much that he managed to get elected as President of the nation despite half of his own party being against him – well – he’s got something going – I’ll give him that much!

P.S #2 – If you’re into puffing, buffing, looking pretty, measuring your waist to see how “slim” it looks, extreme dieting, fad diets, the ridiculous lat pulldown machine at the gym etc etc – well, 0 Excuses Fitness ain’t for you. No way, Jose. For those of you interested in the real deal though – interested in REAL strength that’ll have the average puffer and buffer’s eyes GOGGLING within the space of a few seconds – well – check out Shoulders like Boulders right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/shoulders-like-boulders/

Inane conversations and freebie seekers
- ...and more!

I had an inane conversation last night with “Rebecca” a former student of mine (back in a lifetime during a different life when I used to teach English).

Bear in mind that this is a Chinese girl that has spent years abroad, and still can’t for whatever reason speak decent English. I’m sending you the conversations verbatim –

“Hi Marke! How are you? Do you remember me?”

For a minute there, I thought she had the right person. . .

Anyway, I could sense the direction the conversation was going to take, and being I was pounding out my latest article (more on that later) I didn’t reply for once. Crickets.


“I was sleeping because I am in Canada now. We are different time. I have been long time not talking to you”

“Are you in China?” (UGH!)

I finally replied.

“Very long time, yes. Yes, in China (I replied for once, hehe. After all it’s a past student, albeit a nutty one). You’re still studying in Canada?”

FWIW, this chick is RICH. Like money out the ass, and she hasn’t done much to earn it either. Apparently Daddy started a business or something up in Zhejiang province and gave “Rebecca” the proceeds from it, and she’s running around trying to best spend it on things that don’t matter.

Typical eh.

“Can we talk with voice?”

“Are you still teaching”

“Do you still teach in some school or a company?”

There is MORE. Oh boy. The questions came THICK AND FAST, before I had a chance to reply, and you know how it goes, don’t you?

When someone wants something for free, and are willing to offer you exactly SQUAT in return.

But I let her continue on. Hehe. Might as well let these folks “crucify” themselves.

“Sorry, no voice. No free English class” was my tart response.

And for those that don’t know this is yet another reason why ESL just plain sucks, as an old supervisor of once told me. Remember the story of dude I met in WalMart for one who claimed that “I learned English for free” (which I didn’t by the way, hehe) – – so I “should” (was obligated to) teach him for nothing less or more than freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ….

Then she badgered me about my business. As if she needed to ask me questions. It’s all out there in the open.

“Books! That I need it too. What kind of those”.

“Fitness book”, I responded, not wanting to go any further but the pestering continued.

Normally I’d just up and ignore the person, but past student, and all that …

“It is written by who?”

“Physical health books”

“Is it famous?”

(note – I’m copying and pasting verbatim here!)

“I wrote it. Very “famous””, I replied with my version of a sardonic giggle.

“Woah! Sounds very great! Please send one page to me reading! Just one page!”

“Sorry, no free books, no free English class”.

“China publishing or your country”, she continued.

“How much for you’re a book. How much your book”

Being I was doing something else, I didn’t respond for a while.

“Student learn online or face to face. Looking by online, you’re a fitness teacher!”

And I had it.

“Rebecca … you’re asking ridiculous questions”.

That seemed to calm her down for a while, but not a lot.

And then, the crowning point of the conversation – and if there was ever something said by someone that screams for the title of SHEER STUPIDITY and ABSURDITY .. I’m yet to see it.

“I want fitness, but I am lazy girl. I like saying home and no body movement. I like eating more diliciouse foods without any idea and do not worry me to be fat”

“Appearance is not very important, right? Health is!”

And after I finished guffawing …

“Nice excuse for being lazy Rebecca”, was my response. “Fat is not healthy”.

And this inane conversation continued on for ages thereafter, and I mostly IGNORED it.

Though she claimed she didn’t care about appearance, her very next comment was “I am fat girl now”, and she said that about 10 times as if to prove the point I’m making.

Which is …

As I’ve always said, and continue to say, my friend – there are NO FREEBIES offered here.

Not for my fitness products. Not for my green tea. Not for anything else I do.

Yes, I realize there are tons of people out there that offer free trials, money back guarantees, and bend over backwards to appease these lazy, idiotic liberal types, and if that is the way you choose to do business … OK, fine.

No complaints from me. Not a peep.

But that ain’t gonna happen here.

More to the point, and this is one prime reason why (well, one being the infamous “I got bills too, son”) – – these freebie seekers are rarely, if ever SERIOUS about anything.

Prime case being learning English, which this girl has learnt from me (partially), tons of other teachers – and is now studying in a Canadian University (at the ripe old age of 35 plus) … and she still can’t speak English despite all the years of so called effort invested into “learning”.

Remember when I called out ESL for being a crock and a dancing monkey job? Well, I do so almost daily, hehe, but this is a prime REAL LIFE example of why.

When I taught her, this chick would never do her HW. Hardly ever focus in class. Fiddle around with the phone and constantly make remarks of “Wow! You’re in shape, Rahul!”

All well and good and thanks, but my being in shape wasn’t exactly the point I was there in class. I was there to teach, NOT model …

And this attitude extends to other areas of life as well. Fitness being one prime example, and you can see for yourself via the conversation I just sent!

Alright, enough of that my friend.

Forget the nutters, do nothings’, wannabe’s, go nowhere’s, and freebie hoarders.

If you’re part of the ever thinning crowd that DOES want to do something meaningful with your fitness levels and indeed LIFE in general – then we got tons of products for you to choose from right HERE.

I’d recommend the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and then going from there as works for YOU.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – As I type this, Luis, another freebie seeker that had pestered me up and down with “Are you in China” questions and questions on web development is pestering me again. This is his question

“I want to make a need a software or app to make a computer database. I have a question about the computer things. Just to make a click so that it can provide quotation of prices for customers with pictures. And also provide with dashboard of markup and orders status”.

Woah! That’s a lot dude … and while YES, I’ve done it before, and do it now on occasion (think my own business, hehe) – I sure ain’t gonna tell you how to do it and quote you so you can then seek out the guy who does it for cheapest and badger him for MORE and more while paying less than pennies on the dollar …

P.S #2 – More real life stories coming shortly – stay tuned! For now, if INSPIRATION is your thang, then the tips mentioned in Gumption Galore are for YOU, my friend – https://0excusesfitness.com/gumption-galore/

P.P.S – Pushup Central and Kiddie Fitness are two courses that are literally flying off the shelves as soon as we stock ‘em. Good news is this – they’re E BOOKS which you get INSTANTLY upon receipt of payment – delivered straight to your email address, hehe. Go on and grab ‘em now, and let me know how you do!

A missionary got pissed at me because I wouldn’t “exercise my mind”
- ... and then disappeared!

I was reading a bit about “haters” on the Internet (another email list I’ve subscribed to) – and I must say the OP who I won’t mention here made some very valid points indeed.

What really struck home for me was that this person – – an uber successful marketer that writes copy and sales letter for many top companies and well known people pretty much said that in order to be successful … you HAVE to be hated … to a degree, at least.

And this jives with what I say on a very regular basis – -something which I was wary of saying in the beginning, but something that I thought about, and decided upon shortly after I went into biz for myself, and started creating products etc for myself.

That being … if people aren’t sending you hate email, negative comments and “negative remarks” on a regular basis, then you are probably a) not selling hard enough – and b) not doing something right at all!

To put it yet another way if people aren’t opting out of your list on a regular basis, you are probably going to have skinny kids.

And this revelation came to me after I read Dan Kennedy’s bit on haters, the do nothings, and the criticizers who are ever ready to participate in meaningless debates, waste time online  over frivolities, attack those of any certain political affiliation with NO logic behind their “attack”, make personal remarks, and there forth.

There forth. That even a word, hehe?

Anyway, every time I get a hateful comment I chuckle a bit.

I don’t let this one, but I do it and today as I got a comment on my WeChat about “Dude, you should change your name to ranter” (in response to a post I did about the current environment of FEAR that is being created worldwide, which was anything BUT a rant)”, I couldn’t help but do what Kennedy advises … that being to raise your arms up in the air and scream “Hooray!”

Or a version of it, at any rate!

Anyway more on that in my next lengthy LinkedIn piece – – be watching for that one shortly.

For now, back to the tale.

Yours truly was doing pull-ups (in sets of 8 I still remember) after his hill workout on a sunny weekday afternoon.

The park was nice and deserted in pre-Corona days, and the weather was wonderful. Most people were at work, which suited me just fine, and as I was rattling through the sets, I felt a “presence” behind me.

Turn around, and I see a dude standing there, observing me.

An elderly sort of dude but NOT so elderly that he wouldn’t have got a knock to the geezer if he had said something way inappropriate. In fact, now that I think about it, he sort of reminds me of the creepy “old dude” (or young dude that looked old) in Silence of the Lambs that kidnapped the Senator’s daughter …

Anyway I nodded at him in a friendly manner as I am wont to do, and went about my own way.

Except .. .

He piped up.

“Why are you doing pull-ups?”

The question struck me as odd of course, and even my most ardent haters would probably agree, no? LOL.

I ignored it. Banged out another set of pull-ups.

“Don’t you want to exercise your mind?” he asked me, looking at me accusingly.

And there was something about the tone of his voice that made me stop.

I glared back at him, simply because of the tone of his voice. It was the typical “Jehovah’s witness showing up UNWANTED at your doorstep on a Sunday afternoon” kind of voice – the sort of voice that makes you shove a double barreled you know what right in the intruder’s face …

“Cuz I can”, I replied.

“You know, you should be working your mind more” , dude went on, unfazed, or seemingly so.

“Where are you from”, he said, looking at me up and down.

And I ignored it, but I was getting ticked off big time, and just as I finished my next set of pull-ups, something weird happened.

As I turned around to look the dude in the eye, he just got up – up and disappeared quicker than a flash of lightning.

I blinked my eyes.

A minute or less had passed, and he just disappeared.

OK, so I could see him haring off in the distance.

Maybe it was my demanor, or the clench to the muscles of my back which let on that although I’m the most thick skinned and JOVIAL of people most of the time – -including with the haters online, hehe, there are lines you do NOT cross, and he crossed one big time.

Two, actually, the second being that you do NOT interrupt Rahul Mookerjee during a workout!

Anyway, point of me saying this?

You’ll always have haters, my friends, and the better you are at something and the more you try to be the crab that climbs out of the bucket of crabs, the more you’ll have a bunch of morons trying to pull you back in in some way or the other.

Marc, the African silverback gorilla had a quick and CORRECT response to this when I told him about it.

“You should have punched him on the jaw”, he growled, and then adding on “these people that don’t DO anything themselves, and cant stand it when someone DOES something” …

And he was “remorselessly and relentlessly logical indeed” as always, and I concur.

Moral of the story?

Don’t be fazed by the haters. Welcome them, because as another friend of mine told me, your haven’t made it until the losers truly start hating and losing sleep over you! Hehe …

All for now. By the way, as far as cranking out one pull-up after the other, smooth as pie, or butter if you so choose, HERE is the course that’ll get you doing ‘em in a jiffy – – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t forget to check out the testimonials received for the said course as well, as well as our testimonials page which yes, I need to update – doing so shortly!

P.S #2 – By the way, if you’re in the mood for some lip smacking recipes during the lockdown, assuming you’re on (and given most of the world is, you probably are too in a way) go here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/dish-delicious/

P.P.S – Home brewed pineapple beer is my latest thang, hehe. Thank you South Africa! Hehe.

Fear, fear, and more FEAR …
- ... fear is the real killer!

It’s unfortunate but true.

Everywhere we see, we read – hear – and even subconsciously think of people being “afraid”.

Being afraid of this blasted virus, which at the end of the day is really a “super flu” and despite the naysayers and leftists claims to the contrary – NOT something that mankind can either control in a definitive manner (at least not as of now) – and something that will probably be added on to the long list of viruses that will be around forever.

Ebola, for one. I recently (two weeks ago or so) saw that there was another case in Congo …

Didn’t we all think that had passed?

And the same thing will likely hold true for this virus, and I’m not sure why people are jumping up and down about it to the extent they are – – other than of course, that this is that “silent third party’s way” of meting out JUSTICE.

As the great philosopher Emerson said, it is impossible for any man to be “cheated”. There is a silent third party that governs ALL human transactions and this third party metes out justice and punishment – both with COMPOUND interest – as surely as any court will, or actually with MORE sureity.

This third party cannot be cheated, bought, tricked, cajoled, or anything of that nature and that is what I believe I said when this entire virus crisis started way, way back in January … do we even remember how things were back then?

And this brings me to my main point for today.


Emerson once said that fear is a carrion of great sagacity (I cannot remember if I’ve quoted correctly, but what he meant was fear is really what destroys a person – hope – cultures – countries – and so forth).

FEAR is what is to be avoided at all costs, my friend!

FEAR is what really kills a human being and makes you a “walking corpse” as it were in terms of LIFE. And the mainstream media seems to be doing a great job of propogating not what they SHOULD BE – HOPE – but FEAR!

Fear of death. Fear of job losses. Fear and uncertainity over the future, and so forth.

I recently read that Trump is planning on scaling back immigration for now, and to me that is the sensible thing to do for any country – – and indeed, MOST countries have been doing this – or MORE.

At least Trump hasn’t outright banned it as many others have!

And of course, people are SCARED – of losing their jobs in the US – and not being able to find another one during the 60 day grace period that exists for H1B visa holders (overseas workers basically excluding Canadians and Mexicans I believe).

60 days.

Man oh man.

60 days is enough time to turn around your life – if you just HOPE – and then have FAITH – and one cannot come without the other!

60 days is enough to get FIT. From 120 to 60 kgs as it were, and it happened in about that time frame.

60 days – or one day – one MINUTE, actually .. is enough to remember the good times – and look forward to better times ahead once this is over – and believe me, this time WILL be over.

For the so called “practical minded” amongst you that will respond with “but we got bills to pay” – well, don’t we all, pally.

It’s GOOD to get out of your comfort zone and be challenged to grow – without a safety net – and that is how and where great accomplishments come from.

Most great accomplishments occurred as Napoleon Hill said, because “men were forced to change their circumstances through force of COMPULSION”.

I’m paraphrasing, of course, but they just had to do it – they had no other CHOICE!

And they did it.

And those of you that realize this now, and cast FEAR aside, well, kudos to YOU – you’re headed on the right track, my friend.

As for those of you that refuse to have faith or believe instead (as a leading Indian newspaper recently noted) “lose sleep over the bills and uncertainity” – well – I got this to say, my friend.

Do the thing, and you’ll have the power.

Last, but not least, if you were being grossly overpaid or otherwise compensated at your last job or position or whatever, then a lot of the above does not apply to you.

That silent third party knows no restrictions and treats everyone EQUALLY my friend.

You get what you deserve – and you reap what you sow – with compound interest at that, and there ain;t no two ways around this truism!

And that’s that for now. Back again soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here are the routines that will get you in shape FAR quicker than 60 days – with NO investment other than a one time initial outlay required – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/