People that whine about injuries and force others to put up with their BS are PANSIES
- Eww.

Man, I’ve been reading (after hearing) some tales of a nut job who was big on trolling around here (one of those addicted sorts I wrote about before) … remember fat boy who came on board as an affiliate last year, was unable to make a single sale with his nonsense that he keeps spouting – then started whining about a storm about he wanted a free product to review (which he later then trolled – or tried to, hehe – despite never having opened a single page of any of my books – because I wouldn’t give him anything free, simple) – and then bitching up a storm about everything I did.

It was hilarious.

This fat boy promotes lazy man’s fitness where step ups are superior to squats (not a chance, anyone thats done ’em knows it) – where high rep workouts are “useless” according to him and sitting on your ass and stretching is more beneficial – dont get me wrong, stretching is great, but it never replaces conditioning/strength training – can’t do a single pull-up *chin above bar* to save his life, or a pull-up at all – and so much more I can’t be bothered to re explain it all.

This is an idiot that is almost 40, has never held a job in his life without being fired, speaks like a 16 year old gogglin at her high school crush – and depends on his wife for everything.

Typical trailor park trash loser, and apparently fat boy pushed himself or something, and ended up with one of those injuries that take forever to heal.


I’ve been there as a fat phock myself, and simple things like sprinting – that one pulled tendon – OUCH!

Even my wife could tell I was in severe pain as I drove back home – barely making it.

Then the ankle injury where the SOB swole up to triple it’s size, just TOUCHING it was painful.

Then of course the thumb injury when I was NOT fat – popping in and out – that was so painful I wouldn’t wish it on anyone – yet, I was back to training  the next day.

Part of the reason to me healing up so well – amazingly well, and staying fit as a fiddle, and improving (yes, most people make the excuse “we’re old so we recover slower” – for me it’s the opposite) is my diet, my training, and a lot else, mindset included, but it’s the way I train mostly.

Take no prisoners HARD workouts – day upon day upon day.

No breaks, nothing easy.

And that explains the legions of nutjobs who dont have the gumption to do it, and therefore they piss and moan about Rahul Mookerjee – or the bodyweight exercise Guru a I’m called.

Easier to blame than to do, easier to whine than take a look in the mirror (that last one to fat boys everywhere – and girls). (and in betweens).


Point being this, this fat boy apparently called up Mama (at the age of almost 40) and then his wife (who takes care of him financially anyway – ugh) … and gave them hell with his injury for weeks.

Then he later wrote back (I haven’t seen it) about “how sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry he was to put them through it”.

Bullshit, my friend.

You mooched off them as usual, took what was free.

Forced them via your whining …

And then its easy to write about it now that you’re so called healed.

This sort of thing is liberal times x 10.

And it’s damned pathetic.

Be a fucking man, OWN up – take some responsibility – and take care of yourself.

My wife once fell from her scooter – and twisted her ankle so horribly that even she did not want to look at it.

She was literally hopping around on one leg.

This was in a house with both my parents, me and the daughter.

Not once did she ask for any help.

She hopped around the house- even cooked meals etc when she could have not.

Thats called taking personal responsibility.

And any so called man who does the reverse is pathetic, and a pansy bar none.

(translation – most liberals).

And thats that, friend.

Exercise  wise, remember, the 0 Excuses Fitness system truly does reverse the process of ageing, you’ll look younger, feel younger, recover quicker as you so called “age”.

And thats that, folks.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The 400 club workout.
- 'nuff said.

Sometimes, the title says it all.

And as Bruce Cannon recently wrote “Keep being RIPPEd, Rahul!” Hehe.

Get your pre-orders in NOW while the price for this stunning gem of a course – NEVER seen before info that will truly get you into “nirvana” level shape of your life – is what it is. Believe me, its going up, up and UP (unlike the Bozo’s wanker, hehe) VERY SOON.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another much admired course to turn you into a bonafide BEAST is Animal Kingdom Workouts. Check it out NOW.

PS #2 – Remember the weekend discount codes been sent out via email to you on the LIST! 😉

Glyn my lovely…
- He's truly ADDICTED. Hehe.

I’ve been wondering where the Bozo is for a long, long time now – I’ve been missing the sales bump that inevitably shows up when he does.

I’ve blocked him roundly everywhere – I’ve even set up automated emails so I dont see the spam he keeps sending me when drunk and high, but … like all good addicts (and there’s plenty) he can’t get me out of my mind (so much so that he even sent me a drunken note wanting to “kiss my feet” – and other nonsense he once pestered a certain Josie with – ugh) … (and there’s more that Ship members know – another huge ugh, but a huge laugh too – lol) … he’s still at it.

(The current favorite on that in the Ship is when his “friend” (who he looted big time) Chuck finally came to his senses one day and tossed his drunk ass out on the streets of Jieyang China – and he was found literally on his face in the middle of the road in his underwear. Apparently he was wanking in the beer house?? Ugh!

He then showed up to the cops who had to listen to the pathetic expat whine (if he was Chinese, he would have been instantly booted so he’s lucky in that regard) about how his passport was being withheld by Chuck until he ponied up and paid the cash he owed him).

(And thats just one of the juicy tales.. Hehe)

Every little chance he gets to rear that ugly bald dome of his, he does … Hehe

And he was commenting on some girl on Facebook which I shared, or auto shared eons ago (me and her) about how she wasn’t a “10/10” and whining about … well, I dont know. I dont even read half of Glyns indecipherable rants – except when he trolls my products, I love to read those, and share ’em too! ????

Truly, the guy types like a second grader would, which given a guy who is so drunk he mistakes the school teacher’s seat for a commode (literally – ugh) – is … well, typical I guess.

Typical tom tom basically, and anyway – this thing of “10”or so – Now, it’s one thing if Trump says it with his “I can grab any woman by the you know what” – LOL.

Its quite another if the Bozo, with his history of preying on either kids (which he’ll be shot for someday) – or older women with more cash than they know what to do with talks about “10” or so.

I mean a guy that literally spends his life with his tongue up OLDER (for some reason she has to be “older” – above 60 – wtf?) women’s asses, and then scamming them for a ton of money (the usual – they’re lonely, vulnerable, and this nutjob preys on them much like any other pyscho would – research Glyn Bozo on the internet, you’ll get plenty of detail, or use the search feature on this site)…

Really, Glyn, you’d be dong – pun – doing – well to get a -2 if at all in your life. Hehe.

Speaking of which I’m sure he’s goggling at pictures of men on the internet now – another long story. This guy is a loon bar none – history … well, we all know it.


He seems to show up when he’s frustrated- or needs cash.

Minute he gets it, Dr Hyde, or Mr Hyde disappears, and Jekyll shows back up – or was the other way.

dont get me wrong, he’s still thinking about me. Hehe.

Ah, a fan that obsessed with you … wouldn’t you guys wish you had one? Hehe.

Anyway …

When I need to vent, let steam off etc – I do 100 pushups at the bare minimum which I’m about to go do NOW.

But end of the day, my results are what have the trolls and everyone that follows me quietly addicted.

Yes, you too, my friend, I can see you “reading everything”, but (not) choosing to remain silent, because of course, you gotta put your money where your mouth is. Hehe.

It’s ludicrious, the way people behave especially these days with pestering you when they want something, yet you ask them the simplest of things, they wont reply, you ask them for some help, you ask them for support, they wont even bother to acknowledge it  – either they’re too damn busy – yeah right! – or … well, “we just want to read” now.

Translation – when the shoes pinches, the Bozos whine. Hehe.

Thankfully I’ve removed most of that sort from my list.

And curation is something I will continue to do, so if you’re a bump on a log that has resigned up for my stuff, and hasn’t yet bought a product, or done anything at all to warrant being on this list, then dont be surprised if you dont just removed the next time, but BLOCKED.

For good.

Yes, I’ve got the software to do it now.

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why isometrics does not replace high rep/conditioning/strength training workouts, and more on LAZY MAN’S FITNESS!!
- Pandering to the last seems to be kosher?

Pandering to lazy and fat idiots least interested in getting into any sort of shape is a trend these days, has been for years – one that sometimes makes a lot of money if done right – unless you’re a Bozo that can’t even market that right – hehe.

But that aside (money aside) – it might buy you brownie points from Kamala/Joe Woke in that order – but not much else – certainly not results in terms of fitness, not the kind you want anyway.

This trend of people these days, and even folks who swore by – and got fit by – and got RICH by promoting – high rep workouts, selling this theory of “high rep workouts” not required – and a host of idiots following these guys and believing it.

Some sell the theory that “isometrics” are all you need.

Look, Ill tell you one damn thing – nothing replaces high rep/conditioning/strength training workouts – nothing.

If they would, you’d see Jane Fonda style workouts in the military – ugh – and not the type of workouts they do.

If a boxer or martial artist, or swimmer, or military man had to choose between low rep and high rep, which do you think they’d choose?

Enough said? Maybe not …


Rahul Mookerjee

- From today onwards...

From today onwards, NOT all of my emails I send out to my list will be posted on the website.

Some still will be, but not all.

And those that will be – a portion of those will be paywalled off for paying subscribers ONLY.

And thats the update for now, my friend.

With the recent Amazon and “big tech” imbroglio attempting to take us down, this is one of the ways we have to fight back against it, and fight back we are, and will, and will WIN this one too – provided we have your support.

Those of you on the list know what I’m talking about in terms of Big Tech doing their best to take us down.

Rahul Mookerjee doesnt give up on a fight, and everyone that knows me knows that.

It could be the two court battles against the SYSTEM when I got married – it could be the battle I had when I got unfairly laid off at my first job in China, till this date, FIGHTING AND WRITING “you’re a fighter and writer”, as they say about me! has been part of my DNA and always will be.

However, we’re facing an enemy of immense and gigantic proportions here, that being Amazon (in part) … (my list knows the entire tale).

And, we have to take measures to safeguard ourselves while continuing to GROW as we always have.

For that, we need your support – not just words, my friend – ACTION – deeds speak louder than words. 

Chip in here so we can keep the fight going.

Buy a few products, and more importantly – REVIEW THEM!

And, make sure to sign up for our list.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS –  I know the decision not to post everyone on here “For free” will sadden some of you, and I’m truly sorry about that. However, a business has to be run on hard fundamentals, and “free forever” ain’t how things are run. If you truly want to support us, step up and do so, and you’ll be richly rewarded as you have been in the past.

If not, well, as they say “Que sera sera”…

The land of contradictions I grew up in (partially at least) – and old friends, and such …
- And a long ramble!

This one is going to be a long ramble, my friend – I was thinking of Carol last night, a lot of things in China over the past few years – and I knew there was a reason I was thinking of that when my dream analysis the next morning showed up saying “sharing past experiences and thoughts, moving on to a higher level” and such – and more, but thats the relevant part here.

I was going to talk to one of these old friends about it, but unfortunately he wouldn’t understand where I’m coming from – despite having lived in the US for over 20 years. haha. Such it is with the Indian disapora, they never quite become “American” or whichever country they live in – even after years.

I was reading ads about a restaurant I absolutely LOVE – Cracker Barrel – I LOVE that place – and a thought struck me – some of my “contacts” in the US – Indian origin, born in the US, yet they haven’t gone to or wouldn’t be seen dead in a Cracker Barrel for no other reason than it doesnt feel right.

I’ve never understood it.

If you go to a different country, you embrace THEIR culture, you pick up THEIR Ways – you dont forget yours, no, but you dont just stick to your own community like so many people (including an old boss of mine Jim) do – I mean, whats the point of living in another country then? Might as well return “home”?

Logic, no?

I get yelled at when I bring this up (with those of Indian origin – hehe) or I get “no response”.

The ABCD syndrome, “American born confused desi” … LOL.

No Charles, I’m not the white man in an “Indian body”, its the other way around ie thats how it is for most of these folks.

Maybe I’m just different – well anyway, so I saw an old school friend of mine looking exactly the same as he did years ago, I reached out (remembering what everyone tells me NOW about looking completely different from what I was in school “chubby” some say, some say “weak”, but not “fitness expert” and “super fit” as I keep hearing now).

Then I looked up at our past conversations.

He USED to be the sort – at least two divorces in who would worship the ground women walked on. He probably still is that to an extent.

But at least he’s gotten around to the point of accepting gold digging (a cardinal aspect of Nazi feminism) – and monkey branching (which he has not yet consciously, but he will…)

I remember we had this conversation where I joked about his two divorces being a badge of honor (hey, despite my own shit relationship I dont have even ONE divorce, lol) – and he got pissed off at me, called me all sorts of names etc.

Hey, I get it.

He was truly into the family concept.

But as I’ve been telling folks for ages, much like I’ve been telling people to build their OWN business, own platforms etc, not solely depend upon Amazon etc for revenue … (they just see “easy money” and “stable company” – until it all goes South when they start to whine about lost income etc) … women dont really have any family concept embedded into them – its money, first, foremost and over all – and its CONTROL after that.

Fact, my friend.

And I dont know if my old friend has finally realized this in full though he did realize she was in it only to get US citizenship.

And here I am, being offered that on a platter by Emily at 21, rejecting the offer because it wasn’t the right thing to do.


So, the country I grew up in part in – India. I’ve never truly been able to communicate with people from there – the thinking is just so different man.

People dont show up for work, yet they get paid anyway – and yell when they dont.

“The fucker didnt show up for two weeks, our trash just sat there!”

India for whatever reason is one of those places where the concept of something so simple as a garbage dumpster and taking your own damned trash out has not caught on – Indians are WAY too dependent on servants, maids etc (who aren’t really as cheap in many areas as it’s made out to be).

Washing dishes for women is apparently beneath their dignity there.

And so this guy comes in to take the trash – except he comes “when he likes” and doesnt show up for days regularly if he doesnt want to. Trash just sits around, everyone “accepts” it …

… when it’s time to get paid, he shows up on the dot, most pony up.

God forbid you bring up Goose and Gander, like hey man, you were supposed to show up, you never did …

Same thing with all the maids my wife loves so much – for the most part, they show up when they want, if they want, do a shit job – and yet, money? They expect that bang on time!

The most intriguing and vexing part of this – when you bring this up, folks in India look at you like you’re nuts for expecting “goose and gander”.

They actually enjoy this?

Some of you might claim thats how it is in foreign cultures, I’m here to tell you NO, it’s not.

China, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Russia, any of the countries I’ve been to – US of course, nothing doing.

Sure, the Chinese and Japanese have their own strange ways, but I can sort of understand and “co-exist” those ways though I dont agree with ’em all.

India, my word, I simply cannot wrap my brain around the “thats how it is, fuck off if you dont like it” thinking.

That ain’t the way to grow your own country and … well, you get my drift, facts speak there.

Anyway …

I was going to discuss all this with my one time pal, maybe I still will, I dont know.

But goose and gander is a concept embedded into 0 Excuses Fitness. 

You give first, you give it your ALL.

And results you SHALL get …

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I’ve got no sympathy for these faggotty sorts whining about harassment and defiling public institutions etc.. (anywhere in the world)
- I really dont.

These idiots – ugh.

I got an email the other day (predictably one amongst quite a few) about my post on what happened in the white house  … (on that note, I researched just how it came to be called that – might be interesting reading for the some of the lunatics that keep whining about so called percieved racism that doesn’t much exist these days) …

The person whined mostly about how “I didnt understand how oppressed “in reality” minorities are”. Of course, my own so called minority status seems to have flown straight over his fat head… ugh.

I’ve got NO sympathy for this goose and gander sort my friend.

You don’t just defile public institutions like that – of course, it helps no doubt that the “commander in chief” is senile and seems not to care or even understand what is going on – unless, as more than a few customers have suggested, and it could be true, it’s a well orchestrated media show.

These nutjobs whine about how “it’s only a small minority doing these things”.

True, but we dont see the vast majority condemning them do we?

It’s the same argument I’ve made so many times about Islamic terrorism and such – the “no goose and gander” ie it’s fine to insult Christianity, but not Islam – the vast so called majority is always silent on the minority they claim gives them a bad name.

And that alone says it all.

Some idiots have gotten back to me claiming theyre neutral on the issue.

I’m sorry my friend, but you can’t be neutral on something like that.

You’re either with “zero respect” or you understand the boundaries, and know what respect means, and actions speak louder than words – period.

And there’s no middle ground there…

And thats why I’ve got no sympathy for this sort.

Look, ain’t nothing wrong with expressing your sexuality in the right forums.

There’s nothing wrong with adults choosing to change gender or what not – so long as its done on a consensual “knowledgeable of all possiblities” basis and so forth, but forcing others to toe your line or else is NOT ON, my friend.

And I for one am glad about the recent backlash that sparked.

People are getting sick and damn tired of the horsesshit, so they should.

And thats that.

For simple no excuses EFFECTIVE fitness routines that just flat out work – click on over HERE.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The racism nonsense. We’re hardly in the Jim Crow era folks, not even close. ’nuff said?

The best part of my days these days.
- Contrary to what most people would think ...

Sure, working out – especially first thing in the morning though I hate the 530 AM wakeups – thats one of the best times of the day for me.

My times “drinking Corona” – either myself or with friends (though I rarely drink with others these days except close pals) … yes, that qualifies.

But most of all, and I wrote about this today on Twitter, it’s my “me time” waking up first thing in the morning.

No matter what happens in life, no matter how many times Trump is arraigned (hehe) – no matter how the world is going to hell in a henbasket – or not – news – shnews – everything else – I block it out.

Sometimes I’ll check the phone if I have to, most of the time, not even that.

Not even checking sales etc.

It’s just me in a dark, cool room – Ac or not – MEDITATING in my special style that I have never mentioned on here and probably never will (and no, it does not involve sitting in the lotus pose or any other mentioned in Isometric and Flexibility Training).

My father once made the comment to my aunt about “I need 45 minutes after I return home from work, after that – I can handle anything, but those 45 minutes – I need them!”

Father and myself dont get along, and thats a well publicized fact, but his statement rings true.

Uncle Bob back in the day “I do things upon waking up”

And sipping that hot tea, just staring into space, letting a fresh mind meditate, just think of nothing at all .. I could do that for literally HOURS.

I remember an old client once telling me “my tea got cold responding to your emails”. Hehe.

Thats happened to me too!

I try and not let it happen, but key here – this.

I’ve said this so often I sound like a stuck record, but it’s true.

Not mentioned explicitly in the tips in Zero to Hero! – but it’s there indirectly if you look for it, and it’s this – regardles of WHAT goal you are pursuing – keep at least the first hour of the day for yourself, uninterrupted, FREE from anything else.

All else can wait.

If you can get some writing in (if thats your goal) or workouts (if thats your goal) then even better.

But that me time is the most important, regardless of what you DO in it – the thoughts that flow through your mind, fresh brain, the dreams of the night before, analzying them which I Do all the time, and plans popping into your head for making money, solving problems …

I’d be lying if I told you 99 % of my success at what I do did NOT come indirectly from this one rule.

And when you apply it to your life, you’ll see what I mean too.

Carve some time out in your own mind for yourself, friend.

A calm mind works wonders.

And thats the lesson for now.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Off for my workout soon, another me time! Yaya.

“Oh, but they’re too big!”

This SHEEPLE mentality of being overawed by the big dogs who ultimately at the end of the day are human beings like you and I are – I’ve never quite understood it . Ugh!

I dont have very many pet peeves at all, my friend.

But one pet peeve I Do have – and people I know have this too – it’s about people “not getting back to me” – more specifically, “reading what they want to, or hearing what they choose to” – and getting back to me on just that.

I remember Marc the African silverback Gorilla once telling me about that too (a pet peeve for him too) and I AGREE.

Last night, due to the ongoing KDP imbroglio our Audible “backend” account for the other biz got shut down too – now I was expecting that to be honest, but more than that, I was “dreading” all the idiotic emails “panicked” coming in from folks about it … despite me having told them in ADVANCE about a mess I did nothing at all to create – “all in the grand scheme of things as it were”.

The grand plan, as they say!

What I cannot understand about people these days, since the last few years, everyone’s “too busy”, yet everyone’s sitting there at their desks reading everything that comes in, everyone’s got more time than every to stare at the dumbphone forever – yet, ask them a direct question, and they dont reply because “they dont want to ruin the relationship” or “I dont know how to answer it” – of course you do – you just did!

Just SAY IT, for effs sake is what I’ve told people for ages.

Donald Trump made this comment too when asked about Ron De Santis’s presidential bid – or was it covid vaccinations, where De Santis wouldn’t answer if he got the vaccine or not directly.

This isn’t about politics, folks, so please leave that out of it (for the record I like both Trump and De Santis, but neither is my ideal candidate for President) …

This is about Trump’s reaction “there’s no middle ground there. You have to say it”!

You might or might not agree with me on many things, or Trump, but like a friend once joked about it … I was telling him how I can be brutally honest and I am, but compared to trump “hed win by a country mile” I  laughed.

“Not so fast”, my friend laughed back. “It’s not a foregone conclusion by any means!”

I understand if people aren’t on board with that, but what REALLY pisses me off?

It’s one thing to ignore emails, not get back. OK, whatever.

It’s quite another to respond to that same damned email and then get back with questions of your OWN.

OK, maybe thats how a lot of women think i.e. “you have to answer all their questions and they answer none, or if they want to”.

(not all, but the majority)

(no it isn’t just broad categorization – and even if it is, can you say it’s not TRUE?)

But real life doesn’t quite work that way my friend, business “showl as hell don’t”.

And again, I’m seeing some interesting things happen – those type of folks for the most part aren’t who I want to keep in my life.

Or business in general.

Nothing wrong with them – perfectly good people, just a different way of handling things which won’t work for me – and them either if they’re with me long term, so … (and nothing against a lot of these folks work – they’ve done STELLAR work for me – I have said that before, I continue to say it because it’s TRUE) …

And the last thing that pisses me off – most people got back to me when my Audible account was canceled because of some silly auto emails the system sent out.

Translation – Amazons too big to ignore.

You aren’t.


I hate that mentality, the sheep have it … I dont, I never had, never will!

Look, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and (and this was predicted by Bezos himself in 2018) – Amazon ain’t too big to fail – the signs are already nigh, though most people can’t see it.

Twitter – thats an interesting one, I believe theyre actually going UP at this point, though long term it will remain to be seen what happens.

Google, youtube, all steadily going DOWN.

It might be good to remember for those folks that think “Rahul Mookerjee’s too small to get back” that these companies started out in garages and such …

It’s PEOPLE that matter.

It’s PEOPLE that buy our products.

It’s PEOPLE that feel what we talk about … and continue to. Those desires that never go away.

and you can only win people over and do business, sales, relationships, anything well if you COMMUNICATE openly and frankly.

And if thats the sort of person you want in your life, my friend, it might be sage to start REMOVING those in your life right now who aren’t on board with this.

I mean, people that badger you INSTANTLY when THEY want something, yet ignore everything YOU ask them … Ugh. (or ignore whats not convenient to answer)…

Remove what you dont want, that void is instantly filled by what you DO want.

I’ve seen it happen over and over again …

And thats that my friend. Free life lesson for y’all – for those that want it – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Zero to Hero! contains many such life lessons “from being in the trenches” that actually work and point you in the RIGHT direction as opposed to a lot of the hocus pocus the so called gurus with 1000000000000000000000000 followers on Boob Tube or whatever have (until their accounts get canceled one fine day and they’re back to square ZERO) tell you. Do the thing, you shall see.

Where does the horseshit stop?
- Truly, there are no limits the left won't stoop to - or stop at.

The latest episode out of the White House, to me is probably one of the most, if not THE most egregiously outright DIVISIVE act perpetuated by a sitting American President – (of course, in reality, old man Biden probably didnt orchestrate this mess, probably done by the two Nazi feminists whose skirts he so clings on to – Kamala Harris (if there was ever someone unfit to hold any sort of political or any office – ugh) – and of course Grandmother Pelosi) …

… I mean get real.

A “pride” flag displayed pretty much “over” the US national flag?

I dont care which side of the spectrum you’re on, which side of the political fence you’re on, whether you care about politics or not – that is just disrespect to the nation in general – period.

Mike Pompeo (yet another reason why he remains my choice for Pres, dark horse albeit) made the point, and very rightly so about how it dishonors all fallen service members.

I couldn’t agree more.

I mean look, it’s a NATION first, last, and foremost.

And displaying “pride flags” outside the White House – where does this shit stop?

Rebel flags too? Why not? Oh wait those were outlawed on military bases …

More of a Trump case? Anything’s possible, of course Hillary Clinton who literally caused US service members to die in Benghazi wasn’t even investigated fully …

Nazi flags?

I mean, really – if “pride” can be flown outside the White House – where are the limits?

True, what happened on Jan 8 2022 was pretty egregious too, but that was not a pre-planned Trump thing – the ole Trumpinator was simply raising hell as he always does, I highly doubt even he foreaw what happened.

True, stocking classified documents in bathrooms – or garages – none of that is remotely acceptable, but again, I fail to see how and why Trump is the only one investigated – not Pence, not Biden, not Hunter Biden … when they’re all equally guilty or more in Biden’s case of the same or similar things??

The left of course will whine and never answer the question.

Some will whine about how my products are “anti LGBTQ” and how “in this current environment” I should change my stance.


I wont.

I never have.

I’ve always stayed true to my beliefs, I’m not about to change now, part of that for me means anyone encouraging kids to actively question and change their genders deserves a padded straightjacket x 100 at the best, and firing squad at worst.

Limits, anyone??

(and same thing for idiots selling “penis shaped toys” and other crap. UGH!)

It also means saying, and believing that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is their damn business.

Lots of folks forget a huge part of my erotica biz caters to guess which segment of society … if you’d say “beginning with L” you’d be right.

We all have those hidden desires that never go away.

Nothing wrong with consenting adults playing out what fantasy they choose to, but when you, as a person recently told me “Have your giraffe child by all means, but dont force ME to pay for it” shove your beliefs down other people’s throats saying “LWBTQ” is the only way – or the highway – then thats flat out frigging wrong.

And to see the White House explicitly endorsing that sort of thing, pre-planned of course- is just a royal mess, nothing doing, no other ways you can frame it.

No, I dont care if someone is gay, or lesbian, or if an adult wants to identify as some other, or third, or 95th gender or a Martian (Musk – hehe – doing a great job on Twitter though despite what I initially thought – respect my friend!) …

… I dont care if two men hold hands, kiss, or what not – but again, there are limits, you cannot hang that flag outside the highest office in the country – thats like hanging the rebel flag outside the Supreme Court.

I DO very much care though if those men – biological males – or women – biological females – decide to change their gender and want to compete in sports reserved for the gender they “want” to be – as opposed to what they are – thats utter BS and unfair to the extreme for EVERYONE involved except these lunatics wont see it.

I saw “Space Bus” written in front of one of my daughter’s numerous pencil boxes.

And before I could investigate furtehr, the wife chimed in saying “thats hers”, so I couldn’t look at it further.

But I loved the term – hehe – maybe someday buses will run in space.

I’m sure Elon Musk who does a fine job of marketing himself to the point even the wife who could barely pronounce his name knows what antics he’s up to including folks comparing him to a Martian or what not (as I told her, thats brilliant marketing on the guy’s part and smart too given Twitter’s market value has tanked by about a 1/3rd now) …………….

…. I’m also 100% sure Elon Musk or anyone would agree that buses dont run in space because we “want” them to.

Ugh. Back to it –

Laws, government etc are made equally for ALL.

And if you really look at what folks will think – not me, but most folks when they see this bullshit and many already do “thats a country full of faggots and queers”.

(and liberals – of course “it’s not appropriate in some countries” but it is in the US – I fail to understand, are these guys even Citizens of the USA – they showl dont act like it!) (seem to be more hell bent on destroying the nation than anything else)

No, I dont agree with the terms- I’ve never been huge on any sort of classification anyway, we’re all shades of grey, but you dont hang that sort of thing outside the White House, again, there’s limits!

And it’s amazing how the left acts like “we never thought of that”.

Oh yes you DID.

This was done to further stoke division, period.

I’m yet to see a Republican President or anyone from the right doing such a thing – they’d be impeached most likely if they even shared a desire to do so (again, I dont think old man Biden is responsible for this himself though – he’s doing well not to trip after speeches…).

If you can leave the hate aside and come to me logically about this and give me one good goddamned reason behind this, I’ll be your Uncle – or a monkey’s uncle.

Oh, the “small” matter of the flag code violations … ?

And there endeth that rant.  (it’s also amazing how many moderates on both sides of the spectrum agree with me, but wont say anything publicly due to fear of backlash either personally or biz wise. Look, you gotta SAY it my friend – Trump was dead on right there too).

Lots of BS going around in the fitness world as well – and judging by how and where the world is headed, it wont stop anywhere or anytime soon.

And thats why – one of the reasons I created the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship, a welcome return to sanity if at all – and a great, great place to be if you’re truly into real life inspiration, fitness, and all else related.

And thats that.

LGBTQ folks more than welcome.

Those who disrespect the concept of goose and gander will be instantly booted though .

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul mookerjee