Updates from Mr “yours truly” Ripped.
- Since I keep getting the compliment!

PS – This was supposed to be an email, but since it got created as a page, well – I’ll leave it be. Hehe. And I’ll create the email version now – THIS! Enjoy.

Being ripped was the last thing on my mind when I shed my phat phocker status – much like getting fat in the first place wasn’t on my mind.

Yet, thats what folks keep calling me.

When I hear from folks I haven’t in a while, like a certain Bruce Cannon for one ?

“Keep being ripped!”

Fitness isn’t ripped, and ripped doesn’t mean fit.

However, it’s an undeniable fact everyone “wants” that X shape and ripped core, and back muscles that are sleek, defined, stand out against the skin like a movie star’s do – remember Red Dragon, pull-ups?? – or an ancient Greek statue.

Same thing for forearms…

Puff your chest up all you like and try and pull the belly in, but it will never work fully. ????  (This to the fat fockers in “conscious” denial – its one thing if they dont even really know it, but most do and pretend they’re not fat when they are, find all sorts of excuses to be a lazy phock, and THEREFORE deserve nothing but derision).

Anyway – back to it – ripped is what everyone wants, – or a lean, mean, corrugated core

Corrugated Core

Now, my friend – pictures speaketh a thousand words, videos even more. So I could, if I wanted to, just post a video and end it here – and make sales galore from this email – but that ain’t the purpose of this email (thats a secondary purpose for once. Hehe).

And to prove it, I wont end this email here.

And to further prove it, I’ll commit “blasphemy” and say this – I have not, for the past two months, done a SINGLE exercise out of that above book – and they’re all superlatively great exercises/workouts in there.

To further jump into “condemned” status – I’ll say this, I aint done a single pushup in a week.

WHAT…….. I hear you saying.

Mr Pushup Central didnt do a single pushup in a week, when he normally couldn’t live without doing pushups – breathing being second? Hehe.

True, friend. I haven’t.

And to end this entire tale – unbelievable as it might be for some of you, here are my results are of late.

An even more impressively “ripped” and STRONG midsection than before.

An even more “packed and sculpted” chest than before. (despite not doing pushups in what seems like ages).

(Note – I ain’t done bench pressing, or lifted a single weight, or even done CLUBS for a while).

My pullup numbers have shot through the roof, but the form, my. I can FEEL each fiber of muscle working and expanding, contracting as I do each rep like I’ve never felt before.

Remember, this is the pull-up stud speaking who once famously said, and it’s true – its easy to knock out (relatively easy) a 100 pull-up per workout but, and this said to my buddy from the Marines – they pride themselves on their pull-up ability, and he was talking about “thats hard for anyone!” – – “100 handstand pushups per workout, now THAT is something!”.

He replied with “You’re goddamned right”. Hehe.

Onwards –

My forearms are even more ripped and bigger than before, and thats saying something for Mr Gorilla Grip

And my flexiblity has increased so much I cannot even believe I’m the same Mr Isometrics and Flexibility man. 

I can do things I couldn’t do my entire life – literally – on “the fly” as it were.

Well, my friend, those are my results, I’m sure you’re wondering just what the heck I did?

Well, I didnt engage in long workouts either – sorry.

Oh, I didnt even do very many squats!

Cackle (but it’s true). No kidding, no double entendres…

All I did for the past week?

Two things.

A LOT of stretching.

And pull-ups.

And I did these animal like style like I wrote about.

I’ve totalled 50 pull-ups today, all without what you’d normally consider a workout.

I’ve done these on THICK grips.

I’ve felt parts of my back during my isometrics I seemingly haven’t since I was born.

I cut out FRUITS from my diet. Yes, I know. Mind boggling, but when you learn what I have to say in the Simple and Effective Diet, you’ll understand what I mean.

Herschel Walker knows it … So do those I coach one on one.

And Ship members.

Anyway – all I did was short, brief workouts during the day with even less focus on diet than I normally have (minimal) – I drank plenty of whiskey too (which I normally don’t – some beer – which I ALWAYS do – hehe) …

Whisky ain’t necessarily RISKY … ????

And those are the results.

Trust me, pull-ups are one of the very best workouts anyone – male, female, or in between can do.

And if you dont get your chin over the bar, you’re robbing yourself of upper trap and lower ab – two huge problem areas for most  benefits (yeah, I can see the fat folks pulling their pants up around the midsection to hide it, but you can’t – hehe).

Learn how to do them right here – if you’re at a level where you can bang out 10 perfect reps per set already, then progress to the next level HERE.

Last, but ain’t least either – none of this is to say that high rep pushups aren’t good and beneficial (sure they are – and you should do em!) – or that long workouts are bad, or that squats aren’t a daily essential (they damn sure are!) – or anything like that.

Please dont use this email as an excuse to make more excuses.

Get on the stick now after you read whats above. Learn, absorb, learn again, or not in that order, and then DO.

Just do it. There’s really no other way.

Thank you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’re one of the lot that signed BACK up after the last email cull, and haven’t been much more than a bump on a log AGAIN – well, as I’ve been warning you repeatedly, this time I do have the ability to permanently BLOCK you – from the list, and site as well.

Yes, thats true.

Site too.

I realize you think it’s not possible, but yours truly is a visionary – right down to more so called estabilished people copying my style (por ejempelo, a well known fitness guru recently took a leaf out of my email playbook where I ask people to GET BACK To me if they’re interested, and those that don’t – bam – out – and right down to the words “ship”) … so it IS possible. Hehe.

*and I’m glad people are finally wakin up to the idiocy that freebie seekers are – the less of such folks around the better*

If you’re part of that bunch, consider yourself warned. Do yourself a favor and snap out of the torpor you’re in, and take action, get a product, review, you’ll be more than glad you did so my friend.

And thats that…

Idiots applying “human standards” to wild animals…
- The stupidity ...

More on the cats and her “kittens” – which seem to be growing up fast.

This afternoon, I saw the (so called) wife sitting “guard” by the front door – and why?

With a huge bamboo stick in hand, and I idly wondered why.

It’s to prevent the cats from entering the house, said her.

OK, I mused. I was more worried about the hordes of mice that have been present here as of late showing up (all gone now thankfully), but I suppose she knows what she’s doing. Right.

Later, while doing pull-ups, I saw the impressively muscled male cat show up out of nowhere for some grub – leftovers from the morning “feast” (so called) the kittens and Mommy had.

Which idiot would feed white bread to a cat?

It boggles the mind … but thats what’s being fed ’em.

And the female here is pretty well muscled too, as I was pointing out to the daughter, then I saw it.

The wife had that stick for the MALE cat showing up, as she prodded it “to run away”

When questioned why she was interfering with the ways of Nature (Remember, these aren’t pet cats – they’re feral) – the typical.

“Who are you to question me!”

Of course, I got out of it pretty easily by deflecting the topic when in the past I would have reacted

But it’s sage, the way these women literally extend their own (BS) rules to the rest of “Nature”.

Look, some things might not “seem nice” in nature.

Lions have been known to kill young ‘uns, and I still remember my idiot father labeling the male lion “a horrible fellow” because he doesnt hunt, yet eats first.

Yet,of course, my father who couldn’t throw a punch or change a car tyre if he tried neglected to mention this same male cat PROTECTS the entire pride…

I’m not a huge fan of the lion to be honest – I’d rather a tiger.

But I love bears.

And grizzlies, polar bears etc kill cute little seals daily.

Nature,  my friend, doesnt work on whats cute and whats not.

It works on Survival of the fittest.

And interfering with Nature, and her ways – and to impose “human standards” (how dare male cat eat whats for the kittens – leftovers at that the kittens left a long time ago) … is just plain dumb, my friend, yet, so are Nazi feminists. 

“You keep thinking male and female!”

Um no, genius.

I was watching you play it out in real life!

How dare I, hehe.

Anyway, getting into conversations with brick walls is always an exercise in futility. I learnt that a long time ago, and so should YOU my friend – if you’re sane that is, and in this world, that puts you into a very glowing minority – hehe.

For safe, sane, animal like workouts that will get you into BEAST like condition almost overnight (well, if you do the thing regularly) – Animal Kingdom Workouts is your best bet.

And thats that, friend. Yes, almost overnight isn’t nearly the exaggeration you might think it it, animal movements work QUICK!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Why do I care about what idiots do? Well, in this case I Was waiting to see a cage match break out between the two adult cats – and believe me, that female was muscled well! Impressive… Hehe.

Wait, watch, stalk, plan, LIVE IN THE MOMENT!
- That last one might seem contradictory. But ...

That last one might seem out of wack with the above,  but it really isn’t my friend.

This is how I’ve lived my entire life, will continue to – in every aspect.

This morning I was watching my daughter play with a stray cat and her kittens which for whatever inexplicable reason chose to give birth somewhere in an open garden, yet went completely unnoticed during the process.

A rather muscular female cat too I must say – a perfect specimen!

Reminds me of my buddy’s (Vincent’s) cats the kittens do – especially “Hunter” who once leaped from a 17th floor apartment, and emerged utterly unscathed from the experience (which my buddy despite being in the Marines – he was like “oh no!”) …

Cats are amazing creatures – so are dogs (which are still my favorite) in their own way.

If I had to keep a pet, it would probably be a dog, if I had to choose.

But it’s a close call – much like the call between whose more brutally honest – Trump or me. Hehe.

“It’s not a foregone conclusion”, I still remember Vincent saying!

In the elevator, on the way back from beers… Some things never change, neither should they – hehe.

Anyway – my buddy is a gentle giant.

I’ve never once felt any menace from him.

Plenty of others have though.

And this is another cat like trait.

The other day, this same cat was in hunting-stealth mode, and the way she was staring a hole through my daughter by way of her green eyes scared her.

I of course recognized it for what it was, hunting mode. That mouse in our house has disappeared since the kittens came- hehe.

And I told my daughter not to be scared.

This cat stares at me all the time – and I back at it – in the famous Rahul Mookerjee patented squat pose – or the tigerbend.

I could stay in either pose for hours.

Cats, my friend, live in the moment.

You’d be hard pressed to find another animal that is so seemingly “at rest” – yet can sense you (if you do it wrong, most do) sneaking up on you (the right way is do it like another cat would).

And another animal that is so linked to the spiritual … just one look into a cat’s eyes tells you this.

Cats wait, watch, hunt for DAYS before they find prey – often.

Whey they do – its BAM!

Its like they always knew it too. Yet, they live in the moment too – you’ll always see a cat doing “something” – even if it’s a rest, you sense it’s doing – thinking – something …

The cat like way – the ANIMAL like way – is a great way to live – fitness wise too.

Monkeys in the wild dont generally eat on a set schedule, or do “10 pull-ups per set”.

Yet, that one monkey – baby monkey even – could probably rip arms off – human arms that is – if it so chose, without a second thought.

A cat doesn’t do huge numbers of squats daily, or even stretching.

It does SOMETHING daily though – on a repeated basis. Without thinking about it.

Yet, that cat can leap, my friend – oh yes it can LEAP – small buildings in some cases for big cats.

And so on and so forth.

In a cage match, them animals can last too.

The secret, my friend, to this amazing cat like – or animal like combo of strength and flexibility is revealed in some of the movements they do – in my great book Animal Kingdom Workouts.

And it’s also revealed in this email here – if you can spot several of the secrets I’ve almost given away for free (hell, I’ve given MOST of them away for free in this email).

My pull-ups these days – I do around 50-60 daily.

Yet, I dont do them in one sitting (hanging – hehe).

I do them in sets of either 5 or 10 when I pass by the chinning bar.

Sometimes I’ll just “dead” hang.

Sometimes I’ll do ONE slow pull-up.

They all count.

Not saying high reps are bad.

Not saying doing ’em all at once is a skill you should not work up to.

But, I’m just saying, be in the moment, live in the moment, plan for the future, expect nothin but good – and eat LESS- not MORE.

And that in a nutshell is animal like living, my friend.

Ya can’t beat it!

No puns.

And I’m out.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Lots of you dont believe the eat less part for animals. An idiot once got back to me with stats of tigers wolfing down – no pun – 30 plus kilos of meat in a single setting.

Well, yes, but it’s also gone hungry for a week, walked miles and miles through tough terrain, swam, stalked, probably taken care of it’s young, and is preparing for another long break between meals, which isn’t ever mentioned …


Look at how miserable a CAGED tiger, or jaguar, or even lion looks in the zoo when its fed regularly.

Look at how fat some of these animals get in captivity.

And that tells you all…

The ENERGIZED feeling you should get after EATING…
- People ignore this.

How you FEEL about something is the key to accomplishment – at anything – weight loss included, friend.

And the point here isn’t so much about visualization, or goals, but the MEANS most people use to get there, dieting being part of what most folks use for WEIGHT LOSS.

Some go insane about diets, some are fastidous about calorie counting, some follow Atkins, some follow fructarian diets, yada, nada, schnada.

Then there’s yours truly and the likes of Herschel Walker who dont bother with this nonsense.

We just go on FASTS regularly – complete fasts where we workout EVEN harder than before!

Look, friend, bottom line is this – most people dont really enjoy what they eat unless it’s something fancy and most “eat to either eat, or survive”.

Most human beings today (at least in the West, some parts of India and China and the Far East too) could do much better with LESS Food – not more!

Part of how I gauge if I even need to eat and what is how I Feel after it.

If I feel either so energized I’m ready to jump out of my skin – or “SNORE” (crash instantly) – then I probably need to eat (whatever I just ate).

In the vast majority of cases in the past though I’d feel “in between”.

Lazy, something was missing.

Like I didn’t train hard enough.

Like T levels which were 10000X – dipped to less than 1/100000 X.

And so forth.

This, my friend, got me to experiment with fasting in a manner most people would not dream of, most fitnes experts included.

I’ve gone on 7 day fasts with nothing but water and green tea.

And I’ve been working out – high rep workouts as usual, and the feeling I get afterwards, NO T “drop” – – energy levels and such – nigh indescribable.

I’ll write more on this later.

Upcoming book on how to fast RIGHT too for those interested.

For now, remember you dont HAVE to fast to get stellar results, but if you want to take your gains to the next level altogether, then fasts may be just what the “fat doc” (ugh!) ordered.


Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Fasting without exercising is utterly pointless, and you’re doing yourself more harm in that case than gorging non stop and not working out right or at all.

And the baseline for any serious fitness system or and (order? lol) trainee is the 0 Excuses Fitness System. 

You MUST grab this now.

The biceps of the legs, and more…
- Leg biceps. Hehe.

Hi {name}

This afternoon, I dealt with a few idiots (with their hearts in the right place tho, so all forgiven and forgotten). While working out, before, after, during.

Which was a long workout but the point I’m talking about here is legs – biceps, and while walking around, I felt a “fullness” at the back of the legs that you only normally feel when you work a muscle to the bone – it’s the SWOLLEN feeling you get from say bicep curls (mostly an useless exercise) … along with being stretched out to the max.

You’ve seen people do hamstring curls in the gym

And when you do stretching right, and walk around feeling the BLOOD pumping in your hamstrings an hour later – you know you’ve done it right.

I cannot, again, re-emphasize, or emphasize in the first place the importance of working the back of the body first, foremost, and always.

If you want a huge chest, work the shoulders and back heavily.

Want a six pack and better grip, start with LEGS.

And so forth.

And back doesn’t just mean traps and lats, or lats and traps as most think, although my handstand pushup workout today made those “swole” too. Hehe.

Back means HAMSTRINGS and butt too …

Legs do NOT just mean thighs.

Thighs are the biggest muscle group, nigh important, but the hamstrings and butt together are BIGGER.

And most people ignore those two vital areas…

Dont be that guy – or gal.

And thats that.

And you know you’ve done it right when … wait a minute, we already went there did we not?

Well, when you’ve ordered Isometric and Flexibility Training – and Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training, manifold benefits as mentioned on the sales pages for both, one more being “pump without a single weight”. Hehe.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – In compilation format too. Grab this once in a lifetime gem now. There is truly nothing that comes even remotely close to the hidden tips and techniques in this book my friend, nothing, nothing at all.

Grip training secrets to improve LIBIDO – and performance in the bedroom beyond BELIEF!
- And I'll be flat out honest here.

And I’ll be flat out honest to start with.

You can take all the herbs, supplements, T pills/injections or what not – but if you dont “got it” naturally, and dont implement natural techniques to boost TESTOSTERONE (this email is for men mostly) – then aint nothing gonna happen.

You can sit, meditate, go to Babas in India (believe it or not, and I ain’t lying – some wacko females in India actually buy into the “Holy Baba” shit i.e. sleep with them, and you get pregnant – from your husband? WTF?? But it’s a real thing in India – ugh) … pop Viagara or pills all you like but that little – or giant – depending upon tool aint gonna work right until you do the following FIRST –


Get rid of fat around the CORE . Pang ren qiu dian. Dont be surprised if your man meat looks bigger just by doing this “fat man have small penis”, as they say in China.

Do a lot of intense CARDIO – not “slow running” but quick bursts.

Get yourself into the sort of … ah, but we’ll stop there.

The above is a BARE minimum. If you dont do that, and be honest about it, aint none of the tricks I’m going to mention below – pun – will work – pun, hehe.

Onward – GRIP work is something that increases T and libido beyond belief, especially thick bar work – thick bar pull-ups – thick gripped dumbbells, kettlebells, and yes, Indian CLUBS – no pun – as well

Trust me, while it’s scientifically proven that grip has a direct correlation to the BRAIN, it’s also a fact that grip and leg work increase T levels MASSIVELY in men, and Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness shows you how to do this without a single squat (though you can and should add in squats to make it more intense).

More – eat LESS – not more.

Yes, you heard more.

Most people stuff way too much down their gullet since the so called idiot Gurus (twitter keeps calling me out for using that word – wtf? lol) (Musk is doing a fine job though) claim “you’ll get weak” and so forth.


If you’ve just been released from a POW camp, it’s different maybe, but even then – you work up to the amount of food you put in your system.

But otherwise,for most folks, eating less, and the right things is really what does the trick, not more or fancy diets or other crap being marketed as the be all and end all of weight loss.

That, my friend is that.

Try these things, get back to me – and write back to me about it.

Not your boner, hehe. I’ll let Bozo Schofield from the UK handle and slob on all the boners he wants to, but DO write back about how this tip helped you overall – thank you!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Just heard back from Daniel Pagone, he did a nigh superlative job on the audiobook for Gorilla Grip – TIPS! which you should pick up NOW.

Squats, pull-ups, JCVD splits, and a lot else stretching people do NOT focus on.


I just got done with a blazing great workout – squats, pull-ups, JCVD splits (named after him since he’s the one that made ’em famous, and probably does ’em BEST) – and the Rahul Mookerjee patented squat (named after Rahul Mookerjee since he DOES do it the best, hehe) – and a bit more which I would have done continued for hours, so good did it all make me feel, except lunch is ready … (and it ain’t prison fare either today. Hehe).

Now I’ve written about squats and pull-ups before.

So I tried to find that email to send you again.

I couldn’t find it – you likely will if you search.

But to save time, I thought I’d write to you again, and this , my friend, is one of the most powerful and quick combos assuming you do pull-ups and squats right i.e. ass to grass, and no, if you dont get your chin over the bar in a PRONATED grip – dead hang, full extension, you aint doing pull-ups, you’re cheating and are a FAKE …. will truly blast the upper and entire body like few others do – why, well, it’s self explanatory, hits the large muscles of the body – back, legs, core – hits the cardio system hard provided you do ’em in proper tempo and dont dwadle and BREATHE right ie a breath after each rep (with each rep) inhale and exhale, and so forth.

Focus on the muscles, contractions, form, so forth.

You know what the real icing on the cake today was?


JCVD splits right after the workout – my!

And the REAL key is this – most people focus on bridging and lower back stretching in the arched “backwards” direction when stretching.

This is great, but this also commits one cardinal sin – it neglects the hamstrings.

Most leg stretches you see folks do are thigh and lower back – backwards.

This is great. Weak area for many people, but it’s criminal to ignore hamstrings, which are actually responsible for most of the real power behind your kicks and such – and the hip flexors and so forth.

And FORWARD stretching taxes the lower back in this position the best, as well as the hamstrings.

Stretching any part of the body feels great, including calves which are ignored by most too (mistake – you’ll cramp if you do this often – used to happen to me a lot).

But there is nothing that compares to stretching the HAMSTRINGS out right my friend, nothing at all, nothing compares to the sheer FEELING – and the benefits throughout your body and core that you get from these.

My great courses linked above (on isometrics) show you the way, my friend.

YOu’ll be doing yourself a favor to stop whining (if you are) and grab ’em NOW.

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

My lovely “bulging belly” SO’s definition of super fitness and why arguing with an idiotic Nazi feminist is akin to banging your head against the bloody wall.
- Ugh !

I did it today – the latter, but the arguments were so outrageous it didnt even result in me getting angry – it resulted in me laughing – and saying “yeah. no matter what you say, you’re right”.

That, along with thought transmutation which is a skill that along with manifestation I’ve perfected to a fine art – is key to do.

I can transmute my thoughts so effectively.

Could be sales popping up on my desktop, or missing Glyn Bozo or other trolls, and pat – there they are. Hehe – like clockwork.

Over the last month or so, I’ve been thinking about the sexy maid my wife fired – for no other reason that she “did a great job for me, but not for her”.

Which is utter tosh, as a month before she fired her, she was the one DEFENDING her – everything she did was golden.

The moment she uttered a word to me, something she always wanted to do too i.e. flirt with me such as so many other women do – she was fired.

How dare Rahul!

I didnt much care. Not like this alpha male has much of a problem attracting women. On auto pilot at that – hehe.

Proofs in the pudding.

And results speak, and the wife was pissed ever since.

This fat heffa of a woman she’s hired now – she won’t even bend her back to pick up stray hairs etc while cleaning, yet, she’s God’s fucking gift on earth – why?

Because shes a fat heffa, I call her out for being the same.

The other lady was more than 10 years her senior, yet, hard work all her life kept her fit and trim – and she agreed with sitting in the Rahul Mookerjee “patented squat” that kept her fit beyond her years. Hehe.

This afternoon, my wife’s most outrageous “so called argument” as yet was this “you’re singing songs and calling her Goddess”.

I couldn’t even figure out what she was talking about.

Me ?


Calling women goddesses? Maybe in my mind yes, but I’ve been thinking of anything but that as of late, and then I got it.

It was a song from the Hindi Movie I watched after a massive fight with my father at the age of 14 – about the same age I took that movie star’s picture to the barber’s to get a “haircut” like him.

That guy – real man!

MArtial artist, 5th degree Dan Black Belt – it’s no wonder yours truly gets called a movie star too. HEhe. That subconsious mind did it.

Along with transmuting my thoughts on the other maid, who the wife egregiously claims “I was singing odes to her”.

Just because her name matches the name of the Goddess in the movie.  (the song being sung – by a real man – which yours truly always loved, one of the few childhood memories I have that are GOOD..) (I also, if you can believe it, got blamed for mistakes my mother made by the wife – so bloody typical. lol. Women!)

What utter perfect logic.

Of course, thats a woman scorned for you.

And thats a woman that knows she’s fat, unfit and lazy.

And therefore … l never say it, but she knows it.

I DO say it about the other woman she hired tho – only when asked.

This maid is the equivalent of Big Bertha in jail. Literally.

Of course, what would I know about fitness. Hehe. I told my wife that, and then the most laughable comment came.

“She’s popped out four kids – how  many did you pop out!?”

And that was my wife saying she’s fit – with that massive stomach bulging out, and legs that look like they belong on a fucking elephant without the strength behind them (unless its stomping grounds we’re talking – hehe).

A heffa that shows up when she feels like, takes holidays when she feels like, never shows up on time – a cunt that as opposed to the last woman is the true paradigm and definition of “no goose and gander liberal Nazi feminist” (emphasis on LIBERAL!!!!) …

Of course, what would I know about fitness, eh. Hehe.

What I do know is I’m going to take this to the next level using some of the indirect techniques along with … well, I’m not going to mention it, but stuff that drives women crazy, except there ain’t a goddamned thing they can do about it.

Not one goddamn thing.


And you, my friend, if you’re  a real man and sick of entitlement mentality, bratty entitled women – and Nazi feminists which are popping up everywhere, you owe it to yourself to get this book – NOW!

And thats that, friend – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – next time someone asks you a definition of fitness, respond with “how many kids did you pop out”. See the reaction.

Ah, but those brick walls beckon – ….

Seriously – is there any fuckin limit to idiocy? No limits ,bar none!!!

PS #2 – A lady for whatever reason recently asked me if I get pedicures and stuff.  “Exchange feet” with me was her comment, and though she meant it in an erotic manner – more on that later on the other site, hehe – “your feet are much nicer than mine!”

“do you use lotion on them”?


Dont even get me started – a guy that doesnt go to salons, is vehemently against the metrosexual BS out there, can count the number of times I’ve used lotion on any part of my body except – ahem – if a girl’s used it “there” – … HA!

Seems my fitness routines do a fine job of skin care too. lol.

She’s a great girl, I love her. Plenty of goose and gander there.

But I wonder, the next time I’m asked about fitness, should I respond with “you want me to pop out kids too”?

Hey, with the LGBTQ lunacy my wife’s bought into it, maybe I should.

LOL again.

Back to sanity – stay away from these fools, my friend. I always do, I had no option but to talk to the wife today so I did.

And get the best damn fitness system in the world today. It’ll have HEADS turning – both of them, lol – in more ways than one – Glyn Bozo NOT INCLUDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hashtag mentality to growing my biz
- Hehe - but it's tru!

Its interesting, the way people try and grow their business via social media marketing – so called – which given how smart these damn systems are these days – they can almost PREDICT your thoughts eh!? … is pretty much pointless. Much like SEO itself became redundant a long time ago, yet companies are still minting big bucks selling said services when the SEO guys do exactly “F ALL” to be honest.

At THAT job – one of my last colleagues exhorted me to get the boss to hire her on as a temp SEO professional – now I Thought she would do a good job, but so typical – when the company hires you on a full time basis, and you have to come to the office or else you dont get paid – they do a good job.

Allow them to work from home and pay them, and they view that as a free pass basically – exactly what happened with Rashmi in the above case, ugh.

To his credit, the boss did not penalize me for it – he knew what happened.

He cut his losse, and didnt take it any further – which I agree with him on that. But thats why companies want people to work from the office, this work from home shit was never going to work – not everyone is a business person that believes in work is work, no matter where you do it from.

It isn’t just her either.

When I had the web development company, I’d hire people on a temp basis – and these people would ALL be entitled brats mostly with some exceptions.

I still remember a designer “Gurbaksh” that wouldn’t redo designs after the first try when the client wanted it, would take payment for half done SHODDY work – and would demand more “per iteration” which in the web dev biz is utter BS – go into any company, you’ll see these guys do multiple iterations for one fixed salary until the client is satisfied. They never are sometimes, but thats a different tale.

(and more to do with the companies themselves than the clients – believe me, I’ve worked in these companies, and I know!).

For some reason, people take “work from home” to be a free pass…

Or, contract work. Ugh.


Point I’m making here isn’t that. I got sidetracked. Point is this, a lot of SEO guys, and people using Twitter etc in general use hashtags to “grow” their reach and so forth. …

Yours truly?

I’ll let you on on a little secret no-one will acknowledge they got from me – but they’ll use it anyway “freeeeeeeeeeee” secret.


That being.

Hashtags might be required sometimes.

But for the most part, if you’re looking to grow your reach, you do not need them – in fact you should NOT be using them.

I was guilty of this myself for years.

Yet, I kept noticing my posts without hashtags mysteriously found new followers with me doing nothing – and then new sales.

And then I got it – the system is too smart!

Dont get me wrong.

Hashtags are great to direct your content to those specifically looking for it via searching on these platforms.

But – they are associated with marketing.

And therefore, these platforms assign far more value to organic off the cuff tweets which much like these emails are what the person really feels AT THAT MOMENT – which is REAL. Which is what these platforms were set up to be.

And real resonates.

Look at any influencer, anyone with a huge following.

They j ust write.

They dont bother with hashtags and such …

And that alone should give you a clue as to why.

How does this apply here?

Well, we dont go OUT of our way to be found. Hehe.

No paid ads for the most part, and hell, ever since the Amazon mess last month, which might be a good thing in the grand scheme of things, we’re not even on Amazon anymore .

We’re HERE.

And a few other platforms, but basically HERE.

And thats how I prefer it to be.

We sell EXCLUSIVE stuff not found anywhere else, my friend, and if you want in, well, you’re welcome, if not, I aint gonna chase you to buy, buy, buy… I dont need to, to be honest.

You’ll buy anyway, because you see the value!

And that, my friend is that.

Value plus real world results = a need for very little “direct” marketing …

And thats that bottom line.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get the best course on jumping rope HERE. It will truly whip your ass into shape like in a few DAYS if you do things right.

What a lot of Bozos, rep falsifiers, and other lot have in common ..
- One of the things that is.

There are many things, of course, this lot has in common my friend.

But I’m going to talk about only one of them – or two, perhaps.

Looks first – and look, how you look ie your body type your shape etc – your SIZE – none of that really decides what you can do in terms of strength and flexibility i.e. some people that look FAT (and are fat) are amazingly flexible – some that are skinny are amazingly strong – and so forth.

But the cardinal rule remains.

Brooks Kubik in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training said it the best, “if you’re fat with a huge gut hanging over your midsection, then I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone, but you’re simply not going to look like an athlete”.

Lets face it – hordes of fat boys with tummies that hangeth over coming up to me saying “they swim more daily than Michael Phelps did while training” wont convince me me they do it – or if they put in the time, they’re doing it all WRONG overall.

Because well, looks.

Fat boys that claim (with bellies, man boobs and the rest that hangeth over) they can do sprints etc – well, you’re flat out lying friend. That exercise for one lends itself to a lean and muscular structure, now I’m not necessarily talking six packs etc, but a lean, mean and corrugated frame overall, if you dont have that, you’re simply not doing those regularly as you claim are you.

Same things for Bozos that can’t do a single pull-up right to save their lives for instance, whining about how 500 squats is “boring” and how they can easily do 500 pushups and it doesnt bring any benefits and so forth.

The vibe is clear – they’re LYING.

Second, you know what they’re doing?

You know the feeling you have on the days you’re not feeling like working out.

Oh, lets just do 10.

Then you think something is better than nothing, which it is if you’re doing it in propper form – but thing is, a lot of people then think “well, if I’ve done 10, I could do a 100 more”.

“I need something interestinggggggggggggggg” they whine.

trouble is, friend, discipline and dedication are the hard grind, what brings real results that last that everyone can see and pick up on isnt necessarily always interesting, though you can make it that.

These rep falsifiers do maybe 40 squats, and post about doing 400.


When I say 400, I do 400 … period. I was planning on 500 that day actually!

This brings me to the point.

I learn something from EACH workout.

And those that claim there’s no need to keep doing high reps “because it’s all the same” aren’t doing a single one of those reps correctly.

No, they’re not all the same.

years after doing these exercises –  man, I’m STILL learning new things with every damn workout.

And anyone that says otherwise is a complete idiot – and he will LOOK the part too.

And that my friend is that – simply because you “think you can do it” doesnt mean you can do it, and when you actually do it right – you will know what I mean.

All for now!

Remember to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness system with plenty such home truths that YOU need to hear, my friend.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee