Fast and Furious Fitness – in Spanish soon!
- I never say it first, but ...

I dont normally say it until it happens, but that one night on an extended fast, when I was thinking about and getting MORE sales than I thought about, this one message came in from one of my translators about translating Fast and Furious Fitness into Spanish!

I gave him plenty of time to do it, I KNEW it would happen – despite lack of communication etc on it thus far (its been almost a month now) – I KNOW he’s working on it.

Damn hard!

Here’s what I just got from him (straight after splits) –

Hi Rahul, the translation is going quite well. All the exercises are very well explained, so I’m not having problems so far. I’m working on different projects right now, but it’ll be finished this month for sure. Regards, Miriam.

Thank you, M!

He’s spot on about the explanations.

REviews for the book say it all as well.

And remember, that SIGNED collector’ edition awaits – we still have two or so copies lying around – that first batch of gloss covers in that size will never ever be printed again, so get ’em NOW if you’re interested.

Yes, those will all come autographed, albeit with rather lengthy scrawls in my what most deem unreadable handwriting. Ex told me for years to make my writing look pretty, now cursive is a skill, I practice it, but end of the day, DOING, not how it looks, is what counts.

And, like a lot of guys who’ve gotten my penned notes with that book know – it’s all so worth it.

Do it now, friend.

I’m back to the splits.


Rahau l Mookerjee

PS – Well explained exercises, hmm, if you’re a Tom Tom / Bozo that claims I should hire Sly Stallone’s make up artist to do my pics, well, food for thought…

PS #2  – I broke one of my cardinal rules about never saying it till it happens.

Yet, this one, I know it will. Some things are MEANT to happen. ITs that simple.

What my ex’s experiences back in the day can teach YOU about … well, how NOT to do charity.
- Read on.

Lots of people so called give, then wonder why they get “shit” back in return.

Without exception, if this is happening long term for you – chances are excellent and second to none – and none was never ever in town – that you didnt give right, and for the right reasons.

True giving, or charity, or whatever you term it is done selflessly.

When I gave away a perfectly functional laptop and camcorder a couple of years ago, sure, I could have sold it for a measly few bucks, but I didnt want to.

It was part of me that damn Toshiba laptop, everything I use and create on long term is, and the best thing or “final resting” place for a trusty loyal servant (10 years, almost!) – was the school I gave it away to eventually. Ditto for the camcorder for those who remember what that is! Haha.

with cassettes, my daughter was asking what are cassettes… I dont blame her. Haha again.

I didnt do this out of any ulterior motives – when I did it, I took a walk in the garden later, breathed in the fresh spring air, thought of goals – and felt great, that was it, several days later a biz deal I had done forgotten about – voila!

It sprung to life without me doing a shred of anything for it.

I’ve told this story before, of course.

About how it’s not so much what or how much or how you give – its how you do it, the thoughts that go behind the action, like with words, its not what you say so much as HOW YOU say it – vibe rules all.

I wrote about not having a buck back in the day, eh.

Well, during those times, my so called then wife would hand me stuff she’d toss in the trash – and use what she deemed “her own money” to buy fresh food for herself, and happily eat it in front of me – when I hadn’t eaten for days on end sometimes – literally (and no, I was not fasting out of choice back then!) …

..True story – though I dont agree with my friend Ricky on everything, I do agree with what he says about my so called family – parents and then wife being “completely heartless”.

Women are that way in general despite what people might think you to believe, anyway this isn’t a rant on Nazi feminists and how to deal with ’em, which I have very succesfully all my life, but what I’m saying is this.

My wife would tell me smugly later “I’m giving it to you just in case”.

I once asked her this “but you’d toss it in the trash because you claim it’s expired”.

Basically packed food etc that my own mother gave her, apparently for the then wife anything one second past expiry date is not fit for human consumption.

Apparently it’s fine for the trash collector though – the guy who picks up the garbage in India basically – or yours truly at that time. Hehe.

She wouldn’t give that shit to even the stray cats that turn on her at a minute’s notice, then she wonders why that happens, while the dogs dont (though she never feeds any – go figure).

My point isn’t to bring up Gumption Galore again or for you to feel sorry for “those lean times” – hell, I enjoyed every damn minute of them, damn good learning experience those travails were – my point is this, one, it’s so fuckin stupid.

YOu claim youre helping someone, giving, but you’re giving them crap that you feel will lead to ill health anyway, yet, she claims “it’s your choice to take it or not”, which I took, then quietly tossed – but the point is this, what sort of fuckin charity is that?

Now I’m not saying you give away brand new stuff, or your entire paycheck, no.

But everything I give – like the mobile phone I recently gave away to guess who – the same trash collection dude, hehe – is FUNCTIONAL and can HELP the person who I give it to – indeed, the minute I gave it to him, he said two things, one “Sir, please dont ask for money for this” (and I told dude, dude, here I am giving shit away and you’re saying money!! – which I dont blame him, in that part of the world no-one does much charity anyway) – and two “its funny, but my son has friends in the mobile repair biz!”

All that damn phone I took so many videos with last year needed was a new battery, it would have sold online for like 40% of its retail value and …

… again, that shit’s a part of me.

So I gave.

And I felt so damn good when a few days later guy made his first mobile payment with the phone I gave him!

Thats giving, my friend.

And when you give like that, there is nothing else that can happen but receive x 100 or more.

THAT is the difference I keep talking about, I hope it’s clear now.

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – For those wondering, chips, cookies, tinned tuna etc or maybe even “tea bags” – none of that really goes bad past expiry date until it’s years. Its unhealthy crap anyway you shouldn’t be putting in your system, and well … a few days past expiry date wont make it any less healthy or more. Point being the wife’s thinking … Hehe.

And, her results, or lack thereof overall.

The ex wife, I shoudl say. Case and point?

21 copies of this book sold in ONE day …
- Holy Shmokes

And it isn’t hype, it isn’t marketing (maybe, but it’s true) and …

… I remember back in 2019, someone, I still do not know who until this day – made ONE purchase off Amazon (back when we still had Amazon on that account) … for …

15 paperback copies of “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

It wasn’t so much a matter of selling 15 books in one day. Hell, I’ve sold more – but ONE person buying that many – that was special, and I still dont know who he or she is!

The person is out there, of course, and even Charles (the former friend) “the doubter” shook his head in amazement.

“does that sort of thing actually happen? Thats not bad!”

Yes it does.

You know when someone buys that many in one sitting, its not all obviously for themselves, they’re sharing the word. And they’re doing it in the best fuckin manner possible, via ACTION – their wallets!

THAT is what really speak to the efficacy of all I do – the RESULTS people get, and therefore…

And as of late, another book that has been quietly, slowly, unnoticed – climbing the charts is one that has made people feel better at any age both mentally and physically than they have ever in their lives – including people that have been into physical activity all their lives.

It isn’t a paperback, it isn’t even the digital download of the book, though those sell well …

Its an AUDIOBOOK – something I never thought would work in terms of fitness books, yet, it damn well does.

And I thought it would work even better for the other biz, where it didnt, and ended up with Amazon shutting down our accounts there (that ungodly mess that still aint resolved, probably never will be, and I’m happy for it to be that way).

Which book is it?

Well, I’ve sold 21 copies of it on one day.

One sale.

One person.

And, well, since the “neighsayers” will scoff, here we go –

The dates there are when the books went live on Audible …

And there we go, as if there was ever any doubt on my sales skills, but hey . Hehe.

10 Commandments of Successful Sales for more – I should add in any economy, any product, those lessons (20 plus probably all in all) DO APPLY!

Boy, that persistence I wrote about in the last email sure does
pay off in spades eh. In all regards…

And, get the book above NOW – it will truly change your LIFE – for the better in ways you’ve never imagined.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The narrator for this book, as opposed to a lot of others I’ve worked with, we’ve hardly communicated, he’s probably done forgotten who Rahul Mookerjee is – strange how letting go, and life works. Hehe.

Janet Clare though, and David Quiros – if I had to – really HAD to pick two amongst all my fine, fine narrators – these two would be the ones.

But, that dont mean the rest aren’t good. I’m just saying if I had a gun pointed to my head on this one. Hehe. Even then I’d be thinking!

Anyway, if typical Tom Tom’s reading this are interested in “more” to be jealous about – hehe – write back. I’ll post some more! 😉

Those times when I didnt have a BUCK to my name…
- And there were many!

A penny saved is a penny earned!

So said ole Percie, he was right. I still remember him standing there in the Dollar Store arguing with the black cashier over “I need my change Ma’am” – and she was grinning when handing him the $0.05 or dime or whatever she “owed” him – while the ex was “cringing” in embarassment. Hehe.

Ole Percie, I love the dude.

And he was right, really … its his money. LOL.

Anyway …

Brings me back mentally, that thought does, to a time – and there have been many my friend – where I had nary a buck to my name.

Quite literally, I didnt have a buck to spend – sometimes for months !

Literally, yes.

Less than $1 in my account(s).

This, mind you, was when I was doing business – still making plans – going through with them “somehow” “somehow the money I really needed always came in, albeit sometimes delayed and not in a format I wanted” – and such … and I remember thinking.

“Man, you’re really staring down the goddamned barrel” (this when I had no money to pay rent, nary a buck to spend for a month – was living on extreme credit – and such) …

And then this thought hit me, as it did today.

“And I’m enjoying every goddamned minute of it”.

THAT is when I knew the difference between a doer and the herd – although I knew it before that, I did not “know it”.

Hell, I had no money to pay my IMMEDIATE bills – to buy a bottle of water, or a beer even, and there I was, pacing around, making plans in my mind like I had a bazillion bucks!

Did I get the money?

You be the judge…

You gotta be all in, you gotta have NO backup plans – you have to either win or fail, or, as Napoleon Hill wrote about a famous general burning his vastly outnumbered troops ships when they landed on enemy shores – you either WIN – or PERISH.

Its that simple, and they won.

In wars, in life, often times, and always, and I’ve said it before – PERSISTENCE wins the game.

Like water wears stone down, stubborn persistence, bloody minded cussedness, and super solid GUMPTION wears down even the most stubborn of obstacles “with time” – or sometimes not as late as you’d think!

It’s the most unsexy thing to tell people to do, so the self help gurus and shamians out there never do.


Persist regardless.

The World Wars, and the Battle of Stalingrad and the Siege of Leningrad are two examples which we as a society today have a lot to learn from in terms of the attributes mentioned above (please dont get into politics here)

Look, thats how life works – for DOERS – for those wanting the REAL spoils in life, which for me has always been to live a great life on my own terms, FREEDOM as it were.

I saw this movie last night – which one? Ah yes, “The Rogue Agent” about a conman who poses as a MI5 operative for years scamming people – and does a damn fine job at it, so much so they even release him from jail when his appeals are succesfully heard…

… Guy’s a charmer, perfect salesman, knows the MENTAL part of it all down to a T, READS people well naturally – man, I was reminded of … Ah, we wont get there – but the part I will mention here?

While scamming a woman he was close to, who ultimately managed to get him put behind bars for a while, he was talking to her parents about starting a biz, and her Dad hemmed and hawed, because she was a successful lawyer.

“Dad, I’m not giving up my job”, she chimed in.

But Daddy wasn’t happy – Daddy didnt like the charmer from the get go.

“You’re an entrepreneur yourself”, scammer went, with that charming smile of his – “surely you wont mind us doing it?”

Daddy never answered. But he did ask “why” or something like that, and the guy replied with what is TRUE – “it isn’t about money. it’s about FULFILMENT – and FREEDOM”.

That promise of freedom was how he lured his victims. Granted, we’re not advocating scamming here, but thats what people WANT, my friend, and guess what – you can GET it – if you’re willing to persist, and do what is required for the long term in that regard.

Most aren’t.

Most talk a big game, but then go back to the security of their jobs whining about money and such.

If thats you, fair enough – if not, well, you get the picture.


If you the reader reading this has “nary” a buck in your pocket, and bills stacked galore, and PLANS you’re making for your life, business, and enjoying every goddamned minute of it – well, remember what Napoleon Hill said.

There is always money out there for the man with a solid plan.

Those words hold as true today as it did back when he said ’em.

Just be open …

… and follow the rest of my teachings, and it will COME.

For more, Gumption Galore – more tips for those TRULY looking to improve their lives at a very advanced level, and get what most people never will i.e. FREEDOM, the POWER to live life WELL – I repeat WELL – on your OWN – I repeat, OWN terms.

All of this applies to fitness too, my friend.

I couldn’t even climb that damn hill when Ann Lee got me on it. Hell, I couldn’t climb four flights of stairs at that point!

And now, well, I’m the phenom I am in that, and many other regards, grip and stretching being key, but there are so many more.

And I enjoyed every goddamned minute of not being able to do it (I still remember the giggles the girls emitted as they looked at the fat foreign devil wheezing his way up, breathing like a fish out of water – hehe – while Ann literally “glided” up effortlessly, or so it seemed), and trying, trying, trying till it became second nature, right down to the whack – or kick actually – up the booty that Ann Lee once adminstered. Hehe.

And that, my friend, is the spirit.

Just do it. Zero excuses mofo!


Rahul Mookerjee

The secret to ABS of steel – that are every bit as strong as they LOOK – and LOOK every bit as CORRUGATED and “sheet metal” too.
- And that X shape.

It’s much coveted, my friend, and a recent look around at most celebs and their shape, going back to what it was in the 90’s, the last “real” era – is what people want, yet, like their innermost desires, most wont acknowledge it, hell, most run away from it.

Most even lie to the mirror. Haha.

“Im not fat, Im big”.

Deep down inside the vast majority of folks out there know they’re sheep.

They also know they can change their situations, they’re happy thought living in their little shells, coocons, as Claude Bristol once said, “content to go where life takes them”, as Thoreaue once rightly said, most men lead lives of quiet desperation (Which a client later told me “you’re a guy that has truly figured out how to live life on your OWN TERMS!”).

Anyway – whats this got to do with corrugated cores and abs of steel?

Everything, my friend.

We all know the X shape is what everyone wants – the ability to do pull-ups SLOWLY – proper form, chin clearing the bar, really feeling it with each rep, we all want abs so solid that “elbows bounce off them” … and such.

I could link it, prove it, show it, show you where I Said it before, show you where scores of others have and do directly / indirectly but there’s no real point to that – and more pertinently, no need.

We all KNOW.

Deep down inside, you KNOW it. You (if you’re part of the herd) just wont acknowlege it – like many wont acknowledge that gyms, especially modern day ones, are completely unncessary in terms of requirements to get fit. (not only that. they’re a waste of money – utter – they’re the easy way out – and so forth).

Gyms make it easy to make excuses. People used to be way fitter before all the modern day crap showed up …

Anyway – the real secret to corrugated cores – lets get to it – is everything I teach you yes.

High rep movements, hill training, the right eating without focusing on X number of calories and other crap, and so forth.

BODYWEIGHT exercise.



All of this is key.

Without all of this, you wont get anywhere.

But to really get the abs popping, that VEINS look – on your arms, biceps, like I do these days without even flexing, you cannot simply do it via exercise and the right exercise alone.

Sure, thats 99 percent of it.

But the remaining 1 percent is really what counts in terms of taking it to the next level like I am, ripped without trying to be, lean, mean, full of energy, bounding everyplace I go while everyone walks around with hang dog expressions … (guy who delivers my veggies for one – damn! Looks like wifey has him truly by the balls, which she does – haha) …

That LOOK, my friend.

And while I’ve always had it, it wasn’t until very recently, NOW in fact that my entire look has become corrugated as heck.

Like Chuck (no, not you Charles – hehe) in the James Hadley Chase book, he was confident in his brute strength and mass before he saw Poke Tohole the Indian emerge from the river, muscles ripping under the skin, slim, muscular …

“He seemed to have muscles upon muscles rippling under the skin”

Steel and whalebone.

And that sums myself up – looking at me, you wouldn’t necessarily say “muscle upon muscle”, because most are conditioned to think “big and bulging” in that regard “Arnie”.

But that look Im referring to, which is present in my shirtless videos without even trying – it has it.

You know it, I know it. (and looking at my own back muscles in the mirror, I often wondered “jeez, what if I knew – and DID – what I am NOW. MY!”) (and I dont believe in primping and posing anyway unlike a lot of idiots out there).

And you want it. Haha.

Anyway – it’s been surprising even me as of late, after the mirror, it’s like my “ex” wife said years ago, “you’re starting to get so many cuts!” (and back then I was FAT).

Women, truly. Hehe. Take what they say and do with a pinch of salt – always. Never any fuckin logic, and the sooner you as a man realize that – most never will – the better.

And the secret to all this is something you wouldn’t guess, my friend, and no, it isn’t just extended fasts or eating vegetables or fruits or “just meat” either.

It’s not just mental either though thats part of it.

IF you want the REAL secrets, you’ll have to WAIT for two books – one, a book on fasts I’m going to put out, and two, Volume Two of The simple and Effective Diet (which right now is GRATIS for you along with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and for readers on this email list, for a limited period, with a purchase of Corrugated Core (contact me in that case, as it wont auto do it for you)).

As you can tell, I’m whittling things down to those REALLY into it. And further, if you truly want the secrets now, then you’ll have to sign up for my coaching – or, put down  a pre sales deposit on the two “yet to come” books which I dont even have a sales page up for as yet, and have no idea when that will happen (maybe soon, I dont know).

Before you ask, which many will despite knowing me, no, it wont come easy or “cheap”, nothng worth having ever is. (and if you truly want it, you’ll a) find a way to get it – and b) more importantly, you’re not going to think “price” – you’re going to think – GET THIS NOW! – I WANT THIS NOW! – which is really what seperates doers from the wannabes, herd etc). Simple fact.

Before you ask, no, this secret aint got nothing to do with putting less into your system, though thats a small part of it. YOu truly DO get to Eat More and Weigh Less on this system, and that book covers the exercise part, but the STORY in the book really tells you a lot about, though does NOT hit at the core of – what Im REALLY talking about in terms of rapid weight loss.

Only for those truly into it.

Nope, I wont tell you here for free, no matter how much you ask, you either pony up (and show me you WANT it – truly) or, well, just sit and wish you had it …

I’m fine either way!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – SLEEK LIKE A CAT, yet them muscles RIPPLE, that VIBE PERMEATES, that SWAG(ger) which comes from being CORRUGATED

Need I say more? Hehe.

I know.

I’m such a tease.

But, my friend, thats exactly what you WANT… (and for a lot of you need too).

Heavy duty training and the “same food everyday”.
- YES!

I look forward to dinner daily, even if my ex and a host of other folks often remark “you eat the same thing daily for years!”

“There’s no way we could do that!” (we means the daughter and her, which the daughter part, I get, kids, but her..)

As I see another fitness enthusiast on Twitter post about exactly the same – it struck me about how many of us do the same thing.

The same damn thing, the same workouts, eating the same (almost) food daily (though I cheated a bit today admittedly with cookies and a jelly sort of sweet the daughter bought but just a little – ugh to that last one. hehe). . . and never, as my ex says “getting bored” – or as friends said.

“I’m hungry, I wonder what to eat!”

A thought that passes through the majority of folks heads mostly, for us fitness folks?

I Dont know how many identify.

But even the foodies amongst us will gladly probably say they could eat the same thing for years and not get bored.

For years, in China I ate two boxed meals a day.

Some amount of meat in the first, eggs in the second – and rice and veggies.

For a month and more – I’ve been eating roasted vegetables with clarified butter, and … well, the occasional chicken meal, the occasional sphagetti, the very occasional indulgence, but for the most part “the same thing” – to the point the electricity bill has shot up with all the roasting going on. Hehe.

Then in China in 2019, it was part fast food, part small hen every night …

(not the healthiest in terms of the first, but after a bunch of damn beer – hehe).

Not saying I’m a teetotaler. Hey. I’ve never been one, dont have any plans on being one, but this getting bored with the same meal, getting bored with the same workout routines – thats what seperates doers from the HERD.

The herd gets bored, and their results shows.

Doers follow and persist in whatever they do for years.

And like Brooks Kubik once said in Dinosaur Diet, “a switch goes off when we’re not hungry any more” – whereas the average person keeps eating till they “feel” stuffed which is already too late.

Like Sly in Over the Top, “a switch goes off, I feel like … like a truck!” (unstoppable, this was an arm wrassling themed movie).

And we look FORWARD to every meal – big time. Like Brooks once said about my “BPR” beer pizza diet back when I met him “he sits down to a hearty meal at the end of the day” (after the hill climbs, bodyweight stuff etc) – “and he should! hes earned it!”

Thats a great question to ask, have you EARNED your meal?

Ain’t got squat to do with money either, no pun.

Bottom line isn’t so much about food itself as it is discipline, routine, and persistence.

Even without many other qualities required for success in any field, if you follow the above three principles, you’ll ultimately succeed in ANY endavor you undertake.

Fitness includes, and of course life



Rahul Mookerjee

How I went from “bla!” to buzzing on a dozen different cylinders this morning …

Lots of people feel great one day, lousy the next.

And I’m not talking “mood swings” necessarily or split personality, Dr Jekyll and Bozo Schofield, or what not.

If you’re really giving a project your all, chances are you’ll experience a bit of a “down” after it’s done.

Job well done!

And you’ll want to rest much like a tiger after days of not eating, then a huge meal …

And, you’ll be mentally “spent”.

Physically, same thing – easier to understand for most people, eh?

Yet, what do you do – and how to make those “bla!” mornings the best ever – with the day with you BUZZING away as usual?

Well, doing the thing yes.

But, you stretch.

And you stretch your HAMSTRINGS, my friend.

I cannot tell you how most people store stress and negativity in their hamstrings, they dont even know it.

Let me tell you, the JCVD split you see in Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training is one of the best exercises for you to get good at, spend hours in, period, even if you do very little else, your strength and conditioning levels will improve by leps and bounds. There is a reason marital artists all do this dynamic stretch before practice!

Note I used the word practice…

There’s others too in that book – and some “too simple” ones in Corrugated Core.

But really, any time Im looking for inspiration, stuck, need things to move, anytime I’m exhausted and feeling BLA! – I do the splits.

And voila, after a while, I feel like a bazillion bucks.

NOTHING, I repeat, nothing makes me feel like the splits do.

Stretching the hamstrings, and back of the body, calves, legs etc is what it’s all about, my friend.

Do so right, you open your life up in ways you never ever dreamt possible.

You’ll want to get on these stretches NOW, and thats that I’m off for the splits myself!


Rahul Mookerjee