When explaining the most BASIC of things can be a hassle like none other.
- Ugh!

Sometimes, you just gotta wonder and think.

I feel this way a lot of times in China – more so in India, and other parts of the subcontinent (when I’m here).

Every time I say this i.e. that “explaining the most basic of things” lik e”blue eyes doesnt mean you’re from the West” or some nonsense, you hear furious retorts from idiots being shamed for their stupidity.

Remember, with me, I say ONE word – it cuts DEEP.

I sure do GET TO THE POINT – DRIVE IT IN DEEP! No puns on that last one, or maybe there are, I dont know, hehe.

TIC , as I often say. This is China!

Or, TII – This is India!

Man, I’ve heard the above two so often.

TIB is something I’ve coined myself though apparently and ain’t never heard before.

“This is Bangladesh”.

Apparently, Andrew, a friend of mine is renting a place with some friend’s help or something – an admittedly ABSYMAL apartment – but apparently he’d rather be there than in good ole Australia (dont ask me, I can’t figure out why people want to lose their dignity, but hey! – like I said in that email, to each his own) … dealing with conditions (living conditions) y’all would expect in a fourth world country or worse.

(Not saying Bangladesh is that or whatever, but hey – facts are facts – if someone doesn’t like me saying it, welll….!)

Apparently the landlord told him that the deal he has i.e. paying rent, or his friends helping him with rent, or whoever finally pays – means – he shares his living space with others – that dont pay rent.

Bathroom, kitchen, what not.

Apparently they can just walk in and “they own the place” basically.

Which just sounds so insane to me!

But, it reminds me of what happened in China in 2019 to me, where the neighbors were putting their shoe rack – overflowing with Shoes – Glyn Bozo would have gone straight to work, hehe, paradise for him, nothing but ladies shoes galore! …. in MY space.

(I used it to write a book on Miss X, hehe, except she doesn’t know it. Actually, she was pretty cool, so was Summer ultimately…) 

(nothing if not the shameless opportunist am I eh. Hey.)

Four apartments, common shared area, except they took both their space and mine.

Yours truly noted this when he moved in.

I didnt complain, figuring they would do the right thing.

They never do, do they.

One day, I got the red ass.

I complained to my neighbor a certain “Miss Summer” about it.

The response was predictable!

“You always complain!”

(I didnt. HEhe).

“They have family, so they need!”

“They ladies!”

(these two unsaid – basically her point was “it is what it is”).

No, it ain’t either.

I bitched up a storm to my landlady, threatened NOT to pay my utilities, and eventually, despite my landlady trying to coerce me to pay first and she’d solve the problem later, problem solved FIRST.

Trust me, there is a way to handle these things!

And it’s insane.

If I am paying for space, I dont give a rats ass how many other people need it.

It’s MINE – I’ll Tom Tom it, I’ll pay for it, me and ME ALONE will live there, no-body else!

(I mean, dont get me wrong – as I told Charles, its one thing if they ASK ME nicely first, I’ll probably let them do it then, if I want, but thats teh point, I aint gonna be forced!)

Thats what I told my landlady

Maybe it ticked her off, and Summer too.

But families or not, problem solved the next day.

Thing is, I’m legal, of course.

With Andrew’s dodgy visa status, though I dont know, he could be legal too, who knows -but it sounds lik ethey’re taking advantage of him big time (not like he doesnt know Asia, so there is something going on here!) …

I had a contract, if they didnt follow it, I’d raise all sorts of hell with the China authorities about it and WIN.

Even though people think foreigners can never win – OH YES, they can!

Assuming they’re legal, of course.


Miss Yiyi’s car just got hit by some Bozo not carrying insurance, so she is flustered today. No real updates on that, except…

… I remember an incident in 2015 where some idiot did the stop and start too often on a busy highway in … I dont know, Guizhou I think, with Carol – and my foot finally slipped, and I just GRAZED his car.

Carol had insurance (her car).

We didnt call the cops though, I’ll let you figure out why. HEhe.

(I had a HK driving license and yes, foreign devils can drive in China).

I’ll let you figure out – special prize for the first one that does!

And of course, the guy fleeced us big time.

Took 500 yuan for like 50 worth of so called damage, but we paid up anyway .

We had to. Hehe. Well, we didnt, but thats another tale!

Anyway, explaining the most basic of things can often be a massive hassle.

Here’s an email I just got :

Hello sir
My name is <chopped - was it Glyn??>
Please suggest me ways to find true fitness

Some things, you really … Ugh.

Now, I could send him the link for the System, etc, all a massive waste of time, timewaster – another one, and he’s being BLOCKED right now.

But even they have their uses, as I said on another site recently. . .

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest.

I just did that, SO …

All for now – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Poor “Brum” city council, Bozo has been spamming them apparently as of late too, ugh.

First the sewers clogged in Brum with Bozo sitting in them, now this. Truly insane!

Why I never worked for my friend Ricky.
- Or anyone, pretty much, if you look at my "work history".

I remember my Dad yelling his lungs out at me once as if he were a school teacher and me the kid.

(upon quitting some idiotic job or being canned from there or what not)

“Look at your work history!” he went.

And he listed out a long list of the jobs I either left, or was canned from, or … I dont know, the “end result”.

(He left out the fact, of course that a certain Jack Ma in China was rejected from far more, didnt even get to WORK half those jobs he applied to, and look where he is TODAY? Hehe.

Of course, “those” people aren’t applicable.

They’re “those people!”

According to Mom, they have “drive and ambition!”

Truly Jeff Bezos was right when he spoke about being willing to be misunderstood long periods if you want to be an entrepreneur.

Bezos probably was – but he picked the right time to start – the internet was just getting off the ground, and online sales were a novelty.

And even him – his parents did give him 250,000 to keep the biz afloat in his earlier years – even when he told them it would probably never succeed! (70/30 was the split I believe).

Nothing if not smart is Bezos. Hehe.

Anyway where was I…)

As he went through it I had to stifle an internal chuckle.

I was pissed externally yes, but internally, I was laughing.

But anyway, this thing of “work a job” …

My friend Ricky, who remains one of my VERY BEST friends till this day – with whom Ive done BUSINESS too – key word being WITH, not FOR – has said this so many times I could write a book on it!

“Come work in my store!”

Now, they need good workers in convenience stores – folks that show up on time, stay till the store closes, dont skim off the top, treat the store as their own etc.

And, I’ve been on the phone so many times with Ricky hearing his complaints about the workers there – all very JUSTIFIED.

I get it.

But, what does the WORKER get in return – what security – or money – or … anything meaningful?

Exactly F all.

When you consider the fact that Ricky (who doesnt know Bozo Schofield, hehe, I should introduce him) when he buys a new house or sells his own, or whatever hires “$10 plus beer for the day” drunks off the street (sort of like Glyn, yes) to clean the place up – you get the drift.

Pay peanuts, get Bozos and monkeys.

To him its about saving a buck … which it might, I dont know.

But for me, I could never understand one thing – I mean, I get that he thought this business would never succeed.

Hey, my entire so called family and circle of friends told me that – and they continue to say it.


In the meantime, the one business I dont even promote that much – well, you’ve seen the rave reviews!

Not that this business doesn’t have ’em!

But really – why would I WANT to be a convenience store worker anyway??

Not like the store (he got it from his grandfather, then built it up – so it’s NOT that he built it from scratch) would provide me with a work permit or anything …

Not that I’d need one, but I’m just sayng – there would be no “contract”, no agreements in writing, nothing.

“But you’ll get a room”, he said.

As I see my friend Andrew in Bangladesh sending me pictures of an admittedly awful so called apartment where apparently the deal includes landlords allowing everyone and sundry to use private toilets (not EVEN kidding you) … I gotta think.

I mean really, why would yours truly – and believe me, I’ve been in the most desperate of situations in the past I have NOT told you about – want to do that?

I can’t understand why people – anywhere — would want to lower their DIGNITY AND PRIDE!


Like one of my customers once told me,

“I have too much respect for myself and you to ask for discounts all the time!”

He’s right.

ANd he GOT some great discounts – no prizes for guessing why.

But really, working with friends is one thing.

The minute that changes to “for” – that dynamic and therefore the friendship changes.

Especially for Mercurial Firebrand Mookerjee sorts like yours truly …

True, if it’s the sort of “transactional” friendship a lot of people have – it would not just survive, but thrive.

But Ricky and me, were peas in a pod.

I used to stay over at his place when I had no place to go for the hols (when the dorms shut down).

Ricky never charged me a penny.

He even brought me “Colt 45” and “Magnum” from his store, hehe.

True, I paid for the beer. I would have paid the apartment rent too – yes (shared, I’d sleep on the couch in those days temporarily, eat Krystal’s…)

But he helped me in many ways – that no-one ever would think of.

So dont get me wrong, great guy – and he’s not offering me the “position” so he can subjugate me or whatever – quite the opposite, I suspect.

But, its that whole thing about freedom, about doing my OWN THING.

And that, my friend is what I have done all my life, and will continue to do so.

Never about money or benefits for me ultimately, it’s about being a FREE BIRD flying HIGH!

As high as only a truly FREE bird can!

And this spirit, my friend, embeds itself in ALL my fitness books and courses.

ALL of them.

And if you’re still on the fence about which one to get – THIS is where you start – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

I’ll see you!


Rahu lMookerjee

PS – To me (if we’re talking in those days when I was really at my lowest) it’s NEVER EVER about “well, the shitty option is better than what you have now”.

To me its about GRINDING it out like Mike Pompeo keeps referring to (and precious few people understand why) doing what I WANT TO DO – not what someone else forces upon me – and ultimately making a grandstanding, outstanding SUCCESS OF IT.

Its about vision – about persistence – STICKING TO IT – and your DREAMS – when nigh everyone is against you – nay, not just against you, but up in ARMS against you, quite literalyl sometimes.

Thats what I have done all my life, that is what I WILL DO.

And perhaps Zero to Hero is the one book that encapsulates THAT spirit better than anything else I could say here!

OK, off for now. Back soon!

Why ultimately it’s ALL About FREEDOM!

If there is one spirit – and vein – in which I write – have always written – and speak (which ticks off many a censorious buffoon) – it is this – FREEDOM!

Freedom of thought – expression – spirit – and UNFETTERED freedom at that!

Last night I was laughing while talking to Yiyi – some of her insane “requests” or demands, whichever way you put it. Ya’ll are fully aware of that, of course!

But I was also reminded of an instance in the Middle East, or a job (which I hated, but was pretty much forced into) – where they “wanted to keep my passport for safekeeping”, essentially turning me into their version of indentured labor.

Needless to say, that didnt go over too well.

It was company policy, to be fair, so everyone followed it, for me, it really did not go over too well.

And of course, I was blamed there for emails I never sent – apparently I was supposed to apologize for nasty (or so they said, to me it didnt seem nasty even after reading it!) emails my “SO” sent them … and blamed forever for it.

They even expected me to apologize for the emails sent – which I had no clue about.

Anyway, Ive written about that before.

Needless to say the job didnt last too long.

But really, with my family – it’s always been this way, my friend.

I know a lot of what I say might sound extreme – but not really, a lot of YOU have been through similar situations – especially a lot of my customers!

And with my family, it boils down to this.

“Birth a boy, send him to school and college”, “put him to work for us” (the women).

And God Forbid he actually, you know, has any of his own dreams, ambitions, passions he’s raised REPEATEDLY, God Forbid he has any of those.

GOddess, I should say, hehe, given the rampant Nazi feminism in my immediate family – it ain’t the only one either.

But it all boils down to this – CONTROL!

Growing up, my long hair was always a problem for my parents who tried everything in their power to stop me from growing it out.

They succeeded – back then.


I’ll let you be the judge, hehe. (my wife didnt like it either – oddly enough, she dated me and found me attractive when I had long hair – the minute we got married – BAM! Control Central – which is why I keep telling guys NOT to get married – precious few listen, of course) …

(oddly enough, or not, every other girl I’ve been with has absolutely loved it, even the sorts who claim “I’m a bad boy” – that I truly am, hehe).

As Eric once said.

“You got the hair, bro!”


My Dad, I still remember him saying once.

“I’m sure the girls will find you attractive even without the long hair!”

Ah, but Dad, that wasn’t the point.

I could give a rats ass less about what girls like, to be honest.

Maybe thats why I attract so many!

Point is, I like it – I want it – so I do it.

And it extends to CONTROL in all aspects.

“Work a job, be a corporate slave working minimum wage – be a human ATM” – and so forth.

Boy oh boy, I could tell you SO many tales about this – really!

I mean, really.

I never wanted to do that.

I’ve always wanted to be an individual – my own man.

Freedom of choice, thought and expression.

These values should be the fundamentals of thought FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING out there – unfortunately, with the growing number of Tom Tom’s and Bozos out there, they’re all too quick to dismiss it as “American thought – the radical right”.

It ain’t either.

It’s got nothing to do with politics either.

It’s about FREEDOM!

Look, if you like being a slave like Bozo Schofield does, by all means – you’re free to be one.

But me, when you encroach upon MY RIGHTS – my FREEDOMS – you tell ME what to do – and how to do it – and these days, what to put in my body, when to do it, and keep doing it forever – uh uh.

It ain’t gonna fly.

I ain’t gonna DO it, period.

FREEDOM, my friend, has always been the most important thing for me.

Y’all on this list know it.

And when someone tries to control not just my freedom of EXPRESSION, but my freedom of THOUGHT – then, my friend, I truly done “got the red ass”.

Ever notice how the Tom Tom’s and Bozo Glyn’s only attack when you’re in a disadvantaged position – so they think? 

When you can strike back – when YOU are in a position of authority – when YOU have the final say – they wont say a word.

Unlike me, I could care less whose in authority –  if I gotta say something, I’ll fuckin say it.

End of story.

But I’m so sick of these Bozos trying to ruin people’s lives, in some cases doing it (temporarily – Schofield, no, it ain’t you we’re talking about here, trust me) – and then coming back and saying “we never did anything, it’s YOU!”

Temporary memory loss.

“Short term memory loss”, as Pradeep Rawat said so well in the potboiler Ghajini. Hehe.

Maybe thats why I chafe so much at people asking me idiotic questions instead of just ignoring them.

I’ve never met Yiyi – well, not too many times let’s just say.

Last night?

“Send me your passport!” 

Out of the blue

And to her, the most astounding part is this – it wasn’t even rude!

Apparently you have to “prove” you’re from a certain country so “Yiyi can feel safe”.

True, the Chinese have been scaring people with the handsome foreign devils cajoling state secrets out of so called innocent Chinese girls willy nilly.

Fact is, they ain’t that innocent either.

Of course, CCP won’t say that!

Fact also is, according to Yiyi “only Obama or white” is American, and of course, passport means more opportunities for HER down the road, so …

Trust me, women! Always about what THEY can get out of it one way or the other.

And dont get me wrong.

If one is in a committed relationship of sorts, and down the line you want to see some docs or whatever I can SORT OF understand it in China etc.


I mean, you could be anyone, foreigner from anywhere.

But just a casual relationship, and that sort of thing …

“Chinese send ID card to each other always!”

They dont either, Yiyi..

True I’ve seen a lot of theirs, but its usually fiercely and jealously guarded.


Anyway, her comments brought back memories of the job in the Middle East.


And just to reemphasize, friend.

THAT is what this is all about.

FREEDOM – and the right to live YOUR life as YOU WAnt, not be a monkey dancing to everyone else’s tune and terms. 

I’ll wait for the Bozos to get back with their profoundly inane and illogical arguments “but we dont like!” .



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Damn, forgot to pimp my System- here it is NOW – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Why I truly believe Mike Pompeo is by far the BEST Secretary of State ever!
- Just .. if I could say it in one word. SOLID!

Solid is indeed the word, my friend.

I dont necessarily mean solid girth around the midsection either; but oddly enough, with Pompeo who is ex Army I believe – it only adds to his imposing image!

That aside though, I loved the Trump tenure.

Trump to me is definitely right up there with Raegan in terms of actually DOING something for the country – marketing wise, probably way better!

But really – the “unnoticed gem” amongst his picks I thought was Mike Pompeo!

Yes, I know he’s had a very “storied career” – CIA Director, Ex Army, and a lot more, but (and despite the media hounding him now about Julian Assange or other nonsense – and really, with Wikileaks publishing all sorts of classified secrets, it stands to bloody reason that would concern the CIA – and you have the libs jumping up and down about it???) to me I’ll always think of him as the Secretary of State.

Certainly a far sight better than the caricature in office now – Blinken, though the real caricature is the guy in the top job ie. BIden.

If there is one thing I could boil it down to?


Mike Pompeo is just that, my friend.

You could pronounce his last name as “Pomp-E-O” – or “ayo” as it should be (though of course, with the “e” there purists might argue the first way is the right way!) … or any which way.

You could debate his policies all day long.

You could castigate him – praise him – whatever.

But none of that takes away from his SKILLS – his WORDS – most importantly, HOW HE PRESENTS HIS THOUGHTS – both verbally – and IN WRITING!

He’s one of those rare politicians who I believe could have been a pretty good writer too!

Analytical and LOGICAL mind.

Sound reasoning.

And all based on sound principles – love for the nation, national security, and so forth.

I dont know, when you read something Pompeo writes, its different from Trump. 

Trump is brazenly bombastic. BIG TIME!

And thats fine – hey – you gotta do it that way!

Yours truly does it all the time.

But yours truly does it differently in that I also explain myself correctly, I explain how I FEEL (hence all those reviews on the books I keep talking about) – I GO DEEP – pun intended, and not, hehe – and I really “get into the meat of the matter” when I want to talk about something – much like Pompeo does!

Mike Pompeo is one of those rare guys – especially in politics – that can really rip you apart (as Michael in Dongguan once told me years ago about an Uncle Bob post “that was a SCATHING REBUTTAL!” – it was, hehe) via his WORDS ALONE!

And the sheer way in which his words FLOW – how he presents his thoughts – and how he HITS THE NAIL ON THE HEAD – how he expertly gets his thoughts into the 180 character limit allowed by Twitter – all reminds me of Jason Bourne!

Clinical, doesnt waste any more time and effort that needs to be – and gets her DONE!

Truly the best ever … at least in my book.

Anyway, why am I saying this …

I dont know why, perhaps because of Yiyi’s repeated (really, I dont get here, hehe. I really think Bozo would be perfect for her – all those hours of “housework” apparently drove her bonkers, lol) claims of “you need to try to run for President!”

I mean, really…!

Anyway, like I said Pompeo does it expertly with his words.

And so do my fitness programs, my friend.

They cut through the BS in a manner you dont even FEEL for the most part.

They truly SLICE through the FAT – as you do.

You wont even know you’re getting the workout of your life, but later, as you collapse in your chair – nigh exhausted, yet brimming with energy, you’ll know for sure!

And truly it’s all done in a classic, understated manner – a way that doesnt FORCE you – but you do anyway and you get into the BEST DAMN SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE!

I’m out – get the system above.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There BE a couple of maids showing up around this neck of the woods too shortly, ugh. Is that the Yiyi effect? UGH!

I really, my friend, really – where’s Schofield when you need him. Hehe. At least he could be told to shut up and do the dishes or whatever, hehe, as opposed to the lunacy and endless rants of actual “maids” and other rot… ugh.

Since Yiyi Wong wants me to be President of the United States…
- ... geez, really!

I gotta say it, the Chinese holiday is definitely upon us. Hehe.

October 1 National Holiday, and like Steven from good ole “Communist California” (or so it seems, hehe with their Governor) said – “lets shake the tree a bit and see what nuts fall out”.

So, Miss Yiyi it was, that chose to take an English lesson (some online something somewhere) and of course, first thing she studies is news.

“I just study news as China language teacher tell me!” (apparently some Chinese guy was teaching her English). 

And of course, the news was all Anti Trump, and about racial attacks against Asians or what not “because Trump called it the plague from China” or some rubbish.

I tried to refute that notion, but I knew – losing battle.

Interesting, or maybe not, that out of all the news to study on a national holiday in China, they’d pick that!

Of course.

So I focused on Biden, told her about how HE is really the one trying to destroy the country – while Trump is a patriot – which he is – clearly evident to anyone with half a brain. (or less).

You may or may not agree with Trump’s methods, but there are few greater patriots than him willing to fight for his country, a cause, what he believes in!

My sort of guy – I’m the same sort! (of course, ya’ll know that).

“I dont want focus on Biden or Tramp! They both have policy not good for China!”

Of course, explaining to her that Biden was a wet dream for China – anotehr losing battle.

“Ms Meng dont do anything wrong!” 

She finally agreed to THAT at least i.e. the fabled Miss Meng attempting to defraud the US by doing business with Iran (by proxy, through HK).

Really, the way Biden sent her back – a disgrace – she should never have been let go – this will just embolden the CCP more. Hostage diplomacy, and all that liberal rot!

Anyway … she keeps telling me not to discuss politics “because it’s China” and “because police man would put in jail” or something. “for 24 hours” (apparently thats the time frame).

I told her no, not as long as you dont directly criticize the CCP – they could care less about other countries politics.

Funnily enough, Ms Yiyi is the first one to bring these discussions up.

And then, of course.

“But you no look American, you look like from other country!”

Gash. The old blue eyes nonsense as a certain Ashley and so many others said.

“I wanna see your passport!”

This after she said “But I just stranger for you, why you talk to me so much!”

We all know why I do, including her. Hehe.

“I think you have rich experience talking to China girl, or Lady!”

I asked her what the difference was. Hehe.

She said “You know clearly”.

well, can’t argue with that last one, Yiyi!

Apparently she had some idiot ex boss (supposedly American) who claimed that “her English pronunciation was bad, so anyone who would understand her voice “was not American”” (I wonder if this buffoon was from Cameroon or something).

Then she went on about “But Obama is American, I no mean you no look American!

So I asked if only Obama and certain other types “were American”.

Really, and this is a well traveled lady, she’s been ALL over the world.

China, you beauty, in 2021, not to mention the unwarranted suspicion, though thats what you get with Chinese state media repeatedly potraying handsome foreign devils as spies that steal Chinese state secrets by romancing Chinese women.

Not that I would romance, of course. Me. No way!


Then, perhaps the most astounding comment of all.

“You can be US President!” 

My God, Jesus in Heaven, why would I WANT to be in politics in the first place!!?

I told her that in no uncertain terms, attempted to introduce But(t) Butting Bozo Glyn to her to have a bit of a laugh, but she pooh poohed him off.

“I no want”!

Back to the Presidency.

“You can TRY!” she told me.

Um, no thank you Ma’am.

I sure wouldn’t want the hassle.

I’m happy enough selling my stuff, being a great writer that people LOVE – and the bodyweight (and other) exercise GURU. Hehe.

Presidency, I’ll leave that to the Trumpinator, Senatorship, to Herschel! Hehe.

I’ll support ’em both though, hehe.

Like the Bozo once said about WeChat groups.

“Nah, I’ll leave the groups to Rahul!”

He got THAT right, at least …

Anyway, the level of sheer idiocy boggles the mind, my friend.

Maybe I should get Yiyi on the 0 Excuses Fitness System, clear some of the cobwebs out.

Come to think of it, there wouldn’t be any point anyway.


But there IS a point in YOU getting the above system, my friend.

Keeps you young , fresh, lithe and agile till the day you pass, and more … 

Get this NOW, my friend.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Schofield, if you’re reading this, do message me your WeChat, she hates doing housework too. You’re certainly in demand there, just keep “nose outta ass”. LOL!

If you’re leaving 5 (or 4) star reviews, then do this.
- Or any review, really...

Nah, this ain’t a pet peeve at all.

But it’s something interesting.

It’s a trend I’ve noticed for years, and it’s only accelerating now – funny given most people are so called “busy” – yet they have, more so than in other times – literally “F all” to do in many cases.

Nah, this aint a rant about how people are “so busy” yet find all the time in the world for dumbass videos and such …

A busy lady “Yiyi” just asked me “if I’m English teacher“.


(when I told her what I was).

And I was pretty candid in telling her “so typical, all foreigners in China are monkeys, right!”

Then she asked if I did Tik Tok – or Dou Yin.

“Maybe we make video together, sell products, make money!”


Why people dont get it, I dont know!

Like, I dont even have an account on either one of those two silly platforms, literally Twitter is all I use regularly, even there not a lot. Instagram, I post pictures sometimes, but thats it.

Without the hashtags, as I dont do it for marketing purposes.

Of course, she had to “sleep” after I called her out after “3 hours of housework”, so she says. Hehe.

October 1 holiday no less in China …

But anyway, back to the topic.

I’ve been noticing a lot of people leaving 5 and 4 star reviews, which is great.

If you’re one of these fine, fine folks- THANK YOU!

I really mean it!

But, here’s the thing. And it’s interesting, but it’s mostly the 5 star guys that dont leave “comments” in the review section.

Now hey, I get it.

Not all of us are writers, not all of us are good at it, not all of us WANT to be good at it, but really, just a few lines?

But again, I get it.

I’ve often done 5 star reviews without being arsed to write about it unless asked (in which case I nigh ALWAYS do it – a good product deserves it, period).

But even there, I get it if you dont want to …

(It’s interesting – a dissatisfied Bozo will go to the ends of the Earth to rant up a storm, while REAL DOERS … not necessarily so!).

But here’s the thing, my friend (if you fall into the category mentioned).

It’s great (again) if you left a 5 or 4 star – or any review.

I truly and deeply appreciate it …

But if I dont know who you are, I can’t give you the 10% auto discount that comes with the review on your next purchase!

Further, and more importantly.

If it’s 5 star, then tell me WHY you loved the book – and I’ll make sure to do more books in that vein!

If it’s 4 star, you gotta TELL me why you didnt do a 5 star!

Trust me, communication doesnt just rule the nation.

It’s KING, Queen, Ace and Jack all in one.

Hell, downgrade the stars for all I care if you so choose.

But what I really, really want is your thoughts in writing, it dont need to be a tome either.

I think thats fair enough … what do you say?

Anyway, I’m out.

Remember, with everything else going on, I’ve been neglecting to promote pre-sales for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness – so there’s the link NOW.

Get in while you can, friend. Price will only go UP later.


Rahul Mookerjee

Edit – I really need to introduce Yiyi to Glyn Bozo, hehe.

Serial refunders – listen UP – AGAIN!
- Nothing irks me MORE. Ive said it before, I'll say it again, and will CONTINUE TO!

Yours truly has made no secret of not just his dislike – but utter and sheer CONTEMPT – for Bozos one, but serial refunders equally.

Business wise, more so the latter.

(Schofield, believe it or not, with his trolling is actually GOOD for business, hehe. Except his dumb ass never figured that out, he seems to have started to now though, late Start Glyno. HA!)

(And, he’s usually too drunk “in ass” to think straight anyway, even if he DID figure it out)

Anyway …

I’ve written tomes on that before, of course.

(Guess what pops up on page numero uno of google when searching for Amazon serial refunders) …

It’s an issue on this site, yes, but the other site – oh my. Literally a pandemic if I might say so, with the added benefit though that for each serial refunding Bozo, I usually end up getting 3x legit sales down the road.

Still, it’s aggravating as hell – on ALL Sites I own.

And listen, friend.

Dont give me excuses about price. We’ve discussed all that before, as we have tough times.

First thing you know, on a site like Amazon – NO-ONE – I repeat, no-one – least of me is forcing you to buy!

Then you have the whine fest about “At Barnes and Noble” we can sit down and read the book, decide if we like it first!

Well, it ain’t Barnes and Noble – I believe Amazon done put that out of biz, and second, you’re getting what you want – AT HOME!

Whether its instantly (Kindle) or Paperback (delayed, but still, at home) – you’re not paying for gas, your time, traffic snarlups etc (and gas is anyway apparently in short supply in places like the UK these days, gas , petrol, whatever you call it – or literally BOTH! Hehe.)

So it ain’t B and N.

Even if it’s not tho, I allow a certain portion of the book to read for free on Amazon (or perhaps thats Google where it gives you that option).

Either way, you can read – and decide.

But these BUFFOONS that take the book, read it – then a day later return it?

Just pathetic, especially when I see the books being pirated on other sites.

Have I gone after them?


I dont care.

But it irks and pisses me off that my products are in the hands of do nothing Bozos (that sort).

More – doing this sort of thing ultimately is going to make you (whoever does it) completely persona non grata on Amazon and everywhere – not that they aren’t cracking down already – theyve been doing it since 2018.

But, I read this on ecommercebytes ..

Amazon issued a statement on Tuesday about a man who was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison, though fraud related to the company does not appear to have been the major impetus behind the government’s case.

“We work hard to build a great shopping experience and that includes a seamless, customer-friendly returns policy. Mr. Chaves abused our policy, and we took action to protect our selling partners, our store, and the experience for all customers. We are grateful to the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Rhode Island in their thorough pursuit of this case.

“Amazon has teams and systems in place to proactively detect, investigate, and stop suspicious behavior and prohibited activity. Amazon has an extensive history of protecting its customers from fraud and abuse.”

Abusing Amazon Returns Can Land You in Jail – EcommerceBytes

You can read the rest there (judge ordered him to pay up – or …)

But really, I dont blame Amazon or the judge.

THAT is what these serial refunders deserve, mostly…

I dont know – pet peeve had to say it!

I have now.

So, that off my chest – and I’m out for now!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, pick up the one course that seems to be MOST in demand these days – Animal Kingdom Workouts – and given the results, I understand why!

12->48, thoughts transmuting, and more…
- Interesting!

I’ve been handed out rave reviews for my writing ever since I can remember, my friend.

Remember that one thing you’re so good at – naturally – that even your worst enemies could never criticize?

Even Bozo in the UK (Schofield) just had to admit “very well written” before starting his inane troll capers or what not …

That one thing you’re so good at – it differs from person to person – but THAT is the ticket, friend – for YOU.

There – I gave you the Zero to Hero secret – part of it – for FREE!

The rest, well, much like in Think and Grow Rich, I could tell you, but it would deprive YOU of the benefits – most of them – you’d get if you found out for yourself.

Napoleon Hill said this originally, now I am.


Anyway …………. on another note.

Something interesting has been with the translations of some of my erotica books.

Folks are enjoying it SO DAMN MUCH – that they arent just translating them.

They’re translating them x 4 – and wanting more – often times WITHOUT payment (because simply getting to READ the books is enough).

Dont believe me?

Let me give you some quotes.

Hi Mike, I got as far ahead as I could on volume 3, I’m only on chapter 15. I was so hooked on reading and translating the story that I completely forgot that I had to send the first 10 pages. I’m sorry, but the first 10 pages became the first 48. haha


” it might take a couple of days longer to finish the translation because I have some family commitments over the weekend (just like <chopped> and Mike, my girlfriend and I are moving in together for the weekend).”


Hi Mike, as I told you last night, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning making progress with the book. (i finished it and uploaded it) Reading it had me hooked so I didn’t want to stop doing the translation. I have a theory that you make fast progress with translations when you really enjoy the text you are working with, and this has been the case. I really hope we can continue to work together whenever you want and need it.

To me, the best part of what he said (a few days ago was this )

As I was telling you, being isolated, I took advantage of translating as many hours as possible (to be honest, almost all day long, I only stopped to sleep). I hope the translation meets your expectations.

Changing the subject, I want to congratulate you for your book because while I was translating, I was immersed in the story and I even enjoyed it. I hope you feel like working with me again, so feel free to write me if you need to translate the other volumes. Thanks for the opportunity and the confidence, I really enjoyed it.

Best regards,


He literally stopped only to sleep – such was the speed of his translation … and the professionalism of his work, much like mine, you can FEEL IT!

(with his girlfriend there. GOtta wonder, which did he enjoy more. Hehe).

How nice to live in China, they have a fascinating culture, like the Japanese, culture and women that I also admire. India must be fantastic, I have several friends in India, they speak wonders, but I doubt I can adapt to the lifestyle.

That was an India vs China discussion, Iwont get into that here.

But remember, and why do I bring this up – because this is just ONE translator saying it.

Remember, others say the SAME thing about my fitness books too!

And I’ll share more in that regard too.

Folks have noticed a “sizzle” coming from my fitness writing – something DIFFERENT – the X FACTOR!

Sexual transmutation although a lot of you on here dont believe it has a LOT TO DO WITH THIS my friend – like Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich, but it ain’t the whole shebang – pun intended,  and NOT , heh, by FAR.

But for you – remember – these books produce results, have a BANG to them – get you in the best shape of your life … and … well, enough said!

BY FAR the best when it comes to bodyweight fitness products is Rahul Mookerjee, and EVERYONE nigh knows that.

Or if you dont, you should … I’m NOT even bragging. Check out the books, DO the thing, you’ll know!

(PS – I was just “thinking” of you i.e. the translation process, and bingo – there it came! Interesting how thoughts transmute… Hehe).

Now, that was interesting.

I was thinking of how the translation was going, if with his girlfriend and all that he’d be able to get it done, or what not …

Bingo 10 or 12 pages ? you ask?

He sent me 48!

Given the book has 68 odd pages (remember, no pictures, short novels) – I bet it’ll be done in a few more hours, so “hooked and booked” is he.

And so are many of my fitness readers!

As Panourgias from Greece once told me.

“Even if the books weren’t of value fitness wise, which they ARE – I love reading them!”

“your books are the best!”

He’s right!

And thoughts do TRANSMUTE, friend, which is how I know the following.

YOU reading this want to invest in many things on this site, the 0 Excuses Fitness System being one – and some of my other books.

Animal Kingdom Workouts is another HUGE favorite for most.

And, everyone is curious to see Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness once the last section i.e kettlebells gets done.

I’d know this even without tracking clicks, page visits etc which I dont do much of anyway – remember, gut feeling guy!

So question begets – why aren’t more of you – or some of you, and you KNOW who you ARE – DOING the thing ?

Get the damn product already, my friend, I’ve said it SO many times, I dont know how else to tell you.

I dont know how you can just sit there and “do nothing”??????

I mean, you want it, you know it’s good quality – the best – it will help you more than any other purchase you make (of this nature) – it’s instant digital download or paperback, and a lot are in HARDCOVER too – so what more do you need??

Credit cards, paypal, heck, we even accept BTC!

And site wallet …

So, it boggles the mind.

“High price”

I wont even get into that idiotic squawk about prices, how people are willing to pay 5x that for the latest useless iphone or shiny nonsense that will “make people on social media, friends whatever, go “ga ga”” …

Do the thing, my friend.

Pick up some of my great products NOW as soon as you finish reading this email.

Remember, YOUR support is needed now more than ever … 

(really.  on ALL fronts!)

Do the thing…. And you SHALL have the POWER!


Rahul Mookerjee

My prices, Chinese parents, jumping rope, and more!
- HA!

This should come across as more “good news” (not) for the Bozos who complain about the price of my , in my UNABRIDGED and NOT SO HUMBLE, yet CORRECT OPINION – that – my products are very reasonably priced for the VALUE youget – lifetime value!

I realize no matter how much I say this, some may not agree.

But I just saw this on the news –

Some Chinese parents are paying as much as $50 an hour to have their children tutored for jump roping

That was the headline I saw.

Link here: Some Chinese parents are paying as much as $50 an hour to have their children tutored for jump roping (yahoo.com)

Now, this is good news – but in reality, as I told a certain “Yiyi” last night – despite all of China’s (and the CCP’s) shortcomings, they ARE trying to do SOME things right.

For instance, the horribly inflated housing bubble.

They DID try and fix it – by changing the rules to no longer allow houses to be “easy investment” a couple of years ago i.e. “houses are for living”, as the current slogan is.

Unfortunately, much like relaxing the one child policy in 2015 – a case of too little, too late – definitely too late.

The current policies against ESL and the dancing monkey nonsense – all very good though in my opinion. No country wants Tom Tom’s, illegal Schofields, and Bozos…

’nuff said on that one!

But anyway , the Chinese have been really addressing the problem I raised in my last email – ie. childhood obesity, and health related problems, dumbphone addiction etc.

From limiting the time one can play video games on Tencent (if you’re a kid below 18) to other more restrictive measures (I’m not talking about their de-addiction “camps” here) – to making physical exercise far more important in school, gotta say they’re at least trying – more than other nations are I’d say.

  • Schools in China must host annual jump rope tests for children from first to sixth grades. The tests have a grading system of Fail, Pass, Good and Excellent.
  • Students must skip 17 times in a minute to get a passing score in the exam, but those aiming to get a Good result must do more than 87 jumps. Boys would need to make 99 jumps to reach an Excellent result in their grades, while girls need a bit more at 103.
  • With so much on the line, some parents are now enrolling their children, as young as 3, into jump rope schools in order to secure a better chance to get into good schools. Prices for the lessons vary from $15 to as much as $50 an hour, with one-on-one lessons going as high as 2,000 yuan (approximately $309), state-run China Daily reported.

Well, well, well!

$50 eh.

(Thats per HOUR. Remember it’ll take MANY HOURS to perfect the skill, or even get GOOD AT IT!)

Take a gander at what my world class course on jumping rope i.e. Jump Rope MANIA! is priced at.

(for a LIFETIME!)

And believe me, my course aint just for kids – it’s for ADULTS too.

And it WILL get you in the best shape of your life nigh quick – without a single other exercise in tandem!

Sure, you have other exercises in the workout section, but those that have got this course – they KNOW how jumping rope will FRY your entire body and wipe you out when you start – and advanced stuff – well, even when you’re a long way down that road.

Back to Chin a…

17 times in a minute is “pooh pooh” stuff for me, but the leap to 87 – now that’s SOMETHING at least.

But really, for me, a passing grade (I know, I’m rather strict) would be what the Chinese are terming as excellent i.e. 99 plus jumps in a minute, meaning 2PLUS jumps per SECOND.

For me, good would be knocking off 150 odd in a minute, or 100 “advanced jumps”.

Excellent would be a variation of both the elementary and advanced movements – at least 200 a minute!

Believe me, when you can get to even PASS level at my course, you’ll already be in great, great shape.

Anyway, thought I’d share that for the idiots wanking bout price, price, price.

So sick of hearing that word, hehe.

I mean just get the damn course already and be done with it…

And thats that from me. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, available in paperback too! (Hardcover too).

The perfect “cold” workout
- Not the plague, hehe.

With everything else going on at full tilt around here, something I forgot to mention in the last email?

Well, I seem to have picked up the dickens of a COLD!

Yours truly normally NEVER gets sick – trust me.

But when I do, it tends to be rather extreme – sort of like all the accumulated toxins which I do NOT allow to overwhelm me into the usual “oh, I feel so DOWN” refrain most people have upon waking up, even, and right until BED … coming out.

Either a stomach bug or severe cold is how it manifests itself.

Usually takes a couple of days to resolve it – with NO medication.

(I sometimes take “natural” herbs etc for it, but usually, water and green tea as I normally drink, just more of it).

(How could I forget the chilled beer which kills all the germs too, supposedly. Hehe).

Or the liqor!

Suffice it to say I dont take the flu too seriously. Hehe. Despite what it says, chances of you dying from it or even getting REAL sick are minimal!

BElieve me, I know what real sickness is like. At the age of 15, I believe, I had dengue fever – with a temperature approaching 104 degrees Celsius – and RISING.

Nothing the docs would do would stop it.

Finally, one of the meds seeme dto work, but I doubt that – I believe it was my inner WILL fighting against it!

(hence – another reason, freedom and common sense apart, why I’m not too keen on forcing people to take untested vaccines that may or may not work, may or may not turn you into an iguana or so forth) …

Docs have their place, yes, but most of the time they read from textbooks. Fact.

Now surgeons – now THAT is the real deal to me! Working live time upon a living human being – I dont know if I could do that!

they do, and keep their hands calm too, hehe, as has been stated in many a movie, book, and REALITY (you better hope they do of course. Hehe).

But anyway – at the time I had dengue, when I went back to school?

“I can’t believe you didnt die!” was what my friends told me when I showed up at school.

And given my weight had dropped drastically from an already skinny I believe 60 something kgs, and given my skin was full of puncture marks from all the needles they put in …

… I dont blame them for saying that!

Anyway, the last I got a cold this severe was Jan 2018.

Two days – and though I wanted to work it out, better sense prevailed (this was around the time I did the thumb in, in that freezing cold cum sleet!) – and Ididnt.

I normally don’t let a cold stop me.

But when it’s severe, and for me, everything is either extreme or not – then yeah, I do take a break.

Third day, I remember RARING to go, and I did – had the best workout ever!

So, for you, what does this mean.

Best workout for cold, you ask? Or the flu?

Well, it’s one that doesn’t tax you – but DOES.

It’s one that stretches you and relaxes you – from the inside out – and strengthens you.

It’s one that a lot of you KNOW about.

It’s one that works the heck out of the entire body without you even trying to make it do so!

And it’s one that is truly the missing link in your training, friend.

Thats right, truly.

There is a reason THIS book was the first I put out in hardcover…

And many of you have likely guessed which one it is. Hehe. Not Pushup Central no.

Not Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Not any of the others, all great books …

But THIS ONE – check it out now!

Trust me, you’ll feel like a bazillion bucks almost instantly after some of this!


Rahul mookerjee