“I find it infuriating that after years of doing planks, pushups seem impossible …
- ... but then again, I thought I couldn't do situps till the last month!"

So said Janet Clare, whose been VALIANTLY trying to do pushups and situps for a while now, and with the dogged persistence she’s got, she’s finally got situps down to a point -kudos lady!

Yet, pushups are still problematic.

Her daughter *one of them* is in ROTC, and can pump ’em out – no problem – so its a lot of healthy competition there! Hehe.

Now, I’ve gone hoarse sayin that while the plank is not a bad isometric, it doesnt even begin to hold a candle to the top position of a pushup – especially with someone sitting on my back – haha – or on your fingertips.

And it’s TRUE.

And the advice I gave Janet on this one wasn’t just to do that isometric, which she is most likely, but to progress slowly.

Do 10% pushups for two weeks, I told her, then 15% (lower a bit more) – and so forth.

Before she knows it, she’ll be doing full pushups -them tendons and muscles will be strong and flexible by then!

Trust me, a full stretch in the pushup isn’t always about MUSCLE strength alone though thats a huge part, TENDON strength and flexibility is an even bigger part of it.

Dont believe me?

Do what I did, climb hills and do pull-ups for years, get in great shape – then ignore pushups.

And you’ll feel it in the center of your back, in your shoulder blades – and the TENDONS of the shoulders the first time you crank out pushups again after a while.

Nothing replaces pushups, my friend, nothing at all, I’ve gone hoarse saying that – and nothing replaces them done in good form.

And BETTER form!

Always imagine you’ve got someone seated on your back while doing pushups, or maybe a jug of water that NOT a drop can spill from as you lower down, go back up.

CLENCH the thighs, like I say in Pushup Central! 

And, make sure the arms are as close to the waist as possible.

And there you have it, my friend.

Do pushups, do TONS of ’em daily – along with squats, a lot of ’em too!

And thats that for this one – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Leaving that door OPEN!
- Sometimes...

… is, and can be a very good idea!

I’ve spoken about this galore, of course, but I’d like to say it again – I’m VERY quick indeed to BLOCK people I dont want out of my life, business and so forth.

In fact, I’ve been known (well known) to turn DOWN sales – yes, even in “this” economy as people put it.

If your vibe is shit, and not on board with what we teach, you dont need or deserve to be anywhere near us.

Thats why I always prune my email list too, which I’ve done yet another prune on a while back and LOTS of people were “culled” for being little more than a bump on a log, do nothings, price wankers, whiners, moaners and pissers in general.

And normally I never let anyone back into my life.

Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Yet, the smart(est) men know there is a caveat to everything.

Men and women both.

Or even some in between’s, hehe.

And the caveat here is this – SOMETIMES, for SOME people, I leave the door open.

I dont WELCOME or even invite them back in.

But that door’s open, and for those that have served their punishment i.e. “banished to the wilderness” and then choose to learn from their mistakes and come back – well, I’m here with open arms, a forgiving HEART – and NO ill will whatsoever. Truly, if thats you – we’ll start with a clean slate bro.

In one of the Mowgli stories (a little guy growing up in a jungle) he speaks of “animal forgiveness”.

Animals dispense a good beating when the situation demands it, but they dont obsess about it forever.

Punishment is served quickly, and the crime is then FORGOTTEN. Simple as that.

Same thing here …

So thats that – I wanted to mention it – it applies to some readers here.

Some people are on board with the “once blocked, forever blocked” – for me, that applies to the majority of folks I remove from my life as well, but SOME people, like I said, deserve a second chance, and this leaving the door open policy for them has resulted in sales shooting through the ROOF like never before for one, and results in other spheres of life “instant manifestation” like you would NOT believe.

More in Zero to Hero – Volume Two, but for now, Zero to Hero – volume ONE – will suffice for real life motivational tips that will help YOU get to the highest levels of success you never even dreamed possble in your own life.


Onward – Roberto Berrocal sent me this feedback for Squat 101 – the Reader – his VOICE makes me literally CRY – he’s so on board with what we teach and preach here ….

Hey my Brother from another Mother!        

      I am very excited to tell you that I just uploaded the first to last chapter of the first book on the latest compilation that I am narrating for you right now. I do apologize for the slow and steady churn out of narrated chapters this time around (emphasis on “slower”, hehe). But I have good news! I am putting the lifeguarding gig on the back burner for a bit right now to focus on my desk jobs. So, I’m going to pick up the pace a bit. I know you told me not to worry if the project goes over a few days here and there with its due date, but I pride myself on my professionalism and timely delivery.

      On that note, I must admit that your “sore and cramping” stretching techniques have come in real handy after the last yearly testing with the Lifeguards. Now that is a BRUTAL test of endurance in and out the water (open ocean) repeated times, jogging in between, without gear, with gear, with passive victims and ACTIVE victims, hehe. Not to mention push-ups and ab-crunches to top it all off, phew!

      As always, a pleasure to work with you and I can’t wait to hear your feedback. Please do let me know if you would want me to do any changes or re-record any section. Be well my friend as I am sure that you are healthy and fit as always. Inspiring others to get and stay fit and helping others, me included, recover from strenuous tests of endurance. Thanks again for your wisdom teachings, research and good sense of humor!

And then this –

Hey Rahul!

      I almost forgot to ask for your written permission and that of your publisher, to make some promotional short videos of me and my family doing some of the exercises in the “0 excuses fitness book compilation” and “Squat 101 – The reader” once the audiobook is published (or before if that works for the both of us). We’re planning on having my narration of your book and original music (composed and mixed by my wife) in the background of the videos to promote the audio book and boost sales. Let me know what you think. As always, wishing you and our collaborations the upmost success. Cheers!


Yours truly –

Whats up my BROTHER!!!!!!

Hey man – GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU, and I’ve got a smile as always on my face as I’m listening to your audios, and READING what you have to say! I’ll get more into this later, but first off –

1. Your VIBE is nigh fantastic, I didnt think we could replicate what we did with the compilation, but we have – and are – you’re doing SUPERBLY WELL in that regard, keep it UP!

2. There is a lot of background noise in some of the audios, lots of “squeaks galore” in the disclaimer and introduction for one, but it speaks MOUNTAINS about your professionalism that even those haven’t distracted from the end feeling I get when I hear you – man! (I would normally be VERY distracted/annoyed by those as I know you would too) – so that might be something we need to fix. I’m assuming these aren’t the final audios i.e. you’d run all of this through another tool before final submission?

Also, importantly my friend, are you hearing these on your computer/system? If not, it might be an issue with my hard disk – – I had this happen with another producer with another project, there was a weird squeak that just would not go away in some of the audios, but she couldn’t hear it, and it passed ACX muster – and I do NOT see any “red warning” from ACX on your submissions, which I normally would if there is an issue, so much like the lucky mouse I’ve been seeing in my house as of late, hehe – this might be more good luck signs from the HEAVENS and likely is, but let me know – just in case! 🙂 🙂

3. Hell yes, these routines get you in the best of shape – I’m so glad you’re finding them brutally effective. Now . . . STRETCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, I can hear it in your voice, I’m so glad it helps you – there are other books I have (two in fact, isometrics and advanced isometrics) devoted to stretching alone which you might want to “invest” in at some point my friend – those are VERY helpful stretches indeed, these stretches in the book were taken out of the initial book (but there’s plenty more where that comes from! Hehe).

4. I know fully well you’re professional to a T, and like I said – no worries about a few extra days taken my brother. You’re literally the last person I’d worry about in that regard, haha. All good there!

5. With regard to your other email i.e. this “I almost forgot to ask for your written permission and that of your publisher, to make some promotional short videos of me and my family doing some of the exercises in the “0 excuses fitness book compilation” and “Squat 101 – The reader” once the audiobook is published (or before if that works for the both of us). We’re planning on having my narration of your book and original music (composed and mixed by my wife) in the background of the videos to promote the audio book and boost sales. Let me know what you think. As always, wishing you and our collaborations the upmost success. Cheers!”

Hell yes you have my permission bro, you know you dont need to ask there, hehe. PLEASE do send me those videos too – I’ll promote them too “galore” on my Youtube channel etc! Do also include your FEEDBACK that you’ve included beneath – maybe make some ISOMETRIC videos, and if you ever do purchase a paperback for us, you have my full permission to SHOW those in the videos as well. Hehe. (btw, if you ever do purchase a paperback from us – then contact me FIRST, because I’d like to give you a great coupon to use on them which will be titled “MYBROTHER” – hehe).

As far as the music goes, you can put that in the book compilation audio too if you so choose, haha. ACX allows that to an extent …

So yes, long story short – of course you have my permission, do send me the videos or other promo material you guys create, and I will promote them too!!!!! 🙂

And thats that – always a pleasure my brother – – and other than the background noise thing, NOTHING else needs to be changed, you’re doing “fantabulously” (thats a term I really gotta use with my daugher hehe) … keep it GOING !

THANK YOU – again – much appreciated!! ????????????????. Yes, healthy and fit as always as you can see from Instagram – I’m sure you are too! 😉 Inspiring others to be the best they can is what it’s all about bro, and you know this better than anyone! Haha.

And fuck – again – FANTASTIC VIBE BRO! Haha. (apologies for the “cussing”, but I mean it in a very good way as you know!) I love those “ouches” you’ve put in!!!!!

???????????????????????????????????????? BTW, do you have Italian background, or maybe Spanish? My first guess would be Italian, but not sure – let me know! Haha.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Like NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell yeah bro, you’ve GOT IT GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Dang, that was FRENETIC!

And if you, the reader can FEEL this – then send in your videos too my friend – – you’ve got my full and explicit permission, I’ve been asking for you ages, and that thought has turned into reality too now!

And with a tear on my face, I truly LOVE my customers and folks we then (or anyway) work with-  more than anything else – I’m signing off.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Our audiobooks are going great guns, check ’em out NOW.


From chubby – to SUPER FIT.
- Yours truly again!

Interesting how my thoughts are starting to manifest now – on a damn near daily basis.

Including the wife “hating” me more – hehe, which is fine (maybe this godawful excuse of a relationship will finally end without her ending it – apparently she “wants to stay married” though she hates me and “though I’m useless” – hmmm! If I truly was useless, would she stay married? HA!)

… anyway, it was pouring cats and dogs unexpectedly yesterday – I had to pick up the little girl from school. Of course the bus was 10x delayed, asking them – and telling them that some parents are waiting in the pouring rain soaked to the bone had no impact.

On the way, I saw a lady – without an umbrella – drenched.

I did what I would in China, offer her the umbrella, of course, in India that means people stare holes through you “because the housemaid is not supposed to walk with the “owner” of the household”.

As a friend later told me, some things will never change. Ugh. I’ve never understood this class mentality, the Brits lost it eons ago, good on ’em, India never has, probably never will.

Egalitarian, anyone??

Anyway, in that rain – literally roads turning into rivers, I was thinking of walking with a girl, sure enough, it happened. Hehe.

Nothing if not the ole romantic I am sometimes…

Then a guy in a car came to the bus stop, and something was oddly “similar”, but I couldn’t place it.

Fifteen minutes or so, he got out of the car, we exchanged pleasantries.

And then he asked me if I was “Shristi’s Dad”.

He told me whose father he was, which did not ring a bell, then his name, and then – BAM!

It hit me, two things – one, I’ve been watching a movie as of late where two old friends “meet each other after years”.

That manifested yesterday too!

So that leads to number two, the other memory.

Hey man, I know YOU! I said.

He looked at me curiously.

You do?

Yes, I do, I replied.

“I forgot to get a birthday gift for you in grade 4, and my mother never let me hear the end of it”.

Hehe. With all the lectures of “dont forget to lock the door behind you” – I forgot the gift, door locked, mom not there, it happens, but she didnt let me hear the last of it for bloody WEEKS!

Anshul, the guy, for his part – at his age?

“I’m not greedy!’ I still remember him saying all those years ago. Hehe.

And it was a kiddie mistake, could have happened to anyone, Mom included. Not like I did not buy the damned gift, I just locked the door first and then was stranded!

Oh well. Some mothers aren’t fit to be mothers to be honest. A lot!

I remember jogging by his house in winter, and remembering those days – and today, three months later – we met most unexpectedly, caught up.

Life’s a trip eh. It showl is, friend!

Fitness wise, of course, the comments.

“I couldn’t even recognize you! Your hair, your face – in school you were nothing like the machine you are today! You were chubby, slightly…”

He trailed off, but I was laughing – there was a high school get together at the end of last month in a fancy hotel I never went to, but I was wondering, if I did – all those guys who beat the shit out of me at school – my, how the tables have turned NOW. Hehe.

Indeed, thats the fun of it all – along with fitting into size 26 jeans at the ripe old age of 42 plus … Hehe.

Get on my routines NOW, friend.

And Pushup Central – and 500 pushups a day – is really what has sparked the “sea change”, though all my other books to.

Be sure and check out Audible too! David’s done a superlative job narrating this one!


Rahul Mookerjee

Do I need a hill – or anything – to stay in shape?
- Back to the neighsayers, hehe.

Lets talk about something a lot of you have likely experienced if  you don’t follow the wisdom behind “Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!” – and “only showing it to those that count – i.e. not the idiots” (or showing it to all, but only internalizing feedback from those with half a brain).

All my life, fitness wise and otherwise but lets talk fitness, a field in which I have results that most people wouldn’t get over 10 lifetimes of “trying” (I take that back – they’d get it in this lifetime if they really tried, hehe, but most people are lazy asses) …

… Every time I’ve been in shape, my – well, Mom and wife, lets say have “pooh poohed it”.

So what, they chime.

“You used to be so fat before!”

Well, yes, gee whiz, but you’d think what is NOW counts more than the past?

Not to mention what the person did to get himself “out of that past” – with no “help” – figuring it out along the way himself (or herself as the case might be)?

No wonder these clowns live in the past till this date, and their results show, apparently for them “it’s OK to be fat and out of shape because they “used to be fit before” and because they have kids, so thats why”.

The more I hear this lunacy, and I seem to on a daily basis, I cannot help but cringe MORE.

So, I do what I tell my daughter to do (and she does, hehe) “in through one ear, out the other”.

It doesn’t pass the walls in my mind, but lets talk about “what I did”,

Oh, not everyone has a hill to workout on!


My BEST results never came from “just the hill”.

And it ain’t just them, I remember a girl Carol once sagely pronouncing “you need something more than just the hill, you need to swim, you need the gym”, and so forth.

She even gave me her gym membership – which she of course hardly ever used (another prime example of how gyms benefit off idiots that buy it, never use it – or use very little of what they paid for).

Then she noticed “tartly” that I never used it, and said as much.

I remained silent.

Now, swimming – great idea. I love it.

But really, I’ve long championed the idea of your own body – on land – being all you need to get in top shape.

I was living proof of, and still am of 0 Excuses Fitness, my friend, and that was a long period of experimentation on myself – even before I put the book out (though in fairness, Fast and Furious Fitness was out in 2010 – but then again, that was based upon my own physical shape and conditioning before that which was nigh superb, hill sprints, subway stair sprints and such) …

People love to find EXCUSES.

“He succeeded because he had help, or was lucky”.

My friend, the reality behind any real success is the polar opposite.

Its a lot of heartbreaking struggle, it’s a lot of hardship, most of all, the mental feeling of “going it alone” – having to, or else – and watching the whole world laugh at you AT FIRST (before they join others in congratulating you).

When you point this out factually to people like my mom (or a host of other non illuminaries) they either scoff or start bawling about “dont talk about him! thats different!”

True story, when I educated my Mom on Henry Ford, that was her response.

I dont agree with my wife on anything, but she IS Right about me needing a DNA test. Hehe. I Cannot believe, other than the slight facial resemblance I have to my mother (which apparently drove my Dad insane with “love” when he met her – of course, he never met any other girl??) – there is NO similarity between us whatsoever. Or my Dad and me.

(credit again though, at the ripe old age of 70 he seems to have realized the fallacy of lecturing folks on fitness when he’s never been an iota of fit himself in his entire life)

(although I’ve no doubt he’ll start again if his wife tells him to, hehe).

Hey, the wife is ALWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS right! (HA!)


Back to it – success – ?

Thats just how it works.

There ain’t no good luck, you make your own – including the breaks you get, and that people think youre lucky to get, including “shortcuts” – there are NONE.

Ask any doer, they’ll tell ya.

Carol didnt want me doing the same thing day in and day out.

My dear lady, and she’s the only one that still causes my heart to “flutter” when I look at that … well, all of her, just so damn ATTRACTIVE, more so than any actress I’ve ever met – sometimes DOING the same thing daily, for hours on end – year in, year out, is what works long term.

Could be climbing hills as I did daily.

Could be doing 250-500 pushups a day without fail as I do. DAILY.


To idiots it might be.

But it brings results more than jumping around from one routine to the other in the name of “it should be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn” will ever bring.

The hard grind ultimately pays off, and brings success in any field at levels you never imagined , friend.

Question is – do you have it in YOU to stick to the PATH?

And thats the lesson for the day.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The Minimum – Maximum Workout
- have you tried it?

Quick one this, but might be helpful to some of ya’ll reading!

I dont train this way all the time, or a lot at all. But it’s an unique way to train, its a way to increase rep counts, really focus on forms and the muscles being worked – most of all, slow and easy “deep breathing” while doing the exercises.

I’ve found this to work great with both isometric and “dynamic” bodyweight workouts – or a combo of the two.

And it’s simple.

(I dont recommend training this way ALL the time – because the cardio impacts aren’t that great – but sometimes, or while training for cardio this way – YES, I do recommend it).

And it’s simple – do a max set. For me, I did pull-ups, and my max in good, SLOW form per set is 12 (though I can “go more” – but I take my “max form” as something I can pump out “even when exhausted in good form” as that is keeping it HONEST) …

… and min obviously 1.

And I did 35 pull-ups this way, and I’m fixing to go do MORE.

Can be done with pushups, and any other form of exercise you so choose. Try it, and write back with how you FEEL!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – What, no sales PITCH in this here email? Well, here it is – the 0 Excuses Fitness System, choc a bloc with pathbreaking and results producing tips (the 10 Commandments section itself is well worth the price of admission) like you’ve never ever seen, read, or heard of before. Even if that is the only section you’d read, you’d turn into a SUPERHERO – guaranteed. . Get this system now, it will change your life and fitness forever, and thats that.

PS #2 – This is an interesting and cool way to do “ladder” workouts which I’ve taken to the NEXT level altogether in terms of benefits for YOU (“Pavel” ain’t got “shyt” on me, hehe – Training Day! ;)) – and so TRY this – ladders are mentioned in damn near all my fitness books (ladder workouts, laddie) and implement this tip too – and report back when you reach superhuman status, and I’ll share it with the world!

Nothing delivers like 0 Excuses Fitness. Truly, nothing at all, and our hordes and legions of FANS know this!

Stalk like a TIGER, strike like a SNAKE!
- Yes.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a beer.

Ooops. hehe.

You know my drift, both sting, surely RIGHT!

But you get my drift, the ole Ali saying – which Ali didnt coin, but Im sure he’d agree.

I am 100 % positive if he were around today he’d agree (as I am 200% certain people like Herschel Walker, for one would agree) –

(or iron Mike, or any real DOER) –

A 100 pushups done (proper cadence) keeps the ole DOC away.

So does a 100 SQUATS

One that has caused a lot of consternation amongst idiots, Bozos and fat boys (and girls) alike (they’re usually all of the same ilk  minus Glyn’s more abhorrent qualities – so they’re fun, hehe) *Schofield hell no*

IF YOU ain’t SQUATTING, then you ain’t TRAINING.

And thats the bottom line, period.

I’ve explained this more in Squat 101 – the TIPS!

In truly buccaneering Rahul Mookerjee style like never before, this book will soon be on Audible, so will the cOMPILATION!

But today we’ll talk about something you might not associate with squats and pushups.


You’d think, crouch, move etc – but I’m saying STALK.

STRIKE like a snake.

You’d think the tiger?


Why do I say this, well, the tiger is the true king of the jungle as anyone knows (the big cat that is known as such doesn’t even live in the jungle and wouldn’t stand two hoots of a chance in a cage match against the mighty tiger – period).


It can remember things up to 30 times better than us humans – yes, short term memory.

It can also stalk it’s prey for not just days, but MONTHS.

It carries grudges if wronged, yet, if not – it is, as Corbett wrote about, “a true gentleman”.

Proof – as a kid he used to often go to sleep in the Jungles of India, then TEEMING with tigers (before idiots killed off a lot of them).

Those idiots being the Indian Maharajas. Chuck, I dont agree with you on a lot of things, but hordes of grown male fools pursuing ONE tiger on a herd of elephants, with guns – you call that hunting?

Get real bro!


Hunt like a man, like Corbett did, one on time, then you’re a man.

Else you’re a pansy.

Anyway, bottom line – In Siberia, you’ll hear tales of tigers REMEMBERING who wounded them (humans) and then pursuing them for months, literally, stalking them.

Patience is a huge virtue the tiger has which seperates it from other big cats.

When it does choose to attack, it finishes EVERYTHING.

Nothing, not even hunting dogs in packs survive that brutal attack, yet, I chose the snake.


I’ve lived by the cobra (as a kid there was a joke “no bra”) hehe mentality all my life.

The movie was a Stallone classic.

And when the snake strikes, a lot of times you dont just die instantly like with the tiger.


And thats the bottom line, friend, now the snake, leave it alone, it will leave YOU alone too

Much like the tiger.

Mess with either of ’em, you’ve got Cain raining down on ya and then some.

And thats the new Rahul Mookerjee saying shortly about to be world famous, my friend, along with my “girlfriend”. Hehe.

Now, fitness wise, it might do y’all a world of good to MOVE like these animals.

The tiger walk and tiger crouch are DIFFERENT.

Both will whip you into shape fast if you can even get into position initially.

The snake crawl might not seem like a lot, but when you’re doing it and rearing up with abs and lower back alone, and when that lower back SCREAMS for mercy within a minute – you’ll know what I mean.

These, and other animal movements will get you fit as a fiddle – burn fat at record speeds, and most importantly , if you do it right,build your subconscious minds up to the point you will be able to uncannily attract almost any “prey” to you (goals) and DEVOUR ’em and get MORE – like those animals.

That friend, is truly that.

If you’re the reader, and if you’re SMART (if you’re not, then forget about it) – you’ll get Animal Kingdom Workouts now and learn the way of the animal, and how yours truly truly experiences “circumstances in my life far beyond what I even imagined or thought possible in a good way in my very very fertile imagination which manifests “in front of me as it were”.

Amazon delivery showing up between 2-4 today, and I can predict the doorbell too.

And thats that, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I have not received a price wanker complaint in a long, long time. Do send those in … Hehe.

Neither have I, despite literally begging people (some) – to – gotten a bad review.

Heck, I get it.

Even my haters acknowledge the guy’s knowledge is spot on, beyond comparision with anyone not just in the fitness world, but otherwise “the ether”.

But still, it’s fun to see those trollish wanker like reviews, Glyn, where are you when we need YOU. ????

(oh wait, he just created a new FB account with trolly pictures stolen from me. Hehe).

Hey, Bozo, at least choose the NAME sensibly ya know … LOL. Hilarious if nothing else.

More in the upcoming book Profit Troll, which again, any smart person must invest in NOW.

PS #2 and EDit.

I knew there was more to write. Sure enough, the MINUTE I published this, is the minute my producer David uploaded part of Squat 101 – the TIPS – which i even forgot to link up there, so I’ll do so NOW.

This will be HUGE!

The heavens DONE aligned.

Yes, done.


Proof yet again.

Learn, grasshopper, learn.

If you so CHOOSE from the true, one and only MASTER at it. Theres a damn good reason they call me Gandhi, Jesus, and all those names long before I ever did any sort of business.

Close one door, another opens.
- Indeed, and quick

This year, I’ve taken my manifestations to a new level altogether as lots of you reading have noticed. (silently in some cases).

It all started, oddly enough last December when there was a palpable energy shift brought on by passing yet another challenge most people would flunk upon hearing.

My worst “enemies” posed this challenge, yet, once again, I passed it with flying colors. Hehe. Much to the annoyance of those who posed it!

Anyway – close one door – another opens, and my increased manifestation – which normally is intense enough THIS year – well, shall we just say it has also coincided with me blocking and deleting folks off list and life with GUSTO and aplomb.

Most would cringe with horror.

“In this economy, he should be bending backwards for us!”

I wont either, bro.

You’re either in or out, and I’ll hold the door in case you want to leave, or your ACTIONS, or lack thereof (i.e being a bump on a log on a list is not what I want on MY list – never doing much other than staring at the screen in “sh-news induced panic and torpor”) (and making idiotic excuses about being too old and such – fuck! Those that do, do at any age).

Quite literally, even in this new place I’m at, I’ve WALLED myself off like Paula said – physically too from most, not by choice, but it happened that way, now that it has, as the wife noticed “for the first time in his life he’s opening the back door to let fresh air in” – this from the A/C 24/7 monster which I’m still that way, dont get me wrong.

Literally, one door closes, the other opens.

IF you’ve got the will to shut the first permanently no matter how hard or painful that might be.

Lesson learnt for me over the past year or so, especially past few months, and this one is one most won’t learn their entire lives.

Anyway …

Zero to Hero! covers this INDIRECTLY in a section, the next Volume might cover these tips in greater detail.

First one is all about the start, and DOING the thing, which most people fail to.

Grab the book now, and write back with your thoughts and results!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I first heard that saying in the Southern US “one door closes, the other opens”. Percie, I believe. Good man!

More on manifestation
- And ole burden, hehe.

Believe that, Burden – youll believe ANYTHING!

So said Vidal, the pygmy who was IMMENSELY powerful, those broad shoulders (I knew there was a reason I was looking up the Great Khali today, and .. well, the page led me to chokeslams, and “Vidal” (another wrestler) … and “Val Vader”, and…) …

… well, Val was the heroine of that book.

The hero was a badgered “Clay Burden” with a bitchy wife I can so relate to – him, in that regard.

I can relate to him leaving a stable job for a woman he DESIRED WITH ALL HIS HEART AND SOUL! (though I can’t relate to working jobs in the first place, hehe).

Anyway, in that book – Val was a fantastic worker at Clay’s travel agency that he fell in love with, but it was never requited, and he never lost his love for her.

Instead he married Rhonda, an utter … well, I dont know how to say it correctly, but a complete pain in the ass let’s say (Chase says the same too in the book, thats the story, so stop jumping on for demeaning women and other crap guys) …

… Then he accepts a job offer too good to be true to be with Val.

Except he finds out she’s (work wise) no longer the super efficient Val he knew, which leads him to despair and near ruin workwise.

He eventually hires a super professional “fat lady” as a typist, and she solves all the problems work wise.

End of the book, he finds out Val was using him, never really loved him (or the boy toy she was with) – and they both get tossed off a building by a Florida gale, while Burden saved the very life of the man he so detested, the man Val was “married to”.

And he gives him another chance, story goes on … (ends, like many of mine, “going on”).

Now, manifestation?

In my dreams “I” often show up as many things.

My wife.

My Dad.

Maybe even …. well, I wont go there, but I do !

And this strange occurence (I LOVED the novel, I’ve always kept it, its one of my favorite Chase Novels, I love ’em all – great writer!) – has happened after the house manifestation I spoke about, albeit in a way youd never think.

Wife hires one maid, she becomes my “girlfriend” (same thing in the book – Rhonda gets FURIOUS when she finds out about Val, in my case, well, wife’s furious internally, and a helper she once couldn’t stop praising highly enough suddenly becomes a sworn enemy!) … and then enter this other helper (this fascination women have with maids – so much for “women being each other best friends”, like the wife herself says, women are each other’s worst enemies) … whose as efficient and about as HEFTY (I wouldn’t want a blow!) as the typist Burden hires in the book.

She comes, does her thing, leaves – no drama, nothing, the other one comes, sways her hips, shows her lovely bodacious tits in those multicolored saris she so loves (and so do I, hey), her lovely legs, and chats up a storm, while .. well, not doing much at all in terms of work.

Whats a man to do, hehe.


I was thinking of that this morning, Burden’s name popped into mind.

Here I am, writing to you!

Yet another example.

Tom Toms and idiots reading this will claim “nothing related to fitness”.

Maybe not directly, but you can use these same techniques to manifest ANYTHING in life friend, fitness results included.

To find out more – Zero to… HERO! is your BABY.

Get it NOW, as even the reviewers reviewing it are saying!


Rahul Mookerjee

Does Rahul Mookerjee jump the gun?
- Hell yes! And I will continue to ..

One of the most misguided decisions I ever took back in the day after quitting Freddie’s job in 2005 – I think? was returning home to do an MBA I didnt really want.

I returned home to … well, see if things had changed.

Some things “at home”, wherever that is – will never change.

I’ve often scoffed at idiots who say “I’m not a patriot” for pointing out all that needs to change in a country.

I’m not? Huh?

Then why would I be pointing out the weak links in a chain which should have done been strengthened by now – no excuses ???

Boggles the mind, apparently to people (most of my family included) patriotism boils down to jingoism (a word certain Tom Tom’s hate me for using, hehe) (so i use it even more) … ie. “everything must be good or you dont love your country”.


True love is IMPROVING, my friend – becoming the best because you CAN – should – everyone can.

Anyway …

This MBA never manifested – no wonder huh? Especially after an idiot in the Southern part of India was it (one of the colleges I applied to was “Great Lakes College in India”) where a buffoon was officously lecturing me on “you have long hair! This is not the US!” and “I’ll kick you out of the class” (apparently he doesnt know Munna Bhai, hehe) – and “debates” were reduced to a shouting contest the females usually won while the male students just “listened”.


Absolutely pathetic.  (and old codger’s response, well, he didnt like me the minute he saw me, all of this was prompted by what? Me stating an opinion on something which apparently in India students aren’t supposed to have …)

(far cry from putting feet up on desk back in college – ah, but I digress. LOL!)

Of course, when I told my parents about this they told me I was an idiot and should be glad “for the opportunity to travel there”.

Um, yes, boonies, well mom I stayed in a far more developed part of the boonies prior to that … Hehe. Which I manifested, and no-one was too glad about (me moving to china).

Anyway – I remember chatting with my Dad about “after the MBA, back to China”.

And he got irritated as usual.

“Your jumping the gun”.

This is why I can’t get along with my father, along with a host of other issues where literally there is not ONE common factor “binding us” (To the point my wife says “have you got your DNA checked” – I say “I need to, I even tell my customers that  – and they’re tongue tied”. Hehe).

Mother, well, at least the physical features match.

No wonder my close friends including a certain Roberto are brother from a different mother, LOL! (or was that the other way around).

This feeling has been replicated by my wife with whom back in the day I’d share my innermost thoughts, and I got a “ho hum” vibe i.e. “let it happen first”.

My wife’s the sort for whom, like my dad, mere faith wont move mountains – which is where I differ.

Faith and UNWAVERING BELIEF is what makes MIRACLES HAPPEN – literally fall out of the sky in some cases. That dont mean you follow the so called gurus telling you to “think it and it will manifest” – no – but from someone who can accurately manifest the TIME Amazon packages are delivered, someone whose dreams foretell the future, well, you better listen NOW, my friend if you so CHOOSE.

Look, would you believe it, even the current house I moved to (ugh!) was MANIFESTED by me in a manner most would think impossible, through sources completely NOT Related to me, and in a manner you’d never think it would happen.

But it did.

Right down to the shelves on the walls and the throne I sit on daily. Hehe.

Claude Bristol writes about this in the Magic of Believing, where he writes about people using the Law of attraction CORRECTLY (the power of the subconscious mind) and “once your set your mind to it, the subconscious mind goes to work. This house may come to you in a variety of different ways, including sources not from you – but do you really care HOW it happens, so long as it does happen?”

I dont care, my friend.

And it happened – one man’s thought processes influencing an entire household.

That ain’t just me saying it – my employees – and those I work with – will also tell you this.

Thats how leadership works – leaders motivate, inspire, influence, and manifest in this manner, friend.

Jumping the gun?

Only an idiot would say that.

And idiot’s own results in life show.


I mean, you have to picture the end goal first, and keep doing it with burning intensity, if you never see those nine figures in your bank account, you’ll never get there – you’ll be stuck with people like my mom who when I got excited about MONEY coming in from my very first job, she went “work first!’

Well, duh mom – of course work first.

But that pot of gold motivates like no other.

“You have this ambition to become RICH!” my Dad once told me at the age of 24.

He never told me how to get there, perhaps because he himself never did, so I had to figure it out, and did.

Point is this.

It starts with the end goal in mind FIRST my friend.

If you ain’t got a goal – one you picture with passion and deep emotion with every fiber of your BEING DAILY day in and day out – then chances are it will never ever HAPPEN!

Chances also are excellent and second to none you’ll be stuck in a life of mediocrity and drudgery your entire life, angrily barking at folks who want – and get – a better life “who does he think he is”.


Sure, people may not say that – but thats what they THINK inside (hence all the idiots that follow me to troll me. Hehe. Which I welcome, of course – more on that in Profit Troll).

Point, again –

You have to picture it first.

You have to BE the thing first before you TAKE the actions (and yes, without action nothing moves).

You have to DO the thing first, often passing many difficult tests, but that point only comes after you VISUALIZE the END goal with deep passion and conviction!

Without the first step which people call “jumping the gun” – NOTHING MOVES!

And that, friend, applies to fitness too.

SEE yourself doing a 100 pushups a day and feel it while you’re doing only 10 a day (David, if you’re reading! ).

See yourself climbing hills before you get in the shape to do so or while you DO.

Picture yourself being whatever it is you want with deep passion – before you’re actual there.

This don’t mean you pretend – no.

It means you’re already there in your own mind and then you get there in reality – with all the other attributes I write about so much.

Zero to Hero! Narrated by Terrence, who I want to chat with again – another brother from a different mother – explains these principles in depth.

The videos along with it do so too – must grab.

But the CRUX is explained, like in Think and Grow Rich, in the INITIAL few – the prologue of the book.

Those that get it will understand rightaway, those that dont, well, like Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich (am I him reborn – seems like it!) – …

“I could tell you what it is, but you’d be deprived of the BENEFITS youd get by making the discovery for yourself”.

So true, my friend, so true.

Spoonfeeding never works, and I’ve never done it, neither will I ever.

I can show you the way – but YOU have to get there.

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Interesting how we manifest, most of ALL my followers, even the haters, have families they don’t quite get along with, especially the “fathers” or “step” fathers, as the case might be.

We truly attract based upon our KIND.

Bear this in mind as you go about your day, pay attention to your thoughts and vibes too, friend, because they are ultimately what will get from ZERO … to HERO! 

No, nothing “new age” about any of this. These are all scientifically proven principles that have stood the test of Father Time.

Oh, the MBA?

Well, a book is “half written” on a certain Madam Vandana on it …Hehe. More later! Old codger isn’t mentioned – yet. The cougar is though! 😉

The lesson my little girl learned about VALUE
- Yet again

Last night, I was looking up a topic I’m pretty much close to expert status on, yet keep learning anyway – why are hardcover books more expensive than paperback?

I found all the right answers, exactly what I thought, what I KNOW!

OF course, there is a reason thoughts pop into my brain – and dreams happen.

I predicted things right right down to “a’s” feelings about a book – hehe – and so this afternoon, walking her back from school, she asked me this.

“Dad, why are hardcovers more expensive than paperbacks” – and this question was preceded by “Dad, how much do your books cost?”

The former question was answered by a question from me “why – did someone ask?”

Can’t never tell these days – anyone, no-one did, so I told her.

Then latter question, I told her – hard cover, better quality paper, lasts for a hell of a lot longer, and the “feel” of the book which is the most important and you cannot put a price tag on it, even more important, the VALUE the books deliver.

Now, she asked me estimates in USD – as well as INR which is the currency she is used to, therefore, (and in the future, we’ll sell directly in your currency too – stay tuned for that! For now, all in USD – but you’ll see local prices soon in CAD, EUR etc depending upon choice) (dont know about INR though) … I told her.

Naturally, the “figures” seem a lot larger when you convert to INR – or JPY, hehe.

“I would never buy it, Dad!”she giggled. “It would empty my account”.

But some people will, I told her.

I then told her how I earned a tidy bit from selling THREE – yes, just three books on ONE platform – pretty much paid all my bills for the month with the royalties from those.

People want VALUE is what I said – and smart people with money will pay for it.

“Look at the Wings of Fire books you so WANTED”, I then said.

Those books cost me a fortune.

“Right”, she chimed in. I wouldn’t buy them if they were cheap, even though there’s plenty of cheap books out there!


We then ended the discussion “Dad, lets stop, Mom will hear us” (what she means is the meaningless yelling that goes on at home from “Mom and Granny” anytime Dad attempts to teach his daughter something about real life as opposed to the Nazi feminist crap being shoved down her throats which she, as I tell her, and she does, takes it through one ear, out the other).

(she knows there ain’t no point beating that head against a brick wall)

My daughter gets it – always has (as she gave me an example of how some Tintin books cost a bomb, especially by Indian “standards”. (which I’ve always found funny, when people get back to me with crap about “its too expensive for us Indians” I point out their iphones and other junk they happily pay a fortune for, much like in the US people pay a friggin fortune for crap like Netflix and complain about other things) …

Tin Tin books sell like hot cakes in India, so there goes “price”. Kids are a perfect example of “want = GET eventually”.

(and no, to those asking, prices wont go down to “suit Indian tastes” either or any other nationality, they are what they are, they will remain what they are, if anything some of them are fixing to go up – yes, YET AGAIN. Yikes! But hey, Im givng you advance notice so you can’t blame me for that at least).

Its about VALUE, my friend, UNPARALLELED value you get from my books – and something people really, really want deep down inside and cannot find in an authentic genuine form anywhere else.

If someone truly wants something, they’ll move heaven and earth to get it, price or not not withstanding. And thats the sort of people I sell to, and focus upon – the DOERS in life, not the whiners and moaners.

Cut it any way you like – thats how it works. Life, successful sales, all of it.

And thats a lesson a lot of nutjobs out there and price wankers need to learn, come to think of it they wouldnt learn if SHOWN how to learn. Hehe.

And thats that – pick up some “reassuringly expensive products” as John Walker so rightly and adroitly once put it (citing the example of Stella Artois) …


Rahul Mookerje

Ps – I dont know who needs to hear this, but with all the stuff about “dont break down, uplift, if A is reading this – here is the advice I gave a young girl – lets call her “Madam Nym” today – she’s grieving, it wasn’t the first time she’s in a bad mood and it shows in her otherwise excellent moood” …

and excellent work.

Hi Princess,

Just sending this over since it may help as a guide of sorts – although you likely already know it in theory, I do think it would help for someone to spell it out (if you’re on twitter let me know – Ill be happy to do “voice” notes sometimes for this sort of thing) (I’m https://twitter.com/0xcusesfitness …)

It can be hard to just “stop grieving” (well, or “not be in the not so ideal frame of mind” which is the right way to put it in your case I guess) – but business wise, we have to be “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” – and especially when doing something creative – Mr Hyde must come out. Haha.

Take a few minutes to yourself, preferably in a dark room *yes, just a few minutes, you dont need all day for this*, close your eyes, relax – and SWITCH the mind to something – and picture it deeply – either erotic or fun, or both, or interesting – what have you – anything that makes you intensely happy (despite your personal loss right now).

Focus on that for a few mins, you’ll instantly feel your mind – and mood – and vibes LIFT.

Get up, do something different (maybe eat an ice cream, take a walk, I dont know, hehe) – and once the mind is calm and settled, do the work.

And thats it, sounds complicated, but it really isnt!

I apologize if you already knew this -but sometimes it helps to hear it, and just sending it along “in case it might help”, not just with our projects together but in “life” in general. **** is a rather aged *** hehe, and *** learnt SOME things as *** “goes along” – LOL (though this one, I always did it on auto pilot).



So you see, mi amigo, plenty of cheering up and uplifting going on for those that deserve it, she does …

And no, I aint tellin ya what the “stars” represent. Lets just say – ah, I’ll keep MUM for now. ????

PS #2 –

I shall send you the book changed the next Tuesday.
and I shall tell you what did I write different in the text.
If you have not any requests from me. It is all for now.
Do not worry if I do not say you anything in the meantime. Because
when I begin an enterprise I have not any contact with the exterior.
I am in my private castle. I think you understand what I mean.
Greetings and a kiss on the cheek if you give me permission, but if not,
then only in the imagination world.

Paula, you have it so spot on, Countess! Hehe. And she does…