Why the term excellence of execution sits SO WELL with me!

Gotta admit, there are few things I liked better back in the day than the WWF – or WWE, as it was later rebranded.

Especially the Attitude Era, it all went downhill after that. There will NEVER be another era and crop of superstars like that – not to mention my all time favorite Steve Austin – never!

Pity that era ended, but we might see it coming back sooner than you think, people in general are sick of being politically correct, but then again, there’s a huge bunch that feel the polar opposite, so who knows.

But anyway …….. Genetic Jackhammer Vince Mac Mahon, on the rare – or one, if I’ve got it right occasion he let his hair down with the boys got really PLASTERED.

They were throwing him around like a wrassler. Hehe.

In Bret Hart’s autobiography, I believe, he writes “I rememeber thinking what have I do, there lies Vince with his skinny neck” …

THose were pre-boobybuilding days for Vince, I believe!

But anyway, toasted after the club, they showed up at a certain Ric Flair’s hotel room, demanded to be let in (for some reason Flair never showed up initially) – and the flustered hotel desk guy wouldn’t – and Vince?

“I’m Vince MacMahon”, he apparently hollered in a definitive tone.

Well, can’t argue with that, Vinnie Mac, neither could the desk clerk, they got the key, entered, lit up their joints and………..

… so where am I going with this?

Certainly not a critique or appraisal either way of Bret’s book – which is apparently garnering a lot of hate from certain quarters.

“He’s full of himself”, goes the chorus. A lot of wrestlers seem to think that way too, and I’d respect their opinion – hell, they’ve been there.

But hey – to me, despite Steve Austin (due to his beer drinking, machismo and more) being my ALL TIME Favorite (I was never a huge or at all Rock fan!) – Bret Hart has a special place in my mind.

He always did.

Back in the day, he was the top dog, and SOLID dependable OLD SCHOOL top dog at that!

Maybe Bret wasn’t the right choice for the Attitude Era.

Maybe he didnt want to be.

I get both sides of the story, and the why’s.

Although I think an old school Bret would have proved the perfect foil to a lot of the Attitude’ers… much like the Taker never went out of style, old school, the BEST pure striker in the WWE – period.

Bret, of course, was the best WRESTLER, and a REAL wrestler at that, not what people think of “fake wrestling either”.

You only have to look at how he and Owen were trained by the legendary Stu hart in the basement of their Canada home, their mother literally heard screams coming from the basement during training!

Those locks and holds CAN – and are – painful!

Not to mention Bret’s build – SOLID build, if you look at him back in the day – legs and hips and shoulders, upper back are what stand out – he was never the “show off” type either in terms of upper body though he could have been!

And of course, even his music was old school rock and roll!

I loved it.

Right down to the sunglasses he’d give to someone in the crowd “good guy”. (until he turned heel).

But most of all, perhaps one thing – he was a pure wrestler in and out – period.

Few would doubt that, even his biggest detractors.

There was a reason he was the champ for YEARS straight, why he had the best contract in the WWE and so forth (for years) – and why he was called the Excellence of Execution, all pure wrestling moves – executed perfectly.

He may be old and somewhat “hurting now” from what I read, arthritis and tons of other medical issues, and thats fine, but I wouldn’t wanna fuck with him – much like I wouldn’t a certain Vladimir Putin, despite the rot they write about his so called tumor and so forth – once a judoka, always that ! (rumored to be a black belt) – ditto for the Taker, possibly the BIGGEST LEGEND of them all!

(not relating any of the three people above, just sayin)

Now, where am I going with this?

Certainly not to regale you with tales of the WWE.

But to tell you this – that FORM, my friend – is different from reps.

You can do a 100 pushups sloppy style, but slop is still slop regardless of how you cut it (so many people do SLOP in terms of pushups).

Same for pull-ups, squats etc – “mind and body” working together as they say in Bloodsport, can ONLY happen if there is excellence of execution while you workout.

Pay SPECIAL attention to form, my friend.

ONE rep done in proper, slow form is better than 10 sloppy reps.

I keep saying that throughout 0 Excuses Fitness and all my other books.

And thats really the lesson there. Whether you take it or not, whether you work the real you – or your EGO – is up to you.

I’ve said my bit on it, and it’s TRUE.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why you should never ignore your MORNING WOOD.
- Or the lack thereof!

I was reading about the ongoing “scandal” the WWE has going on – whether it’s kayfabe or real, only they – and “Mr” MacMahon know.

The latter is so good at creating storylines and being creative that his books are like mine – or his shows, rather “reality mixed in with a dab of creative license” – NOT the other way around (I’m talking my fiction books not on this site).

Apparently he had an affair, which when I read it I was like “ho hum”.

Every successful man is usually divorced at least once, and has more than one affair during his life time.

Given yours truly’s track record that might sound like out and out bragging.

Maybe it is to a degree.

Maybe it’s warranted as well, so I think.

But before throwing the brickbats my way look at the FACTS (on the cheating, success etc).

Nope, you dont have to cheat to be successful at anything either.

It just naturally happens.

Did I piss off most of the righteous bunch, Nazi feminists, and other idiots as yet?

If I did, well, argue with me on facts on this one – if you can prove me wrong, or show me wrong, I’ll eat my hat – or I’ll tell Glyn Bozo to eat that green hat he’s so proud of wearing (come to think of it I wont, ugh, he probably will eat it).

Anyway, ole Vinnie Mac once went on record saying “he was a genetic jackhammer” in terms of sexual desire, desirability and more.

Given the energy levels, vision and everything the man still has – he’s a nigh perfect example of what Napoleon Hill spoke about sexual transmutation in Think and Grow Rich.

Now, where do YOU fit into all this?

Simply put – if you’re a man – your morning wood – or lack thereof (no matter what your sexual proclivities might be otherwise) – says a lot about your overall health and fitness, friend.

If you’re a lady, same thing – except you substitute “desire” for morning wood obviously (unless you’re Glyn, hehe).

Hark back to when you were young, guys – how many times did you wake up without a boner?

Just didnt happen – did it?

And NOW?

Vast majority of men would be hard pressed to get ‘up’ with the BLUE pill, let alone without it …

Going red does have it’s advantages – pun intended, hehe.

But really, your workout routines should not dim you to such a point that you NEVER think about sex.

In fact, once you recover from those hard, quick workouts, the T shoud be RACING through your system if it isn’t already. And you should be ready to go, go, GO!

Trust me on this one, it’s been a perfect example and indicator of my own health and fitness levels over the years (and I’ve never had trouble when I was phat either – so you get the point, eh).

When you train right, EVERYTHING falls into place – or stands up right.

Your breathing, your appetite, your digestion, your STAMINA, your ability – in all areas – as well as sexual desire.

While I’m not saying that you’re unfit if you dont wake up with morning wood one day out of the week, if it goes beyond that, there’s probably an issue with the plumbing somewhere for one.

Same thing for you ladies, NO Desire at all – mean there is something wrong, usually more mentally than physically for y’all but something is UP.


Enough puns already, but the POINT  – STANDS – BIG TIME.


I ain’t kidding though, my friend.

If there was ONE thing the old time Indian wrestlers were mortified of it was “nightly emissions” from a lifetime (at least while they trained) of “celibacy” …

There were probably all sorts of thoughts going through their heads as well which I wont get into. Hehe.

But – thats another fact you can read up in any book dealing with it …

They directly tied it to their strength.

And losing it, or bottling it up and TRANSMUTING IT…

Given their track records, I’d say they had something going, eh.

Anyway, enough of all this, but again, pay attention to what I’m saying, because its true.

And to roll back the years if you so choose like I did and do DAILY – to look, like my wife says “like a 14 year old” (apparently some customers agree too, heh “not entirely a bad thing”) – then get the ONE fitness system out there that will do it.

NO other system will.

But the 0 Excuses Fitness System will.

Not even just kidding, bragging, blowing my own trumpet and so forth (there I go again, I’ll let Glyn do the blowing, but NOT FOR ME, hehe) . . .

Get it NOW.

The System, NOT the trumpet!


Rahul Mookerjee

The “but all he does is train” excuse…
- And "he's single", and so forth ...

My great friend from the Marines, Vincent once made the following comment about my training in 2017.

“But thats all you, train!”

“Thats your life”, I believe is what he said.

“Has your wife seen you since you got in such super shape?”

(He wasn’t to know, of course, or perhaps he did, but was trying to be polite that she’d be as negative as could be about the getting in shape part!).

Thats when you know you respect a guy, despite having opinions about certain types of women that are less than complimentary, I’m referring to yours truly here, if you (a guy) talks about his wife, significant other etc – I’ll always be respectful no matter what – unless the situation warrants otherwise.

But anyway – thats another story.

Point being, YES, at that point – that was literally all I did for hours a day – then I came home – I drank beer – sometimes not – and SLEPT and recovered.

All very peaceful, all very “relaxed” as it were – training being the high point of my day, although obviously I still worked etc in other “jobs”.

Those were the days!

Ever wonder – many do – how prisoners get in such kick butt shape, a lot of them?

They dont have fancy equipment, weights sometimes – ropes, chains, tyres, and so forth.

They DO have two things – one, their own body – and two, plenty of TIME.

Again, back to the “thats all they do”.

Maybe thats all they do, yes. Maybe yes, the seperation from other real world responsibilities such as family etc plays a part – but does it, really?

It does to an extent, yes.

When you dont have people breathing down your neck every minute, when you have PEACE, when you structure your life the way YOU WANT IT TO BE! – like I have most of your life -then things happen as YOU Want them to.

Few people can get away from the real concerns of working jobs etc, money, and so forth.

If you’re one of the lucky ones – great. But most wont be that way.

But it definitely helps in recovery and better performance the next day when you get  full night’s sleep in for one without honey do’s and other crap………..

Anyway – point of all this – is that a real doer finds a way regardless.

Did you know you do NOT need to train for hours to get the body you want?

You dont need to do extreme stretches that require years to perfect sometimes.

You dont need to bang out 500 pushups at a go.

In fact, all you need really for most people is 30 minutes of hard training – tops. Daily. And thats it.


15-20 minutes!

But you can go for 30, one hour, but if you train HARD – at least ONE exercise – I dont care what that is, so long as it works the whole body – for AT LEAST 15 minutes a day – then you’ll get in better shape, period.

Put aside your other duties and responsibilities for a while.

As Brooks Kubik said in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

The Wife, the kids, the family – they can have you the rest of the day but not during training time.

I’d add in dumbphone, emails, and BUSINESS to that.

Thats why many do well – including myself – training first thing in the morning.

But whenever you train, make it about training, and training alone.

Yes, you can and should and Will focus on goals that matter – whether you think about it or not, but by and large, thats training time.

It’s also RELAXATION time if you do it right.

And with 15 minutes of training, thats all you need to get in super shape, my friend.

Sure, you’ll go longer naturally. But you dont need to is the point.

And then you get back to the real world after training.

Small sacrifice, eh – 15 minutes out of your day, maybe sometimes less, sometimes more.

Pity so many people dont DO IT!

To learn quick and dirty workouts that are TOUGH – work you to the BONE – from the inside out – BREATHING included – go get the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW – it’s that simple!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

What I want for my daughter growing up
- The answer might surprise you!

Actually, the question should be framed differently. Hehe.

Given the number of people that keep asking me “make a plan for her! make a plan for her!” (to which I respond – I never made any sort of conscious “plan” for myself – it worked out pretty well, I’m sure it’ll work out great for the “chip off the old block” too – of course, that is met with lots of “ho hums” and whatevers from Bozos in general) …

Plans, my friend are required, but they’re also overrated especially if not used right, and I’ve explained this before many times.

Nothing beats SUBCONSCIOUS planning which happens when you’re not aware of it. (unless you really know your mind inside out, even those that do dont know most of it!).

Growing up for me there was always an internal expectation, often unsaid, to “be this and be that”, or for me, “be an engineer” (and of course all the reproachful looks etc, never any praise for anything I did well, expected to conform to the silly UNREALISTIC expectations my Mom had – i.e. “grow up sheltered and cossetted” (though not in the way you’d expect) and then when you can’t do things at an older age like change a tyre, because you were never taught – “he’s an useless kid!” – makes no sense. HEhe).

Changing car tyres? I remember a certain Ricky who put it off for weeks, I kept asking him WHY, he just wouldn’t be honest about the fact that at the age of 45 he can’t change a car tyre himself. Hehe.

Anyway – so it wasn’t just my family!

Growing up for me – boys were “expected” to not do the creative things, arts and history (oddly enough, I was great at both) were “only for girls” – and Math (which I was and am great at) was supposed to go great with Physics (which other than my infatutation with my tenth grade Physics teacher, so much so that I even considered “marrying” her at a certain point, lol I was NEVER good at) … and other B.S.

Apparently “creative” doesnt pay.


Anyway – all of that aside.

For me, I dont have any set ideas or plans about what I want my daughter to do, or even what she WILL do – if someone were to ask me?

Whatever she wants to.

And I’d like to give her the ability to do just that.

I’d like for her to know she has a supportive father who will support her no matter what – unlike my own case.

I’d like for her to understand the mind is the most powerful weapon – always – and she is starting to understand this very well even at her age!

I’d like for her to know that nothing beats regular physical activity, and HEALTH  is indeed the best and most important form of wealth. You can always lose / get the latter but the former – best you never lose it!

I’d like for her to know and internalize that it matters not, as Dr Maltz was fond of writing (he did in Pyscho Cybernetics) – if “the whole world is against you” – so long as YOU are cheering for yourself from the bleachers, THAT is what counts ultimately (conversely, if the whole world cheers, but YOU DON’T – none of the former counts).

She loves space, Dr Who and everything related – and medical stuff as well. I’d love to help her become a cosmonaut – or spacewoman – or whatever it’s called now, hehe. Or, a Doc – who I could of course go to for my own .. non existent medical issues. Hehe. But I’m being serious!

I keep telling her imagination is everything.

I’d love for her to internalize the fact smart phone are dumbphones, despite her yelling at me when I say that, it’s starting to work. Repetition!

I’d love for her to learn how to WRITE well – when she’s ready, of course. Hehe.

I’ve impressed upon her that communication and basic Math are two of the best skills ever if done effectively, and the most practical…

I’ve told her many other things.

But other than that, as I got wished a happy Father’s day (I believe it was the other day) – in the cutest manner possible (maybe I’ll share it here!) – I dont know, I want her to know that I love her – I truly do – more than anyone or anything else.

Deep down inside, I know she does too, even though she’s shy when she says it. Hehe. Thats OK!

Other than that?

Grow up, have fun, do what you like – make lots of money doing it – and ENJOY! is what I’d tell her. (and, know you have a Dad willing to support you in whichever way possible in that regard)

And thats really all I want for her to ‘do’ if that makes any sense!

And that, my friend is that.

Kiddie Fitness is one of the best books out there in terms of kids fitness, my daughter the STAR – literally.

And, 0 Excuses Fitness BE the adult version.

Get ’em NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Since I was thinking about it while sitting in my dark, dark cave, I figured I’d share it with YOU. Hehe.

On jumper squats and more…
- And two sides to every story

While wearing my “two sides to every story” T shirt (or sports vest, depending upon) – something the majority of the world really needs to learn i.e. listen to BOTH sides FIRST before rushing to judge, praise, condemn etc – you’ll see the two sides to the jumper squat story – you might even catch me falling over, or almost as I do an ADVANCED “circular jumper” squats movement I am planning on putting in Squat 101 hehe – but I left that IN the video I just created on jumper squats.

Thats right, I left my gaffe in there – although when doing these the way I teach, even a lot of you advanced guys will not only fall over – but not be able to do ’em in proper cadence.

IN 0 Excuses Fitness, I dedicate an entire video to squats, rightly so – but the workout video was pushup heavy – period.

Thats fine, of course. The big dog of fitness – pushups – covered so well in the above book and Pushup Central!!

But, squats are essential friend.

Nothing works the body like squats do – period.

I’ve been saying it all along, I’ll say it again – if you ain’t squatting, and not doing so regularly, not doing all the variants etc – you ain’t really working out, period.

And Raisel – as you might have noticed – asked me a few interesting questions the other day!

Some very interesting indeed, hehe.

Some equally so, and USEFUL (in the context of the book).

I LOVE people that pay attention to detail.

He also sent over some videos on the jumper squat which were OK, but not perfect in terms of the “how to do ’em” – but since I did not have my own video out on it – I didnt mention anything videowise there.

Today, at the end of 300 squats in blazing hot 110 plus weather (I look half dead in the video) – I decided to do an impromptu video.

Lighting sucks, the sound – well, so so.

Even my normally famously “sardonic” smile isnt quite there, hehe.

But the vest is!

And the squats are.

And, I believe this video, especially towards the end does a pretty good job of explaining how to do the jumpers, right cadence, foot positioning, how much to jump, and so forth …

Watch it here.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – DETAILED videos on everything in the 0 Excuses Fitness System – grab it NOW.

How I fast – and last.
- And more. Hehe.

With all the talk of (so called) food insecurity in the world, and what not (I say so called because darn near everything, even that which is NOT related – is used as an excuse to raise prices – no, Russia isn’t responsible for it all either! – even when it’s logically apparently to a third grader what is being said is UNTRUE) – I gotta say this.

Before I say it – for instance, gas prices (or fuel) – the US has probably the largest reserves and production capacity in the world, yet, due to the oil companies not at full speed, due to “it being a global thing” or what not – gas prices are at record highs.

There’s food inflation in the UK – big time.

Are we to believe – really – that Ukraine and Russia are the only two places in the world food comes from?

Strangely enough, the UAE just froze a huge amount of imports from another major food producing nation – India. There’s some problem at the Turkish border as well.

All very convenient, eh.

And of course, the Bozos globally wont notice the conincidence. (its been that way for years)

Anyway, as the world moans on, here is my take on it – as I get through another mini workout – on an empty stomach.

I’ve often gone for DAYS without food – often to test myself “on the fly” – and in the past, sometimes due to financial necessity (long gone now).

Gumption Galore mentions some of those times, and how I got over ’em.

I dont know if you know it, but every old time strongman knew that if you couldn’t go a day without food and maintain your levels of health, strength and vigor – you were not REALLY STRONG – from the inside out.

And it’s true.

To me, the more I fast, the more I notice the following –

I get BETTER at my exercises – not worse.

Rep counts go UP dramatically – especially after more than 48 hours of nothing but WATER. (and lots of it, and tea).

I get HORNIERRRRRR than ever – hehe. Lots of T – and fasting just AMPS the T levels in my body – or anyone’s if they do it right, for that matter.

Creatively, it’s another level. I sent out 25 emails in a day for the other business, 9 so far here! ( of course, here, it’s only recent doers getting the emails).

My vascularity as of late has gone through the roof – with me doing NOTHING at all special for it (except my famed thick grips).

And more.

All of this, my friend, as usual, is accomplished on a diet which most would consider too less, or too little, or … “way inadequate”.

And sometimes nothing at all.

Anyway, as I prepare to break another 24 hour fast of mine, I got this to say – most people in the world need LESS food today – not more.

(doesn’t apply in sub saharan Africa or wherever, but just look at some of the lard asses out there).

Most people would be well served eating LESS – and working out more.

The benefits, my friends are way way worth it.

I’ll cover all of this in my coaching classes regularly, by the way, as those “in the know” know.

And that, my friend is that.

Mr Fast doesnt come last – but he does LAST – and how – if you get my drift.


And fasting is a huge part of what I’ve been doing as of late, and indeed over the years.

I highly recommend YOU To try it.

And if you’re living with Nazi fems looking to withhold food every opportunity they can get due to some BS reason, well, that kicks that “cat” right out of the window too. Hehe.

Remember my Mom who used to bitch up a storm about “the washerwoman’s son is HUGE! He probably eats all their food!”

He didnt, Mom. He didnt even live with them for the most part (I dont blame him. Hehe. ).  (basically pissed off to Saudi Arabia or somewhere, and again, with these Nazi feminists badgering him all day, I dont blame him! So would I, and HAVE. Hehe).

The lovely S.O. is of a similar bent of mind too. Hehe.

What I find hilarious is the utter lack of logic from these Bozos – of course, what do you expect from Nazi fems.

Anyway, different topic there!

But, back to it – if you truly want to “last” – I’d highly recommend fasts – at least once in a while!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, the #1 reason my fasts work is not because I sit around moping about “how hungry I am”.

Or how exhausted I am working more than most people will work in a week – in a day. believe me, these emails EXHAUST one… more than you’ think.

It’s about me getting in my workouts – on empty stomach – for days.

THAT is key – I dont mean you constantly stay in a state of starvation, but once in a while, maybe more – it works SO WELL!

A certain Raisel got back to me …
- Well, well, well!

A certain Raisel got back to me. Hehe.

Some great questions, so lets dive in!

I’m replying to HIM … well, as I reply to YOU – first – here! Hehe.

 Hello Mr. Mookerjee, this is Rasiel again.

This time, I’m in charge of “10 BRUTALLY EFFECTIVE “in their simplicity and DOING” workouts!” in《PROFOUND “70% Gorilla, 30% human” HANDSTANDS!》. There are few sentences that I’m not quite sure:

Circle Handstand, X handstand and Star handstand
When doing “the handstand move in a circle/star/x shape”, will the feet still put on the wall ? Is it a movement to stay in the same position while hands walk a O/X/☆, or you need to leave the wall and walk around in the room with your hands?
RM – Yes, your feet make the O/X/* – while your hands stay in the same position. The next book teaches you how to do it without the wall, so this book is a bridge of sorts between handstands and handstand pushups against the wall – and freestanding handstand pushups (I really need to come out with another FAQ on handstands!)
Some exercises didn’t mentioned in this book, I guess we need to further explain them with annotation, and note which book introduced them?
Workout #3
  •  14. Finish off with 10 reps of the “best darn exercise ever” (at the bottom of this movement, do 10 reverse pushups before “Walking back up”).

What is “best darn exercise ever”? And does “darn” means sartorius?

RM – It is the exercise HERE – a reverse pushup, basically… You dont need to explain them here, if they want to know – ask them to get the BOOK! (most that have got this book have also got the other one). (i.e. DOERS!). 

(And darn means … well, “Damn”!) Hehe. NOT The muscle! 

Workout #4

1. Warm up by doing 10 reps of the “table pushup”.
2. Rest for 10-12 seconds, and then repeat with 25 reps of this same pushup.

Is “table pushup” like this?
<link Chopped>
RM –  That link didnt get it quite right – 99% right! 
This link features me doing it – in proper form! Pushup Central (0excusesfitness.com)
That is the link they need to go to in case they are interested in how to do it – or, search on the site for plenty of good articles on it. Also in the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
And, in case you want to do a bit more explaining – 

Table pushup are a great exercise for the entire body, but specifically the core if done in proper posture. Many ancient exercise systems include either this or a variant of this in their teachings (yoga does as do Chinese martial arts exercises). While these may look like “child’s play”, they are anything BUT for most adults, especially those of you that are currently overweight.

That holds true for reverse pushups as well. While difficulty with pull-ups is one sure shod indicator that you ARE indeed carrying more fat around the midsection than you should – – difficulty with these is another prime indicator that your waistline isn’t quite what it should be, to say the least!

These are done so that your body makes a “table” position and then returns to the starting position.

  • Get into position as shown in the first picture, with fingers pointing towards toes, chin tucked in and back straight.
  • Keep your butt tight throughout this whole movement!
  • Think of the shoulders as a “fulcrum” and scoot forward so that you’re in a “table” (sort of) position.
  • Hold, and return to the starting position
  • Make sure not to just “drop” down from the “table” position. Return to the initial position so that your butt is between your hands. While doing so, focus on your legs and triceps doing the work rather than the shoulders.
  • The chin/neck should be tilted back when you scoot ahead, and tucked in when you are in the beginning position.

Try working up to sets of 20 or more.

And, somewhere in HERE you’ll see how to do ’em right! Some fun in the park – pushups. – YouTube

(YES, you CAN put THIS  link in the book – but not the “chopped link”!) 
Workout #5

9. Do 20 fingertip pushups, 5 pull-ups (regular grip), 5 “walk the bar” pull-ups, and 10 circle handstand moves.

What is “walk the bar” pull up?
RM – I believe this is explained in Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within weeks!
Essentially where you walk – with your hands – from one of the bar to the other ie sideways. 
Workout #6

5. Get into the handstand position, and do the handstand walk back and forth from the wall for a minute as explained in Shoulders like Boulders!

Is it a “one step forth, one step back” movement, or it’s “several steps forth, several step back”?
RM – Both. Not as easy to handle as it sounds, Battletank Shoulders readers will attest!
Workout #7

The pushup and movements in this workout combine together to give you another of those “workouts from Cain”.

What is “workouts from Cain? Cain in the Holly Bible or Cain Velasquez?
Hehe, that one was the best question of all! 
From the “Holy” Bible as you say, hehe. It’s a figure of speech. And it means HELL – SUPER TOUGH WORKOUTS FROM HELL! 
Workout #8

They say the “gym” builds strength? Fooey! Get any of the pumpers and toners in the gym and lets see if they can finish even a quarter of the workouts herein, and less than that for this one.

Is “pumper” a muscular guy, and “toner” is a guy who good at workouts on fitness equipment?
RM – Another great question, hehe. Hence, bolded again! Pumpers are the bozos who concentrate on muscle isolation, oiling, preening, showing off for the girls etc – the “I have a HUGE bicep peak” – but NO real strength, no back development and so forth. 
Toners are somewhat better, not really though – they dont do any real strength work, all about “light reps x 100”. 
As are puffers and buffers, these links will explain it (put ’em in the book!)Huff, Puff and BUFF! (0excusesfitness.com)

6. Do 25 “jumping” Hindu squats. Immediately thereafter, do 10 “jogging” handstands against the wall. Repeat step #6 five times.

I found in 0excusefitness.com: “Basically you jump forward while in the standing position, drop down perfectly on  your toes – and then come up as you would in the normal Hindu squat – while simultaneously JUMPING BACK – in the same motion.”
Is this one? < video chopped>
RM – Yes, that one. Video is Close enough – except you dont necessarily need to jump that much back and forth. Between 4-6 inches is fine too. I’ll have some videos out on this too soon! There’s no need to put that video link in the book, btw.
Workout #9

11. Finish off with 50 “leg in front of you” jumps (again,taught in Corrugated Core!) and 5 sets of 5 each scissoring handstands.

What is “leg in front of you” jumps”?
RM – Taught in Corrugated Core – essentially jumping up and HIGH in the air with legs in front of you on each jump  – one leg at a time!
Workout #10

3. Do 5 regular handstand pushups, followed by 10 “scissoring” handstand pushups. For additional cardio,   try and bring the legs “one on top of the other” during the scissors (warning – this is TOUGH!)

How to bring one leg on top of the other when your legs are scissoring? Like this?
Something like that, yes. Hard to explain via this picture, but I’ll do a video on it when I get time – but yes, that is IT!

4. Do 70-100 “jogging” rope jumps.

Does it need to move, or jogging on the spot, or what ever you like?
Essentially jumping rope at a quick clip but jogging on the spot while doing so, instead of both feet landing on the floor at the same time, its like youre jogging on the spot – See Jump Rope Mania for more on that … 

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS  – Just so y’all know – Buttler Glyn is bacjk, just proving the point – some people are literally so obsessed with following me they’ll go to ANY lengths. Ugh!

But, apparently since his latest scam (Something about begging some lady to send him money so he could “show her around Oxford or some crap) (Socks-ferd, hehe) failed, he’s back here. Oh well. Poor chap, hehe. But, he’s good for a royal laugh and more!

For more of his ilk, see HERE.

For the Bozo, well, Google or go HERE. Hehe.

“But I’d regret not trying” …
- And that comments, as with all of Jeff's - ring so true!

Actually, anyone that is a doer – and has DONE anything of note – their comments ring true with me.

I might not agree with their philosophies on life, their politics, and so forth – but every self made man or woman has certain aspects to them I will always agree with.

Jeff Bezos (does he need an intro? hehe) once said “I knew I might fail when I started Amazon – but looking back, at the age of 80, I did not want to have any regrets by not trying”.

This is so true – I’m paraphrasing what he said.

We all have a finite time on this planet – when it’s your time to pass, or ascend – can you look back and say you did ALL you wanted to – and more – or did your damndest to?

I dont think most men and women out there would be able to say that.

Yours truly has lived his whole life that way – and until now – YES, I can say that.

I have no doubt I’ll say it as long as I’m on the earthly plane.

“I dont know”, I remember Michael, him of the “I’ll eat two second Lieutenants for lunch!” once said.

“Just do it and see!”

And thats what I always have ultimately – like Uncle Bob once said, easier to do it FIRST and ask for permission later.

When starting rahulmookerjee.com in 2010, I had no inkling it would turn into what it is today, I did not even think of creating a business back then!

All I thought of was writing Fast and Furious Fitness, and maybe, just maybe, it would make a few tentative sales.

I remember being thrilled working a crap job in Oman when I DID make my first sale on it, told the wife, of course, she could care less (as the rest of my family who I never bothered to tell).

Lesson right there every doer will know.

But anyway – in 2017 – same thing.

I was in the middle of being heavily shelled, trolled, and worse by many a person, headed by the loutish Schofield (we all know his status NOW, hehe) – and I figured I’d just do it anyway.

I remember thinking that night when registering the 0 Excuses Fitness domain “you’ll never know till you REALLY, REALLY try”.

(That was the logical part not apparent to me then, what really drove me was the GUT feeling and eventual decision of “JUST DO IT!”)

And that level of “try” just kept going up, up, and up until it reached where it is now.

By no means at the crescending top as yet.

And even when I get there, I’m not stopping. Period.

Thing is though, business – any business  – always (regadless of investment or not) has a high chance of FAILURE – more probability of failure than success, unless it’s something new, even then it holds true.


Writing books?

Been done before, but what sets THIS business apart, and I’ve always had all this in mind-

REALISM – which people can SMELL from a mile away.

GRITTINESS and “stick it through – bloody minded cussedness” – I’ve been that way all my life!

PERSISTENCE! (I’ve had that quality not because I always knew the value of it, but because I HAD To by design, not choice)

VISION (por ejempelo, NO-ONE was doing digital only when I started doing it in 2010).

(and on that note my other business – some of the products there are so visionary most wont start to “get it” until YEARS later, but get it they will).

Most of all, listening to GUT – my gut feelings.

All of this, and more, I believe is missing from the vast majority of businesses out there, and as crunch time is truly here, you’ll see a lot of them go under – period.

It is only the cream of the crop that will survive what is to come – and THRIVE – majorly.

Laugh all you like, but it’s true.

(Ah, I forgot, people aren’t laughing at it now as they SEE what is happening. Hehe).

Anyway ……….

You’ll never know until you try.

Why not try?

Same thing fitness wise – why not build the body of your dreams, or start to – TODAY?

It dont matter how old you are, it dont matter if you have good genetics, bad, or none, it dont matter if your wife’s a bitch, or mother in law (Sophia, hehe) – or your husband is a jerk (her again, lol) – or any of that.

What matters is YOU, and your DESIRE to MAKE something of yourself – or “die trying”.

Remember one thing, looking back when you’re about to pass, you dont want to have no regrets…

And fitness wise, the time to do is NOW, never been riper in fact.

Start TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I cannot stand cucks that “do it to keep the wife happy”
- Ugh.

While secretly hating every damn minute of it, yet doing it to keep the peace.

Thats the majority of men in this world today, especially a lot of the liberal lot.

This philosophy of “keeping the wife happy at all costs” no matter what may provide some sort of temporary “peace” at home – but when that shoe starts to pinch, remember one thing, my friend.

As Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla and me always used to discuss,

“Theres no credit for anything you do, or have done in the past”.

It’s about all take, take take

(He wasn’t telling me nothing new, of course. Hehe).

You could have brought mountains of gold home – but when she fritters that away and looks for more – she’s going to monkey branch on to the next available “pole” – or moan and groan about “how life is so tough” and so forth and “how men create all the problems” and all that …

I’d agree with her on the last – if she was referring to cuckolds.

I can still hear my friend Chuck once telling me “you’ll have to explain the term cuck to Kate!” (he was referring to a friend of his in that regard who was acting that way).

I never did.


But last night, while I was having one of those “ugh” discussions with the wife, which of course involved putting me down and then claiming “its just a joke” (funny how those jokes never build anyone up, huh??) … I got a further insight into the lunacy of Nazi feminism, not that I needed it anyway.

Those that have read the sales page on the book know the whole mess, or should at any rate – wife and mom fight, cuckolded father “attempts to be a big man” – and when push comes to shove, guess who gets the brickbats from all angles.

Yours truly is called a deserted by certain dumb ass Nazi feminist cunts.

Yet, the truth of the matter is this – when I wanted to stay, and I tried for the majority of my marriage, I was never “allowed to” in that I either do it their way or the highway, and yours truly doesnt bend to dictums, period.

Yours truly gives it back x 1000 – like I did and do with Schofield.

Yours truly Black Mamba waits it out in the wilderness for years – never forgets – and attacks back when the time is RIGHT.

Planning and plotting subconsciously has always been something that has been natural to me.

Not so to Nazi feminists who wouldn’t recognize a plan if it was handed to them inscribed in stone, and as I discussed with the (so called) “wife” – as to how my mother of all people “gets credit” (I was giving to my daughter which is how it SHOULD BE!) for my daughter being a quick and voracious reader (of course, the genetics she got from me – yours truly – and all the encouragement I’ve given over the years, all the books I kept buying her etc, all forgotten) for it.

And apparently the wife gets “credit” for my daugher’s sports – though the results there are nowhere to be seen.

Nazi feminist in general tend to oscillate where the money “dangles” and where there is easy money on offer, neither one of the two in my family are an exception to this rule.


And they’ll happily forget all their own arguments, everything that happened in the past – cold hard FACTS – and use their “we’re women, so we can say it, but you can” idiocy to blow right past FACTS.

As Marc once told me.

“I dont think your wife even has any idea how destructive she has been to your relationship”.

By aligning her lot with the very person she hated, yes, she has been, but unfortunately, that is the crux of Nazi feminist “thinking” – selfish behavior to an extreme.

And it’s MEN – cuckolded men at the end of the day who enable all this.

And these idiots need to be called out for who they are – IDIOTS.

Listen, guys – if you’re one of these people – then man up, admit – and CHANGE your situation.

And learn how to profit from them as well – I did, because I literally had to or “not survive”.

Been a battle, but I won it – as I always do most battles.

Anyway, thats the rant for the day.

Remember, the direct never works with Nazi feminists.

More tips in the book – the only one of it’s kind, and I’ve got more coming on this front too.

Back to Dad – So what did Dad do, I asked.


Knowing the answer.

“You weren’t here!”   (of course, my wife was more than happy to take the money and still is “when I’m not here”). Hehe. 

I could have pointed out the facts, I could have said this, that, but whats the point.

I laughed internally, and then simply went about my own business.

Results speak.

And I bring in way more of them than the Nazi feminists or cucks ever could.

Which is what pisses them off more than anything else.

Never give up your freedom, my friend.

And your independence.

Always have a weapon in hand – a secret weapon.

And the way to fight this sort of thing is shown here.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Stay in great shape (something else Nazi feminists hate, because they know it means girls flocking to you, hehe) – by following the 0 Excuses Fitness System. When you’re losing inches around your waist rapidly while eating MORE and weighing LESS – seemingly doing nothing – you’ll be the one having the last laugh at the pathetic Nazi feminists wielding their massive unweidly LAZY bellies ” on show, ugh!” like some sort of a trophy . . .

Why I tend to shake my head – being polite! – at perennial “coupon seekers”
- Tyre kickers.

You know the sort, I’m sure?

The guy – or gal – that wont buy one damn thing unless it’s on discount, or unless he or she has checked out the entire internet for “lower prices on it” – until she/he compares prices on ALL the major sites for that $10 product they’re buying – and so forth.

And in many cases, even after that they’ll postpone the buy.

“Lets buy it when it’s on a special”.

This type usually has me shaking my head – big time.

Now, before you start cussing me out about the cost of living rising etc – although I could answer “hey, ain’t my fault” – and b) YOUR thoughts are causing it as a whole and c) “well, it applies to everyone, yours truly included” – hear me out.

I’m NOT “against” this sort of shopping sometimes, I’ve got nothing against people that do it – for certain types of items – and I dont think they’re bad people or stupid or what not either.

Well, sometimes stupid to say the least.

Now, what do I mean?

If it’s something like lets say a bar of soap, and one bar costs slightly more than the other due to brand, or coupon or whatever – then hey – I’ve been known to deal shop too.

By all means do so , there is no point “wasting” your money and paying more to get the same damn thing.

Ditto for a certain thing known as GAS, hehe, if you can save a few bucks here and there by making an out of station or state trip to fill up, do so …

But products like mine?

Let me ask you first …

When you go to a heart surgeon for a heart surgery do you shop around for the cheapest guy to do it – and when you find him or her, do you try and bargain him down even then?

When you buy luxury products – or eat out at fancy restaurants – same thing.

Do you?


I didnt think so, and the above are only two examples.

Yet, these same people, or a lot will cry up a storm about a product like Battletank Shoulders – something that can save them THOUSANDS of dollars in saved/recouped doctore fees, chiro visits, digestive issues – and so forth.

Not to mention give them more health and real strength than all the gyms in the world can.

Same thing for the book on isometrics.

Or any of my others!

Not to mention, a lot of my books are progressions, with the benefits and costs RISING with each progression (in most cases).

And if someone isnt willing to pay the tab on #1, chances are slim and next to none they’ll pay it for #2, and so forth …

Back to value tho –

I mean, someone could write books on hill sprints if they wanted to and price it at $99 – or $9 – but what price the content, friend?

A lot of these cheap books, some written by CELEBRITIES no less – right, celebrities – have entire CHAPTERS missing.

I seem to recall a boxer from the UK putting out a book (cant remember his name) with tons of reviews on Amazon saying just that.

Or, with “pictures missing” (another book).

Was it truly then worth it to get the “low priced” book or something someone has poured their lifes learning and heart and soul into – for slightly more?

And it’s THOSE people that look for discounts every time even on a site like this that I try and avoid – and repel – like the plague from China (which I honestly dont care about two hoots, hehe).

Again, dont get me wrong. I created the rewards page to help genuine customers, but while that happened, I saw an exponential rise of cheap asses “waiting for the products” to be on discount “again” – again never COMES! … and therefore, I’ve stopped updating that page for now (as some of you have no doubt noticed).

In short, if someone were to go to a Michelin grade restaurant and try and lowball their way out of paying the tab “it just ain’t happening” and you’d be stupid to think it might.

Same thing here…

IT’s simple, friend.

Look at what you’re GETTING.

I realize far sightedness and “future thoughts and planning” are far away from the average person’s thoughts, but remember – this is the “creme la creme” of fitness (yours truly – I aint even just bragging) your dealing with.

Last, but not least, no, you dont know it all already, and you aint seen it all already.

My buddy from the Marines for one knows more about guns, knives, WAR, tanks, and probably bazookas too than a platoonful of average men and women and Sissy Schofields.

Yet, he didnt know how to do Hindu squats until I taught him one fine night while drinking beer.

I was wearing tight jeans too.

“I dont want them to RIP” , I remember saying.

“no you dont!” 



They never did, luckily.

But you get my point…

And thats why.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee